3ABN Today

Footprints of God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY210028B

00:01 Well, friends, our time comes and goes so quickly.
00:02 But there's a point that Samson Fidimaye
00:05 wants to bring out.
00:06 We had been talking about this prior to the program.
00:09 You saw Evangelical Christianity,
00:11 and you were told by them that
00:13 the law of God was abolished,
00:14 but still thievery and murder was an issue that kept
00:18 bringing you back to God's law.
00:19 What was the turning point
00:21 in you becoming an Adventist Christian?
00:23 Yeah, it was really Sabbath, the Sabbath commandment,
00:26 which says, remember. Yeah.
00:28 And I had this friend, the Evangelical friend
00:30 I mentioned who said, you could do
00:31 all of these things so far you have faith,
00:33 the law is already done away with.
00:35 But of those questions, when the Sabbath law came,
00:38 part came for me, that really did it for me,
00:40 because I saw
00:41 it was the central part of God's law,
00:43 how we're going to keep it in heaven.
00:45 And all of this came together for me at the end.
00:47 So, yeah, that really convinced me
00:49 that God's law is to abide in them.
00:51 I knew about all of the ceremonial laws
00:53 that were done away with, but God's moral law,
00:55 the Ten Commandments is still abiding.
00:58 And it's the only one that says, remember.
01:00 Remember. That's right.
01:01 And praise the Lord in your consistency.
01:05 You're showing that to your parents,
01:08 to your Evangelical friends.
01:09 That's right.
01:10 And we're going to pray that in your life as you continue
01:13 and into your marriage,
01:15 that the law of God will maintain its central focus
01:18 in your life.
01:19 And I want to once again, say,
01:20 we're not going to talk about selling the book.
01:23 But if you want to get a copy of this,
01:24 I think it's going to be an amazing story Saving
01:26 Fearful.
01:27 And when you get in touch with Samson Fidimaye.
01:30 Thank you so much for joining us.
01:31 Thanks.
01:32 Any encouraging words to him, Honey?
01:34 I just praise the Lord for your journey.
01:36 It's just wonderful.
01:37 It's a testimony to the people, young people,
01:41 especially to show how God is using you
01:43 in such a beautiful way.
01:45 And we just pray that God
01:46 continue to guide you which He will.
01:48 And thank you for sharing with us
01:50 and where did you get your degree?
01:52 You got your degree in...
01:54 Oh, Associates of Christian Media Ministry.
01:56 Christian Media. Okay.
01:59 So you'll be able to use those tools
02:00 to lead others to the loving Savior,
02:03 and the truth of God's Word.
02:05 Well, thank you, friends, for joining us.
02:06 You know, this has been a thought-provoking questions.
02:08 But there's so much more to the story.
02:10 We pray that you'll get in touch with Samson
02:12 to hear the rest of the story.
02:13 But until we see you again,
02:14 may the blessings of God's Word and the truth of God
02:17 continue to abide in your heart.
02:19 See you in the future. God bless you.


Revised 2021-06-27