3ABN Today

Miracles at Castle Valley Academy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY220071A

00:01 ♪ ♪
00:04 ♪ I want to spend my life mending broken people ♪
00:15 ♪ I want to spend my life removing pain ♪
00:25 ♪ Lord let my words heal a heart that hurts ♪
00:36 ♪ I want to spend my life mending broken people ♪
00:56 ♪ ♪
01:07 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today program. Thank you
01:10 for joining us as you do each and every day and thank you for
01:13 your love and your prayers and financial support of 3ABN as we
01:17 endeavor to take this great gospel into all the world.
01:22 (Danny Shelton) Today speaking of taking the gospel into all
01:23 the world, I am so privileged to be here with Castle Valley
01:28 Academy way out in the state of Utah. And so we have a bunch of
01:34 young folk on here and we got an old folk and then one in between
01:38 and then some young folks. Speaking of that we have the
01:41 President Craig Cleveland. We're so glad you're here. (Good to be
01:46 here) You're no stranger to 3ABN and our viewers I'm sure. And so
01:51 Well, why don't we got ahead, We'll introduce the students but
01:54 then what I'd like to do is for maybe you to give us some
01:58 background on Castle Valley.
02:00 Sure, sure. This is Alani Holcombe, a senior, and Emma
02:04 Driesen, a senior. And we have Nathaniel Livingston, a junior,
02:09 and then Ben Cowden, a junior. Kansas, Montana, Montana,
02:13 Montana. It's a little heavy on Montana this morning.
02:16 All right, glad you all are here And those of you at home, we're
02:20 glad that you're here. This is an incredible story that they
02:23 have, an incredible Academy and today if there were ever a time
02:27 that we need institutions, Adventist educational
02:31 institutions that are literally living by the Bible, not looking
02:36 to the left, not looking to the right, not worried about the
02:40 world and what the world is doing but concentrating on
02:43 taking the gospel to the world, this is the time, so you may
02:47 want to listen and watch and maybe you're a young person who
02:50 is watching, maybe even grandma or the parent or grandma and
02:54 grandpa, you're saying wow I think that's where I'd like to
02:56 send my student. We're going to find out if they've got room to
02:59 take anymore and I think we're going to find the answer is yes
03:02 here in just a little bit. But Mr. Craig tell us a little bit
03:07 about Castle Valley.
03:08 Well the most important thing about true education is knowing
03:11 Jesus. Making Jesus attractive to the students and letting them
03:16 find an exciting adventure with Him and then giving them an
03:19 opportunity to get out and share So we have so many stories we
03:22 just got to get on with that. We also are told on page 17 in the
03:26 book Education to train thinkers not reflectors of other people's
03:29 thoughts and so we want to share with you our plan to make that
03:34 happen.
03:35 Okay. Wonderful. The background of Castle Valley, how long...
03:40 It started in 1970 and had many different growth spurts you
03:45 might say along the way. We're excited to see a focus on media
03:49 and growth. We're rebuilding the boys' dormitory. We want to see
03:53 60 students as soon as we can. And the Lord's opened ways for
03:57 that to happen and we're excited about that. And we're also
03:59 building three new staff homes because we got new staff joining
04:02 us. So we're excited that God has a plan to see more young
04:07 people trained and soon.
04:09 Okay, now what we're going to do right before we get into the
04:13 rest of the interview I want somebody to explain maybe one
04:16 of the students scripture songs, about your scripture singers.
04:19 tell me a little bit about what we're getting ready to see.
04:22 Who's, where's Ben? You look like you know, you look like you
04:27 know everything so tell me...I think we got a smart kid here.
04:32 (Ben Cowden) Scripture singer is an app that you can listen to
04:37 many scripture songs the entire book of Matthew is on there,
04:40 the entire book of James and with many others. We also have a
04:43 YouTube channel on which we have many great videos.
04:47 Okay so we're going to go to one of those scripture songs right
04:50 now. Okay.
04:52 John 6:63 The words that I speak unto you they are Spirit and
05:02 they are life. The words that I speak unto you they are Spirit
05:08 and they are life. It is the Spirit that quickeneth
05:16 The flesh profiteth nothing. The words that I speak unto you they
05:23 are Spirit and they are life. John 6:63 The words I speak they
05:31 are Spirit and they are life.
05:41 Hey everybody we're so glad you enjoyed this video. If you'd
05:43 like to enjoy hundreds more scripture songs just download
05:45 our free app Scripture Singer and thanks for watching.
05:48 All right beautiful that's great So now you're continuing to do
05:58 these videos right. (Yeah) Okay now I want to find out why you
06:03 all decided to go to Castle Valley. There's a lot of options
06:04 so Ben why don't we start with you.
06:06 Okay well I came to Castle Valley because of the music.
06:11 Music has been a huge part of my life since I was very little and
06:15 I was greatly inspired frankly when at Fountain View Academy
06:22 and when I
06:24 heard that he was at Castle Valley I jumped at the chance
06:27 to go.
06:28 Okay, where are you from?
06:30 I'm from Kansas.
06:31 Okay so that's a little bit of difference flat Kansas compared
06:35 to Utah, right?
06:36 The scenery is awesome.
06:38 It is absolutely fabulous. All right do we want to go on down
06:42 the line.
06:43 Last year I actually did attend Fountain View Academy.
06:48 (Nathaniel Livingston) But because of issues at the border
06:50 I was praying and God opened the way for me to go to Castle
06:53 Valley and it's been a huge blessing and I'm really glad I
06:56 was able to come here. Went into a lot of stuff with Craig and
07:00 with the curriculum and getting to work on the farm and in the
07:04 shop and those places. All the new friends and being able to
07:08 grow spiritually. I've never been as close to God as I have
07:12 here at Castle Valley so it's a huge blessing.
