Sabbath School Study Hour

Receiving An Unshakeable Kingdom

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022212S

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00:38 Doug Batchelor: Good morning, friends, and happy Sabbath.
00:40 I want to welcome you to the Granite Bay Hilltop Seventh-day
00:43 Adventist Church and a special welcome to any that
00:46 may be visiting with us this morning.
00:48 Also, always want to remember to welcome those who are joining us
00:53 on Facebook, Amazing Facts Television, YouTube, or one of
00:58 the other channels, and we also have a number of online members.
01:03 For several years now, the Granite Bay church has had
01:07 members, sort of a digital church.
01:10 Around the world, people that have no local church, they can
01:13 attend, and we want to welcome you as well.
01:16 We're continuing today with lesson number 12 in our study on
01:20 Hebrews, and the lesson today is a very important one.
01:24 It's going to be dealing with the subject of "Receiving an
01:27 Unshakeable Kingdom," and in a moment Pastor Brummund will come
01:31 out and be sharing with you in that lesson,
01:33 but we have a free offer as always.
01:36 And the offer today is designed to
01:37 help enhance your study of this subject.
01:40 It's called "The Final Verdict." "The Final Verdict."
01:43 It's a very important book that talks about
01:45 the culmination of the judgment subject.
01:49 And if you'd like to receive that, simply dial 866-788-3966.
01:55 That amounts to 866-Study-More. Ask for offer number 162.
02:01 Now, if you're in North America you can download this by texting
02:05 "SH078" and you text that to "40544."
02:13 And so, of course, you can also go to
02:15, and that's
02:21 Sometimes the lesson presenters also will post their notes
02:24 there, I know I do, if you're interested in any
02:27 of the notes related to the lesson.
02:29 Well, we're going to get into our study
02:31 so let's have a word of prayer.
02:32 Father in heaven, thank You so much for the Word of truth
02:35 that changes lives and sets us free.
02:38 We pray that Your Spirit will be present.
02:40 Be in a special way with Pastor Brummund as he shares, and we
02:44 pray we can gather insights to help us be more like our Savior.
02:47 We pray this in His name, amen.
02:51 Shawn Brummund: You know, I want to start our lesson, as we
02:53 look at lesson number 12 today, by sharing with you a bit of
02:58 a--couple of different experiences.
03:01 And the first one is when I was just moved to Toronto.
03:05 Some of you know that I was born and raised in Canada, and so I'm
03:08 an import here in Sacramento in the US and so I was just a--
03:16 I think was, let me see now, grade 5 it would be.
03:19 And so it was grade 5.
03:20 My family had just moved from the West in British Columbia,
03:23 from our home town of Kelowna, all the way over to the
03:25 big city of Toronto towards the East.
03:28 And when we arrived in the big city of Toronto, I started going
03:31 to this new school right in more of the heart of
03:33 the city, and it was a very large school.
03:36 I was very intimidated.
03:38 I was always the smallest guy in every class,
03:41 going through grade school.
03:42 I was always the shortest.
03:44 Up until my later years in grade school, I was always the
03:47 smallest, the skinniest, and so I was an easy target.
03:52 I was a natural target for the bullies.
03:54 And so, not only was I intimidated by this large school
03:56 and this large city life that I'd never been exposed
03:58 to 'cause I was living in the country before
04:00 that, there was a couple of twins.
04:04 They were--I think they were Chinese and so there was these
04:08 two boys, these twins, that were in my class.
04:10 Maybe they were a grade before me.
04:13 This was grade 5.
04:14 And so, anyway, they were quite proud of the fact that they were
04:18 experts, in their mind at least, in judo or some kind of martial
04:21 arts, and they made it very clear to me that they intended
04:24 on beating me up on a regular basis.
04:27 And so I have to say, you know, when you combine all those
04:30 things together, I was, you know, I was shaking in my boots.
04:36 It was a very traumatic experience for a young boy.
04:39 But speaking of shaking in your boots, I want to share with you
04:42 another even more traumatic experience than that.
04:44 I had a friend of mine and he was a church member in my home
04:47 city, again in British Columbia, Canada, and this goes back about
04:51 20 years or so, but he was in one of those ATM rooms, you know
04:54 the ones that extend at the front of the bank?
04:56 Yeah, even when the bank is closed, you can approach that
04:59 first room late at night and make your withdrawal
05:03 or do your banking business and so on.
05:05 And so he was doing that at one of those ATM or automatic teller
05:10 machines and, when he was doing that late one night,
05:13 doing his withdrawal, whatever it was,
05:15 another man came in and joined him.
05:17 And the worst happened that night.
05:19 Fortunately--unfortunately, the man drew a gun and, to my
05:24 friend's horror, he put it to his head and he said, "You're
05:28 going to withdraw the maximum amount of cash that you
05:31 can from all your accounts and you're
05:33 going to give it to me here tonight."
05:35 Well, as you can imagine, he didn't hesitate.
05:37 He went ahead and just did exactly that.
05:39 And fortunately, that was all that the man was looking for.
05:43 Because he cooperated, the man with the gun disappeared into
05:45 the dark and, of course, my friend was shaking in his boots
05:50 during the whole experience, and throughout the rest of the night
05:53 he was very shaken up at the same time.
05:56 In fact, it took him several days, maybe even weeks, to be
06:01 able to shake that off because it was so traumatic.
06:05 And, in fact, I remember him sharing that he said
06:08 it was more traumatic than he would have
06:09 guessed before it actually took place.
06:12 And so, he definitely experienced something very
06:16 traumatic that shook him up, that caused him to shake in his
06:18 boots, and it took him long to shake it off.
06:22 You know, today we're talking about shaking.
06:23 Speaking about shaking, I want to talk a little bit about a
06:26 physical shaking, and I went and reviewed something that I knew
06:28 and studied in the past, but was relevant to our
06:32 key verse today in Hebrews chapter 12.
06:36 And so I'm going to read with you a couple different
06:40 excerpts from one of my favorite books.
06:41 It's entitled, "The Great Controversy," and it's written
06:44 by Ellen White, and I'm on page 304.
06:48 I forget what chapter.
06:50 It's called "Heralds of the Morning."
06:51 And so, this particular chapter was covering the different signs
06:54 that precedes just before, in the bigger picture,
06:58 just before Jesus comes again.
07:00 And so the first sentence I'm reading from says that the
07:03 Revelator, that is John who wrote the book of Revelation,
07:06 thus describes the first signs--the first
07:09 of the signs to precede the Second Advent.
07:14 Jesus, during His ministry, it said that you will see signs in
07:16 the sun and the moon and the stars just before you see the
07:20 Coming of the Son of Man in the clouds of heaven.
