3ABN Today

Young Disciple Ministries

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY190102A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today program.
01:12 I'm Jason Bradley,
01:13 and I'm so glad that you could join us.
01:16 And you know what?
01:17 I want to share a scripture with you
01:19 at this very moment.
01:20 It comes from Proverbs 22:6
01:23 and it says "Train up a child in the way he should go,
01:26 and when he is old he will not depart from it."
01:30 I am here with the team from Young Disciple ministries.
01:34 We have Tony Evert,
01:36 he's the design and IT Director.
01:39 you wear multiple hats.
01:41 We have Jessica Pendleton
01:42 who is the Girl's head counselor
01:45 of Young Disciple ministries.
01:48 And we have Amedeo Rondon.
01:50 Yes.
01:51 Did I say it right? Got it.
01:53 All right. And he is a Young Disciple.
01:56 I am so glad that you guys are here.
01:59 I think what you are doing is amazing.
02:01 I've had the opportunity to sit down with you
02:04 and talk briefly about
02:06 all of the fascinating things that you have going on
02:10 with leading young people to Christ.
02:13 But before we jump all the way in there,
02:16 we want to go to song to a song rather,
02:20 and with Stephanie Dawn and is entitled "Be".
02:46 Be here in my eyes
02:50 So others may see
02:53 The beauty and presence Of Your love
02:59 In one who was blind
03:01 But now believes
03:09 Be here in my heart
03:13 Flow through my blood Strengthen my soul
03:18 And wash me clean
03:21 A living example
03:24 Of what Your grace has done
03:32 I will walk beside you
03:36 I'll give you my life
03:41 And when others seek To find you
03:47 May I be a light that shines
03:56 Be here in my hands
04:00 Give me Your touch
04:03 Use me to comfort And to build
04:08 Shelter for those
04:11 Who need Your love
04:34 Breathe words to my lips
04:38 So I may speak
04:40 Echo Your truth
04:43 And living words.
04:46 Lord, make me all That I can be.
04:53 I will walk beside you Jesus,
04:58 I'll give you my life
05:03 And when others seek To find you
05:08 May I be the light that shines
05:17 Be here in my heart
05:21 Flow through my blood
05:24 Strengthen my soul
05:26 And wash me clean
05:30 Lord, make me all that
05:32 I can be
05:39 Lord, please make me all that
05:44 I can be
06:12 Wow, what a beautiful song.
06:15 Tony, I wanted to go
06:17 a little bit into Your background.
06:19 Tell me a little bit about Your upbringing
06:21 and how you got involved with Young Disciple?
06:25 So I was raised an Adventist.
06:29 In fact, my grandparents
06:31 were missionaries to Central Africa.
06:32 My dad was raised in a mission field.
06:34 On my mom side,
06:37 her great, great grandfather worked for Ellen White.
06:41 He was her gardener.
06:43 He's mentioned in one or two places
06:44 in her writings.
06:46 Wow.
06:47 But that heritage didn't guarantee
06:50 that I would be a Christian or an Adventist or anything.
06:54 And, I'm really thankful for my parents
06:56 who instilled in me a desire
06:59 to understand God's Word.
07:01 They taught me how to study the Bible
07:03 and gave me the interest
07:05 in trying to figure out salvation
07:06 and making it personal.
07:08 And, it's kind of my history going up
07:14 when I was 14, 15,
07:17 we were at a church plant in California
07:20 and we were working with Young people there,
07:26 and I was one of the Young people
07:28 at that stage.
07:29 My mom was the teacher of the junior class
07:31 and we were all just interested in what was going on.
07:37 It was a very exciting class.
07:38 And that was kind of the roots of Young Disciple was there in
07:42 and I remember one time Young people were asking,
07:45 you know we're studying the Bible stories again.
07:47 Is there something else that we can...
07:50 Anything else in the Bible that we can study
07:51 and so we started just photocopying Bible lessons.
07:53 Wow.
07:55 And for them able to study and they were...
07:56 They loved it.
07:57 you know, we have people that would come and visit
07:59 and they were like,
08:00 "Can we use this in our church?"
08:01 Yes.
08:03 And,
08:04 I think God at that point was planting the seed
08:07 of something to really help
08:09 Young people connect with Christ
08:10 in a more meaningful way.
08:13 Digging deeper, yes.
08:15 Digging deeper into the Bible
08:16 and I think that today,
08:22 the reason why a lot of Young people
08:23 are leaving the churches
08:25 'cause they don't have that foundation in God's Word.
08:27 And they know a lot of things,
08:30 they know that we go to church on Sabbath
08:33 and they know that we...
08:35 But these different beliefs,
08:37 they know that Jesus,
08:39 you know, came to the earth,
08:41 they know that about David and Goliath
08:43 and they know about different things,
08:47 but it's sort of like
08:49 this is what my parents want me to believe.
08:50 Yes.
08:52 My parents challenged me
08:54 to really understand what I believe
08:56 and we really have a burden to help other people
08:59 make the religion their parent's religion,
09:03 say "Is this really what I want to believe?"
09:05 Yes.
09:06 And, if you have a foundation in Christ's Word,
09:11 then you can actually connect with Christ.
09:14 And you could have something real,
09:16 and it doesn't have to be fake anymore.
09:17 Absolutely.
09:19 In other words, you can't live through,
09:23 you know, Bible says "Oh taste and see."
09:25 And you can't taste and see
09:27 through somebody else's taste buds, right?
09:29 So you have to develop that
09:31 on Your own relationship with Christ,
09:34 and so what you're saying is
09:37 you can't have Your parent's relationship
09:41 with Christ per se,
09:43 you need to have Your own individual relationship.
09:45 Right and,
09:47 so that's really been our heart
09:48 is to help Young people connect with Christ...
09:50 Yes.
09:51 For themselves... Yes.
09:53 To really develop a relationship
09:56 that will take them
10:01 through the difficulties of the teen years
10:03 and really the rest of Your life.
10:04 If you have the Word, you've an anchor.
10:08 If Your parents have the Word, they have an anchor.
10:10 But it's not useful to you
10:12 especially as you transition to realizing,
10:15 oh, I'm a person, I'm an individual person.
10:17 Indeed.
