3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP210047S

00:01 Hello, friends, I'm Jill Morikone.
00:03 And we're so glad that you have tuned in for this edition
00:06 of 3ABN's Sabbath School Panel.
00:08 We're in the middle of our journey.
00:09 This is lesson number eight of our quarter,
00:12 Present Truth In Deuteronomy.
00:14 And this lesson is one of my favorites, Choose Life.
00:18 Want to encourage you if you don't have your own copy
00:20 of the quarterly, you can go to the following website
00:22 and download it and study along with us.
00:25 That website is absg.adventist.org
00:29 That stands for
00:31 adultbiblestudy guide.adventist.org
00:34 Or we always encourage you,
00:36 go to your local Seventh-day Adventist Church,
00:38 and they would be happy to give you
00:40 a quarterly to study along.
00:41 So grab your Bible, and your pen,
00:43 and your notebook to take notes for this edition
00:46 of 3ABN's Sabbath School Panel.
01:21 Hello, I'm Jill Morikone.
01:22 And what an incredible study it has been so far.
01:25 As we journey through the Book of Deuteronomy,
01:27 I know my faith has been encouraged and strengthened,
01:30 and I've learned so much from our panelists here.
01:32 We're so glad that you've tuned in,
01:34 and I'm just so glad our family's here around the table.
01:37 I want to introduce them to you right now,
01:39 but they really don't need any introduction.
01:41 To my left, Pastor Ryan Day.
01:43 So glad you're here, brother.
01:44 Amen. I'm excited to be here.
01:45 And today, we're going to be talking about
01:47 how there's no middle ground.
01:48 Yay. Looking forward to it.
01:50 My sister, Shelley Quinn, the lady in purple today.
01:53 Hi. Thank you.
01:54 I am telling you this is one of my...
01:56 This lesson has a personal application.
02:00 Amen. It certainly does.
02:02 To Shelley's left, my pastor, Pastor John Lomacang.
02:05 Thank you so much for being here.
02:07 Yes.
02:08 And mine is entitled, Not Too Hard for You.
02:10 And I'm looking forward to that because there
02:12 is nothing too hard for God.
02:13 Amen.
02:15 Last but not least, Pastor James Rafferty.
02:17 Part of the family and team.
02:18 I'm so glad you're here. So good to be here.
02:20 And we're going to be studying and my lesson on Thursday,
02:22 A Question of Worship.
02:23 Ooh, very good.
02:25 I'm looking forward to this lesson already.
02:27 But before we go any further,
02:28 we want to go to the Lord in prayer.
02:30 Pastor Ryan, would you pray for us?
02:32 Yes, let's pray.
02:33 Our Father in heaven,
02:35 Lord, we just want to thank You
02:36 so much for another day of life, Lord.
02:38 And we want to thank You for this wonderful Sabbath
02:40 School Panel, Lord.
02:42 And we can all gather together to study Your Word,
02:44 to learn of You, to learn Your will for our life.
02:46 And, Father, as we dive deep into this study, again,
02:49 may You give each and every one of us
02:50 the Holy Spirit to speak Your words,
02:52 not our own thoughts, but Your will.
02:55 And, Father, as all of those people around
02:57 the world are listening and tuning into this,
02:58 may they all be drawn to You.
03:00 May we all as brothers
03:02 and sisters in Christ be drawn to Jesus Christ, our Savior.
03:05 Because of the study of Your Word this hour,
03:07 we ask in Jesus name, amen.
03:09 Amen.
03:11 This lesson, lesson number eight, Choose life.
03:13 I want to start with a memory text.
03:15 Sometimes I start by talking about Sabbath,
03:17 but we're going to talk about Sabbath in just a moment.
03:19 Let's start right off with a memory text.
03:22 This is Deuteronomy 30:19.
03:25 So you can open up your Bibles.
03:26 Our memory text is Deuteronomy 30:19.
03:30 "I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you,
03:35 that I have set before you life and death,
03:38 blessing and cursing.
03:40 Therefore, choose life, that both you
03:44 and your descendants may live."
03:46 Now, of course, Moses right now is near the end of his life,
03:48 is he not?
03:50 Deuteronomy 31,
03:51 he calls Joshua as his successor,
03:54 actually, incidentally, on his 120th birthday.
03:58 And this is Deuteronomy 30.
04:00 So we're very close to the end of Moses' life.
04:03 The end of the book, of course, is just details about
04:06 preparation for the end of his life and his subsequent death.
04:09 So you can say this is almost Moses'
04:12 final words to the children of Israel,
04:14 to those people that he loved.
04:16 If you think about final words, I've often thought about this.
04:19 When a soldier goes off to war,
04:20 what's the mom and dad say to their son or daughter,
04:23 knowing that these might be the last words
04:26 I ever give you?
04:28 If you have a spouse who's dying of cancer,
04:30 what would be the very last words that you would
04:33 want to speak to them?
04:35 I love John 13:17.
04:38 And I think one of my reasons for liking it so much,
04:40 is this is Jesus' final words to His disciples.
04:43 John 13, of course, is the foot washing.
04:46 And then right after that,
04:47 14, 15, 16, 17 is Jesus'
04:50 final words to His disciples
04:53 before He goes to the cross.
04:56 In this case, this is Moses approaching death
04:59 or getting toward the end of his life.
05:02 And we see his final words,
05:04 his appeal to the people that he loved
05:07 and that he had led for 40 years.
05:10 Set before you life and death,
05:13 blessing and cursing, choose life.
05:16 The lesson had an example of a woman.
05:18 She was 22 years old, a young woman,
05:21 this was on Sabbath's lesson.
05:22 And before she passed away, she knew she was dying.
05:25 And she wanted her head
05:28 stored in a deep freeze vat
05:32 of liquid nitrogen.
05:34 Why?
05:35 Because she was hoping that when science advanced,
05:38 she could live on somehow
05:40 connected to a computer.
05:44 Why do we want to do that?
05:46 Because the will to live is very strong, is it not?
05:49 You read stories about hikers maybe caught in an avalanche.
05:52 And they could have body parts missing,
05:54 they could be in tremendous physical trauma,
05:56 but what happens?
05:58 They do everything they can to get help and to get out.
06:00 Why?
06:01 Because the will to live is strong.
06:04 This week, we look at Moses' appeal to choose life.
06:08 On Sunday, we look at the tree of life.
06:11 And let's talk about this for just a moment,
06:13 the tree of life.
06:14 The lesson brought this out.
06:16 I thought it was really fascinating.
06:17 So I'm going to ask you all three questions.
06:20 First would be existence, second is life,
06:22 and the third is free will.
06:23 Okay?
06:25 So for existence, did you choose existence?
06:27 Nope. No.
06:28 None of us chose existence, did we?
06:30 Adam and Eve, they didn't choose existence.
06:32 The animals, they didn't choose existence.
06:34 Nobody who's alive today chose existence.
06:37 To be honest, the rocks and the trees and the flowers,
06:40 they didn't choose existence either, did they?
06:41 No. Did we choose life?
06:44 No?
06:45 Now you might say life and existence is the same thing.
06:47 The lesson actually differentiated it,
06:49 which was interesting.
06:50 They said rocks have existence, but an amoeba has life, right?
06:55 But we didn't choose life. Rocks didn't.
06:57 Of course, they just have existence.
06:59 But we didn't choose life, animals didn't choose life,
07:01 people didn't choose life.
07:03 Did we choose the gift of free will?
07:06 No?
