3ABN Today

Today Bible Topic - 10 Virgins

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY210004S

00:01 As you're well aware
00:02 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for today's special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 Mending broken people
01:15 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN today program.
01:18 My name is John Dinzey.
01:19 It's a privilege and an honor
01:20 to be with you during this hour.
01:22 This is going to be a 3ABN Today
01:24 where we study God's Word,
01:25 it's a Bible study
01:27 that we would like to share with you.
01:28 And we have some of the 3ABN members
01:31 or family members here
01:33 that are going to be working together
01:35 by God's grace
01:37 and through the aid of His Holy Spirit
01:38 to study this important topic
01:41 that we're going to mention in a moment.
01:42 But first, I would like to present to you
01:45 our family members that are with us.
01:46 Sister Shelley Quinn.
01:48 Oh, it's good to be here, Johnny.
01:49 Always. Amen.
01:50 Tell us a little bit about what you do at 3ABN.
01:54 Lots of things.
01:55 But official title is program development manager.
01:59 I wear many hats.
02:02 Yes, indeed. Yes, indeed.
02:04 Thank you so much.
02:05 We have Joe O'Brien
02:07 member of the 3ABN pastoral ministries.
02:08 Tell us a little bit about
02:10 what the pastoral ministries department does.
02:14 Well, when you asked Shelley to share what she does,
02:18 I thought we would use up the whole hour.
02:22 But in the pastoral department,
02:23 we do have responsibilities to pre-read books,
02:27 you know, and some of the programs
02:29 are shipped in from other studios.
02:32 And we take a look at those ahead of time
02:35 to see if they're doctrinally accurate
02:38 and can't get to all of them.
02:40 And then there's emails and letters.
02:41 And of course, our phone calls, which are precious
02:45 because people are looking for help.
02:47 They're looking to God for that help
02:49 and they call us
02:50 and we share the word with them a little bit
02:52 and they find help.
02:54 Amen, amen.
02:56 Another vital part of the 3ABN Ministry
02:58 that is really touching
03:01 hundreds and thousands of lives.
03:02 So praise the Lord for that.
03:04 And we have your wife's sister Nancy O'Brien.
03:07 Now tell us a little bit about what you do at 3ABN, please.
03:10 Oh, I work in the thanksgiving trust services department,
03:15 and we work with the people that love 3ABN
03:19 and they want to remember 3ABN after they've passed away.
03:22 They want to continue to support the work
03:25 of spreading the gospel.
03:27 It's fun to talk with them
03:28 because often they're so excited about
03:30 what's going on in the world
03:31 and how close it is to Jesus coming.
03:33 And they have a heart to really get the gospel out.
03:36 Amen. Amen. Amen.
03:39 Well, we also are praising the Lord
03:43 because of the ministry of 3ABN.
03:45 Today, millions of people around the world
03:49 can watch 3ABN through different ways.
03:51 There's a 3ABN app
03:52 that you can download on your tablet or your phone
03:56 or you can go directly to the website.
03:58 You can tell your friends about these things.
03:59 That's why we're sharing it right now.
04:01 So they can watch 3ABN
04:03 because some people watch on cable.
04:05 Some people watch on dish network,
04:08 but those of your friends and family
04:11 that do not know how to get 3ABN,
04:12 we share, tell them to download the app
04:15 or go to the website 3abn.tv
04:17 and there they can watch the 3ABN channel.
04:21 When you download the app on your phone,
04:23 you get a selection of eight or nine channels,
04:26 including radio stations.
04:27 You can listen to a marvelous, marvelous
04:30 app for your phone
04:32 and just tell your friends about this.
04:33 So they can also be blessed.
04:35 In fact, you can also go to our YouTube channel
04:38 and there's a long list of different programs
04:41 you can view any time of the day.
04:44 And it's a blessing because
04:46 so many different ways to reach out to people.
04:49 You can also visit the 3ABN Facebook page.
04:52 So we encourage you to look at those things
04:54 and share with other people.
04:55 So they know more about 3ABN and so they can be blessed.
04:59 And you will become a 3ABN evangelist,
05:01 help someone know the Lord, Jesus Christ,
05:04 and prepare for the soon return of our Lord and Savior.
05:07 And talking about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
05:10 let me tell you what the topic is,
05:11 very important topic.
05:13 And it's the topic important for these times
05:15 that we are living in.
05:16 It is the parable of the ten virgins
05:19 found in Matthew 25.
05:22 We're going to be looking at that in a moment,
05:24 but we'd like to go to the Lord in prayer right now.
05:26 And I've asked sister Nancy O'Brien,
05:28 if you could please lead us.
05:31 Our Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, You are a loving God.
05:34 And You have given us Your Word that we may grow and learn,
05:38 and that we may be made ready for Your return
05:42 by reading this
05:43 and taking it into our hearts and living it.
05:45 So, Lord, we pray that Holy Spirit,
05:47 You will guide this discussion today
05:49 that you will reveal the things
05:50 that need to be revealed to our listeners
05:52 as well as to ourselves
05:54 and that this will lift You up and people will be drawn You
05:57 and want to be ready for Your return.
05:59 So we thank You, Lord.
06:01 We pray this in Jesus' name.
06:02 Amen. Amen.
06:04 Amen.
06:05 Well, let's go right to the parable
06:09 that is found in Matthew 25.
06:12 And if you follow along, I will go ahead and read that.
06:16 Before you do, can we set it up a little bit?
06:18 Oh, sure.
06:19 'Cause the interesting thing is in Matthew 24,
06:22 Jesus had just made His last appearance
06:26 at the temple.
06:27 He had called the religious leaders,
06:30 hypocrites, blind guides.
06:32 Yes.
06:33 And He said, "Your house is left to you desolate."
06:35 So now He leaves the temple for the last time.
06:39 And He and His disciples are going up
06:42 the Mount of Olives at sunset.
06:44 This is actually part of His last sermon,
06:50 His last teaching
06:52 because in Matthew 24,
06:54 He starts telling His disciples
06:57 what to expect when He returns and He taught in parables.
07:03 So now during this last sermon,
07:06 He's going to tell them
07:07 a beautiful parable of ten virgins.
07:11 So just a quick setup.
07:13 Thank you so much.
07:15 So in Matthew 25,
07:17 we now invite you to join us in the reading
07:21 beginning in verse one.
