Secrets to Wellness

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: STW

Program Code: STW180005A

00:22 Welcome again, my friends, to Secrets to Wellness.
00:27 We're having a great time here at 3ABN
00:30 presenting secrets of how you can live
00:33 longer, healthier, and happier.
00:36 And we have our next subject which is lifestyle.
00:40 We've talked about water
00:42 and the value of drinking adequate amounts of water,
00:45 and exercise, exercising at least five times a week,
00:50 and love, and the power of healing love,
00:53 and now lifestyle.
00:56 A healthy lifestyle necessitates,
00:58 my friends, healthy choices.
01:01 So we do need to make very good choices
01:03 because an unhealthy lifestyle
01:06 is often the result of poor choices.
01:10 So making the right choice is very important.
01:12 And we learn that wellness includes
01:15 the mental, the emotional, the physical,
01:18 social, and spiritual,
01:19 and all of these aspects have to be in proper balance
01:24 to really experience true wellness.
01:27 And so when we talk about lifestyle,
01:29 we talk about temperance or abstemiousness.
01:32 What does that mean?
01:34 Well, first of all,
01:35 temperance is using wisely that which is good.
01:39 So when we eat all of these wonderful things
01:42 like our fruits, and our vegetables,
01:44 and our grains,
01:46 we need to do it wisely and not overeat
01:49 so that we gain weight.
01:51 But then temperance also means
01:54 abstaining from anything and everything
01:57 that is harmful, such as drugs, alcohol,
02:02 tobacco, and even caffeine.
02:06 Let's go over some lifestyle practices
02:08 that actually destroy our bodies.
02:11 One of those is smoking.
02:13 Tobacco is a major killer.
02:16 And I know that recently when I was in the airport,
02:19 I took this picture.
02:21 And the evidence is there, my friends, on smoking,
02:24 "Tobacco kills, tobacco causes cancer,
02:28 tobacco causes emphysema, smokers die younger"
02:33 right on the cigarette package.
02:36 And so we know that tobacco is a major killer today.
02:40 The evidence is there.
02:42 And according to the Centers
02:44 for Disease Control and Prevention,
02:46 smoking causes cancer, heart disease,
02:49 stroke, lung diseases, diabetes,
02:52 chronic obstruction, pulmonary disease,
02:55 which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis,
03:00 so all of these chronic diseases,
03:03 my friends, are result of smoking.
03:07 So smokers have a 25% higher risk
03:12 of heart attack than do non-smokers.
03:15 So there are so many detrimental effects of smoking.
03:20 The nicotine causes
03:21 the arteries to actually shrink,
03:24 and when arteries get smaller and smaller,
03:27 clots get caught in the blood vessel
03:30 and then a stroke or a heart attack happens.
03:33 And so we need to be...
03:36 Some of you possibly over-smoking
03:38 and we want to do that.
03:41 And so the Beckman Research Institute says,
03:44 "Smoking is the single biggest cause of cancer in the world."
03:50 Now smoking is number one and then obesity is number two.
03:55 But smoking is the largest or biggest cause of cancer.
04:00 Tobacco smoke contains about
04:02 70 different cancer-causing substances,
04:05 and this is scientifically known today.
04:08 After the Surgeon General's report in 1964,
04:12 we know that there is a direct link
04:15 between cancer and smoking.
04:17 And every cigarette you smoke
04:20 takes 14.5 minutes off your life.
04:24 I don't want to be taking any minutes of my life, do you?
04:27 I'm sure you don't, we want to add those minutes
04:30 and those years to our life.
04:33 In every eight seconds, someone dies from tobacco use.
04:38 This is from the World Health Organization
04:41 in May, 2002.
04:43 So every few seconds,
04:45 someone is dying from tobacco smoke.
04:48 But yet, about a third of the male adults
04:53 of global population are smokers.
04:57 So around the world, we have people
05:00 in spite of all the evidence that we have, still smoking.
05:05 And about among the WHO Regions,
05:09 the Western Pacific Region, which covers East Asia
05:12 and the Pacific, has the highest smoking rate,
05:15 with nearly two-thirds of men smoking.
05:19 In spite of the fact
05:21 that the scientific evidences on smoking,
05:24 there are still many people who are smoking.
05:28 In fact, worldwide tobacco use
05:31 causes nearly six million deaths per year,
05:34 and current trends show that tobacco use
05:37 will cause more than eight million deaths
05:40 annually by 2030.
05:44 And, my friends, each day, more than 3, 200 people
05:49 younger than 18 years of age smoke their first cigarette.
05:54 This is so unfortunate, but once they start
05:57 then they feel like they're hooked
05:59 and they can't get out of it.
