3ABN Today

Gyc: Break Forth

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY220057A

00:01 ♪ ♪
00:05 ♪ I want to spend my life mending broken people ♪
00:15 ♪ I want to spend my life removing pain ♪
00:25 ♪ Lord let my words heal a heart that hurts ♪
00:36 ♪ I want to spend my life mending broken people ♪
00:57 ♪ ♪
01:07 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today program. I'm
01:10 Jason Bradley and I'm so glad that you've decided to join us
01:13 once again. We have an exciting hour planned for you and you
01:18 know we often hear the question Where are the young people in
01:22 the church. We're going to talk about just that very thing and
01:25 we're going to let you know where they are. Here with me
01:29 to discuss that we have the president of GYC (Generation of
01:34 Youth for Christ) Andrew Park. It's great to have you here.
01:36 Thank you so much for having us. We're so excited to be here.
01:38 Yes sir, yes sir. And we have Junior Vertus. You are the vice
01:43 president of evangelism for GYC.
01:46 That's right and I'm more privileged to be here. We've
01:47 been praying for this experience here and I know God's going to
01:50 be with us, with our discussion.
01:52 Amen, amen. But before we dive into that discussion and find
01:56 out who you are and about GYC and all of that we're going to
02:02 go to our song. We'll be blessed in song by Hope Velasquez and
02:07 she'll be singing Blessings.
02:08 ♪ ♪
02:26 ♪ We pray for blessings we pray for peace ♪
02:35 ♪ Comfort for family, protection while we sleep ♪
02:43 ♪ We pray for healing for prosperity ♪
02:52 ♪ We pray for your mighty hand to ease our suffering ♪
03:01 ♪ And all the while, you hear each spoken need ♪
03:11 ♪ Yet love us way to much to give us lesser things ♪
03:18 ♪ 'Cause what if your blessing comes through raindrops ♪
03:24 ♪ What if your healing comes through tears ♪
03:28 ♪ What if a thousand sleepless nights ♪
03:32 ♪ Are what it takes to know you're near ♪
03:37 ♪ What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise ♪
03:53 ♪ We pray for wisdom your voice to hear ♪
04:01 ♪ We cry in anger when we cannot feel You near ♪
04:11 ♪ We doubt your goodness, we doubt your love ♪
04:18 ♪ As if every promise from your word is not enough ♪
04:26 ♪ And all the while you hear each desperate plea ♪
04:35 ♪ And long that we'd have faith to believe ♪
04:43 ♪ 'Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops ♪
04:49 ♪ What if your healing comes through tears ♪
04:52 ♪ What if a thousand sleepless nights ♪
04:56 ♪ are what it takes to know you're near ♪
05:02 ♪ What if the trials of this life ♪
05:07 ♪ are your mercies in disguise ♪
05:14 ♪ When friends betray us When darkness seems to win ♪
05:23 ♪ We know the pain reminds this heart ♪
05:27 ♪ This is not, this is not our home ♪
05:39 ♪ This is not our home ♪
05:46 ♪ 'Cause what if our blessings come through raindrops ♪
05:54 ♪ What if your healing comes through tears ♪
06:00 ♪ What if a thousand sleepless nights ♪
06:03 ♪ are what it takes to know you're near ♪
06:07 ♪ What if my greatest disappointments ♪
06:14 ♪ or the aching of this life ♪
06:17 ♪ is the revealing of a greater thirst ♪
06:22 ♪ this world can't satisfy ♪
06:27 ♪ And what if trials of this life ♪
06:33 ♪ The rains, the storms, the hardest nights ♪
06:40 ♪ Are your mercies in disguise ♪
06:48 ♪ ♪
07:05 Wow, such a beautiful, beautiful song and so appropriate for what
07:09 we're going to be discussing. Andrew tell me a little bit
07:14 about your background.
07:16 So I was born in Metro Detroit, Michigan. Born and raised
07:20 there. I lived
07:21 in the same house my whole life. I grew up in an Adventist
07:24 home. But like a lot of other young people, I didn't know what
07:28 I believed. I went to public school. Went to church every
07:31 Friday and Saturday. Attended a Korean church, it was an ethnic
07:36 church. And growing up church to me was, you know, you go to
07:43 church, you don't eat pork, you keep the Sabbath and that was
07:48 essentially...you love God Jesus died for you. That was
07:51 essentially my Christianity. And so that's not a very strong
07:57 grounding and going to public school it's very easy with the
08:01 environment of your peers to be sucked into a different route.
08:06 And I would say that was my life for the first 20 years. I was
08:13 going to say I lost my way but I never really had my way. And
08:17 we were talking earlier and you were kind of sharing with me
08:19 your story. And I had a similar experience where high school,
08:24 especially middle school, high school I started getting
08:26 involved with substance abuse and that continued for good six
08:31 years or so and then halfway through college. I went to a
08:35 public university. After a lot of Adventist students were
08:38 reaching out to me. Missionaries were reaching out to me, telling
08:42 me to come up in small groups. Hey we have free food, come eat
08:45 this. Inviting me out to retreats. It was through that
08:48 ministry, even though it appeared unfruitful that I made
08:53 a decision to participate in a literature evangelism program.
