3ABN Today

Uplifting Christ in the Doctrines

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY200034A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:03 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for today's special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 Mending broken people
01:15 Hello, friends, welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:18 My name is John Lomacang.
01:19 Thank you for taking the time to tune in.
01:22 We have a very exciting topic today.
01:25 If you've joined us before you know that
01:26 we are very strong on talking about
01:29 what the Bible teaches,
01:30 but today we're gonna take that to another level.
01:33 We've always attempted
01:34 to keep our topics Christ-centered,
01:36 but today intentionally, we're gonna talk about
01:38 how to make tough doctrines centered on Christ,
01:42 how to do that intentionally.
01:44 And today we have two wonderful guests
01:46 that I'll introduce to you in just a moment,
01:48 but you might wanna hit the record button right now
01:50 if you are interested in studying the Bible
01:54 and trying to find out
01:55 how do I handle difficult topics,
01:58 topics that can sometimes be divisive
02:00 in the minds of those listening,
02:02 sometimes topics that people
02:03 might say that's just really not necessary.
02:05 How can I make the focus totally on Christ?
02:08 Today, we're gonna talk about that,
02:10 but before we get to that,
02:12 thank you for your prayers
02:13 and your financial support of this network
02:15 as we continue going and growing,
02:17 getting ready for the coming of the Lord.
02:19 Everything you do for this ministry is greatly
02:22 appreciated, including your prayers.
02:25 Before we introduce our guests,
02:26 we have some wonderful music
02:28 by a good friend of mine, Stephanie Dawn,
02:31 who always blesses my soul.
02:33 Now she's gonna bless yours
02:34 as she sings a song, "O Glorious Love."
02:57 In my darkness
03:00 Jesus found me
03:05 Touched my eyes
03:08 And made me see
03:14 Broke sin chains
03:17 That longed had bound me
03:22 Gave me life and liberty
03:31 O glorious love
03:33 Of Christ my Lord, divine
03:38 Who gave Himself
03:41 To save a soul like mine
03:46 Through all my days
03:49 And then in heaven above
03:55 My song will silence never
03:59 I'll worship Him forever
04:03 And praise Him
04:05 For His glorious love
04:17 Oh, amazing
04:20 Truth to ponder
04:24 He whom angel host attend
04:33 Lord in Heaven God's Son,
04:37 What wonder
04:40 He became
04:43 The sinners friend
04:49 O glorious love
04:50 Of Christ my Lord, divine
04:56 Who gave Himself
04:58 To save a soul like mine
05:03 Through all my days
05:05 And then in heaven above
05:11 My song will silence never
05:15 I'll worship Him forever
05:19 And praise Him
05:21 For His glorious love
05:29 And praise Him
05:31 For His glorious love
05:47 Thank you so much, Stephanie.
05:50 And also thank you, Dad,
05:51 for accompanying you
05:53 on that wonderful piece of glorious love.
05:55 Well, that's what we're talking about,
05:56 the love of Christ.
05:58 You know that a lot of people
05:59 look at the Bible as just this book
06:00 that is a lot of rules and regulations
06:02 and Christ often get eclipsed
06:04 by what Matthew said or Mark said
06:06 or what Revelation says.
06:08 Well, today, we're gonna put Jesus
06:10 where He needs to be, front and center.
06:12 And our guests today are here to talk about
06:14 how to make that happen in your attempt to share Christ
06:18 and doctrines together.
06:19 Pastor David Klinedinst, good to have you here today.
06:22 Thank you. Yes.
06:23 And tell us briefly where you're from
06:24 and what you do right now?
06:26 Well, I'm originally from York, Pennsylvania,
06:28 where I grew up the first 20 some years of my life.
06:30 And after 20 years of ministry,
06:32 I now serve as the Evangelism Director
06:33 of the Chesapeake Conference.
06:35 Okay.
06:36 That's the closest I've been to home in 20 years.
06:37 Okay. Are you said York?
06:39 I know that Pennsylvania has two things
06:41 in common chocolate and railroads.
06:43 And the York Peppermint Patty,
06:45 is it possible to come from York, Pennsylvania?
06:46 I think so. Yes.
06:47 Okay. You get the sensation.
06:50 That's right. Good to have you here today.
06:51 Thank you. Sensational. Thank you so much.
06:52 We gonna talk about the sensational Christ today.
06:55 And also Pastor Joseph Ikner.
06:57 Good to have you here, my brother.
06:59 Glad to be here.
07:00 Yes, we had a chance to share
07:02 some of the same territory in St. Louis.
07:04 Yes, yes, we did for a while. We did for a while.
07:06 And give us a little bit about
07:07 your background where you're from,
07:09 what you do right now.
07:10 So I am originally from Cleveland, Ohio.
07:13 Okay.
07:14 I work in Central States Conference,
07:15 most specifically in Kansas City, Missouri.
07:18 Well, I pastor the Linwood Boulevard SDA Temple,
07:21 fabulous church,
07:23 and I serve as the area coordinator
07:25 in Kansas City for our pastors
07:27 and also as prayer ministry coordinators
07:29 for Central States.
07:30 Good to have you both here. Thank you.
07:32 Well, I'm gonna dive right into the topic.
07:33 We're talking about discover Bible prophecy
07:37 and particularly making Christ
07:39 the center of all these
07:42 difficult topics and evangelism.
07:45 Just kind of walk us through that.
07:47 How did you even become interested
07:50 in getting to that place
07:51 when people oftentimes preach the doctrines,
07:54 but sometimes Christ is left in the background?
07:57 Give us how that inspiration came to you?
07:59 I can tell you one specific story
08:01 that just burned it into my mind.
08:03 And that was when I lived in Nebraska.
08:06 And we were holding an evangelistic series
08:08 in actually the North Platte area.
08:10 And I remember at the end of that evangelistic series,
08:12 a lady came out on the last night
08:15 into the foyer and said to me,
08:17 "I wanna thank you for making this
08:18 so Christ-centered.
08:20 If I would have known it would have been like this,
08:23 I would have invited my friends."
08:25 And so when she said that
08:26 I didn't know whether to be happy or cry.
08:28 I mean, I was grateful for that kind words
08:30 that she said, but it also told me that
08:32 she didn't invite her friends and I asked her well, why.
08:35 And I remember she told me
08:37 I have brought my friends
08:38 to evangelistic meetings before.
08:40 And as the speaker was up presenting things
08:42 in a very negative way
08:44 that if you don't know these truths,
08:45 that you are less of a Christian.
08:47 I just slumped down in my seat.
08:49 It was embarrassed
08:50 for how my friends were feeling.