06:02 Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death.
06:06 This is something that can be preventable.
06:09 And so, if some of you are out there that are smoking,
06:12 you can make a clean break.
06:15 In fact, if you need help with someone to help you
06:19 to quit smoking,
06:21 just locate your nearest Seventh-day Adventist church
06:25 because I'm sure that they can help you
06:28 to quit this habit.
06:29 Make that clean break because the good news is this.
06:33 Your lungs will improve, your risk of cancer decreases,
06:38 your risk of heart disease decreases,
06:41 your risk of premature death decreases,
06:45 your energy and your endurance will improve,
06:48 your entire health improves, and you know what,
06:52 your food will even tastes better.
06:54 And so you can make that clean break, my friends.
06:58 That is the good news.
07:00 So again, if you need help in quitting smoking,
07:03 please contact your local Seventh-day Adventist Church
07:08 because quitters always win.
07:10 And by the grace of God, you can win.
07:13 You can be a quitter.
07:16 And so, my friends, there are many things
07:19 that Satan wants to deceive us on
07:21 and he deceives millions of Christians even
07:24 into thinking that it doesn't make any difference
07:27 how they treat their bodies
07:28 as long as their hearts are right with God.
07:32 But we need to treat these bodies right,
07:35 get rid of that tobacco, and also alcohol
07:39 because alcohol is deceptive, alcohol is addictive,
07:44 it destroys brain cells
07:46 and it dramatically affects our ability to reason.
07:50 In fact, alcohol destroys the brain,
07:55 and we need every brain cell that we can get.
07:58 So alcohol also damages liver cells
08:03 making them less efficient
08:05 which actually develops into cirrhosis of the liver.
08:09 And so there are many problems, many things about alcohol.
08:14 It weakens the immune system
08:16 and we've talked about that so much
08:18 where we need a strong immune system
08:21 if we're going to be healthy,
08:22 and especially live to that healthy hundred.
08:25 So avoid alcohol and all its stimulants.
08:30 But what about alcohol or red wine someone ask?
08:34 Well, some sources may claim red wine is a health drink,
08:37 but science says,
08:39 "Well, it's still just a bit more confusing."
08:43 The evidence is not all in because look,
08:46 some say wine may be linked with heart health benefits,
08:50 but where are those benefits?
08:52 Are the heart health benefits
08:53 contained actually in the grapes
08:56 and not the fermented wine?
08:58 Well, we know that grape juice helps
09:00 to maintain heart health and helps digestive
09:04 and bowel disorders,
09:06 and will actually boost our immunity,
09:09 and even can delay aging signs.
09:13 And so grape juice also lowers the risk of cancer
09:17 and will help maintain bone health
09:19 because it contains iron and copper and manganese
09:24 and will actually boost your energy levels,
09:27 so grape juice is good, that pure juice of the grape,
09:31 not the fermented wine.
09:34 And the Mayo Clinic reported in an article titled,
09:38 "Does grape juice offer
09:40 the same heart health benefits as red wine?"
09:43 And it says this, "Some research studies suggest
09:47 that red and purple grape juices may provide
09:50 some of the same heart health benefits of red wine,
09:54 including reducing the risk of blood clots,
09:58 reducing low-density lipoprotein or LDL,
10:04 or bad cholesterol
10:06 preventing damage to blood vessels in your heart
10:09 and helping maintain a healthy blood pressure.
10:13 So, my friends, more and more scientific evidence
10:17 is showing that it's the juice of the grape,
10:20 not the fermented wine.
10:23 A Harvard Medical School in a Special Health Report
10:26 called Healthy Eating, page 31 says,
10:30 "Studies have found
10:31 that even moderate alcohol consumption
10:34 raises the risk of breast cancer.
10:36 A meta-analysis that combined the results of 98 studies
10:41 found that women who drank alcohol
10:43 were 11% more likely than non-drinkers
10:47 to get breast cancer."
10:49 So even breast cancer and some of these cancers
10:52 are increased by our use of alcohol.
10:56 And alcohol has also been linked to cancers of the colon,
11:00 the mouth, the throat, and the esophagus.
11:04 And it goes on to say this, my friends,
11:07 and this is very important.
11:08 It says, "It's not worth taking up wine,
11:12 that is fermented wine or any type of alcohol,
11:16 to gain supposed health benefits.
11:19 And if you're at high risk for cancer or alcoholism,
11:23 you may want to avoid alcohol entirely."
11:27 Now that's what science is saying
11:30 that there is more and more becoming a link from alcohol
11:34 from fermented wine to cancer
11:38 and some of these diseases.