07:23 And so there's going to be different kinds of signs that
07:26 both Jesus taught as well as Jesus added in the book of
07:29 Revelation that I just read, different physical signs on the
07:32 earth that would be harbingers, that would be flags to be able
07:36 to get the attention of as many people as possible to study the
07:40 Scriptures and understand that Jesus is coming soon.
07:45 And then she quotes from Revelation, chapter 6 and verse
07:48 12, and says, "There was a great earthquake and the sun became
07:51 black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood."
07:56 And so, of these physical harbingers that we are to look
08:00 for, God says the first one would be this massive earthquake
08:03 that would get the attention of a great part of the world.
08:07 And thus it did.
08:08 It says, "In fulfillment," she goes on, "of this prophecy,
08:11 there occurred in the year 1755 the most terrible
08:16 earthquake that has ever been recorded."
08:19 Now, friends, this date, 1755, is no small date.
08:24 The reason being is that it is only 43 years before the
08:28 conclusion of one of the longest, most important time
08:31 prophecies that God revealed in prophecy, both in Daniel as well
08:35 as in the book of Revelation, the 1260
08:37 symbolic days that represent 1260 literal years,
08:42 that were to find a conclusion in 1798.
08:46 And, sadly, that time period was to represent, and God made it
08:52 clear represented, the reign and the influence and the power that
08:56 would be exercised in a very negative way towards God's
08:59 people by the papacy, represented by the little horn
09:02 of Daniel chapter 7, as well as the first beast,
09:05 symbolic beast, of Revelation chapter 13.
09:09 So coming back to that statement, she says, "In
09:11 fulfillment of the prophecy, there occurred in the year 1755
09:14 the most terrible earthquake that has ever been recorded.
09:17 The conclusion of the 1260 years in 1798."
09:20 And then we find ourselves just 46 more years into the future
09:23 and the last time prophecy of Daniel chapter 8 and verse 14
09:27 comes to its conclusion in 20--the 2300-year prophecy that
09:31 declares that the cleansing of the sanctuary has begun, which
09:35 symbolizes a--and points us to a judgment scene and process that
09:40 would take place in heaven as the final phase of God's work in
09:43 heaven before He comes back to earth in judgment.
09:46 And so again, this is a instrumental time in history in
09:49 which this greatest earthquake ever took place.
09:53 "Though commonly known as the earthquake of Lisbon, it is
09:56 extended to the greater part of Europe, Africa," now, we have
10:00 to remember that Lisbon is the largest city and it is a port
10:03 city on the Atlantic coastline of Portugal.
10:06 Portugal and Spain, which is the neighbor of Portugal, wraps
10:09 around Portugal, is just a stone's throw
10:11 north of the northern tip of Africa.
10:16 So she goes on and says, "Though it's commonly known as the
10:18 earthquake of Lisbon, it is extended to the
10:19 greater part of Europe, Africa, and America.
10:22 It was felt in Greenland, in the West Indies, in the island of
10:27 Madeira, in Norway, Sweden, Great Britain, Ireland."
10:32 Later, we're going to read about the great tsunami, massive
10:36 tsunami, that swept across the Atlantic Ocean and actually hit
10:39 the shores of Ireland, hit the shores of Great Britain, among
10:43 other places, the Caribbean islands.
10:45 Finland is also reported to have felt the effects of it.
10:49 The Caribbean islands, the Portuguese colony of Brazil also
10:53 has reports that came out of a tsunami and minor shocks
10:59 and so on from this massive earthquake.
11:02 It goes on and says, "It pervaded to an extent of not
11:05 less than 4 million square miles.
11:09 In Africa the shock was almost as severe as in Europe.
11:13 A great part of Algiers was destroyed, and a short
11:16 distance from Morocco, a village containing 8,000
11:19 or 10,000 inhabitants was swallowed up.
11:22 A vast wave swept over the coast of Spain and Africa, engulfing
11:27 cities, and causing great destruction."
11:30 Now, today we call that wave a tsunami, don't we?
11:34 Okay, back in Ellen White's day and when she wrote this book in
11:38 the late 1800s, this was not a word that they used.
11:43 "It was in Spain and Portugal that the shock
11:45 manifested its extreme violence."
11:48 So the most extreme violence was found in Spain and Portugal.
11:53 The actual spot of the earthquake, most earthquake
12:01 engineers and geologists and so on all agree that it was about
12:03 120 miles southeast or southwest of--yeah,
12:09 I should say southwest of Portugal.
12:15 Yeah, so that's where the most extreme violence took place.
12:17 "At Cadiz," the Spanish city, "the inflowing wave," the
12:21 tsunami, "was said to be 60 feet high.
12:25 Mountains, 'some of the largest,'" and now she's quoting
12:28 from Sir Charles Lyell from his book, "Principles of Geology,"
12:31 and he says, "Some of the largest in Portugal," some of
12:33 the largest mountains in Portugal, "were impetuously
12:38 shaken," and again, this is a key word for our study today.
12:42 "Impetuously shaken as it were, from their very foundations,"
12:46 and some of them opened up at their summits,
12:48 at the very peaks of those mountains.
12:50 There were split--they were split and rent in
12:53 a wonderful manner, huge masses of them being
12:56 thrown down into the adjacent valleys."
12:59 So, big chunks, massive chunks of these summits and large parts
13:03 of the top of these mountains in Portugal were breaking off and
13:06 rolling and falling down into the valleys.
13:09 Flames are related to have issued from these mountains.
13:13 And now we're quoting from the same author.
13:14 He says that "Lisbon, a sound of thunder was heard underground
13:18 and immediately afterwards, a violent shock threw
13:21 down the greater part of that city.
13:24 In the course of about six minutes,
13:26 60,000 persons perished.
13:29 The sea first retired and laid the bar dry."
13:32 Now, "and then it rolled in."
13:35 Now, friends, if you've seen any of the footage, the
13:37 descriptions, the remakes that different films and
13:40 documentaries have made concerning the more modern
13:44 recent tsunami, the one that hit Indonesia, the worst amongst--
13:48 of their nations in that part of the world, there was this
13:51 uncanny kind of rapid, unexpected tide that kind of--as
13:56 they first interpreted it, the residents, the tourists, this
13:59 tide that just--kind of this unexpected tide and rapid tide
14:02 that just kind of sucked the ocean way out
14:04 further and faster than it normally did.
14:07 And this is exactly what happened just before the tsunami
14:10 then came back in full force against the Portugal seaside.
14:16 It is said that there was a number of--I've read different
14:18 sources and it talked about this uncanny kind of--this uncovering
14:23 of these different shipwrecks that were exposed on the ocean
14:25 bottom as the ocean kind of sucked back out into the ocean,
14:30 and exposed these shipwrecks that had never been seen since
14:33 they sunk and then there was all this cargo that had fallen off
14:36 ships by mistakes over the years that was exposed
14:39 on the sea bottom, on this dry land.
