3ABN Today


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY200020A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN Today program.
01:12 I'm Jill Morikone,
01:13 and we're so glad that you have taken time
01:15 from your day to join us.
01:17 On the Today program many times
01:18 we feature stories of missions, stories of testimonies,
01:22 what God is doing in and through people's lives,
01:25 stories of ministries
01:27 and how God is impacting the world
01:29 through various ministries.
01:30 But today is one of my favorite times
01:33 for 3ABN Today.
01:34 That is when we just get to sit down
01:36 and have a study of the Word of God.
01:39 I almost feel like we're having Sabbath School panel,
01:42 but it'll be a little bit different
01:44 because we're discussing.
01:45 Our topic today is Sanctification.
01:49 This is a topic that used to scare me
01:52 if I'm being very honest with you,
01:54 but we don't have to be afraid,
01:56 it is a biblical topic
01:58 and sanctification is a gift from God.
02:01 So we're going to be talking today
02:03 about the biblical definition of sanctification,
02:06 how sanctification connects with other doctrines
02:09 like the second coming and the Sabbath,
02:12 and salvation and sanctuary?
02:14 How does sanctification connect with justification?
02:18 And if you're just new in the Word of God,
02:20 you might be saying,
02:22 "I don't even know what those words mean,"
02:24 and we will unpack them today.
02:27 We'll talk about how we are sanctified.
02:29 What is the purpose of sanctification?
02:32 And what's our part?
02:33 What is our role to play and what is God's role?
02:37 So I want to introduce our family at this time,
02:40 to my right, Brother Ryan Day.
02:42 So good to have you here.
02:44 You work in our 3ABN pastoral department,
02:46 and you're Assistant
02:48 to the General Manager for 3ABN Praise Him, so.
02:50 Amen.
02:52 It's blessing to be here,
02:53 and I'm definitely excited about this topic, much needed.
02:55 Absolutely.
02:56 And to your right, Pastor John Lomacang,
02:59 pastor of the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
03:02 and 3ABN Director of World Evangelism,
03:04 and delighted to have you here.
03:05 I could already tell,
03:07 we need three hours on this subject, you know.
03:10 As I said you earlier,
03:11 are you ready for what you have on,
03:13 for what you have activated.
03:15 This is a powerful topic.
03:17 One I believe that's...
03:19 I could use the term grossly misunderstood.
03:22 And sometimes it's become almost cliché
03:25 in the sense of the phrase of work of a lifetime.
03:29 So today, we're going to really unpack it,
03:31 and do whatever we can
03:32 with the time we have remaining.
03:34 So let's read a scripture verse and then we'll pray
03:36 and we'll jump right into our study.
03:39 So let's start with 1 Corinthians 6:11.
03:41 Hope you have your Bibles at home
03:43 and get ready to open them up
03:45 and study with us and your notepad,
03:46 so you can take notes.
03:48 1 Corinthians 6:11, "And such were some of you."
03:52 Now, if you read the previous verses,
03:54 there's an entire list of sins
03:57 of those fornicators and idolaters,
03:59 adulterers, thieves, covetous, homosexuals,
04:02 drunkards, all of these,
04:03 those people, that's all of us really.
04:06 All have sinned and fallen short
04:07 of the glory of God,
04:09 that we will not inherit the kingdom of God.
04:11 And then verse 11 gives us hope,
04:13 "And such were some of you.
04:16 But you were washed, you were sanctified,
04:21 you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus
04:24 and by the Spirit of our God."
04:27 That verse gives me incredible hope
04:29 'cause no matter our past, no matter what we have done,
04:34 God says He can wash us,
04:35 and justify us, and sanctify us,
04:39 and prepare us for an eternity with Him.
04:41 So let's pray and we'll jump in.
04:43 Ryan, you want to pray for us? Sure. Absolutely.
04:45 Our Father in heaven, Lord,
04:47 we take this time to dedicate it to you, Lord,
04:49 in the study of Your Word.
04:51 And it would be irresponsible of us, Lord,
04:52 to not first come to You humbly
04:54 and ask for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
04:56 into our hearts and minds at this hour.
04:58 Lord, as we take on this very precious
05:00 and as pastor said,
05:02 somewhat misunderstood topic in the Christian world.
05:05 Lord, I pray that You give us understanding.
05:07 Help us to understand what Your Word is saying.
05:10 Give us the spiritual mind of Jesus.
05:12 That is we discuss and we talk
05:14 about these important things in Scripture.
05:18 Lord, I pray that the people that are watching,
05:20 those at home, those around the world,
05:21 wherever they're listening to this,
05:23 may they be blessed,
05:24 may the church be edified, Lord,
05:26 and may we come to a better understanding
05:28 of who Jesus Christ is and His will for our life.
05:31 We praise You, Lord, and we thank You as always.
05:34 And we ask this in Jesus' holy name, amen.
05:36 Amen.
05:37 So let's just start off
05:39 with a biblical definition of sanctification.
05:40 Someone's watching and says,
05:42 "I don't even know what sanctification is,
05:43 or maybe the way my church teaches it."
05:46 It might not be in line with what the Word of God says.
05:48 So what does the Bible say?
05:50 What's the definition of sanctification?
05:51 Well, it's beautiful when you look at it
05:54 because sanctification is not only a process,
05:59 but it's an immediate act.
06:01 It's seen in both ways, and I'll give you an example.
06:04 But to summarize it,
06:05 I looked at various dictionaries
06:07 one that I really settled with
06:08 was one from the Entenmann's dictionary.
06:12 It's a common dictionary,
06:15 common in the sense that it's used
06:16 across the levels of the Christian world.
06:18 But it says, "The act or end process
06:24 of making something or someone clean and holy."
06:27 That's right.
06:28 The act and process of making
06:30 someone or something clean and holy.
06:32 That's the simple processes.
06:34 It says, "In Christian theology,
06:36 sanctification is usually understood as an act
06:39 or process subsequent to salvation,
06:42 which renders the believer holy in fact.
06:46 I like that. So holy in fact.
06:48 Right. You are holy.
06:50 So when the Bible says,
06:51 "Be therefore holy
06:53 as your Father in heaven as holy."
06:54 He declared you holy,
06:55 and then but now he's, he declared you holy,
06:59 but now he's gonna make you give you a holy life.
07:02 Okay, there's one thing to be separated for holiness.
07:06 Now, it's like you buy a brand new tool.
07:08 So you just bought a brand new shovel.
07:11 And you've never used one before.
07:12 Well, the shovel is brand new,
07:14 but now you got to learn how to use it.
07:16 So the purchasing of the shovel is justification,
07:20 the learning how to use the shovel
07:23 and become good at it,
07:25 almost to the point where it's second nature
07:27 is sanctification.
07:29 Amen. It's a continual thing.
07:30 Could I give a couple of examples?
07:32 Please.
07:33 You know sanctification.
07:35 I would, as you pointed out,
07:36 all have sinned and fallen short
07:37 of the glory of God.
07:39 But when we go to 1 John 1:9, let's go there first.
07:42 I'm going to show the...
07:43 I'm going to show this verse is a verse that is,
07:46 is often the one we cite.
07:49 It's like if the person got caught
07:50 and they're guilty of a crime, they just run to this verse.
