Sabbath School Study Hour

Why Witness?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022027S

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00:35 Doug Batchelor: Hello, friends,
00:36 welcome to our "Sabbath School Study Hour."
00:38 We're so thankful that you are tuning in and joining us through
00:40 one of the various different media outlets.
00:44 We're on AFTV, we're streaming on the internet,
00:48 Facebook, YouTube, Granite Bay website,
00:51 and we're trying to get these messages out as far
00:53 and wide as possible.
00:55 Want to welcome all of you who are part of our regular Sabbath
00:59 School study class around the world.
01:01 As Mrs. Batchelor and I travel, we meet so many people in all
01:04 the different continents that say,
01:07 "We study the Sabbath School lesson with you."
01:10 And it's a delight to be with you today.
01:12 And some of you who are a part of our online Granite Bay
01:16 membership, there's people scattered around the world who
01:19 are part of God's church that have no local congregation that
01:22 they can attend for some reason, and so we've adopted them,
01:25 they're part of our digital church family.
01:27 If you're in that category and you want to know,
01:30 "How can I become part of the Granite Bay online membership?"
01:33 you can simple go to the website,
01:35 and that is, and you'll find out
01:40 more about that.
01:42 Now, today's exciting because we are beginning a new quarter
01:46 study, talking about making friends for God.
01:49 And this is a very, very important study dealing with
01:52 the subject of witnessing.
01:55 This is one of the three principle disciplines in
01:57 the Christian life.
01:58 Maybe I'll pause and say something about that before
02:00 I get deeper into the lesson.
02:02 You know, there's three secret weapons to growing spiritually.
02:06 You need to pray, prayer's like breath.
02:09 You need to eat, that's the Word of God.
02:13 And you need to let your light shine,
02:16 you need to exercise your faith, witness for the Lord.
02:18 In the holy place of the sanctuary,
02:20 before you get to the Holy of Holies,
02:23 where you've got the Ten Commandments and the presence of
02:25 God, you go through the holy place.
02:27 Three pieces of furniture in there,
02:29 and those represent the three principle disciplines
02:32 of Christian success.
02:34 You've got the table of shewbread,
02:36 that's your Bible.
02:37 You've got the altar of incense, that's prayer.
02:41 And then you've got the light, that's letting your light shine,
02:44 that's the witnessing.
02:45 And so, that's this whole quarter,
02:47 we're going to be dealing with this.
02:49 And I should mention right now that if you do not have one of
02:52 these, you can often go to the website,
02:54 you can download the daily lesson.
02:56 You just type in the word "Sabbath School."
02:59 There are two or three websites that are kind enough to post
03:02 this lesson, might post the whole quarterly.
03:06 I know some do, may just post the lesson.
03:09 If you're near a Seventh Day Adventist Church,
03:11 they'd love to have you come and visit.
03:12 Say, "I'd like to study the lesson with you," and they'll
03:14 give you a quarterly.
03:15 And those of you who are members of the Granite Bay Church
03:18 family, of course we'll have them here at our meetings or
03:21 wherever we're gathering in our pilgrim wandering in the next
03:24 few weeks until they completely lift these restrictions
03:27 connected with the COVID-19.
03:29 Now today, we're in lesson number one that is in our new
03:32 quarterly, "Making Friends For God."
03:36 And it's asking the question, why witness?
03:39 And before we get to that, I want to remind you
03:41 we have a free offer.
03:43 And the offer is called "The Ultimate Deliverance,"
03:47 talking about the Lord's coming.
03:50 And if you would like a free copy of this,
03:52 simply text SH090 to 40544.
03:59 You can download this right there.
04:02 And if you want to get a copy, if you're in North America,
04:04 we'll be happy to send you one.
04:06 Simply call 866-788-3966.
04:10 That's 866-STUDY-MORE.
04:13 One more time, 866-788-3966 for North America and
04:18 its territories, and we will mail you one of these.
04:20 So, before we dive into lesson number one,
04:23 let's begin with a Word of prayer.
04:24 Father in heaven, we're very thankful for the truth,
04:28 and we're thankful for this study now that we're going
04:31 to be talking about one of the priorities of the
04:33 Christian experience.
04:35 And after we come to You, going for You,
04:38 sharing You with others.
04:40 And I just pray that Your spirit will take charge of this
04:42 presentation, that hearts will be stirred,
04:45 and moved, and inspired, that we might all be better
04:48 witnesses for You.
04:50 We pray this in Jesus's name, amen.
04:53 All right, there's a memory verse in our lesson,
04:57 and it comes to us from 1 Timothy chapter 2,
05:00 verse 3 and 4.
05:01 And this is the New King James version.
05:03 "For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,
05:07 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge
05:13 of the truth."
05:15 So, what we're talking about both in the lesson today and in
05:19 this entire quarter of studies, by the way written by my friend
05:21 Mark Finley, pastor evangelist Mark Finley,
05:24 is talking about the priorities of the Bible.
05:28 If you go to the beginning of the gospel,
05:30 it says that the angel told Mary,
05:33 "You will call His name Jesus, for He will save His people
05:36 from their sins."
05:38 This is why God sent His Son into the world,
05:40 to save us.
05:42 He so loved the world that He sent his Son,
05:44 that we might not perish.
05:46 And this is the priority of God, he wants to save people.
05:48 There's nothing that God is more interested in in this world
05:51 than redeeming people because if--it's a matter of
05:55 life and death.
05:57 If they're not saved, they're eternally lost.
05:59 But unfortunately, Christians are losing their passion for
06:03 reaching people, even though this was such
06:06 a priority with Jesus.
06:08 Last thing Christ says is, "Go ye, therefore, teach, baptize."
06:12 Teach what? About the gospel.
06:15 You go to Acts chapter 1, "I'll send you My Spirit."
06:18 Why?
06:19 "That you might be My witnesses."
06:21 And so, we're asking this question,
06:24 "Why witness?"
06:25 Well, I saw some interesting statistics from a couple
06:29 of Barna studies.
06:30 You know, George Barna had that famous Christian
06:32 Research Institute.
06:33 I had the privilege of eating with him one day,
06:36 just a delightful man.
06:37 And they've done some excellent studies on trends
06:39 in Christianity in North America and even other parts
06:42 of the world.
06:44 Barna study in 1993, it discovered a growing number of
06:49 Christians feel no personal responsibility for sharing
06:52 the good news.
06:54 In 1993, 10% of Christians agreed that converting people to
06:59 Christianity is the job of the local church.
07:02 They said, "Well, it's not my job,
07:04 it's the job of the local church."
07:05 That's 10% thought that.
07:07 But by the time you get to-- and that's opposed to
07:10 individual witnessing.
07:12 By the time you get to the present day,
07:13 now 25%--oh sorry, 29%, a threefold increase of Christians
07:21 think, "Witnessing is really the job of the church,
07:24 it's not my job."
07:25 And this is part of bad theology 'cause evidently people don't
07:29 realize they are the church.
07:31 The buildings don't do any witnessing,
07:33 it's the people in the buildings.
07:35 So, what has happened?