11:40 And many years ago, in 1887, John Harvey Kellogg
11:46 who is actually a very prominent physician
11:48 in his day, he says that,
11:50 "Alcohol not only makes people unhealthy
11:54 and shortens their lives,
11:55 but is also the cause of much poverty and crime
11:59 and untold amount of misery."
12:02 He says, really, alcohol actually makes people unhealthy
12:08 and can really even shorten your life.
12:11 I don't want to shorten my life
12:12 and I'm sure you don't want to either.
12:15 And Ellen White, a 19th century health educator
12:19 says this, in Counsels on Diets and Foods, 436,
12:23 "The pure juice of the grape,
12:25 free from fermentation, is a wholesome drink.
12:29 But many of the alcoholic drinks
12:31 which are now so largely consumed
12:34 contain death-dealing potions."
12:36 So the evidence is there, my friends, to be healthy,
12:40 we need to give up smoking, we need to give up alcohol.
12:44 "The only safe course she says is to touch not, taste not,
12:50 handle not, tea, coffee, wines, tobacco, opium,
12:54 and alcoholic drinks."
12:56 So that's the only safe way, my friends, is to give it up.
13:00 But let's look at a drug that people all over the world
13:04 are using every day and don't realize
13:06 the detrimental effects.
13:08 It's caffeine in coffee, tea, soft drinks, and energy drinks,
13:14 cola drinks have a twin
13:16 that is even more harmful to our health
13:18 simply called coffee.
13:21 And yet, this is a big drink among people around the world.
13:26 And medical researchers have discovered
13:28 a significant number of health risks
13:31 with the use of coffee.
13:34 Caffeine may even increase heart rate,
13:37 cause the irregular beats, and even raise cholesterol.
13:41 And, of course, caffeine depletes the body's supply
13:45 of vitamins and minerals including calcium, and iron,
13:49 and B vitamins.
13:53 You see, coffee is actually dehydration, not rehydrating,
13:57 so we're not even getting the water,
14:00 the liquid that we need.
14:01 And, of course, we need all the calcium we can get...
14:04 Time to get their coffee
14:06 because it is addictive.
14:08 And what are the problems
14:10 with excessive amounts of coffee?
14:12 Let's take a look at that.
14:14 One cup of coffee a day increases risk of stomach,
14:19 kidney, lung, rectal, and esophageal cancer.
14:22 And one cup doubles the risk of bladder cancer in women.
14:29 And two cups of coffee a day increases colon cancer risk
14:33 and also increases ovarian and pancreatic cancer.
14:38 So if we want to reduce our risk
14:40 for so many of these chronic diseases
14:42 and particularly cancer that's on the rise today,
14:46 I think it might be a good idea
14:48 to even leave off that drink called coffee.
14:53 And let's look at five cups of coffee a day.
14:57 It increases the risk of heart disease significantly
15:01 and heart disease, of course,
15:02 is the number one killer here in America.
15:05 So the best plan, my friends, is to abstain from all drugs,
15:10 alcohol, tobacco, and even caffeine
15:14 if we truly want to live to that healthy hundred.
15:17 But what should we drink you ask?
15:20 What can I drink?
15:21 Well, water is the beverage designed for our health,
15:24 so I hope we're drinking plenty of that good water
15:28 because that is the beverage designed by God for our health.
15:32 But also some of these juices that
15:36 I know that we like to take oranges,
15:39 fresh oranges from the trees and just squeeze it
15:42 with all that pulp and fiber even in it
15:45 or the grape fruits and squeeze them
15:48 and have that good delicious nutritious drink,
15:51 and, of course,
15:53 the pure juice of the grape is also good.
15:56 But there are some great herbal teas out there
15:58 and they are health promoting drinks as well.
16:01 So find yourself some of those herbal teas
16:04 or some of those good juices
16:06 and just plain water, my friends.
16:09 And God promises to give us abundant health
16:12 when we follow His plan and we do these things.
16:16 But what about our food?
16:18 Does God give us any instruction
16:20 on what we should eat?
16:21 Let's take a look at that.
16:23 You see that Eden diet was a vegetarian diet.
16:26 We had lots of those beautiful, wonderful,
16:29 colorful fruits and vegetables, and we had nuts, and grains,
16:34 and seeds, so the Eden diet was a vegetarian diet.
16:39 And living 969 years, my friends,
16:43 and they were healthy 900 and some years.
16:47 And you see that we live
16:51 only 70 years or if by reason of health,
16:56 we live 80 years or maybe some,
16:58 a very few may live to that very healthy 100.
