3ABN Today Live

Urgency of the Times

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230013A

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:05 >> I want to.
00:11 [MUSIC]
00:18 [MUSIC]
00:22 >> Me, too.
00:27 >> Too
00:32 [MUSIC]
00:34 2.
00:38 And
00:43 and
00:45 [MUSIC]
00:48 I want to stand
00:49 [MUSIC]
00:53 and 2.
00:55 [MUSIC]
01:00 [MUSIC]
01:07 >> Hello and welcome to another 3 ABN Today Live special
01:11 program. We're so glad to be in your living room or maybe
01:14 you're driving your car listing to 3ABN radio. We always look
01:18 forward to spending these 2 hours with you. One reason is
01:21 because you're part of the 3 ABN family. And and Joe,
01:25 we've been looking forward to this program for a while this
01:27 evening.
01:28 >> We have indeed we have, of course, Danielle Van Shelton
01:30 with us coasting with us. I lied about that. But we also
01:36 have some special guest joining us via Skype. They're
01:40 incredibly busy and could not be here in studio with us
01:43 tonight. But if you saw on the wide shot, you saw there
01:47 joining us virtually that is the advantage of technology.
01:52 And we have heard we have with us tonight.
01:54 >> We have a general conference president of 7 to having us and
01:57 the elder. Ted Wilson, of course, is a lovely wife.
02:00 Nancy, with us this evening and many times, Mister Danny
02:03 Doctor, Yvonne, they've been able to join us here on the
02:04 set. Yes evening. They haven't were not able to but praise the
02:08 Lord for Technology Nest. There it is. Great.
02:11 >> And elder Wilson and sister Nancy. I was talking to
02:15 Catholic friend of mine just a couple days ago on it said what
02:17 your schedule this weekend as one of the things will be
02:21 interviewing the president of the General Conference and he's
02:24 like, well, how would that be related? That's it's kind of
02:27 like you're pope. So he's not up but is the head of our
02:33 church. Haha, that's right. We'll make that clear. He said,
02:36 oh, I understand that. Now I understand as well, weird.
02:40 You know, so, but anyway, I thought does little humorous.
02:43 But the truth is that is a privilege to have you as a
02:46 world leader. We've been supportive 3 a ban of you and
02:49 your work for many, many years. And sister Nancy, for what you
02:53 guys do for the cause of God, God has called you for such an
02:57 hour's this really a B and 100% or more of possible behind you.
03:02 We pray for you and support you and we believe God has you
03:06 exactly where he wants you in these closing moments of verses
03:09 strict. Thank you for both of you for what you do for the
03:12 cause and got then.
03:15 >> It's a great, great privilege to be with you,
03:19 Greg in jail and Danny and the van. Just wonderful to be able
03:23 to talk about
03:25 last day events and what God is doing all over the world
03:29 and how things are wrapping up quickly and what an opportunity
03:35 for 7th. They add that this is stand up and be great defenders
03:40 of God's truth. We're going to get into all that. But I just
03:43 want to say what a privilege it is to be with you and the
03:47 strong support that 3 ABN gives not only to the church itself
03:52 but to the message,
03:54 the Bible message that God has entrusted to us. Thank you so
03:57 much as lore.
03:59 >> Amen. It's an incredible privilege for us to spend these
04:02 2 hours with you just talking together. We believe, as you
04:06 mentioned in them message that's founded the word of God
04:10 that was believed by 7th Day Adventists. And we do. We pray
04:13 for you both, Greg and I pray for you many times. We know
04:18 that your responsibilities are large, but the Lord says Steyn
04:21 view. So I just want to mention Nancy tell we mentioned on a
04:24 roll since title is president of the General Conference of
04:27 7th they have in us and sister Nancy, you are protocol
04:31 consultant. I want to know what that means. But I also think
04:34 another title could be Manna has a very nice. I don't a
04:39 little bit about what protocol consultant means and also by
04:43 family.
04:45 >> Well,
04:48 I don't know where to start a protocol specialists. They were
04:53 trying to figure out how to
04:57 describe what I do.
04:59 >> I do a lot with people who are coming in.
05:02 >> 2 more care for the first time
05:06 and we open our home
05:09 and it's very traumatic. I think when you we have many
05:12 people from overseas and even if you are from
05:17 America, it's
05:19 when you come to a place this large, it can you can feel lost
05:23 and like you're not part of a family. So we do everything we
05:27 can to help them settle in to learn their way around and to
05:31 feel like we are a family. So
05:34 it was tough during COVID because we couldn't socialize,
05:38 but we're very happy that we can get together now and
05:42 just enjoy each other's company. It's it's usually the
05:46 wives to come because they
05:50 they may wear care, but they may not. And so they need the
05:53 socialization. They get to know each other.
05:56 And so it's it has a lot to do with
05:59 helping people from outside who are coming in to feel
06:03 comfortable to feel like they belong and they are part of our
06:07 family.
06:08 So and when we do have them show, I tell them what your job
06:12 is. Time and well, one of my hat, Tad is the Butler. Haha.
06:18 And he wears a white shirt and a black tie and he has this
06:23 white cloth over his arm to it. He serves the ladies and
06:30 it's then love it. He helps clean up the kitchen. He is.
06:35 He's on duty as the butler. Whenever he's in town and we do
06:38 this so
06:40 we will enjoy it.
06:43 But we have 3 daughters and 3 sons in law who have given us.
06:49 We now have 10 grandchildren, 5 grandsons and 5 grand daughters
06:54 and life is so interesting and wonderful.
