Special Feature

Pillars Music Concert

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SF

Program Code: SF000019A

00:01 Hi I'm C.A. Murray. Welcome to 3ABNs 25th
00:05 Anniversary Music Special and I want you to prepare
00:09 your mind and your heart to experience some of the
00:13 most beautiful contemporary Christian
00:16 fact let me change that. Neo Classic Christian
00:19 music ever recorded. It's beautiful because
00:22 of the singers and orchestrations
00:25 and the choirs. But, it's also beautiful
00:27 because of the words and the message
00:30 that they carry. This is the Pillars
00:32 of Our Faith Music. Each song highlights
00:36 a key doctrinal tenant of the
00:39 Seventh-Day Adventist faith.
00:40 These are the core beliefs established by
00:43 our pioneers that have made us a distinct Bible
00:47 based movement. Indeed the
00:50 Remnant Church of God. Now this music is sure
00:53 to bless you. If you were an Adventist as a child
00:57 you may remember songs like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
01:01 for us the seventh is for Jesus or Jesus loves the
01:05 little ones like me. Well you soon be humming
01:09 words like remember the Sabbath to keep it Holy.
01:12 I fixed my mind on another time all that
01:15 I could talk in the language of Canaan.
01:18 And other songs on baptism, heaven, the
01:21 Atonement, and a number of other songs that really,
01:25 really will bless you. People like our
01:27 Vice President Mollie Steenson, the wife of
01:29 our president Camille Gilley, and even Danny Shelton.
01:32 Have said that these song have sort of
01:35 embedded themselves in their minds and they
01:37 sing them over and over again. And I'm quite
01:40 sure that you will find that true in our own life.
01:44 As you experience just a little bit of what we felt
01:47 that night in historic Battle Creek Michigan
01:50 when this music made it's debut and stay tune
01:53 because in just a little bit I'll tell you how you
01:56 can order your own CD of this wonderful music
01:59 so please now join us on a musical doctrinal journey
02:04 and odyssey of worship through
02:06 the Pillars of Our Faith.
02:10 Let's talk about the first song you gonna
02:13 be doing tonight. What do we doing with
02:14 the choir and again I wanna thank Dr. Zork and the
02:17 Andrews University choir for being here and to
02:22 help us in all of this and what's the first song?
02:26 The first song is simply the most distinct or
02:29 at least in the public imagination the most
02:32 distinct Adventist doctrine that is the
02:33 Sabbath is Saturday. The day of rest commanded
02:37 to be observed through Moses the
02:40 10 commandments and Adventists believe that is
02:43 an eternal message. God rested after six days
02:46 of creation, we should rest too,
02:49 okay, and this is remember the Sabbath
02:51 and I love the song because we live in
02:53 modern times with a lot of stress.
02:56 At any given moment we could think I need to
02:58 do this, I need to do that. God says slow down,
03:01 Amen, I want you to honor me and
03:03 remember the Sabbath. And who wrote this song?
03:06 I wrote it and my wife contributed to it lyrically,
03:08 alright, it's become a good song.
03:47 Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy
03:56 Honor the day That our Lord commands us
04:04 to cease our toiling And we obey
04:14 That we may know Him and learn His patient ways
04:28 Keeping the Sabbath holy, in all our days
04:44 So enter his temple with high thanksgiving
04:54 Worship the Lord And fill up this house
05:02 with your voices ringing Let them be heard
05:12 For we adore Him And lift our hearts in praise.
05:27 Keeping the Sabbath holy, in all our days
05:43 Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy
05:50 Honor the day That our Lord commands us
06:00 to cease our toiling And we obey
06:11 That we may know Him and learn His patient ways
06:25 Keeping the Sabbath holy, in all our days
06:49 Amen beautiful thank you so much.
06:53 Our second song David tell us little about this song.
06:58 In researching the project for Margie Rice
07:02 and after writing remember the Sabbath
07:04 I found out about Ellen White.
