3ABN Today

The Spiritual Perils of Yoga

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY220072A

00:01 ♪ ♪
00:04 ♪ I want to spend my life mending broken people ♪
00:15 ♪ I want to spend my life removing pain ♪
00:26 ♪ Lord let my words heal a heart that hurts ♪
00:36 ♪ I want to spend my life mending broken people ♪
00:56 ♪ ♪
01:03 Hello friends and welcome to another 3ABN Today program.
01:09 I'm Jill Morikone and you know what, Today programs are some of
01:13 my favorite programs. Because we get to feature the family. Those
01:18 at 3ABN and those abroad who are involved in ministry or have a
01:24 personal testimony to share. Today's guest is no stranger to
01:27 you at 3ABN because she's the mother, I call her the mother of
01:32 3ABN. This is my sister, Dr. Yvonne Shelton and we are so
01:36 delighted to have you here today
01:40 Well, thank you, my dear. You know I look at you and Greg as my
01:41 babies. So I'm kind of your sis but your mom you know just kind
01:47 of all rolled into one. It's so good to be here. Thank you so
01:51 much for doing this.
01:53 Absolutely. It's good to have you here. Of course, Dr. Yvonne
01:55 Shelton, if you're new to the 3ABN family is the Dare to Dream
01:59 cofounder and consultant. And we have another guest we will be
02:05 introducing you to in just a little bit, partway through the
02:06 program you've probably noticed we have a little monitor on the
02:10 set. And you say what in the world is that doing here? We
02:12 will be joined by Blessings Winn in a little bit so we're looking
02:16 forward to that. Today's topic is a very insightful topic.
02:21 There's a verse in Isaiah, Isaiah chapter 5 that says Woe
02:26 to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for
02:31 light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and
02:34 sweet for bitter. Now you say what in the world does that have
02:37 to do with our topic. We're talking about Yoga today. Many
02:40 people think yoga is a good thing, it's stretching, it's
02:45 exercises, it's helping me get in tune with my body better,
02:50 it centers me. So we're going to talk about this new book that
02:55 Dr. Yvonne just wrote called Perilous Practices: A Look at
03:00 Yoga from a Christian Perspective. We're going to
03:05 unpack this but tell us first of all what led you on the journey
03:09 to write this book because your background was in some New Age
03:15 philosophies, eastern medicine. So talk to me about that.
03:19 So for many years, I was involved without really knowing it,
03:27 without really knowing how deeply I was involved in New Age
03:31 medicine. I was board certified in traditional Chinese medicine
03:34 practice in acupuncture and I felt like okay I'm a Christian.
03:41 I'm not an adherent to eastern medicine or Eastern religion.
03:47 This is Eastern medicine, that's Eastern religion and the two
03:53 don't mix. Oh no, no, no. The basis for the eastern medicine
03:56 was Eastern religion and what our folks don't know is that we
04:05 have these connections to Eastern religion that seem so
04:14 harmless. So when I was practicing acupuncture I would
04:18 pray over my patients. I thought you know I'm a Christian. You
04:23 know I'm going to put the needles in and put a prayer over
04:27 them and leave them and let the Lord work on them through this
04:32 modality. Yeah. And I found out that through, and I'm giving
04:37 like a Reader's Digest version of this. I found out that this
04:42 was not from the Lord. That I was to come out of it. That it
04:47 was connected to astrology and divination and all of these
04:51 things that are forbidden in the word of God. And once I found
04:55 that out I had to walk away from it but it gave me this
05:02 sensitivity these practices that seem harmless, that seem like
05:07 they're not connected to anything necessarily. It gave me
05:14 like antennae, so I have like an antenna and so like when people
05:17 say well what about this, is this okay? No, because Satan is
05:24 very shrewd and he takes some truth and mixes it with a little
05:29 bit of error and it is error. And the scripture you read was
05:36 perfect because people are calling good evil and evil good.
05:40 because they don't know the evil behind a lot of these practices.
05:46 Of course, because all we know is what's on the surface and
05:49 that's all we see and we don't know what's deeper underneath
05:52 and that's what we're going to talk about today. Dr. Yvonne and
05:57 the special guest as well, Blessings will talk about what
05:59 is underpinning or underlying Yoga and how it is connected
06:04 with some of these eastern religions. But before we go any
06:06 further and talk more about the book Brother Tim Parton is going
06:09 join us and he'll be bringing us the song Power in the Blood.
06:13 ♪ ♪
09:20 Thank you so much, Tim Parton. We love Tim Parton. We're so
09:23 grateful for his ministry. What a powerful song There is power
09:29 in the blood of the Lamb and we're so grateful for that. If
09:32 you're just joining us my special guest today is Dr.
