Sabbath School Study Hour

The Roots of Restlessness

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022129S

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00:35 Luccas Rodor: Hi, friends.
00:36 Welcome to our "Sabbath School Study Hour," where we will be
00:38 studying the Sabbath School lesson.
00:41 I'm so excited.
00:43 For our study today, we have a really good,
00:45 a really deep biblical study.
00:47 And I'd like to welcome all of you watching here
00:49 from our local community.
00:50 I'd like to welcome everyone that's watching online.
00:53 I know that maybe some of you are in different time zones,
00:57 and so we truly appreciate you investing this time
00:59 in studying God's Word.
01:01 This week, we will be studying from our quarterly, our new
01:04 Sabbath School quarterly, which is "Rest In Christ."
01:07 It is so important for us to learn how to rest in Jesus and
01:11 to find the true rest that he provides.
01:13 This week's lesson will be--the title of this week's lesson is
01:17 "The Roots of Restlessness," and I will be leading out today,
01:21 so I'm excited about that.
01:22 But before we actually get into the lesson, I'd like to invite
01:25 you to take advantage of our free offer.
01:28 This week's offer is called "The Surrender Of Self."
01:31 And so, if you're within the continental North America and
01:34 you'd like a physical copy of this free offer, then you can
01:38 call 866-788-3966 and you could ask for offer number 1-5-3.
01:46 However, if you'd like a digital download, then you could go to
01:50, or again, if you're in the U.S., you could
01:56 text S-H-0-8-7 to the number 4-0-5-4-4, and we'd be more than
02:02 happy to send you a digital download of this free offer.
02:08 Luccas: Let's say a Word of prayer before we begin.
02:11 "Dear Lord, thank you so much for this beautiful day.
02:14 Thank you for your love, your kindness.
02:17 Thank you for your mercy.
02:19 And thank you for helping us uproot the roots of restlessness
02:22 in our lives.
02:24 Lord, there's so much for us to learn with our study today.
02:27 I ask you to just speak through the speaker.
02:32 I ask the words that come out to be the words from heaven.
02:35 And I ask you to allow us to learn from you, Lord, how to do
02:40 this uprooting that sometimes is so difficult for us even to
02:43 perceive in our lives.
02:46 Bless everyone here, everyone that's watching online, and
02:48 everyone that will watch this later on, Father.
02:51 Allow it to be a blessing.
02:53 I ask this in Jesus's name.
02:54 Amen."
02:57 Well, studying this week's lesson was truly a blessing
03:01 because the topics that are mentioned, the topics that are
03:05 included, are topics that are so obvious.
03:11 But what I've come to understand and what I've have come to
03:13 learn, is that usually things that seem to be obvious, we kind
03:18 of forget them, right, we kind of cast them aside because it's
03:21 so obvious, it's so easy, and so we just kind of
03:24 cast it aside sometimes.
03:25 We don't really consider it.
03:27 But in the end, these things are the things that we'll come
03:30 to think that, "Wow.
03:32 Maybe, I should have paid more attention to that."
03:34 So I'm really excited and interested about
03:37 the topics this week.
03:38 There are several smaller topics.
03:41 The memory verse comes from James 3:16, that says,
03:44 "For where envy and self-seeking exists, confusion and every
03:48 evil thing are there."
03:51 Now, even on a superficial observation of this quarter's
03:57 lesson title, and not to mention, you know, the really
04:00 diving deep into each individual lesson, each of the individual
04:04 13 themes that cover the development of the lesson this
04:07 quarter, allows us to perceive that this quarter's lesson, this
04:13 quarter's lesson is about one of the most central, important,
04:20 vital aspects of what we learn in the Bible,
04:24 which is rest in Christ, right?
04:25 Rest in Jesus.
04:27 That is one of the most important things that any
04:28 Christian needs to learn about and needs
04:30 to implement in their life, how to rest in Jesus.
04:34 How do we do that?
04:36 In this modern era of unending hurry, tight schedules,
04:41 generalized activism, people are running to and fro, people have
04:45 schedules that go on and on.
04:47 I was showing, I don't know how this happened, but I was
04:50 scheduling some kind of meeting the other day with someone here
04:52 from church, one of the young adults.
04:54 And I pulled out my phone to check my schedule and I didn't
04:57 even think twice of it.
04:59 I, you know, just opened it on my calendar, and they let out
05:01 this long whistle.
05:03 Because the thing is, that in my calendar, I don't only have my
05:05 schedule, but I also have the church schedule.
05:09 Right?
05:10 We have a whole church calendar.
05:12 And so it's littered with different events and different
05:13 things going on.
05:15 Not that all of them are unnecessarily mine but it just
05:16 looks so--like so much stuff.
05:18 And they're like, "That's what you got to do?"
05:20 And you know, and so I said, "Yeah, that's what I got to do."
05:22 And they're like, "Wow, man. You're busy."
05:24 And then I told them, "Well, not all of this is mine, you know.
05:26 But it just seems as though more and more, we have less
05:29 and less time.
05:31 The reality is that we have the same time.
05:32 Everyone has the same amount of time allotted to them, but for
05:35 some people it just seems as though 24 hours in a day
05:37 is not enough.
05:39 Have you ever felt like that?
05:40 Like the 24 hours that you have is not enough.
05:43 Right? Every day.
05:44 And so, in this era that we're living in, in which these 24
05:47 hours don't seem enough, the feverish commitment to
05:51 apparently unpostponable duties, that has a devastating effect
05:56 that suffocates us, that dismembers families and
05:59 relationships, skews our understanding of what is truly
06:03 important and the primordial in life.
06:06 Now friends, all of this defines the fact that we need rest.
06:10 Wouldn't you agree with me?
06:12 Don't we need rest?
06:14 And isn't the fact that we all agree with this, so
06:16 emphatically, isn't that at least worrisome?
06:19 We need rest.
06:21 We need rest.
06:22 But here's the thing, here's the caveat, the rest that we need is
06:27 a qualified rest.
06:29 It's not any kind of rest.
06:32 And this is one of those things that a lot of people get wrong
06:34 about the Sabbath.
06:35 Today isn't about the Sabbath per say.
06:39 And last quarter, we had a lesson just about the Sabbath,
06:43 and I think that I was the one that led out on that one.
06:45 But a lot of people misunderstand the concept of the
06:48 Sabbath when they think that the Sabbath is for them to sleep.
