3ABN Today Live

Prophetic Waymarks: Counterfeiting Christ

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230012B

00:12 friends, welcome back to our second hour of 3 ABN Thursday night Ryan Day.
00:17 >> And you know, we I just want to say thank you for joining us. All of the from
00:20 around the world. All of those who are watching this program, maybe even those who are
00:23 watching it after the live, maybe you're catching it on 3ABN plus app or 3ABN plus DOT
00:28 TV. The Web site, whichever one of those that to your catching or maybe watching it
00:34 on YouTube, you know, drop of some comments. If you have any questions. We have a comment.
00:39 You know, the more the more we correspond special new to the more we get the program out
00:43 there, the more people see it. You tap into the algorithm and more more more more people
00:51 given the thumbs-up, no phones down which comes whichever way you feel thumbs up, thumbs
00:55 down, however, which way encourage of good reaction so that we can tap into that
00:59 YouTube algorithm and get this program out there. But either way, we just want to thank you
01:02 so much for joining us during this time. We're in Daniel Chapter 8. We've been studying
01:06 it. We're not quite through with it. We're developing this understanding of the sanctuary
01:10 were talking about this. Counterfeit this, this anti Christ little foreign power
01:14 that's trying to usurp and still and take away guns, power his his authority, his
01:19 keenly as pre fleeing as profit to 40. and so we're developing that and we're not
01:23 quite through with that yet. But we also have some questions we've got questions
01:27 now, some new ones. If you have questions. But it's something you heard here
01:30 tonight are a prophecy question of any kind by question. We want to take
01:33 those questions from you. So there's 2 ways you can do that. You can text
01:40 618-228-3975, again, right there on your screen. The number is 618-228-3975, ticks
01:46 in your questions. We'd be glad to receive those or you can email them. If you just
01:50 like to do good OL fashioned email live at 3, A B and OTT TV again, that's live L I V E
01:57 at 3ABN Ott TV waiting. We're waiting to your questions. I've got some for you. We're
02:02 ready for That's all right. So this one this person says, and this was an interesting I
02:06 didn't really know the answer to this one. So we'll see what maybe you donate or this is
02:10 why was the sanctuary made with bat your skin? An unclean wouldn't according to
02:15 Scripture, whomever touched and killed the badger be deemed unclean. That's a
02:19 really good I want to just touch on that. I was going to say, first of all, I don't
02:24 know the answer that there are never at that question is a new question for you. But, you
02:29 know, there's something here in Daniels really in arresting Daniel.
02:31 >> He's been given this vision that week understand least we think we understand were given
02:36 interpretation or he can. He's given this vision and when he gets to the end where that
02:41 where that cold vision is is is interpreted by the angel gets the end, it says here
02:46 verse 26 and the of daylight. And in end, the vision of the evening in the morning which
02:50 was told is true where shut up the vision for should be for many days. That's what the
02:56 engine closes with today. And I Daniel verse. 29 Daniel fainted. I was sick certain
03:00 days. And after that, I rose up running and I did the Kings business. But I was the start
03:03 of the vision. I didn't understand Queso then, you know, not even Daniel the
03:09 prophet way ahead of me. All right. All right. >> And there was some things
03:12 Daniel didn't understand. Yeah, so we're not going answer all the questions, you
03:16 know, and it's so important for us to be able to admit that. Yes, yes, God alone is
03:21 infallible with valuable human being. So that question. >> Not appreciate that answer
03:25 because, you know, there's a lot of people out there that they just got to have an
03:27 answer and I'll just come up with something off the top there. And that may not be the
03:30 answer at all. And so it's okay to sometimes, you know, we appreciate whoever son in
03:34 that question. Thank you. We appreciate even the hard questions. But sometimes the
03:38 answer is I don't know. Want to study it out and see because it's an interesting
03:42 and really get to say that out. Absolutely. Absolutely. This next person says I'm.
03:46 >> My question is if a non-Christian got married and divorced, then becomes an
03:51 Adventist, can he remarried? This is coming from Ken from Trinidad and Tobago.
03:54 Absolutely. You know, there's a lot of things we do in a non Christian life that we get to
03:59 give us 4 more baptize and that's all washed away. We start newer, new quit. If
04:02 anyone is in Christ, he's a new things about all things are passed away. Behold, all
04:09 things right. So we start again with Christ. >> And of course, as we start
04:12 again, God wants his original purpose for some part of his original purpose was man woman
04:18 together as one leaving father mother becoming one. Yes, yeah. Beautiful. Thank you so
04:20 much for that. And of course, this next person says I read that all earthly support will
04:27 be cut off. speaking of prophecy, can you give examples of what that means?
04:31 >> Is it the earth itself which gives no food and the weather is bad or is it other
04:35 things? I definitely for sure. We know that it's buying and selling. Now. The reason we
04:41 know that because those are terms that are used in the context of revelation, 13 no
04:47 man can buy or sell and it's controlled by the powers that be, you know, they're the ones
04:50 that are dictating that no man can buy or sell. In fact, in Daniel 11, it's says that this
04:56 >> power has control of the silver and the goal in the thing you've got that
05:01 economic, I believe, and I'm just going to say it. I'm just going to count say this. I
05:06 believe that if God's people we're going to go through this time, specifically the first
05:11 part of this time that God wants them to get out away from the control of the
05:16 system. Get a place in the country learn how to grow your own food. You can't get out of
05:20 the country can still grow your own food right week, Lou, we put our trees in pots and
05:25 we have fruit trees and we have to That was kind of cool because we got the tomato
05:28 plant in the house. We had fresh tomatoes all the way through December. Haha, you
05:32 know, instead of you know, the first frost game. So also have your own food, you know, get
05:36 you some chickens if you want, do do whatever it takes independent of the system. And
05:40 you'll be OK during this time, at least for the economy. And there's a lot of people that,
05:43 you know, the question of a song that's never going to happen. That.
05:46 >> You know, we're all going to weaken, always going to buy and sell. But, you know, just
05:49 today, I think our good friend brother Ricky Carter, he sent me a link. And I was actually
05:52 we knew this was coming. We knew that this was going to develop decent main leak to
05:57 the federal government and in Mecca soon in the next few months, I believe are soon is
06:01 going to be issuing digital currency are starting currency.
06:04 >> So, you know, moving in a direction where that that that that of thing can be more
06:08 controlled. By the time we get revelation 13 in this series, if we might be there, we might
06:13 be there. I like it like it. All right. And then this last we'll hear of That person says
06:18 do saying last one because they keep bright, they'll bring up more waves of
06:22 questions as you send them in. But on this particular page was printed here, this person
06:26 says do our tears and our spirit. >> Go to heaven. At the same
06:31 time? Absolutely not. I don't think so. Here's why our tears are similar representation of
06:36 the hardships. We go through the agony, the heartache, the difficulties we cry out to
06:40 God. >> And those send it immediately. The spirit is the
06:45 companion of the body and they together make a living soul. We are living souls because of
06:50 the connection with the spirit in the body. When the spirit goes back to God, which is
06:55 also called the new the breath of life. When Spears was back to God, that means we cease to
07:01 exist because like a light that is connected to power through a ball. Once that
07:06 powers disconnect you from right ball, that light ceases to exist. That's the way we
07:10 living. So when you got the spear going way says when you, you know, say the dad, you
07:17 didn't do anything to their praise their prayers. So you don't actually have that. The
07:20 spirit was back to about the life goes back to you got it death. So then you don't have
07:22 the tears and crying all those things taking place. So definitely tears go up. First.