09:35 Yvonne Shelton. We're talking about a brand new book, booklet,
09:40 that she just wrote, Perilous Practices, A Look at Yoga From a
09:45 Christian Perspective and then we'll have another special guest
09:48 joining us via Skype in just a few moments as well and that is
09:52 Blessings Winn and you'll get to see her in just a little bit.
09:55 But first Dr. Yvonne we were talking about your background
09:58 with Chinese medicine and your background with acupuncture and
10:02 some of the New Age practices and how you discovered the
10:04 danger of it. Now have you practiced yoga or what led to
10:08 you even wanting to write this book?
10:11 No, I was never a student of yoga but because it has infiltrated
10:18 the church I felt compelled to write it. You know Ephesians
10:23 5:11, let me just read it. It says: And have no fellowship
10:26 the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them. And I
10:31 felt like this...yoga is on the rise. It's on the rise in our
10:38 churches, our schools. Christian schools are teaching yoga. Now
10:41 some of are teaching "Christian" yoga, we'll talk about that in a
10:46 little bit but there's one online commentator that said
10:51 that there are more people who engage in Eastern occult
10:56 practices and New Age religion practices than attend all houses
11:03 of worship for all denominations combined. (Wow!) So it's on the
11:10 rise. (Spiritualism is on the rise) Yes, yes, and we know that
11:13 in the last days, spiritualism is going to be an issue and it is.
11:18 It is an issue. So I felt compelled to share this practice
11:26 to share the dangers and perils of this practice because people
11:31 don't know. And there were things that I didn't know about
11:35 acupuncture and then once I found out...You're not
11:37 responsible for what you don't know, you're only responsible
11:39 for what you know. So I felt like I could hopefully share
11:44 what is going on, what's underneath yoga that's so
11:50 So what is yoga? Someone might be saying maybe they live under
11:53 a rock and I'm not familiar with yoga. Because yoga really is
11:56 prevalent. I mean it's within the church and outside the
11:59 church. It seems like everybody practices it, but what is yoga?
12:01 So yoga is a Hindu philosophy that includes spiritual, mental,
12:08 and physical practices.
12:10 I thought yoga was stretching.
12:12 No. Yoga is a philosophy. It's actually one of the six schools
12:16 of Hinduism, orthodox Hinduism. (Yoga?) Yoga. So you cannot
12:24 separate yoga from Hinduism. That's the thing. And so you're
12:29 going to do a practice you need to know what is its foundation.
12:33 What is Hinduism really about? And so I dug into it to see what
12:41 it's about. Can a Christian be a Christian Hindu? Right? But yoga
12:50 is not just a physical practice. It is a spiritual, mental and
12:57 physical practice and it's designed to yoke, which is what
13:01 the word means, yoking or union. Yoke the self with the Hindu
13:08 highest god who is Brahman.
13:10 Now the Hindus have several gods or...(millions) millions.
13:15 Millions, I've read 300 million, I've read 3.3 million but
13:21 millions of gods and in fact Hinduism teaches that we are all
13:27 gods. So there's pantheism (and panentheism) and
13:34 panentheism. And we're all...
13:36 And what's the difference between the two, pantheism and
13:37 panentheism. Someone might be saying I don't really understand
13:38 Yeah. Pantheism is god is everything and panentheism is
13:45 god is in everything. (Oh wow) So a rock is god, a monkey,
13:53 (this table) this table has elements of Brahman who is
14:00 their god. It is the Hindu god. And so the goal of yoga is to
14:09 unite or yolk the self with Brahman who is their absolute
14:18 almighty, their absolute reality their supreme consciousness.
14:22 So when you go into a yoga class or when you leave the teacher
14:29 might say Namaste and do that. What does that mean? It means
14:36 the divine in me or the god in me honors the god in you.
14:41 (Seriously?) So now you are acknowledging as a Christian
14:45 you're being pantheistic because you're saying we are all gods.
14:51 (Wow!) And then many times there's a mantra at the end of
14:56 the class and that's a recitation of many of the Hindu
15:02 gods back to back, just their names back to back to back to
15:05 back and so Christians are breaking the first commandment
15:09 without even knowing it by calling on other gods. When God
15:14 said Thou shalt have no other gods before me. So all of these
15:18 things with Hinduism looking at the foundation of yoga, looking
15:26 at where it came from and how it's connected it's critical.
15:31 The other thing is yoga is henotheistic. That means that
15:36 there's one supreme being who is the supreme god and then there
15:41 are multiple deities. So there are a lot of other gods
15:46 underneath that supreme Brahman and those are really worshipped
15:51 even more than Brahman, like Vishnu and Shiva. These are
15:55 other Hindu gods but you cannot separate Hinduism from yoga.