14:45 And so it says, "The sea first retired and laid
14:48 the bar dry, it then rolled in, rising 50
14:51 feet or more above its ordinary level.
14:53 Among other extraordinary events related to having occurred at
14:58 Lisbon during the catastrophe was the subsidence of a new
15:03 quay, built entirely of marble at an immense expense, a great
15:08 concourse of people had collected there for safety as a
15:11 spot where they might be beyond the reach of falling ruins, but
15:15 suddenly the quay sank down with all the people on it and not one
15:18 of the dead bodies ever floated to the surface."
15:22 And then she quotes from another source, the
15:24 "Encyclopedia Americana," the edition of 1831.
15:28 So this source is not very far removed from the actual event,
15:32 and goes on and says, "The shock of the earthquake was instantly
15:35 followed by the fall of every church and convent,
15:38 almost all the large public buildings and
15:40 more than one-fourth of the houses.
15:43 In about two hours after the shock, fires broke out in
15:46 different quarters and raged with such violence for the space
15:49 of nearly three days that the city was completely desolated.
15:55 The earthquake happened on a holy day, when the churches and
15:59 convents were full of people, very few of whom escaped."
16:03 Now, as it turns out, that holy day was called "All Saints Day"
16:07 by the Catholics which was the predominant population of the
16:10 people there and, because it was All Saints Day, in honor of the
16:14 saints, many of the homes and all the convents, the churches,
16:17 and so on, were full of different worshipers and so on,
16:21 and they had lit candles and so, when the earthquake came, it was
16:25 the worst scenario that you can imagine 'cause all those candles
16:27 went flying while they were still lit and they started to
16:30 light all these buildings on fire, and so what the earthquake
16:33 didn't get, what the tsunami didn't destroy, the fires had
16:36 destroyed during that same period.
16:39 And so it was catastrophic.
16:42 And it is by far, one of the largest shaking.
16:45 Now, they didn't have instruments that was able to
16:47 measure the size of it, you know?
16:49 And of course, the million-dollar question is,
16:50 "What was the Richter scale rating of that earthquake?"
16:55 And we don't know.
16:57 Now, the seismologists tell us that they estimate--the
17:00 estimates range anywhere from 7.7 to 9.
17:04 Now, the largest earthquakes that have ever been recorded
17:08 since we've been able to record on the Richter scale with our
17:11 instruments is 9.1 and so, seeing it in the light of
17:15 prophecy, when you look at the actual original sources,
17:18 including the great controversy that quotes some of those as
17:20 well as give some inspired information on this, we find
17:24 that I would estimate that 9 is probably the minimum.
17:27 It could be more like a 9.2, 9.3 or something to that effect.
17:32 Just reading the effects and the reports from all over the world
17:35 and almost every continent in the world
17:37 that was affected by that earthquake.
17:40 Massive prophetic harbinger of Jesus's soon Coming.
17:44 Massive shaking, the most far-reaching shaking in history.
17:51 Well, the bottom line is that life involves a
17:52 lot of different kinds of shaking.
17:54 That comes from living in a broken world, doesn't it?
17:57 You know, these are just some examples that I'm shared and I'm
18:00 sure if we open the floor, you could share some different ways
18:02 in which we can think about negative shaking that takes
18:05 place in this planet, in this world, and this life.
18:09 The memory text for this week's study of the book of Hebrews
18:12 brings us to something that we can look forward
18:16 to, which is a shake-free world.
18:18 One day, Jesus says, we can live in a day where we will never be
18:21 shaking in our boots, we will never be shaken up, we will
18:24 never have to shake something negative off, we will never
18:27 experience the earth shaking beneath our feet.
18:32 All these different negative shakings will disappear.
18:35 Let's go to our lesson number 12 and
18:36 it's Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 28.
18:41 In Hebrews 12, verse 28, it says, "Therefore, since we are
18:44 receiving a kingdom which cannot be--cannot be shaken, let us
18:50 have grace, by which we may serve God
18:52 acceptably with reverence and godly fear."
18:57 So in response of this good news, in response of the
18:59 promise, in response of this life of peace and shake-free
19:04 existence that God has for us, God says that we should approach
19:08 God with great reverence and with godly fear.
19:12 And we should remember that God is the God that
19:15 can shake the heavens and the earth.
19:17 He is the one that made it, He is the one that
19:18 lifts up kings and brings down kings.
19:20 He is the one that gives life,
19:21 He is the one that takes away life.
19:23 And we are to worship Him even as He is our King
19:27 and our Lord and our Savior.
19:31 Well, as it turns out, the memory verse is
19:33 at the end of our passage that we're studying
19:35 this week in Hebrews 12--chapter 12.
19:38 And so let's go back to the beginning of that passage
19:40 and read, starting with verse 12.
19:43 So we're going to read the first seven verses of the passage
19:46 and so we're going to Hebrews, the 12th chapter.
19:52 And in Hebrews the chapter--the 12th chapter,
19:53 we're going to pick it up with verse 18.
19:57 Okay, Hebrews, the 12th chapter, picking it up at verse 18, it
20:01 says, "For you have not come to the mountain that may be touched
20:05 and that burned with fire, into the tempest--and to the
20:09 blackness and the darkness and the tempest, and the sound of a
20:13 trumpet and the voice of words, so that those who heard it
20:17 begged that the word should not be spoken to them anymore.
20:21 (For they could not endure what was commanded."
20:23 And then quoting from the book of Exodus, is--and is, "'And if
20:27 so much as a beast touches the mountain, it shall be stoned or
20:30 shot through with an arrow.'
20:34 And so terrifying was the sight that
20:35 Moses said, 'I am exceedingly afraid and trembling.')"
20:41 In verse 22, it goes on and says, "But you have come to
20:43 Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly
20:48 Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the
20:52 general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered
20:56 in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men
21:00 made perfect, to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant,
21:04 and to the blood of the sprinkling that
21:06 speaks better things than that of Abel."
21:10 And so as we look at the first seven verses of
21:11 our passage of study this week, we want to ask
21:14 ourselves what is Paul trying to say?
21:16 I have to confess that the first time that I read this, years
21:19 ago, and even coming back to it, you know, it's one of those ones
21:22 where you have to stop and think a little bit carefully,
21:24 a little bit more carefully.
21:26 You have to kind of ask yourself, "What in the world is
21:28 God and Paul trying to tell us here in this particular book?"
21:32 Well, as it turns out, these first few verses is actually
21:36 doing what the rest of Hebrews has been doing all along, as a
21:39 pattern, and that is that God is comparing the Old Testament and
21:44 the functions and the elements that are found in the Old
21:46 Testament to that of the newer, fuller, and more
21:49 superior New Testament that Jesus Himself
21:53 is the mediator and the initiator of.
