Today Cooking

Childhood Favorites

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: The Micheff Sisters


Series Code: TDYC

Program Code: TDYC016063A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people.
01:06 Hello, and welcome
01:08 to our 3ABN today cooking program.
01:11 We are the Micheff Sisters.
01:14 I'm Linda. I'm Brenda.
01:16 I'm Cinda. And I'm Mom.
01:19 Yay! Yay!
01:22 So you already know that today
01:24 is going to be an incredibly special awesome program.
01:29 We are so excited that our mom is joining us today,
01:33 and our theme is Childhood favorite.
01:36 So what better to have our own mom with us today
01:40 cooking hour of childhood favorites.
01:43 And I'm really, you know, I know I join my sisters
01:46 and tell you, this is a really special day for us.
01:49 Because you're going to get to see
01:52 what mom taught us to cook when we were little.
01:56 It's actually our favorite dish growing up.
01:57 And you know, we talk about mom a lot
02:00 but it's because she truly has instilled,
02:04 instilled cooking into all five the love of her children,
02:09 even our brothers.
02:11 Well, Brother Jim not so much,
02:13 but Brother Kenny.
02:14 He is capable, he doesn't have the love of cooking.
02:16 Yeah, he doesn't love it
02:18 but Kenny is an incredible cook,
02:20 isn't he, Mom?
02:22 Yes, he is.
02:23 And that's because what did you do
02:25 when we were children?
02:27 Well, we often had them in the kitchen all the time.
02:30 And you didn't care about the mess
02:31 and the extra work.
02:33 We had our stools and we were all around the table
02:35 and whatever you did, we did.
02:37 I would have taught Jim the most too
02:39 but he never cared about coming to the kitchen.
02:43 You actually taught him.
02:44 Yeah, I did. Yes.
02:46 But he just doesn't love it.
02:47 He didn't, he's a good cook now,
02:50 but not until he started having his own children.
02:52 Oh.
02:56 Well, we've also...
02:57 We get a lot of cards and letters
02:59 because we do talk about our mom so much on the program
03:02 and I can't even tell you how many of the cards
03:05 and letters and e-mails saying,
03:07 "Please, why don't you have your mom on the program?
03:09 Why don't you have your mom on the program?
03:10 Wouldn't your mom coming on the program?"
03:12 Well, guess what, today she is here, and sisters,
03:15 why don't we show them up what we're going to cook today.
03:17 All right.
03:19 All right, the big huge surprise, Mom,
03:20 our very favorite dish growing up number one
03:23 what is it?
03:24 Cabbage roll. That's right.
03:27 And then we have Sloppy Joes, and this is a...
03:31 That was a big family treat, right.
03:32 Yes, this I learned from mom.
03:34 And then we have Mama's Rice Patties
03:36 and I still love those to this day.
03:39 And then we're going to make Corn Fritters.
03:42 That's right.
03:43 And it's such a simple,
03:45 these are really simple recipes.
03:46 The cabbage rolls take a little bit more time
03:49 in terms of time
03:51 but the other rest of the recipes...
03:53 Are very quick. Very quick quite easy.
03:56 So, Mom, should we read the recipe?
04:01 Good idea. That's all right.
04:02 Cinda, why don't you read the recipe for us?
04:03 All right.
04:05 So for cabbage rolls you're going to need:
04:30 And then you'll also...
04:32 We also add sauerkraut,
04:34 so you can add some sauerkraut too.
04:36 Or you don't have to whatever.
04:37 I don't add the sauerkraut but...
04:39 We love it. We love it.
04:41 And the reason why we love it
04:43 is because our Grandma made her own sauerkraut
04:47 and, Mom, do you want to tell everybody
04:50 how you learned to make cabbage rolls.
04:53 Well, when I got married, my husband said,
04:56 I had to learn his favorite dish.
05:01 So his mother taught me how to make cabbage rolls.
05:06 Even to go on to pick out the cabbage.
05:09 Now this one is a little too small,
05:12 the leaves are tight and not good to bring off.
05:16 So this one no...
05:19 Let's give a camera get a good picture of this
05:21 so other people can see.
05:22 So they can see that here this is the difference.
05:25 You can see the loose leaves
05:27 and look at what Mom was saying about the tight,
05:29 you see how tight these leaves are right here.
05:31 She said, this is not the size, the kind you want,
05:34 you can kind of see.
05:35 And it's too small.
05:37 But look at the leaves on this one.
05:38 You don't want to on this too big either.
05:40 Okay.
05:41 So here Melissa is off camera, here Melissa catch.
05:45 Oh no, pressure's on.
05:47 Oh, she caught it. Yes.
05:49 Wish you could have seen that.
05:53 You want leaves like this,
05:56 because when you have nice leaves like this there.
05:59 They're pretty green but you also use some them.
06:04 Yeah, you...
06:05 And you wash it really good
06:07 and you can tell this has been washed.
06:08 Yeah, this one is all has been washed.
06:11 You want to choose a pan, a nice heavy pan.
06:15 It doesn't have to be quite this big
06:17 but a nice heavy pan because you can't stir these,
06:21 they have to cook and you can't stir them,
06:23 so you take these leaves so you take off from here
06:26 and you put them in the pan like this
06:31 and I'm going need one more.
06:33 I don't care how many times I've made cabbage rolls.
06:36 You'll always give us a little something
06:38 that's going to stick on the bottom of the pan.
06:39 So what Mom is sharing with you
06:41 that if you put those leaves down there,
06:43 it protects your cabbage rolls
06:45 because if anything is going to stick
06:46 it's going to be those leaves, right Mom?
06:48 That's right.
06:49 And then you want to take those...
06:51 Now wait a minute, you got to love them.
06:52 She's fine, she's cutting the hard stem out.
06:54 So that it will lay the way down you want to cut this out
06:58 so that it'll laid down in there.
07:01 And this one if it burn it's okay,
07:04 just throw it away.
07:06 Because it is outer leaves.
07:08 It's not what you want anyway.
07:09 And you just place that around your pan.
07:11 Okay, now let me switch places with you.
07:13 Oh, wait now, you have to show how to core it.
07:16 You core it. Let's get our trash can.
07:19 In order to get the leaves off
07:22 you have to cut it at an angle.