07:28 Once the spirit goes up, that's right. There are no Nazis or 2 years. Eac King
07:31 sympathizes with our sufferings and in our hurt and and and and sorrows as well.
07:36 So guy, send in your questions since in more and more as they're going to bring them
07:39 out. We're going to ask them throughout this program. And so we'll get to them as you
07:42 send them in. Let's get back to Daniel Chapter 8. We just we just read through Daniel
07:49 Chapter 10 to 14. You were explaining to us in the last hour of some of your personal
07:53 in in that counterfeit system that you grew up in. You didn't have any clue until you
07:57 are. >> You obviously had an understanding of God's word as
08:00 you get older and you recognize the you know what, that man whose in that little
08:04 box, you know, separated by they'll 2 compartments. You know, kind of a counterfeit of
08:08 the Holy Place, most Holy Place. You recognize that the Bible makes it clear that God
08:15 only God is our mediator. Only Christ is our mediator between God and man. Oh, Firstly, men
08:20 can be that mediator. So we're seeing a counterfeit said of year that is clearly launched.
08:26 A vertical between, you know, Earth and heaven between man and God. And so let's develop
08:31 that little bit more. Yeah, I'll just give you the timing on that. So I became a
08:35 Christian in 1984. It was in the spring of 19 a form him cause. I was going to panic.
08:40 Also church was going to Calvary Chapel Church. Then I start trying destroy the
08:44 evidence church. I started studying without >> That's what started Houston
08:48 to try to get your sister up out of the working hard. I guide study that as they go
08:52 back to my church with these guys are teaching this. Yeah, I like she does teach to OK
08:58 with These guys are teaching us. Well. those actually teach that to. That's why got all
09:05 that from the time the spring of 1984. to the fall of 19 for one I was baptized said the
09:12 has custody was have the as I was given to studies a week, you know, obviously, really
09:16 intent on. And then I got my side just, you know, study my way in right to March of 1985.
09:20 That's what it was. England and on the way over to England, I have my bag full of
09:25 amazing facts. Joe Cruise by all right. And I was I was the Lord I was marking up my wide
09:33 margin KJ via a man. By the time I landed in England. My mom and I went to it and I'll
09:37 tell you something, got taught me there. He said James, you need to live it before you
09:41 talk You know we just clash. But the thing is, is that God is calling us to stand for the
09:48 truth. He wants to for the truth as it is. Yes rights. So we're talking about the
09:50 Catholic Church here and perhaps people would think all that being critical of Qaeda,
09:55 caste religion, too critical of other religions, actually not so much. And here's why.
10:01 When I became a Christian Russians who him, Chris, I was I was raised believing got so
10:07 I I praise God for that. Nice to say my prayers every night with our strong Chris over and
10:10 got my mom taught me to do that. Said our father, Hail Mary. So when I grew my
10:15 Christian expense, I learned about the truth of the Bible, right? I started practicing
10:17 these things. I remember reading a statement in the LA Times from John Paul, the
10:22 second urging Catholics. To pray to their priests. More frequently and not to believe
10:30 the Protestant idea that we can receive. Forgive us directly from God. Now that
10:34 John Paul, the second now, I say that again, just emphasize this point. We're not being
10:40 critical here. Yeah, which just sharing, you know what this church believes in
10:44 teaches. That's what they believe. just want emphasize, you know, and what you're
10:47 saying, there's absolute spot on. You know, we're not we're not here, you know, got some
10:51 against people. And there are I mean, largest Christian. >> Organization in the world
10:56 is the says I'm just in terms of they worship, you know, God and they they believe in Jesus
10:59 Christ and, you know, they still have Bibles in the storm, both from those bottles
11:05 and, you know, many Catholic Christians try to live according to the Miami. So
11:07 we're not here to launch a war against people because God not against people. What he is
11:13 against is as a counterfeit system that is trying to usurp still away eclipse the glory
11:19 of Christ. And that's essentially what we're seeing here by this little horn. And
11:22 a new chapter 7, Daniel Chapter 8 and even bleeds over into Daniel 11. And he bleeds
11:27 over into revelation. We see this happening more and more. It's it's intensifying as you
11:30 get closer and closer to the very end of time before the return of Christ. We see that
11:36 the devil is manipulating the system and people within the system, certain leadership
11:39 within the system to deceive the world into believing that, yes, we're Christians, we
11:45 believe in Jesus. We believe in great, you know, salvation grace alone and anyone that
11:48 works and they've come out and said these things recently. We know that there are good and
11:52 sincere people in all churches, not 7th day Adventists. We can say here in
11:56 speak for the 7 day does world. We don't believe that only 7 day Adventists are
12:01 going to happen. We're not in that because there's plenty of scope and a bit Christians
12:04 that probably will make it into heaven. >> And so we will make that
12:07 clear. We're not here to say that we're the only ones. And and that, you know, all these
12:10 are the people that are not at dentist are not making it no. But with what we're talking
12:14 about is not necessarily individuals because there's good people in on charges that
12:18 the Holy Spirit is a leading into truth along the way. We're talking about a
12:22 counterfeit system. Yes, has leaders, human leaders in it that are very much aware of
12:28 what's going on and they have chosen their side. It really may be deceptively. Maybe they
12:32 themselves have been deceived but have launched an all out. a spiritual war against the
12:38 most high God. This is where God says the half of it. And so this is what we're seeing
12:44 here in Daniel Chester disease after that's what I really appreciate that clarification
12:47 because I believe the majority of cars, people in the Catholic Church. Yes, just
12:52 because it is so large, he says. And then you are really should it come out of her
12:55 b***, which means he has his people and that church. And like you said, every church, I
13:00 think this is really important for us. You know, Jesus said other sheep, I have there now.
13:04 This full them. Also what I call the Hill, my voice and they will follow me. See, you
13:07 got. >> Revelation, 18 talking about cars, people in
13:09 confusion. You got John Chapter 10 talking about cars, people Foles. different
13:14 churches and maybe not even in a church. Maybe according to Romans, shifted to living up
13:18 to all the light they got as a car. Conscience also becomes law unto themselves. can see a
13:24 lot of people haven't who? Yeah, they're there because they did what they knew was
13:26 right to do. I was doing as much as it was right to do. And I still remember when I
13:33 went to visit my down, Idaho Falls, Idaho, and she was all about, you know, what is
13:36 obviously choose the same as Sheila. What is this thing about going to church on
13:40 Saturday? Sunday, 7th and I was like, yeah, I just went through that. Did not think
13:45 that my sister like when sun is something I said you have a calendar and she says when the
13:50 KHON got, I said, what day on this counters, the 7th and she's like. Saturday. I never
13:55 noticed that before. Now we need to be careful brunt, right? Right, because we're
13:59 moving along at a pace right? If you look at counters today, guess what day is this Yes,
14:07 you And you're my backup as you can look up towards Sunday now. So now you have to look
14:10 up the word Sunday. You're going to look at couple years I said, well, it's on the
14:14 count of just looked up and it will, you know, you'll see the dictionary definition say, you
14:16 know, the first day of the up Saturday say the 7 day the week, you know, it says now.