06:52 Well, I'm supposed to be resting, right?
06:53 So I'm just gonna spend the whole day sleeping.
06:55 That used to be my understanding when I was a teenager.
06:58 I just, you know, get home from church.
06:59 After lunch, I'd go straight to bed.
07:02 I'd sleep from like 2:00 until 8:00, until whatever sundown
07:05 was, and then I'll go to the gym, play basketball
07:07 with my friends.
07:08 And to me, I kept the Sabbath just fine.
07:10 I slept all day. I rested, right?
07:12 But friends, what we learned is that rest, the rest that
07:14 we need, the rest that is essential,
07:16 it's a qualified rest.
07:18 It's a specific kind of rest.
07:20 It's rest in Jesus.
07:22 Rest in Christ.
07:24 You know, business organizations, industries, they
07:27 recognize that their employees need rest.
07:29 That is something that is already recognized in the whole
07:32 psychology dynamic of a business.
07:34 Even work legislations around the world, force their
07:40 businesses and industries to allow their employees to rest.
07:44 People need rest. People need to stop.
07:46 People need vacation.
07:48 And sure enough, who hasn't taken a much needed vacation?
07:53 Who here hasn't?
07:55 Now, don't answer that because a few of you might even say,
07:57 "Well, I haven't taken vacation in ten years."
07:59 Oh well, then I don't know what you're doing with your time,
08:01 friend, or with your money, with the work that you're doing.
08:04 But, you know, a lot of us take this much needed rest.
08:07 And we go to, you know some tropical resorts, or some
08:09 peaceful mountains, or a lake, or a cottage or a cabin
08:13 somewhere.
08:15 Perhaps vacation in the Bahamas, or Florida, or parks or resorts.
08:18 A lot of people come to our beautiful state of California.
08:21 We have some very beautiful places here.
08:24 One of the things I love the most about moving here is that,
08:27 you know, 20, 30 minutes away, we have mountains, we have lakes
08:31 and hiking trails.
08:33 And right beside our house, we have a little trail.
08:34 And so, it's so beautiful to take part of that kind of rest.
08:40 However, a strange phenomenon occurs frequently where many
08:48 people end up, and see if you can relate to this, many people
08:51 end up needing vacation from their vacation.
08:54 Have you ever felt that?
08:56 People need vacation from vacation itself.
08:59 No, friends.
09:01 The rest that we truly need, the rest that we really need is
09:03 found in the freedom that we find only Jesus.
09:07 Only in Jesus, he who invites us to rest at his feet and to learn
09:11 from him.
09:13 If you read Matthew chapter 11, verse 28 through 30, we learn
09:17 from him how to reorganize our schedules, our priorities.
09:20 Our basic sick need really isn't of physical rest
09:24 or even mental rest.
09:26 And while those things are important, we know through the
09:29 Bible that our real need, our real necessity is deeper.
09:38 Our real need is that of spiritual rest.
09:41 Rest in God.
09:43 Seeking rest, and sophisticated and expensive resorts and
09:46 paradises, is many times frustrating, a frustrating
09:49 attempt equivalent to trying to cure stage IV cancer
09:52 with sedatives.
09:55 Our true need is of liberation, freedom from the burdens that
09:59 oppress, that asphyxiate, that suffocate and consumes us.
10:04 That's what we need.
10:05 Something or rather someone that is infinitely larger and that
10:12 infinitely surpasses the limits of whatever we can expect.
10:16 What are your expectations about your rest?
10:19 What do you imagine is ideal?
10:22 Trust me, Jesus can go beyond that.
10:26 Jesus does better.
10:28 He covers the costs.
10:31 The acceptance of rest that he offers us is the catalyst to
10:36 solving some of our major problems.
10:38 What are your problems?
10:40 What do you struggle with?
10:42 Stress.
10:44 We live in the era of stress, anxiety.
10:47 And I tell you this from personal experience, I'm a very
10:48 anxious person.
10:50 I'm one of those people that suffers beforehand by anxiety.
10:54 You know those people, that the thing is like a month away and
10:56 they're already worrying about it, they can't sleep about it,
10:59 they're rolling around in bed?
11:00 That's me.
11:01 And so, I'm preaching to the choir here when I say these
11:03 things because I need, I need that rest also.
11:07 But the thing is, is that sometimes we'll leave that only
11:09 for the end.
11:11 We'll try everything else.
11:12 We'll try vitamins, we'll try hormones, we'll try medicine,
11:15 we'll try sleep techniques, we'll go to sleep doctors, when
11:19 what you truly need is to learn how to rest in Christ, to lay at
11:23 his feet our problems, our anxieties, our worries.
11:27 And again, I'm preaching to the choir.
11:30 This isn't something that I've learned the secrets to just yet.
11:35 But that's also what the road of sanctification is.
11:38 It's where you learn gradually, slowly.
11:41 Some of us learn quicker.
11:43 Some of us take more time.
11:47 This week's lesson is all about the roots of our maladies, our
11:51 evils, which are the true obstacles and enemies of our
11:54 peace and of our rest in the first place.
11:56 And just like it is with any other problem in life,
12:01 recognizing it is part of the solution.
12:03 You need to recognize the problem, am I right?
12:06 For you to come to the solution for you, to find the answer to
12:09 your problems, you need to know that there is a problem.
12:12 And here, those who are truly understand their problem are
12:15 already partially cured.
12:18 So, you know--and here we go, and we dive into what this week
12:22 is actually talking about.
12:24 Not long ago, a popular TV religious commentator or speaker
12:28 trying to justify his new interpretation of the four
12:31 horsemen or the horses of Revelation, trying to
12:36 justify--here you're going to find a whole bunch of different
12:38 interpretations out there that aren't especially biblical or
12:42 sound theology.
12:44 But here trying to justify his opinion, that was that Jesus
12:47 never brings divisions or persecutions.
12:50 That was his final interpretation.
12:52 So those horses, whatever they mean, they don't mean
12:55 persecutions, or divisions or problems.
12:57 And when I heard that, immediately the thought is,
13:03 "Oh, has he read the gospels?
13:06 Has he read the New Testament?
13:08 Has he studied the history of that first church?"
13:13 Because certainly, and here I admit this: conflicts, problems,
13:17 persecutions, lack of harmony, that's not the intention or the
13:22 desire of Jesus for our planet or of acceptance of him.
13:27 It's certainly not what he wants, but these frequently end
13:30 up being the results of following Jesus.