22:01 And so we have in the New Testament and the New Covenant,
22:06 it tells us of a person of Jesus that is a new
22:08 and better mediator and He is a new and
22:11 better sacrifice at the same time.
22:15 And that's why we find in verse 24 that God here is, again,
22:19 pointing us to the better part of the New Testament,
22:22 which is in the person of Jesus Christ.
22:26 Yes, the Old Testament holy priesthood, the
22:29 descendants of Aaron, was holy, was sacred.
22:31 It was God-given, it was important.
22:33 But there is something that is so much better, and that is in
22:36 the person of Jesus, the priesthood, the ultimate
22:39 priesthood, in the ultimate place which is the
22:42 headquarters of the universe called heaven.
22:46 And He does this, as he compares the Old Testament and the
22:49 elements of the Old Testament to that of the New Testament.
22:52 In that comparison, he's using two symbolic mountains.
22:55 Did you pick that up? The first symbolic mountain is?
22:58 Now, they're literal mountains but they symbolize
23:00 something very deep, and what is that?
23:02 It's Mount Sinai.
23:04 So the first mountain that Paul here
23:06 is speaking about is Mount Sinai.
23:07 The second mountain is Mount Zion.
23:11 Okay, now they're in two different places, aren't they?
23:14 Okay, so the Old Testament was cut.
23:17 God cut the Old Testament.
23:18 He had sealed it with the symbolic blood
23:21 of the sacrifices through the leadership of Moses
23:23 and Aaron at a place at the foot of Mount Sinai.
23:29 And in the midst of cutting that New--that Old Testament with the
23:33 Israelites, with that generation of Moses and the Jews,
23:37 Israelites, and generations that were to follow, He was doing
23:41 that through some very dramatic exhibitions of His power.
23:47 He wanted to be able to demonstrate
23:49 to the Israelites not only He was real.
23:51 He already gave them more than abundant evidence to be able to
23:53 see that, but He just wanted to really impact with them that He
23:56 was the one that can shake heaven and earth.
23:58 He is the King of kings. He is the Lord of lords.
24:02 And they would do well to be able to give their
24:06 worship to Him and that He is the only true God
24:09 in which they can believe in and trust.
24:14 So let's go back to verse 18 and we'll just carefully
24:17 unpack that just a little bit more.
24:19 In verse 18 it says, "For you have not come to the mountain
24:23 that may be touched and that burned with fire, and to the
24:27 blackness and darkness and tempests, and the sound of a
24:31 trumpet and the voice of words, so that those who heard and
24:34 begged that the word should not be spoken to them anymore."
24:41 And again, this is reflecting what we're going to look at in
24:44 Exodus in just a moment, the events that surrounded Mount
24:47 Sinai on that very powerful morning on a very powerful day
24:51 when God spoke with His own voice the Ten Commandments
24:56 of God, when God demonstrated His power with
25:00 lightnings and thunder and smoke and fire.
25:03 And not only that, but as we're going to discover
25:05 in Exodus, there was also a great shaking
25:09 that took place that morning as well.
25:11 And so, all of nature, God was demonstrating that He is the God
25:15 of nature, He is the God of all things, and that He was there to
25:19 make His presence known in a very dramatic way.
25:23 And so, because of that, He had instructed the Israelites.
25:26 He said, "Do not touch the mountain.
25:28 This is a holy consecrated place, the very presence
25:31 and glory of God is going to be exposing
25:33 Himself in a very powerful way.
25:36 For your own benefit and for your self-preservation, make
25:39 sure that no one touches the mountain."
25:43 And so there was very specific instruction.
25:46 Now that can almost seem confusing, at least it was for
25:48 me when I came to verse 18, says, "For you have not
25:50 come to a mountain that may be touched."
25:52 And I said, "Well, wait a minute.
25:53 Didn't God say not to touch the mountain?"
25:55 But then it dawned on me, "Wait a minute.
25:57 God is talking about in the--when He said 'A mountain
25:59 that can be touched,' He's talking about earthly, present,
26:01 physical, you know, a mountain that you can actually physically
26:04 see and touch on a day-to-day basis, outside that one day
26:09 where God consecrated it for demonstrating His power and
26:12 giving the testimony of His law and His government
26:14 that day through the Ten Commandments."
26:18 And so the Bible's not contradicting himself when he
26:20 later on, Paul here, quotes in verse 20 that God did instruct
26:23 the Israelites, "Don't touch the mountain,"
26:25 on that particular one very special powerful day.
26:31 And by the way, it says in verse 20 that "they
26:33 could not endure what was commanded."
26:35 And again, we can take away, if we don't know the larger
26:37 context, and this is why the context of the original scene
26:40 that Paul here is talking about and quoting from, is important
26:43 to see in its full--in its full picture.
26:46 Now Paul, of course, can't take the time and the words to
26:50 describe and re-write the entire record of Exodus but he's
26:53 assuming that you know that very well because, of course, Paul
26:57 knows and he assumes that you know, that God not only
26:59 commanded them not to touch the mountain, lest they be killed,
27:03 but He also had told them that you shall not kill.
27:07 You shall have no other gods before Me.
27:09 You shall not bow down and worship idols, nor make anything
27:12 of the likeness of heaven or earth.
27:14 You shall not use My name in vain.
27:15 You shall remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
27:18 You shall honor your father and your mother.
27:20 You shall not kill. You shall not commit adultery.
27:23 You shall not steal. You shall not lie.
27:25 You shall not covet.
27:27 And so these were the things that intimidated and revealed
27:30 the hearts of the Israelites and which they said, "Tell Him not
27:33 to speak to us directly anymore, lest we die."
27:40 In verse 21, it says, "And so terrifying was the sight that
27:43 Moses said, 'I am exceedingly afraid and trembling.'"
27:49 Now, some scholars, and even the marginal references here, try to
27:52 point us to Deuteronomy where Moses was afraid of the anger of
27:56 the Lord that was to burst out against the Israelites after
27:59 they had failed God so miserably when they had made this golden
28:03 calf and began to worship it and engage in all these immoral,
28:07 sexually immoral, idolatrous practices around that calf, and
28:12 so on, but it just doesn't even come close in Deuteronomy in
28:16 some of the attempts to be able to quote Moses here as if Paul
28:19 is quoting from Moses as some words that Moses spoke and were
28:24 recorded in the books of Moses in the beginning of the Bible.
28:28 The fact of the matter, it's not.