07:36 What cultural trend or what bad teaching or theology has led
07:40 such a large number of Christians to miss that one
07:45 of the primary purposes that we are Christians is
07:47 to share our faith?
07:49 We are saved to bring glory to God.
07:52 And one of the ways we do this is by witnessing and by
07:55 sharing our faith.
07:57 But wait, there's more.
07:59 It says that in 1993, nine out of ten Christians who had shared
08:04 their faith agreed--well, let me say that again.
08:09 Yet the most dramatic divergence over time is on this statement,
08:14 and here's the statement, "Every Christian has a responsibility
08:17 to share their faith."
08:18 In 1993, nine out of 10 Christians believed that every
08:21 Christian had some responsibility.
08:23 Today--and that was 89% back then.
08:26 Today, only 64% believe every Christian has a responsibility
08:31 to share their faith.
08:32 Wow, 25% drop.
08:35 And it's especially severe among the young,
08:38 the millennials.
08:40 And it says almost half of the millennials,
08:42 47% agree that it is actually wrong to share your personal
08:46 belief with someone of a different faith,
08:49 hoping that they will one day share your faith.
08:51 That somehow it's immoral for you to try to convert somebody
08:56 to your beliefs.
08:57 What has happened to the Christian mission?
09:00 Well, we're going to be talking about that a little bit in our
09:02 lesson today and in the quarter ahead.
09:05 This is--like I said, this is part and parcel of what it means
09:08 to be a Christian is you come to Lord and then you
09:13 go for the Lord.
09:14 And every Christian every day should be praying about and
09:17 looking for opportunities to share their faith with somebody.
09:20 Just yesterday, I was visiting with a gentleman,
09:24 had an opportunity to give him a DVD.
09:28 Actually gave him the little statue of our kingdom's prophecy
09:32 or DVD documentary.
09:34 I gave him some lessons, gave him a testimony book,
09:37 shared a little bit of my personal testimony.
09:39 And every day, we have opportunities in
09:44 varying degrees.
09:46 You know, you can't grab everybody by the collar and hold
09:49 them down and preach to them, but we have opportunities every
09:51 day to share our faith in some way even if it's,
09:54 you know, in a casual way.
09:57 You don't--we don't do all of the farming.
09:59 Every individual doesn't plant the seed,
10:01 and cultivate the seed, and water the seed,
10:03 and harvest the seed all by ourselves.
10:05 But have some part in people's conversion,
10:07 have some part in that farming process of reaching
10:11 the lost every day.
10:13 And you'll find that if you pray--because this is the thing
10:17 that is the most important to Jesus.
10:19 If you pray and say, "Lord, I'm willing to be used of You today
10:21 to tell others about You," stand back and watch what happens.
10:25 God is going to work miracles for you,
10:27 He's going to bring people into your path,
10:29 He's going to arrange things providentially.
10:31 The Holy Spirit will then nudge you,
10:33 usually through God's angels, and say,
10:34 "This is that opportunity you prayed about.
10:36 This is that person."
10:38 And you're going to go, "Wow, I'm working in partnership
10:40 with God."
10:42 And so, you'll see battles going on.
10:44 You'll see events and providence being arranged behind the scenes
10:48 because God is wanting you to share your faith.
10:52 There's nothing the Lord wants more than for us
10:56 to share our faith.
10:58 I remember praying one time, and some of you know my story
11:00 that I was living up in the mountains in a cave,
11:04 accepted Jesus through reading the Bible.
11:06 Was not a Seventh Day Adventist Christian yet,
11:08 I hadn't even heard of Seventh Day Adventist.
11:10 But I felt impressed.
11:12 You know, after you come to the Lord,
11:14 you're happy, and you want to tell other people
11:16 about your faith.
11:17 And I felt impressed, I said, "Lord,
11:19 I feel like You want me to tell other people,
11:22 but I don't know how that's going to happen because I live
11:24 up here in a cave right now, and I almost never see anybody."
11:27 And after I prayed that prayer and said,
11:31 "Lord, you know, I think You want me to share my faith,
11:33 but You're going to have to show me if that's what You want
11:35 me to do."
11:37 I went to town and I called my mother.
11:38 I used to call her once a week or so just to check in,
11:41 tell her I was okay.
11:42 And she said, "Doug, you'll never believe what happened.
11:45 I was having lunch with somebody in NBC News and telling him
11:51 that, yeah, my son lives in a cave above Palm Springs,
11:54 and his father's a millionaire."
11:56 And he thought, "Well, that would be a great human
11:57 interest story."
11:58 And the short version is that within a week or so of praying
12:02 that prayer, a helicopter flew to my cave,
12:05 made two trips with a film crew.
12:07 You can't get up there any other way.
12:09 And they videotaped me sharing my testimony,
12:13 and I was on national television three times sharing my faith.
12:18 So, talk about God giving opportunities.
12:20 You go from being a hermit and thinking you're not going to see
12:24 anybody, to having God send a film crew to your cave.
12:26 So, if you're willing to be used of the Lord,
12:30 you watch what He does.
12:32 He will work miracles for you.
12:33 Some of you know the story of William Miller.
12:35 He just was learning so many things,
12:37 he said, "Lord, if You want me to share this,
12:39 I don't want to, but if You want me to,
12:40 You show me."
12:42 And then he got a knock on the door out of nowhere.
12:44 He was a farmer.
12:46 Someone says, "You know, they've asked if you would come preach
12:48 about the things you're studying."
12:50 God will open doors.
12:52 God is a hundred times more eager for you to share your
12:56 faith than most people are to share their faith.
12:58 And if you say, "Lord, I'm willing to be used," you stand
13:00 back, he's going to open opportunities,
13:02 you'll see that.
13:04 You know, in the beginning of the lesson,
13:06 there's a good quote, "Mission, Christian witnessing,
13:09 is primarily the work of God.
13:11 He is employing all of the resources of heaven
13:14 to save our planet.
13:16 Our work is to cooperate joyfully with Him in His work."
13:20 So, you don't have to act or worry like the whole business
13:23 of witnessing is on your shoulders.
13:25 God is just asking you, are you willing to work alongside Him,
13:28 to participate in His work of saving people?
13:31 Romans chapter 5, verse 8, "But God demonstrates His own love
13:37 towards us in that while we were sinners,
13:40 Christ died for us."
13:42 It's through the love of God that we do this.
13:45 He's demonstrated His love and He wants us to--
13:49 it's why we're sinners too.
13:50 You don't have to wait until you feel like you're perfect,
13:52 you don't have to wait until you feel like other
13:55 people are ready.
13:56 God is taking the message from sinners to sinners.
14:00 Now, this is an important point I don't want to rush past.
14:02 A lot of people never witness 'cause they feel like
14:05 they're not qualified.
14:07 I had an old friend that he told me,
14:10 he was an old mountain man, and he said,
14:13 "The number one step to teaching a donkey something,
14:17 you need to know something the donkey doesn't know.
14:20 That then qualifies you to teach him."
14:23 And I remember the first few Bible studies that I gave
14:27 to other people after accepting Jesus,
14:29 I was up in my cave and I was a flower child back then,
14:33 and I didn't even have any clothes on.