07:54 If we confess our sins,
07:56 He is faithful and just to forgive us
07:57 of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness,
07:59 but they missed the process,
08:01 because this verse is the immediate
08:02 and the continual contained in one.
08:05 Oh, good. How do you say that?
08:07 It's the immediate,
08:08 He is faithful and just to forgive us
08:10 our sins that are justification.
08:11 Immediate. Good.
08:13 And to cleanse us
08:14 is sanctification from all unrighteousness.
08:17 I like that. That's beautiful.
08:18 So it's both together.
08:20 See, so forgiveness or justification
08:23 is the immediate act of pardon.
08:26 But it has to be followed by the sanctifying process
08:30 of reversing the effect of the sin.
08:34 An alcoholic, how long have they been in out,
08:36 what makes an alcoholic somebody who had incessantly,
08:38 repetitively drank alcohol.
08:41 It leaves an impact.
08:42 So now they're forgiven of the act.
08:45 But they're now cleansed and you know the body.
08:47 My mom was a smoker for many, many years
08:49 and an alcoholic before she knew the Lord.
08:52 I wasn't raised with her, but she smoked
08:54 two to three packs of cigarettes a day.
08:56 And that was her out
08:57 because of abandoning her children.
08:59 But when she gave her life to the Lord and stop smoking,
09:02 I even could tell her voice
09:03 when I met her for the first time,
09:05 her voice had lightened.
09:06 And she lost the desire
09:08 for the appeal to smoking and alcohol altogether.
09:10 And the body which is naturally made by God,
09:13 to begin to restore itself,
09:17 the body began to sanctify itself,
09:19 getting rid of all the ill affect,
09:21 all the impact.
09:22 So here it is.
09:24 So we don't, we just don't confess our sin.
09:29 But notice, He says
09:30 He is faithful and just to forgive.
09:32 Now let me add
09:33 the sanctifying process to confess.
09:35 Go to Proverbs 28:13,
09:37 because we confess that says, "Okay, I did it.
09:41 Lord, please forgive me, you confess.
09:43 But if you just want to be declared just,
09:47 then that's not all the Lord wants to do.
09:49 Proverbs 28:13, and you see the word again.
09:53 There's something else we have to do
09:55 for the process of sanctification
09:56 to be important.
09:58 "He who covers his sin will not prosper.
10:01 But whoever confesses and" what else?
10:04 "Forsakes them will have mercy."
10:07 Somebody asked me, "What does forsake mean?
10:09 To abandon.
10:11 That sin needs to die for lack of oxygen.
10:14 That sin needs to be rendered ineffective.
10:17 That's where we come to the point
10:18 of laying aside every weight
10:21 and the sin that so easily besets us
10:23 because here's the process and I throw to you next.
10:25 If we don't lay that aside,
10:27 then we are only laying it aside for a convenient time.
10:30 Some people become great Christians on Friday.
10:34 You know, I'm talking about an Adventist.
10:37 Some Christians that keep Sunday
10:39 become great Christians on Saturday night,
10:41 they go to church on Sunday.
10:43 Yes, I've been smoking a week, drinking a week.
10:44 That's why it's ridiculous to belong to a church
10:47 that supports the intoxication of the body
10:54 while saying you're a Christian,
10:56 because the Lord
10:57 doesn't want to just sanctify us,
10:58 He wants to sanctify our body,
11:01 as well as our mind
11:02 to make us a living sacrifice holy and acceptable
11:06 is what sanctification talks about.
11:08 Ryan? Yeah, absolutely.
11:10 I just, you know,
11:11 pastor did a beautiful job here.
11:12 I want to give a couple of texts
11:14 when we clearly see in Scripture,
11:16 a clear biblical definition within the text of Scripture
11:20 that spells out or defines what sanctification is.
11:23 Leviticus 20:7-8.
11:27 I'll just read it here, it says,
11:28 "Consecrate yourselves therefore..."
11:30 Leviticus 20:7-8.
11:33 Okay, this is, you don't think of Leviticus as you know
11:37 giving you a text that might clearly define
11:39 or tell us what sanctification is.
11:42 But if you read the context clues,
11:43 and I was always taught that in school,
11:45 and I tend to do that now when I study,
11:47 I look for little words in a passage or in a text,
11:50 a series of texts that clearly spell out
11:54 or show within that text what it is I'm looking for,
11:56 and this is a good example.
11:58 So Leviticus 20:7-8.
12:00 It says, "Consecrate yourselves therefore..."
12:02 So notice will automatically consecrate yourselves.
12:05 There's a certain amount of consecration
12:07 that must occur in the process of sanctification
12:10 and we'll talk about that more in a little bit.
12:12 It says, "And be holy," okay?
12:15 "I am the Lord your God,
12:17 and you shall keep my statutes and perform them."
12:20 And then notice this closing part.
12:21 "I am the Lord who sanctifies you."
12:24 And we're going to probably come back
12:25 to this question in just a moment,
12:27 which is, who does the sanctifying?
12:29 We clearly, obviously the Bible says
12:31 that the Lord does the sanctifying.
12:33 And the word for sanctify here
12:34 and the general word for sanctify in the Hebrew
12:36 is the word qodesh,
12:38 which means to be made clean
12:40 as pastor beautifully brought out
12:41 a few minutes ago, to be purified,
12:44 to be set apart for a holy use.
12:47 Okay?
12:48 Another text that comes to mind is 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8,
12:53 okay, and we're probably going to revisit
12:54 some of these texts through this.
12:56 This is 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8.
12:59 And I'll probably just read verses 3 and 4,
13:01 and then 7 and 8.
13:03 But notice what it says here beginning of verse 3, it says,
13:05 "For this is the will of God."
13:07 And so, I just want to pause there for a moment
13:08 because we're going to talk about this in a few moments.
13:11 But the importance of sanctification,
13:12 not only does the Bible define what sanctification is,
13:15 but it clearly spells out
13:16 the importance of sanctification.
13:18 I grew up in a church
13:19 in a series of churches actually,
13:21 because I visited and studied
13:22 with many different Christian denominations.
13:25 And in the gospel
13:26 that was taught to me growing up,
13:28 there was no room for sanctification.
13:30 Sanctification was kind of a, you know, back seat type of,
13:33 you know, reality or a back seat
13:36 secondhand concept.
13:37 You know, if you are sanctified by the Lord,
13:39 that's a great thing,
13:40 but justification was made
13:42 more important than sanctification.
13:43 But notice here,
13:45 Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 4
13:46 beginning with verse 3,
13:48 " For this is the will of God,
13:50 your sanctification:
13:51 that you should abstain from sexual immorality,
13:54 that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel
13:57 in sanctification and honor."
14:00 Now notice verse 7 and 8.
14:02 It says, "For God did not call us to uncleanness,
14:06 but in holiness.
14:08 So notice the context closing in,
14:10 "Uncleanness, but in holiness.
14:13 Therefore he who rejects this does not reject man, but God,
14:18 who has also given us His Holy Spirit."
14:22 Now that word holiness,
14:23 he's not called us to uncleanness,
14:24 but in contrast to that holiness.