07:24 "Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins
07:28 who took their lamps
07:29 and went out to meet the bridegroom.
07:32 Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
07:36 Those who were foolish
07:38 took their lamps and took no oil with them,
07:41 but the wise took oil in their vessels
07:45 with their lamps.
07:46 But while the bridegroom was delayed, "
07:50 in the King James it says tarried,
07:51 "they all slumbered and slept.
07:55 And at midnight a cry was herd.
07:57 Behold, the bridegroom is coming,
08:00 go out to meet him!
08:03 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.
08:08 And the foolish said to the wise,
08:10 "Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out."
08:15 But the wise answered, saying,
08:17 'No, lest there should not be enough for us and you,
08:21 but go rather to those who sell,
08:23 and buy for yourselves.'
08:25 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came,
08:29 and those who were ready
08:31 went in with him to the wedding,
08:34 and the door was shut.
08:36 Afterward, the other virgins came also, saying,
08:40 'Lord, Lord, open to us!'
08:42 But he answered and said,
08:44 'Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.'
08:48 Watch therefore,
08:51 for you know neither the day nor the hour
08:55 in which the Son of Man is coming."
08:59 And this is the end of the parable.
09:02 So now we would like to give you
09:05 a little background on it.
09:06 We're going to go verse by verse now
09:08 and go through it.
09:10 Shelley already mentioned a background
09:13 that this is part of what Jesus was telling,
09:15 His disciples.
09:16 And I think you're back to the beginning of Matthew 24,
09:21 the disciples were showing the temple
09:24 and the buildings of the temple and the marvelous stones.
09:27 And Jesus shocked them by saying,
09:30 "You see all these things,
09:32 there shall not be one stone left upon another."
09:35 So the disciples were curious and they wanted to know
09:38 when shall these things be
09:39 and what should be the sign of your coming?
09:41 So this is saying in the context
09:43 of the second coming of Jesus Christ
09:46 and the signs before
09:47 the second coming of Jesus Christ.
09:49 So this is the context, the remote context,
09:51 the immediate context is the second coming of Christ
09:53 and what it will be like.
09:55 So this is a parable that communicates to us
10:00 something of great importance.
10:02 We are living in the time
10:04 when we're going to see a fulfillment of this parable.
10:09 So let's go through it.
10:11 And we want to open the door for anyone to share
10:16 what the Lord has put in your heart.
10:18 And we've asked for the Holy Spirit
10:20 to direct us.
10:21 So we believe this will be a beneficial
10:25 and rewarding study,
10:26 but please do not consider that by when this program is over,
10:30 "I know all there is to know about the ten virgins.
10:33 I don't need to look at this again.
10:35 I saw it on 3ABN, I heard it on 3ABN."
10:38 No, this is something to get you started
10:40 to get you inspired.
10:42 And to also, it is our hope, our desire
10:44 that it will awaken in you
10:45 a desire to be prepared
10:48 for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
10:49 Amen. Amen.
10:50 So let's go through.
10:52 Sister Shelley, let's begin with the verse one,
10:53 tell us, read it again and give us some insight
10:57 as the Lord has led you.
10:58 Okay.
11:00 Verse one.
11:01 "Then the kingdom of heaven
11:03 shall be likened to ten virgins,"
11:07 First of all notice all ten are virgins.
11:11 "And who took their lamps
11:13 and went out to meet the bridegroom."
11:16 This is based on a Jewish tradition
11:21 that was customary at the time of Jesus.
11:24 This is very symbolic.
11:26 We're going to uncover all of the symbols
11:28 in this parabolic teaching.
11:30 But in the Jewish tradition, the bride,
11:35 when they sign their marriage contract,
11:38 the groom would go up,
11:39 he built a home onto his father's house.
11:42 He prepared a place for his bride.
11:46 Just like Jesus told us in John 14,
11:49 "I'm going to prepare a place for you."
11:51 And did you know the groom didn't know
11:53 when he was going to go get his bride,
11:55 it was when the father told him he could go.
11:58 So then what would happen is
12:03 the bride is making herself ready.
12:06 She's excited.
12:08 She's doing all these preparations.
12:11 And then when the time was coming close,
12:15 they knew,
12:16 and she would have
12:17 her virgin handmaidens out there
12:20 with their lamps.
12:21 And when the bridegroom came late at night,
12:24 they would go meet and they would usher him
12:27 into the presence of the bride.
12:30 So here we know that
12:32 the church is the bride of Christ
12:36 and that's the first point to make.
12:41 The virgins were...
12:44 The church in scripture is represented as a virgin.
12:49 And we see that in Ephesians 5:23-32.
12:53 We see that Paul says that,
12:56 "Jesus is the bridegroom we're the bride."
13:01 And then he says,
13:02 "I've betrothed you to one bridegroom,"
13:08 Jesus Christ.
13:09 So all throughout the church, in the old Testament in,
13:13 and we'll get more into that in a minute,
13:15 and in the new testament,
13:17 the church is referred to as a virgin.
13:20 Yes.
13:21 So that's the good church.
13:23 The bad church is the harlot, right?
13:25 So all ten were members of the church.
13:29 Amen. Amen.
13:30 Well, let's go to Joe and Nancy,
13:33 what would like to share.
13:34 The thing I like to share is the spiritual perspective.
13:39 We have the carnal perspective and the spiritual perspective.
13:42 And everyone knows the carnal perspective.
13:44 And those who don't make it in to the kingdom,
13:47 neglect the spiritual perspective.
13:49 And so I'll give you an example here
13:51 with verse one,
13:52 where it says,
13:54 they were virgins, ten virgins.
13:58 So if we go back to the Greek language
14:02 and look up the word for virgin,
14:04 it's parthenos.
14:06 And the meaning in that language was
14:10 that these virgins
14:12 are ones who abstained from all impurity
14:19 and adulterous practices.
14:22 So their virginity,
14:24 their purity was that they didn't worship false gods.
14:29 They knew the real Christ. They knew the real church.
14:33 And they were virgins in that respect.
14:37 Thank you so much.
14:38 Sister Nancy, would you like to share something?
14:40 Well, as I say,
14:41 when we first joined the church,
14:42 we had people explain to us,
14:44 you know, what the virgins were and that you had to be born.
14:47 Seventh-day Adventist to be a virgin.
14:49 And that's not what it means at all.
14:51 Oh, someone actually said that to you?
14:53 Yeah. Oh, my goodness!
