Sabbath School Study Hour

Spirit-Empowered Witnessing

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022031S

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00:36 Jean Ross: Good morning, friends, welcome to "Sabbath
00:38 School Study Hour" coming to you here from the Amazing Facts
00:41 offices in Granite Bay, California.
00:43 I'd like to welcome those joining us.
00:45 I know we have friends across the country and even in other
00:47 countries that are tuning in for our lesson study time.
00:50 Some of the churches are still unable to gather together and
00:55 study the lesson as they normally would, and we are glad
00:58 that you're able to join us and at least share this very
01:01 important lesson, very important subject today.
01:04 We've been going through our lesson quarterly entitled
01:06 "Making Friends For God."
01:08 Today, we're going to be looking at lesson number five, which is
01:12 entitled "Spirit-Empowered Witnessing."
01:14 But before we get to our lesson, we'd like to tell you about our
01:17 free offer that we have.
01:20 It's a book dealing with the Holy Spirit, it's entitled,
01:22 "Holy Spirit: The Need."
01:25 And we'll be happy to send this out to anyone who calls
01:26 and asks.
01:28 The number is 866-788-3966.
01:31 And all you have to do is ask for offer number 723.
01:35 Again, that number is 866-788-3966.
01:39 Ask for offer number 723 and we'll be happy to get this in
01:43 the mail.
01:45 You can also request a digital copy of the book, "The Holy
01:48 Spirit: The Need."
01:51 Just text the code SH099 to the number 40544.
01:55 Again, the code is SH099 and you want to text that to the
02:00 number 40544.
02:04 You'll be able to receive a digital download of the book and
02:06 you'll be able to read it wherever you are, even if you're
02:07 outside of North America.
02:10 So, we want to encourage you to take advantage of that.
02:12 Well, before we get to our lesson, we always want to start
02:14 with a word of prayer And so, wherever you are, just ask if
02:17 you'll bow your heads as we pray.
02:19 Dear Father, we thank You that we have this opportunity to meet
02:22 and study together a very important subject.
02:25 We know that the great commission has been given to
02:27 each of us individually, as well as the church, in taking the
02:29 gospel to the world.
02:32 That would include those living close to us, our neighbors, our
02:34 friends, even family members.
02:37 And so, we pray that You'd bless our study today.
02:39 We're going to look at the importance of the Holy Spirit in
02:41 witnessing and how we ought to seek the Holy Spirit to
02:44 guide us.
02:46 And also bless those who hear the Word that we share.
02:48 So, bless our time today, for we ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
02:52 Our lesson today is going to be brought to us by Pastor Doug.
02:58 Doug Batchelor: Thank you, Pastor Ross, and good
03:01 morning, friends.
03:03 It's morning here.
03:05 We're doing different Zoom Bible studies and meetings for people
03:07 around the world, and so sometimes I have to think about
03:10 where I am because I'm actually teaching in another time zone.
03:14 Last night, I was doing the worship service for a church in
03:18 Beijing, China, and it was 8, 9 o'clock for me, and it was
03:23 morning for them.
03:25 And the day before, I was studying with a group in Norway,
03:27 and again it was the opposite side of the globe.
03:30 But we're coming to you live right now from
03:32 Northern California.
03:35 And you know, for a little longer, you're probably going to
03:37 see us in this background.
03:40 We've actually set up a mini studio in what is normally our
03:42 AFGO staff worship room.
03:46 We are not having group worships as we normally did because of
03:49 the pandemic.
03:52 People are sort of having it a more spread out in their
03:54 departments, but we're finishing off a nice studio downstairs.
03:58 And I think soon, you're going to see a different background
04:00 here for the "Sabbath School Study Hour."
04:03 But we're glad that we can get together and study the Word of
04:06 God, especially during these extraordinary times right now,
04:10 where the whole world seems has been turned topsy turvy in a
04:14 number of different ways.
04:16 But the Word of God never changes, and we're so thankful
04:19 for its dependability.
04:20 As Pastor Ross mentioned, we're continuing in our lesson "Making
04:23 Friends For God," talking about how Christians can share
04:25 their witness.
04:27 And today again, we're dealing with lesson number five, which
04:30 is "Spirit-Empowered Witnessing."
04:32 This is probably one of the most important things that we could
04:35 be talking about, how to be witnessing in the power of the
04:39 Spirit, and this is the purpose that God gives us the
04:41 Holy Spirit.
04:44 And we have a memory verse, and the memory verse comes to us
04:46 from Acts chapter 4, verse 31, I'll say this, some of you have
04:50 it in your lesson.
04:53 It may also appear here on the screen.
04:55 And it says, "And when they had prayed, the place where they
04:59 were assembled together was shaken, and they were all filled
05:02 with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the Word of God
05:05 with boldness."
05:08 When they were filled with the Spirit, they spoke the Word of
05:11 God, which is the principle reason that God gives us the
05:13 Holy Spirit.
05:16 So, in our study, I want to just tell you in advance what some of
05:18 the categories are that we're going to be talking about in
05:21 connection with Spirit powered witnessing.
05:24 We've got Jesus and the promise of the Holy Spirit in one
05:27 section, an empowered church, the Holy Spirit in witnessing,
05:32 the Holy Spirit the Word in witnessing, and then in the last
05:37 section is the life transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
05:41 So, first thing we're going to talk about is Jesus and the
05:45 promise of the Holy Spirit.
05:48 Now, I probably should explain that the Spirit coming did not
05:53 happen only in the time of the apostles in Acts of
05:58 the apostles.
06:01 The Holy Spirit has been available to God's people all
06:05 through Bible history, but never quite in the proportions that
06:09 you see happening in the book of Acts at Pentecost.
06:12 You can look where you read the story of Samson and the Spirit
06:15 of the Lord came upon him.
06:18 Tells us that when David was anointed, the Spirit of the Lord
06:21 came upon him.
06:23 David prays, "Take not thy Holy Spirit from me."
06:27 You can read where in the experience in the wilderness,
06:31 God told Moses to bring the 70 elders before the tabernacle.
06:35 And God said, "I will take of the Spirit that is on you and
06:39 put it upon them."
06:41 And they were filled with the Spirit.
06:44 And you can read where that king Saul ran into the prophets and
06:47 the Spirit of the Lord came upon him.
06:50 So many, many, many times in the Old Testament, you can see that
06:52 God's Spirit was working.
06:56 But the special baptizing of the Spirit on the church never
07:01 really happened in the degree and the proportion, the power
07:04 with the signs and the wonders that you see until you have the
07:08 New Testament age and what happened at Pentecost.
07:12 And so, Jesus promised that this would come.
07:16 And you can read for--got a few verses here.
07:18 You can read in John chapter 14, verse 15 and 16, Jesus said, "If
07:25 you love Me, keep My commandments.
07:28 And I will pray the Father and He will give you another helper,
07:31 that He may abide with you forever, even the Spirit
07:35 of truth."
07:37 And He said, "And He will be in you."
07:39 And so, He'll not only be with you, He will be in you.