07:26 You stick your knife in there and cut it at an angle.
07:31 And this is called coring the cabbage.
07:33 If anything it's the most difficult to me
07:36 this is the part that's the most difficult
07:37 to do it right 'cause I don't want to cut
07:40 and I don't want to cut into the leaves.
07:42 And so you've got a core it correctly.
07:44 So let's show them the core.
07:47 So that you can see what that looks like.
07:51 And you need to go deep enough
07:53 so that your leaves will come off good.
07:57 So mom turn it towards the camera in here
07:59 and they can get yeah, now they can get a good shot
08:02 of what you're doing in there.
08:05 She's taking her knife in and around
08:07 and she's getting even more.
08:12 And what's the reason that we core the cabbage, Mom?
08:14 So the leaves will come off.
08:16 Right, because if you don't, they're not going to come off
08:19 that easily anyway.
08:21 And so she's just going to keep...
08:27 All right, now leaves are not there too tough.
08:32 Tight.
08:33 So right, so they're not...
08:36 We need to soften them.
08:37 So we put them in the boiling water
08:40 and it needs to be boiling and covered.
08:45 Slide on down.
08:47 Here let me get you a paper towel, Mom.
08:51 Here you go, and...
08:54 So this is like it has a quite a few different steps to it.
08:59 But it's not like difficult to do.
09:01 No, it's not difficult.
09:04 But then the leaves come off very easy.
09:08 Do you want me to de-vein them?
09:11 Just a minute.
09:13 I just want to get another one out here,
09:14 then I'm gonna let Linda take the rest of the leaves off.
09:19 If you can... And you can see...
09:22 Mom had all of us kids helping her with this.
09:27 We all had...
09:28 You need something to hold on to it.
09:29 So it will stay where you want it,
09:32 so you take the leaves off.
09:34 See how nice they come off.
09:36 I'll let you do the rest of them.
09:38 Okay. I'll slide back over.
09:40 Okay.
09:41 So now Mom's going to do the next step.
09:43 She's going to take this vein,
09:45 but go slow so the camera can get it close up now
09:47 so right down here.
09:48 So she's just taking what we call the vein
09:50 and she's sliding that off.
09:52 And you don't want to go all the way through, see.
09:54 So keep your hand on here
09:56 and the camera can catch it, Mom,
09:57 if you just do one more so that we can show them.
09:59 Okay. Okay.
10:00 And just keep it down here and then get a close up.
10:02 You want to put those leaves on the hot water
10:03 so they'll be softer.
10:05 Sure, sure, there you go.
10:11 So you can see this, she didn't cut it,
10:13 see how it bends now, before it wouldn't have bend
10:15 so nice, so if you de-vein it like that,
10:18 then you got a nice little roll for you.
10:21 Okay. See this, all right.
10:23 Okay, while she's getting the leaves piling up,
10:25 you want to, you want a cookie sheet.
10:29 Here I need something to put this in
10:30 because we need to put the...
10:31 Melissa, do we have a cookie sheet.
10:33 You know we call Melissa
10:34 because Melissa's Brenda's assistant,
10:36 Melissa Hoffman.
10:38 She's our Kids' Network assistant.
10:39 Her and CQ Neibauer, they are right off set here.
10:44 And so they just hand us whatever we need,
10:47 isn't that awesome?
10:49 Wish they would come home with me.
10:50 We don't know what we do without our crew,
10:52 I got to tell you.
10:53 So let me get this here.
10:56 We are thankful for Carrie too.
10:58 And Carrie, yes. Carrie Avery.
11:01 And I got to tell you,
11:02 recently we have a really wonderful team
11:06 but we have somebody that joined us recently
11:08 in our team.
11:09 She works for our Kids' Network as well
11:11 Carrie Avery Durfee.
11:13 And you might have read about her
11:15 in my book Passionate Prayer, the story Opening Prison Doors,
11:18 the story of Carrie is in there,
11:19 you want to read that but Carrie's joined our team,
11:22 she's our programming manager for Kids' Network
11:25 and they also when we're doing cooking they come.
11:27 So we have Chrystique Neibauer,
11:29 we have Melissa Hoffman my assistant,
11:31 and Carrie Avery Durfee.
11:34 So we really appreciate and love them
11:36 and Chrystique is in charge of,
11:38 the head of all the graphic department at 3ABN.
11:40 So we've got a really awesome team
11:41 and we appreciate all of you.
11:44 Okay. All right now...
11:45 So you want to explain the next step.
11:47 I'm going to move over here...
11:48 The next step is to make, to make the inside the filling.
11:53 And you'll want to...
11:57 Turn the oven...
11:59 Did you turn that on? Cinda, that burner.
12:01 I will. She's gotcha. Okay.
12:05 And we've already precooked the onions
12:07 because Mom knows her whole family like,
12:09 we do not like raw onions, we like cooked onions.
12:12 And you start out with an onion dry stuff.
12:18 And you brown that.
12:21 And that's already cooked
12:22 so you can sense it is already cooked,
12:24 you can, you can add your burger.
12:27 You just leave this one down, Mom.
12:28 I know the camera won't get it.
12:30 You can use any kind of burger that you prefer.
12:35 This is the kind that I've found
12:37 that is the closest to grandma's.
12:40 Well...
12:42 Grandma's hamburger. Grandma's flavor.
12:44 It's the closest to a real hamburger texture
12:47 that, that we have found
12:48 and it has wonderful mild flavor
12:52 so it takes on whatever seasoning you give it
12:55 which is nice.
12:57 That's right, it does, it takes on...
12:58 And that's what you want a burger
12:59 that is not already seasoned.
13:01 I add a little bit of beef style seasoning
13:06 from Mckay's, right.
13:09 There we go. Put that in there.
13:11 Which kind of helps to give it a little bit better flavor.
13:16 And a little bit of salt. Okay.
13:22 And then you want to put your rice in it.
13:25 Not yet. Okay.
13:27 And, Mom, you always do the medium grain rice.
13:31 Yes, you can use the large,
13:33 you can use any grain you want, whatever you like.
13:36 I just prefer the medium grain rice for texture.
13:41 Well, grandma always used it so you know
13:43 how you get used to the kind of rice
13:44 that you're comfortable with.