10:19 Jessica, tell me a little bit about Your background?
10:23 Oh, I've been a Seventh-day Adventist my whole life.
10:25 I was raised in Adventist home.
10:28 I think on all four sides
10:30 I can count fourth, fifth and sixth generation
10:34 Seventh-day Adventist so it goes back.
10:36 Unfortunately though, I grew up in a divided home,
10:39 even though we are Adventist and had been for generations.
10:43 It was so divided home and so that left me just
10:47 with a lot of questions about Christianity
10:49 'cause you see one thing in public
10:51 and then you see something else at home and it just...
10:54 I had a lot of questions
10:56 and when I was about 14 years old,
10:58 I was really struggling.
10:59 Like we had had some significant changes
11:01 in our family and life
11:03 and my parents had split up and I was just like,
11:08 I didn't know what was God, where was God,
11:11 what was there for me in Christian life.
11:13 And about that time my church decided to start...
11:17 Try something else for the Young people
11:19 and so they ended up ordering Yong Disciple magazine.
11:21 We have never heard of that.
11:23 I had never been interested in
11:27 studying my Bible really, and somehow I saw these lessons
11:29 and I just took one look at them
11:31 and I was like, "I think I can do this."
11:33 And I studied
11:35 and that was really the beginning
11:36 of my own relationship with God in a powerful way.
11:42 And it was a few years after that
11:44 that I was able to attend the camp,
11:46 and that was even more instrumental in my life,
11:51 just going into a camp
11:52 where everything about the program
11:54 was to help me develop my own relationship with God
11:58 and coming from a home where we had domestic violence.
12:02 We had abuse as part of it to have people
12:05 that were showing us a God of love
12:08 was a transformational and helping me understand
12:12 that God was a loving Father, He was amazing.
12:15 And, that He was for me,
12:17 it wasn't for other people that God was actually someone
12:19 I could be close too as well.
12:22 And then, so a few years down the road things were,
12:25 our family life continued to get worse
12:27 and my parents are divorcing
12:29 and I was 15 or 18
12:32 so it was just time to go to college
12:34 and everything's just like,
12:36 everything I thought was solid was like
12:38 it was worse than I thought it was
12:39 and just so much difficulty and turmoil.
12:43 And then, I just remember, a few years after that,
12:47 praying to God and saying,
12:49 "God, if you have any use for me
12:51 through all this that I've been through,
12:53 can you just help me
12:56 find the little way that I can serve you.
12:58 Just some way that you can still use me
13:00 that all this hardship isn't gonna be for not that.
13:03 Do you still have a purpose and a plan for me."
13:06 And it was a few weeks later,
13:07 we had, part of our family
13:09 had moved out to Washington State
13:11 and it was a few weeks later
13:12 we got a call from Young Disciple ministries
13:15 and they said,
13:16 "Hey, we have a bumper crop of campers this year
13:19 and we need counselors,
13:21 and would you be willing to come and serve?"
13:23 And it was just like such an answer
13:26 to my prayer like, "Wow, God can still use."
13:29 Like even if I can just serve these two weeks,
13:32 and it can just be a tangible reminder to me
13:34 that God can use me
13:36 that I can still be His that
13:37 He can turn the hardship into something beautiful.
13:41 And so I did and it was amazing experience.
13:43 And, it was about, somebody there found out
13:46 that I had some accounting experience
13:48 and they asked me, they were like,
13:52 "Would you be willing,
13:53 we might be needing an accountant soon."
13:56 And I was thinking like,
13:57 I really wanna work with people,
13:59 and I want to get more education,
14:00 I wanted to finish college
14:02 and that was just important to me
14:04 and so I said no.
14:07 And they asked again and I said no,
14:09 it's not what I'm interested in doing,
14:10 and I wanna work for God but I really have these things
14:13 that are really important to me.
14:15 And so, shortly after that,
14:20 I had given them my final no and I just thought like,
14:24 "Lord, I don't feel I have peace about this.
14:27 I don't know where you want me to go,
14:29 what you want me to do."
14:31 And so I just prayed again
14:32 and I just knelt on by my bed and said,
14:34 "Lord, here's all my plans and you know where I've been,
14:37 what I've been through,
14:39 you know where I can best serve you.
14:41 Can you just make it really clear for me
14:43 because I don't know?"
14:44 Yes.
14:45 And I was expecting Him to just open up the door
14:48 in another area and that next morning,
14:50 first thing the next morning,
14:52 I get a call from Tony and he's just like,
14:54 "I know you already said no,
14:56 but I just felt like
14:58 we should just call you one more time
15:00 and just say are you willing to come?"
15:03 And so I was like, well, this is God's answer.
15:06 I just knew right away.
15:08 And so I went and interviewed
15:10 and Mr. Evert, he's the ministry director.
15:13 He interviewed me and he said,
15:14 I just need you to know that coming here,
15:18 we need an accountant,
15:20 we need somebody to do all the behind the scenes work
15:22 and we see that you are qualified to do that.
15:24 But we need you to realize
15:26 there's mission trips that happen,
15:27 we need you to run the office.
15:29 you don't need to come disillusioned feeling like
15:31 I wanna come be part of these and we need you here.
15:34 We know how you'd be disappointed
15:36 so you won't be able to involved with camps,
15:37 you won't be able to go on the mission trip,
15:39 you won't get to travel.
15:40 you will keep the backbone going
15:42 while we do all those things.
15:44 And so I was like, hmm, now there's a new thing
15:47 because I really want to work with people
15:49 and I like that this is a sacrifice.
15:52 But I was just like,
15:53 I could see God saying so clearly go forward,
15:55 this is what I have for you.
15:57 And so, I was just like, "I'm willing to do that."
16:02 And it was so amazing
16:03 because God opened up a way for me
16:05 to get my bachelor's degree in business administration
16:08 from online university
16:10 and just a couple of years debt free
16:12 like working for a ministry that just doesn't happen.
16:14 Oh, that's beautiful for sure.
16:15 And so that was a huge blessing to me.
16:18 And then also too, as time went on,
16:22 I found out that warning
16:25 that you're not gonna be able to travel,
16:26 you're not gonna be involved.
