3ABN Today

People of Peru Project - Surgery Center Brings Hope

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY230004B

00:01 Amen, amen.
00:02 Well, we've been talk to Paul Opp,
00:04 president of the People of Peru Project.
00:06 And we just want to ask you, what's on your heart?
00:09 What do you want to leave in the minds
00:10 of those listening and watching?
00:12 Listen, if I could do anything today,
00:15 it would be to encourage, inspire, and motivate all of us
00:21 to do whatever it is that God has put on our heart to do.
00:26 We're all called to serve. We know that.
00:28 Not everybody is coming to the Amazon jungle.
00:30 Not everybody is leaving their own county.
00:33 But I do know for sure that God has called all of us
00:36 to do something.
00:37 If you feel compelled to do foreign missions,
00:39 then, man, that's amazing.
00:41 I can tell you it's life-changing.
00:43 I can tell you I never really lived
00:44 until I served on that level.
00:47 You know?
00:48 But if God is calling you to share the
00:50 resources you've been given because He's gifted you
00:53 in that area, what a blessing.
00:55 We couldn't do any of this without that financial support.
00:58 So my call really to people is just do what God
01:03 has put on your heart to do.
01:04 The fulfillment you'll receive in your life is immeasurable.
01:08 And the fulfillment of the gospel commission
01:14 on all of those levels is immeasurable.
01:17 So just engage.
01:19 ~ Amen, amen.
01:21 - Engage. - Well, Idalia.
01:23 All of you have heard and most of you have seen
01:27 something of what this ministry is doing.
01:30 But there is more.
01:31 We encourage you to visit their webpage
01:34 and get more information.
01:35 See, read, and hear more of what you've heard.
01:40 And I think you will be inspired.
01:42 I think you will be encouraged.
01:43 And we hope that you will be motivated
01:46 to help get this hospital going, because it is a need.
01:51 And every day they're going to be ministering to people.
01:55 This is ministry in action. This is love in action.
01:58 And we encourage you to support and pray for this ministry.
02:00 God bless you. Thank you for joining us.
02:02 - We'll see you next time. - Amen.


Revised 2023-09-12