Sabbath School Study Hour

Cain and His Legacy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



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Program Code: SSH022216S

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00:36 Shawn Brummund: Hello and welcome to another edition of
00:37 the "Sabbath School Study Hour," right here in the Granite Bay
00:41 Hilltop Seventh Day Adventist Church in the greater
00:44 metro area of Sacramento, California.
00:47 It is always good to be able to come together to worship God, to
00:50 be able to open His Bible and continue to study and grow in
00:53 the knowledge of His truth, and of His Son Jesus Christ.
00:58 It is always nice to have our church family with
01:00 us here this morning, as well, as we gather
01:02 together here locally in our new facility.
01:05 We're just so thankful to be able to come together and
01:07 continue to study and to be able to meet each other, greet each
01:11 other, encourage each other, pray with each other
01:13 as we continue to worship the Lord.
01:16 We're continue to study through one of my favorite books.
01:19 It is a foundational book of truth that everyone should read
01:22 from cover to cover, and that is the book of Genesis.
01:25 We have a study guide that is been made available to you to
01:29 take advantage and give you further understanding
01:32 of what Genesis is trying to tell us.
01:34 And so, if you haven't got a copy of the quarterly yet this
01:37 quarter, make sure that you get a copy of the Genesis quarterly.
01:41 You can get that at your local Seventh Day Adventist Church.
01:45 And today we're going to be looking at lesson
01:47 number three, which is Cain And His Legacy.
01:51 We're going to be studying in depth in the 4th chapter of
01:54 Genesis, not one of my favorite chapters, but one that we do
01:57 need to be aware of and understand some of the origins
02:01 of the problems that we have in a broken world today.
02:03 So, please stay tuned as we continue to study
02:06 and grow in the knowledge of Genesis.
02:09 If you'd like to continue to study on another front, we have
02:12 a free gift offer that is made available for you today.
02:16 This is one of my favorite little booklets.
02:18 It's entitled, "Is It Easier To Be Saved Or To Be Lost?"
02:22 Is it easier to be saved or to be lost?
02:25 Important question. What does the Bible answer?
02:27 This booklet will give you that answer in depth.
02:29 So, go ahead and dial 1-866-788-3966
02:34 and ask for free offer 124.
02:38 Now, that's available in North America and the various US
02:41 territories in different parts of the world.
02:44 So, if you live in those areas, please take advantage
02:46 of that offer and dial 1-866-788-3966.
02:50 Now, if you have a phone, a tablet and such, and you'd like
02:53 to receive a free digital copy of that, you can go
02:56 ahead and dial to the number 40544.
03:01 And in the text message itself, you want to put the code SH039.
03:08 And you can download that in the United States.
03:11 And again, if you're not in the United States, you'd like a
03:14 digital copy and you have access to the internet, go ahead and
03:18 make sure that you look up the website that's on the screen.
03:20 It's
03:30 And so, for those of you who are listening to this on a radio
03:33 program, you can go ahead and get that free download as well.
03:37 Well, we don't have anybody to lead us
03:40 in song and worship here today.
03:42 And so, our teacher today is going to be Pastor Alden Ho.
03:46 And before we invite him out, we want to
03:48 invite the Lord to be with us as we pray.
03:51 Father in heaven, we want to thank You for
03:53 the opportunity to be able to worship You.
03:56 We thank You for this special day that You have set aside that
03:59 we might be able to worship You together as a church family, to
04:03 put the other things that keep us busy throughout the week
04:06 aside, and to be able to just stop and focus
04:08 on You and focus on our church family.
04:11 God, we thank You for the opportunity
04:13 to be able to study Your Bible.
04:14 We thank You for the promise that you give us the Holy Spirit
04:17 to further understand Your Bible.
04:19 And God, we want to pray that You'll be
04:20 with our teacher today.
04:22 Please bless him, bless his heart, his mind, give him
04:24 clarity and be with us and teach us, Lord.
04:27 In Jesus's name we pray these things, amen.
04:31 Alden Ho: It's good to see you all here and those of you
04:33 joining online and around the world.
04:36 I want to tell you a story that happened in
04:39 1929 on January 1 at the Rose Bowl.
04:44 It was a guy named Roy Riegels.
04:46 He was playing in a football game for UCLA, and he was--he
04:53 was actually for UCLA, or Georgia Tech, sorry.
04:56 And he was playing against UCLA.
04:58 The problem was when they kicked the ball--
05:01 I'm not a big football watcher.
05:03 I'd rather play than watch.
05:05 When the ball was kicked, somehow
05:07 there was this fumble that went on.
05:09 And in the scurry and the tussle of the whole thing, Roy managed
05:12 to pick up the ball, and he started running.
05:16 And he started running with all his might.
05:19 The problem was, he ran the wrong way.
05:23 He ended up in his own touchdown zone at the end.
05:28 And consequently, they lost the game as a result.
05:32 The reason I tell you this story is many times for us, we think
05:36 that we're going the right way, and we're so convicted of it.
05:40 But the problem is, that's not the right way.
05:45 Solomon writes here in Proverbs chapter 14, verse 12,
05:49 he says, "There is a way that seems right to a man."
05:52 You know the end of this. But what happens?
05:55 But in its end, it's the way of what?
05:58 It's the way of death.
06:00 This week's lesson that we have on the legacy of Cain is a
06:05 legacy of disobedience that Cain left for all the world to see.
06:09 And really consequently as a result of this legacy, the world
06:15 is reeling as a result of all this.
06:18 The expulsion from Eden, the results of that single sin,
06:21 continue to fester, continue to grow, and it passed on from
06:25 succeeding generations all the way through time
06:29 to the point that we are at right now.
06:32 We find that the beginning of this chapter begins
06:34 with the birth of Cain, and it ends with the
06:37 birth of Seth as the lesson points out.