14:20 When you look up sense. But the day after Saturday You understand which which which I
14:27 hope our viewers again, this. So they're good. They're making it out to be like
14:32 Saturday is the six-day Sunday's the separate. They're just they're just not identify
14:35 him or you just tell someone you go. Look at the people say Sunday's the first day was son
14:39 is first we'll say Sunday's the day after Saturday and the day before Monday. see it. I
14:45 oh, that's where we're going with. That's what we're going with this. We need to be aware
14:48 of what's happening. We're moving to a crisis and I have no shame and throwing it out
14:52 there. I have no shame in talking about this because even if you think we're off
14:58 base right now, you're like while not. And I know you don't understand you were
15:00 going to raptured out of here. We're not going to go into any of the stuff founders made by
15:04 May the Yeah. >> When it happens, perhaps you revisit when it happens,
15:09 because sometimes we go through a little cry, something we went through a
15:12 recently here, you know, with all this. >> you COVID-19, right? And
15:18 people like I don't know. I think that's wacky. But above all, and all of a sudden, if
15:21 you like all a lot of those conspiracy theories were actually not because there's
15:27 there's, you know, we need to give the word of God an opportunity. Yes, you can't
15:32 just go to church on a certain day because everyone else to us. All billion people can't
15:35 be wrong. You want to bat the majority are usually wrong when it comes to I brought is
15:41 the way was no direction. Many of the vehicle. And that now is great that he's so we want
15:48 to make sure that we're following that uses the Bible and the bottles powerful had a
15:51 lot of things against me becoming Abbott's for number one, had the wrong mode are
15:58 trying destroy church. Right number to my mom is backing up. She was like sending me
16:00 books like, you know this. You need to your sister's whacked, right? And then I have friends
16:06 and my Calvary Chapel Church in Pentecostals. They want go in there. So they were like,
16:09 yeah, be careful. These guys there, you know, a little bit off right here. You know, they
16:12 even set up a seminar on Colts. They said not to this will cost, but they you know,
16:17 they've witnesses and they cover the Mormons a, you know, they set out on a call. But in
16:23 all their right? So I had a lot of different. And then I had my roommates partiers and
16:25 like. >> Come back. Come back. James, come back. The old
16:28 James comebacks are always things against me. But the word of God is power. That's
16:32 right. It's like camera that breaks the rocket came in right So that's why we see the
16:38 significance of these prophecies because posses is directing us to his word.
16:41 That's what we want to fall. So want to believe. >> I've got to dive in here in
16:45 and just after this because this is just amazing to see. Just how far the devil is
16:49 willing to go to deceive 2 to pervert skew the truth in someone's mind, cause them to
16:57 drift away from God or at least take an idea or mentality that's contrary to
17:03 God's will. When you look back at these verses and Daniel Chapter 8 want to read versus
17:08 10, 11, 12, one more time and want to highlight something. That's quite interesting
17:12 because we're grabbed everything is gravitating towards first 14. Yeah, and so
17:16 everything is gravitating towards this comment on what you know, Daniels, you know,
17:20 yellow cords pulled the video goes. Now Daniels hearing this one Angel says, say to another
17:24 angel, hey, how long is going to continue on? How long until the you know that I was just
17:27 miss going continue on. And then >> you hear the Angels say no
17:31 one to 2,300 days. Then the situation clans so were gravitating towards that. But
17:35 notice how far the double goes here. Verse 2 again on diverse 12. It speaking of the little
17:41 warm, it says any watch great even to the host of Heaven in a cast, some of the host of
17:45 the Stars, the ground and stepped up on them. So you covered that earlier. This is
17:49 talking about Angela Coast. This is spiritual language for that. This this was this Roman
17:53 papal system, this church state that the devil is using the system to launch now a
17:59 vertical wore a holy war against God, another which to place man now in the place of
18:03 God. But notice how far he's willing to take it, though. And this is where the
18:07 spiritual listen becomes just amazing. Versus 11 12. Speaking of a little worn, it
18:14 says, yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, miss the prince of
18:17 the House, Daniel Daniel Munch's the prince several times. And it's always in
18:22 connection with Jesus Christ. Jesus is the prince of the health. So this this little
18:25 horn system's little for power thinks that it has the power, the authority to be lifted as
18:29 high in equal with Jesus Christ. The son of the high priest caught a medically
18:34 automatically. My mind goes to Isaiah 14 Ezekiel 28, this is behind this It's the devil.
18:40 The devil knows that he can't show up in the last days. He can't show up to the world
18:45 just yet, even though he is eventually going to disguise himself as Jesus Christ is
18:48 going to come back in person, the Christ, literally, you know, but hasn't got there
18:54 yet. He knows he cut short just yet and reveal themselves a high the world and the devil
18:58 and Satan bow down and worship me. He knows no one's going to do that. So what you do? He
19:03 sets up this little front. Many sets up the system is PayPal system and he gives his
19:08 power his seat as great a 14 to the systems. We see the revelation 13 and now this
19:13 systems, all of the world is wondering giving the really just their support, their work
19:18 ship to this system. The devil is receiving, worship my representation. So what he's
19:23 wanting to do if he can get you to follow this instead of Christ, then he's done his job
19:29 and he's He plays by no rules. He doesn't care how he get you there. As long as your
19:35 spiritual attention allegiance and worship is here and not there. But he's done his job.
19:40 So notice what he does here in verse 11. He meant to find himself as high as the prince
19:44 of the Hokies trying to usurp an eclipse. The prosthetic Presley and Kenley Authority
19:48 of Jesus Christ. And then right here at CES and by him and you'll see her. Your Bible
19:52 says daily sacrifice. Now notice the word sacrifices like tell us sized in your
19:57 Bible. What that means is that in the original Hebrew manuscripts that you're
20:01 reading this in and study the set. obviously we're reading the English what's been
20:05 translated from the original text, the word sacrifice Tell aside because it's not in the
20:11 original ministers. So how this actually should read, get this. He's magnified himself
20:16 to the prince, the house and buy him. The daily is taking understand their spiritual
20:20 language here. The daily is taken away in the place of the sanctuary is cast. Downcast
20:26 became a think about this thick of the psychology of the Devils. Mind you're reading
20:30 verse 12 and the host was given him a gets the Daly, they're host was going against
20:36 the daily by reason of transgression cast down that troops down to the ground and
20:42 he practiced practiced and prospered. So what is happening here? Notice with
20:44 the devil does back to Well, that's the whole purpose of the daily. The whole purpose
20:50 of the daily, all of those elements, the altar sacrifice, the laver, the table showbread
20:56 the altar of incense, the 7 branch candlestick each and every one of those. As we
20:59 studied earlier, represents the Ministry of Jesus Christ. So so he's automatically want
21:04 to cast that down because he doesn't want you to worship changes. It wants you to
21:08 believe in questions of what you to give your legions, your support, your love, your
21:11 prayers, your worship, the Christ. So we know he's trying to usurp an eclipse that but
21:15 now notice what he's doing. He doesn't want you to accept Christ just cry, sacrifice.