14:54 I've never heard that myself. That's heresy.
14:56 I've never heard such a thing either.
14:58 Yeah, we were told that when we first joined.
14:59 Oh, my goodness!
15:00 But all it means is that they had a pure faith.
15:02 Yes.
15:04 I'm sure maybe they had at one time been in air
15:07 with teachings from other sources,
15:09 but they had come to believe the pure faith.
15:12 They had a pure faith that they were now practicing.
15:15 And so that's what makes them virgins.
15:19 Thank you so much.
15:20 So in this verse one,
15:21 I would like to add something concerning that
15:23 and notice that Jesus says
15:25 the kingdom of heaven shall be likened.
15:28 So this is a reference
15:30 to how the kingdom of heaven is.
15:32 But when you see here, it seems that the ten virgins,
15:37 which profess a pure faith, all had some elements,
15:41 the same type of elements.
15:42 If you look at the ten virgins, they appeared to be the same.
15:46 They're all virgins.
15:48 They all have lamps.
15:49 There is a difference,
15:50 however, that we're going to discover as we move on.
15:52 We're going to talk about that in a moment.
15:54 But I would like to say something,
15:55 you know, I began to ask myself,
15:57 why is there ten?
16:00 There's really no special significance
16:02 as far as spiritually.
16:04 What I found was
16:06 that ten was the usual number of bridesmaids
16:09 that were invited to participate in the wedding.
16:11 And Jesus took something that was commonly known to say,
16:15 there were ten virgins
16:17 that went out to meet the bridegroom.
16:18 You know, it's interesting when I got married,
16:20 I'd never thought about this.
16:22 But the bridegroom today is quite different.
16:25 You know, the bridegroom is up there
16:27 waiting for the bride to come in.
16:29 And they told us,
16:31 oh, you know, just walk in from the back.
16:33 And basically,
16:35 everybody's looking the other way.
16:36 And you just walk into the front.
16:38 Nobody notices when the bridegroom walks in.
16:41 But in the parable... That's good.
16:43 The bridegroom that is coming
16:45 is a representation of Jesus Christ coming.
16:48 It's a spiritual parable here.
16:51 And it was quite different in those Jewish weddings then.
16:55 The importance was placed
16:57 on the bridegroom, not on the bride,
16:59 very interesting.
17:00 But today, in today's time,
17:02 the bride, the beauty of the bride
17:04 and the dress,
17:06 everyone wants to walk in a dress,
17:07 how's the dress.
17:08 And these virgins are dressed as pure.
17:12 Their faith appeared...
17:14 They all profess a pure faith
17:15 but a difference in the ten begins
17:18 to be manifested as we continue.
17:20 So if you'd like to...
17:22 Joe, if you'd like to read verse two
17:23 and then share with us what you would like to share.
17:25 Okay.
17:26 And one little last thing on this virgin idea
17:29 that is in the spiritual context,
17:32 there both men and women, because...
17:33 Yes. Thank you.
17:35 They don't practice adultery.
17:36 Yes. So that can be both.
17:38 Thank you so much. That's very important.
17:39 You know, you read the ten...
17:41 You're talking about ten virgins,
17:42 people think, well, they're all women.
17:44 No, but this is important to know that
17:45 this is a representation of God's people.
17:46 Sure. Yes. Thank you.
17:49 Okay.
17:50 So verse two says,
17:52 "And five of them were wise, and five of them were foolish."
17:57 That's all it says.
17:59 Simple enough. Simple enough.
18:01 Now if you look up the word wise in the Greek,
18:05 it means mindful of one's interests.
18:09 And that would be salvation and being, you know...
18:12 That's good.
18:13 Going to the wedding.
18:15 And when it came to the foolish,
18:16 if you look up foolish morals in in the Greek,
18:21 it means impious and ungodly.
18:25 Okay.
18:27 So, something is missing. Something is missing.
18:28 So now already in this verse two,
18:32 we are seeing a difference between the two.
18:34 Although they profess a pure faith,
18:36 a difference is made between the two.
18:38 Something happened.
18:39 And we're going to share a little bit more as we go on.
18:42 Sister Nancy,
18:44 how about if you read verse three and four,
18:46 let's put those two together
18:48 to see the difference between the two.
18:50 Okay.
18:51 "Those who were foolish, took their lamps
18:53 and took no oil with them,
18:55 but the wise took oil in their vessels
18:57 with their lamps."
18:59 Okay.
19:02 And it says that
19:03 God's Word is a light onto our feet
19:07 and onto our path.
19:09 So the lamps they took was the Word of God.
19:12 Yes.
19:13 And they both had the Word of God.
19:15 They both were reading their Bibles.
19:17 They both were believing in their Bibles,
19:20 believing in the Word of God.
19:22 So if you look at it in today's context,
19:24 then it's in the church,
19:26 I mean, they believe in Jesus Christ.
19:29 And we know that the Lord said that
19:31 He is coming back for a bride
19:33 who's made himself ready or made themselves ready.
19:36 A bride that has finished the work
19:39 that He's called them to do.
19:41 What did He call them to do?
19:43 Go make disciples, teach them, baptize them.
19:46 But what we see here is ten sleeping church members.
19:53 They're all church members. Yes.
19:55 But they're certainly...
19:56 He didn't say there were five virgins
19:59 and the wise virgins and five foolish maidens.
20:04 They're all virgins. They're all part of the church.
20:07 They've got this lamp of professional,
20:09 lamp to my feet, a light to my path.
20:12 They know the Word of God, but something's up.
20:15 Something is different. Yeah. They're missing.
20:17 As it says here,
20:19 "The foolish ones took no oil with them,
20:21 but the wise ones had the oil with them."
20:25 Amen.
20:26 Let's...
20:28 I see you have something you would like to share, Joe.
20:30 Yes. I'd love to. Thank you.
20:33 We know that the lamp is the Word of God.
20:35 We know that the oil is the Holy Spirit.
20:37 And we know that they both had lamps,
20:39 both groups had lamps,
20:40 and we know that they had light
20:42 coming out of those lamps at one point.
20:44 So they all had some oil.
20:47 The one thing I did discover was
20:49 when we talk about vessel
20:51 if you look that up in the Greek,
20:52 it's a pail or a reservoir or a flask
20:55 it's separate from the lamp
20:56 had actually says here in verse four,
21:01 they had vessels with their lamps.
21:04 They're separate.