06:59 >> They make the world go round and we we learn from our
07:03 children and our grandchildren and we love.
07:06 We love being Manny and Poppy.
07:09 >> Yeah, yeah.
07:11 All right. But they're growing up really fast.
07:15 >> It's so beautiful because really what you're both saying
07:19 is that you're involved in service and that's what the law
07:23 that would have us to do to serve others. And you are,
07:26 you know, here that the president and first lady and
07:30 you still serving. And I just think that that is so
07:33 beautiful. That is what Jesus did. That is what we're to do.
07:37 So we just we we really appreciate that. We see that
07:40 sense of service in you and we appreciate that.
07:45 >> Yeah, it's a powerful storm. You know, it's great to build a
07:47 stand-up in front of people and preach a sermon. But there's
07:50 also a sermon in shoes. All right. So do the serve. As
07:53 you're mentioning. You know, that's beautiful. You know,
07:55 your real, real genuine people. I've had the opportunity from
07:58 time to time to get to talk with you as you've been here 3
08:01 than we've been in other events. We just appreciate your
08:03 genuine this, your love of people, your love of God in
08:06 your heart for evangelism and has been mentioned already.
08:10 Again, we support you and the efforts that you're doing.
08:14 And again, we pray for you many, many times and there were
08:17 so thankful for what you're doing and God is called the for
08:21 such a time as this and to Wilson. I know that we're
08:24 living in some amazing times right now. You can kind of see
08:27 things wrapping up. Want to talk to us about that in the in
08:31 the global vision of the 7th avenues church.
08:35 >> Well, thank you, Greg.
08:37 It is a real privilege to serve as has been already indicated.
08:42 We don't just live in a kind of a bubble
08:45 that kind of bureaucratic setting.
08:48 We live in a real world and it's just a privilege to be
08:52 able to see what God is doing to help and assist where we
08:56 can.
08:58 One of the challenges that we see is that
09:05 some people
09:07 are very aware of the urgency of time,
09:11 the times in which we're living. Others
09:14 seem to be maybe
09:17 annoyed or concerned about certain things because it's not
09:22 moving the way they would like it, but they don't understand
09:26 why things are happening.
09:29 And one of the biggest things that that we are noticing as we
09:33 travel the world and and maybe
09:36 later on in the program, we'll get into
09:38 recent trip that we took a 3 and a half week trip, which was
09:43 a grueling trip, probably one of the most grueling trips we
09:46 have taken, not from the standpoint of difficult places
09:50 to stay and lack of food and all that. But time lies.
09:55 Just one appointment after another, you know, getting
09:58 sleep 5, 6, hours a night if that which is not good health
10:02 reform, but this was in Africa and we'll get into that.
10:07 But when we when we see things happening all around the world,
10:11 we see that there is in some people
10:14 the appropriate sense of urgency
10:18 that we are living in the very end of time. And I mean,
10:21 all of us, he just
10:23 look at juror
10:24 your own news feed that you prefer each morning or during
10:30 the day and you will see everything around this world.
10:34 I mean, just about everything
10:37 this integrated getting
10:39 worst, getting frayed at the edges. Things are not solid.
10:44 I mean, even the most recent situations regarding bank
10:49 difficulties and fame years, I mean, you know, you just don't
10:54 know what's going to come around the corner in the next
10:57 day. And so the urgency of the times is something that
11:02 we are really
11:04 trying to focus upon and encourage our church members to
11:07 understand.
11:08 >> The prophecies in Daniel in revelation are so appropriate.
11:14 So current so
11:18 contemporary
11:20 that they ought to be paying attention to these prophetic
11:23 messages. And then, you know, Matthew, 24, which is Christ's
11:29 amazing indication of
11:32 the last days and what to expect. I mean, you could make
11:37 15 sermons out of just that one chapter. I mean, it's just
11:40 incredible. But when you see that in Matthew, 24 in verse 5,
11:47 it says people are going to come saying I'm the Christ,
11:50 I will try and help you out. Well, they're going to deceive
11:53 many people who don't know the word of God. And that's another
11:58 area that we really need to emphasize is the accuracy,
12:03 the absolute voracity, the U.S. 14 of the word of God, the word
12:10 of God, as it reads, being able to understand God's word and
12:14 saying that's what he is wanting us to do
12:19 this misinterpretation of this or that? Well, you know,
12:22 you have to come from it in this context. You don't
12:26 understand what it was like then. You know, now we're in a
12:29 different age and on and on. We can get into that as well.
12:32 What my real point in beginning our conversation here today is
12:37 that the sense of urgency
12:40 we see on the part of many members around the world who
12:45 have become so enthralled with the pressure is good news that
12:49 Jesus Christ has
12:51 save does through his power is justifying righteousness and he
12:56 is sanctified right, just and so that every day and we're
13:00 learning to be more and more like Christ. We are all
13:03 centers. We all need to come to the foot of the cross every
13:06 day. But his righteousness is there, too, to pull us through
13:12 and to cover us and also to help us to become more like
13:17 him. And this sense of urgency is something which I think we
13:21 are seeing more and more of in many people and less and less
13:26 in others. So there is this this divide that is developing
13:32 and it all comes down in my opinion, 2 year relationship
13:37 with Christ
13:38 and his word Christ is the living word. This is his
13:42 written word and mom that hangs so much.
