3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Jesus and the Apostles’ View of The Bible

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP200015S

00:01 Hello, welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School panel
00:03 for the second quarter of our lesson study,
00:05 "How to Interpret Scripture."
00:07 If you'd like to get a copy of our lesson to follow along,
00:09 go to absg.adventist.org.
00:14 But right now get your Bibles and your pens
00:16 as you join us for our second lesson study,
00:19 "The Origin and Nature of the Bible."
00:52 Hello, welcome to Sabbath School panel
00:54 here at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:56 We are so excited you've taken the time
00:58 to join us.
01:00 We have been enjoying our first lesson study
01:02 and we're going to dive into the second one,
01:04 which is The Origin and Nature of the Bible.
01:07 Get your pens, sit down, relax.
01:09 Join us for an exciting excursion
01:12 through the Word of God.
01:13 To my left,
01:15 my immediate left is Jill Morikone.
01:16 Good to have you here, Jill. Thank you, Pastor John.
01:18 Do you have some list for us today?
01:19 I think we might have one or two.
01:21 Always look forward to those lists.
01:23 And, Pastor Kenny,
01:24 are you ready to preach to us today?
01:25 Well, I love this lesson, it is a good one
01:27 and we're encouraging people to stay in and tune in
01:30 because there's some things need to be brought out today.
01:32 Your fire is always lit. Good to have you here.
01:34 Pastor John Dinzey? How's it going for you today?
01:37 Praising the Lord for His goodness and mercy.
01:39 That's right.
01:40 And now Pastor Ryan Day you're ready, our historian?
01:43 Always ready. I tell you.
01:46 You know before we go any further
01:48 however to dive in our lesson,
01:49 we are going to ask the Lord's blessing.
01:51 And I'm going to ask Pastor Dinzey,
01:52 if you would have our prayer for us today.
01:54 Sure.
01:55 Our loving Heavenly Father,
01:57 we want to thank You for Your kindness,
02:00 Your mercy, and that
02:02 You are always thinking of us.
02:05 We want to praise You
02:06 because You have a plan of salvation
02:10 that reaches every single person.
02:13 And we ask You, Father,
02:14 to bless us with the Holy Spirit,
02:16 that we may speak Your words.
02:18 And we also ask that You will bless everyone
02:21 that is listening,
02:22 that they may be drawn close to You,
02:25 and that Your name may be glorified.
02:26 We ask in Jesus name, amen. Amen.
02:29 Thank you so much.
02:31 The origin and nature of the Bible,
02:32 so many things have to do with origin.
02:35 You know, that's a question people often say,
02:37 when we meet them, where are you from?
02:39 And we try to qualify that by making where we are
02:42 from a very exciting and vital place.
02:46 I'm from New York, but I live in the Midwest
02:51 in Thompsonville, West Frankfort,
02:53 and then people tend to all automatically
02:56 draw conclusions about,
02:58 something about where you're from
03:00 and where you are.
03:01 And so when we think about the origin
03:03 and the nature of the Bible,
03:05 it's a part of our society in which we live.
03:07 Origins have a lot to do. Are you European?
03:10 Are you from the Middle East?
03:11 Are you from the islands of the sea?
03:13 Are you from Asia?
03:14 Well the Bible, in fact, is not from the Middle East
03:17 or from the islands of the sea, the Bible is divinely born.
03:21 It's really from the heart of God.
03:24 So when we think about that,
03:25 let's look at our Sabbath School lesson,
03:27 our text for this lesson study.
03:31 It is taken from 2nd,
03:33 actually 1 Thessalonians 2:13.
03:37 And it reads as follows,
03:39 "For this reason
03:42 we also thank God without ceasing,
03:45 because when you received the word of God
03:47 which you heard from us,
03:49 you welcomed it not as the word of men,
03:52 but as it is in truth, the word of God,
03:55 which also effectively works in you who believe."
04:00 And I love that scripture, because it talks about,
04:02 to me it's about food.
04:03 And I know, but I don't want to make food
04:05 a focal point,
04:07 but you know, you could look at food
04:09 and it will do you no good.
04:10 Or you could eat food
04:12 and then it'll begin to nourish you.
04:14 In our modern society today there are many Bibles.
04:17 We have them in printed form, we have them in digital form,
04:20 we have them in various translations.
04:22 But the point I want to begin our lesson study
04:24 with is regardless of the divinity of the Bible
04:27 and the origin and nature of it,
04:28 unless you imbibe the Bible,
04:31 unless it permeates your mind and your life,
04:34 the living Word can never bring life to you,
04:37 except it is ingested.
04:39 And so I want to encourage you,
04:41 you may be living in a fast paced world
04:42 like we are.
04:44 We live in a very fast paced society,
04:46 but if we don't partake of God's Word,
04:49 not just as a point of study or developing of a sermon,
04:52 but it has to be our own personal devotion,
04:55 like our cereal in the morning,
04:57 like the thing that gives us nourishment for our day.
04:59 When it becomes a personal impact,
05:02 then the personal effect and the presence of God
05:04 will be experienced in our lives.
05:06 Now, one of the questions asked on Sunday's lesson.
05:08 Go to Sunday with me,
05:10 as we turn to Sunday is about Peter.
05:14 How does Peter express his conviction about the origin
05:17 of the Bible's prophetic message?
05:20 Let's turn to 2 Peter 1:19-21,
05:24 how does he express his conviction?
05:26 You know, unless you have a conviction,
05:27 you just have an opinion.
05:29 A conviction is something that goes deeper
05:31 than just an opinion.
05:33 It becomes the model of your life,
05:34 I am convicted,
05:36 and then you mention what the conviction is.
05:38 Well, Peter mentions his conviction
05:41 and who better than a man who had to be convicted
05:45 before he was converted?
05:47 Listen to what he says about prophecy.
05:51 2 Peter 1:19.
05:53 And so we have the prophetic word confirmed
05:57 or a more sure word of prophecy
05:59 as the King James Version says, right, Pastor Kenny?
06:01 Yes.
06:03 "Which you do well to take heed as a light
06:05 that shines in a dark place,
06:08 until the day dawns
06:10 and the morning star rises in your hearts,
06:13 knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture
06:17 is of any," what?"
06:18 Private interpretation, for prophecy never came
06:22 by the will of man,
06:23 but holy men of God spoke
06:25 as they were moved by the Holy Spirit."
06:28 Vitally important point to understand
06:30 from the very beginning.
06:31 Prophecy ceases to be a blessing
06:33 when it becomes something that's private.
06:36 That's why what I like about the lesson studies,
06:38 and many of you might know that
06:39 before these lessons studies get to us,
06:41 they go through committee, through committee,
06:42 through committee, edited, edited, edited,
06:45 people look at it,
06:46 it's not just the opinions of two men,
06:48 no matter how learned they are,
06:50 but they are examined and they are qualified,
06:55 and if there's something that is not in harmony,
06:57 and the committee sees it,
06:58 that's why holy men of God, they were literally examined
07:03 by the Lord chosen by Him,
07:05 and filled and directed by the Holy Spirit.
07:08 So we know that it's confirmed.
07:10 It's a light that shines brighter and brighter.
07:12 And when you study the Bible and you understand prophecy,
07:16 it becomes brighter and brighter,
07:18 clearer and clearer, leading us to that perfect day.
07:21 Now, some of the possible approaches
07:23 to studying the Bible are these.
07:25 First of all,
07:26 the Bible is a book of confirmation,
07:28 not a book of speculation.