07:06 I knew she was highly published, but I never read
07:08 any Ellen White. I got online and the first thing
07:11 I discovered was her vision of heaven.
07:14 I think she receive the vision, the prophecy
07:16 when she was 16 or 17 and wrote it down when she
07:19 was 18. I was reading through it was very politic
07:22 and then two lines stuck out to me.
07:25 She says if I could talk in the language of Canaan.
07:31 I could tell the story, tell a little of the story of a
07:34 better place and I thought this isn't the song yet.
07:37 It's so beautiful. We don't know how to talk in the
07:40 language of Canaan. She got a vision, she had
07:43 a glimpse, she caught a glimpse, but
07:45 it's not like here at all. It's not like earth
07:48 the rules are different, we won't study war anymore is the
07:52 spiritual says and so I wrote a song the
07:54 language of Canaan. It's a wonderful song, we
07:57 have Susan Zork wife of Dr. Zork you gonna be
08:01 actually playing. I don't want to say playing the part but
08:06 actually reciting the Ellen White parts and we
08:09 thank you for that if you wanna come on up here
08:11 and we just appreciate so much. David this song
08:13 I have to say when I heard this song in fact
08:17 and I know Molly and Shelly some we all over
08:19 there, Jim, I mean I actually cried when
08:22 I heard this song it was so beautiful.
08:24 And I knew that God had really used you David
08:29 and you caught the vision he said to me no one could
08:32 write this much good things about God
08:35 and bring so much to life and not be real prophet and
08:38 so he said I wanna do this song because I think even
08:41 the young people may not realize and maybe
08:43 you have lost the vision of who this Ladye is
08:46 and what she means to this church and to the world.
08:50 And so therefore I want to do a song about the
08:52 spirit and prophecy and this is result of it.
09:11 Oh that I could talk in the language of Canaan,
09:23 I could tell a little of the glory
09:28 of a better world Oh that I could talk
09:39 in the language of Canaan,
09:47 I could tell a little of the glory
09:53 of a better world Where there is no night
10:06 And the Lamb is the light Where no tear drops fall
10:18 Oh heaven, it's not like here at all
10:28 Oh that I could talk in the language of Canaan,
10:39 I could tell a little of the glory of a better world.
10:53 The wonderful things the Lord showed me there,
10:56 I cannot describe. I saw the tables of stone
11:01 and which the names of the multitude of the
11:03 redeemed, where engraved in letters of gold.
11:08 And after we be held the glory of the
11:10 temple we went out and Jesus left the city.
11:16 Soon we heard his lovely voice again saying come,
11:21 come my people you have come out of great
11:25 tribulation and done my will. Suffered for me,
11:31 come in to suffer for I myself will serve you
11:36 and we shouted Hallelujah glory and
11:40 entered into the city. And I saw a table
11:45 of pure sliver. It was many miles in length
11:49 then yet our eyes could extend over it.
11:53 I saw the fruit of the tree of life.
11:56 The manna, almonds, figs, pomegranates,
12:01 grapes, and many other kinds of fruits and then
12:06 Jesus said you must go back to earth again
12:11 and relate to others what I have reveal to you.
12:16 And then an angel bore me gently down
12:19 to this dark world. Sometimes I think
12:23 I can stay here no longer. All things of earth look
12:27 so dreary. I feel lonely here, for I have seen a
12:32 better place a better land.
12:37 Oh for wings like a dove so that I could fly away.
12:48 I'd sail across the river Jordan
12:54 to a better place Oh! Hallelujah
13:01 Where there's sweet repose And the living water flows
13:13 And I'll thirst no more O heaven, I long
13:24 to reach your shore Oh that I could talk
13:33 in the language of Canaan,
13:41 I could tell a little of the glory
13:53 of a better world. I could tell a little of the glory
13:56 Of a better world Of a better world
14:27 Amen isn't that a wonderful incredible song
14:29 we gave God all the honor and glory and praise for
14:33 that song and yeah just thank you all so much.