07:42 Notice Jesus says, "Keep My commandments and I will pray the
07:45 Father, that He will give you another comforter."
07:48 He said, "If you love Me, keep my commandments and He will
07:51 abide with you forever."
07:53 Now, that's a wonderful promise that He will abide with you, but
07:56 I'm going to read this verse a little later in our lesson as
07:59 well in another context.
08:02 I want you to kind of get another perspective or facet of
08:04 that important promise.
08:06 You can also read in Matthew chapter 28 in the great
08:09 commission, Jesus said, "Go therefore and teach all nations,
08:13 baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the
08:17 Holy Spirit."
08:20 Now, even during the ministry of Christ, before Pentecost, when
08:25 Jesus sent the disciples out preaching, you know, they went
08:30 out teaching, preaching, casting out devils, healing.
08:32 Do you think they did that without the power of the
08:36 Holy Spirit?
08:38 No, they had the Spirit.
08:40 And even in the upper room, Jesus did something a
08:43 little unusual.
08:45 It says He breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit."
08:48 Now, this is before He's even died.
08:52 So, He gave them His Holy Spirit many times.
08:54 You'll notice the Spirit of God kind of comes in waves in
08:57 the Bible.
09:00 And so, but again, there's a special filling, a baptism, a
09:04 saturation of the Holy Spirit that God was promising would
09:07 come upon His people in a special way.
09:11 Did Jesus have the Holy Spirit before His baptism?
09:14 Now, yeah, I know you can't nod the camera, but I see Karen
09:17 nodding out there.
09:19 Obviously, Jesus had the Holy Spirit, but did a special
09:23 filling of the Holy Spirit come upon Christ when He
09:26 was baptized?
09:28 Yes, that's when the Spirit came down like a dove and the very
09:31 name Christ is the Greek way of saying Christos, it means the
09:35 anointed, and the Messiah is the Hebrew equivalent for that,
09:40 the anointed.
09:42 Anointed with what?
09:45 It's talking about that God's Messiah, the Savior, would be
09:47 anointed with the Holy Spirit.
09:50 When Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit at His baptism, then
09:52 He started doing miracles He had never done before in His life.
09:55 He began a life of teaching and ministry.
09:58 So, right here you understand something about the purpose for
10:00 the Holy Spirit.
10:02 It's to empower us to live the Christian life and to do the
10:05 Christian work.
10:08 It's in the example of Christ Himself.
10:10 And He said, "You are to go and teach and baptize in the name of
10:13 the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit."
10:16 Obviously, the Holy Spirit was going to be part of the new
10:18 baptized life.
10:21 John 3, verse 5, what is the priority?
10:23 How important is it to be baptized in the Holy Spirit?
10:27 It says here Jesus answered, and He's talking here to Nicodemus,
10:30 "I say unless one is born of the water and the Spirit, he cannot
10:35 enter the kingdom of God."
10:39 Now, in a lot of Protestant churches, I know in our church,
10:42 the Seventh-day Church, we put a big emphasis
10:46 on baptism.
10:50 Baptism is very important.
10:52 It's as important to a Christian as a wedding is to a marriage.
10:57 It's the ceremony by which we publicly commit ourselves to the
11:00 Lord and say that we want His Spirit.
11:03 And there are new rights and privileges that come after
11:06 marriage and that come after baptism.
11:08 And God promises these special blessings and a
11:11 deeper relationship.
11:13 But He says it's essential.
11:16 Now, not only is it important that we're baptized in water.
11:20 Unless you're born of the water and the Spirit, you cannot enter
11:25 the kingdom of heaven.
11:27 I think sometimes churches make a mistake of thinking, "Well, as
11:29 long as we get them baptized in the water, we don't have to
11:33 worry and pray and be concerned about whether they're baptized
11:36 in the Spirit."
11:38 But both are equally important.
11:41 In fact, if you were to say one is more important than the
11:43 other, I think that Spirit baptism is more important than
11:46 water baptism.
11:49 I know that may shock some people, but you know, there
11:52 might be people like the thief on the cross who could not come
11:55 down and get water baptism.
11:57 But to live in heaven with God, God is a Spirit, we need the
12:01 Spirit baptism.
12:04 Now, I don't know that that means necessarily that you're
12:07 going to go out and heal the sick and raise the dead and cast
12:10 out devils, but being Spirit filled is a privilege of
12:14 every believer.
12:16 We're going to talk more about that in some other verses.
12:19 So, when the children of Israel came out of Egypt, God brought
12:22 them then through the Red Sea, this is water baptism.
12:26 And you remember when the Egyptians came after them, it
12:28 says God then appeared in a pillar of fire.
12:32 And the whole time they went through the wilderness, God was
12:35 daily giving them water, and He was guiding them with this
12:39 pillar, pillar of cloud during the day, pillar of fire that
12:41 illuminated the camp at night.
12:44 One represents water baptism.
12:46 And you can look in 1 Corinthians chapter 10, and
12:49 there Paul tells us that going through the Red Sea is a symbol
12:53 of water baptism, and then they were also baptized in
12:56 the Spirit.
12:58 And that pillar of fire represents Spirit baptism.
13:01 We must be born of the water and born of the Spirit.
13:04 You know, when you are going into the sanctuary, the children
13:07 of Israel, when you went into the temple, tabernacle or even
13:10 Solomon's temple, before you ever got to the holy place, you
13:13 had to go by the altar of sacrifice.
13:17 There you've got the fire baptism.
13:20 You had to go by the laver of water, there you've got the
13:22 water baptism.
13:24 Then you went into the holy place.
13:26 And you needed both baptisms.
13:29 Our world in the days of Noah was washed with water.
13:32 Peter tells us, 2 Peter chapter 3, when Jesus comes that the
13:35 elements will melt with fervent heat, the earth and the things
13:38 in it will be burned up.
13:40 There's going to be fire baptism.
13:43 And then God's going to make a new heaven and a new earth.
13:45 So, after the water baptism and after the fire baptism, the
13:47 planet even gets made new.
13:50 We, like the planet, like the children of Israel, we need to
13:53 be washed in the water, purged by the fire, and then we become
13:57 fit vessels for God to use.
14:00 Both are important.
14:02 John 16, verse 7, Jesus again is speaking.
14:05 It says, "Nevertheless, I tell you the truth, it's expedient
14:08 for you that I go away.
14:11 For I, if I go not away, the Comforter will not come
14:14 unto you.
14:16 But if I depart, I will send Him unto you."
14:19 Now, why was it important for Jesus to go away in order for
14:21 the Holy Spirit to come in special power?
14:25 Well, I think that is somewhat of a mysterious statement, but I
14:30 believe that the Lord is telling us that when He died on the
14:33 cross and He ascended to heaven, He told Mary, "Do not cling to
14:36 me, but I go to My Father."
14:38 I think there Jesus went into this heavenly temple, He spread
14:43 out His hands, all of heaven had been watching His life, His
14:47 perfect life and His sacrifice.
14:50 And He was declared victorious.
14:52 So He really, by ascending to the Father, purchased the right
14:54 then to send the Spirit in special power upon His church
14:58 unlike any other time in history because of His sacrifice.