14:35 But the people I was studying with didn't have
14:38 any clothes on either.
14:39 We were just kind of natural hippies up then,
14:41 but I was so excited about the gospel,
14:42 here I am up there.
14:44 I obviously have not studied dress reform,
14:46 but I was sharing what I had learned.
14:48 Now you think, "Pastor Doug, that's taking it a little far."
14:52 You know, Jesus sent out the apostles witnessing before they
14:55 were fully converted.
14:56 He sent out Peter, James, John, and the others teaching,
14:59 preaching, casting out devils.
15:01 And the Bible says that then Jesus turns to Peter and He
15:04 says, "Peter, when you are converted,
15:07 strengthen the brethren."
15:08 "What do you mean when I'm converted?
15:10 Lord, I've been following You three years.
15:12 I've been out teaching, preaching,
15:13 casting out devils, healing, doing miracles."
15:15 Jesus said, "You're not fully converted yet."
15:18 And of course, he was preparing to deny the Lord.
15:21 And even Paul years later had to kind of rebuke Peter on some
15:24 inconsistencies in his life.
15:27 And so, God uses us where we're at.
15:30 Don't wait until you feel like you're perfect.
15:34 Now, your witness is going to be a lot better when you're fully
15:36 consecrated, but don't wait until you feel like you know
15:39 everything before you share what you do know.
15:42 And if someone asks you something you don't know,
15:44 say, "Well, I'll go study that.
15:46 That's a good question."
15:47 And you'll be blessed in the process.
15:50 All right, so why witness?
15:51 We've all got a responsibility.
15:53 First section here under Monday, providing opportunities
15:57 for salvation.
15:59 Actually, God is using us to bring these opportunities
16:03 of salvation to others.
16:04 Luke 19, verse 10, and we're going to read this verse a lot
16:09 in this quarter I'm quite sure, "For the Son of Man has come to
16:13 seek and to save that which is lost."
16:16 From the beginning of the Bible to the end,
16:18 this is the message of God.
16:21 The whole purpose is that man has been separated from God.
16:23 Adam ran from God in the garden.
16:26 God came, He said, "Where are you?"
16:28 Adam ran.
16:30 And you know, the first question that's asked in
16:32 the New Testament is the wise men looking for Jesus.
16:35 They're saying, "Where is He?"
16:36 And so, you've got God saying, "Where are you?"
16:39 And you've got man saying, "Where is He?"
16:42 And man, through sin, has been separated from God.
16:46 The purpose of the plan of salvation is to show people who
16:49 are lost how to get back to the garden and how to get back
16:53 to their creator.
16:54 And so, Jesus came to seek and to save that which is lost.
16:58 You know, I remember a lot of people,
17:02 when they're converted, they say,
17:03 "I found the Lord."
17:05 And someone reminded me, they said,
17:07 "No, Doug, you didn't really find the Lord,
17:09 He found you.
17:11 He was not lost, you were."
17:13 And so, Jesus came to seek those who are lost.
17:16 James chapter 5, verse 19: "Brethren, if anyone
17:20 among you wanders from the truth and someone turns him
17:24 back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error
17:27 of his way will save a soul from death and cover
17:33 a multitude of sins."
17:35 Well, it's good to cover a multitude of sins,
17:37 but He says you'll save a soul of death.
17:40 You know, if you ever had any doubts,
17:42 friends, the Bible is really clear,
17:43 you've heard people say, "Urgent,
17:46 matter of life and death."
17:48 Sometimes, people will send me an email and
17:51 they flag it urgent.
17:52 So, I go to that email 'cause it says urgent,
17:54 you've got a flag by it.
17:56 And I read the email and I thought,
17:57 "Well, that's not that urgent."
17:59 But sometimes, the 911 operators get a call,
18:03 and they say, "What is your emergency?"
18:06 And they say, "I can't figure out how to program
18:08 my microwave."
18:10 And they say, "That is not an emergency."
18:12 So, there's a lot of things in life that we fret over that
18:15 really are not important, but when it comes to salvation,
18:18 you are really dealing with a matter of life and death.
18:21 And I think sometimes we forget that through neglect of sharing
18:26 our faith, some people are going to miss out on eternity.
18:30 And it's not that God can't save the lost without humans.
18:34 He could use angels, God can speak to people directly if He
18:38 wants to, like He did to the Apostle Paul.
18:40 But we have been given the privilege and the responsibility
18:44 to share the gospel with other people.
18:47 And you know, if we only knew how horrific it's going to be
18:52 when the lost discover that probation is closed,
18:56 or they rise in the wrong resurrection and they hear the
18:59 words, "The harvest has passed, the summer has ended,
19:01 and we are not saved."
19:03 And it's forever too late for them to be saved.
19:05 And we see that there are people that are out there,
19:08 and we think, "You know, if I had cared a little more,
19:10 I could've reached some of those people and they'd be here."
19:13 I think that it's going to be a very sobering time for
19:16 Christians to see that we have the stains of blood on our
19:23 garment from people that we could've warned,
19:25 we just were too lazy or indifferent to care about.
19:27 Now, don't get me wrong, all of us are in that category.
19:31 And we're thanking God for His mercy that sometimes we haven't
19:34 been caring, we haven't been good witnesses,
19:36 we've neglected.
19:38 But let's not leave it there, let's realize what's at stake.
19:40 We're talking the life and death issues here.
19:44 So, really and the lesson is talking about now making
19:48 friends for God.
19:49 And one of the most important things you can do is witnessing
19:53 to people and making friends with them.
19:54 You know, I remember when I was little that kids just kind of
20:00 have a habit if you see another kid at a park and you don't know
20:03 them, we just boldly walk up to them and say,
20:05 "You want to be friends?"
20:07 I didn't even know their name yet.
20:08 "You want to be friends?"
20:10 They look like they're about my--"
20:11 Well, how old are you?"
20:13 "Well, I'm five, how old are you?"
20:14 "I'm five.
20:15 Wow, look, we got so much in common."
20:17 It didn't take much.
20:18 And you've seen it before, just little kids, they just run up.
20:19 I've seen kids, my kids did it.
20:21 We got one kid that's really huggy.
20:22 And when he was little, he'd see total strangers in China,
20:25 we're in Tiananmen Square, little Nathan,
20:28 he's running up, he's hugging these Chinese kids,
20:29 and they're going, "Who is this kid?"
20:31 And they're uninhibited.
20:33 They just want to make friends.
20:35 They want to play with someone.
20:36 Friends are so important in life.
20:38 Somebody said one time that friends divide your sorrows
20:42 and multiply your joy.
20:44 And so, you know, God designed us to be social creatures.
20:47 It is not good that man should be alone.
20:49 And it's really important that we show people that we care.
20:53 And then--and you share with them.
20:56 So, we want to make friends, we want to be witnesses for him.
21:04 Jesus, when he began his ministry,
21:07 he was filled with the Holy Spirit.
21:09 You know, Christ said, "Pray for the filling of the Spirit."
