3ABN Today Live

The Physiology of Words

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230016B

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 [MUSIC]
00:10 >> Hello and welcome back to 3, A B and today live. We've been
00:13 having a great program here with Doctor James Marcum and my
00:17 wife, Yvonne. And it's some really great information we
00:21 have that we need. And I mean, when you look at what he's
00:24 really centering in on it, I think this again, I said it
00:29 earlier. But this the timing of this is God's timing. I think
00:32 so because the world is so messed up and we're hearing all
00:35 this junk and garbage and on the news and politics and all
00:39 these social media stuff, chat rooms and all these type of
00:42 stuff that always negative stuff that we need to re take.
00:48 As I said earlier, you said the word was good word. But this
00:51 true, we're distracted from the word of God. And so the devil
00:56 knows that his time is short. But we don't act like many of
00:59 us as Christians that we believe are the the you know,
01:02 the time is short and this is coming very soon. So instead of
01:06 going tonight, which we usually talk about the heart, the
01:09 physical part tonight, we're talking about the spiritual
01:11 part of the hard right. And so we're talking about words and
01:15 words matter. My dad used to say some words are powerful.
01:19 I was mouth. The eye was the youngest of 4 boys. And I
01:22 always talked was either talking or singing and my
01:25 brothers would say, dad, would you make him shut up? They
01:27 would be one that does not have the guitar and the 7 years rate
01:31 and would you make him shut up and then talk all the time?
01:34 Who are wired that way? Yeah, you know, you're you're you
01:37 know, some people ward to be quite was quite a talker.
01:40 My dad could could hold his own too, but my brother's alike,
01:44 would you make him shut up? So my my dad would say to me,
01:49 son, your mouth is going to be your greatest asset are your
01:52 biggest Kershaw has rain. It's going to be your biggest
01:55 asset, you know, rather than your biggest curse. So you want
01:59 to use that now that if you're going to talk, if you're going
02:02 to say if you're going to do it, do all of the glory of God.
02:05 And so I appreciate that from my dad who's been sleeping in
02:09 Jesus for many, many years now. But so each of us, it is true,
02:14 I guess, with all of us, you don't have to be a big talker
02:16 is just what you're saying. Our words are powerful. That's
02:19 what we're maybe you could recap the, you know, going to
02:22 the big picture for those that are just joining is is that
02:26 when we think about health.
02:28 >> We think about, you know, things that go wrong quickly.
02:32 We think about chronic stressors, which changes over
02:36 time. And this words thing could be a chronic stress or
02:39 it changes uniform or time your week is genetics become
02:43 exposed, but then you have a symptom.
02:46 You go to the symptom and the doctor tends to treat the
02:49 symptom and not always the costs that sometimes very hard
02:53 to identify. And each of us have different things that,
02:56 you know, why do some people are affected by words? Some
02:59 people say something nasty about him doesn't bother them
03:02 at all. Doesn't bubble another people. They'll they'll stay
03:05 within a week.
03:06 >> And yeah, dressed out about it and you go on and on and on.
03:09 >> Why is that? Yeah, well, because we're we're different,
03:12 you know, God's words of it. And then, you know, some people
03:14 that's a big health act or worse than other person in a
03:17 big health factor might be eating the wrong foods more
03:20 than others. So if we could only throughout which stress or
03:23 was the most an individual, I would have it may I say,
03:26 listen, I need to focus on this on you first and not on this,
03:30 but I want to introduce another possible
03:34 physiologic stress or in our lives that we must think about
03:38 and we can improve on. And that's words. And I think we
03:42 have to buckle evidence. The words are important to God.
03:45 And Solomon says that words can heal the bones.
03:49 Words have a healing effect. We also know that a tongue can
03:53 damage body, especially anger, tongs Weise. We talked a little
03:57 bit about the science, the middle of the stress chemistry,
04:01 the downshifting of her brain to stay alive. So we don't have
04:04 this higher processes that we need to do. The things that God
04:08 wants us to do for stressed out all the time and distracted
04:12 from those stressors. It's hard to see our big purpose, which
04:15 is to glorify God. So we sort of talk about that. I'm hoping
04:19 it makes a little bit of sense because the other topic I
04:22 thought about talking about was owes him picking weight loss,
04:25 which seems to be the big talk about.
04:27 >> I have a question. Everyone wants to talk about those epic
04:31 and weight loss.
04:33 >> And diabetes. But if if you want to learn more, I'm not
04:35 making this up. This is a book that can be got because that
04:38 words can change your brain. Andrew Newberg is probably the
04:41 leading researcher in the world on this subject as far as
04:45 brains and words. However,
04:47 he doesn't talk about the spiritual nature of why I
04:51 consider that the only thing that really matters. And,
04:54 you know, that's the only thing that matters. So I want to add
04:57 that to the next yeah. And let people know that words. You
05:01 know, they got thought it was in port and the authority is in
05:04 the Bible. So so there's lots of questions. I'm sure that
05:08 come in from people. And before we do that, OK, I tell you some
05:11 other parts of the world, you know, heart wise has grown this
05:16 year more than any other York's. I think I've had more
05:19 time. Okay. But until there our radio program, it's been going
05:25 on going for 17 years called heart wise. Just just last week
05:29 I signed a contract to be in the Philadelphia market
05:32 once once a week. Great white. That was an answer to prayer.
05:37 One radios, another way that we could spread the gospel.
05:40 I don't think it goes as fast as the TV signals. Well,
05:43 yeah, but it gets out gets there recently. I'm serving as
05:48 a consultant at Wildwood. Now that's up. Haha House.
05:52 And we're going to start some programs, specifically chronic
05:56 programs to help people that have spike formation. And what
06:00 spike formation is that people that have been injured by spike
06:04 protein either either a vaccine associated injury or the COVID
06:09 excel us associated injury, how to deal with this chronic
06:12 disease. So we took a long haul. Yes, well long haulers as
06:15 well. The short haulers, okay. People are damaged by spike
06:19 protein. Just like too much blood sugar in the body causes
06:22 diabetes in too much. Hypertension can wear out the
06:25 arteries. Well, too much spike protein in the body in certain
06:28 bodies tends to damage you and some people based on genetics.