14:26 Holiness in the original Greek here
14:29 is the word hagiasmos,
14:31 hagiasmos which basically means to purify
14:34 or to sanctify, to be made holy.
14:37 And then the last text
14:38 that kind of pulls this together, again,
14:39 speaking of defining what the Bible says
14:42 about sanctification, Romans 6:19 and 22.
14:47 And again, like I said earlier,
14:48 we'll probably read
14:49 some of these again in the study,
14:51 because there's so many great concepts.
14:52 Romans 6:19-22.
14:55 The Bible says,
14:56 "I speak in human terms
14:58 because of the weakness of your flesh."
15:00 So notice the terms that he's bringing up,
15:02 the weakness of the flesh.
15:04 "For just as you present your members as slaves of, "
15:08 there it is again, "uncleanness and of, "
15:11 and I throws in another one,
15:13 "lawlessness, leading to more lawlessness."
15:17 So now,
15:19 here's the contrasting thoughts.
15:20 So now present your members as slaves of righteousness for
15:25 and there it is, hagiasmos, holiness, sanctification.
15:30 And then verse 22, you got to read that one too.
15:33 "But now having been set free from sin."
15:36 What is sanctification?
15:38 What's the process of sanctification?
15:39 And we're going to define that a little bit more.
15:42 It means to be set free from sin.
15:44 So right here, he says,
15:45 but now having been set free from sin,
15:47 and having become slaves of God,
15:50 you have your fruit of and there it is, again,
15:53 hagiasmos, holiness, sanctification and the end,
15:57 notice this, everlasting life.
15:59 So it's clearly defined in Scripture
16:01 that not only is sanctification important,
16:03 but God makes it very clear as to what sanctification is.
16:06 It's the process of purification
16:08 of making one holy,
16:09 setting one apart from the world,
16:12 the lust of the world, the pride of life to be holy,
16:15 and to replicate the character of God.
16:16 Amen, that's beautiful. Thank you, both of you.
16:19 You know, it's incredible to me
16:20 that sanctification
16:21 is the will of God for our life,
16:23 he desires that and with that justification
16:26 in 1 John 1:9 as you talked about,
16:27 Pastor John, connected with the forgiveness
16:30 with the cleansing,
16:31 with being set free as it were from sin.
16:35 So we already talked, you touched on it, Pastor John,
16:37 the connection
16:38 between justification and sanctification.
16:40 But what if someone's saying,
16:41 is sanctification really necessary for salvation?
16:45 Is sanctification connected with salvation?
16:48 What would you say to that?
16:49 I would say definitely, and here's the reason why,
16:51 because there's a process.
16:53 Now purification is one thing
16:54 but alienation is something altogether different
16:57 'cause alienation separates you.
17:00 Because remember now, sin separates,
17:02 your sin has separated you.
17:05 Righteousness separates.
17:07 Sin separates from God,
17:09 righteousness separates from sin.
17:12 So the power of sin is so affected humanity
17:15 that in their natural state, they are servants of sin.
17:19 So how do you become servants of righteousness?
17:22 Anybody that takes the job of a servant
17:24 has to learn the process.
17:26 Okay, carry this way.
17:27 Make sure you ask.
17:28 A servant is the life that you learn.
17:30 That's why Jesus said,
17:32 "I've come to serve not to be served."
17:34 But look at the four things
17:36 that makes sanctification necessary.
17:38 Sanctification purifies and alienates us
17:40 from the domination of sin.
17:43 Oh, that's good. I like that.
17:45 Also sanctification destroys
17:46 the corrupt propensities of our fallen nature.
17:49 You got to do something over and over,
17:51 somebody says, like,
17:52 I've read the story where in the days gone by
17:55 maybe in the 1600s, 1500s, 1400s,
17:57 there was a thought
17:59 that people that were left handed
18:00 were wicked.
18:01 Okay.
18:03 I'm crawling under the table now.
18:04 I'm left handed.
18:06 And so what happened,
18:07 people would tie their children's hands
18:09 if they left handed
18:10 and forced them to learn right handed.
18:12 Within a matter of time,
18:13 they would learn how to be right handed.
18:15 Some basketball coaches
18:17 to develop the left handed game,
18:19 they say no, tie, put your right hand behind,
18:22 learn how to dribble, shoot, layup with your left hand,
18:24 in and out, of course, well, you know, in the NBA.
18:26 I did it all the time.
18:27 A dangerous player is the guy
18:29 that could shoot left and right, okay?
18:31 You know, Kyrie Irving, okay, dexterous.
18:34 So it has to destroy the corrupt
18:36 or the natural propensities
18:38 and alienate us from the fallen things
18:40 that we do naturally.
18:42 Thirdly, sanctification rectifies
18:44 or corrects our affections and inclinations.
18:48 That's powerful to me
18:49 because correcting meaning is recalibrating.
18:52 We are naturally out of line with God.
18:54 But sanctification says, wait a minute,
18:55 I'm going to bring you in line with God.
18:57 So I'm going to rectify the factors in your life
18:59 and watch this, it doesn't do it instantly,
19:01 we are instantly accepted
19:03 into the process, justification.
19:05 But then the Lord is saying, you're out of line,
19:07 you're out of line, I gotta line you up.
19:08 So purification rectifies or corrects
19:12 the affections and inclinations.
19:13 And then fourthly,
19:16 sanctification brings the entire nature
19:19 into subjection to the will of God
19:21 so that we may be properly called
19:24 servants of righteousness.
19:27 So all those processes purifies and alienates
19:30 from the domination of sin.
19:31 So after a while
19:33 when you continue in the process,
19:34 after a while you say,
19:36 I don't even remember what it was like to smoke.
19:38 Matter of fact, the very smell of that just irritates me.
19:42 The very thought of having done that just sickens me
19:47 because you have been lined up
19:49 with what is right all the time.
19:51 And I'll give you one example.
19:53 Look at 1 John 3:1-3,
19:56 one of my favorite passages in the Bible.
19:58 1 John 3:1-3, this is,
20:01 this brings into beautiful clarification,
20:04 what this process is all about.
20:06 Now we love the verse 1 and 2,
20:08 but verse 3 as there cannot be ignored.
20:11 "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us,
20:14 that we should be called the children of God.
20:16 Therefore the world does not know us
20:18 because it did not know Him."
20:20 So here's the question I'll throw out there
20:21 and I'll answer in just a moment.
20:23 How does a person who is a sinner
20:24 get to the point
20:25 where the world can't even recognize you?
20:27 Hmm.
20:28 There's a change. Watch this.
20:31 Verse 2, "Beloved, now we are children of God,
20:34 and it has not yet been revealed,
20:36 " because you're in the process,
20:38 "what we shall be but we know in the assurance
20:41 that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him,
20:43 for we shall see Him as He is."
20:44 We love to stop there,
20:46 but it calls on an action on our part.
20:48 That's right.
20:49 "However, everyone who has this hope in Him
20:53 that is in Christ
20:54 purifies himself just as he is pure."
20:57 Why do I have to purify myself if I'm pure?
21:00 The Lord told Peter that not just my feet
21:02 but my head only he said, Peter, you're already clean.
21:05 I just need to wash your feet.
21:06 Relax.
21:08 And here's my explanation.