07:15 My name is Emma. I'm from Montana and I came to Castle
07:21 Valley Academy mainly because of the great program that they have
07:23 They have a different approach to learning that I really like
07:27 and also the music program. Also we do a lot of outreach and
07:30 evangelism and colporteuring so that was the reasons I decided
07:33 to come here.
07:34 Okay, Alani (Holcombe).
07:36 I'm also from Montana and I came because his mama told me that
07:40 there's a cool school at Castle Valley. Okay, I'll check it out.
07:43 And then I found out they have a really big canvassing program
07:46 and I'd canvassed this last summer and I had such a blast
07:50 I said if I can get a school, learn in a new way and also go
07:56 canvassing that sounds fun, let's do it.
07:58 That was a great testimony I mean honestly. I think we have a
08:03 video. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Have you
08:05 heard that. I don't know what a video would be, maybe a hundred
08:08 thousand words, but let's go to the video right now.
08:11 Our school is surrounded with the iconic beauty of the red
08:15 rock mesas, hyasol mountains and the Colorado River. Here on
08:21 earth we all can tell time won't last much longer, Jesus soon
08:27 come. So we ask the question what is important to our young
08:31 people right now. We believe the answer is they need an
08:34 experience with the amazing love of Jesus for themselves. They
08:39 find that in the study of the Bible. They need to share this
08:44 experience with others. But to share with others they need to
08:47 understand everything they believe and to understand
08:50 everything they believe they need time to deeply study God's
08:54 Holy Word. Our program trains our young people to share Jesus
08:59 wherever they are. In music, meeting people in the community
09:04 and selling truth-filled books door to door, through Bible
09:07 studies, furthering their education. It's all exciting.
09:10 But to do this we need to take a new approach to learning that
09:13 puts our young people into the mode of thinking for themselves.
09:17 As they discover the ever expanding deep truths of God in
09:21 science and inspiration.
09:23 Luke Cook Industries Director
09:27 Anyone who has seen what is happening in our world today
09:31 knows that we need hope now more than ever. What if there was a
09:35 place where young people could come and be trained so that when
09:39 they left they would know how to rapidly establish gardens, grow
09:43 food, preserve food and be a blessing for life in any
09:48 community where God takes them. It's so fun when young people
09:51 know how to make healthy soil and then grow organic veggies
09:55 potatoes, melons, etc., and then take that food and can it,
10:00 dehydrate it, freeze dry it. Young people who are trained in
10:06 CPR and first aid. It's like sending out community survival
10:10 experts into any place to be leaders. This is our vision and
10:15 this is what is happening here at Castle Valley Academy.
10:18 (Anita Cook, girls dean) Our desire here is to create a warm
10:22 loving atmosphere, a home away from home in which every student
10:26 is heard, valued, and appreciated Here students and staff depend
10:31 on one another as we work together. We realize the
10:36 importance of staying in close contact with parents and as a
10:40 dean, I consider it a great honor and privilege to be entrusted
10:43 with your most precious treasures. I do not take this
10:46 responsibility lightly. By God's grace I will be their mom away
10:50 from home.
10:51 (Jason Strack, principal) There is a saying that if you give a
10:54 person a fish you'll feed them for a day. But if you teach them
10:58 how to fish then you'll feed them for a lifetime. Well it's
11:04 also true in education. If you teach someone some facts they
11:09 learn for the test. But if you teach them how to learn for
11:14 themselves, to think for themselves, they learn for a
11:18 lifetime. At Castle Valley Academy we train thinkers, not
11:26 thinkers of the worldly sort but thinkers that gain their reason
11:32 from the Bible. There is no curriculum calculated to lift
11:36 men higher than the word of God. With the Holy Spirit as our
11:41 teacher the wisdom of man becomes foolishness and we
11:46 become wise unto salvation. We are seeking that highest of all
11:51 educations and we have the most incredible classroom, the
11:58 exquisite outdoors. We study from God's book of nature first
12:01 hand. Learning becomes connected to reality instead of just
12:06 theories, a book. Biology becomes alive in the garden.
12:11 Physics is experienced when repelling on the mountains,
12:15 riding dirt bikes through the desert and rafting on the rivers
12:19 God's presence seems nearer while enjoying the views from
12:25 the mountain tops. Math is real when you plan how much mulch you
12:30 need to cover the flower beds. The water cycle becomes
12:35 practical when you see how much less water those flowers need
12:38 when they're mulched. Chemistry is applied in the kitchen.
12:42 English is real when you preach that sermon that you wrote. We
12:48 don't measure students' learning by the time they spend in class.
12:52 No. We evaluate our students by the competence they show in real
12:58 life skills and knowledge. To reach targets that we have hand
13:03 selected to train students for true greatness.
13:09 ♪ ♪
13:12 Amen, boy what an incredible video. Who put that together for
13:16 you? My son Ethan.
13:18 Oh wow, let him know I thought he did a great job on it. No
13:23 it's amazing some of the stuff that y'all do there. It's not
13:25 not like your normal when I think Academy. Way back, you
13:31 probably haven't even hear dates this far back in 1967 to 1968, I
13:35 went one year to Wisconsin Academy. It was very cold up
13:38 there because we're several hundred miles south of there.
13:40 It gets cold here but not like that and I worked on the farm.
13:43 But it was 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. We didn't have any of that stuff
13:48 you know that you have there. So you've got recreation that looks
13:51 like it's out of sight but your farming is incredible with what
13:55 you do. I mean Craig what an incredible place. I have a
14:00 feeling there's a lot of students right now watching this
14:01 that say I think I'm going to take a closer look at Castle
14:03 Valley.