08:57 And the reason I participated was because I needed to make
09:01 some money and pay for the house that I was going to be
09:03 living in with my friends. Little did I know that I would
09:06 have my conversion experience there and actually take a year
09:10 off, go to a Bible college. Afterwards I was baptized. I
09:14 learned about what it actually means to be a Seventh-day
09:17 Adventist. That's kind of my story.
09:19 Praise God. That's an incredible testimony. You went in kind of
09:23 with the wrong motives (all the wrong motives) but then God took
09:27 that situation and drew you in closer to Him. That's powerful.
09:33 And even though it appeared that I was living a careless life
09:36 the Holy Spirit was working on my heart way before then and
09:40 then it just happened to be that the seed bears up into fruit.
09:45 Amen, amen. Junior what about you?
09:49 Yes you know something I realized in Andrew's story and
09:51 my story is well God had given us a foundation in our home and
09:56 I think one thing as young people we may struggle with is
09:59 that in all reality just because you're in the church does not
10:02 mean you may know Jesus and I was in a home that loved Jesus
10:06 but I found out I wasn't one that loved Jesus. And so I came
10:10 to the point in my life when I was in my high school years
10:14 actually what I wanted to say well I prayed and I said Lord am
10:17 I really about you or am I not? And as I opened His word I went
10:21 to the text found in Matthew chapter 5, verse 13, where God
10:24 says look Ye are the salt of the earth. And that text began to
10:29 just convict my heart, you know. I really began to wonder, am I
10:33 living up to the standard God has for me? Am I really being
10:37 the salt that God is saying that I'm supposed to be. So after
10:39 much reflection, after much pondering I said Lord I haven't
10:43 been this salt but now I actually want to be this salt.
10:46 And so I actually went out and said Look Lord I don't
10:48 know where to begin but I'm going to start somewhere and I'm
10:51 going to start just telling people about Jesus. And ever
10:54 since then God has been helping me now and still today I'm still
10:57 telling others about Jesus. And that experience of telling
11:00 others about Jesus led to where even young people around me
11:03 said look let's actually be the salt that God called us to be
11:07 and we'll see how later this story connects to what I'm doing
11:11 now. But let me tell you. God has ways of leading us which
11:15 we don't know. Like He will prepare you for the next stage
11:19 of life. After reading Matthew chapter 5 verse 13 and wanting
11:23 to witness to the world I've actually been able to gather a
11:25 couple friends of mine and we said look let's have a youth
11:28 conference in our area. This wasn't GYC. This was just a
11:34 group of young people who said look let's have a youth
11:36 conference in our area. We do several of those conferences, we
11:40 later work with pastors. We're doing more conferences in the
11:43 city but I won't say too much now because we'll see how this
11:46 later connects with how God opens the door for me to later
11:48 work in this youth ministry of GYC.
11:51 I love it. I love it.
11:52 Can I add one thing. Junior went to a public high school
11:55 Public high school (that's right) while he was doing
11:58 all this. (That's right)
12:01 Wow. That's incredible. Would you say you know that you can't
12:06 live off of someone else's relationship with Christ Because
12:11 that's what it sounds like I'm hearing from your stories. Is
12:14 you recognize you know you can't survive off of someone else's.
12:19 You have to taste and see for yourself that God is good.
12:22 Um so all right I love it. I love the background information.
12:27 Now that we have established who you are let's talk about GYC.
12:31 What is GYC?
12:35 Great question. We actually have a video that I'd love to share
12:37 with everyone watching.
12:39 All right. Well let's check that video out right now.
12:42 It was once said the greatest want of the world is the want
12:47 of men and women who won't be bought or sold, who in their
12:52 inmost souls are true and honest who are not afraid to call sin
12:58 by its rightful name whose conscience is as true to duty
13:03 as the needle to the pole who will stand for what's right
13:09 though the heavens fall.
13:11 ♪ ♪
13:34 One of the most exciting things about GYC is when the young
13:38 people are mobilized for ministry and they're taken out
13:41 in the various neighborhoods. This happens in other parts of
13:42 the world to either meet people on the street in a downtown area
13:46 to give out literature, pray with people, to knock on doors
13:49 and they go out at first they're terrified but when they come
13:52 back they are so excited because they see God working.
13:56 GYC provides the framework and opportunity like no other
14:01 opportunity that exists right now where young people can come
14:05 and be part of something where the Spirit of God will descend
14:07 and set them on fire and they can go away with a renewed
14:13 vision and a renewed commitment and a determination and an
14:16 understanding that God is big enough, big enough even to use
14:20 them, big enough even to change their lives. They can come to
14:23 GYC and find a vision for what their future could be like.
14:29 ♪ ♪
14:34 Wow. You know if we stopped right there people would be
14:39 inspired to go to GYC. That's a powerful, powerful conference.
14:42 What is GYC to you in your own words?
14:46 GYC is a ministry that exists to show people what it really
14:52 means to be Seventh-day Adventist. And John 8:31 says,
14:57 If you continue in my word (Jesus speaking) then you are
15:00 my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the
15:03 truth shall make you free. Jesus said the qualification for
15:08 discipleship is a continuation in the word of God and that's
15:12 something that we need at this time in Earth's history, not
15:15 just listening to sermons, not just listening to you know
15:19 seminars or things like that
15:21 but to actually get into the word of God for yourself
15:25 personal study and confrontation with scripture. And it's as the
15:30 young people see the power that is found in the scriptures that
15:35 everything else flows out of that, that experience.