16:03 Yoga is one of the foundational philosophies underpinning
16:09 Hinduism.
16:10 Wow! So I'm going to play devil's advocate for just a
16:13 moment. (Yeah sure) Well I'm not going to go to a yoga class. I'm
16:17 going to in my own home I really need to stretch, I really need
16:22 to exercise more and I've really heard that yoga really seems to
16:27 help that. So can I not do the stretches and not become
16:33 involved with the philosophy. Does that make sense?
16:35 Absolutely. Now there is nothing wrong with stretching.
16:41 Stretching is important for flexibility, we need to stretch.
16:42 It's the flow of these stretches It's the mental and physical
16:49 aspects of it that then introduce you to the spiritual.
16:53 So in other words, if you're just stretching and you're not
16:56 doing the for example the surya namaskar flow, and we'll talk
17:02 more about that later, but if you're not doing the sun
17:05 salutation flow...
17:07 Like a certain sequence.
17:08 It's a sequence. That sequence is a worship service basically
17:14 it's an invitation to the deity that it's connected with. So
17:23 stretching is great but if you go into the mind stilling
17:28 emptying your mind, the meditation part, the breathing,
17:32 because pranayama is the breathing part of yoga where...
17:37 So you have asanas, which are the postures, pranayama which is
17:42 the breathing. So all of those things are connected in yoga but
17:49 just stretching that's fine.
17:50 So stretching is good but when it's connected with that, with
17:55 the practice of yoga that's what brings it in with the Hinduism
17:58 and with the underlying philosophy that we don't always
18:01 even see or we don't always even know. (Exactly) This book is so
18:06 insightful. I'm so grateful. I know it takes time to write a
18:09 booklet but thank you for taking the time to research and to
18:12 study. We want to let you know at home that this booklet is
18:15 available for you complimentary that means you can call us or
18:19 [(618) 627-4651] you can get it online for free for one copy.
18:22 You can call us at (618)627-4651 That number again here at 3ABN
18:31 is (618) 627-4651 or you can go online at 3ABN's website
18:37 3abn.tv and you can get your own copy. We're making those
18:43 copies available one copy per household available that way.
18:48 It's so important to understand and to see the danger in this
18:54 practice and then once you have your copy, you can share that
18:57 with your community or your family or those in your church
19:03 who might be involved in this practice. And for that, you can
19:07 order these by five, 10, 15, 20, even a case full and you can
19:14 pass them out. And for that you can either order them online at
19:17 3abn.tv or you can go to Dr. Yvonne's website which is
19:25 MagnifyHimPub.com and you can see the other books that she has
19:32 available there as well on her website. But thank you for
19:36 taking the time to write this booklet. We're going to put up
19:41 this website several times throughout the program because
19:43 we want you at home to have the opportunity to be informed.
19:48 Because when we know something then we have a decision to make
19:52 do we not? What are we going to do with this?
19:54 Exactly. That is so true, Jill. That's the whole point. If you
19:58 don't know and in times of ignorance God winks so when we
20:03 don't know something we're not responsible for what we don't
20:05 know. But once we know we are responsible for what we know and
20:09 for what we could have known and just chose not to. We have to
20:14 love the truth. That's the key. We have to love the truth and
20:18 many times we kind of don't want to hear it you know especially
20:23 people who have been practicing it for a long time. They really
20:27 tend to feel like I'm getting so much from this. This is so great
20:32 for me and now you're trying to take it away. No. It's that you
20:36 have to know what's behind it and then you make the decision
20:40 as to whether or not you're going to continue the practice.
20:44 But if you do continue to practice it you are practicing
20:48 idolatry.
20:50 Wow! That's heavy. (That's really heavy) That's heavy.
20:53 Speaking of practicing yoga we want to bring in now our other
20:57 special guest who's joining us from California via Skype. This
21:01 is our sister in Jesus Blessings Winn who practiced yoga and was
21:06 a yoga instructor. She is actually an ex-yoga instructor.
21:09 Blessings we're so glad to have you here with us today and tell
21:16 us how did yoga or practicing yoga, how did that affect you?
21:18 Yeah so I, like you said, grew up Christian and believed in God
21:25 and I was always athletic. I practiced dance and was very
21:32 limber growing up so I didn't see a harm in then going into
21:37 yoga. You know I attended my first yoga class and I succeeded
21:42 and I caught the attention of the instructors and they said
21:46 Hey you know you are really good at this. You're such a natural.
