Sabbath School Study Hour

By Scripture Alone—Sola Scriptura

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH022018S

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00:35 Jean Ross: Good morning, friends, and welcome again to
00:37 "Sabbath School Study Hour" coming to you from the Amazing
00:39 Facts offices in Sacramento, California.
00:42 I'd like to welcome those who are joining us across the
00:44 country, and around the world, part of our extended Sabbath
00:47 School class.
00:49 And today we're looking at a very important study in our
00:52 lesson series.
00:53 The series is entitled How To Interpret Scripture and today in
00:57 particular, we're looking at lesson number five, The Great
01:00 Cry Of The Reformation, By Scripture Alone or
01:03 Sola Scriptura.
01:04 That's going to be our study, lesson number five.
01:06 We also have a free offer we'd like to let our friends know
01:09 about, it is one of our little sermon books entitled "Satan's
01:12 Confusing Counterfeits."
01:14 And we'll be happy to send this to anyone today who calls
01:17 866-788-3966 and all you have to do is ask for Offer Number 191,
01:24 and we'll be happy to send it to you in the mail.
01:26 Or you can receive a digital copy of the book by texting the
01:30 code SH058 to the number 40544.
01:37 And you'll be able to get a digital download of the book
01:39 entitled, "Satan's Confusing Counterfeits."
01:43 Doug Batchelor: Yeah, so we're ready for our lesson, and our
01:45 lesson, of course, is Sola Scriptura, The Bible Alone.
01:49 This was the, what do you call it?
01:51 The the battle cry for the Reformation, and we have a
01:56 memory verse and that's Hebrews chapter 4, verse 12, Hebrews
02:00 4:12 and it says, "For the Word of God is living and powerful,
02:04 and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the
02:08 division of soul and spirit, and joints and marrow.
02:12 And it's the discerner of the thoughts and the intents of
02:15 the heart."
02:17 The Holy Spirit, the Scriptures, I should say, you know, brings
02:21 great conviction and it can divide.
02:25 You know, Jesus said, "I came not to send peace, but a sword."
02:28 The Word of God is a sword and it can sometimes cause division
02:32 in culture and in families, but it causes, the design is that
02:36 it's a scalpel to separate us from sin.
02:40 Jean: You know, Pastor Doug, talking about the Scripture, in
02:42 order for us to understand the Scripture correctly, we always
02:44 need to seek the leading of the Holy Spirit, and maybe it would
02:47 be a good time for us after our memory texts we just read, to
02:50 take just a moment and have a special prayer.
02:55 I know we're going to pray for those who are watching, we're
02:57 also going to pray for us here in the studio that as we study
03:00 this important subject, the Holy Spirit would be able to really
03:02 help guide our hearts and our minds.
03:05 So, let's just bow our heads for prayer.
03:07 Dear Father, once again, we are grateful that we're able to
03:09 gather together around your Word to study a very important
03:11 subject on how we ought to interpret the Bible.
03:14 Father, we know the Bible has power to transform the hearts
03:17 and the lives of those who take time to study it and so we ask
03:21 for that transforming power of your Spirit to come and work in
03:24 our hearts, be with those who are listening wherever they
03:27 might be, and lead us into a clear understanding of this very
03:30 important study today.
03:32 For we ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
03:34 Doug: Amen.
03:36 Jean: Now, Pastor Doug, in our Scripture reading in Hebrews
03:38 chapter 4, verse 12, it talks about the Word of God as a
03:40 sharp, two-edged sword.
03:43 Do you think there's any significance to the fact that
03:45 Paul specifically mentions here, not just any sword, but a
03:48 two-edged sword?
03:50 Doug: Well, a two-edged sword you can cut both directions when
03:53 you're working with it, and that means it can be used offensively
03:57 for blocking and defensive--or offensively for attack and
04:01 defensively for blocking.
04:02 You can swing it to the right or to the left.
04:04 And it's a symbol, the Word of God is often symbolized in a
04:08 dual nature.
04:11 The Ten Commandments are on two tables.
04:14 The Word of God is often identified as the law of God and
04:18 the testimony, the commandments and the testimony.
04:21 It's identified as Moses and Elijah.
04:24 In the last words in the Old Testament, "Behold--remember the
04:27 law of Moses, Behold, I send you Elijah the prophet."
04:30 And, of course, Moses and Elijah, a symbol for the Word of
04:32 God appear to Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration.
04:36 And so, and you probably have some other ideas.
04:39 Jean: I'm just going to add to that in Revelation chapter 11,
04:41 you read about the two witnesses.
04:43 And if you look at some of the similarities of the two
04:45 witnesses, it talks about how that fire can proceed out of
04:48 their mouth and devour those who are opposed to them or
04:51 the wicked.
04:53 You have the experience o Elijah that called fire down
04:55 from heaven.
04:57 He talks about the plague coming upon the land for those who wish
04:59 to destroy them.
05:02 Well, you recall Moses was the one that brought the plagues,
05:04 well, God brought the plagues, but Moses announced the plagues
05:07 that came upon Egypt.
05:09 So, the two witnesses, again, are a symbol for the old and--or
05:12 the two witnesses, the law and the prophets in the Bible is
05:16 divided into two parts.
05:17 You got the Old Testament, you got the New Testament.
05:19 So, the two-edged sword, it's significant because it relates
05:21 to the Word of God.
05:23 >> Doug: In case everyone's wondering, they say, you know,
05:25 part of good production is to do what they call an established
05:27 shot, that means so the people that are watching kind of figure
05:30 out, "Where are they?"
05:32 In case you're wondering where we are, we are not in the
05:34 Amazing Facts studios.
05:36 When this whole pandemic struck, we were building
05:38 sets downstairs.
05:40 We are in the Amazing Facts building, our office building,
05:42 in the worship room where we normally have our staff worship
05:45 every morning, and it has been converted into a studio.
05:50 We're doing a revival here.
05:52 We've got a few of our crew, Mrs. Batchelor's here, and a few
05:55 friends here.
05:57 We're all keeping safe distance just so we could bring you this
05:59 study, but we want to engage you, so let us know.
06:01 You know, I've got an amazing fact, Pastor Ross, about the
06:04 Word of God.
06:06 According to the Guinness World Records, the US Library of
06:10 Congress is the largest library in the world and contains more
06:14 than 151.8--that number is changing all the time so this is
06:18 outdated already, 151.8 million items.
06:24 The library is housed, not in one building, it's in three
06:26 separate buildings in the Washington D.C. area, and
06:29 contains 838 miles of bookshelves and corridors that
06:36 currently hold over 34 million books.
06:40 In addition to books, this mega library houses 3.3 million
06:43 recordings, 13.4 million photographs, 5.4 million maps,
06:48 6.5 million pieces of sheet music, didn't know there was
06:52 that much music, and 66 point million manuscripts.
06:56 To top things off, the inventory grows by approximately ten
06:59 thousand new items every working day.
07:03 And yet in spite of this massive volume of material, guess what
07:07 book has been the best selling book consistently every year?
07:11 The Bible, the Word of God.
07:14 So, in this lesson where we've been talking the whole quarter
07:17 about the Bible, but in this lesson in particular, we're
07:20 talking about how it's really the Scriptures alone have the
07:23 authority we discussed earlier.
07:26 Jean: Pastor Doug, I understand that also in Washington, D.C. in
07:28 the mall area there near the Capitol, there's a new museum
07:31 that's opened up.
07:33 And I don't know, I've never been there.
07:35 I'd like to go there, but t museum is all about the Bible.