13:46 I actually don't like it with the long grain rice
13:50 because I'm so used to the medium grain
13:52 so I always prefer medium.
13:53 It does make a difference in the texture
13:55 and you just add the rice, there are three cups of rice.
13:58 It's raw rice, it's not cooked.
14:00 No, because it cooks inside of your cabbage roll.
14:13 When I first learned to do this...
14:18 We were not vegetarians at that time and of course,
14:21 Mom was not either.
14:23 And she taught me with hamburger so ground beef.
14:29 So it was a challenge to me to come up with something
14:34 that was similar to that.
14:37 Mom, maybe you can tell us when did we become vegetarian.
14:40 Oh, that was not until after Linda was born.
14:43 Oh.
14:44 I had been, I had left the church
14:47 and I came back
14:49 and it wasn't until I had a child
14:51 that I realized
14:53 just how important the responsibility
14:56 that God had given to me.
14:58 And I wanted to be sure
15:01 that I was able to raise my children
15:05 so that they would be in the church.
15:08 I think every mother...
15:09 And you also want us to eat healthy.
15:11 That's right.
15:12 So we've told stories and we hear Mom,
15:15 we shared, shared stories.
15:17 I know you've listened to but you know where you've been
15:22 we grew up without a lot of money
15:23 and you were really ingenious, very creative...
15:27 About cooking.
15:29 Cooking and fixing meals
15:30 that were healthy little and nothing.
15:32 You know so...
15:34 You can turn this off now, it's ready.
15:36 We did, we did.
15:38 But isn't that true, Mom, you had to be creative
15:41 because you always didn't have a lot of ingredients.
15:44 Even to this day I can't follow a recipe
15:47 because if I look at a recipe
15:49 and it tells me to use something I'll say
15:51 well, I don't have that
15:52 but I have this and they'll work.
15:55 And sometimes it comes out even better you know,
15:59 you created some really awesome things that way.
16:02 And that's the way I raise my children
16:04 so that they know how to do that.
16:06 Well, now you're going to show us, Mom,
16:08 how to roll the cabbage rolls and this is...
16:12 Okay.
16:13 Here let me give you, here Mom I'll give you...
16:15 I just need one. Just give me one.
16:18 You want littler one, a little one.
16:19 She just needs to show.
16:21 This is the end right here we're to cut off.
16:25 And you just take a little bit of this mixture
16:30 the rice mixture...
16:31 And you just spoon it in so when she says a little bit,
16:36 it's just going to feel kind of like the palm of her hand.
16:38 Yeah, kind of like, whatever depends on how big your leaf is
16:42 and you take one side and fold it over.
16:45 And then you roll from this end and bring it over,
16:50 roll it like this
16:53 and then you just simply tuck this one end.
16:56 And there's your cabbage roll.
16:58 Let's each do a few of them so that we can show them
17:00 how to layer in the pan.
17:02 Okay.
17:03 Also I want to see if you all still know how to do it.
17:06 I'm just teasing, we make cabbage rolls...
17:08 We all make them all the time.
17:10 And you can just put in them in and you can fold over one side
17:14 and fold over and go that way too
17:16 'cause I've seen both ways,
17:18 but I think the side one is better.
17:20 Well, this the way grandma taught me,
17:21 so that's the way that I do it.
17:24 That's right. Give me a little bit more.
17:27 Okay, so I'm just going to fold it over like this.
17:33 Let me just bend in...
17:35 Here, Mom, keep going.
17:36 We want to show how to layer. And then tuck it in.
17:40 And we just layer it right in the pan.
17:42 Here's mine. Okay.
17:45 And you just keep layering it up
17:46 and layering it up
17:48 and once we have filled all this with the layers,
17:53 Mom, what do we do?
17:57 So when you get your layer
18:01 and you can't put anymore on the bottom layer.
18:04 You start at the top.
18:06 Well, first, now you know tomatoes...
18:08 You put half of your jar tomatoes
18:11 and I use the can tomatoes.
18:12 These are Mom's can tomatoes.
18:16 Home can tomatoes.
18:17 So I can a couple cases of tomatoes
18:19 for each one of the girls.
18:20 And I love helping you.
18:22 I'm glad you're little close to me now.
18:25 Linda lives only like 25 minutes from Mom,
18:28 so she gets to go over and help Mom cook
18:31 and so she's very blessed so I wish we could,
18:37 and sometimes
18:39 my husband and I will make a trip up there,
18:41 and Mom and Dad both will help Joel and I put up freeze corn.
18:45 They'll help us do blueberries and all kinds of stuff
18:50 so sometimes we're able to do that.
18:53 Okay, Mom, so now you've got your second layer on there.
18:56 You're going to put the rest of your tomatoes.
18:59 You put half of them on this one.
19:02 Half on the first layer. Half on the first layer.
19:05 And then the second layer.
19:08 And I have washed my hands but I always squeeze them
19:11 so that they, there's, they go around
19:14 and then we like sauerkraut on ours.
19:17 Because grandma always made her homemade sauerkraut.
19:20 Right. So we put sauerkraut on.
19:21 I'm the one that doesn't like sauerkraut.
19:22 And so for mine, mom always makes mine special,
19:25 she leaves it off.
19:26 Accept you do you like sauerkraut.
19:28 I love sauerkraut, just not with cabbage rolls.
19:30 And I don't like the flavor
19:32 because Grandma always made it for me special
19:34 and you always made it for me special.
19:36 When you're there by yourself.
19:38 Yes, so Mom, when we get the second layer on here,
19:41 you're going to do the repeat it.
19:42 Then you repeat it what you've done.
19:44 And then how much water you're going to put in there?
19:46 If you have had little, how much water?
19:50 Yeah, we're gonna tell them how much
19:52 and we're gonna show them the finished products.
19:53 Okay, you want it not to cover
19:56 but where you can see the liquid in it.
19:58 It usually takes in a pot this size,
20:00 it will take almost a quart of water.
20:04 So not to cover 'em completely
20:05 but just where you can see the water.
20:07 We're going to cook them for how long over...
20:10 Bring them to the boil and...
20:11 At least an hour. At least an hour.