28:30 But just like we find in a classic example is in Hebrews
28:33 chapter 11 that we reviewed last week, where we find here that
28:37 there's some very important information that is given to us
28:40 concerning the thought process of Abraham when God had told him
28:45 to take his son, his only begotten son,
28:47 and take him to the top of Mount Moriah and take
28:48 his life as a sacrifice before the Lord.
28:52 Now Genesis's record doesn't record the thought process that
28:55 went through Adam--Abraham's mind.
28:57 Doesn't record all the words that Abraham certainly would
28:59 have shared with his wife and his household as he was
29:02 wrestling with this command from the Lord.
29:07 And so it records in Hebrews chapter 11 that, indeed, Abraham
29:12 in thought process thought, "Okay, wait a minute, God has
29:14 always promised that through my promised miraculous son,
29:17 my only begotten son, I will have as many
29:20 descendants as the sand of the sea.
29:22 If God indeed has called me to sacrifice him, He will
29:25 inevitably bring him back to life and, indeed, Isaac will not
29:29 only live, he will be married, he will have children,
29:31 and his children will have children,
29:33 and the promises of God will be fulfilled."
29:35 And again, that information is not found in Genesis.
29:38 Is it true? Yes.
29:39 Was it orally passed on through the
29:41 centuries of the Israelite generations?
29:44 Almost for certain.
29:46 And then when we come back to our passage here in Hebrews
29:49 chapter 12, where it says in verse 21, "And so terrifying was
29:52 the sight that Moses himself even said, 'I am exceedingly
29:55 afraid and trembling.'"
29:57 It tells us that this demonstration of God's power
30:00 was so overwhelming that even the very friend of
30:03 God, the one that was the only one that spoke to God face to
30:08 face, even Moses himself, was exceedingly
30:11 terrified and afraid of this great grand exhibition
30:14 that was taking place before him.
30:18 This is why when we come back to verse 28 in the same passage, it
30:21 says, "Therefore, since we have received a kingdom which cannot
30:24 be shaken," our memory text, "let us have grace,
30:26 which we may serve God acceptably," with?
30:30 "With reverence and with godly fear."
30:35 You see, that demonstration that God gave both to the Israelites
30:38 and to Moses, and we're going to talk a little bit if we have
30:41 time here, about why Moses also needed to be found--find himself
30:47 overwhelmed by this demonstration of God and as we
30:50 go to Exodus, it will reveal to us why God did this in
30:54 this manner, and why even Moses needed it.
30:57 And all of it was to point the Israelites and now also to the
31:00 Jew--no, to the Christian generations including you and
31:03 me, as it says in verse 28 at the end, "Serve God acceptably
31:07 with reverence and with godly fear."
31:12 And so let's go back to Exodus.
31:14 Before we go on to the second mountain in verse
31:15 22 of Mount Zion, and which is being contrasted
31:18 here, let's go back to Exodus.
31:20 Exodus chapter 19 and verse 16.
31:24 Exodus chapter 19 and verse 16, and we're just going
31:29 to quickly read through four verses there.
31:32 So, Exodus 19 and verse 16, it says, "And then it came to pass
31:35 on the third day, in the morning, that there were
31:37 thunderings and lightnings, a thick cloud on the mountain; and
31:40 the sound of a trump that was very loud, so that all the
31:43 people that were in the camp trembled.
31:47 And Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with God,
31:50 and they stood at the foot of the mountain.
31:52 Now Mount Sinai was completely in smoke,"
31:56 it was engulfed in this great cloud of smoke,
31:59 "because the Lord descended upon it in fire.
32:02 Its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace, and the
32:05 whole mountain quaked," it shook.
32:09 There was a shaking that took place, "and it shook greatly.
32:15 And when the blast of the trumpet sounded long and became
32:18 louder and louder," it kept blasting long, long blasts, and
32:23 the volume kept increasing, "Moses spoke,
32:26 and God answered him by voice."
32:29 And then of course, this is leading to the climax of that
32:32 encounter that God had with the Israelites including Moses,
32:35 and revealing the Ten Commandments.
32:37 And then we come to chapter 20 and verse 18, and so as we come
32:42 to the next chapter, in verse 18 it says, "Now all the people
32:44 witnessed the thunderings, the lightning flashes, the sound of
32:47 the trumpet, and the mountain smoking; and when the people saw
32:50 it, they trembled and stood afar.
32:54 And then they said to Moses, 'You speak with us, and we will
32:57 hear; but let not God speak with us, lest we die.'
33:03 And Moses said to the people, 'Do not fear.'"
33:08 Now, Moses, it says in Hebrews we just read, he was overwhelmed
33:11 and he was afraid exceedingly, but he was not afraid of God.
33:16 He was just afraid of the overwhelming exhibition of
33:19 nature and its powerful way around him.
33:22 But Moses, unlike the Israelites,
33:24 was not afraid of God Himself.
33:27 The Israelites, on the other hand, were afraid both of the
33:29 exhibition and of God, and so Moses here is
33:33 giving them advice, giving them counsel.
33:36 He says, "Don't--do not fear."
33:37 Don't fear God, don't be afraid of God.
33:40 "For God has come to test you, and that His fear may
33:44 be before you, so that you may not sin."
33:50 And so God is doing this for their character sanctification.
33:54 God is doing this to be able to impact upon him that He is the
33:58 true God, He is the all-powerful God, He is
34:00 the one that can shake heaven and earth.
34:03 And you would do well, it would be to your benefit, to be able
34:05 to give your heart and your life to Jesus.
34:09 And not only that, but then this would also be
34:11 a great motivation that we may not sin.
34:15 You see, to fear God is to do the opposite of sinning.
34:19 To fear God is to reverence Him and to submit to Him and to
34:21 worship Him and to make Him the King and the Master
34:24 of your life, your Lord and your Savior.
34:29 And so, in so doing that, of course, you want to avoid sin.
34:32 You do not want to displease and you
34:34 do not want to disappoint our Maker.
34:38 And so the question is did Moses even need this?
34:41 Is it important that day for Moses also to
34:44 be overcome as it says in Hebrews.
34:46 Hebrews is confirming that even Moses had a moment
34:48 in which he was shaking in his boots.
34:51 He also experienced a shaking.
34:53 He also was traumatized in a very helpful and beneficial way.
34:57 Did Moses need this?
34:58 Was Moses a sinner? Sure, he was.
35:02 Did Moses have a battle with his carnal nature
35:04 in the same way that you and I have?
35:06 Sure, he did.
35:08 Now, he was the most humble man that ever lived.
35:09 He was one that was able to speak--he had a tremendous
35:13 privileged experience and position in history
35:16 and in God's plan and with God's people.
35:20 But he was still a sinner.
35:22 He still had that battle, didn't he?
35:24 He still also needed to be reminded how
35:27 important it was for Moses to fear God
35:29 and to give Him godly fear and reverence.