07:08 God gave us the gift of free will.
07:11 Now animals, of course, don't have the gift of free will.
07:14 They have instinct and they operate by instinct.
07:16 Only humanity, human beings have the gift
07:20 of free will but yet we didn't even choose that gift.
07:24 It was given to us.
07:26 So the final question is,
07:27 what choice do we have even in the matter
07:29 if we didn't choose existence, we didn't choose life,
07:31 we didn't even choose the gift of free will?
07:34 We have the choice to remain in existence.
07:37 In other words, we have the choice to choose life.
07:40 That is eternal life.
07:42 We have choices every day that we face.
07:46 Am I going to follow God or am I going to follow Satan?
07:48 Am I going to follow what He says in His Word,
07:51 or do I follow the natural inclinations of my heart?
07:55 What choice am I going to make?
07:58 That is really the only choice that either one of us have.
08:01 You and I, us here on the panel,
08:03 that's the choice that we have is the choice to choose life,
08:06 meaning eternal life.
08:08 So let's look at that free will given to Adam and Eve.
08:10 We're going to Genesis.
08:12 Genesis Chapter 2,
08:13 we pick up the story with two trees
08:16 mentioned in the Garden of Eden,
08:19 and we see this free will come forth here.
08:22 Genesis 2, we'll be picking it up in verse 8.
08:26 "The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden,
08:30 and there He put the man whom He had formed."
08:31 Now that word garden comes in Hebrew from a root
08:34 meaning to be enclosed, to be fenced off,
08:37 to be protected.
08:40 The garden marks off a space where created order
08:42 and harmony is visible.
08:44 It's also a temple garden,
08:47 which was later represented by the tabernacle.
08:49 So both the tabernacle
08:51 and the garden that God created in the beginning,
08:53 the Garden of Eden was to serve
08:55 as a meeting place between God and humanity.
09:00 So the Lord God planted this garden in Eden.
09:03 Then we read verse 9.
09:06 "Out of the ground, the Lord God made every tree
09:08 grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food.
09:11 The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden,
09:15 and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil."
09:17 And here we see choice presented
09:19 right there at the very beginning.
09:21 The tree of life is also mentioned in Proverbs
09:23 and again in the Book of Revelation.
09:24 But the tree of knowledge of good and evil
09:26 is only mentioned here in Genesis.
09:27 Genesis 2 and Genesis Chapter 3.
09:30 So let's jump down to verse 15.
09:32 We're in Genesis 2:15.
09:34 We see the choice that's given,
09:36 free will to Adam and to Eve.
09:40 "The Lord God took the man
09:42 and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it.
09:46 And the Lord, God commanded the man, saying,
09:47 'Of every tree of the garden, you may freely eat.
09:50 But at the tree of the knowledge of good
09:52 and evil, you shall not eat.
09:53 For the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die.'"
09:57 So God's very clear, is He not?
09:59 No confusion.
10:00 No questioning of what's right and what's wrong,
10:03 or what am I supposed to do?
10:04 There's no ambiguity here, right?
10:08 I got that word, finally. No ambiguity.
10:10 It's clear. The choice is clear.
10:12 So what choice did Adam and Eve have?
10:14 Clearly, they had no choice about being created
10:17 and they had no choice even about being given
10:19 the gift of free will.
10:21 But the choice they had was eat of the tree of life
10:24 and choose eternal life,
10:25 or eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil,
10:28 which God said do not eat of it, and choose death.
10:33 Now they could have made either choice.
10:36 We know the choice they made.
10:38 They partook of the forbidden fruit
10:40 and ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
10:42 And let's look at the consequences
10:43 of that choice.
10:44 We're in Genesis 3, jump down to verse 22.
10:46 Of course, we have the whole story
10:48 of the temptation and the fall.
10:49 But let's just jump down to the consequences.
10:51 Genesis 3:22-24.
10:54 "The Lord God said, 'Behold,
10:55 the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil.
10:59 And now lest he put out his hand
11:01 and take also of the tree of life,
11:04 and eat, and live forever.'
11:05 Therefore, the Lord God sent him out of the Garden
11:08 of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken.'"
11:12 So he drove out the man.
11:14 The word drove means to drive out, to expel, to thrust out.
11:18 So God used force literally to drive out the man
11:22 and woman from the Garden of Eden.
11:25 Force is used to separate us from a Holy God.
11:28 "And he placed cherubim at the east
11:29 of the Garden of Eden, and a flaming sword
11:31 which turned every way,
11:32 to guard the way to the tree of life."
11:36 We see the consequences of their choice.
11:38 They had a choice before them.
11:39 They can choose eternal life.
11:41 They can keep eating of the tree of life,
11:43 or they can choose what God had said not to step into.
11:46 And they made the wrong choice, did they not?
11:48 And we see the consequences of that choice.
11:52 We see this appeal to choose life all through
11:56 the Word of God.
11:57 I think of Noah.
11:59 For 120 years, what did he preach?
12:00 Get on the boat. There is a flood coming.
12:03 There was a choice, free will.
12:04 And the people had free will.
12:06 Do you step on the boat
12:08 and accept life or do you accept death?
12:10 I think of Moses.
12:11 We just read that memory text in Deuteronomy, choose life.
12:14 The children of Israel had a choice.
12:16 They were just on the borders of the Promised Land,
12:18 just to stepping into that.
12:20 And they had a choice to walk with God
12:22 or to step back into idolatry.
12:25 I think of Elijah at Mount Carmel.
12:27 If the Lord be God, follow Him, but if Baal, then follow him.
12:30 And the people had a choice, again.
12:33 Who are we going to serve?
12:35 I think of Jesus, the Messiah.
12:37 I am the way, the truth, and the life.
12:38 And even down to today, we have a choice.
12:41 Are we going to accept Jesus and His way,
12:43 His plan of salvation, or are we not?
12:45 And all the way down to Revelation 22:17.
12:48 "The Spirit and the bride, they say, 'Come!'
12:50 And let him who hears come.
12:53 And let him who thirst come.
12:55 Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.'"
12:59 So I just want to appeal to you in my remaining moments,
13:02 make a choice for life.
13:04 Make a choice for Jesus.
13:06 Make a choice for eternal life.
13:09 And, you know, when we do that,
13:11 the first step is really the convicting
13:12 power of the Holy Spirit.
13:14 Because Romans 2:4,
13:15 "It is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance."
13:17 So we don't even desire God.
13:19 We don't even want to turn back to Him without the drawing
13:21 power of the Holy Spirit.
13:23 John 16, Jesus says that the Holy Spirit
13:26 comes to bring conviction of sin,
13:29 righteousness, and judgment.
13:30 So the Holy Spirit brings conviction.
13:32 When Peter preached that apostolic Pentecostal
13:35 sermon in Acts Chapter 2, what did they say in verse 37?
13:39 "They were cut to the heart.
13:41 And they said, 'What shall we do?'"
13:43 That is the convicting power of the Holy Spirit.
13:45 And then once the Holy Spirit draws us, we don't resist.
13:49 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins,
13:51 He's faithful and just to forgive us
13:53 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
13:56 That is confession. That is justification.
13:59 We're brought back into right standing with Him.
14:02 And then Acts 26:18.
14:04 We'll close with this.
14:05 This is sanctification.
14:07 "To open their eyes in order to turn them from
14:08 darkness to light,
14:10 from the power of Satan to the power of God,
14:12 that they may receive forgiveness of sins
14:14 and an inheritance among those
14:16 who are sanctified by faith in Me."