06:33 We're seeing people that are fatigued. They're having blood
06:35 clots, no energy, Bell's palsy. Myocarditis is one that we've
06:41 seen quite a bit in my field. Some people been damaged by
06:44 this. So we're going to set up a program. We're in the
06:46 process. Developing is a 10 day program to help people to deal
06:50 with these chronic illnesses. Nocona other come to hopefully
06:54 come to wall with 10 days. Well, start with biblical
06:57 prescriptions and letting them know that God will heal them
07:00 and then we'll work on ways to help the talks. The body,
07:05 the best we know of right now from the spike protein. So I've
07:08 been working on that. I'm project recently getting the
07:11 research and sort of putting things together on this project
07:15 has, you know, believe it or not, a lot of people are
07:17 affected by this and it's a problem and we can't just stick
07:21 our head in the ground and it it's not a problem why, but,
07:25 you know, he's going to be more plagues. There's going to be
07:27 more problems as the earth goes on. That's right. It's going to
07:31 happen. I have. So you have to know how we're going to deal
07:34 with this, how we're going to deal with it. And the so we're
07:36 sort of working on all those sort of things that I've been
07:38 excited that I'm I'm having more time off to do these
07:42 projects. And I heard about some of the things you're doing
07:45 and I would have signed up to be a volunteer.
07:47 >> And though the into that as you get older, sometimes your
07:53 perspectives change, too. And like I've been telling
07:58 people that we talked to quite a bit and they have certain,
08:02 well, you know, I don't go to church anymore because somebody
08:05 fended may. The pastor said this or I don't I don't do this
08:09 anymore because it offended. And so several years ago,
08:12 the large showed me the main defendant is a choice.
08:16 And so what you may know, somebody offended you, you that
08:20 can only if Andrew, if you let them you're in charge year your
08:23 life and their words
08:25 when you have the armor of God, the can go on. So we don't take
08:29 thing. Don't take things so personal. It was a time when I
08:32 would on certain things. But last several years, it's
08:37 been so much better to not worry about what people think.
08:42 I'm 20 years or so ago. There's all kinds of stuff going around
08:46 and you're on TV and your worldwide. You've got all kinds
08:48 of problems. There are things going. So you find yourself
08:51 getting caught up or want to defend yourself and do so.
08:54 This isn't your that. And finally, it hit me. You know
08:57 why? Why be offended? Because it's hurting you physically,
09:01 you know? And so
09:03 don't do that. You know, so I sat down and one night I was
09:06 thinking about it and I wrote this song, All my praise.
09:10 I gave you all my praised that song. I have to offer you,
09:16 you know, and I know Bill, those sanctuary deep within my
09:21 heard and all my praise offer up to you. So I'm like, why am
09:28 I getting stressed out what people say or what they don't?
09:31 I'm here along with God and he's given me a piece. And so
09:35 now we just things happen. We just praise the Lord.
09:38 >> Yeah, interesting how the Holy Spirit works in the ice at
09:42 different times. Yeah, you know, and you know, brings us
09:45 along different times and yeah, gives us more different seasons
09:49 and lies. It's just it's just it's just encouraging to see,
09:54 you know. But as you walk with him, we're going to be OK,
09:58 we might not be be changed the way we want to be changed but
10:01 will be changes, Lou, walk without the way God wants to be
10:04 change. Yeah. So that's a sort of the things. Some of the
10:08 interesting things that that we've been working on. You
10:10 know, it's hard being an empty nester. Our kids grew up and
10:13 went away.
10:14 >> Haha. Yeah, you know me and my wife now we so but we have
10:19 for more time.
10:20 >> To do things that I'm looking forward. We've got a
10:22 trip scheduled a few weeks ago to Israel. Never been there
10:25 before. Oh, great. I am working going over there and having
10:30 I asked hopefully a spiritual, you know, renewal. Yeah,
10:35 ever. And so I can come back and try to serve people through
10:38 heart wise ministries, giving them a balance and health care.
10:42 And I think one of the string so heart wise ministries is as
10:45 we still take care of sick people know we still have
10:48 people come to us that are sick and they need they they they
10:51 need us to help them get over the hump. You know, they really
10:54 are curious about those epic and weight loss. They really
10:57 want to know.
10:58 >> Can you talk to us? We can haha answering that in addition
11:04 to answer that question.
11:06 >> We also folks on the big picture always well, this is
11:10 nice. But, you know, there's God that this is going to kill
11:13 you permanently. We can learn more about his word. I would
11:16 encourage that to yes, but Ozem picked to change. The subject
11:20 owes him pick is
11:21 very popular now for weight loss Montero to Oman jar.
11:26 It's the same type of the medications and they're very
11:30 expensive. The running about it $1000 a month now. So the
11:34 medicines were originally developed for diabetics line.
11:38 Very good for diabetics. It works 3 different
11:41 mechanisms. One is it helps the pancreas make more insulin.
11:45 That's good for diabetics. What takes butcher out? It
11:48 turned to helps the liver not make as much sugar blocks of
11:52 process called Group New Genesis. That's great for
11:55 diabetics. The 3rd mechanisms helps us and weight loss.
11:59 And that turns down that Hunger Center helps this with a GP was
12:03 all that. And they said, Whoa, this is great. We're going to
12:06 lose it for weight loss.
12:08 So people are dropping weight at $1000 a month that they do
12:12 lose weight on it. No doubt about it. But here's the
12:15 problem. And here's the problem. It comes with side
12:19 effects. No medicines without side effects, everything's risk
12:22 and benefits. And once you stop taking the medication, you gain
12:28 the weight back.
12:29 >> So if you haven't changed your lives, actually.
12:33 >> Exactly. During that time, yes, you have to change your
12:35 life so you might touch. I can justify it for type 2
12:38 diabetics. I can say it's a good thing. If a person maybe
12:42 wants to do it for a couple months and they promise they're
12:44 going to have this major lifestyle thing, you know,
12:47 then it might be worth the risk. But for someone to stay
12:50 on it, the rest of their lives with the side effects and $1000
12:54 a month, I don't think it would be. I don't think that's going
12:57 to be the solution. Now, remember, we've had other
12:59 weight-loss medicines in my 30 year career. Remember Fen Fen?
13:03 Yeah. Oh, that was the greatest thing ever until it tore up the
13:07 heart valves and they took it off the market. And a lot of
13:10 the medicines now have thyroid styron hormone and it would
13:14 speed up your metabolism. So I tell people, you know,
13:17 when we pray about it, give it to God and realize that he's
13:21 going to help us to maybe do things to speed up your
13:24 metabolism like move more, drink more water, always eat
13:29 breakfast, dhoni biggest night. Maybe do those things went to
13:33 the power of God and then we're not so dependent on these other
13:36 things which come with more baggage. Yes, you know?
13:41 >> Yeah, because I read some things about it. And one of the
13:45 concerns is that
13:48 if you if you're not, if you don't have a high a
13:51 one-year-old and a one seed, you don't have a high blood
13:54 sugar level. Then
13:57 if you take it, are you impacting negatively your
14:01 pancreas? Are you going to be? We don't know why Pogo icy
14:04 don't know yet.