35:34 And we see that demonstrated in Numbers chapter 20.
35:36 We have that sad moment in Moses.
35:38 He was at his wit's end.
35:39 He had it up to here with the Israelites.
35:41 He'd been dealing with them for 40 years now,
35:44 their whining, their complaining, their mumbling,
35:46 their slandering, their false accusations.
35:49 He had it up to here.
35:51 And when he and his brother stood before the Israelites
35:53 that were complaining again and said, "Why is
35:54 it that you brought us out here?"
35:56 And "You promised all these presents and goodies
35:58 and everything else, and here we are,
36:00 40 years later, and still nothing."
36:03 So Moses had it up to here, and so God said,
36:04 "Go and give them water.
36:06 Go and speak reverently before the rock.
36:08 In the name of Jesus Christ, tell the rock to produce water."
36:13 Moses let them have it. He ripped into the Israelites.
36:16 He said, "You bunch of shysters.
36:18 You're nothing but a bunch of stiff-necked rebels,"
36:21 and then he took his rod, and he didn't do it reverently.
36:24 He lost his temper, and he took that rod
36:27 and he just smack, whack, whack.
36:31 He hit the rock. He'd lost his temper.
36:36 Did Moses sin against the Lord that day?
36:39 Sure, he did.
36:41 He had done the opposite of what he had just told--40 years later
36:45 at Mount Sinai, he had done the opposite of what God had told
36:48 him to tell the Israelites, "Do not fear for God
36:50 has done these things that you might fear
36:52 and reverence Him, that you may not sin."
36:58 And so, did Moses need to be impacted
37:00 in a powerful way at Mount Sinai?
37:02 Yes, yes, Moses was a sinner as well.
37:06 He also had that battle.
37:09 And he also sometimes had to come before the Lord, as you and
37:11 I did, and say, "Lord, please forgive me for the irreverent
37:14 way in which I acted or way I've disappointed.
37:17 I've sinned against heaven and earth
37:18 in this manner or this way."
37:20 And just like Moses, we also can have that assurance
37:23 that God knows the heart and He forgives us
37:25 and cleanses us by the blood of Jesus Christ.
37:31 So let's go to mountain number two before we run out of time.
37:33 We're just wrapping up. Hebrews chapter 12, verse 22.
37:37 So we're coming back to the key passage
37:39 of Hebrews chapter 12, and we come to verse 22.
37:43 We come to the second mountain.
37:44 The second mountain represents the New Testament.
37:46 The Old Testament mountain is Mount Sinai
37:48 that we looked at in some detail.
37:50 Now we come to verse 22.
37:51 In verse 22 it says, "But you have come to Mount Zion and to
37:56 the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem,"
37:59 we want to underline "heavenly."
38:00 "The heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels."
38:07 And so when we come to Mount Zion, the location, of course,
38:10 of the original Mount Zion was the Jerusalem that we think of
38:13 in the Middle East that exists even today.
38:16 But this is not the Jerusalem that
38:17 is being spoken of here, is it?
38:19 The Jerusalem that we are being pointed to here is not the one
38:22 that's in the Middle East, but it's in heaven, isn't it?
38:25 It's the heavenly Jerusalem.
38:27 It is the ultimate eternal capital
38:29 that God has built for you and I.
38:31 This is the Holy City in which Jesus, in John chapter 14 in
38:34 those first verses, where He gives the promise that--to His
38:37 disciples and says, "Listen, I am going to My Father but where
38:40 I'm going, I am going to prepare a place for you.
38:44 In My Father's house are many mansions."
38:49 Those mansions were already built, by the way.
38:51 Sometimes we think Jesus went to heaven after He ascended, after
38:55 He resurrected and ascended to His Father, then He went
38:57 and began to build those mansions.
38:58 No, He says, "In My Father's house already
39:01 are mansions-- are many mansions.
39:04 And I am going to prepare a place in those
39:06 mansions for you as your High Priest."
39:09 This is the heavenly Jerusalem that we are pointed to
39:12 and that Paul is pointing to his generation
39:14 of believers and Christians as well.
39:15 "But you have come to Mount Zion."
39:17 Mount Zion was a very special hill.
39:20 Now we have to remember, in North American terms, a mountain
39:23 here is much different in the mind of a mountain when
39:26 you use the word "mountain" in Israel.
39:28 And I discovered that very quickly when I did a tour in
39:30 Israel about 15 years ago, 10 years ago.
39:33 And they said, "Well, we're going to go--" Now, they do have
39:36 some bigger mountains in the North, you know, and so on.
39:41 So they do have some larger
39:42 mountains, what we would call a mountain.
39:44 But what they call a mountain in most places
39:46 of Israel, we would call a little hill.
39:48 And so when you get to Israel and you get to Jerusalem and you
39:50 say, "Well, where are these mountains?
39:52 Where's Mount Zion?"
39:53 And they say, "Well, that's that tiny little hill over there."
39:55 "That's a mountain?"
39:56 You know, Mount Moriah where Abraham brought,
39:59 you know, his son for the sacrifice and so on.
40:04 Mount Moriah where the temple of God and the Jews were built,
40:08 again it's just a small hill in our perspective compared to the
40:11 Rockies and some of these other mountains.
40:15 But Mount Zion originally was the city that King David and the
40:19 Israelites took over from the Jebusites.
40:21 Now we call it the City of David.
40:23 Once the Jews had built a permanent temple
40:25 on top of Mount Moriah, then that became
40:28 recognized and was called Mount Zion.
40:31 And so there's a little bit of shifting that took place
40:33 concerning which hill in which--there is a number of
40:36 hills in which Jerusalem is built on, but you have just to
40:40 the south of what is now called Mount Zion--well, no, now they
40:44 call Mount Zion back at the City of David, so it started as Mount
40:47 Zion at the City of David, then it was shifted later and the
40:50 New--Old Testament prophets called Mount Moriah where the
40:52 temple was now existing as Mount Zion because it was the ultimate
40:56 of Zionism and the Judaic religion.
41:00 And then it shifted back in modern times,
41:03 back to the ancient tel, or archeological site
41:06 of King David, the City of David.
41:09 But the Mount Zion that is being pointed to here is symbolized by
41:14 the temple in Jerusalem, the City of God's ancient earthly
41:19 kingdom, but is representing now the ultimate kingdom in which
41:22 all believers enter, including the Hebrews of Paul's generation
41:26 that accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior,
41:29 and that is Mount Moriah, or Mount Zion I
41:31 should say, the City of the Living God.
41:33 And then he points us to angels.
41:34 The general assembly of the church
41:36 of the firstborn who are registered in heaven.
41:38 All of you are firstborn in the eyes of God.
41:40 We are all equal in the eyes of God, whether
41:42 you're male or female, as Paul said.
