Sabbath School Study Hour

For What Nation Is There So Great?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022145S

00:01 ♪♪♪
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00:34 Shawn Brummund: Hello friends, and welcome
00:35 to another edition of the, "Sabbath School Study Hour."
00:37 My name is Pastor Shawn Brummund,
00:39 and I have the privilege of hosting today's lesson study.
00:42 We're gonna continue to look at this quarter's quarterly study
00:45 which is Present Truth In The Book Of Deuteronomy.
00:49 For many of you who have joined us and rejoining us,
00:51 it's nice to have you join us again here this morning.
00:54 For those of you who are watching live online,
00:57 for those of you who are with us here
00:59 in the Granite Bay Church, it is always nice to be able
01:02 to have our church family come together
01:04 on another Sabbath morning, as well as we have a number
01:07 of visitors that have joined us and even coming in
01:10 from out of town as well.
01:12 We also know that there are some joining us and watching this
01:15 in a future broadcast on the various networks.
01:18 Nice to have you come and join us here today as well.
01:23 So, we are, as I said, we are in the Book of Deuteronomy.
01:27 We're looking at lesson number six.
01:29 And so if you have your quarterly,
01:30 make sure that you go ahead and grab that
01:32 so you can follow along with us.
01:33 And, of course, we also want to make sure that we have
01:35 our Bible with us as well.
01:38 Before we invite our musicians forward to help us lead us
01:42 in song, I want to invite you to take advantage
01:45 of a special free-gift offer that we have just for you.
01:49 And this particular free-gift offer is one of my favorite
01:52 study guides, and it's an important question to ask.
01:55 "Is Obedience Legalism?"
01:57 Is obedience legalism?
01:58 This is a question that many Christians
02:00 have asked through the centuries.
02:01 It's one that you may be asking.
02:03 I want to invite you to take advantage of that.
02:04 You just simply have to dial into 1-866-788-3966.
02:10 Again, that's number 866-788-3966
02:15 and ask for free offer number 706.
02:18 That's available for those who are in North America
02:20 or any of the US territories.
02:23 So, please take advantage of that if you've never gone
02:25 through that study guide.
02:26 And if you want to get a digital copy of that,
02:28 that's also available for you in a digital format for your phone.
02:32 You can download it by simply texting the code "SH041."
02:37 And you want to dial that to 40544,
02:42 and that'll give you a connection for a free download.
02:45 You can also see the website address
02:47 that you can also find that at the Amazing Facts website.
02:50 And by the way, if you don't have a copy of the quarterly
02:54 and you'd like a copy, if you haven't visited
02:56 your local Seventh Day Adventist Church.
02:58 Very rarely it's hard to find a Seventh Day Adventist Church
03:01 that doesn't have a free copy offer available for you to be
03:05 able to have in your hands.
03:06 And again, if you want a digital copy of that you just go
03:08 to and in the search bar,
03:13 just go ahead and put in their,
03:15 "Present truth Deuteronomy Sabbath school quarterly."
03:18 Any of those keywords and you'll be able to find
03:20 a free digital download copy for you there as well.
03:24 Well, we're going to go ahead and invite our musicians forward
03:28 as they're going to lead us in worship in song.
03:33 ♪♪♪
06:21 Shawn: Let's go ahead and pray.
06:22 Father in heaven, we want to thank you so much
06:24 for the opportunity to be able to worship you here this morning
06:27 through study, through song, and want to pray
06:30 that you'll bless Pastor Lucas as he teaches our lesson study
06:33 here again this morning.
06:35 And God, want to pray that you will bless us
06:38 and that your Holy Spirit will be our teacher again.
06:41 We thank you for the promise that you send your Spirit
06:43 to all and sincerely ask that we might understand
06:45 and embrace the truth.
06:48 And so, God, we want to pray it in Jesus's name, amen.
06:53 Lucas Rodor: Our lesson today is a beautiful lesson.
06:56 It's a lesson that kind of recaps a little bit of history.
07:01 You know, the study of this lesson is
07:04 really beautiful lesson.
07:07 The Book of Deuteronomy, I think I remember
07:11 Pastor Doug mentioning this a few weeks ago.
07:14 But one of the things that I really like about
07:16 the Book of Deuteronomy is that you know how
07:18 each different culture has a different way of introducing
07:24 or inaugurating their new leader, right?
07:27 For example, here in the US when the president, he takes power,
07:32 they bring him the Bible, and there is a vow.
07:36 He places his hand on the Bible, and he vows certain things.
07:40 And each culture has something like that.
07:42 In Brazil, they have something similar, in England.
07:45 And they have different ways where
07:47 they inaugurate the leader.
07:48 And in the biblical times, the king was enthroned,
07:52 or the way that the king was enthroned,
07:54 is that they would bring the Book of Deuteronomy
07:56 and he would read it.
07:57 He would open up the scroll, and he would read it,
07:59 and that would qualify him to then take power.
08:03 It's interesting that when you look at Revelation chapter 5
08:06 and you see that John is crying, and there's this whole scene up
08:10 in heaven where John is crying, it's because he sees the scroll,
08:14 and there's no one worthy to read it.
08:17 And so, he cries because the meaning is that the universe
08:19 has no king.
08:22 But then he hears of the Lamb that is coming.
08:25 And when he looks, he sees who?
08:27 The Lion, the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
08:31 And so, that, that being that we know who it is,
08:34 he then opens the scroll and reads it.
08:36 And that means that the universe is not left without a king.
08:39 It's not left to just guide itself in chaos.
08:42 So, there's a lot of, there's a lot of meaning
08:44 behind the Book of Deuteronomy, and it ties into the whole
08:49 culture of the Jewish nation and the Israelite nation
08:52 and to the whole logic, the very fabric of the Bible.
08:55 So, there's a lot for us to learn right here
08:58 and for us to unpack.
08:59 Now, the lesson today is lesson six.
09:02 And the title of this lesson is,
09:04 "For What Nation Is There So Great".
09:07 Now, this is a very important lesson.
09:09 The lesson--the memory verse comes from Deuteronomy
09:12 chapter 4, and we're going to be reading from this chapter.
09:15 The lesson revolves around the chapter 4 of Deuteronomy.
09:19 And we're going to be reading the first few verses
09:21 throughout the lesson.
09:22 But the memory verse is Deuteronomy 4, verse 8
09:25 that says, "And what nation is there,
09:27 that hath statutes and righteous judgments as are--
09:31 are in all this law, which I set before you this day?"
09:37 That's Deuteronomy chapter 4, verse 8.