14:06 Yeah well we hope they do and we do have a beautiful farm and God
14:09 has blessed us a lot. In fact, we just had funds come in to put
14:12 irrigation on 70 more acres of that farm. And Alani tell us
14:17 about it. You guys, what do you like about the farm.
14:19 The farm is really cool. So it has about 320 acres or our whole
14:26 property for the farm. We have potatoes about 33-37 varieties
14:33 of potatoes. We have a student greenhouse where we grow all
14:38 different veggies of our choosing. We get to choose.
14:39 And the students get to learn how to grow the food. We each
14:43 have like our own sections and we can choose what we want
14:47 to plant and they teach us how to grow it and how to take care
14:49 of stuff. And then we also work in the bigger greenhouse to
14:54 Produce, produce that we actually we sell for the school.
14:56 Not only do we work in the student greenhouse and the main
15:00 greenhouse. We also do micro greens which is a lot of fun.
15:03 And then we have our orchard.
15:05 And don't forget the cucumbers too. They're like in the back of
15:09 of the greenhouse where we have the tomatoes. We have cucumbers
15:12 and they get like huge like... Some of them we save for seed
15:14 and some of them like you don't see them because they're under
15:18 like all the leaves and then you find them like two days later
15:19 and they're like literally this big. I like that for a monster
15:23 size one.
15:25 You're out in the desert I understand. Where do you get
15:27 your water from?
15:32 Yeah we actually have three ponds on campus and then we have
15:33 an artesian well that supplies all our water.
15:35 An artesian well?
15:37 Several, several. We also have first rights on the creek as we
15:41 have a huge supply that comes more than three miles down the
15:44 mountain, that's 12-inch pipe.
15:46 The water's not a problem.
15:48 Yeah and it's really good water too. (Oh it's the best)
15:51 Through a real miracle, we have actually become the largest
15:56 organic seed potato farm in North America. Somebody talked
15:59 about 37 varieties it's not just a couple of potatoes here and there
16:03 It's acres and acres of seed potatoes. It's a real miracle.
16:07 So what do you do with all those potatoes?
16:09 Sell them as seed. (Okay) Yeah.
16:11 And we just recently got a really big harvester that we're
16:14 going to harvest potatoes and that's going to be a lot of fun.
16:16 Talking about fun. Maybe I should tell them about some of
16:20 of the things we like to do when we aren't busy in class or out
16:23 on the farm.
16:26 So we have lots of activities at the school. We're never really
16:28 bored. We do lots of things. We have rafting. We have a rafting
16:33 launch by our school and we have quads and dirt bikes and horses.
16:36 We have a really neat horse program. You can bring your own
16:38 if you have a horse. I brought my own horse, yes. I love horses
16:41 Also, bring your own quads and dirt bikes. And if you have a
16:45 trike you can bring that too. And unicycles are also an option
16:46 and bikes too. You can bring you own bike.
16:49 Often times we use quads and dirt bikes just to ride around
16:54 campus. There's different like trails and jumps around campus
16:57 that we can use. We have Castleton Trail which is
16:59 close to our
17:01 school that we can take our quads and dirt bikes on and
17:02 mountain bikes too if that's what you're into.
17:04 We also have like a really cool thing and we live like in
17:08 a beautiful area with lots of red rocks that we do rock
17:11 climbing and repelling. So that's another cool thing.
17:13 And you know what was really fun is for the boys campout that we
17:18 we went up to Recapture Reservoir and then we had
17:19 everybody have like a quad or dirt bike and then we'd go up
17:24 into the mountains and we'd literally, go for like miles and
17:26 miles of trails and we'd just keep going and going. It's a lot
17:30 of fun especially if you run out of gas or pop tires. You lose
17:33 your way on the trail and then you have to go to the highway
17:36 and you have to go to the station and then you have to
17:37 find your way back home. It's a lot of fun.
17:39 Yeah it's a lot of fun being a student there. A lot of wake
17:43 boarding that we do too. It was still nearly a hundred degrees
17:46 We're in a very desert, warm, warm area. But it is exciting
17:51 I think though even more exciting that getting out in
17:56 nature, repelling, or rafting like we've talked about, camping
18:00 out there is learning about Jesus and sharing Him with
18:04 others. And we love to do that in music. We love to get out
18:09 on the road.
18:10 We're booked for concert tours all over California, Washington,
18:12 and Idaho and all the way out to Washington, D.C. up to Minnesota
18:15 and so on and we're excited about that. The kids that really
18:22 the Lord sent us a very talented group, four of them are sitting
18:23 right here. But even on tour more than sharing the music we
18:29 like to get out and go door to door. And it was something we
18:33 planned to do but then our industries director Luke Cook
18:37 and I were out fundraising with our wives back in April and we
18:41 asked a donor if they would help us expand our bakery because we
18:44 have a beautiful bakery, we grow grow (laughs) make lots of sour
18:50 dough bread and specialty bread and so we were talking about
18:53 that, the needs there, and this donor said well wait a minute
18:56 do you like the book The Great Controversy and I'm like ah yes
19:00 I've read it many times. It's wonderful. He said well how
19:03 about a semi-load of those and it's worth twice what you
19:04 asked me for. So anyway with all those books we have one goal
19:07 and that's to get rid of them all and I think we should talk
19:10 about some of those experiences because we've seen miracles.
19:14 door to door.
19:15 Yeah canvassing is always fun because it's a way to not only
19:18 get to know the fellow student you're working with and go
19:21 through you know fun experiences kind of scary experiences
19:25 with them but also to be able to experience Jesus moments
19:29 with them and make relationships with the people at the door.
19:35 That's so much fun.
19:36 We really enjoy going outdoor to door because it's a way that
19:41 we as sinners can be really grounded in our faith and you
19:44 know just believing something having gone out sharing about it
19:48 and actually sharing it with somebody. It's a totally
19:51 different experience when you can share your faith it
19:54 strengthens you and it helps you to gain strength in many ways.