08:52 And when she told me that story,
08:54 I have made the commitment in my mind
08:55 that we will always be faithful to biblical truth,
08:59 but we will seek to present it in a Christ-centered, positive,
09:03 and relational way.
09:05 And that that story and what she said
09:07 just still burns in my mind today.
09:09 Wow, Pastor Ikner,
09:10 what does that say to you as a preacher of righteousness?
09:13 You know, so when I sit and I listen to David
09:16 kind of share that experience, I think about the society
09:20 in which we live in and kind of the focus in
09:23 relationship to church, right?
09:24 Because back in the day,
09:25 we tried to prove doctrines to people
09:27 and we went through a whole lot of texts
09:29 and things of that nature.
09:30 And sometimes Christ would not be clearly seen,
09:34 but now we live in a very relational time.
09:37 And I think that people really wanna know hey,
09:39 how does this relate to my life?
09:41 How does this change my life?
09:42 How does this impact my family?
09:44 How is this going to make me a better person?
09:47 And Jesus has made us a promise
09:48 in His word in the Book of John,
09:50 he says, "If I be lifted up."
09:51 If I be lifted up, not just doctrines lifted up,
09:54 just truth lifted up, but if I'd be lifted up,
09:56 I would draw all men, women, boys, and girls unto myself.
09:59 Yeah, 'cause so many times through the years, you know,
10:03 you've heard the phrases as Seventh-day Adventist
10:05 preachers, you've heard the phrase,
10:06 people of the book, but the book has gotten
10:10 the focus rather than Christ.
10:12 And there was a time coming through the development
10:15 of some of these wonderful Bible truths
10:17 that it could come across
10:18 as a sledgehammer rather than olive leaf.
10:22 And so getting into evangelism, talk about that,
10:25 how did evangelism,
10:27 how did that become a focus for you?
10:28 Well, when I grew up in an Adventist Church,
10:32 but I remember specifically when I was about 20 years old,
10:36 there was an evangelistic meeting in our church.
10:39 And even though I'd heard many of these things before
10:41 I attended every night,
10:43 this was the first evangelistic meeting
10:44 I attended all the way through.
10:46 And when I saw how all these truths
10:48 were just knits together in a whole,
10:51 I remember sitting there thinking to myself,
10:54 that's what I wanna do.
10:55 I wanna be able to share
10:56 these Christ-centered truths with people
10:59 and that that's when I remember the first call
11:01 to really want to be specifically
11:03 in public evangelism.
11:05 So you say, "Well, this is what I need to do,
11:08 but I wanna make sure that people find Christ."
11:10 'Cause, you know, a lot of times people say,
11:13 "Well, I know, I don't have any issue with the Sabbath."
11:16 But I sometimes might have issue
11:17 with Sabbath keepers because people can be so
11:20 and we've seen those examples in Scripture
11:22 where people can be so supportive of the Sabbath
11:25 as that it almost becomes
11:28 "pharisaical" that Christ is lost in it.
11:31 So it's not important.
11:32 Let me ask you the question, as you put this together,
11:36 right doctrine, what's more,
11:39 what's as important as right doctrine?
11:42 I'm throwing that up,
11:43 what is as important as right doctrine?
11:46 I'm throwing that at you.
11:48 That one has a born again relationship with Jesus.
11:51 See, when it comes to the things
11:52 we present in an evangelistic meeting,
11:54 or even a set of Bible studies,
11:56 and I know early in my evangelistic ministry,
11:58 I have to be honest, it was more intellectual.
12:01 Do we intellectually understand the seventh day as the Sabbath
12:04 or that Jesus is my High Priest in a heavenly sanctuary?
12:08 I can intellectually understand that,
12:11 but not have it touched my heart
12:12 in a born again way
12:14 that draws me to Jesus and the cross.
12:16 And I wanted to go beyond
12:17 just understanding intellectual.
12:19 I mean, that part's important too,
12:21 but actually reaching the heart,
12:23 drawing people to decisions
12:25 on what does this topic have to do
12:27 with my relationship with Jesus.
12:29 Okay.
12:31 And so I would add to that
12:32 having right relationship with Jesus.
12:34 I think, David, what you said is just spot on
12:37 because a lot of times in our evangelistic meetings,
12:40 even in our preaching in the church, you know,
12:42 we have been able to convert people
12:44 with head knowledge,
12:45 but we haven't done a conversion of the heart.
12:48 And so many of our members they become discouraged
12:51 because they are trying to overcome
12:55 and find victory in their own power
12:57 not only just with doctrines,
12:58 but with substances and addictions
13:00 and the issues of life and marriage,
13:02 and just day-to-day life, how do I do it?
13:05 And yet for so long, we've just kind of felt like,
13:08 here, I am going to have to do
13:10 this on my own and tag Christ,
13:12 but when Christ in His righteousness
13:14 is seen, right?
13:16 And I come to figure out that it's not me doing it,
13:19 but it's Christ
13:20 and the Holy Spirit working in my heart, they do it.
13:23 All I have to do is surrender and cooperate,
13:26 then I have power to live a victorious life.
13:29 And these truths now become powerful
13:32 because now I wanna do it
13:34 because I've got the help to do it
13:36 because what's happening not only in my mind,
13:38 but what's happening in my heart.
13:39 That's right 2 Corinthians 5:17.
13:41 "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation."
13:44 And a lot of times people,
13:46 we get people to think differently
13:48 rather than to live differently.
13:50 Yes.
13:51 It's the transformation of life
13:53 that makes the transformation
13:54 of thought of any effect at all.
13:56 So if a person just thinking differently,
13:58 but is not transformed.
13:59 You've heard the phrase before you go down
14:01 a wet-sinner come up a dry-sinner
14:03 or go down a dry-sinner and come up a wet-sinner.
14:06 Walk us through this 'cause I know that people
14:08 watching might say,
14:09 even pastors watching might say well.
14:11 Okay, Pastor Klinedinst,
14:13 show me this in a functional way.
14:16 Walk us through some of that?
14:17 Well, in a generic sense before I speak on a subject
14:21 or give a Bible study on it, whatever the context may be,
14:24 I have to ask myself a few questions to think
14:26 through in my mind and pray through it.
14:28 And some of those questions would be,
14:31 what does this topic tell me
14:33 about having a personal relationship with Jesus?
14:36 How does this doctrine point me to the cross?
14:40 You know, how does this doctrine
14:42 somehow enable me to develop a closer walk with Jesus
14:45 and all that He has done for me?
14:48 If I can't show that in whatever topic I'm covering,
14:51 whether it be, you know,
14:52 a 70 week prophecy, or the Sabbath,
14:55 or even the mark of the beast,
14:57 if I can't show how that draws me closer to Jesus,
15:00 do I really need to be talking about it?