06:40 While the birth of Cain leads to failure and has a limited
06:44 horizon made of human achievement
06:47 and violence, it leads to the flood ultimately.
06:51 The birth of Seth, however, is the opposite of that.
06:55 It brings repair to the preceding failure and restores
06:59 God's plan of salvation, leading to the survival of
07:03 mankind and history to their salvation.
07:08 When we get to Sunday's lesson, we find that
07:12 this particular lesson is about Cain and Abel.
07:14 These are the first real children that
07:17 we find in the Bible, Cain and Abel.
07:20 Cain was the first one born.
07:21 In "Desire of Ages," page 31, it says,
07:24 "The Savior's coming was foretold at Eden.
07:28 When Adam and Eve first heard the promise,
07:30 they looked for its speedy fulfillment.
07:33 They joyfully welcomed their firstborn son,
07:35 hoping that it might be the deliverer."
07:39 You can imagine the guilt that was on Eve.
07:43 When she took that fruit, she ventured away from Adam, and
07:48 then she came back with that fruit and she gave it to Adam.
07:51 Adam really had no choice in the matter, did he?
07:55 Or could he? He did have a choice.
07:58 You know, but I'm sure he's thinking,
07:59 "But, but what about Eve?"
08:02 You know, I know this is not part of the lesson,
08:04 but I've always wondered, what about Eve?
08:05 And as I've studied some more about this, God could have
08:09 produced another Eve for him, but he ate it.
08:14 And as a result of this, the guilt
08:17 continued to fester within them.
08:20 And when the promise was given that there would
08:21 be a promised Son, the Son of God would come,
08:25 Eve kept thinking it could be hers.
08:28 It's hers, it's her firstborn.
08:31 Well, God works in His own timing.
08:33 He doesn't work in our own timing.
08:35 Isaiah 55:89 says, "My thoughts are not your thoughts.
08:40 My ways are not your way.
08:41 So as the heavens are higher than the earth,
08:43 so are My thoughts higher than your
08:45 thoughts and My ways than your ways."
08:48 The lesson points out that she believed wholeheartedly
08:51 that God Himself would come down and be the
08:54 very one that she would give birth to.
08:58 And that's why her response in chapter 4, verse 1 she says,
09:01 "I have given birth to a male child, the Lord."
09:07 Was she right? Not quite.
09:10 She was not so right on that.
09:13 Dr. Jacques Doukhan, who wrote this particular lesson for us on
09:17 Genesis, he comments here and he says, "While Eve's excited
09:21 comments on Cain's birth, she says nothing about Abel's birth,
09:26 at least nothing that's recorded in the text."
09:29 In contrast to Cain's birth, you see the
09:31 narrator simply reports that she bore again.
09:36 There was no excitement anymore.
09:37 There was no thinking, "Well, this is the promised Son."
09:42 No, it was just a son.
09:46 In the timeline, it shows it's about three years' difference
09:49 between Cain and then three years later, it was Abel.
09:52 The lesson points out that though we didn't want to read
09:56 any more of these short texts than there is, perhaps the idea
10:00 is that Adam and Eve's hope rested, they believed
10:04 only in Cain because they believed he and not his
10:08 brother was the promised Messiah.
10:13 Now, that's an interesting thought because when you think
10:15 of these two that went on, I mean, they grew up together,
10:21 they played together, they did all the same things together.
10:24 But somewhere along the line, there was a division.
10:26 There was a separation, not only in thoughts, ideals, but as
10:31 we'll see in a moment, also in practice.
10:35 In Monday's lesson, the title being,
10:38 "The Two Offerings," this is a very interesting one to look at.
10:42 We find here that Abel had the spirit of loyalty to God.
10:47 He saw justice, he saw mercy, he saw the Creator's
10:50 dealings with the fallen race, and gratefully,
10:54 he accepted the hope of redemption.
10:57 On the other hand though, you had Cain.
11:00 Cain cherished feelings of rebellion and murmured against
11:03 God because of the curse pronounced upon the earth and
11:06 upon the human race for Adam's sin.
11:11 I look out at many of you, and I know
11:12 that many of you here have children.
11:15 And if you've ever had children that were born close together,
11:18 you're kind of sometimes comparing the two.
11:21 "Well, this one does this, and this one does that."
11:23 Well, we have ironically today, although we are three weeks
11:27 ahead of the lesson, today's March 26.
11:30 Today happens to be our twin girls'
11:32 birthday, and they're 23 today.
11:34 So, happy birthday, wherever you are,
11:36 although you'll be hearing this three weeks later.
11:40 I can tell you this, even though they look almost identical, they
11:44 were very much different, very different in the way they were.
11:49 One of them, we called public
11:51 relations department of the family.
11:53 She would be out there talking to everybody that there was.
11:56 The other one was the research
11:57 and development department of the family.
12:00 She would find out where all the things were.
12:02 She picked up a paperclip one day and stuck it in this hole
12:05 that was in the wall and yelled out very loudly that it bit her.
12:12 Ironically, they kind of change as they grow up, don't they?
12:18 And so it was also with Cain and Abel.
12:22 You see, they came to the altar.
12:25 They both gathered rocks, and they both stacked
12:28 up the rocks to build an altar.
12:30 And each of them brought the stones that they had gathered.
12:34 From afar, you looked at the altar itself,
12:37 and there was no difference, they looked exactly the same.
12:39 You probably couldn't tell the difference
12:41 between Cain's altar and Abel's alter.
12:45 But then they went back and then they got their offering, and
12:49 they placed their offerings on their altars.
12:52 And right there, you will see a marked difference between the
12:56 two of them because you will find here that Abel presented a
13:00 sacrifice from the flock in accordance with God's direction.