20:13 And you want to bring it, bring it to a boil,
20:15 then turn it down on low so it won't be,
20:19 so it won't burn.
20:20 And then you want to cover it.
20:22 And then we're going to show you one
20:24 that you've already done,
20:26 and we've got one right over here
20:27 and look at, these are all ready to go,
20:29 ready to eat and so you can...
20:32 You know what?
20:33 I think I should get to try one.
20:36 Wait a minute.
20:37 Yeah, we got to wait till the end of the program, sis.
20:39 What?
20:40 I know because right now...
20:42 We know you like these.
20:44 We have, we have something else coming up, sis,
20:46 that is really special...
20:48 We have my Sloppy Joes.
20:50 That's right. Actually it's mom Sloppy Joes.
20:52 I know, she made them for us.
20:54 Let me read the recipe.
20:56 For Sloppy Joes you will need:
21:30 Now, Mom, I don't know where you got this recipe
21:33 but it is always been one of my favorites.
21:36 I think you can say
21:38 it's a family favorite for sure.
21:40 It is. That's why it's in the show.
21:45 My husband loves it. He'll eat it for breakfast.
21:48 So I'm going to...
21:49 I'm going to start it, Mom, like you taught,
21:53 so if I'm doing it wrong, you tell me.
21:55 I'll tell you. I'll tell you. I'm sure she will.
22:00 Okay, so I also want mom,
22:04 can you tell them, we say...
22:08 In fact I think every single program
22:11 we tell the folks out here that we don't,
22:14 none of us like raw onions, where do we get that?
22:17 I don't like raw onions.
22:21 I cook with them but I don't like them raw.
22:25 So you never serve us raw onions,
22:27 never did, did you?
22:29 No. No.
22:30 And so see now you know why we don't like raw onions.
22:34 The secret is out. The secret is out.
22:37 And, Mom, we love you.
22:38 Yes, so, Mom, just like you would be approved of this,
22:43 this are pre-cooked,
22:45 we call them Micheff Sister onions
22:47 but we really should call them Micheff onions.
22:49 Yeah. I'm gonna use the wooden one.
22:51 So these are pre-cooked onion.
22:53 So since we precooked them,
22:56 I'm not going to add the two tablespoons of oil
22:59 because anytime you can cut down on the oil,
23:03 that's good.
23:04 Your body needs a little bit but just not a lot.
23:09 Okay, so since we've already got our onions still clear,
23:14 we'll add our burger.
23:15 We'll give you the job, Mom.
23:17 And I'm using the Eve's burger.
23:20 My favorite. We all love that.
23:25 And then the celery, the diced celery.
23:32 And like I said, I don't know where you...
23:34 How you came up with this recipe
23:36 but you were always creative.
23:39 Where did you get that recipe, Mom?
23:41 I don't remember.
23:43 That's how she answers.
23:44 She don't remember. Maybe she just created it.
23:46 She'd done it for so long.
23:47 It's probably one I just made up.
23:50 Probably, because you were, you must have...
23:54 Dad must have loved Sloppy Joes.
23:56 When I started in the kitchen, Mom,
23:58 I never actually have a lot of memory of you
24:00 with a cookbook.
24:02 In fact, I don't think I've ever seen her with a cookbook.
24:05 Well, she displays ours. I have it.
24:10 They're right in her kitchen. She doesn't use them.
24:14 Well, yes I do sometimes. You use our cookbooks?
24:16 Yes. Mom.
24:18 Wow!
24:19 See our own Mom uses our cookbook,
24:21 that's a really big compliment.
24:25 Yeah, I do sometimes.
24:28 So you really just had to create recipes
24:31 because you didn't have a lot of food
24:32 and a lot of ingredients.
24:34 A lot of times we didn't know
24:35 what we're going to eat the next meal.
24:37 That's true.
24:38 Maybe our church member
24:40 or somebody would bring us a dozen corn
24:44 or something from their garden or whatever
24:47 and that's what we had to eat,
24:49 so you learn to use what you had.
24:54 That's true.
24:55 I remember that you had a lot of beans
24:57 and one time you were really creative
24:59 and Daddy came home and what happened?
25:01 Yeah, bean sausages story.
25:03 Remember those bean sausages, they were good.
25:06 Actually, we were living with another colporteur family,
25:08 I mean I colporteur,
25:10 my husband sold books at that time
25:12 so they called him a colporteur,
25:13 now they call him literature evangelist.
25:16 But we hadn't had any sales for a long time
25:20 and we did get beans have it,
25:24 we have beans and we cooked those up
25:26 and they were red and I thought
25:28 I went through different cookbooks
25:30 and I finally came up with one that said sausage patties,
25:34 and I thought, oh, why can't we roll those out
25:37 make a more quite little sausages
25:41 and so we did
25:42 and when the guys came home that night,
25:47 they were sitting on the counter
25:48 waiting for them
25:50 and they thought that they were real sausages.
25:53 That's pretty good.
25:54 You know Daddy came home with a lot,
25:56 but our Dad really, it was so important,
26:00 more important to him
26:01 that he gets the Christians books
26:03 in the homes where people can have that spiritual food
26:06 that if they didn't have the money
26:07 to pay for those books, Daddy traded them
26:10 whatever they had to trade for them.
26:11 So what are some of the really unusual things
26:13 Daddy would come home with that he traded book for.
26:16 A miniature horse. You know what?
26:18 I remember Daddy pulling up.
26:20 As kids we would always run outside
26:22 because we would be so excited to see Daddy's coming home
26:26 with something today.
26:28 We came home and I can still remember to this day
26:31 seeing that little horse
26:33 in his backseat of his little car,
26:37 we were so excited.
26:41 One time it was a boat.
26:43 Oh, we liked that too. Yeah.
26:45 Because that's how we all learned
26:46 how to water ski.
26:48 We just never knew when Dad was coming home.
26:50 Not from that boat, he didn't learn
26:52 how to ski...
26:53 water ski because there was a little robot
26:55 that I had to pay, I had to paint it and fix it up
26:59 so that he could sell it
27:01 and get the money for the books.
27:04 He brought it home and you fixed it up
27:05 so it would sell.
27:07 Yeah. That happened a lot.
27:09 And you know that's another thing
27:10 that we all get from Mom,
27:14 Mom's extremely artistic Mom can draw, she can paint...