14:19 So choose life. Praise the Lord.
14:22 That sets us up perfect for Monday's lesson.
14:24 My name is Ryan Day.
14:26 Monday's lesson is entitled, No Middle Ground.
14:30 As I was going through this lesson,
14:31 I realized that the majority, the vast majority
14:34 of the entire lesson was just showing
14:35 scriptural evidence for the fact that you cannot
14:38 deny that there are only two groups in the Bible.
14:41 You find yourself in one or two camps.
14:44 And so, my friends, we're about to ride on a roller coaster.
14:46 I hope you're in your seatbelts.
14:47 I hope you fasten those seatbelts
14:49 because I'm about to take us through one scripture
14:51 after another.
14:52 In fact, we might be four or five minutes into this
14:53 and you might be screaming at your television saying,
14:55 "Okay, Ryan, we get the point."
14:57 But, my friends, I think it needs to be clear.
15:00 We need to see the evidence in the scripture for ourself.
15:02 So here we go.
15:04 All through the Bible, we are presented
15:05 with one or two choices,
15:07 two options presented for us very, very clearly.
15:11 And I'm going to start with probably the most quoted verse
15:14 of all time, the most popular verse of all time, John 3:16.
15:19 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only
15:22 begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should
15:24 not perish but have everlasting life."
15:28 My friends, two groups presented here.
15:30 Either those who believe and put their trust in God
15:32 and therefore have eternal life,
15:34 or those who do not believe and who do not trust in God,
15:37 who will perish forever.
15:39 Two groups, my friends. There is no middle ground.
15:42 Let's go on to Genesis 7:22-23.
15:46 We see very clearly two groups presented
15:48 during the days of Noah.
15:50 We see there in verse 22, it says,
15:51 "All in whose nostrils was the breath
15:53 of the spirit of life, all that who was on the dry land, died.
15:57 So he destroyed all living things
15:58 which were on the face of the ground:
16:00 both man and cattle, creeping thing,
16:02 and bird of the air.
16:03 They were destroyed from the earth.
16:05 Only Noah and those who were
16:07 with him in the ark remained alive.
16:10 Even in Noah's day, those who heard
16:11 and responded to the gospel message,
16:13 that salvational message to get in the ark,
16:16 those people were saved.
16:17 And those people who were not in the ark,
16:19 they were not saved because they had rejected
16:21 the truth of God.
16:23 In that sense, my friends, there are two
16:24 groups presented here.
16:25 There is no middle ground.
16:27 Romans 6:23.
16:28 The Bible says, "For the wages of sin is death,
16:31 and the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus,
16:35 our Lord."
16:36 Very clearly presented.
16:37 Either you have eternal life in Christ because you have
16:40 received Him and you want to live,
16:42 or you live and are a slave to sin
16:44 and that slavery to sin brings death.
16:47 Two groups presented here, my friends.
16:49 There is no middle ground.
16:51 You're going to eventually start saying that with me
16:52 as we go along.
16:53 Romans 8:6, for to be carnally minded is what?
16:58 Is death.
16:59 But to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
17:03 My friends, do you have the spiritual mind of Christ?
17:06 Have you submitted yourself to have the Spirit?
17:08 Are you full of the Spirit or do you have a carnal mind?
17:12 Are you a slave to the carnal world?
17:14 Two groups presented here in Romans Chapter 8.
17:16 And obviously, there is no middle ground.
17:20 1 John 5:12.
17:23 You're going to get this, I promise you.
17:24 The Bible makes it very clear.
17:26 "He who has the Son has life.
17:29 He who does not have the Son of God does not have life."
17:32 I believe that could all be summed up
17:33 right there just in that one text.
17:35 Everything that we're about to say
17:36 can be summed up in 1 John 5:12.
17:39 You either have Jesus Christ in your life.
17:42 You have either made Him Lord of your life or you have not.
17:45 And therefore, if you have the Son, you have life.
17:47 But if you do not have the Son of God,
17:49 you do not have eternal life.
17:51 Two groups presented here. That's right.
17:52 There is no middle ground.
17:55 Even Jesus presents two groups in Matthew Chapter 7.
17:58 Actually, in a couple of passages of Matthew Chapter 7,
18:00 we see here in verse 21 of Matthew 7.
18:03 He says, "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,'
18:05 shall enter the kingdom of heaven,
18:06 but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.
18:09 Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord,
18:11 have we not prophesied in Your name,
18:13 and cast out demons in Your name,
18:15 and done many wonders in Your name?'
18:18 And then I would declare to them, 'I never knew you.
18:20 Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.'"
18:24 Two groups presented here.
18:25 Either you do the will of the Father
18:27 and obey Him in keeping His commandments
18:30 because you are saved, or you are deceiving
18:33 yourself into believing you have a relationship with Him
18:35 when you do not know Him.
18:37 You know Him, or you don't know Him.
18:39 Two groups presented here.
18:40 There is no middle ground.
18:42 Right behind that, my friends, Matthew 7:24-27,
18:45 even more powerful.
18:47 Jesus says, "Therefore, whoever hears these sayings
18:49 of mine and does them,
18:50 well, I will liken him to a wise man
18:52 who built his house on the rock.
18:54 And the rain descended, and the floods came,
18:55 and the winds blew and beat up on the house.
18:57 And it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.
19:01 But everyone who hears these sayings of mine
19:03 and does not do them will be likened unto a foolish man
19:06 who built his house on the sand.
19:08 And the rains descended, the floods came,
19:10 and the winds blew and beat up on the house,
19:11 and it fell and great was its fall."
19:14 My friends, are you grounding your faith
19:16 and your life on the rock of Jesus Christ?
19:18 Are you in that camp?
19:19 Are you grounding your faith on the sands
19:22 of this carnal fallen world?
19:24 Two groups presented here.
19:25 There is no middle ground.
19:28 Matthew 13:37-38.
19:31 Jesus says here,
19:32 "And he answered and said to them,
19:34 'He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man.'"
19:36 The field is the world,
19:37 the good seed are the sons of the kingdom,
19:40 but the tares are the sons of the wicked one.
19:42 We see here Jesus giving the parable
19:44 of the wheat and the tares.
19:46 And it's very clear.
19:47 You're in one camp or the other.
19:49 You are either a part of God's whole wheat church,
19:51 or you are a part of those tares
19:52 who will be gathered and burned at the end of the world.
19:55 My friends, two groups presented right
19:57 here in Matthew 13:37-38.
20:01 Which group are you in?
20:02 You got to choose one or the other because there
20:04 is no middle ground.
20:06 Let's go on to Luke 9:23-25.
20:09 "Jesus says to them all,
20:10 'If anyone desires to come after me,
20:12 let him deny himself
20:14 and take up his cross daily and follow Me.
20:16 For whosever desires to save his life will lose it,
20:19 but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it.
20:22 For what profiteth a man if he gains the whole world
20:25 and is himself destroyed or lost?'"
20:27 My friends, either you are going to die to self,
20:30 take up that cross and follow Jesus Christ,
20:33 or you'll find yourself in the second camp of people
20:35 who will gain the world, yes, have temporary gain,
20:38 but they will lose their life in the end.
20:40 Two different groups of people mentioned here.
20:42 There is no middle ground.
20:44 Make a point of that. Make a note.
20:47 Matthew Chapter 25 very clearly presented here,
20:50 "The kingdom of God is likened unto 10 virgins
20:53 who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.