19:56 There's a lot of divine appointments too. Like you pray
20:00 something, Lord help this to happen, help me to be able to
20:04 connect with this person and then it seems like it's not
20:06 working out at all and then it just totally turns around and
20:09 God just leads and it's amazing how He just goes forward with
20:11 that.
20:14 We have a few stories of how God has led. (Absolutely)
20:16 Which shall I tell first, the one about the food or the one
20:20 about the (Unclear)
20:23 So two of our students were canvassing out in Moab which
20:27 is just
20:29 outside of where we live in Castle Valley. Two students went
20:30 up to a house, a trailer park I believe it was and they went
20:35 and knocked on the door and the lady they got to talking and
20:39 they said this is our last meal today because we don't have
20:42 enough food. And one of the young ladies said hey can we
20:48 pray with you? And the woman at the door says sure. And so
20:50 during the prayer one of them, her name's Isadora, she had this
20:57 urge to go get food for them. And we had produce with us from
20:58 our farm and they gave them what they had at hand. So we all got
21:03 in the van, our leader picked us up and Isadora said can we go
21:08 get food for them? Yeah, let's go get food. So we did it, we
21:11 went and bought food for them and we went back. And Nathaniel
21:18 and myself and Emma canvassed in Montana this summer and we sang
21:19 at doors. So we said, (gasps) we should sing some of our choir
21:21 songs for them at the door. And so we went to her house and gave
21:26 food that we had bought for her and she was crying and we prayed
21:29 with her and we sang one of our songs. And we went back that
21:32 same I think two weeks, a week or two weeks for her (two weeks)
21:38 and sang for her again and gave her some more produce that we
21:39 had and it was really, really great experiences for them and
21:43 for us.
21:44 Incredible.
21:46 One of the really neat things about the person who was
21:49 selling Great Controversies that have the commission to get them
21:51 out before Jesus comes back. And so that's our goal, just to
21:54 get these books into the community and then another thing
21:58 about having books that are donated is that we can give them
22:00 away to the people who can't afford to buy them from us
22:02 because they're broke. So we have lots of really neat
22:06 experiences
22:08 with that. One of the one that I would like to share with you
22:10 actually happened when we were on music tour because when we go
22:13 on tour we actually take books with us and we go canvassing
22:16 in the towns that we stay in which is really great because we
22:20 get Bible study interests for the churches that we're staying
22:23 in. And so this particular day we were canvassing near Rifle
22:29 and we were just walking to the doors like we do always and we
22:32 kept on hearing this loud music coming from somewhere around
22:35 town.
22:36 The interesting thing before that we were originally supposed
22:38 to stay at a church in a different town but for some
22:43 complications we weren't able to stay there so we had to go back
22:45 to Rifle where we had already canvassed. We'd already done our
22:49 thing but now we're back here even though we weren't supposed
22:51 to be. God brought us back there and then we figured out why
22:53 later.
22:55 Yeah so we were in this town that we'd already canvassed in
22:58 and we decided to canvas We said hey let's go and see where the
23:03 music is coming from. Let's canvas the party. And so we
23:05 drove to find where the music was coming from and it turned
23:07 out to be this big concert and so our canvassing leader was
23:11 how about I drop
23:12 two teams off and you guys can canvas just the people that are
23:15 going in or the people that are inside and so...
23:18 Why don't we hold it and I think we ought to maybe...this is an
23:24 awesome story and maybe can build some suspense by showing
23:30 another...Maybe we can show another video from Scripture
23:32 Singers and just say you know that it is true. It is really
23:36 awesome you know as we go touring you know we love to make
23:38 every concert a way to reach the community for every church. And
23:43 now...you know I've done that for all my life...but now to be
23:46 actually able to go knock on doors in the town selling truth
23:51 filled books and handing out flyers inviting people to the
23:53 concerts and then working with the church because we're
23:57 finding people who want to study the Bible. And so these kids ask
24:00 do you want to study the Bible? And so when we come tonight
24:04 we'll sing you about Jesus and there's people in this town that
24:06 want to study the Bible with you So it's just an awesome package
24:09 and it kind of exploded this one time in Rifle, Colorado, and I
24:14 think before we go on why don't we show another video because we
24:16 love to memorize the Bible too. It's just a big part of what
24:19 we do.
24:21 ♪ ♪ 2 Corinthians 5:21 Mark 8:34-36
24:25 He hath made him who knew no sin to be sin for us that we might
24:35 the righteousness of God, the righteousness of God in Him.
24:42 2nd Corinthians 5:21 He hath made Him who knew no sin to be
24:55 sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God, the
25:03 righteousness of God in Him. ♪ ♪
25:19 Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself and take up
25:28 his cross and follow me. For whosoever will save his life
25:37 shall lose it, but whosoever shall lose his life for My sake
25:48 and the gospel's, the same shall save it. For what shall it
25:59 profit a man if he shall gain the whole world but lose his
26:07 own soul? Mark 8:34-36.
26:20 Hey guys thanks so much for our video. If you want to
26:27 continue to memorize God's word then please check out our free
26:29 app. There are hundreds more scripture songs there and if you
26:32 aren't already subscribed to our channel then just please hit the
26:34 subscribe button and again thank you so much for watching our
26:37 video.
26:42 Amen, I love it. Now that's amazing that piano, I'm assuming
26:46 that's not a big heavy piano. That would be tough to get it
26:49 out there. But what an incredible experience to look at
26:53 all the scenery around you. You have to think about God. You
26:58 cannot help it. What a great way when you all go out and do these
27:00 scripture songs. Are most of these done outside, the videos.