27:19 Very creative. And sing like an angel.
27:22 I mean I still remember,
27:23 I was so proud watching mom sing solos up in church,
27:28 and I still remember that
27:29 but Brenda is actually got the most of that talent
27:35 for mom of the painting,
27:37 because Brenda paints incredible
27:40 and sing beautiful but you play incredible.
27:44 I'm getting it Mom, Mom, Mom's after me
27:46 because she says,
27:48 it's time to add the ketchup so she's after me,
27:51 you all aren't even seeing that.
27:53 She's like add that.
27:55 She's aren't you gonna add that?
27:57 I go, just a minute, Mom. Aren't you gonna add that?
27:59 But I got to share since they were talking about
28:02 how we'd love to hear and Mom sing.
28:04 That was such a special, it's a special,
28:07 we're talking about childhood food
28:08 but the counted memories are special to not just food
28:12 and would Mom would sing first of all
28:15 when I started playing the piano
28:16 when I was eight years old.
28:18 I played for my first church service
28:20 when I was eight and a half.
28:21 And I still to this day remember the very first time
28:26 that Mom got up to sing
28:27 and I was accompanying her on the piano and I...
28:30 It's such a special memory to me, Mom,
28:32 to this day of all the times
28:34 that Mom would get up there to sing
28:36 and I could play for her.
28:37 That was just so special
28:39 and then I know my sisters are going to be able
28:41 to jump right in here on this one,
28:42 but one of our very favorite things in the evening.
28:45 If we didn't get in trouble and we were in bed on time
28:49 with all our trips to the party
28:50 and our extra drinks of water over with
28:52 and we were in the bed on time.
28:54 All five of us had to be Mom would do something very special
28:58 and she would play the piano
29:00 and sometimes she would sing to us.
29:01 He could have called Ten Thousand Angles.
29:03 That was my favorite,
29:05 she sing it over and over again.
29:07 And it was and I love the one, Mom, you would sing,
29:09 I don't know about tomorrow.
29:13 That just a beautiful songs that Mom would sing.
29:16 And so that was a special thing
29:18 we were all peer pressure would make sure everybody,
29:21 whoever gets to trouble, we're going to bed in time
29:24 because Mom is going to sing to us.
29:25 Even if one of us would start to complain
29:28 we'd go, no, no, no don't do it.
29:35 Do you remember that, Mom? I do.
29:40 You know that I think that parents today
29:45 don't spend enough really good quality time
29:47 with their children,
29:49 they need to spend more time to make those,
29:51 those moments count with their kids, and you know,
29:53 I'm sure Mom with five kids
29:55 couldn't wait to get all her kids in bed and shoo
29:57 she give over a minute to herself.
29:59 And yet she was still thinking about us
30:01 when she in tucked us all in to go to the piano
30:04 and sing just so sweetly to all of us
30:06 and sing us to sleep.
30:07 I know, I know.
30:09 Looks like Cinda's ready for the Sloppy Joe.
30:11 Okay, so Mom, you always told me
30:14 that if you let it simmer, the flavors intensify.
30:17 Right.
30:18 And in fact the color gets a little bit deeper.
30:21 This is some I made ahead of time for the sample.
30:24 You want to taste it and see and see if I,
30:27 if I did a good job.
30:29 Now we like Cinda to be the taster for us.
30:31 Yeah, Mom, is saying the same thing,
30:33 Cinda you're not getting out of that job,
30:35 she is our taster.
30:38 Hey, I don't mind because I even got little tiny buns,
30:42 aren't they cute?
30:44 They are so cute. One bite?
30:45 Okay. Can't believe she did that.
30:49 I'll join you.
30:51 Is that like yours? That's good.
30:55 All right. All right.
30:58 Well, our next recipe is then again another family favorite
31:02 and that is...
31:03 Oh, oh, we can't do that yet.
31:05 We got to show you the finished product over here.
31:08 I'm not going to cheat you out of that shot.
31:10 Look at this, it's garnished so nicely
31:12 and look at that beautiful Sloppy Joe.
31:15 She's got some celery sticks and carrots
31:17 and some baked pita chips right there.
31:21 That's good. Oh, you like it, Mom?
31:22 Okay, so now...
31:25 Mom's gonna finish that she's like.
31:28 We're finishing ours.
31:29 All right, while they're chewing,
31:31 I am going to read the recipe for Momma's rice patties.
31:35 For this you will need:
32:03 Now, I love rice patties so much.
32:05 But when we were growing up,
32:07 we weren't completely vegan growing up when we started
32:09 and so we did used some eggs and some cheese.
32:13 But they were overall vegetarian.
32:15 And so Mom's original recipe, you had eggs in it.
32:19 So it was a little bit challenging to come up with,
32:22 you know, this recipe to make it vegan.
32:26 And in fact, there's a recipe in our cookbook that I,
32:29 you know, came up with it was something really close
32:31 and that's good, but one thing about that particular recipe
32:34 it will, you know,
32:36 don't be afraid it will crumble a little bit sometimes,
32:39 it doesn't hold together...
32:40 The crumbles taste delicious though.
32:43 Yeah, they do.
32:44 So when I was creating this recipe, Mom,
32:47 for trying to tweak it little bit, and I was like,
32:49 you know, I used corn starch
32:51 when we're baking the replaced eggs,
32:53 what if I do that for this, and guess what?
32:56 It was, it works.
32:58 And I should have just called Mom, I should have just,
33:01 it has save me a whole lot of trouble
33:03 and of course,
33:04 I wouldn't have enjoyed all those crumbs so much.
33:08 So this is really easy recipe.
33:11 So Mom, I'm gonna have you mix it up,
33:13 so you're gonna dump the rice in and...
33:16 Just like when we're little, Mom.
33:18 Yeah, so. We just watch you.
33:19 Are they doing? What?
33:23 What are you making?
33:25 Well, I would have let you do it.
33:31 That's right, which is really when we were little girls,
33:33 we wouldn't have Mom doing, she'll have us doing it.
33:36 That's right.
33:37 And that how we learned, isn't that right Mom?
33:40 You learn by doing it. Just dump everything in.
33:43 Yup, just all in
33:45 and again we've used the Eve's burger and...