21:06 So the wise virgins had a reservoir,
21:10 a little extra Holy Spirit.
21:12 Well, I think the vessel as being our heart.
21:15 Yeah.
21:16 Because in Proverbs 4:23, it says,
21:18 "Keep your heart with all diligence
21:20 for out of it issues,"
21:22 you know, "come the issues of life."
21:23 In Matthew 12:35.
21:25 It says,
21:26 "A good man out of the good treasure
21:27 of his heart
21:29 brings forth good things.
21:30 The evil man out of the evil brings forth bad."
21:33 So you know when Paul said,
21:34 "Don't you know you're the temple of God?"
21:36 If indeed God is living in you.
21:39 And we find in Zachariah, there's a beautiful...
21:42 If you want to read this in Zachariah 4:1-14,
21:46 this is how we know
21:48 that the oil is the symbol of the Holy Spirit.
21:52 Yes.
21:53 And it's an important story to understand.
21:59 And so here, we've got
22:04 ten virgins in the church.
22:07 Five have been through not only justification,
22:13 but I think
22:15 through the process of sanctification.
22:17 They have accepted the Lord as their Savior.
22:21 But then they go all the way in grace.
22:24 They accept sanctification by grace.
22:27 They're the ones who wake up and pray,
22:29 "Lord, fill me with your Holy Spirit."
22:31 Day by day,
22:33 they are led by the Holy Spirit.
22:36 But then you've got five foolish ones
22:39 who they've got their Bibles.
22:41 They're the ones out, you know, one day Jesus...
22:44 They'll say to Him,
22:46 "Lord, Lord, did we not do this in Your name?"
22:48 And He'll say, "Go away. I never knew you."
22:51 They accepted Christ as Savior.
22:54 I mean, they said,
22:56 "Yeah, I believe He's the one who died.
22:57 He died for me."
22:59 But they never went
23:01 beyond that salvation stage of justification.
23:05 That's where God pardons your past sins
23:09 changes your record.
23:10 But the stage of salvation of sanctification,
23:15 where He changes your character,
23:18 where He changes,
23:21 you know, as you're going forward,
23:23 it is what would you say, it's the work of a lifetime?
23:27 Yes.
23:28 So these people stopped, the foolish ones stopped short.
23:33 They thought it was enough.
23:35 "Yeah. I know what the word says.
23:36 I go to church."
23:37 They might've even been teaching it.
23:39 Yeah.
23:40 Oh, absolutely.
23:41 That's possibility.
23:43 So it's just something, it's a wake-up call for us.
23:48 Yes, it is.
23:49 To see if we are relying on God for salvation.
23:54 You know, this is a very powerful,
23:56 a very important study in my opinion
23:59 because it's talking to us about today.
24:02 So if we talk about today,
24:05 do we have people like this today,
24:10 the wise and the foolish?
24:12 Is there, you know,
24:13 you're describing
24:15 the experience of many Christians.
24:17 The experience of many Christians
24:18 is just that.
24:25 They go so far
24:26 and then they don't go any further.
24:28 They don't allow the transformation of God
24:32 to lead them to
24:34 what is described in Philippians 1:6.
24:37 We're going to go to a song right now.
24:38 We're going to continue.
24:40 And we're going to go to the song,
24:42 and it's a song that has a message as well.
24:46 Go light your world by brother Michael Bennett.
24:56 There is a candle
25:01 In every soul
25:04 Some brightly burning,
25:08 Some dark and cold
25:12 There is a spirit
25:16 who brings a fire
25:20 Ignites a candle
25:24 And makes his home
25:28 So carry your candle,
25:32 Run to the darkness
25:36 Seek out the hopeless,
25:40 Confused and torn
25:43 And hold out your candle
25:48 For all to see it
25:51 Take your candle,
25:55 And go light your world
26:00 Take your candle,
26:03 And go light your world
26:11 Frustrated brother,
26:15 See how he's tried to
26:19 Light his own candle
26:23 Some other way
26:26 See now your sister,
26:30 She's been robbed and lied to
26:34 She still holds a candle
26:38 Without a flame
26:42 So carry your candle,
26:46 Run to the darkness
26:50 Seek out the lonely,
26:54 The tired and worn
26:58 Hold out your candle
27:02 For all to see it
27:05 Take your candle,
27:09 And go light your world
27:13 Take your candle,
27:16 And go light your world
27:24 We are a family
27:28 Whose hearts are blazing
27:32 So let's raise our candles
27:36 And light up the sky
27:40 Praying to our father,
27:44 In the name of Jesus
27:48 Make us a beacon
27:52 In the darkest times
27:56 So carry your candle,
28:00 Run to the darkness
28:03 Seek out the helpless,
28:07 Deceived and poor
28:11 Hold out your candle
28:15 For all to see it
28:19 Take your candle,
28:22 And go light your world
28:26 Take your candle,
28:30 And go light your world
28:36 Take your candle,
28:40 And go light your world
28:48 Go light your world
28:56 Go light your world
29:07 Thank you so much.
29:08 That was Michael Bennett
29:10 and beautiful message
29:13 that really speaks to our hearts.
29:16 And if you would like to know more
29:17 about Michael Bennett,
29:19 I'm sure you can find him on Facebook
29:20 or you may contact us,
29:22 so they can participate in some church activities
29:25 or evangelistic campaigns.
29:27 Well, we are in Matthew 25,
29:30 and I'm going to read again verse three and four.
29:32 "Those who were foolish took their lamps
29:34 and took no oil with them,
29:37 but the wise took oil in their vessels
29:40 with their lamps."
29:41 You notice here that this wedding appears to come,
29:44 appears to be or the coming of the bridegroom is at night.
29:50 And there's a symbolism here as well, you know?
29:54 When you're coming to the end of the world,
29:56 there's gross darkness.
29:57 The Bible says among the people,
30:00 and the virgins are supposed to have lamps to light the way.
30:05 When the bridegroom came in this parable,
30:08 the virgins were supposed to light the way
30:10 for the bridegroom.
30:11 So they have an important work to do.
30:15 And in order for us to light the world,
30:17 we need the Word of God.
30:20 We need the Word of God.
30:22 But I would like to say something
30:24 concerning the virgins and the parable,
30:28 but also today, let's go back to today.
30:31 You know, we were talking about are people like this today?
30:34 Do we have wise Christians and foolish Christians
30:38 that are allowing the things of the world to distract them
30:42 so that they don't get the oil?