21:19 And that really comprehend the cross and so we have right. He doesn't want you to fully
21:26 understand or comprehend the significance of that labor what you understand. The
21:28 cleansing power of Christ in your life. So we have accept he doesn't want you to read
21:32 your Bible daily because if you're reading your Bible daily, you know, faith comes
21:35 by hearing and hearing by the work. So what you do, he cast doubt he's trying to attack
21:41 the word of God. He doesn't want you to share your face. He doesn't want you to shine
21:45 bright for Christ. He want you to live in darkness. So we have tax the 7 French
21:50 candlesticks and he sure doesn't want you praying. Opening the lines of
21:52 communication to got each and every day. So what do you do? He's attacking the daily. So
21:56 notice right here. He's attacking the dailies, getting rid of the daily won because
22:00 he doesn't want you to have that most holy place. Experience.
22:03 >> If he can eclipse the work of Christ and Christ Media tore you work in your life on
22:07 a daily basis. In other words, Christ as your high priest right now in the heavily
22:13 sanctuary above. And he's he's he's me eases your mediator. He's interceding on your
22:18 behalf. He said Holy Spirit's being sip. The ministering Angels are being sent to
22:22 minister to the Holy Spirit's working on your heart. If he can eclipse the daily, then
22:25 there's absolutely no access to the most holy. >> And a large group of people
22:30 join with him by reason of transgression. In other words, you don't have to change your
22:35 life. You know, you can still drink that I'll call. You can still have a live. So you can
22:40 still do those stretch into Just just come the box. Give me your sandals while penance.
22:45 So you've got you've got an easy out for religion right here. You can live any way you
22:51 want to. You can be saved in your sins if you're really bad, you have to go to
22:55 purgatory for a little while. But you know, we can pay you out of that or pay you out of
22:59 some of those That's what the system is all about. And it's still that way friends. It's
23:02 still that way. It's set up exactly that way. Indulgences to get you out of that long
23:08 prison term and purgatory. So your purified and can go to heaven because you want good
23:12 enough on Earth when Jesus Christ and his blood cleanses us from all sent from all
23:19 unrighteousness. So it's a counterfeit and a lot of people buy into it. According
23:22 to his first a lot of people. And if I was there transgression because they're
23:26 allowed to continue to transgress Scots law. And that's why it prospers and
23:29 proud. This is a process and practices. I got you. Absolutely. And so that, you
23:34 know, it's just I just want to bring that out because were gravitating towards verse 13
23:37 14, which I think Daniel understands the language. He doesn't fully understand
23:46 what's happening in the application, but he's he's getting those with the daily
23:49 is, you know, he understands the slingers a cleansing of the century, the cast 8. So he
23:52 knows that there's there's an enemy attacking. Got here. >> But what's amazing is, you
23:56 know, it's all gravitating towards how how long this is going to go. you know, God,
24:02 you're going to allow this to happen and also like them and not just going to allow God is
24:05 going to replace all that. The devil is torn down and it's amazing how he does it because
24:09 he done it to the reformation process can be done it for a from allowing. you look at
24:14 history, it was through people like, you John Wycliffe in. You know, John, you know, John
24:22 Calvin in Luther and Calvin is legal in all in Boston. And, you know, through the end of
24:25 abs movement and all these different. >> Protestant movements that
24:27 came out of the papal system during the reformation time period. You can literally see
24:32 one by one by one by one by one. That like coming back on where people are waking up to
24:36 the reality of what a second you can't even talk about the 2 to a man I can go directly
24:44 to do wait a second. But Luther right there on his knees, crawling up those
24:48 stairs. Wait a second. What am I doing? that by fans that just on the I could go
24:51 directly to is my savior, not a mission pay indulgences, to receive salvation. So you
24:57 start to see piece by piece by piece so that again, by the end of this 2300 year time
25:02 period, the sanctuary message miss starting to be completely restored to where you start to
25:09 see the fullness of this cause. And yet the job was done so thoroughly and the
25:14 darkness is so thick that even Prada since didn't understand the sanctuary, of these
25:18 Baptist in these method, this and all these different processes coming together in
25:21 the middle right movement. They're like, well, this is an amazing prophecies that time
25:26 prophecy in and they came to the conclusion was going to use them down to 18. 43 of 44.
25:31 >> But the went through this terrible disappointment. Not because the timeline was
25:34 wrong, not because they messed up on the interpretation today for your principal. They
25:38 thought the sanctuary was the right? They do the central 0 think about this. Nothing
25:44 about this. There's not a of evidence in the old and New Testament to the sanctuaries,
25:49 the earth and always Protestants, right? It was so dark. They came to that
25:54 conclusion and after you want to disappoint and they re study this and they realized
25:58 testament little Center New Testament, book of Hebrews, the Saint Roizen have a right
26:05 the set close they had to say by that yeah, just their it's all That's how they were. This
26:11 was, you know, what's really amazing. I mean, >> the reason why I'm sitting
26:15 here right now is because that group of people into a bit of disappointment, they
26:18 discovered the century. >> Either wise, along with more than 1 billion people.
26:24 I'd still be going to a priest in a box and lighting candles and making prayers and
26:27 hopefully doing penance and all of that kind of stuff to to have forgiveness and
26:33 acceptance with Christ through a man rather than going directly to God, as the Bible
26:37 tells us not such a powerful point. >> And, you we know that that
26:42 air of time with the devil was attacking one by one by one, the sanctuary message and all
26:48 of articles of furniture which represent Christ, which represent the ministry and the
26:50 plan of salvation. We know that that was called the Dark ages for a reason. I mean, the
26:55 literally the word of God was pulled from the people. The only time only way you could
26:59 hear any word of God at all would go to your local Catholic church with a Bible
27:03 have been chained to the, you in many cases change to the local Peter Pew or whatever.
27:10 And in this case, the the IT would be read to you in Latin then it would be.
27:13 >> You know, interpreted for you to understand, according to the man's interpretation.
27:17 But all of that begin to reverse towards the end of that letter does letter dark
27:22 ages as God through. Why could you know with Clifton and many others can too translate the
27:27 Bible into in actually put the Bible out there. And that goes to show you my friends, all
27:30 that we're studying here. This isn't just like, you this is stuff. It's taken us years
27:36 taken me years understand this study. But the thing is you've got to study for you. you
27:40 can't just take a ward of somebody else. Yes, we're here trying to point you in the
27:43 right direction and show you what the Bible is saying in house. What some of these key
27:49 components mean. But at the end of the day, it's not going to mean to yourself get into
27:53 the word of God and allow that like the shining your own life. and we're going to see
27:58 as we can next. Daniel 8 with Daniel Mine. >> We're going to see a clear
28:04 let outline of the time part of this prophecy. You know, Daniels confused. And the
28:08 reason why then is confused because Daniel is a student of the Bible and the Bible tells
28:13 him. >> Jeremiah, tell some Isaiah tells him you guys are going
28:17 into captivity and that Kevin Captivity is going to last 70 years. When you come out of
28:22 that captivity going go back on is going to restore your to your city and your temple and
28:26 your walk is all going to be restored and Daniels thinking, well, you know, I was taking
28:32 to a nice young man. And, you know, I've got battle on and I do mean a person's coming in.
