3ABN Today

Pornography and Addiction

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY200011B

00:01 Wow, we have two minutes.
00:03 Well, a little under two minutes left.
00:06 What are your some final thoughts?
00:09 Well, what comes to my mind is the fact
00:10 that each one of us recognizes
00:12 that our victory is only as good as today.
00:15 And I have a saying that I took from someone I don't even know
00:18 where I got it from, but success is never final,
00:22 but a fall is never fatal.
00:25 And so that, I think, is a beautiful way
00:27 to encapsulate the walk of any Christian,
00:29 no matter what issue it is that you come from.
00:32 That's deep, that's deep. Kezia?
00:34 For myself, it's just recognizing
00:36 that, you know, even if you do fall,
00:37 you know, all hope is not lost.
00:39 Proverbs 24:16 talks about a just man falls seven times
00:43 and rises up again.
00:44 So, just to recognize
00:45 that the journey sometimes you might fall
00:47 but let's say you do gain the victory for one day,
00:49 two days, praise God for those two days,
00:51 but never look at it
00:52 as I have to be free for the next five years,
00:54 but just really focus on the moment by moment,
00:56 moments of victory
00:58 and recognizing that through Christ,
00:59 you will get to those years
01:01 as you continue to be committed to him.
01:04 So that they always surrender, that they always surrender.
01:06 Harrison?
01:07 Yes, and keep faith.
01:10 Keep the faith that really God can do that in you.
01:14 Don't look at yourself.
01:16 Maybe you are a mess, we as a human,
01:19 but God can do whatever it takes
01:22 to make to save us from whatever.
01:25 Amen.
01:26 Mike, you look like you got something.
01:28 Yeah. Yes, yes. It just hit me.
01:29 Thank you, Lord.
01:30 "Desire of Ages" talks about
01:32 when Jesus turned the water into wine,
01:33 and in that, it says that each new gift from God
01:38 and every time that we receive a new gift from God
01:41 is the promise of a richer gift tomorrow.
01:43 And so, while, yes, we do recognize the fact
01:46 that every day, every moment that we have to be recognizing
01:50 that we can't bank on yesterday but to know that in time,
01:54 we get more and more from God.
01:55 Thank you so much for sharing, and thank you for joining us.
01:58 Until next time, God bless.


Revised 2020-04-09