20:55 Now five of them were wise and five were foolish."
20:58 My friends, you have two groups presented here.
21:01 But notice in verse 3, it says,
21:02 "Those who were foolish took their lamps
21:03 and took no oil with them.
21:05 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps."
21:08 We know oil is likened unto the Holy Spirit.
21:10 It's a representation of the Holy Spirit.
21:12 Two groups presented here in Matthew 25:1-13, very clear.
21:16 You either have the Holy Spirit,
21:18 you're led by the Holy Spirit,
21:19 you're living according to the Holy Spirit,
21:21 or you reject the Holy Spirit in your life.
21:23 Two groups of people, my friends.
21:25 You can't deny it. And guess what?
21:27 There is no middle ground.
21:29 Even in that same passage, Matthew Chapter 25,
21:31 very clear, verse 32.
21:34 It says, "All the nations will gather before him,
21:36 and he will separate one from the other
21:38 as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.
21:41 And he will set a sheep on his right hand
21:42 and the goats on the left.
21:44 And the king will say to those on his right hand,
21:46 'Come unto me blessed of the father.
21:48 Inherit the kingdom prepared for you for the foundation
21:51 or from the foundation of the world.'"
21:52 But notice verse 41 of Matthew 25.
21:55 It says, "Then he will also say to those on the left hand,
21:58 'Depart from me, you cursed into everlasting fire
22:01 prepared for the devil and his angels.'"
22:03 Are there two groups here? Yeah.
22:04 There's two groups. Guess what?
22:05 There is no middle ground.
22:07 You're either a sheep or you're a goat.
22:09 I'd rather be a sheep.
22:11 I'd rather be a sheep.
22:12 In this case, Luke Chapter 17, we see two groups here,
22:15 verse 34 through 36.
22:17 Jesus says, "I tell you, in that night there will be two
22:19 men in one bed.
22:21 The one will be taken and the other left.
22:22 The two women will be grinding together.
22:23 The one will be taken and the other left.
22:25 The two men will be in the field.
22:27 The one will be taken and the other left."
22:28 My friends, two groups of people here,
22:30 two camps of people at the second coming of Jesus.
22:32 Either you're going to be standing left there,
22:35 standing at the presence of the Lord when He returns,
22:38 or you're going to be taken.
22:40 Your life will be taken and scattered abroad
22:42 and you will become immediate bird feed.
22:44 You have two groups that you have to choose from.
22:46 Either you're going to be left alive
22:48 standing at the presence of Jesus,
22:50 or you're going to be taken, your life taken,
22:52 and you're going to lose your life eternally.
22:54 My friends, there is no middle ground.
22:56 The Bible makes that very clear.
22:58 There are several other texts I'm working through here.
23:01 I wanna get into Revelation.
23:02 Let's get into Revelation. My goodness.
23:04 Is there groups here in Revelation?
23:05 Two different groups here in Revelation.
23:07 We hear over and over in the beginning
23:09 chapters of Revelation,
23:10 "He who has an ear, let him hear
23:12 what the Spirit says to the church."
23:13 There's those who hear, right?
23:15 They hear and listen to the Spirit.
23:17 They hear Jesus knocking on the door of their heart
23:19 and they let Him in.
23:21 And then there's those who don't hear the Spirit.
23:22 They reject the leading guiding power of the Spirit.
23:24 And therefore, they do not invite Jesus into their heart.
23:27 Two groups of people, my friends.
23:29 No middle ground.
23:31 You get into Revelation Chapter 13 and 14.
23:33 You have the beast and the creator.
23:35 And the issue is worship.
23:37 Either you worship the beast, or you worship the creator,
23:39 the Lord your God.
23:41 Two groups of people.
23:42 No middle ground.
23:43 Revelation 15 and 16, two groups of people.
23:46 Those who receive the plagues and the wrath of God,
23:49 those who do not.
23:50 No middle ground.
23:51 When you get into Revelation Chapter 17 and 18,
23:54 God is talking about this harlot
23:55 who has deceived the world and made the world drunk
23:58 with the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
24:00 Either you're drunk and confused
24:01 and you're stuck left in Babylon
24:03 because you're confused, or according to Revelation 18,
24:06 you come out of Babylon because you
24:07 listen to the Spirit and you will not receive
24:10 of her plagues.
24:11 No middle ground.
24:13 Revelation Chapter 20 and 21,
24:14 you're either inside the city of God that comes down,
24:17 or you're outside the city of God.
24:19 Two camps of people.
24:21 Either you are burned in the lake of fire,
24:23 or you are preserved and saved from the lake
24:25 of fire because you are His.
24:27 And when we get to Revelation 22, last chapter of the Bible.
24:30 Oh, either you are found in the kingdom of God,
24:34 eating from the tree of life because you have
24:37 done His commandments,
24:40 or you are not found in the kingdom of God.
24:43 You are cast out and you are left alone.
24:46 My friends, choose Jesus today.
24:48 Choose the right camp, because at the end of the day,
24:51 there is no middle ground.
24:54 Amen. Ooh, that was powerful.
24:56 Praise the Lord. There is no middle ground.
24:58 Thank you, Pastor Ryan.
24:59 We're going to take a break.
25:01 We'll be right back. Amen.
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25:39 Welcome back to our study on Choose Life.
25:42 And we're going to kick it over to Shelley.
25:43 She has Tuesday's lesson.
25:45 Oh, thank you so much.
25:46 Tuesday's lesson is Life and Good, Death and Evil,
25:51 Blessings and Cursing.
25:53 And there's no middle ground.
25:55 Moses had delivered three sermons to the generation
26:00 that's getting ready to go into the Promised Land.
26:02 And he's re-ratifying their covenant
26:06 commitment if you will.
26:07 But after his long discourse on the curses for disobedience
26:13 and violation of the covenant,
26:15 he sums it up
26:16 like this in Deuteronomy 30:14.
26:21 He sums up after this long
26:24 discussion on the curses.
26:28 I love this verse.
26:29 Deuteronomy 30:14,
26:31 "But the word is very near you.
26:37 It is in your mouth and in your heart."
26:42 Wow.
26:43 The word is in your mouth and in your heart.
26:45 It's got to be in your heart to be in your mouth,
26:48 but why that you may do it.
26:51 Anytime you see that, for that,
26:53 it's a purpose statement.
26:54 So he's saying God has revealed His mind
26:58 and His purposes through Moses' instructions.
27:01 And if the people would implant this word in their heart,
27:06 it has the power unto salvation.
27:10 Just like James says,
27:12 "The implanted word has the power into salvation."
27:16 So they were to put it in their heart,
27:19 speak it over their life.
27:21 And God's Word had such a clear message of His love
27:27 and His salvation.
27:28 They had all the choice.
27:30 I mean, all the truth necessary to make the right choice,
27:35 didn't they?
27:36 A decision whether they were going to live in God's love
27:41 or live under His curse.
27:43 So it was necessary that they made
27:47 this decision by a decision to do
27:53 His Word and walk in His covenant blessings.
27:56 Now let's look at Deuteronomy 30:15-16.
28:01 What Moses is doing here,
28:03 he's warning them about God rejecting.
28:08 If they rejected His way, that their evil disobedience
28:12 is going to bring some consequences.
28:14 Deuteronomy 30:15-16.
28:17 He says, "See, I have set before you today
28:21 life and good."
28:23 Oh, life and good.
28:24 I like that.
28:26 "Death and evil."