09:39 So, in a way, our lesson this week revolves
09:41 around Deuteronomy chapter 4.
09:45 Now, the purpose of the sermon, or the message,
09:48 of this chapter is not to just remind the people
09:52 of their history.
09:53 It goes beyond this.
09:55 It also emphasizes the power, the grace, the mercy of God
09:59 in the context in which they're going through.
10:01 And God, this God that is being emphasized,
10:04 is the God that never gives up on humans.
10:07 Despite of their weaknesses, despite of their failures,
10:09 and despite of the many times where he has to discipline them
10:12 and even chastise them, this is the God that never gives up.
10:16 The Bible says that God disciplines those who he what?
10:19 Who he loves.
10:21 So, if God loves us, we can expect discipline.
10:23 You can expect that have good parents also.
10:25 If parents love their children, they won't just let them do
10:27 whatever they want.
10:29 That's not a proof of love.
10:30 That kind of freedom is a proof of disinterest.
10:35 You know, the contrary of love is not hate.
10:39 It's just disinterest, not caring.
10:42 That is the true opposite of love.
10:44 And so, the God that we find in the Bible is a God who extends
10:47 His mercy, His love, and yes, His discipline,
10:50 to those who are not perfect, who fall.
10:53 And we see this here in the story of Israel,
10:55 but he doesn't give up on them.
10:57 And so, the text that starts off the week really is
11:00 Deuteronomy chapter 4, verse 1.
11:02 And that's what we're going to read right now.
11:03 Deuteronomy 4, verse 1 that says--now I really want you
11:07 to pay attention to the wording because we're gonna go deep into
11:09 the words that are presented to us here in this lesson.
11:13 "Now," it starts off with "now."
11:15 The whole chapter starts off with the word "now."
11:18 "Now, O Israel, listen to the statutes and the judgments which
11:22 I teach you to observe, that you may live, and go in and possess
11:26 the land which the Lord God of your fathers is giving you."
11:31 So, what's interesting is that the word that starts off
11:34 the chapter is the word "now."
11:36 This is a transitional word in this literature.
11:39 It's a transitional word.
11:42 "Now, O Israel, listen to the," it indicates the continuity,
11:45 right?
11:47 It's tying what is about to be said to what has just been said.
11:50 The first three chapters are really a recap,
11:53 a historical telling, of what had already happened
11:56 to these people.
11:58 And now, Moses gets into the application
12:01 of what that recap was about.
12:03 So, that's why he ties in chapter 1, 2, and 3
12:06 with chapter 4 saying, "And now. Now, Israel."
12:10 So, he's applying it.
12:11 "Now Israel."
12:13 In the previous verses, he offers this historical revision,
12:16 and he draws a portrait of everything that
12:18 had happened to them so far, up to this specific moment.
12:23 Now, the past was a--you see how I used the word "now" there,
12:26 right?
12:27 Now, I'm applying this.
12:29 So, that's what Moses is doing.
12:30 But the past here, up to this point, was a reminder.
12:35 It was a reminder to them.
12:37 There's a saying that says,
12:39 "Whoever doesn't have a past is discardable."
12:41 So, of course, that's not, you know, literally true.
12:43 You're not just gonna discard a person
12:44 because you don't know their past.
12:46 But having a past, having experiences, that's a big thing,
12:50 right?
12:52 My father always told me growing up that experience
12:55 isn't primarily the things that happened to you,
12:58 but the use that you have for the things
13:01 that have happened to you.
13:04 The Bible talks in the Book of Proverbs of old men
13:07 that are foolish and young men that are wise.
13:10 How is that possible?
13:12 Well, that's possible, because it's possible for you
13:13 to do the same thing for 50 years the wrong way.
13:16 Have you ever heard someone say, "I've been doing this
13:18 for 50 years, and I'm not going to stop now"?
13:21 Well, that doesn't mean that much because you might have been
13:23 doing it for 50 years in a bad way, in an inefficient way.
13:27 And so, I really like that saying because growing up,
13:31 I mean, I was a young guy, and I wanted to be wise.
13:33 No doubt there were many moments where I was foolish,
13:35 where I acted foolishly.
13:37 But experiences in only the things that happened to you,
13:42 but they use, the application that you give, or that you use,
13:46 the things that happened to you.
13:48 So, not only do you have to go through life,
13:50 but you have to apply the lessons correctly.
13:52 And that is precisely what Moses is bringing the children
13:55 of Israel to in here in chapter 4.
13:58 Scripture frequently reminds us of the past,
14:00 and this way it becomes our teacher.
14:03 The past becomes our teacher.
14:05 Now, we can learn from what happens to other people.
14:08 Those are the smartest kinds of people,
14:10 those who learn from the mistakes of others.
14:13 And you can also learn from the things that happened to you.
14:16 Now, I'm not saying that that's not smart people because
14:19 a lot of times things happen that's not under your control,
14:21 and you can still use it.
14:23 You can still apply it and learn from it,
14:24 but fools do not learn one way or the other.
14:28 So, you can learn from the things that happen in your life.
14:30 You can learn from the things that happen
14:32 in other people's lives.
14:33 But the point here is that you have to learn
14:35 because fools don't learn either with the things that happen
14:38 with other people, or with the things
14:39 that happen to themselves.
14:42 The first verb here after the word "now" in this verse,
14:46 verse 1, is the transitional word also "shema."
14:50 The word "shema."
14:51 It's a Hebrew rich word, and it normally means here.
14:55 You remember that prayer the Israelite--
14:57 the most important prayer that was pronounced by any Israelite
15:02 was the Shema prayer.
15:03 [Speaking in Hebrew]
15:07 "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one."
15:10 Beautiful prayer.
15:12 And that word "shema" is the word that is used here right
15:14 after the transitional word, the transitional word "now."
15:18 But to hear in biblical terms, it doesn't only designate
15:23 literal listening or hearing with your ears the listening
15:26 of sound, but it carries something practical
15:29 in its meaning in the terms of obeying.
15:33 Hear, listen, take note of, pay attention to.
15:38 The Book of Revelation, for example, while written in Greek,
15:41 it does reflect the Hebrew mindset of its human author,
15:44 of John.
15:46 Revelation chapter 1, verse 3, for example,
15:48 Blessed is he who what?
15:50 Who reads and hears.
15:54 Blessed is he who reads and hears.
15:56 Now, what is John saying here?
15:58 Blessed is he who looks at those letters and listens
16:02 to whatever is being said?
16:03 Is that what John is getting to?
16:05 No.