13:05 And the Lord had respect unto Abel and his offering.
13:11 How do we know that?
13:12 Because the Bible tells us that fire flashed
13:15 from heaven and consumed the sacrifice.
13:18 If you remember the story of Elijah and the scene
13:21 that took place at Mount Carmel, you had all
13:24 these 850 false prophets that were there.
13:28 They danced around for the whole day.
13:29 They had their bull there.
13:31 They had it all set up on the altar.
13:33 They were waiting for it to catch on fire,
13:37 but it would never catch on fire.
13:39 But then when Elijah took his sacrifice and he placed it
13:42 there, all of a sudden, it caught on fire.
13:47 Not only did it just catch on fire like that, but that was
13:49 after all these buckets of water on everything.
13:55 The fire was so strong that it even consumed and licked up the
13:58 water and consumed all the rocks too.
14:00 And here we have the very same thing with Abel's offering.
14:04 Fire flashed from heaven, consumed the sacrifice.
14:09 Then it says that Cain, Cain placed his fruits
14:14 upon the altar, and he waited, expecting that at
14:17 any moment, it would, boof, burst into flames.
14:22 But is that what happened? Not by any means.
14:25 We're told here that the disregard for the Lord's direct
14:29 and explicit command presented only the offering of fruit.
14:34 There was no token from heaven that
14:36 showed it was accepted, nothing at all.
14:40 Now, why would He do that?
14:43 Why would Cain just have his own thoughts, his own ideals when
14:48 it came to what God's explicit directions were?
14:53 In 1937, some of you may remember the name
14:57 of this famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright.
15:01 He built a house for an industrialist
15:03 named Hibbard Johnson.
15:05 It was a rainy day, and Johnson was
15:07 entertaining some very distinguished guests.
15:09 And the dinner was all out, but then all of a sudden,
15:13 the roof began to start leaking.
15:16 The water seeped through, and it actually
15:19 started dripping right above Hibbard's head.
15:27 Hibbard was kind of wiping his head back and forth,
15:30 kept looking up at these drips coming down.
15:32 He was, nonetheless, irate.
15:37 He picked up the phone, and he called
15:38 Wright, who was in Phoenix, Arizona.
15:41 He said, "Frank, I got a problem here.
15:44 The house you built is beautiful by all means.
15:47 We are enjoying it very much.
15:49 But as I've told you before, the roof leaks.
15:52 And right now I'm with some friends and some very
15:54 distinguished guests, and it's leaking right on my head."
16:00 Frank Lloyd Wright replied, he heard all the guests
16:04 behind him and he said to him, "Well, Hibb,
16:08 why don't you just move your chair?"
16:12 You see, some of us are just so stubborn.
16:16 We're so set in our ways.
16:18 We have this mindset that this is what it is,
16:20 and this is what it's got to be.
16:22 But here's the problem that we face today.
16:26 In the religious world, if you have your ideals, you got to
16:31 make sure that those ideals match up with God's ideals.
16:35 Because if they don't match up with
16:36 God's ideals, then you know what?
16:38 You have a problem.
16:41 God doesn't have a problem because God gave the command.
16:44 And it's up to you if you're going to follow God's command,
16:47 or you're not going to follow God's command.
16:49 And this is the problem that we have in the world today.
16:55 According to "Patriarchs and Prophets," page 71, we find that
16:59 Abel, he pleaded with his brother to approach
17:03 God in the divinely prescribed way.
17:07 But the entreaties only made Cain
17:10 more determined to follow his own will.
17:14 As the eldest, he felt like, "Who
17:17 is my brother to admonish me?
17:19 He's younger than me." So, he despised his counsel.
17:22 The problem is, Cain had a problem.
17:27 He was stubborn, he was disobedient.
17:30 He wanted to do it exactly the way he wanted it.
17:35 Do you remember this name, Frank--Frank Sinatra?
17:38 1969, he came out with a song, very famous song.
17:43 What's it called? "My Way."
17:47 And that's exactly what Cain did, Cain did it his way.
17:52 You know, I pulled one of the lines of the songs, of this
17:55 particular song, and I found it interesting.
17:57 And it says here, "And to think I did all that.
18:01 And may I say not in a shy way?
18:04 No, no, no, not me. I did it my way."
18:09 But, you know, let's look at it from Cain's standpoint.
18:12 "I did it my way. I placed the fruit on the altar.
18:15 I did it my way." And God says, "Yup, you did.
18:19 Have it your way."
18:21 Now, we're pulling in a Burger King commercial right now.
18:23 "Have it your way, the way you want it.
18:25 You want to do that? You do it that way.
18:27 But you know what? I'm not approving of that.
18:29 I'm not sending fire of that. See you later".
18:32 Let's go on with Abel.
18:35 And this is exactly what Cain did, he failed to understand.
18:39 You see, here's in a very core sense the difference
18:44 between Abel's sacrifice and the difference
18:47 between Cain's sacrifice.
18:49 Without the shedding of blood, there
18:51 is how much remission of sin?
18:55 Zero, there's no remission of sin at all.
18:58 So, what bloodshed is there?
19:01 Have you ever seen an apple bleed?
19:04 Maybe a beet might bleed, but certainly not a mango.
19:09 None of these things are going to bleed.
19:10 So, we find that there is--this is to show their faith in the
19:14 blood of Christ, as promised in the Atonement,
19:17 by offering the first, first things of their
19:19 fruit, of their flock in sacrifice.
19:22 Besides this, the firstfruits of the earth were to be presented
19:26 before God, not as a sacrifice, but as a
19:29 love offering instead, a thank offering.
19:32 So, we find here Cain obeyed. He built the altar.
19:37 Cain obeyed in bringing a sacrifice,
19:41 but he only rendered partial obedience.
19:45 The essential part, the recognition
19:47 of the need of a redeemer was left out.