21:09 Now, I've given the John Lomacang translation,
21:13 here it is, to those three verses.
21:15 Because I love you, I justified and forgave you.
21:19 So you can now be called My child, from now on,
21:24 make choices to maintain your holy connection
21:27 to your Holy Father.
21:28 When you do that,
21:30 the world won't be able to identify you
21:31 because you will look less like the world
21:33 and more like me.
21:35 If you keep making pure choices, eventually,
21:39 you won't recognize who you were.
21:41 Don't be discouraged, it takes time.
21:43 But since I am the one doing the cleaning,
21:46 I am so complete in what I do that when you see Me,
21:49 you will look just like Me.
21:52 That is John Lomacang translation.
21:53 That's beautiful. Wonderful.
21:56 I can't even speak right now.
21:57 That is beautiful,
21:59 the love of our Father to take us,
22:01 and to clean us, and to change us,
22:04 and to make us look like Him.
22:06 Now that brings a question
22:07 to my mind when you were talking.
22:09 We're kind of jumping forward here.
22:12 How much is our part
22:13 because it says
22:15 everyone who has this hope in Him
22:16 purifies himself as he is pure.
22:18 So what is my role to play in this sanctification process
22:23 and what is God's part?
22:24 Because clearly,
22:25 my righteousness is filthy rags.
22:27 That's right.
22:28 And I'm just being honest, I tried for years to be good,
22:30 and it certainly didn't work.
22:32 So I know that me just gritting my teeth
22:35 or trying harder, it's not going to purify me.
22:37 Right.
22:39 since I spoke, I'll give Ryan a shot at this one.
22:40 No, absolutely,
22:42 and you can chime in on this as well.
22:43 You know, this has been something
22:44 I've struggled with for years.
22:46 Just as you just mentioned, you know,
22:48 growing up in a Christian,
22:50 very conservative Christian home,
22:51 one can easily adopt a,
22:54 almost a legalistic mentality to the gospel,
22:57 especially when we read certain texts
22:59 where God very clearly demands righteousness from His people,
23:04 not as a sinister, you know, dictatorship but more or less,
23:07 God's saying, look,
23:09 if you're going to inherit my kingdom,
23:10 these are My ways.
23:12 And so, it's very easy for one
23:14 to adopt a works approach to salvation
23:17 to where it very much becomes.
23:20 And this is where
23:22 the sanctification comes in what is my part?
23:24 What is God's part?
23:25 Back in the day
23:27 I used to have this mentality of,
23:28 well, it was 50% my work and 50% God's work,
23:31 you know, I've got to meet Him halfway,
23:33 you know, He's done,
23:34 He's already done all the work on the cross, right?
23:36 The least I can do is try to do something
23:38 to help Him clean me up, right?
23:40 But the truth of the matter is, the clear answer is,
23:43 it's 100% God's work.
23:46 Now, that doesn't mean we don't do something
23:48 or that there's not a response that we give.
23:50 But as far as the cleansing act of sanctification in our life,
23:54 the clear answer is, it's 100% God's work in us.
23:58 Let me give you
23:59 a couple of scriptural examples for this.
24:01 Again, I read this earlier,
24:02 I started with this, Leviticus 20:7-8.
24:05 And the ending part of that is what I want to,
24:07 I want to emphasize, but I'll just read it through.
24:10 Leviticus 20:7-8,
24:12 again says consecrate yourselves,
24:14 therefore, okay, so right there
24:15 automatically somebody says,
24:17 "Well, I can't consecrate myself.
24:18 So obviously, that must mean something else." Right?
24:20 Well, consecration is different.
24:22 They're a little bit different
24:24 than you doing the work yourself in you
24:26 to clean you up, right?
24:28 Consecration is bringing your will
24:31 in submission to God, okay?
24:33 And we're gonna isolate that
24:34 and talk about that in just a moment.
24:35 But consecrate yourself therefore and be holy.
24:38 Well, Ryan, I can't be holy.
24:40 Only God can be holy, that is true.
24:42 But God wants to be holy in you and through you.
24:45 And so it goes on to say, I am the Lord your God,
24:49 and you shall keep My statutes.
24:51 Wait, Pastor, I've been told many times,
24:53 I can't keep the statutes of the Lord,
24:55 I can't keep the commandments of God.
24:57 You're right, in and of ourselves, we cannot,
25:00 but God can will and do His good work in us,
25:03 so that it's Him doing the work through us,
25:06 not ourselves.
25:07 But then notice this last part and perform them,
25:10 well, I can't perform them.
25:11 That's correct. God performs them.
25:13 In fact, He confirms it in the last part of this verse.
25:16 I am the Lord who sanctifies you.
25:20 Now I want to tie a couple of more texts
25:22 to this first,
25:23 this is Philippians 1:6, my favorite verse.
25:25 Oh, yes.
25:26 This is my favorite verse in all Scripture.
25:28 This is the verse I hang on to, Lord, Ryan's a sinner,
25:31 and sometimes I can be rebellious.
25:33 And I hang on to this verse because I read this
25:35 and the Lord reminds me, son,
25:36 I've begun a good work in you
25:38 and I will complete it as long as you remain humble
25:40 and submit your will to me on a daily basis.
25:42 I love this scripture.
25:43 Philippians 1:6,
25:45 "Being confident of this very thing that He,
25:47 not me,
25:48 but He who has begun a good work in you
25:51 will complete."
25:53 So who's doing the completing? God.
25:54 Okay, He will complete it unto the day of Jesus Christ.
25:58 Now, I know that this is a Bible study.
26:01 But I want to read a quote
26:03 that I think summarizes
26:04 what I've just said very clearly.
26:06 While God does,
26:07 and I want to be very clear on this,
26:09 while God does 100% of the sanctifying work in us,
26:12 there is a part that we must do and that is surrender.
26:15 It's good.
26:16 You say, Ryan, but I can't surrender.
26:18 That's not true.
26:19 If we couldn't surrender, then we can't be saved,
26:22 that we must do something,
26:24 and the doing that we must do is submit.
26:28 Now, what do I mean by that?
26:29 I love this text that I'm about to read,
26:31 comes from Testimonies, volume 5, page 514,
26:34 that I believe summarizes
26:35 what we've just studied and read in Scripture.
26:37 Notice this, beautiful.
26:39 Again, Testimonies, volume 5, page 514.
26:43 "It is for you to yield up
26:45 your will to the will of Christ.
26:48 And as you do this,
26:51 God will immediately take possession."
26:53 I love what pastor said earlier.
26:55 There's an immediateness to this and, of course,
26:57 then there's a process.
26:58 So notice this,
26:59 "As you yield up your will to Christ and you do this,
27:02 God will immediately take possession
27:05 and work in you to will and do his good pleasure.
27:09 Your whole nature will then be brought
27:12 under the control of the Spirit of Christ."
27:15 I love that.
27:17 "And even your thoughts will be subject to Him.
27:20 You cannot control your impulses, your emotions,
27:24 as you may desire, but you can control the will."
27:28 Notice that.
27:29 We may not be able to control our emotions,
27:33 our impulses and our desires, but we can control the will.
27:36 In other words, our free will and our free choice.
27:38 We have a choice, right? That's right.