15:03 And so, it was important for that to happen.
15:05 Something else to think about, God is the person of the Father,
15:10 the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
15:12 God the Son was here on earth for 33 and a half years.
15:15 I don't know that God wanted to vacate heaven.
15:18 And the Spirit is--you know, all of God is omnipresent, but
15:22 Jesus, when He became a man, He sacrificed it seems a dimension
15:26 of His divinity in that He really lived in time and space
15:31 in a body.
15:33 And He said, "Look, I'm going away.
15:35 I'm going to send the Spirit because I can only be with you
15:37 physically in one place at a time."
15:40 You realize after the incarnation, Jesus never appears
15:43 at more than one place at a time.
15:46 Which means like us, He--you know, unless you've got a split
15:51 personality, you know, we're always at one place at a time.
15:54 But the Holy Spirit, He said He can be in you.
15:58 And so, He said, "It's expedient that I go 'cause He's
16:01 omnipresent, He will be with you everywhere."
16:04 All right, under our next section, we're going to talk a
16:07 little bit about an empowered church.
16:10 You know, friends, this is probably one of the most
16:14 important things I can talk about, and it's also at the same
16:17 time a little frustrating.
16:21 Because we, myself included, sometimes try to substitute
16:24 methods and machines and programs and products in place
16:32 for the Holy Spirit to grow the church.
16:38 And we think if we could just send people to one more seminar,
16:41 that so often it happens that people go to a seminar, they're
16:44 inspired, they come back from a seminar, they've read a new
16:46 workbook, and they'll spend a day or two trying to put it
16:50 into practice.
16:52 But it often evaporates, and you then need to try to inspire
16:54 people with another seminar, and another new program, and another
16:57 new book, and new machinery, and equipment.
17:01 And you know, the single most important thing the church needs
17:04 for the revival of the members and to do successful public
17:09 evangelism is the Holy Spirit.
17:12 I marvel when I look in the book of Acts that Paul says in more
17:17 than one place that the gospel had been preached to every
17:20 creature, the gospel had gone into all the earth, all the
17:24 known corners of inhabited civilization, the apostles and
17:29 the converts and the disciples had taken the message.
17:33 They did not have the Internet.
17:37 They did not have a printing press.
17:39 They did not have satellites and televisions.
17:42 They did not have so many of the modern methods of communication,
17:46 telephone, that we have today.
17:49 How is it they were able to take the message so far, so fast,
17:52 with so little of the technological advantages that we
17:59 have today?
18:01 It's a simple answer, they had the power of the Holy Spirit.
18:04 They were driven, they were inspired.
18:07 They believed that Jesus was coming soon.
18:10 They believed that He was with them.
18:12 They believed that He had risen from the dead.
18:15 And they were so inspired, and I guess the word is passionate
18:19 about it, that you couldn't stop them.
18:22 You could torture them, and threaten them, and take away
18:25 their possessions, and divide their families, and put them in
18:29 prison, and you could not shut them up.
18:32 They were so excited about the gospel.
18:34 You know, if we had that today, we'd see the same results.
18:39 But I think sometimes we depend too much on the artificial, and
18:43 we depend too much on--I'm thankful for this technology
18:46 right now.
18:50 But you know, without the Spirit, it doesn't matter.
18:52 It's really got to be the Holy Spirit that's going to take
18:55 charge of people's hearts.
18:57 People are going to have to really believe and have faith in
19:00 the truth of the gospel and be mobilized by it.
19:03 So, we need an empowered church.
19:06 Amazing Facts has a program where we send some of our
19:09 evangelists, and Pastor Ross might go from church to church,
19:13 and it's called the Empowered Church Program.
19:15 And it talks about how churches can get involved in a cycle of
19:19 evangelism, and it's really a very good program, it's got a
19:22 workbook, and it's proven to be successful if it's combined with
19:26 prayer, and those prayers are especially dependent on the
19:31 Holy Spirit.
19:34 So, programs are okay.
19:36 Machinery, technology, you know, cameras and radio, all of that
19:39 is great, but you can't do it without the Holy Spirit.
19:43 And that's the single most important thing.
19:46 All the lights and the glitter and the technology is not going
19:49 to help if you don't have the unction of the Spirit in it.
19:54 Notice it says in Matthew 3, verse 11, "Jesus declared, 'I
19:58 baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming
20:02 after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I'm not worthy to
20:07 carry,'" this is actually not Jesus, it's John the
20:09 Baptist speaking.
20:11 "'Whose sandals I'm not worthy to carry.
20:14 He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.'"
20:17 Now, those things both happened at Pentecost.
20:19 They got tongues of fire.
20:22 And talking about that fire of the Spirit, it's also just that
20:24 passionate cleansing, that purging of the Spirit.
20:27 You know what makes a car go?
20:29 Fire.
20:32 That's right, your car going down the road is a series of
20:35 very rapid explosions, and you got a sparkplug that is
20:37 sparking, it's creating fire.
20:40 If your plug's not firing, your car don't go nowhere.
20:43 And it is a fire that is making that go.
20:46 And church needs the fire of God's Spirit.
20:48 John the Baptist knew this would be a special work of the Messiah
20:51 not only to be anointed, but to anoint his people with the
20:56 Holy Spirit.
20:59 I remember the story when God told Moses, "I'm going to take
21:03 your spirit and I'm going to put it on the 70 elders."
21:06 And He summoned all the 70 elders to come to
21:10 the tabernacle.
21:12 Two of them, I can remember their names 'cause they sound
21:14 familiar, Eldad and Medad.
21:17 Eldad and Medad, they were 2 of the 70 elders, they did
21:21 not come.
21:23 And I believe they did not come because maybe they did not
21:24 feel worthy.
21:27 And the Bible doesn't really say, but when God took His
21:29 Spirit and He put it on the 68 elders that showed up, as they
21:33 were filled with the Holy Spirit and they did prophesy.
21:36 They began to preach, and Joshua saw them preaching and
21:41 prophesying and doing some of the things that Moses had done,
21:44 and he said, "Master, look, they're prophesying.
21:47 You're the--you're the national prophet, but they're
21:50 prophesying," and Eldad and Medad, they didn't even come,
21:53 they got the Spirit and they're prophesying.
21:56 Moses says, "Joshua, are you jealous for me?"
21:59 And he said, "Would God that all of His people were prophets."
22:05 You know, that was part of God's plan, that it said, "I want you
22:09 to be a nation of kings and priests."
22:12 It's not just the pastors and the evangelists and the elders
22:15 that should be Spirit filled, every member.
22:19 "I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh.
22:21 Your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will
22:25 dream dreams, your young men will see visions."
22:28 He wants His whole church to be Spirit filled.
22:31 He'd like for His whole church to have the gift of prophecy.
22:34 And it's God's desire that He can empower with the
22:38 Spirit everybody.
22:40 And everybody, with whatever their gifts are, to be using
22:42 their gifts of the Spirit in the church.
