Sabbath School Study Hour

Preamble to Deuteronomy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022140S

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00:35 Shawn Brummund: Hello, friends, and welcome to
00:36 another edition of the "Sabbath School Study Hour."
00:39 Welcome to our church here in the Granite Bay Hilltop
00:42 Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Greater Sacramento area.
00:45 My name is Pastor Shawn Brummund, and I have the
00:47 privilege of hosting our Sabbath School here today.
00:50 Pastor Doug Bachelor will be our teacher.
00:53 It is always good to be able to have all our online friends that
00:56 are watching even live right now.
00:58 Of course, in the future, those who are watching on different
01:00 various broadcasts, we are always glad that you have made
01:03 that decision to be able to join us.
01:06 For those of you who have joined us in the past, welcome back.
01:08 For those of you who are joining us for the very first time, we
01:11 pray and trust that your investment in the next hour will
01:14 make a real difference in your faith, your understanding of
01:16 God's Word, and that you will be able to look heaven-bound that
01:20 much more clear.
01:22 It's always good to be able to have our local members here in
01:25 the Granite Bay Church as well.
01:27 I thank you for coming and joining us as
01:28 we continue to study.
01:30 We're looking at a new quarterly.
01:32 This particular quarterly is called "Present Truth in the
01:34 Book of Deuteronomy," some of you are saying.
01:38 The ones that have already got a quarterly, they faithfully
01:40 studied over the last week.
01:41 They know exactly what it's called.
01:43 So nice to have you here.
01:44 If you haven't studied, make sure that you pay attention
01:46 because there's lots to be able to absorb as we look at one of
01:48 the most important books in the Old Testament, the book of
01:52 Deuteronomy, written by Moses himself.
01:55 So this is a new quarterly.
01:57 We're looking at lesson number one, a "Preamble to
01:59 Deuteronomy," as we look at the context of this particular
02:01 very powerful book.
02:03 And, again, we are glad that you are here to be able to join us
02:06 and study together.
02:08 Before we invite our musicians forward to be able to lead us
02:11 out in song or in music and worship, I want to invite you to
02:15 take advantage of a free gift offer that we want to give to
02:18 you today, and it's entitled
02:21 "Does God's Grace Blot Out the Law?"
02:24 "Does God's Grace Blot Out the Law?"
02:26 This is important question has been asked by
02:27 Christians for centuries.
02:29 It's still asked today.
02:30 It's an important answer to be able to get to the bottom of
02:32 biblically, and so this book is going to help you to do that,
02:35 one of the best books written on the subject by
02:36 Joe Crews himself.
02:38 Free offer number 715 is all you have to ask for when you dial in
02:41 to 1-866-788-3966, and we'll be happy to be able to
02:47 send that out for you.
02:49 That's available in North America and the different
02:50 various U.S. territories.
02:52 Now, if you are in the United States and, you'd like to get a
02:55 digital download of that to your phone, you can also do that by
02:58 texting the code "SH149," and you want to dial that to 40544,
03:06 and you'll receive the link to be able to receive that,
03:09 and there's also a website address that you can see on the
03:12 screen there if you'd like to go to the Amazing Facts website and
03:15 find that on your computer anywhere in the world where you
03:18 have Internet access.
03:20 For those of you who don't have a quarterly, by the way,
03:23 quarterlies are usually and normally provided for free at
03:26 your local Seventh-day Adventist Church, and so if you don't have
03:29 a copy and you'd like a physical copy, you're not in town and
03:32 can't attend our church here, we'd like to invite you to
03:34 attend your local Seventh-day Adventist Church on
03:37 a Saturday morning.
03:38 Typically that is 11 o'clock, and Sabbath School at 10, and
03:42 they will be happy to be able to serve you with that and give you
03:45 a copy for your study.
03:47 If you'd like a digital download, you can also find that
03:50 by doing a search in the Granite--or the Amazing Facts
03:52 website, which is
03:56 Again, thank you for joining us.
03:58 We have a special musical that is going to be presented now as
04:02 we continue to worship the Lord.
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10:16 Shawn: I want to invite you to join me as we ask
10:18 the Lord to be with us in prayer.
10:19 Father in heaven, as we stop, we pause for a moment in reflection
10:23 of the music in which we have just received, that we might
10:26 worship You in prayer and now also in study.
10:30 I want to pray that You will be with our teacher, Pastor Doug
10:32 Batchelor, as he brings to us the Word of God.
10:36 And, God, we want to pray that You will fulfill Your promise,
10:38 that You will send Your Holy Spirit to guide us into all
10:41 truth and teach us all truth.
10:43 Please give us that promise.
10:45 Give us Your Spirit.
10:47 We pray it in Christ's name, amen.
10:51 Doug Batchelor: Thank you, Pastor Shawn.
10:53 Morning, everybody.
10:55 Good to see you here.
10:56 I want to welcome those that are not only here in the Granite Bay
10:58 Hilltop building, I want to welcome our friends that are
11:01 watching on "Amazing Facts" television or Facebook or
11:04 YouTube or one of the hundreds of different ways now.
11:09 The program seemed to fragment and multiply, and we're always
11:12 thankful for that.
11:13 Today I'm excited.
11:15 I specifically asked--today I decided I'm either going to
11:18 preach or teach, and I wanted to teach because this is the first
11:22 lesson in the book of Deuteronomy that we're covering
11:25 today, and I don't know if I've ever shared with you, but
11:29 Deuteronomy is probably one of my favorite books in the Bible.
11:32 Favorite book in the New Testament, Luke,
11:35 since you asked.
11:36 Favorite book in the Old Testament, Deuteronomy.
11:39 And maybe you'll understand why a little bit better
11:42 as we proceed.
11:44 So this book of Deuteronomy is really foundational to
11:49 understanding so much in the Bible, and our title for our
11:53 lesson today--this is lesson number one--is "Preamble to
11:59 Deuteronomy," and the memory verse is from 1 John 4, verse 8.
12:04 If you got your Bibles, you can look that up, and if you want,
12:07 you can say it with me.
12:08 It's a short verse.
12:09 I bet most of you know if by heart already.
12:11 1 John 4, verse 8, "He who does not love does not know God,
12:17 for God is love."
12:20 And we talked in our message last week about the priority of
12:24 knowing God.