28:37 And, in fact, when you get today and I mean, we're their right use in mid Persia. It's
28:41 like the 7 news about up, right? 2300 right? It actually says in damage up to 9, which
28:48 is going to be little preview here. actually says. Daniel says in the first year the
28:54 reign of of of his reindeers as rain. I Daniel understood by books the number of years
29:01 where of the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet right, that he would
29:08 accomplish 70 years in the desolations of Jerusalem. That's Jeremiah. 25 11 12. And
29:12 goes back in the study about because How does part right? Connect to the 70 year part
29:18 that doesn't make sense to right. So that is exactly what we need to do as it is vital
29:24 stunts. We need to go to the word of God. He said, how does all this come together? And by
29:27 the way, we're going to do that. We're going make that connection. We're not done
29:29 with Daniel a in a sense because the 21 day process, we mentioned 18. 43 to 44, how do
29:35 we get there? We're going to go to Daniel Chapter 9 and Daniel temp tonight, Daniel
29:40 earnestly, ways for understanding and God an angel. The angel Gabriel to
29:47 share with Daniel exactly where this type Rossi Fitz. Yes, in the prophetic Waymarks
29:49 that we're looking at. I love that. Got time for some questions. Yeah, that's the
29:54 most. Let's do it. We're not quite there with We're going to get back into the text in
29:58 and develop this 2300 years. A little bit more in just a moment. But, you know, we've
30:01 got some questions here. And again, I would encourage you to send in those questions
30:04 will tell you how to do that just a moment. But let's ask this question. This comes from
30:08 Monica. She says how many books are in heaven? How many books are and have we got the
30:14 book of life that the book of record, in fact, let's just look in revelation, chapter 20
30:19 K. Relationship to 20. And beginning here in verse 12, a revelation chapter. 22 right.
30:31 I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were open. So we know this
30:36 more than one. And another book was opened, which is the book of Life. And the Deadwood
30:42 judge out of those things which were written the books, according to their work. So
30:45 we've got the books of record. That's where the works are recorded. We've also got the
30:51 book of Life and believe the book of Life is the record of the plan of Salvation. The
30:54 Lamb's book of Life, Right? And in Malakai. Yeah. They captured 3 of the book of
31:04 Remembrance. Riad Chapter 3 is a book of remembrance and of course and Daniel 12, 0st 1,
31:08 God's going to deliver us. People that are found are written in the book front. So
31:10 I think the book of Remembrance, the book of Life, the book of Record, I think
31:15 got 3 books there. According to Daniel 12, one, Mallika chapter 3 verse is 15 16
31:20 revelation chapter 20 and revelations had even or even Daniel 7. Remember? Yeah, it's
31:27 Jeff Davis. Seed in the books So there's more than one book for sure. Yeah. So we know at
31:33 least there's a 3 these 3 distinctly mentioned in scripture. Yeah.
31:35 >> And record. Thank number my life. Yeah. Thank you so much, Monica, for sending that
31:40 question him. This comes from billion Tennessee's as does the areas in the 4 winds in
31:45 which the 4 horns in which Greece divided have to do with the 4 angels holding for winds
31:52 and revelation meaning more. So are the 4 winds here. The same as the 4 winds in
31:57 revelation? Well, it's interesting because there's definitely were involved in
32:00 that. But those 4 wins in Daniel Chapter 8. Our. Typify or representing direction
32:10 direction, right? Because being compassing of the of the geography of the year. Yes,
32:13 because when you get to revelation chapter, I mean, Daniel Chapter, we get to
32:18 after 11. Have the Kings thinking of south? What happens with Greece is there's
32:22 4 and then there's 2 came north south. And so you you see that more this conflict.
32:26 There definitely is conflict. Sure. When you get to the book of revelation, however, you've
32:32 got a completely different picture, right? Because you've got the 4 winds representing
32:36 the 4 corners of the earth north, South east and west. You've got the 4 winds
32:40 representing all of the earth and the Angels. They're holding back. Those winds of
32:45 strife, right? Right. So in Daniel, you've got a more limited area. This directional
32:51 in relationship to earthly powers. In revelation, you've got the whole world and its
32:56 directional in relation to all of the house, the compass of the Earth and all the
33:01 inhabitants north, South East and west. So same thing would apply here to Daniel 7 that we
33:03 study last time. >> Where it talks about he reversed to behold the 4 winds
33:07 of heaven strove up on the Great Sea. Yes, which these bees come up out of the seas
33:12 and winds. They represent war and strife and bloodshed. This the symbolism that were seen
33:17 in okay. So this last question here we're still getting questions in my friends. Want
33:22 to send in your questions, text them in 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, 618-228-3975. Or
33:29 you can email them. >> That live at 3ABN, OTT TV that's live like the E at
33:35 3ABN, OTT TV. Send those questions. We've got about 20 minutes left in the program so
33:39 they might be get them in. Oh, this person says here. And it's just so this can a tough
33:46 one. But I'm going start out there and deal with that in the best way we can. What does
33:48 the Bible teach about women in ministry? >> All that's getting off is.
33:53 We're trying to be fair to the person wrote it but maybe you can give a little bit inside,
33:58 not go too deep in that. Yes. So when you look at the Bible, you do see a pattern. And the
34:03 pattern is that God has made a man for certain purposes function and a woman's for
34:08 certain purposes function. Now. >> There are exceptions to
34:10 that. You know, I before E except after C. So you do see places like you've got Deb
34:15 are, you know, I can profit enforce. We believe, you know, that God all through the Bible
34:20 has profits that puts some of their female, cetera. However, the exception doesn't break
34:25 the rule. right. Before E except after C when you have that exception, doesn't do
34:30 away with the So the general of the Bible that we see from Genesis to revelation is got
34:35 made meant to be the head to be the husband to be the one that leads out and is
34:42 responsible. He is the one who takes responsibility. Now, this fell apart in the Garden
34:47 of Eden. OK, so in the Garden of Eden, you've got Eve being, you know, seduced by the devil
34:54 to given to the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And of course, she
35:00 convinces to do the same. And now when God comes, the first thing, Adam does shift
35:04 responsibility. While the woman, you know, she was her fault and that is what God
35:09 wants to rectify. So when we think about the man being has sometimes we think all you
35:13 know, how come he gets to be up there. How come what it means is he's the response.