16:06 Blessed is he who listens and hears, or blessed is
16:10 he who pays attention, listens, and puts into practice, applies
16:15 into their very own life, who hear the words
16:18 of this prophecy and keep those things which are written in it.
16:21 So, to read and to hear reflect one solid reality,
16:25 which is to obey.
16:27 To listen and to hear reflect the reality of obeying.
16:31 When we think, for example, of atheism, right,
16:34 when we think about atheism and we criticize atheism,
16:37 and as believers, as theists,
16:40 we criticize atheism because we believe
16:42 that there is a God.
16:43 But in atheism, you find two kinds.
16:47 You find abstract or theoretical atheism,
16:51 which is the belief system,
16:52 the philosophical system behind atheism.
16:55 But there is one other part, one portion of atheism,
16:58 one side of it, that we often forget and unfortunately,
17:03 we may very well represent and replicate in our very lives.
17:08 You know what that form of atheism is called?
17:12 Practical atheism.
17:15 Practical atheism translates into we may even know
17:19 what's right, we may even know what's true, we may even hear,
17:23 but we don't listen.
17:27 We don't apply it.
17:29 It's when you know something, but you don't do it.
17:34 That's the famous, "God is saying, but I think."
17:40 Has that ever happened to you?
17:42 "You know, the Bible's saying this,
17:44 but I don't think it's this way."
17:46 That's called practical atheism.
17:49 It's when you're convinced of the gospel,
17:53 but not very much converted to it.
17:55 And that's dangerous.
17:56 And that's what Moses is calling the attention
17:58 of the Israelites to here in chapter 4.
18:01 Sunday's lesson presents this very reality
18:03 where it starts the title is, "Do Not Add Or Take Away".
18:08 Now, Sunday's lesson here, it continues to present the
18:10 lesson that God, through Moses, is striving to communicate.
18:14 He's doing his best to communicate to give
18:16 the context and to tell the children of Israel
18:18 that they cannot add or take away
18:20 from the words that God has given them.
18:22 We see this here in verse 2.
18:24 "You shall not add to the word which I command you,
18:26 nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments
18:29 of the Lord your God which I command you."
18:31 So, here's where we find the logical sequence
18:34 of the narrative.
18:35 It's worthless to be reminded of the lessons from our past
18:38 if we feel free to selectively add or take.
18:42 And we call that cherry-picking, right?
18:44 If we selectively cherry-pick from the lesson,
18:48 "Well, God did this, God did that,
18:50 I learned this, I learned that, but you know what?
18:52 This year I don't really care for it, not because
18:54 it's not important, but because it's uncomfortable."
18:58 A lot of people like to cherry-pick their lessons.
19:02 And God is telling them here, "You cannot do this.
19:05 Do not add and do not remove what I have taught you.
19:08 Do not add or remove from the statutes, the judgments,
19:11 because these things are the entirety of the law,
19:14 and you're not at liberty to just cherry-pick
19:15 whatever you want."
19:17 That's what God is telling them here.
19:19 And we, while this is a very ancient text, this is, you know,
19:23 3500 years old at least, this is a very modern problem.
19:30 And we suffer also from this very same syndrome.
19:34 Here, Israel is not--or is warned not to make history
19:41 a lesson where they forget certain aspects of it,
19:44 and they remember other certain aspects of it,
19:48 choosing whatever is pleasing
19:49 and rejecting whatever else seems to be a bother.
19:53 It's not by chance that the great scientist and philosopher
19:55 Blaise Pascal, very famous, I believe, French scientist
20:02 and philosopher, a great thinker,
20:05 he said that it is not incredulity
20:07 that breeds disobedience or that generates disobedience.
20:11 Rather, it is disobedience that breeds or generates incredulity.
20:17 So, what he's saying is that many times,
20:21 it's not the fact that we don't believe that
20:24 we start disobeying and we start sliding in our spiritual life.
20:27 It's the contrary.
20:28 It's when I start disobeying and not regarding God's judgments
20:31 and statutes that then the doubt starts coming into my mind.
20:35 Do you see the difference?
20:37 Primarily, it's not you not believing that leads
20:40 to you disobeying.
20:42 It's you disobeying that leads to you not believing.
20:45 That's what he's saying.
20:47 A lot of times people ask me, or and I've heard it asked
20:50 to many pastors and elders.
20:51 You know, and they say, in my case people come and say,
20:54 "Pastor, where do I start from?
20:57 How do I start this Christian journey, this walk?
20:59 There's so many things, there's so many different aspects to it,
21:02 right?
21:03 I have to do this and this and this.
21:05 And I have to go here and here and there.
21:06 And there's apparently so many things that we have to do,
21:08 how do I--how do-- where do I start?"
21:11 You know what the best answer is?
21:12 Start with what you know.
21:14 Just start with what you know.
21:16 There's some very simple basics.
21:20 Start by obeying God's Word.
21:23 Start by honoring his personality that way.
21:27 And I'm sure that he will reveal the next steps.
21:30 But he's not going to reveal the far away steps
21:33 if you're having a hard time in your life or you're randomly,
21:36 you know, or not so randomly,
21:38 selectively cherry-picking whatever you want
21:40 and casting aside what is bothersome to you.
21:43 And that's precisely, for example,
21:45 the description that Jesus gives us in John chapter 3,
21:48 verse 19 and 20.
21:49 Look at what he says.
21:51 He says, John 3:19 and 20, "And this is the condemnation,
21:53 that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness
21:56 rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
22:00 For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not
22:03 come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed."
22:07 And so, in the generalized disobedience of humanity,
22:11 we choose exactly what is pleasing.
22:13 I mean, that's just obvious, right?
22:15 You're not gonna choose what is displeasing, not normally.
22:17 Why would you?
22:19 We like choosing things that are pleasing,
22:21 things that don't bother us and that leave us just
22:24 as we are, without any real need of change.
22:29 People usually don't like change.
22:32 I think it was Mark Twain, and I think Pastor Doug
22:36 said this a few weeks ago, but I remember my dad,
22:39 you know, repeating it over and over again as I grew up.
22:41 Maybe he heard it from Pastor Doug.
22:43 But I think it was Mark Twain that said that,
22:46 "It's not the things that Jesus said
22:47 that I don't understand that bother me,
22:49 but the things that Jesus said and I do understand
22:53 and have a difficult time in applying in my life."
22:56 Those are the hard things.
22:58 And so, the disobedience is confirmed by our incredulity
23:00 that is used then to justify being left alone and in peace.
23:05 "you know what?
23:06 I don't want to obey because it's not comfortable to obey.
23:09 And I don't think I even believe in this stuff anyway."