27:04 (Yeah) It's just incredible because like I said when you see
27:08 all of that beautiful nature around you, I mean that puts you
27:12 right in the mood to worship. Then you hear these songs.
27:15 Incredible! But we were in a story about...we were going back
27:19 to Rifle, right Utah. Want to hear the end of this story.
27:22 Okay just to refresh everything we're in a town, weren't
27:27 supposed to be there. Supposed to be somewhere else, but anyway
27:29 and we're in the middle of canvassing and our leader pulls
27:31 up.
27:34 So our leader drops us off outside this big concert and
27:36 we're two teams. Me and Nathaniel were a team and
27:39 then another team got
27:40 dropped off with us as well and so we had to try to get in the
27:45 concert to try to canvass people inside. But we found out that
27:48 it was $100 per person to get in. (Have mercy) Also everybody
27:52 at the concert spoke Spanish. The band that was playing was
27:57 singing in Spanish. So me and Nathaniel, all our friends,
28:01 decided to see if they could get in to canvass people. So me and
28:05 Nathaniel walked away and started talking to some of the
28:06 people and then we turned around and they were inside
28:11 and we were like well how did they get inside. So I tried to
28:13 radio my friend but the music was loud and we couldn't hear
28:14 anything. And so we're standing outside the gate and Nathaniel
28:17 turns to me and he's like I have the best idea in the world. And
28:20 I was like Oh no what is he going to say now? And he's like
28:24 we should go up to the people backstage and ask them if we
28:26 can sing. We have a song that we sang called It Is Finished. And
28:31 it's just a really great song that talks about Jesus coming
28:32 back and the hope that we have. And so he's like we could sing
28:35 it up front and witness to all these people. The speakers were
28:39 loud everybody could hear us from like half way across town.
28:41 Imagine how many people we can reach. And I was like No way,
28:44 that's not going to happen.
28:49 At that point we eventually did get contact with the other team
28:53 again and we were like, How did you get in, what did you do? And
28:56 he's like We just asked someone We're like Oh okay, Well let's
28:59 just do that. So we go over the the entrance and walk up to
29:03 people and we're like we're here for the event and our friends
29:06 are already inside and they're like, Oh sure yeah come on in.
29:08 So he's like bring us on in, so it's like okay that works. So we
29:13 get inside and the other team they had vanished and we had no
29:17 idea where they were. So we went to try and find them. He brings
29:22 _ Eventually we did find them. And I walk up to one
29:27 of them, because It is Finished has a guy and a girl singing
29:29 it. And I
29:32 wasn't too sure if Emma would want to do it and I was like
29:35 Oh maybe she'll want to do it so I walk up to the other girl
29:39 and I'm like hey you want to do this with me. Like I know you'd
29:42 want to do it. You'd be willing. You'd go up there and then right
29:46 then Emma walks up and she's like Oh this guy is crazy, he's
29:48 out of his mind or whatever and she's like well what do you want
29:52 to do? Oh I just want to go up and say we'll sing to them. You
29:54 what!? So I'm like yeah I mean come on you should do it and
29:57 he's like no way I'm doing that! Okay fine then I'll do it by
30:01 myself. So I gave her the books that I had and then I walk over
30:04 to where the DJs, where the MCs were at the back right by the
30:08 stage and I don't speak Spanish The only thing I can say in
30:12 Spanish is actually that I don't know how to say it in Spanish.
30:15 So I walked over to them and in English I say Hi, I have a
30:20 question for you. And they were like yeah so. Could you do me a
30:25 favor, would it be okay if I went up on stage and sang for
30:28 my best friend? And he was like well I'm not the person to ask
30:30 for that. So I have to go over to these other people and...It
30:35 was like almost 10 different people that I had to ask and I
30:37 just kept asking and asking. Finally, I got to the point where
30:40 they were like Okay after this band's done then you can go up
30:43 and sing your song.
30:45 So me and the other team sat, we were watching him and just
30:48 wondering what was going to happen. And we saw him talk to
30:51 one person and talk to another person and finally he leaned up
30:53 against the gate that they have for back stage and he had
30:57 in his hand like I don't know they probably gave him water or
30:59 something. And so we just sat there. We were just praying and
31:02 like if this is Your will, please help it to be able to happen.
31:04 And then all of a sudden we hear the MC on stage speaking in
31:09 Spanish and they started talking about this boy who wants to sing
31:12 a song for his friend. And we're like no way, they're not going
31:14 to actually let him sing. And then he walked up on stage
31:16 And he doesn't speak Spanish so they were talking about him in
31:20 Spanish, no clue what they're saying. And so they handed him a
31:23 mic and he started singing the song It Is Finished, a Capella,
31:26 no backup music or anything. And the who stadium was dead
31:31 silent. There was at least 2000 people there. Everybody was
31:34 quiet. People stopped dancing and started watching. And my
31:36 friend and I were sitting in the bleachers and she said, we
31:40 gotta go, we gotta go and so she stands up and she told Billy
31:43 that she felt that God was just pulling her up there and she
31:45 couldn't stop it. And I love singing but I wasn't just about
31:48 to walk out and sing for all those people but I felt like God
31:52 was just pulling us up there. So we ran through the crowd and got
31:55 up and started singing and somebody handed us a mic and we
31:59 sang the whole song and people were just like watching us and
32:02 people even pulled out there phones and were taking a video.
32:04 And as we finished and walked off the people on stage started
32:10 talking about us in Spanish and they were like did you see that
32:12 they just evangelized us all. And Nathaniel had a bag of
32:18 garlic hanging off his pants because when we're colporteuring
32:21 we take produce from our farm to hand out to our people. Yeah
32:24 we had garlic, we had (multiple voices) that we grow it all on
32:28 our farm. And so they were like did you see that he had garlic
32:30 on his pant? He's an evangelist and a farmer. Yeah it was just
32:35 amazing and we were really thankful to see how God can lead
32:38 and one of the things that I just really learned from that
32:40 experience is that God can do so many things with us if we're
32:43 just willing. Because I'm not brave. I didn't have enough
32:47 faith but He just wanted us to be willing so He could use us.