21:49 Why don't you get certified? And I thought hey why not, let
21:51 me get certified, right? Through the certification process and I
21:55 don't necessarily plug the company but it's not a school of
22:01 say Hinduism or yoga. It's one of these American certified yoga
22:07 companies that basically teach you the formula of how to become
22:10 an instructor. So that's how I ended up being an instructor.
22:13 What I didn't know was that and of course, because they didn't
22:18 teach me these things is that I was actually fornicating on my
22:23 own God. That I had basically started practicing another
22:28 religion with my body and this was a moving liturgy where I was
22:33 literally taking the...you can call it the yoga bible but the
22:36 yoga Vedic text and I was reenacting it through every
22:42 single posture and every posture is dedicated to a particular
22:46 deity and that deity when you invoke that posture you invite
22:51 them to come into you and no one told me this. So imagine...It's
22:59 actually kind of similar to what happened with cigarettes. You
23:01 know when a cigarettes were first unleashed in American
23:04 society they were actually prescribed to women who had
23:06 anxiety, who were pregnant, to people across the board and they
23:10 were never told of the consequences of what could
23:13 happen if they were to smoke the cigarette. So likewise, this is
23:18 what's happening across the world and especially in the
23:20 United States. You're being given a medical practice, a
23:23 religious medical practice that can alter your being, alter your
23:28 psychology, your mental stability, it can mentor your
23:33 spirituality and have some really irreversible harmful
23:37 effects on your body. But no one tells you these things. And it's
23:43 something that has to be spoken out against and if I had known
23:46 that I would never have participated in it.
23:48 You know Blessings it's so interesting you know just a few
23:53 minutes ago you said all of these postures are linked to
23:57 heathen gods and I have a graphic that I'd like to put up
24:01 that shows various postures these asana, these poses and
24:09 they are poses, worship poses whether it's receiving or bowing
24:12 or worshipping. These are connected, they're all connected
24:16 to heathen deities so when you practice these poses you are
24:22 actually cooperating with a system of idolatry, with a
24:26 system of bringing in false gods
24:30 You're inviting demons. (You're inviting) A demonic presence
24:33 you're inviting a demonic presence by doing that.
24:36 Exactly.
24:38 And unfortunately in America is being used as a
24:40 marketing tool you know.
24:41 The yoga industry had just really blossomed. It's over a
24:45 billion-dollar industry. But if you actually listen to you know
24:49 the gurus and the professors, let me quote for you this. It's
24:53 from Subhas Tiwari and he had wrote a book, he's a professor
24:58 at the University of Hinduism of America in Orlando, Florida and
25:04 his book is titled Yoga Renamed Is Still Hindu. He says, "The
25:10 simple, immutable fact that yoga originated from the Vedic or
25:15 Hindu culture it's techniques were not adopted by Hinduism
25:19 but originated from it. Efforts to separate yoga from it's
25:26 spiritual center reveal ignorance of the goal of yoga.
25:30 It was intended by the Vetic seers as an instrument which can
25:36 lead one to apprehend the absolute, ultimate reality
25:39 called the Brahman reality which is the Hindu god." So if you can
25:45 think about this, take a step back and you think about what
25:48 this really means what he's saying is that for instance we
25:53 have the Bible. Imagine if we were to indoctrinate our
25:57 children with every scripture and we would say you know say
26:01 we had movement and the movements were train up a child
26:08 in the way he should go and when he is old he will never depart
26:14 from it. And that was just the moving liturgy of the scripture.
26:18 What he is telling us is that in yoga the Vetic text you use
26:23 your body to indoctrinate yourself and also to become one
26:28 with the god that you serve. So there's no way to separate it at
26:32 all. This is powerful.
26:35 It is, it is. And the god that you're serving is Brahman with
26:42 to goal of yoking yourself to their highest deity.
26:49 What was interesting to me was the word you used, Blessings,
26:52 liturgy. (Mm-hmm) I mean liturgy is worship is it not? (That's
26:57 right) and we have not at least I have not classified yoga as
27:02 worship. You know it's like you're entering into a worship
27:05 service through these poses and the system of that. What about
27:12 Christian yoga? So is there such a thing and can there be such a
27:17 thing? Because people say oh there's Christian yoga. So talk
27:19 to us about that.
27:21 It is such an oxymoron. It's just like saying a Christian
27:26 Hindu. You cannot be a Christian and Hindu. They're antithetical.