27:40 I love this next part,
27:41 "And you can make an entire change in your life
27:46 by yielding up your will to Christ,
27:48 your life will be hid with Christ in God
27:53 and allied to the power
27:54 which is above all principalities
27:57 and powers."
27:59 So that is our part.
28:00 What is the link
28:01 between our part and God's part?
28:03 We surrender our will to Him.
28:04 Lord, I give you myself today. That's right.
28:07 You know what does that beautiful prayer
28:09 that Christ taught us that you know,
28:10 our Father which art in heaven,
28:12 hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come,
28:13 thy will be done on earth that is it is in heaven.
28:15 Give us this day our daily bread,
28:17 and lead us not, what is it?
28:19 Into temptation.
28:20 Notice how were you automatically work,
28:22 that the emphasis is on what God is doing,
28:24 not what I'm doing.
28:25 So we simply approach God and say,
28:27 "Lord, You have justified me."
28:29 And I'm going to probably come to this in a few minutes.
28:31 But the results of justification
28:34 is sanctification, because He has justified me,
28:37 now I yield up my will to Him, my free will to choose,
28:41 Lord, not my will as Christ prayed,
28:43 "Not My will, but Your will be done."
28:45 Amen.
28:47 Pastor John, I can see you anxious here
28:48 and I'm going to toss it back to you right now.
28:50 I want to focus specifically on and, Ryan,
28:53 we already did a wonderful foundation
28:55 with God's part and our part,
28:57 but let's focus on how we are sanctified
28:59 and you already talked about that, me surrendering.
29:01 And if I could be so bold that just jumping forward,
29:04 Pastor, in your response, however you want to share,
29:07 but if you could share Romans 7:17 sin in me,
29:14 it's not me but sin,
29:15 and then Galatians 2:20 Christ in me
29:17 somehow in your, I love or whatever you did.
29:19 I'm actually going there right now.
29:20 I love when you share that,
29:22 that just really minister to me.
29:23 I'm actually going there right now
29:24 actually because, hey, that's providential
29:27 because that's exactly where I'm headed right now.
29:29 It's a three stage process.
29:30 It starts with Romans 6:16.
29:36 Let's look at that together.
29:37 And this is the part and I know what you're saying.
29:40 The beautiful part about this
29:41 is I've said and I'll preface it
29:43 with the statement.
29:44 We don't choose what to do.
29:47 We choose who to serve.
29:49 Okay, that's very important,
29:51 because the servant in the Bible term
29:53 that is used is slave.
29:55 I've never seen a slave make a choice.
29:59 I have never seen a slave make a choice.
30:02 Now they may in their mind say, I don't want to do that,
30:04 but do it to master.
30:07 Okay, I'll do it.
30:08 Now that's the indentured servant
30:10 has, okay, I don't know.
30:12 But let's look at Romans 6:16.
30:14 And in here the two categories
30:16 that we are each confronted with.
30:18 Do you not know
30:20 that to whom you present yourselves
30:21 slaves to obey?
30:23 You are that one's slave whom you obey,
30:26 whether of sin leading to death,
30:29 or of obedience leading to righteousness.
30:33 In both cases, somebody is leading,
30:35 there's a leading to death or leading to righteousness.
30:38 What do you do?
30:39 You present yourself. That's right.
30:41 You present yourself, you say,
30:42 "Okay, this is who I want to serve."
30:45 And that's why the die daily is a sanctifying process.
30:47 You have to choose each day who you want, you have to die.
30:50 But now, this process of dying
30:55 comes out of the presenting aspect.
30:57 Not just say, I die daily, but how do you die daily?
31:00 A lot of people say, "Okay, I die daily.
31:01 How do I do that?"
31:02 You have to present yourself to one or the other.
31:04 Okay. Okay.
31:06 I'm going to serve you Lord today and Lord says,
31:08 "Okay, you want to serve me?"
31:09 Well, what did He tell Peter in John Chapter 21.
31:12 When you were young, you went where you want to go,
31:14 you did what you wanted to do, somebody else dress you,
31:16 but now, I mean, you dress yourself.
31:18 But now I'm in charge.
31:20 I'm going to send you where you don't want to go,
31:21 sanctification.
31:23 I'm going to dress you
31:24 maybe the way you don't want to be dressed.
31:25 And you're going to do what I've asked you to do.
31:27 That whole process of surrendering completely.
31:29 So the first step in sanctification is,
31:32 you've got to choose who to serve.
31:35 When you choose who to serve,
31:37 that person decides what you do.
31:40 For it's God who works in you both to will.
31:43 Now Romans 7:17,
31:45 and that's the second part of it.
31:47 Romans 7:17, and this is very significant.
31:50 Now, when you choose who to serve,
31:52 what happens,
31:54 you are right now immobilized because something happens.
31:58 For it is now for,
32:00 but now it is no longer I who do it,
32:03 but sin that dwells in me.
32:04 When you choose the wrong master,
32:08 sin is now taken over.
32:11 Sin is doing it or you are now a slave to sin.
32:15 It has dominion over you. That's right.
32:17 And right now because you are a slave,
32:20 you are saying to yourself, I can't believe I did that.
32:23 Well, actually, you didn't.
32:24 You just submitted to a power greater than you,
32:27 which you, like, as Paul says,
32:28 "This power is so much greater than me
32:30 that that power is taken over."
32:31 But now let's look
32:32 at what happens when you submit to the other power,
32:34 Galatians 2:20.
32:37 This is a passage also, Ryan,
32:39 that fits so beautifully
32:42 into another aspect of our walk with Christ,
32:44 but Galatians 2:20,
32:46 "I have been crucified with Christ."
32:49 Now Romans 7:17.
32:52 Go there, Jill, because I want to play
32:53 ping pong here.
32:55 Sure. Sure. Okay.
32:56 Romans 7:17.
32:58 Look at that.
33:00 So I'm going to read Galatians 2:20,
33:01 then I'm gonna throw Romans 7:17
33:03 and tell you what it says.
33:04 It says, "It is no longer I who live but Christ."
33:07 Romans 7:17, Jill.
33:09 "It is no longer I who do it, but sin."
33:10 Okay.
33:12 It is no longer I who live, but Christ.
33:14 It is no longer I who live, who do it but sin.
33:16 In both cases,
33:17 it is no longer either one in both cases.
33:21 Right. That's right.
33:22 You all, you did was decide who to serve.
33:24 Right. Yay!
33:26 In both cases,
33:27 you became his slave or his slave.
33:31 And I love to be God slave,
33:33 because I'm in a house that's filled with love.
33:36 That's that servanthood, I no longer call you servant,
33:40 but friend, or master but friend.
33:43 So we don't have a master slave relationship.
33:47 We have a father and son relationship
33:50 from which we cry out Abba Father.
33:53 So when you know that in, that case,
33:55 that's why now look at the sanctification.
33:58 Once you now yield to Christ,
34:01 He's in charge and look what's going to happen.
34:04 And the life which I now live in the flesh,
34:07 I live by faith in the Son of God,
34:10 who did what?
34:11 Loved me and gave Himself for me.
34:14 And then you can add, you can't miss verse 21.
34:17 "I do not set aside the grace of God,
34:19 for if righteousness comes through the law,
34:22 then Christ died in vain.
