3ABN Today Live

The Physiology of Words

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230016A

00:06 >> I want ♪ >> I
00:50 >> want to ♪ ♪
01:07 >> Hello >> and welcome to another 3 ABN today program. Thank you
01:09 for joining us. As you do each and every co-hosted by my lovely wife, Yvonne. And we've
01:17 got a great program lined up for excited. I am to favorite people is Let's do that. that
01:26 sometimes we hold back. James Marcum its hair and thank you so much. We're always glad
01:32 when you're It's my pleasure to be here with speaker director of heart wise, right?
01:38 So a cardiologist? >> Yes, I know. still as a practicing cardiologist that
01:45 helps the ministry. When you can take care of people's needs. But we direct people in
01:49 lifestyle things and modern medicine being the key to health and Hart Wise is
01:53 Christ. that's the key. And that's the we want to give everyone that there's always
01:59 hope and Jesus, amen. All right. Now we're going do some music and just a moment and
02:03 we'll come back. But before we do you have to take questions tonight that will will take
02:12 questions. We don't have the actual phone's gone with the but we have you can text may
02:15 be on. You tell them how to get a hold of us. Sure. So you can text your questions for
02:22 Doctor Markham. >> 2, 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5,
02:26 >> All right there your 618-228-3975, or you can email your questions to live at 3
02:34 ABN DOT TV. That's a live at 3, a B in DOT TV. So either way, but Sen start thinking
02:42 about your questions is Doctor Markham is talking so that we can have them for the second
02:47 hour. >> Right. And we'll ask our production. Crew did just got
02:50 in from time to time to put it back up. So you don't have to. Oh, I missed it. So, yeah, but
02:55 tonight, give us a little example. Water we're going to be talking about. Well, we're
02:59 going to break some new ground tonight. Okay. They're hearing it here on 3ABN for the first
03:04 time. I'm going to be presenting. >> How words change your
03:12 physiology? Oh, so, you know, we've heard about different aspects of health and
03:14 lifestyle. We've heard exercise in. You don't want to smoke and eat the right foods
03:20 and get enough rest and get sunshine. But now tonight there's research that the
03:24 words both that we received from others and the words we give have health and we're
03:33 going to present the biblical prescriptions for that. We're going to talk about the
03:36 current research and I'm hoping people wall plug in tonight and in give us some
03:41 input about words that have helped them out and how they feel about this situation. But
03:47 we're seeing words, especially in the younger generation. The words are causing some mental
03:52 health problems now and it'll help depression anxiety gender problems at me ever. Had
04:00 social media have anything to do with the yes. And it comes from words and there's real
04:05 physiology behind it. And the Bible has things to say about that. And we can give people
04:08 some ideas what they can do to improve their health. The of the words they give as well as
04:14 the words they receive. >> Good. I don't know about you, but I'm excited because I
04:19 was sitting here listening to him and thinking, you know, this is 3ABN was called for
04:24 such an hour's this to be able to tell the truth, people like it or you don't own out here.
04:29 He's not here, you know, running for a being elected in a position. He says, look,
04:33 this is a truth. And and it's my responsibility and privilege to share it. So he's
04:40 going to be sharing some things with the call, your friends, your neighbors, your
04:44 enemies, everybody end to 3ABN Doctor James Markham is here with us. So again, as they put
04:51 up on the screen from time to time, they'll put how you can text your questions to us or
04:55 e-mail. Actually, either one. But before we go any farther we have Jared, Jared and he'll
05:01 remit show and they're going to be singing. Great is thy faithfulness.
05:06 ♪ ♪ >> Is the news.
05:33 >> be with >> I'm ones. >> you
06:03 >> will ♪ >> C.
06:15 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:39 ♪ ♪ ♪
07:09 >> 2, ♪ >> I'm
07:24 >> full
07:41 ♪ ♪ >> O
08:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
08:15 ♪ ♪ ♪
08:39 ♪ ♪ ♪
08:51 ♪ >> hey, man, thank you. Great is thy faith. I love that
09:00 song. Oh, yeah. They do such a great job a great they are and they're not there from
09:05 southern Illinois. not too far away. So we kind of get them in here from time to time.
09:09 Yeah. Take advantage of that great gift that they have. Once again, if you're just
09:14 joining us, we have Doctor James Marcum here and so good to have you here. Close.
09:20 Consider him a friend and a brother and a fellow 3 ABN or how many years have you been
09:24 coming when 2 years, 20 a lot of changes. Anybody ever tell you when you're traveling?
09:33 They say new on Be a yes, quite a few times. Some in our church. They always say, oh,
09:41 you look different. Our truck yeah. >> Had that happened many
09:51 quite same. That's OK, yeah. The is of 3 ABN and >> spreading the Gospel. You
10:00 know, it's amazing that, you know, someone might be in a hotel room and just flipping
10:05 through channels. spirit bringing them to the message and and, you know, we can
10:10 connect in everything that we do. We can point people to Jesus and that's what we try
10:13 to do it heart wise. Jesus is the key to health. Yeah. And with that we use is or
10:20 authority, not modern medicine or not textbooks, even though there's a place for it. But
10:23 the real authority and health and healing is the word of And I think we have to get back to
10:30 that. We have to be returned to the word of God and not, you know, compromise the word
10:35 of God and be faithful just like this song. And as as we do that, there's going to be
10:40 blessings because God made us knows what's best for us. >> That's right. It's so
10:45 interesting that you say that because so many physicians don't feel that the Bible is
10:50 really relevant today and certainly not necessarily to health and yet. It is all of
10:58 these principles in the Bible are are so relevant today. I've been practicing
11:02 cardiology now over 30 years. >> Wow. And I'm so glad now that, you know, I've been able
11:08 to arrange my work schedule slide more time ministry, no research and things like that.