21:12 And as soon as Jesus was filled with the Spirit,
21:14 then He began witnessing.
21:16 The apostles did the same thing after Pentecost.
21:18 He said, "Wait for the Holy Spirit."
21:20 They were filled with the Holy Spirit and they
21:22 began witnessing.
21:23 When you're baptized, Peter said,
21:25 "Repent and be baptized, and God will give you the promise
21:27 of the Holy Spirit."
21:28 Why does He give it?
21:30 So you can live the life and you can be a witness.
21:32 Jesus is not in the world today.
21:35 When Jesus was in the world, He went around,
21:37 He went teaching, healing, preaching.
21:39 Now, we are the body of Christ.
21:43 You and I are His feet, we are His hands,
21:46 we are His eyes.
21:48 It is through us that He now goes through the world and
21:50 ministered to the needs of the world.
21:52 He does the healing, He does the miracles,
21:55 but He did all of that in the context of preaching and
21:58 teaching about salvation, seeking and saving the lost.
22:03 Under the next section here, it talks about making Jesus glad.
22:09 One of the greatest motivations I think for us to witness and
22:14 make friends for the Lord is this is what brings joy to God
22:18 is when we are telling other people about Christ,
22:21 it just thrills the heart of God.
22:24 Nothing made Jesus happier than to see other people come to Him.
22:29 The Bible tells us that when someone is saved,
22:32 the angels rejoice.
22:34 And we've got several verses that talk about this.
22:36 Luke chapter 15, matter of fact, you've got three examples here
22:38 in Luke 15 we're going to look at where it talks about this
22:42 principle, this priority.
22:44 Luke 15, verse 6, "And when he had come home."
22:48 Now, this is the parable of the shepherd.
22:50 He has 99 sheep, he's lost one of his sheep.
22:56 And when he searches over hill and dale,
22:58 he finally finds that sheep.
23:01 Doesn't tell us that sheep was a prize sheep worth more than the
23:04 other sheep, it was just a sheep,
23:05 but he loved them all.
23:07 And he went over hill and dale, he finds that sheep,
23:10 and he is so excited.
23:12 He comes back into town, he tell all his friends,
23:15 he says, "Rejoice with me, for I've found my missing sheep
23:19 which was lost."
23:21 And his friends that share in his joy and sorrows,
23:23 they rejoice with him.
23:25 And then God goes on to add, Jesus says in this parable,
23:29 "I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven
23:35 over one sinner who repents than over 99 just persons that
23:41 need no repentance."
23:42 Now, Jesus said, "It's not the sick that need a physician."
23:46 I'm sorry, "It's not the well that need the physician,
23:48 it's the sick."
23:50 And most parents, when they wake their kids up for school in the
23:55 morning or they see them first in the morning,
23:58 they say, "Hi, did you sleep good?
23:59 Good to see you. Glad everything's well."
24:02 But if that kid had been struggling with a terminal
24:06 disease for six months, and they were just in pain,
24:11 and they were in a potentially terminal condition,
24:16 and then through all of the right treatments and the doctor
24:19 gives them the medication, finally the doctor says after
24:23 the final checkup, "You know, the cancer is gone,
24:27 they're completely healed, they've got great health."
24:31 When that parent wakes up the child in the morning and says,
24:34 "How do you feel?"
24:35 and they say, "I feel great," it means so much more to them
24:38 because they were at death's door and now they're well.
24:41 And so, this is what Jesus is saying.
24:43 When the human race is fallen, we are perishing,
24:48 we're under a death sentence.
24:50 And the Lord is not willing that any should perish.
24:53 There's nothing that can separate us from
24:54 the love of God.
24:56 He longs to see us saved.
24:57 Think about this, the Lord longs to see us saved infinitely more
25:02 than any earthly parent wants to see their child saved
25:05 from a terminal disease.
25:07 So, how happy does it make the Lord when someone turns from
25:11 darkness to light and they're saved?
25:13 And you and I get to bring joy to heaven in sharing our faith.
25:18 And it's not just God, it's Jesus,
25:20 it's God the Father, it's the angels,
25:22 it's the unfallen worlds.
25:24 They're all beholding this theater to the universe,
25:27 what's happening down here.
25:29 It's like the story of Job.
25:30 You got this meeting in heaven, where the sons of God are
25:34 meeting before the Lord.
25:36 And Satan comes, and God says in the presence of all these
25:40 heavenly beings, angels, and unfallen leaders of worlds,
25:42 "Have you considered My servant Job,
25:46 that there's none like him in the world?
25:49 A man who hates evil and he loves what's good."
25:52 And here God is in heaven bragging about Job.
25:56 He's intensely interested in what's happening on earth,
25:59 and the righteousness and the godliness and
26:01 the salvation of one man.
26:03 All of heaven seems to know about Job.
26:05 It's like Jesus said, "If you confess Me on earth before this
26:10 wicked and adulterous generation,
26:12 I will confess your name before My Father and
26:14 His angels in heaven."
26:15 Heaven is interested in what is happening here on earth.
26:18 Angels are watching what we do.
26:20 And they rejoice when even the little things we do to try to
26:24 plant seeds of salvation in someone's life,
26:27 or to speak a Word for Christ, or offer to pray with someone
26:30 that's discouraged.
26:32 And it doesn't mean that you've got to be responsible,
26:35 like I said, for the whole shooting match,
26:36 but doing something every day to try to bring people closer
26:39 to salvation.
26:41 Heaven rejoices in that 'cause that's the mission of God,
26:44 and He wants us to do that.
26:46 Now there's--you got the next parable.
26:49 By the way, Jesus shares that first parable and He talks about
26:53 a shepherd's love for His sheep.
26:56 And I can't help but wonder if Jesus is not thinking back about
26:59 those stories of David.
27:01 Now, Jesse had probably a lot of sheep.
27:04 He didn't have one lamb, he had a lot of sheep.
27:07 But when a bear came and took one sheep,
27:10 David loved that one sheep so much that he put his life on
27:12 the line to save that one sheep, and he killed the bear.
27:18 And then a lion comes and he takes a sheep,
27:22 and David goes out to save that one bleating sheep,
27:26 and puts his life on the line to save that sheep.
27:30 Now, I've got a confession to make.
27:32 Years ago up in the hills in Covelo,
27:34 where we lived, we had milk goats.
27:37 And I remember having two goats and a baby kid.
27:42 And one day, for some reason, one of the goats disappeared.
27:47 We don't know, we thought--'cause we let them free
27:49 range, but they always stayed around to get milked,
27:51 and I didn't know what happened.
27:52 It's up in this wild country, and I thought that this goat
27:56 just wandered off.
27:58 And then I woke up one morning, I heard this terrible bang and
28:03 the whole house shook.
28:06 And then it's still dark out, it's like five in the morning.
28:09 And then we heard our goat Libby crying,
28:12 "Baa, baa."
28:14 It was a terrible distress call, and it was getting more distant.
28:18 And I looked out the window, and in the dark I could see there
28:23 was some shadow dragging Libby up the hill.
28:25 Now, Libby was like, you know, a 70-pound goat,
28:27 80-pound goat.