14:37 I mean I really feel like I'm standing on Holy
14:39 ground tonight. I really do it's not too often I get
14:44 choked up on the air but I'm just about there again
14:47 so I got to move onto the next song. And we heard
14:51 brother Nick last night talk about the great
14:54 disappointment. And out of that and of course we
14:57 are talking about William Miller you were reading
15:00 about that David and I think that William Miller
15:05 said well I have got to go back I have to do something
15:07 different right we got to restudy and you
15:10 came up with the song about the second coming
15:12 and tell us little bit about. Well, William Miller
15:16 predicted that Christ will return in October of
15:19 1844. He felt he was in God's will and operating
15:23 according to the proper biblical principles of
15:26 prophecy from passages in Daniel.
15:28 Christ didn't come back many people loss the faith.
15:33 William Miller did not he said Lord I don't know
15:36 what happened but I know you are coming back.
15:39 That's the Adventist part of William Miller.
15:42 Ellen White in later year said you know William
15:44 Miller didn't get an alright. But, he was an
15:46 important character in Adventist history and to
15:51 this day we don't know exactly when Jesus is
15:54 coming back but he is coming back. Amen.
15:57 But, William Miller wrote and it was published in
15:59 the Midnight Cry he says I have fixed my mind on
16:02 another time. And here I mean to stand until God
16:07 gives me more light, Amen, he is coming back
16:10 I know he will explain what happened.
16:13 And that is today, today until he comes.
16:17 And I once again such powerful, a powerful
16:21 passage to write, this needs to be a song.
16:23 So, I have fixed my mind on
16:25 another time. Amen, alright lets do it.
16:44 I have fixed my mind on another time, on another time
16:57 And here I mean to stand until
17:04 God gives me more light And that is today, today
17:17 Today until He comes I have fixed my mind on
17:28 another time, on another time
17:42 I have set my course on the narrow
17:47 way, on the narrow way For I know the time is
17:58 close at hand for which I watch and pray
18:07 And that is today, today Today until he comes
18:21 I have set my course on the narrow way, on the
18:28 narrow way Even so, Lord come quickly
18:41 This is my fervent prayer
18:48 For I've caught a glimpse of glory
18:54 and I'm longing to be there
19:15 When shall the Son of Man appear
19:21 The trumpet sound its blast And Christ descend in
19:32 glorious fire with all the saints amassed
19:39 We'll rise with those who sleep no more
19:46 To meet Him in the air When shall the Son of
19:57 Man appear, the Son of Man appear
20:11 Even so Lord come quickly This is my fervent prayer
20:24 For I've caught a glimpse of glory
20:30 and I'm longing to be there
20:37 For I've caught a glimpse of glory
20:46 And I'm longing to be there
21:03 I have fixed my mind on another time, on another time
21:46 God bless so much this is so wonderful.
21:48 David the next song is take me to the water right?
21:52 Absolutely. And I don't think we have
21:54 to talk about what that too much spend a lot of time
21:56 what pillar that is right. Take go to the water what
21:59 happens get baptized right. So, this song is just
22:04 something you just wrote after this pillar
22:06 saying had you already written this. No we are already
22:08 committed to the project and baptism is such an
22:11 important event in Christian's life.
22:15 It's not the way we are saved, but it's the way
22:17 we show we are saved. And we are to be buried
22:21 with Jesus, crucify with Jesus under the water and
22:26 we rise again as he did unto new life.
22:29 Led by the Holy Spirit, joined with our brothers
22:34 and sisters in Christ and that's what the song about
22:37 Take me to the water. Alright Nathan.