14:05 >> But in time we will know what if you have x amount of
14:09 insulin in your body and you use it. Paul quickly, yeah.
14:12 What if it does work on the liver in ways? We don't
14:14 understand why right now. This is just the new medicine.
14:18 Sometimes it takes years and years and years for us to
14:21 figure out their true risk and benefits of any treatment mind.
14:25 I think we saw that a little bit with this COVID epidemic
14:29 and all the things that came out with that it's taken us
14:32 time to have to figure things out. Everything doesn't happen
14:35 in a moment and of the same with our our Bible in our skin
14:40 or, you know, it takes time of walking with God to get the
14:43 changes of the Holy Spirit. It takes time. Yeah, these
14:46 things through so zip pick I think is going to be one of
14:49 those that take time. But everyone wanted the quick fix.
14:52 I know several people that lost 20 to 30 pounds. Yeah, a few
14:56 months. But unless they change their lifestyle,
15:00 it's an come right back. Exactly. So they spent the
15:02 money the last the way that felt good for a few months.
15:04 Was it really worth the weather with with it was for a
15:08 diabetic. I think it's a really good medicine for type 2
15:10 diabetic right now.
15:12 >> I'm not a doctor but a tone of on. We talk about it some we
15:15 blame COVID because, you know, in your home a lot and all
15:18 that. The New 10 day tomorrow we have to name something who
15:22 still look great. By the way. Haha, I'm told are the best way
15:25 to solve that. This is not didn't learn. This medical
15:29 school is if I had a brace to put on both my elbow so every
15:33 night at camp been haha food. If I can do that and maybe we
15:38 could sell those and people walk around like this, you date
15:41 less.
15:42 >> But would probably end up in my own way Riad. But the point
15:48 is and all of this.
15:50 >> We're bombarded in the media by quick fixes. Yes, whether
15:54 that be medical quick fixes or feel good. Quick fixes. You
15:59 know, it really went to prep patient comes to me with a
16:02 medical problem. I want to know why, you know, why are they
16:07 doing this in? A lot of people are doing it because they have
16:10 a broken heart.
16:11 Yeah, ever broken heart in the you know, it's it's not the
16:15 problem that that, you know, why are they taking this drug?
16:18 Why the addicted to? Yes, because they're unhappy.
16:21 They don't have a true source of meaning in their life.
16:23 They just want to relieve the pain. Yes, that comes from fear
16:27 and suffering. Yeah, the opposite of love. So so that's
16:31 not coming from God. So if we get them heading towards God to
16:34 the scripture, and that's going to be a solution to a lot of
16:37 the world's problems and Christ knew this. And, you know,
16:41 it's in the scriptures that this is what this is, what
16:43 we're called to do. And I'm just so excited that some day
16:47 some day, the latter rain will be here. Yeah, all the seeds of
16:51 the planet for how many years you've been doing this dance,
16:53 38 nor 9. And there's a lot of seeds implanted absolute.
16:59 And and we just pray that the holy spirit, we know that
17:02 everyone has that choice when they received the word death to
17:05 make it a session, or are they going to evaluate this
17:07 themselves? Do they want to look for this type of healing
17:10 or they want to?
17:11 >> Look to the world's healing and once again as all of these
17:15 quick fixes, yeah, are the counterfeit of the only quick
17:19 fix that exist in and all of creation. That's Jesus, Jesus.
17:24 He could be. The key changes sent a second and the twinkling
17:27 of an eye. So that's our only real quick, though, the devil
17:31 counterfeits, all these other. Let's say this a picture
17:34 problem. This will fix your problem and people end up to
17:37 take one pill and then take others. And they take morning
17:40 pretty son end up out on the streets 8. It's all
17:42 progressive. And so, you know, but we is Christians and 7th
17:47 Day Adventists Christians. We should have a great piece
17:49 about us because we've read the back of the book and we know
17:52 how it ends its as we win. So no matter what the devil has
17:56 planned for you and he's out to steal, kill and to destroy.
18:00 He has no authority over us. He can't do anything that God
18:03 does not allow. So if I go to sleep tomorrow and the Lord,
18:06 that's OK, because that's part of God's plan. So, you know,
18:11 I say, Lord, just help us to be ready, but we have to continue
18:15 to keep focused on the word of God. And when we do, we see the
18:19 big picture as well. This this isn't so bad. You're only here
18:23 on the 50, it's 90 maybe 100 years on this earth. But then
18:27 you have a turn a day that you're not going to be. You'll
18:30 be out of business, thankfully, and you'll be glad, right?
18:33 And we're glad to be out of it. And, you know, even the
18:34 scriptures focuses on that. I don't believe in me.
18:38 >> Yeah, I believe in yourself or believe in the world,
18:42 right? I believe in me that, yeah, how do we do that?
18:46 And that's what I'm even words. Sometimes it in health that we
18:49 don't focus on that first. Yeah. That's the thing that
18:52 matters the most. Yeah. I was talking to a guy in the
18:55 hospital the other day that he was discouraged. You know,
18:58 he had his bypass surgery and things that go. Well, I
19:01 couldn't walk so well. But you know what? He was a believer,
19:05 but he was let things get him down. And at night he was just
19:09 scared of dying and scared if this isn't scared of that.
19:12 And I said, listen, he says, what can I do as listen?
19:15 I don't know what you can do, but this is what I do with my
19:17 brain starts turning on all these things. I go to the
19:20 promises of God and just go over and over and over and God
19:26 doesn't lie. His promises are true and he's going to take
19:29 care of you, you know, be anxious about and nothing.
19:32 But in everything, you know, in all your ways acknowledge me
19:35 and I will direct your past. Yeah, I will take care of you.
19:38 Don't let the work world and your fears and the things
19:41 coming in. Don't don't believe that. Yes, it's just not true.
19:45 And you have a strategy go to the promises, the biblical
19:48 prescriptions and put those in your mind over and over and
19:52 just pray that God that's going to take care of you. He doesn't
19:55 lie. And as you do this, you're going to experience not only
19:58 better health in the short term, but he turn health.
20:01 Yes, that's really if this disease took him to that it was
20:05 worth it. Right and ran out of the have the disease for a few
20:09 years and have eternal life. If that was what it took a
20:12 perfect h***. Yeah. I was short period of time and that's the
20:16 way we have to. I think approach things, especially
20:19 it's hard when you get older things start to hurt. They do
20:22 as well are breaking down. Yeah. And yeah, a lot of people
20:25 out there that are listening and they know what we're
20:27 talking about. Yeah, you know, and it's hard but that's why we
20:31 have the promises. We know it's not going to be that way for
20:34 ever. We just make each day a good day in the Lord and try to
20:39 find him even in our illness in how do you or your secular
20:44 patients?