17:03 "Take with you seven, each of every clean animal,
17:07 a male and his female, two each of animals
17:10 that are unclean, a male and his female."
17:13 So God says, take these animals into the ark with you,
17:19 both the clean and the unclean.
17:21 So we have the clean and...
17:23 That's clean for you.
17:24 Now the best thing
17:26 is what He gave us in the very beginning,
17:28 a plant-based diet,
17:29 but He gave them permission to eat the clean animals
17:33 after the flood.
17:35 So you have the cow, and the sheep, and the deer,
17:38 those are all clean.
17:39 But then Deuteronomy 14:6-8 says,
17:42 "Nevertheless, of those that chew the cud
17:44 or have cloven hooves,
17:46 you shall not eat, such as the camel,"
17:50 so I guess no more camel, my friends.
17:52 "Or the hare," which is the rabbit,
17:54 "and the rock hyrax," which is a rat,"
17:57 for they chew the cud but do not have cloven hooves,
18:00 they are unclean for you."
18:03 And it goes on also to say,
18:06 "Also the," what, "the swine..."
18:09 What is the swine? Pig.
18:11 And people are eating so much swine today,
18:14 so much pig.
18:16 It's unclean for you because it has cloven hooves,
18:19 yet it does not chew the cud.
18:22 You shall not eat their flesh or touch their dead carcass.
18:26 So God says, don't eat these animals,
18:30 they are not good for you.
18:32 And God doesn't want to take anything away from us,
18:34 He only wants to give us that which is good.
18:38 And pork has the highest fat content of all meats.
18:41 So your health depends, my friends, on what you eat,
18:45 but what about those that are in the waters.
18:47 Deuteronomy 14:9 says,
18:50 "These you may eat of all that are in the waters,
18:52 you may eat all that has fins and scales."
18:55 So whatever has fins and scales,
18:57 God says, that's okay to eat,
19:00 and whatever does not have fins and scales,
19:03 you shall not eat, it's unclean for you.
19:06 So like the lobsters, and the clams, and the octopus,
19:09 and all of these things, they are unclean for you.
19:13 So instead of eating these unhealthy foods, my friends,
19:17 we may eat nutritious, healthful, protein foods.
19:21 So we want to eat these good foods.
19:24 Ellen White says in the book
19:25 Counsels on Diets and Foods, 380,
19:28 "Again and again I've been shown
19:30 that God is trying to lead us back,
19:33 step by step, to His original design,
19:36 that man should subsist upon
19:37 the natural products of the earth."
19:40 So God says, yes, you can eat the clean animals
19:43 but if you want to be really healthy,
19:45 the best food is that which I gave you
19:48 right in the Garden of Eden.
19:51 "Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables
19:53 constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator.
19:56 These foods, prepared in as simple and natural
19:59 a manner as possible,
20:01 are the most helpful and nourishing.
20:04 They impart us strength, the power of endurance,
20:07 and the vigor of intellect that are not afforded
20:10 by a more complex and stimulating diet."
20:13 My friends, there are so many plant-based food options
20:18 that are readily available today in grocery stores,
20:21 in restaurants, in hotel buffets,
20:24 airports, airplanes, everywhere we go,
20:27 we see the options today because people are realizing
20:31 that if they want to live longer, healthier,
20:33 and happier that we need to follow
20:35 some of these principles, even with our food, our diets.
20:40 And there are many advantages of a total vegetarian diet.
20:43 It lowers blood cholesterol, lowers high blood pressure,
20:47 lowers the risk of certain cancers,
20:49 the risk of osteoporosis,
20:51 and it improves diabetes symptoms,
20:54 enhances vigor and endurance, and best of all, my friends,
20:58 it lengthens the life span.
21:00 We know that you can lengthen the life span
21:03 if you eat a plant-based diet.
21:07 So how can I live in harmony with God's laws of health
21:10 when I feel so powerless,
21:13 when I feel so like I just can't do it,
21:15 how am I going to give up such things as tobacco,
21:19 or alcohol, or caffeine, coffee, or unclean foods,
21:24 how can I do that?
21:26 How can I live in harmony with God's laws of health
21:29 when I feel powerless?
21:31 Philippians 4:13 says,
21:33 "I can do all things through Christ
21:36 who strengthens me."
21:38 So God is going to strengthen you, my friends.
21:40 He's going to help you and you can get help
21:44 also at your local Seventh-day Adventist Church.
21:47 They want to help you,
21:48 they're ready and waiting for you to come
21:50 and get you off some of these habits.
21:54 So to overcome any harmful habit in your life,
21:57 follow these four simple steps.
22:01 They're teenie tips, just simple teenie tips.