11:13 And talking. when you can tell someone that real healing comes from Christ and, you
11:20 know, even though they have this terrible disease that modern medicine can help with
11:25 that, when they believe in Jesus, they have eternal life. You know, they can. That's a
11:30 guarantee. So that's where we should start in our health care. We should start with
11:35 Christ in the Turtle. Healing accepting him as our Lord and savior and then let the Holy
11:38 Spirit give us the power to make lifestyle changes at the appropriate, the place for
11:44 modern medicine. You know, we work it all together because remember that Texan problems,
11:48 you know about, you know, we're all on a different path. He's going to guide us in the
11:52 path, you know. And so it's very We start with the word of God and the word of God has
12:02 biblical prescriptions, biblical promises, Biblical guarantees in it that what I
12:05 try to do is find the science behind it. Okay. I don't need to prove it. But people except
12:12 more. If it's scientifically proven then apply it to people's lives. All right. So,
12:18 you know, a lot of people heard, you know, I think everyone's heard not smoking.
12:21 You never I was smoking is not good The secondhand smoking is not good, right? But today at
12:28 the the hopefully we're going to make this clear enough that some words that are being used
12:32 could be damaging to the chemistry to both the ones we are using ourselves. But also
12:38 the secondhand words that we're receiving from our society that we would not even
12:41 be aware of and we're going to find out that younger you are when the brain is developing.
12:48 Words are much more. Pronounced in the development that if you say some negative
12:55 things to young kids when their brains are developing, they can carry that phrase and
12:59 that negativity with them their entire life, specially Wu, not good. You can't do
13:04 this. No one loves you. That stays with you and affects your personality. And we're
13:08 seeing more and more people that get all this negativity changes. Our neural pathways
13:13 are no chemistry. And we have these imbalances later in life. We see these depression
13:18 rates going up and up and up. But we if we can get the cause, that's always the best
13:24 treatment rather than dealing with the symptom. Absolutely. The words or cause of problems
13:28 here. >> Okay. And that that's really an interesting concept
13:35 that words can impact our physiology. Yes, that they can change the way we're wired
13:41 him. >> So this is cutting. This is sort of cutting edge. I
13:43 haven't done this before. Her even talked about, you know, I got tired of talking about
13:50 spike formation and and all the pandemic time. that's I think that some sort of it's
13:56 still out there. But not talking about that. Talk about something else. A new word I
13:58 want to start is today in the Proverbs. Proverbs 16. 24. And if you remember Solomon
14:07 Solomon was up. He asked God for wisdom. And if we think about Solomon's kingdom, he
14:15 was blessed tremendously. Yet we're blessed materially at the cutting edge. Everyone was
14:20 looking at them. So Solomon had a lot of wisdom, but not only in how to run a kingdom,
14:25 but he had some health insights that were way ahead of his time. Yeah. And he
14:30 shared these and one is that I want to share with our audience today just to give
14:34 you the biblical basis for what we're going to be talking about is in in Proverbs, 16
14:39 verse. 24. Pleasant words are like a honeycomb. Sweetness to the soul. And here's what I
14:47 want to focus on and health to the bone. So here we have Solomon Wise, blessed by God
14:54 talking about words and health. In her linking them and of on. I'd like you to
15:02 read Proverbs 12, 18. If you have a second From to well, you saw him again 18. There is
15:10 one who speaks like the piercings of a sword. >> But the tongue of the wise
15:15 promotes health. Again, from the tang words come from them. So here we have in the Bible
15:22 about words and health being interrelated together. And some other I'm going to turn
15:28 the Proverbs 18. 21 and I'm going to read that one for us here. It says death and life.
15:33 are in the power. Of the So the tongue has power and death. You put death with
15:42 disease life with living. So there's something about this. And if you look, there's this
15:46 one text after another and ephesians, it says let know corrupt communication. Proceed
15:54 out of your mouth. Proverbs. 15, one harsh words stir up anger in 10 verse 12. The
16:06 words of the what Wise man's mouth are gracious. So here we are throughout the Bible
16:12 hearing things about words and health and how it can help us we've all watched reap
16:20 robbers, 15 verse 4 force here. Sure. Another text about words. So wholesome Tom is a
16:23 tree of life but perverseness in it breaks the spirit. Breaking the spirit. Why? I'm
16:32 so I think here just in Proverbs, we have to admit that that words and health. Go
16:35 together. Every input that we have in life. Changes or physiology to some degree. You
16:46 know, there's inputs from environment, the things we drink, the things we eat, the
16:50 way we sleep, the way we moved the way we act, the words we receive, the words we give the
16:57 words we use You know, the things we read, everything has some type of. He's a logic
17:03 change in our So the devil is known this for a long time. Yes.