22:45 Zechariah 4:6, "So he answered and he said to me," you know
22:49 this verse, "'This is the Word of the Lord to Zerubbabel, not
22:53 by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the Lord
22:58 of hosts."
23:00 It is not by the Internet, it is not by the satellite, it is not
23:04 by fiber optics, it's not by digital CDs or by
23:10 telephone lines.
23:12 It's the thing that's going to change hearts, it's going to be
23:15 the Spirit of God.
23:17 Now, the Holy Spirit might use technology, the Holy Spirit
23:19 might use a printing press, it might use a laptop computer.
23:22 The Holy Spirit can work through these things, but it's still--it
23:26 all boils down to the Spirit of God.
23:28 And then you look in Luke 24, Jesus said that this
23:31 would happen.
23:34 "Behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you.
23:36 But tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endowed
23:41 with the power from on high."
23:43 He said, "Don't go out preaching a message until you have the
23:46 power to live the life."
23:48 The Holy Spirit that gives us that power will empower us to
23:52 preach the message.
23:54 Now, don't misunderstand this.
23:57 I think the Holy Spirit is reminding me to say something
24:00 while I was up here.
24:02 And you know, sometimes things come to me while I'm teaching.
24:05 I sometimes meet people that they say, "You know, I just
24:08 don't feel like I have enough of the Holy Spirit to go out there
24:10 and to do the work."
24:12 If you've committed your life to the Lord, if you've prayed for
24:14 the Holy Spirit, you may find that sometimes in the process of
24:18 your sharing with others, the Holy Spirit will come upon you.
24:22 I've seen that happen many times.
24:25 Even in the Bible, while Peter was preaching to Cornelius, the
24:29 Holy Spirit fell upon them.
24:31 While Paul was preaching to these 12 Ephesian believers in
24:35 Acts chapter 19, the Holy Spirit fell upon them.
24:38 In the process of prayer, the Holy Spirit fell upon them.
24:43 And so, sometimes as you step out to do what God has called
24:46 you to do, He will then empower you to do it.
24:49 You'll notice that after Jesus baptized, He was then empowered
24:53 with the Spirit to preach, and to teach, and to do
24:56 the miracles.
24:59 And so, God gives the Spirit when you need it.
25:01 Don't wait for the moving of the Spirit before you need it.
25:04 Pentecost did not happen to the apostles until there was a crowd
25:07 outside their window and they needed it.
25:10 So, when you're ready to be used of God, you take a step of
25:14 faith, he will give you the Holy Spirit.
25:17 You know, in the--the Spirit is compared to fire by John the
25:21 Baptist in the verse we just read.
25:24 In the temple, they had a light that was burning.
25:29 And that light was kept burning not by the lamp, but by the oil
25:33 in the lamp.
25:35 And what does that oil represent?
25:37 It's the Holy Spirit.
25:39 And the thing that's going to keep the fire of God's grace and
25:42 His truth alive in the church, it's going to be the
25:45 Holy Spirit.
25:46 When we read the Bible, there's bread in the sanctuary, but you
25:48 couldn't find the bread without the lamp.
25:51 When you read the Bible, we need the light of the Spirit to
25:54 illuminate the Word.
25:57 And it's that Spirit that gives us power.
25:59 You know, Corrie ten Boom used to use an illustration.
26:02 Corrie ten Boom, of course, was that--the author or at least the
26:06 co-author of the book called "The Hiding Place."
26:09 And she was instrumental in rescuing Jews during the Nazi
26:13 occupation of Amsterdam.
26:16 Spent time in the Robins Brook prisoner of war camp.
26:21 And it wasn't really a POW camp, it was an extermination camp.
26:24 And she survived the war.
26:28 She was a great Christian, went around lecturing on faith
26:31 and Christianity.
26:34 And she said, "I've got a glove."
26:36 She puts her hand in the glove and she says, "The glove doesn't
26:39 do anything unless my hand is in it.
26:41 The glove is just an instrument."
26:43 He said--she said, "We are just instruments.
26:45 It's as the Holy Spirit then fills us, then we do what the
26:48 mind of the body says, but we're just like the glove."
26:53 So, we must have the power of God filling us and then guiding
26:56 us in what to do.
26:59 Without the Holy Spirit, the church--you know, I like
27:05 flying kites.
27:08 And I've had several in my life.
27:10 Growing up in New York City, we were fortunate enough just to
27:13 live right across the street from Central Park.
27:16 And there was some big meadows in Central Park, where a lot of
27:18 people would gather on weekends and they would fly kites.
27:22 And there was some master kite flyers out there.
27:25 I got several kites and I crashed several kites and
27:28 wrecked several kites, but I would want to go fly my kite
27:32 even on the days when there was no wind, but it was never much
27:34 fun because to get the kite in the air, I'd have to run.
27:37 Because there's no wind, running I'd create artificial wind.
27:41 And I'd run and I'd run.
27:43 I'd get it up in the air, but as soon as I stop running, it
27:45 would drop.
27:47 And then I'd run some more and I'd run.
27:49 And you know, after about ten minutes of trying to fly my kite
27:51 by constantly running, as soon as I turned around to look at
27:53 it, it would plummet out of the sky.
27:55 I had to just keep on running.
27:57 How much better when you have a windy day?
28:00 And that's the difference between what the church is doing
28:02 and what we sometimes do.
28:05 We're trying to keep the kite in the air by running, by
28:07 human effort.
28:09 And what we need to do is pray for a wind.
28:11 It's like do you want the sailboat to go 'cause you're
28:13 rowing or because the wind is blowing?
28:15 It's a whole lot easier if God fills the sails with His wind.
28:19 And that's what we need.
28:20 So, just I read a couple of quotes to you that deal with the
28:24 importance of the power of the Spirit in the last days.
28:27 And this is from Acts--well, it's actually a reference from
28:33 the book "Great Controversy" page 612.
28:36 And it says, "The great work of the gospel is not to close with
28:40 less manifestation of the power of God than marked its opening.
28:45 The prophecies which were fulfilled in the outpouring of
28:48 the former rain and at the opening of the gospel are again
28:51 to be fulfilled in the latter rain at its close.
28:55 Here are the times of refreshing, to which the apostle
28:59 Peter looked forward to when he said, 'Repent therefore and be
29:03 converted, that your sins might be blotted out, when the times
29:06 of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord and He
29:09 will send Jesus.'"
29:12 Notice, just before He sends Jesus, he said a time
29:14 of refreshing.
29:17 What is that refreshing?
29:19 It's the baptism of the Holy Spirit that would come upon
29:21 God's people.
29:23 And then I'm reading on still in "Great Controversy," page 612,
29:25 "Servants of God with their faces lighted up and shining
29:29 with holy consecration will hasten from place to place to
29:34 proclaim the message of heaven by thousands of voices all over
29:38 the earth.
29:40 The warning will be given, miracles will be wrought, the
29:44 sick will be healed, and signs and wonders will follow the
29:47 believers," maybe even resurrections again.
29:50 "Satan also works with lying wonders, even bringing fire down
29:54 from heaven that in the sight of men.
29:56 Thus the inhabitants of the earth will be brought to take
29:58 their stand."