07:31 It's vitally important. It's a book of confirmation.
07:33 That's right.
07:34 It's confirmed, it's not confirmed just
07:36 and I like the way you did that last lesson, Ryan,
07:38 you pointed out
07:39 the historical references of people
07:41 that are not necessarily Christians,
07:43 but they're saying you can't argue with it,
07:46 you know, two and two is four,
07:47 no matter what your denomination believes.
07:49 You could be convicted or converted
07:50 or you could be not a Christian.
07:52 It's a fact two and two is four.
07:54 So the Bible is a book of confirmation,
07:56 not a book of speculation.
07:57 Secondly, the Bible is a book of instruction,
07:59 not a book of suggestions.
08:02 You know, it's not God saying, I suggest you do this.
08:06 That's the political approach.
08:07 The Lord is saying, "That's why the commandments
08:09 I call suggestions, the Ten Commandments."
08:11 When you follow Bible,
08:13 you find its instructions are good for reproof,
08:16 for correction, for instruction that the man of God,
08:19 the woman of God may be thoroughly equipped.
08:21 We cannot go out into this world in a sinful battle,
08:24 without the whole armor of God.
08:27 And you can be fully clad, that's the defensive weapons,
08:30 but the Spirit of God,
08:32 the sword of God is the only offensive weapon
08:34 you have.
08:36 If you are not sufficiently capable in using it,
08:38 you're just a beautiful soldier with no weapon at all.
08:42 Certainly, the Bible is a living book.
08:44 The more we read, the brighter it gets.
08:48 Fourthly, the Bible is a book of gradual revelation,
08:51 until the day dawns.
08:53 I mean, we've all read the Bible
08:55 and somewhere along the way, we said, unbelievable.
08:57 I saw that, I didn't get that.
08:59 That happened to me just recently
09:01 about the message to Pharaoh that God had raised up Pharaoh
09:04 for a purpose.
09:06 I read the Bible for many years and never caught that.
09:08 It's the dawning of the Bible, it gets brighter and brighter.
09:11 The other part the Bible does not just inform
09:14 but the Bible is intended to transform.
09:17 Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
09:20 And next, the Bible is the product
09:21 of direct communication
09:23 between humanity and divinity.
09:25 Taking the divine element into consideration
09:27 alters our approach to God's Word.
09:30 You know, if you get a letter from the President,
09:32 you don't just deal with that like you got a letter
09:35 from your local bill collector.
09:37 You say, "Where's that from?
09:38 Oh, the United States? The what?
09:42 Who's it from?"
09:44 "The President of the United States."
09:45 "Wait, wait, wait, wait, put the bills down.
09:47 I got to read this. Why would he write me?"
09:49 Well, friends, the Bible is from the God of the universe.
09:53 When we understand,
09:54 it alters our approach to the reading of the Bible.
09:58 Notice what Paul said to Timothy,
10:01 the protege, he said in 2 Timothy 3:15,
10:04 the Bible is not just scriptures,
10:05 it is holy.
10:07 Notice what he said."
10:08 And that from childhood you have known
10:11 the Holy Scriptures,
10:13 which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith
10:16 which is in Christ Jesus."
10:18 I've learned and we all have learned
10:19 when you study the Bible,
10:21 you know, you can fit into any circle,
10:23 no matter what the qualifications,
10:25 no matter what the educational achievements,
10:27 I feel comfortable in any circle,
10:29 as I said to one prime minister,
10:32 that said to me, "Why are you not afraid?"
10:33 I said him respectfully,
10:35 the Prime Minister of St. Lucia,
10:37 He said, "Why you not afraid?"
10:39 I said, "Because I answer to an even higher authority."
10:42 And he looked at me in a very somber way
10:43 until he smiled and said, "I like that."
10:45 You know, the Bible
10:47 is connected to an even higher authority
10:48 than any dignitary or any prelate on earth.
10:51 That's why Paul, in Romans 1:2 it says, which he promised,
10:55 speaking about the Bible, "Which he promised before,
10:59 through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures."
11:03 Next the Bible is a cooperative work.
11:05 It is not the product of a single entity.
11:08 Daniel 12:4, Daniel says, "But you Daniel,
11:12 the Lord told him to speak,
11:13 "You Daniel shut up the words
11:16 and seal the book until the time of the end,
11:18 many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase."
11:22 This cooperative work between God and Daniel
11:26 became a light for future generations.
11:28 And we are thanking the Lord
11:30 that Daniel was humble enough
11:32 to do what God had instructed him,
11:33 but I want to make it very clear,
11:35 God never told John, shut up Revelation.
11:37 It's a continuing, Revelation has never been shut.
11:40 The third thing the Bible directs,
11:42 the Bible is a book of direction.
11:44 Isaiah 30:21.
11:46 Here's what the Bible says, "Your ears shall hear a word
11:51 behind you saying, 'This is the way, walk in it.
11:55 Whenever you turn to the right hand
11:56 or whenever you turn to the left.'"
11:59 That's why 1 John 1:7 says,
12:01 "If we walk in the light as He is in the light,
12:04 we have fellowship with one another,"
12:06 deeper than friendship,
12:07 Koinonia, but you have to walk in the light.
12:09 And He'll tell you, "If you go left or go right,
12:11 He'll say, "This is the way, walk in it."
12:14 The Bible is not human invention.
12:17 In 2 Peter 1:16.
12:19 "For we did not follow cunningly devised fables,
12:22 when we made known to you the power
12:24 and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
12:26 but were eyewitnesses of His Majesty."
12:30 The Bible is not a human dimension.
12:33 We did not follow cunningly devised fable.
12:36 And we know the Bible is inspired.
12:37 I went past that all scripture is given by inspiration of God,
12:40 we made that point before.
12:41 Also our faith and trust in God's Word
12:44 are based on the belief that it is of divine origin.
12:49 James 1:21 and this is actually has been
12:53 so much a part of our Sabbath School openers,
12:56 receiving with meekness the implanted Word
13:00 which is able to save your souls.
13:02 Divine origin, receding with meekness,
13:05 the implanted Word.
13:06 I like that word because something
13:08 that's planted will not fail to continue to grow.
13:11 And the other one,
13:13 we are not obligated to its contents,
13:15 we are obligated to its author.
13:17 That's right. That's quite different.
13:19 Amen. It's good.
13:20 1 Thessalonians 2:13, which is the passage we read,
13:22 it effectively works in those of us who believe.
13:26 And finally, we don't trust the Bible,
13:29 because it's a good book.
13:31 We trust the Bible because it's written by a good author.
13:34 That's right. Okay.
13:36 That's right.
13:37 Deuteronomy 32:4, "He is the rock,
13:40 His work is perfect, for all His ways are justice,
13:44 a God of truth and without injustice,
13:47 righteous and upright is He?"
13:51 Jill? Amen.
13:52 Thank you so much, Pastor John.
13:54 You had some good lists going on there.
13:56 Okay.
13:57 I didn't do a list but you thought it.
13:59 That was good.
14:00 The divine revelation of the Bible.
14:01 I have Monday's lesson, the Process of Inspiration.
14:05 So, before we jump in,
14:06 I want to tell you where we are going.
14:09 Hopefully we'll lend some clarity
14:11 because we're going quite a few different directions.
14:13 We're looking at inspiration versus revelation.
14:16 We're going to start with that, then what inspiration is not,
14:21 then theories of inspiration, forms of inspiration
14:25 and finally, evidence for inspiration.