15:39 Yes, yes, so that's the foundation.
15:40 The word of God GYC seeks to really ground people in the
15:46 scripture. Once again, not just through sermons or seminars
15:49 but for themselves.
15:51 Yes, yes. One of the things that I love about GYC is that
15:55 wherever GYC goes the city is not the same after they leave.
16:00 In a good way. You know the witnessing that takes place is
16:04 amazing. I don't want to go into all the components because I
16:06 know I'm going to talk about that in a little bit but I love
16:10 that conference. Junior what does GYC mean to you?
16:14 You know more than just the name you know the initials stand for
16:18 Generation Youth for Christ, but GYC is more than just a
16:22 conference. It's a movement. And it's a movement led by young
16:26 people for young people. And the whole point of this movement is
16:30 like look Jesus is coming soon. Let's get our young people
16:34 ready. _ It's our young people that's going to
16:36 finish the work and that's why GYC's more than just going to a
16:39 place where you listen to nice sermons. It's more than just
16:42 going to a place where you pray but actually, a place where you
16:44 get your hands dirty working for the gospel and GYC has been a
16:48 wonderful component in my life on starting that revival for
16:51 Jesus and getting involved in that work. So GYC is a movement
16:56 that just starts a fire in the hearts of our young people which
17:00 does also start a fire in our church as well.
17:03 Amen, amen. Andrew how did you get involved with GYC. You're
17:06 now the president of GYC. How'd you get involved?
17:10 Yeah it's definitely an interesting story. So after my
17:15 conversion I took a year off, went to a Bible college and
17:19 afterwards, after my baptism I returned to the public
17:23 university that I was attending. Very scared. I thought I was
17:26 going to lose me faith like that had happened many times before
17:30 but I got involved with public campus ministries and it's
17:35 basically, young people who are Adventist on these universities
17:39 who are seeking to reach their peers. And these students they
17:45 took trips every year...there were other missionaries there
17:49 as well...to the conference and that's kind of how I had my more
17:54 in-depth exposure to the Ministry. It was through that
17:57 exposure and contact that I eventually got the opportunity
18:02 to serve in this position.
18:04 Amen, amen. And what's it like being the president of GYC?
18:08 Um, you know that's a really good question. I'd say it's...
18:14 there's a lot of learning experiences and really it's just
18:23 another opportunity to serve God in a different capacity and I
18:26 think the biggest
18:27 thing that I hope that any other young person would see in this
18:30 would know is we're all just young people in the cause of
18:36 God and we're having the opportunity to work for Him.
18:39 Amen. It's a faith walk. I would imagine there's a lot of prayer
18:42 that takes place in these meetings and in GYC meetings and
18:46 all of that as you're planning for the convention and all of
18:49 those things. And what about you. How did you get involved
18:55 with GYC?
18:57 You know it's interesting because like I was sharing
19:00 earlier you know once I was convicted that I needed to get
19:03 involved in the Lord's work I began doing youth conferences
19:05 in my city. But when I was doing these youth conferences like I
19:09 said earlier I did not expect to be involved in this youth
19:13 conference. And so as I'm doing youth conferences in my city
19:16 a pastor reaches out to me, he's like look I'm also doing another
19:20 youth conference and I want you and your team to get involved in
19:23 this. And so now we went from just a few hundred to more
19:25 hundreds of people and now we're working with all the local
19:29 churches in this local area where I'm at and actually for
19:35 this conference I became the outreach coordinator. I had to
19:39 contract like a way for us to get buses. I had to think of
19:42 different ways to just flow people, you know, hundreds of
19:44 people, just get them involved for mission. But a letter also
19:48 came in 2019 where I attended a GYC by many of our viewers who
19:53 came that year. I got to be more acquainted with GYC that year
19:56 And next year actually of course before COVID hit and everything
20:01 like that, next year GYC had reached out to me as they were
20:05 hearing all the evangelistic efforts I'd been doing they
20:08 reached out for me actually to be a seminar speaker. And
20:12 actually, I responded yes I was glad to just testify to the Lord
20:15 of how good He's been and also be the means to encourage other
20:18 young people to get involved for service. And so that was like my
20:23 first way of getting to know GYC Then not too long later they
20:27 said look we would love for you to be part of this team and as
20:31 Brother Park was mentioning you know this calling is actually
20:34 another calling to service you know. I'm not greater than any
20:38 other young person out there. And that's what I love about GYC
20:41 the leadership is all young people. It's young people once
20:46 again leading the conference to inspire other young people to
20:49 get involved for God's service.
20:51 Mm-hmm. And what would you say GYC is generally known for?
20:56 GYC is known for bringing people back to the word of God. That's
21:02 what it's known for. And bringing people back to the word of God
21:05 as we see from scripture always brings revival. So that's what
21:10 GYC has been known for. Getting them back to the word of God,
21:13 inspiring people to love Jesus and to really say look I want to
21:17 see Jesus come in my lifetime and I'm willing to do whatever
21:19 it takes.
21:21 And what's your experience been like?
21:23 It's been amazing. You know it's been lots of meetings, lots of
21:26 planning, lots of praying. But let me tell you God answers
21:29 prayer. Like we've been just like Israel of old following the
21:33 pillar of cloud as He leads. There's been lots of doors
21:36 that's opened. There's been several doors that's closed.