16:28 It was like, "Hey we think you might be a good fit
16:31 to be more involved with camp," and eventually ended up
16:34 that I'm the girls' head counselor.
16:35 So I'm right in camp
16:37 during camp working with the girls
16:38 and I have so many opportunities
16:40 to work with girls that come from troubled homes,
16:43 that come from abuse,
16:44 that come from domestic violence
16:46 that are questioning their worth,
16:48 their value, everything,
16:50 and to me I'm just like,
16:53 "God knew so much better than I could have ever dreamed
16:58 of where I could be happiest serving Him."
17:00 Yes.
17:01 And that's incredible about you.
17:02 What's incredible about Your journey is
17:04 you actually read the Young Disciple's magazine,
17:07 so it played a crucial role in Your development
17:11 and Your relationship with Christ,
17:12 then God brought you around
17:15 to working with the organization,
17:17 with the ministry.
17:19 That is incredible.
17:21 Amedeo, I know we have to dig deep,
17:24 we have to go back many years
17:27 to get into Your history and Your past?
17:32 So tell us a little bit about Your background?
17:35 So I've grown up Adventist all my life.
17:39 And the reason I say that is, as I was growing up,
17:44 I realized that my family also realized along with me,
17:47 that the only difference
17:48 between us and other people was that
17:50 we went to church on Saturdays.
17:51 And that we didn't eat pork, that was it.
17:55 But, as I remember I was 11,
17:58 actually I was 12 and it was New Year's day,
18:01 and we're sitting down on the porch
18:02 and my sister's like, "you know what?
18:04 We got to read the Bible."
18:05 I can see we all wanted, you know, dive deep,
18:07 let's read the Bible.
18:08 We decided we're gonna read the Bible,
18:10 and we went through major changes
18:11 and we realized, okay,
18:13 we need to be more sincere in our walk.
18:16 And during this time as a Young person,
18:18 I have had the Sabbath school lessons
18:20 and I grew up with the quarterlies.
18:22 I remember went one day to my mom and said,
18:24 "Mom, I wanted to do something deeper.
18:26 Like I know about Noah and the Ark,
18:28 I've heard it since I was three years old,
18:29 but who was Noah?
18:31 What was his faith based upon?
18:32 you know stuff like that. Yes.
18:33 My mom said, "Okay, it's okay, son,
18:35 I'll find you something."
18:36 And she ended up finding Young Disciple magazine.
18:39 I remember my first shipment I got it and I thought,
18:41 "Whoa, this is cool."
18:45 I opened the lessons and they were deep.
18:46 They were exactly what I needed.
18:49 And then the next quarterly that arrived,
18:50 it announced the Young Disciple camp.
18:52 And I thought, "Whoa, this is awesome!
18:54 I wanna go!" Yes.
18:56 Now at this point we have lived in Florida
18:58 and Young Disciple Camp was about to happen in a month
19:00 and I was told, my dad told me, no.
19:01 We're living far down and we're about to move,
19:03 that won't work out.
19:04 So I just said okay, you know what,
19:06 I'll think about it.
19:07 A year went by
19:08 and I didn't really give thought to it.
19:10 But then they announced Young Disciple again.
19:12 And out of nowhere I told my parents,
19:14 you know, I'd like to go this time.
19:16 And they were like sure, you can go ahead.
19:17 Go, let's do it.
19:19 So I remember driving into the camp
19:21 and I didn't really know what to expect.
19:25 I wanted to meet some more young people
19:28 that were like-minded and, boy, did I get that.
19:31 I got there and it was so nice,
19:33 my counselors were so nice to me, my friends,
19:36 the people who were in my unit were so nice.
19:38 But the one thing about Young Disciple camp
19:40 that struck me was that.
19:41 As opposed to other Adventist stuff like that.
19:45 Here they challenged your faith.
19:48 They didn't just tell you, you know,
19:49 they didn't just give you the Bible.
19:51 They told you know what,
19:52 you've gotta find it for Yourself.
19:54 So every morning like Young Disciple,
19:55 before we start the day we started out with devotions.
19:58 And they encouraged you,
19:59 just take out Your Bible and well,
20:01 God inspires you to read it.
20:04 And it was amazing.
20:05 I never really had such deep devotions in.
20:08 Because of YD,
20:09 I've been able to keep a habit of doing my devotions
20:12 and, you know, keeping in the back of my mind
20:14 to continue doing that.
20:16 And, I remember the one thing
20:18 that I could take away from the camp
20:19 is they don't want you to just leave
20:21 Young Disciple at Young Disciple.
20:23 They want you to take Young Disciple home...
20:25 Yes. And apply it to Your life.
20:27 So because of that, I was able to...
20:30 Like I said in maintaining the consistent habit
20:32 and even tossing on my friends about Young Disciple.
20:34 you were being a disciple?
20:36 Yeah, yeah, I was being a disciple.
20:38 That's great.
20:39 The good thing about Young Disciple
20:40 is it doesn't just stop there around those ages.
20:43 But they have a program
20:44 that's a bit more advanced if you wanna do some more.
20:46 It's called Mission Experience. Okay.
20:48 So for one month,
20:49 they take you to the Philippines,
20:51 where you train,
20:52 they give you a crash course on public speaking
20:56 and how to dialogue correctly.
20:58 you aced that class, it seems like I mean I hope.
21:04 And then for two weeks you get to do some meetings
21:07 and I'll get to it in a little bit
21:10 so when I heard up Mission Experience,
21:12 I thought, "Oh, man, that's four weeks
21:14 in the other side of the world."
21:15 I don't know if I wanna do this.
21:17 But I had some friends
21:19 who'd been on there and they're saying,
21:20 "Yeah, you should go."
21:22 So I asked my parents and said, "you know what,
21:24 I really wanna go."
21:25 I know that there's a cost involved with it,
21:29 but I feel God inspired me to go.
21:31 My parents told me, "Go ahead and do it.
21:32 Don't look back."
21:33 And God was able to help me
21:35 raise the funds for it and it was amazing.
21:37 And this is exactly what I needed,
21:39 when I was 15 and I turned 16 there.
21:41 It's perfect for the older Youth
21:43 because they give you leadership skills.
21:44 Yes.