23:12 That's the logical train of thought.
23:15 Now, the warning regarding the danger here of adding
23:18 or taking away, it echoes in multiple places of Scripture.
23:22 For example, Revelation chapter 22, verse 18, and 19,
23:25 and I'm sure that many of you here know this by heart.
23:28 It says, "For I testify to everyone who hears the words
23:31 of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things,
23:34 God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book;
23:38 and if anyone takes away from the words
23:41 of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part
23:43 from the Book of Life, from the holy city,
23:45 and from the things which are written in this book."
23:49 Now, someone could say, "Well, seriously?
23:52 That's how--that's how far God would go here?
23:55 That's how serious this is?"
23:56 Yes, seriously.
23:58 That's how serious this is.
24:02 Matthew describes this reality perfectly.
24:05 I'm gonna jump the text that I was going to read,
24:06 but it's Matthew 15:1 through 9.
24:08 And what we see reflected here is Jesus calling out
24:11 the hypocrisy of the Jewish leaders that did selectively
24:15 choose what they wanted to take heed of
24:18 and what they wanted to discard.
24:20 And unfortunately for them, what they were discarding were
24:22 the commandments of God that they found in the Old Testament,
24:26 and what they were selectively choosing were
24:28 their own traditions.
24:31 You know what that equates to?
24:33 Idolatry.
24:35 You know why?
24:36 Because when I indoctrinate my opinion, I am placing myself
24:39 in the place of God, and I am therefore
24:42 making myself a god unto myself.
24:44 You have to be very careful to not indoctrinate your opinions.
24:50 We are different people.
24:51 There are things that we like and things that we dislike.
24:54 There are ways that I like to comb my hair
24:56 that doesn't work for everyone.
24:58 But if I go around saying that, "this is the way of heaven
25:01 and you gotta comb your hair the same way that I do
25:03 because that's the way that God revealed it in the Bible
25:05 and if you don't, you're going to hell."
25:08 Well, does God really say that?
25:11 Does God imply that?
25:14 You see what I did there?
25:16 I placed myself in the place of God.
25:19 I put words in God's mouth, and I broke, right there,
25:22 a bunch of commandments.
25:25 Be careful not to indoctrinate your opinion.
25:27 Be careful not to add or to withdraw.
25:29 The religious leaders of Jesus's day had become experts
25:31 in adding and taking away God's divine orders.
25:35 Zeal without understanding, zeal but ignorant,
25:40 zealous but ignorant.
25:42 Emil Brunner, he was a Protestant theologian.
25:44 You have to take a lot of what he says with a grain of salt,
25:47 not Adventist, but he did say a few interesting things.
25:51 And he called this human compulsion,
25:54 especially the compulsion of adding, adding to things,
25:58 of exaggerating or blowing things up where they weren't.
26:01 He calls this the sin of devotion.
26:05 And that's precisely what the Israelite leaders
26:07 of Jesus's day did.
26:09 They increased.
26:10 They were so zealous in their own way that they just--
26:13 about the commandment of the Sabbath.
26:15 I think I've said this before.
26:17 Do you know how many laws there were?
26:19 One thousand two hundred and fifty-one laws
26:23 or whatever 39 times 39 is.
26:25 I might be wrong there with the 1,251.
26:28 But it was around 1200 or 1300 laws just about the Sabbath,
26:32 just about the Sabbath, 1200 laws.
26:37 The sin of devotion, idolatry, making yourself,
26:40 or in this their case, making themselves gods unto themselves.
26:44 Adding or taking away expresses human dissatisfaction
26:49 with God's orders.
26:51 The famous mentality that I've already mentioned,
26:52 "God said, but I think.
26:57 God said, but I think."
26:58 Or even yet the syndrome of, "I think I know better.
27:02 I think it will work better for me if I just go this way."
27:05 And friends, we're all tempted of this.
27:09 And that segues into what happens on Monday's lesson
27:13 because here we see a practical reality of this very situation.
27:16 Monday's lesson is entitled Baal Peor.
27:20 Now, I might be pronouncing that, that latter word,
27:25 incorrectly in English, but Baal Peor,
27:29 which is the name of a false god here.
27:31 What happens here is that Israel is reminded of the incidents
27:34 of Numbers chapter 25, and the chilling consequences
27:37 of God's judgments and the death spiritual
27:41 to that spiritual prostitution and harlotry to Baal Peor.
27:44 Now, this god Baal Peor, or just Baal is how you usually
27:48 will find him, he was the god of the Moabites.
27:51 This was a Moabite god.
27:52 Some interpreters believe that the worship that is described
27:55 in 1 Kings chapter 18 in the scenario with Elijah
27:58 and Mount Carmel, that was the worship of Baal Peor,
28:02 that's what was involved or was one of the elements
28:05 of their worship.
28:07 Now, the idolatry to Baal infected the ten tribes
28:12 of northern Israel, and he became their official god.
28:16 You know how Moses warns the children of Israel.
28:20 Later we're gonna look at this throughout the lesson,
28:22 but he warns them that if they became worse,
28:26 if they did not listen to the statutes and judgments of God,
28:28 if they did not take heed to what he had ordered them,
28:32 they would become worse than the surrounding nations.
28:36 And indeed they did.
28:39 The northern ten tribes, their main god, their official god,
28:43 became Baal, and this infected also Judah in the south.
28:48 And worship to Baal only ended truly with the captivity
28:52 and the exile of Babylon.
28:55 Worship to Baal Peor was tied to fertility.
28:58 And we talked about this a few weeks ago when we were talking
29:01 about the difference between polytheism and monotheism.
29:05 So, it was tied to that concept of fertility, to survival.
29:08 They needed to be fertile so that they could survive.
29:12 And that led to religious harlotry and prostitution,
29:14 and they're in light--it's appealed to these people.
29:17 Baal, among other gods,
29:19 represented and was considered the god of sexual desires.
29:23 To the Israelites, he was described
29:25 as the god of sexual sins.
29:27 Now, while, friends, this is a very ancient issue,
29:30 Baal continues alive and well in modern culture.
29:36 In the Playboy mentality, the culture of pornography
29:38 that corrupts and destroys millions of its worshipers,
29:41 paves the way for the prince of darkness.
29:46 It corrupts and disfigures the beautiful creation of God.
29:49 Pornography, and all that it involves,
29:52 is considered the moral AIDS of the modern age.
29:57 That terminology didn't come from me.
29:59 That was on the cover of "Time Magazine" a few years ago.
30:03 And in that case, our prayer must always be the same
30:07 as David's in his psalm of penitence,
30:09 Psalm chapter 51, verse 10.