23:01 Take me to the water to be baptized
23:11 Bury me with Jesus the Crucified
23:21 Plunge me in the fountain and may I rise with open eyes
23:36 Take me to the water to be baptized
23:46 What a joy and blessing to be baptized
23:56 As a testimony of a work inside
24:05 Jesus' blood has cleansed me
24:10 and to new life He bids me rise
24:20 I've come to the water to be baptized
24:30 To be baptized Take me to the water
24:49 to be baptized, Bury me with Jesus, the Crucified
25:04 Plunge me in the fountain and may I rise with open eyes
25:19 Take me to the water to be baptized
25:29 I've come to the water to be baptized
25:56 Amen, Amen. Alright the next pillar
26:00 David is the Sanctuary. And I don't know how
26:04 many songs written on the Sanctuary but
26:06 this one tell me little bit about it.
26:08 Well when I first started reading about Adventist
26:10 doctrine it seem that the most controversial
26:13 was the Sanctuary doctrine. And it was important in
26:17 the Adventist history because the Sanctuary
26:19 doctrine was illuminated to some of the early saints
26:23 to explain the great disappointment.
26:25 Something happened in 1844. Daniel made a
26:30 prophecy about something and I was
26:34 talking to Chris and how do we write this song.
26:37 Well after reading some of the scripture references given
26:41 to me by C.A. Murray, and John Lomacang and you
26:44 Danny. It's scriptural we have a high priest in
26:49 heaven, Amen. He is in a heavenly sanctuary,
26:53 alright, Amen, it's now just to the Sanctuary in
26:56 old Israel of the day of atonement and Jesus is
27:01 ministering to us. He did the work at Calvary
27:06 shed his blood so that we could be forgiven of
27:09 sin, Amen. Yet we stray he needs to forgive us again
27:13 if we were repent and he will. Yes, furthermore in
27:17 his sanctuary ministry he still hears the prayers of
27:21 sinners, Amen. Praise God. The day will come
27:25 we know that the second coming is going to
27:27 happen Jesus will come and clouds of glory in the
27:31 first resurrection and take the body of Christ home
27:33 but now Jesus is looking at the law books the
27:37 books of our behavior. He finalizes our salvation
27:41 he hears the prayers of sinners and he still
27:44 forgives those who love him astray, Amen, that's
27:48 what the song is. In the Sanctuary. Alright.
28:06 We have a high priest up in heaven
28:13 Hallelujah, oh hallelujah He's our Defender before
28:24 the Father in a temple made by God, not man
28:33 Behind the veil in a place Most Holy
28:47 Hallelujah, oh hallelujah Investigating, He clears
28:52 the record of those redeemed by His own blood
29:01 He's blotting out my sin in the Sanctuary
29:14 He seals my bond with Him in the Sanctuary up in heaven
29:30 He makes provision for me in the Sanctuary
29:42 He's purifying heaven's temple
29:48 Hallelujah, oh hallelujah In preparation for
30:00 His returning For those who love and follow Him
30:09 He's blotting out my sin in the Sanctuary
30:23 He seals my bond with Him in the Sanctuary
30:33 up in heaven He makes provision for me
30:43 in the Sanctuary At the mercy seat, in the
30:52 Holy of Holies In the Holy of Holies we meet
31:11 He's blotting out my sin in the Sanctuary
31:23 He seals my bond with Him in the Sanctuary up in heaven
31:39 He makes provision for me in the Sanctuary
31:52 In the Sanctuary In the Sanctuary
32:09 He's blotting out my sin in the Sanctuary
32:23 He seals my bond with Him in the Sanctuary up in heaven
32:38 He makes provision for me in the Sanctuary
32:50 In the Sanctuary In the Sanctuary
33:19 Amen, Amen thank you.
33:27 What incredible music you know the preliminary
33:29 production meeting for this project was more like
33:32 a Bible study then a standard production meeting.
33:35 I recall Pastor John Lomacang and myself
33:37 answering questions on the different aspects of
33:39 our faith as we talk with Dave, Huntsinger and
33:43 Chris and the spirit that fell on
33:45 that very first meeting. When this musical was
33:48 sung was literally just there was not a dry eye
33:51 in the house. My favorite song is still I fix my mind
33:55 on another time. But, I must admit a certain
33:57 love for the language of Canaan and the beauty of
34:00 that particular song and I know you will quickly
34:03 discover that you have favorites also.