19:53 Could this be the problem that we have in the world today?
19:58 The problem in the sense that God says of all the Ten
20:02 Commandments, eight of them say "thou shalt,"
20:07 one says "honor, the other says "remember"?
20:13 Could it be that the same problem exists in the world
20:16 today that they want to have it their way, that they want to
20:19 worship their way, on their day, in their style?
20:27 So, in a sense, when you think about it, can God
20:30 be there when they worship in that way?
20:35 You know, as Seventh Day Adventists,
20:37 I want to caution you, just because you come here
20:41 on the Sabbath, you may have the day correct,
20:47 but remember, some churches may not
20:49 have the way in worship correct.
20:52 We may not have the way in keeping the Sabbath correct.
20:56 And in so doing, we fall into the same
20:58 trap that Cain has fallen into himself.
21:02 Dr. Doukhan says the following, "Take note here that Cain's
21:07 offer was to God," quote, "to God."
21:11 Where Abel's offering was just, he just offers.
21:16 There's no mention of God.
21:18 There's a difference between the two.
21:21 This brings us to Tuesday's lesson, The Crime.
21:25 Doukhan once again, Dr. Doukhan says, "It is significant that
21:29 Cain's crime immediately follows this shift in the dialogue from
21:33 a failed vertical to the horizon."
21:36 What does that mean, failed vertical?
21:38 You see, there's a compliance. This came down from the top.
21:41 This is what God wants of you.
21:43 So, this is how it's supposed to be.
21:45 But instead of accepting that and following that, now he
21:48 shifts it from a vertical to a horizontal.
21:52 He starts looking at Abel, and he starts blaming, pointing
21:56 blame, finding fault with Abel in that sense.
22:01 And it finds here, the mechanism for the
22:03 first religious crime is suggested here.
22:07 The crimes of the zealous ones are not
22:10 committed because they feel they are right.
22:13 They're crimes of fanaticism, of religious intolerance, and they
22:18 convey from the failure to respond to God's Word.
22:23 When faith is replaced by human work
22:25 and control, crime will follow.
22:28 And that's exactly what happened.
22:30 Cain killed his brother.
22:33 Cain killed his brother, not because Cain felt he was right
22:39 or that he felt that his brother was wrong.
22:41 On the contrary, Cain killed his brother because Cain
22:45 was evil, and his brother was righteous.
22:52 From "Patriarchs and Prophets," page 72, we're told that Cain
22:55 and Abel represent two classes that exist in the world today,
23:00 two classes that exist in the close of time.
23:02 One class avails themselves to the appointed sacrifice for sin,
23:07 the other ventures to depend upon their own merits.
23:10 Theirs is a sacrifice without the virtue
23:13 of divine meditation, or divine mediation.
23:18 And thus, it is not able to bring man into favor with God.
23:22 It is only through the merits of Jesus
23:25 that our transgressions can be pardoned.
23:28 We find that those who feel no need of the blood of Christ will
23:33 feel that without divine grace, they can make
23:36 their own work secure and their approval of God
23:40 and make the same mistake as did Cain.
23:44 If they do not accept the cleansing blood, they are under
23:48 condemnation if there is no other provision
23:51 thereby made that can release them from sin.
23:56 You see, many of us, that type of thing is only a form of
24:01 godliness denying the power there is.
24:04 So, it is unsafe for us to linger in our thoughts.
24:10 How do you think Cain had the idea to bring fruit?
24:15 Do you think he was just there tending to his vegetables one
24:18 day and his fruit and he decided, "Hmm, let me just bring
24:22 a few of the things that I just plucked off the tree"?
24:26 Do you think that's how it happened?
24:27 Or do you think it was maybe the voice, the impression of Satan,
24:32 that was speaking to him that said, "Hey Cain,
24:35 don't follow what Abel's doing.
24:38 You don't have to bring the lamb.
24:41 You don't have to do that. It's not about that.
24:45 You don't have to kill a good animal.
24:47 Why not just bring the best fruit that you have, the ones
24:50 without blemish, the one without spot or anything like that?
24:53 Just bring one of those and put them up there because God
24:56 doesn't care 'cause you could worship God,
25:01 you know, on Monday, on Tuesday, on
25:04 Wednesday, on Thursday, on Friday, on Sunday.
25:08 It doesn't--it doesn't matter what day you worship,
25:11 just so long as you worship God."
25:14 Heard that before?
25:18 So, we find all this happens.
25:25 It's not safe for us in these days.
25:28 It's a very dangerous thing.
25:31 Maybe you've heard this before, that when you go into a very bad
25:36 place, your guardian angel can't follow you.
25:40 He stays outside. Have you heard that one before?
25:45 You see, there's truth to that.
25:48 When we venture onto Satan's playground, we have no assurance
25:52 of God's protection, no assurance at all.
25:55 And this was what happened to Cain as a result of this.
25:58 We find that from "Thoughts From The Mount of Blessings," page
26:02 118 it says, "The only safeguard against evil is the indwelling
26:05 of Christ in the heart through faith in His righteousness."
26:10 Notice, through faith in His righteousness,
26:12 not through faith in your own righteousness.
26:15 "It is because of selfishness that exists in our
26:18 heart, that temptation has power over us.
26:22 But when we behold the great love of God, selfishness appears
26:26 to us as its hideous and repulsive character, and we
26:29 desire to have it expelled from the soul.
26:33 As the Holy Spirit glorifies Christ,
26:36 our hearts are softened and subdued.
26:39 The temptation loses its power, and the grace
26:42 of Christ transforms the character."
26:45 But in Cain's case, that's not the situation, which brings us
26:53 to Wednesday, The Punishment of Cain.
26:57 There's an echo that's heard from chapter 3 in Genesis
27:02 and that echo is when God says, "Where are you?"