30:11 "Create in me a clean heart,
30:13 O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."
30:17 You know, the verb "create" here is a very special verb.
30:21 It's the Hebrew word "bara," and it is a word
30:24 that is exclusive to Hebrew.
30:26 This Hebrew word that translates to "create" is only applied
30:30 to God, to Yahweh, only.
30:33 And what it translates into is an ability to create
30:37 from nothing, to call things into existence.
30:40 So, what David is literally saying, he's saying,
30:42 "God, call into being, call into existence in my life
30:47 a pure heart because, of myself, I can't do this."
30:51 The children of Israel were very explicitly involved
30:54 in what that meant.
30:56 And today, friends, perhaps implicitly in your life,
30:59 you may be involved.
31:03 Pray this prayer, "Create in me, O God, a pure heart."
31:10 Those who desire to overcome the culture of sex must learn to
31:15 pray for the creation, the bara, of a clean and pure spirit.
31:21 Friends, this is something that only God can do,
31:25 only God can do.
31:26 In the context of Baal Peor, Satan's strategy was
31:29 the only possible one, but it was also the most effective one.
31:36 "Patriarchs and Prophets," page 451, is very insightful here.
31:40 It says Balaam, and this is in the context of that story there
31:44 of Numbers 25 and what Balaam did.
31:46 "Balaam knew that the prosperity of Israel depended
31:48 upon their obedience of God, or to God,
31:52 and that there was no way to cause their overthrow
31:56 but by seducing them into sin.
31:58 He now decided to secure Balak's favor by advising the Moabites
32:02 of the course to be pursued to bring a curse upon Israel.
32:06 He immediately returned to the land of Moab--"
32:08 This is where he had already been sent away.
32:10 He had been--God had not allowed him to pronounce curses.
32:13 He had, on the other hand, pronounced blessings.
32:15 Balak, the king there, was angry.
32:17 He sent him away.
32:18 The Spirit of God left Balaam.
32:19 Balaam them starts to devise how he could then
32:22 secure Balak's favor.
32:23 He comes back and presents a satanic strategy.
32:25 "He immediately returned to the land of Moab
32:28 and laid his plans before the king.
32:30 The Moabites themselves were convinced that as long as Israel
32:33 remained true to God--"
32:34 Friends, as long as we remain true to God.
32:37 That's the teaching here.
32:38 As long as we remain true to God, we remain protected.
32:44 "As long as they remained true to God,
32:46 He would be their shield.
32:47 The plan proposed by Balaam was to separate them from God
32:50 by enticing them into idolatry.
32:53 If they could be led to engage in the licentious worship
32:55 of Baal and Ashtaroth, their omnipotent Protector
32:58 would become their enemy, and they would soon fall a prey
33:01 to the fierce, warlike nations around them."
33:04 The prosperity of God's people
33:06 depend on their obedience to him.
33:09 The only way to overthrow them is seduce them into sin.
33:12 Now, someone might be tempted to say, "Well, I mean,
33:15 isn't this taking away our free will?"
33:17 If I have to, if I want to be protected and if I want
33:20 to have a good life, well, then I have to obey God?"
33:22 First of all, that's a fallacy because in the Bible,
33:24 you'll see that those who are obedient to God,
33:26 most of the times, good things don't happen to them, right.
33:30 So, that's already a fallacy in itself.
33:32 That's a fallacy called prosperity theology,
33:35 where you think you can put God in your pocket.
33:38 Gonna give God a bunch of money, give tithes and offering,
33:40 I'm gonna pay my tithes.
33:42 There's a--if I have a pet peeve, it's when people say,
33:45 "pay tithes."
33:46 We do not pay tithe.
33:47 We return to God what's already his.
33:50 But in any case, that is a fallacy
33:54 in and of itself right there.
33:59 The prosperity of God's people
34:00 depend on their obedience of him.
34:04 The reason here, the real reason,
34:05 is because God is the source of life.
34:08 God is that energy socket.
34:10 All right, am I saying that right?
34:12 Is it an energy socket?
34:13 It's the the plug or where you plug it in,
34:15 God is that.
34:17 I can willfully decide to plug my life into that
34:20 or to disconnect my life from that.
34:23 That is where I choose.
34:24 That's where you apply your choice.
34:26 It is your choice to be connected or disconnected,
34:29 but don't think that you can have the benefits
34:31 of being connected while you're disconnected.
34:34 It just doesn't work like that.
34:35 You see, God, more than a personal being,
34:38 God is a force of nature.
34:42 God is a force.
34:44 He's a personal being.
34:46 He is a person, not a human person,
34:48 but He has a personality, but He is, nonetheless, a force.
34:50 He is life.
34:52 He is love. He is all these things.
34:54 And so, when I decidedly disconnect myself,
34:58 how can I continue living?
35:00 What happens if you disconnect your phone from the charger?
35:03 The juice will run out and the phone will, how do we say it?
35:06 The phone is what?
35:08 Dead.
35:10 Imagine if someone, if that happens to someone,
35:12 your phone is dead, and then you start ranting and raving,
35:14 "Well, how could those engineers project this this way?
35:17 They're dictators. They're tyrants.
35:20 How dare they say that my phone, or force my phone to run out
35:23 of juice because I, you know, because I wanted to use it."
35:26 It doesn't work that way.
35:29 And so, God is the same way.
35:32 This prosperity of God's people depend on their obedience to Him
35:34 because obedience means being connected to Him.
35:39 And that's where Tuesday's lesson is so monumental because
35:42 Tuesday's lesson that says, "Cleave to the Lord your God,"
35:45 or be close to Him.
35:46 Friends, in the biblical drama, apostasy invariably
35:49 lead to death.
35:51 Numbers 25, verse 9, "And those who died
35:53 in the plague were twenty-four thousand."
35:55 Sin always leads to death.
35:56 The wages of sin is death.
35:59 But many were not corrupted in this story.
36:04 Deuteronomy 4:4, "But you who held fast to the Lord your God
36:07 are alive today, every one of you."
36:10 Life and death, opposites that become ever so evident
36:14 in the experience of the lives of those who serve and the lives
36:18 of those who do not serve God.
36:21 Friends, according to Jesus in Matthew chapter 12, verse 30,
36:24 we are either for Him or against Him.
36:26 There is no possibility of neutrality.
36:28 Something that I said this last week in the midweek Bible study
36:31 is that you cannot--this is the one place in life
36:33 where you cannot opt out.
36:36 You can opt out of many things in life,
36:40 but you cannot opt out of this whole situation.