30:44 Let's talk about the oil once again.
30:46 We talked about oil being the Holy Spirit.
30:48 How do we get,
30:51 maybe we should talk about that a little later,
30:53 but it's talking about the Holy Spirit.
30:55 Question, we have the question.
30:57 They have the lamp what is the lamp again?
30:59 The Word of God. The Word of God.
31:01 So all the virgins have the Word of God.
31:04 So all have the same opportunity
31:07 to study, to learn,
31:09 and to be transformed by the study of God's Word.
31:13 All have the same opportunity.
31:14 All have the same opportunity to bring oil.
31:17 Some brought oil
31:19 and some brought oil plus extra oil.
31:24 So we all have the same opportunity.
31:27 How about today?
31:28 You know, I was thinking of what Nancy said a while ago
31:30 when we were talking that
31:32 the lamp is their profession of faith.
31:34 It is a symbolic of the Word of God.
31:37 And she said,
31:38 perhaps someone
31:39 might even be teaching the word.
31:42 I was doing a series in a Texas town.
31:47 And there was a woman that was coming.
31:50 She had her ThD,
31:53 which is like a doctorate in theology.
31:58 So anyway, she had her ThD,
32:00 she was a teacher, a professor of religion.
32:05 This woman...
32:08 We say, we're not to be...
32:12 We're not to judge people's motivations,
32:14 but we can judge...
32:16 Fruit inspectors,
32:17 know them by their fruit, right?
32:19 And I mean, she easily confessed to me.
32:24 "I know about the Lord,
32:27 but I don't know the word like you do."
32:29 'Cause she was coming every night.
32:31 And the point that I'm making is
32:33 there is head knowledge,
32:38 there's heart knowledge.
32:40 Head knowledge is
32:42 believing in Jesus Christ like the demons.
32:44 James said,
32:46 even the demons believe and tremble.
32:48 There's a mental ascent.
32:50 And there are plenty of people
32:52 who come to church because it's their culture.
32:56 That's true.
32:58 They go, and they study the Bible
33:00 in the Sabbath school,
33:01 they do this or do that
33:03 Sabbath school or Sunday school,
33:04 wherever they go to church.
33:05 But it's a cultural thing.
33:07 They grew up doing it.
33:09 They're going to repeat it,
33:10 but they never fully yield and submit to the Lord.
33:16 Either they've not been taught
33:19 or they've been taught erroneously
33:22 or they're rebellious.
33:26 Now I will say this.
33:28 I believe what we're seeing here,
33:30 all ten virgins had an experience
33:32 with God's grace,
33:34 but some of them stopped as I said,
33:37 they accepted Him as Lord.
33:39 They stopped at that stage of justification.
33:43 And we see so many people in so many denominations
33:48 that are just like that.
33:50 They don't understand this process
33:53 of daily being led by the spirit.
33:56 And, you know, it's just like when Jesus said,
34:00 "Ask and keep on asking, seek and keep on seeking,
34:03 knock and keep on knocking."
34:05 And He says,
34:06 "If you ask, you'll be given, if you seek, you'll find,
34:11 and if you knock the door's, it's going to be open."
34:13 And then, this is Luke 11:9-13,
34:17 He explains in verse 13.
34:20 He said,
34:22 "If you being a parent, a good parent..."
34:24 Know how to give good gifts to your children.
34:26 How much more
34:27 will the Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit
34:31 to those who ask?
34:32 So I would say our first lesson
34:34 is to learn from the foolish virgins
34:37 if they didn't have the Holy Spirit in their heart,
34:42 they had grieved Him, resisted Him,
34:45 quenched the Holy Spirit in their life.
34:48 Our first lesson applicable to us today
34:51 is let's not be foolish.
34:53 Let's every day realize
34:56 we need to be filled afresh with the Holy Spirit.
34:58 Amen. Amen.
35:00 You said something that,
35:02 you know, caught my attention and that is
35:04 there are some people stop at justification.
35:06 In other words,
35:07 they begin their experience with the Lord.
35:10 And now when we go to 2 Corinthians 5:17,
35:13 it says that,
35:15 "If any man be in Christ,
35:16 he is a new creation,
35:19 behold, old things are passed away,
35:22 all things have become new."
35:24 What happens to people?
35:25 Why is it do you think that some people stop?
35:28 "Well, I've been baptized. I'm going to church."
35:31 And can people be coming to church?
35:34 Can people come into church, are they foolish and wise?
35:38 Are they both in the church or are the foolish out?
35:42 The foolish are also in the church,
35:44 but what happens?
35:46 Why do you think some people don't go any further?
35:50 They just stop.
35:51 I think it has to do with human nature.
35:55 Human nature is carnal.
35:56 And we measure everything by the physical.
36:02 The Bible says spiritual things
36:04 have to be spiritually discerned
36:07 and were to come into the fullness of Christ.
36:09 And that requires the Holy Spirit's help.
36:12 And to sum up what Shelley was just saying
36:15 in the book called Christ's Object Lessons,
36:18 it's put very nicely.
36:20 I'd just love to share this little piece.
36:22 Please.
36:23 It says,
36:24 "In the parable,
36:26 all the virgins went to meet the bridegroom.
36:28 All had lamps and vessels for oil.
36:32 For a time there was seen no difference between them."
36:35 This is what you're talking about, Johnny.
36:36 They're all in the church.
36:38 "So with the church that lives
36:40 just before Christ's second coming,"
36:42 and that's where we need to pay attention now
36:44 'cause time does run out.
36:47 "All have knowledge of the scriptures,
36:48 all have heard the message of Christ
36:51 near approach."
36:52 That's where we're at.
36:54 "So it is now
36:57 a time of waiting intervenes and faith is tried.
37:02 What happens is that part of the group
37:06 have no oil in their vessels with their lamps,
37:11 they are destitute of the Holy Spirit
37:14 without the Spirit of God
37:16 a knowledge of His Word is of no avail."
37:20 Amen.
37:21 "Unless the spirit of God sets the truth home.
37:24 That's the Holy Spirit.
37:25 The oil sets, the Spirit of God sets the truth.
37:30 That character will not be transformed."
37:32 And that's what you were talking about, John.
37:34 Yes.
37:35 Old things pass away, all things become new.
37:37 We need to come into the fullness of Christ,
37:38 but we can't.