21:45 There I was able to gain those skills.
21:52 And when I came back home from the mission experience,
21:54 I decided, "you know what, I cannot just leave it here.
21:56 I've gotta do something."
21:57 So ended up leading some Youth Sabbath's
21:59 of my own local church
22:00 and inspiring the Youth to do something
22:02 and I tribute it all to God
22:03 of course and to Young Disciple.
22:05 Amen, Amen.
22:07 Well, I can tell that you are very passionate
22:09 about Young Disciple ministries
22:11 and I'm glad that you came along
22:13 because this is so nice to hear from people
22:17 that are being touched by the ministry.
22:20 Tony, what made you decide to go into design and IT work?
22:26 So when I was nine, my mom got me a computer,
22:30 this is back in the dark ages of computers.
22:35 But, you know, in...
22:37 But she was wise,
22:39 and she didn't just buy me video games,
22:41 she bought me a book on how to program
22:43 and so I was like, "Okay, this sounds interesting."
22:46 And so I learnt how to program and I loved it.
22:48 What was Your first language?
22:50 Basic. Yeah. Basic, okay, okay.
22:53 And In addition to that I was taking music,
22:57 I was taking piano
22:59 and as I was growing up, anytime anybody asked me
23:03 "What do you wanna do when you grow up?"
23:04 I'm like,
23:05 "I'd like to do something with computers and or music,"
23:08 you know that was kind of always what was in my head,
23:11 but I had no idea really what God had in mind for me.
23:14 But I kept, you know,
23:18 God really fostered
23:20 that love of technology in my heart
23:22 and the love of art and music and things like that.
23:24 And, when I was 16,
23:29 we moved to the campus of a college
23:34 and we moved there on the condition
23:38 that we could do something like Young Disciple.
23:40 And so they were like,
23:41 "Okay, that's fine, you raise all the money,
23:43 you do all the work, we'll let you do that,"
23:45 you know, so... No pressure.
23:47 Yeah. Yeah.
23:48 So as part of my education,
23:52 I was assigned to work at Young Disciple.
23:55 So my mom and I
23:56 were the first two people working on it.
23:58 And that's when God brought together
24:00 that love of computers, that love of art
24:02 and love of things like that.
24:03 And, so I was the designer on the magazine
24:07 and I was also responsible for all the technology
24:09 so we started out with, we needed a computer,
24:12 so I started researching
24:13 what kind of computer do we need
24:15 and pretty soon we realized
24:17 that one computer wasn't gonna work
24:18 for two or three people to try to all use one computer.
24:21 And so then it's like,
24:23 okay, so we got all the files in this computer,
24:25 but we got somebody else on this computer
24:26 that needs to be working so I learned about networking,
24:28 and God just really kept teaching me
24:31 different things that I needed to know.
24:34 I took a...
24:36 When in college, I graduated with a degree
24:38 in Christian Publications management
24:39 which really has nothing to do
24:41 with either IT or graphic design,
24:45 but God taught me all along the way
24:47 He put me into the people who knew how to do things,
24:50 who knew different aspects of technology
24:53 and somebody that went to our church,
24:55 worked for Adobe and he said,
24:57 "you know what, you guys really need to use,"
24:59 at that time it was PageMaker it's in design you know that.
25:03 He gave us a copy of it to use and showed us
25:05 how to use it and just things like that.
25:07 All along the way,
25:08 God opened up the doors and took that love
25:10 that I have of technology and music and things like that
25:13 and just said,
25:15 Here's what I want you to do in My service.
25:17 And for some reason He put on my heart to be,
25:20 to want to do that and not just to go out.
25:23 I remember, when I graduated from college,
25:27 this friend of ours from Adobe said,
25:31 "Would you like to come work for Adobe?
25:34 We'll start you at $75,000 a year," which in '96.
25:39 Oh, that's beautiful.
25:42 And that was not appealing to me at all,
25:45 you know, for whatever reason, I was just like,
25:47 "No, God has called me to do something greater."
25:49 Yes, yes.
25:52 And it's really a privilege
25:54 to have God to be part of this ministry.
25:57 So I've learnt everything from wireless networking
26:01 and fiber optics and data based administration,
26:03 the serve administration.
26:04 All those kinds of things were fallen to me
26:06 and somehow along the way God set in
26:08 and here's how to do these things.
26:09 Yes, which is incredible
26:11 because He was preparing you for what you're doing today.
26:14 What's it like to walk in Your purpose
26:16 and Your calling
26:18 that God has placed in Your life?
26:23 There are so many people that have the age
26:25 that I'm now sort of this mid-life crisis.
26:27 When they look back
26:28 and what they've done with their life.
26:30 And they're like, it was meaningless, you know,
26:34 and they're like almost panicking.
26:38 What can I do...? Give me some meaning to life.
26:41 And I've never felt that.
26:42 I mean, you know,
26:44 I know that God has called me to be where I am
26:46 and He's given me something to do that's important,
26:48 is actually helping people.
26:50 And as I look around,
26:51 and I can see the Young people that are solid in Christ
26:55 that have given their lives to Him,
26:56 that are in His Word and understand it
27:01 and have a real experience in Christ.
27:03 I'm like, that's awesome.
27:05 Yes, yes.
27:07 I had a little part in that for some reason.
27:09 Yes, yes.
27:10 That is such a wonderful feelings to know that,
27:14 I mean, you had a part in that.
27:16 And why me?
27:17 I mean, nobody special, you know.
27:20 We actually have a video
27:22 that I think adds to what you're saying right now.
27:25 Let's take a look at that video.
27:28 I got involved with YD when I was 15 years old.
27:31 Before that time, I really wasn't very spiritual.
27:35 I went to church, I was involved there,
27:38 my family was home schooling,
27:39 very involved with many different things,
27:41 but my spirituality wasn't really that great.
27:45 The first year I came to camp,
27:47 I wasn't excited about studying the Word,
27:50 I really didn't have a desire to,
27:52 I wasn't memorizing.
27:54 I didn't really know how to study the Bible.
27:57 Everything seems really random and disjointed.
28:00 One of the things that YD really did for me
28:02 that first year was the deep Bible study class
28:05 and learning how to get into the Bible for myself.
