Secrets to Wellness

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: STW

Program Code: STW180008A

00:21 Welcome again to "Secrets to Wellness" my friends.
00:25 We are studying "Principles of Wellness"
00:28 that's going to help you to live longer, healthier and happier.
00:33 We've covered a number of things, water,
00:37 are you drinking your 8- 8oz. glasses of water every day?
00:41 I hope so because it is going to help you in your health.
00:46 And what about exercise?
00:48 Are you spending at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week?
00:52 And we have learned that love and trust in God is a powerful
00:58 healer. And the power of love is amazing, it helps our health.
01:03 And then, we learned some lifestyle principle.
01:07 We talked about nutrition and eating a plant based diet
01:10 of fruits, nuts, grains, and vegetables.
01:13 And then how important the environment is.
01:16 And now we're going to next study Sunlight.
01:19 And there was something amazing that happened on August 21,
01:25 just this last year of 2017.
01:38 Some people watched by television and many many people
01:43 saw it live.
01:45 The sun is amazing my friends, it is the largest star at the
01:50 center of the Solar System.
01:51 It is the brightest object in the earth's sky.
01:55 Have you ever thought about large and how big
01:59 the sun actually is?
02:01 and how far away it is?
02:03 The sun is ninety three million miles from the earth
02:07 yet it is the most important source of energy
02:10 for life on earth.
02:12 It's an important factor for life right on here on earth.
02:16 The sun is ninety three million miles away
02:21 and yet it is something we need for our health.
02:25 In fact the sun is 109 times larger than the earth.
02:30 A million earths could fit inside the sun.
02:33 Have you ever thought about how big the sun it?
02:37 It doesn't seem that big when you are looking up into the sky.
02:41 But we could fit a million earths inside the sun.
02:46 And the sun and the light of the sun and its heat influence
02:51 all of the objects in the solar system.
02:53 Without the sun, life on earth would not exist.
02:57 We need the sun just to exist here on planet earth.
03:02 And the all-powerful Creator of the universe causes the sun
03:07 to rise and sets on time.
03:10 Think about it, every day the sun comes up on time
03:14 and the sun sets on time.
03:20 So we have order in the universe.
03:23 And with all the spectacular aspects of the sun,
03:27 our loving Creator has created for us the sunlight
03:33 to benefit our health.
03:34 The sunlight is to benefit our health but sometimes many of us
03:38 don't even get out in the sunlight because
03:41 we are living indoors.
03:43 Sunlight is a revalation my friends of God's love.
03:47 God says, I love you so much that I've given you the
03:52 sunlight, I've given you the flowers, I've given you all
03:55 these good things.
03:56 And yes my friends, sunlight is another prescription
04:00 for abundant health right from The Garden of Eden.
04:04 Right from the beginning of creation, God gave us sunlight.
04:09 In Ministry of Healing, page 263 it says this.
04:14 The pure air, the glad sunshine, the wonderful sunshine,
04:19 the beautiful flowers, and the trees, the orchards
04:23 and the vineyards and outdoor exercise amid these surroundings
04:27 are health giving and life giving.
04:29 So have you ever thought about the sun as a health giving,
04:34 life giving remedy to keep you living to that healthy 100?
04:40 Yes, we need the glad sunshine, every day we need that
04:45 glad sunshine.
04:46 And you know, I know that we need it too.
04:49 And I was thinking about that when I was thinking of
04:52 great memories in life.
04:54 Of course a great memory in great memory for us
04:58 is to be with our grandchildren.
05:00 These are our five grandchildren,
05:03 five beautiful, wonderful grandchildren.
05:06 Dyson in the middle, the oldest and then Claire
05:10 on the other end and then Shea and Aden and little Evelyn.
05:17 These five precious little children bring great memories.
05:21 And you know what, we need those great memories
05:25 to be healthy in life as well.
05:27 But I think about other memories.
05:29 I think of the 50 years ago when my husband and I
05:34 were married.
05:35 This last year we celebrated our 50th Wedding Anniversary.
05:40 That's a great memory, it's been a great life
05:44 and so our children ask us, you know this is a once in a
05:48 lifetime event, what would you like to do?
05:51 What special thing would you like to do
05:53 on your 50th wedding anniversary?
05:55 And we said to them, we would like to be with all of our
05:59 children, our grandchildren, and we'd like to be outdoors.
06:04 We'd like to be out in the sunshine.
06:06 And so we decided we were going to a place called
06:11 Tybee Island. Tybee Island is off the coast of Savannah, GA
06:18 and Tybee Island is a wonderful little island
06:22 and we thought, we just want to be with our children,
06:25 our grandchildren and we want to get out in the sunshine
06:29 and the fresh air because we need also these health giving,
06:33 life giving agents that will help us to live longer as well.