30:01 We're going to have to know how to tell the difference between
30:03 the true signs and wonders and the counterfeit.
30:05 But God's church is going to be given power in the last days
30:08 when the latter rain falls, when these times of refreshing come
30:12 from the presence of the Lord.
30:14 How is it going to come?
30:17 You receive not because you ask not.
30:20 If you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your
30:23 children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the
30:26 Holy Spirit to those that ask Him?
30:30 We should be asking, praying, pleading that God will give us
30:34 His Holy Spirit.
30:37 So, we need the Spirit of God for witnessing and to be using
30:41 it to its full purpose.
30:44 There is so much power that is available to the church today
30:47 that is never used.
30:52 You know, not too long ago, Karen and I have had four wheel
30:55 drive vehicles for 40 years because we have a home that is
31:00 really off-road.
31:03 You have to go at least 12 miles of dirt road one way.
31:07 A lot of that road is not maintained by anybody but us,
31:10 and it gets pretty rough in the winter.
31:12 And if there's snow, it gets ruts.
31:14 And there's some very steep hills.
31:17 And with the mud and the ice and the snow and the steep hills,
31:19 you just can't get up sometimes even with four wheel drive.
31:22 And I remember when I first moved to the hills and I didn't
31:25 know how important four wheel drive was, I got stuck a lot.
31:30 In fact, there were places in the road, I actually had a
31:32 Volkswagen Bug at one point, and I kept a come along.
31:36 You know what a come along is, a little hand winch.
31:38 I kept a come along in my car.
31:41 And there was one place in the road that whenever I got to it,
31:43 I would go as fast as I could, and so I could get into these
31:47 ruts and slide as far as I could.
31:49 And I'd rev the engine and it would go shaking as far as it
31:52 could, and pretty soon the wheels would be spinning, I'd
31:54 say, "Okay, time to get out."
31:56 I get out and I winch it the rest of the way out of that
31:58 wet spot.
32:00 I got home, every time I went home, I had to take a run at it
32:02 with my two-wheel drive.
32:04 Finally, I got enough money to get a four wheel drive.
32:06 And boy, it makes a big difference.
32:09 Well, not too long ago, our four wheel drive pickup truck was hit
32:13 in an accident.
32:16 It was just parked at a red light and someone ran into us.
32:18 So, because it wasn't our fault, nobody was hurt, the insurance
32:22 company said, "Here's the money, go buy yourself another truck."
32:25 Well, I'll tell you, friends, I had some fun because I got to go
32:28 out four wheel drive truck shopping.
32:31 And I ended up getting, this is not an advertisement, but I
32:35 ended up getting a four wheel drive truck, a Toyota truck that
32:37 not only had four wheel drive, but it had positraction .
32:41 Not only had positraction, it had the special crawl mode, it
32:43 is like the ultimate four wheel drive pickup truck.
32:47 And I saw they had rows of them in the dealership.
32:50 And in my neighborhood, I could look and see several of my
32:55 neighbors had these trucks that have these really sophisticated
32:58 off-road abilities, but they never take them off-road.
33:06 You can ask Karen, she's sitting out there.
33:07 This week, we probably drove 40 miles off road, dirt roads up in
33:11 the hills.
33:14 We really use the four wheel drive.
33:16 And I think sometimes the church, they're like these
33:18 people who say, "Yep, I've got a Hummer.
33:20 You know, it'll cross rivers six feet deep."
33:23 And they never get off the pavement.
33:26 I think it was Peter Marshall, a famous pastor for Congress years
33:32 ago, and he said, "The church today is like a deep sea scuba
33:38 diver that puts on all the equipment that you would need to
33:42 dive at 300 fathoms, and then they step into a bathtub."
33:47 This is what's happening today, is the church has no idea how
33:50 much power is available that we're just not using.
33:53 And God wants us to trust in him, pray big prayers, expect
33:57 big miracles, and you'll get big answers.
34:01 Now, when do we receive the Holy Spirit and why?
34:04 You read in Acts chapter 2, verse 38, Peter said, "Repent
34:09 and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus
34:14 Christ for the remission of sin, and you shall receive the gift
34:18 of the Holy Spirit for the promises unto you and your
34:21 children, and as many as the Lord God shall call."
34:24 Said, "Be baptized and you'll receive the gift of the
34:26 Holy Spirit."
34:29 Notice that water baptism, born of the water, that he connects
34:31 it with Spirit baptism.
34:34 After a person is baptized in the water, you know, we hand
34:36 them a certificate.
34:38 It'd be nice if we gave them a second certificate that said,
34:40 "And this is for your Spirit baptism."
34:42 That doesn't happen because I think we put a little too much
34:44 emphasis on the water baptism and we forget how important the
34:48 Spirit baptism is.
34:50 We have to be fasting and praying more for that.
34:52 So he said, "The purpose for this is that they could
34:55 be witnesses."
34:57 Look again, now I read this earlier, but I'm going to read
34:59 it again.
35:00 Luke chapter 24, verse 48, Jesus said, "You are witnesses of
35:03 these things.
35:06 And behold, I am sending you forth the promise of My Father
35:08 upon you.
35:10 But you're to stay in the city until you're clothed with power
35:13 on high."
35:15 Why were they going to be clothed with power?
35:17 He said, "You are witnesses.
35:19 I'm going to give you power.
35:21 You've seen the miracles, you saw the resurrection.
35:23 I'm going to give you power to witness of the things you saw."
35:26 And you know, even in Revelation, John makes a point
35:29 of saying, "Now we have seen these things."
35:33 In his gospel, he says, "We've seen with our eyes, our hands
35:35 have handled.
35:38 We are firsthand witnesses.
35:39 It was not a phantom, a spirit.
35:41 We touched Him.
35:42 We walked with Him.
35:44 We ate with Him."
35:46 And he says, "He's real.
35:47 We are witnesses of these things."
35:49 Do you have a real experience that you can witness to?
35:51 Hebrews chapter 2, verse 3 and 4, "How shall we escape if we
35:55 neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be
35:59 spoken of by the Lord and was confirmed to us by those who
36:04 heard Him."
36:05 Notice the rest, the Word of God was spoken, "God also bearing
36:09 witness with signs and wonders and with various miracles and
36:15 gifts of the Holy Spirit."
36:18 Holy Spirit witnessing.
36:20 Through the power of the Spirit, we are to witness.
36:23 He gives us the Spirit to bear witness for the truth and based
36:27 on his own will.
36:29 And then, of course, that famous verse.
36:31 Acts chapter 1, verse 8, "But you will receive power when the
36:34 Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to Me
36:38 in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria, and unto the ends of
36:42 the earth."
36:44 Now, does God say, "Look, I'm going to give you the power of
36:46 the Spirit so you can speak in tongues"?
36:48 Is speaking in tongues the fruit of the Spirit, or is it one of
36:52 the gifts of the Spirit?
36:54 Jesus said, "You'll know them by their fruits."
36:57 And so, He doesn't give us the Holy Spirit just so we can speak
37:00 in tongues.