15:02 'Cause then I'm just getting the head knowledge
15:04 instead of drawing people
15:05 into that intimate born again relationship with Christ.
15:08 Do you remember growing up?
15:10 And I know I had this experience
15:11 before I became a pastor, I remember growing up,
15:14 and you would meet controversy.
15:16 And I remember, you know,
15:18 sitting down and getting all those proof text.
15:20 Do you remember those proof text days?
15:21 Absolutely. Yes.
15:23 Well, how do you see
15:24 the difference now in your life,
15:25 from the proof text to the Christ text?
15:29 How do you see that now?
15:30 Any one of you could answer that.
15:32 So I think that if you talk about the proof text thing,
15:35 you're sitting there and you're going through
15:37 a series of texts, where you're just trying
15:40 to show why this is truth,
15:44 and why this is the right way.
15:47 And a lot of times people are turned off by that
15:50 because if I'm of another denomination
15:52 and you're trying to get me to come across or proselytize,
15:55 then it's you being right and me being wrong,
15:58 but now if I talk about it from a relationship,
16:01 this is what Christ has for me.
16:03 And each one of these doctrines enhances
16:06 my relationship with God.
16:08 So if I'm talking about
16:09 the Sabbath it's no longer of just about a day.
16:12 And in fact, we used to spend a whole lot of time
16:14 just talking about the day of worship.
16:16 Well, we only spend maybe two or three hours
16:19 together worshiping
16:20 or less than that or some other times,
16:22 but now we're talking about
16:23 being in relationship with Christ,
16:25 where he's able to spend time with me
16:27 and talk with me and I have
16:29 uninterrupted time for a 24-hour period of time.
16:33 Instead of just running in for service and running out,
16:35 I am now connecting with Christ in a real
16:38 and personal way.
16:40 And I still do proof text so to speak,
16:43 but what we look for in those texts is
16:45 I like to call a bridge text.
16:47 What in that text is a bridge that's gonna allow me
16:51 to transition from the intellectual truth
16:54 to pointing people to Jesus
16:56 and the cross and how this helps them
16:58 to connect with Christ.
16:59 So I look for the bridge in that text
17:01 that allows me to do that
17:03 so that I'm going not just for the mind,
17:05 but also for the heart.
17:07 Okay, so you're not necessarily
17:08 like a lot of people nowadays say,
17:10 "Well, Jesus only, just tell me,
17:11 tell me about Jesus, tell me the story of Jesus."
17:13 And they're, we're living in a generation
17:15 where the Jesus only is saying,
17:18 "Well, I don't want the doctrines.
17:20 Just give me Jesus only."
17:21 How do you see the balance between the two?
17:23 Because there's a paradigm
17:25 you could go one way or the other,
17:26 but what I hear you saying is something different.
17:28 You're saying, don't go far left or far right,
17:31 but both are relevant.
17:32 Tell me how that works?
17:34 Definitely, I mean, I understand Jesus only
17:35 as far as only Jesus can save me,
17:38 but if I throw doctrine out,
17:40 the problem is for every doctrine
17:42 of the Bible,
17:43 I misunderstand, I misunderstand something about
17:46 the character of Christ, and the plan of salvation.
17:49 So though the doctrine doesn't save me,
17:51 it does tell me something about Jesus' love.
17:54 Okay, Pastor.
17:55 And I would say that
17:57 my loving relationship with Jesus
17:59 leads me to an obedience to everything that He says
18:03 because the Word says in John 14:15,
18:05 "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments."
18:08 And so if I got this relationship
18:10 and I love Jesus and understand Him,
18:12 then the things that
18:13 He has asked for me to do His commandments,
18:15 I'm going to want to do them.
18:17 That's right.
18:18 That love, it makes a difference.
18:19 Like a marriage,
18:21 you do what you do for your spouse.
18:23 I mean, I've been married a long-time, beautifully.
18:27 And my wife and I've always said you have,
18:29 time flies when you're having fun,
18:31 but when our anniversary, we guard our anniversary,
18:34 we say whatever you do, don't plan on our anniversary
18:37 because we take the whole day, we sometimes go away.
18:40 And I can imagine a wife saying,
18:43 "Well, what are we gonna do today?"
18:45 Well, I have this meeting, I have that meeting,
18:47 I have this meeting, that meeting, wait a minute,
18:48 what is today?
18:49 Our anniversary, so the day becomes relevant
18:52 only as the love relationship between a person exists.
18:56 Do you wanna share that example
18:58 because you talked about making Christ relational.
19:01 I think you brought a video with you that may be
19:03 able to bring that point out.
19:04 We did.
19:06 We created an evangelistic series
19:08 called Forecasting Hope which is meant to incorporate
19:11 these principles of making things Christ-centered,
19:14 positive, and relational.
19:16 And so probably I think the first clip
19:18 is just the intro to that
19:19 'cause it's starting to air in 3ABN this weekend.
19:22 And there's a clip about
19:23 how do you make the Sabbath relational,
19:25 but that's the second one.
19:26 Okay, so let's go with the first one the intro
19:27 and let people see.
19:29 This is what's leading
19:30 into your evangelistic of Forecasting Hope
19:32 evangelistic series.
19:33 Let's check that out.
20:20 Wow, I like that.
20:21 Good friend of ours, Ricky Carter,
20:23 who's that animator.
20:25 Who did that, he's done some work for me too.
20:27 Wonderful, compelling.
20:28 It's showing the kind of society
20:30 we're living in today.
20:31 I mean, let me ask you the question here we are
20:33 in a new paradigm.
20:34 How are we coping in this new paradigm
20:36 because it's transformed the way evangelism happens?
20:41 While people are searching for hope, you know, actually,
20:44 Forecasting Hope was born that
20:46 when COVID started and people were stuck at home,
20:50 we wanted to be able to, can we still reach people
20:52 'cause they were asking questions.
20:53 Google searches
20:55 in the Second Coming are up like 150%.
20:58 Can we still reach people
20:59 and they get enough negativity from the media,
21:01 what can we show that's positive even about
21:04 what's going on right now?
21:05 How can we allow prophecy
21:07 to forecast hope for the future?
21:10 And I would say, you know, during the COVID era,
21:14 it's just become a lot more challenging
21:16 with churches being closed,
21:17 not being able to go in into the doors,
21:20 we've got to find new ways
21:21 to be able to connect with people.
21:23 I think that people have a lot of uncertainty.
21:24 And even as our churches open,
21:26 people may not be as ready to return.
21:28 So being able to use media,
21:30 to be able to communicate with people,
21:31 and I think that David is so right.
21:33 I mean, you watch the news.
21:34 In fact, they tell you that
21:36 you should limit the amount of time
21:37 that you watch the news, you know,
21:38 less than an hour, 30 minutes or whatever.