12:25 And it says, of course, that love is the essence of God.
12:31 That quintessential essence of God is love.
12:35 It doesn't say God is loving, though He is.
12:39 It doesn't say that God can be lovable, though He can.
12:43 It's saying His essence is, if you were to define Him, love.
12:48 When you look at the Ten Commandments, the first four
12:50 deal with our love relationship with God.
12:53 Last six deal with our love relationship with
12:55 our fellow man.
12:57 But it all springs from love.
12:59 Anyway, with that, I want to dive into our study of
13:04 Deuteronomy with a little disclaimer.
13:08 We got a lot of folks out there that watch "Sabbath School Study
13:11 Hour," and some of you are teachers, and if I don't get all
13:17 the way through the lessons, the teachers kindly chastise me.
13:21 And I'm telling you in advance, it may happen again today.
13:26 I'll do my best, but there's so much I want to say, I may not
13:28 get to all the categories, so please be patient with me, and
13:33 "I will pay thee all" at some point.
13:37 All right, Deuteronomy.
13:39 The name Deuteronomy, it comes from a couple of Greek words.
13:43 It means the second or repeating of the law.
13:46 In Hebrew, Deuteronomy is "Devarim," and it means
13:51 "the words."
13:53 The reason for that--if you got your Bibles, I'm hoping--open
13:55 your Bibles to Deuteronomy chapter 1.
13:59 It is the fifth book of Moses in the Pentateuch.
14:03 Pentateuch, five books.
14:05 It may be the sixth book if Moses wrote Job first, which
14:10 most scholars believe Job was probably the first book that was
14:13 written, but in the Pentateuch of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
14:17 Numbers, Deuteronomy--Deuteronomy is
14:19 the fifth book.
14:21 Deuteronomy transpires in a short period of time.
14:25 Oh, I was going to read something to you.
14:26 Look at Deuteronomy chapter 1.
14:28 It says, "These are the words."
14:31 That's where you get the Hebrew word for the book of
14:34 Deuteronomy."
14:35 Now, sometimes they called it "Devarim," and sometimes it was
14:39 "Mishneh Torah."
14:41 That means a repeating of the law.
14:43 And, of course, in Greek, it's Deuteronomy.
14:46 Now, sometimes I wish that they had found a shorter title for
14:49 the book because I've still not learned how to spell that.
14:53 Now, the Book of Deuteronomy is called the repeating of the law,
14:56 but it is not an addition to the law.
14:59 In other words, Moses spends some time reviewing
15:02 God's leading.
15:04 In the Book of Deuteronomy, he actually expands a little bit.
15:07 Even in the Ten Commandments that are given in Deuteronomy,
15:11 you'll see that Moses does a little bit of commentary and
15:14 expansion, but there's no conflict between what he says in
15:18 Deuteronomy and the other books.
15:20 Deuteronomy--well, let me--you know what I'm going to do now?
15:23 I'm going to give you the what, the where, the who, the why, and
15:27 the when of Deuteronomy before we dive into it.
15:31 Talking a little bit about the "what."
15:33 Deuteronomy is divided really into three sections.
15:38 It was probably delivered over a period of, oh,
15:42 maybe three weeks.
15:45 We're not sure.
15:47 It's sort of the last message of Moses to the people, and he's
15:50 renewing the covenant.
15:53 You've got verses 1 through--or chapters 1 through 4 of
15:56 Deuteronomy that are dealing with what you would call
15:59 the review.
16:01 He's reviewing God's history and how He led them.
16:04 Then, as you get to chapter 5, he repeats the Ten Commandments.
16:07 You know, the two principle places where you're going to
16:09 find the Ten Commandment, Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy chapter 5.
16:15 And then from chapter 5 to 26, you've got the requirements.
16:19 Well, first you've got the review, then you have the
16:21 requirements, and then, if you go to chapter 27 through the end
16:25 of the book-- 34 chapters in Deuteronomy.
16:27 There you've got the review.
16:30 He's talking--not the review. Sorry--the road ahead.
16:32 So he's talking about the review, the requirements,
16:36 and the road ahead.
16:38 It's broken up nicely into those segments.
16:40 There are 34 chapters.
16:42 It takes about 2.5 hours to read the book of Deuteronomy.
16:46 Deuteronomy is basically--it's a big sermon of Moses renewing
16:51 the covenant.
16:53 Now, why does he need to renew the covenant?
16:56 Well, when they left Egypt, how long ago was that?
17:00 Forty years earlier.
17:03 What has happened to virtually every adult from the time they
17:07 left Egypt to this point in history?
17:10 They've all died.
17:12 Everybody 20 years old and upward has died.
17:16 How old was the oldest person when Moses gives Deuteronomy
17:18 that had left Egypt?
17:21 Fifty-nine or sixty, right?
17:24 Forty plus twenty.
17:26 Am in the right ballpark?
17:28 So you've got a very interesting dynamic here.
17:30 You've got a nation where there is no senior citizens.
17:35 Well, not too many--except three.
17:38 Aaron has died when Deuteronomy is given.
17:41 Miriam has died.
17:42 Moses is alive, and Joshua and Caleb.
17:48 Everybody else is young.
17:50 And most of the people--you know, God told them, "Be
17:52 fruitful and multiply," and they did.
17:54 You read the beginning of Exodus, it says the people grew,
17:57 they grew, they multiplied, they grew exceedingly, and it's
18:00 really emphasizing that the nation exploded.
18:03 That also happened in the wilderness.
18:06 God protected them from disease.
18:07 God gave them food every day.
18:10 I mean, a lot of things--they take out the infants in other
18:14 cultures--they weren't grappling with, and so you've got this
18:16 explosion of young people, whole new generation, and they don't
18:22 know everything or remember everything.
18:23 Many are born during the wilderness wanderings.
18:26 They don't remember the plagues that fell on Egypt.
18:29 They need to hear it again.
18:31 In fact, if you read in Deuteronomy chapter 6, the Lord
18:37 says, "These words that I command you this day shall be
18:38 in your heart.
18:40 You shall teach them diligently to your children when you lay
18:42 down, when you rise up, when you go out, when you come in."
18:46 And so Moses, knowing that he was about to out, he wanted to
18:49 repeat and remind them of God's leading, that they would not
18:54 repeat the history of unbelief of their fathers.
