3ABN Today

Growing Into Maturity By Finding Security In Christ

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY220074B

00:01 Welcome back.
00:02 During the break Clinton was telling me amazing stories
00:06 about this little Signs of the Times
00:09 The Love Letter from Jesus.
00:11 Something about Pakistan? This has been
00:14 translated into a lot of languages? Yes.
00:16 The Lord in His providence introduced me to
00:19 a fellow by the name of Anthony.
00:20 And he is a Christian; he has a printing business.
00:24 And he asked if he could translate this
00:27 into Urdu. And so I said: "Of course. "
00:30 And then he was wanting to have them shared.
00:34 So we sent some money over. He printed 300,000.
00:37 He's got a network that he's able to do that.
00:40 And he would love to share more.
00:42 He would like to translate into another language
00:44 to share. He's also translated the book into Urdu
00:49 and we sent some money to print that.
00:52 And it would be helpful if there are some donations
00:55 to help that. This is an amazing ministry!
00:58 Signs of the Times: A Love Letter from Jesus.
01:01 If this is a ministry you want to get involved with,
01:03 go ahead and e-mail Clinton
01:06 and let him know.
01:11 E- mail him with how you'd like to get involved.
01:14 Not just financially but it can
01:16 be prayers; it can be many dif- ferent things you'd like to do.
01:19 If you want to translate
01:20 this into another language,
01:22 contact Clinton and let him know
01:24 if you want to be involved in the ministry.
01:26 So you can go to the e-mail
01:28 for questions... also for the book.
01:32 I just love: The Compelling Love of God.
01:35 If we just knew what this
01:38 compelling love of God was
01:40 it would be amazing. What would you like to tell our
01:43 viewers as we close?
01:45 I love the Lord and I am passionate
01:47 as you mentioned about helping people become
01:49 rooted and grounded in the love of God
01:52 so that they want to be filled with the presence of God
01:55 and be open to all that God has for them.
01:58 And so may you love the Lord by reading His Word, praying.
02:04 And if this can be a help to you,
02:06 I pray that you can use it in whatever way you can.
02:10 Either through the book or the app or downloading the lessons.
02:13 Just remember everyone:
02:15 the compelling love of God is awesome.
02:19 Join us next time as we look at more of God's love for us.


Revised 2023-08-02