07:38 Have you had a chance to see that?
07:40 Doug: I went to a virtual version at NRB.
07:43 They let you put on these goggles and you could walk
07:45 through it.
07:47 So, I think I was there but I wasn't, but it is
07:49 pretty amazing.
07:51 >> Jean: I understand, it's got some old manuscripts and old
07:53 copies of the Bible, and it's just very interesting to look
07:55 at that.
07:56 We do have a question that's come in.
07:58 Jonathan is asking a question, he says, "If we sin against
08:00 others, should we confess our sins to those people?
08:03 However, sometimes the sin is not publicly done against
08:06 another person, so should we confess those sins to that
08:10 person if they're not even aware of it?"
08:12 Doug: You know, I would encourage Jonathan to tune in
08:15 tonight, we are talking about confession.
08:19 Now, in our message, our revival message that follows Sabbath
08:21 School, we're talking about repentance tonight, we're
08:23 talking about confession.
08:25 I'm answering that exact question.
08:27 So, in order not to sound redundant, I won't do that
08:28 right now.
08:30 Jean: Okay, so tune in tonight, Jonathan, or we'll be able to
08:33 share more about that.
08:34 Okay, moving into the first section of our lesson, if you're
08:37 following along with us, the first area that we're going to
08:40 focus in is Scripture As The Ruling Norm.
08:42 You'll notice that the title on the top of the page there and
08:45 Genesis chapter 1, verse 3, we have these well-known words.
08:49 God said, "Let there be light," and there was light, and then
08:53 you can compare that passage with John chapter 1, verse 1,
08:56 "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and
08:59 the Word was God."
09:01 And we notice the creative power of the Word of God.
09:04 Whatever God says, it always happens.
09:06 Of course, Jesus in a little boat in the midst of the storm
09:09 in the Sea of Galilee, when he spoke to the wind and the waves,
09:12 he said, "Peace, be still," immediately, the wind and the
09:15 waves obeyed the voice of the Creator.
09:18 That so impressed the disciples at that time that they began to
09:21 really realize, "Wow, who is this that we have in our midst?"
09:25 You know, it really pressed home the truth that Jesus is the Son
09:28 of God, he's the Creator.
09:30 There is power in the Word of God.
09:32 Doug: Absolutely, and there's creative power in the Word, and,
09:35 of course, the Bible begins by saying, "And God said."
09:39 And then the New Testament says, "And he is the Word."
09:44 So, one reason the Bible needs to be the sole authority is
09:48 because all knowledge comes from God.
09:52 They say that, you know, some animals like ducks and swans,
09:56 and there are other animals, when they're very young, the
10:00 first voice they hear is the one they--it's called imprinting or
10:04 bonding, they connect with it, and then they'll follow
10:07 that voice.
10:08 Little sheep learn that with their shepherds.
10:10 And because God's voice is the first voice in the universe, it
10:15 is the ultimate authority that we listen to.
10:18 Yeah, I heard years ago in Nova did a program called "The
10:23 Elegant Universe," and it was about string theory, and they
10:27 said that research now indicates that absolutely everything in
10:32 the universe, all of the particles that make up matter
10:35 and force is comprised, notice, of tiny, vibrating
10:39 fundamental strings.
10:42 So, when it says, "In the beginning, God said," sound, the
10:44 sound of God had creative power and everything came from
10:48 His Word.
10:49 And so, that needs to be the sole authority because it is the
10:51 original Word.
10:53 Jean: Absolutely.
10:55 Well, we've got a question, Pastor Doug.
10:58 Eric is asking, "What is t best evidence that the Bible can
11:00 be trusted?"
11:02 Doug: Now, and you may have a little different answer, but the
11:04 first thing that comes to my mind is prophecy.
11:07 For me growing up pretty much agnostic or atheist, I thought
11:11 the Bible was a collection of fairy tales and what changed my
11:14 mind is when I began to study the Bible, and see that it was a
11:18 supernatural book because God was able to foretell in great
11:22 detail events that had not taken place yet, which meant that it
11:26 was on a whole different level.
11:28 And then something that's hard to quantify is, as I read the
11:33 Bible, something was happening in me.
11:35 The words that I speak, Jesus said, there's spirit and
11:37 they're life.
11:39 I noticed there was a conviction.
11:41 There was a transformation happening as I read it that was
11:43 unlike anything I'd read.
11:45 I'd read a lot of religious books, but the Bible was
11:47 different and it's always so hard for me to explain what was
11:49 happening, but I was changing as I read it.
11:53 Jean: You know, the Bible says "Come let us," actually God
11:56 speaking to the Bible says, "Come let us reason together."
11:59 One of the key in understanding the authority and inspiration of
12:02 the Bible is to recognize that the Bible is written in order
12:06 for us to understand what God's will is for our lives.
12:09 It's also written to help explain why we are here, where
12:13 we are headed, what brings joy and peace.
12:16 And if a person approaches the Bible with a sincere desire to
12:19 know God's will for him or her, the Bible takes on power
12:22 and relevance.
12:24 You got prophecy that foretells the future, but it also gives
12:27 you practical instructions as to how you can gain victory over
12:30 sin, how you can live a joyous life, how you can be a witness.
12:33 So, the Bible addresses every area of a person's life.
12:37 There is counsel in the Bible for children, counsel for
12:39 parents, there is counsel in there for the elderly, it talks
12:43 about how to deal with finance, talks about marriage, talks
12:46 about education, every aspect of life is addressed in the Bible.
12:51 It's a powerful book.
12:52 Doug: Amen.
12:54 All right, you know, another thing when we're talking about
12:56 the Scriptures alone, in the Bible both from beginning, well,
13:01 at least from Deuteronomy all the way to Revelation, it talks
13:03 about that this, these are the words that must not be changed
13:07 because they are the ultimate authority.
13:09 So, you can read, for instance, in Deuteronomy 4, verse 2, "You
13:12 shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it
13:15 that you might keep the commandments of the Lord God
13:18 that I command you."
13:20 Proverbs 36, "Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you, and
13:24 you be found a liar."
13:25 Also in Deuteronomy 12:32, "Whatever I command you, be
13:28 careful to observe you shall not add or take away from it."
13:32 And then there's that sobering curse in Revelation.
13:35 It says Revelation 22, "I testify to everyone who hears
13:39 the words of the prophecy of this book.
13:42 If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues
13:45 that are written in it, and if anyone takes away from it, then
13:49 I will take his part from the Book of Life, and from the holy
13:52 city, and from the things that are written in this book."
13:55 So, the Bible, one reason we believe it is the
13:58 sole authority.
14:00 It says it is the words, it's the utterance that you must
14:02 never add to or take from.
14:04 It stands alone on its own authority.
14:07 Jean: Now, talking about the Bible, we have a question that
14:09 came in from Gloria and she's asking a very
14:10 practical question.
14:13 She says, "I've been attending church for years, but I still
14:15 don't know how to read the Bible on a daily basis.
14:18 Can you suggest steps that I could use to do so?"
14:21 Doug: Thank you, good question, Gloria.
14:24 And again, if you have questions, friends, send them
14:26 in, we're going to do our best to engage the class here.
14:31 You know, Martin Luther used to say you should read the Bible
14:33 the way you pick apples.
14:35 First, you go and you shake the tree, and whatever is ripe will
14:38 fall, and he said, then you go and you shake the limbs, and
14:42 then you shake the little branches, and then you shake the
14:45 twigs, and then you look behind every leaf.