35:17 He's to be responsible here. That responsibility men need to take responsibility. Now,
35:21 one of the problems we see in our church today, I think and all kinds places may not
35:26 taking and someone's got to do it. Now when I was in our home, I was the priest of the
35:29 home. When I was gone, my wife stepped into that duty. That was a possibility, right? And
35:33 that's why she I think we see some of the Again, it doesn't break the rule. The rule is we
35:37 have a biblical pattern, true. Great answer. Great answer. All right. We've got about 20
35:46 minutes to wrap up this Daniel 8 in to set us up for next profit when Mark, when we get
35:50 into Daniel 9 and in in a few months. >> So let's talk about what we
35:54 want to talk about here in Daniel 8 in closing moments. Well, want to get
35:58 >> back to this process that takes place here where you said they unplug the video and
36:04 then he starts listening and he says, how long should the vision be concerning? The
36:09 daily and the transgression of distillation can both center and host be trodden underfoot.
36:14 Now that we're daily is a really significant word. You're going to find that that
36:18 word is hooked up with the Santa. I want to give interviews a few verses here
36:22 in relation to that. Yes. So when you go through this sanctuary, you're going to
36:26 find that, for example, in the daily sacrifice, that word was used to describe the kind of
36:33 sacrifice and there was a daily sacrifice. You find that the because 6.13, the bigs, 24
36:37 worst 2 exes. 28 0st. 29 an Exodus. 29 first. 42 X this 30 verse 8 numbers. Former 7 the
36:45 Earth. The sanctuary is divine ordinances actually pointed to Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice.
36:51 He was the light. He was the red. He was the Fusion 7.27, Ephesians 5 Here are 7.27.
36:58 Ephesians 5 years to John One verse 9 0st John or Jean. One first night, John 6.51. Here
37:02 are 7.24. So the daily is basically a representation of these types and symbols of
37:08 Christ. But it goes before the beyond that. It's not just sanctuary languished and
37:12 there's not a century language. When you look at the daily in the Bible, you going
37:18 to find that the daily directs us, for example, in some 40 for 16. That we should say the
37:24 Lord be magnified. We should do that continually. Yes, that's and say more than the
37:31 same and work. Yeah. So the data cause us to magnify the Lord. Not man, right, not men
37:35 who are in assessors. We magnify the Lord. The Daily. The daily is also used in some
37:41 34 force one that I mean, it's also used there. His praise shall continually be in my So
37:46 OK, so the devil wants us to praise men. He wants us to praise the inventions of men
37:51 because a lot of the inventions of man are actually inspired by him. And we praise
37:56 when we left that men were actually lifting up the devil. Like you said he wants right.
38:00 Where should and how he gets it. He wants that worship. And so we see the daily also used
38:06 in relationship to what God has promised to do for 41st 11 cars, loving kindness and
38:09 truth was taken to in Yulee preserve. All right. So he wants to take the truth. That
38:16 continues. Preserves us. We want take our praise of God that's supposed to be
38:19 continuing. Wants to take away all of these things that magnify the Lord continually a
38:26 goddess alone has to be a strong habitation wherein we continually resort is on 71
38:30 0st, we want to take that away so we don't continue soar in Christ. He we will keep his
38:36 law continually on our heart. Someone 19 verse. 44 improper 6 0st. 21. So. What you see
38:43 here and we'll get into this later. What you see here is the daily is taken away and
38:49 the abomination of desolation. yeah, what is the abomination desolation? I just want to put
38:56 it simply. Yeah, it's a leading man in the place of got it is putting man's law in
39:00 the face of Kos last man's mediation consummation, anything that replaces Scott
39:05 is an abomination. That does what makes us desolate. Yeah, right. And I lived through
39:09 that for years. My family lived through desolate, dysfunctional. And when I came
39:15 to Jesus and when I accepted as my savior, when all that get rolled off me. We really
39:21 aligned me. Yes, he recharged me. He set me straight He was stored and is restoring the
39:28 image of God in me in getting we have made a process to all of that dysfunction get me to
39:34 the place where he wanted to meet me to be from the beginning. And he's going to
39:36 do that for every single one of us. Every few out that God wants to take the dysfunction
39:42 out of this. And you can only do that as we put our complete way interest on Jesus Christ.
39:46 He is our daily. He is our continual. He is the one we continue magnify and praise
39:52 and look to for forgiveness for for justification, for sanctification, for
39:56 righteousness. Jesus is the way the truth. And not by will got some. 77. 13 is in the
40:01 sanctuary. John 14 were 6. I am the way the truth and the life. Everything in the
40:07 sanctuary was a similar representation of Christ and that daily, which was an
40:11 adjective. And we're in this in the Old Testament becomes a noun yes in Daniel. And the
40:17 reason comes in now is because all of that as you too bad for all of that language pointed
40:22 to a reality that is in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ an adjective. Just trust us and
40:27 have for Jesus Christ is. And now he's a person and he is our life and he is our bread
40:32 and he is our incense and he is our priest and he is our sacrifice. He is everything
40:36 and we need to pray. Some actually revelation 14 for puts it this way. Right we
40:41 need to follow the lamb wherever he goes. That's right. I what I love them in
40:44 on that study this years ago, you know that the whole Tommy Deal because right there.
40:48 >> We were when he was referred to her the day, the daily that original Hebrew
40:52 word. They're in it for daily taken the daily, you know. >> Still tripping up on a
40:55 tripling up on the daily. He's worked H****, which means continual perpetual. And as
41:01 you have beautifully displayed here, when you research that word in other places of
41:05 scripture, especially the Old Testament where that is used. You see that not only does it
41:10 hold fast with the sanctuary language, which of course the altar of incense was
41:14 continuing to be to you know, offered before the Lord, the altar of sacrifice continually
41:19 burn burning before the Lord the summer it comes to continually That same word to
41:25 me that in the original is used for every aspect of the sanctuary message. But I love
41:28 how you brought that out. >> How are our relationship our allegiance? It reminds me
41:33 that takes in Matthew Chapter. 24 when he says, you those who persevere to the end shall be
41:40 saved that continual perpetual persevering that, you know, the wish to remain steady fast
41:46 in the faith. As we read there in the book of Hebrews. Alright, it's talking about
41:50 enduring. It's talking about had remaining steadfast the face in constantly perpetually
41:55 continually remaining grounded in the rock of our Salvation Jesus Christ. Yeah, I we can
41:59 study all of this and it's powerful and we are studying it. We're excited about it.
42:04 We're learning all the symbols were looking at all these amazing prophetic away marks
42:08 that were studying through these. But at the end of the day, if you fall short and
42:12 miss the main point, which is it's it's all about Christ. It's all coming back to you
42:16 know if I'd be lifted up, what role? I'm in it to myself. And that's really what the gospel
42:20 message is all about. Taking the attention away from the devil, taking our worship and
42:25 our allegiance away from the world away from the devil, placing it back on the altar
42:30 where it belongs. And most of work for Christ has been offered for him high, lift it
42:35 up and that was Paul's burn. You know, when he went through the book of Hebrews and hit a
42:38 bird for the keepers and he didn't even do some self. I mean, in all of these a pistol
42:44 So that's why a lot of people don't think that Paul wrote the book and he was for a lot
42:48 of them is that he did. But scholars are divided on this. But when you look at the book
42:51 he was, he doesn't even I'm not going to Why am I can tell? I'm a servant of Christ
42:56 going to write God right when the Sunday Times and I and he just jumps right into. And in
43:01 just those first Weaver says he's hit salvation. >> And then explains, he says
43:05 a way I do, I can do this saint right. people love this ain't right. just moves right
43:12 into the sanctuary language. And when you can see he was chapter 7, which, you know,
43:15 the theme of here something better, right? Right. And you've got a better promise.