13:35 And that's kind of a mystery until we actually dig into it.
13:40 Since there can't be no harmony between light and darkness,
13:44 between Jesus, between Christ and Belial, the division of
13:48 those who accept him and those who reject him,
13:51 that's inevitable.
13:53 There's no way around it.
13:54 That's the reality of the matter.
13:56 There will always be a disharmony between those that
13:59 are born the one time and those that are born again
14:03 the second time.
14:06 You have to accept that the acceptance
14:11 of Jesus is totalitarian.
14:14 There's no other way around this.
14:16 We are talking about a radical change in life
14:18 when we accept Jesus.
14:20 I what I mean about--what I mean here is that when you accept
14:24 Jesus, that involves and that affects the entirety
14:29 of your life.
14:30 It has to affect everything.
14:32 It affects every single aspect of your waking
14:34 and sleeping life.
14:37 Philosophy, dress code, diet, our general outlook on life, the
14:41 view of this planet in the midst of a great controversy, our
14:45 entertainments, our interests, our priorities.
14:48 We cannot escape the tension with those that continue in
14:52 their unaltered walk.
14:53 And make no mistake, that is also totalitarian commitment.
14:58 There is no halfhearted commitment in this life.
15:03 There is no halfway choice.
15:06 Choosing Jesus is a radical totalitarian decision, right?
15:12 But not choosing Jesus also is.
15:15 There's no escape.
15:18 You see, friends, Jesus, he's not just another influence
15:23 among many others.
15:25 But he is the dominating and governing influence
15:29 above all others.
15:30 And unless you understand this, unless not only you understand
15:34 but you accept, and internalize and you put into practice this
15:37 reality, you're going to be half living the Christian which means
15:41 the same as not a Christian at all, not a true disciple.
15:45 You might be a fan, you might be, you know,
15:48 a far-off follower, but not a disciple.
15:53 And it hurts to say this, because again,
15:54 this is all of us.
15:57 I'm not up here on this stage just preaching down to you
16:00 saying that this is something that only affects others,
16:02 not myself.
16:03 No, this is a difficulty that all of us on the road to heaven
16:06 have to go through because this decision involves everything.
16:13 Jesus himself said that in some circumstances our greatest
16:16 enemies would come from within our own families, our own
16:21 household, among those who we love the most and those that
16:23 love us the most, among those who accept him
16:27 and those who reject him.
16:28 And what that means is husbands against wives,
16:31 wives against husbands, children against their parents,
16:34 and parents against the children.
16:39 In the environment of school, of work,
16:43 we're also met by turbulence.
16:45 Sometimes, even persecutions.
16:47 I know many people who have had a hard time in their jobs or
16:50 even at school because of decisions that had to be made
16:55 because of their commitment to Christ.
16:57 In Brazil, not long ago, we--so in Brazil, we have this test for
17:03 you to get into high school--sorry, for you to get
17:06 into college, you have to go through this test.
17:08 I think it would be the equivalent or something around,
17:11 you know, the SATs or something like that.
17:13 And these tests nationwide used to be on the Sabbath, and it was
17:18 very difficult for Adventists or Sabbath keepers.
17:21 I remember that when I did it, I was one of the first batches of
17:25 them allowing--actually, I was in one of the first batches of
17:29 this test in general.
17:32 And those first few years, it was on Sunday and then they
17:34 switched it to Sabbath.
17:35 And by the time I was a youth pastor, I was already
17:38 ministering and teaching, chapelling to kids going
17:41 through, you know, that experience.
17:44 And I remember going with them to the school.
17:47 So they had these special schools where the kids will be
17:49 locked in all day from noon all the way up to sunset.
17:54 And this happens in the end of the year in South America where
17:58 that's summer.
18:00 End of the year in South American, southern hemisphere is
18:02 summer, and so the days are long.
18:04 And so I remember staying with them from, you know, noon, all
18:06 the way to 8:30 at nights where they could only sit on their
18:10 chair, on the desk.
18:11 They couldn't speak anything.
18:13 Some of these schools were more strict than others, and some
18:15 they could, you know, they could kind of socialize and all that.
18:17 But some of the schools didn't allow them to get up,
18:19 to talk to each other.
18:21 Either they had to sleep; they can even take a book to read.
18:25 A few years ago, we had a law in our national legislation where
18:29 they allowed this test to be switched over to Sunday, and
18:32 that was a great victory for the Sabbath keepers.
18:34 And they switched it because of religious freedom,
18:36 religious liberty.
18:38 And so, that was a great victory.
18:41 But there are many people who go through this experience
18:44 without that kind of victory.
18:49 So how do we understand these words coming from Jesus in
18:52 Matthew 10:34 through 39, where the Prince of peace, the Prince
18:57 of peace indicates that he came to bring the sword and fire to
19:01 the earth.
19:02 This text is certainly among the hard sayings of Jesus.
19:07 Read with me Matthew 10:34 through 39 says, "Do not think
19:10 that I came to bring peace on earth.
19:12 I did not come to bring peace but a sword.
19:15 For I have come to 'set a man against his father, and a
19:17 daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against
19:19 her mother-in-law; and a man's enemies will be those
19:21 of his own household.
19:23 He who loves father or mother more than me
19:25 is not worthy of me.
19:27 And he who loves son or daughter more than me
19:29 is not worthy of me.
19:31 And he who does not take his cross and follow after me
19:35 is not worthy of me.
19:36 And he who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his
19:40 life for my sake will find it."
19:45 When Jesus was born, didn't angels come to sing,
19:48 saying, "Peace.
19:50 Goodwill on earth?"
19:54 Why this then?
19:57 And what's was interesting is that while Jesus uses a
19:59 metaphorical word here in Matthew, the word "sword"
20:02 he uses a real word, a not metaphorical word in Matthew,
20:06 which is the word "division"--sorry, in Luke.
20:09 Luke 12:53, he uses the word "division."
20:11 And here you have a parallel in these two texts.
20:13 One says he came to bring the sword; the other, he came to
20:15 bring division.
20:16 But the meaning is the same.
20:18 The significance is the same.
20:20 And we first have to observe that one thing
20:23 here can be certain.
20:24 We can be certain of one thing.
20:26 Jesus never advocated for violence or for conflict.
20:29 Never.
20:31 In fact, he taught his followers to not offer retaliation when
20:34 attacked or mistreated.
20:36 That is Christ's way.