27:08 God asked Adam, "Where are you?" Where was Adam?
27:13 He was hiding out somewhere in the Garden.
27:15 I mean, look, this is a very rhetorical question that God
27:18 asked because He knows the answer to that.
27:20 Can--you know, don't ever try to play hide
27:22 and go seek with God, it's a lose-lose situation.
27:27 So, when He says, "Where are you?"
27:28 He already knows.
27:30 He's saying that for your own benefit, for you to be able to
27:33 think and to say, "Why am I hiding?"
27:39 We find here that this punishment comes on.
27:44 And the lesson says that Cain will not acknowledge his sins.
27:49 He denies it, something that Adam didn't do, even
27:53 though he tried to put blame elsewhere.
27:56 "This woman you created, she's the one that did it to me.
27:59 She's the one that made me eat it."
28:01 Cain, in contrast, he openly defies God.
28:05 He doesn't waste any time confronting Cain on this crime.
28:10 Instead of acknowledging his sin, Cain continues to complain
28:14 of God's injustice and to cherish jealousy.
28:19 Because of all this, the truth was being agitated in him.
28:24 Every time Abel spoke truth, how do you think Cain felt?
28:28 He just got more and more tighter, more and more wound up.
28:34 But yet, Cain, Cain trying to be the good guy, the good brother,
28:39 the righteous one, it says here, "In meekness, yet fearlessly and
28:43 firmly, Abel defended the justice and goodness of God."
28:48 He pointed out Cain's error and tried to convince
28:52 him, "Look, brother, you're wrong.
28:56 You can't do it this way."
28:59 Does that help at all when somebody is really angry?
29:04 That's like, okay, you got a little bit of a
29:06 fire going, and you just take a little bit
29:09 of gasoline and throw it on the fire.
29:12 You know what happens when you do that?
29:15 I found out once the hard way.
29:19 I raked my leaves, made a nice row of them,
29:22 and I put some gasoline in there.
29:24 And I made a little trail.
29:28 My neighbor told me, "In the future, use diesel.
29:32 It goes a lot slower."
29:33 Because the moment you light--I don't care
29:35 how long that trail is, it just poof.
29:37 It looked like a scene from a Hollywood movie out there.
29:43 Cain was angry. He was so indignant.
29:50 He found Abel, and we're told that in the
29:54 fury of his passion, he slew his brother.
29:59 It's one thing to say he killed Abel.
30:03 It makes it so distant.
30:06 But here he slew his brother, his own flesh and blood.
30:14 Abel's life of obedience and unswerving
30:17 faith was to Cain a perpetual reproof.
30:22 He hated that.
30:24 That's much like how it is today and even
30:28 more so when we get to the future.
30:30 Because we're told, "The brighter the heavenly light that
30:33 is reflected from the character of God's faithful servants, the
30:37 more clearly the sin of the ungodly is revealed.
30:41 And the more determined will be their efforts
30:44 to destroy those who disturb their peace."
30:47 Pouring the gas on the fire.
30:52 Whenever a person turns their back and renounces
30:55 the life of sin they have lived, Satan is furious.
31:02 He is very, very angry.
31:10 Do you remember the name Roger Morneau?
31:16 You know, there's a reason why Satan is angry because once you
31:21 go from Satan's side to God's side, all of a sudden, you know
31:27 what the plans were, and you're able to use those and turn them
31:32 around to be able to win those same ones to Christ now.
31:38 Hence, we're told that in the circle that is
31:41 around Jesus in heaven, the closest ring around
31:46 Him are those who once served Satan.
31:50 That's the closest ring.
31:52 There's different circles around Christ.
31:55 That's the closest one because they once served Satan, and this
32:02 is what happens when Satan finds out that one of you has turned
32:07 their backs on Him, you've surrendered your
32:10 life, you've given it wholly to Christ.
32:13 Now he's indignant, he's furious.
32:16 He tries to turn up the heat more.
32:19 But you know what?
32:20 If you're convicted, if you're consecrated,
32:23 there's no turning back.
32:24 You're never going to go back and serve Satan ever again.
32:32 One of my favorite quotes that we find in the Spirit of
32:34 Prophecy, it's found in Review and Herald December 16, 1890.
32:41 It says, "If you indulge stubbornness of heart, and
32:44 through pride and self righteousness,
32:45 you do not confess your faults, you will be
32:48 left subject to Satan's temptations.
32:51 If when the Lord reveals your error, you do not confess,
32:55 His providence will bring you over the ground
32:57 again and again," just like he did with Cain.
33:01 "You will continue to lack wisdom, and you
33:05 will make mistakes of a similar character.
33:08 You will call sin righteousness and righteousness sin."
33:12 And guess what?
33:13 The multitude of deceptions that prevail in the last days
33:16 will encircle you, and you will change leaders
33:19 and not know you have done so.
33:22 This is exactly what happened in Cain's situation.
33:26 Cain built the altar. He grabbed the same stones.
33:30 He set it up, looked exactly the same.
33:32 However, he had changed leaders and in changing leaders, he
33:38 changed his ideals of what he thought would be a sac--correct
33:42 sacrifice because he did it his way.
33:48 We find that God's sacri--God's sacred--He spared, sorry.
33:55 God spared Cain's life.
33:57 In doing so, He created a perpetual lesson about the great
34:02 controversy with Cain and his lineage to show that, look,
34:09 there's a reason why the sinner cannot live on forever.
34:15 The sinner cannot live on to carry
34:17 out their rebellion against God.
34:19 There's got to come an end to all this, and you know what?
34:25 God watched all this that was going on and in His mercy,
34:29 He provided Cain, the first murderer,
34:32 some kind of protection that was going on.
34:35 But what this protection was, we don't exactly know.