43:21 You've got a bit will you got a better guys. You've got a better man. You've got a bit a
43:23 priest and he was chapter 7. You've got about a priest. It says right here first. 22. So
43:28 by so much was Jesus made a surety of a better and they truly were many priest. First,
43:36 23 of of here are 7 because they were not suffer to can tin you by reason of death.
43:40 But this man because he continue with ever, that's very same meaning of the word.
43:47 Tommy dating. It is the continual the regular this man continues ever. He has an
43:52 unchangeable priest a so what does that mean? Worst? 25 wherefore. He is able also to
43:59 save them to the to that come on to God by him. See he ever lips he continuing that would
44:08 ever be can to continue lives to make a session for us. Friends love them. Jesus
44:12 Christ can save us to the on most. If you're an addict, he can say you to the other most
44:20 if you're addicted to pornography, he can save you to the other most. If you're
44:23 addicted to food, you can save you to the all or most. Jesus Christ can say you to the
44:27 other most. This other system and many other systems can not say whew, only Jesus Christ
44:32 can save you to the most, according to Hebrews, Chapter 7. And he was chapter 7 is
44:39 just picking up on the prophecy that we're studying here. You know, we're not
44:44 talking, right. I just want start. We're not talking about prophecy like it's some kind
44:47 of intellectual thing like that. We know the out of Christ is and we know it's
44:50 going to happen the last days. And this is no. We're talking about prophecy because it
44:54 directs us to Jesus is salvation. It directs us to the Gospel. It directs us to
45:00 how Jesus Christ can change our lives. And I know I was an alcoholic. I was having
45:05 blackouts when I was 19 years old. I was going down the same path that my dad went down. My
45:08 aunt went down in a moment down. My grandma went down. >> Same path. And I want to
45:13 warn asked him to come into my life. I asked him, please, police delivery from alcohol
45:18 and He did that crazy deliver and that's what Jesus can do. Jesus can deliver us from our
45:23 addictions. I don't know, but I don't care how many generations I know all of my
45:29 generation. It doesn't matter what, Vince, what propensities you have. Jesus can give you
45:35 the victory over is all of that because he ever ever to making of session for civil.
45:38 And I love all of this because helps us to segue right into this first 14 because what is
45:45 happening here, this dissed the little horn. The devil, obviously through the little
45:48 horn is working so hard. >> Des credit to eclipse to use or to completely drowned
45:53 out the media tour work a If can see Christ and he's happy he didn't matter which one
46:01 direction you go to med, which deception, it didn't matter where you are. As long as
46:03 you're not focused on the hind uplifted savior and his work in your life, you don't care
46:07 as long as you're going somewhere are focused on something other than him. But
46:11 it's interesting that the question in verse 13 is how long the goal of this to
46:15 continue how even allow this darkness, this just casting doubt on the truth, how long
46:19 he allow your sanctuaries care hospital message to be twisted and perverted in in in cast
46:26 down and beat up like this and then So I kind of plan see the in from the beginning. A
46:33 seething. My thoughts about your thoughts. My weighs in on your winds are higher than
46:36 that. I've got a plan. I see the devil thinks he's got something, but he doesn't. He
46:40 doesn't see what I see. He doesn't know that I've seen the in from the beginning.
46:44 >> And and and so God didn't give the response in verse 4 team. He says 2, 2,300 days.
46:53 Then the sanctuary Shelby Clans. And I'm only read that takes their to set us up for
46:58 what you just said. That Christ is in the business of complete transformation. Yes.
47:02 >> Christ is in the business of not remembering your sons. You know, it's not like you.
47:05 Many people have this skew twisted view of God that, you know, he's sitting up there.
47:10 He's looking down with his with his, you know, his his book of Remembrance, a record
47:15 and he's waiting for you to miss upswing all from, you know, there is this is what he
47:20 done. It's there. And then he's constantly remind or him, oh, you I can't wait to roast
47:25 you because it, you know, some people have a twisted view of God like that.
47:27 >> God is not up there, too. Try to remember every little said that you've ever done.
47:32 He's in the business of cleansing. You is in the business of doing away with.
47:36 He's in the business of taking that record of soon. Just like on the day of atonement and
47:42 taking that record of sin. But you freely given to him. So I can't do this on my own. I it
47:46 to myself. What I get on center here. They are. Lord there. Make it out there for
47:49 you to see, you know, all things you see all things. Here's all my sons, Lord.
47:54 You're a master at dealing with this. I can't deal with it. I can cleanse myself. I
47:57 can't change myself. Look, can you? But I can't and >> chance transforming that
48:03 vessel of honor. That's what the day but home. It's all about not taking that record
48:08 in singing. I'm gonna take this record the throw it into the depths that no one can
48:13 possibly even begin to fathom going to deal with this record. I'm going to do away
48:16 with it. I'm going to cleanse you and make you into that person be a Bible verse pro.
48:23 on chapter one. Yes. And verse. >> Night, by the way, is just
48:28 so everyone is aware. John's the guide exposes that a crisis heating right again and
48:33 again, that's where the work comes from. There's no biblical basis for an inquest
48:37 accepting John. First, John is little pistols here and first on tap to one, as we said, he
48:41 says if we confess our sins, he is faithful. And just to forgive us, our sins and 2
48:45 Cole ends up some. No, you not that your body is the temple. The Holy Ghost, which is in us
48:50 have a gun. You're not your own few ball with a price. God wants to cleanse the sanctuary
48:54 haven't in conjunction with with this century. I'm going to cleanse the sanctuary. He
49:00 will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I love this because in the context as we
49:06 have first John Chapter 2 beginning with verse one night and there are people out there
49:09 going to say, well, you know, that's fine and dandy for you guys. But, you know, I've been
49:16 diction forever. I I'm struggling all these things. You guys, a Christian ship
49:18 leaves obviously got a great testimony on the darkness right now. This is all
49:20 intellectual knowledge for me. But >> but House Christ, you know
49:24 this, what is you care for? Me will first John Chapter 2 says my little children. These
49:29 things I write unto you that you send. Not if any man sin. We have an advocate with the
49:34 father, Jesus Christ, the righteous. Listen, friends. If you don't know, Jesus, just
49:37 listen to this. >> He is the propitiation first 2 for our sins but not
49:43 for hours on Also for the sins. >> Of the hole. All we like
49:51 sheep gone astray have turned everyone to his own way and the Lord has laid on him the
49:54 iniquity of us all he is your savior and not just my savior. He's especially my savior.