17:06 >> Yeah. Just maybe we haven't. I'm so glad you're bringing it up because
17:10 >> I've been with many, many programs in many, many other doctors never we've never
17:14 really done a program on words and connect and physiology and were due to gather how that
17:20 affect us like this. And so it it's like very enlightening. But what you're saying is so
17:27 to the point and positive, if it's negative, then as it is going to do much harm. But the
17:32 you positive it is good. So again, for you to bring that up tonight is like, wow, that
17:39 makes so much sense because and the times that we're living well, and we can talk
17:44 about that. We want dress a little bit. All the stuff you're seeing such a change
17:52 most owners say is escalation? Is that right? of of of a man you know, transgenders in all
17:58 of this stuff. But the media is how are they just keep pushing pushing words? It's
18:05 words. words I just saw book yesterday for 3 year-olds gay. ABC's, You know this stuff and
18:09 they start pushing it when there's 3, 4, 5, years old. And so it has to be affecting
18:16 it is words have to be affecting our and the science shows that and whether we know
18:21 it or not. >> It's changing us. Yeah. And that's something changing the
18:28 way we process the way we think the way we make decisions, another biblical
18:33 prescription on words as Matthew 12. 37, it says 4, by your words, you'll be
18:39 justified. And by your words, you'll be So words are big. And then later Matthew
18:45 Matthew. 24 35 heaven and Earth will pass away. But my words. God's the biblical
18:56 words will by no means passed This gives us a little idea of where the treatment is for
18:59 this word is it is God's words focusing on him. Matthew 6 verse. 63 says the words that
19:06 I speak to you, our spirit and they are life, OK? So we're going to find out as we go on
19:14 to the real solution. 2 words right here in our >> That's put on the screen
19:21 again. We want to put up the text the number how you can put your questions by texting
19:26 and then also the phone number. Heres, the the 618-228-3975. If you have
19:32 questions for Doctor Markham, please text them to us and we leave that up from it a few
19:38 minutes and then we'll put up live at 03:00AM. you cannot 3ABN dot TV not to be okay. So
19:45 we'll put up there. It is also mail today. You can email us or you can text us.
19:51 >> And they'll put it up from time to time. Because we want to make sure you get your
19:55 questions. And because it's really anxious and interested to hear what folks at home.
20:00 want to see what they're thinking. words. Yeah. >> You know, I'm hearing too.
20:07 Doctor Markham is even when you think about again, God has he's authentic words in here
20:14 and the enemy has the counterfeit. >> There you go. Always. All
20:21 right. So you go. We are bombarded with the counterfeit and this is the solution.
20:25 God's word is the solution. >> To the counterfeit yes, the authentic. That this is the
20:33 authority. This worries. Yeah, yeah. So what just hit me then? Because on a sermon I'm
20:39 working on for campaigning. But yes, what about silent? >> When we show no that can be
20:47 damaging to we hear all these lies been told things. Yes, if you don't, you're receiving
20:51 them. Yeah, but you know, you have to do something with them. Yeah. Yeah. sometimes if
20:55 you don't stand up your affirming those words in your brain's affirming it. If you
21:00 don't say no, this is not right. Yeah. So the brain except that and it does its
21:04 own thing. Whereas, you know, the deep inside you don't agree with it. Yeah, but if
21:09 you don't say something that says something in itself exact all these are ner ner on type
21:16 things in the brain that we're going to talk about the physiology. I got a quote.
21:20 >> That I want to read from rate or when he's a pastor and he was taught giving a talk
21:27 about James 3, 2, with says Faith controls the top. Just like we've talked about. He
21:30 says. The temptation is to think when talking about words, but I'm not doing
21:37 anything. It's only words. But words alone. Can bring government down or establish
21:45 peace. It can destroy a marriage. It can renew hope. It can crush a child's sense
21:54 of worth or lift them up to confidence. And joy. Words can unify a church or splinter it
22:01 into angry factions. Words can send a soul to heaven or h*** when we observe. The impact of
22:11 our words, we can see why God cares. So intensively about these. And here is Solomon,
22:17 the wise, the sky at his time talking about how important words are. We're seeing it in
22:24 the New Testament. So words affect our physiology. We have to do something about it and
22:31 decide what are we going to do and nowhere Nuss. Is this what we want to make people aware
22:36 what they're putting in their brains to what they're reading, what they're seeing.
22:39 It's affecting us in the short term and it's going to affect us in the long term present
22:44 the physiology behind that in a few minutes. >> That that's that some
22:49 incredible stuff. It's really eye-opening time and other large sent you here for this.
22:53 With everything going on around us and and the world TODAY, Politics, if you look
22:58 at all the words is going back and forth, all the things that are being said, whether you're
23:02 on the left or the right or somewhere in between that affects us. And I'm always
23:07 amazed that I hear we don't think you can hear different people arguing one side or the
23:14 other and they'll bring up whether it's one of the politicians and they'll tell
23:19 you how terrible is guy. This is a terrible, terrible and then you find out it's all
23:24 hearsay. And then they do another one that way. this most wonderful guy in the
23:27 world and you find out the truth behind it all. And so we allow those words to come in.
23:33 And so we have to be careful then I think, which is sent to of what we take in what we
23:39 listen to, even if it's the news on television, whether it's movies, whether it's
23:44 whatever, even maybe music. Yeah, I mean, just think about it do all inputs.
23:49 >> The change your physiology. You know, you know, I want everyone to eat a salad every
23:54 I want everyone to put good words in themselves every day and realizing that we don't do
23:58 that. We're going to have health going hurt us. Let's talk a little bit about the
24:08 physiology. That's pretty complex. So if I say things that that people don't
24:11 understand, I'm just just we let let me know, OK, so this book is one of the best books
24:17 I've read about by Andrew Newberg. It's how words can change your K and the
24:24 researchers in this field. The way they do that, the course Almond didn't have this in his
24:32 time guy. He said it because it's came from, you know, it's true. It's in the word of God.