21:40 People do need hope.
21:42 And so how do you know we look at all of these things
21:44 that have happened, COVID, the racial unrest,
21:48 how do we give people a sense of hope
21:51 and make a difference?
21:52 And I think that we can do that through prophecy
21:55 and through this program that David has rolled out.
21:57 Yeah, prophecy is a line of hope.
22:00 I like, you know, Isaiah 46:9-10.
22:03 You know, "I am God and there is none like Me.
22:06 I am God and so declaring the end
22:08 from the beginning from ancient times
22:10 things that are not yet done."
22:13 So prophecy gives us hope.
22:15 And why would you say prophecy gives us hope?
22:18 Well, because we know how it ends.
22:19 Okay.
22:20 You know, a lot of times prophecy
22:22 is all about doom and gloom
22:23 and this terrible thing is gonna happen.
22:25 And though we don't skip over the reality
22:27 of what things may happen in the last days,
22:30 we need to keep Christ in the center of it
22:33 because He is the one we are looking forward to.
22:35 We have a relationship with Him all the way through,
22:37 heaven is coming our way.
22:39 And if all we're gonna do is doom and gloom,
22:41 people might as well watch the news.
22:43 We wanna give them a hope
22:44 when they open up the scriptures
22:46 'cause prophecy has a lot of good things to say,
22:49 hopeful things to say.
22:50 So we wanna be like that surgeon
22:52 who says to, you know,
22:54 you have an abscess, we got to get that out.
22:56 It's not good news, but I'm gonna be as anesthetic
22:59 as I possibly can and when you're done,
23:02 when I'm done, you're gonna feel a lot better.
23:03 So we don't avoid what's happening,
23:05 but we try to stay
23:07 on the other side of this surgery
23:08 'cause the world has taken us
23:10 through a surgical process right now,
23:11 if you think about it,
23:13 who could have ever predicted we're in environment.
23:14 We're gonna be in the environment
23:16 that we're in today.
23:17 We didn't see it coming.
23:19 And I would say, you know,
23:20 prophecy doesn't just show Jesus as a judge,
23:22 which He rightfully is.
23:24 We know that He's King and that He's Lord
23:26 and that He's coming, right?
23:28 But it also shows Jesus as a Savior,
23:31 it shows Him as a Deliverer, right?
23:33 And it creates the opportunity
23:35 that there is a better life that's coming.
23:37 So all that we're dealing with, again, with this virus with,
23:41 you know, racial unrest with all that happened
23:43 with George Floyd knees being put on neck,
23:45 not being able to breathe.
23:47 Listen, Jesus is saying to us,
23:49 I'm coming to give you a better life
23:51 where there's no more pain, there's no more hurt,
23:53 there's no more sorrow, there's no more death,
23:55 there's no more suffering, there's no more suffocation.
23:57 We're gonna be able to live and breathe
23:58 and I'm gonna be there with you.
24:00 It makes God personable, right?
24:01 He's going to live amongst us, He with us, us with Him.
24:06 You know, as an evangelist, David, I could see,
24:09 it really gives you a passion to say to people,
24:12 "Hey, there's a great big dark cloud coming,
24:15 but if you drive through it on the other side,
24:17 there's some beautiful sun, there's some great time
24:20 that you'd be able to enjoy what's beyond that."
24:23 So we're letting people know that
24:24 there's something beyond what we see right now.
24:26 Am I saying that correctly?
24:27 And what makes the light go on
24:29 in my eyes gives me my passion is when I hear people
24:32 whether it be an evangelistic meeting
24:34 or whatever context, when they come out and say,
24:37 I never heard it that way before,
24:38 even church members who have heard
24:40 some of these doctrines all their life,
24:41 I never thought of it or heard it that way before
24:44 or saw Christ in the middle of this,
24:46 that just stokes my passions when I hear people say that
24:49 because then you know,
24:50 the Holy Spirit is working
24:52 and they're seeing Jesus
24:53 through these doctrines the way it was supposed to be
24:56 from the beginning.
24:57 That's right. Like the lights are off,
24:58 but I know my dad is still in the storm with me,
25:01 like a little girl's story always talked about.
25:03 We alluded to the Sabbath
25:05 being a Christ-centered approach,
25:06 but you said you also have a clip
25:08 to show how that can be possible
25:11 and how we can take the Sabbath,
25:13 which is in fact, an identifying mark.
25:16 And not just make it
25:17 our point of identity to the day,
25:20 but a point of identity to the Christ.
25:22 Let's just take a look at that right now.
25:25 Now what if I said that to Marquita?
25:27 I say that to her,
25:29 and when that special day comes,
25:31 I'm doing other things.
25:33 We're out taking a walk,
25:34 or we're out at that special candlelight restaurant
25:37 on our special day.
25:38 And all I'm doing is on my cell phone
25:40 talking to my friends,
25:42 or I'm on the iPhone trying to check the NBA scores
25:45 and see what my favorite basketball team did,
25:47 or I'm trying to sneak in reading a few pages
25:49 of my favorite book.
25:51 How well do you think that
25:53 would come across with Marquita?
25:55 Well, I can tell you, it won't go very well
25:58 because she would say something
26:00 because what I would be communicating is
26:03 these other things are more important
26:06 than our relationship.
26:07 I'm not willing to set them aside.
26:10 And so apparently I only value the relationship
26:13 up to the point of convenience.
26:17 You see, that's why God invites us
26:20 to set aside our secular labors.
26:23 Six days a week, we have to do that.
26:26 And that seventh day
26:28 that Sabbath set aside is a blessing
26:30 from the beginning for all mankind.
26:33 We're able to come into the presence of Jesus,
26:35 focus on our spiritual life, and grow to know and worship
26:41 and acknowledge our Creator.
26:43 It's a blessing from the beginning.
26:46 To illustrate it further, let's ask another question.
26:51 What do you think would be the easiest way to destroy
26:54 a relationship between a man and a woman?
26:56 What would be the easiest way?
26:59 Now someone might say, "Well, throw another woman
27:01 or put another man into the picture."
27:04 Well, I'll grant you that certainly won't help,
27:06 but that's not the easiest way.
27:09 The easiest way to destroy a relationship
27:12 is to simply take away the time they spend together
27:18 because when you make them so busy,
27:21 and their life so chaotic, even if they don't have
27:24 other marital issues,
27:25 if you take away the time they spend together,
27:29 the relationship, the intimacy,
27:32 the closeness deteriorates,
27:34 and that relationship is on its way down.
27:39 That is exactly what the devil has done with God's Sabbath.