37:40 We need the Holy Spirit's help.
37:41 Amen. Amen.
37:43 Don't you think sometimes when people accept Jesus,
37:46 they have a wonderful experience,
37:48 maybe an emotional one.
37:49 Maybe they went to an evangelistic series
37:51 and get caught up in the emotion
37:52 of going forward, accepting Jesus.
37:55 And there's something about when a group does it
37:56 and you feel elated, you feel wonderful,
38:00 but that's where they stop.
38:02 They've had this wonderful experience
38:04 and that it's like,
38:05 "oh, that's enough for me."
38:06 Oh, word carnal.
38:08 Yeah. They respond to it.
38:09 Paul had a lot to say about carnal Christian,
38:11 carnal Christianity.
38:13 I think Satan uses that to distract us.
38:14 Oh, of course, he does.
38:17 I think that's why Paul also wrote,
38:19 "Take heed lest you think you stand, you fall."
38:22 You know, one thing that I do regularly is
38:28 I do a self-assessment regularly.
38:30 I know salvation is by grace through faith.
38:32 There is nothing that I can do to save myself,
38:37 but I also know
38:39 what God's covenant relationships
38:42 that when I'm in covenant with Him
38:44 and receiving this gift,
38:46 he asks of me a love and a loyalty.
38:51 We're supposed to love Him
38:53 with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
38:55 And the loyalty is the obedience.
38:59 When Jesus said,
39:01 "If you love me, obey,
39:02 you know, keep my commandments..."
39:04 So it's something that
39:06 I think sometimes even in ministry,
39:09 you can get so busy doing good for the Lord
39:12 that you start letting certain things
39:15 slip in your own life.
39:16 So I think we all should do a self-evaluation.
39:18 You know, I'm glad that you said that
39:20 because we all should do that.
39:22 I'm looking at a scripture here in 2 Corinthians 13: 5.
39:26 We're going to come back in a moment to Matthew 25,
39:29 but it says,
39:30 "Examine yourselves,
39:32 whether you be in the faith, prove your own selves.
39:36 Know ye not your own selves,
39:38 Know ye not your own selves,
39:41 how that Jesus Christ is in you,
39:43 except ye be reprobates?"
39:45 So, yes, we should take moment, time to examine ourselves.
39:50 We're talking about the whole
39:52 divergence five wise, five foolish.
39:54 Ask yourself, right now,
39:56 "Am I a wise virgin or a foolish virgin?"
39:59 Examine yourself
40:01 because this is an important thing
40:03 to ask yourself.
40:04 We're living in the last days, the Lord is coming soon.
40:07 Where are you? If the Lord...
40:08 If the bridegroom came today, what will happen to you?
40:12 What would happen? Would you be ready?
40:15 And so Psalms 34 interesting, it says here in Psalms 34,
40:20 I'm looking for the verse.
40:22 It says verse eight.
40:27 "O taste and see that the Lord is good.
40:31 Blessed is the man and woman who trusts in Him."
40:35 And so, you know,
40:36 sometimes you give people a taste.
40:38 "Hey, taste this thing." "Oh, that's good."
40:41 But taste and keep on tasting
40:43 continue in your walk with the Lord,
40:46 go deeper and deeper and deeper,
40:47 closer and closer to Jesus
40:49 so that you can see that the more,
40:52 the closer you get to Jesus, the sweeter, it is.
40:55 Amen.
40:56 The sweeter it is to be near to Jesus.
40:58 So ask yourself,
40:59 "Am I a wise virgin or a foolish Virgin?"
41:01 And so this is a time that we encourage you
41:04 to examine yourself,
41:06 see whether or not you are with Jesus
41:09 or are you drifting away?
41:12 Any final comments above verse three and four,
41:15 the wise virgin and the foolish virgin.
41:16 They took oil and some did not take oil.
41:20 Okay, let's move to verse five.
41:21 "But while the bridegroom was delayed,
41:26 they all slumbered and slept."
41:28 Okay.
41:29 Once again,
41:31 we can look at all the virgins and they looked the same.
41:35 They're all sleepy.
41:36 And, you know, that's such an important point.
41:39 Even the wise virgins were sleeping.
41:42 I will tell you what,
41:44 one thing that COVID has, the pandemic has taught me,
41:49 super or hypervigilance is not naturally sustainable.
41:56 You know, we... Very interesting thought.
41:58 Well, you think about that?
41:59 My doctor, when I went to see my doctor,
42:00 I'm having...
42:02 I have some immune issues right now
42:04 and he told me,
42:05 "Hey, you got to really be careful
42:07 'cause you could succumb to this disease."
42:10 And it was like,
42:11 "All right, duly noted. I'll be careful."
42:14 And we started off really careful.
42:17 And then a couple of months later,
42:19 I realized we were becoming lax
42:23 and it was kind of a wake-up call
42:26 when some people around us started getting it.
42:30 But my point is
42:31 here you've got all these church members,
42:34 they know they've heard it all their life
42:36 Jesus is coming soon,
42:40 but they get wearied by the darkness.
42:44 They're wearied by the darkness
42:47 and they end up
42:49 if you think of them as being asleep,
42:52 that's maybe a little bit apathy comes in.
42:55 Okay. You know?
42:56 I mean, I've heard that all my life
42:58 He's coming soon.
43:00 I don't know.
43:05 Well, again, I like to separate the carnal from the spiritual.
43:10 So we know that everybody is asleep in the church,
43:12 the foolish and the wise are both napping or slumbering.
43:15 And it's interesting that the Lord said all.
43:20 But it's also interesting that He gave us two words
43:24 slumbered and slept.
43:26 So there's first a slumbering, and then there's a sleeping.
43:29 That's right.
43:30 There's a slumber and there's a sleep.
43:32 And why did He put both words in there?
43:33 He didn't really need to if it was carnal.
43:36 But it's spiritual. Okay.
43:37 Now we know there's a difference
43:39 between the two groups
43:40 and this kind of expresses that difference.
43:42 When you go back to the Greek
43:44 and you look up the word slumbered,
43:46 it means to sleep.
43:49 And if you look at slept, it means normal sleep.
43:54 That means there's a difference
43:55 just like there is in the two groups.
43:57 So if you go on a little further,
43:59 you'll find out that slumbering is neglect, spiritually,
44:03 neglect, carelessness,
44:06 to be overcome or oppressed to linger.