28:29 And my gun was out in the truck.
28:32 And I'll admit I did not want to go out in the dark.
28:37 I knew there was either a mountain lion or a bear out
28:40 there, and I was afraid.
28:41 This is when I first moved the hills,
28:43 I was a teenager who rode subways in New York City.
28:45 The idea that there was a bear out there that was trying to eat
28:48 my goat, I wasn't ready to put my life on the line for my goat.
28:53 And I'm ashamed to tell you that today.
28:55 Today, I would've gone outside, I know a little more about bears
28:57 and mountain lions.
28:59 But back then, I was still just a 19 year old out of New York,
29:04 scared to death.
29:05 And I feel some--I feel some comfort in knowing that
29:09 a good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.
29:11 It never says they do it for the goats because,
29:12 you know, the sheep are saved, the goats are lost anyway.
29:15 But David, when I read that story in the Bible,
29:18 it's very real to me because I think I was--I didn't even
29:21 have--David didn't even have a gun.
29:23 And he went and he put his life on the line to get into almost
29:27 hand to hand combat with a bear to save a sheep.
29:29 So, when Jesus says this shepherd goes in search of this
29:32 sheep and he's going out at night,
29:35 he's got 99 left.
29:36 Why doesn't he just say, "I'm happy with 99"?
29:38 But he goes and he finds that one missing sheep,
29:40 and he rejoices over that.
29:43 You know, God could say, "You know,
29:45 I've got billions of unfallen worlds.
29:47 Isn't that enough?"
29:49 But this world is special.
29:51 Man is made in the image of God, we are His children.
29:53 Adam is called the son of God, that means we're all
29:57 grandchildren of God.
29:58 And God, His love is perfect.
30:01 He loves us more than earthly parents or grandparents
30:04 love their children.
30:05 So, when you cooperate with God to save the lost,
30:08 it brings joy to God.
30:10 There's nothing that God is more intensely interested in.
30:13 Proof, He sent Jesus, gave His Son to save His other children.
30:19 And so, this is very important.
30:21 All right, I'm going to carry on.
30:22 The other parable, and we're still in Matthew 15--I'm sorry,
30:24 Luke 15, verse 8.
30:26 "What woman, having ten silver coins,
30:29 if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp and sweep the house
30:33 and search carefully until she finds it?
30:37 And then she calls her friends and her neighbors together."
30:40 I don't know if I'd ever go to some lady's party 'cause she
30:42 found a missing coin, but evidently maybe this was
30:46 part of her dowry.
30:47 They used to give coins out, and it had some special meaning.
30:51 She says, "Rejoice with me.
30:53 I found my piece that I had lost.
30:56 Likewise, I say to you there is joy in the presence of the
31:00 angels over one sinner who repents."
31:04 You know, when you do an evangelistic,
31:09 first he says joy in heaven, now he says joy in the presence
31:12 of the angels.
31:13 Angels, they love what God loves,
31:15 and God loves to see people saved.
31:17 They are rejoicing.
31:18 Angels have feelings, you know?
31:20 And they're rejoicing over one sinner who repents.
31:23 Luke 15, verse 22.
31:26 You know the story of the prodigal and that father,
31:30 wandered from home.
31:32 Now, it starts to get a little home--a little closer to home.
31:35 You got the shepherd with his sheep.
31:37 You know, I mean, I love animals.
31:40 Karen and I, we've got three dogs up in the hills,
31:43 and we like our dogs.
31:45 We got to be careful when we go up there,
31:47 we can't pet them a lot certain times a year because they run
31:49 through the poison oak, and we get poison oak when we pet them.
31:51 Karen puts on rubber gloves 'cause she wants to pet them
31:54 so much, she'll even put on gloves so she can pet them.
31:56 And you know, Americans spend more money on their pets than
32:01 some countries spend on their people.
32:05 People love their pets.
32:07 And it's amazing the care and the pampering that people go
32:12 through for their pets.
32:14 I just saw a relative that spent $10,000 on medical treatment
32:18 for a dog.
32:20 Now, we love our dogs, and I'll probably get letters from you,
32:23 but I don't think I'd spend that much on a dog.
32:28 To me, it just doesn't seem right.
32:30 I think you got to keep things in perspective.
32:33 I know I'm going to get letters now.
32:35 I'll be getting letters from those of you who ask for the
32:37 book, "Will My Pets Be in Heaven?"
32:39 This man's rejoicing over his sheep.
32:42 You see how much people love their dogs,
32:45 there are people that love their pets more than
32:47 they love lost souls.
32:49 But the priority for Jesus is people.
32:52 You know, nowhere in the Bible does it say Jesus died
32:55 to save our parakeets.
32:56 It doesn't say that He died to save our cats,
33:01 especially cats.
33:02 No, I like cats too.
33:04 But people love their pets so much,
33:07 and they think that there's some people that are more interested
33:09 in, "Will my pet be saved?"
33:11 than, "Will my relatives be saved?"
33:14 This man, his friends rejoiced over his found sheep.
33:17 These neighbors rejoiced over the found coin,
33:21 inanimate coin, and they're rejoicing.
33:23 Finally, now Jesus brings it home and He says,
33:26 "What about people?"
33:28 A man had two sons.
33:30 And one son said, "Father, I don't want you,
33:34 but I want all of your resources."
33:36 And he went into a far country, took his father's inheritance,
33:39 and he squandered it living recklessly.
33:41 He just frittered it away, finally ends up in the pig pen,
33:45 longing for the food the pigs eat.
33:48 And then he remembers his father's love and his
33:49 father's abundance.
33:51 He said, "Even the servants in my father's house eat better
33:53 than I eat, I'm eating pigs' food."
33:55 And he goes home to his father.
33:58 Of course, you know the story.
33:59 Father runs out to meet him, he embraces him,
34:01 covers him with his best robe, adopts him back into the family.
34:06 Brother comes out and he says, "What's this?
34:11 You're having a party for this son of yours that went out and
34:15 he squandered your inheritance and he,
34:18 you know, lived a reckless, evil life,
34:21 and here you're having a big celebration 'cause
34:23 he's come home.
34:24 He ought to come home with his tail between his legs,
34:27 and he should be whipped for what he's done."
34:29 Father says, "No, my son was dead and now he's alive.
34:32 He was lost and now he's found.
34:34 It is right that we should rejoice and make merry."
34:36 And so, here Jesus is illustrating that heaven
34:40 celebrates when the lost are saved.
34:45 And this should be the central purpose of the church.
34:48 The church is a lifeboat that is launched out into the waters
34:52 where people are drowning.
34:54 And one by one, we are pulling them into the boat and we're
34:57 saving them from certain death.
34:59 And it reminds me of the story of the Titanic,
35:04 which I studied at length, read a lot of history about it.
35:08 And when that ship went down, several of the lifeboats,
35:12 the early lifeboats that were launched from the Titanic,
35:14 nobody wanted to get into the lifeboats,
35:16 but they had to launch them.
35:18 And so, some of them were launched less than half full,
35:20 even though there were not enough lifeboats for the people
35:24 that were on the boat.