28:28 Oh boy, no middle ground.
28:31 "In that I command you today to love the Lord your God,
28:34 to walk in his ways
28:37 and to keep his commandments, and statutes,
28:40 and his judgments, that you may live and multiply.
28:43 And the Lord your God will bless you in the land
28:45 which you go to possess."
28:47 So he has summed up what Moses is doing here.
28:52 All the law of God that is written in the Book
28:55 of the Law, the Book of Deuteronomy.
28:58 He's summing it up.
28:59 There's two choices, life and death,
29:02 blessing and evil.
29:04 I mean, death and evil, life and blessing,
29:09 or death and evil.
29:10 No middle ground.
29:12 So what I wanted to point out,
29:18 the reason there is death
29:24 and evil.
29:25 When you disobey God, you no longer have God's
29:28 protection over you.
29:30 Deuteronomy 30:17.
29:37 Moses says, "If your heart turns away
29:39 so that you do not hear,
29:41 if you refuse this word that can save you,
29:44 if you are drawn away and worship other gods
29:47 and serve them, I announced to you this day,
29:49 you shall surely perish.
29:51 You shall not prolong your days in the land
29:54 which you cross over the Jordan to go and possess.
29:57 Now listen, I call heaven and earth
30:00 as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life
30:05 and death."
30:07 No middle ground. That's right.
30:08 "Blessing and cursing."
30:11 No middle ground, but it's your choice.
30:14 And then he says, "Therefore, choose life,
30:18 that both you and your descendants may live."
30:20 I said this has a personal application.
30:23 If you've ever watched Exalting His Word or read the book,
30:26 Exalting His Word, I've shared this testimony.
30:29 But I went through a period
30:33 of a year of 24/7 vertigo.
30:35 This was many, many years ago.
30:37 And I got to the point
30:40 with many other things that happened that I don't have
30:42 time to explain, but I got to the point
30:44 one night that I had an emotional identification
30:50 with the why of my
30:53 mother's suicide attempts.
30:57 I wasn't thinking of suicide, but I finally understood why.
31:02 And it was because there was no hope.
31:06 And so the next morning, God...
31:09 I was looking out over the fields
31:11 and the Lord said to me so clearly.
31:15 I mean, it wasn't an audible voice,
31:19 but it may as well have been.
31:21 What I heard was, "I set before you life and death.
31:25 Choose life."
31:26 And I said, "Lord, I have chosen life.
31:30 Jesus Christ is my Savior.
31:31 If you mean anything more than that,
31:33 you're going to have to explain it to me
31:35 'cause I'm in no condition to figure this out."
31:39 And that's when He said, "My words are not idle.
31:43 They are life to you.
31:46 Choose My words."
31:48 And you know what?
31:49 I got in the Bible and I had...
31:51 I couldn't even read after so many months
31:54 of this condition,
31:57 but I was in my Bible like this looking up scriptures.
32:01 I didn't even have a Strong's, didn't have any Bible software.
32:05 But I found those scriptures on healing
32:07 and I began to confess them.
32:09 And when I did, two weeks into it, it was kind of like,
32:13 nothing's changed yet.
32:16 Lord, am I not doing this in faith?
32:18 Did You not directly tell me to do this?
32:20 And then the Lord spoke
32:22 three scriptures to me that were life changing.
32:25 Isaiah 55:11 where He says,
32:28 "My word will not return to Me void.
32:32 It will accomplish every purpose for which I sent it."
32:34 Amen.
32:36 And Jeremiah 1:12, he said,
32:37 "I am watching over My word to perform it."
32:40 And then Romans 4:17
32:42 where he said, "God is the God
32:46 who gives life to the dead
32:48 and calls things that are not as though they were."
32:50 So there was a choice for these people.
32:53 They could choose life.
32:55 They could choose that word that was to be in their heart
32:59 and in their mouth, that they could do God's will,
33:03 that they could respond to His love and His covenant.
33:07 That's right.
33:09 Blessings with a reciprocal love.
33:10 That's what it's all about.
33:12 Or they...
33:13 It was their choice to suffer His consequences.
33:17 You know, that's what happens right now today.
33:21 People say, "Why did God do this?
33:22 Well, it's because it's your choice.
33:25 Now as creatures of free will just as Adam
33:30 and Eve at the tree of good and knowledge,
33:33 the same choice is given to Israel.
33:36 Let's... And you know, you point it out.
33:38 I'm going to read this again.
33:40 No, I don't have time to read it all.
33:44 where Jesus said either
33:48 the Son of God has been given for eternal life
33:52 or that you would perish.
33:55 And that's complete destruction.
33:57 But he goes on in verse 18.
34:00 He says, "He who believes in Him,
34:04 in Jesus, is not condemned.
34:06 But he who does not believe
34:08 is condemned already because he has
34:09 not believed in the name of the only
34:11 begotten Son of God."
34:12 And this is the condemnation, that light
34:14 has come into the world.
34:15 And men love darkness more than light
34:17 because their deeds were evil.
34:19 For everyone practicing evil hates the light.
34:24 Wow.
34:26 But he who comes to the light that his deeds
34:28 may be clearly seen,
34:30 they are those that have been done in God.
34:33 So Deuteronomy
34:36 30:20 says,
34:41 "That you may love the Lord your God,
34:44 that you may obey his voice,
34:47 and you may cling to him, for he is your life
34:53 and the length of your days."
34:56 See, Moses sets
34:59 before them the greatest commandment,
35:02 which is to love the Lord your God.
35:04 And that love
35:07 when he says love with all your heart, soul,
35:09 mind, and strength,
35:11 I can't do it in my own strength.
35:12 But Romans 5:5 says,
35:14 "He pours his love into our hearts by the power
35:16 of the Holy Spirit."
35:18 We even love by grace.
35:20 Isn't that amazing? Of course.
35:22 But there is a link between love for God
35:27 and obedience to God.
35:29 'Cause Jesus said, "If you love Me,
35:31 keep My commandments."
35:33 Amen. Thank you, Shelley.
35:35 Thank you, Shelly.
35:37 It's good to be on Wednesday
35:39 because I get an opportunity to glean
35:41 a little bit along the way.
35:43 I'm so glad I'm two seats from Ryan.
35:45 I would've been consumed by the heat because there
35:49 is no middle ground.
35:50 Praise the Lord for all that has been presented thus far.
35:52 And mine is exciting because it's entitled,
35:54 Not Too Hard for You.
35:57 I want to dive in.
35:58 I have seven points I want to make,
36:00 but I want to start with Jeremiah 32.
36:01 Now as we look at the history of the Israelites,
36:05 we should be filled with confidence that if God
36:08 could bring a people through,
36:10 as we pointed out on one of our prior lessons,
36:13 who didn't have character to be brought through,
36:16 they had no good on their own.
36:17 They couldn't even do good.
36:19 The Lord said, "I'm not giving you this land
36:20 because you're good or you're righteous in your own sight.
36:23 I'm doing this because the people around
36:25 you are more evil than you are."
36:27 So that's a terrible way to feel like you're getting
36:30 a Christmas gift because you've been good
36:31 all year long.
36:32 If I put all your behavior all year long,
36:34 you wouldn't get any gifts.
36:36 God looks at us and His grace
36:38 and His mercy are so compassionate towards us.
36:41 That's right. We are, as Shelley said...
36:42 And I want to go actually in one of our prior lessons,
36:45 what is God's grace giving us something we do not deserve.
36:50 Amen.