44:10 And if you look up the word linger,
44:12 it actually means in the Greek.
44:14 It's so spiritual connotation.
44:16 What it means is
44:17 to remain alive although gradually dying.
44:20 This is spiritually what's happening.
44:23 That's why God used two different words
44:24 for the sleepers.
44:26 Now when you go to the slept, those who slept,
44:29 remember one group had no oil, the other had oil, all right?
44:34 And that's where the Holy Spirit helps us
44:37 to get what we are not able to get ourselves.
44:40 Now slept means normal sleep.
44:43 And then when you see what the extension of that is
44:48 indifferent to one salvation.
44:50 So now they sound as bad as the foolish ones,
44:53 but pay attention
44:55 because when it says indifferent to one salvation.
44:58 If I was to talk to one of the people
45:00 whose normal sleeping is going on,
45:04 and I would ask them,
45:05 "How is your salvation?
45:07 Are you ready to meet the Lord, blah, blah, blah?"
45:09 The answer would be unresponsive.
45:13 It would be neutral,
45:14 not good or bad because they're asleep.
45:17 Yes. Normal sleep.
45:18 So you see the difference there.
45:20 So anyway, on the one,
45:21 they're lingering and remaining alive,
45:24 although gradually dying and with the other group,
45:27 they're unresponsive because it's normal sleep.
45:31 Yes. Wow.
45:32 Thank you so much.
45:34 Sister Nancy, anything you would like to add to that?
45:37 Well, I think to the slumbering and slept
45:40 as he was mentioning with the spiritual meaning
45:43 is that we can become caught up
45:48 into the teachings of whatever.
45:50 And you can become...
45:52 If you don't have the Holy Spirit,
45:54 you can be easily deceived, you know, and fall under the...
45:58 'Cause Satan is always trying
46:00 to pull you away from the truth
46:03 and slumbering and sleeping are the slumbering,
46:05 if it's just sleep,
46:10 means that you're not really paying attention
46:12 to what the truth is.
46:13 And you're starting to fall under the deception
46:16 because we know that
46:17 the deception in the last days is going to be great.
46:21 And so it could be involving
46:22 just slightly starting
46:24 to slip into some deceptive thoughts or believes.
46:27 Okay. Thank you very much.
46:29 Okay, time is escaping from us.
46:32 So we're going to have to be brief
46:34 on some of the comments.
46:36 But let's look, go ahead and look at...
46:39 We're going to read verse six, seven, and eight, and nine.
46:44 Sister Shelley, could you read those?
46:46 Absolutely. Share with us.
46:47 "And at midnight a cry was heard,
46:51 'Behold, the bridegroom is coming,
46:54 go out to meet him!' "
46:56 So here we've got ten sleeping virgins
46:59 and they're all startled by the midnight cry.
47:05 "Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.
47:09 And the foolish said to the wise,
47:11 'Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.' "
47:14 Their lamps of flickering and going out.
47:17 "But the wise answered, saying,
47:19 'No, I don't think so
47:22 lest there should not be enough for us and you,
47:26 but go rather to those
47:28 who sell, and buy for yourselves.' "
47:30 I used to think...
47:31 When I was a little girl,
47:33 I read the New Testament very often,
47:35 but I can remember getting there and thinking,
47:38 "How selfish of them
47:40 that they wouldn't share their oil?"
47:43 But the point is they couldn't share their oil.
47:45 I cannot give you the Holy Spirit.
47:49 I can tell you about my experience with Him,
47:53 but you have to ask the Lord and receive of your own.
47:58 So here's people who they awake
48:02 and thankfully
48:04 the wise ones in their hearts, they had the Holy Spirit.
48:07 Now they can trim their lamps
48:09 and they can go out to meet the bridegroom,
48:12 but the foolish ones were unprepared.
48:15 Wow. Impacting. Okay.
48:17 So this is a serious, serious situation.
48:22 Anything you'd like to share about that?
48:24 The Christ Object Lessons puts it so nicely.
48:27 Thank you for what you shared, Shelley,
48:28 because it's pure truth and needful.
48:31 And in Christ Object Lessons,
48:33 it says the same thing in this manner.
48:36 "In spiritual things
48:37 no man can make up another's deficiency."
48:40 That's I can't give my oil to you.
48:44 "Character is not transferable.
48:47 No man can believe for another.
48:50 No man can receive the spirit for another.
48:53 No man can impart to another, the character,
48:56 which is the fruit of the Spirit's working."
48:59 See, it comes from the spirit, not from your neighbor.
49:02 Amen.
49:03 And that's one thing we failed to say a while ago,
49:05 the oil represents the Holy Spirit,
49:08 but by inference,
49:10 it represents His work in your life
49:14 and the character that you've obtained
49:17 through His influence.
49:18 Cooperation, the cooperation with the Holy Spirit.
49:21 Sister Nancy, anything you'd like to add quickly?
49:23 I'm just going to say,
49:24 just like we can't give the Holy Spirit to someone.
49:26 You can't give me your character either.
49:28 That's right.
49:29 That's something that
49:30 we have to let the Holy Spirit develop in us.
49:32 And that's why we need the oil.
49:34 Yes.
49:35 Now this is a description of today.
49:40 Imagine that Jesus Christ is coming.
49:45 There's apparently a moment a time of preparation
49:49 before His coming.
49:50 But the foolish virgins,
49:54 they have a work to
49:56 do that cannot be done during that time.
49:59 They are told, go out to buy something.
50:01 In other words, go get it like we got it,
50:04 but it's too late for them.
50:06 So there's a time coming when it will be too late.
50:09 Because before our bridegroom comes,
50:11 what does he do?
50:13 He stands up and he says,
50:14 "Let him who is righteous, be right to still and let him,
50:19 who's wicked be wicked still."
50:21 It's over at that moment.
50:24 That is close of probation.
50:26 He comes to get his bride.
50:27 And he comes unexpectedly.
50:29 Right. Unexpectedly.
50:31 So that we need to be ready all the time.
50:33 Now it's interesting that when the call is made,
50:36 they all awake.
50:37 You know, we right now can all awake.
50:41 Praise God. Amen.
50:42 And so I like to read the scripture
50:44 that is found in...
50:46 It's found in 2 Corinthian, no Ephesians 5.
50:51 I'm just going to read verse 14 because of time.