41:45 Whether you're a Greek or Jewish.
41:46 Whether you're rich or poor.
41:48 All of us are equal, and so all of us in God's eyes are
41:50 firstborn in our registration in the books of heaven.
41:56 And Jesus is our mediator as we looked at as well.
42:00 Well, friends, this is a very powerful
42:03 passage that God has given to us.
42:05 Of course, we could spend a whole
42:06 lot more time looking at that.
42:08 There's a few other verses there that, if we had time, we'd be
42:11 able to look at, but I trust that you looked at the Quarterly
42:14 over the week and, if you haven't, go back and spend some
42:16 time going through the rest of that chapter.
42:20 It's a powerful chapter.
42:21 It's one that will continue to build your
42:24 understanding of the hope that God gives to us, that we
42:26 have received a kingdom that will not be shaken.
42:31 And so all these negative shakings that we experience in
42:34 different measures today, will not take place any longer.
42:38 I want to invite you again to take
42:39 advantage of our free gift offer.
42:41 For those of you who are watching, we have a little
42:44 booklet and it's entitled, "The Final Verdict."
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43:32 can continue to study in the Word of God.
43:35 So until we come together the next week, I want to wish you a
43:37 blessing throughout the rest of your day, your week,
43:40 and we look forward to having you join us
43:42 again in our next Sabbath School.
43:47 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's
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44:10 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
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44:25 announcer: "Amazing Facts" Changed Lives.
44:28 ♪♪♪
44:33 Roy: I grew up here in New York City, I guess, dealing with
44:36 all the temptations that you would have in a big city.
44:40 Everything that you could imagine that you could
44:42 run into, drugs, crime, was always here.
44:47 When I was at a young age, I actually got into trouble with
44:50 the law and my only out was to join the military
44:54 at the time in order to not do time.
44:57 So I left New York and traveled the world a
45:00 little bit while I was in the military.
45:03 Eventually, I came back.
45:06 Having grown up as a hip hop kid, I eventually found myself
45:10 working in the music business actually.
45:12 I worked at a couple of major radio stations, hip hop, reggae.
45:15 I was in all the big reggae shows, working them.
45:17 No matter what I did to try and satisfy myself,
45:20 nothing really worked.
45:23 I remember I used to play at this one club in Manhattan.
45:27 We used to play there every Friday night.
45:29 So I came home one Saturday morning after leaving the club
45:33 and I turned on the video channel like I usually do.
45:37 So there was this guy in the video channel talking
45:39 and he was definitely out of place, but the things
45:41 that he was saying just totally amazed me.
45:46 I had never heard anyone speak
45:47 about the Bible like this before.
45:49 So I started coming home early on
45:51 Saturday mornings just to catch this show.
45:54 I found the things that he was saying absolutely amazing, to
45:58 the point where it literally made me stop
46:01 and start to think about how I was living my life.
46:05 So I found that all of these things that I had
46:07 been doing to try and find happiness were
46:10 actually not making me happy at all.
46:12 But were really just leaving me empty inside.
46:15 When I started reading the Bible and it started
46:18 to make sense, I started to make changes.
46:21 I even tried to keep the Sabbath which I failed at miserably.
46:26 So I was actually invited by Amazing Facts to go to see a
46:29 live series at one of the local churches but after going the
46:34 first night, I ended up going another night and another night.
46:37 I stayed for the entire series.
46:39 That was the day I made a decision that
46:41 changed the rest of my life forever.
46:43 I gave my life to Christ and everything
46:45 was different after that.
46:47 I made a decision to give up the music business,
46:49 stop hanging out at all of the clubs.
46:51 I made a decision that was eternal
46:53 for me and for my family.
46:56 I started going to church.
47:00 I got a position in church where I was actually in charge
47:02 of the personal ministries department.
47:05 And the same Amazing Facts studies that changed my life, I
47:09 actually got to share them with people and sit down
47:12 with them and tell them about Jesus.
47:15 ♪♪♪
47:23 ♪♪♪
47:26 announcer: "Amazing Facts" Changed Lives.
47:35 Reuben: You know, we grew up in a neighborhood up in the Mid
47:37 West that was a pretty bad neighborhood.
47:40 And when I became a teenager, I started using drugs.
47:44 I was on--I started using meth when I was, like,
47:46 I think 16, 15, something like that.
47:49 I was having some problems in my life I
47:51 really didn't know how to deal with.
47:54 The only thing I really knew was violence.
47:58 So, this night here I was going to inflict violence on myself.
48:02 I was really high and really depressed, so I took, you know,
48:06 I had this .40 caliber so I remember, I put one in the
48:08 chamber and I stuck it to the side of my head like this.
48:13 And that gun had a hair trigger, you know?
48:17 I remember I was tapping it, 'cause a part
48:20 of me said, "No, I don't want to do this."
48:24 But there was something very evil
48:25 present there saying, "Do it."
48:27 I just said to myself, I said, "God,
48:30 if You're real, show Yourself to me."
48:36 My mother took me to church when I was a little kid and we used
48:40 to sing, "Jesus loves me," and I remembered that song.
48:44 It started playing in my mind.
48:47 And I almost had, like, a vision of me as a little kid, you know,
48:53 and in Sabbath School we used to bang those
48:57 sticks together and sing, "Jesus loves me."
49:03 And I heard that in my mind. So I said, "Wow."
49:12 So I just kind of like, put the gun down and I kind of fell on
49:15 my bedside there and I said, "Lord."
49:19 I just basically, just prayed this crazy prayer.
49:22 I says, you know, I told Him everything
49:23 that was wrong with me.
49:25 And I remember one day I was driving around,
49:27 I kind of felt lost and I drove by this church.
49:30 And I seen Tom out there.
49:31 Tom was just out there, watering the flowers, you know?
49:35 Tom: So I caught a vision out of the side of my eye, this big
49:39 husky guy with a tattoo, walking up and he's saying, "Hello," and
49:45 I said--so I asked him if I can help him.
49:49 He told me that he drives by the church on occasion and every
49:55 time he goes by, he's thinking if he should stop in.
49:59 Reuben: After he showed me around the church, you know, I
50:03 was like, "Okay, man, it's nice meeting you," and this and that.
50:07 So I jumped in my car and I started heading down the
50:10 driveway and the next thing you know in, like, my peripheral
50:15 vision, I see him coming around the corner
50:18 like Jerry Rice running a football.
50:21 No, not that fast but, you know, he was taking off after me, and
50:26 he says, "Hey, hey, hey, hold on, hold on."
50:28 Tom: I asked if he would like to have some
50:29 Bible studies and he said, "Yeah."
50:32 Reuben: He would come by the house.