13:47 >> Of how we interpret the world. Our world view so its
13:52 7th Day Adventists. And I'm hoping
13:55 all 7th Day Adventists, although there are those who
13:59 have different ideas, very different ideas. But Scripture
14:02 says, you know, people are going to come saying I'm the
14:05 Christ and they're going to deceive people. If you don't
14:08 know what this word says and they're going to be wars and
14:12 rumors of wars, you know, our our hearts go out to our dear
14:16 people in Eastern Europe and Ukraine, the the things that
14:21 are developing in such a dramatic way. I just want a
14:25 little vignette about Ukraine. We just had the interview with
14:31 the Ukrainian officers yesterday.
14:34 >> And they lost about well over 8 1000 of our members left
14:40 for other parts of the world when the war began.
14:43 But you want to know something interesting about 8,000 people
14:48 are now taking their place, their places in churches,
14:52 not all of them members yet. So that churches on Sabbath in
14:57 Ukraine are absolutely packed packed with people. I mean,
15:04 and God is doing amazing things through our people there.
15:07 I suppose. I mean, I can just keep on going talking to the
15:10 next 2 hours, but we need the dialogue,
15:13 the sense of urgency in the sense of understanding Matthew,
15:17 24 and going to be earthquakes and famines and false prophets
15:24 deception.
15:26 I tell you today there is so much deception, especially
15:30 about what the word of God actually says. And we'll get
15:33 into that and a little bit as we addressed some of these
15:37 things. But first, 24
15:41 tells us false crisis and false prophets will arise and show
15:45 great signs and wonders to deceive if possible. Even the
15:51 elect. Even the people who say, well, I know Christ, I know the
15:55 Bible, even those people will be deceived if they are not
15:59 constantly, depending on the lord in everything. And then he
16:04 says in verse. 25, this is all Jesus speaking says, see,
16:08 I have told you before hand. So the sense of urgency needs
16:14 to come out of our understanding of what Christ
16:16 has already told us and how he is leading us today. I'm going
16:20 to stop there because it we could go on and on. And we will
16:24 as we get into other subjects. But I'm just so excited about
16:28 the sense of urgency that we see in so many people around
16:33 the world.
16:34 >> Amen. That's so exciting to see that urgency and see people
16:37 catch the vision that Jesus is coming soon. As we look at the
16:42 text you just referenced there in Matthew. 24, you think about
16:45 the deception that was sweeps the world at the end of time,
16:49 you think about the world we live in of relativism and no
16:54 absolutes and that there is no biblical standard.
16:58 How do we get people whether their 7th day Adventists or non
17:02 7th, they happen to us to accept the validity and the
17:06 voracity of the word of God.
17:12 >> The the word of God can be shown to be true in many
17:16 different ways. First of all.
17:18 >> Prophetic utterances, prophecies that have
17:24 been shared, especially let's take one that one of my
17:27 favorite topics is Daniel Chapter 2 and the progression
17:31 of Kingdoms, which can be absolutely verified.
17:35 Historically,
17:36 you know, some people say, oh, well, this was written after
17:40 all of those events as somehow Daniel's name got on there.
17:44 But, you know, this is I mean, people rationalize all kinds of
17:48 things. But when you really look scripture and understand
17:51 the historical aspects,
17:53 you can absolutely count on these amazing prophecies that
17:59 are that are so true. I'm going to have the opportunity of
18:04 preaching again, an evangelistic meeting in the
18:07 month of May. Nancy will be joining me. She's going to do
18:10 that health part and that he has her own thoughts on
18:15 biblical aspects. And I hope she will share here in terms of
18:20 how do we get people to understand the authority of
18:23 scripture.
18:24 But let me just say that it also comes about when we allow
18:30 the word
18:31 to be interpreted by itself.
18:34 So in other words, we say verse upon verse line upon line,
18:39 let precept upon precept, let the Bible interpret itself and
18:45 through the power of the Holy Spirit. We understand what the
18:48 Bible is saying. Too many people today
18:53 want to say,
18:54 and this is the historical critical method coming into
18:58 full blossom because 7th Day Adventists believe in the
19:02 historical grammatical or it's also called historical biblical
19:08 way of interpretation. When you allow verse upon verse line
19:13 upon line, when you allow the the word of God to interpret
19:16 itself, then you understand better what God is saying when
19:21 you take the historical critical method and it is
19:24 becoming
19:25 I'm very sorry to say this, but it is becoming much more
19:29 prevalent even in the 7th they have this church. When you
19:32 allow the historical critical method to take
19:35 ascendancy,
19:37 you then become the determiner of what is truth and what is
19:42 not truth. It's almost like you are like one of our
19:46 illustrious, the presidents of the United States, the 3rd
19:50 President, Thomas Jefferson. He was a deist
19:53 and he didn't believe in all the miracles much. And so he
19:57 had his own Bible and clipped out portions which didn't seem
20:02 to be logical to him. I mean, he's a great man. I'm not
20:06 diminishing him as an individual, but he didn't
20:09 understand the word of God. Today people are choosing to
20:14 mis interpreted.
20:16 I'm saying this in turn, Brent,
20:18 they're taking the advantage to say, oh, no, we have all the
20:22 resources today. Those poor people back then they didn't
20:25 understand things. We're much more well informed today.
20:29 Therefore, we can interpret what the Bible says according
20:34 to what we think it ought to say. And they will take tax and
20:40 turned the tax on their heads
20:44 complete be disregarding what the actual word says and we'll
20:49 get into that in a few moments. But I think that he has her
20:52 convictions on this, too.
20:55 >> I think one way to share
20:59 our own personal testimony. I think there's nothing as
21:02 powerful as a personal testimony
21:04 and many people are fearful right now because they don't
21:07 understand what's happening around us.