27:33 So you can't make linguistic substitutions and for example
27:42 sun salutation in yoga, s-u-n, is son in Christian yoga. But
27:51 what they're doing is...you know how these different companies
27:57 have packaging and they might repackage something. The content
28:05 is the same but the package is different. That's what Christian
28:09 yoga is. The content is still idolatry. You can call it
28:15 something else, you can relabel it, you can call it criss-cross
28:20 applesauce when you get in the lotus position but the real
28:26 thing is...Criss-cross applesauce was part of a
28:30 whole Chandra yoga movement but with Christian yoga taking
28:38 Christian nomenclature and applying it to Hindu philosophy
28:43 is what's going on and so it is an oxymoron. You cannot practice
28:50 it. And I know that there are people who are going to rear
28:54 back and say we teach Christian yoga. What do you think,
28:59 Yeah I agree and again there is an awareness for the Hindus as
29:07 well. They're actually fans of Jesus and so they see Jesus as
29:11 just another great guru. They don't see him rightfully as God
29:16 as Savior, as the Creator of this whole universe. So there's
29:22 also an indoctrination right now among the gurus to talk about
29:27 Jesus in its way and it makes yoga seem nonthreatening
29:30 because they use some of the same vernacular that we're used
29:33 to and so we think to ourselves oh this is inviting, this is
29:37 enlightening and you have actual Christians who know better and
29:40 they are coming up with ways to incorporate this physical form
29:45 of worship so that it's approved and okay by Christians. And
29:52 honestly, there's no way to do it because the ramifications...and
29:55 in fact, if you bring up that diagram again of those poses
30:00 Yvonne that you mentioned earlier, you know a Chandra yoga
30:05 any of these yoga's, if you actually study these positions
30:09 you know you will see that these are idols. You're forming your
30:15 body like a snake, a mermaid, a crane, a dog, you know cobra
30:23 all sorts of deities that you're worshipping and doing these
30:27 forms with your body. And the other goal of yoga is actually
30:31 used to relax the body so that the mind opens up and you can
30:38 experience a whole other level of consciousness. And what they
30:41 believe that by killing the body you can find the enlightenment
30:47 and their whole goal is death you know. And if you die then
30:53 you can achieve this new reality and so a lot of these postures
30:59 they tell you they're good for you but in actuality they're
31:04 actually very dangerous because they cut off blood flow, they
31:06 cut off hormone function. You know there's no good that
31:11 can come of you cutting off blood flow.
31:14 There's one pose called plow pose where
31:17 you lie on your back and you bring your legs over your head
31:19 and you touch the floor with your knees and your toes and
31:23 your shins if possible and at this you're cutting off your
31:29 thyroid and their belief is that if you cut off the thyroid that
31:34 you are stopping any bad blood flow to the thyroid and then
31:39 once you resume your normal position then all this gushing
31:42 of new blood will regenerate the thyroid Well that's the American
31:51 kind of candy that they're feeding you to do this position
31:54 but in actuality what you're doing is harm to that region
31:59 that is vital to your hormone production, to your sanity, to
32:04 just your functioning in general and beyond the physical is the
32:10 spiritual, when you start doing these chants and the mantras
32:15 you're opening yourself up to a deity coming into you and the
32:20 Bible talks about it. You know it's not something that I'm
32:23 making up. The Bible talks about demonic possession and here this
32:27 practice it welcomes it. It's saying bring it on in and if we
32:31 do go to scripture, if we go to Romans 6:13 it reminds us: Do
32:35 not present your members...When you talk about members this
32:39 actually means your limbs. Do not present your members to sin
32:45 as instruments for unrighteousness but
32:48 present yourself to God as those who have been brought from death
32:52 to life and your members, again your body parts, to God, as
32:57 instruments of righteousness. Again you're being brought from
33:02 death right? From sin you're being saved from sin and you're
33:05 being brought to life. The yoga practice does the exact opposite
33:10 It takes from a quasi-life, right? You might not be saved
33:16 yet or maybe you are saved and then what ends up happening you
33:21 find a way to kill that new life in Christ so that you can yoke
33:25 with Brahman, Vishiva and 300 other million gods.
33:29 Yes, yes. I'd like to read a scripture. The word of God is
33:34 specific about following pagan styles of worship. Deuteronomy
33:38 12 verses 30 and 31 from the ESV reads: Take care that you be not
33:45 ensnared to follow them after they've been destroyed before
33:48 you and that you do not inquire about their gods saying how did
33:53 these nations serve their gods that I also may do the same.
33:57 You shall not worship the Lord your God in that way for every
34:02 abominable thing that the Lord hates they have done for their
34:06 god. So the Lord tells us don't follow after these pagan ways of
34:12 worship. We have a graphic of the surya namaskar. It's the sun
34:22 salutation and each of those poses is supposed to do
34:28 something for the body. You know you were just talking about the
34:34 supposed benefits from these but those poses have supposed
34:39 benefits except each one is a moving liturgy. That sequence is
34:45 a moving worship service for the sun god. And the sun god is
34:51 ancient. Worship of the sun goes back to biblical times. In Egypt
34:58 it was Aman Ra and the Canaanites worshipped the sun,
35:02 the Babylonians, the Assyrians, and God told his people do not
35:06 worship like they do. Do not and yet we're caught up in this
35:12 whole thing thinking that it's just stretching. It is not just
35:17 stretching.