34:39 We're not told about it in the Bible,
34:41 Spirit of Prophecy, Josephus.
34:43 None of them say exactly what the protection was,
34:46 but we know this, nobody could harm Cain.
34:52 Why would they want to harm Cain anyways?
34:55 Probably because he was the first murderer.
34:58 Think about this, everybody on the earth at this time
35:02 were all descendants of Adam and Eve.
35:05 They married their brothers and sisters.
35:08 It was okay back then, not okay today for very good reasons too.
35:15 But we find that as a result of this, you're talking
35:18 about this could have been their--well, it is,
35:21 it was their brother probably, right?
35:25 I mean, we don't know how many children
35:27 Adam and Eve had all together.
35:29 We only know of three that were given, Cain, Abel, and who else?
35:34 Seth, that's right, so we find that the year after
35:40 Abel was killed, Seth came on the scene.
35:45 We find that also that this evil continued and continued and
35:49 continued for 15 centuries, 15 centuries all through time.
35:55 And then it came down to a time where
35:57 God says, "Enough, I'm done with this, this is wrong."
36:04 This--you can't even see good anymore because the only good
36:09 thing that was left there, well, we'll get to that
36:14 in just a moment, in Friday's lesson.
36:17 But let's talk a little bit about Thursday's lesson,
36:20 The Wickedness of Man.
36:23 Get this scene. Lamech comes on the scene now.
36:28 He is the great, great, great grandson of Cain,
36:33 but there's a difference between Cain and Lamech.
36:36 You think Cain was bad? Come on.
36:41 Cain, Cain was quiet about his crime of killing his brother.
36:47 He didn't really go out there and say much, could be why God
36:50 protected him because he was fairly quiet about this.
36:53 But not so about Lamech.
36:58 Lamech was totally the opposite of Cain.
37:02 Cain was quiet, Lamech here-- look in your Bibles.
37:05 Just look, if you have it handy, look
37:07 at Genesis chapter 4:23 and 24.
37:12 He goes so far as to write a poem,
37:14 and he kicks it into a song.
37:17 I don't know if what type of song it was, definitely not a
37:20 country western song, but I can tell you this.
37:24 Listen to the words, it says, "Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice;
37:29 wives of Lamech, listen to my speech."
37:31 I mean, look, he's naming himself in there.
37:33 He's bragging about this.
37:34 He says, "For I have killed a man for wounding
37:38 me, even a young man for hurting me.
37:41 If Cain shall have avenged sevenfold,
37:46 then Lamech seventy sevenfold."
37:50 Wow. This guy arrogant or what?
37:55 Is it all about him?
37:57 It kind of like the world just revolves around Lamech.
38:01 He's the first polygamist in the Bible.
38:05 I mean, where does he get the idea?
38:07 Once again, it had to have been inspired by Satan.
38:10 But where does he get the idea,
38:12 "Look, I'll just get another wife"?
38:14 As if one's not enough, hmm.
38:20 Dr. Jacques Doukhan writes here and he says, "There is also
38:25 contrast between the crime of Cain and the crime of Lamech.
38:30 Unlike Cain, Lamech took murder one step further.
38:35 Lamech presented his killing as a positive and valuable act."
38:41 And literally, he's boasting about it.
38:44 Can you imagine that? "Hey, guys, check this out.
38:47 I killed this dude. Isn't that cool?"
38:51 What is wrong with him?
38:53 "While Cain chose to remain silent,
38:56 Lamech, in contrast, he writes a song.
38:59 Whereas Cain asked God for mercy, Lamech ignores God and
39:04 instead subjects his wife to a litany of his prowess and his
39:08 homicidal feat as feat worthy of approbation.
39:13 The same paradigm shift observed in Cain's crime
39:17 also can be traced here in the failure of that
39:21 vertical relationship between God and human.
39:26 It yields to a violence turning against the human other."
39:31 In fact it says here, Dr. Doukhan continues writing and he
39:35 says, "Lamech moves to the opposite of forgiveness.
39:39 He speaks of revenge, alluding to
39:42 the additional crimes in the future."
39:46 Wow. This guy is messed up.
39:52 "Even his revenge was given considerable intensification.
39:55 While Cain is avenged only seven times, Lamech requires an
40:00 increase to seventy times seven."
40:04 That's very interesting, isn't it?
40:05 That later on we find in Matthew when they asked Jesus,
40:11 "How many times should I forgive them?"
40:14 Jesus plays on those same words. How many times?
40:18 Seventy times seven, that's how many times.
40:22 And then we come to the birth of Seth,
40:25 and what do we know of Seth?
40:27 Dr. Doukhan, who writes again, he says, "The repetition of the
40:32 first phrase that introduced the birth of the firstborn Cain
40:36 suggested a return to the beginning.
40:40 In addition, the repetition of the word 'again'
40:44 attached to the birth of Seth echoes again
40:47 the associated with the birth of Abel."
40:51 Remember, for Cain it was she gave birth to a son
40:56 that she was hoping would be the Messiah.
40:59 And then she bore again, that was Abel.
41:03 Now she bore again to Seth.
41:07 Seth, interestingly enough, the name
41:12 Seth means to put in place of.
41:16 Abel's gone so now Seth takes
41:19 his place as one of the righteous.
41:22 And if you follow the lineage down,
41:24 it's very interesting to look at the lineage.
41:27 You follow, and it goes on with Cain, then you look at Abel.
41:31 Abel's is gone.
41:33 And from the timeline, I find it kind of interesting that this
41:36 whole thing that happened with Cain killing Abel, Abel was
41:41 about 75 years old, 75, 78 years old, when this happened.
41:46 Seems old for us but for them, I mean that that's nothing when
41:51 they're living to 900 years of age.
41:54 Seventy is like an--I don't know how you count it.