20:46 Well, how or how do you approach spirituality with your
20:50 secular patients? Well, we do you, yes,
20:53 when it's appropriate yet the you pray about it and say,
20:57 listen, is a door going to open, you know, and and then
21:01 then you asking for permission to go into this part of their
21:03 lives. Yeah, you know, your friends, as you know, they're
21:06 discourage or, you know, they're there
21:08 and I never had any wonder if I take care. A lot of people as
21:12 they get to the end of life known as acute care,
21:15 cardiologist. Sometimes there's this nothing more to do to keep
21:18 coming and going. And I was coming. I said, listen, would
21:21 it be OK if I pray with you?
21:24 No one's turned me down. Yeah. Yeah. You know, what
21:28 would it were it? Would it be OK if I tell you about internal
21:31 healing? Yeah. Would you be willing to say he wouldn't talk
21:34 to it? And when you do that and I rarely only one or 2 people
21:39 have turned me down to the years. But but but when you put
21:43 you you, you asked for permission, white and you have
21:45 to sort of be in tune to that when you walk into each.
21:49 But I think that's each as Christians each encounter that
21:52 we have. We want to say, hey, listen, is there an opportunity
21:56 to show Christ in my actions? My words and if that person
22:00 needs something more lord, please open that door. Why and
22:04 help me to be brave enough and mature enough to the Holy
22:08 spirit to not chicken out. Yeah. Say I'm not afraid to the
22:12 Gospel of Christ. Yeah, you know, and you know, sometimes
22:16 it's easy. You know, you get so involved in the technology
22:19 medicine and the bypass is in the stands and you would not
22:22 believe the new procedures we have out there. We have pumps
22:25 we can put in the heart. We can keep your heart going to
22:28 machines and rest your heart. Now we do the small robotic
22:32 surgeries to it's just the technology continues to get
22:35 better. But I'm worried that the technology, sometimes
22:40 this tracks us again and even distracts physicians to the
22:44 true health message.
22:46 You know, the true health messages, Jesus. Yeah, you
22:49 know, sometimes we get so bogged down with lifestyle that
22:52 we don't focus on Jesus and that sometimes we get so bogged
22:55 down on them. The medical mechanics. We don't focus on
22:58 Jesus enough. Yes, without him. None of this makes sense.
23:01 So that's what Hart Wise we want to meet people's needs.
23:04 We want to love them and focus on Jesus first and that the
23:07 holy spirit sort of guide and change people's lives. And I
23:12 think that message as we moved towards that in the time that's
23:16 going to hopefully plant some seeds for the Gospel. I just
23:19 thank the 3ABN for the last 20 years for letting me to come up
23:23 here and share some of those thoughts and concepts in and
23:27 help answer people's physical needs as well as pretty as well
23:31 as point them to the true healer.
23:33 >> And we thank you, of course, for your time and that you do
23:37 and the study and all the work that you look at the other new
23:40 entry topic today about words it is. I thought that fact
23:44 we've got to have to. Yeah, you ready for that. He got out the
23:47 storm or write some things down as they come in, OK?
23:50 >> So the first question is, is there something one can do to
23:53 reduce the impact of hurtful words and negative attitudes of
23:58 others? Okay.
24:00 >> And I I knew that was going to come up. All of us can join
24:04 in on that question, OK, at first, I would want to point us
24:09 to a typical prescriptions, OK,
24:14 and one. It was back to 6.63. I would point this person to
24:18 the words that I speak, Rice speaks to. You are spirit and
24:23 their life.
24:24 So when that starts happening, I would say, like we've all
24:27 said, the law go to the words, go to the promises, asked the
24:31 Holy Spirit how to deal with it. Each person has a different
24:36 sort of plan for that. Now there's some other things that
24:40 have helped with words in people's life is try to be
24:44 thankful.
24:45 That's another biblical description and all things
24:48 give. Thanks. Yes, it's hard to give. Thanks when someone's
24:51 railing on you. But but, you know, just try and all things
24:55 gift finds something to be thankful about
24:58 before we speak, pray and think
25:03 give it some time. Silence. You know, between thoughts in
25:08 words is not a bad thing. You know,
25:11 have the that's when the brain when your brain is under stress
25:14 use or downshifting, they say he'll go home, take some deep
25:17 breaths and relax, knowing well, that sort of helps the
25:20 brain recover from this damage. So I tell people take some deep
25:24 breaths, do some stretching exercises, give yourself some
25:28 time, maybe talk about it in the morning. Things like that.
25:32 The other thing that in the research that I've been
25:34 studying, that that came out as brevity,
25:37 you know, especially when you have to do hard topics, be
25:40 succinct on the topic and don't keep going on and on and on and
25:45 on because that gives the brain time to to start a store of
25:49 war. Thanks. Yeah. So you know, get to the point, be brevity
25:53 about it. But but I think the key is to this person is go to
25:56 the word, let God and got to the word, work it out for you.
26:00 He's promised he's going to do this, but it might not be
26:03 perfect. But I remember it might not be perfect. You might
26:06 have to live with this affliction to some degree as
26:10 long as you with Jesus and you're doing the best you can
26:13 and you're depending on have and you're trying to be
26:16 thankful for what he has done for you through Jesus. In the
26:20 end, you are going to be OK?
26:22 >> Yeah, that's good. He was saying, you know, the
26:26 basically have a filter, sometimes stop and think and
26:30 have a filter. I was having a meeting one time with win.
26:33 There is people a group of people trying to literally take
26:36 over 3ABN you know, so I just you know, what you see is what
26:40 you get. So when I say they called a timeout because I was
26:43 yelling of Moses. And now this is, you know, and so the person
26:48 who's moderating, take away a take a little break and have I
26:51 said, sure. So they walked off. He came over to me. He said can
26:54 ask a question. I said yesterday is that you have a
26:57 filter? I said, yes, sir, I'm using it. Sometimes we've got
27:03 to use a filter. I was using it. But I felt like and I had
27:06 to speak up at the time. But I get your point.
27:09 >> But stop and think, you know, sometimes in the world,
27:12 the people are not communicating like they used to
27:15 write when people used to talk to verbal and body
27:19 communication nowadays, people don't even they just text you
27:24 or email you. Yes, the communication is changed.
27:27 Yeah. And that's I don't think that's a real biblical model
27:30 either. Yeah. Remember, Christ was there to, you know, in
27:34 Christ, talk to people,
27:36 you know, he was out in front of them talking to them,
27:39 you know, doing things. He didn't have this, you know,
27:41 way of communicating. And so I think it when we can go back to
27:46 the biblical ways of communication. Yeah, I think
27:49 that's that's a strong Bill. Clinton.