27:45 Make us so busy, make the world so hectic,
27:49 make us believe that it's not important anymore,
27:52 that he seeks to take away that special Sabbath time
27:55 that God gave us in the beginning
27:57 so that we aren't able to spend
27:59 that special time growing in a relationship with Jesus.
28:05 Wow, thank you, David. That's true.
28:06 It's about relationship.
28:08 I like the fact that you brought your wife
28:09 into the scenario.
28:11 Am I correct? I don't know.
28:12 With her permission. Okay, with her permission.
28:14 It's important, it's about relationship.
28:15 And as married men we,
28:17 you can bring another person into the relationship,
28:21 or on that special day you don't say,
28:23 "Well, you know, honey,
28:24 let's hurry up and have this dinner.
28:26 My friends are waiting to go bowling."
28:27 She says, "Wait a minute, it's our day."
28:29 So that's inspiring.
28:31 What do you say to people that say,
28:34 "Well, okay, relationship is more important
28:37 than the day
28:39 because like I talked about avoiding the extremes?
28:42 Well, I mean, the Bible, of course,
28:44 is very clear on the day, but to be honest,
28:47 it's not hard to show
28:48 which day is the Sabbath biblically,
28:49 the seventh day, but early on in our ministry,
28:52 I used to think of I just could prove that
28:54 the Sabbath is the seventh day,
28:56 I've done my job as an evangelist.
28:58 And I don't think that way anymore
29:00 because now it has to be about
29:03 what does the Sabbath provide for me in order to have that
29:07 born-again relationship with Jesus.
29:09 You know, when I have that
29:11 born-again relationship with Jesus,
29:12 then I want to honor the day
29:14 that He specifically set aside,
29:16 but it has to do with relationship,
29:18 makes me so busy,
29:20 that I don't even have that special time with Jesus.
29:23 That's why the devil hates the Sabbath.
29:24 It's not just 'cause it's the seventh day
29:26 is because it's that special time
29:28 that that he wants to do away with,
29:31 so that I don't have that time to connect with Jesus.
29:33 And that's what the seventh day is set aside for.
29:35 That's right. A sign between Him and us.
29:37 He said, "This is My sign between you and Me."
29:39 Pastor Ikner.
29:40 If I was, as I was to add, if we were talking about time,
29:43 as David said,
29:44 I think one of the important things is,
29:47 we see that from the very beginning
29:49 the Book of Genesis that that this is God's ideal.
29:52 We have a relational God
29:54 and He makes us a relational people.
29:57 So He creates Adam and Eve on the sixth day.
30:00 And as soon as the sixth day is done,
30:02 what is He ushered them into.
30:04 He ushers them into a relationship with Him.
30:08 I think it's also important to point out.
30:09 Jesus says, you know, in New Testament.
30:10 Mark 2:27-28.
30:13 "He says that, 'The Sabbath was created for man
30:17 and not man for the Sabbath.'
30:18 It is a day for us to be in relationship with Him.'"
30:21 So I don't think that we can disconnect,
30:24 you know, the two.
30:25 If I love my God, then I understand that
30:29 He loves me so much
30:30 that He wants uninterrupted undivided time
30:34 with Him on a Sabbath day.
30:36 I like that you pointed.
30:37 I'm glad you brought that to the point of uninterrupted
30:39 because we have a relationship with Christ every day,
30:43 when it is, but then on that seventh day,
30:45 He says, shut everything else down.
30:47 This is just My time and yours, it's not the office time,
30:49 not the news time, this is not Facebook time,
30:53 this is just our time.
30:55 I wanna have that one to one with you.
30:57 Thank you for bringing that point out,
30:58 but there's another difficult doctrine,
31:00 you know, the 70 weeks, people talk about the 70 weeks,
31:02 that's just such a beautiful time prophecy.
31:07 How were you able to bring that,
31:09 make that so Christ-centered?
31:10 You know, it comes to the 70 weeks.
31:12 Sometimes people wanna skip that,
31:14 but, you know, that there's not another more
31:16 Christ-centered prophecy in the Old Testament.
31:18 And a lot of times if we're not careful,
31:20 I know what I got caught up in the beginning,
31:23 is I will use the 70 weeks and just use that as a way to,
31:26 "Hey, I got to prove that these dates are right.
31:28 And I got to show that
31:29 there is no seven-year tribulation period
31:31 in a secret rapture like those last seven years."
31:34 And I get into talking about those things,
31:37 but I missed the opportunity to talk about Jesus.
31:39 The central focus of it.
31:41 Sure, like He gives Israel 490 years to repent,
31:44 you know, the 70 weeks.
31:46 Did they really need 490 years?
31:48 That shows God's mercy, God's patience with us.
31:52 So now I can transition from talking about 457 BC.
31:56 I mean, that's important,
31:57 but I can transition from that to now
31:59 talk about maybe a story,
32:01 how has God been patient in my life?
32:03 What has Jesus Christ done for me
32:05 and shown me His mercy
32:06 or I can tell a story of someone else
32:09 or even bring someone upfront to share
32:11 a five-minute testimony.
32:12 This is how Christ has demonstrated mercy in my life.
32:15 I can do that while talking about
32:17 the 70 weeks and 457 BC and 31 AD.
32:21 And to me, that's a bridge
32:23 as to how we can make a prophecy
32:25 or a topic Christ-centered relational.
32:27 That's right. Pastor Ikner.
32:29 So I would say when you get down
32:30 to the 70 week, right,
32:32 you talk about Christ being introduced, right?
32:34 He's shown up the anointed one, the beginning of His ministry,
32:38 Him coming being Immanuel, living amongst us,
32:42 being our Savior, being our Deliverer.
32:44 We see in the middle of the week
32:46 He has cut off and yet when you talk about mercy,
32:49 and you talk about grace, I mean,
32:50 listen, maybe if I was God,
32:53 and you put me on a cross, right?
32:56 And you crucify me and kill me, I would be done,
32:59 but mercy and grace of God beyond that,
33:01 He still extends it another three and a half years
33:04 down to 34 AD,
33:05 still trying to give His people another opportunity.
33:09 And if He would give an opportunity then,
33:11 is that He's still giving that same opportunity today,
33:15 our Messiah is still alive.
33:16 Okay, I can see the bridge.
33:18 That's beautiful
33:19 because as an evangelist you say,
33:21 He gave all this time to His own people
33:23 from the time that they were let out of captivity,
33:26 from the time He restored their city.
33:28 He wanted them to catapult the gospel
33:31 and share Him to the world,
33:32 but they got bogged down in all this time past.
33:35 And you ask yourself now, pastor,
33:37 how much time has passed in your life?
33:40 How many times have Christ appealed to you?
33:42 So you see that whole time period,
33:44 now we're all pastors
33:45 so we're kind of evangelizing in the examples,
33:46 but that's what you're doing there.