36:45 Jesus expands and says here in Luke 11:23, he adds,
36:49 "He who is not with Me is against Me,
36:51 and he who does not gather with Me scatters."
36:54 Two glorious promises in this context here
36:57 of Israel in Deuteronomy 4:4.
36:59 Two marvelous promises are provided for them so that
37:04 they can understand that they're not alone in this,
37:06 that God is giving them strength.
37:08 He provides power so that they can overcome,
37:10 so that they can live by His side.
37:12 The first one is found in Jude 24.
37:18 Beautiful text.
37:19 It says, "Now to Him," talking about God, "Now to Him who is
37:23 able to keep you from stumbling and to present you faultless."
37:27 Is this something that you do yourself, keep from stumbling
37:30 and present yourself faultless?
37:32 Can you do this by yourself?
37:34 We can't, we absolutely cannot.
37:37 That's why we depend on Him, Jesus Christ the Righteous.
37:41 "Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling
37:44 And to present you faultless Before the presence
37:47 of His glory with exceeding joy.
37:49 To God our Savior Who alone is wise Be glory and majesty
37:52 Dominion and power Both now and forever.
37:54 Amen."
37:56 And the second promise is found in 1 Corinthians 10:13,
37:58 equally magnificent.
37:59 It says, "No temptation has overtaken you except such as
38:03 is common to man; but God is faithful, God is faithful,
38:08 who will not allow you to be tempted
38:10 beyond what you are able, but with the temptation
38:12 will also make the way of escape,
38:15 that you may be able to bear it."
38:17 There's this terminology in the legal,
38:20 judicial world which is "equality of arms."
38:23 And basically what "equality of arms" represents is the equality
38:27 of opportunity of might and of resources of both sides
38:31 in any given case.
38:33 God does not allow the devil to use attacks that cannot be
38:38 resisted in Him who is powerful to keep us and to lead us
38:41 from victory to victory.
38:44 We all have equality of arms.
38:47 Sometimes you might be tempted to think, "Well, our enemy, this
38:50 enemy of mine, he's organized, he's very well motivated.
38:53 He's powerful and strong.
38:55 It's personal to him.
38:57 How can I withstand?"
38:59 You can't.
39:02 And I don't want to surprise you here, you can't.
39:03 There's no way.
39:06 There's absolutely no way.
39:08 He's been around for at least 6,000 years here tempting us,
39:12 learning, growing his reserves of strategy and methodologies.
39:17 By ourselves, we cannot withstand him,
39:22 but God doesn't abandon us here.
39:25 And contrary to the theory of deism that believes
39:27 in this absent landlord, that he just created this world
39:30 and then walked away, we have a God that is so present
39:33 that He didn't just confine Himself to staying up there,
39:37 He rolled up His sleeves and He got into the nitty gritty
39:39 dirtiness of our world, and He came down
39:42 and lived with us.
39:43 And not only this, He provides a whole battle armor for us.
39:45 Just read Ephesians chapter 6 where we have the belt of truth,
39:48 the breastplate of righteousness,
39:50 the sandals of peace, the shield of faith,
39:52 the helmet of salvation, the sword of truth.
39:55 No one can claim that they haven't been provided all they
39:59 need to resist, to overcome, and to be faithful to God.
40:02 In the entirety of Scripture, we find almost 60 different titles
40:06 that are attributed to Jesus Christ in the context
40:09 of his defense for fallen humanity.
40:14 He will never let us fight our battles alone and unaided.
40:18 He is the door.
40:19 He is the way.
40:21 He is the lily of the valley.
40:22 He is the water, the shepherd.
40:24 He is the morning star.
40:25 He is the true and the faithful witness.
40:27 He is the one who loves us.
40:28 He is the undefeatable advocate.
40:30 Friends, we are not fighting for victory.
40:33 What Moses is telling the children of Israel in this whole
40:36 context here is that they're not really fighting for victory.
40:39 We already begin the journey with victory guaranteed in Him.
40:46 He is our fortress, our shield, and all we need is
40:48 to accept and to obey.
40:54 And so, we find the streamline here of Wednesday,
40:57 God's dream for Israel.
41:00 For what nation is there so great, as the lesson puts it.
41:03 What follows next in the few verses after Deuteronomy 4:4
41:07 are some of the most profound and beautiful texts of
41:09 in all of Scripture.
41:11 And here we have Deuteronomy 4, verse 5
41:14 through 9 that says,
41:16 "Surely I have taught you the statutes and judgments,
41:18 just as the Lord my God commanded me,
41:20 that you should act according to them in the land
41:22 which you go to possess.
41:23 Therefore be careful to observe them; for this is your wisdom
41:26 and your understanding in the sight of the peoples
41:28 who will hear all these statutes, and say,
41:30 'Surely this great nation
41:32 is a wise and understanding people.'
41:34 For what great nation is there that God--
41:36 that has God so near to it, as the Lord our God is to us,
41:40 for whatever reason we may call upon Him?
41:42 And what great nation is there that has such statutes
41:45 and righteous judgments as are in all this law
41:48 which I set before you this day?
41:50 Only take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself,
41:53 lest you forget the things your eyes have seen,
41:56 and lest they depart from your heart
41:58 all the days of your life."
41:59 Friends, we see that God's dream for Israel,
42:01 that they would live the statutes,
42:03 they would exemplify these judgments,
42:06 and that the nations around them would see that that nation
42:09 was different, that they were special, not because of anything
42:15 from themselves, but because they were so close to their God.
42:18 Isn't it what the text says here?
42:20 Because it literally says here,
42:21 "For what great nation is there that has God so near it?"
42:27 God's people were meant to be known because God was near them,
42:33 because God was close to them.
42:35 That was God's dream.
42:38 It did not have to go down the way it went.
42:41 Jesus didn't have to suffer the way He did.
42:43 He didn't have to be tortured and tormented the way He was.
42:47 That was not God's dream.
42:49 That wasn't the ideal.
42:53 God's dream was for Israel to be faithful.
42:57 I don't know what it would have been then.
42:58 I don't know how it could have been.
43:00 Perhaps, the Messiah would have come down,
43:03 and perhaps the same hand that stayed the hand of Abraham,
43:06 he would then bring down the knife.
43:07 I don't know.
43:10 But this was God's dream.
43:14 They would be brought to God.
43:16 The nation surrounding Israel would be brought to God
43:19 because He was the true secret of success.
43:23 But in this, friends, there is also a warning.
43:25 The warning is only take heed to yourself and diligently
43:28 keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen
43:32 and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life.
43:35 You see, there was a danger in arrogance and pride.