14:29 Lord willing, we're going to get through all of that.
14:31 So let's look at inspiration versus revelation.
14:35 Revelation is the act of communicating
14:37 divine knowledge to the mind.
14:41 Inspiration is the act of the same spirit,
14:45 guiding those who make that knowledge
14:48 known to someone else,
14:50 guiding those who make that knowledge known to others.
14:53 Revelation, in other words, is the Holy Spirit
14:56 or God speaking directly into the individual.
14:58 That would be like Abraham.
15:00 He was granted a revelation when God came and said,
15:03 "Look up at the sky
15:04 and your descendants are going to be
15:07 like the sand of the sea or the stars in the heavens."
15:11 Now, He didn't communicate that
15:13 and He clearly didn't write a book,
15:14 he received the revelation and that was it.
15:17 Moses received a revelation
15:19 that was at the burning bush, right?
15:21 And God came and communicated to him.
15:24 But in addition, Moses communicated to others.
15:27 We know he wrote Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,
15:30 Deuteronomy.
15:32 He had inspiration,
15:33 the Holy Spirit inspired him to communicate
15:37 and write down that message.
15:39 What inspiration is not?
15:41 Inspiration is not revelation, we just discussed that.
15:44 Inspiration is not illumination.
15:47 Every born again Christian is to be illuminated
15:50 by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
15:53 Does that mean every born again Christian is inspired?
15:56 No.
15:57 Does that mean every born again Christian is to be a prophet?
15:59 No.
16:01 So inspiration is not illumination.
16:03 Inspiration is not human genius.
16:07 You could say,
16:09 "Oh, that person is a really good writer."
16:10 Human genius might be a natural qualification.
16:13 But inspiration
16:14 is a supernatural qualification.
16:18 And finally, inspiration is not on the writer,
16:22 it is on the writing.
16:24 What I mean by that,
16:26 the Holy Spirit definitely uses the writer.
16:28 We're not discounting them.
16:30 But think about Paul, the Apostle Paul.
16:33 Was he a perfect man? Absolutely not.
16:36 We know he killed a few people before he became converted.
16:39 But even after he was converted,
16:41 Pastor Kenny, he withstood Peter to his face.
16:44 So there was still some of the old man in there.
16:47 Just because the authors in the Word of God
16:50 they were human, we know that,
16:51 and they made mistakes.
16:53 The fact that their books in the Bible
16:55 were divinely inspired does not mean that
16:57 they themselves were infallible.
16:59 The inspiration is on the writing.
17:02 It falls on the writer,
17:03 but it's specifically on the writing.
17:05 Let's look at some theories of inspiration.
17:09 You might recognize some of these.
17:10 First theory is called natural inspiration,
17:13 which we do not subscribe to.
17:15 And this theory,
17:16 there is no supernatural element.
17:18 People who believe this say that
17:20 Bible was written by great men who often erred.
17:23 That is not true, because we know
17:24 the Word of God says in 2 Peter 1:20 and 21,
17:27 we have referenced this before,
17:30 "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture
17:32 is of any private interpretation,
17:35 for prophecy never came by the will of men,
17:37 but holy men of God spoke
17:39 as they were moved by the Holy Spirit."
17:41 So natural inspiration is not biblical.
17:44 Second theory is partial inspiration.
17:47 That's the theory
17:49 that the Bible contains God's words,
17:51 but they must be sorted out
17:53 or somehow demythologized to find them.
17:56 In other words, some parts would be human
17:58 and some parts would be divine,
18:00 we do not subscribe to that either
18:02 because 2 Timothy 3:16.
18:04 All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
18:07 not parts, but all.
18:09 Third theory is conceptual inspiration.
18:13 That's where the thoughts of Scripture are inspired,
18:16 but the actual words are not.
18:18 There is some factual or scientific error.
18:22 We do not subscribe to that either,
18:23 because all scripture,
18:24 we just read that scripture is given by inspiration of God.
18:28 The fourth theory is called
18:30 the verbal dictation theory of inspiration.
18:34 This is where the writer passively sits back
18:36 and just records God's Word without any participation
18:40 of their own style or their own interpretation.
18:44 Now, clearly, God inspired holy men to write.
18:47 This theory was held years ago
18:50 and by time Martin Luther came on the scene,
18:52 and Calvin and others of the Protestant Reformation,
18:55 this theory was rejected.
18:58 We're subscribing to theory number five,
19:00 verbal plenary inspiration,
19:03 which means all the actual words of the Bible
19:06 are inspired,
19:07 yet written by individual authors
19:10 in their own language, context and personality.
19:15 We see that, in Great Controversy
19:17 actually page seven.
19:18 This is a quote from Ellen White.
19:19 "The Bible points to God as its author,
19:21 yet it was written by human hands.
19:24 And in the varied style of its different books.
19:27 It presents the characteristics of its several writers.
19:30 The truths revealed are all given by
19:32 inspiration of God,
19:34 yet they are expressed in the words of men."
19:37 So let's look at the forms of inspiration.
19:40 And that was the theories of inspiration.
19:42 Let's look at the forms of inspiration.
19:44 There's several different forms.
19:46 The first form would be when God directly says
19:49 something to a prophet say to say
19:51 and they write it down.
19:54 Zechariah 7:12.
19:56 "Yes, they made their hearts like flint,
19:58 refusing to hear the law in the words
20:01 which the Lord of hosts had sent by His Spirit
20:03 through the former prophets."
20:04 Did you catch that?
20:05 It says the word that the Lord spoke
20:07 through the prophets.
20:10 Jonah 1:1 and 2, "The word of the Lord
20:13 came to Jonah saying, 'Arise, go to Nineveh.'"
20:16 So there's places in the Word of God words,
20:18 actually a direct, you could say
20:20 transcription of what God said.
20:23 God spoke a certain thing
20:24 and you read that in the prophets,
20:26 the word of the Lord came to me and I said,
20:28 and then you read that.
20:29 Now, there's other times when God influenced,
20:33 directed and superintended the writing of men
20:37 who wrote what God intended.
20:38 This is where they might use their own words,
20:41 their own phrases.
20:42 The biblical authors still using their own style
20:45 and personality and background,
20:47 yet God is still over all inspiring them
20:51 what to write.
20:53 You notice you read the scholarly epistles of Paul.
20:56 He clearly writes vastly different than say, John Mark,
20:59 who wrote the Book of Mark,
21:01 or the writings of John who had experienced
21:04 and walked with God.
21:05 You see the differences in personality,
21:08 yet the same God over all.
21:11 Finally let's look at evidences
21:14 for the inspiration of the Bible,
21:16 and I want to close
21:17 with five evidences for inspiration of the Bible.
21:20 There's more than five, but we'll just touch on five.
21:22 Number one is the written word in the Bible.
21:26 In other words we believe the Bible
21:28 is inspired because God said it is.
21:30 God's Word claims divine inspiration and origin.
21:34 We already read 2 Timothy 3:16.
21:36 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God."
21:40 Number two, the second evidence
21:41 for the inspiration of the Bible
21:43 is the fulfilled prophecy in the Word of God.
21:47 Last lesson, Pastor John talked about
21:49 the prophetic word.
21:51 And we see just a couple
21:52 I think of the 70-year prophecy of Babylonian captivity
21:56 found in the Book of Jeremiah.
21:58 And 70 years was prophesied
22:00 and it came to pass just as God said.