50:34 We'd all start--we'd start hiding the beer cans and trying
50:37 to air out the weed smell and there was a presence that came
50:41 with Tom that was comforting, you know what I mean?
50:46 Even though I wasn't taking the Bible studies as serious as I
50:49 should have, looking back, there was just a presence about him
50:53 being there in the house that was comforting.
50:57 I told Tom, I said, "Tom, you know you can't win everybody."
51:01 Tom: I looked at him and I knew.
51:02 I said to him, "Reuben, I never get anybody."
51:07 I says, "The Holy Spirit will do that," and I kind of, in my
51:13 heart knew that the Holy Spirit was going to work on Reuben.
51:16 Reuben: So then Tom kind of left the picture for a while and
51:20 then I think one day at my mother's house they were
51:22 watching "The Final Events of Bible Prophecy."
51:25 So I watched that and I remember the scene where they had the
51:32 hellfire and stuff, you know, they're outside the city and it
51:36 showed the hellfire coming down and burning people
51:41 and stuff and I remember saying to myself,
51:45 "That's where I would be, right there."
51:48 After the hellfire scene, I saw the saints in the city, in the
51:54 New Jerusalem and Jesus recreating the earth.
51:59 And I said, "I want that to be my--me and my family."
52:06 There was something about the way Doug preached
52:08 and things that I felt that touched me because
52:13 he's kind of like myself, you know?
52:15 He's--he didn't grow up like that, you know?
52:18 He done drugs and things, so I kind of found these common
52:23 grounds that I had with him and I liked how he just kind of like
52:27 kept it real with his preaching and then Pastor Rodney came to
52:30 the church and I got to know him very well
52:35 and we started doing some finishing studies.
52:38 He wanted to make sure I understand
52:39 what I was doing and things.
52:42 And he baptized me, my wife, my brother.
52:46 No matter what you've done, where
52:49 you come from, where you've been.
52:52 No matter how bad of a sinner you think you are, the Lord
52:57 Jesus loves you no matter what you've done.
53:00 Doug Batchelor: Friends, it's because of God's blessing and
53:03 your support, thousands of others, just like Reuben,
53:06 have found Jesus and eternal life.
53:09 ♪♪♪
53:19 ♪♪♪
53:24 ♪♪♪
53:30 Heather Shurtliff: We can do nothing without God, and
53:33 sometimes He lets you get to that place where you realize
53:36 there is nothing left and you're just wondering if you even want
53:39 to live because it hurts and life is dark.
53:42 When He lets you get to that place and that's when He can
53:45 break through to you and let you know He's there.
53:47 And then He can work with you to bring beauty
53:51 out of ashes, and hope out of darkness.
53:53 My mom, when she was pregnant with me, was diagnosed with
53:58 bipolar and the times when my mom would be struggling, they
54:03 might be trying her on different medications
54:06 to help her with the mood swings.
54:08 I kind of had a savior complex and had like a guilt complex
54:11 that somehow that my family's problems were my own fault or
54:15 I'm the one that was supposed to try to help her fix it,
54:18 which is impossible for any human to do.
54:20 Only Jesus can do that.
54:22 But I believe stuffing all of those emotions and for so long,
54:26 my world had started to crumble around me.
54:27 I started having a nervous breakdown.
54:28 I could not stuff any longer
54:30 everything that I'd grown up with.
54:31 I just slowly but surely, just started to withdraw completely
54:35 and it got to the extent where I was like a prisoner of my own
54:39 house, of my own affairs, and if it wasn't for my mom making me
54:42 come out of the basement, and sometimes, you know, making me
54:45 eat, I would just stay down in my room in the basement.
54:47 And I remember how awful the darkness was
54:52 and how terrible it is to live without hope.
54:56 I can still feel that in my throat, in my heart.
54:59 I remember what that feels like.
55:03 I had been still contemplating suicide on and off for several
55:07 months and I knew it was getting worse and I was going to be
55:11 successful unless something happened.
55:13 And, you know, just trying to talk to yourself out of it every
55:16 day but still just--it just always being there, haunting me.
55:20 And I just went to bed feeling really, really sick and just
55:24 told myself, in counseling they'll tell you, you know, it
55:26 always--don't do it, make any impulsive decisions.
55:30 It'll always be brighter in the morning.
55:32 You know, just see it through the night.
55:34 Sometimes the night are the longest, darkest hours.
55:36 And I just went to sleep, telling myself that.
55:39 And when I woke up in the morning, there was no relief.
55:42 It was worse than it was.
55:43 I--it was just like I knew it was waiting for
55:45 me when I woke up in the morning.
55:47 And so then I went to class and as soon as the class was getting
55:52 going, I asked the teacher if I could go get a drink of water,
55:55 and I went into the kitchen and I started
55:57 drinking some of the different cleaners.
55:59 And as I was there drinking the cleaners, choking on the
56:02 cleaners, just such an awful place to be in,
56:09 the chaplain--we have a very kind chaplain.
56:11 He flipped on the kitchen lights and he comes in
56:14 with his bright smile and he's like, "Heather."
56:16 He's like, "How are you doing today?"
56:18 And I'm like, you know, I'm killing myself.
56:22 And I look at his face and I can't
56:24 lie to him, such a kind man.
56:26 I just look at him and I just start sobbing.
56:29 And he just--he doesn't make a big deal.
56:32 He just kindly and sweetly helps pick me up off the floor and
56:36 walks me to his office and so he just--he talked to me.
56:40 I told him what I drank, and he called the ambulance.
56:42 After that hospital stay, you know, everybody was so scared
56:44 for me 'cause it was not expected at all.
56:47 But after that, somehow I knew that suicide was not an option
56:51 anymore, that I had closed that door.
56:53 Even though I still had that same pain and fear and I had no
56:55 idea how God's going to pick up the pieces,
56:57 and I still had to be honest with God.
56:58 I was like, "Okay, God, obviously You care, obviously.
57:01 I know that You spared my life.
57:03 And I don't have any idea how You're going
57:05 to help me fix this mess in my life."
57:07 But it was the beginning of me trusting Him again
57:10 and just shutting that door to suicide.
57:13 It's not ever been an option again.
57:16 God used Amazing Facts and Pastor Doug in a powerful way to
57:22 make His love for me, His soon Coming for me, and that He was
57:26 calling me to share that with others, real.
57:29 And it was making it personal, God's love for me, and that
57:33 was--really, that's a seed that I will--I'll never forget and
57:36 that I'm so grateful that my family didn't have to go through
57:39 the pain and the tragedy of me taking my life and that I have
57:43 the joy of being able to encourage
57:44 other people that there's always hope.
57:48 Amazing Facts just changed my life.
57:50 I am so grateful for their ministry.
57:53 It's a precious blessing.
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Revised 2022-03-10