22:05 Number one, choose to give up all unhealthful habits.
22:09 So if you are battling with some unhealthful habit,
22:14 you can choose to give that up and say, I choose not to smoke.
22:19 Now I know that there are some physiological things
22:21 that you need to do as well,
22:23 you need to get that nicotine flushed out of the system,
22:26 you need to eat lots of fruits,
22:28 you need to take those showers and drink lots of water,
22:31 so there are principles to getting you off smoking.
22:35 But I've seen literally
22:37 hundreds and thousands of people as we've conducted
22:40 stop smoking plans, get off smoking,
22:43 so choose to give up all unhealthful habits.
22:46 Ask God to empower your choice.
22:49 My friends, it's very difficult to do it alone,
22:52 but God is there,
22:54 He's waiting and wanting to help you.
22:57 So God will empower you.
22:59 And then discard that object of temptation.
23:02 Throw it right away, throw it in the bin,
23:04 get rid of those that tobacco because if it's around,
23:08 it's going to be a temptation.
23:10 And just discard those unclean foods,
23:13 discard the tobacco and alcohol,
23:16 and you will feel so much better.
23:19 And then replace the health destroying habit
23:22 with a health building habit.
23:24 Yes, replace the health destroying habit
23:27 with a health building habit, that's what we want to do.
23:31 How can we do this?
23:32 Well, we may need to make some wheat germ patties
23:36 or some try some foods that are going to replace
23:40 some of those unclean foods that we talked about
23:43 and you know what,
23:45 they're delicious and nutritious.
23:47 So I'm going to show you the recipe
23:50 for these wheat germ patties.
23:52 It simply has 1.5 half cups of wheat germ,
23:55 1 cup of quick oats, 0.5 cup of chopped nuts
24:00 and I'm using pecan nuts, and a 0.5 teaspoon of salt,
24:04 a 0.5 teaspoon of sage, a clove of garlic
24:08 or you can even use 1 teaspoon of garlic powder
24:12 and 1 medium onion, a cup of soy milk,
24:15 and 2 tablespoons of Bragg liquid aminos,
24:19 or if you can't find that
24:21 which they are readily available today,
24:24 you could use a little soy sauce.
24:27 And so we're going to try to make
24:28 some of these wheat germ patties right here.
24:32 So why don't you come along and come into my kitchen
24:36 and let's do some wheat germ patties.
24:39 So I have the wheat germ
24:41 and the germ is one of the important parts
24:45 of the wheat itself.
24:47 It's the part that's often extracted
24:50 when we have refined white flour.
24:54 And then oats, and you're getting protein
24:57 'cause you get protein in the wheat germ,
24:59 you also get protein in oats,
25:01 in fact about 15 grams of protein in one cup of oats.
25:05 And then we're going to add some more protein,
25:08 so we're not under protein, my friends,
25:11 we're over-protein most of the time.
25:14 Vegetarians get plenty of protein.
25:16 So I'm adding some of these pecan nuts
25:21 and we'll add some onion to that,
25:23 then we will put in some...
25:26 A little bit of salt
25:28 and place to your salt is in cooking
25:32 and not at the table as much to reduce the salt
25:37 at the table is the way to go.
25:38 And then I'm using a little bit of sage here,
25:41 we'll put that in there and some garlic.
25:46 And then we will add some liquid,
25:48 and that's all you do is mix it all together
25:50 and then pour in some soy milk
25:54 and a little bit of the Braggs liquid aminos,
25:58 and just stir that all up.
26:01 Stir it all together.
26:03 And then you can make those patties.
26:08 In fact, you have all of these patties right here,
26:11 just simply put them on the skillet
26:14 and here we'll put this one on the skillet.
26:17 We'll make some more here.
26:19 And then we'll simply turn them once they cook,
26:24 so you just let them get a little brown
26:26 and flip them over,
26:28 and then you have a wonderful patty
26:32 that you can actually take the place of meat.
26:35 So with this, I would simply serve
26:38 maybe a baked potato, and some broccoli,
26:40 and a salad and some wheat germ patties.
26:44 This is something that you can definitely do,
26:47 my friends, in your own home.
26:49 This is truly God's health assurance plan.
26:54 And I know that God is going to help you
26:57 as you choose to follow His way,
27:00 as you choose to have a better diet,
27:03 a better lifestyle, as you choose to give up
27:06 all these things that are harmful to our health
27:09 and use moderately that which is good.
27:12 God is going to bless you.
27:14 So may God bless you as you choose His way
27:19 because it's the right way and it will help you to live
27:22 to that healthy 100.
27:25 God bless you.


Revised 2019-03-07