3ABN Today

Salt Update, Inspire to Give, Inspire to Serve

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY190031B

00:01 This is so exciting to see young people
00:02 on fire for the Lord.
00:04 And I just have to ask real quickly,
00:06 you know, I mean, when you're going out,
00:07 you're doing these evangelism series,
00:09 you're not out there preaching the 2,300 days to people
00:12 who are on the streets, are you?
00:14 No.
00:15 You know, it's important to understand
00:17 the fundamental doctrines of our church.
00:19 But when we meet these people,
00:20 they don't have no relationship with Jesus.
00:22 You know, for the first time
00:23 they're encountering a Christian,
00:25 they already have a negative stigma.
00:26 So we're serving them.
00:27 But all of this presentation, sermons,
00:30 a week of prayers are solely designed
00:32 to reach the hearts, to talk about the hope
00:35 that they can find in Jesus,
00:37 to how you can overcome the anxiety,
00:38 the depressions of your life,
00:41 what does love mean,
00:42 what does forgiveness mean, you know,
00:43 righteousness by faith of Jesus.
00:46 And it's amazing that Adventists, non-Adventists,
00:49 they came to this week of prayer that we did
00:51 in the beginning of the year.
00:53 And I entitled it, The Struggle Is Real.
00:55 And I was like, "I don't wanna wear suit,
00:57 I don't wanna wear a tie.
00:58 I wanna see them for what I wear."
01:00 And so I wore a ball cap,
01:01 and I wore these different shirts
01:03 and people's like, "Wow!"
01:04 I remember one message I got, I'm like,
01:06 "I wanna come to your meeting.
01:07 But what should I wear?"
01:08 I was like, "Man,
01:10 I'm wearing a ball cap as I'm preaching."
01:11 He was like, "Well, cool,
01:12 I'm coming right after the gym."
01:14 And he comes to the gym, and he hears the messages,
01:15 like "This is exactly what I needed."
01:17 And we've been able to develop a relationship,
01:18 and Bible studying, communicate,
01:20 and so that's been my emphasis as an evangelist
01:24 is understanding the righteousness of Christ,
01:26 how we can have victory
01:27 in knowing Him as a personal Savior.
01:28 And of course, later on...
01:30 And then they can learn the 2,300 days.
01:32 And I'm gonna conduct an evangelist series later on...
01:34 In the year that they can understand
01:35 these principles, truths,
01:37 but let's find a foundation in Jesus first
01:38 and once they fall in love with Him as a personal, so...
01:40 That's right.
01:41 You had a closing thought?
01:43 Yeah, I just wanna say, you know,
01:45 to the 3ABN viewers again,
01:47 all the donations that we get have been a blessing.
01:50 They've helped impact the community there in Orlando.
01:53 And in turn, it's gonna impact every city in the US
01:58 as we continue to expand.
01:59 So we're so grateful for every donation
02:02 that we get from 3ABN viewers.
02:04 And we're excited to see, you know, together,
02:06 we're in this together, you know,
02:09 and we're excited to see where God takes us all next.
02:12 And as the end comes soon,
02:16 we're excited, Jesus will be here soon.
02:18 And we wanna do all do our part, so...
02:21 Amen and amen.
02:23 Well, you know,
02:24 when we put the address roll up,
02:26 one thing I forgot to say is
02:28 they can use more volunteers, you know?
02:31 And I can just see in my mind God doing this in Chicago,
02:36 in Boston, in New York, and Detroit, Los Angeles,
02:39 what a wonderful ministry!
02:42 Well...
02:43 I just wanna say don't forget Service And Love Together.
02:47 S- A-L-T.
02:50 It's good. That's good.
02:52 Thank you so much, Eric, for being here
02:55 and, Lo-Ammi, for being here.
02:57 And we'll let people figure out
02:59 why I was teasing you about your name.
03:01 But we just want to thank you once again.
03:04 And our continued prayer for you
03:07 is at the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
03:09 the love of the Father,
03:11 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
03:13 will be yours today and always.


Revised 2019-06-18