27:51 >> Teaching himself as when we talk to people that love.
27:54 Yeah, there we can say the same thing. But if we don't say we
27:57 love, they're going to reject it and get angry. I get upset.
28:01 So when people say you love them and you're now speaking
28:04 from the love position for them, it seems like it's much
28:08 more received. So we have to continually say, why am I
28:12 saying this to this person? Why am I trying to correct
28:16 whatever? And this person who am I to judge? What does that
28:18 have to do? That may be that your kids, your grandkids or is
28:22 relatives are, you know, whomever is that well, how
28:26 would Jesus do you know? What would Jesus do? How do I
28:28 present? What words? No, I don't agree totally with what
28:32 they're doing. But can I say this and love but yet be direct
28:35 enough? I just literally talk to someone today who tell me
28:40 I'm very close to that.
28:43 She needs to talk to someone, but she said I kind of been
28:49 laying this off on other people because I don't want to be
28:51 direct with them. So I'll kind of say, well, feds on so or
28:55 whatever. So I said, no, you want to say to yourself,
28:59 I know you love them, you be straightforward. And she said,
29:02 you know what I'm going to. And so I thought that was
29:05 really neat. But she's,
29:07 as you said, communications not like to be is to be it's like
29:10 let's just talk about it and get it out. Nowadays. Will
29:14 everything OK? M,
29:15 you know, you sure. Yeah. Then you walk away and
29:18 nothing's been solved is like all this again. So
29:21 >> words are. I think that's a key point that we want
29:24 everyone. You know, let's think about this. Let's think about
29:27 what's going on and lest let's ask for some help in dealing
29:31 with this. Let's not put our heads in the ground and that
29:34 that the society in the world we live in including church
29:37 problems. You know, we with this this we can all improve.
29:41 >> Yeah, I have another another question. Comments first to do
29:47 well.
29:48 Well, some of their own at you if you had something else to
29:51 do.
29:53 >> Not you. Not right now. I have a question for you,
29:54 dot. You spoke of negative words, spoken to children early
29:57 in life that can result in emotional depression, etc in
30:02 later life. Can the brain structure change later in life?
30:07 How does the brain reverse the damage? Yeah, well, I'm not a
30:11 specialist in developmental neurology, our brains, but
30:16 common sense tells me that the brain
30:19 >> grows and receives a lot of input and changes the younger
30:24 you are, you know, we learn language. We learn talk.
30:27 We learn society, those things and it grows to a certain
30:30 point. But the brain is dynamic. Okay. And if you think
30:36 about the Bible, remember, it says create in me a new heart,
30:40 a new brain.
30:42 We see in the Bible examples where Christ changed people
30:46 dramatically their whole makeup, including the brain.
30:50 I think it's number Saul to Paul. That was a make over
30:54 there. I so I would have to say in Christ, all things are
30:59 possible to this person. So but it also when will it
31:04 occur?
31:05 Is it going to occur on this earth
31:07 or is it occur it have?
31:09 When will the makeover occur? So those things I don't have
31:13 answers for what I do know that Christ is our position. He's or
31:17 healer. I would run that by him and see if he might help you
31:21 with that that question. But I don't know the exact age,
31:24 but I do know that that God can change people dramatically at
31:27 any age.
31:29 >> Yes, very true. You know, as a doctor, Carolyn leave,
31:32 who has done a lot of research and she's a neuro scientist
31:39 and she found that when you
31:43 anger and bitterness, the brain shoot out these neuro toxins
31:50 and the toxins go all over your body and you get ill. Yeah,
31:54 but what takes it away forgiveness? And they've done
31:58 the studies that that show. She did a lot of research that
32:02 showed that forgiveness changes the wiring. So what you're
32:06 saying makes is so true. And that's why the Lord tells
32:10 us to forgive others because he knows how we're wired because
32:13 he made us this way that if we forgive these talks and these
32:18 neurotoxins won't be generated in the brain. So it to me,
32:23 it's a fascinating study of how God with fearfully and
32:27 wonderfully know and we continue to learn more and more
32:30 amazes me that we still even at this.
32:32 >> Day and age. We know very little about the bright.
32:36 We know very little about the immune system. We know very a
32:41 little bit about the gut and micro bio that regulates the
32:45 got all that
32:47 trillions of bacteria and things going on in that and how
32:51 it all in or acts in such a unique way. And we act like we
32:56 can fix everything, you know, and we act like, you know,
33:00 we're going to solve every problem with modern technology.
33:03 There's nothing that man can't do. But I think that's part of,
33:07 you know, we don't we have to be careful with that. And it's
33:10 not what man can do it as you don't want to get a look at
33:14 their creator. Absolutely, with with that's the question there
33:18 and what she was talking about.
33:20 >> If we you know what age if you damage early later, but I'm
33:25 gonna use and said publicly, I guess it'll be OK with my
33:29 granddaughter Haylee K and the UK is bin and was raised on,
33:34 you know, the children's programs and all that. But hey,
33:37 Dak took a different path in life. Should have been around
33:41 Christian around this all my life. She didn't want to do
33:44 that. So she studied Eastern religion shoes into that for a
33:48 while. She was in the the guys shoes and that actually
33:52 instructor. She's I think and she'll have to say for self it
33:57 camp meeting. Hopefully we'll get to have her here for a
33:59 little bit. But maybe even to say I'm an atheist or agnostic
34:04 we can weekend which for all of this stuff. And she used to do
34:08 the gothic things like, you know, all of this right now,
34:13 don't don't worry about your child, your grandchild. Just
34:15 keep giving them to God. That's where you go. Right now.
34:19 She is most excited. Yeah. Young lady. She's 29 years old
34:23 and so excited about Jesus and her live that now all over
34:27 Facebook. Everything has changed is all about Jesus.
34:30 This last weekend she was in New York City speaking with a
34:34 group of people into speaking about the change in her life
34:38 and what the Lord is done and how she was a yoga instructor.
34:41 And then Graham kept saying, well, she had written a book
34:44 kind of showing that at first she rejected. It is like,
34:47 well, wait a minute. No, this is what I do. But she literally
34:51 was humble enough and love Jesus enough that was open
34:54 enough that she's allowed Jesus and her heart and mind. And so
34:57 when I speak to her and we do and talked on the phone,
35:00 she's so excited about the love of God and can't wait to go
35:03 share her story. So.
35:05 >> Don't worry. All we have to do, you know, train up a child
35:08 away should go even if they're not. That's right. We give them
35:11 to the Lord and they're open and they want to know truth.
35:15 They will accept it. You can't.