18:58 And so this is a very important renewal of the covenant that is
19:02 happening here.
19:04 Where does this happen?
19:06 Well, in the first few words here it says, "He spoke to them
19:08 in the wilderness, in the plain, opposite Suph, between Paran and
19:13 Tophel, Laban, Hazeroth, Dizahab.
19:18 It's 11 days's journey from Horeb by the way of Mount Seir
19:22 to Kadesh Barnea."
19:24 And so this is happening in the plain on the east side
19:26 of Jordan.
19:28 It's what we would call today the modern Hashemite Kingdom,
19:31 or the country of Jordan.
19:32 They are on the east side of the Jordan River, great plain there.
19:36 Now, how many people are there?
19:38 Well, we don't know exactly, but we can extrapolate.
19:41 The Bible does tell us there were 600,000 that were
19:46 qualified to fight.
19:48 You had to be 20 years old or older to fight in a battle.
19:52 We know all of the older ones had died off, but there's, like,
19:54 600,000 people.
19:56 How many women and children would there be?
19:59 And so conservative estimates are there's, like, two
20:02 million-or-plus people that are gathered here on this plain.
20:08 That's where it happened. Who?
20:11 Moses is speaking, now, is he speaking to all of Israel?
20:16 Well, it says here--read right there.
20:18 "These are the words that Moses spoke to all Israel."
20:20 But if you've got two million people, and you don't have
20:23 artificial PA, can you really address two million people?
20:28 One of the greatest preachers in history, who had the most
20:30 booming voice was George Whitefield, and he was legendary
20:35 for having a voice that he could talk to 10,000 people at once
20:39 without a PA system.
20:41 And Benjamin Franklin reports in his autobiography that he did a
20:45 test, because he had heard about Whitefield's voice--they were
20:47 actually friends and exchanged quite a few letters--that, one
20:50 day, when he was preaching in Philadelphia, Franklin--you
20:53 know, he's always a scientist--he paced off how far
20:57 away he could go, and I think he got at least half a mile away,
21:00 and you could still hear him, which is extraordinary.
21:04 It helps if you're up on an elevated spot, and even if Moses
21:07 was standing on the mountainside and talking to the people in the
21:10 plain, it'd be very difficult for two million people to hear.
21:15 So when it says, "He spoke to Israel," what they often do--it
21:18 says in other places--they spoke to the heads of the families.
21:24 And so--and then they would, you know, subsequently relate this
21:27 thing to the teachings to their families.
21:31 But probably the 70 elders and the heads of the families and
21:34 the tribes were at the forefront in the best seats where they
21:38 could hear and see what Moses was saying, why?
21:42 As I mentioned, he's renewing the covenant, and they needed to
21:44 hear it again, when?
21:45 This happens about 1406 B.C.
21:50 That's about the year that Joshua also led the children of
21:54 Israel into the Promised Land, and it contains an account of
21:58 what happened in the wilderness from the first day--it gives you
22:00 the dates here.
22:02 It says, "From the first day of the 11th month of the 40th year,
22:05 wandering in the wilderness after the departure from Egypt."
22:10 And the book of Deuteronomy concludes with the death
22:12 of Moses.
22:14 It actually talks about 30 days of mourning following
22:17 Moses's death.
22:19 And so it's interesting that, in the 40th year, you've got this
22:22 book that covers about 40 days.
22:24 So God always does things in a fascinating way.
22:28 All right, and then I want you to turn with me in the
22:32 Bible--this is one of the most important books in the Bible.
22:35 Turn with me in Deuteronomy chapter 27.
22:38 I want to read something to you.
22:40 I'm going to read Deuteronomy 27, verses 1 through 8.
22:46 Deuteronomy is something of a summary of the covenant that
22:49 they used as their constitution.
22:52 So you think about the most important documents in America,
22:57 and you're going to think of the Bill of Rights and the
22:59 Constitution, Declaration of Independence.
23:01 Probably one of the most important books for the nation
23:03 of Israel was the book of Deuteronomy.
23:06 Notice what it says here.
23:07 In verse 1, chapter 27 in Deuteronomy, "Now Moses, with
23:11 the elders of Israel, commanded the people, saying, 'Keep the
23:15 commandments which I command you today.
23:18 And it shall be, on the day when you cross over the Jordan to the
23:22 land which the Lord your God is giving you, that you will set up
23:25 for yourself large stones--'" and this was to happen between
23:29 the mountains of Ebal and in the area of Ephraim--
23:35 "and whitewash them with lime.
23:38 And you'll write on them all the words of this law--"
23:41 and he's talking about the book of Deuteronomy-- "when you've
23:44 crossed over, that you may enter the land which the Lord your God
23:47 is giving you, 'in a land flowing with milk and honey,'
23:50 just as the Lord God your God, the God of your fathers
23:54 promised you.
23:55 Therefore, it shall be when you have crossed over the Jordan on
23:58 that Mount Ebal, you shall set up these stones that I command
24:02 you today, and you'll whitewash them with lime."
24:05 They basically had a form of primitive concrete back then,
24:08 and they were going to mix that up.
24:10 You know, they've been builders in Egypt.
24:12 They knew the best technology-- "whitewash them with lime, and
24:15 there you shall build an altar to the Lord your God,
24:17 an altar of stones.
24:19 You'll not use an iron tool on them."
24:20 Don't make any image.
24:22 "You shall build them with whole stones the altar of
24:24 the Lord your God.
24:25 Offer burnt offerings on it to the Lord your God.
24:28 You'll offer peace offerings, and shall eat there, and rejoice
24:31 before the Lord your God."
24:32 Notice verse 8, "And you shall write very plainly on the stones
24:38 all the words of this law."
24:41 There in the middle of the land, the Mount Ebal, the opposite on
24:44 the Mount--what are the two mountains of blessing
24:47 and cursing?
24:50 Is it--okay, blank, brain cramp, it'll come back.
24:57 On these two mountains--they had the mountain of blessing, which
24:59 is where they put the stones, and then they had the other
25:01 mountain where the people would stand.
25:05 And they were to put these stones and write on--can you
25:09 imagine being the guy, and they say, "We need a scribe."
25:12 "Okay."
25:13 "And we want you to write out the book of Deuteronomy
25:16 in stone."