21:10 And that's the beauty of scripture because
21:13 truth never changes
21:17 truth. Is that the same from the beginning of time until
21:20 now? And we
21:22 we are at peace knowing that God is still in control.
21:26 I find it of people.
21:29 I would just read and understand that God is such a
21:33 personal God.
21:35 And scripture
21:37 is very portable for today and how we live our lives because
21:42 Jesus
21:44 loves us so much that he wants us to have the abundant life to
21:48 be happy to be joyful, to have peace.
21:52 And we can do that only as we embrace our personal God,
21:57 whom we trust
21:59 and we know wants only the best for us.
22:02 So I think if people would even,
22:04 you know, they may they may be skeptics that if they would
22:08 just say
22:10 God, if you're there, I want to believe in you prove yourself
22:13 and in open the book and read
22:16 with an open mind can see all of those verses that just
22:20 exude with Christ's love for us and that he has a plan for our
22:24 life.
22:27 There's something practical
22:30 versus, you know, God says a man plans his way, but it's the
22:34 lord to Tareq says steps,
22:38 you know, they're on my list or your personal messages.
22:43 >> And is it that somebody will give the libel chance the
22:48 Bible?
22:50 Well, it's just, you know, it's it's writings, OK, it's it's
22:54 it's on paper. It's it's electronic or whatever. But it
22:57 is really the representation of the living word, Jesus Christ.
23:01 And he's speaking to us in a way that
23:04 will change lives. So if people will give a chance the chance
23:09 to the Bible in reading it and understanding it will change
23:13 your life
23:14 for the better.
23:16 And that's another great proof as to the power of the word of
23:21 God as being truthful, the voracity of the Bible, the the
23:28 need to accept the Bible as it reads, because there's so much
23:32 hope and promise in there and instruction instruction that
23:37 may not be easy to take, but the Holy spirit can help us to
23:41 understand this is going to change my life through the
23:44 power or of God in the word and the Holy spirit working in our
23:49 lives.
23:50 >> And then I'd like to ask you another question about the
23:55 spirit of prophecy. It's a unique to the 7th Day Adventist
23:59 Church in the sense that one of the identifying marks of the
24:04 remnant church as the spirit of prophecy. Yet a lot of people
24:09 today even within the church say, well, that was a lot of
24:12 that stuff threaten 150 years ago. It's not relevant today.
24:16 What about the violent viability and importance of the
24:19 spirit of prophecy in today's world?
24:24 >> Yeah, good. I was just going to say
24:27 when I read the spirit of prophecy
24:30 some many times, I think it's like Ellen White sent me an
24:34 email this morning.
24:35 It is. So it is so relevant to what is going on in our world.
24:42 I'm thinking she releases 100 years ago or more, but it is so
24:47 uplift Abul. So
24:50 it's
24:52 it's just it's a miracle, really. I mean, it's such a
24:56 gift
24:57 and it just is in sync with scripture. But we know the
25:02 Bible comes first. But one as we read her, we are drawn to
25:05 scripture.
25:07 And when we read them together is just
25:10 it's the it's the richest experience possible.
25:15 >> For those who are members of the 7th day of this church,
25:19 they know about the spirit of prophecy in the writings of
25:22 Ellen White that we believe she was inspired. The spirit of
25:27 prophecy is not to take the place of the Bible. It is not
25:30 the Bible, but it is inspired just as those prophets of old
25:37 were inspired by the same inspiration by and messages
25:42 from the throne of Heaven. So I believe that the spirit of
25:45 prophecy that we have and the volumes of material, our
25:50 instructions that come directly from the throne room of God and
25:53 one of the greatest gifts given to the 7th, they have this
25:56 church and all who will read them. We're having a week of
26:01 prayer here at the General Conference headquarters,
26:04 a debt that bachelor Pastor Bachelor of Amazing Facts is
26:08 presenting the Week of Prayer. And he even made reference this
26:13 morning because I introduced him. And then later on in his
26:17 presentation was a wonderful presentation. The whole theme
26:21 is.
26:22 >> Come.
26:24 >> 2 to God, come to the father come to Christ and the Holy
26:29 Spirit so that we can go. In other words, we're going to
26:31 be filled and then we have a mission.
26:34 But he was making reference to the fact that and some of you
26:38 who know Pastor Bachelor, he was anything but base. But it
26:43 wasn't anything. But a Christian really was living in
26:45 a cave. He was searching for truth
26:48 and he read
26:50 the great controversy which was written by Ellen White inspired
26:56 by haven't
26:58 it changed his life. He read many other books, prophets and
27:01 kings patriarchs and prophets acts of the apostles. These
27:05 things changed his life and drew him to full Bible truth.
27:11 Now, a lot of people who
27:13 are familiar with the spirit of prophecy and maybe have a
27:17 negative impression about it.
27:20 I would dare say it's been a long time since they have
27:23 actually read it.
27:26 And when you read it.
27:28 >> You are so inspired. You are so in foods about the
27:33 instructions given I just give you one
27:37 one sentence here
27:39 from a book called Welfare Ministry. I'm reading through
27:43 that and getting close to the end of it.
27:45 >> And reading and a number of books from the spirit of
27:49 prophecy. But this one focused on. And here's one on page 250
27:56 and it says here, and it's talking about
27:58 gathering people in being ministering to their needs and
28:02 helping them drawing them to Christ.
28:06 >> But this sentence typifies
28:09 the Ministry of Christ and our ministry one sentence,
28:14 it says here on Page 2.50, he Christ
28:18 ever worked.