35:25 I think 1,500 perished because they didn't have
35:28 enough lifeboats.
35:30 And after the boat sank, the lifeboats,
35:33 it was not even windy, it was very calm,
35:35 they could hear the people off in the distance shouting for
35:40 help, calling for salvation.
35:42 They're freezing in the water, saying,
35:43 "Help me, help me, save us."
35:45 Parents were looking for their children,
35:47 and husbands are calling for their wives.
35:49 It was just a--it was a horrendous sound.
35:52 The ship went down, all these people sprang to the surface,
35:54 especially those wearing life jackets.
35:56 And many of the lifeboats did not go and venture over to try
36:01 to save those who were perishing 'cause they were afraid.
36:04 They were afraid that, well, maybe too many of them will swim
36:08 on our boat and they'll swamp the boat.
36:11 It'll be overcrowded and we will all drown as a result.
36:14 Only a handful of the lifeboats went back and picked up
36:18 a couple of people.
36:19 It's such a tragedy that they would stand by and
36:22 watch them all drown.
36:23 But you know what?
36:25 This is what a lot of churches doing.
36:26 That's right.
36:28 There's a lot of churches that sort of exists for
36:29 our own comfort.
36:31 And we're not aggressively working to make friends for God
36:34 and to reach out and save the lost.
36:36 The purpose for the church, we are supposed to be a lifeboat.
36:40 We're supposed to be launching out and taking risks to reach
36:43 the lost, that's our mission.
36:45 It's not about our entertainment or our comfort,
36:49 but--and we'll find our greatest joy in doing that.
36:51 And that's what'll make a church grow is to have the priority
36:55 of evangelism.
36:56 And something else I've noticed, a lot of churches are all--they
36:58 say, "We're not ready for evangelism 'cause we're too
37:00 embroiled with internal problems.
37:02 Our members aren't converted enough for evangelism."
37:05 I've actually had pastors tell me that.
37:06 "Yeah, I can't do evangelism here 'cause our people,
37:09 just they're not spiritual enough or whatever."
37:10 One of the ways to get your church converted and spiritual
37:13 is get them involved in what they're supposed to be doing.
37:16 Get them involved in soul winning,
37:18 and that brings about a big change.
37:19 This is what makes Jesus glad.
37:23 In Matthew chapter 25, you know that story where it says that
37:33 in the judgment, He separates the sheep from the goats?
37:35 I alluded to that a moment ago.
37:37 And He tells the sheep, "Well done,
37:39 good and faithful servant.
37:40 Enter into the joy of the Lord.
37:42 I was hungry, you fed me.
37:43 I was thirsty, you gave me drink.
37:45 I was sick and you came to me.
37:46 I was a prisoner and you visited me.
37:48 I was a stranger and you took me in."
37:51 And they said, "Lord, when did we see you hungry,
37:53 or thirsty, or sick, or in prison,
37:55 or stranger, or naked?"
37:58 And He says, "In as much as you did it to the least of these,
38:01 you did it to Me."
38:03 Anything we do to relieve the suffering of other people,
38:05 Jesus feels that joy.
38:08 And Jesus, because He knows all things,
38:11 He knows how people feel.
38:12 And when people find salvation, there's such a relief,
38:14 He senses that.
38:16 It brings joy to his heart.
38:18 Isaiah 62, verse 5: "For as a young man marries a virgin,
38:22 so your sons marry you.
38:25 And as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride,
38:28 so shall your God rejoice over you."
38:32 You know, that ought to be one of the happiest days in
38:34 the world is when a couple get married.
38:36 I tell the groom and the bride, I say,
38:38 "Look, if you're not happy today,
38:40 you ought to call it off because this should be the happiest day.
38:43 There should be an excitement and a joy."
38:47 And sometimes, you see arranged marriages in other countries.
38:52 And the groom and the bride, they had no pride in the choice,
38:55 and they don't look very happy.
38:57 But normally, it should be a happy day.
39:01 Zephaniah 3:17, "The Lord your God is in the midst of you.
39:05 The mighty one will save.
39:08 He will rejoice over you with gladness.
39:10 He will quiet you with his love.
39:12 He will rejoice over you with singing."
39:15 One of the only verses in the Bible talks about God singing is
39:17 in connection with the lost being saved.
39:20 This is what brings great joy to the heart of God.
39:23 All right, let's go to the section growing by giving.
39:26 John 7, verse 37 and 38: "On that last great day of the
39:32 feast, Jesus stood and He cried out,
39:34 saying, 'If anyone thirsts, let them come to Me and drink.
39:38 He that believes in Me, as the Scripture has said,
39:41 out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.'"
39:45 You know, when you're a Christian, you need to realize
39:48 that maintaining your Christianity is dependent
39:52 on God sharing through you.
39:56 If you receive from God His goodness,
39:59 His blessings, His truth, and you don't pass it on,
40:00 you'll lose it, it's like a muscle.
40:02 If you don't use it, you lose it.
40:04 In the Christian life, the only way you get to keep the gospel
40:08 is by giving it away.
40:11 It's a principle in life.
40:13 If you withhold your grain, you'll get to eat some,
40:17 you'll be full.
40:19 But if you don't scatter some, if you don't cast it out,
40:21 you're not going to have another crop.
40:22 If you want to tend to increase, you need to scatter.
40:25 That's what the Proverbs tells us.
40:27 In the Christian life, if you want to grow in your faith,
40:30 give studies to other people.
40:32 You want to grow in your understanding,
40:33 share the Bible with other people.
40:36 Be involved in some capacity, share literature.
40:38 Not everyone can preach or give a Bible study,
40:40 but everybody can do something.
40:41 And you will be blessed in doing this.
40:43 You know, there are two principle bodies of water
40:47 in the Promised Land.
40:48 You've got the Sea of Galilee, sometimes called the Sea of
40:51 Gennesaret or the Sea of Tiberias,
40:53 it's all the Sea of Galilee.
40:54 And the Jordan River runs into the north.
40:57 And then you've got the Dead Sea.
40:59 Interesting thing about those two seas,
41:00 the Jordan River runs into the Dead Sea and the Jordan River
41:04 runs into the Sea of Galilee.
41:06 But the Sea of Galilee is full of life,
41:10 there's still fish in it today after thousands of years.
41:13 And the Dead Sea has nothing alive in it, why?
41:17 Because the Dead Sea only takes.
41:19 Same river runs into both, but the Dead Sea's dead,
41:22 Sea of Galilee is alive.
41:25 The Dead Sea only takes, it only receives.
41:27 Because it's so low and because the evaporation
41:30 exceeds the input, it's dead.
41:34 It becomes stagnant, it's full of salts and minerals,
41:36 and nothing can live in it.
41:37 We were swimming in the Dead Sea,
41:39 oh, a couple years ago.
41:40 It really is quite a sensation because you can't hardly swim.
41:44 I turned on my belly and tried to swim and it floated me
41:47 so much, I couldn't kick with my feet,
41:48 my feet were out of the water.