25:19 Like I said, it takes two and a half hours, but this was
25:22 so important.
25:23 They wanted to have a big wall, and on this wall the
25:27 constitution of their covenant with the Lord in the middle of
25:30 the Promised Land.
25:31 I think that's very significant.
25:33 Something else I want you to notice.
25:34 Go to Deuteronomy chapter 17, verse 18.
25:38 Moses is giving some instructions.
25:39 Deuteronomy 17, verse 18, "Also it shall be that when he, the
25:46 king that you've chosen--" see, back in the book of Samuel, when
25:49 the people asked for a king, and Samuel said, "You know, God is
25:53 your King," God always knew they would ultimately do that because
25:55 he gives a law here about it.
25:57 He says, "When you pick a king from among your people," it
26:01 says, "and he sits on the throne of the kingdom, he shall write
26:05 for himself a copy of this law in a book, from before one of
26:12 the priests in the Levites.
26:14 And it shall be with him, and he shall read it all the days of
26:19 his life, that he might learn to fear the Lord his God and be
26:22 careful to observe all the words of this law
26:25 and these statutes--"
26:27 now, how many of you remember the story where the
26:30 priests were cleaning out the temple of the Lord during
26:33 the time of Josiah?
26:35 And it says, "We found the book."
26:37 You know what book they found?
26:40 They found the book of the law that was supposed to be read
26:42 before the king, and Hilkiah the priest found it.
26:46 He went in and said, "We have found the book of the law."
26:48 He reads it to King Josiah, who weeps and tears his clothes.
26:52 He thought, "If I'd only had this before."
26:55 So you find that the Book of Deuteronomy was to sort of be
26:58 a constitution for them.
27:00 It was in the middle of the land.
27:02 It was supposed to be read before the king, and now to top
27:05 things off, you go to the New Testament.
27:08 In the temptation of Christ in the wilderness, you read in
27:12 Matthew chapter 4, devil comes, and he says, "If you're the Son
27:15 of God, turn these stones into bread."
27:18 Christ responds, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread
27:24 alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth
27:27 of the Lord.'"
27:29 What book was Jesus quoting?
27:31 Deuteronomy.
27:33 Well, the devil goes for strike two, and he says--the devil then
27:39 tempts Him, and he leads Him up to the temple, and he says, "If
27:43 You're the Son of God, jump off, for it is written,
27:46 'His angels will bear--'"
27:47 and he's quoting Psalm 91 or misquoting Psalm 91.
27:50 "They'll bear You in Your hands lest You dash your foot
27:52 against a stone."
27:54 And he leaves out the part that says, "And keeps You
27:56 in all Your ways."
27:59 And Jesus says, "It is written," Matthew 4:7, "You shall not
28:03 tempt the Lord your God."
28:06 And then the devil says, "Bow down and worship me, and I'll
28:10 give You all these kingdoms.
28:11 You don't need to die."
28:13 And Jesus says, "Away with you, Satan, for it is written, 'You
28:17 shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve.'"
28:20 Now, all three times Jesus was tempted,
28:23 He returned to Scripture.
28:25 What Scripture did He return to?
28:28 Deuteronomy 8:3, "So He humbled you and allowed you to hunger
28:32 and thirst--hunger, and He fed you with manna that you did not
28:36 know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that
28:39 man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that
28:42 proceeds from the mouth of God."
28:44 That's Deuteronomy.
28:46 You read Deuteronomy 6:16, "You shall not tempt the Lord your
28:50 God as you tempted Him in Massah."
28:53 You read in Deuteronomy 6:13-14, "You shall fear the name of the
28:58 Lord your God and serve Him, and take oaths in His name.
29:02 You shall not go after other gods--" that's why Jesus said,
29:05 "You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only
29:07 shall you serve."
29:08 All three times Jesus was tempted, what book
29:11 does he resort to?
29:13 Deuteronomy.
29:14 Now, I could be wrong, but I think it's safe to say Jesus had
29:18 probably memorized this book, and so I just kind of want to
29:21 give you a little backdrop.
29:23 As you start studying the book of Deuteronomy, you're studying
29:26 basically the foundation document of the Old Testament.
29:30 Now, you can read in Deuteronomy 31--actually, I want to go to
29:35 Deuteronomy verse 30.
29:37 Deuteronomy is a book of prophecy.
29:40 I don't know if you've ever thought of it that way, but it's
29:43 not just a history book, it's a prophetic book.
29:47 For example, Deuteronomy 30:1-3, "Now it will come to pass, when
29:51 all these things come upon you, the blessings and the cursing--"
29:54 you can read about that in Deuteronomy 28-- "which I've set
29:57 before you, and you call them to mind among all the nations where
30:00 the Lord your God drives you, and you return to the Lord your
30:03 God and obey His voice, according to all that I command
30:06 you today, you and your children, with all of your
30:10 heart, with all of your soul, the Lord God will bring you back
30:13 from captivity, and have compassion on you, and gather
30:16 you again from all the nations where the Lord your God
30:20 has scattered you."
30:21 Well, what's in here?
30:23 Moses is saying, "You're going to play the harlot with
30:25 other gods.
30:27 You're going to be conquered.
30:28 You're going to be carried off to captivity.
30:30 When you return to Me in your land of captivity and you pray
30:32 to Me, I will forgive you, and I'll bring you back, not just
30:35 from the nation but from all of the nations."
30:38 Now, did God do that?
30:41 Did that all happen?
30:43 Anyone that knows a modicum of history knows how Israel has
30:46 been carried off twice now, not only scattered and carried off
30:49 by the Babylonians, but then conquered by the Romans and
30:52 scattered in many nations and brought back again.
30:55 And so Moses, of course, was a prophet.
30:58 Nobody will contest that.
31:00 You look in Deuteronomy 31, verse 16, "And the Lord said to
31:05 Moses, 'Behold, you will rest with your fathers, and this
31:09 people will rise up and play the harlot with the gods of
31:12 foreigners of the land, which they go to be among them, and
31:15 they'll forsake Me and break My covenant that I've
31:18 made with them."
31:19 I wonder, you know, "God, why did you tell that to Moses
31:22 just before he died?
31:23 But, anyway, God said this was what's going to happen.
31:27 Also one of the most vivid prophecies of Jesus is found
31:31 in the Book of Deuteronomy.