20:38 He is not advocating here for the sword or for violence.
20:41 Matthew 5:9 tells us, "Blessed are the peacemakers for they
20:44 shall be called the sons of God."
20:47 So what this means is that the God, our God, the God that we
20:50 worship, the biblical God is the God of peace, and that those who
20:54 follow him, reflect his character as peacemakers.
20:57 Aren't we called to become peacemakers?
21:00 During his last visit to Jerusalem before his death,
21:03 his message had to do with things that bring peace.
21:06 He cried because they rejected that peace.
21:10 The message proclaimed by the disciples, by his followers
21:13 after his departure, is called the gospel of peace.
21:18 Ephesians 6:13, the gospel of peace or 2 Corinthians 5:19,
21:23 the Word of reconciliation.
21:27 But when Jesus spoke of the tensions and conflicts within
21:30 the family, he was speaking, probably here
21:33 from personal experience.
21:35 We have several indications in the gospels that the members
21:38 from his family had no sympathy either for him or for his
21:41 ministry, at least initially.
21:45 When Jesus said that he didn't come to bring peace,
21:48 what did he mean?
21:52 The sword; division.
21:54 Friends, what he was truly, essentially saying is that that
21:58 was the effect of his coming but not the purpose.
22:04 That was the effect, not the purpose.
22:08 His words would come true in the life of the primitive church,
22:13 and subsequently, throughout the history of our church.
22:15 Look back on history.
22:18 How long have the true followers of God not been persecuted?
22:21 For how long prophetically?
22:23 How much time?
22:25 That's a long time.
22:27 Over a thousand years.
22:31 We see that reality playing through the life of the
22:33 primitive church where one or two members of a family or any
22:38 social group accept Jesus, they can expect one or another form
22:43 of discrimination or even persecution.
22:46 We know stories.
22:47 Personally, I know stories of people who, after accepting
22:50 Jesus, were renounced and denounced from their household,
22:55 needing to live then on streets or at the mercy of anyone that
22:59 took them in.
23:01 Paul experienced ruthlessness from his own group, his own
23:05 religious circle as a result of his conversion.
23:07 He knew that tensions would arise among husbands and wives
23:11 that embrace the faith and the other ones that remain
23:13 outside of it.
23:16 That is why he advised that if an unbelieving spouse, husband
23:20 or wife, was satisfied in continuing to live with the
23:24 other, the Christian spouse, it was fine.
23:27 The whole family could yet come to conversion.
23:29 We know that Paul give that counsel.
23:32 But what did he see if the spouse was unbelieving, and they
23:37 sought out divorce or separation to end the marriage?
23:42 He said that the Christian spouse should not stay by force
23:45 or seek legal action because, in his answer, his reasoning, is
23:50 because God has called us for peace or to peace.
23:53 That's in 1 Corinthians 7:12-16, if you want to study it
23:56 a little deeper.
23:58 Friends, the Jews accepted Jesus-- that accepted Jesus.
24:01 The Jews that accepted Jesus were expelled
24:04 from their synagogues.
24:06 That's a real thing right there.
24:09 And we really don't know--because look, if we're
24:11 ever kicked out of Granite Bay Hilltop, all right, if someone
24:13 comes along and someone doesn't like you or something like that,
24:16 if you're kicked out of here, if God forbid one day this becomes,
24:20 you know, nonbiblical, which we pray it never will--but let's
24:24 say a church becomes unbiblical and then you start preaching the
24:27 truth in there and they kick you out, well, I mean you can
24:29 just go to another church.
24:31 We have a plethora of churches.
24:32 We have churches, we have religious liberty.
24:33 But back then, being kicked out of the synagogue meant
24:36 or it equated perdition.
24:39 It was equal to being lost because salvation in the Jewish
24:43 culture was done together, collectively.
24:51 And so for them to be kicked out of the synagogue, that equated
24:54 them to be removed from their social connections,
24:58 their support system.
25:01 They were treated as publicans, tax collectors or even
25:04 Samaritans.
25:05 And so, friends, in the words of Matthew, Jesus was warning his
25:07 followers that a covenant with him could cause problems at
25:13 home, problems at work, perhaps even the expulsion from the
25:19 family and from their social connections.
25:24 This way, it was good for them to be aware
25:26 of what would happen.
25:28 Later on, no one could ever say, "Well, I didn't know that the
25:31 price for Jesus, you know, for following him or being his
25:34 disciple would be so high."
25:35 No, look, if there's one thing that you can say about Jesus,
25:38 is that he's transparent, because Jesus was more
25:40 than abundantly clear what would happen if we follow him.
25:48 Jesus is very clear from the very beginning.
25:51 But even under these circumstances, and this is where
25:53 the beauty of being a disciple comes in.
25:56 Even under these experiences and situations of duress,
26:02 companionship with him would still bring internal peace and
26:05 personal tranquility.
26:07 And that's what we understand when Jesus tells us in the Book
26:10 of John that he came to bring this peace,
26:13 but it's a different peace.
26:15 It's a peace that surpasses understanding.
26:17 It's a peace that the world cannot comprehend.
26:20 How could you understand peace amidst the fires of persecution?
26:25 But that's what we have in Christ.
26:28 In any case, from this point onwards, here in the lesson,
26:31 the lesson this week, it zeroes in on other sources of
26:34 restlessness, not only division that being a disciple brings,
26:39 but other roots of restlessness, other things that bring us
26:42 problems in the day-to-day.
26:45 That when subvert and delivered over Jesus, allows us to live in
26:49 peace with ourselves and with others.
26:51 Monday brings us the topic of selfishness.
26:54 You know, ever since the fall, ever since the entrance of sin
26:58 in our world, selfishness has become a part
26:59 of our essential nature.
27:02 By sin, we live centralized in ourselves.
27:06 No one needs to take any sort of educational course,
27:09 no one has to teach you in school or college.
27:11 There no master degrees or PhD's in how to be selfish
27:15 or how to be egocentric.
27:17 It's natural.
27:21 Comes with us.
27:23 It's an inherent part of our fallen condition.
27:27 Friends, the reality is that we live surrounded by ourselves
27:29 to the north, to the south, east and west.
27:32 We are there to ourselves.
27:36 Egoism is the twin brother of pride, and because of it, we
27:41 fail to see correctly, we fail to think correctly, we fail to
27:44 act correctly and to make the correct choices.