22:02 I think of Daniel Chapter 2, Daniel Chapter 7,
22:05 Daniel Chapter 8,
22:07 where the four successive kingdoms
22:09 and world empires,
22:10 all came true exactly as God predicted
22:14 years before it was to take place.
22:17 I think of Ezekiel talking about the destruction
22:19 of the city of Tyre.
22:21 That came to pass, just as God predicted.
22:25 I think of the hundreds
22:26 of prophecies in the Old Testament
22:28 predicting the coming Messiah.
22:30 And they came true exactly as God said.
22:33 Number three, third evidence for inspiration
22:35 of the Bible is the unity of the Bible.
22:38 Amen, that's right.
22:40 Many different authors, many different,
22:41 spanning many years
22:43 and yet there is an amazing cohesive
22:47 unity found in the Word of God.
22:51 Isaiah 28:10 precept must be upon precept,
22:55 precept upon precept line upon line,
22:57 line upon line, here a little and there a little,
22:59 but it is all cohesive in one because
23:02 God is the single author over all.
23:06 Number four,
23:07 evidence for inspiration of the Bible
23:09 that the Word of God has life giving power,
23:12 that by reading the Word of God
23:14 and by preaching the Word of God,
23:17 people's lives are converted.
23:20 We saw this in Acts Chapter 2, when Pentecost.
23:23 Now, of course, the Holy Spirit was poured out.
23:25 So we're not putting aside
23:27 that working of the Holy Spirit,
23:29 but 3,000 people were converted in one day
23:31 from hearing the preaching of the Word of God.
23:34 And the fifth evidence for the support
23:36 of the inspiration of the Word of God
23:38 is archeological support for the Bible.
23:41 Ryan talked about that.
23:43 Both in history and archaeology,
23:45 these finds they uncover things that people before said,
23:48 "No, just the Bible says that,"
23:50 but now we find evidence that supports
23:53 the validity of the Word of God.
23:55 That's right.
23:56 Well, thank you Jill, that was powerful.
23:59 Now you started to fire.
24:00 Pastor Kenny, we're going to come to you
24:02 in a moment but we're going to just
24:03 take a short break and don't go away.
24:05 We'll be right back. Amen.
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24:42 Welcome back to our Sabbath School Lesson Study.
24:45 We'll go now to Tuesday.
24:46 Pastor Kenny, the written Word of God.
24:48 Amen.
24:50 To me that's a good,
24:51 it's a good lesson here because,
24:52 again, God speaks and the text in our lesson
24:55 just starts out with Exodus 34:27, you know,
24:58 I'll read it from the King James.
25:00 It says, "And the Lord said unto Moses,
25:01 write thou these words,
25:04 for tenor of these words
25:06 I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel."
25:09 So the question is asked, why the Lord said to Moses,
25:12 why do you say write it down.
25:14 That's what it is the written Word of God.
25:15 Why tell Moses, write the word down?
25:19 I mean, their minds were very good back then.
25:21 God can impress on the mind any of us, you know,
25:23 there's passage of scripture, the whole Bible,
25:25 if they wanted to by the Holy Spirit,
25:26 you just spit it out.
25:28 But interesting, God said to write,
25:30 He told him to write it down.
25:32 He told Moses, now He didn't say Moses,
25:35 just you know, you write it down.
25:37 He told him, you know, you can recite this
25:39 if you want to, and you want to do it
25:40 after it's written down you can recite it.
25:42 But He told him, you need to write it down.
25:45 So there was a reason to write it down.
25:46 I don't know if any of you learned
25:47 by writing things down.
25:49 I do, I write things down,
25:50 it helps my memory and then you go back
25:53 and you can read and so on.
25:54 The first we know it's God, then who's responsible?
25:57 God is in charge.
25:58 It's God who speaks,
25:59 the Holy Spirit empowers and brings to our remembrance.
26:02 It's God who created
26:03 the human language and He did it.
26:05 Why did He communicate and think about,
26:07 why did He have us to have human life?
26:09 Why do we speak, if it's not to speak for Him?
26:12 You know, I think it is to communicate His love
26:14 and communicate the truth.
26:16 That's the purpose of it.
26:17 The divinely inspired Word of God.
26:19 It needed to be, when He said speak,
26:21 it needed to be at least in my opinion,
26:23 a reliable source,
26:25 something that would be there,
26:26 more than just spoken, we know it need to be,
26:29 but something that could be there
26:30 something you could go refer back to.
26:32 You know, what if God's Word was just say just spoken
26:37 and not written down?
26:38 I wonder how it would be today
26:41 if He didn't say write it down and if it was just spoken?
26:44 I think about that when you hear all the time.
26:47 You know, would it be possible to keep this message straight?
26:50 Because we realize what we went you know,
26:52 years ago when you say when I'm going to whisper
26:53 something in Pastor John's ear,
26:56 and John when I get done and you tell like to Jill
26:58 and then you know going down.
26:59 And time it gets to the end,
27:01 just four or five people in there, right?
27:02 Sometime it's a completely different thing all together.
27:06 It makes no sense.
27:07 So God knew exactly what He was doing.
27:09 God commanded,
27:11 He commanded the holy men of God,
27:13 notice this as He did Moses.
27:15 He said, "Write these words."
27:17 And I think it's been very clear
27:18 on this panel so far,
27:20 that when God says something, we need to honor it,
27:22 and we need to do it.
27:24 There's a reason for it.
27:25 God never asked us to do something
27:26 unless there's a reason for it and it's for our own good.
27:29 God doesn't need it. He can remember it.
27:31 We need it, I need it.
27:33 So why did God say to write down His message?
27:35 I put down six things at least in my little simple mind
27:38 that would bring in my mind.
27:39 Sorry, Jill. That's good.
27:42 Simple answers would be. That's right.
27:45 It's catching on. You see, it's catching on.
27:47 Simple, right.
27:48 So we will not forget them so easily.
27:51 Just in the commandments and the fourth one says what?
27:54 Remember the Sabbath day. Remember why?
27:56 So we would not forget.
27:58 And here God says, "You write down
27:59 so you won't forget them so easily,"
28:01 number one.
28:03 Number two, the Bible is a constant reference point.
28:06 We can always go to the Word of God,
28:08 it directs us to Him
28:10 and to His will for us in our life.
28:13 Number three, notice this, it's written on,
28:16 we say documents, it's written down.
28:18 So it can be preserved, you know,
28:20 things that are written down can be preserved, again,
28:22 if it's just talking and passed on and on and on,
28:24 I'm not telling what kind of mess things
28:26 would be in right now but it's not.
28:28 And it's much more reliable, what is written down
28:30 than the oral message is that you know,
28:32 that people repeat over and over and over.
28:34 Number four, the written word can be easily copied.
28:38 But we live in a different society
28:39 now, you know, there's a lot of things,
28:41 I think of audio and video and different things.
28:43 And most of you, forgive me here,
28:44 but almost like it's a written word, right?
28:46 Because it's what? It's recorded, is it not?
28:48 And you can go and you can play it over
28:50 but just for the sake of this lesson here,
28:51 I'm thinking of the written word.
28:53 God said, "Write these things down,"
28:54 because they can be copied over and over and over,
28:59 you know, again, If you think,
29:00 if you just think, well, I've got audio and I got video,
29:03 you have to have power for that, right?
29:06 You have to have a player.
29:07 Here, if it's written down,
29:09 you can read it, you can just read it.