14:47 It's sometimes a good idea to get an overview of the Bible so
14:51 you get the context and the history of who the people were
14:54 and what's the backdrop of history, where's it happening,
14:58 what the culture was like, that gives you a lot
15:01 of understanding.
15:03 But you may not be able to, for me, I couldn't even read the
15:05 Bible so to read the whole thing through was difficult.
15:07 So, I had someone finally--I read Genesis and Exodus just to
15:11 kind of get the history of creation and Abraham because
15:15 everything springs from the first 11 chapters of
15:17 Genesis, really.
15:19 And then I jumped to the N Testament, and that gave me
15:21 enough background so when I was reading about Jesus, so much of
15:25 what Jesus says he's quoting from Genesis, then I was able to
15:29 pick up more.
15:31 And then I began to go through the kings to get the history of
15:32 Israel, and Samuel, and the Chronicles, and along with the
15:37 prophecy, and for me, I mixed it up.
15:39 Now, Amazing Facts has a great, we got a great tool if people
15:42 want to study the Bible, it's free and it's online.
15:45 It's just been updated, our Bible school.
15:48 Jean: All you have to do is just go to the Amazing Facts website,
15:50 and you can see a link there and you can enroll for free.
15:53 It's online, the Amazing Facts Bible school, and we just
15:55 recently revamped it and updated it.
15:58 And I was talking with our Bible school director, and she was
16:01 saying how that we've just seen a tremendous increase in
16:05 enrollment in our Bible School.
16:07 Maybe part of the reason is people are at home and they have
16:09 a little more time to do reading and studying.
16:11 Doug: It's been revamped, and then we had a pandemic.
16:14 We've got a 50% increase in the enrollment.
16:17 Something else I know Shamika will appreciate our mentioning
16:20 is that we've also taken the Bible school, and you can listen
16:24 to the lessons being read.
16:27 I think the first 14 are done, or is it all of them?
16:29 I forget.
16:31 Jean: The first 14.
16:32 Doug: Fourteen lessons.
16:34 So, if you're walking around and you want to do the Bible lesson,
16:36 you can listen to it as it's being done.
16:38 Also, just go to our website,
16:40 Then you'll see the lessons in other languages as well.
16:42 Jean: The next part of the lesson, Pastor Doug, is talking
16:45 about the unity of the Scripture.
16:47 And one of the powerful evidences for the inspiration of
16:49 the Bible is the fact that the Bible is written over 1,500
16:53 years with 30, at least 36 different authors, and yet
16:57 they're in perfect harmony.
16:59 And even today, you get a group of theologians together and ask
17:03 them to discuss some particular passage of Scripture, you don't
17:05 always get harmony at the end.
17:08 But here you have these different Bible writers over
17:11 such a long period of time writing in different languages
17:13 and yet the Bible is in perfect harmony.
17:15 It explains itself and so, that's an evidence of the
17:18 trustworthiness of the Bible is the unity that we find in
17:20 the Bible.
17:23 Doug: Amen, I heard one pastor said the whole Bible is the
17:26 story of one problem, sin, with one solution, Jesus.
17:30 And it always was amazing to me that the first three chapters of
17:33 the Bible talk about how man lost the tree of life, and he
17:37 was evicted from the garden.
17:39 The last three chapters of the Bible talk about how man is
17:43 brought back into the garden and restored to the tree of life.
17:46 And so, the whole Bible is about how to get back to the garden.
17:50 And if you look in Genesis, it begins with God asking the
17:54 question, where are you?
17:56 Because of sin, man ran from God, God didn't run from us.
18:00 The New Testament begins by the wise men saying, "Where is he?"
18:05 And so, we've been separated from God.
18:06 The Bible tells us about t great atonement at-one-ment, how
18:10 we can get back together with God.
18:12 Jean: And that's an important principle.
18:14 I think it's important when we're reading the Bible.
18:16 It's not just a book of facts.
18:18 It's not just a historical document, it is a life-changing
18:21 document, and so in our study, the Bible we're always asking
18:24 the question, "What is the spiritual application?
18:27 What is God trying to teach me through the study of His Word?"
18:30 Now, in the New Testament in 2 Timothy chapter 3, we have a
18:33 rather important verse.
18:35 This the Apostle Paul and he's writing to Timothy, who was a
18:38 pastor of one of the churches and he said, verse 16, "All
18:41 Scripture is given by the inspiration of God."
18:45 The word there "inspiration" is sometimes translated as God
18:48 breathed, or inspired by God and then it lists four things that
18:52 you can use the Bible for.
18:54 It is profitable for doctrine.
18:56 Pastor Doug, probably doctrine represents teaching.
18:59 Reproof, maybe there are areas in our life that we need
19:02 reproof, the Bible can reveal that.
19:05 For correction, tells us how to get back on the right path.
19:09 And instruction, we are educated through the Bible.
19:13 And then it says, "for righteousness that the man of
19:16 God might be complete, thoroughly equipped for all
19:19 good works."
19:21 So, the Bible, the study of the Bible, can bring about a
19:23 completeness where we are reflecting the character of God.
19:27 It's through the power of the Word.
19:29 Doug: Amen, I heard about, this popped into my mind.
19:32 I heard about two criminals that were just thought, "Well, maybe
19:35 we'll get caught one of these days."
19:36 And they said that, "if you get caught and get thrown in jail
19:39 and you can only have one book, what book would you want?"
19:41 And one of the guys said, "I'd want the Bible."
19:45 He said, "Fred, why would you want the Bible?
19:46 You're not religious."
19:48 He said, "Well, you can keep reading it, reading it and it
19:50 never really comes to an end.
19:52 It gets deeper and deeper every time."
19:55 Jean: Well, Pastor Doug, how many people have studied.
19:56 I know you spent a lot of time studying, I study the Word.
19:59 You never run out of new things.
20:02 It's amazing that way.
20:04 Doug: It's a three-dimensional book.
20:06 It just keeps going deeper and deeper.
20:07 Jean: When you're reading a historical book, you can only
20:09 read it so many times, and you really have a good picture of
20:11 what it's saying.
20:12 But the more you study the Word of God, the more you compare
20:14 Scripture with Scripture, the more things you discover that
20:16 you've never seen before.
20:18 It's really exciting.
20:19 It's like mining for gold, you find a thread of gold and you
20:21 just keep following that.
20:23 And you discover more and more.
20:25 >> Doug: You read Robinson Crusoe and because it's written
20:28 by Daniel Defoe, pretty soon you know what Defoe is thinking, and
20:31 that's all it is.
20:33 But when you read the Bible, you're reading something written
20:36 by God and so you're going, every time you read it, it just
20:39 gets deeper and deeper, and there's so many different
20:42 angles, and so many connections.
20:45 And yeah, it's a spiritual book.
20:49 Spiritual things are spiritually discerned.
20:51 And someone asked a minute ago, we may have more questions,
20:53 about reading the Bible.
20:56 Always pray when you read the Bible and ask the author, God
21:00 the Spirit, it's God breathed, ask the one who authored it to
21:03 help you understand it.
21:05 Jean: Okay, well, we have quit a few questions coming.
21:08 We're going to try and take a few of them.
21:10 Dwight is asking about the two witnesses.
21:12 We mentioned that in the intro.
21:14 He has a question about the three-and-a-half years, what is
21:16 that talking about?
21:19 Three-and-a-half days, I should say.
21:21 What is he talking about where the two witnesses are killed and
21:22 they're lying in the streets of the city for
21:24 three-and-a-half days?