49:59 First, Timothy for 10 says he's especially by stated because I've accepted him and
50:03 I have it turn a life in Jesus Christ. But he still your savior. He still died for your
50:07 sins. If you go to Jesus Christ. He does that say, well, you know, I
50:11 >> didn't actually include you in the list of centers that I die for. No, he doesn't say
50:14 that. He says who ever comes to me? John, Chapter 6 verse I will in no wise cast out. Yes,
50:22 right. That's the say that we serve. So he's made a propitiation. He's made a
50:26 sacrifice not just for the sins of those who confess he's made a sacrifice for the sins
50:29 of the entire world. I love that. I love that. You know, it's amazing is when you get
50:33 to John Chapter 5 and I'm thinking of someone right now that's at home. Probably say,
50:38 Ryan, you haven't gotten to the 2300 time time frame. You haven't gotten to the.
50:42 >> You know, the days and how long it's going to be an 18. 44 in all that we're going to
50:45 develop that in our next profit. We marked weakening today that after 9, we
50:48 mentioned that earlier. But, you know, this cleansing of the sanctuary is a common
50:52 judgment and the judgment is not bad news. The judgment is actually great news that's the
50:58 any. >> For years I had this twisted view that, you know
51:01 what I thought of the word judge. But again, you have this twisted view of got some
51:04 people have this counties up there. He said I can't wait to judge these Send them to h***
51:10 for all the sins that they've committed against me. >> But yet, when you get to
51:14 John Chapter 5, Jesus puts the judgment into because right here in John Chapter 5,
51:19 beginning with voters. Let's start with first. 22. I love this. This is Jesus and Jesus
51:25 words, John. Chapter 5 verse. 22, he says for the father judges, no but it's coming all
51:31 judgment to the sun. >> 2 top 3 in that. Yes, the cleansing of the sanctuary
51:39 young people or the day of atonement was the holiest day of the year. The people would
51:45 afflict their souls according to Leviticus, 16, they would set in Sackcloth and ashes
51:49 praying towards the sanctuary believing that the Almighty gracious God would take away
51:55 the record of sin so they could stand in his presence wholly and not, you know, be
52:00 cast into outer darkness was weeping and gnashing of teeth or just completely
52:05 obliterated. His president Lord have mercy on me. But it's amazing when you think of
52:08 that judgment. ACS is sincere. It is is it is as amazing as it is as as Holy is. That day
52:15 is as powerful in meaningful as that is Jesus as right here. The father's not judging
52:20 anyone, he's committed all the judgment of the sun. That means that our high priest,
52:26 yes, it's also our he's our judge and our low here. You're to tip us off. So you're just
52:30 how do you move snow? How do you know? You you don't always used to the only way you can
52:36 lose is to walk into that grace in rejected sad that I can do this. But what's
52:42 amazing is when you get to verse John, 5 years. 22 on the reverse. 24, he's a very, very
52:47 early, I say to you. He that here's my word and believes on him that sent me has
52:55 everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation. A man who King James says shall not
53:01 come into >> But it's passed from death. 2 powerful. He is our
53:08 advocate. He is a lawyer. He is a Representative. Jesus Christ is our developed at
53:14 what your thoughts when you think of >> So what we see here in red
53:19 in in John 5, also parallel says parallel revelation chapter 12. revelation chapter
53:24 12 says yeah, Jesus quotes this in in a sense in John Chapter 12 them are
53:29 revelations have 12 says now it's come salvation strength and the power crisis for the
53:35 accuser of our breath room is cast doubt who accuses us before God day and night. 365
53:44 days. A year, 7 days a week. 24 hours a day, 7 days week. excited he doesn't take a
53:48 vacation to thinking. Well, if God is our prices are judging crisis are lawyers and what we
53:53 need. I mean, like no one who's against us. >> Well, we've got a
53:57 prosecuting attorney. Write his name is Satan, which means the accuser and his work is 24
54:02 7, 365. And he's accusing U.S. day and night. We may say why give my sons to Jesus? Well,
54:08 have you ever felt guilty for something you already gave cassette saying he's trying to
54:13 hold it news, trying to press it up down and try overwhelm you and that's why God has an
54:20 investigative judge. That's why God has a day of judgment because he wants to make sure
54:23 that we know that we've been forgiven. Sometimes we forget that sometimes lose sight of
54:29 that. Sometimes we get all caught up in what ever. And we get the voices of the accuser
54:33 comes to an end. Christ wants to silence those voices for good. And then going to give
54:41 you some rapid fire once They were going to push to the test I feel so minutes.
54:44 >> Coming up was Daniel Sabbath. Keeping us comes from Mary. Absolutely was jus. He
54:49 fact, that users out of keepers, he was 70, perhaps. Absolutely. And this next one
54:53 comes from Judy from Texas says I struggle with Dris. Are women prohibited from wearing
54:56 pants? So in the Bible, you had no pants for the guys. All the girls, right? But I still
55:02 have this admonition men should not where that was. Your taste of women and women
55:07 should not pertain where that pertains to man on. Tell you right now, you're not going to
55:10 get me in any of my wife's life. It's not going to do that. Just me. You know,
55:16 they're I want to wear a man's pain. That's right. That's right. The issue is modesty.
55:21 That's the issue. And I've seen women in Imada stresses immodest pans to the issue is
55:27 modest. It's a principle. God wants us to follow that principle, especially for
55:29 women because men are attracted by sight. So do us a favor, please and dress
55:33 Honestly, that's the case. We've got about a minute a half. Are you getting final
55:38 thoughts before we close out our live tonight? This, you know, this is taking an
55:41 unexpected turn for me because I've shed a lot about my own experience. But maybe that's
55:46 because there are people out there who come from the background. And I came from,
55:48 you know, and I and again, I want to emphasize, we're not talking about individuals talk
55:54 my institution that has usurped to put itself in the place of Christ. If you're
55:58 seen light for the first time in some of these Bible verses severe recognizing the
56:01 experience that I've gone through. You need to understand that this is not
56:07 about the negative, a critical maybe you feel you've been deceived for so many years.
56:11 You've never really understood these things. don't. >> No, now that you see it and
56:16 you understand and we Joyce in this like go to Jesus, he's your media. He's your priest,
56:23 giving your sins, confessed that he's going give you. He's going to cleanse you from all
56:26 unrighteousness. That's what Daniels talking about. You wanted a powerfully Ryan. The
56:28 claims of the sanctuary is all about the cleansing of the record of our sins that takes
56:32 place in our hearts and our lives as well as in the record books of heaven. And then
56:38 praise of pastor. James, always Love you, Brother. I love the love. The Bible study
56:40 we have together like biblical mine. >> But friends don't don't to
56:46 lose heart here. Just because we have uncovered the 2300 year time period. In other
56:48 words, looking at the time frame. >> When it starts ends and all
56:52 that, we're going to do that in the mix profitably. Mark, we get into Daniel 9 in the 70
56:55 weeks. We're going to develop all of that from We're going to learn why Daniel fainted
56:59 here at the end of the chapter. Thank you so much for joining us tonight. Until next
57:02 time. God bless you all. ♪ ♪
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Revised 2023-12-26