32:50 Also going back a little bit into the story, when I was up
32:54 there singing, if you're familiar with the song It Is
32:57 Finished there's a part in it that says the earth shakes with
33:01 the force of the conflict. Because of how loud those
33:03 speakers were the earth literally did shake. I talked to
33:07 some other friends of mine who were canvassing somewhere all
33:10 the way across town, at least a mile or two away and I was
33:14 talking to him and he said yeah just out of nowhere, I hear
33:19 (sings) It Is Finished and I'm like Oh well that was pretty
33:21 cool because you know the speakers were so loud. And it
33:24 was just amazing. And I'm the type of person that I'm not
33:28 afraid to go up to someone and just say hi and just like start
33:30 talking to them. But you know something about going up on
33:33 stage in front of 2000 people singing a song a Capella that
33:37 was kind of daunting. But I just prayed Lord just give me peace
33:41 and give me strength and I wasn't even afraid at all. It
33:44 was like I was just singing to my family and it was amazing
33:47 It really strengthened my faith in God.
33:49 Right after that, we went out into the crowd and we just got
33:53 out our books in Spanish, we had Steps to Christ in Spanish
33:57 And we started canvassing people we made up a canvas for the
34:00 book in Spanish. And we just got out all our books. So that was
34:04 really amazing.
34:07 You see that's a great lesson for all of us for those at home
34:08 because when Jesus says go ye into all the world sometimes we
34:13 pick and choose what part, well we can't go here or okay this
34:17 looks good, let's go over here. But when you get out of your
34:21 comfort zone like you all were literally out of your comfort
34:24 zone but you said okay Lord and you kind of feel impressed to do
34:29 something and you do it, God will open the doors. And so you
34:34 know you weren't unkind, you didn't force your way, you asked
34:37 and you asked and you asked and you went through all the proper
34:41 channels and the Lord was just you know...Basically, I think
34:45 that's a challenge for each and every one of us. Oh well I can't
34:48 I have people say you know I just not good. You know you talk
34:52 a lot but I'm too quiet, I can't you know I can't witness to
34:56 people and one guy, a friend of mine, I said you told me all
35:00 about your new car but you can't tell me about Jesus. You know in
35:05 other words people we do what we want to do. So thank you, this
35:07 is great. So we got to hear some more. I want to talk a little
35:11 bit about your building projects but whatever else we got here
35:15 this is good.
35:17 Yeah, we definitely want to keep those stories going but God is
35:19 blessing and we are building three brand new staff homes
35:22 which is a
35:23 real miracle and a real blessing that God has put that there.
35:27 Also both Build and Restore came back in July and Maranatha
35:31 Volunteers International will be there in November to ramp up the
35:36 remodeling of the old boys dormitory which has been
35:39 abandoned and that will let us have 60 students on our campus
35:42 and that's our goal. And we're excited about the volunteers
35:46 that have made this possible with people that have given
35:48 funds. Our ongoing needs are for a bus. We don't mind driving a
35:54 school bus but we need...You know right now we're driving
35:56 four different vehicles to get the group around.
35:58 How did you all get here to Southern Illinois?
36:00 We drove the van.
36:01 How many hours?
36:03 It was 22 hours.
36:05 Whoo! Twenty-two hours! You got to know each other very well.
36:10 Kansas seemed to go forever, so. And Missouri.
36:15 So you need a bus.
36:17 That's right. And just the support that it takes to keep
36:20 these kids knocking on doors and to keep the vans going and to
36:23 keep the books in their hands and...That's something that we
36:27 just praise God that He's provided for. We ask that, that
36:30 go forward because we love to see the young people spread the
36:33 good news of Jesus' love. We're out every Tuesday afternoon
36:36 sharing in the community helping in practical ways. We're
36:39 knocking on doors and selling books and as we tour we like to
36:42 do that in each community so that churches have the
36:45 opportunity for us to personally invite people to the concerts
36:47 offer them these truth-filled books and also see if there's
36:51 interest in studying God's word.
36:53 Absolutely. What I'd like to do is talk to our viewers at home
36:56 for just a minute. And there are projects and then there are
37:00 projects and there's the things that you really want to support.
37:03 I'm very impressed today with what you all are doing and
37:06 praise the Lord for you Craig and your staff and for the
37:12 students that are there because you're not what I call and I
37:16 lift up to Jesus and you're not you know you personally but the
37:19 the Jesus in you. It shows that the education that you're
37:22 getting which starts sometimes with the parents and sometimes
37:26 not but through Christian Education when it's really
37:30 Christian Education. It makes a difference. It's life-changing.
37:32 So I want to do two things. One is if you're interested and want
37:36 to know more about Castle Valley we're going to put up an address
37:40 in just a moment. Maybe you're a student and you want to go or
37:43 maybe you're that grandma or grandpa who says boy I wish my
37:46 grandson or granddaughter would go there. But secondly, I want to
37:49 talk about the projects and financially...I know it's a
37:52 small school, I know they don't have a lot of support in that
37:57 area but also I want to put up the address and we want you to
38:00 pray and ask the Holy Spirit what He would have you to do
38:03 in support. This bus is nothing. If we get all of us together and
38:08 you gave $10 and somebody gave $100 and somebody $50 there are
38:13 literally potentially millions of people here in the states.