21:38 But let me tell you the whole experience has been a journey
21:41 and what has been awesome is that throughout this year we've
21:44 also implemented more people into this lovely team and also
21:49 seeing now other young people who thought they couldn't be
21:51 leaders, now they're becoming leaders as well and that is the
21:54 whole point of GYC. Inspiring young people to be involved in
21:59 God's work. And like I said earlier, if we get our young
22:03 people involved they will finish the work and they will see Jesus
22:05 come in their lifetime and that's my prayer as well.
22:09 Amen, amen. And Andrew what's your experience been like with
22:11 GYC and on top of that question not only what has your
22:18 experience been like but how has it strengthened your faith?
22:23 I think my experience with GYC has been just the opportunity to
22:27 observe a lot of different young people in many different places
22:32 of the U.S. and also around the world just to see that
22:39 Christianity is not just a you know hey you know let's go to
22:44 church. All right time to go home. Let's go do what we
22:46 actually want to do. Christianity can truly be a life
22:52 of wholehearted dedication for the Master and that is actually
22:57 the greatest privilege to take part in and young people who may
23:04 have opportunities to other things in the world are saying
23:06 you know what I actually have something better that I want to
23:08 do. I want to serve God. So just that opportunity to see that has
23:15 been wonderful. In terms of... what was your second follow-up
23:19 question?
23:21 How has it strengthened your faith?
23:23 Yeah, so 2020 of course has been challenging for the whole world
23:30 and that's when I came in to serve with the executive
23:35 committee so just the circumstances of time
23:39 and seeing the challenges that arose, the need to overcome a
23:46 challenge, the need to spend time in prayer, the need to you
23:49 know have conversations with other people, the whole thing
23:53 has been a very faith building experience for obstacles to
23:58 challenge to obstacles and asking God okay Lord what do you want
24:02 us to do? Just every step we need to follow God.
24:06 Amen, amen. Absolutely. Why is it important that young people
24:11 attend GYC?
24:13 So I read this little book. It's called Camp Meeting: It's
24:18 Objective, Its Object and How to Conduct Them. It's written
24:21 by Ellen White. I think it was written in 1900. I don't know
24:24 if it's a compilation but she talks about all the different
24:28 reasons and purposes for the camp meeting. Something that she
24:34 says is that it is one of the most important aspects of our
24:38 work. It's a means to arrest the attention of the people and it's
24:42 also, a means to promote spirituality among our own
24:46 people. Some other things that it was sharing if people think
24:53 oh you know what these aren't really necessary. I can just go
24:56 to church. I have my own personal walk with God. But
25:00 Israel of old God instructed them to have three holy
25:04 convocations a year. And the purpose of it was to guard
25:08 against worldliness corrupting their hearts, to preserve faith
25:13 and gratitude to God and also to gather together in Christian
25:19 fellowship and really just have that experience continually
25:22 renewed. So as opposed to thinking you know gatherings
25:26 like this are nonessential actually, it's necessary in our
25:31 experience to keep us kindled in the faith. And that's why I
25:35 think it's important for any young person to be a part of
25:38 a conference like this.
25:39 Absolutely. And there's so many young people that attend. I mean
25:45 like huge numbers. So people ask the question where are the young
25:51 people in the church? They're at GYC. And if they're not they
25:55 should be. Absolutely absolutely So what are the different
26:02 components of this year's conference?
26:05 You know this is one of my favorite questions. You know
26:10 like I mentioned earlier GYC is a conference that leads our
26:13 young people back to the word of God. And so we're actually going
26:16 have the bread, the word, broken every single day, morning and
26:21 evening. Thousands of people will come together listening to
26:24 what God has for them and the inspired word. Not only will we
26:29 also, be diving into the word of God through our plenary which
26:33 is like the bit time when the whole congregation comes
26:36 together but this year we're actually going to do something
26:38 interesting that we haven't done before. In years past GYC has
26:42 done like breakout sessions and these breakout sessions have
26:45 been through relevant topics like you know like what's
26:48 relevant at that time and we'd cover so many topics in our
26:51 breakout sessions. Last year we actually just had study seminars
26:55 where we just dove into the Bible and we studied. This year
26:59 we're doing a little bit of both This year we're going to be
27:02 having breakout sessions and study seminars and actually
27:06 we've been planning, and I kind of laughed about this this
27:09 morning but God has just been so good. You know both in the
27:11 seminar sessions and the breakout sessions
27:13 we'll be having
27:14 well-known people of our church leading those out. So whoever
27:19 comes to GYC will have almost a little battle where do I go?
27:21 Like I kind of want to be here but I want to be there as well.
27:24 But I'm letting you know it's going to be an amazing time.
27:27 But not only will the word of God be shared but guess what?
27:30 We're going to be spending time in prayer together. In our GYC
27:35 there's a famous thing called 5 a.m. prayer session. And you
27:40 almost wonder, how in the world can a 5 a.m. prayer session
27:43 dare be famous. Let me tell you Hundreds of people come to that
27:46 5 a.m. prayer session. God has given Brother Jim Castro
27:51 a wonderful gift on leading congregational prayers. And as
27:54 I said my in experiences at GYC I have enjoyed the 5 a.m. prayer
27:59 sessions. I've had experiences where I've gone with family
28:02 members to GYC and I remember very strongly how a mother would
28:06 be telling her children look we're going to get up at 5 a.m.