35:21 I want to mention the book one more time and then we'll jump
35:22 right back into this. But if you would like your own copy of
35:27 Perilous Practices: A Look at Yoga from a Christian
35:29 Perspective, we will send one copy complimentary to every
35:33 household that calls for it. You can call us at (618) 627-4651
35:39 It's so important that this message get out. That we not
35:45 unintentionally or intentionally be yoked with a false god, be
35:52 involved in spiritualism, be involved in idolatry. You can
35:57 also go online 3abn.tv and you can order your own copy. If you
36:03 want to order these in bulk you can order them from either
36:07 3abn.tv or you can go to MagnifyHimPub.com and you can
36:12 order more after Sabbath hours. You can order more at that time.
36:17 The e-book is there as well.
36:19 Oh, thank you. So the book is available for download and
36:21 people can read it that way. I love that, that's perfect.
36:26 I'm sorry Blessings. I think you were going to jump in on
36:28 something and I interrupted with the book here. But go ahead, I'm
36:32 sorry, I think I interrupted you
36:34 So the therapeutic benefits that they've outlined, you have to
36:37 realize that most of it is pseudo-science and most of it is
36:42 superstition. None of these things have actually been
36:46 surveyed by a medical body and in fact, people end up in the
36:51 hospital all the time. More of the people who practice yoga end
36:56 up having some kind of physical injury. Many people also report
36:59 psychological side effects. It's just no good especially when
37:05 you're confused and you don't know exactly what it is that
37:07 you're doing. You're all the more a sitting duck. So I just
37:13 say stay away from it. It's not what God intended. Again He
37:19 reminds us in Romans 12:1 He says to present your bodies a
37:24 living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God which is your
37:28 spiritual worship. Our worship is supposed to be unique, it is
37:32 supposed to be you know to be a very special people and if we
37:38 keep adulterating what it means to worship God and we do other
37:43 people's forms of worship then we're not serving God. We're
37:46 not keeping our temples, our bodies holy as a sacrifice to
37:51 our God and Lord and Savior.
37:53 Very true. I'd like to add something too about the holy
37:58 yoga and the praise moves and the Christian yoga. There is a
38:02 Hindu researcher Wajib Mahotra who said, I'm going to quote him
38:08 He said While Yoga is not a religion in the sense that the
38:13 Abrahamic religions are, it is a well-established spiritual path
38:17 Its physical postures are only the tip of an iceberg beneath
38:24 which is a distinct metaphysics with profound depth and breadth.
38:27 Its spiritual benefits are undoubtedly available to anyone
38:30 regardless of religion, however, the assumptions and consequences
38:35 of yoga do run counter to much of Christianity as understood
38:39 today. That is why every Hindu, Yoga practitioner and scholar
38:43 I agree with the Southern Baptist seminary president when
38:47 he speaks of the incompatibility between Christianity and yoga.
38:50 arguing that idea that the body is a vehicle for reaching
38:56 consciousness with the divine is fundamentally at odds with
39:00 Christian teaching. So we have yoga practitioners like
39:05 Blessings like this man here... (ex-yoga) Oh, my word EX...
39:12 Such were some of you, praise the Lord.
39:16 We are washed and sanctified and cleansed (Yes, yes)
39:21 The word of God is specific on how we are to practice or not
39:29 practice different things and 1 Corinthians 10:21 says: You
39:34 cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You
39:37 cannot partake of the Lord's table and of the table of demons
39:42 So we cannot blend the two. I think one of the things that
39:46 happens in the New Age movement is something called syncretism
39:49 where you take a little bit of this and a little bit of that
39:52 and a little bit of that and try to mix it all together. The Lord
39:56 has not called us to do that. We are not to mix evil with good
40:00 We are to stand for him and we cannot drink the cup of demons.
40:06 We have to focus on what the Lord would have us to do and how
40:10 He would have us to act and so I think the scripture is really
40:14 powerful.
40:16 It is really powerful. You know it just reminds me of that other
40:18 scripture: What fellowship has Christ with Belial, you know.
40:21 Can two walk together unless they are agreed and we always
40:25 say that refers to marriage which, of course, it does. But
40:27 it refers to anything in life where we're thinking okay I'll
40:33 mix some good but some evil practice comes in at the same
40:36 time and the danger of that.