29:11 Number five, a person can speak
29:14 only to a certain number of people
29:17 at any given time,
29:18 you can only reach so many in one place at one time.
29:21 But with a written word,
29:22 right, you can read it to countless,
29:25 I love this countless readers around the world,
29:27 and to numerous generations,
29:30 you know, to me that, that's good.
29:32 Number six, and of course,
29:33 you can always read the Word of God
29:36 to someone who can't read.
29:39 So the Word of God simply, you know, goes on
29:40 and we can read it and there are many in the world
29:42 that they can't read or they can't see
29:44 and they need someone to read the Word of God.
29:46 Let's look at just several examples
29:48 where God said to write, you know,
29:52 and if it is important,
29:53 it'll come out in the Word of God.
29:54 Exodus 17:14, God said this, notice,
29:59 "And the Lord said unto Moses, 'Write this for a memorial.'"
30:05 That word interesting
30:06 and memorial is an interesting least word to me.
30:08 It's a record is it not?
30:10 A memorial is a record here
30:12 and it's in order to be able to keep it in remembrance,
30:16 to keep it into remembrance here,
30:18 write a memorial in a book.
30:21 And then notice what He says, rehearse.
30:23 Would that not be going over it?
30:25 You would go over after it's written in the book,
30:27 then we go over, it's like,
30:28 many time we read a passage of scripture,
30:30 and then you take time to,
30:31 you know, go into detail about it to explain it,
30:34 line upon line, and so on and so forth.
30:35 So He said, "Write it in the book,
30:37 rehearse it in the ears of Joshua."
30:39 And Joshua would certainly be telling the people.
30:40 Now, there are some critics, there's always critics right,
30:43 in the world, no matter what you do, there's critics.
30:45 You know, some critics pretty much laughed at the idea
30:49 that Moses could have written in Hebrew
30:52 during the second millennial, right, BC?
30:55 Some critics said," No, that's not possible.
30:57 There's no way in which that could be done."
30:59 But first, you know,
31:00 but the first alphabetic form of writing was invented,
31:04 notice this, maybe you knew this,
31:05 maybe you didn't, it's kind of interesting.
31:07 I didn't realize it till I studied this, but it was,
31:10 writing was invented
31:11 in the very region of Mount Sinai.
31:15 It's interesting where Moses received
31:17 the commands of God, isn't that right?
31:20 And God wrote them down, did He not with His own finger?
31:25 And notice that is in the area of Mount Sinai
31:27 where Moses learned to write the new script.
31:31 There's a reason for that
31:33 is why God says to write these things down, no doubt,
31:37 the invention of the alphabetic writing shortly before.
31:41 Now, this was just shortly before the Exodus.
31:44 Now, was that in the design of God?
31:47 Or was it just happened that way?
31:48 God designed it, did He not? Absolutely.
31:51 It's a providential gift.
31:53 You know, God gave it to us and there was
31:56 just as much as far as I'm concerned about the,
31:58 wasn't that the printing press as it were moving type
32:01 just before the Reformation?
32:03 Was that just a coincidence? Absolutely not.
32:05 God wanted this message to go, write it down, get it out is
32:08 what He says to us today.
32:10 So God intended for the Bible to be the book,
32:13 I like it, the book for the people.
32:15 That's right. The book for the people.
32:17 And by these miracles,
32:18 it could never have been written,
32:21 notice, in the complicated, there is a couple of forms,
32:23 whether or not, the hieroglyphics.
32:25 I mean, if you look that
32:26 you can hardly make out, I can't.
32:28 There may be those who can do that.
32:31 But you know, what a form of writing that was.
32:33 It had at least 1,000 distinct characters.
32:38 And I say our ABCs if I'm wrong, there's 26?
32:42 That's right. They're 26.
32:46 We certainly say so. There's 26.
32:48 But I'm saying they that we call major.
32:50 They're all important.
32:51 There's 1,000 of these in that so it's very complicated.
32:54 Then you had the cuneiform,
32:57 you know, along a cuneiform write,
32:59 which was the word comes from wedge shaped,
33:03 what was the alphabet?
33:05 You say it was? Character.
33:07 Characters, you know, what that wrote with.
33:10 And how complicated you see that would have been
33:12 because it'd be difficult for us to make it out,
33:15 yet God foreseeing all these things and He said,
33:17 "Write it down."
33:19 So we need to remember write it down.
33:21 And then we're finding out
33:23 from this lesson of the scripture
33:24 we realize constitutes the oldest
33:26 and the most complete historical record
33:30 of the human race
33:32 and certainly God's plan to rescue man from the enemy
33:35 and we count on that,
33:37 we thank God for that, do we not?
33:39 That God is in charge.
33:40 Joshua 24:26, till time bring down,
33:42 it said, Joshua, again, he wrote, Joshua wrote.
33:45 Why did Joshua write?
33:47 Because God's told him to write.
33:48 When God tells us to do something,
33:49 we just need to do it, isn't that right?
33:51 He said, "Write these words in the book of the law.'
33:53 And he took a great stone,
33:55 he set it up there under the oak
33:56 which was by the sanctuary of God.'"
33:58 Joshua wrote the words of the covenant,
34:01 the statutes and the judgment.
34:04 You know, all we have to do,
34:06 again, we're seeing right through there
34:07 someone mentioned a while ago about the unity of Scripture.
34:10 Praise God for the unity of Scripture,
34:11 the power of the Holy Spirit that's in charge.
34:14 And the Bible says this, you know, in Acts Chapter 5,
34:16 somewhere around there it said,
34:17 "The Holy Spirit is given to those who obey Him."
34:22 And so God has given the Holy Spirit out.
34:24 There's going to be unity of the Holy Spirit,
34:26 unity of truth, the unity of this message.
34:29 And I'm praying that as Jesus prayed, you know,
34:33 He prayed we may be one and I believe
34:36 even our message we have to get,
34:38 we need to become more one on message, you know,
34:40 and know what truth is,
34:42 be able to give it to the world,
34:44 not in every wind of doctrine,
34:46 but give it out as God says, write it down.
34:49 So every chance you get, write it down.
34:50 Write it down. Thank you.
34:54 Well, I'd like to say something,
34:55 you know, the Bible,
34:58 divinely inspired, God has protected the Bible.
35:02 God has preserved the Bible miraculously
35:05 today we have the Word of God.
35:08 And there are stories of how God
35:11 has preserved the Holy Scriptures.
35:13 We have confidence today
35:14 that the scriptures you read today
35:17 are the Holy inspired Word of God.
35:19 So praise the Lord for that.
35:21 I have Wednesday's part and we're looking at a parallel
35:24 between Christ and the Scripture.
35:26 Now this is very interesting
35:28 because you can find Jesus Christ
35:29 in all the books of the Bible.
35:31 And so we have John 1:14.
35:37 In John 1:14, we have this scripture,
35:40 "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us,
35:44 and we beheld His glory,
35:47 the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,
35:50 full of grace and truth."
35:53 So we have here Jesus Christ,
35:55 the divine Son of God became a human being.
36:01 And so when you consider that
36:03 because we're looking at parallels
36:04 between Christ and the Scripture.
36:06 Christ divine becomes human flesh.
36:10 He did not cease to be divine when He became human.
36:13 But consider that the scriptures come directly
36:16 from God divine given to human beings,
36:20 human flesh communicated to us.
36:23 And as we have already heard before,
36:26 God inspired these people to write these things.
36:30 And so as we look at different parallels,
36:32 let me give you another one that is very interesting.