41:50 And you can actually stand straight up,
41:52 it's like this much of you is out of the water when you're
41:55 standing up because it's just so full of--thick with minerals.
41:58 Nothing lives in it because it constantly takes,
42:01 but it doesn't give.
42:03 But the Sea of Galilee, the Jordan River runs in from the
42:06 north and the Jordan River flows out.
42:09 It stays clean because it's being constantly refreshed.
42:13 It's a channel of blessing.
42:15 Every Christian should be a channel of blessing.
42:17 We're receiving God's blessings with one hand,
42:19 we share them with the other.
42:21 If you have morning devotions, you'd be surprised how often
42:24 during the day God will give you an opportunity to share with
42:27 others what you read that very day.
42:29 And so, God wants us to be a channel of blessing.
42:32 He flows through you.
42:34 "Desire of Ages" page 142, "God could've reached His object in
42:39 saving sinners without our aid.
42:41 But in order for us to develop character like Christ,
42:44 we must share in His work in order to enter into His joy,
42:49 the joy of seeing souls redeemed by His sacrifice.
42:53 We must participate in His labors for their redemption."
42:56 It's part of Christianity 101.
42:59 You remember the Barna study I read at the beginning
43:03 of our study today?
43:05 A growing number of Christians do not recognize their personal
43:09 responsibility and privilege of doing something
43:13 to share their faith.
43:14 And it's just so unhealthy.
43:16 From the "Book of Education," page 207,
43:18 another good quote.
43:20 "Those who would be overcomers must be drawn out of themselves.
43:24 And the only thing that will accomplish this great work is
43:27 to become intensely interested in the salvation of others."
43:31 It's so easy for us to become eccentric and self-centered,
43:34 think that it's all about me.
43:36 And being involved in reaching others,
43:39 you know, I've seen it so many times,
43:41 "Amazing Facts" will take a group on a mission trip or
43:44 they'll go on a church building project,
43:46 and there's something that is transformational about you going
43:50 to a poor mission field, doing an evangelistic meeting,
43:54 doing some health ministry, being involved in building up
43:58 a mission or a church.
44:00 It helps you realize, you know, it's a big world out there,
44:02 and I'm just one little person out of 7.8 billion people.
44:07 Jesus loves them all, and your greatest joy's going to come
44:10 in telling other people about Christ.
44:13 The other thing that's amazing, you go to some of these
44:16 countries and, you know, we've had the privilege of going
44:19 I can't even count how many different countries,
44:21 and you go and you see very poor people in India,
44:24 in Africa, in Asia.
44:27 And they're so happy that you've come to their house,
44:30 they're so happy that you've come to share with them.
44:33 They're smiling, they have almost nothing,
44:35 but they're just so happy when they hear the good news that you
44:38 realize maybe in our materialism in North America,
44:42 we sometimes forget that it's not all about this stuff,
44:47 it's about souls, that's what really matters.
44:51 So, we need to be involved in this unselfish work.
44:53 And in doing this, you save yourself.
44:55 I like what Paul said to Timothy.
44:57 1 Timothy 4:16: "Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine.
45:02 Continue in them, for in doing this you will save yourself
45:06 and those who hear you."
45:07 In sharing with others, you're helping to save yourself.
45:10 In the book "Steps to Christ," page 79,
45:13 it's got some more on that principle.
45:15 "Unselfish work for others helps make our characters like Christ.
45:19 It brings peace and happiness.
45:22 It gives us strong desire to be more helpful.
45:25 There will be no room in our lives for laziness
45:28 and selfishness.
45:29 If we exercise our faith and other Christian graces,
45:32 we will become strong in our work for God.
45:35 We will see the truth clearly.
45:37 Our faith will keep growing, and we will pray with greater power.
45:41 God's Spirit will move in our hearts,
45:44 helping us develop characters that will honor Him.
45:46 If we give ourselves in unselfish service for others,
45:49 we are surely working out our own salvation."
45:53 One of the ways for us to break the dead spirit many struggle
45:57 with, get out of yourself, get involved in serving others.
46:00 Even if you don't feel like it at first,
46:02 something will happen to you in the process of doing it.
46:05 Faithfulness to Christ's command.
46:08 Acts 26, verse 17, he says, "I will deliver you from the Jewish
46:15 people as well as from the Gentiles."
46:17 Jesus is speaking to Paul in vision,
46:19 "To whom I now send you, to open their eyes and order to turn
46:24 them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God,
46:28 that they might receive forgiveness of sins and
46:31 an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith for Me.
46:35 Open their eyes, turn them from darkness to light,
46:38 from the power of the devil to God."
46:40 This is what we're doing.
46:42 We're taking people and their lives are so completely and
46:44 utterly transformed, from the devil to God,
46:47 from darkness to light.
46:49 And that they might be saved from slavery to freedom.
46:52 It's such a dramatic change.
46:55 God wants everybody to be saved.
46:58 You know, some dispensationalists think,
47:00 "Well, you know, Jesus only saved--He died for the elect,
47:03 not for everybody."
47:05 God doesn't want anyone to be lost.
47:07 The Bible says He is not willing that any should perish.
47:10 And that's in 2 Peter chapter 3, verse 9,
47:13 "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise as some
47:16 men counts slackness, but He's long-suffering to us,
47:19 not willing that any should perish."
47:21 And in 1 Timothy, he says in verse 3 and 4 of chapter 2,
47:27 "This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,
47:30 who desires all men to be saved."
47:33 It breaks the heart of God that one should be lost,
47:35 which is a good transition into the last section.
47:39 What's the motive for our sharing our faith?
47:42 Love.
47:43 Isaiah 48--41, verse 8: "But you,
47:47 Israel, are my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen,
47:50 the descendants of Abraham my friend."
47:53 God loves us more than a friend.
47:56 2 Corinthians 5:14: "For the love of Christ compels us
48:01 because we judge thus.
48:03 And if one died for all, then all--then all died."
48:08 He says it's for the love of God, it compels us.
48:11 We're constrained when we see Jesus on the cross not just for
48:14 us, but for every soul.
48:16 Sometimes in people that we would dismiss as worthless,
48:20 Jesus loves them and He died for them.
48:22 And He wants us to have tender sympathy for every soul.
48:27 You need to see in every soul not what they are,
48:30 but what they can be through the gospel.
48:32 It makes it easier to love.
48:34 2 Corinthians 5, verse 18: "Now all things are of God,
48:39 who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ,
48:43 and has given us the ministry of reconciliation,
48:46 that is that God was in Christ reconciling the world
48:49 to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them.
48:52 And He's committed to us the Word of reconciliation."
48:55 He's given us His job, He's sharing with us his job.
48:59 "Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ as through God we're
49:03 pleading through us.
49:05 We implore you on Christ's behalf,
49:07 be reconciled to God, for He made Him who knew no sin to be
49:11 sin for us, that we might become the righteousness
49:15 of God in Him."
49:16 This is a wonderful message, friends.
49:19 "The love of Christ must dwell in the heart.
49:22 And through that love, we will have an unselfish interest
49:26 in the salvation of others."
49:28 Well, friends, I hope you've been blessed by our study today.