33:48 You never worried about the mess
33:50 and that's where we all get it.
33:52 We don't worry about the mess.
33:53 No, I do want to tell you...
33:54 No because she had us cleaning up.
33:57 So she wasn't worried.
33:59 I do want to tell you about the breadcrumbs.
34:02 I have these just,
34:04 these are just whole wheat bread
34:06 that I put in a food processor and that's it.
34:08 They were not dried, right?
34:10 And they're not dried and this is not dried,
34:12 it's just a fresh bread.
34:13 Because I did not, you know, realize
34:17 that when you buy seasoned breadcrumbs
34:18 in your regular grocery store, look at that label
34:21 and those ingredients on that label are so long
34:24 and if you've got all kinds of ingredients in there,
34:27 what else is on there is that they have,
34:30 they're not vegan, they have eggs,
34:32 they have dairy, they have milk,
34:35 they have butter and...
34:37 Whole lot of words you can't pronounce.
34:39 That's right. And wasn't that scary.
34:41 Whey, a lot of people don't realize
34:43 that whey is dairy.
34:45 So W-H-E-Y is in there, that's dairy.
34:48 So that's not vegan.
34:49 And so when I looked all that, I was like,
34:51 "Wow, this does not look like I'm gonna put in my body."
34:54 So I thought I'm gonna try this with just fresh breadcrumbs
34:59 and that's what I did and it worked out really nice,
35:01 it was a good binder, 'cause one of the things
35:05 that's works as a good binder is,
35:07 you know, the breadcrumbs.
35:08 So I'm just gonna add those to you, Mom.
35:11 Okay.
35:12 And then the Bragg's liquid aminos
35:15 which is substitute for soy sauce.
35:19 Soy sauce.
35:20 Okay, and I want to help her out with that.
35:22 Cinda, you can... You want starch?
35:24 Yeah, you can, here you go and just put that.
35:27 And that cornstarch will make
35:28 all the difference in the world.
35:30 Linda, you can get this pan a little bit hotter.
35:32 We always say that you're watching them,
35:34 we have to get everything out
35:36 because what did you always tell us as kids.
35:38 Tell them, are we lying,
35:40 do you like us to get every drop out of the pan?
35:43 When you have to do without and you are wondering
35:46 where the next meal's coming from,
35:48 you watch those little crumbs.
35:50 Yeah, we're telling you the truth.
35:53 Mom's will get every drop out of that bowl or pan
35:57 or whatever it is.
35:59 So we do, Mom. We don't waste it.
36:04 Well, Mom's gonna have to get that one out
36:06 because it's, yeah, we're stuck in there a little bit.
36:10 Put that over there.
36:12 And I'm gonna make sure this is nice and hot.
36:15 Is that turned up as high as it go.
36:17 As far as I can held.
36:19 All right, so Mom is going to just be mixing that up
36:22 and it looks a little crumbly
36:24 but I think when it's completely mixed,
36:27 you'll see because what we're gonna do girls
36:29 is we're all gonna shape a patty.
36:32 Yup, so you're gonna get your gloves here,
36:34 gloves for your Mom.
36:35 Get our handy-dandy gloves.
36:37 We want to thank Melissa for giving us,
36:38 she always stuffs our pockets in here with our gloves
36:41 and the things that we need.
36:42 She's very talented,
36:44 'cause she doesn't want her running back
36:45 'cause if you know,
36:47 if any of us know all three of us girls,
36:49 we don't stand still too often, we're always moving.
36:53 And Melissa just kind of goes with it.
36:56 Yeah, she just catches up with where we are
36:58 and you don't even know sometimes she stuck that
36:59 in our pocket but can I just take a second
37:02 and I know my sisters want to join us.
37:03 And, Mom, I want you to be able to thank Lucy too.
37:06 I want to thank Lucy Neuharth,
37:08 who was our wardrobe director for Kids' Network,
37:12 for our Kids' Time Bible Story.
37:13 She is in charge of all wardrobe,
37:15 and she sews all those beautiful costumes
37:18 for Bible stories
37:19 and she volunteers all of her time.
37:21 She works with us in Tiny Tots.
37:23 Yes. In the Tiny Tot kitchen.
37:25 She... Amazing.
37:26 Her husband Dick are invaluable.
37:28 And she sewed all your Tiny Tots aprons and outfits
37:31 and she sewed out those.
37:33 Guess what?
37:34 She just gave us all new aprons and guess what she did for Mom?
37:39 Look at that.
37:41 Can we get a closed up, she's got Mom so,
37:43 we're Mischief Sisters and that we have Mom.
37:46 And isn't that cool?
37:47 So look at...
37:49 So thank you, Lucy. Thank you, we love you.
37:50 Lucy, we just want to tell you we love you very, very much
37:53 and we thank you for the all that you do for Jesus.
37:56 Amen. We really do.
37:57 And so now this is all just,
38:00 so Mom let's show them how we just make some patties.
38:02 She's got it all mixed up really good.
38:04 So we're just gonna, you know,
38:06 squeeze that together and I really taken
38:10 and just squeeze that,
38:12 now this works a lot better with hot rice.
38:15 And that's what I did yesterday when I was making,
38:19 I mean this morning rice, making up the samples.
38:21 So you're gonna have to just shape the patties
38:24 with your hands and press it together.
38:26 So you can see here
38:28 how it's starting to hold together like that.
38:30 Linda, you're gonna pour some oil,
38:33 some canola oil in here in the pan.
38:35 You will have just a little bit oil.
38:37 Go ahead and cover just the tiny bit around.
38:40 Yeah, and you want a nice medium hot skillet
38:45 and so that you can,
38:47 I want to show you the patty here you can see,
38:49 how this is held together like that.
38:53 Look at Mom's and Cinda's
38:55 and can you see that right there?
38:57 Okay.
38:58 Now, we're gonna put that in the pan
39:01 and you can hear that sizzle
39:03 and some of our crumbs will come off,
39:04 that's okay, and...
39:06 They taste good.
39:09 You know, I've got to tell you that, you know,
39:13 how we talk about Melissa can stick stuff in our pockets
39:16 without us even knowing it.