24:35 It's true. He doesn't have to prove it. But some people, if you can give them the science
24:40 behind the word of except a little bit You know, like and we've got eat healthy foods.
24:47 You know, when God says to be out in the sunshine drink with those type of things, worship.
24:50 But the way we study words they have these imaging devices and imaging takes
24:58 pictures of different things. We have chest X-rays, which take pictures of a chest
25:02 X-ray. We have CAT scans. We have C T scans of different things where we have a a
25:07 device called an M R I know that stands for magnetic resonance and they can
25:15 actually take pictures. It's really good for soft tissues and brain is a soft tissue. So
25:21 what in the 90's? He's a really smart guy that figure out ways we can look at the
25:26 brain and see what it's doing and image. So they found out that the blood flow in the
25:32 brain, cerebral blood flow. It's coupled with our R R. The part that's more active is
25:41 doing things from a mental standpoint. So what they would do is they would give people
25:46 words and phrases. And look at the blood flow in that part of the So if a word was
25:53 triggering something they would see that light up that part with light up with little
25:57 and then week they would study what does that brain do and what its consequences. And so
26:04 that's sort of how they study with these functional MRI. So to get people words over and
26:09 over, they scan them and they see how the blood flow is that different parts of the brain
26:12 based on the stimuli that they give them negative words, positive words. So Andrew
26:18 Newberg in his book, he talks about some of the cutting edge. But but what he's found
26:24 out that positive negative words, especially turn on the part of the brain called the
26:32 That's the stress part of the brain words. I don't want to say a lot of negative words,
26:36 but no was a negative word. And as the state of motion, yes, no. And that turns on a
26:42 good look, the major list, the stress part of the brain. And when that part of the brain is
26:47 turned on to any degree, it says to the rest of the body, we're under attack. under
26:55 attack. It can't just it distinguish all this where the attacks coming from. But this
26:59 negative word has turned me on. And when it does turns on the north near ONS are
27:05 activated. So we make different neural chemicals, some of them we've heard about
27:09 his doping mean that's a good one. People like to have dope and makes you feel good.
27:15 there's other ones called Gabba serotonin. All of these are in a related and that's
27:20 how the brain neurons talk to each other. But it's also the neurons talk to the rest of
27:25 the body and the rest. The body makes these chemical things called hormones and
27:29 nerve pathways. And all of a sudden you make chemicals like adrenaline and cortisol and
27:36 inflammatory cited kinds and it's all starting in the brain he found out by his functional
27:41 MRI scans that these negative words, he compared subjects in just given a few negative were
27:46 turned on this part of the And there's a scientist at a mass general. In 2008 he published
27:53 in a journal called Plus One is names Dusek and he worked in Benson's laboratory and he
27:58 said that repetitive positive words and repetitive net negative words can actually
28:04 change your genes. Your genetic makeup. let me explain that a little bit that number.
28:13 seems that we've all heard of our DNA, the DNA, some scientists say the DNA is the
28:17 language of God. Because the DNA makes up. You. that makes up who you are. You got that
28:24 from your mom and dad. Unfortunately, we've inherited some bad DNA. Yeah, it's
28:29 flawed. DNA won't be that way forever. Yeah. But we're living with flawed DNA. And no
28:34 matter what we do, flawed DNA. So within that DNA, we have things like hardware, not
28:41 computer. You got your hardware and then your software, the things that
28:45 affect it. We call that the epigenetics and different stimuli changes your
28:53 epigenetics. So your genes, your DNA makes different types of proteins with the defect,
29:00 different things in the body, including the way you think and even your behavior just by
29:06 these words that we might receive. So you can see that this is opened up a large
29:10 amount of research. Of course. The pharmaceutical industry's not behind this because no
29:16 one's going to pay a big buck for for you to, you know, I may give you 6 words that are
29:23 good for wants no one really wants to hear >> But I would invite
29:28 attention. You can give us a prescription. Why are our come? And he prescription use
29:35 these words. Yeah, help you. this is how the science started to develop. And
29:38 there's some other, you know, so this. >> So when this amid Tillis
29:41 turn on, you make more adrenaline, which increases your blood pressure. And when
29:47 the blood pressure is high damages, this lining here, which is called the
29:51 endothelium, the goes all over the body. So you're more likely to get plaques and
29:56 cholesterol in your arteries people can have and your resumes over time. So true.