49:30 In closing, I want to remind you
49:34 we have our free offer,
49:36 "The Ultimate Deliverance."
49:37 All you've got to do is call 866-788-3966,
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49:43 That's 866-STUDY-MORE.
49:46 And you can also get it through
49:47 texting the number on your screen.
49:49 God bless you, you can join us for our worship
49:51 service afterward.
49:55 male announcer: Don't forget to request today's life-changing
49:57 free resource.
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50:18 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
50:21 "Amazing Facts" wherever and whenever you want,
50:24 and most important to share it with others.
50:33 announcer: Amazing Facts: changed lives.
50:37 ♪♪♪
50:44 Justin: Growing up as a kid, my mother was on drugs
50:49 and alcohol, lots of fighting in the home.
50:52 My mom would be abused mentally, verbally, physically.
50:56 Went from California to Oregon, spent some time in Oregon,
51:01 and it was just the same cycle of drugs,
51:04 alcohol, violence.
51:07 My mom's boyfriend would go to jail at times.
51:09 She would wait until he would, you know,
51:12 get out of jail and it was back to square one.
51:14 The drugs and the alcohol escalated to a lot harder drugs,
51:20 crystal meth, cocaine, and lots and lots of alcohol.
51:24 So, I started using the alcohol too as a medication.
51:29 It was like it took the misery and the fear that I had,
51:32 I wanted to drown all that misery.
51:34 Times I would just grab, you know,
51:39 a bottle of beer and go out into the desert and just drink until
51:43 sometimes I'd just pass out in the desert somewhere and
51:47 wake up the next morning.
51:49 And you know, and I just couldn't find rest.
51:51 My stepdad had got me a motorcycle,
51:54 and so I started riding motorcycles.
51:57 I'd drink a lot of beer, get on the motorcycle,
52:00 ride into the desert, do donuts and just--you know,
52:03 just ride on private property.
52:05 People would chase me off and I was just causing,
52:09 stirring up dust and rocks and just causing chaos.
52:14 And the adrenaline rush that I had was so exciting and the
52:19 feeling of it was so intense that I loved it,
52:22 and I forgot about all my problems,
52:25 you know, at the moment.
52:28 And I thought that material things would make me feel
52:30 so good, you know?
52:33 And so, I started working, started making money,
52:35 had a responsibility.
52:37 But as time went by, I had more money,
52:42 so I would use my money that I made to buy drugs and alcohol.
52:48 Got pulled over, drinking and driving,
52:51 ended up going to jail for a couple days.
52:55 I lost my job because I missed work for a few days.
52:59 Lost my girlfriend, lost all the money that I had.
53:04 So, once again I was empty, no money,
53:08 no drugs, no alcohol, and that was a turning point in my life.
53:12 At this time, I was living with my grandfather.
53:14 And as I was flipping through the channels on the satellite
53:19 system, I found "Amazing Facts."
53:22 Pastor Doug Batchelor was telling his--sharing his
53:26 testimony about how he was living in a cave.
53:28 And he was--he struggled the same struggles of alcohol and
53:32 drugs, and I continued to read the book "The Richest Caveman,"
53:36 and it really impacted my life, and really related to the things
53:40 he was struggling with and all the events that took
53:45 place in his life.
53:46 And when I started reading the Bible,
53:48 Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ
53:51 who strengthens me."
53:52 And I recognized that I had no strength.
53:54 I was weak, and I was wretched, and I needed help.
53:58 So, I just asked the Lord, I said,
54:01 "Just help me, Lord."
54:02 And the Holy Spirit convicted me,
54:05 and I decided to be baptized and to give my life to Jesus Christ.
54:11 A few years after the Lord took the temptation of drinking and
54:15 doing drugs, he gave me a beautiful wife I met at church.
54:19 Now, I have a beautiful baby boy,
54:22 two year old baby boy.
54:23 It's just exciting to see, you know,
54:26 what God is doing in my life and my family.
54:30 I met with some friends from my local church that I was
54:34 attending and they had told me about Amazing Facts Center of
54:39 Evangelism Training Seminar.
54:41 The AFCOE to Go program really inspired me and motivated me
54:46 to tell young people about, you know,
54:50 the same struggles that I was struggling with,
54:53 to help these kids give their life to Jesus Christ.
54:56 And there's nothing else that you could ask for.
54:59 I'm Justin, and God used you to change my life.
55:04 ♪♪♪
55:14 ♪♪♪
55:21 Doug: Hello, friends.
55:23 We all know a marathon is one of the longest and hardest races
55:25 a person can run, but did you hear about the ultramarathon
55:28 they used to have in Australia?
55:31 It was 544 miles from Melbourne to Sydney.
55:35 It attracted as many as 150 world class athletes,
55:39 but then something happened that no one would ever forget.
55:41 In 1983, a 61 year old potato farmer named Cliff Young decided
55:47 to enter the race.
55:48 People were very amused because he had on rubber galoshes
55:51 over his boots.
55:53 And when the race began and all the runners took off,
55:55 sure enough old Cliff was left behind shuffling along very
55:59 slowly, but he was shuffling very persistently.
56:02 Normally during this seven-day race,
56:04 the runners would go about 18 hours running,
56:07 and then they'd sleep for six hours.
56:09 But nobody ever told Cliff that.
56:11 When the other runners stopped to rest during the night,
56:14 Cliff just kept on running.
56:16 Some people were afraid old Cliff was going to have a heart
56:19 attack, and they were asking the race organizers to show mercy
56:21 and stop the crazy old man, but he would have none of it.
56:25 Each day, he was gaining on the pack because when they were
56:28 sleeping, he was plodding along.
56:30 During the last night of the race,
56:33 Cliff passed all of these world class athletes.
56:36 Not only was Cliff able to run that 544-mile race without
56:40 dying, he won, beating all the other racers by nine hours,
56:45 breaking the record and becoming a national hero in the process.
56:48 What's really amazing is when they told him that he had won
56:51 the $10,000 prize, he looked confused and said he didn't know
56:54 there was a prize, and he decided to share it
56:57 with the other runners.
56:58 When asked how he was able to run all night long,
57:01 Cliff responded that he grew up on a farm where they had about
57:04 2,000 head of cattle.
57:05 And because they couldn't afford horses,
57:07 he used to have to round them up on foot,
57:09 sometimes running two and three days nonstop.
57:11 So, throughout the race, he just imagined he was chasing after
57:14 the cows and trying to outrun a storm.
57:16 Old Cliff's secret was to keep on running while others
57:20 were sleeping.
57:22 You know, the Bible tells us that the race is not necessarily
57:25 to the swift.
57:26 Something like Aesop's parable of the Tortoise and the Hare,
57:29 the tortoise just kept on plotting along.
57:32 That's why Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:13,
57:35 "He that endures unto the end, the same will be saved."
57:38 Now, you might slip and fall during the race.
57:41 You might even get off to a bad start.
57:43 But in the Christian race that we run,
57:45 the main thing is you want to finish well.
57:47 Keep on running, friends, and don't give up.
57:50 ♪♪♪
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Revised 2020-06-29