35:18 And that's the problem. I have doctor Mark with a lot of our
35:21 print preachers over the last 30 years. I've seen such
35:25 changes back in the day. You know, you had your a lot of
35:28 your CD brooks and allow your speakers. They just come out
35:31 and they just told the truth the way it is. Well, nowadays,
35:34 we have to be so careful and to go from here to you. I've got
35:38 to go away around here and well, I can just tell you the
35:41 truth. I've got to do this will now worsened a day late in the
35:45 physical. So physically, if I want to get you to understand
35:49 something, I don't want to just tell us. So I think it's best
35:52 to go away around here. But we have to realize we're not
35:55 dealing in the physical were dating in the spiritual while
35:59 we're here and his physical, the answers will never come.
36:02 When you're arguing with somebody use that word, argue
36:05 or you're disagreeing and they're saying this and you're
36:08 saying that you have to realize maybe they don't see the way
36:12 you do, especially if it's doctors are Bible. They don't
36:16 see the way you do because they're looking in the
36:17 physical. They haven't had that opportunity to accept Jesus
36:21 Christ as Lord and savior and then let them speak from the
36:24 spiritual side because you'll never win an argument arguing
36:28 when anything arguing with somebody. But you can reason
36:31 about us as come let us reason together. So when we reasoned
36:35 together from the spiritual point of view and it gives us
36:38 more patients was somebody else's saying stuff in my mind
36:41 is like this is ridiculous. But I do have the field or
36:45 cause now have to think, well, they're speaking from the
36:47 physical sense isn't on Christian. So now how to I
36:51 counteract that using the spiritual. But so don't worry
36:55 your child, your granddaughter, your daughters, your songs,
36:59 whomever, you husbands, they're in God's hands. So all you have
37:02 to do is be the best witness, you know, how to. And and just
37:06 instead of trying to be everybody's judge and say you
37:09 should do this, do that, do this just say God, I give him
37:12 over to you for years anyway, a man that if they want the
37:15 truth, no good. They look set.
37:17 >> That's wonderful. That's a wonderful answer. Just pray and
37:20 give it to God. Yeah. Great. Great Antonia. Any more
37:24 questions on? Yes, yeah. My husband has verbally abusive
37:28 to me. He drinks really that I can't leave. There's nowhere to
37:32 go. He's beginning to scare me. We've been married 2 years and
37:35 God put us together. We are in our 70's.
37:39 Why does God allow this is the question.
37:43 >> Those are some tough question. Yeah, I don't know.
37:47 We live in the sun pool. Yes, that you know what?
37:49 What we can do is we will do. I will pray for this individual
37:53 tonight and that God will help them and help them get over
37:57 this situation. And
38:00 but, you know, the good news is they're they're reaching out,
38:03 you know, that that they they know there's a problem. They
38:06 know that hopefully we can pointing to Jesus just like we
38:09 did. You know, the Jesus is the answer. Go to him, that him
38:13 help you and and
38:16 stay in the body of Christ. I think there's such benefit of
38:20 being around other Christians of the unity of how we build in
38:24 and help each other. Encourage each other. The world's going
38:27 to get tough coming up on us. Yeah. And we have to pull
38:31 together and love each other and let each other know that we
38:34 don't have the answer, but we're praying for you. We love
38:37 you. We know that God has the answers that we're here for
38:41 you. Come to church. Let us let us love on you. You know those
38:45 type of things. You are not alone, but I yeah.
38:48 >> This person I would give almost the same as it did last
38:51 time. You've got us to stay in the spiritual. What would Jesus
38:55 do? How would Jesus respond to this type of abuse? Am I
38:59 contributing to it? You know, we're allowed to make
39:02 decisions. You know, we don't have been married couple years.
39:05 Did you know it's too late to say that I make the right
39:08 decision. You here now. So again, you just said, okay,
39:12 Lord, keep me in the spiritual and not looking at the physical
39:16 because I do. We're going to be fighting all the time. So,
39:20 you know, help me too. See this the way you see it through your
39:24 eyes. And so it's really there's tough situations.
39:28 And as you said,
39:29 >> there's not an answer for everything except Jesus.
39:31 When he was over, you might take this person to who knows
39:34 to counseling or or or but you pray for pray for your spouse.
39:38 Yes, and I don't see. I mean, if the person is being abused
39:42 me, yeah, I can't sit on an abusive situation. Destroys it,
39:46 destroys you. Yes, so, you know, should have to do
39:49 something about that. Totally separate and totally separate
39:52 from this.
39:53 >> Reminded me back when I was a carpenter years ago, I worked
39:57 for this lady and this woman was a Christian and I work with
40:00 are in the hospital, you know, years, years before and as a
40:03 teenager. But when I bring up personal all that, I knew she
40:07 said, I just hate my son and all I cannot stand him. I hate
40:12 this man. And so anytime we do work, we were building a son
40:16 law, new home. My brother can unite and Ronnie were building
40:19 a new home. But then over here on the other side, we do some
40:22 remodeling that the mother was house. Such a nice woman,
40:25 not work with Erin dated day in day out, loves Jesus, go to
40:30 church every Sunday. She she great Christian lady. So
40:34 I just hate my son and all I can. 3 years later, we went
40:38 back to some work. I take my son. That's all she can talk
40:41 about. Well, guess what?
40:43 Finally went back another year or so later.
40:46 She was just calm, everything quiet. And the name was brought
40:49 up my daughter's such-and-such my son-inlaw on. Oh, yeah,
40:53 we're going to be, you know, having Thanksgiving with them.
40:55 And so I wanted to so I couldn't help. But I said how
40:59 things are going with your son in law. And she said, oh,
41:02 we get along great. She said, I just love him. I we get along
41:05 great. And I said, how did you do that? She said, well,
41:09 I was so get me down that it was wrec in my life. It was so
41:13 bad. I asked the Lord Lord how I deal with it. I'm not telling
41:17 you this what you all should do. The Lord impress me.
41:21 So at the moment said so how do you know? I am the Lord impress
41:24 me to look at him at the 12 year-old r******* child.
41:28 So that way, no matter what he says, what we have fed into.
41:31 So now she says when he gets on stars, get on my nerves.
41:35 I say, oh, well, I'm just going to overlook him. That's what
41:38 the Lord would have made. Now, I'm not necessarily
41:41 recommend it, but that was her way of dealing with it. And she
41:44 thought the Lord told her to do so. Who might a question that,
41:48 right? Yeah, that's right. So humor.