30:02 There's inflammation. Yes, it does that it triggers the inflammatory side a kind it
30:08 can and trick because quarters almost talking about words. Yes, we're 10, not bad. And
30:14 what I know that's not what that can do it to words. Yes, words can contribute today as
30:18 they can do all that. They can do some bad things. Now it's everything combined with this
30:22 is just one aspect of negative words and we see it in developing brains, especially
30:27 negative words because the brain hasn't. Had the ability to protect itself as well as
30:34 we get older. We have more protective Pathways in brains. We know how to handle things
30:40 when you're young and you get all this bad words and negativity and people yelling
30:43 and screaming and telling you not worth anything. >> It damages you a lot more
30:47 in the brain. So so we're finding that the stressful words have long-term health
30:53 consequences. They might contribute to blood pressure when your immune system is not
30:58 well, you can more prone to get infections. You don't sleep well at night. It is a
31:02 lot of downhill because the body says I want to stay alive. want to stay alive by
31:07 keeping my blood pressure. A pick up my blood. Europe. But when it does, it's the brain
31:11 to something called downshifting. So it down shifts to this part that Weise
31:17 share with reptiles and amphibians of let's just stay alive and the higher
31:23 functioning, the reasoning, the figuring things out the abstract thought is turned
31:27 down to some degree. So it impacts the frontal lobe as well. Yes, exactly. Because
31:32 that's what we do. Our higher cognitive thinking was so if we get a bunch of negative
31:37 words, our body goes into stress mode, defense mode. And we're not able to think and
31:42 figure things out as And all of this is starting to show up from this. This functional MRI
31:47 research. I got some other really interesting things to tell up. So this guy in 2007
31:55 tower Bovis shows about the middle of doing all this being turned on by these functional
31:59 MRI. But we have another researcher called Klein and he did. This is research in this
32:04 journal called Emotion and he showed specifically that words engage collateral orbital
32:13 frontal cortex and he specifically found out that negative words had greater
32:17 impact than positive words. Another researcher found on this. this guidance Smith in
32:24 neural cycle. He has found it that positive words. When you receive positive word. It
32:31 tends to stimulate the motivational parts of the brain interesting dressed part
32:35 motivational part to play and in 2010, another researcher called Farrar said that the
32:43 faster we interrupt this negative word pathway. The better. So if we stay on that
32:48 path way, all of a sudden these this pathway, these neuronal activation become
32:53 stronger and stronger and it's hard to break away from this. You think about a negative
32:58 fought in the middle of the night and all of a sudden you can't get it out of your gets
33:02 bigger and bigger and harder to get rid of. Goldstein in 2007 and archives, psychiatry
33:11 showed that the positive words not only motivate us, but they could also turn on and off of
33:19 genes be a process called methylation and where we can change your genes in different
33:23 parts of the brain, including a park called Wiernicki area. So that's the part of the
33:28 brain that actually determines the meaning of words so huge that can be altered by certain
33:33 words as well. It's so it's very interesting, but I want to I want us to close this
33:40 part with with this study. This was done in 2010 and this is very interesting and very
33:45 applicable to us today. This was done by Faulk in California, published in
33:49 neuroscience. He looked at functional MRIs and what they did that took a bunch of
33:52 people. And they read and they they they they have the that the subject had to listen to
34:01 messages, encouraging them to take sunscreen. So they encourage him to take
34:08 sunscreen. all they did with a study that MRIs their brains change. And guess what, the
34:11 next week they started use sunscreen. More even though they just because they heard
34:16 this message and it changed the thought process in the brain. So it will do that with
34:20 smokers. into the same study with smokers and when they heard this message is the
34:24 parts of the brain that did with that, do smoke is not good. They actually cut down
34:28 their cigarettes just on the messaging. And advertisers use this all the time called loser
34:36 effect to far brain receives sub. Even if it's false information enough times, the
34:40 brain tends to it's true. And so for Barr did enough. There are signs of cruisers were
34:48 bombarded enough. We see these neurological changes. The middle is turned on. We can't
34:51 reason as well. We can't worship as received this negativity all the time. So
34:58 words can affect the brain. So I'm going to do an experiment today. Can we do an experiment
35:04 her? That would be fine. Okay. is drink some more. >> Haha, OK, now if you want,
35:09 you can feel your blood, you feel your heart rate is that that will that will be a good.
35:14 That will be a experiment for us. You're probably one of the best looking guys I've ever
35:20 seen. Give on. Oh, well, Yeah. On your your laugh is so infectious. It just makes my
35:29 heart do so good. And when I when I'm with you, I just feel the love of God in this room.
35:38 I'm not just I'm so thankful. I'm just so thankful that you came here and are sharing your
35:41 thoughts with me and everyone else. >> I'm just so grateful to
35:46 that. And I'm just so glad that we have the word of God that we can study and we can
35:50 learn. I just think that's the greatest thing ever. How does that make you feel? Makes you
35:58 feel good, right? So I've given words green, that's changed your neural pathways
36:03 to the good, the bad hopefully we've got the motivational part of the brain. I'm not
36:08 going to do the other. Okay. if I did the others, guess what your heart rate we do
36:16 cause of rental and yeah and the stress part. And then all the sudden you focus on that
36:19 and you wouldn't focus on these other things. We should be accomplishing a real
36:22 purpose. You follow me. Yeah. So we can be distracted so much that our bodies under so
36:29 much stress and confusion that we don't use the part of our brain to figure out what God
36:32 wants us to do every day. >> Devon Light. One of the questions is this. How can I
36:38 how can I have positive words when my husband us all negative?
36:41 >> That is a hard one. And that is a hard one. And that's and that's why we, you know,
36:47 always acknowledge him and he would go to the promises of God and he will direct the
36:53 paths I had a patient the other day that had at 3 or 4 heart attacks. He was in his
36:58 40's already had a couple bypasses and and, you know, he said I'm not going to quit
37:03 smoking. I can't do it. Oh, mercy. And I said to him, you know, well, I wish you would.
37:08 That's the free will. Yeah. And respect your decision to free will. That's important is
37:16 important to dog dry because, you know, he Satan at is the Adam had his choice. We have
37:22 our choice is going choose this day. Who knew a surrogate? I said, listen, are
37:25 you interested in internal healing? Oh, yeah, I'm interested in that. Let's talk
37:32 about Jesus. Okay. Let's talk about the power of the Holy Spirit. Said that the baby,
37:37 the of the Holy Spirit can come in your life and change. You. You can't do this on your
37:42 own, but maybe this situation with a husband? Well, you know, she can't maybe can't do
37:46 it. And maybe he can't do it. But that's what we have to depend on the power of Jesus.