37:02 And I believe in the gifts of the Spirit, I believe in the
37:04 biblical technique or methods of the gifts of the Spirit.
37:07 But some people say, "Oh, we're going to prove you have the Holy
37:09 Spirit because you can speak in tongues."
37:11 That's not the evidence of the Holy Spirit.
37:14 The evidence of the Holy Spirit is the fruit of the Spirit,
37:16 love, joy, peace, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, and
37:19 I probably left something out.
37:22 But that's the evidence for the Holy Spirit in the life.
37:26 He said, "You'll be receiving power of the Spirit so you can
37:29 be a witness."
37:31 If you're willing to be a witness, God's more likely to
37:33 give you the Holy Spirit.
37:36 Acts chapter 4, verse 31, "And when they prayed," this is our
37:40 memory verse we started with, "when they prayed, the place
37:43 where they were assembled together was shaken."
37:45 Now, why were they praying?
37:47 They prayed that they might receive boldness, so they would
37:50 not be intimidated.
37:52 The priests had said, "Don't preach in Jesus' name anymore."
37:54 And they prayed that they might have boldness so that they
37:56 could preach.
37:59 And when they prayed, the Bible says the place where they were
38:01 assembled was shaken, they were filled with the Holy Spirit, and
38:04 they spoke the Word of God with boldness.
38:07 Well, there's a great formula, friends.
38:10 Pray for the Spirit, He gives you the Spirit to speak the
38:13 Word, that people might be saved.
38:16 We want to pray for the Spirit that we might live the life,
38:20 that we can be an example of Christ, that people might
38:23 be saved.
38:25 And so, the whole purpose for the baptism of the Spirit is
38:28 that we might make friends for Jesus and be His witnesses.
38:32 Psalm 51, verse 11, talking about the Holy Spirit
38:35 and witnessing.
38:37 "Do not cast me away from your presence, and do not take your
38:41 Holy Spirit from me.
38:43 Restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me by your
38:47 generous or your free spirit.
38:50 Then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners will
38:54 be converted."
38:56 When are sinners converted?
38:57 Not just when they receive the generous spirit, but notice the
39:00 joy of your salvation.
39:02 You know, if we're saved and we're joyful, if we believe the
39:04 gospel is good news and if we have--I'm not talking about the
39:08 kind of happy slappy behavior some people have in church,
39:12 where they carry on.
39:14 I'm talking about that peace that passes understanding.
39:17 If Christians have a real joy and a confidence, especially in
39:20 a world right now that's so afraid with everything going on,
39:24 if we can show that we've got confidence and peace and that
39:28 we're able to sleep like a baby, we don't worry, people are going
39:31 to want that.
39:33 Says, "Then I'll teach transgressors your ways.
39:35 Give me the Spirit and I will teach and sinners will
39:38 be converted."
39:40 And that's, of course, one of the most important purposes for
39:42 the Holy Spirit.
39:44 Now into the next section, the Holy Spirit, the Word,
39:47 and witnessing.
39:49 Look at John chapter 14, verse 26.
39:52 "But the helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will
39:56 send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to your
40:00 remembrance what I have said to you."
40:03 Every week, we have a Bible answer program.
40:06 And we never know in advance from week to week what questions
40:10 are going to get called in, it's always very interesting.
40:13 Sometimes, we get the same questions.
40:15 Sometimes almost every week, we get a question we've never
40:17 heard before.
40:19 And we usually average about 15, 16 questions per program.
40:23 We can only take three or four minutes to answer a question.
40:26 But sometimes, people put us on the spot, they've got really
40:30 good questions.
40:32 Sometimes, they'll ask a difficult question.
40:34 I know at one point, I knew the answer to that, but I haven't
40:36 looked at it in years.
40:39 We pray before the program, we say, "Lord, give us your Spirit
40:42 to bring back to our remembrance the things that we have studied
40:47 in the past."
40:50 And millions of times, maybe not millions, thousands of times,
40:53 I've had that experience where I didn't really know the answer,
40:57 but right when a person asks the question, I pray and boom, it
41:00 pops into my mind.
41:02 Now you know, as I'm going through the day, I'm trying to
41:04 remember people's names and I have trouble remembering
41:07 their names.
41:08 But it's amazing, God can help you remember the Scriptures
41:10 through the gift of the Spirit.
41:12 Let me just share you a quick story, and you ought to check
41:15 this out on your own.
41:17 There was a pastor evangelist in the Seventh-day Adventist Church
41:21 and his name was Byron Spears.
41:25 And they called him--he was converted, I think he was
41:28 Episcopalian, pretty sure.
41:31 Came from the Anglican Church.
41:34 He went through a dramatic conversion, struggled with
41:40 polio, so he always had problems walking.
41:42 And so, he walked with canes for the most of his life.
41:45 But he was a powerful evangelist, and he spent years
41:48 reading the Bible.
41:50 And they called him the walking Bible because he would preach,
41:53 and Karen and I went and saw him many, many times, and he was in
41:56 his 70s when we went to see him.
41:58 I was blessed to be invited by him to do his funeral, died
42:02 at 100.
42:04 And we'd go listen to him preach, he'd go 90 minutes, was
42:08 not uncommon.
42:10 He'd preach 90 minutes, walk back and forth with a cane,
42:12 never pick up a Bible, did not have his words on an overhead
42:15 projector, did not use a screen or multimedia.
42:18 He just preached from memory using between 50 and 100
42:22 different verses that he would quote.
42:25 He quote them all out verbatim, King James version, and he'd
42:28 tell people, "Check on me."
42:31 And he would read them, and people came back night after
42:33 night because we thought, "Has this guy memorized the Bible?"
42:36 And he told me, he said, "No, I haven't memorized the
42:37 Bible, but--"
42:39 And he said, "I can't remember names."
42:42 He said, "You know, sometimes I can't find my way home."
42:43 He says, "I have all kinds of problems with my memory."
42:45 But he said, "I claimed the promise of the Holy Spirit that
42:48 when I'm up there and I'm preaching, that God will help me
42:50 remember the verses."
42:52 He not only remembered the verses, he remembered the
42:53 chapter, the verse, every thee, thou, the, will, shalt, unto.
42:56 He remembered every word.
42:58 Now, if you doubt me, you can go to the Amazing Facts website or
43:02 just type in.
43:04 It's free, so I'm not selling anything, you can type in
43:07 "Trumpet of the Lord, Byron Spears."
43:10 All of his sermons are online.
43:13 They're audio, so you don't get to see him preach.
43:15 I think there's a couple of YouTubes.
43:17 Yeah, there's a couple of YouTubes of him preaching at the
43:19 Sacramento Central Church in his 90s, still preaching from
43:25 memory, 45-minute sermon, never pick up a Bible because the Holy
43:30 Spirit brought the words back to his mind.
43:33 He would always pray that prayer before he preached.
43:36 It's an amazing thing to behold.
43:38 Anyway, so God's promises, he said, "I'll bring these things
43:42 to your mind."
43:44 Now, talking again about witnessing and the Word, look at
43:48 Acts chapter 8, I like this story.