28:20 2 number one, relieve suffering
28:25 and number 2,
28:26 teach righteousness
28:29 what you there. You have the Ministry of Christ. You have
28:32 look for 18 19
28:35 being compassionate, helping people meeting their needs.
28:38 Community service is outreach to people, comprehensive health
28:42 ministry, all kinds of ways to attract people and help them.
28:48 You don't leave it there.
28:49 Jesus then taught righteousness. He drew them to
28:54 something. The turtle
28:56 that one sentence is perhaps
28:59 the most
29:00 a beautiful explanation of Jesus ministry that I've seen
29:05 in a long time.
29:06 He ever lived to relieve suffering,
29:11 teach righteousness
29:13 what a magnificent model for us. I mean, these kinds of gems
29:17 come only when you actually dig into them as you dig into the
29:21 word of God as well, which is our foundation.
29:26 But when you read these things, you you become inspired,
29:28 you say
29:31 simple and yet, so profound. So spirit of prophecy not only
29:36 tells us about
29:38 things of future activity, like the great controversy which we
29:42 now have as our missionary book for this year. And for next
29:45 year, millions of copies being distributed, the full volume of
29:51 great controversy and whatever people have of the great
29:55 Connors controversy to share with people,
29:58 but many other things that the spirit of problems, yes,
30:02 Practical Council for families, for finance, for outreach,
30:07 4 different ministries within the church for helping us to
30:12 understand our role in these last days of Earth's history.
30:16 And as he said, it's like
30:18 getting an email. It's contemporary, just read it and
30:23 God will bless your reading.
30:27 >> You know, you mentioned the righteousness of Christ over
30:30 Wilson and
30:31 one of the things that many people have the misconception
30:37 that Adventists are legal us and that it's about our own
30:41 righteousness and our own right doing. Would you talk a bit
30:45 about righteousness by faith and the importance of us
30:49 looking to Christ where his righteousness and realizing
30:52 that we don't have a home?
30:55 >> Well, that's a magnificent subject, Doctor, Yvonne,
30:58 and it's it's a hat actually the very basis. We talk about
31:04 the 3 Angels messages of revelation 14. And this is a
31:09 special commission given to Gaza last 8 people to point
31:13 people to the true worship of God to understanding that he is
31:19 the creator that he is the one to be worshiped and 2, we are
31:24 to give honor to him. And that second Angel of Babel in is
31:29 fallen that there is confusion in the world regarding how to
31:35 worship God and that so much
31:38 personal,
31:40 salvation by works has entered into the picture and that is
31:46 confusion. That's what babble and is all about. And then too
31:51 stay away from those areas and those influences that are going
31:56 to lead you into a compromising situation where you will
32:01 receive the mark of the beast as opposed to receiving the
32:04 sea. Love God. And we know that the seal of God is the keeping
32:08 of the 7th Day Sabbath. The devil hates the Sabbath.
32:14 That's why he's introduced Sunday worship aberrations
32:17 because he can't stand what the Sabbath represents. It is God's
32:22 special seal. It is the commemoration of God's powerful
32:28 ability to create. It is an indication of his Supremes
32:34 sovereignty and the devil hates that. So he wants to bring in
32:38 everything possible. But the very core of the 3 Angels
32:42 messages of revelation, 14, we are told is the righteousness
32:47 of Jesus Christ that it is through his grace
32:52 that we are justified made as if we had never sent his robot.
32:58 Righteousness covers us. That is a daily experience.
33:03 But beyond that,
33:04 the righteousness of Christ includes Sanctification,
33:09 which is again, power coming from heaven, but working in the
33:14 life so that the life can be changed. You know, you have a
33:17 lot of people today saying, oh, no, you can't change your just
33:22 who you are. And that's just the way it is and
33:25 might as well, just thank the Lord that he saved you, but
33:28 just keep on doing whatever you're doing. And that is not
33:33 what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches. Jesus teaches
33:37 that you can overcome sin through his power. Otherwise,
33:43 what what's the point? What's the point of the whole gospel
33:47 message? You're just say that as some kind of center which we
33:53 are, but then there's no improvement.
33:56 I mean, that's why
33:58 drunkards become sober. That's why cheating people become
34:02 honest.
34:04 That's why people who are confused about truth have
34:09 clarity of mind. The holy spirit changes you. This is a
34:14 supernatural change that takes place. Now you become more and
34:18 more like Christ. Philippians 2 says a look at this mine be in
34:23 you. That was in Christ Jesus. The only way to do that is to
34:27 be in Christ through his power and then allow the Holy spirit
34:32 to change you. All of this has to do with Christ justifying
34:37 and sank, defying righteousness, praise God for
34:41 his righteousness and his grace, which is the core of the
34:46 3 Angels messages. It is an amazing aspect. Also for us as
34:52 we come to the end of time to be able to share this
34:56 liberating understanding that
34:59 in Christ he can provide us victory
35:04 in his name and then Amen.
35:06 >> Isn't isn't the fact that some people believe? Well,
35:11 you look, you look at
35:16 a lot of religions, they think they have to earn their way to
35:20 heaven. And that's the foundation of all false
35:24 religions is that we have to up. He's got we have to earn
35:29 our way.
35:30 But
35:31 right, just this by faith comes when we understand the major
35:37 rubble gift and the major bull love
35:40 and who God really is
35:42 that he begins to transform us. We can't we can't do anything
35:47 without
35:48 without God we we I can do nothing.