37:54 The power of the Holy Spirit. To transform our minds. Our hearts, our brains. But first
38:00 is a realization that we have a need. We have a problem. We have a choice to make. Were we
38:04 going to go to find the right words or to help these with these problems? Yes, you know,
38:10 and you know, sometimes medicines are needed, but sometimes other things
38:16 sometimes local prescriptions, biblical promises that we can go back to and realizing, you
38:21 know, if we feel this way, we have bad genetics, no doubt about it. We'll get that. We
38:24 have bad genetics and only God's going make those perfect Sunday in his time. But until
38:29 then, we have to hang on to the promises and try to make each day as good as we can
38:34 walking with him >> I think >> parents. Yeah. Pool are
38:43 some parents who are saying to their children, you're lazy, you stupid. You'll full these
38:52 words are causing these children to internalize the those feelings about
38:56 themselves. I man who was labeled a functional illiterate and he said when he
39:04 was like in the 8th grade or something and he said he knew he didn't know what it was,
39:09 but he knew it wasn't something good. Any any noticed how people started
39:15 treating him differently and he began to live up to that. Will it turned out somebody he
39:21 had some learning disabilities, taught him how to read properly end changed
39:29 the way for seniors chain words and then >> he became he ended up being
39:33 a Ph D. >> And very successful. Yeah. But we can impact people's
39:41 lives negatively by what we say to them by saying bye. Saying they'll never be
39:47 successful of them, never make it or whatever it is. And those words can be toxic.
39:53 >> So we want our words to be like honey comes. That's right. Yeah. But it's the same
39:58 time we have use honest words. Why? As we have to you know, we have to find that balance
40:02 and the way. >> But I've learned about how to speak better is just
40:07 reading the red words in my Bible. Yeah. How did cry had had he addressed people? What
40:13 can I learn from have and then try avoid some of this bombardment that the world is
40:20 trying to bombard me with the deceptions. These other words that are just that are
40:25 affecting me, whether I realize it or not, they are affecting realizing that I
40:28 have to do something about it. And I have to come to the word of God, a biblical
40:33 prescriptions, biblical promises to sort of realize that these words we don't. We
40:39 want Christ's words to overwhelm us. So we our brains focus on that. So we get
40:43 higher part of our brains working. Not the stress part that's damaging our chemistry
40:49 that are hurting us long What made you decide to? >> A study this this area of,
40:55 you know, the impact of words on the body? Well, you know. It's it's been a journey for
41:01 me. But, you you know how it isn't like your work really hard and many, many years and
41:07 get so wrapped up in that in modern medicine is very interesting. The technology
41:11 part of that I've always been drawn. >> To the spiritual and within
41:16 that, there's a place for lifestyle that is a place for mom has been lot of people. I
41:20 just wanted to let them know that Christ really is the key to healing. And he led me to
41:26 the different words have gotten as I've cut back hours that had more time to process.
41:30 And I've had more time personally to spend in Bible study and prayer. Okay. And I
41:34 pray for ideas that I might help use to other people help spread the gospel. You know,
41:41 little things that might help somebody at least think about this and realizing, hey, you
41:44 know, maybe I can do better. How do I do better? With my words? How do I stay away from
41:50 words that are hurting me? And that might be something as simple as don't read the
41:56 interview much cut back that negative stimuli. You know, little things like that are
42:02 focusing more on positive things. You know, the word the word of God, getting more of
42:07 those inputs and knowing what to do when I feel this overwhelming sense of stress
42:11 losing control over my own thoughts. You know, and sometimes people that they
42:17 feel like they're losing control over their brains. You know, they're just overwhelmed
42:21 with there's this. This remember the Texan Bible, God did not create a spirit of
42:26 fear, but fears everywhere. Now. And fear and anxiety. And that's not God's way. And that
42:34 just destroys our brains are way to and the way to serve him. That's why he mentions
42:40 that. But, you know, and you know, when to flip Ian's for remember that tax, you know,
42:42 it, he tells us what to do. Prayers, supplication turn to him. He knew it was going to
42:48 be a problem just like they knew in the word that words were going to be a problem.
42:52 And in health, we've talked about all sorts of things. You know, we focus on food and
42:57 that's OK and we focus on exercise. That's OK, but we also need to focus on other
43:01 things, too, like words and what they are doing to not only our relationship with
43:06 each other, but our relationship with God. This is these are our turn. Ul healing
43:12 principles, areas. Go ahead. What I like about what you're saying is, you know.