34:24 In that inference there,
34:25 whether it's referring to the commandments
34:27 or the ceremonial law,
34:28 righteousness doesn't come through either one.
34:30 Righteousness is the character of God.
34:32 The Ten Commandments reveal His character,
34:34 but the Ten Commandments can't fix you.
34:37 It's the Lord who works in you both to will and to do
34:39 of His good pleasure.
34:41 And here's the quotation
34:42 I want to read to you very quickly.
34:44 You know, Jill, we need two more hours.
34:45 That's good.
34:47 Right now I feel like I'm at a...
34:50 I feel like I'm at a smorgasbord
34:52 and I only have one little fork.
34:57 Don't you feel it, Ryan? That's the truth.
34:59 Okay. Here's a quotation, okay.
35:02 The book Temperance, the book, Temperance, is a page 112.
35:06 We must to,
35:08 God has given us the power of choice,
35:09 it is ours to exercise.
35:11 We cannot change our hearts, we cannot control our thoughts,
35:14 our impulses, our affections.
35:16 We cannot make ourselves pure, fit for God's service,
35:20 but we can choose to serve God.
35:23 We can give Him our will,
35:24 then He will work in us
35:26 to will and to do according to His good pleasure.
35:28 Thus, our whole nature will be brought
35:30 under the control of Christ.
35:32 And I leave the next quotation for later on.
35:35 But so, once we choose who to serve,
35:37 they decide, okay, you ready for the process?
35:40 And then we become holy or corrupt.
35:42 You know, it's amazing,
35:43 because everything you just described
35:44 is put on display
35:46 in the Garden of Gethsemane by Christ.
35:47 Oh, yes, it is. It's powerful.
35:48 As you were walking through that,
35:50 I'm seeing vividly in my mind,
35:51 because Christ had already chosen.
35:53 I think this is at the end of His ministry.
35:55 So you have to consider, He's three years,
35:58 three and a half years into this,
36:00 He's been serving His Father.
36:01 He had already chosen to serve His Father.
36:04 But did the test stop
36:06 just because He chose in the beginning
36:07 to serve His Father, the test continued on.
36:09 And we see interestingly there,
36:11 that in the Garden of Gethsemane,
36:13 the nature, the nature of the first Adam,
36:15 the fallen Adam comes out in Christ when He says,
36:18 "Man, I don't want to do this.
36:20 I do not want to have to drink of this cup."
36:22 However...
36:23 Lord, if there's any way that I can, you know,
36:27 do and complete what You want me to do
36:30 without having to drink this cup.
36:32 But if not, Lord, as you said, however...
36:35 Nevertheless...
36:36 Nevertheless, not my will.
36:39 So He placed Himself
36:41 not only as a slave to His Father, by serving Him.
36:46 But once you do that, once you say,
36:47 Father, I'm serving You,
36:49 then as the slave master relationship
36:52 to the slave,
36:53 the slave now must place his will
36:56 at the feet of the slave master and say,
36:58 not my way, but yours.
36:59 That's right.
37:01 And then I love what you described earlier
37:02 because there, you know, there are stories
37:04 and I'm a history major, I love reading history.
37:05 There are many, many slaves who lost their life
37:08 that even though
37:09 by identification they were a slave.
37:13 They refused in their own mind to be a slave
37:15 and they lost their life for it,
37:16 because they refused that even though by legally
37:20 they were bought and sold into slavery,
37:23 they in their mind said,
37:24 I'm not going to serve this man.
37:26 And so we see
37:27 that Christ placed Himself humbly at the Father,
37:29 you know, speaking in righteousness terms here,
37:31 He placed Himself at the feet of the Father and so Lord,
37:33 not my will, but yours.
37:35 That's powerful. That's powerful.
37:37 Amazing. Amen.
37:38 So we've talked in the sanctification process
37:40 we need to make a choice who we will serve, right?
37:44 Then I know there's the choice,
37:46 but is there any other aspect within sanctification?
37:49 I'm thinking of a biblical principle
37:51 that talks about what you feed grows.
37:55 That's right. And what you starve die.
37:57 So how does that relate to our experience as Christians
38:01 through the sanctification process?
38:03 Romans 12:1-2.
38:04 Right. Yeah.
38:07 Even Isaiah 1 says, "Cease to do evil,
38:09 learn to do good."
38:11 There's somewhere, there's a training process.
38:14 What did I say? Romans 12:1-2.
38:16 Okay, great.
38:17 I knew what I said, but for some reason in my mind,
38:20 my brain was...
38:22 You were on Isaiah. I was so far ahead.
38:24 The one thing I have,
38:25 you know, I praise God, my mind,
38:27 I'm so far ahead in my mind where I'm headed next.
38:30 Sometimes I say, why am I at this intersection?
38:32 Which way do I go?
38:33 Romans 12:1, it says, "I beseech you therefore,
38:36 brethren, by the mercies of God,"
38:38 and here it is,
38:39 "remember, do you not know
38:40 that whom you present yourselves,"
38:42 here it is again,
38:43 "that you present your body a living sacrifice,
38:47 holy, acceptable to God,
38:49 which is your reasonable service."
38:51 Living sacrifice, you know, that means?
38:53 It is no longer I who live. That's right.
38:55 Good. See?
38:56 Living sacrifice, you got to put something down,
38:58 but how does it happen?
38:59 This is our part
39:01 which we oftentimes try to sidestep this.
39:04 And do not be conformed to this world.
39:06 You literally, you've literally,
39:08 my wife and I,
39:09 we rejoice in this particular passage
39:11 because we literally,
39:13 if something comes on television
39:14 that we know is not good.
39:16 We say, "I'm not watching that.
39:17 I am just not watching that.
39:18 I'm not watching that."
39:20 You got to say, I'm not watching that.
39:21 I'm not listening to that. I'm not going to do that.
39:23 I'm not going there. I refuse to participate.
39:26 You literally have to be not be conformed
39:29 because the world is continually pressing you
39:31 like a crowded train to go through that door.
39:35 And you say, I'm not, hold your ground.
39:37 Why?
39:38 Transformed by the renewing of your mind.
39:41 This is where Bibles,
39:42 that you may prove only then
39:44 what is that good and acceptable
39:46 and perfect will of God.
39:47 Now let me add one more component.
39:48 This is huge.
39:50 So when you refuse to go one route,
39:51 and determined to go the other,
39:53 only then can you prove what is God's perfect will.
39:56 But here's one thing I'm gonna throw
39:57 just completely different left turn.
39:58 Are you ready for it? Hold on, left.
40:00 This is one of the reasons
40:02 why so many Christians reject the Sabbath
40:04 'cause they think it's about a day.
40:06 Yes. Right.
40:07 Let's go to Genesis 2 very quickly.
40:08 They think it's about a day but it's not about a day.
40:11 The day is the proving...
40:13 The day is the proving
40:15 what is the good and acceptable,
40:16 and perfect will of God.
40:17 The day is proving
40:19 what is the good and acceptable,
40:20 and perfect will of God.
40:21 But Genesis 2:1, what does it say?
40:23 Let's do verse 3. Verse 3?