21:25 Doug: Well, we believe in what you would call a historic
21:27 interpretation of prophecy.
21:30 And when you look at the span of history, there was a time in
21:33 history, if the witnesses are the Word of God, you can say the
21:37 New and the Old Testament are the law and the prophets.
21:40 There was a time in history when during the French Revolution,
21:43 the people had become so exasperated with the church and
21:46 they lost so much trust in the church, that not only was blood
21:49 running in the streets because they were overthrowing the
21:52 government and the king, Louis XIV and Marie Antoinette, and it
21:56 was rather brutal.
21:58 Karen and I was stood at the spot where he was executed a
22:01 year-and-a-half ago, I guess now or a year ago.
22:05 And but that was also a time when they revolted against
22:08 religion, and they were burning Bibles in the streets.
22:13 And they were mocking the Bible.
22:16 They said, "We don't need the Bible," even tried to enforce a
22:17 seven day week.
22:20 And so, over a period of three-and-a-half years, and you
22:22 can help me see if I remember.
22:23 It ended in 1798 so was it 1793--
22:29 Jean: Would have started three-and-a-half years before.
22:31 Doug: Before that, yeah, an three-and-a-half years, and it
22:34 ended in 1798.
22:36 At the end of that time, the country was economically in such
22:39 a disastrous shape.
22:41 They made some reforms, they reinstated the seven day week,
22:43 they allowed the Bible again.
22:46 So, they had been rejoicing over the Bible, and they exalted this
22:49 goddess of reason.
22:51 And so, for three-and-a-half years, it looked like the Word
22:54 of God was in the streets and dead.
22:56 At the end, it was ascending up to heaven.
22:58 Jean: That's amazing.
23:00 In the early 1800s, we find a tremendous revival of interest
23:02 in the Bible.
23:04 The Bible is translated into multiple languages.
23:06 Missionaries go in the early 1800s to the uttermost parts of
23:09 the earth.
23:10 You know, Voltaire, the great philosopher who was an atheist
23:15 or rejected Christianity or the Bible, he made a statement.
23:18 He said, "Within 100 years, the Bible will be dead."
23:23 What's amazing is that eventually a Bible Society
23:27 bought his house and the very printing press that Voltaire was
23:31 using to produce his anti-Christian literature was
23:35 eventually used to print the Bible.
23:37 And, of course, the Bible went on long after Voltaire and, of
23:40 course, today, it's still a powerful book, transforming
23:43 people's lives.
23:44 Doug: And almost nobody reads Voltaire.
23:46 So, he said the Bible would be an extinct book, but it
23:49 didn't happen.
23:51 Let's read a little more lesson, then we'll do another question
23:52 if you have one.
23:54 In Titus 1:9 it says, "Holding fast the faithful word as he has
23:58 been taught, that he may be able, by sound doctrine, both to
24:02 exhort and convict those who contradict."
24:05 And so, for Paul when he said as you're picking leaders in the
24:08 church, they must be faithful to the Word.
24:11 The Word must be the authority that is used by church leaders
24:14 in teaching.
24:15 Now, Pastor Ross, does that mean that believers should never read
24:19 anything but the Bible?
24:21 Jean: Well, I think it's important to, first of all,
24:23 understand what the Bible says, that needs to be our anchor.
24:27 There's nothing wrong in reading what some other theologians or
24:30 what a pastor might say.
24:32 Other people reflect their experience and they share about
24:35 that in the Bible.
24:37 But when it comes to receiving doctrine or absolute truth,
24:40 everything has to be tested by the Bible.
24:42 It is the acid test, you might say, of what is truth.
24:46 So, nothing wrong in reading some of the other writings, and
24:49 they are some great, you know, you and I use
24:51 different commentaries.
24:53 If you want to get a further explanation of a particular
24:54 passage, there's some great commentaries by the early
24:57 reformers, but even they will say, you know, the Bible is the
25:01 absolute authority.
25:03 So, you can look at different things, but always go back to
25:05 the Word.
25:07 Doug: Now, one of the great classics of history is
25:09 "Pilgrim's Progress" by John Bunyan, and it's an allegory.
25:12 Of course, it's an allegory of the Christian life and it's
25:14 filled with Scripture but even in his allegory he says the
25:17 Bible is the book, it's the scroll that he takes with him
25:20 through his journey that gets him into the Promised Land, so
25:23 to speak.
25:25 So, everything, when we say Sola Scriptura, we're not saying
25:28 believers are only allowed to read the Bible.
25:31 I think that's important because there are some churches that say
25:34 you can only read the Bible.
25:36 There's some churches that say, "You can only read stuff that
25:39 comes from our publishing house," and they want their
25:41 members to put blinders on.
25:43 But the most important thing is to be reading the Word of God,
25:48 and it's the final truth for all that we believe.
25:51 Jean: You know, somebody is asking a question and Natasha,
25:53 good question, she says, "How can one know when the Spirit is
25:57 speaking to him or her?"
26:01 Doug: That's a difficult question to answer because the
26:03 Spirit is kind of it's a nebulous thing that is a little
26:07 bit subjective.
26:09 And first of all, the Holy Spirit is never going to say
26:12 something contrary to the Word.
26:14 Sometimes you'll feel the Holy Spirit can be easily confused
26:17 with your conscience.
26:20 Sometimes you think, "Well, my conscience is telling me," well,
26:22 that may be the Spirit of God speaking to your mind saying you
26:25 should do or should not do something.
26:27 And it's these impressions.
26:30 And so, I think that the more you walk with the Lord, the more
26:34 you'll recognize the voice of God's Spirit speaking to you.
26:37 When you're Spirit filled, you know, you've ever seen you get
26:41 two drops on a windshield, and they're just moving around as
26:44 individual drops and when they touch each other, they coalesce.
26:47 And when you've got the Holy Spirit in you, you will quickly
26:51 coalesce and recognize when the Holy Spirit is speaking to you.
26:54 There's a connection that happens.
26:56 Jean: And we also need to recognize that the Holy Spirit
26:58 speaks to us through our conscience.
27:00 That doesn't mean every impression that we have from our
27:02 conscience is always the Holy Spirit speaking, but in a very
27:05 real way, the Holy Spirit will often convict us through our
27:08 conscience and if that conviction is in harmony with
27:11 the principles of the Word of God, it's humbling to think that
27:15 God is taking the time to actually speak to us to convict
27:18 us and guide us.
27:20 So, Paul speaks about having a clear conscience.
27:23 So, we want to have a clear conscience, allow the Holy
27:25 Spirit to speak to us through the conscience, and submit it to
27:28 the Bible.
27:30 Doug: Amen.
27:32 You know, when we're talking about the unity of the Bible,
27:35 before we go on to the next section, one more thought.
27:38 I saw somebody wrote, "The Bible is as though it was a
27:42 magnificent symphony that was clearly orchestrated by a single
27:48 master conductor."
27:50 They say the key in, you know, a happy marriage is the closer
27:55 that the husband and the wife come to God, the closer they
27:57 will come to each other.
27:59 Even though God used such incredibly different people when
28:03 he was inspiring the Scriptures, I mean, you think about the, you
28:07 have shepherds.
28:09 You've got farmers, you have, you know, Elisha and Amos
28:13 were farmers.
28:15 You've got tax collectors, you've got scribes, like Ezra.
28:19 Technical, I think Judas was a scribe too, but we won't
28:21 go there.
28:23 You've got Pharisees like Paul.
28:25 You've got kings.
28:28 You got nomads like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
28:30 I mean, just such diversity.