43:40 They're called not to forget the things that they had witnessed
43:43 in their history.
43:44 You know, in the book "Patriarchs And Prophets,"
43:46 Ellen White observes that a full cup, the full cup that runs is
43:51 the one that runs the risk of arrogance and of spilling over.
43:56 Attributing your success to your own power, to your own strength,
43:59 to your own virtues and performance,
44:01 that is the danger there.
44:04 God wanted His people to know that they had been called
44:06 and chosen for a special purpose,
44:08 that they would indeed become a great nation,
44:11 as had been promised to Abraham.
44:13 However, here there was this danger of pride.
44:17 Be careful, lest you forget, lest you forget.
44:23 And finally, in Thursday's lesson,
44:25 which is the conclusion of all of this,
44:27 your wisdom and your understanding.
44:29 Verse 6, Deuteronomy 4, verse 6, "Therefore be careful
44:34 to observe them, the statutes and judgments,
44:36 for this is your wisdom and your understanding
44:38 in the sight of the peoples who will hear
44:40 all these statutes, and say, 'Surely this great nation
44:42 is a wise and understanding people.'"
44:44 Now, friends, this text here can be very easily misunderstood
44:48 because true wisdom and understanding
44:50 will not be seen primarily from the statutes and judgments,
44:53 but from the life of obedience
44:55 and fidelity of the children of God.
44:58 So, just having the statutes and judgments,
45:00 that's not when guaranteed their wisdom, their understanding.
45:04 Their wisdom and understanding would be guaranteed would be
45:07 seen in them keeping these statutes and these judgments.
45:10 Do you see the difference?
45:12 There's a big, big, big danger here, and this massive danger
45:17 is when truth does not convert, it fossilizes.
45:26 When truth does not convert your heart,
45:29 when it doesn't convict you, when it doesn't bring change,
45:35 it then petrifies and fossilizes your heart,
45:39 making it so much harder for the Spirit to touch you.
45:43 Friends, we live in a time and an age where people believe--
45:48 in this portion, correctly, they say,
45:50 "God will accept you and take you just as you are."
45:51 And yes, He will, but He loves you too much to leave you
45:55 just the way you are.
45:57 He wants to give you a better life.
45:59 You see, God doesn't see you primarily for what you are
46:01 right now but for what you can be.
46:05 He has a dream for you.
46:08 And the children of Israel, they would live this dream,
46:11 not because of only what God gave them,
46:13 but because of their answer to what God gave them.
46:16 God is giving them the statutes and judgments and He's saying,
46:18 "Live by it, and they will see your wisdom
46:21 and your understanding."
46:26 That's why the children of Israel were frequently called
46:29 to obedience because obedience to these statutes and judgments
46:33 was what mattered.
46:36 In the book, "Christ's Object Lessons,"
46:37 beautiful book on page 288 we read,
46:41 "Their obedience to the law of God would make them
46:44 marvels of prosperity before the nations of the world.
46:47 He who could give them wisdom and skill in all cunning work
46:51 would continue to be their teacher, and would ennoble
46:54 and elevate them through obedience to His laws.
46:57 If obedient, they would be preserved from the diseases
47:00 that afflicted the other nations,
47:01 and would be blessed with vigor and intellect.
47:04 The glory of God, His majesty and power,
47:06 were to be revealed in all their prosperity.
47:08 They were to be a kingdom of priests and princes.
47:10 God furnished them with every facility for becoming
47:14 the greatest nation on earth."
47:15 Friends, that dream that unfortunately did not find
47:18 its fulfillment in ancient Israel, can very well find
47:23 its fulfillment in modern-- in the modern Israel
47:27 that is the church.
47:30 This is God's dream.
47:32 We know that we are a holy nation, a holy priesthood.
47:36 And we can fulfill God's dream, not by our might or strength,
47:40 but by His might and His strength.
47:43 Allow God to fulfill His dream in your life.
47:46 And allow the world to look at us, the nations, the peoples,
47:51 and say, "For what great people is this that have got so close
47:56 to them?"
47:58 May God bless you in your studies of the Bible
48:00 and in your application of it in your life.
48:02 May God bless you in, not only applying and understanding
48:07 and obeying, but in sharing this reality, sharing this truth that
48:11 is such a great, joyful truth when lived out the correct way.
48:17 I would like to invite you to remember that we do have
48:19 a free offer for those that are watching online,
48:22 and those that are here also if you're new.
48:24 You can get, "Is Obedience Legalism?"
48:27 You can get this beautiful study if you call 866-788-3966
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48:38 you can text SH041 to 40544.
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48:49 very important study that has a lot to do
48:52 with what we talked about here today.
48:53 I would like to finish this moment with you
48:55 with a word of prayer.
48:56 Dear Lord God, thank You so much for Your love.
48:58 Thank you so much for Your blessings.
49:00 Father, I ask You to always be close to us, Lord.
49:03 We want to be known as a great people,
49:05 not because we are great or numerous or intelligent
49:08 or whatever, but because we have You close to us.
49:11 Allow this church to be seen as a church
49:13 that has God close to them.
49:15 Allow us to study and understand and apply these judgments that
49:19 You have provided in Your Word and be seen then and be known as
49:22 a wise and understanding people, not for our own benefit,
49:25 but for the benefit of this dark world around us.
49:29 I ask You these things, Lord, and I ask
49:30 for the rest of this day.
49:31 In Jesus's name I pray, amen.
49:33 May God bless you.
49:37 male announcer: Don't forget to request
49:39 today's life-changing, free resource.
49:41 Not only can you receive this free gift in the mail,
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50:01 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word
50:03 with Amazing Facts wherever and whenever you want,
50:07 and most important, to share it with others.
50:13 male: I grew up in a church-going family.
50:16 I mean, we were at every meeting.
50:17 I sang in four of the choirs there, I directed three.
50:22 Very involved, very active.
50:25 It almost seemed like busy work sometimes, you know?
50:28 I went to Sunday school, I knew about God,
50:32 I knew about Jesus.
50:34 But I didn't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
50:38 My senior year in high school I got the news
50:43 that my father had been murdered.
50:47 Now, I played it off well.
50:49 No one really saw that I was struggling with it.
50:55 It just really felt like there was a hole that
50:58 needed to be filled and I tried to fill it with
51:01 drugs, with alcohol, with partying.
51:04 After college, I just stopped going to church altogether.
51:11 One day, on a Sunday, 'cause I didn't feel
51:14 like going to church with my mom.
51:16 I thought, you know, "I should get a little bit of Word."