31:33 Look in Deuteronomy 18, verse 15, "The Lord your God will
31:37 raise up for you a Prophet like me from your midst,
31:41 from your brethren.
31:42 Him you shall hear, according to all that you desired of the Lord
31:46 your God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, 'Let us
31:50 not hear again the voice of the Lord God anymore.
31:52 Let us not see this great fire anymore, lest we die.'
31:57 And the Lord said to me, 'What they have spoken is good.
32:00 I will raise up for them a Prophet--'" in other words, God
32:03 was saying--they were saying to the Lord, "We can't bear to talk
32:07 to you face-to-face after Mount Sinai."
32:10 God says, "I will give you a Mediator.
32:12 I'll speak to Him, and He will speak to you."
32:15 Jesus is the ultimate Mediator in that God became a man.
32:19 He says, "The Lord God will raise up a prophet
32:21 for you like me."
32:22 Moses the prophet, the priest, the lawgiver, the judge.
32:27 Jesus is our prophet, our priest, our lawgiver, our judge.
32:31 Moses was the savior born, you know, there in interesting
32:35 circumstances as a baby.
32:38 Born among the slaves, but he was not a slave.
32:40 Jesus was born among sinners, but He was not a sinner.
32:43 There are many, many ways where Jesus is a type of Moses.
32:46 And the disciples, many times, when they spoke to Jesus--or
32:52 John the Baptist, they said, "Are you Elijah?"
32:55 This is Mark 6:15.
32:57 "Are you Elijah?"
32:59 He said, "Or are you the prophet?"
33:02 They used to say, "Are you that prophet that we're looking for?"
33:06 They didn't have a name for him, but they heard that Elijah was
33:09 coming back, but there was this enigmatic prophet that Moses
33:13 talked about that was nameless.
33:15 So they always called him "that prophet."
33:18 And so they knew this great prophet like Moses was coming.
33:23 All right, that was my introduction.
33:26 I hope it was edifying.
33:27 As I teach other lessons along the way, I'll be able to delve
33:32 into some more.
33:34 Now let's go to the first section under Sunday,
33:37 "Love to be Loved."
33:40 The word "love" is found 25 times in the book of
33:42 Deuteronomy.
33:44 People often say to me, "Oh, the Old Testament is all law,
33:48 law, law.
33:49 Jesus is love, love, love."
33:51 But, in fact, there's a lot of love in the Old Testament.
33:54 I don't know if I'll have time to read them all, but you read
33:56 in Deuteronomy 6, verse 4, "Hear, O Israel--" this is
34:00 called the great Mishnah-- "the Lord our God, the Lord is one.
34:05 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and your
34:08 soul and your strength."
34:09 That's the great commandment, Jesus said.
34:12 Deuteronomy 7, verse 8, "Because the Lord loves you, and because
34:16 He would keep his oath that He swore to your fathers, the Lord
34:20 has brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you
34:22 from the house of bondage--" not just talks about us loving God.
34:25 It says God loves us.
34:28 In Deuteronomy 7:13, "And He will love you and bless you and
34:32 multiply you.
34:34 He'll also bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your
34:36 grain--" he talks about God will love us.
34:39 And then Deuteronomy 30, this is the end of the book or near the
34:42 end: "That you may love the Lord your God and obey His voice--"
34:47 so the idea of loving God and keeping His commandments, do you
34:50 just find that in John chapter 14, or is Jesus actually quoting
34:55 the teachings of Moses?
34:58 "Love and obey God."
35:00 In fact, in the Ten Commandments, do you
35:02 find the word "love"?
35:06 Come on, that's not a hard question, yes.
35:10 "Showing mercy unto thousands of them that love Me and keep My
35:12 commandments."
35:14 And so love is the foundation, it's the heart of the law.
35:17 Now what is our problem?
35:21 Our problem is sin, what is sin?
35:24 Sin is selfishness.
35:27 You want to find an easy way to define "sin"?
35:29 Whenever I'm thinking sinful thoughts, I'm thinking selfish
35:31 thoughts.
35:33 Sin always springs from selfishness.
35:36 Our problem is God created us where if--God is love, right?
35:39 We all agree?
35:41 God made man in His image.
35:46 Man was made loving, and then, because of sin, the compass
35:51 needle, God skewed 180 degrees.
35:54 Instead of our thinking of loving God and loving others as
35:57 we love ourself, we love ourself first.
36:01 And because of that selfishness, every other sin flows from that.
36:05 So when we're praying for salvation, we're praying for
36:07 loving hearts.
36:09 What's the new birth?
36:11 "I'll put a new heart within you."
36:13 Instead of being motivated by selfishness,
36:15 we're motivated by love.
36:17 So where did this problem begin?
36:20 It's a perversion of love.
36:23 Instead of our being now in God's image, we took on the
36:26 image of a new master, Satan, who rebels, was the highest of
36:32 God's angels, and he began to think those selfish thoughts,
36:36 wondering why he was not God, why he did not have all the
36:39 power of God, and you can read about this in Isaiah 14, "How
36:44 you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning.
36:47 How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the
36:50 nations.
36:52 For you said in your heart--" something happened
36:53 in his heart-- "I'll ascend into heaven.
36:56 I will exalt my throne--I want my glory--above the stars
37:00 of God.
37:01 I'll also sit on the mount of the congregation, the heavenly
37:04 throne, on the farthest sides of the north.
37:07 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds--" maybe nebula
37:10 clouds-- "I'll be like the Most High."
37:13 So Satan was desiring the place of God, "I, I, I, I, I."
37:18 And God is about love, love, love.
37:21 And so God created a beautiful angel that of his own free will
37:25 chose to not live for the glory of God but to decide to live
37:28 for his own glory.
37:30 And we've all been contaminated with that selfishness
37:33 and that sin.
37:35 During worship at "Amazing Facts" this week, I asked the
37:37 question, "If you see a group photograph, and you're in the
37:39 group, where do you first look?"
37:43 If you're honest, do you say, "Oh, so-and-so looks really
37:46 good, and they look really--" first thing you do is you go
37:49 over that picture, and you look for yourself.
37:52 It's because we've got a broken compass needle, and it always
37:55 points to self.
37:57 So, of course, there was a war in heaven.
38:01 We're leading up to Deuteronomy now.