41:57 Do you reverse dog age back or something like that?
42:00 But that would be like seven or eight years for us.
42:06 So, Seth takes on the righteous line,
42:10 and he carries that on through the future.
42:15 Seth is the one that follows the closest by following the example
42:24 also of Christ, the same that Abel did before he was cut off.
42:31 So, Seth picks it up and continues on that way.
42:35 This brings us to Friday.
42:38 The further thoughts of this little boy
42:42 that comes on, his name is Enoch.
42:45 What do we know about Enoch? It said that he walked with God.
42:51 How many years did he walk with God, do you remember?
42:55 Three hundred years. That's a little bit of time.
42:59 We can't really fathom that, can we?
43:03 We can't fathom living 300 years,
43:05 let alone living for all eternity.
43:08 But I like the way a little boy describes it.
43:11 He says one day, Enoch went for a walk,
43:15 and he went for a walk with God, and God walked with him.
43:20 And then Enoch said, "I need to go home.
43:23 It's getting late."
43:24 And God said, "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow."
43:27 And Enoch came home.
43:29 And the next day, Enoch went for another
43:31 walk, and he walked with God again.
43:34 And then at the end of the day as the sun was setting, he says,
43:37 "God, I need to get back home because it's getting late."
43:40 And this happened day after day, 365 days a year for 300 years.
43:49 Finally, Enoch went for the walk, and he was so focused, he
43:55 was so enthralled with talking to God in his relationship that
44:00 he totally forgot the fact that not only is the sun getting low
44:04 in the sky, but now the sun set and it's getting dark.
44:08 But they have been walking and walking and walking.
44:11 And the little boy says, as he tells the story,
44:15 Enoch says, "Lord, I need to get back home.
44:20 It's very late now."
44:22 And God turned and He looked at Enoch and He says, "My son, you
44:26 have walked with me these 300 years so faithfully.
44:31 You are so far from your home, but you are so close to my home.
44:37 Come home with me."
44:39 And the Bible says, "He was no more."
44:44 I don't know about you, but I feel emotional about that
44:48 because here is the possibility for us today.
44:53 Do you realize that?
44:55 We are living on the very precipice of Jesus's coming, and
44:59 we could hear those same words, "You are so far from your home,
45:04 but you're so close to my home, just come home with me."
45:09 Because that day is not afar off.
45:12 What do you say?
45:16 But not everybody that says, "Lord, Lord,"
45:20 will enter into the Kingdom of heaven.
45:24 Just because you're here today and you got
45:26 the day right doesn't mean that you're there.
45:29 It means that you still got a ways to go.
45:33 There's righteous living.
45:34 So, how do you live righteously amidst all the chaos,
45:39 all the evil that's in the world today?
45:42 You know, there's a time period that I hate going
45:44 into stores, and that is around Halloween.
45:48 I just hate going in there, looking at all these
45:51 demonic things staring at me, it's just ugly.
45:56 But then again, you think, how bad--I mean, have you ever
46:01 thought, how bad must have been the world before the flood?
46:06 How bad was it in the antediluvian
46:09 days for all this to happen?
46:12 And how did Enoch live amidst that time period?
46:16 I mean, if you could have his game plan of how Enoch lived,
46:25 that would be the path that would be able to needle the way
46:29 through that you could thread that way through the chaos
46:32 of today and make it out alive, and we're told that path.
46:39 We're told in "Patriarchs and Prophets," page 85 it says here,
46:45 "Distressed by the increasing wickedness of the ungodly and
46:49 fearing that their infidelity might lessen his reverence for
46:53 God, Enoch, he avoided constant association with them."
46:59 It doesn't mean that he said he never
47:01 talked to them or anything like that.
47:02 No, he talked with them, but he
47:04 avoided constant association with them.
47:08 He spent much time in solitude. Why?
47:11 Because in solitude, that is where you come to God in prayer.
47:14 That's where you pray for protection.
47:16 That's where you pray to keep your mind stayed on Christ.
47:20 That's where you pray to have the indwelling
47:22 of the Holy Spirit within your heart.
47:23 You can't do it when you're out in the world.
47:29 It takes a deep commitment to dig deep foundations.
47:33 So, he spent much time in prayer,
47:35 giving himself to meditation and prayer.
47:38 Thus, he waited before the Lord. For what reason?
47:45 Because there's one thing to study, there's one thing to
47:48 pray, and there's another thing to just be quiet and listen.
47:53 What are you listening for?
47:55 You're listening for the counsel.
47:58 You're listening for the prompting
48:00 of the still, small voice.
48:01 You're listening for the Holy Spirit
48:03 to give you the directive for the day.
48:05 And it says here, "He waited before the Lord, seeking a
48:09 clearer knowledge of His will, that he might perform it."
48:14 Now get this, this last sentence says it all.
48:17 "To him, prayer was as the breath of the soul."
48:23 He lived on earth.
48:25 He lived amidst the sinfulness of the antediluvians,
48:30 all the carnality, all that stuff.
48:32 He lived during that time period but it says here,
48:36 "He lived in the very atmosphere of heaven."
48:42 He lived in this bubble, not a bubble that says,
48:46 "I don't know that you're there.
48:47 I'm just trying to avoid you." No, he was a constant witness.
48:51 He was a constant prick to their sinfulness,
48:54 but he lived in the atmosphere of God.
48:58 He lived in the presence of God.
49:00 Do you remember years ago there was
49:02 that WWJD, What Would Jesus Do?
49:06 Forget that. I got a better one for you.
49:10 Practice the presence of God. Practice the presence of God.
49:16 God is with you wherever you are.
49:18 He is here. When you eat, He's next to you.
49:21 What you see, He's next to you.
49:23 When you drive, He's next to you.
49:25 He is always there with you, whether you like it or not.