27:48 Egoism, selfishness, is among the foundational aspects
27:51 of our afflictions.
27:53 Permanent frenzies, relentless competitions
27:56 and competitiveness.
27:58 We become unhappy, jealous even, if someone else is promoted,
28:03 or valued, or awarded, or considered better
28:07 or even before us.
28:09 And I'm sure that you can relate with me, all right.
28:10 I'm not going to call anyone out.
28:12 I know that I felt these things.
28:15 It's part of who we are.
28:18 Part of what we ask God to free us from daily.
28:22 Daily, I die, and I like--I let Christ reign.
28:27 The reality, friends, the truth of the fact here, is that in the
28:30 heart of every man, woman and child, there is a throne
28:34 and a cross.
28:36 And either the old man is on the cross and Christ is on the
28:38 throne or Christ is on the cross and the man is on the throne.
28:44 Our temptation and our great battle is to remove Christ from
28:48 the cross daily, placing him on the throne and putting that old
28:51 man, that old woman on the cross.
28:57 One of the most radical voyages that a human can take is the
29:01 voyage to be free of themselves, free of their own ego.
29:06 This is a journey that begins when we are babies, infants.
29:10 A newborn is the center of its own universe.
29:15 It's true.
29:17 Growing in Christ is the slow discovery that others exist and
29:21 that we don't exist exclusively to serve ourselves
29:25 and to do our own will.
29:27 But what is tragic here, is that unless Jesus frees us from this
29:30 enslaving syndrome, we will navigate life with this immense
29:35 burden that makes us miserable, that destroys marriages,
29:38 societies and relationships.
29:40 The secret of marriage is you taking care, you taking it upon
29:44 yourself to care for your spouse, to make him or her happy
29:48 and allowing them to do that.
29:50 If you seek your own happiness in a marriage, trust me, that is
29:54 not going to go down well.
29:57 Care for the happiness and the joy of your partner
30:00 and you will be happy.
30:02 Care for your own, your own interests,
30:05 you will be miserable.
30:06 That will be hell on earth.
30:11 What's worse, in our modern, individualistic society, where
30:15 we take pleasure in being number one, and being the best,
30:18 and being second to none.
30:21 But with Jesus, we learn that we are not the center of the world,
30:25 and from him, we received the power to be free
30:27 from this burden.
30:29 I'd invite you to observe the expressions that the New
30:31 Testament uses to describe our national conditions: unclean,
30:35 blind, futile, vein, alienated and ignorant, dead in our
30:40 trespasses, deceptive, carnal, corrupt,
30:44 perverse, irreverent, defiled.
30:47 The list goes on.
30:51 Friends, admitting the disease, admitting the problem
30:53 is the first step in obtaining the cure.
30:56 Selfishness is dangerous because it is usually
30:58 done unconsciously.
31:01 We don't realize it.
31:03 We don't really think at the moment,
31:05 "Well, I'm going to be unselfish now."
31:06 No one wakes up and thinks, "Ah, today is the day that I'm going
31:08 to be unselfish.
31:09 Today is the day."
31:11 No one thinks like that.
31:12 It happens.
31:16 Hindsight is 20/20 though.
31:18 The things that many people don't even think take
31:19 for--or bother.
31:21 They don't even bother to look back, but Jesus helps us.
31:29 To fix this problem, we need external help,
31:32 we need external help.
31:35 He consistently warned us about the feverish materialism
31:39 aggravated by the harassment of unscrupulous propagandas, the
31:43 exploit of human egocentrism.
31:47 To Jesus, contrary to what Karl Marx would say about
31:50 materialism--about religion, forgive me, being the opium of
31:57 the masses.
31:59 To Jesus, materialism is the great narcotic, an opium of the
32:04 masses that numbs people against the reality of their true
32:08 conditions, their true condition: transience,
32:11 mortality, our insanities.
32:17 While always wanting more, their insatisfaction actually makes
32:21 them poor in what is truly important.
32:24 Allow Jesus to free you from this, from the consumerism that
32:29 afflicts your life, the desire to have more, more, more.
32:33 To buy , more, more, more.
32:36 And in that way, attach your identity to the things that you
32:39 have, not understanding that it's not truly you who owned
32:43 these properties, but they own you.
32:48 Another route of restlessness that is brought up in this
32:51 lesson is ambition.
32:52 You know, the Middle Ages a group called the
32:55 monastic--Oriental Monastic Movement, they sought to not
32:58 only overcome sin or the sins that afflicted them, but they
33:02 also wanted to expose the enemy behind these afflictions.
33:06 They formulated a list of sins that today is known as the seven
33:11 capital sins.
33:14 The seven deadly sins.
33:17 Now, it's not that these sins were considered to be worse than
33:20 any other sin, but the problems with these is that they were
33:24 perceived as seminal sins, originating sins, birthing sins,
33:30 which means is that these were the very womb by which all other
33:35 sins are generated.
33:37 Ambition is one that generates a list of evils that become
33:42 incontrollable.
33:44 Jealousy, disputes, murder, slander, perverse
33:47 competitiveness, deceptiveness, betrayals, treachery, felonies,
33:52 infamy,, backbiting, spite, permanent discontentment,
33:55 unsatisfaction.
33:57 All these things rooting from the desire to always be more,
34:00 more, more, to climb higher on the ladder of success.
34:06 Friends, the list goes on.
34:08 As an internal fire, it destroys peace, joy, solidarity, and the
34:12 spirit of true friendship.
34:14 Because when ambition becomes an idol in our lives, we fail to
34:18 see humans as humans and we see them as things to be used, steps
34:24 on a staircase to be trampled upon.
34:28 Ambition is a close relative to covetousness, the sin condemned
34:35 by God as tenth commandment that reveals his character.
34:40 Fame, fortune, that's the essence of the American dream,
34:45 that is widespread all over the world.
34:48 And those who are infected and poisoned by the spirit since
34:50 their infancy, are trained to see everyone else as their
34:53 competition.
34:55 And this mentality develops the syndrome of individualism that
34:58 just dissolves the possibility of maintaining true and selfless
35:01 friendships.
35:04 Among the disciples, the desire for the right and the left hand
35:08 in the kingdom, seen as places of honor, proximity to the
35:12 throne, to the center, that took them to squabble over who would
35:17 be the greatest.
35:18 You remember this in Matthew 18.
35:21 But I find Jesus here just indescribable.
35:28 Jesus unleashes a fatal blow to their blindness.