28:09 and go to those prayers. The first day the young children
28:12 were like no, no I'm not so excited. It's too early, so
28:15 early. I don't want to go. Let me tell you after one day or two
28:18 now it was the young people waking up the parents saying
28:21 look let's go to that 5 a.m. prayer session. And so hundreds
28:25 of people come together. They're excited to wake up at 5 a.m. to
28:28 pray. They pray together. Let me tell you there's even moments in
28:31 that room where you're brought to tears. You just sense the
28:35 Spirit of God moving upon you. You feel convicted of your wrong
28:40 doings. You confess them to one another and you're praying Lord
28:44 Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart, like the old song
28:47 says. But not only will we be spending time in prayer, we'll
28:51 be spending time singing together. But GYC's more than
28:54 just that. We'll actually be spending time fellowshipping
28:57 and networking together. Whether that's in the halls,
29:00 whether that's
29:01 during the meal times. There's this lovely thing called exhibit
29:04 hall you know like where lots of booths are just in one area
29:08 there's so many different ministry opportunities where
29:11 young people can just get involved. So we're opening the
29:15 door. If a young person is wondering how can I get involved
29:18 come to GYC. They'll be so many booths around that we say hey
29:22 look we want young people to be a part of this work. But just to
29:28 wrap this answer up this is one thing I'm really excited about
29:30 this year. Usually, we do this thing called midnight prayer.
29:35 Actually GYC this year we're going from December 28th to
29:39 January 1st and that January 1st is a Sunday. And so what we'll
29:43 be doing Saturday night is hundreds of people will be
29:46 gathering together maybe around 10 p.m., 11 p.m., whatever it
29:50 takes. They'll be gathering together. They'll begin singing
29:52 songs, bringing praise to the Lord and praying all the way
29:56 till midnight comes. They'll be opening the year on bended knees
30:00 praying for God to bless them this next year. So there's so
30:03 many different components and I'm telling you GYC will be a
30:06 special thing.
30:08 That's beautiful.
30:09 Can I add to that? (Oh absolutely) You know the
30:13 experience of a gathering like this. Some people may think hey
30:18 you know what I've done a lot and that's good. I go to church.
30:22 As we approach closer and closer to the end inspired council
30:27 tells us as opposed to this tapering off and we don't do
30:30 this anymore, we're actually supposed to gather together more
30:34 and more frequently as we prepare ourselves for the
30:38 conflict that is going to come upon us. And so I just want to
30:42 affirm everything that Junior was saying that the experience
30:46 is not just a one-time but a continual time to gather
30:50 together, seek God's face and come together in Christian
30:52 That's a good word, that's a good word. What is the theme for
30:57 this year and what's the reason or purpose behind it?
31:00 So our theme for this year is Break Forth and it's taken from
31:06 the text Isaiah 58:8: Then shall thy light break forth as the
31:10 morning and thine health shall spring forth speedily. The glory
31:14 of the Lord shall be thy rearguard. The idea is that when
31:19 God's people take part in the true fact that He's outlined
31:24 His light will actually break forth through our lives in
31:29 unselfish service to others. The reason why we thought Isaiah 58
31:33 was so important was because last year our theme was Nothing.
31:38 Kind of a funny theme but we were focusing on the Laodicean
31:46 message. And if you read the first volume of the Testimonies
31:49 chapter 32 Ellen White had the vision where God's people
31:54 received the straight testimony of the true witness and this is
31:58 the message to the Laodiceans which is our church. And this
32:04 receiving of the message leads to a great heart-searching of
32:06 the people of God. Those who accept it stay in the church.
32:11 Those who reject it are shaken out. And this group of people
32:15 who accept that message and are rising up and proclaim the third
32:20 angel's message with power and the Holy Spirit. And from our
32:24 study it appears that those we accept the Laodicean message
32:30 their light is also accompanied with the light of Isaiah chapter
32:33 58. So this is really a continuation of the study of
32:37 what happens when you receive the solutions that Jesus lined
32:41 out for His people. Faith that works by love, faith that works
32:44 by love, the righteousness of Christ and eye salve that we can
32:49 see spiritually. What does that lead to? A true life of
32:53 unselfish service where His light breaks forth through us.
32:56 Amen, amen. I love it. Why is the evangelism component so
33:02 crucial during and after GYC?
33:06 You know this year's GYC evangelism and I don't only say
33:09 because I'm vice president of evangelism. I say it because I'm
33:13 telling you, it's one of my favorite things about GYC.