40:25 "Then God blessed the seventh day
40:27 and sanctified it,
40:28 because in it He rested from all His work
40:31 which God created and made.
40:33 So He blessed it and then He sanctified it.
40:34 So what does it have to do with us?
40:36 Now, Ezekiel 20:12. That's right.
40:40 It's a process. It's a process.
40:42 This is connection between sanctification
40:45 and the Sabbath.
40:46 Yes! It's a process.
40:48 A lot of people say, "I prefer Sunday."
40:50 Well, you know, Ryan, you just made the point.
40:52 If it's what you prefer,
40:54 the nevertheless never comes into play.
40:56 Right. I prefer Sunday.
40:57 Nevertheless, I'm going to keep Sabbath
40:58 because the Lord said, remember to keep it...
41:01 Right. Keep it holy.
41:03 Okay, that's right. Sorry.
41:05 I just thought, oh, you were waiting for that.
41:07 Keep it holy.
41:08 Holy is another word for sanctified.
41:10 Absolutely.
41:11 Notice what it says, now, Ezekiel 20:12 and 20.
41:14 This is the reason.
41:15 Now if you're Christian
41:16 that's not a Seventh-day Adventist,
41:18 this is the reason for the Sabbath.
41:19 Why does the Bible ask? Why does the Lord ask us?
41:22 Jill, read verse 12 for us?
41:24 "Moreover, I also gave them my Sabbath,
41:27 to be assigned between them and Me,
41:29 that they might know
41:30 that I'm the Lord who sanctifies them."
41:32 It's a sign of sanctification. That's right.
41:34 When you honor the Sabbath, you're saying, okay, Lord.
41:37 Look at verse 20 now.
41:39 "Hallow My Sabbaths,
41:40 and they will be a sign between Me and you,
41:42 that you may know that I am the Lord your God."
41:44 Right.
41:45 So watch this, is the Sabbath truth?
41:47 Absolutely. Is Jesus truth?
41:48 Absolutely.
41:49 Sanctify them, by that truth I, word is truth.
41:53 Jesus is truth, the Sabbath is truth,
41:55 the commandments are truth.
41:56 You cannot be sanctified.
41:58 You cannot be in the process of sanctification
42:02 and refuse the very identifying mark
42:04 of sanctification, it's not possible.
42:06 That's right. Amen.
42:07 Yeah, absolutely.
42:09 No I, you know, you would ask earlier,
42:12 in reference to, you know,
42:13 basically the purpose of sanctification.
42:16 I wanted to just talk about that for a moment
42:18 and add a couple of texts.
42:19 Acts 26:18, let's start there. Oh, yeah.
42:22 Acts 26:18, how am I sanctified?
42:26 What does it look like?
42:28 What should I do in order to make sure
42:30 that I'm in this process of sanctification?
42:33 Acts 26:18,
42:35 Paul was called to open their eyes.
42:38 Of course, this is the work of the Holy Spirit
42:39 through Paul,
42:40 and ultimately the work of the Holy Spirit
42:42 in order to turn them from darkness to light.
42:44 That's the purpose of sanctification.
42:46 God wants to transform us,
42:48 take us out of that darkness
42:49 and bring us into His marvelous light.
42:50 It says and from the power of Satan to God,
42:53 that they may receive forgiveness of sins,
42:55 but does it stop there?
42:57 Many people's gospel stops right there.
42:59 That Jesus died on the cross that I might have forgiveness.
43:02 Jesus, my friends, died on the cross
43:04 for a whole lot more than just forgiveness.
43:06 Yes, forgiveness was the avenue,
43:09 but over the paved path,
43:12 but Christ died on the cross
43:13 for much more than just forgiveness.
43:15 Christ died on the cross
43:16 that we might have complete victory over sin.
43:19 And that's what this is saying here.
43:21 Notice, that you might receive forgiveness of sin
43:23 and inheritance among those
43:24 who are sanctified by faith in Me.
43:27 That sanctification process comes,
43:29 but notice 2 Corinthians 3:18.
43:31 Yes. Okay.
43:32 Now we're dialing this in, 2 Corinthians 3:18.
43:35 How can I make sure
43:37 that I am experiencing true biblical sanctification?
43:42 2 Corinthians 3:18,
43:44 "But we all with unveiled face
43:47 beholding as in a mirror of the glory of the Lord."
43:50 So what are we beholding?
43:51 We're looking at Him. Jesus.
43:53 Okay, there's not an actual text
43:54 that says for word for word,
43:56 by beholding we become changed,
43:57 but this is where we get that concept from,
43:59 because you notice this text says,
44:01 that by beholding in a mirror, the glory of the Lord,
44:04 we are, notice,
44:05 being transformed into the same image how?
44:08 From glory to glory.
44:09 Paul would say through step by step,
44:11 faith to faith, and in this case,
44:13 glory to glory,
44:14 just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
44:16 This reminds me of the conversation
44:19 that Jesus had with Nicodemus.
44:21 And actually Miss Ellen White makes this very clear.
44:23 She says that in no other part of scripture is salvation
44:27 made more clear,
44:28 the plan of salvation made more clear
44:29 than in John Chapter 3
44:31 in the conversation that Jesus had with Nicodemus.
44:33 This is powerful.
44:34 By beholding, we become changed.
44:36 When we behold Christ,
44:38 and we place our will at His feet,
44:41 and we put self on the cross.
44:44 Remember, Jesus said,
44:46 "If you desire to come after Me and follow Me,
44:48 take up your cross, deny yourself,
44:50 take up your cross,
44:51 that is take up your instrument of death,
44:53 sacrifice self, put self upon the altar,
44:55 we have to do that.
44:56 But notice this, John Chapter 3,
44:58 the key verse in John Chapter 3 in my opinion is verse 14.
45:02 Many people are gonna say, verse 16,
45:04 because that's the most popular verse,
45:06 but you don't have a verse 16
45:08 unless you first experienced verse 14.
45:10 Okay.
45:11 He says here,
45:13 "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
45:15 even so must the Son of man be lifted up."
45:16 That's right.
45:18 And many people will read that and go,
45:19 "What? What does that mean?"
45:20 Well, when you go back to Numbers 21
45:22 and you read that story.
45:24 How were the children of Israel saved
45:27 when those serpents
45:29 started going throughout the camp
45:30 and biting and killing them?
45:32 That's right. Looking at Jesus.
45:33 Jesus is referencing that story here.
45:34 He's saying, if you really,
45:36 He's explaining this to Nicodemus
45:37 who was a Pharisee, who was the,
45:39 a theological scholar of his day.
45:41 And He's telling this man,
45:43 "Look, if you really want to understand
45:44 all that I've told you how to be born again.
45:46 How sanctification
45:48 is vitally important to salvation."
45:50 He says, "If you want to be born again,
45:52 and you want to see the kingdom of God."
45:54 Notice this, just as Moses
45:55 lifted up the serpent in the wood
45:57 and so shall the Son of man be lifted up.
45:58 So how can I make sure that I'm not just saying,
46:01 I'm justified and that's it,
46:02 because most people's gospel stops right there.
46:04 Justification only, no sanctification,
46:07 and that's where you just brought up clearly
46:09 the Sabbath issue.