35:31 And he called--and Jesus calls a child a symbol of
35:35 unpretentiousness, humility, even of selfless regard.
35:40 He calls a child, a small child.
35:45 Instead of regarding who the greatest is, Jesus reveals
35:49 how the greatest behaves.
35:52 The disciples were so worried about who would be the greatest
35:55 in the kingdom, but Jesus draws the conversation back to the
35:59 very gates of the kingdom, to the access into the kingdom.
36:06 And that was the same as saying, "Look guys, while you're all
36:08 arguing about who's going to be the best, who's going to be the
36:10 greatest, you aren't considering the most important subject here,
36:14 the more important question, which is entering the kingdom
36:16 itself."
36:17 Because that's what Jesus says, unless you become as one of
36:20 these little ones, you will what?
36:22 You will be the greatest or you won't be there.
36:25 That's what he says.
36:28 That is the most vital need and the spirit that qualifies us to
36:31 receive the kingdom.
36:34 That also, that spirit that does define us, that qualifies us to
36:38 receive the kingdom, it also determines the spirit by which
36:42 we service the kingdom, or we serve the kingdom.
36:46 The same spirit that qualifies you to enter it, also qualifies
36:49 you to serve in it.
36:50 And the Spirit of that kingdom is the spirit of a servant.
36:56 That same spirit arose again in Matthew 20.
36:59 And here, Jesus, he places himself as the example of
37:02 unpretension and the lack of self-exaltation, when in Matthew
37:05 20:28, he says "The Son of Man did not come to," what?
37:09 "To be saved but to serve and to give his life
37:13 as a ransom for many."
37:15 Later on, his disciples understood
37:18 what true greatness means.
37:20 And all of them, with the exception of John, sealed their
37:23 commitment to their master with their own blood.
37:26 All of them died the death of a martyr, but all were also freed
37:30 from the idolatry of self and of ambition that afflicted them.
37:37 Wednesday's lesson brings hypocrisy.
37:39 Hypocrisy was known as the mask used by the actors who would
37:43 perform on the stage, and that in their representations, they
37:46 would simulate things, or people, or situations and events
37:50 that they were not.
37:52 And Jesus accused a great portion of the Pharisees and the
37:54 religious leaders of his days of being hypocrites.
37:57 Seen--we see this in Matthew 23, the woes.
38:01 "Woe to you, Pharisees and teachers of the law."
38:05 That was such a mighty blow to them.
38:09 The truth is revealed also by a well-known Latin phrase which is
38:12 acta non verba, which means actions not words.
38:19 Hypocrisy suggests a duality.
38:22 Actions that deny the discourse.
38:25 Deny what you say.
38:26 Ever heard that, you know, you don't only have to talk the
38:29 talk, you got to walk the walk?
38:31 That's the reality here.
38:32 What's curious about Jesus's great condemnations were that
38:36 there weren't directed toward those that were seen as the
38:39 great sinners of the time.
38:40 Jesus doesn't call out here the publicans, the tax collectors.
38:42 the prostitutes.
38:45 He calls out the religious leaders, the religious class.
38:48 And the question is why?
38:49 Because religious pretentiousness, the cape of
38:52 righteousness and holiness, it creates a false feeling
38:57 of safety and security.
38:58 Because when you feel that you're good, that you don't need
39:01 to do anything, well then, friend,
39:03 nothing can be done for you.
39:05 And that's why Jesus says that he didn't come for the holy, he
39:09 came for the sinners, for the lost, because those are the ones
39:12 that recognize their condition.
39:14 Make no mistake, all of them were lost.
39:17 Some of them just recognized how lost.
39:22 Remember the story of the Pharisee and the tax collector?
39:25 Both go up to the temple to pray.
39:27 Luke chapter 18.
39:29 The Pharisee, however, he doesn't really go up to worship
39:31 God, but to praise his own religious performance,
39:35 his virtues.
39:36 He praises himself saying, "Lord, I'm not like all these
39:39 other men that are extortioner or unjust, adulterers,
39:42 negative identities.
39:44 On the contrary, he fasted twice a week, tithed everything."
39:49 Do you know how many times in the Old Testament God asked
39:52 the children of Israel to fast?
39:56 Twice.
39:58 Do you know many times the Pharisees fasted
40:01 when Jesus arrived?
40:04 Twice.
40:06 The thing is that for the children of Israel,
40:08 it was twice a year.
40:11 For the Pharisees, it was twice a week.
40:14 That's what we're dealing with here.
40:17 That's that man.
40:18 On the other hand, the publican doesn't find himself worthy
40:21 to even approach.
40:23 He hangs his head, he beats his chest, acting as though he's in
40:27 the presence of death itself, and all he can manage to do is
40:31 to sob, saying, "Oh God, be merciful of me, a sinner.
40:38 The irony is that the sinner goes down justified while the
40:43 saint remains in his sin.
40:46 The Pharisees and their hypocrisy were capable of
40:48 creating an entire list of all sinners of Judea without ever
40:53 including themselves.
40:56 Friend, Jesus frees us from the hypocrisy and the duplicity,
41:00 because in him, we learn and to see who and what we really are,
41:04 and to accept him and the forgiveness that he offers, and
41:08 to rest from the evil that is deeply rooted in the very marrow
41:12 of our bones.
41:15 And then we are able to live without disguises, without
41:19 ridiculous manipulations.
41:24 Friends, overcoming divisiveness, selfishness,
41:26 ambition, hypocrisy, it's possible.
41:28 And it's mostly recognized in the way that Jesus lived, and
41:33 the example that he laid for us.
41:35 This present life here is not our final destination.
41:38 We don't live for this.
41:40 We await where? What do we await?
41:43 A new heaven and a new earth, where the first things
41:46 will be done away with.
41:48 And with this perspective, we learn to manage our priorities,
41:52 and ultimately understand that we are only passing
41:55 through this world.
41:57 This isn't final.
41:58 This isn't all that there is.
42:00 This is nothing.
42:02 These few decades here, friends, don't allow the roots of
42:05 restlessness to do away with the possibility of so much more.
42:10 In our pains, and our weaknesses, in our falls and
42:12 defeats and disappointments, he accepts us, he receives us, he
42:16 cures us, and his grace is the great motivation for the walk.
42:20 Friends, with Christ, we learn the same that Nicodemus learned,
42:23 being born again is primarily not a demand of God,
42:27 it's an offer.