50:54 "Therefore he says,
50:55 'Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead,
50:59 and Christ will give you light.' "
51:02 So today we can wake up from the slumbering,
51:05 the sleeping
51:07 and Christ will give us light.
51:08 It's a decision that we have to make.
51:11 Boy, we really need to finish. Yeah.
51:13 We really need to finish this up.
51:14 Let's go ahead and read.
51:16 I'll read verse 10, 11, 12, and 13.
51:20 And then we'll just ask for your final comments.
51:22 How about that?
51:23 "And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came,
51:26 and those who were ready
51:29 went in with him to the wedding,
51:31 and the door was shut.
51:33 Afterward, the other virgins came also, saying,
51:36 'Lord, Lord, open to us!'
51:38 But he answered and said,
51:39 'Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.'
51:43 Watch therefore,
51:44 for you know neither the day nor the hour
51:47 in which the Son of Man is coming."
51:49 Okay.
51:51 Now we come to the part that we have to summarize.
51:54 Sister Shelley, summarize and summarize
51:57 and then we'll end.
51:58 So here he returns, the door's shut.
52:00 Probation is over.
52:01 There's no more time to try to be saved.
52:05 But in the parable,
52:07 they're going out
52:09 and they're trying to find that.
52:10 And then they come, he has ushered his bride
52:12 to the wedding, marriage, supper of the lamb.
52:15 And in the parable, they're saying,
52:17 "Lord, Lord let us in, let us in."
52:19 And I want to read...
52:21 I mean, can you imagine having God
52:22 you've been in the church all your life
52:24 and having Him say to you,
52:26 "Assuredly, I don't know you.
52:28 Go away the door's shut. It's locked."
52:31 When you look at Matthew 7,
52:34 I just want to read this very quickly.
52:37 Matthew 7: 21.
52:39 This is Jesus words.
52:42 "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord, '
52:44 shall enter the kingdom of heaven.
52:46 But he who does
52:48 the will of My Father in heaven.
52:51 Many will say to me in that day,
52:52 'Lord, have we not prophesied in your name,
52:55 cast out demons in your name,
52:56 done many wonders in your name?"
52:59 And then I will declare to them,
53:01 'I never knew you depart from me.
53:05 You who practice lawlessness.' "
53:09 So I wanted just to say one thing,
53:12 lawlessness is breaking God's commandments.
53:15 And let me tell you something.
53:16 Even obedience is by grace.
53:19 It is God's gift to us as He works in us
53:23 to willing to do His good pleasure.
53:25 And He says He will complete the good work
53:28 He's begun in us
53:29 as long as we are yielding to His leading.
53:32 Amen. Amen.
53:34 And on that note also, when he says,
53:37 "No, I know you not."
53:39 The Greek word for no is defined as,
53:43 perceive a difference between right and wrong.
53:47 There you said keeping the commandments
53:49 because we love Him.
53:50 Somebody here was not filled with the Holy Spirit
53:53 which gives him the power to keep those commandments.
53:56 The love to keep those commandments.
53:58 And so in the last verse, when it says,
54:00 "Watch, therefore,
54:01 you don't know the day or the hour."
54:05 And when it says, watch,
54:06 we currently will be watching for Jesus to come in the clouds
54:10 and all this carnal physical activity.
54:14 But again, what's happening spiritually?
54:16 Spiritually, the word watch,
54:20 which is unpronounceable in Greek to me,
54:24 it says, give strict attention
54:28 to lest you come into the calamity
54:33 and it overtakes you.
54:34 So when it says, watch, I'm saying,
54:39 we need to see the spiritual watching
54:42 because it's saying watch yourself,
54:47 make sure you have the Holy Spirit,
54:50 make sure you've the oil in your lamp.
54:52 Make sure that your character will shine out
54:56 and show the glory of God.
54:57 Amen. Wow.
54:59 Good. Thank you very much.
55:01 Sister Nancy, final words.
55:02 Well, we know that the oil is the Holy Spirit,
55:05 and we see the importance of having this oil,
55:08 this Holy Spirit.
55:10 And how do we get the Holy Spirit?
55:12 One thing we can do is ask.
55:14 We can ask and we should ask every day for the Holy Spirit.
55:17 It's not like you get him once and that's it.
55:19 Ask every day for the Holy Spirit.
55:21 That's the only way we can be really sure
55:23 that we have the oil we need.
55:25 Amen. Thank you so much.
55:27 Thank you. Wow.
55:28 Time just escaped us.
55:29 I know there was more to share.
55:31 I would like to take you once again
55:32 to the Matthew 25:13,
55:36 notice that it says,
55:38 "Watch therefore,
55:40 for you know neither the day nor the hour
55:43 in which the Son of Man is coming."
55:45 There is a definite message for us
55:50 as Christians to watch to be a...
55:55 Hypervigilant. Hypervigilant.
55:56 Thank you so much.
55:58 This is also told to us
55:59 in other places of the scriptures.
56:00 Watch, there is this maintaining
56:04 our eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ.
56:07 The Lord is coming soon,
56:08 and this is the message that is presented here.
56:11 So all slumbered and slept but not all were shut out.
56:17 Some were able to go in,
56:19 and I hope you're among those that is ready to go in.
56:22 But if you are not,
56:23 there's the message for us in Revelation 3:20,
56:27 today we can answer that call
56:30 and the call that Jesus is making
56:31 is presented in these words.
56:33 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
56:38 If anyone hears My voice and opens the door,
56:41 I will come into him and dine with him,
56:44 and he with me."
56:46 You know, Jesus is standing right now at the door.
56:50 The time will come when He will walk away
56:53 because He's done enough knocking.
56:55 He has done enough calling because,
56:57 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
56:59 If any man hears my voice."
57:00 So there's this knocking
57:02 in different ways that He knocks
57:05 through people,
57:06 through messages, through songs,
57:08 through the reading of the scriptures.
57:09 The Lord is knocking through events
57:11 that you see fulfilling all over the place.
57:13 The Lord is knocking at the door of your heart
57:15 to let you know
57:17 it's time for you to open the door
57:19 and let Him in.
57:20 And when you let Him in, wonderful things happen.
57:23 So I encourage you to open the door to Jesus
57:26 and let Him come in.
57:27 I want to thank Sister Shelley Quinn
57:29 for being with us.
57:30 Joe O'Brien and Nancy O'Brien,
57:32 and we thank you for being with us.
57:33 God bless you. We'll see you next time.


Revised 2021-03-29