51:21 She had the satellite system hooked up and
51:22 I'm flipping through channels.
51:24 And then the logo pops across, "Amazing Facts Presents."
51:28 I've listened to a lot of different ministers
51:31 but this was the first time that he's actually saying
51:33 something where I had to grab my Bible and actually
51:36 pick it up and I've never heard this before.
51:39 Let me look through and find this.
51:41 I went through all the storacles,
51:43 I went through all the study guides and I just
51:45 couldn't get enough.
51:46 And then the Sabbath came up and he's going
51:49 through the appeal and I'm just going, "Lord, I hear You.
51:52 I have to go to church."
51:54 So I show up.
51:56 It was funny, I didn't feel like I was going
51:58 to be judged, anything judgmental, anything.
52:01 And I walked in the door, and I just felt at home.
52:05 But there's still a problem.
52:07 I'm still partying.
52:10 I was still going out to the bars.
52:12 At this time, I was selling cocaine to pay my rent.
52:17 Sixteen days later, I find myself in a life
52:19 or death situation.
52:21 I had just came back from a liquor store and
52:24 I grabbed a bottle of vodka.
52:27 And there I am, high off cocaine, with my Bible
52:31 in hand, trying to do a Bible study.
52:35 And I heard an audible voice, "Just look at yourself."
52:41 And I did, and I was, like, "What am I doing?"
52:47 And I got on my knees and I said, "Lord, if You do
52:50 not take this away from me now, I'm going to kill myself."
52:55 I was going to continue this lifestyle and
52:58 I was going to end up overdosing, having a
53:01 heart attack, whatever it was.
53:04 "You have to take this away, all of it."
53:10 And that day, He lift it all up and away from me.
53:14 It was all gone.
53:16 When God does something in your life, He does it complete.
53:21 ♪♪♪
53:29 ♪♪♪
53:43 announcer: Amazing Facts, changed lives.
53:50 Josh: Our family was Christian to begin with.
53:53 Mom and Dad were involved at the church at times.
53:56 On the inside our, family wasn't really Christian, I guess.
53:59 It was just, it was a front that we put on.
54:02 My dad suffered from bipolar disorder.
54:05 Instead of taking his medication,
54:06 he turned to alcohol.
54:08 He could be mad one second and the next second, he'd be happy.
54:11 And it was so confusing for us.
54:13 Most of the time, we'd be upstairs to try to avoid him.
54:18 I made good grades all the way up until high school.
54:20 High school, I started struggling because my mom
54:23 was a single parent at the time, and I had to get a job.
54:26 I was working every day after school.
54:29 I didn't have many friends to talk to,
54:30 so I was getting depressed.
54:32 I was always tired.
54:34 I started failing my assignments because I would fall asleep
54:36 during class, and I couldn't listen to the teachers.
54:38 I couldn't comprehend what they were saying.
54:41 By my 11th-grade year, I dropped out and I tried homeschooling.
54:46 I just ended up working full time.
54:49 I had lots of girlfriends growing up, but I was always
54:51 terrified of talking to guys.
54:52 Like, my hands would start to sweat.
54:54 I would tense up. I just I couldn't talk.
54:57 I guess that's when I started developing an attraction.
55:00 Gay guys weren't scary to talk to,
55:02 so I started talking to them.
55:04 And then I started meeting them.
55:05 And then it just went from there.
55:06 And then I started having relationships with them.
55:09 I just wanted to find someone who would care.
55:13 After high school, most of my friends were gone,
55:15 but there were a few left home.
55:18 We all started getting into drugs and smoking weed
55:20 and drinking.
55:21 I was able to leave my depression behind
55:23 and I wasn't shy anymore.
55:25 I was able to talk to anyone I wanted to.
55:27 It wasn't real, but it felt real at the time.
55:31 During this time, I felt like God had left me.
55:34 I'd hear conversations at church talking about gays
55:37 and people on drugs and stuff.
55:39 And, you know, they talked so bad about them,
55:41 it drove me to leave church.
55:42 I eventually just left church, I left God.
55:44 I just didn't care anymore.
55:46 I didn't, I didn't care what God thought because
55:48 I didn't think he cared about me.
55:50 At the beginning of this year, I've moved in with my boyfriend.
55:54 I still felt empty. I still wasn't happy.
55:56 I thought I had what I wanted.
55:57 I had a guy that I could love, and I thought he loved me,
55:59 but I was still empty.
56:01 I still felt like if I died today,
56:02 I wasn't sure where I was gonna go.
56:04 And I wasn't sure if I'd be a disappointment to everyone.
56:10 My grandma texted me.
56:12 She told me that an Amazing Facts evangelists was coming
56:14 to our church to do a prophecy seminar.
56:17 I didn't really want to go 'cause I've been
56:19 to those before, and they were normally pretty boring
56:21 and I'd fall asleep.
56:22 I was planning on making excuses for every night,
56:24 but she was dedicated.
56:25 She really wanted me to go and so did my mom.
56:27 So, I ended up going to church and the evangelist that was
56:30 speaking, he was speaking on the sanctuary that morning.
56:34 It made sense to me that there was someone up in heaven
56:36 pleading my cause.
56:38 I've never heard Jesus this way before.
56:40 I went back all the nights that I could,
56:42 except the nights that I worked.
56:43 At the end of it, I ended up getting rebaptized.
56:46 I made a decision to leave this life behind.
56:48 I was still attracted to men, but I wanted to leave
56:51 the lifestyle.
56:52 I didn't want to live in it anymore, any longer,
56:55 because I knew it was wrong.
56:56 The evangelist that was at our church, that did the prophecy
56:58 seminar, became my mentor.
57:00 He told me about this school called AFCOE,
57:02 and it stands for Amazing Facts Center Of Evangelism.
57:05 And I was like, well, I want that 'cause I want
57:07 to learn how to share Jesus.
57:08 I want to learn how to be able to help others.
57:11 I prayed about it. I applied online.
57:13 They accepted my application, but I still had
57:15 the money problem left.
57:16 That night right before I left, He provided over $3,000
57:20 and He's been providing for me ever since.
57:23 The tools that I've learned here are tools that will stick
57:25 with me forever.
57:27 And it was life changing to be able to come here to AFCOE.
57:30 I would love to help other people in my situation because
57:33 a lot of people have prayed that God would take this stuff away,
57:37 and then they get discouraged when He--when He doesn't.
57:39 But what they don't know is that Jesus is there.
57:41 He will help you through it.
57:44 My name is Josh, and Amazing Facts has helped change my life.
57:47 ♪♪♪


Revised 2021-10-28