33:48 So you understand that's the bridge.
33:49 That's the bridge.
33:50 That's the bridge to talk about now
33:52 I can make an appeal to accept Jesus Christ as my Savior
33:54 right in the middle of the 70-week prophecy.
33:56 I don't have to wait till the end of that,
33:59 you know, and it's all there.
34:00 Joe talked about those last seven years.
34:03 Do I wanna spend 20, 30 minutes
34:05 trying to disprove a seven-year tribulation period?
34:09 And though I will talk about that some
34:10 or do I wanna take what happened in the middle
34:12 of those seven years, which is Christ crucified
34:15 and talk about the last days of his life
34:17 and what Jesus has done for us,
34:19 and how we can surrender our lives to Him,
34:22 what's delaying me, what's delaying you
34:24 from accepting the Messiah into your lives?
34:26 Yeah, go ahead.
34:28 And I would say,
34:29 even at the end of that prophecy,
34:31 you know, while we're living in a time
34:32 where there's so much racial tension
34:34 with all this happened with George Floyd
34:36 and Breonna Taylor and all of these things, right?
34:39 This doctrine,
34:40 particularly when you get to the end,
34:42 shows that God is a God of all people
34:44 because He opens up the 70-week prophecy
34:47 and He extends it beyond Jews, He extends it to the Gentiles.
34:50 It's for everyone.
34:52 And so we see that our God is a God of love,
34:54 that He loves everyone
34:55 that everyone is a part
34:58 that God is not exclusive,
35:01 but He's inclusive of all people.
35:04 And that's the hope that we need during this time.
35:06 That's right. I mean, it's beautiful.
35:07 I love the way you're doing that.
35:09 Not only is and I'm looking at this,
35:10 I mean, my mind is just,
35:12 I'm from New York, my mind is always moving,
35:14 but not only is He the center of the 70th week,
35:18 He's the center in three crosses.
35:21 And you ask the people that are listening,
35:24 is Christ center in your life?
35:26 Or is He just one of the three guys
35:27 that you have to pick from?
35:29 And so that's the bridge you're talking about.
35:31 See, that's the beautiful thing about evangelism.
35:33 We have a clip kind of showing you illustrating
35:35 that in your sermon and I really appreciate that.
35:37 Can we go to that right now? Sure.
35:38 Let's go to that clip.
35:41 I remember doing a prophecy seminar similar to this,
35:44 in Pennsylvania, my hometown, where I grew up there in York.
35:49 And while I was there,
35:50 I got to meet so many different people.
35:52 And I remember meeting Betty, but that's not her real name,
35:56 but that's the name we're going to use.
35:58 I remember Betty had come to the meetings night by night.
36:01 And I had the opportunity later on
36:03 to just visit her in her home.
36:05 And she was sharing with me a story of her life
36:08 and just a little bit about her spiritual journey.
36:12 And I remember she looked at me
36:13 and she said, "Pastor, I need to ask you a question.
36:17 You see, I did something horrible
36:19 many, many years ago.
36:21 And for a long-time,
36:23 I've just felt so guilty about it.
36:25 I felt so bad.
36:27 I have felt that I've never been forgiven.
36:29 I have just been wracked
36:30 by the burden of guilt and regret.
36:33 And I just can't seem to shake that burden,
36:36 that weight that's upon me."
36:39 I remember looking at her
36:40 and I asked Betty, "I said, Betty,
36:42 have you ever just talked to Jesus about it?"
36:45 And she said, "No." That she hadn't.
36:48 You see, Betty was used to talking
36:49 to earthly religious leaders.
36:51 And no matter how many times
36:53 she talked to a religious leader,
36:54 no matter how many times
36:56 she may have confessed to her priests,
36:58 she just never felt that she was forgiven.
37:01 And it seemed as though
37:02 when she just read repeated prayers
37:04 that were already listened,
37:06 she just felt she wasn't connecting with God.
37:09 And I said, "Betty,
37:11 let me share something with you.
37:12 You know, the other night we talked about Jesus
37:14 being our High Priest,
37:16 in the heavenly sanctuary that that He intercedes for us.
37:19 He brings our prayers to the throne room of God.
37:22 Betty, I wanna invite you to do something.
37:25 Sometime this week, just set an hour aside,
37:30 and I want you to go up into your bedroom,
37:32 close the door.
37:34 I want you to talk to Jesus about it.
37:37 Just pour out your heart.
37:39 Don't worry about the kind of words that you use.
37:41 Don't worry about your prayer being scripted,
37:43 just talk to Jesus like He's your friend.
37:46 If you have to cry, cry, it's okay.
37:49 If you have to sob, sob, it's okay.
37:51 Just be real. Be genuine.
37:53 Just tell it to Jesus.
37:56 He wants to hear from you."
37:58 And she said, "Okay, Pastor, I'll do it."
38:01 And I remember a few nights later,
38:03 at the prophecy seminar I saw Betty.
38:06 And I was able to go up to her and say, "Betty, did you do it?
38:09 Did you set aside that time?
38:11 Did you talk to Jesus about it?"
38:13 I remember, she looked at me and she said, "Yes, Pastor.
38:15 I did."
38:17 I said, "Betty, how did it make you feel?"
38:20 And she said, "Pastor, the weight is gone.
38:23 I finally sense forgiveness, that shame, that guilt,
38:27 that request is gone because I went
38:30 and I talked to Jesus about it.
38:31 I talked to my High Priest about it.
38:33 I have been wiped clean." Can you say amen?
38:36 I will never forget the look of absolute peace and joy
38:41 on Betty's face because for the first time
38:43 she experienced what it meant to have Jesus
38:46 has her High Priest.
38:47 She experienced what it meant to know
38:50 that a living Savior was interceding for her
38:53 in a heavenly sanctuary.
38:57 Now that's the passion of the gospel,
38:59 not just presenting the factual Christ,
39:02 but the passion of Christ.
39:03 Praise the Lord, you got some fire in there
39:05 from a guy from PA.
39:07 And that's the joy of the Lord.
39:09 Now what you wanna share about what we just saw there?
39:11 We see that that cut, there's kind of an example that
39:13 that was the message in the 2300 days, you know,
39:15 Jesus, our High Priest in a heavenly sanctuary.
39:18 And so often we get bogged down with dates, etcetera,
39:21 which again, are fine, but there was an example where,
39:26 when it talks about Jesus being our High Priest,
39:28 now I can take a bridge from that,
39:30 and I can talk about what does that actually mean
39:32 that He's my High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary?
39:35 Is that just intellectual?
39:36 What does that mean
39:38 for having a relationship with Jesus?
39:39 So I tell the story about Betty.