42:29 It's a gift.
42:31 And so, Nicodemus learned to rest in Christ.
42:34 The Samaritan woman, she also learned that living--the living
42:37 water is infinitely superior to anything else that she could've
42:41 extracted from the bitter cisterns of her superficial
42:44 relationships and her cheap sex.
42:47 And so, she listened to rest in Christ.
42:51 Zacchaeus, he learned that the love of money and greed may even
42:56 guarantee the larger slice of the pie, but if handed over to
42:59 Jesus, it can give way to true contentment, solidarity and
43:05 abnegation, and so, he learned to rest in Christ.
43:09 Blind man Bartimaeus, he learned that through Jesus, he could
43:13 learn to see as never before.
43:17 And so, he learned to rest in Christ.
43:19 The woman caught in adultery, she learned that the forgiveness
43:22 and the sanctification of life are the results of a new and a
43:26 purified heart that is handed over to Jesus Christ, that he
43:31 offers to create in us, and so she learned to rest in Christ.
43:36 The lepers or that one, learned that Jesus could
43:41 make him clear, clean.
43:44 And not only this, he was more than willing to purify him.
43:49 And so they learned to rest in Christ.
43:52 Friends, Jesus has this mysterious power of seeing in us
43:56 what we can't see ourselves, of making us fall in love with what
44:00 we can become in him, transformed by his grace.
44:06 And then hate what we have been.
44:09 Allow this same master to change your life.
44:15 You know, Jesus is just like the sun, in which we don't believe
44:19 in it just because we see it, but because of its light, we
44:24 learn to see everything else.
44:27 You don't believe in the sun just because you see it, but
44:29 because through it, you see everything else.
44:31 Jesus is just like that.
44:33 We don't believe in him just because we see him or know him,
44:36 but because through him, everything else changes.
44:39 Everything else becomes different.
44:42 What are the roots of your restlessness?
44:44 What have these roots been in your life?
44:47 The heartaches and the heartbreaks of life?
44:49 Trust me, Jesus can transform these roots of restlessness in
44:54 blessings.
44:56 He's more than willing.
44:57 You remember the story of the man that comes to Jesus says,
45:00 "Lord, are you willing to heal me, to cleanse me?
45:03 And Jesus says, "Yes, I am willing."
45:06 And today, he says to you, "Yes, I am willing.
45:11 Come to me all of you are tired and heavy laden,
45:16 and I will give you rest."
45:19 May God bless you. May he bless you.
45:21 And may he bless you.
45:22 I'd like to invite you again as we finish this lesson, not to
45:27 forget to take advantage of our special offer,
45:31 "The Surrender of Self."
45:32 If you would like this, please call the number, 866-788-3966.
45:37 I'm sure that you will learn how to rest in grace through this.
45:39 You can also text S-H-0-8-7 to the number 4-0-5-4-4.
45:44 We will send you a digital download.
45:46 Or if you're outside of the continental North America, you
45:48 could go on to and you
45:54 could listen how to surrender yourself to God and allow him to
45:57 dwell within your own heart, your life and
46:00 you will rest in him.
46:01 May he bless you. Amen and amen.
46:07 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's
46:08 life-changing, free resource.
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46:40 ♪♪♪
46:43 announcer: "Amazing Facts.
46:44 Changed Lives."
46:51 Rueben: You know, we grew up in a neighborhood up in the
46:54 Midwest that was a pretty bad neighborhood.
46:56 And when I became a teenager, I started using drugs.
47:00 I was on--I started using meth when I was, I think 16, 15,
47:04 something like that.
47:06 I was having some problems in my life I really didn't know how to
47:09 deal with.
47:11 The only thing I really knew was violence.
47:14 So this night here, I was going to inflict violence on myself.
47:18 I was really high, really depressed, so I took, you know,
47:22 I had this 40 caliber.
47:23 So I remember I put one in the chamber, and I stuck it to the
47:26 side of my head like this.
47:30 And that gun had a hair trigger, you know.
47:34 And I remember I was tapping it.
47:36 Just--and a part of me said, "No, I don't want to do this,"
47:40 but there was something very evil present there saying,
47:43 "Do it."
47:44 I just said to myself, I said, "God, if you're real, show
47:50 yourself to me."
47:52 My mother took me to church when I was a little kid and we used
47:56 to sing Jesus Loves Me.
47:58 And I remember that song, it started playing in my mind and I
48:04 almost had like a vision of me as a little kid.
48:09 You know, and in Sabbath school, we used to bang those sticks
48:15 together and sing Jesus Loves Me, and I heard that in my mind.
48:25 So I said, "Wow."
48:29 So, I just kind of like put the gun down, and I kind of fell on
48:32 my bedside there and said, "Lord," I just basically just
48:37 prayed this crazy prayer.
48:39 I said, you know, I told him everything that was wrong
48:40 with me.
48:42 And I remember one day I was driving around, I kind of felt
48:44 lost, and I drove by this church, and I seen Tom
48:47 out there.
48:48 Tom was just out there watering the flowers, you know.
48:52 Tom: So I caught a vision out of the side of my eyes, this
48:55 big, husky guy with tattoos walking up,
48:59 and he's saying hello.
49:02 And I said--so I asked him if I could help him, and he told me
49:07 that he drives by the church on occasion, and every time he goes
49:13 by, he's thinking that he should stop in.
49:15 Rueben: After he showed me around the church, you know, I
49:20 was like, "Okay, man, it's nice meeting you," and this and that.
49:24 So I jumped in my car, and I started heading
49:26 down the driveway.
49:29 And the next thing you know, in like my peripheral vision, I see
49:32 him coming around the corner like Jerry Rice
49:36 running a football.
49:38 No, not that fast, but you know, he was taking off after me.
49:42 And he says, "Hey, hey, hey. Hold on. Hold on."
49:45 Tom: I asked him if he would like to have some Bible studies
49:47 and he said, "Yeah."
49:49 Reuben: He would come by the house, we'd all start--we'd
49:51 start hiding the beer cans and trying to air out the weed
49:55 smell.
49:56 And there was a presence that came with Tom that was
49:59 comforting.
50:01 You know what I mean?
50:03 Even though I wasn't taking the Bible studies as serious as I
50:05 should've, looking back, there was just a presence about him
50:10 being there in the house that was comforting.
50:14 I told Tom, I said, "Tom, you know you can't win everybody.