35:52 But with him, all things are possible and it's that
35:55 recognition of his
35:59 unconditional longing for us and love for us
36:04 that
36:08 that works in us to do his well. It's not us trying to win
36:12 his favor and then a man.
36:16 >> Yeah. And then you know what? To me, it's a very
36:18 powerful, very encouraging messes to share with people.
36:23 You know, it's not like pulling myself up with my own
36:25 bootstraps, as they say, but relying upon God to work to
36:29 solve a shun him. And what a great message. You know,
36:32 we know you all a pretty well. And we know that you're bout
36:35 evangelism to talk about this message and everything that we
36:38 have to share. And you all talk about evangelism. We know it's
36:41 near and dear to your heart,
36:44 but you don't just talk about it. You actually put your boots
36:47 on the ground as you can actually go out there and
36:49 evangelism yourself. You're just talking about this long
36:52 trip that you all just took going around visiting other
36:56 countries. But I know you also do evangelistic series and I
36:59 know the initiative of the 7th Avenue Church is I will go so
37:03 talk to us about evangelism personally and also for the
37:06 World Church.
37:08 >> Well, we could do that for the next 3 hours. Have a hour
37:12 and a half.
37:15 >> Nancy and I will be holding an evangelist, a meeting in the
37:19 city of Prague
37:21 and the Czech Republic
37:23 in the month of May. And it's part of a larger.
37:27 >> Emphasis for Europe called Christ for Europe.
37:31 Many places throughout Europe
37:34 are going to be holding evangelistic public
37:38 evangelistic meetings and outreach activities
37:42 contextualized to their setting. We know that Europe is
37:46 an incredibly sophisticated and difficult place to do with
37:51 Angeles because of secularization of the society.
37:57 And some people are hesitant to even do anything. They say,
38:00 well, you know, and people are going to listen. They're not
38:03 going to come.
38:04 The challenge is today to remember we are not in charge
38:11 of that conviction
38:14 that takes place in people's hearts. We are the messengers
38:18 in order to attract people's attention. They must here
38:23 exactly what God has in store for them. You know, I draw your
38:28 attention to a very wonderful passage. An Romans chapter 10
38:34 and Paul is developing at there. And he says in verse 13,
38:40 whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved first
38:44 14.
38:45 >> How then show they call on him in whom they have not
38:49 believed and how shell they believe in him of whom they
38:55 have not
38:57 >> heard and how show they hear without a preacher. So in order
39:02 for people to
39:04 to call in the name of the Lord and to believe then and all of
39:07 that, they have to hear. And that's why everyone is
39:12 involved with what we call total member involvement.
39:16 Everybody doing something for Jesus. Everyone allowing the
39:20 Holy spirit to speak through them and like Isaiah to say,
39:25 yes, Lord, here I am send me. I will go. That's a theme that
39:32 is being taken up all over the 7th Day Adventists world around
39:39 this globe. Everywhere we go, people are excited about that
39:43 strategic plan that we have reached the world.
39:47 I will go.
39:50 Yes, Lord, I will be part of it. Let me be involved
39:56 it. You know, there are only a few things that seem too
40:01 seem to kind of be captured by people all over the globe.
40:07 One is revival and reformation, which is biblical. It's from
40:12 the spirit of prophecy that each of us need to be revived
40:15 every day mission to the cities, which is again, that
40:19 concept from Scripture. You Nick was one of the first
40:23 missionaries to 2 big cities. He went into the city. Then he
40:28 would go out into the countryside and pray and ask
40:31 God to help him go back into the city. There's a beautiful
40:34 model for U.S.
40:35 comprehensive Health Ministry or medical missionary work
40:38 doing things in the name of Christ, helping people where
40:42 they are. All of these things have caught on around the world
40:47 but total member involvement. Everybody being involved has
40:52 galvanized our church members in so many places and the term
40:57 I will go, Lord, what can you do through me? I'll go. I'm
41:01 prepared. It's just amazing. As nancy-ann. I travel
41:06 to see people with T-shirts. And, you know, I will go up.
41:09 People talking about I will go. And of course, some people want
41:13 to debate. Well, why do you say I will go that so
41:16 individualistic? We should we should all go. We should all go
41:19 together. Well, I don't have any argument with that. That's
41:24 great. Everybody go together. That's fine. But it comes down
41:28 to a personal commitment. I don't care what society
41:33 you're in around the world and different cultures react in
41:36 different ways that some do have a group mentality where
41:40 they are part of something that's that's powerful. But it
41:44 really comes down to an individual choice. We will not
41:48 be saved and get to heaven because our parents or our
41:53 particular town or our church that we belong to happened to
42:00 direct this in a particular way. And we just kind of hope
42:03 can do it. We're all safe. Know your saved individually.
42:08 So that's why an individual needs to say, Lord, thank you
42:12 for what you've done. Thank you for Salvation. Thank you for
42:15 the power in my life.
42:17 And Lord use me
42:19 in this mission to tell somebody else about the
42:22 powerful truth that I have understood from scripture.
42:27 I will go. I'll be part of it,
42:31 folks. We're just seeing so many people around the world
42:36 who are so involved.
42:38 I don't know, Nancy, maybe we should tell him about our trip
42:41 in Africa at this point. Oh, yea, absolutely. Because it
42:47 was so thrilling 3 and a half weeks. As I mentioned before,
42:52 a grueling schedule.
42:54 Just boom, boom, boom, boom. Talking with our church
42:58 members, talking with government officials, meeting
43:02 heads of state, all kinds of individuals.