28:08 Kneeling in front of the camp fire,
28:10 the last day of camp,
28:12 it was an appeal for surrendering those things
28:14 that you hold, cherish in your heart.
28:16 And at that moment, I surrendered them to Christ.
28:21 Surrendered them fully.
28:22 When we took the deep Bible study class
28:24 and began looking at methods
28:26 of how you compare scripture with scripture,
28:28 I became so excited.
28:29 I went home and I started doing
28:31 all of this personal Bible study,
28:33 looking up different words, studying things like faith,
28:36 of righteousness and these different ideas
28:38 and seeing them through all of scripture.
28:40 And it changed my life.
28:41 I started having devotions,
28:43 and because I was in the Word of God,
28:45 I started to have a relationship with Jesus.
28:47 I studied the Young Disciple magazine
28:50 and it gave me that firm foundation,
28:51 it taught me how to study.
28:53 It taught me that
28:54 scripture memory was a key ingredient
28:56 for overcoming temptation.
28:59 The Young Disciple ministry's influences my desire
29:02 to be an overseas missionary
29:04 was greatly encouraged and strengthened.
29:05 The Lord called me to Cambodia to work in an orphanage
29:08 and also to work with refugees in Thailand.
29:12 There's no doubt in my mind
29:13 that I would not be where I am today,
29:16 if it were not for Young Disciple.
29:20 It's doubtful that I would even be a Christian today
29:23 to be completely honest if it weren't for the impact
29:25 that this ministry has made on me.
29:26 As I look back on the things that impacted me,
29:30 that prepared me for that work overseas
29:32 I can say that probably the biggest influence
29:35 in equipping me for the work that I'm doing now as a teacher
29:39 has been my time at Young Disciple Camp.
29:43 The changes that God had brought in my heart
29:48 through this place.
29:49 I know it could be happening
29:50 in many, many other young hearts
29:53 to come.
30:00 Wow.
30:01 Tony, there are a lot of different things
30:05 going on with the Young Disciple ministries.
30:07 What are some of the facets of Young Disciple ministries?
30:11 So at Young Disciple,
30:12 we have the Young Disciple magazine,
30:14 it's a weekly publication for young people.
30:16 There is Young Disciple Youth Bible Camp,
30:19 there is the Mission Experience,
30:21 there's Truth for Youth
30:22 which is an evangelistic series for kids.
30:24 I watch that Truth for Youth.
30:25 And then there's a new program that right now we're calling
30:27 "Light for Learners" which is Bible lessons
30:30 for people who are in prison.
30:32 And this all started really with Young Disciple magazine.
30:36 Like I said, we were at this church plant,
30:37 we were kind of photocopying stuff,
30:39 and we really realized
30:41 God wants us to do something more than that
30:43 and so the Young Disciple magazine
30:46 at the core of it is those Bible lessons.
30:48 So in each issue, right in the center,
30:52 you have a daily Bible study.
30:54 The very first lesson is on different, every week,
30:59 there's a different Bible study method.
31:01 So this one is the verse by verse study method,
31:03 but we go through all kinds of different ways
31:05 to study the Bible.
31:06 Then each day,
31:07 they have different lessons that'll help you apply it.
31:09 So up at the top section we have something that is...
31:15 easy for the younger readers
31:17 and then if you go down have a study for yourself.
31:19 Here we dig deeper and then
31:22 there's usually some kind of puzzle
31:25 or an activity that they can do.
31:27 So we try to really catch the different kinds of learners
31:30 because everybody comes to God's Word,
31:33 they are blessed, the Holy Spirit leads them,
31:35 there is...
31:40 There is His grace,
31:42 there's things that they get out of it
31:44 and you got different people learn different ways
31:45 and we've realized that, so we've tried to make a lesson
31:48 that works for different kinds of young people.
31:50 But then in addition to that,
31:52 we have stories that reinforce
31:56 whatever the topic is
31:58 so if the Bible lesson is on...
32:01 If we're going through the parables of Christ,
32:03 and maybe the lesson is on, you know judge not,
32:08 then perhaps will be a story where somebody learned,
32:11 "Why does the God says don't do this?"
32:12 Yes, yes.
32:14 In addition to that, there are articles,
32:17 very often we'll do a series from the reformation,
32:21 how God brought light out of darkness.
32:25 There are articles on health.
32:26 There's articles on all kinds of different topics, editorial,
32:29 something inspirational about cover.
32:32 So that sort of a brief overview of the magazine,
32:34 but the whole magazine really is focused on
32:36 the topic of this Bible lesson
32:38 and helping the young person to really understand
32:40 how to study the Bible and through that
32:42 to connect with Christ.
32:44 It almost seems that it like it shows
32:47 the practicality of the gospel too as well.
32:51 So we're trying to do more than just fill in the blanks.
32:53 Like here's a Bible verse right in the missing words.
32:56 Obviously there are times when we do that
32:58 but really behind all of that is the method
33:00 to help young people say, "Oh, wait,
33:02 I just got something out of the Bible, didn't I?"
33:03 Yes, yes.
33:05 So we were sending these
33:06 magazines out all over the country.
33:08 And there were a lot of home school families
33:12 that were somewhat isolated.
33:15 And we started getting letters from young people that said,
33:18 you know, none of my friends are interested in the Bible.
33:22 None of my friends really seem to care about spiritual things,
33:24 they just wanna have fun
33:25 and they just wanna mess around.
33:26 And, I feel like I'm the only young person
33:29 that wants something more than just this out of religion.
33:34 And, we were like, we see this over here,
33:37 we see this over here, clearly they're not.
33:40 Let's bring them together and encourage them,
33:43 teach them more, help them to see
33:45 that there are 7000 in Israel it's kind of like,
33:48 like you found out.
33:49 So that was really
33:51 where the idea of Young Disciple Youth Bible Camp
33:54 came together and so,
33:56 we let the young people know, we 're gonna have this camp
33:58 and we're like, "How do you have a camp, right?"
34:02 And again,
34:03 God put us in touch with people
34:05 who knew what they were doing
34:09 and who are willing to help us sort of establish the things.
34:13 And we brought the young people together
34:16 and taught them how to, you know,
34:19 encourage them having devotions,
34:21 taught them more ideas how to study the Bible
34:23 and opened a different opportunities for outreach.