39:41 And you can use that as an opportunity
39:43 then we couldn't do it there on that clip,
39:45 but now I can talk about how do you talk to Jesus?
39:49 I can spend some time teaching people in the series,
39:51 how do you pray?
39:53 How do you talk and connect with Jesus in a real way?
39:55 So I can transition from, you know,
39:57 1844 as important as that is,
39:59 but now I can also make a bridge to teach people.
40:02 How can they connect with their High Priest?
40:05 What are the principles of learning how to pray,
40:07 and that's what takes it from here
40:10 and brings it here and makes it real.
40:12 Wow.
40:13 Pastor Ikner, anything you wanna add to that?
40:15 So when I'm sitting and I'm watching this clip,
40:18 it really kind of spoke to me
40:20 because when we talk about the 2300 days,
40:22 we talk about the investigative judgment.
40:24 So often we just talk about
40:26 the judgment and judgment can be scary.
40:29 You talk about, you know, when He comes in my name,
40:31 what if I'm not ready, all those things
40:33 we've heard through the years.
40:35 And yet, even though judgment it's true,
40:38 that there is favor in the judgment,
40:40 and there's a hope in the judgment.
40:42 And so I'm sitting here thinking that
40:45 I have a High Priest,
40:47 who's also my judge, who's working for me.
40:50 I think it gives hope to people who struggle with knowing,
40:55 can God ever forgive me or can I forgive myself?
40:58 I've got one who's been tested in all points as I have,
41:01 yet done it without sin, who's working to forgive me,
41:05 working on my behalf,
41:06 pleading His blood on my behalf.
41:09 It's awesome.
41:10 That's right, you know, a lot of people,
41:12 years ago when I was a young man,
41:15 and maybe this had been
41:16 how some people may have thought they might think,
41:18 "Well, God is the judge.
41:20 And Jesus is pleading with the judge
41:23 who wants to condemn us all."
41:25 Please don't do it.
41:26 Well, Jesus is the judge
41:28 and the learned and the attorney.
41:31 He's our advocate.
41:33 And the most beautiful picture
41:34 I got many years ago in the Roman court,
41:36 where he says, I'll give you a white stone
41:37 with a new name on it.
41:39 And I like to point you made,
41:41 judgment is made in favor of the saints of the Most High,
41:45 that's relational evangelism,
41:47 but now let's talk about your ministry,
41:51 Discover Bible Prophecy Ministry.
41:54 Let's talk about that.
41:56 That's the name of our evangelistic ministry.
41:59 Our desire is really to get even more
42:01 into media ministry,
42:03 what we'd really like to see happen.
42:04 I mean, I serve as the evangelism director
42:06 of Chesapeake, that's my full-time job,
42:07 but I'm still an evangelist.
42:10 And one of the things we'd really like to do
42:12 is like Forecasting Hope that you saw,
42:14 right now they're on some Christian television networks,
42:17 but one of our passions and dreams is to be
42:19 able to put them on some secular TV stations
42:22 on the weekend to really reach maybe secular-minded people
42:26 or people that maybe
42:27 they're not thinking about God right now,
42:30 but maybe spiritual things are going through their mind
42:32 to just reach a whole array of people.
42:34 And of course, as you know, airtime is not free, you know,
42:36 particularly in the secular world.
42:38 And then there's always the need for, you know,
42:40 using some of the graphics that we do,
42:42 graphics aren't free.
42:43 There's licensing fees, and, you know,
42:45 if you want to be ethical,
42:46 there's licensing fees and things like that.
42:48 And so that would help in a great way
42:50 to make more programming available.
42:52 And even to be able to go
42:54 to conference, pastors' meetings,
42:56 and teach other pastors,
42:58 how can I present these things in a Christ-centered way?
43:00 So that you can, you know, in a sense,
43:03 duplicate yourself through the Holy Spirit.
43:04 That's right.
43:05 I like that because a lot of young pastors
43:07 coming up that are like new race horses, you know,
43:10 they wanna get out there and run.
43:12 And they're doctrine, doctrine, doctrine, doctrine, doctrine,
43:14 and they might be able to win an argument,
43:17 but to win the heart, I remember Pastor Finley
43:19 talking about that.
43:20 He said, "You can win the intellectual argument,
43:23 but you could leave the heart stone cold."
43:25 So that's, I'm glad you're thinking about that.
43:27 So, you know, for those
43:28 who may be watching the program,
43:30 you may be a pastor or a young evangelists
43:34 or young person that may wanna say,
43:36 "Well, I wanna find out how to do that.
43:38 I'm at a very novice level.
43:41 I'd like to find out how to get access to the tools.
43:43 We'll let you know in just a moment
43:45 how you can do that,
43:46 but one of the points you brought out
43:47 that I'd like to appeal to the audience before,
43:49 you know, you wanna share about
43:51 your wife's ministry, just briefly there.
43:53 There those of you that
43:55 as Pastor Klinedinst pointed out
43:58 to develop graphics, to develop animation,
44:02 to use pictures, people today we live in a society
44:05 where we wanna do everything above board.
44:08 And a lot of times people go on the internet
44:09 and copy a picture that's not public domain
44:14 that belongs to someone else and they drop it
44:16 into their evangelistic presentations.
44:18 That's not permissible for those of us
44:20 who are part of gospel.
44:21 We have to do all things decently
44:23 and in order and legally.
44:25 And I know like Adobe stock photo,
44:27 Shutterstock photo,
44:29 there are a lot of companies out there
44:31 that provide this means,
44:32 but just give an idea if somebody was saying,
44:35 "Well, I wanna donate towards your ministry."
44:37 Give us some things
44:39 that you feel will be important,
44:41 not only just the graphics needed
44:43 or the licensing fees,
44:45 but what are the ways can people donate toward making
44:48 the Discover Bible Prophecy School important?
44:50 Well, obviously they can go to our...
44:52 Or successful.
44:53 They can go to our website and donate through there
44:55 or mail it in, but again,
44:57 it'll help us to create other programming not just,
45:00 of course, evangelistic series,
45:02 but also training tools that will help train other pastors
45:05 how to be able to present these things
45:09 because do you want just one or two people doing it
45:11 or do you want a whole army of pastors
45:13 or lay evangelists or lay pastors,
45:15 being able to present things in a Christ-centered way?
45:18 And we wanna turn people on, you know, public evangelism,
45:20 in some places has gotten a bad name
45:22 because of the way people
45:24 have heard it presented or done before.
45:26 Our passion is to show them no, it can be positive,
45:30 it can be Christ-centered,
45:32 and to just reignite that passion for evangelism.
45:35 You know, even Jesus doesn't kick down doors.
45:37 He says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock."