28:32 You get people who are educated in the courts of Egypt like
28:34 Moses, such diversity, and yet they all knew the same God so
28:38 they maintained that harmony.
28:40 Yeah, it is really incredible.
28:43 Probably we ought to talk next about the clarity of the
28:44 Scripture before we run out of time, and take more questions.
28:47 Jean: Yes, the next section may be a good time for us to get
28:50 into that.
28:52 He's talking about the clarity of Scripture and understanding
28:54 the Bible.
28:55 I like the illustration that's brought out about the Bible can
28:57 be thought of as a telescope, one of probably the most
28:59 well-known and famous telescopes is the Hubble telescope.
29:03 And I've read some statistics about the Hubble telescope, and
29:07 one of the statistics I read about it is so accurate and can
29:10 dial in so precisely that if the Hubble telescope was on the
29:14 earth and you were able to actually zoom in, you could see
29:17 an object less than the size of maybe a peanut, we'll say, or a
29:24 pea, a bean.
29:25 You'll be able to see that object over a mile away if it
29:29 was on the earth.
29:30 So, the ability of the Hubble telescope to zoom into a tiny
29:33 object is rather remarkable.
29:35 So, you can spend a whole lot of time studying about the
29:37 telescope, how it was made, what it does, but you don't really
29:40 benefit from the telescope until you look through the telescope
29:44 and you begin to see what it reveals of the universe.
29:47 So it is Bible, the Bible is a remarkable book and you can
29:50 spend a lot of time studying the languages, and the different
29:52 wording that's used in the Bible, and some of the
29:54 symbolisms, but you really benefit from the Bible when you
29:58 look through the Bible and you see the God behind the
30:01 Scripture, the God that the Bible is revealing and eternity
30:03 and the life to come.
30:06 That's why the Bible has so much power.
30:08 Doug: Absolutely.
30:11 You know, when we talk about the clarity of Scripture, some
30:12 people think, "Well, I read the Bible, when I first read it, I
30:14 didn't understand it."
30:17 And I struggled to understand some things, but if you keep
30:19 reading, the Bible explains itself.
30:22 And an example of it would be Jesus shared a lot of things
30:25 in parables.
30:26 For instance, you get the parable of the soils.
30:28 He talks about four different kinds of soils, and the sower
30:30 goes forth to sow, and the disciples are going, "What does
30:32 this mean?"
30:34 Well, He sits down with them, and this is Matthew 13:16.
30:36 He said, "Blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for
30:40 they hear; for assuredly, I say to you that many prophets and
30:43 righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see
30:46 it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.
30:48 Therefore hear," that means understand, "the parable of
30:52 the sower."
30:53 And then Jesus goes on t explain all the different
30:55 symbols that were in there.
30:57 When anyone hears the Word of the kingdom, he doesn't
30:58 understand it, he's like that bird that comes and snatches
31:01 away what was sown in the heart.
31:03 He that receives a seed by the wayside, and he who receives a
31:07 seed in stony places, he hears the Word and immediately he
31:10 receives it with joy, but it's stony ground.
31:13 He's got no root in himself.
31:14 So, then he goes through and explains it.
31:16 The parable of the wheat and t tares.
31:18 He's a leader, gets by Himself, He explains it to them.
31:22 When you read in Revelation and like Revelation 17, John sees
31:26 this woman and it's the seven heads, and the seven mountains,
31:31 and the water, and he's going, "What does this mean?"
31:33 Well, later in the chapter, what happens?
31:35 Angel comes says, "Let me tell you what you saw and what
31:38 it means."
31:41 So, those are some easy examples that explain, if you want to
31:44 understand the Bible clearly, then keep reading and the
31:48 different parts of the Bible explain things that you may have
31:51 read earlier.
31:53 Jean: You know, we have a question that Ozzy's asking.
31:55 He says, "Why are there so many contradictions in the Bible?"
31:57 And in particular, one could cite maybe some of the accounts
32:01 that we find in the gospels, they're not always the same, the
32:04 wording is not exactly the same.
32:05 How do we explain these, what seems to be contradictions?
32:09 Doug: Well, I'm glad you qualify that because I used to say we
32:11 have these contradictions in the Bible, and the more I studied, I
32:14 realized that there are what you would call
32:16 apparent contradictions.
32:18 For example, above the head of Jesus, I mentioned last night in
32:22 our message on the thief on the cross, there was a sign and
32:26 Pilate had the sign and it said, "This is the king of the Jews."
32:30 Well, when you go to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, every one
32:32 of the gospels has the wording on the sign a little different.
32:37 One will say he said he was the king of the Jews, Jesus of
32:39 Nazareth is the King of the Jews, and they're all different.
32:42 Someone says, "So you can't really trust the Bible.
32:44 They can't even get the wording on the sign correctly."
32:47 They forget that the words on the sign, it says it was in
32:50 three languages.
32:52 So, they had it in Hebrew, they had it in Greek, they had it
32:54 in Latin.
32:56 And so, it just depends on which wording, and the disciples
32:58 probably all spoke a little bit of elementary Hebrew, Greek,
33:01 Latin, and Aramaic.
33:03 It just depend on what version they were translating there.
33:06 It was up there three times.
33:08 So, that's not a contradiction.
33:10 There are times in the Bible where it'll say, there was,
33:13 there were two blind men on the road by Jericho.
33:17 And one time it says there was a blind man named Bartimaeus, and
33:21 they said, "Well, was it two blind men or one blind man?
33:23 That's a contradiction."
33:25 Not really, it means that maybe one was more outspoken, and he
33:27 spoke up.
33:29 And so, one recorded this blind man, the one who spoke, there
33:32 were actually two there but only one spoke named Bartimaeus.
33:35 And so that, for me, actually affirms the Bible.
33:38 That tells you that the Bible writers did not make these
33:40 things up.
33:42 It's like, it's pretty common when a lot of people witness an
33:45 event, depending on the perspective of where they were
33:47 standing, they will relate the event based on what their
33:51 perspective was of how they heard it and saw it.
33:54 And so, you know, I think that and if you take what they call
33:58 apparent contradictions, you're talking about one-tenth of 1% of
34:04 the Bible, 99.9 tenths of the Bible, you're going to see
34:08 incredible unity.
34:10 Jean: You know, another point to add to that which seemed to help
34:12 me when I'm reading the different gospel accounts, when
34:16 you're reading what Jesus says, he might give a parable a
34:19 certain way in one of the gospels, but then it's different
34:21 in another gospel.
34:23 What we need to recognize is that Jesus traveled to a number
34:26 of towns and villages and, of course, his disciples with him.
34:28 And Jesus probably told some of the same parables to new
34:32 audiences, of course, the disciples heard that.
34:34 Pastor Doug, you often, myself as well, will preach the same
34:38 sermon in different situations, rarely do we use the exact same
34:42 words, even though we're telling the same story or making the
34:46 same point.
34:47 So, I think some of the disciples might have been
34:49 impressed by a particular way Jesus said something, and they
34:54 remembered that way at one place, but maybe Jesus said it a
34:57 little differently when he's in a different town or village and
34:59 they recorded it that way.
35:01 So, these slight variations in what Jesus said doesn't mean the
35:05 Bible is contradicting itself, rather that Jesus told the same
35:08 thing in different locations.
35:10 Doug: Absolutely, I always feel sorry for Mrs. Batchelor and you
35:13 because we've traveled a lot and done a lot of meetings, you
35:16 probably heard me preach the same sermon so many times.