33:16 Thousands of young people get on buses and in these buses they're
33:22 singing, they're praying, you know they're singing Hallelujah
33:24 Lord be with us as we go out. On the way back from evangelism
33:28 they're singing, they're praying they're singing Lord Hallelujah
33:30 that you have been with us. But this year evangelism's just
33:34 going to be a little different. You know often times when we
33:37 think of evangelism we may limit evangelism to either just prayer
33:42 for people or just Bible studies for people. But I really believe
33:45 that the Spirit of God led us to this theme this year found in
33:48 the book of Isaiah 58 specifically verse 8 which is
33:52 our theme. But I'm actually going to read two verses before
33:54 verse 8 and just summarize why evangelism is so important for
33:58 this conference this year. I'll read it. Isaiah 58 verse 8 verse
34:02 6 says this: Is this not the fast that I have chosen, this is
34:06 the Lord speaking, to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the
34:10 heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free and that you
34:14 break every yoke. Is it not to share your bread with the hungry
34:18 and that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out, when
34:22 you see the naked that you cover them and not hide yourself from
34:26 your own flesh. Then, the Bible says and this is the GYC theme,
34:31 your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing
34:34 shall spring forth speedily and your righteousness shall go
34:38 before you, the glory of the Lord be your rear guard. You
34:42 know this reminds me of one of my favorite statements
34:44 especially this year from Steps to Christ, p. 80. She says this:
34:49 Those who thus devote themselves to unselfish effort for the good
34:53 of others are most assuredly working out their own salvation.
34:56 What that means, as you work for God, God is able to work in your
35:02 life and that is why we're doing GYC. That is why we're doing
35:05 evangelism this year. But we're taking evangelism to a different
35:09 notch. This year we're going to actually, get our hands dirty
35:12 meeting the needs of the people. There's going to be different
35:16 opportunities. There's going to be a Great Controversy
35:19 distribution to many homes in the Phoenix area. There's going
35:22 be opportunities where they look a several groups of young people
35:25 will be going to maybe a gathering and they'll be meeting
35:28 needs of people whether that's providing things for them or
35:31 whether that's maybe helping them with something in their
35:33 homes, something at a church school. GYC this year is taking
35:37 evangelism beyond just prayer and Bible study but actually
35:41 meeting the needs of the people dealing our bread to the hungry
35:44 as God has told us, letting the oppressed go free and hoping
35:47 that by God's grace, God will fulfill that promise of then
35:52 our light shall break forth.
35:53 Amen. So in other words what you're telling me is you're
35:56 going to be implementing Christ's method of evangelism.
35:59 That's right. Christ's method alone. It's successful. Right?
36:02 It's the best method...
36:04 We need to study, we need to study Christ.
36:08 Yes. I believe it's so important and this is a beautiful thing
36:12 especially about this year's theme is...Because we're going
36:14 be looking at the whole Isaiah 58, not just one text, the whole
36:17 book of Isaiah 58. And that's why I'm happy about these
36:20 components because we're not only studying God's word but
36:23 we're giving our young people an opportunity to implement
36:27 God's word at the conference. You see what I'm saying. So it's
36:30 not just studying but it's like hey what we just studied let's
36:34 go do it right now. And hoping that by God's grace this
36:37 ignites a fire that they can take to their homes, that to the
36:41 churches and go beyond that. For example like the 5 a.m. prayers.
36:44 Many people have attended and they'll go back now to their
36:47 churches, I'm talking young people now. They'll go back to
36:49 their churches and say look, I'm going to gather my members and
36:52 pray together and we're hoping this year that with evangelism
36:56 young people will say look I have seen that evangelism is
36:59 more than just Bible studies. Evangelism may mean hey I'm
37:03 going to make peanut butter and jelly for the homeless people.
37:06 And so we're trying to show that evangelism is not limited.
37:11 Evangelism can be a great thing for God's service.
37:13 But is it only evangelism at the conference?
37:16 No, it's more than just evangelism. It's more than just
37:19 evangelism at the conference. And here's the thing about GYC.
37:22 We want to also instill in our young people and also in our
37:25 minds as well that look evangelism is not limited to
37:29 four days at GYC. Evangelism should be evangeliving.
37:33 Come on now.
37:35 It should always be evangelizing and so that's why we take
37:39 evangelism there. And we're going to be showing, look you
37:42 don't need deep pockets to do evangelism. And so that's what
37:44 we're trying to do cheap evangelism for lack of a better
37:48 term you know. You can make a simple sandwich and go to the
37:50 homeless but making people smile is evangelism. And so really
37:56 this year we're trying to take evangelism beyond the conference
38:00 for evangeliving by God's grace.
38:02 Amen, amen. What concern do you have for young people
38:09 specifically in Adventism?
38:10 Yeah. So being a young person in Adventism who grew up on
38:17 social media grew up pretty much immersed in whatever the
38:20 world had to offer this is the reality of many of our young
38:25 people. Even young people who are active in the church. And so
38:30 the concern is that as we live in a social media-saturated
38:34 world and as we live in a world that seems to be turning more
38:38 and more towards money-making, how can I get you know side
38:42 money, all these different things, can we be subconsciously
38:47 bringing these principles because of being entered into
38:51 our minds into the way we do church? And so it's a big
38:58 personal burden of mine and really the need that we have at
39:02 this time going back to the whole foundation of GYC, let's
39:05 get back to the simplicity of the scriptures. Not just to get
39:09 information to understand the doctrine but for life.
39:13 Concentrating on the word, Joshua 1:8 I think about this
39:17 verse. It says this book of the law shall not depart out of thy
39:20 mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou
39:25 mayest observe to do all that is written therein. Then you will
39:28 make your way prosperous, then you will have good success. It's
39:32 not just studying, it's meditating, it's obeying and
39:36 then God says listen everything else is going to come from that.
39:40 Seek ye first the kingdom of God yeah. Absolutely. Well said,
39:44 well said. What about you, you know.