43:17 >> Having come out of the new age, yeah. Thing what I like about what you're saying is
43:24 that are positive. Words come from the word. You we're not talking about and I don't want
43:30 the viewers or listeners to think we're talking about some kind of like word of faith
43:34 kind of thing like naming claimant. We're not talking about that. We're talking
43:39 about using words to impact our physiology, using the word of God? Yes, not just
43:47 affirmations. I am beautiful. I am smart. I am that. No, it's not about us. It's about
43:53 what does the word say? I'm loved by God. Yeah, I have bought with the price that
43:59 that is. Those kind of affirmations. What we should be using not not new and and
44:09 Suki first. Yes, the kingdom of God. Yes. And his son. >> And all these things and
44:16 even the bad genetics that we have sooner or later, the all these things will be added to
44:18 in God's time. Some people. I found in dealing with health. You know. We're not going to
44:27 be perfect, you know, and sometimes God uses are illnesses to bring us closer
44:32 to him and save him. Ask Paul, you many others. God wants us for eternal internal healing
44:41 and that in the health message is something that needs to be right up there front, you
44:46 know, and that's the key because some people try to do everything. You know, they get
44:51 scared. So they do things for their own self to do things for selfish reasons. That's
44:55 not the reason to do it. We want to do in all things we wanted glorify God right for
44:59 the we want to do things for the right reason to the power of the Holy Spirit, including
45:05 the words we use. And there's real strong science here that now back up, what the word of
45:10 God says the words are something we need to think about in our society. The
45:15 words that our kids are getting, the words were using. The words were not using. It's
45:21 it's a big deal and it's going to affect our ability to reason that ability to deal
45:25 with some of these chronic health >> Well, what you are saying,
45:29 well, it goes and I think the Me Generation, yeah. And you see these magazines and, you
45:35 know, I'm beautiful and, you know, and a person could be 300 pounds and overweight. And
45:42 they're saying, you claim at this issue, this is who you are. And so women will get in
45:48 and get out, you know, and maybe swimming suits, water. I've seen him and you're like,
45:52 what are they thinking? You know, but it's just from a health wise. So there's such a
45:57 fine line because want to be positive, but not to the point of flattery or to the point of
46:03 why you know what, sometimes it's tough is when we have to and I'm sure people had to do
46:07 it to May. But you have to love people enough to tell them the truth. So what may
46:14 appear say a preacher's preaching a sermon or you're somebody comes in the fellow.
46:20 That's what this moat or says he can't quit smoking, but you have to instead of saying,
46:24 well, I I agree with you and that's who you are. And you've been smoking all these years
46:29 continue as his physician. It's your responsibility and your privilege to offer him
46:34 something better physically and spiritually. And so that's why today. I think so many of
46:43 us our law just had someone tell me this week, the students that I'm afraid to
46:47 say anything. There's all these gender things going on. Somebody thinks there they or
46:52 a, you know, he thinks he's the she and they say I'm afraid to say because whatever
46:57 I say, everybody comes down on me. And so it's a tough time, especially for young people in
47:04 the world in general to be able to to use the right words. How do I say the right
47:10 things? But make sure I say it in love. And so it's always going to go back, hold up my
47:16 phone because that my bible on it tonight. But it's always going to go back to the word
47:21 of God, I think is the only way that weekend because if you listen to the world, it's
47:26 so confusing. Yeah. I mean, you have talk about words been powerful and I talked about it
47:31 last fall, but in are campaigning. But you have doctors today, literally one
47:35 was from Harvard that they because of all of gender thing. They asked this doctor
47:44 who who's special Day, you know, is physiology and and they said what about can you
47:51 tell? Gender of the baby as soon as it's born. Now she's taught their time to act from
47:59 Harvard. The answer was well, not really. were not able to take several years as the
48:06 child develops, too. Figure out what his gender is now. Wait a minute. If you put 2
48:14 little kindergartners in a room, a boy or girl and you in their neck it they're going to
48:19 grab and try to hold themselves right, cover themselves. And so like, no,
48:22 no, no, don't they know the difference? So words or even powerful? So you think this is
48:28 not just affecting the teenagers or the grade school kids? We have, you know,
48:32 people in high positions and the higher, you know, learning institutions that are going
48:39 along with all of this. And it's to me, it's like this is absolutely amazing. Only way
48:42 we can do that is if we as Christians, Christian universities are doing the
48:49 same thing. They're going way away and accepting things that's totally counter to the
48:55 10 Commandments. But always have a reason behind it. This is that. And so the only thing
49:03 that's protection we have is a word of So it keeps us on course. You have to make this
49:10 our And this is this is our truth. This is our truth. Yes, and we can't compromise that.
49:15 >> Because when we start to compromise. Things start going crazy. But, you know, I just
49:20 want our audience today to realize that the words are important. God has things to
49:25 say about words and he has given us some some answers, you know about what, what,
49:31 what, what we can do. You know, in Psalms 19 forces. But the words of my mouth and
49:38 meditation of my heart be How does that happen? What happened happened for us to
49:44 have a relationship with have the Holy Spirit. We have to have that power because we
49:50 can't do it in ourselves. can do it that that power and asking God, please help me to
49:54 understand the words I'm using the words I'm receding to let them know that they're making
50:00 a difference not only to to my health, but the difference to other people's health. And
50:06 it's a it's an important health concept that I think that we need to realize that
50:08 it's out there. I'm just like there's other inputs that are coming into our bodies. And I
50:15 got really concerned about Wesley, all these mental health problems now, the
50:21 younger age group what's causing What's causing Have to get it from somewhere. We
50:24 didn't have it 40, 50 years ago, but now we are. So something has changed.
50:33 >> I think some of that and I'm just going from my own experience as parents that
50:38 have several children. And of course, they're very demanding children are. So you a
50:45 telephone, you let him go into a room because when you're in a room for 3 or 4 hours,
50:50 you've got a little time yourself. You can do whatever. And it seems to me that so
50:55 many parents are letting their kids watch because when you have this telephones, even
51:00 though there's filters, it doesn't keep everything out. And these kids are watching.