35:19 But it's always a little different because of what the
35:21 circumstances are.
35:23 I look out in the audience and you see people, you say, they
35:24 may need to hear this or that, and so it's modified.
35:28 I'm sure Jesus went from town to town, he looked in people's
35:30 hearts, and he shared things differently.
35:33 And Luke is unique because Luke interviewed people other than
35:36 the apostles that heard the teachings of Jesus.
35:38 And so, he's got a couple o stories like, you know,
35:42 Zacchaeus, and the prodigal son, and things you won't find in any
35:46 other gospel.
35:48 Jean: Now, of course, if somebody's looking at the Bible
35:49 and they're critical of the Bible, there is an aspect of
35:51 truth that the Bible brings to light in 1 Corinthians chapter
35:55 2, verse 14, and we believe Paul wrote this.
35:58 He says, "But the natural man does not receive the things of
36:01 the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he
36:04 know them, because they are spiritually discerned."
36:07 So, it's important that if we want to find truth in the Bible,
36:10 we need to come with the right attitude.
36:12 We need to come with a willing heart.
36:13 Jesus said, "If you're willing to do the doctrine, then you'll
36:17 know whether or not it is of God."
36:19 So, there needs to be a willingness to do what God
36:21 is asking.
36:23 Doug: Absolutely, you know, in the Old Testament, there's this
36:25 several references to the stone which the builders rejected.
36:29 It's in Psalms and then Jesus says in Matthew 21:42,
36:33 "Have you never read?"
36:35 You know how many times Jesus says, "Have you read, have you
36:37 read, have you read?"
36:38 Jesus is always saying you need to read.
36:40 "Have you never read in t Scriptures: 'The stone which the
36:42 builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone.
36:45 This was the Lord's doing, And it is marvelous in our eyes'?"
36:48 By the way, Jesus is making a very good quote there of Psalms,
36:50 the same way David wrote it.
36:52 Then Peter later explains in 1 Peter 2, verse 4, "Coming to
36:56 Him, Jesus, as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men,
37:00 but chosen by God and precious."
37:02 He says, "Oh, Jesus is the stone, the foundation stone that
37:06 was rejected."
37:08 And so, these passages you read in the Old Testament, you
37:11 sometimes need to read the Bible for a while and then you'll say,
37:14 "Ah, A, B, C, now it makes sense."
37:17 So, I just looked at three Scriptures, one in the Old
37:20 Testament, one where Jesus references, and then where Peter
37:22 references that Jesus is the fulfillment of it, and then it
37:26 all becomes clear.
37:27 So, when it talks about the clarity of the Scriptures,
37:29 sometimes it takes a little time to bring that all together.
37:32 Jean: Somebody is asking a question, Christine is asking,
37:35 "Can you help me understand why the seven plagues will fall on
37:38 people after probation closes?"
37:41 She says, "It's hard to understand, knowing that God
37:43 hates to see suffering, why the plagues would come after people
37:47 can't change their hearts?"
37:49 They pass, you know, probation is closed.
37:51 Doug: I know you have a special love for Revelation.
37:53 Jean: Well, I'm glad you asked.
37:55 I saw that question, I thought oh, wait, that's a good one.
37:57 You know, one of the things about after probation closes and
38:00 people can change sides, Revelation chapter 14 talks
38:03 about the harvest of the earth being full.
38:06 And when it comes to the second coming of Christ, there are two
38:08 groups of people on the earth that are fully ripe.
38:12 On the one hand you have the righteous, on the other hand you
38:14 have the wicked.
38:16 After probation closes and the seven last place come upon the
38:18 earth, it'll reveal the true heart or the true nature of the
38:23 wicked, as well as the righteous.
38:25 When the plagues come, what do the righteous do?
38:27 They pray more fervently, they trust more sincerely in God.
38:30 What do the wicked do?
38:32 Well, it says that they end up cursing God.
38:34 So, the purpose of the plague is to really reveal who's on God's
38:37 side, and who's opposed to God.
38:40 And it also shows us that even though these plagues are coming,
38:43 people have so hardened their hearts, that they end up cursing
38:46 God instead of turning with repentance.
38:49 It reveals the true nature of every person.
38:51 Doug: Yeah, they blaspheme God.
38:53 They're not softened by it, a it's showing before the final
38:55 judgment, God has no choice but to cast them into the lake of
39:02 fire because there's no redemptive qualities left.
39:06 Jean: We see a similarity between the plagues that came up
39:07 on Egypt, how that it hardened Pharaoh's heart instead of him
39:11 coming to the point of repentance.
39:12 He kept hardening his heart.
39:14 The plagues do the same thing at the end of time.
39:16 Doug: So yeah, when that final plague comes to even the
39:18 household of Pharaoh, you know, God, He saves the worst for last
39:22 to show he had no alternative.
39:24 You know, there's a section, and we've kind of touched on this,
39:27 Scripture interprets Scripture.
39:29 And I can read John 1:45.
39:31 It tells us that Philip finds Nathaniel after hearing about
39:35 Jesus, he said, "We have found him of whom Moses in the law,
39:39 and the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."
39:43 And so, even the apostles, they recognize the Scripture was the
39:46 authority to determine who is the Messiah.
39:49 They say, "What does the Scripture say?
39:50 Is this the one?"
39:52 He would be measured by the Scriptures.
39:54 Jesus used that and Luke 24, and this is verse 27, "Beginning at
39:59 Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded unto them in all the
40:02 Scriptures the things concerning Himself."
40:05 You know, Pastor Ross, I want to jump to the last section.
40:08 It's so important.
40:10 Now, we're Seventh Day Adventist Christians, this is our Sabbath
40:12 School study, we keep the Sabbath.
40:14 There's a myth out there that Seventh Day Adventists, they
40:17 don't go by the Bible, they go by the writings of Ellen White
40:19 and that is categorically not true.
40:22 It's not true because in our doctrinal statement, it says
40:25 something otherwise.
40:27 Let me read to you what it says in the baptismal vows.
40:29 We go over the baptismal vows with people all the time when we
40:32 do evangelism.
40:33 Point number five, "I believe that the Bible is God's inspired
40:37 Word, and that it constitutes the only rule of faith and
40:42 practice for the Christian."
40:44 The Bible, we believe Sola Scriptura.
40:46 Do we believe that God can speak through people other
40:49 than Scripture?
40:51 Well, I hope so because I hope he's talking through us when we
40:53 preach and when we teach.
40:55 If it's not the Lord, well, then that's just our own mumblings,
40:59 you may as well change channels.
41:01 So, we believe that God spoke through Ellen White and she was
41:04 inspired, but even Ellen White said the Scriptures are the
41:06 final statement.
41:08 Let me just read this here, and this is from the book "Great
41:10 Controversy," page 595.
41:12 This is something Ellen White wrote about what the final
41:14 authority is.
41:16 She didn't say, "My writings," she said it's the Bible.
41:18 "But God will have a people upon the earth to maintain the Bible,
41:21 and the Bible only, as the standard of all doctrines and
41:26 the basis of all reforms.
41:28 The opinions of learned men, the deductions of science, the
41:32 creeds or decisions of ecclesiastical councils, as
41:34 numerous and discordant as are the churches which they
41:38 represent, the voice of the majority, not one nor all of
41:42 these should be regarded as evidence for or against any
41:45 point of religious faith.
41:47 Before accepting any doctrine or precept, we should demand a
41:51 plain 'Thus saith the Lord.'"
