3ABN Today

Personal Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY210006B

00:01 Amen. Wow.
00:02 This hour has gone by in a hurry.
00:04 And I always love hearing someone's personal testimony.
00:05 Well, today we've got to hear from two of our 3ABN family.
00:09 Eric and Marilyn,
00:10 just anything in closing that's on your heart.
00:12 Eric, I see you nodding your head.
00:14 Let's go to you.
00:15 When I was a teenager,
00:16 my mother made me do something I didn't want to do.
00:18 Oh-Oh. Yeah. She made me go on a trip.
00:21 It was a hayride trip
00:23 in upstate New York I think it was.
00:26 And I resisted, I just didn't want to go.
00:29 And when I went on this hayride trip,
00:31 it rolled around town
00:32 and then it went out into the country
00:34 and the nighttime came and I saw the stars.
00:37 And it was the first time in my life
00:39 that I saw the stars as God wants us to see them.
00:43 Oh, wow. You know, the Milky Way.
00:44 And I saw shooting stars for the first time.
00:47 And that moment changed my life.
00:49 It made me realize that
00:51 there was more out there than I thought.
00:53 And there's something above us that's mighty and magnificent.
00:56 Amen.
00:58 And it's all because I listened to my mother.
01:00 Yeah.
01:02 And I always give her the credit
01:03 for leading me to Jesus, who I now give all the credit.
01:04 Amen. Wow. Amen.
01:06 So trust in Jesus. Amen.
01:07 Thank you, Eric. Excellent.
01:09 Marilyn, what about you closing thought for someone?
01:10 I totally agree.
01:12 If you're struggling in your life
01:15 and you are looking for answers,
01:18 lean on Jesus.
01:19 You know trust in Him that He will take care of you
01:23 and guide you and protect you.
01:25 And not to totally lean on yourself
01:29 and He'll be there for you.
01:31 Amen.
01:32 Thank you both so much for sharing your heart
01:34 and your journey and your experience.
01:36 What a privilege...
01:37 Yes, I agree. To hear that.
01:39 And I know my own heart has been encouraged
01:41 and strengthened, hearing their testimony,
01:43 hearing what God has done for them.
01:44 Amen. And He'll do it for you.
01:46 And that's the amazing thing about God.
01:48 He is no respecter of persons.
01:49 No matter your past, no matter where you have been,
01:52 no matter what you have done, He says, you are His,
01:56 just open up your heart to Him right now
01:58 and let Him work in your life.
01:59 We'll see you again. Bye-bye.


Revised 2021-03-12