51:04 They're being bombarded by all of this stuff and you go on Facebook at whatever age, 11
51:09 or 12 years old and all this garbage that you get on the there and the parents don't
51:15 even know. And here you have kids that are literally making a life changing decisions. You
51:21 know, I want to be this or I want to do that or I want to change from boy or girl. The
51:24 parents have no idea, but they're learning all this are bombarded by just counterfeit,
51:32 you that Satan was said for everything good, you know, state has a counterfeit and it
51:36 seems to me that as parents that we have to and grandparents we have to
51:42 continually, you know, especially the parents who have the kids. You got to be
51:47 in charge and see what they're watching monitoring the great word. But not only saying what
51:51 you can watch but say here's what you can watch And here's what we do. Want to teach you.
51:58 You have a child. It doesn't know if he's a boy or girl. All right. We're going to have
52:03 some education classes on that. Let's decide to Bible says, right? We have to do
52:09 that. >> Over and over and over because we've seen it. The
52:11 more hear it, the more it develops these pathways, you know you it's got to it's
52:16 going to be intentional. Got in the intentional. And that's why the Bible to, you know,
52:24 God said when you're walking, by the way, in. >> All of these different
52:29 activities. >> Talk about the law. Talk about God, talk about, you
52:33 know, keep these things in the forefront. Yes, because repetition, as you're saying,
52:37 repetition is what? >> Gets it into the burning. Yeah, basically, but it's so
52:44 easy. You know, in our lives. Everything's going good. We have good jobs were busy. We
52:49 have our friends. We have it so well. You know, in the states and,
52:53 >> you know, everything's going so easy. It's so easy to all the side. You know, all of
52:58 a sudden all this input starts affecting us. Know this product is good. You know,
53:02 this is the best thing ever. This is the best thing ever. This is the best thing ever.
53:05 And sooner or later it goes in you enough. The your brain starts processing
53:10 >> Well, for the church, these words because I was thinking back in middle 80's when we
53:17 started and through the 80's and the when we would go to churches will travel to 3
53:21 weekends a month. There was such an urgency that Jesus coming soon. We've got to
53:28 prepare. We got to get ready, you know, get ready. And and I don't hear that near as much
53:34 anymore. Just since social media has come in the early 2, thousands, it seems like it's
53:39 affected. You know that not just our church. I'm sure all of them, but I wait when we
53:43 travel. We don't say that urgency anymore. That well, Jesus is coming. We need to go
53:48 out. We need to be a witness saying the people we kind of just going and have or social
53:53 club, you know, more or less. And we went to church and you go home, do whatever you did.
53:56 And I believe that's these words that's affecting all of us, young and old because
54:03 social media and all of these things affect all of us. It will allow it to distract us
54:08 from the word of God I love that we're this and we have to get back into the word and we
54:15 have to get with the holy spirit and we have to. >> We have to do these things
54:20 because Christ is the key to and without Christ. None of this is going to work.
54:26 >> With Christ, all things are possible. And the only way you get crisis, the word have an
54:30 active daily relationship and that's what we need to focus on. And we not get rid some of
54:37 these other distractions. That's our message. There's no message, OK, very. And I want
54:43 to answer some questions of people have on this. We get I'm sure they have questions
54:46 on this as well as other health topics. >> Yes, so we're going to yes,
54:51 before we take a break, we're going to take a Want to give them the information again?
54:55 Sure. And they were headed up on the screen. Yes. so text your questions. Doctor Markham
55:02 is here. So your comments to we want meant. What do you think is the you know, this
55:06 whole thing off base or we you know, you over or, you relax, right, doctor, you know, are
55:13 no, I I see it. I agree. It's it helpful. We want to hear your comments. Otherwise we
55:16 could save a lot of money and a lot of time, I say down the satellite and just talking
55:23 among ourselves, we get the economy would benefit from all this. But now you around the
55:26 world listening and watching, did you know that our satellite signal it goes to
55:33 when we're talking right now goes 22,300 miles, the space, then it it hits a satellite
55:40 that satellites ended at the speed of light 186,000 miles per second. Right now, back
55:46 down into the homes of people all over planet Earth and less than 3 seconds. Now I figured
55:53 out the other dad never really figured out how many miles per hour would you guess would you
55:59 all guests that the signal is traveling the technology you said you like, technology. I
56:05 love this technology. So the signal as I'm speaking as Doctor Markham is speaking
56:10 right now is traveling at 670 million miles an hour. 6. that is 7 and a half times
56:20 around circumnavigating the earth and one 0nd. So times, 7, half times around the earth
56:28 and one second but down. So people say, well, how do you know the Lord is coming?
56:33 Everybody said, you know, knowledge should be increased in men. You know, in all this
56:36 for 50 years, I say, look, if the Lord carried 1000 years, how much could improve on 3
56:42 seconds? It won't change. So God has given us the technology. Now what we need
56:46 is that hard change to have the desire to say, Lord, you saved now I want to go Cher
56:54 and tell others what you have done for me. That's always commissioned us to do go Ian
56:57 Matthew, 2018 to 20, go ye into all the world to be a witness and to all the world.
57:04 So we come to the foot of the cross. First, we deny ourselves. We we confess our
57:08 sins to Jay-Z and guess what he says. If you confess your faithful and just to forgive
57:13 you from your scent and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. So here
57:19 things are really so simple and so laid out. We have a loving savior who saves his by
57:24 his grace. And people are all confused. They're all tore up. They don't know what to do. It
57:29 is all terrible when the answer and a Cape region over to this My thank my phone. But
57:34 right here, that's the answer. I look, we're going to have to take a break for just a moment
57:39 that calling your questions. We have several right now. But when we come back is just
57:42 first come first. Serve will be back in just a moment. ♪
57:50 ♪ ♪


Revised 2023-12-28