3ABN Today

Asi Lake Union: Sharing Christ in the Marketplace

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY210009B

00:01 Wow.
00:02 I can't believe our time is just about up.
00:04 Joy, why don't you share some closing remarks with us?
00:06 Well, I just want to thank you, Jason,
00:08 and thanks 3ABN for having us.
00:10 And we are actually very fortunate
00:12 because ASI Lake Union
00:14 is in the same geographic area as 3ABN,
00:17 but we are just one chapter of ASI.
00:20 And we want to invite people
00:22 to go to the ASI Ministries website,
00:24 so that you can find out more
00:25 about your chapter and get involved.
00:27 But since we are virtual
00:29 and everyone can come to our event,
00:32 we want to invite you again.
00:33 It's the ASI Lake Union spring fellowship.
00:35 You can find out about it on asilakeunion.org.
00:40 And again, I just want to remind people,
00:42 it's going to start Friday,
00:44 April 16th and that 7:00 PM
00:47 Eastern Time with Chef Chew,
00:51 very excited to hear his testimony.
00:52 And then we'll be kicking off on Sabbath morning at 10:00 AM
00:57 Eastern Time with Dr. Magna Porterfield.
00:59 You don't wanna miss that,
01:01 your mental health may count on it.
01:02 And then we'll be with Dr. David DeRose at 10:00 AM.
01:07 Actually it might be later in the day Eastern Time.
01:10 We'll figure out the time then, and then Rico Hill,
01:13 again, another amazing speaker.
01:15 And then we'll be wrapping up at 4:00 PM Eastern Time
01:18 with Wes Youngberg.
01:19 And you know, these are some of the best
01:22 out there nationwide,
01:23 internationally, fantastic speakers.
01:25 And we're excited that they can be at our conference
01:27 and we hope you can be there too.
01:29 Absolutely.
01:30 What's one of the things
01:31 that you really look forward to with this conference?
01:34 I just wanna learn, I mean,
01:35 I'm a public health nutritionist myself,
01:37 but these are the guys
01:38 I listened to and women that I listened to to learn
01:42 and get inspired and, you know,
01:43 engage in doing what I know I should do.
01:46 Yeah. So that growth as well.
01:49 Thank you so much for coming on
01:50 and sharing and wanna thank
01:52 our other guests on Skype.
01:54 You couldn't be here in the studio,
01:55 but thank you for your contributions
01:57 and thank you for joining us.
01:58 Until next time, God bless.


Revised 2021-03-22