39:19 I was in church Sabbath and a lady came up,
39:26 she hugged me and just said, "Oh, it's so good to see you,
39:30 how's your ministry going?"
39:31 And I said, "Oh, I'm getting ready
39:32 to do some programs
39:35 for this brand new Tiny Tots Kitchen."
39:38 And she goes, "Oh, that's wonderful Cinda."
39:41 And so then she left church
39:43 and I was visiting with other people.
39:45 Well, later on during the week,
39:47 I think it was like Wednesday
39:49 and I went to try and find something,
39:51 a little business card that I had stuck
39:53 in the outside pocket of my purse
39:57 and I was looking for this business card
40:00 and I felt for the business card
40:03 and I pulled out a check.
40:06 And this lady has without me knowing
40:10 slip a check for $5,000 for children's ministry.
40:16 Isn't that not amazing?
40:17 And that is the most precious, I started crying.
40:20 Because we all work so hard and what people don't realizes,
40:24 we raise those funds for the kids programming
40:28 and, you know, we're trying to get this
40:30 Kids Network often running,
40:31 we're trying to build a building for that
40:34 and so to see surprises, God raises it, that's right.
40:38 God impresses people to give.
40:39 And that's what she said, she said, you know,
40:41 "God impressed me
40:43 to help your ministry and the kids' ministry."
40:45 Wow.
40:47 So thank you and...
40:48 I can do anything.
40:49 You know, I loved to be surprised like that.
40:54 Well, these are not, these you have to let them sit,
40:57 you can't, they're not ready to turn.
40:58 You can only turn these once
41:00 and because they will fall apart on if you don't.
41:03 So don't be discouraged with that,
41:05 so you have to let them cook slowly and get done
41:09 and when it's all golden around the edges,
41:11 and you have to be nice and golden on,
41:13 then you're going to flip and turn them
41:15 and I have one over here,
41:17 you can see how nicely they turned out...
41:18 And they're delicious.
41:20 And they're absolutely delicious
41:21 and I got just a little bit of ketchup there
41:24 that you can have, you can put a little hot sauce on it,
41:27 your favorite thing and they are all ready to eat.
41:30 And...
41:31 You know, Linda has something
41:33 that you use to make for us too.
41:36 Linda's gonna make corn fritters.
41:38 Corn fritters.
41:39 Who did you say in our family, whose favorite are those?
41:42 Jim's. Our brother Jim's.
41:44 His favorite is those corn,
41:45 I don't know, it's a favorite of mine too.
41:47 Yeah. Let's read the recipe.
41:50 For the Corn Fritters you'll need:
42:07 I have to join Brother Jim, I love corn fritters.
42:12 Mom always made them for us and they are simple, easy
42:15 and when you see them,
42:17 I mean you can make them the day before
42:19 and even serve them the next day.
42:21 They hold together really well.
42:22 In fact, Linda eats them cold the next day.
42:24 Sort of. I like most things cold so.
42:26 And when you see how easy, I was thinking that's all.
42:29 But sometimes they're so simple recipes,
42:32 that are really the favorite, you know,
42:33 we're gonna too quick.
42:35 But like you always say, Mom, you had simple ingredients.
42:38 You never, you didn't have money
42:40 to buy real expensive stuff.
42:42 That's right. People would give you things.
42:44 And the other thing about Mom when you cooked,
42:47 you didn't usually, I mean,
42:48 you didn't put things out of the box.
42:51 I mean...
42:52 It was all from scratch,
42:53 she even made homemade potato chips
42:55 when I was kid we were like,
42:56 "Oh, that kids at school have potato chips,
42:58 we don't have any."
42:59 So she said, okay.
43:01 So she made some much potato chips
43:03 and they were good.
43:04 Yeah.
43:06 Okay, we have cream corn going in the bowl here
43:10 and you would just will not believe
43:12 how easy this is.
43:14 Let me turn this on here. Okay.
43:16 Someone must have given daddy a case of corn for some books.
43:21 She took some and blended up
43:23 and then she made her own cream corn.
43:25 Okay. Was that true?
43:28 Did you make it? I have in the past.
43:30 Yeah, that's what I thought.
43:33 Now we're gonna just do some red pepper flakes.
43:35 And that's optional if you don't.
43:37 A little bit of salt there.
43:41 So where do we get our love for hot food.
43:43 From daddy. Daddy.
43:46 See how she said that. Not me.
43:50 Okay, here is cracker crumbs
43:52 and they're just been crushed up really fine.
43:56 And we're gonna just stir that together.
43:59 You need to get the skillet hot.
44:00 Yes. I'm trying, sis.
44:02 Okay, sis, you could finish that off.
44:04 Here you go.
44:05 Seriously what they do to me Mom.
44:08 Well.
44:11 She taught me.
44:15 She's got good strong arms.
44:16 They say because I lift weights and I do all the...
44:21 I lift weights almost everyday.
44:23 And because I exercise and they think I need to...
44:28 I got all the strength.
44:29 Yeah, she's got the strength in her arms.
44:30 She does. She does. She's very strong.
44:33 Mom, Mom I can punch them too.
44:35 It also keeps the food off her on her apron.
44:40 Thanks, sis, that looks pretty good.
44:42 So now all we do I've just put some spray in there
44:46 and we're gonna,
44:48 this is actually about a fourth a cup,
44:50 you can make these any size that you want.
44:52 And we'll just put it like that.
44:54 I usually take this and does...
44:56 See that padding Melissa. And I just pad it down.
45:02 And there we go.
45:03 I've actually made little tiny ones
45:05 for appetizers.
45:06 Yes.
45:08 And then you put a little vegan sour cream on top
45:11 and a little jalapeno spice.
45:12 Oh, my, that looks good.
45:14 It makes some really good appetizers.
45:15 And if this does it, she can tell if it's getting too hot
45:18 and you would, wait, wait, wait, sis,
45:19 and you can see how it's gonna get too dark.
45:22 What I do is I just...
45:25 Well, smooth that in there
45:27 and then I'll re-spray it for you so that you don't.
45:29 Okay.
45:30 And I turn the fire down,
45:31 because then we don't ruin all your...
45:34 And a fine job you did, sis.
45:37 That's right. And we got to step.
45:39 And you just push the metals down like that
45:41 with a thing here with the little scoop.