36:51 And I like this lesson because it's asking the question,
36:54 or answering the question.
36:56 There's nothing too hard for God, not too hard for you.
37:00 Jeremiah 32:27.
37:02 And the reason I chose Jeremiah 32 before my points
37:06 of takeaway is because I am...
37:09 I wouldn't say a student of, but I really appreciate
37:12 the Book of Job.
37:15 Now we think of the sufferings of Job.
37:17 But in the Book of Job,
37:18 the God that is unrestrained is revealed.
37:23 Yeah. And what do I mean by that?
37:25 When you think that there's something hard for God,
37:27 just dare to read Job Chapter 38.
37:31 I dare you to read it.
37:33 That's a double dare. That's right.
37:35 Because if you think that there's something hard for God,
37:38 let's just sit in Job's seat
37:40 and take the heat that came from his divine understanding
37:45 when Job had no choice.
37:47 He couldn't even run away.
37:48 God said, "Wait a minute." And I love this.
37:51 When Job thought that God was...
37:53 He didn't even blame God, but he was kind of bordering on it.
37:56 Why am I going through this?
37:58 And then after his friend,
38:00 Eli, who remind him of God's greatness, we find in Job 38.
38:04 And I'll read Jeremiah 32 in just a moment.
38:07 But I like the questions that God started asking Job.
38:10 "Who is this who darkens counsel by words
38:14 without knowledge?
38:16 Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
38:19 Tell Me, if you have understanding.
38:21 Who determined its measurements?
38:23 Surely, you know!" That's right.
38:25 And he says, "Have you commanded
38:27 the morning since your days began?
38:30 Have you entered the springs of the sea?
38:32 Have the gates of death been revealed to you?
38:35 Or have you seen the doors of the shadow of death?
38:37 Have you comprehended the breadth of the earth?
38:40 Tell Me, if you know all this."
38:42 And that was just the beginning.
38:43 And I could say...
38:45 I could hear Job saying, "Okay, enough, enough."
38:46 And he said, "No, no, I'm not done yet.
38:47 Where is the way of the dwelling of light and darkness?
38:49 Where is its place?
38:51 Do you know it because you were born then?
38:54 Have you entered the treasury of snow, or have you seen
38:57 the treasury of hail,
38:58 which I've reserved for the time
39:00 of trouble for the day of the battle and war?
39:02 Who has divided the channel for the overflowing waters?
39:06 Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades or lose
39:10 the belt of Orion?"
39:11 You're so smart, tell me how to do that.
39:13 God dressed him down.
39:14 "Can you lift up your voice to the clouds that an abundance
39:18 of water may cover you?
39:20 Can you send out lightning that they may know where to go?
39:23 Who has put wisdom in the mind?
39:25 And who has given understanding to the heart?
39:28 Can you number the clouds by wisdom?
39:30 Or can you pour out the bottles of water that it contain?"
39:33 God is saying, "You're really smart, Job.
39:36 Just stop complaining.
39:38 This is not going to be permanent.
39:40 You know, God's knowledge...
39:42 But God's mercy was what God
39:44 was trying to show to the children of Israel.
39:46 So my...
39:48 Jill, my seven points of takeaway.
39:50 I'm going to let you read Deuteronomy 30:1-10 yourself.
39:53 You need to do some homework, but here's
39:55 what I took away from that.
39:57 The first thing, God will extend His compassion
40:00 and mercy.
40:01 Praise God for that.
40:03 If He hadn't, would any of us be here? No.
40:04 We wouldn't be here.
40:06 Here's the response to that.
40:07 Psalm 86:15.
40:08 God will extend His compassion and mercy.
40:10 Psalm 86:15,
40:12 "But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion,
40:16 and gracious, longsuffering,
40:19 and abundant in mercy and truth."
40:22 Praise the name of God for that.
40:24 Amen.
40:26 Compassionate, gracious, longsuffering,
40:28 and abundant in mercy and truth.
40:30 And yet in all of that, His law isn't changing,
40:34 as He isn't changing.
40:35 The second point, God will bring His people
40:38 back from captivity.
40:40 I remember being on one of these Sabbath School lessons
40:42 when Jill talked about how God brought the children
40:45 of Israel out of Egypt,
40:47 and how beautiful it was when you unfolded that.
40:49 That He didn't bring them out because there was some
40:51 good people that needed to be delivered
40:52 from bad people.
40:54 He brought them out because He wanted to make them
40:57 a treasure in the earth.
40:58 Amen. Deuteronomy 30:3.
41:00 God brings His people back.
41:02 He says, "That the Lord your God will bring you
41:05 back from captivity."
41:06 And every one of us in one degree or another
41:09 has been brought back from the captivity of sin,
41:12 the captivity of bad habits,
41:14 the captivity of our own desires.
41:17 Every one of us have been delivered, Jill,
41:20 from our Egypt.
41:21 That's right. Praise God.
41:23 He's able to deliver.
41:24 And it says, "That the Lord God will bring you
41:27 back from captivity, and have compassion on you,
41:30 and gather you again from all the nations
41:34 where the Lord your God has scattered you."
41:36 Now the gathering
41:38 is because He did the scattering.
41:40 God sometimes scatter because sometimes
41:43 we're not good when we all live in the same community.
41:45 That's why sometimes it's not good.
41:47 And I want to say this in context of Adventism.
41:49 It's not good to be in Adventist ghetto,
41:51 because it sometimes kills our witness.
41:53 We don't have people to talk to God about because we feel
41:56 we all know Him.
41:57 God had to scatter them that He may reveal
42:00 Himself to them.
42:01 Amen.
42:03 The third point, God will prosper
42:04 and multiply your prosperity more than He multiplied
42:09 the prosperity of their ancestors.
42:11 Deuteronomy 30:5,
42:13 "Then the Lord your God will bring you to the land
42:15 which your fathers possessed, and you shall possess it.
42:19 He will prosper you
42:21 and multiply you more than your fathers."
42:24 So if you want to know how God is saying,
42:26 I could do for you better than what I did for them.
42:28 And you might say, "Man, my dad had it good,
42:30 my mom had it good, but look at how good I have it."
42:33 Now I say that in context of,
42:36 I don't want to go back to the technology
42:37 of my father or the technology of my grandfather,
42:40 do you, James?
42:42 Not right now. Not right now.
42:44 Not today.
42:45 They had some advantages.
42:47 Now we look back at maybe even 20 years ago and we say,
42:50 "How did we get around without a GPS?
42:53 How did we find our way?"
42:54 Knowledge is increasing.
42:56 But what's more beautiful than technological knowledge
42:59 is the knowledge that God can do exceedingly,
43:03 abundantly above all that we can ask or think
43:07 according to the power
43:08 that is at work in His children's lives.
43:11 Point number four, God will bless those that bless you
43:15 and curse those that curse you.
43:19 How do we get blessings?
43:21 Proverbs 28:13.
43:22 Let's talk about the blessing part.
43:24 Not going to spend time on the cursing.
43:26 God will take care of that. But look at the blessing.
43:29 "He who covers his sin will not prosper,
43:33 but whoever confesses
43:34 and forsakes them will have mercy."
43:36 When you confess your sin, God will have mercy on you
43:40 and God will bless you.
43:42 Don't seek to be in sin and to receive God's blessings.
43:45 The two don't mesh because there is no middle ground.
43:50 Number five, God will make your work expand and abound.
43:53 2 Corinthians 9:8.
43:55 Only God can do that.