38:03 There was a rebellion. Satan was cast to the earth.
38:05 This earth now has taken on a different master, and
38:10 Satan--even Jesus calls the devil, "the prince
38:13 of this world."
38:15 That's why Satan said, "I'll give it back to You.
38:16 You don't have to die if You worship me."
38:18 So Christ came to redeem the world in a legitimate way by
38:22 paying the price for our sin and transforming our hearts,
38:26 re-creating us in His own image.
38:30 That's the new birth, where God then gives us, once again,
38:33 His own mind.
38:35 The mind of Christ is in us.
38:37 Well, following--you get the fall of the human race.
38:41 Now we've got the fall and the flood.
38:43 So God creates man.
38:46 Satan there, in the Garden of Eden, he tempts Adam and Eve to
38:49 surrender their freedom.
38:52 The Bible says in Romans 6, "Whoever you obey, that's whose
38:54 servant you are, whoever you obey."
38:57 And when they chose to obey what the devil said, instead of what
39:00 God said, they surrendered the dominion that God had given them
39:04 of this world, to the arch deceiver, and the devil and his
39:08 angels were ultimately restricted to this planet.
39:11 Prior to this, I think that they roamed through the cosmos and
39:13 tried to get other worlds to follow them.
39:16 Satan had gotten one-third of the angels.
39:18 He thought he might get another, maybe, unfallen intelligent
39:20 beings, but there were none except this beautiful new planet
39:24 where people were made in God's image, and Satan took this as
39:28 his headquarters.
39:29 This is now the beachhead where Satan is carrying out the great
39:32 controversy on this planet.
39:34 You can see what happened to the world in the days of Noah, when
39:39 the sons of God, children of Seth, who still worshiped God,
39:44 they stayed separate from his brother Cain and their
39:48 descendants, who were living purely selfish,
39:51 hedonistic lives.
39:53 When the children of Seth, in their shopping at the mall, they
39:56 saw the daughters of men, the daughters of Cain,
39:59 that they were fair.
40:00 The distinction was lost because the sons of God began to
40:04 intermarry with the daughters of men.
40:05 Some people think this is talking about aliens or angels
40:09 marrying with humans, and they're just totally missing
40:12 the language in the Bible.
40:13 Bible says--what?
40:15 "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us that
40:18 we should be called sons of God."
40:20 When we are saved, the Bible calls us "sons and daughters
40:22 of God."
40:24 It is used for angels in other places, but it's used
40:25 for people.
40:27 So these are the children of Seth, intermarried with the
40:29 children of Cain.
40:31 They lost their spiritual holiness and identity, and then
40:35 it says, "The thoughts of men's hearts were only
40:38 evil continually.
40:39 Violence filled the world."
40:41 God then declared something that's heartbreaking.
40:43 It made God sorry that he made man, and he said, "I'm going to
40:47 wipe them all out."
40:49 But he said, "I love them, so I'll save a remnant, and from
40:53 them, I'll repopulate the world, and we'll try it again."
40:58 So you got the story of Noah and that he finds grace in the Lord.
41:04 Well, not too long after Noah, he discovers wine, and we have
41:08 problems again.
41:10 And then you got the Tower of Babel, and they sort of try and
41:12 develop a man-made religion on the earth, salvation by works.
41:17 "In case God floods the world, we'll build a tower to heaven."
41:20 And God confounds that and scatters them.
41:23 Well, then God says, "I'm going to call another remnant," and he
41:27 finds a faithful man, a man that he believes has a heart after
41:30 his heart.
41:32 His name is Abraham.
41:35 And that's in section three.
41:37 And God says in Genesis 12:1, "The Lord says to Abram--" his
41:42 name isn't Abraham yet-- "Get out of your country, from your
41:47 family, and from your father's house, to a land that I will
41:50 show you, and I will make you a great nation.
41:55 I will bless you and make your name great,
41:57 and you shall be a blessing.
41:59 And I'll bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who
42:01 curses you, and in you all the families of the earth
42:05 will be blessed."
42:07 And He's talking about bless with the ultimate blessing.
42:09 Now, what is the ultimate blessing?
42:12 God, through Abraham, God the Son would come, and Jesus would
42:18 be born, the Messiah.
42:20 And through Jesus, salvation would come, not just through one
42:23 race of people, but to all people whosoever will.
42:27 All the nations of the world would be blessed through Christ.
42:30 It's amazing that the disciples did not understand until A.D.
42:35 34, that the Gospel was not just for Jews, but Jesus was meant to
42:39 save everybody because it's even in the Old Testament.
42:43 So you read in Galatians chapter 3, verse 7--I know I'm bouncing
42:46 around, trying to cover as much of this as I can.
42:50 "Therefore know that only those who are sons of Abraham--" I'll
42:55 say that again: "Therefore know that only those who are sons of
42:59 faith are sons of Abraham.
43:02 And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the
43:05 Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand,
43:09 saying, 'In you all the nations will be blessed.'
43:13 So then those who are of faith are blessed
43:16 with believing Abraham."
43:19 Now, Jesus made it pretty clear, John the Baptist made it clear,
43:24 "Think not to say unto yourself that we are children of Abraham,
43:27 so God has to save us."
43:29 And it's a tragedy when I encounter people--you know, I've
43:33 got a Jewish family.
43:34 Many of them are indifferent about looking for God.
43:37 They think they've got a one-way ticket to heaven
43:39 because they're Jewish.
43:41 I don't know any other way to say it.
43:42 They're very secular, but they think, "We're the chosen people,
43:45 and God's going to save us.
43:47 And our ancestors suffered so much, that we kind of go to
43:50 heaven without passing 'Go.'"
43:52 And it's really sad because the Bible is clear, Jesus said to
43:57 the religious leaders, "You're not sons of Abraham.
44:00 You're sons of your father the devil."
44:04 Children do the works of their parents, and the Bible says,
44:08 "Many will come from the east and west and sit down in the
44:11 kingdom with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the children of the
44:14 kingdom--" meaning the natural children of the kingdom--
44:17 "will be in outer darkness where there is weeping
44:19 and gnashing of teeth."
44:21 You and I can learn from that also because don't think to say
44:23 to yourself, "Wow, I've been in this church
44:24 for four generations."