45:43 You see how well she's doing Mom,
45:45 that's because you taught her really good.
45:49 Now she's not doing anything just right.
45:52 Make sure you tell her, okay. Okay.
45:54 Because you know, keeping straight.
45:56 I think she's getting in trouble over there, Linda.
45:57 I know.
45:58 Maybe I got her in trouble a lot
46:00 when we were kids with somebody.
46:03 See I always had two older sisters who told me,
46:07 get me aligned, didn't they, Mom?
46:08 Get out of it sometimes.
46:11 Mom you know, what was pretty amazing
46:12 we're five kids was that,
46:15 you seem to always have eyes in the back of your head.
46:18 In fact, we always said that.
46:20 Well, she didn't miss nothing you know,
46:21 she didn't miss much.
46:23 And I was always the quite one, wasn't I Mom?
46:27 Yeah, maybe we got to push it too much.
46:31 Okay.
46:33 And then I'm just gonna,
46:35 we're gonna turn some of them over I think,
46:37 this one over here is about ready,
46:39 and I just spray the top like that,
46:41 and then turn them over.
46:46 Like that, see how golden it is.
46:48 Oh, that's perfect.
46:49 Did you hear what Mom just said?
46:51 Thanks, Mom.
46:52 Did you hear what Mom just said?
46:54 Yeah, thank you.
46:57 See. And don't show her that one.
46:59 Hey, that's one for my husband,
47:01 he loves them that way.
47:02 Mom, do you remember one time
47:03 one of the neighbor lady's came and said, Bernie, Bernie,
47:06 one of your children is hanging upside down
47:08 in the tallest tree in the neighborhood,
47:11 and remember what you said.
47:12 Must be Cinda.
47:16 She knew it wasn't me. I'm afraid of heights.
47:22 Spray right here.
47:23 Well, that's pretty much all you have to do.
47:28 Mom, do you think we're gonna just taste one.
47:31 I don't know.
47:32 I don't have any plates or anything so.
47:34 Hey, Melissa, can you get us a little plate please.
47:36 May be we can slip one. And a couple of forks.
47:38 You and me, you see where I learned it.
47:43 Well, Cinda is our official taster as you all know.
47:46 And...
47:47 Well, you know somebody has to do it.
47:49 Well that's how Mom, that's how you cooked
47:51 and that's how you made it good
47:52 is because you always tasted your food.
47:55 A good cook has to learn how to taste
47:56 and we do taste when we're creating recipes,
47:59 but someone actually ask me
48:01 why is that that you won't taste the food
48:03 on your programs but Cinda will.
48:05 And the honest truth is
48:06 that you really want to know, should I tell them?
48:09 This is the real reason I don't like to taste food
48:12 on this program
48:14 it's because I just know the second I do,
48:16 I'm gonna get some in my teeth.
48:18 That's what happens to me. Yes.
48:20 And then I'm gonna have it in my teeth
48:22 and while we're taping I'm not gonna know it's there,
48:24 see because I took a bite.
48:25 But you'll know it.
48:27 But you'll know it, you know why?
48:28 Cinda is gonna go, sis you got something in your teeth
48:30 and you will know that.
48:32 Now, Brenda, you know that I'm real discreet
48:35 when you went about something in your teeth.
48:37 Oh, yeah.
48:39 Let's tell her how discreet she is.
48:41 Now, girls, let's not fight.
48:47 We forgot who was with us.
48:48 I just love that Mom could see that better than me, Brenda.
48:51 Well you know, I think you deserve to know the truth,
48:53 we're out here in restaurant, Mom,
48:55 you need to hear this we're gonna,
48:57 of course, I might get in trouble in tattle telling,
48:59 so Mom, can I tell the story,
49:01 I won't be tattle telling...
49:04 Why don't you turn the fire down a little bit?
49:05 Okay, there you go.
49:08 This is the truth we all three of us girls
49:10 out at a restaurant.
49:11 And I had some broccoli and I thought
49:13 may be I got a little in my teeth and...
49:15 Well, it's disgusting to have stuff in your teeth.
49:17 Oh, yeah, nobody wants that, no one wants to see that.
49:18 Yeah, nobody wants that.
49:20 And so, you know, we're sisters and we love each other,
49:22 we share it if there is some problem
49:24 and so I looked at Cinda and I said, sis I said,
49:26 do I have anything in my teeth?
49:29 And she goes I don't know just a minute,
49:31 she turns to the table next to us,
49:34 a couple of men sitting there and she goes, excuse me.
49:36 Businessmen.
49:37 Yeah, businessmen, all having a business luncheon
49:39 and she turned excuse me,
49:40 does she have anything in her teeth?
49:42 Show them, sis.
49:45 And they go no, no, I don't believe she does.
49:48 We got one for her to try.
49:49 Anyway it turned into a big witnessing opportunity, Mom,
49:52 because they end up joining our table.
49:54 And we really had a wonderful...
49:57 Yeah, we could share.
49:58 They said, can we join, they said,
50:00 we gonna have more fun at your table.
50:01 It's already for them to taste it.
50:02 You ready?
50:04 Yeah, we're good to taste it, you ready?
50:05 Oh, okay. All right, drum roll.
50:14 Actually good.
50:17 That taste like yours, Mom?
50:18 And we have some right here to show you up.
50:21 I wonder that's really good.
50:26 What do you think, Mom?
50:28 Well they're having
50:30 their last bites of corn fritters,
50:34 my sisters and I have not one, not two,
50:36 not three but six cookbooks out
50:39 and right now we'd like to show you
50:41 how you can get yours.
50:45 If you've enjoyed the recipes you've seen today
50:47 and would like to purchase your own copy
50:49 of one of their cookbooks including their new cookbook,
50:52 Cooking with Kellogg's.
50:53 You can write to 3ABN PO Box 220,
50:57 West Frankfort, Illinois, 62896.
51:00 That's 3ABN PO Box 220,
51:03 West Frankfort, Illinois, 62896.
51:07 You can call 618-627-4651.
51:11 That's 618-627-4651.
51:14 Or if you would like to contact the Micheff Sisters
51:17 for a speaking appointment or concerts,
51:19 you can do so at their website at,
51:23 that's


Revised 2016-10-17