06:38 And so we decided to go to Tybee Island and here we are
06:43 50 years from our wedding to now.
06:48 Fifty years later my husband and I had this wonderful event.
06:53 In fact, we got into our wedding clothes.
06:58 I got into my wedding dress, my husband had his sport coat there
07:05 that he had on and our children, our grandchildren
07:10 were so excited when they saw grandma and grandpa
07:14 coming up the stairs in their wedding clothes 50 years later.
07:21 It was an amazing event my friends.
07:24 Our little grandchildren ages from four to eight
07:26 were so excited. They were up there clapping as we just
07:30 were excitedly walking up there.
07:32 We just thought we would do this for the fun of it for them.
07:37 But again, it was a wonderful memory, a wonderful memory.
07:42 And we went out on the beach and had a wonderful time
07:46 with all of our family, our three children and their spouses
07:52 who are now our children and our five grandchildren.
07:56 It was an exciting time out there in the fresh air
08:01 and the sunshine getting those health giving, life giving
08:06 properties.
08:07 Our three children Debbie, Rebecca and Mark
08:11 were excited with us as well.
08:14 And so we had a lot of fun as our five grandchildren
08:19 actually carried my train out on the beach
08:24 so that we could take some pictures and they were
08:27 just so precious as they felt like they were a part
08:31 of our wedding anniversary.
08:33 And here we are with our entire family
08:37 making memories together out on the beach,
08:41 enjoying one another's company.
08:43 And that's why we were saying in one of our programs
08:46 that it is so important to make those precious memories
08:51 because this will last forever.
08:52 I will never forget our 50th wedding anniversary
08:57 because we had our entire family together for one whole week
09:02 on the beach, out in the sunshine.
09:06 And here we are, having fun with each of them
09:09 running and playing and going into the water
09:13 and really improving our health as well.
09:16 And so we need sunlight my friends.
09:19 We knew that if we were going to have a wonderful
09:22 wedding anniversary, we needed to be out too in the sunlight
09:26 because sunlight is crucial for our overall health.
09:31 In fact sunlight happens to be one of the most effective
09:34 healing agents that we can find in nature.
09:37 Sunlight is so important for us to have good health
09:43 so let's look at some benefits of sunshine.
09:45 What are some of the benefits of sunshine?
09:48 Well sunshine in moderation provides multiple
09:52 health benefits.
09:54 Sunshine strengthens the immune system,
09:57 we've talked about that a lot because if we are going to
10:01 live longer and we're going to be healthier
10:03 we need a strong immune system.
10:06 And sunlight alleviates pain.
10:09 Have some of you been fighting with that or struggling
10:13 with that chronic pain?
10:15 And especially as you get a little older, you have
10:18 some of that pain, sunlight can actually help alieve
10:23 some of that pain and studies have shown that and proven that.
10:27 And sunlight lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
10:31 So many people today have high blood pressure, high cholesterol
10:37 and we can actually lower that blood pressure by getting out
10:41 in the sunshine.
10:42 And sunshine stimulates the appetite.
10:46 Have you ever wondered why you feel like eating?
10:49 More eating out in the sunshine?
10:52 Of course you can eat a little more because you will
10:54 probably be exercising as well.
10:56 But sunlight actually stimulates the appetite and I can tell you,
11:02 our little grandsons Dyson and Aden were having
11:07 a wonderful time in the water and out there in the sunshine.
11:11 But when it was time to eat, they were ravenously hungry.
11:16 and they had a good appetite because they were out there
11:19 in the sunshine.
11:20 And our three little grand- daughters Claire and Shea
11:24 and Evelyn, they had a wonderful appetite because they were
11:28 out there on the beach in the water and in the sunshine.
11:33 Because sunshine actually improves our digestion
11:37 and elimination and so your whole digestive system
11:43 is going to work better when you are out there in the sunshine.
11:47 And what else does sunshine do?
11:49 Well many things, but it gives you a healthy complexion.
11:53 You are going to look more healthy even and my friends
11:57 I'm sure you want to look healthy
11:59 and so we need to get out there in the fresh air and sunshine.
12:04 And sunshine actually also benefits Alzheimer's patients.
12:09 We have talked about this before, where we need water
12:13 to help Alzheimer's, we need walking and exercise
12:17 but we also need sunlight.
12:43 So your whole system is improved my friends and even patients
12:49 who have Alzheimer's...your conditions can be improved
12:55 when you get out there in the sunshine.
12:59 And sunshine also reduces depression because sunshine
13:05 is a happy vitamin.