36:36 In John 8:31 and 32,
36:38 I would like to ask someone
36:40 to read John 8:31 and 32 for us.
36:43 Here we have a scripture about Jesus Christ,
36:47 and we're going to look at a parallel.
36:49 Who would like to read? I got it here.
36:50 John 8:31 and 32.
36:53 "Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him,
36:55 'If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.
36:59 And you shall know the truth,
37:00 and the truth shall make you free.'"
37:03 Amen. Thank you very much.
37:04 So we hear that the truth, if you abide in the truth,
37:11 it will make you free.
37:13 The Bible, John 17:17,
37:15 sanctify them by Your truth, Your word is truth.
37:21 Thy word is truth." So the Bible is truth.
37:24 Also, consider the words of Jesus
37:26 in John 14:6,
37:28 "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way,
37:31 the truth, and the life.
37:33 No one comes to the Father except through Me.'"
37:36 So in the scriptures we have that it is the truth
37:39 and Jesus is the truth.
37:41 We see some parallels in the scriptures
37:43 concerning Jesus and the scriptures.
37:47 Now, here's another one that I like to bring before you
37:50 and that is Psalms 119.
37:53 Pastor Lomacang, if you will help us
37:55 out with John Chapter,
37:56 I mean, sorry, Psalms 119: 105. Okay.
38:01 You may be able to quote it from memory.
38:06 Yeah. Soon as you learn it is.
38:11 "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
38:15 Amen.
38:17 So we have that the Word of God
38:18 is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
38:21 Now consider Jesus.
38:23 In John 9:5, "Jesus said, 'As long as I am in the world,
38:28 I am the light of the world.'"
38:30 The Scripture's the light,
38:32 Jesus is the light of the world.
38:34 Now, in John Chapter 1,
38:38 John wrote some very interesting words
38:41 concerning Jesus Christ.
38:43 And beginning in verse 6, "There was a man sent from God,
38:48 whose name was John.
38:50 This man came for a witness to bear witness of the Light,
38:56 that all through him might believe,
38:58 he was not that light but was sent to bear witness
39:02 of that light."
39:04 This light is Jesus.
39:06 And now verse 9 says,
39:08 "That was the true light, which gives light
39:11 to every man coming into the world."
39:15 So Jesus lights everybody.
39:20 He gives light to the whole world.
39:22 What you do with the light, it's your decision.
39:24 But He is the light that lights every single person.
39:29 And so we have these different parallels
39:31 you see in the scriptures concerning Jesus
39:34 and concerning the scriptures, they are of divine origin.
39:37 Jesus is divine.
39:39 And so when you study the Bible,
39:41 you're going to see
39:42 all these wonderful things coming out.
39:45 And so I want to encourage you to read the scriptures daily.
39:48 Amen.
39:49 You know, sometimes people
39:53 open the Bible for the first time
39:54 when they get to church.
39:57 Oh, that's tragic.
40:00 Don't wait till you get to church
40:02 to open the Bible when the pastor says,
40:03 "Let's turn your Bibles to John 14:6.
40:05 No.
40:07 Read the Bible daily because God wants to feed you daily.
40:10 Pastor Lomacang recently was preaching.
40:12 And he said, "What would it be,
40:14 if you took the study of God's Word
40:17 like you would do eating?
40:19 Would you only eat once a week or once...
40:22 Once a week one hour when you're in church,"
40:25 like you know, you're studying the Bible,
40:26 you open the Bible,
40:29 then it's the Bible is going to feed your soul.
40:33 And so I encourage you to read the scriptures
40:36 and live by it thus saith the Lord.
40:39 You know, I remember a gentleman
40:40 that called 3ABN once,
40:41 he wasn't in agreement with something
40:43 that was being presented at 3ABN.
40:46 So we started talking about the topic.
40:48 And I said, "Well, look, you know,
40:49 the Bible says this,
40:51 and I read to him the scriptures."
40:53 And he said this, that was a surprise to me.
40:55 He said, "Well, I know what the Bible says,
40:58 but the Holy Spirit told me..."
41:01 I said, "Wait, wait.
41:04 The Holy Spirit is not going to contradict
41:06 what the Bible says."
41:08 That's right.
41:09 Because the Holy Spirit inspired the scriptures.
41:11 How is he going to contradict what the Bible says?
41:14 No, you live by it, thus saith the Lord.
41:16 And it reminded of the Bereans, you remember the Bereans?
41:19 They heard the sermons, and then they went back home
41:22 and searched the scriptures
41:23 to see if these things were true.
41:25 This we should do today.
41:27 And so the scriptures study
41:29 and led by a thus saith the Lord.
41:32 Now, I want to, of course,
41:35 say that when you're looking at these parallels,
41:37 you know, there's a limit to these parallels.
41:40 Jesus Christ is not the script or the written word,
41:44 He is the living word.
41:45 That's right.
41:46 So, in this book,
41:51 Testimonies to the Church, volume six...
41:54 Oh wait, I wanted to say something else before reading.
41:59 God wants to speak to you through the scriptures,
42:02 and this is why I'm bringing this testimony,
42:05 volume six, page 393.
42:08 Notice.
42:09 "The Bible is God's voice speaking to us.
42:14 Just as surely as though we could hear it with our ears.
42:20 If we realized this,
42:22 with what all would we open God's word,
42:26 and with what earnestness would we search its precepts?
42:30 The reading and contemplation of the Scriptures
42:33 would be regarded as an audience
42:36 with the Infinite."
42:37 Isn't that marvelous? This is marvelous.
42:41 And so I want to encourage you to consider that
42:45 when you open the scriptures,
42:50 the Holy Spirit is ready to help you
42:53 understand the scriptures.
42:56 And this is why we need
42:57 to open the scriptures with prayer and say,
42:59 "Lord, I am placing myself in Your hands,
43:03 I want You to teach me," because when God,
43:06 when we do this,
43:08 we are opening our minds to understand the scriptures.
43:11 And I know everyone here can say,
43:15 "I've read this verse before
43:17 and I've discovered something new
43:19 that I've never seen before."
43:21 The Bible has knowledge and wisdom
43:25 that is going to last us,
43:27 not only our lifetime, but throughout eternity.
43:29 We'll be searching the scriptures,
43:31 because it comes from,
43:34 it's of divine origin, and it's exhaustless.
43:37 It will not say,
43:39 "Well, I know everything there is to know."
43:42 No, God has infinite amount of things to show us.
43:45 You know, it's interesting
43:47 that one of the scriptures that to me,
43:49 I guess I could say,
43:51 I could learn more from is John 3:16.
43:54 And so this scripture has so much packed in there
43:59 that you could study and study
44:02 and still discover marvelous things.
44:05 So in the book, there's a great controversy.
44:10 Well, Counsels to Parents and Teachers,
44:12 I'm just going to read one little part here.
44:14 "There's nothing more calculated
44:16 to energize the mind and strengthen the intellect
44:20 than the study of the Word of God.
44:23 No other book is so potent to elevate the thoughts,
44:26 to give vigor to the faculties,
44:27 as the broad, ennobling truths of the Bible."
44:32 And I encourage you to read the scriptures.
44:35 Well, I wish I had time to share
44:36 one more thing with you, but we don't.
44:38 We're going to have to wait for next time.
44:39 But study the scriptures,
44:41 they are going to make you wise unto salvation.
44:45 This is the book that's going to lead you
44:48 closer to the Lord, study it like no other book.
44:52 Praise the Lord.