39:48 I'm worried that today in our young people that they may feel
39:52 that they are not valued or they may think that church is boring.
39:55 Now both of those two ideas I do want to say that GYC shreds
40:00 those ideas into pieces. I mean GYC destroys it. There's a whole
40:05 conference that is saying look we're going to spend four or
40:09 five days focusing on just how important our young people are
40:13 to the church of God. And that's the whole motive of GYC. Once
40:18 again, getting young people to love Jesus and getting young
40:20 people to love His work and GYC takes that and just says look
40:25 that is not the case. That's something I realized just the
40:29 other day was that look you know Jesus and his disciples, Jesus
40:33 began His public ministry at the age of 30 years old. And all
40:38 around me, people can testify that 30 is not old. Thirty is
40:41 still a young person.
40:43 I hope so.
40:46 In a sense you know Jesus was also, a young person that was
40:49 involved in ministry but check this out. Jesus' disciples were
40:52 younger than Him as well. You know from inspired counsel we're
40:56 told that John the beloved disciple would be the youngest
40:59 disciple. But look Jesus took John at a young age, involved
41:02 him in ministry and because of that John never left that. So
41:07 this whole concept that young people are not valued or they're
41:11 not important GYC shreds that to pieces and GYC says look as a
41:15 young person, you are important to the cause of God. Get in it.
41:18 Because if we want to see Jesus come or if we want to go to
41:22 heaven it's our young people that need to finish it. But also
41:25 about that church is boring GYC shreds that to pieces as well.
41:29 GYC like church people come together. Like that's it. Church
41:34 people fellowship together and guess what. They study God's
41:38 word together, they pray together and every person that
41:40 had gone to GYC will leave saying man that was a fun
41:43 experience. So guess what. Church is fun and our young
41:46 people will enjoy it as well. And so I praise the Lord that
41:49 GYC just shreds those ideas and says like that's not true.
41:53 If I can add onto that. Young people are not valued in the
41:57 church because church members say look we value you or because
42:01 people pay attention to you. You're valued in the church
42:04 because God calls you into the body of Christ. Jesus is the
42:08 head. If you have a relationship with Him, you are part of that
42:11 body and so whether people talk to you or not, whether people pay
42:16 attention to you or not, whether people involve you or not, it
42:21 doesn't matter what negative things people do because Jesus
42:25 is saying look I've called you to this piece of the vineyard,
42:28 I have a work for you. I have something to teach you and maybe
42:33 the environment that's not so favorable now is actually
42:36 perfect for your development.
42:38 Amen. Well said. You know we've discussed evangelism, we've
42:43 discussed you know reaching out and all of that stuff but let's
42:47 take a moment to talk about inreach. How important is having
42:51 your own devotional life together?
42:57 The importance of your personal...
43:01 Yeah, your own personal devotion.
43:03 Yeah, I was actually reading something last week where it was
43:08 saying the life of Jesus actually, His childhood. He had
43:12 unfavorable influences, he came from poverty, the religious
43:16 leaders were totally just didn't get it, and He came from
43:22 Nazareth. What good thing can some out of Nazareth. And she
43:25 says He still lived a life of complete purity and devotion to
43:30 God and anyone who says I'm dependent on circumstances, I'm
43:34 dependent on all these external variables, she says this is a
43:37 rebuke to that. His life is a rebuke to that. So the personal
43:41 time with God. You don't need to be doing two hours a day if
43:45 you're not there. Just one step at a time. You grow with God
43:49 just as a plant grows in the dirt and you leave the rest up
43:52 to Him. Just one step at a time.
43:55 That's very practical advice, I like that, I like that.
43:57 Here's the thing, GYC really encourages that personal time
44:02 with God. It's that personal time that you take on a daily
44:05 experience so as to keep the fire going for the rest of your
44:09 life. And listen, the word of God is not boring. Like you know
44:14 these stories are amazing stories and so I really want to
44:17 encourage all of us and all those that may be watching and
44:20 all of those that plan to come to the conference like our
44:23 personal time is the real part of Christianity and for us to
44:28 actually have energy to go and evangelize the Lord we need that
44:32 personal time. Now I'm not saying you need to have that
44:35 personal time before you start evangelizing. I'm telling you as
44:38 you evangelize you'll find that look, I need more personal time
44:41 As I share more bread I need to get some bread to keep sharing
44:44 some more bread. So I'm telling you personal time is so
44:47 important.
44:48 Yeah, you can't give what you don't have. I have an uncle that
44:52 says you don't lead where you don't go and you don't teach
44:54 what you don't know. And so that always stuck with me throughout
44:59 the years. A powerful saying you know. You don't lead where
45:01 you don't go and you don't teach what you don't know. Why are you
45:05 guys personally excited about this year's conference?
45:10 So 2020 was pandemic. Like we're still in that realm but last
45:20 year's conference was more of a transition you know. A lot of
45:25 researching still. But this year we're hoping to have a full
45:31 conference, hoping to get out to the community. We're hoping to
45:35 have as many young people come together as possible. We can
45:38 really just dig into the scripture, seek God's face, and
45:44 I'm just really excited for what God has to offer for those who
45:49 come and the blessing that he wants to pour out on our lives.
45:52 Amen, amen.