13:08 It's just like taking a happy vitamin my friends.
13:11 It's going to soothe the nerves and make you feel better.
13:15 Sometimes you may feel up or you may feel down,
13:18 you may feel nervous and jittery but get out there
13:22 in the sunshine, walk among the trees,
13:25 imbibing that wonderful sunlight and you will feel
13:28 so much better.
13:30 It elevates that mood...
13:32 Some days you may feel up or you may feel down.
13:35 Well, the good thing to do is to get out there in the sunshine
13:40 walking among the trees, in the fresh air
13:44 and this will truly help you to have a better mood.
13:48 In fact...
14:15 So bright rooms verses dim rooms made a difference.
14:31 And that's why it's important to have good big windows
14:36 or at least some windows in our house, especially in our
14:40 sleeping room, especially in the area where we
14:45 spend a lot of time so that we get sunlight even through
14:49 the window.
14:50 Sunlight increases our vitality.
14:54 We are going to feel more energetic.
14:56 Have you ever wondered why you feel so happy
15:00 and you feel so energetic when you are outside
15:03 and you are getting that sun beaming on you?
15:05 It increases your vitality.
15:08 As we get older we have less vigor and vitality to resist
15:13 unhealthful influences.
15:15 It is more important for the aged to have plenty of sunlight
15:20 and fresh, pure air.
15:22 Often times as people get a little older,
15:25 some care givers tend to keep people inside
15:29 but the very thing we need to do is to get them outside
15:33 in the sunshine and fresh air.
15:36 It will help their attitudes and their mental health very much.
15:42 So sunlight increases our vitality and also
15:49 when we get older.
15:50 And sunlight kills germs my friends.
15:53 Let's look at this.
16:12 Now I know today that we have these automatic dryers
16:16 and we don't get our clothes out on a clothesline.
16:19 Well except for some places, recently my husband and I
16:24 visited the Amish Country in Pennsylvania and as we were
16:29 taking a tour, I noticed and I took a picture of the clothes
16:35 hanging out on the clothesline with that pulley
16:37 you know, going into the house and people are still
16:40 hanging out their clothes.
16:43 And you know what? Many of the Amish have very good health.
16:46 So we might not be able to hang all of our clothes outside
16:50 all of the time, but occasionally we can air
16:53 some things outside because it kills germs.
16:57 And then of course sunshine provides vitamin D.
17:01 When natural sunlight penetrates the skin, it triggers the body's
17:06 production of vitamin D.
17:08 And we need vitamin D my friends, it is known as
17:12 "the sunshine vitamin."
17:24 So that means that we shouldn't always have sunscreen on
17:28 if we're going to get out in the sunlight.
17:31 We will get vitamin D from other sources as well.
17:35 And although some foods may be fortified with vitamin D,
17:41 sunlight my friends provides the best source of vitamin D.
17:45 So you will get some with the fortified foods,
17:49 but we really need to get it from the sunlight.
17:52 Why is vitamin D so important?
17:55 Well according to the National Institute of the health office
17:59 on vitamin D, we need that because it protects the body
18:04 from a number of diseases.
18:07 In fact people with low vitamin D usually tend to get many
18:13 of these chronic diseases.
18:15 And research confirms that vitamin D is protective against
18:20 cancers, osteoporosis, rickets and diabetes.
18:25 So when we get adequate amounts of vitamin D,
18:27 then we are going to lower the risk of many of these
18:32 diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis and
18:36 even diabetes 2 today.
19:00 In other words, although some people are saying you can't
19:04 you can't get into the sun because it's a hazard toward
19:08 and a risk of having cancer, it's quite the opposite.
19:13 It's those people who aren't getting in the sun
19:16 are tending to get cancer.
19:19 According to one study in American Journal of
19:22 Clinical Nutrition-
19:33 So we need to get out in the sunshine my friends...
19:36 Yes, we don't want to overdo it, but we need that
19:39 direct sunlight.
19:41 And the higher the vitamin D levels in the blood,
19:44 the lower the risk for colon and colorectal cancers.
19:48 Yes, the skin synthesizes vitamin D in response
19:53 to those UV rays.
19:54 So we need the sunlight my friends.
19:58 And vitamin D is required for the body to absorb calcium
20:02 and phosphorous.
20:05 So some people are not getting enough vitamin D,
20:09 not because they may not be taking it,
20:12 even in the form of a pill, but because they are not
20:15 absorbing it.
20:17 And so we need to absorb also that calcium and phosphorous
20:22 which vitamin D helps to do that.
20:25 And calcium is critically important for normal development
20:29 of our bones and our teeth.