43:51 And start with verse 26, "Now an angel of the Lord," notice it's
43:55 an angel, "spoke to Phillip, saying, 'Arise and go towards
43:58 the south along the road that goes down from Jerusalem to
44:01 Gaza,'" this is desert, it's a desert area back down towards
44:05 the sea.
44:07 "So he arose and he went.
44:09 And behold, a man from Ethiopia, a eunuch of great authority
44:12 under Candace, the queen of Ethiopians, who had charge of
44:15 all her treasury."
44:17 It's the principle CFO for Ethiopia, wealthy man.
44:22 "He'd come to Jerusalem to worship."
44:25 You know, they say that ever since the days of Solomon, when
44:27 the queen of Sheba went to the south, that the truth about
44:30 Jehovah went down and there were many worshippers of Jehovah in
44:33 that part of the world.
44:35 So, he had come, he knew the Scriptures.
44:38 And he's riding along in his chariot, and he's reading from
44:40 the book of Isaiah, but he doesn't completely understand
44:42 what he's reading.
44:44 And Phillip sees him sitting in his chariot, reading from
44:47 Isaiah, and says, "Then the Spirit said to Phillip, 'Go near
44:51 and overtake his chariot.'
44:54 So Phillip ran near and he said, 'Do you understand what
44:57 you're reading?'"
44:59 He was reading from the book of Isaiah, reading the prophecy
45:01 about Jesus.
45:03 So, notice first it says the angel of the Lord, then it says
45:05 the Spirit of the Lord.
45:07 Is it possible the Spirit of the Lord sometimes speaks
45:09 through angels?
45:11 I think so.
45:13 I think a lot of times when we say, "The Spirit told me," God's
45:14 really nudging us through an angel.
45:16 And sometimes when it says the Lord did this, or the Lord did
45:19 that, he's often working through angels.
45:21 And Phillip then catches him reading the Bible, he
45:25 doesn't understand.
45:27 He says, "How can I understand unless some man guide me?"
45:29 He invites Phillip up into the chariot, this is the first
45:31 hitchhiker in the Bible that we find.
45:33 And he gives him a Bible study.
45:36 The Holy Spirit guides Phillip to a place where someone is
45:39 reading the Word.
45:41 How often I've seen that happen, is I'll meet somebody and
45:44 spiritual things will come up, and the very thing we talk about
45:47 is what they read in the Bible that day.
45:50 Or maybe that's happened to you.
45:52 John 6:63, it says, "It's the Spirit that quickens, the flesh
45:57 profits nothing.
45:59 The words that I speak to you, they are Spirit and they
46:02 are life."
46:04 You know, whenever we read the Word, it's a good idea to pray
46:06 first that the Holy Spirit will give us guidance and
46:08 understanding so we can know what we read.
46:12 And if we really are getting the Holy Spirit, you can get two
46:16 different people in different parts of the world reading the
46:19 same difficult passage.
46:21 And if they're praying for the Holy Spirit, they can end up
46:22 coming to the same conclusion.
46:26 In John 16, verse 13, again Jesus speaking here, "However,
46:31 when He, the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into
46:35 all truth."
46:37 That doesn't mean you become all knowing like God.
46:40 He means He'll guide you into all the truth you need to know
46:43 to do the work you need to do.
46:45 "He'll guide you into all truth, for He'll not speak on His
46:49 own authority.
46:51 But whatever He hears, He will speak and He will tell you of
46:53 things to come."
46:55 Now, this is another very important truth that just got
46:57 established here.
46:59 I've been in churches before where sometimes the pastor will
47:01 say, "Well, I know the Bible says this, but I've got fresh
47:03 information 'cause I'm not going by the letter of the law, I'm
47:06 going by the Spirit.
47:08 The letter kills, the Spirit gives life."
47:10 And they build this whole false doctrine that somehow the Spirit
47:14 of God is going to conflict with the Word of God.
47:17 That's heresy.
47:19 That's not at all true.
47:21 The Holy Spirit is never going to teach you something different
47:23 than the Word of God.
47:25 The Holy Spirit is going to bring to your remembrance what
47:27 the Word has said.
47:29 The Holy Spirit is going to help you understand what the Word
47:31 has said.
47:32 The Holy Spirit is never going to conflict or contradict what
47:34 the Word has said.
47:36 Revelation 2:7, "He that has an ear, let him hear what the
47:39 Spirit says to the church."
47:42 How does the Spirit speak to the church?
47:44 Through the Word of God.
47:47 So, next section, this is really the last section, the
47:50 life-transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
47:53 Someone put it this way once.
47:55 Well, let me read this verse first.
47:58 Ezekiel chapter 36, verse 27, "I'll put My Spirit within you
48:02 and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My
48:06 judgements and do them."
48:09 Someone once said that the Holy Spirit helps us to understand
48:13 the truth with our heads, believe it in our hearts, live
48:16 it with our hands, follow it with our feet.
48:20 Or you might say it gives you wisdom, worship, works,
48:24 and walk.
48:26 The Holy Spirit will affect all these areas of life.
48:30 It's not just for discussion, the Holy Spirit is for
48:32 transformation, you become a new creation.
48:35 Old things have passed away.
48:37 Here's one of my favorite quotes from the spirit of prophecy.
48:40 This is the "Desire of Ages" page 250, "There is no limit to
48:45 the usefulness of one who, putting self aside, makes room
48:50 for the working of the Holy Spirit upon his heart and lives
48:53 a life wholly consecrated to God."
48:56 Someone once told Dwight Moody, "The world has yet to see what
49:01 God can do with a person that is wholly consecrated to him."
49:04 Moody said, "I want to be that person."
49:06 And so, there's no limit to what God can do with each one of us.
49:09 John 3, verse 5, "Most assuredly I say to you, unless you are
49:14 born of the water," I already read this, "born of the water
49:16 and the Spirit, you cannot enter the kingdom."
49:19 We need both births.
49:20 Friends, I wanted to mention to you in closing, don't forget we
49:23 have our free offer.
49:25 I think Pastor Ross walked off with it, but it's talking about
49:27 life in the Spirit.
49:30 And you can receive that book simply by asking and call the
49:32 number that you see on your screen, it's going to say,
49:36 800--866 rather, 788-3966.
49:43 One more time the number, 866-788-3966.
49:48 Ask for offer number 723 and we'll send that to you for free.
49:53 You can also text the code SH099 to 40544 and receive your
50:01 free copy.
50:02 I hope you'll take advantage of that, friends.
50:06 And it's been a blessing studying with you.
50:08 We'll study His Word together again next week.
50:10 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's life-changing
50:12 free resource.
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50:52 Doug: We're here in Ponce, Puerto Rico, in an iguana park
50:54 surrounded by big lizards or small dinosaurs, depends on how
50:59 you look at it.
51:01 These magnificent creatures are found mostly in Mexico, Central
51:03 America, South America, and the Caribbean Islands.
51:07 Here's a few amazing facts about iguanas.
51:09 Iguanas come in a great spectrum of colors.
51:12 They can be brown, green, blue, and their skin will often work
51:17 as camouflage, allowing them to hide in the jungle.