43:06 And yet the thing that struck me the most we were in
43:11 in Zambia,
43:13 Kenya, Tanzania,
43:15 Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa,
43:20 a SWAT team. That's the new new name for Swazi land, a SWAT
43:27 team. Let's to and Namibia.
43:31 And in these in these countries we saw our church members on
43:37 fire for the Lord. I want to tell you that God is doing
43:41 something amazing in Africa.
43:45 It's it's like people have just gravitated to total member
43:51 involvement and being part of this movement, not talking
43:55 about
43:56 leaders on late. I'm talking about church members and the
44:00 amazing thing is in Africa and children. The movement is
44:04 young. People know there are hundreds of thousands of young
44:08 people involved and they're so excited about the message.
44:13 So excited to be part of this. They just can't wait to tell
44:18 somebody else about it.
44:19 And the the amazing thing in Africa is we have many
44:23 countries, number of countries now that have a million or
44:27 approximately a million members are over a million.
44:30 And when you get this critical mass in a population, let's say
44:35 of 20 million people in a particular country and you get
44:39 a million members,
44:41 it does something unbelievable to the witness and to the
44:47 acceptance of the church
44:50 because you have so many people in places of government,
44:54 business and civic activity, whatever it is, Adventists are
45:00 known and they are known to be honest people, careful people
45:05 loving people that people who share and who care not just
45:10 legal. Let's stick. People who are, you know, often a corner.
45:14 No, they're just part of the dynamics of what's happening.
45:19 I mean, to me, it's just a thrilling thing to see what God
45:24 is doing on the continent of Africa. And it's happening in
45:28 other places around the world to we have one division,
45:32 the the Central Africa Division, which is now our
45:36 largest division. They have about 5 million members
45:43 last last November. They voted
45:47 to double their membership by God's grace by the next G C
45:52 session, which is only in like 2 plus years.
45:56 How are they going to do that? Well, everybody is involved.
46:01 Everybody's excited. And these young people are just on fire.
46:05 That's because they know the word they know Christ. They
46:09 know the prophecies. They understand where where we are
46:13 and they're so urgent about it. I guess I could keep on going
46:17 on and on and on about it. But Nancy, what was your
46:19 impression?
46:21 >> It was the same. But I was I was drawn to the children and
46:27 they're just so precious. Just us.
46:31 So so sweet. And
46:34 I love talking to them. And I think one message
46:37 that we need to tell not only our children,
46:41 but
46:42 people of all ages
46:44 that regardless of what choices you may be making. Now,
46:48 regardless of what your life looks like,
46:51 our God, our heavenly father Longs to hear from us.
46:57 And when I talk to the children, I said, you know,
47:00 you may think, you know, your best friend is,
47:04 but I'm going to tell you your best friend really is.
47:09 You can tell him.
47:11 >> Anything that's on your heart. Even if you're angry,
47:15 if you're if you're not be, if you're doing horrible things,
47:19 she says
47:21 your heavenly Father, Jesus and and got they want to hear from
47:26 us.
47:27 You can tell them anything. And they're the only one who
47:30 will never share your secrets.
47:35 God only wants you to be happy.
47:39 And he's the our only source of your joy and peace.
47:44 He has great plans for you
47:46 and he longs for you to talk to him
47:50 regardless
47:53 of what your situation is. It doesn't matter if you're a
47:57 drug addict,
47:58 if you're drunk,
48:00 if you are
48:02 doing naughty things all the time,
48:05 he's thrilled to hear from you.
48:08 And I think if if
48:10 if God became so personal to people they would feel free to
48:16 talk to him more. They don't have to get cleaned up and put
48:19 a suit on to go pray to God.
48:22 >> Another thing that I just want to draw on this and you
48:26 may want to move to another subject.
48:28 >> After this, but
48:32 we met all kinds of government officials,
48:37 people, vice president, the system, prime minister on and
48:41 not vice
48:43 vice prime minister, etcetera, a different people. And we met
48:48 3 heads of state.
48:50 >> The?
48:51 >> The President, his Excellency president, he chill
48:57 them of
48:59 Zambia
49:00 and his wonderful wife would take that.
49:04 >> They are
49:07 dedicated,
49:09 committed faithful, 7th Day Adventists members. The
49:14 president of Zambia.
49:17 We met the president of Kenya
49:20 is excellent. See President William Ruto,
49:26 wonderful gentleman, a Christian gentleman who is well
49:30 acquainted with 7th the Mets and has had been to this in his
49:34 higher echelon of of assistance and workers within his
49:40 administration.
49:43 We had the privilege a meeting, the president of the Democratic
49:50 Republic of Congo in Kinshasa,
49:53 His Excellency, the president, she to Candy and his his wife
49:58 and haha. It was amazing on that Sabbath. We were holding
50:03 the meetings on the steps of the National Assembly
50:08 of the country with about 15,007. They had been to this
50:14 and the president and his wife were there. The prime minister
50:18 was there. The president of the National Assembly, the
50:22 president of the Senate cabinet members and many government
50:26 officials, they were there. And, you know, I had the
50:30 privilege of preaching to these people and thousands of our
50:33 members. And, you know, the Bible says that preach the word
50:38 in season and out of the season. Regardless of what it
50:40 is where you are preach the word 2 sabbaths in a row.
50:46 I was preaching to 2 heads of state.
50:49 Now people might say, oh, you know that why do we have to
50:53 meet these people? Why do you are you paying India to?
50:56 Let me tell you,
50:58 it is so important
51:00 to pray for the leaders of your country
51:05 to pray for people who are in responsibility to show them
51:10 that you are there
51:11 to support spiritually. We're not talking about political
51:16 involvement. We're talking about spiritual support.