44:53 Break out the fire extinguisher.
44:55 Brother's on fire over here. Amen.
44:57 I need some of that fire now
44:58 because this next lesson on Thursday,
45:01 Understanding the Bible in Faith.
45:04 This is probably, I mean all of these things,
45:06 every single aspect that we brought out
45:08 so far as I'm listening each one of you talk,
45:11 it's just powerful and essential to understanding
45:14 and interpreting Scripture correctly.
45:17 And Thursday's lesson,
45:18 Understanding the Bible in Faith,
45:19 we must approach the Scripture,
45:21 we must receive the Scripture in faith.
45:24 And that's what this lesson is about.
45:25 I want to take us directly to 2 Timothy 3:14-17.
45:31 The lesson I don't think particularly brings out
45:33 a couple of these texts,
45:34 but I added verses 14 and 15 in here,
45:36 just because I think it sets a good foundation
45:39 for verse 16
45:40 because Paul is writing to Timothy.
45:43 And, of course, we know that while this instruction
45:45 was given to Timothy, we take this instruction too.
45:47 This is just as much for us as it is for Timothy.
45:50 And so notice what 2 Timothy 3:14-17 says,
45:54 Paul says, "But you must continue in the things
45:58 which you have learned and been assured of knowing
46:02 from whom you have learned, and that from childhood
46:06 you have known the Holy Scriptures,
46:09 which are," and I love this part,
46:11 "which are able to make you wise," notice this,
46:14 "for salvation through faith, which is in Christ Jesus."
46:19 So I like that which is able to make you wise
46:22 for salvation through faith.
46:24 So it's through faith that we must receive this,
46:27 according to here, he says,
46:29 which is in Christ Jesus, but then that famous verse,
46:32 famous text in verse 16, how much Scripture?
46:34 All.
46:36 He says all Scripture was given by inspiration of God,
46:39 and it's profitable for doctrine,
46:41 for reproof, for correction,
46:44 for instruction in righteousness,
46:46 that the men of God may be complete,
46:48 thoroughly equipped for every good work.
46:51 But this text does not really mean anything
46:55 to the skeptic mind.
46:57 It doesn't really mean anything who takes a methodological,
47:02 doubting, approach to the Word of God
47:05 because you can read all of this.
47:07 And if you do not receive it in faith,
47:09 then is the Bible going to be profitable for doctrine
47:12 to a person who's skeptic?
47:14 Who does not receive it in faith?
47:15 Are you going to receive the reproof humbly
47:17 that the Scripture is giving you
47:18 if you're not receiving that word in faith?
47:21 Absolutely not.
47:22 I used to be the biggest skeptic
47:23 in the world years ago.
47:25 I was raised in the Christian church,
47:27 but I found myself often really struggling
47:32 in my walk with the Lord
47:33 because I didn't really understand faith.
47:36 I didn't really understand what that meant,
47:37 I didn't really understand the reality of
47:39 what a Christian must experience
47:42 in approaching the Word of God
47:43 and receiving the Word of God in faith.
47:45 And I would question every little thing,
47:47 I was one of the biggest skeptics.
47:49 I needed a proof text for everything, you know,
47:51 and you got people like this
47:53 who approach the study of the word,
47:55 the reading of the word,
47:56 the understanding of the Word of God,
47:58 they question every little thing
47:59 because they have to have that proof for every little thing.
48:02 For instance, did the Lord really create
48:04 the world in six literal, 24 hour periods?
48:07 I mean, can we really trust that, right?
48:09 You know, did God really split the Red Sea?
48:13 You know, the actual sea itself?
48:14 Or was it the Sea of Reeds, which is about a six inch,
48:18 you know, body of water, you know.
48:21 It's powerful when you really consider all of this.
48:24 We have to learn to receive the Word of God in faith.
48:27 If God provided proof for everything
48:29 and evidence for everything, would we exercise faith?
48:32 Absolutely not.
48:34 And so that's why I put in here a note here,
48:36 very simple, but very profound.
48:38 Jesus should be our prime example.
48:40 Amen. Amen.
48:41 Now, that's interesting to say that
48:43 because most people are going to hear me say that,
48:45 Jesus is our prime example and say, "What?
48:46 I mean, come on.
48:48 Jesus is the Son of God, right?"
48:49 Of course, He has faith.
48:50 He's the epicenter of faith, right?
48:52 But notice,
48:53 take in consideration Luke 2:52,
48:55 the Bible says in Luke 2:52, says
48:59 "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature
49:03 and in favor with God and men."
49:05 Now why would I read that text, and why is it pertinent
49:07 to this particular subject of faith?
49:10 Jesus increased in wisdom
49:11 and stature in favor with God and men.
49:13 When He was robed in flesh and He came to this earth,
49:16 He left His divinity,
49:18 He left his pre-knowledge behind.
49:20 And literally, we're told in Desire of Ages Chapter 7,
49:23 that Jesus had to relearn everything.
49:26 Wow.
49:28 That's powerful, your mind begin to fail.
49:30 He had to relearn everything, He had to relearn who He was,
49:32 why He's come and that had to taken
49:35 an amazing amount of faith.
49:37 Therefore, notice
49:38 when His mother was teaching Him
49:40 like all children, consider the faith of a child
49:42 we should have as Jesus said,
49:44 we should have the faith of a little child
49:45 because a child, I mean, they strive,
49:48 they long to receive the parent's word in faith.
49:52 They believe in their parent, they trust in their parent.
49:55 And so like all children, He accepted Christ,
49:57 He accepted by faith that things
49:59 His mother taught to Him of the kingdom of God.
50:02 And you notice this,
50:03 not being able to physically see
50:05 His heavenly Father, again,
50:07 that concept of faith, you know, not seeing,
50:09 not, being able to physically see His father,
50:11 it was by faith that He received instruction
50:13 and guidance when His father spoke to Him,
50:16 He, while He might have heard a voice,
50:18 while there were angels ministering to Him,
50:20 He had to receive that word by faith.
50:23 We had to trust that this is really from My Father,
50:25 and this is for Me.
50:27 So we cannot talk about faith in the Word of God
50:29 unless we go to Hebrews Chapter 11.
50:31 We got to go to that faith chapter.
50:33 So let's go there.
50:34 I may not be able to cover all of what it is
50:35 that I have here in my notes,
50:37 but we're going to highlight some things here that
50:38 I think are foundational to understanding
50:40 how to receive the Word of God in faith.
50:45 So Hebrews Chapter 11,
50:46 we're going to start right there in verse 1.
50:49 Because I think the thesis statement
50:51 of this whole passage here verses 1 and verse 3,
50:55 is just powerful and understanding
50:57 how important faith is.
50:58 So now verse 1 says,
51:00 "Now faith is the substance of things
51:02 hoped for the evidence of things not seen."
51:06 And when I read that text, I think of, you know,
51:08 the encounter that
51:09 Jesus had with Philip on resurrection
51:11 or excuse me was it Thomas on Resurrection Day.
51:14 Thomas is like you know, I see Jesus standing there.
51:16 Is it really Him or perhaps it's a ghost,
51:18 you know, I don't know if that's really Him?"
51:19 And Jesus is like, "Come on, man.
51:21 It's me, right?"
51:22 I'm going to have to put my,
51:24 my hand had to physically tangibly
51:26 touch this guy to be able to tell that it's Jesus.
51:28 And Jesus is like, okay,
51:29 but then He tells him something vitally important.