45:40 If you hear my voice, and I like that,
45:41 not just the doctrines, but are you listening for me
45:44 and we have to present the voice of Christ.
45:46 Pastor Ikner.
45:47 Yeah, and I think
45:49 that's what's so important in a day and age
45:52 where we have,
45:54 we know that the sign of the end
45:57 is that the gospel will go to the entire world.
46:00 And then Jesus says, the end will come, right?
46:04 And so Christ has to be lifted up,
46:06 we have to have a way to be able to share.
46:09 And I think that using media and that, you know,
46:12 we don't know what the future is gonna hold,
46:14 we don't know
46:15 when the end of this pandemic is gonna come.
46:18 So, you know, being able to step
46:20 beyond the church and inviting people
46:21 just to come to, you know, into our doors.
46:25 That's why I like the whole idea about media.
46:28 I like the whole idea about this series.
46:30 And the other series that are out there
46:32 where people can tune in
46:33 on various websites on Proclaim
46:36 or 3ABN or YouTube or Facebook whatever
46:39 and be able to hear the gospel from the comfort of their home
46:42 because we never know, the Holy Spirit has the ability
46:45 to take what goes out into the air ways
46:46 and media ways
46:48 and to bring souls unto himself.
46:49 That's right before we reach out to our viewing
46:51 and listening audience.
46:52 You had to share about your wife's ministry?
46:55 Yes. Yeah.
46:56 Of course, I'm very biased. She's my favorite speaker.
46:59 But my wife's name is Marquita.
47:01 She has a ministry called Moments With Jesus.
47:03 And she speaks a lot at women's retreats,
47:05 prayer convocations, prayer conferences,
47:08 and she loves to be able to connect and speak
47:12 about how to genuinely connect
47:13 with Jesus in a practical way, the power of prayer.
47:17 She's done her own evangelistic meeting as well.
47:20 And people may wanna go to that website
47:22 and see some of her resources.
47:23 I mean, right now,
47:25 she has a Friday Night Live Bible study that
47:27 she does every Friday night at 9 pm Eastern,
47:30 where they just go through
47:31 different Bible studies together
47:32 and people join in
47:34 from different parts of the world.
47:35 So I just encourage people
47:36 to check out MomentsWithJesus.org.
47:40 Now let's just give us summary
47:43 'cause one of the toughest topics presented out there
47:46 is probably the mark of the beast.
47:47 Give me a hint on how you make
47:49 the mark of the beast Christ-centered?
47:52 Well, the first thing I have to ask myself
47:54 is how would I feel on the other side of the pew
47:57 if I didn't know these truths
47:59 about Sabbath etcetera, and I'm hearing this.
48:02 Do I wanna communicate to the other person,
48:03 they're less of a Christian 'cause they don't know this
48:06 or that God loves them any less
48:07 because I know the truth and you don't,
48:09 I don't wanna communicate that.
48:11 What I wanna communicate to them is,
48:13 here's some truth,
48:14 Jesus is leading you on a journey.
48:16 Your relationship with Jesus
48:17 has been genuine all the way up to this point.
48:20 And He's just leading you in the next step.
48:22 And when it comes to, yes,
48:23 the mark of the beast is a testing truth,
48:25 but what it really comes down to is this,
48:27 it goes beyond just the Sabbath Sunday issue.
48:30 It really comes down to surrender.
48:34 And if I can take time
48:35 in the mark of the beast message,
48:38 to talk about what has Jesus done for me
48:40 how He surrendered in the Garden of Gethsemane,
48:42 not My will, but Thy will be done.
48:44 How He surrendered His life on the cross,
48:46 how He gave up heaven for you and me,
48:49 talk about Jesus surrender.
48:51 And then from there,
48:53 I can appeal Jesus surrendered everything for us.
48:56 Are we willing to surrender everything to Jesus,
48:59 our hearts including
49:00 our cherished preconceived ideas.
49:02 Am I willing to surrender?
49:04 'Cause that's really what it's all about.
49:05 Wow, that's beautiful, surrender.
49:07 What do you say about that, Pastor Joseph?
49:08 So I would say that
49:10 that the mark of the beast with the antithesis of that
49:13 being the seal of God
49:14 kind of speaks to our loyalty to God,
49:16 and the need to have a relationship throughout,
49:18 as David has said.
49:20 So if I'm working on relationship now,
49:21 when I'm faced with this crisis, you know,
49:24 at all points and times,
49:26 our relationships are tested.
49:28 And it doesn't, the tests don't create the relationship,
49:31 the crisis doesn't create the relationship,
49:33 it really tells what type of relationship we have.
49:36 So if I'm in that relationship,
49:38 then I'm gonna be prepared for that moment.
49:40 And I also think, a lot of times
49:42 when we talk about the mark of the beast,
49:43 we like to build it around people,
49:45 but I think if we can show that
49:47 there is one that want to interfere
49:50 with our relationship,
49:51 Satan himself that this thing is bigger than
49:54 just flesh and blood, right?
49:56 And that we wanna make sure that
49:58 we keep Satan away from our relationship,
50:00 the demons away from our relationship,
50:02 and we wanna stay close to Christ.
50:04 When we hit that moment,
50:06 we will be able to overcome and be victorious.
50:08 That's right.
50:09 If people go to your website,
50:11 and I'll give them that information
50:12 in just a moment, what could they look for?
50:14 Are there media tools there? Give us an idea?
50:17 They can order the Forecasting Hope series,
50:19 which will be obviously available very soon.
50:21 There is other series that are on there.
50:24 There's other resources they can take a look at,
50:26 they can watch some of the things
50:27 that we have there on our website, etcetera.
50:30 They can even submit prayer requests,
50:32 and there's just a lot of different things
50:34 that they can peruse through it
50:35 and wherever they can use for their witnessing endeavors,
50:37 they're welcome to do so.
50:39 Wow. Well, I appreciate that.
50:40 We're gonna take a news break in just a moment here,
50:42 but before we do that, I wanna remind you
50:45 the address that you need to use to get in touch
50:48 with Pastor David Klinedinst is Discover Bible Prophecy.
50:53 And here's the information that you need to be
50:55 able to get in touch with this marvelous ministry
50:58 and find out how you can not only financially,
51:00 but experientially and maybe training
51:02 if that's something you need
51:04 can be a part of your experience.
51:09 To find out more information about Discover Bible Prophecy,
51:12 and how you might support them,
51:14 please contact them at 855-774-HOPE.
51:19 That's 855-774-4673.
51:24 You may go to their website at DiscoverBibleProphecy.org.
51:28 That's DiscoverBibleProphecy.org.
51:32 You may also write to them
51:33 at PO Box 850, Columbia, Maryland 21044.


Revised 2020-09-04