34:28 And then, taught them different life skills.
34:30 Just sort of a basic introduction
34:32 so would I like to be a missionary pilot?
34:35 So kind of one of our classes
34:37 was missionary pilot ground school.
34:39 Would I like to be medical missionary?
34:41 Would I like to learn a foreign language?
34:43 We've had all kinds of different classes.
34:44 Obviously in a week of camp,
34:46 you can't make somebody proficient in.
34:49 So that's the duration a week, one week?
34:51 Yeah, the camp is one week long.
34:52 you can't make somebody proficient at anything.
34:54 But you can give somebody an experience to say,
34:57 "Wow, I want to pursue this,"
34:58 or maybe God would call me some other direction,
35:02 both of those are very useful to young people.
35:05 And as we're bringing young people together at camp,
35:07 they were doing outreach, they were learning skills.
35:09 We were like, can we take this deeper?
35:12 And can we introduce them to,
35:17 you know, obviously in a camp scenario,
35:19 there's only so much outreach you can do
35:20 because the day is very full.
35:22 And, you can only go so far and we're like,
35:25 "Let's do something a little bit deeper."
35:27 And that's where the Mission Experience
35:28 kind of grew out of that was
35:29 let's take these young people
35:31 who have learned some skills and let's like can triple that.
35:35 Both like the testing and help them experience
35:39 what it is to be on the frontlines of mission
35:41 in a foreign country.
35:44 And so that's...
35:45 Yeah, it's a lot of times when you have a mission trip,
35:48 the young people are in the sidelines
35:49 they're helping.
35:51 And we're like, "No, we're helping.
35:53 They are in the frontlines!
35:55 We're gonna put them in and see what it's really like
35:57 to be a missionary in a foreign country.
36:00 And so they preach the messages.
36:02 They go and visit people in their homes,
36:04 they're leading out in children's meetings,
36:07 you know all of these different things are involved in ministry
36:09 and we are there to mentor them
36:11 and help them and see that through.
36:13 That's incredible.
36:14 What are some stories that you can share?
36:16 Maybe of how some lives have been transformed, Jess?
36:20 Yeah, I go on the mission trip to the Philippines.
36:24 We just went this last year for a month
36:27 and one of our participants...
36:29 Well, to start out, I help with child evangelism,
36:33 and so I led that this time and I take all my kids
36:37 that are gonna be doing child evangelism.
36:39 This year we had three different sites so I had,
36:42 I think six per site and...
36:45 Actually four per site.
36:47 And I just sat them down and I said, "Here's the deal.
36:51 I can't check up on all of you.
36:53 I can't run around and say,
36:55 did you get your craft supplies?
36:57 Did you put the scissors in the craft bag?
36:59 Did you get the DVD?
37:00 Did you get the guitar?"
37:01 I can't do that and I don't want to do that.
37:04 And so we said maybe at home
37:08 you're used to mom and dad
37:10 helping you out and making sure you did everything,
37:11 but it's time to go to the next level now.
37:14 And so, what's gonna happen to your meeting
37:17 if you can't do the craft or you can't preach the sermon
37:20 or you didn't bring that?
37:22 What about these young lives that
37:24 may never have another chance to hear the gospel?
37:26 And you could just see all of a sudden
37:27 it became more real to them like,
37:30 "Oh wow, my role is important."
37:33 And at the end, we had testimonies
37:35 and I'll never forget how one of the girls said
37:39 you know, she's 15 and she said, "At our home,
37:42 I've never had this kind of responsibility."
37:44 And she said, "I was terrified when you said."
37:46 Looked at me and said,
37:48 "It's up to you to do your part.
37:49 I'm not gonna check up on you.
37:51 Oh, did you remember your part?"
37:53 She said, "I was terrified like no, send someone else,
37:56 I can't do it.
37:57 I'm too young."
37:58 And then she said, "I realized, I can do it.
38:01 I can play an important part in service for God
38:05 and I can bear burdens and I can be responsible."
38:08 And she says that was transformative for me
38:10 in my own life.
38:12 And so that was just such a blessing to us
38:15 to see that young people wanna bear burdens,
38:18 they want to be given responsibility.
38:20 They don't want us to just do everything for them
38:22 and provide programs for them.
38:24 They want to be placed in roles of service
38:27 and mentored in those so that they can feel like
38:29 they're a meaningful part of God's family.
38:31 Absolutely.
38:33 I think that without that, you know,
38:36 sometimes that relationship becomes lacking in that regard
38:39 because it's almost as
38:41 if it doesn't apply to that young person
38:43 because they've got nothing to do with it per se.
38:46 So that's excellent.
38:48 you also prepared them for college basically
38:50 and the real world
38:52 by doing those things for sure.
38:54 What are some other stories?
38:55 So I've got one of it. Okay.
38:57 Absolutely.
38:58 So I went this last time also
39:00 with the group in February to March.
39:04 And I was in the public evangelism team
39:05 so we're in charge of giving the adult meetings.
39:08 So how a typical night would run this year was,
39:11 for one hour there would be kids meeting,
39:13 then we've a 15 minutes break,
39:14 then we start out with our adult meetings.
39:17 Throughout the kids meetings,
39:18 we have a lot of attendance the first night with some kids.
39:21 And you know over the couple of nights,
39:23 we realized all the kids were still there,
39:24 they were just kind of doing their own things,
39:26 they wouldn't pay attention.
39:27 But there's this one kid in particular.
39:29 He was just always so zoned in
39:31 on the messages and he was helping out.
39:34 And at some point he started helping us,
39:36 so when the kids would become rowdy,
39:37 he'd tell them him like, "Hey, be quiet, be quiet."
39:39 And it was just amazing to see his passion for this.
39:42 But had he not stayed for the adult meetings,
39:45 I probably wouldn't have seen him.
39:47 But this kid stayed for the adult meetings.
39:49 Stayed throughout the whole
39:50 two, two and half hours of the program.
39:52 And because he wanted to do something deeper.
39:55 So I got to talking with him and I was praying, "Lord,
39:58 I hope this kid gets to be baptized."
40:00 And when they give the baptism appeal, he stood right up.