40:39 That's right, that's right. They have done scientific studies
40:43 that show that practices alter values. So your beliefs, whether
40:50 you intend to have it happen or not the long-term practice of
40:56 yoga changes your values. And that's biblical too. Proverbs
41:01 16:3 Commit your works to the Lord and your thoughts will be
41:06 established. So whatever you commit your works to there your
41:10 thoughts are going be. So that is scriptural as well. But
41:14 science is corroborating this that your practice can alter
41:18 your values whether you intend for it to happen or not. You
41:23 begin to embrace the philosophy underlying these practices.
41:28 Yes and I think that's a powerful point and I just love
41:31 the booklet because you have outlined so many things. You can
41:34 see me with all kind of sticky notes but it's a beautiful
41:43 outline of exactly all the pitfalls and the things you know
41:45 that you guys are doing without realizing it in yoga. And so I
41:50 love how you outlined here you know the eight different limbs
41:56 of yoga. You know the restraints the disciplines, the postures,
41:58 the control of breath, turning the attention within,
42:02 concentration, meditation and ultimately holy trance. That's
42:07 exactly what you're being subjected to in these classes.
42:09 You have to understand they've been studying this for as long
42:13 as we've been alive almost. They have figured out how to
42:19 incarcerate your soul along with theirs in worshipping this
42:25 demonic force and none of this is by accident. You're doing all
42:30 of these asanas, you know you think these are beautiful
42:32 movements and they're actually going to bring you the benefit
42:34 that they're claiming. But again this is pseudo-science. Have you
42:37 actually seen the people that made this up. I mean none of
42:43 them are doctors, none of them. These are ancient cultures and
42:49 civilizations that go back all the way to Egypt. This is
42:51 specific deity worship. The people are not intentionally
42:56 trying to observe Christ. And Yvonne what you said about
43:01 you know beholding and what you bring your body to do it
43:06 actually will start to transform you. That's very true because
43:10 the person that I was when I walked into a yoga class for the
43:14 first time versus the person that left after going and living
43:17 in an ashram, you know in India and going to the Mecca of Yoga
43:22 in a state called Kerola, India I was not the same person. I
43:28 still thought I was Christian but I had given myself unto
43:33 these people to study more in depth and to come away "wiser"
43:37 with more knowledge and more enlightenment and before I knew
43:40 It, I was speaking their vernacular. I was using their
43:45 colloquialisms. I was talking about God and calling Him
43:48 Universe but Universe is actually, Shiva which is another
43:53 god in the pantheon that is celebrated in Hinduism. And
43:57 Shiva is known as the destroyer and the creator and he literally
44:01 is pictured as having a serpent all the way around his neck...
44:04 We have a picture of that too. We have a graphic of that.
44:10 Yeah this is Shiva (this is Shiva) and you see him in lotus
44:13 pose and you see that he is trying to connect and unify
44:17 himself with Brahman. The serpent on his neck is not
44:22 unintentional. People actually believe that when Adam and Eve
44:25 were betrayed by the snake and beguiled by the snake and ate
44:31 the forbidden fruit that they actually, after the serpent was
44:34 successful in stealing you know the dominion of earth away from
44:39 them by them deceiving themselves and betraying God
44:42 they actually believe Shiva taught Eve Yoga then and there.
44:50 So this is how far back this practice goes. And these things
44:55 I didn't know about until I left yoga because I started having
45:01 spiritual attacks because of yoga. And you get introduced to
45:06 so many things that you are clueless about like this new
45:08 craze on Kundalini yoga. Well this is the most powerful form
45:13 of yoga...(and the most dangerous)
45:16 What type of yoga is that?
45:17 Kundalini is actually where it means coiled snake (seriously?)
45:24 and the belief is that the serpent is a divine female
45:31 energy of Shakti that's at the base of the spine but it's
45:36 coiled and it has to uncoil and travels up, we have a graphic of
45:40 that as well, traveling up through the shakras to the
45:44 crown shakra and kundalini, let's talk about that Blessings
45:51 because it is said to be the most potent but the most
45:56 dangerous form of yoga. It's a amalgamation of all the forms of
46:00 yoga together.
46:02 Thinking about that beginning scripture I started in Isaiah 5
46:05 about those who call evil good and good evil and that's exactly
46:09 what's happening because the serpent is evil, right? and here
46:13 they're bringing the serpent in as something good.
