3ABN Today

From Death to Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY220050B

00:01 I can't believe our time is just about up.
00:03 But I don't want to close out this program
00:06 without providing you the opportunity
00:08 to share a final thought
00:10 with our viewers and listeners.
00:12 What message of hope would you have for that individual
00:17 that may be feeling hopeless and going through a situation
00:20 that they can't see the way out?
00:24 I've been there many times myself
00:27 and in every circumstance
00:30 the Lord always comes right on time.
00:33 Um-hmm.
00:36 Sometimes people say that patience is a virtue -
00:40 um-hmm - and patience is not a gift that we have.
00:45 But it's definitely something that we have to develop
00:48 because as I said at the beginning of the program
00:51 the way God calls you to His side
00:55 is completely different than how He called me.
00:59 You may be going through a crucible today.
01:02 You may be going through a situation in which
01:07 you may feel that there's no hope.
01:09 And the truth of the matter is is that
01:12 God has never left your side.
01:15 He's still there with you
01:16 and He will continue to be by your side.
01:19 So let your faith grow.
01:23 Develop that connection with Him
01:25 because by developing that connection with Him
01:27 you WILL behold His power and His glory.
01:30 Amen! Amen!
01:32 You've definitely developed that connection with Him.
01:35 He's delivered you from so much.
01:37 You're spending time in His Word; growing in Him;
01:40 sharing it with others.
01:42 And I definitely appreciate you coming on and sharing
01:45 your powerful testimony with us.
01:47 This has been inspiring, and I hope that people
01:52 will invite you to share it with them.
01:54 We thank you so much for joining us.
01:56 I hope this has been an inspiration.
01:58 Until next time... God bless.


Revised 2023-04-19