40:05 The day that I got to see him get baptized, it was amazing.
40:10 I just can't explain what joy was.
40:13 He got baptized right around.
40:14 I actually turned 16 there and I say,
40:16 you know my best present I got was him being baptized
40:19 because it was amazing and I remember towards the end
40:22 we're able to give him a Bible and he held it
40:25 and I could see the tears about to come
40:27 through his eyes and he was like,
40:29 "Thank you for this Bible."
40:30 And that touched me because I thought, you know,
40:32 I've got five different Bibles at home
40:33 and five different translations from couple of people,
40:37 but do I treasure my Bible as this kid does in there...
40:42 If you give him just a note with a scripture on it,
40:45 they're so thankful for it, so not only did it touch him,
40:48 which I'm glad but it also touched me
40:51 to treasure my Bible more.
40:53 Wow, that's huge.
40:54 And how old are you right now?
40:55 I'm 16 right now.
40:57 Sixteen and that moment had such an impact
41:02 on your life as well.
41:04 you know, I think about when people ask the question,
41:07 where are the youth in the church?
41:12 There's one right there and at the camp.
41:16 I mean, there's so many other young people
41:20 that are on fire for the Lord.
41:23 So what other facets,
41:25 you said something about prisons?
41:28 Right. Tell me about that?
41:29 So we have a friend that is,
41:34 she's been helping out at camp,
41:35 she's done a lot of things with the ministry
41:38 and she at her church,
41:40 they have a prison ministry program.
41:42 And she was trying different lessons
41:44 and she was really feeling like,
41:46 she was struggling to find something
41:47 that was a good fit for the prisoners.
41:49 Sometimes the lessons would be over their head,
41:50 sometimes it would be just for whatever reason
41:53 wasn't keeping their attention, which she thought well,
41:56 we've got all these Young Disciple Bible lessons.
41:58 They were written for kids,
42:00 but a lot of these are offenders
42:02 are actually young people.
42:04 And she's like, "Let's give it a try."
42:06 So she took the lessons in there and they loved them.
42:10 And she was like, "Can you send me more?"
42:11 And then pretty since she was like,
42:14 we got a few problems here.
42:16 One of the problems is this in the lessons,
42:19 there are pictures of young people,
42:21 has their names,
42:22 and things like that and she's like,
42:24 "This is not okay in prison." Yes.
42:26 So we've taken the lessons, we've edited them.
42:29 We've taken out some things for example that may say,
42:31 on your way to church practice your memory text, you know,
42:34 every time you stop at a light,
42:36 say your project memory verse again,
42:38 you know, and obviously
42:40 that's not gonna work in a prison situation,
42:43 so we've gone through edit them down
42:45 and made them appropriate for use in prisons and so,
42:47 we are just in the process of building that up,
42:50 building up a series of lessons so by the time it's done,
42:54 there is going to be lessons on absolute surrender,
42:58 Steps to Christ,
43:00 different Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing,
43:02 the Life of Christ,
43:05 a lot of different topics like that,
43:06 that are really applicable to people that are behind bars
43:10 and really helping them too.
43:12 In the same way the young people
43:13 are now connecting with Christ to help them like
43:15 Christ did in that same way.
43:17 So we're in the process of building that up and we hope
43:21 that soon there'll be many people across the country
43:24 they're being blessed in that way.
43:25 Absolutely.
43:26 What's the thought process
43:28 as you're developing these topics of study?
43:32 What are you thinking about?
43:35 It's a lot of it is prayer.
43:37 It's like, "Lord what do you want us to talk about?"
43:39 And God says, "What blessed you?"
43:42 you know it's like well,
43:44 I was blessed by the Steps of Christ, you know.
43:46 When God goes through and shows
43:47 you here are the steps to being a real Christian
43:50 or you know, the importance of surrender,
43:54 and as he brings things to our attention,
43:55 like this is a really important topic
43:58 and it really isn't like,
44:01 I'm really wonderful,
44:02 I know everything that we needs to know.
44:04 It's more like Lord, what do you want me to say?
44:05 And He puts words in your mouth?
44:07 Yes, yes.
44:09 Jess, how have you seen
44:12 a change in maybe some of the girls' lives
44:15 that you've counseled?
44:18 I just got a letter couple of months ago
44:20 from a girl that said,
44:23 "I just want you to know,
44:25 that I thank God every day for the influence this ministry
44:28 and this camp has had on my life."
44:30 She said, "I've been through a lot of abuse,
44:34 and she says I was cutting, I felt worthless.
44:38 And now it's been, I think she said six months
44:41 since I've cut myself.
44:42 And she just said it's transformed my life,
44:46 and I just wanna say thank you and we see story after story,
44:49 not all from bad homes
44:51 but it's just this reminder that these young people,
44:54 these precious lambs of God,
44:57 many of them have been through such hard things
44:59 and many of them are gonna face significant trials
45:02 as they become adults
45:03 and start making their own choices
45:05 and to me,
45:06 I feel like one of my greatest goals
45:11 when working with these beautiful girls
45:13 is just number one,
45:15 helping them see their worth and their value in God's eyes.
45:18 So they don't go seeking for worth and value
45:20 in the wrong places.
45:21 And not only to get them connected with Christ,
45:24 but to help them understand that
45:26 one of the greatest antidotes for the pleasure of sin
45:31 is the joy of self sacrificing service.
45:33 And if they can get that taste of service,
45:35 that taste of working for God,
45:37 it can just keep them from all the things
45:41 that Satan would like to just move them
45:43 right out of the church way,
45:44 and so to see those young people
45:46 and they don't all.
45:47 I mean I cry sometimes when I see them walk away.
45:50 And yet to see so many
45:52 that are like I want to serve God.
45:54 I wanna use my talent, I wanna spend this time
45:57 instead of just goofing off online and wasting time,
46:00 but really preparing for life of service to God.
46:04 It's such a beautiful thing to be part of.
46:06 Yes, amen.
46:08 Tony, what are some current projects
46:10 that you guys are working on?