50:17 Tom: I looked at him and I knew I said to him, "Rueben,
50:21 I never get anybody."
50:23 I said, "It's the Holy Spirit will do that."
50:28 And I kind of in my heart knew that the Holy Spirit was going
50:31 to work on Rueben.
50:33 Rueben: So then Tom kind of left the picture for a while.
50:36 And then I think one day at my mother's house, they were
50:39 watching "The Final Events of Bible Prophecy."
50:41 So I watched that, and I remember the scene where they
50:48 had the hellfire and stuff.
50:51 You know, they're outside the city and it showed the hellfire
50:56 coming down and bringing people and stuff.
50:58 And I remember saying to myself, "That's where I would
51:03 be right there."
51:04 After the hellfire scene, I saw the saints in the city, and the
51:11 new Jerusalem, and Jesus recreating the earth.
51:16 And I said, "I want that to be me and my family."
51:23 There was something about the way Doug preached and things
51:25 that I felt that touched me, because he's kind of like
51:30 myself, you know.
51:32 He didn't grow up like that.
51:35 You know, he'd done drugs and things, so I kind of found these
51:39 common grounds that I had with him, and I liked how he just
51:43 kind of like kept it real with his preaching.
51:45 And then Pastor Rodney came to the church and I got to know him
51:50 very well, and we started doing some finishing studies.
51:55 He wanted to make sure I understand what I
51:56 was doing and things.
51:59 And he baptized me, my wife, my brother.
52:03 No matter what you've done, where you come from, where
52:08 you've been, no matter how bad of a sinner you think you are,
52:13 the Lord Jesus loves you no matter what you've done.
52:17 Doug Batchelor: Friends, is because of God's blessing and
52:19 your support, thousands of others just like Rueben have
52:23 found Jesus and eternal life.
52:27 ♪♪♪
52:39 male announcer: "Amazing Facts. Changed Lives."
52:47 Sue: I felt like I was receiving some angel messages in
52:51 and around my son's death.
52:53 My son Jesse was just 31 years old, so I didn't expect him to
52:56 die before I did.
53:00 But in November of 2009, we decided to have Thanksgiving
53:06 with him, and we'd normally go to a family to have
53:08 Thanksgiving.
53:09 I didn't know that it was going to be the very last time that I
53:11 would see my son alive.
53:13 In April 2010, I was urged to call him on the day
53:18 that he died.
53:20 I didn't make that call.
53:21 I was too busy.
53:23 I thought I had till the next morning to call him and it turns
53:26 out that I didn't.
53:28 And then, my husband's father was passing away in a nursing
53:31 home slowly, not eating, taking his medicine.
53:37 Just wasting away.
53:38 Merwyn: We were putting out "Amazing Facts" Bible study
53:42 guides, and we had sent out cards, and we have this card,
53:51 but when I knocked on Sue and Kirk's door by mistake.
53:57 male: And we were convinced that this was the right house,
54:00 and it obviously turned out to our surprise to
54:02 be the wrong house.
54:04 Kirk: When they came by, we weren't expecting 'em.
54:08 I think he told me about these pamphlets, these "Amazing Facts"
54:14 that explained their doctrine.
54:18 male: Well, to our surprise, when they answered the door, the
54:22 gentleman, when he saw what we were doing, he said,
54:25 "Well, we would like to take these studies.
54:28 Kirk: Anything about the Lord increases my faith
54:32 is always open.
54:35 Sue: These lessons came at a time that we didn't know
54:38 we were searching.
54:40 We didn't know what we needed.
54:42 We were just hurting from the grief that we'd been through.
54:45 When I saw this studies by "Amazing Facts" about the
54:48 Sabbath, it struck a chord with me because I remembered when I
54:55 had talked to my mother as a child about the Sabbath, about
54:59 seeing the truth, when I was only eight years old and asking
55:03 her why we didn't honor the Sabbath day.
55:07 And she told me that it was just not the way
55:10 that they did things.
55:12 Well, that wasn't a good enough expression,
55:14 a good enough explanation.
55:16 There was no scriptural basis for what she told me.
55:20 She just said to forget it.
55:21 And I went through all the studies that we had gotten,
55:24 and I wanted more.
55:26 So I decided that, well, if they put of these "Amazing Facts"
55:30 Bible studies, there must be something online about 'em.
55:35 So I decided to check it out.
55:36 I went on the computer to "Amazing Facts," and it said it
55:40 right down at the bottom of the Bible studies,
55:43 Checked it out and there was free Bible studies there.
55:45 It was the very same ones that we had been studying.
55:49 After finding the "Amazing Facts" Bible studies online,
55:52 and I did them all.
55:54 There were 27, 28 Bible studies, I felt like I was finally seeing
55:59 the truth after all these years.
56:01 We ordered the "Amazing Facts" DVDs like "The Cosmic Conflict,"
56:07 and "The Final Events," "Prophecy Foundations," and
56:12 different materials like that, went through them and enjoyed
56:16 all of them, and they impacted our lives even more.
56:21 female: Well, I worked at the post office, and I knew Kirk and
56:24 Sue for a very long time.
56:26 And I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone about the Bible, and
56:31 Bible studies and things like that.
56:33 They had told us not to.
56:34 But anyway, when Sue came in and talked about it, she talked
56:37 about the Sabbath.
56:38 And I told her, I said, "Well Sue, I go to church on
56:40 Saturday."
56:42 Sue: So I invited myself.
56:44 She was excited, of course, to have me go.
56:46 My husband and I both started going that very next Sabbath.
56:50 And it wasn't but just four months after that, that we were
56:53 baptized in this church.
56:55 And it felt like the most glorious experience
56:59 I could have ever had.
57:01 male: The thing that touches my heart the most is Merwyn and
57:04 I had been doing this for over the last year and a half or two
57:08 years, and Sue is not the only one that has responded to
57:12 "Amazing Facts."
57:13 We've had several others that have responded and have been
57:17 baptized, so this is what really makes it exciting.
57:21 There's times it's discouraging, but the bottom line is every
57:24 time you see someone in the water being baptized,
57:27 it's a thrill.
57:28 Sue: I know that Jesus loves me.
57:30 After all of the tragedy that had been through, he made sure
57:34 that the two men came and brought the "Amazing Facts"
57:37 Bible studies to me and my husband.
57:40 My life will never be the same.
57:43 It is forever changed, and I am forever
57:46 part of the family of God.
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Revised 2021-07-14