46:15 Yes. There's some pictures where the serpent is spewing venom
46:22 from his mouth and that venom is actually, avidia which is the
46:27 veil of allusion and the idea is that and we have the cobra pose
46:34 you know which is one of the poses of yoga (two voices)
46:39 right and so it's like they make the serpent the purveyor of good
46:46 It's supposed to overcome fear. So that whole veil of illusion
46:53 is there because you don't realize that you are divine and
46:59 that snake, that serpent, is supposed to overturn the whole
47:02 idea of fear, the fear of anything because you are divine
47:08 You don't need to be afraid. You are God. So they make...the
47:14 Bible teaches in Genesis three that the serpent is cursed
47:17 (that's right) but with Hinduism that the serpent is around their
47:22 God's neck.
47:24 And that was Satan's first lie one of his first lies, you shall
47:27 be as gods. (as gods)
47:29 In the Bible, it also says that he was the most cunning of all
47:32 the beasts and it's no different right here in the practice of
47:37 yoga. He is extremely cunning and deceptive. And you may start
47:41 it thinking oh this is so good. You know it helps me calm down.
47:46 But that's why even just spending time alone and
47:51 stretching without any kind of yoga or sitting and talking to
47:53 God or reading the Bible or relaxing would give you the same
47:56 benefit without any of the side effects of delusion or demonic
48:01 possession or injury to yourself You know ultimately harming your
48:06 salvation.
48:08 I think people don't realize the metaphysical aspects of yoga.
48:13 You know for them it's just a physical thing but the physical
48:16 part is just the tip of the iceberg and in the booklet I
48:21 have different people who are yoga practitioners who say that
48:26 this is a spiritual practice. This is a spiritual path and you
48:32 will be visited by spiritual beings. Now there is no
48:36 spiritual encounter that is neutral. There's no neutral
48:40 spiritual encounter so when they talk about you will receive some
48:44 kind of guide or spiritual guide or all this stuff happens this
48:50 demonic. It comes straight from the devil.
48:53 That's really heavy. You were so right. There is no neutral
48:58 spiritual encounter and what responsibility we have once we
49:03 are armed with the truth, once we know what the word of God
49:06 says and the deception that Satan has placed really with the
49:10 yoga is unmasked then we have a decision to make. Joshua 24:15
49:15 says, Choose you this day whom you will serve, whether the gods
49:22 that your fathers served which were on the other side of the
49:24 river or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell
49:28 So we don't serve things because or tradition or what our parents
49:32 did, neither do we do it because of peer pressure, and everybody
49:36 else is doing it therefore I need to do it too. No we need to
49:39 make a choice. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.
49:43 I want to give you another opportunity to get this booklet
49:46 for yourself because what it contains is life
49:51 transformational. If you walk down the path of yoga it will
49:55 lead to spiritualism. So the danger of that you can call us
50:02 at 3ABN and we will send you one copy complementary per
50:04 household. Call us at (618) 627-4651 or you can go
50:11 online 3abn.tv and we will gladly send one copy out for
50:17 free to you or if you would like to order this in bulk on non
50:22 Sabbath hours you can always go online at 3abn.tv or to Dr.
50:27 Yvonne's website MagnifyHimPub.com
50:30 We're coming down to the end of this program. We're going to go
50:33 to a news break and then we'll come back with some closing
50:36 thoughts. But before we do that I want each of you to maybe
50:40 speak to someone who's currently involved in yoga, currently
50:44 practicing. What would you tell them right now? Dr. Yvonne, we'll
50:46 start with you.
50:48 I would say that now that you know the dangers of it you have
50:54 a decision to make. And I know it's not easy because I had a
50:57 similar decision to make with acupuncture. So I know it's not
51:02 easy but when the Lord is calling you out the come out of
51:05 her my people and touch not the unclean thing. This is that.
51:11 He's calling you out so you do have a decision to make and it's
51:15 our prayer is that you will make the decision to follow Jesus no
51:19 matter what.
51:21 Amen, and Blessings what would you tell our family watching
51:23 right now and listening.
51:24 I agree a thousand percent with Dr. Yvonne. Honestly, you know as
51:31 I said before I walked in ignorant and I didn't know that
51:38 it ended up opening up a gateway to things that I would have
51:43 never entertained. But somehow because I had been basically
51:48 disarmed by yoga I felt like hey if God is everywhere then I can go
51:54 and dabble in this, I can go and dabble in that. I can open this
51:58 door and see what's behind that curtain and what it ended up
52:01 doing is causing a lot of spiritual discord, a lot of
52:06 disharmony. I couldn't really think clearly during the most
52:11 stressful times in my life so if you're finding yourself having
52:14 dabbled in these arts and then opening the door to other arts
52:17 know that there is a way out and his name is Jesus. Come out
52:21 please. Don't mess with it.
52:22 I love that; come out, please. Absolutely. We're going to go to
52:27 our news break right now and then when we come back we'll
52:29 come back with some thoughts from these beautiful ladies right
52:32 here.


Revised 2023-08-16