46:13 One of the things that kind of
46:16 go out of the mission experience was
46:19 we realized there's a lot of research
46:22 that's been done on the people,
46:23 we realized that young people
46:25 who make a decision for Christ before the age of 12,
46:29 are many times more likely
46:31 for that decision to be a permanent
46:32 than people who make that decision later in life,
46:35 and we realized so often evangelism
46:39 and evangelistic series is focused on the adults
46:41 and that's awesome and we need to do that,
46:43 and that's the example we have in the Bible,
46:45 and yet we also have the example
46:47 of Bible of ministering to children.
46:49 And we realized that,
46:51 it's a lot of work to put together
46:53 a program for children,
46:55 you know, every day for like, you know,
46:58 you got a 26 night evangelistic series
47:00 that's really hard to put together
47:02 that same kind of program for children,
47:03 and so we saw the need
47:05 for an evangelistic series for kids.
47:07 And so, that is really where the Truth
47:09 for Youth Program grew out of which is,
47:12 it's a 26 night evangelistic series for kids
47:14 and it has all the PowerPoints, it even has scripts.
47:16 you don't even have to come up with what to say.
47:19 If you can read, you can present Truth for Youth,
47:21 the crafts are there on the disk in PDF format.
47:23 you can print them out using materials and supplies
47:26 that are easy to transport or easy to obtain locally,
47:29 you can do that.
47:30 There are materials to take home and things like that.
47:33 So in the Philippines,
47:35 in the areas we've been working the children speak English,
47:38 they like to speak English,
47:39 they like to do English craft and things like that.
47:41 So that's great and we've used,
47:43 and people have used Truth for Youth
47:44 all over the United States
47:45 to do evangelistic work with children as well.
47:48 But, on our heart it was like,
47:50 the world is bigger than English speaking countries.
47:53 And so we translated it into French and into Spanish,
47:58 and it's in the process of being translated
48:00 into Korean and Swahili,
48:03 and there was a group in Africa
48:05 that wanted to translate it into Yoruba,
48:08 but the current project right now
48:09 is in a country that's closed to the gospel, to evangelism.
48:14 The Adventists in that country said,
48:17 we're going to do 700 evangelistic series every year
48:23 and we want to include children's evangelism.
48:25 And we'd like to use Truth for Youth, and so right now,
48:28 our current project that we're working on
48:29 is to translate this into their language
48:32 so that they can use this in a powerful way.
48:35 I don't know how you do evangelism
48:37 in a closed country to children.
48:38 I know it's difficult,
48:40 but they have a heart to do this,
48:42 in spite of the risks
48:43 and they wanna see children in the kingdom
48:44 and we wanna see children in the kingdom.
48:46 So we're working together with translators
48:48 there to bring all the graphics,
48:49 all the craft everything together
48:51 into that language to make that happen.
48:54 That is huge.
48:56 What are some of the needs of your ministry?
49:00 So obviously, right now that translation project
49:03 is something that is really on our hearts,
49:08 there is a lot of artwork
49:10 and there's a lot of cost involved
49:11 with using artwork
49:13 and there's a lot of cost
49:14 involved with translating and things like that,
49:18 duplicating, making materials available,
49:20 so right now we're actively raising funds for this project
49:26 and $45 will give this entire Truth for Youth series
49:31 in their native language
49:33 to one of the local workers there
49:34 to use and again
49:36 they're trying to do 700 series every year.
49:40 That's a lot of young people.
49:41 If you do the math and figure it,
49:42 however many they have we need to reach those groups.
49:44 That's a lot of young people
49:45 they're gonna learn about Jesus,
49:47 and this is a country where the young people,
49:48 it's not like our young people that pretty much everybody
49:50 in America has heard of Jesus at least,
49:52 a lot of these people haven't even heard of Him.
49:54 And so, this is an awesome opportunity.
49:56 And, of course, all of the things
49:59 we're doing the camp,
50:00 the magazine, the mission experience,
50:03 all of these things take money to do.
50:05 and at this point, about a third of that money
50:08 comes from people who are like,
50:10 I want young people to connect with Christ.
50:11 I want young people to be studying the Bible,
50:13 I want young people to be making religion their own.
50:17 And, we're just so thankful for the people
50:20 who partnered with us to make that happen.
50:22 Yes, what about volunteers?
50:24 So every year at camp obviously we have young people
50:29 that come and volunteer to be counselors.
50:32 And that's probably
50:34 one of the most important positions at camp.
50:38 The units that we have are small,
50:39 we have eight to ten young people
50:42 with tent on the outside,
50:44 in the tent with two counselors.
50:45 Okay.
50:47 And the job of those counselors
50:48 is giving their hearts to Christ.
50:51 And so the counselors come on the Wednesday
50:53 before camp starts, camp starts on the Sunday,
50:56 and we teach them here's how to work with hearts,
50:57 here's how to help our young people,
51:00 here's how to spot things that would tend to trend downward.
51:04 Here's how to encourage things that would to trend upward
51:07 and our goal at camp
51:09 and we've been fairly successful at this.
51:11 It's to have positive peer pressure.
51:13 Which means,
51:15 we try not to have an abundance of young people
51:18 who are totally uninterested.
51:22 But, in the situation, in fact we ask young people
51:26 before they come, are you least interested
51:28 in becoming more spiritual you know?
51:29 Yes, yes.
51:30 But what you see is young person will be like,
51:32 "I don't know about this."
51:33 And they see everybody else in the tent
51:35 has opened their Bible,
51:36 they're having devotions, they're praying
51:38 and they're like,
51:39 "I guess it's cool to do that."
51:41 And so, but the counselors are there
51:43 to make that happen.
51:44 Absolutely.
51:45 Well, we want to go to a quick address roll
51:48 and news break and we'll be right back.
51:55 Young Disciple Ministries began as a magazine,
51:57 but has grown to include youth camps,
51:59 mission trips,
52:01 music and video production and much more.
52:03 If you like to find out more about Young Disciple Ministries
52:05 or if you like to support them financially,
52:07 visit their website YoungDisciple.org.
52:10 That's YoungDisciple.org.
52:12 you may also call them
52:13 at (509) 722-4300.
52:16 That's (509) 722-4300.
52:21 Or write to them at Young Disciple Ministries,
52:23 PO Box 400, Inchelium, Washington 99138.


Revised 2020-02-19