51:20 They're social creatures who like to eat together.
51:23 And what's really interesting, even though they look fierce,
51:27 iguanas are vegan vegetarians.
51:29 They're regarded as popular pets, though if they're not
51:31 cared for, they can actually just stop eating and will
51:34 themselves to die.
51:36 Typically, iguanas just lay eggs and they abandon their
51:38 offspring, so those little iguanas have to fend for
51:40 themselves from the time they're born.
51:44 If they're attacked, they'll fight with their tail, either
51:47 punching or whipping their opponent.
51:49 It's interesting to see a dog running for mercy after being
51:52 whipped by an iguana.
51:54 Also, to ensure a fast escape, they can detach their tail and
51:59 later grow another one.
52:01 Iguanas generally like to live around water.
52:04 And they can swim away, escaping from predators.
52:06 Green iguanas in particular are excellent swimmers.
52:10 They have the ability to inflate themselves and swim
52:12 incredible distances.
52:15 This is one way they've been able to populate the different
52:17 islands of the Caribbean.
52:19 What's incredible is these creatures have lungs where
52:22 they're able to hold their breath for up to 28 minutes,
52:26 putting even a crocodile to shame.
52:28 They also know how to compensate for when things get hot or cold.
52:32 They can regulate their body temperature using the loose
52:35 flaps of skin they have under their throats and under
52:38 their legs.
52:40 You might even say an iguana has ESP because God made them with
52:43 sort of a third eye on top of their head.
52:46 They can't really see with it, but it's a photoreceptor that
52:49 helps them to regulate their body's circadian rhythms.
52:53 You know, in the same way that God made iguanas where they're
52:56 some of the toughest creatures in God's natural kingdom,
52:59 Christians need to learn to be resilient in the
53:01 spiritual realm.
53:03 Through God's grace, we can learn to be great survivors.
53:05 Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4, verse 8 and 9, "We are hard
53:09 pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but
53:13 not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but
53:17 not destroyed."
53:20 I think, friends, we all know sometimes life can be tough.
53:23 We feel like we're being beaten, pressed on every side.
53:26 Sometimes, it's health problems, relationship problems,
53:30 financial reverses.
53:32 But in the same way God made the iguana resilient, God can help
53:34 you to bounce back.
53:37 Jesus said that through His help, we can be overcomers and
53:40 we are able to endure.
53:42 If you turn to Him and ask Him for His help and His Spirit, He
53:45 will recreate you and make you even tougher than an iguana.
53:48 Wouldn't you like to ask Him now?
53:52 ♪♪♪
53:58 male announcer: Amazing Facts, Changed Lives.
54:07 male: I met my ex-wife, and her family were real big into drugs.
54:10 And it started out with them wanting me to go to the doctor
54:14 to help get them drugs.
54:16 And you know, I'm noticing they're going to the doctor,
54:18 they're coming back with like 60 pills, and they're selling these
54:21 pills for like $1,000.
54:23 And I'm thinking, "Wow, this is a lot of money I'm giving these
54:26 people, so I'm just going to start selling it myself."
54:29 My problem with that was that we had all this money, but we was
54:33 absolutely miserable.
54:35 She would go out and sleep with other guys to get drugs, and
54:39 that ended my marriage.
54:41 But during this time, I have to get a job to build back up to
54:44 where I was at to open my shop again.
54:46 So, I get a job at Food City.
54:49 And when I get this job at Food City, there's my wife now,
54:52 Rebecca, she's a cashier there.
54:54 And when I walk in, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever
54:57 seen in my life.
54:59 I was like, "Man, I could never have a girl like that.
55:02 Wow, she's so beautiful."
55:04 But as I'm working with her, she's actually kind of mean to
55:07 me, and she's saying, "I don't want anything to do with you.
55:10 Get away from me," stuff like that.
55:13 But you know, I just keep being nice to her and keep trying to
55:16 give her my phone number.
55:18 And it's around Christmas Eve, we'd just been dating for a
55:21 little while and moved in together.
55:23 My ex-wife shows up with my three children that I had
55:26 by her.
55:28 And she's like, "Here's your kids.
55:30 Here's their birth certificates.
55:32 Here's their Social Security cards.
55:34 I'm done."
55:35 And we're starting a family, we already have three kids.
55:38 During this time, we spent the next year watching nothing but
55:40 "Amazing Facts" on YouTube.
55:43 I didn't even know they even had a website at this time, I just
55:45 knew that this little guy on YouTube was super smart, was
55:48 teaching Bible, and I wanted to follow him, I wanted to be
55:52 a Christian.
55:54 I gave my life to God now because of these truths that I'm
55:56 learning from Doug Batchelor.
55:58 Just because Doug taught it didn't make me real sure about
56:01 going to this church.
56:03 I really didn't want anything to do with it, but I called the guy
56:05 up and I'm telling him, and I'm not very nice about it actually.
56:09 I'm telling him, "Look, we was thinking about coming to
56:11 your church."
56:13 And he's really nice and he's like, "Well, you're more than
56:15 welcome to.
56:17 We'd like to have you come."
56:19 And I'm like, "Well, hold on, I'm going to lay down some
56:21 ground rules."
56:23 I'm telling him, I said, "Look here, I'm covered in tattoos and
56:25 I'm a tattoo artist."
56:27 And he don't say, "Well, you know, wow, I didn't know
56:29 all that.
56:31 Don't come to my church."
56:33 He says, "You're more than welcome.
56:35 We would love to have you.
56:36 Please come."
56:39 He asked me what I want to do and I said, "Well, I want
56:40 to preach."
56:42 I said, "I have all these truths.
56:44 I have all this knowledge, stuff I've never known before, stuff
56:46 if I'd have had when I was younger that would've been life
56:48 changing to me."
56:50 I said, "I got to share this with the world."
56:52 I said, "I want to preach, I want to teach."
56:54 He gives me the book, says, "Study that."
56:56 Well, now that I'm a Bible worker, I'm able to go reach
56:58 people that most of the normal churches wouldn't even bother to
57:02 even speak to.
57:04 I'm able to go out and reach the people who have lived the life
57:07 that I've lived.
57:08 I'm able to let them know that I am like you.
57:11 I've been there, I've done that.
57:14 I want to show you what my life is like now.
57:16 I want to teach you this Bible.
57:18 I want to show you what Jesus can do for you.
57:21 It's not too late.
57:23 ♪♪♪
57:29 female announcer: Have you ever skipped a meal?
57:31 Not a bad idea if you need to watch your waistline.
57:33 But there's a heavenly food you should never skip, God's Word.
57:36 Yet how can you dive in daily when you're so busy?
57:39 Amazing Facts has you covered, and it's as easy as signing up
57:43 for our daily devotional and verse of the day, both sent
57:46 directly to your inbox, ready to bless, inspire, and inform you.
57:50 To start receiving the Amazing Facts daily devotional and verse
57:53 of the day, visit and click on
57:56 Bible study in the main menu.
57:59 You'll be glad you did.
58:02 ♪♪♪


Revised 2020-07-30