51:31 He says, bless, you know, you believe
51:33 because you have seen
51:34 but blessed are those who believe in Me,
51:36 who have not seen, right?
51:38 Faith receiving by faith, the word of the Lord.
51:41 Verse 2 says "For by it,
51:43 the elders obtained a good testimony."
51:45 And then I love verse 3 here it says,
51:47 "By faith, we understand that
51:49 the words were framed by the Word of God,
51:52 so that the things which are seen
51:54 were not made of things which are visible."
51:58 And then the Bible begins here in the 11th Chapter of Hebrews
52:02 and giving us some examples.
52:04 And I may not mention all of these but think of Abel.
52:07 Verse 4 says, "Abel offered to God
52:09 a more excellent sacrifice than Cain."
52:11 You know, he offered that
52:13 based on his trust in the word of the Lord
52:15 that came to him and said, do this.
52:18 You see it brought the opposite in Cain.
52:20 Cain did not trust in the word of the Lord.
52:21 He did not have that faith
52:23 when he heard the word of God give him instruction
52:25 on what type of sacrifice to bring.
52:28 And so we see a drastic difference there.
52:29 Abel exercised faith.
52:31 He received faith,
52:33 received the word of God in faith.
52:34 Also think of Enoch it says Enoch was taken away
52:37 so that he did not see death, even though
52:39 the Bible says that he walked and talked with the Lord.
52:41 I mean, he had to trust in His Word,
52:43 he had to receive the Word of God in faith,
52:45 you know, is this guy really going to do
52:47 what he says he's going to do?
52:48 You know, is all of this going to come
52:50 to pass as the Lord has said.
52:52 I think of Noah, Noah being a...
52:54 That is verse 7.
52:55 By faith it says, Noah, being divinely warned
52:57 of things not yet seen, moved with godly fear."
53:00 And so Noah had to have faith for 100, that's a lot of faith.
53:04 One hundred and twenty years of preaching,
53:06 you know, he believed in the Word of God,
53:08 he received it in faith, and he preached it
53:10 according to the Word of God.
53:12 I think probably the prime example
53:15 that just gives me chills when I think about this,
53:17 the story of Abraham.
53:19 Consider Abraham, this is Hebrews 11:17.
53:24 It says, "By faith Abraham,
53:26 when he was tested, offered up Isaac,
53:29 and he who had received the promise offered up
53:32 his only begotten son, of whom it was said,
53:34 'In Isaac your seed shall be called.'"
53:37 This is phenomenal in considering,
53:41 and a prime example of receiving
53:43 and understanding the word in faith.
53:45 Because this man, I love that story there,
53:47 Isaac, he's looking around, he's like,
53:49 "Hey, you know, where's the lamb?"
53:50 You know, he says,
53:52 God's going to provide the lamb.
53:53 This man had faith in God's word,
53:55 even though he did not know
53:56 exactly how God was going to deliver.
53:58 He also believed that
53:59 even if He did take the life of his son,
54:01 that God would resurrect his son.
54:03 It's very powerful indeed.
54:05 That all being said,
54:07 we have to come to a point in our life,
54:10 in our walk with the Lord,
54:12 where even though
54:13 there may not be that physical evidence
54:16 and proof for every little single thing,
54:18 the Lord has brought me in my walk with God
54:20 and I want to encourage you at home,
54:21 the Lord has brought me in my walk with Him
54:23 where I can say, you know what, Lord,
54:24 You know what's best.
54:25 You know, the end from the beginning,
54:27 Your ways are not my ways,
54:28 Your thoughts are not my thoughts,
54:30 and I may find a text and go, "What in the world?"
54:31 It's like a curveball. What?
54:32 What is it? Why did God do this?
54:34 Why did this happen?
54:35 But the Lord has brought me in my walk where I'm like,
54:37 you know what, God,
54:38 I don't I can't explain this now.
54:40 And I don't understand this now.
54:41 I don't know why You done this or why you said this.
54:43 But at the end of the day, God, You know what's best,
54:45 and in faith by faith, I want to receive this word,
54:49 because you are worthy, O God.
54:50 And I just praise the Lord that we have this word
54:53 and we can indeed receive it in faith.
54:56 Amen. Absolutely, yes.
54:58 Pastor Dinzey, thank you, Pastor Kenny.
55:00 Jill, begin with our closing comments.
55:02 Psalm 119.
55:04 The entire Psalm focusing on the Word of God.
55:08 Psalm 119:18, "Open my eyes,
55:11 that I may see wondrous things from Your law."
55:15 So I just want to encourage you
55:17 to spend time in the Word of God.
55:18 You might have never even opened the Bible.
55:21 You might be afraid of the Bible,
55:22 you might be unsure if you can trust
55:25 the validity of the Word of God.
55:27 Spend time in the Word of God and ask God,
55:30 open up my eyes, so that I can discern
55:33 what You have for me in Your work.
55:35 That's right. Pastor Kenny?
55:37 In Joshua 24:27, said,
55:41 "Joshua said unto all the people,
55:42 behold, this stone shall be a witness unto us,
55:46 for it hath heard all the words that the Lord
55:49 which he spake unto us:
55:50 it shall be therefore a witness unto you,
55:54 lest ye deny your God."
55:57 You know the written Word of God,
55:59 we're talking about living by faith.
56:01 We don't want to deny God. That's right.
56:05 When we look at the Bible, we have light, in this world,
56:10 there's darkness.
56:12 But God wants to bring us
56:13 His light to bring us out of darkness.
56:16 And I want to encourage you to daily spend time
56:20 with the Lord reading the scriptures.
56:22 When you do this, you're going to be transformed.
56:25 Amen. Amen. Praise the Lord.
56:27 You know, considering that faith chapter,
56:29 as I was contemplating on that,
56:31 the common theme that you see among every single
56:33 one of those people listed is that
56:35 they all learn to trust in God's Word.
56:38 And I think of John 3:16, that famous,
56:40 probably the most quoted verse of all time, you know,
56:43 they that believe in him,
56:46 that Greek word is pisteuo in the Greek
56:48 and it means to trust, to put trust in.
56:51 And so when we trust the Word of the Lord,
56:53 our faith will grow
56:55 and then we can learn to receive
56:56 God's Word by faith.
56:58 Well, thank you all for that and you know,
56:59 this study has been a wonderful study,
57:02 as we've seen the nature of the Bible,
57:04 the relationship of prophecy in the Bible,
57:05 the forensic aspects of it.
57:07 All of that are reminders that God is an unfolding God,
57:11 a revelation that really wouldn't be fully understood
57:15 until we make it to the kingdom of God.
57:17 I believe the thought with you that came to my mind
57:19 about the attitude we must have
57:22 along the lines of understanding the Bible.
57:24 Napoleon said, "The Bible is no mere book,
57:28 but a living creature with a power
57:31 that conquers all that oppose it."
57:35 That's the power in the Word of God.
57:36 And the Bible says in Psalms 119,
57:39 as you pointed out, verse 89,
57:40 "Forever O Lord,
57:42 Your word is settled in heaven."
57:44 Well, friends, I hope you enjoyed
57:45 our study today.
57:46 But I'd like to encourage you
57:48 to get ready for our next lesson
57:49 which is entitled,
57:51 "Jesus and the Apostles' View of the Bible."
57:54 We pray that you've been blessed.
57:56 But until we see you again,
57:57 may the Word of God dwell in you richly.
58:00 Have a blessed day.
58:01 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2020-04-09