43:57 The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 9:8 about God expanding
44:00 and abounding our work.
44:01 "And God is able to make all grace abound towards you,
44:05 that you always having all sufficiency and all things,
44:09 may have an abundance for every good work."
44:13 That's the story of 3ABN.
44:14 Why are we still here 35 years later?
44:16 Because God knows how to increase abundance
44:19 and prosper the work that is for His glory.
44:21 Point number six, God will increase your livestock
44:24 and the fruit of your vineyard.
44:25 Malachi 3:11, "A blessing to those
44:27 who are honest in tithe and offering.
44:29 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes
44:32 so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground,
44:36 nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field,
44:40 says the Lord of hosts."
44:42 That's right.
44:43 God can prosper you financially, socially,
44:45 spiritually, physically and every other way
44:47 if you are simply obedient to God's plan for prosperity.
44:50 And the last point, point number seven,
44:52 God will rejoice over those that are obedient to him.
44:55 Zephaniah 3:17.
44:57 Find that quickly.
44:58 He says, "The Lord your God in your midst,
45:02 the Mighty One will save you.
45:04 He will rejoice over you with gladness.
45:07 He will quiet you with His love.
45:09 He will rejoice over you with singing."
45:12 That moved my heart to think that God loves me so much,
45:15 that He'll rejoice over me
45:16 and just sing because of His love for me.
45:19 Praise His holy name.
45:21 You know why He can do that?
45:22 Because there's nothing too hard for God.
45:25 Amen. Amen.
45:26 Thank you, John.
45:28 Thank you, Shelley, and Ryan, and Jill,
45:29 what a blessing this lesson is, Choose Life.
45:32 I have Thursday's lesson.
45:33 My name is Pastor James Rafferty.
45:35 And the question for Thursday's lesson is,
45:37 A Question of Worship.
45:39 And Cliff knocked it out again.
45:40 So we're just going to read the introduction
45:42 here to our lessons.
45:43 Central to the covenant relationship between
45:46 the Lord and Israel was worship.
45:49 What made them different from all the world
45:51 around them was that they alone as a nation
45:54 were worshiping the true God,
45:57 as opposed to the false gods and the goddesses
45:59 of the pagan world,
46:00 which were really no gods at all.
46:03 Deuteronomy 32:30,
46:04 "Now see that I even I am he
46:07 and there is no God besides me."
46:11 So the author, Cliff Goldstein...
46:13 I call him Cliff, 'cause he's a friend of mine.
46:15 He gives us a number of verses here
46:17 and I'm not going to read them all.
46:18 We're not going to read them all.
46:19 But Deuteronomy 4:19, Deuteronomy 8:19,
46:21 Deuteronomy 11:16, Deuteronomy 30:17.
46:25 And then he asked this question and he says,
46:27 "What is the common warning in all of these verses?
46:31 And why is this warning
46:32 so essential to the nation of Israel?"
46:34 Well, the common warning in all of these verses
46:36 is don't worship other gods.
46:38 That's right.
46:39 Don't worship other gods,
46:41 don't worship the heavens as God,
46:42 don't worship anything as God but me.
46:45 That's the common warning in all of these verses.
46:48 Why is this warning essential to the nation of Israel?
46:50 Because 40 days out of Sinai, they were worshiping
46:53 the golden calf.
46:55 Because not long after that, they were worshiping
46:57 the brazen serpent that they were
46:58 supposed to look to to live, which was a representation
47:01 of this plan of salvation, Christ on the cross.
47:03 They were worshiping that as an idol.
47:06 The reason why these verses are so important
47:08 is because our natural tendency is to worship ourselves.
47:13 The idols that we form are really
47:15 a form of worship of ourselves.
47:17 That's right. That's true.
47:18 American Idol is a form of worship.
47:20 You know, we have idols today that we worship.
47:21 We worship sport stars, and we worship movie stars,
47:25 and we worship music stars, and we worship 3ABN stars.
47:30 Ooh. It's true.
47:32 1 Corinthians 3,
47:33 Paul is talking to the church in Corinth and he says,
47:35 "Why are you following after and focusing on men?
47:39 Why are you focusing on Cephas?
47:41 And why are you focusing on Apollo?
47:42 So why are you focusing on Paul?
47:43 What is all of this man focus, this man worship?
47:46 You're carnally minded when you think that way.
47:48 It's our natural tendency to worship
47:52 others because really we're worshiping ourselves.
47:55 It's our natural tendency to worship
47:56 idols because really, excuse me,
47:58 we're worshiping ourselves.
48:00 God has directed us to who we really should worship,
48:04 and that is Jesus Christ.
48:05 In fact, in Daniel Chapter 12,
48:07 we're told that we're not to be movie stars,
48:09 we're not to be rock stars,
48:10 we're not to be political stars.
48:14 We are to be stars that shine as the brightness
48:17 of the firmament forever that point
48:19 people to Jesus Christ, to our righteousness,
48:23 to the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
48:25 We are to reflect that light of His righteousness.
48:28 So it's so important.
48:30 It's so vital for us
48:32 to understand this question of worship.
48:34 And so we go on into this lesson
48:37 and we find out that one of the reasons
48:38 why God doesn't want us to worship other gods
48:41 is because we're told in Deuteronomy 5:9.
48:45 And in the Ten Commandments, that Deuteronomy 5
48:48 is a repeat of the Ten Commandments, correct?
48:50 So Deuteronomy 5 tells us that our God is a jealous God.
48:55 He's a jealous God.
48:56 So, you know, in relationships, there's this jealousy factor.
49:00 And, of course, in human relationships,
49:02 the jealousy factor is all about me.
49:05 I am jealous because you are doing
49:07 something that affects me, that makes me feel insecure.
49:10 That is...
49:11 It pull it away from your attention to me.
49:12 But with God, the jealousy factor's
49:15 a little bit different.
49:17 You know, Paul says in 2 Corinthians Chapter 11,
49:19 that I'm jealous over you with godly jealousy.
49:23 God is other centered.
49:24 God is selfless.
49:26 And so God's jealousy is about us.
49:29 He's jealous for us because He doesn't
49:31 want us to be harmed.
49:33 He doesn't want us to be hurt.
49:34 He doesn't want us to come outside of that boundary
49:38 of His law because He knows there's evil out there.
49:41 He knows there's pain out there.
49:42 He knows there's sorrow out there.
49:44 So when God says, "I'm a jealous of God,"
49:45 He's saying, "I don't want you to worship other gods
49:47 because I know what that's going to do to you."
49:49 Look what it does to the idols we worship.
49:51 Look what it does to the stars we worship.
49:53 Think about people whose lives have been
49:54 devastated because we worship them,
49:57 and we are responsible for that.
49:58 The more that you get in line to worship that idol,
50:02 that person, that star, the more responsible
50:05 you're going to be for the detrimental
50:07 effects it has upon them.
50:08 Amen. God didn't make us to be worshiped.
50:10 That's right. None of us.
50:12 God is the only one to be worshiped because
50:14 He's the only one that is the Creator God.
50:17 And so God is jealous for us because God cares about us.
50:21 He cares about what's going to happen to us
50:23 outside of His boundary, outside of His love.
50:26 And this issue of worship comes all the way down to the very
50:30 last book of the Bible.
50:32 Ryan pointed out so powerfully,
50:34 I think, that there's no middle ground.
50:37 And that's what we see in Revelation
50:39 Chapters 13 and 14.