41:51 >> Here's a question that involves me to it says Yvonne
41:54 mentioned about the name and claim that position. Can we
41:57 seek out all the promises in scripture, claim them and stand
42:01 on them? Can that help us with placing the best words
42:05 into our physiology? So when I was talking about naming and
42:09 claimant,
42:11 if I see this a car over here that I I decided I want I can
42:17 just say I claim that in the name of Jesus. That's what I'm
42:20 trying. I'm talking. The Bible says that in first John,
42:25 5 versus 14 15, it says
42:29 now this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask
42:32 anything, okay, according to his will, OK, he hears us.
42:37 And so those are the things we can claim. Yes, we can claim
42:40 the promises of God that are meant for us. So we have to ask
42:46 to whom was his promise given and that kind of thing. But
42:51 yes, we can absolutely stand on the promises of God. It is
42:55 impossible for God to lie. But I'm talking about just that
42:59 arbitrary naming and claiming or saying that, you know,
43:03 I can create with my words. That's another thing a go.
43:08 It crosses that that line into the new h realm. And so you
43:13 have to be really careful because Satan is very, very
43:16 shrewd. So that's what I would say that the question, the
43:21 second part of this is, can that help when we claim the
43:24 promises and stand on them?
43:26 >> Which yes, we have to hand that help us with placing the
43:29 best words into a physiologist. And, you know, and one of the
43:33 things is just read the words of Christ. Yes, we them out
43:37 loud. And as you incorporate those words that's got to help
43:41 us by holding we become change why? But by listening words,
43:46 we we start internalizing that. And but but, you know, we we
43:50 what we always want to pray, according to God's will.
43:53 Yeah, why God willing, our will mining out that for plan that
43:57 we don't know that. And, you know, he might have a death.
44:01 So that's what we do that that's that's that's what it
44:04 tells us to do in Scriptures were in a safe place. So these
44:08 are all tough question. Yeah, you know, dance dance, you
44:13 know, putting it into the spiritual or physical. I think
44:16 that's very helpful for people to realize that these are a lot
44:18 of these health issues are also spiritual issues, right?
44:24 >> They several years ago I turned on another network.
44:27 You watch other. Yeah, networks and I was surprised there was
44:30 too a man on there and they were talking to the host,
44:34 a man and woman about vegetarianism
44:38 and about not. And I was surprised that the that was a
44:41 sound like that. I'm really surprised. So they worse,
44:45 you know, really given their the benefits have been a
44:48 vegetarian.
44:49 And so finally, they said to this person, the woman, well,
44:55 does this make sense to you understand who they were
44:58 talking about mediating and port? They went into that.
45:01 And so what do you think about what I just said she saw.
45:05 That's too much trouble. Forget it. She said if I get
45:08 cancer going and she she named a a well. I tell evangelists
45:12 are either want to know what we call haters. And she said of I
45:16 get cancer. I'm not going to do all that we're about. And I I'm
45:18 just going to call him and have him come and pray for me and
45:21 him Welsh and up 9 and cancer just a few years later. But
45:24 that's the name of claim. And I think you're talking
45:27 about is like, okay, I've got the light smoke cigarettes,
45:31 but I'm not going to quit. I'm just going to claim that
45:33 God's going to kill me. And I know that he will help me know
45:36 she stopped. But what this lady or the person just wrote in is
45:40 that, yes, that's absolutely stand on the promises of God.
45:44 That's right. And that's the only answer. So thank you.
45:47 That was beautiful.
45:49 >> And you know, and what's so amazing about the promises are
45:52 the biblical prescriptions or the you know,
45:55 God doesn't change that. They they last for all times.
45:58 Yeah. And how could how could, you know, Solomon that we
46:03 talked about earlier know that words were going to be a
46:06 problem in our day and age? Yeah. How witty in how it
46:10 applies? Yes, the God's word in the scriptures and Christ
46:14 applies to every situation in our life that's covered here.
46:18 That's why we don't really have to look anywhere else. You
46:21 know, you know, we don't have to look another textbook who
46:24 don't have we. It sits right here for yeah.
46:26 >> So if you're getting more times, yeah, believe we've got
46:30 10 minutes left. Let's get a medical questions. Yeah,
46:33 we've tried to keep the.
46:36 >> I'm not no more simple question. Those are the ones
46:40 well more about will house yet. Well, he's kind of want to ask
46:43 how long I'm an only child. His mother controlled me
46:46 teaching me not to think for myself because I'd be wrong
46:49 because she was always right. My father treated me like I was
46:52 part of the woodwork. When I started first grade, my
46:55 classmates rejected me completely calling the tooth
46:58 pick because those tones skinny. I'm going to go down
47:01 now you when I got to college, my TV husband got his claws and
47:07 me and we got married and you control me completely for 57
47:10 years. So then she goes to goes on to say this kind of law.
47:15 Now he's dead, but the damage is done. I'm depressed. I'm 83
47:19 and weigh 104 pounds at 5 foot 10 and can't game to save me.
47:25 What do I do?
47:29 Gaining wait well.
47:34 >> I could tell a gateway. Yeah, haha. But you know again.
47:39 >> This is a spiritual. This is a spiritual thing. This isn't a
47:42 physical thing for brain has been damaged. And we talked
47:46 about how at the young age you can be damage for a long,
47:49 long time. And she might these to the places she so damaged,
47:53 that there's nothing that that she she can do
47:57 where doctors can do to totally erase that pay.
48:02 So she's she's clearly in pain. Yes. So the real answer to pain
48:07 again, we've talked about it is just continue to go to Jesus
48:11 and his promises and know that he's going to take care of you
48:16 how when and where. We don't know, continue to go the
48:21 promises and just pray. And I'm just so sorry that her life.
48:25 I was like, yeah, yeah, it is sad. But 3, a lot of people
48:29 have had that. But but remember, we can claim, you
48:34 know, the promises and we can look forward to eternal life.
48:37 >> Yes, and then he turned to him. And if you thought I was
48:41 making light of your situation, right, I really was. How snow
48:44 actually referring, would you? Would you say a prayer for your
48:48 name? Just color, sisterhood pressure now.
48:52 >> So I thank you so very much for being our healer for being
48:57 our Ed O not effect of the Lord who heals. We just thank you in
49:01 praise you. And we know that there's so many people who
49:04 needs healing who are hurting, who are broken. And we know
49:10 that you are the one who can fix it. So we just pray that
49:14 whatever burdens that are that people are bearing that they
49:17 will come and cast them at your feet because you are the burden
49:21 to bear. We thank you, Lord that you are Fay for. We thank
49:25 you that you are our Hilo. We thank you that you hear our
49:29 prayers and that you there and that you feel our pain. But we
49:33 have a high priest who knows what we're going through.