41:54 So, you're going to meet people in almost any church that are
41:57 going to teach and do goofy things.
41:59 And you got to be careful not to judge a church by one person
42:02 that says, "I'm a member," and then they say outrageous things.
42:05 I've always thought it's amazing whenever a tornado goes through
42:07 a town, it seems like the reporter will find the strangest
42:12 people in the world to interview.
42:15 And the people in the community are going, "Why did they
42:18 ask Bubba?"
42:21 You know, and so if you want to know what a church believes,
42:24 Seventh Day Adventists believe the Bible.
42:26 Sola Scriptura is the foundation for our doctrines.
42:29 That's why I joined the church because it's based on
42:31 the Scripture.
42:34 Jean: You know, during the time of the reformation, that part of
42:36 the title of the lesson is Sola Scriptura, during the time of
42:38 the reformation, the reformers believed that the Bible needed
42:41 to be the final authority for finding truth.
42:44 The church said, "Yes, you can, you can look at the Bible, but
42:47 you also need to look at church councils and tradition."
42:50 And so, they would say, you know, tradition stands on par
42:53 with the Bible.
42:54 Then they went a little further and said, the church explains
42:58 the Bible.
42:59 The reformers said, "No, the Bible needs to explain doctrine
43:02 and teaching.
43:04 The Bible is the final authority."
43:06 And that's true today.
43:07 Now, maybe there's some Protestants who feel like,
43:09 "Yeah, we understand that tradition needs to be under the
43:12 Bible as far as authority goes," but there is another danger that
43:17 we see today, especially in Protestant churches, and that is
43:21 where we put a personal experience or a feeling, or as
43:24 so-called moving of the Holy Spirit, above the authority of
43:27 the Bible.
43:29 I've been doing Bible studies with people and we make a very
43:31 clear point from Scripture where it's talking about the
43:33 commandments, and one of the commandments needs to be kept.
43:36 And they say, "Well, I see that's what the Bible says, but
43:38 I feel as though I don't have to keep God's law."
43:42 Maybe they have some manifestation of what they
43:46 believe is the Holy Spirit and they say, "Well, the Spirit
43:48 tells me that, that part of the Bible is not binding
43:50 any longer."
43:52 So, we have our own experience, trying to take the place of
43:55 the Bible.
43:57 It's a dangerous thing.
43:58 Doug: Yeah, absolutely, and yeah, I run into folks the very
44:00 same thing is, you know, when the Bible talks about the Spirit
44:02 and the letter.
44:03 You get the Spirit of the law and the letter of the law.
44:05 And I'll show someone what t Bible says and they'll say,
44:07 "Yeah, I realize that's in the Bible, but this is the letter
44:10 but I need the Spirit to help me understand the letter, and the
44:14 Spirit is telling me that we no longer need to pay attention to
44:17 the letter here."
44:19 That's not what Paul's talking about when he talks about the
44:21 Spirit and the letter.
44:22 He's not saying that your feelings are to somehow overrule
44:25 or trump what happens--well, you can't use that word "trump" like
44:29 you used to anymore. can you?
44:31 But your feelings are not supposed to overrule or preempt
44:35 what the Word of God says.
44:37 The Word of God, as a matter of fact, what is the Holy
44:39 Spirit do?
44:42 Jesus said, "I will send you the Spirit, he will bring to your
44:44 remembrance whatsoever I have said."
44:47 So, when you really do have the Holy Spirit, it's never going to
44:49 go beyond what the Word of God actually teaches us.
44:53 Jean: You know, Pastor Doug, I think we have time to take one
44:55 more question so here it is, "How can you tell the difference
44:58 between a parable and a non parable in the Bible?"
45:01 Doug: That's a good question.
45:04 Well, you know, some things are history, God is just telling
45:06 a story.
45:08 A person might be looking, for example, the parable of the rich
45:10 man and Lazarus.
45:12 They're thinking, "Well, how do we know it's a parable?"
45:15 Well, if there are symbols in the story that you really can't
45:18 take literally, then, you know, it would be a parable.
45:22 Like in that parable that you find in Luke chapter 16.
45:26 That man, well, first of all, everybody that dies does not go
45:29 to Abraham's bosom.
45:32 The people in heaven and hell will not be able to communicate
45:34 through eternity, I mean, heaven forbid.
45:36 One drop of water would not really cool a person's tongue if
45:40 they were in hell.
45:41 So, when Jesus is talking about the sower goes and he sows seed,
45:44 bird grabs some of the seed and he got four different kinds
45:48 of soil.
45:50 You look at the context, you can see this as an illustration,
45:52 it's a parable.
45:54 And so yeah, I think that you just see when it's not, can't be
45:57 literal, that must be parable.
45:59 Jean: You gotta look at the context of that.
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46:54 It's now easier than ever for you to study God's Word with
46:57 Amazing Facts wherever and whenever you want, and most
47:01 important, to share it with others.
47:08 announcer: Amazing Facts, Changed Lives.
47:15 female: I was born into a family of criminals.
47:19 When I got older and I started breaking the rules, no one ever
47:22 taught me about "Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not lie, Thou
47:25 shalt not commit adultery," anything like that.
47:27 When I became a runaway at 14, I was just a wild and lost child.
47:35 I had somebody tell me, "Hey, you want to earn some money
47:37 cleaning this guy's kitchen?"
47:40 So, I went to this house on a different side of town than I
47:42 was used to.
47:44 Someone kept giving me alcoholic drinks, and being 115 pounds and
47:48 14 years old, it really didn't take much time before I was so
47:51 inebriated that I had no control over what was going on
47:55 around me.
47:57 He took me to another location, another town and I was put
48:01 in isolation.
48:03 I would come out to be abused between three and eight times
48:05 a day.
48:06 I was degraded, I was humiliated, and I had no value
48:09 as a human being.
48:11 And I learned very quickly that what I felt and what I thought,
48:14 and how this made me feel, did not matter to him at all.
48:18 If I even thought about not doing what he wanted me to do, I
48:24 would have a gun to my head and knife to my throat.
48:29 There was one time in particular where he had been tormenting
48:34 me psychologically.
48:37 And one day he said, "Oh, you'll never kill yourself.
48:40 You'll never do it."
48:42 And almost defiantly I was like, "Yes, I will."
48:44 And he handed me a big ol' hand full of pills, and I took them.
48:48 While I was overdosing and I had been overdosing all night, I
48:52 cried out to a God that I didn't even believe in and at that very
48:55 moment in the most powerful way, God shone his light on me.
49:00 And He gave me peace of mind like I never had.
49:04 And He let me know right then and there while I was on that
49:07 bathroom floor that He was real, and He was love.
49:11 And that I did not know how at that time, but He was going to
49:14 help me.
49:15 A little less than a year later, I became pregnant at 15.
49:18 I loved my son with my whole heart.
49:21 He also became something that my abuser could use against me in
49:24 order to pump more fear and coercion.
49:29 I had finally got away from my abuser, and I had finally built
49:34 up a support system to help me stay on the move and stay on
49:36 the run.
49:38 And I was at my grandmother's house and on my son's third
49:41 birthday, he took my son.
49:48 And when I called the police and said, "My son's just been
49:49 kidnapped," they said, "He's the father, we can't do anything
49:52 about it."
49:54 After my son was gone, I lost my mind.
49:57 I started doing drugs and within a month and a half, I robbed a
50:00 convenience store.
50:02 So, I was sentenced to 70 months, five years, ten months
50:05 in prison.
50:07 And it was the best thing that ever happened to me.