50:40 So Cliff asked us to read Revelation 13:1-15
50:43 and focus on the question of how worship
50:45 is being presented there.
50:46 And then contrast those verses with Revelation 14:6-12.
50:51 What is happening here in Revelation that reflects
50:53 the warning given in Deuteronomy
50:55 and all through the scriptures about false worship?
50:58 Well, what is happening here
50:59 and how does that tie into God being a jealous
51:02 God being concerned about us
51:04 more than He is even about Himself?
51:05 Well, in Revelation 13:10
51:08 and 12, we're told that the worship of this world
51:12 as it consummates in this beast power that makes
51:16 an image to this other beast power.
51:18 And beast in Revelation and prophecy represent
51:20 earthly powers or kingdoms.
51:21 The issue here in these two verses is force.
51:26 There is a force that is being leveled
51:31 against people in Revelation 13:10 and 12.
51:34 And force is the exact opposite of freedom.
51:37 Coercion is the exact opposite of freedom.
51:40 God made us in His image.
51:42 God is love.
51:44 And that love involves freedom,
51:46 freedom to love or not to love because love cannot be forced.
51:49 And so the very essence of God's being is this love,
51:52 is this liberty.
51:54 That's why we're told in 2 Corinthians 3:17,
51:55 "Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty."
51:58 There's freedom.
52:00 That's an indication that God is there,
52:01 that God is present there.
52:03 And so there is no God in this beast.
52:04 There's no God in this image worship in the end
52:07 of time because it is a power of force.
52:10 That's right.
52:12 And then it says in verses 13 and 14, there is deception.
52:16 These are the very issues we're dealing with today.
52:18 I mean, this is so timely.
52:19 This quarterly is so timely for us.
52:21 This subject is so timely to us because we're dealing
52:23 today with force and coercion.
52:25 We're dealing today with deception.
52:26 And in verse 15, we're dealing today with bodily harm,
52:30 that we're dealing today with this economic pressure.
52:33 Verses 16 and 17, its economic pressure that says
52:36 you can't buy or sell that's forcing us,
52:38 that's taking away our choice, taking away our liberty,
52:41 taking away our freedom.
52:42 And taking away liberty, you're taking away the Spirit of God.
52:45 In contrast to that, we have Revelation Chapter 14.
52:48 And what does it say?
52:49 Worship God because the everlasting gospel
52:52 motivates you to do that.
52:54 See the everlasting gospel comes before
52:56 the call to worship.
52:57 The everlasting gospel comes before the call to fear.
52:59 The everlasting gospel comes before the call to judgment.
53:01 The everlasting gospel comes before
53:03 the call to give glory to God because the everlasting gospel
53:06 is the motivation for all of that.
53:08 And to summarize the everlasting gospel,
53:10 we can simply say Christ hanging on the cross.
53:14 That is the gospel.
53:15 That's our message, that's our hope, that's our warning.
53:18 It's good.
53:19 That's our encouragement,
53:20 Christ hanging on upon the cross.
53:22 And so we have this contrast, these two groups,
53:24 and they're separated by the principles of coercion,
53:27 and force, economic pressure.
53:29 You can't buy or sell in contrast to liberty,
53:33 love, the everlasting gospel, the call of Christ.
53:37 If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me.
53:41 So Cliff closes out here in our lesson.
53:43 He says, "However different the context,
53:46 the issue is the same.
53:48 Will people worship the true God and have life,
53:50 or will they succumb to the pressures?
53:53 Either covert...
53:55 I mean, overt, or subtle, or both,
53:57 to turn their allegiance away from Him and face death?"
54:01 He continues, "Ultimately, the answer lies
54:04 within each individual heart."
54:07 God did not force ancient Israel to follow Him
54:10 and He won't force us.
54:12 And as we see it in Revelation 13, force is what the beast
54:15 and his image will employ.
54:17 God in contrast works by love.
54:22 There's one verse that I want to close this out
54:23 with now because I think it's so important, perhaps,
54:26 maybe overlooked.
54:27 We're going to look at 1 Timothy 6:10.
54:31 1 Timothy 6:10, because this is going to help to guide us.
54:36 I think God's Word can guide us in these difficult times.
54:39 This verse in 1 Timothy 6:10
54:42 is going to help to guide us in the time in which we live.
54:46 It says here, "For the love of money
54:48 is the root of all evil,
54:52 which while some have coveted after,
54:54 they have erred from the faith and pierced
54:57 themselves through with many sorrows."
54:59 God doesn't want us to err from the faith.
55:01 God doesn't want us to be pierced through
55:02 with many sorrows.
55:03 God doesn't want us to love money.
55:05 God doesn't want us to be so dependent on money
55:07 that when the economic pressure comes,
55:09 we're going to succumb.
55:10 Where we're going to lose,
55:12 we're going to give up our freedom,
55:13 our liberty, we're going to give up our freedom
55:15 of choice and we're going to choose to go along with
55:16 the beast and receive his mark.
55:17 God wants us to free us from all of that.
55:19 And the only way we can be free indeed
55:22 is through Jesus Christ, our Savior.
55:24 He has come to set us free.
55:26 And when the Son sets us free, we will be free indeed.
55:29 Choose Jesus and you will have the freedom
55:31 and the liberty to stand in this crisis ahead.
55:34 Amen. Thank you all so much.
55:36 What an incredible lesson. Praise the Lord.
55:38 Want to give each one of you a moment to share
55:39 about your day or something else.
55:41 Amen.
55:42 Romans 6:16, "Do you not know that to whom you present
55:45 yourselves slaves to obey,
55:47 you are that one's slave whom you obey,
55:49 whether of leading to sin
55:51 or of obedience leading to righteous...
55:54 Or sin leading to death,
55:56 or obedience leading to righteousness?"
55:58 There's two groups, no middle ground.
56:00 I just wanted to make a quick correction on the scripture
56:03 reference, for God watches over His word.
56:07 That's Jeremiah 1:12.
56:09 I want to leave you with this thought.
56:11 Deuteronomy 30:14,
56:13 "The word is near you, it's in your mouth,
56:17 it's in your heart, that you may do it."
56:19 And I'm going to make a little
56:21 turn here because when I think about,
56:22 is there anything too hard for God?
56:24 This brings me comfort.
56:26 Then Psalm 27:1,
56:28 "The Lord is my light and my salvation.
56:30 Whom shall I fear?
56:31 If there's nothing difficult for Him,
56:33 I fear no one but God."
56:35 Amen. Just along those same lines.
56:37 We're told that God's love cast out fear.
56:40 Perfect love cast out all fear.
56:42 When we bring God into our hearts, the fear is diminished.
56:45 The fear goes out.
56:46 Amen.
56:47 Thank you so much Pastor James, Pastor John, Shelley,
56:50 and Pastor Ryan.
56:51 Thank you for your knowledge of the Word and for sharing it.
56:54 And we thank for joining us at home.
56:56 I want to leave you with
56:57 a scripture that I quoted earlier.
56:59 This is Revelation 22, last book of the Bible,
57:02 last chapter, verse 17.
57:04 "The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!'
57:06 Let him who hears come.
57:09 Let him who is of thirst come.
57:12 Whoever desires,
57:13 take of the water of life freely."
57:15 So we want to encourage you today to choose life.
57:19 We also want to encourage you to join us
57:21 next week for 3ABN's Sabbath School Panel,
57:24 where we will be studying lesson number nine,
57:27 Turn Their Hearts.


Revised 2021-11-18