44:26 You ever heard anyone brag about how many generations their
44:27 family's been in the church?
44:29 Huh?
44:30 Do you get extra credit for that?
44:33 No, God has no grandchildren.
44:36 Everybody must be born again.
44:39 You must be a child of God yourself.
44:41 You can't say, "Well, my dad was a preacher," and that's somehow
44:44 going to give you extra points.
44:46 It doesn't work that way.
44:48 Bible tells us that "They that believe are
44:53 the children of Abraham.
44:55 He is not a Jew which is one outwardly in the flesh, he is a
44:59 Jew which is one inwardly."
45:02 And, you know, every Jew or Gentile can be saved, but we
45:06 must all be grafted into the stock of Christ, and so this is
45:10 one of the very important teachings that we encounter.
45:13 So, the Lord saved the nation of Israel, he called Abraham, he
45:17 put him strategically in the land specifically for the
45:21 purpose of being the crossroads to the world.
45:26 I mean, you know, God couldn't put them everywhere all at once,
45:28 so he picked this humble nation, started with, wasn't a nation,
45:31 family, picked a man with no children, says,
45:35 "I'm gonna give you this land.
45:37 This land is at the intersection of Africa, Asia, and Europe,
45:42 it's a bridge," they had no airplanes back then.
45:45 And when Jesus comes to that land and the gospel explodes at
45:49 Pentecost, it's gonna be on the road--the Roman roads that had
45:53 been built that are gonna take the gospel quickly to the world
45:57 and ultimately over the oceans to every corner of the planet.
46:02 And then let me jump--I've got a couple of sections left and just
46:07 a few minutes, so let me jump over here.
46:11 And then you can hear the covenant is repeated at Sinai,
46:14 now, keep in mind, Deuteronomy covers the period from the
46:18 Exodus, it doesn't start with Genesis.
46:20 Deuteronomy covers the period following the Exodus up to the
46:25 death of Moses 40 years later, and then of course there are
46:28 prophecies about what they could expect in the future.
46:31 So, the covenant he talks about, Deuteronomy 4, he reminds them
46:35 of the repeating of the covenant at Sinai.
46:38 "Or did God every try to go and take for himself a nation from
46:42 the midst of another nation?
46:44 By trials and by signs and by wonders, by war, by a mighty
46:48 hand and an oustretched arm, by great terrors according to all
46:52 the Lord your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes."
46:55 He said, this has never happened in history before, never
46:57 happened since.
47:00 "To you it was shown that you might know that the Lord himself
47:04 is God, and there is none other besides him."
47:08 He wanted to emphasize that to him, because all the other
47:11 surrounding nations both in Egypt and when they would
47:15 ultimately go to Canaan, they believed in multiple
47:17 different gods.
47:19 Some nations had many gods like the Greeks, some had, you know,
47:23 one or two pagan gods that they worship, and he said, "Don't
47:27 forget, there's one God, he made everything, he's not just the
47:31 god of the rivers or the oceans or the birds or different
47:34 things, he's the God that made everything."
47:37 So, Moses wanted to emphasize that on them.
47:40 He said, "You see what I did to the Egyptians," and this is
47:44 under the section "Apostacy and Punishment.
47:47 He reminds them, "Don't turn from God, it doesn't end well,
47:52 there is justice with God."
47:55 You know, Paul talks about, "Behold the mercy and severity
48:00 of God," we see both, you can't really have one
48:03 without the other.
48:05 "You've seen what I did to the Egyptians and how I bore you on
48:08 eagle's wings, and I brought you to myself.
48:12 Now therefore if indeed you will obey my voice and keep my
48:15 covenant, then you will be a special treasure to me above all
48:20 people, for all the earth is mine, not just
48:24 the Promised Land."
48:25 So, God is calling his people to keep him as supreme
48:30 in their lives.
48:32 He says, "Obey me, if you love me, keep my commandments," and
48:35 Jesus is pretty clear, Matthew 5:19, "Whosoever therefore will
48:39 break one of the least of these commandments," he's talking
48:42 about the law and the prophets that Moses wrote, "and teach men
48:45 so, he will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but
48:49 whoever does them and teaches them will be called great."
48:52 Some people think that Jesus came to do away the law of
48:54 Moses, did he do that?
48:57 Did Jesus come to do away the law of Moses?
49:01 He said, "Think not that I have come to do away with the law and
49:06 the prophets, I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill."
49:11 Now, we all understand that there was a big transference,
49:14 that a lot of the ceremonial laws, Christ then fulfilled
49:16 those, but the idea that, you know, the principles of the
49:20 covenant, the foundation, and what was the foundation for the
49:23 covenant, written in stone, it's the Ten Commandments.
49:26 Jesus said, "Don't think that," and yet how many of you have
49:29 heard Christian leaders say, oh, it doesn't matter.
49:32 Isn't that sad?
49:34 Well, we are out of time, and I wanna remind our friends that
49:38 may be watching that we do have a gift book that will enhance
49:42 your study today, "Does God's Grace Blot Out the Law?"
49:46 by my predecessor, great book, we've never changed it because
49:48 it's just a great book.
49:50 It's by Joe Crews, and you can have this by calling
49:54 866-788-3966, and that would be 866-Study-More,
50:00 ask for offer number 715.
50:03 Well, God bless you friends,
50:05 and we look forward to studying his Word with you
50:07 again next week.
50:11 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's life changing
50:14 free resource.
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50:34 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
50:38 "Amazing Facts" wherever and whenever you want,
50:41 and most important to share it with others.
50:50 announcer: "Amazing Facts" changed lives.
50:57 male speaker 1: I met my ex-wife, and her family were
51:00 real big into drugs, and it started out with them wanting me
51:03 to go to the doctor to help get them drugs, and, you know, I'm
51:07 noticing, they're going to the doctor, they're coming back
51:09 with, like, 60 pills, and they're selling these pills for,
51:12 like, $1,000, and I'm thinking, wow, this is a lot of money I'm
51:16 giving these people, so I'm just gonna start selling it myself.
51:20 My problem with that was that we had all this money, but we was
51:24 absolutely miserable.
51:26 She would go out and sleep with other guys to get drugs, and
51:30 that ended my marriage, but during this time I have to get a
51:33 job to build back up to where I was at to open my shop again, so
51:37 I get a job at Food City, and when I get this job at Food
51:40 City, there's my wife now, Rebecca, she's a cashier there,
51:45 and when I walk in, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever
51:48 seen in my life.