45:55 I'm excited to be in the presence of thousands of young
45:57 people that want to learn more about the Lord and want to be
46:00 involved in His service. I'm excited to fellowship with all
46:03 those who do come and attend. I'm excited to eat those amazing
46:07 meals that we'll be having together.
46:08 Now you're speaking my language. You're talking about the meals.
46:12 What else are you excited about?
46:13 Multiple voices. I'm also excited about just seeing what
46:17 God will do in the area of Phoenix. You know this year for
46:20 evangelism GYC we're not only passing out Great Controversy
46:23 but in the Great Controversy we actually have this new thing
46:27 this year. We have a GYC Glow tract. And that Glow tract
46:31 actually goes over Isaiah 58. It's a beautiful tract and hey
46:35 we won't show any photos of that tract right now. It's done but
46:38 you need to come for the conference to see what it looks
46:40 like. But it's an amazing tract and I'm just excited to see what
46:43 God is going to do in the area of Phoenix, what God's going to
46:47 do for our young people who also, come to this lovely
46:50 conference.
46:51 Absolutely. What are some of the needs of GYC as an organization?
46:55 So you know right now registration is open and will be
47:00 open all the way until I think the conference. I probably have
47:04 to double-check on that. But seeing that we have counsel that
47:10 all should be urged to attend our camp meetings. This is a
47:14 camp meeting for young people. Not to take away from the camp
47:17 meetings of other places but in addition to that. And we really
47:23 hope and pray that as many as God is moving upon may come
47:28 and in order to come people need to hear about it and they need
47:33 to be invited. So you know if anyone is watching this
47:39 broadcast and you may not be a young person but you know a
47:43 young person or you know of someone who knows a young person
47:45 I highly encourage you to invite them to come out to GYC because
47:50 God may have a very important blessing for them at that place.
47:55 Amen. I know that it has to take a lot to put this conference
48:01 together. There are a lot of moving parts, right? You guys
48:04 need volunteers, what are some needs in that area and also you
48:09 know-how can people support monetarily if they want to make
48:13 a donation to GYC. Maybe they're sitting there saying like I love
48:18 what these young people are doing and how people are on fire
48:22 for the Lord and I want to support that. Do you guys take
48:26 donations as well.
48:27 Yeah. If someone wants to volunteer on our website we do
48:31 have a place where you can put in your information to volunteer
48:34 (GYCweb.org) if you go to registration. And on our website
48:38 there is a place to donate. Of course, this is a nonprofit
48:44 ministry, so all of your donations help us to continue
48:47 the work that God is impressing upon our hearts and any donation
48:50 that you make is greatly appreciated.
48:53 And your website is GYCweb.org
48:56 Okay great. Yeah hopefully volunteers will be mobilized.
49:03 Attendees will be mobilized. Finances will be mobilized as
49:08 well. And people will grow in the Lord.
49:12 Just to add onto that. You know I don't want to be cliché in
49:16 this response but even if you're planning not to come to GYC we
49:19 want to solicit your prayers for those couple days. We want to
49:23 solicit your prayers for the area of Phoenix those couple
49:27 days and I do want to counsel and even call our church members
49:31 you know, like Brother Andrew had mentioned you know young
49:35 people that's at your churches. Whether you may feel your
49:38 donation to GYCweb.org is a little one I do want to also
49:42 encourage you maybe you and a couple others can gather up some
49:47 finances and maybe even sponsor a young person to go to GYC.
49:51 Because really we want the young people that need to be there to
49:54 be there. And so that's really what we want. At the end of the
49:58 day we just want to ensure that all who want to be there are
50:00 there and that they can receive the blessing that God has for
50:03 them.
50:04 Amen, amen.
50:05 You know lastly, you know this may sound cliché but your
50:09 prayers, people's prayers, it moves the hand of God. He's
50:13 already willing to do it but it brings us into alignment with
50:17 His will. And prayers go out as sharp sickles into the harvest
50:20 field. So we solicit all your prayers because we understand
50:24 that we exist in a great controversy and the one that
50:29 Satan really wants to grab are the young people before they
50:32 reach their potential in Christ. So we know that it's also going
50:35 to be a battlefield so all the prayers are solicited so that
50:39 God can have the greatest impact in their lives that He desires.
50:42 Yes, amen. Junior, real quick I want you to recap for us the
50:48 components of this year's conference.
50:52 Yes really quick, yeah the components of this year's
50:53 conferences. Study of God's word prayer as a congregation
50:58 together, evangelizing the neighborhoods in the lovely city
51:02 of Phoenix and by God's grace and taking all that we have
51:06 learned and now taking to our homes and to our churches and
51:09 raising up a generation of young people that want to see Jesus
51:13 come in the clouds of glory.
51:15 Amen, amen. It's going to be an exciting conference, a fruitful
51:21 conference and one where a lot of people are led to Christ.
51:24 Well we're getting ready to take a short break. We want to show
51:28 you how you can support GYC and get in touch with them. So we'll
51:33 go to an address roll and a news break and we'll be right back
51:36 If you would like to contact or know more about GYC you can do
51:43 so in the following ways: You can write to them at
51:45 1445 Valleyhigh Dr. NW #6383 Rochester, MN 55903. You can
51:55 call them at (707) 234-5492 You can visit their website at
52:06 GYCweb.org or send them an email at Office@GYCweb.org


Revised 2023-06-27