38:15 There's tremendous amounts of people that are watching. So I'm
38:18 going to say a little prayer and I'm going to ask you to pray and
38:22 ask the Holy Spirit what He would have you to do to get the
38:27 gospel into all the world because what we're actually
38:29 doing here is some of us older folk we realize we're not going
38:33 to be around forever right, should the Lord tarry. But these
38:36 young folk these are the church of tomorrow and so what I see
38:40 that I respect and love is Jesus is the center of their joy.
38:46 That's the focus. When they're talking you can see that Jesus
38:49 is real to them. And we're not worried about all the things
38:52 happening here and there and around the world but just
38:55 sticking to the Bible, going out and doing evangelism, personal
38:58 evangelism, I mean at that age and not a lot of our schools are
39:02 doing that anymore. So we're seeing something here that I
39:05 think that this bus, they need a bus to travel. They're doing all
39:09 these concerts in California and wherever, west coast or Oregon
39:13 wherever, maybe Minnesota, all of that. So they need a bus so
39:16 we're going to pray. So who knows maybe you have a bus
39:18 We've had people donate us motorhomes or buses in the past
39:22 Maybe you have one you're not sure you know what to do with it
39:26 But other than that you say look I want to help support. I want
39:30 to support what they're doing in the community, I want to support
39:32 the farm. There's new building projects, faculty housing, the
39:38 boys dorm to expand it for growth. So I think right now,
39:42 I'm going to say a little prayer and then we're going to put up
39:44 this address. In fact, we'll give you an opportunity even
39:50 when the program's over that if you want to learn more and you
39:53 didn't get their address or email that you can always call
39:56 us here at 3ABN and we'll put you in contact. Right now let's
39:59 bow you heads with me if you would and let's pray and I want
40:02 you to pray too. See what the Lord would have you to do.
40:05 Dear Lord, we thank you for your blessings and your love and we
40:09 thank you for your plan of salvation. We thank you for
40:12 Castle Valley and for the leadership, for Craig and the
40:16 others that are literally here not only being mentors but
40:19 educators and their personal lives with these young people
40:22 that are there. We can see Jesus in them and they each are
40:27 becoming evangelists in their own way. Some may end up
40:30 actually in front preaching but we heard the stories today out
40:34 of nowhere, you opened the door and these kids are singing to
40:37 2000 people and then able to give them the books and able to
40:42 witness to them, to canvas. So we know that there are many
40:46 needs. We know the devil is not happy about this academy and
40:49 what's happening out there but Lord we know greater are you
40:53 that's in us than he that is in the world and so today we're
40:56 just praying that people literally around the world that
40:59 are watching this program today that each and every one of us
41:02 will do something to help them financially. We can do that.
41:05 Some of us can pray, some of us can help financially, some of us
41:10 can donate certain things, maybe vehicles, whatever it is Lord
41:14 I'm just praying for each of us to be open. We know that your
41:17 coming is soon and we realize this is our church of tomorrow
41:21 and I'm just asking again that each and every one of us listens
41:25 to your Holy Spirit and do what you would have us to do and
41:28 support the continuing education of Castle Valley Academy. I ask
41:32 and pray in Jesus' name Amen.
41:34 Now what I want to do is get the address up on the screen
41:37 for a little bit and it's okay to cover our face especially
41:41 mine. But I want to make sure it's up there long enough that
41:46 people can...and maybe you can read it for our radio listeners.
41:48 Castle Valley Academy, HC 64 Box 2201, Castle Valley, UT 84532
41:58 And our phone number is (435) 259-7719. The website is
42:06 CVA.School that's Castle Valley Academy so CVA.School
42:11 Or you can email us at Info@CVA.School
42:15 All right let's leave it up
42:17 there. Emma, you read it for us. Okay.
42:19 Castle Valley Academy, HC 64 Box 2201, Castle Valley, UT 84532
42:30 And our phone number is (435) 259-7719. You can reach us
42:37 at CVA.School or Info@CVA.School
42:41 All right. Thank you so much. Now we only have about eight or
42:45 nine minutes left so Craig where are we going?
42:48 Well you know the most exciting thing we saved for last. And
42:53 ultimately we believe that training thinkers takes a
42:57 different approach to school in the academics especially. And
43:02 so we like to focus on master learning. Master the grammar,
43:05 the math,
43:06 the science. Do it in little bits. Get it in for real. Have
43:10 it for life. But more than that the book Education also tells us
43:15 that the Bible as a textbook is better than all other books that
43:20 have ever been written. And so we figure look if the Bible is
43:25 and must be
43:26 the center of true education then we should know the Bible
43:30 and share the Bible. So tell us about You Choose. This is a
43:33 program that these kids run, this is a program they named,
43:36 I believe is the most exciting thing at Castle Valley Academy.
43:40 So we're really excited to tell you about a program called You
43:44 Choose. It's a Bible-based program where we as students
43:48 carefully study
43:49 the Bible and our ultimate goal is to be able to have a live
43:52 video, a program that people can send in any questions that they
43:55 have about the Bible and we can answer those in the Bible and
43:58 also, learn how to think about it for ourself. And we have a group
44:03 of singers that we have open our program with scripture songs
44:06 We bring a keyboard. We can do this from anywhere around our
44:09 school. We have beautiful red rock that we can film from or we
44:12 have this thing called Star Link Mobile which allows us to stream
44:17 live from anywhere and so yeah.
44:20 Another thing that's really amazing is our team behind the
44:24 camera that you don't normally see, they've put together what
44:28 we call a Bibliopedia, a You Choose Bibliopedia which is
44:32 basically like a Wikipedia of all the Bible topics that at
44:36 least we could think of and the amazing thing about this program
44:39 is the more questions that you ask and the more questions that
44:44 we get the more we can put into this Bibliopedia so if you think
44:48 of basically any topic on the Bible all we have to do is put
44:50 that in there. We can find all the verses on that, we can find
44:55 the references and everything there so we can put forward the
44:58 information. But the really amazing thing about this program
45:01 is that we're not just telling you what's going on. We're
45:05 giving you the information and we'll let you choose what the
45:09 answer is. So we're not just putting it in your face, oh this
45:11 is what you're supposed to do like this is what the Bible says
45:15 to do. This is what God has told us to do and you can interpret
45:20 that for yourselves. So it's really amazing.