51:50 I was like, man, I could never have a girl like that, wow,
51:53 she's so beautiful.
51:54 But as I'm working with her, she's actually kind of mean to
51:57 me, and she's saying, "I don't want anything to do with you,
52:01 get away from me," but, you know, I just keeping nice to
52:05 her, and I keep trying to give her my phone number, and it's
52:09 around Christmas Eve, we'd just been dating for a little while
52:12 and moved in together, my ex-wife shows up with my three
52:16 children that I had by her, and she's like, "Here's your kids,
52:20 here's their birth certificates, here's their social security
52:22 cards, I'm done."
52:24 And we were starting a family, we have, already have
52:26 three kids.
52:28 During this time, we spent the next year watching nothing but
52:31 "Amazing Facts" on YouTube.
52:33 I didn't even know they even had a website at this time, I just
52:35 knew that this little guy on YouTube was super smart, was
52:39 teaching Bible, and I wanted to follow him, I wanted to be a
52:43 Christian, I gave my life to God now because of these truths that
52:46 I'm learning from Doug Batchelor.
52:49 Just because Doug taught it didn't make me real sure about
52:51 going to this church, I really didn't want anything to do with
52:54 it, but I call the guy up, and I'm telling him, and I'm not
52:58 very nice about it, actually, I'm telling him, "Look, we was
53:01 thinking about coming to your church," and he's really nice,
53:04 and he's like, "Well, you're more than welcome to, we'd like
53:07 to have you come."
53:08 And I'm like, "Well, hold on, I'm gonna lay down some
53:10 ground rules."
53:11 I'm telling him, I said, "Look here, I'm covered in tattoos,
53:14 and I'm a tattoo artist, and he don't say, well, you know, wow,
53:18 I didn't know all that, don't come to my church, he says,
53:20 "You're more than welcome, we would love to have you,
53:23 please come."
53:26 He asked me what I wanna do, and I said,
53:27 "Well, I want to preach."
53:29 I said, "I have all these truths, I have all this
53:32 knowledge, stuff I'd never known before, stuff, if I'd have had
53:35 when I was younger, that would've been life
53:37 changing to me."
53:39 I said, "I got to share this with the world."
53:41 I said, "I wanna preach, I wanna teach," he gives me the Book,
53:45 says, "Study that."
53:46 Well, now that I'm a Bible worker, I'm able to go reach
53:48 people that most of the normal churches wouldn't even bother
53:52 to even speak to.
53:54 I'm able to out and reach to people to who have lived the
53:57 life that I've lived, I'm able to let them know that I am like
54:01 you, I've been there, I've done that.
54:04 I wanna show you what my life is like now, I wanna teach you this
54:08 Bible, I wanna show you what Jesus can do for you,
54:11 it's not too late.
54:15 ♪♪♪
54:32 Andrew: When I was eight years old,
54:34 I brought home a 5 foot rattlesnake, and it's gone
54:37 downhill ever since.
54:38 Rattlesnakes, sharks, cliff diving, free diving.
54:42 I wouldn't call myself an adrenaline junkie, I just
54:44 realize that the closest that I've ever been to being alive is
54:48 when I'm so close to death.
54:50 I was raised in the northern mountains of Mexico.
54:54 I learned English because there was missionary groups that were
54:56 coming from Colorado and then going to the northern mountains
54:59 of Mexico, and they were all changed, in these short term
55:03 mission trips, and they had these unbelievable experiences
55:06 and their close encounters with God, and I would share their
55:10 testimony.
55:11 I'd translate for them, and I was jealous, I was jealous
55:15 because I didn't have a testimony, I didn't have
55:19 something like that, I didn't have that life changing
55:21 experience, that close encounter with God.
55:25 I knew he was there, I just--I couldn't understand him, and I
55:30 didn't really want anything to do with him, and part of me
55:34 wanted him not to want anything to do with me.
55:37 I felt like I was unworthy of God's love.
55:41 I left Mexico to come to college.
55:46 Once I got to college, I realized how expensive college
55:48 was, and so in order to pay for college I became a commercial
55:53 salmon fisherman in Alaska, and the first time that I stepped on
55:57 a boat, I knew I was gonna be a fisherman for the rest
55:59 of my life.
56:01 I met this man in Tennessee in one of the rivers, and I found
56:05 out that he had an orphanage in Honduras.
56:08 And he said, you know, "You can come down to Honduras, you can
56:10 help us put a support video together."
56:13 And, you know, it's like, "Maybe you can get some
56:15 college credits out of it."
56:17 I said, "You know, that would be great, I would do that, I would
56:19 love to do that."
56:20 And so, I flew down to Honduras, and one of the conversations
56:23 that we had during dinner, we were talking about this and
56:27 that, and somehow I brought up rapture, and they said, "Well,
56:30 find us a place in Scripture where it talks about rapture,"
56:34 and I said, "It's all over the Bible," and they said, "Is it,
56:37 really though?"
56:38 So, they gave me a DVD that said "Amazing Facts," and I remember
56:41 coming back to America and I started watching, and it said,
56:45 "Amazing Facts" presents, and Doug Batchelor started talking.
56:49 One of the things that he said is that the word rapture wasn't
56:52 in Scripture, and that was the first time that I actually heard
56:56 Pastor Batchelor speak.
56:58 And then I run into YouTube, a video series called, "Prophecy
57:04 Code," and I said, "Oh, this is gonna be good, sweet," but it
57:09 was just torture, because everything I knew was just
57:13 getting tossed out the window.
57:15 He was just using Scripture after Scripture to take away
57:20 everything and all--everything that I thought was normal and
57:23 everything that I knew about the Book of Apocalipsis.
57:28 Ever since I've learned Scriptural truth and I've seen
57:30 the light, I feel like there's been a fire rekindled in my
57:34 heart, and I have this knowledge that I wanna share with people.
57:39 It brings me peace, and I think that it does that for other
57:43 people we've managed to share with.
57:47 My name is Andrew, I am a fisherman and a dreamer, I want
57:51 to thank you for changing my life.
57:57 ♪♪♪
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58:21 ♪♪♪


Revised 2021-09-29