51:20 And, you know, some people might say, well, those people,
51:23 they meet these people in there, not so good, the ones
51:26 they meet them. Why the U.S. and let me tell you, it is so
51:29 important to minister to people in high positions, low
51:34 positions, every position to be able to draw them, too. The
51:39 Bible. And I usually ask and they usually give me permission
51:44 when I meet some of these government people.
51:47 Can I read that something to encourage you?
51:50 May I pray for you and the country and almost invariably
51:55 they will say yes.
51:57 And let me tell you something, those of you who are watching
52:00 you have no idea
52:03 what people Arsene in you and how you are affecting their
52:09 lives.
52:10 You have a huge responsibility to share
52:15 troops with people through your actions and through your words
52:19 and those of you watching on the screen, you might say all
52:22 nobody pays any attention to me. Everybody. People are
52:27 watching you. They're watching me. They're watching each of us
52:31 to see if our
52:33 actions measure up to what we're saying.
52:37 The impact of one life
52:41 is so powerful
52:43 and God is asking for us
52:46 wherever we are to be able to touch lives, whether they are
52:50 in government, whether they are in business, whether they're
52:52 and civic activity in education, in health care,
52:56 whatever it is, wherever you are
52:59 be a witness for the Lord be part of personal and public
53:05 evangelism and say yes, Lord, I will go. I'll be part of total
53:10 member involvement.
53:11 >> And praise the Lord. Yeah. For sure. They're encouraged.
53:15 It is for sure. You know, evangelism. We've been talking
53:19 about that here. And when you think about advances, another
53:22 Wilson misses Wilson.
53:23 It's really a lifestyle. It's not like total member
53:26 involvement for 5 years, 10 years, 15, maybe 20 know this
53:30 is what we're pushing for is actually evangelism lifestyle.
53:34 That's who you are. Your advantage list all the time.
53:36 You're talking to that person home and saying, oh, yeah,
53:39 I know you have an influence. You make a difference for those
53:42 around you, your sphere of influence. So thank you so very
53:45 much for this initiative. And it's very encouraging to
53:48 hear about the work that's happening in the 7th avenues
53:50 church at the heads of state. They're excited they know of
53:53 7th Day Adventists and the work that is happening. There
53:56 >> is absolutely incredible. Jill, you're going to say
53:58 something, too. I would just going to say we're getting to
54:00 the end of this hour. We're going to take a 2 minute break
54:02 and just a couple minutes and we'll come back with many more
54:05 stories and information the second hour.
54:07 >> But before we do, what if someone wants to get involved
54:10 in total member involvement there watching tonight right
54:12 now and they say, yes, I want to go, I want to become
54:16 involved. Is there a Web site? People can go to our how can
54:19 they find out where the next initiative isn't? Can they
54:23 become involved? Of course, we can all pray for that. But is
54:26 there any other way practically that church members can become
54:29 involved?
54:31 >> Certainly they can go to the General Conference website that
54:35 will have all kinds of information about total member
54:39 involvement.
54:40 >> Are
54:42 director a coordinator for that pestered Wayne McKee who is
54:47 president of that business where radio is very much
54:51 involved. He and he and the staff are willing to share all
54:56 kinds of resources and materials. You can go to the
55:02 General Conference website. You can look in there find
55:07 total member involvement. You can go to a W R
55:10 to their website. Find about total member involvement.
55:15 They're also a R many other Web sites. We have to assistant
55:21 directors for total member involvement, a r***, Ramon
55:26 Canals, who's in charge of our Ministerial Association.
55:29 And Jim Howard is in charge of R 7 school personal ministries
55:33 outreach. You can go to those Web sites as well and find
55:37 information about how you, especially at your local level
55:42 are able to be part of total member involvement. This is not
55:47 just something for over there. It's something for right where
55:50 you are and how can God Hughes you in doing things locally in
55:57 your own church.
56:00 >> And so you have something, yes, I was just thinking
56:03 you don't really need a website. If you just
56:06 pray and look around your neighborhood,
56:09 your neighbors, your family, the post office, you go to
56:13 where you buy your groceries,
56:15 make friendships with these people and ask God to open
56:19 doors and give you
56:21 an opportunity to speak a word of encouragement.
56:25 We have no idea what that personal contact we'll do
56:29 if yours neighbors said, you know, take some soup over you.
56:33 We have opportunities every day. If we will just ask the
56:37 Lord to open our eyes
56:40 to speak a word to encourage or to help those who are right
56:45 around us.
56:46 >> Can hardly believe the first hour is just about gone already
56:51 the blessing of God. We found a long time ago in this ministry.
56:56 The blessing of God is on the go. So I will go. So thank you
57:00 so much, a man for what you're doing, the vision that you
57:03 place and our hearts and minds. I'm ready to go now somewhere,
57:06 right? I know I'm going to go because the blessing of God is
57:11 on the go on. I know that you want to be a part of those
57:14 watching around the world listening. You want to be a
57:17 part of this. Jesus said, go you and all the world and we
57:20 can do it. And sister Nancy just said it may not always be,
57:24 you know, you don't even need to Web site. She said just go
57:27 to your neighbors. It's true. Our churches were looking for
57:30 people to witness to. What about our neighbors right
57:32 around all around us. What do they think about is what they
57:35 learned about 7th Day Adventists Christians? Well,
57:38 hey, look, we're going to have to take just a short break.
57:41 >> Don't go away. We'll be back to this moment and
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Revised 2023-09-10