20:32 So we need the calcium, we need the vitamin D to help
20:36 absorb that as well.
20:37 And many many people lack adequate amounts of vitamin D.
20:42 So what is the level that we really should have?
20:45 Well, somewhere between 30 and 60 is the level.
20:50 And research indicates at least 20% of children and adults
20:55 up to age 50 don't have adequate intake of vitamin D.
21:00 Why again my friends? Because of our sedentary indoor life.
21:06 And 95% of adults over 50 do not get adequate amounts
21:14 of vitamin D.
21:15 So studies are showing that people are not getting
21:19 enough vitamin D.
21:20 And vitamin D deficiency is associated with osteoporosis
21:26 and hip fractures.
21:28 And once we get enough adequate vitamin D and enough
21:32 weight bearing exercises, we can reduce the risk of
21:37 osteoporosis and particularly the hip fractures.
21:56 And so we need the sunlight my friends to strengthen our bones.
22:01 We need to get out there, not only in the fresh air,
22:06 but when the sun is shining and get some sunlight.
22:09 Sunshine helps prevent osteoporosis.
22:13 In fact World Statistics show that 1 in 2 women
22:17 and 1 in 3 men will get osteoporosis.
22:21 And 50% of the women and 30% of the men will get fractures.
22:26 We can reduce that by getting some good, extra sunshine.
22:32 But what about vitamin D supplements you ask?
22:35 Well, I'm glad you asked that question,
22:48 So supplements are still being debated my friends
22:52 The best is to get sunlight naturally.
22:55 And research at the University of Edinburgh,
22:58 researchers evaluated the results of 268 previous studies
23:04 of vitamin D. Their conclusion was this.
23:23 So all the studies aren't in, but if you need extra vitamin D,
23:28 and you are low, then you may want to do that.
23:48 So, we don't want to have a low level of vitamin D
23:51 and so, what about supplementation?
24:05 So when you get it naturally you absorb it.
24:08 But all of the studies aren't in yet on whether that pill
24:13 does help.
24:14 But even if you are taking a supplement,
24:16 the National Osteoporosis Foundation recommends
24:20 800 International Units daily.
24:23 And new evidence indicates that both high and low levels
24:30 may be associated with increased health risks.
24:33 So whether those levels are high or low,
24:36 they can be health risks.
24:39 Wo we need sunshine my friends, that's the bottom line.
24:43 We need to get out in the sunshine because we have no risk
24:47 with the sunshine if we use it moderately.
24:49 There are no shortcuts, we need about 20- 30 minutes a day
24:54 and it will give you all of the vitamin D that you need
24:57 just to get out there for 20 or 30 minutes.
25:00 While we have to understand our personal tolerance
25:04 toward the sun and get the appropriate amount,
25:07 we don't want to overdo and we never ever want to burn.
25:13 Because repeated burning the skin is harmful,
25:17 it destroys healthy living tissues and increases the risk
25:21 of melanoma. Melanoma is a type of skin cancer which tends
25:26 to spread and often kill the person.
25:29 So we don't want to overdo my friends,
25:32 we want to get adequate amounts.
25:36 Sunlight provides Melatonin and Melatonin is a natural
25:40 made by our bodies.
25:44 And natural melatonin from the sun helps us sleep better.
25:48 And I know everyone of my family slept really good
25:53 when we came in from the sunshine and the beach.
25:56 And we had a wonderful time just sleeping because
26:01 we were all together happy and enjoying nature out there
26:06 in the sunshine, having a wonderful time at the beach.
26:10 So my friends, I recommend this to you.
26:13 Daily time in the sun helps to regulate circadian rhythms
26:17 for a better night's sleep.
26:20 Sunlight increases also the serotonin.
26:23 Sunlight promotes positive thinking by increasing
26:27 serotonin, an important "happiness" brain chemical."
26:31 It's a brain chemical my friends.
26:33 So sunshine is truly the "happy vitamin"
26:37 so let the sun shine in.
26:38 Maximize your benefits so here are some "Teenie Tips".
26:42 Spend 20-30 minutes every day in the sunshine.
26:46 Don't use sunscreen, get those 20-30 minutes without it.
26:51 And play with your family at the beach and enjoy the sun
26:55 and open the blinds and let the sun shine in.
26:59 Don't worry about fading your furniture,
27:01 you'll get so many benefits and they are so much greater.
27:05 So incorporate my friends sunshine into your life.
27:09 You will have health and you and your family
27:12 will be on the road to better health.
27:15 You will live longer and healthier.
27:17 John 10:10 says this.
27:25 God wants you to have abundant life.


Revised 2019-03-07