49:38 And we thank you, Lord for that that, you know, and you can
49:43 continue to be with the sister and got her comfort her and you
49:47 and help her to get to know you even better. So that should
49:51 know that she can be healed through years. Yes. Thank you,
49:54 Lord. In Jesus name. We pray. Amen. And
49:57 >> okay. We might have time for one or 2 more. Someone is
50:00 saying is it's similar to what we've had but how can not be
50:05 positive? Well, I have bad health job.
50:10 >> I get that one a lot. It's hard when your body
50:15 doesn't feel good. It's under natural stress. You don't you
50:18 don't. You just don't feel good.
50:21 I think an example Scripps Lee about that was our friend Paul.
50:26 Remember, he suffered flames. He want to cry several times.
50:30 The only he'll be I don't feel good. I don't feel good.
50:32 I don't feel good.
50:34 And and and for whatever reason it was God's will not to heal.
50:38 He could have made perfect in a second. Just like people that
50:41 have chronic diseases. They feel bad. This person feels
50:45 better and get it get it can get in your brain. Okay.
50:48 The world solution is to numb the pain. Somehow none of the
50:53 brain somehow my you know, whether that be substances or
50:57 alcohol, whatever. But that's really not the solution.
51:01 The solution is, again, to get into the word,
51:06 turn to God and Earth realize that sometimes got allows us to
51:11 have suffering.
51:13 Does anyone get stronger when they don't have trials when
51:16 they don't have the illness is when they don't have problems.
51:19 When we get closer to God, when they don't have those things,
51:22 when you look back and you're like, why do I have all this
51:24 stuff of things that I messed up with? Things that I've tried
51:27 sicknesses that had will God can use these in ways that we
51:31 can understand through the save us and bring us to internal
51:35 healing and what he's willing wanting. So maybe this type of
51:39 thought process going to the word will help a little bit and
51:43 dealing with the chronic illness. It won't be forever.
51:46 >> That's good
51:50 and have another way. Just a few minutes is pretty
51:52 important. Says how how
51:58 so how do I give the right words or how do I deal with my
52:02 generation gap? Other words, there's a generation gap
52:05 between the parents and the child. How can the causative,
52:10 you know what I know? It's probably a long. And so I mean,
52:15 I think that we sort of
52:16 >> laid out sort of a template, OK, in the first part is
52:20 awareness awareness that words are important. And our
52:24 communication is important
52:26 to turn to the scriptures for guidance and prayer for the
52:30 Holy Spirit will help you. And 3, just as you said
52:34 earlier, continue to pray for our loved ones not to give up
52:39 and to let God sort of overcome these skills. Is there any ABC
52:44 thing that we can do that I know of. There's lots of books.
52:47 You can read a lots of things you can try and that might be
52:50 helpful to some extent. But but I say it's the power of Christ
52:54 and the Holy Spirit really solves the solutions. And I
52:58 that's what I want to turn people to. They can try all
53:01 these other things that might help a little bit. But that I
53:03 think will an awareness. Talk to them talk, talk to the
53:07 love them the best. You can pray for the best you can and
53:10 turn it over to Christ every day he made about this issue.
53:14 >> Yeah, that's beautiful. And I learned as I've gotten
53:17 older, you know, you love the the young person, whether it's
53:21 your son, daughter ran, you love them. It doesn't mean
53:24 you're farming. FA say they're out there in the world and
53:27 they're doing now called drugs are doing whatever. But you
53:30 don't disown him. You don't, you know, not want to speak to
53:33 them. You love them, Brian, let them know that Jesus loves them
53:37 and you're there no matter what. And I'm saying this work
53:40 own personal life of saint make huge changes. So when you have
53:44 young people that your data and with that, you did, they just
53:48 want to know that they're loved. And so now we want to
53:51 do. That's what's popular. We talked about earlier.
53:54 You know, we have from them no matter what they're doing.
53:56 If they're out and stand, you know, none from that, Sam,
54:00 that you let them know. I love you no matter what you do it no
54:03 matter where you are. Jesus loves me in on a center.
54:06 So I'm thankful that God loves me while I'm not really in the
54:09 arc of safety, he loved me enough to give his life for me.
54:13 But that loved Ross. And when we're trying to to yell at
54:18 people or tell them they're doing wrong a lot of time just
54:21 because we as parents are ashamed or we don't want people
54:24 to think we were bad parents. And so this you're acting this
54:27 out. That makes me look bat. That's not how you do it.
54:30 That you deal with it by loving them and let him know. I don't.
54:33 I don't from since. That's the word that go to that. I hear a
54:37 lot anymore. I don't for the way your act and on from what
54:41 you're doing. Yeah, it is against the commandment of God,
54:44 but I love you and I'm there for you when you need him a
54:48 call and I'll be there. That's what I do to my heavenly
54:50 father. So no matter how we get, we still have to go to
54:53 him.
54:54 >> That's right. Yeah, I think that's the greatest dancer.
54:58 I think we just got to keep loving people keep loving him.
55:01 You know, I agree. You know, we don't tell them that we agree
55:04 with everything they do, but we'd still love you. That's why
55:08 the flight Chrysler's of his agree with what I do. But he
55:11 was meeting was me.
55:13 >> That's right. Absolutely. What you closing thought,
55:16 Doctor, Markham for anyone who just needs some encouragement
55:21 and the words that the law, you know, a couple things that came
55:24 out today and as I was we're talking in,
55:28 you know, the couple words. One is don't be distracted by
55:32 the things. The world,
55:34 the world's not her home. Okay.
55:37 >> And the answers are the authorities. The answers
55:41 are in the words and the power of the Holy Spirit
55:45 and don't get so distracted that we don't make this a PRI
55:50 already, you know, in our lives and healing in dealing with
55:53 each other. And as we do this, I think that we're going to
55:57 find
55:58 new insights every day to help tackle these problems, even
56:03 though we might not be able to, quote, fix everything. We know
56:07 that Christ has the answers to all of these these issues.
56:12 >> Thank you so much for those of you watching at home.
56:14 Our time is just about all gone. But you can call us and
56:18 that you saw they address it with their the text or the the
56:22 lie. But during the day, you can call us
56:25 618-627-4651. If you want someone to to pray with you,
56:31 call the 3ABN we have people here who loved to pray with
56:34 you. We have one of our gentleman here who comes in
56:37 answers phones and prays with people is 103 years old.
56:40 Wow. Yeah. I do get along great and says I'm looking out for
56:44 the future. What the Lord wants me to do. So
56:48 I think that's incredible. Don't you just got married?
56:51 You know, he just 3 months or so ago and they did wonderful.
56:55 Okay. Our time is all gone for today. So that do we say next
56:59 time?
57:00 >> May the Lord richly bless you abundantly more than you
57:02 could ever asked. One thing
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Revised 2023-12-28