49:32 Will you acknowledge that and keep walking in His ways?
49:36 Let's pray.
49:39 Our Father in heaven, we come to You
49:40 and we thank You for the many blessings.
49:42 We thank You for the lessons that we learned from Cain.
49:45 We ask and pray that Your Holy Spirit would guard our hearts
49:48 and minds that we would not fall into those
49:50 same temptations and those same snares.
49:53 Be with us through this Sabbath day that we may not enjoy the
49:57 message, but that we may be reproved,
50:00 edified, corrected, and blessed by it.
50:04 In Jesus's name, amen.
50:09 male announcer: Don't forget to request
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50:47 announcer: Amazing Facts Changed Lives.
50:56 male: My greatest wish is that my children
51:00 will see me the way I see my own father.
51:06 He's a very devoted man, and that kind of framed
51:10 my childhood going forward from there where
51:14 I was always involved in church work.
51:17 And I had a very rich experience with the Lord
51:20 at a young age all the way up through college.
51:25 Then after I got married, I got in a company called Comcast.
51:30 And I spent the past roughly eight and a
51:33 half years, nine years at Comcast.
51:37 And I was actually watching television with my son,
51:41 and a Comcast commercial came on the air.
51:45 And he said, "Oh, Daddy, that's Comcast.
51:48 That's where you work, Daddy."
51:51 And most fathers would be proud of something like that, but it
51:55 really struck me that, you know, my son's getting older, and he
51:59 does not see me as a servant of the Lord.
52:02 He sees me as a servant of my company.
52:05 And I knew that I would have to make some changes because I
52:11 wanted him to know me as a--as a man of God.
52:15 I never thought I would be a preacher or anything
52:17 like that, but I knew that there was room in the
52:21 work for me and for my, for my talents.
52:26 And I wanted my son to see me operating in the work.
52:33 That's when I knew that my time there was coming to an end.
52:37 I was sitting in my office one day,
52:39 and I was kneeling in prayer.
52:41 I said, "God, you know, show me what you want me to do because,
52:46 you know, this seems like a big move here.
52:49 And everyone's thinking I'm crazy, and I don't know exactly
52:57 how, you know, things are gonna go.
53:01 If they don't go well-- you know, crazy
53:04 thought when you are thinking about God.
53:07 And I lifted my head up in prayer, and there's like a flock
53:14 of, I don't know, maybe 300 birds that were just flying.
53:20 And they were swooping down over the water, and they would fly
53:23 back up, and then they would chase each other around.
53:27 And, you know, I was just looking at the pattern of the
53:29 giant flock, and the promise of the Lord came to me where He
53:34 says that, you know, He takes care of the sparrows, and you
53:40 don't see them worrying about how they are going
53:43 to be taken care of from day to day.
53:45 They don't wring their hands wondering, you know,
53:49 will there be any worms to eat tomorrow?
53:52 And that promise really stood out to me.
53:56 And He said, "How much more do I love you?
53:59 You know, I'm not going to send you on a mission to do My work
54:04 and leave you high and dry because you claim to be My
54:07 child, you claim to be My son, and everyone knows that."
54:13 That assurance allows me to know that whatever happens here,
54:18 whatever happens after here, we're sons of God, and there are
54:24 certain things that we shouldn't worry about.
54:27 From the day we arrived at AFCOE, it's been
54:32 obvious that God has blessed the Amazing Facts Ministry,
54:36 the AFCOE program.
54:38 And I will be using my AFCOE experience no matter where I go
54:44 to reach people because the personal touch of face-to-face
54:50 evangelism, speaking and sharing the Word of God out of your own
54:54 mouth, there's no replacement for that.
54:57 And Amazing Facts has been very instrumental in helping
55:00 me find the area of the work of God and
55:07 showing me how large and how broad it is.
55:11 It's been a tremendous blessing to be in a place where we're
55:15 around people seeking to do God's will
55:19 and listening for His voice in their life.
55:21 And that's very, very important today.
55:33 Raul: I was born in a small Christian family, grew up in
55:36 Puerto Rico, in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
55:39 My dad was a pastor of our churches there.
55:42 After I graduated from high school, I was so excited.
55:46 You know, I just wanted to leave the house
55:47 and see the world, if you will.
55:50 Came up to the states, went to school in Texas,
55:53 and went to a Christian college there.
55:56 I rebelled against the Christian concept that I became an
56:01 agnostic 16, 17 years after I have left the church.
56:06 I had three roommates, and we were living the life,
56:09 you know, back then, you know, doing deals with drugs
56:12 and selling drugs and all that kind of stuff.
56:16 The police came over, and they raided the apartment.
56:20 They took my three friends to jail.
56:24 When I found out, it shook me. I should have been there too.
56:33 I reached out to God and I said, "Lord, if you exist, get me out
56:38 of this situation, and I'll go back to your ways."
56:43 Right around that time, I met this awesome, young lady.
56:48 She was a Christian.
56:49 After dating for about a year and a half, someone came to our
56:53 church to give a series of prophecy seminars.
56:58 I decided to re-baptize, make it a fact that I was coming back to
57:02 church, that I was giving my life back to God.
57:06 Amazing Facts became an important part of my life.
57:09 Sermons, Sabbath school lessons, DVDs, videos, magazines, and
57:15 especially after looking and watching Pastor Doug Batchelor,
57:20 listening to his experience, has really made a
57:23 difference in my life to the point where I
57:26 am right now a totally different individual.
57:31 It's something that I am so grateful to have experienced.
57:36 I would recommend anyone that wants to give God
57:40 a chance in their life, you'll never be sorry that you did.
57:45 He loves you. He understands you.
57:49 He wants you to be happy.
57:51 My name is Raul, and thank you for changing my life.
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Revised 2022-04-11