45:23 It's a way for us to learn the Bible better while also helping
45:28 other people learn. They're really great...
45:30 Even more than that if you know media, and Danny I know you do,
45:33 you know for every minute of run time on a great music video
45:37 there's probably 10 to 40 hours backstage, all that stuff, and
45:42 so we just feel like time's too short to spend all of our time
45:45 making music videos so but here's a way to basically have
45:49 enthusiasm and eagerness and all this scripture singing happening
45:52 live and between each song you know they're saying hey guys let
45:56 us know what song you want to learn from the Bible and send us
45:58 your questions and then these guys are ready for those
46:02 questions and diving in. And it's just...you know one of the
46:06 things that is so important for young people to learn is the
46:09 ability to communicate and have an enthusiasm and have energy.
46:13 And so then, I mean, you're going to make this thing fly
46:15 You know for people to really watch it, it's got to be
46:18 interesting. It's not just like oh here's the question. No. And
46:21 that's for me as a teacher it's so exciting to see that
46:25 happening, see that dynamic start to grow and to see that
46:31 their communication skills are going through the roof. And
46:33 praise God because the message has got to get out and every
46:36 question's got to be answered.
46:39 And any question that we get to answer is something that we
46:42 learned, we learned for ourselves a lot more than just
46:44 hearing it in a sermon and knowing it from since you were
46:47 little because we're good Adventists but actually sharing
46:49 answers straight from the Bible. It just really strengthens you
46:52 and your beliefs and it helps you know exactly where it's
46:54 found in the Bible and how to share them with people that are
46:57 wondering because there are a lot of people out there that are
46:58 just hungry for the truth and that's our mission to get it out
47:01 there.
47:02 The amazing thing about this is it's not just that all the
47:06 adults have put this thing in front of us to do. It's that
47:11 everything from thinking of a name, You Choose, everything
47:15 from actually studying there, from singing the songs, from
47:17 being backstage, the cameras, the tech support, everything
47:22 back there is all student-run. We do the Bibliopedia, we're
47:28 actually studying the Bible to find the questions, to find the
47:32 verses and answers and to be able to put it out there. Like
47:36 we have the privilege of being able to do this and it's not
47:40 just something that they've put for us. We're actually involved.
47:45 So the Bible is just really the textbook for our school. We're
47:48 studying the Bible. We're learning much more than you
47:50 would in any other school.
47:52 Nothing's more powerful than a personal testimony what we're
47:58 doing in the process. Oh say this is what we learned while
48:01 trying to answer your question. Here's how we kind of
48:05 interpreted it but here's the answer to it. And it's a really
48:09 good way for us to get to work with each other, get to know
48:11 each other better from the closer student body by having
48:15 you know worked with our friends in front of the camera and
48:17 with our friends off the camera. It's a really really great thing
48:21 to do.
48:22 Ben, you're kind of quiet over there. These folk are jumping in
48:25 Do you have any comments right before we close here. Somebody's
48:30 thinking about coming to Castle Valley and joining all of you,
48:32 what would you say to some student right now that's in the
48:34 valley of decision.
48:37 Well personally coming to Castle Valley has been one of the
48:40 greatest things that has ever happened to me. Just being
48:45 around other students that are focused on God and loving each
48:49 other and the music, the canvassing, the canvassing has
48:52 strengthened my relationship with God more than anything I
48:55 have ever done. And so if you have a chance please come. It's
48:59 an incredible experience on every front.
49:02 All right. Any closing thoughts? We've got two minutes left.
49:06 We know that Jesus is coming soon and we want to share it in
49:12 every way we can. And it's exciting to see miracle after
49:15 miracle. It's exciting to go out with these young people and to
49:18 pray for those Divine appointments, to pray, you know,
49:22 lead us to the home where there's a great need. Lead us
49:24 to the place where they want to study the Bible and then to see
49:27 those prayers answered is just proof that God is listening and
49:32 that He's willing to use us.
49:35 Do you have time for another quick story?
49:37 Be really quick.
49:40 During our music tour, we were in a Walmart parking lot and I just
49:45 happened to walk up to this guy that was at the back of his car.
49:46 And I gave him the books Great Controversy, Lessons of Love
49:51 and Steps to Christ. And it was so amazing because he said he'd
49:55 been searching, he'd been looking for the answers and just
49:59 trying to find God and it was just amazing that God put him
50:03 in our path and impressed me to just give him the books.
50:07 What's really great about this school is that we're doing
50:09 things that we've done before you know we've all probably
50:13 worked in the garden been to school in the classroom but
50:15 we're also doing things that kind of get us outside our
50:16 comfort zone, get us to experience more things than just
50:20 this little world we've been living in and that's what's
50:23 really good about canvassing, about you know music tours,
50:26 working on the farm and going everywhere else.
50:29 I love it. What we're going to do is we're going to put up your
50:34 address one more time for our folks at home. Then we're going
50:36 go to a news break. We'll come back for a closing thought.
50:40 We'll be back right after that.
50:43 If you would like to contact or know more about Castle Valley
50:47 Academy you can do so in the following ways: You can write to
50:50 them at HC 64 Box 2201, Castle Valley, UT 84532. You can call
50:58 them at (435) 259-7719 You can visit their website CVA.School
51:14 Or send them an email at Info@CVA.School


Revised 2023-08-09