46:10 Most people don't find Sabbath important,
46:12 because their gospel only consists of justification.
46:15 If I'm already justified,
46:16 why do I have to keep a Sabbath? Right?
46:18 Well, the Sabbath is a part of that sanctifying process,
46:21 also the sanctuary truth as well.
46:23 If you study the sanctuary model,
46:24 what's the purpose of the model?
46:26 Most people stop at the altar of sacrifice
46:28 and there's, the courtyard there,
46:30 they go to that altar of sacrifice.
46:31 Jesus is dying as that lamb that's being slain,
46:34 but they don't go any further.
46:35 They might go to the laver and be baptized,
46:37 but they're not going to enter the Holy Place,
46:39 and they're certainly not going to enter
46:41 the Most Holy Place.
46:42 And if they do, most people believe
46:43 that they can go right from the courtyard,
46:45 skip the Holy Place
46:46 and go right into the Most Holy Place.
46:48 It's very vitally important that we understand
46:51 that right back to the story here, John 3,
46:54 just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness.
46:57 They had to look, in fact,
46:59 by faith they have to behold the serpent on a stick,
47:02 on that stick that was raised.
47:05 And if they behold, beheld that in faith,
47:07 they were saved.
47:09 Now, what is the point of this?
47:10 By beholding, there is a life and a look at the Savior.
47:13 If we are focusing our attention more on self,
47:16 the desires of the flesh and the pride of life,
47:19 then we're not beholding Christ,
47:21 we are beholding self.
47:23 And just as Christ there in that wilderness,
47:25 in the Garden of Gethsemane, it's very clear.
47:27 Christ had a choice there, He could have said,
47:29 you know what?
47:31 "I really don't want to go through with this."
47:32 He would have actually sent their pastor
47:34 because He would have been submitting Himself to His self.
47:39 Okay.
47:40 But rather He submitted Himself to His Father.
47:42 So how can we make sure
47:44 that we're walking in that sanctifying process,
47:46 that we're experiencing true biblical sanctification.
47:48 We have to behold Jesus and obviously,
47:51 not literally in the sense of,
47:53 you know, a picture in your house or,
47:55 you know, but with focusing on Christ,
47:57 spending time with Christ,
47:59 making your everyday life, every choice,
48:01 everything you do, every thought,
48:03 everything that you possibly do,
48:04 you shroud it,
48:06 you cover it in Christ Jesus and His righteousness.
48:09 By beholding His righteousness, you shall become changed.
48:12 Amen. That's right.
48:13 That's right. Pastor John?
48:15 One of my favorite quotations
48:17 and I'll end with this particular Bible verse,
48:19 Education, page 29.
48:21 The will is the governing power in the nature of Christ,
48:25 not my will, but yours be done.
48:27 The power of decision or choice,
48:29 every human being possessed of reason has power
48:32 to choose the right.
48:34 In every experience of life, God's Word to us
48:36 is choose you this day whom you will serve.
48:39 Everyone may place his will on the side of the will of God,
48:42 and they may choose to obey Him,
48:44 and thus by linking himself with divine agencies,
48:48 he may stand
48:50 where nothing can force him to do evil.
48:54 Nothing can. How does that happen?
48:56 Here's the last text I'm going to give.
48:58 Ezekiel 36:25-27.
49:00 By the way, sanctification is Old and New Testament,
49:03 it's not just New Testament.
49:04 It always has been the process by which God cleanses us.
49:08 Ezekiel 36:25-27.
49:11 The Lord says,
49:12 "Then I will sprinkle clean water on you,
49:15 baptism, and you shall be clean.
49:18 I will cleanse you from all your filthiness
49:21 and from all your idols."
49:23 He's continued, that's the sanctification.
49:25 "I will give you a new heart
49:26 and put a new spirit within you.
49:28 Create in me a clean heart.
49:30 I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh
49:33 and give you a heart of flesh.
49:35 I will put my spirit within you
49:37 and cause you to walk in my statutes,
49:39 and you will keep my judgments and do them."
49:41 What a difference between what the devil said
49:43 I will, and it was for me.
49:46 And the Lord said, I will do this for you.
49:49 I will do this for me.
49:51 And the Lord looked at me and said, John,
49:53 I will do this for you.
49:54 That gives me hope. Praise the Lord.
49:56 He's gonna do that for me, Jill.
49:57 Amen. That's powerful.
50:00 Amen.
50:02 Get rid of all my idols, all my filthiness.
50:04 That's right.
50:05 Give me a new heart, a new spirit.
50:07 Take out the stone, give me the heart of flesh,
50:09 put a spirit with me
50:10 and enable me to walk the way that I should.
50:14 It's beautiful. That always gets to me.
50:15 Me too.
50:17 He said, "I'm gonna do that for you."
50:19 Who else would I want to serve?
50:21 Sanctification, that's it.
50:23 That's the beautiful thing
50:24 because our God is a God of love.
50:26 That's right.
50:28 Our God is, I love that analogy, Pastor,
50:30 I have never thought of that.
50:32 You think about Isaiah 14, in Ezekiel,
50:34 and you read about Satan
50:35 and how he wanted to lift himself up above God
50:39 and he wanted to be on the mount
50:40 of the size of the north and he wanted to be like God.
50:44 If we serve that master,
50:46 if we make a choice to be a slave to that master,
50:49 it will end in destruction and death.
50:53 But if you make a choice to serve the God who says,
50:57 I will clean you,
50:59 I will cover you, I will cleanse you,
51:03 I will sanctify you,
51:05 I will give you a new heart and a new spirit.
51:10 I will change you.
51:11 I want to serve that God.
51:13 We have just a moment left,
51:15 we're going to go to a news break
51:16 but, Pastor John, would you pray for those
51:17 right now who are struggling?
51:19 Loving Father in heaven,
51:20 there's so many who are watching this program
51:22 and even listening possibly.
51:24 They are saying, "Lord, that's what I need,
51:25 but I don't know how to do it.
51:27 Lord Jesus, right now I pray that they'll just simply say,
51:29 Father come and do in me
51:31 what I could never do for myself.
51:33 Rescue me, Lord, forgive me,
51:36 and then begin the process
51:38 of everything You promised to do.
51:40 Lord, give me that willing heart
51:42 to submit to Your will.
51:43 Lord, I know right now somebody's saying,
51:46 I want that.
51:47 And, Lord, where that willing heart is
51:50 you can begin to take that person
51:52 who has been alienated,
51:53 make him or her Your son or your daughter.
51:56 And Father, right now,
51:57 we thank You for Your willingness.
52:00 We thank You for what You will make us.
52:02 And may all the glory be given to you in Jesus' name.
52:06 Amen. Amen.
52:08 Thank you so much. Thank you both so much.
52:09 We'll come back in a moment with a closing thought.
52:12 The scripture came to mind,
52:13 I'm trying to see if I can find it
52:15 real fast here in closing.
52:18 Ephesians Chapter 2, "He is our peace.
52:20 He has broken down
52:22 that middle wall of separation."
52:24 So the Lord Jesus wants to reconcile us
52:26 back to the Father,
52:28 restore in us the image of Jesus
52:31 and set us free from sin.
52:33 That is sanctification.


Revised 2020-06-15