50:11 I started attending the church services in prison seven days
50:16 a week.
50:17 It blew my mind.
50:19 I was hooked.
50:22 And then we went through, it was millennium of prophecy and net
50:24 99 that just solidified my faith in such a powerful way.
50:30 And I knew God, that God was leading me.
50:33 Even the guards there commented on how much I had changed.
50:37 And since I started doing the studies on Amazing Facts, I was
50:42 so excited about what I was learning that I was coming back
50:44 from there and trying to convert my hardened criminal friends
50:49 with the Storacles of Prophecy.
50:51 Every question I ever had, eve worry, everything that I ever
50:55 wondered about, the Bible answered everything and it was
50:59 so clear and so easy to understand.
51:03 It's been 11 years since I've been out of prison.
51:06 I am married to an amazing, wonderful man, my first
51:09 non-abusive relationship in my whole entire life.
51:12 Before we got married, we watched the Millennium of
51:15 Prophecy series together, and it was just such a blessing to be
51:20 able to see him learn and see him grow.
51:24 And I feel like my life now is just a gift, that every single
51:28 thing that happened to me bad in the past is nothing compared to
51:31 the joy, and the happiness, and the stability that I
51:36 have now.
51:38 My name is Christine Vanorder and my life has been changed by
51:40 Jesus Christ and "Amazing Facts."
51:44 ♪♪♪
52:00 Doug: We're here on the beautiful coast of the island of
52:03 Puerto Rico and if you were to travel east about 2,000 miles,
52:07 of course, you'd be out in the middle of the ocean but you'd
52:09 also be in the middle of a mystical sea called the
52:12 Sargasso Sea.
52:14 It gets its name because of this common brown seaweed that can be
52:18 found floating in vast mass.
52:21 The area of the Sargasso Sea is about 700 miles wide and 2,000
52:25 miles long.
52:27 Now, the seaweed itself is fascinating stuff.
52:30 It was first observed and called Gulf weed by
52:32 Christopher Columbus.
52:34 He gets the name Sargon from the Portuguese.
52:36 Some people use it as herbal remedies, but out in the middle
52:39 of the Sargasso Sea, the water is some of the bluest in
52:41 the world.
52:44 It's there you can see 200 feet deep in places.
52:46 It also has a great biodiversity and ecosystem that surrounds the
52:50 Sargasso Sea.
52:52 For years, scientists wondered where the American and the
52:54 Atlantic eels were breeding.
52:56 They knew the adult eels swam down the rivers out into the
52:59 Atlantic, but they never could find the place where
53:01 they reproduce.
53:03 Finally, they discovered it was out in the middle of the
53:04 Sargasso Sea.
53:06 So, it's a fascinating place, but if you are an ancient
53:09 sailor, you did not want to get stuck there.
53:15 Being caught in the doldrums was extremely difficult for the
53:18 ancient sailors.
53:19 Of course, their boats were driven by wind and sail, and
53:21 they'd be caught in the vast mass of the seaweed that would
53:25 wrap around their rudder, barnacles would begin to grow.
53:27 It's an area that is notorious for light and baffling winds.
53:31 And so, they'd make no progress.
53:33 They'd get stuck, the men would become extremely dispirited,
53:37 sometimes violence and even insanity would break out as
53:40 people were trapped in the doldrums.
53:43 Well, friends, perhaps sometimes you felt that you were trapped
53:46 in the doldrums.
53:47 You've gone through episodes of depression.
53:49 You feel like you're going in circles, life seems stifling.
53:52 You know, the Bible offers good news.
53:54 There is a way out.
53:56 The Bible talks about a famous character that was trapped in a
53:59 cycle of depression.
54:01 He was low as you could be.
54:03 A matter of fact, he even had seaweed wrapped around his head.
54:05 His name was Jonah, but God gave him a way of escape.
54:09 In Jonah chapter 2, verse 3 through 7 we read, "For You cast
54:14 me into the depths, Into the heart of the seas, And the
54:17 floods surrounded me; All Your billows and Your waves passed
54:21 over me.
54:22 Then I said, 'I have been cast out of Your sight; Yet I will
54:25 look again toward Your holy temple.
54:28 The waters surrounded me, even to my soul; The deep closed
54:31 around me; Weeds were wrapped around my head.
54:35 I went down to the moorings of the mountains; The earth with
54:38 its bars closed behind me forever; Yet You have brought my
54:42 life up from the pit, O Lord, my God.
54:45 When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord; And my
54:49 prayer went up to You, Into Your holy temple.'"
54:55 You know, friends, the way that Jonah got out of his
54:57 discouraging circumstances, he turned to God and he prayed.
54:59 And if God can hear Jonah's prayer, just think about it, he
55:01 was as far away from God as anybody could be.
55:04 He was in the belly of a sea monster in the bottom of the
55:06 ocean in the dark, yet he turned to God and God heard his prayer.
55:10 You know, these ancient sailors, when they were trapped on the
55:12 deck of a ship for weeks, stuck in the doldrums, discouraged,
55:16 sometimes they would have a prayer meeting and pray that God
55:19 would send a breeze that would set them free and get their
55:22 boats moving.
55:24 They turned to God in prayer, and often miracles would happen,
55:27 and the wind would flutter in the sails and bring them out of
55:29 their seaweed prison.
55:31 Friends, maybe you have been stuck in the doldrums.
55:34 Maybe you've been caught in a cycle of depression.
55:36 If God can do it for Jonah, if he can do it for the ancient
55:39 sailors, he can do it for you.
55:41 Turn to the Lord in prayer, trust his Spirit to blow through
55:44 your soul and to set you free.
55:48 ♪♪♪
56:05 Doug: Hi friends, you know the modern flags that we
56:07 see flying from the top of Capitol buildings or out in
56:10 front of patriotic homes really stem back from the times of
56:13 battles being fought between warring nations.
56:17 These beautifully designed and intricately colored banners were
56:20 flown high above the battlefield so the warring forces were able
56:23 to identify amid the chaos, and the smoke, and the fog of war,
56:27 where their forces were rallied and where they were fighting
56:30 the battle.
56:31 And if you could capture your enemy's flag, it was considered
56:33 the highest honor.
56:35 I wonder if that's where we got the game, capture the flag.
56:38 With the changes in war, now these flags also represent a
56:42 little more of a demarcation and identification of
56:45 different nationalities.
56:47 Today, the flags that represent the different nations of the
56:49 world are very colorful and diverse, and all of the colors
56:52 and the shapes have a specific meaning.
56:54 They're easy to distinguish and recognize from one another.
56:57 Or perhaps one of the most interesting flags in the world
57:00 is the flag of the Philippines.
57:02 This is unique because it is flown differently in times of
57:06 peace than it is in times of war.
57:08 During times of peace, the Filipino flag that's composed of
57:11 red, white, blue, and yellow, is flown with the blue side up.
57:15 But in times of war, they flip it around, and the red side is
57:19 up because there they're willing to make sacrifices of their
57:22 blood to defend the freedom of the country.
57:26 In the same way that an embassy that is situated in a foreign
57:28 country flies their flag while still surrounded by another
57:32 nation, Christians are supposed to have the flag of God's love
57:36 flying in this fallen world.
57:38 You can read in the book Song of Solomon chapter 2, verse 4, "His
57:41 banner over me is love."
57:44 Love is the flag that identifies Christians as a unique kingdom,
57:47 even here in the world.
57:49 So friend, the big question is, how are you flying your flag?
57:54 ♪♪♪


Revised 2020-04-22