34:05 We would love to share this music with you and
34:08 have you get a copy for yourself or a friend there
34:11 I say it mix the quintessential gift for
34:14 holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, baptisms
34:17 bar mitzvah's, weddings. You name it, this is good
34:19 music to give to those who love and those that
34:22 you want to here the Pillars Of Our Faith and
34:25 the truth. So, call 3ABN during regular business
34:27 hours 618-627-4651 or write us at Post Office
34:33 Box 220, West Frankfort, Illinois 62896 and we will
34:37 rush your copy of the Pillars Of Our Faith CD
34:41 to you. You will love it but more than that you
34:44 are gonna be blessed. Now let's go back to some
34:46 more of our fine Pillars music.
34:49 But, this one is now is the day and I saw said words
34:52 and music by David and Chris so.
34:54 Well I thought of Chris because that was the first
34:57 great idea she came with me.
34:58 But now was the day is the simple message of
35:01 Jesus come to me now. The opportunity is still
35:05 here now it won't always be there.
35:07 He promised he would come back and when he comes
35:10 back it would be a first resurrection and it will
35:13 be too late for those that are lost. Now is the day, Amen.
35:42 Now is the day of salvation, today, today
35:54 Sinner, without hesitation, pray
36:06 Christ will hear you, Christ is near you
36:12 Though you've gone astray Now is the day of salvation
36:22 Let Him wash your sins away
36:40 Now is the day of salvation, today, today
36:51 Sinner, without hesitation, pray
37:02 Christ will hear you, Christ is near you
37:09 Though you've gone astray Now is the day of salvation
37:20 Let Him wash your sins away Let Him wash your sins away
37:52 Amen, Amen thank you Praise God.
38:02 Okay our next song is written in stone and
38:05 is this is the story is it another one yet.
38:07 No, I'm gonna tell the story about the right song.
38:09 Okay. Chris have you read the book
38:13 the 10 commandments twice reviewed by
38:15 Danny Shelton and Shelley Quinn I hadn't
38:18 she said come over and look at these lists, we were trying
38:20 to think of the song about the everlasting this that
38:24 eternal application of God's law.
38:27 And thank you God for your love because
38:29 without it as humans we are lost.
38:32 We are ships cast in a sea of trends even
38:38 great thinkers looking back 400 years or 1000 years
38:42 we can see they are wrong. But, God's law is
38:45 eternal and it implies today just as it did
38:48 4000 years ago, Amen, And so she was
38:54 shown me the book and we think that I learn from the
38:56 book Shelley and Danny was the law is not to
39:00 punish us or to make us miserable.
39:02 Or you are not a children I don't want to have any
39:05 fun, it's for our good, alright, God is holy.
39:10 He wants us to obey his law because it reflects his
39:13 character he created us in his image, we are to be
39:17 like him, Amen. But, anyway when he gave
39:20 Moses these laws, which were in his heart from the
39:23 beginning. God knew who he was and what he
39:25 was about and what he wanted for human beings.
39:29 He wrote those laws with his own finger.
39:31 They only record we have that in all the
39:34 biblical accounts. So, Chris had said let's write
39:38 written down in stone and, alright, we wanted
39:41 the song to reflect the ancientness of the law.
39:45 At the same time it's current applicability
39:49 written down in stone. Amen.
40:03 The Law is just and the Law is right
40:10 And it's written by God in stone
40:14 The Law is love and the Law is life
40:20 And it's written by God in stone
40:26 I will follow His Commandments
40:31 I'll abide in Him alone For His Law is my delight
40:44 It's written down in stone
40:48 Oh, it's written down in stone
40:57 The Law is holy, the Law is pure
41:03 And it's written by God in stone
41:08 The Law is faithful, forever sure
41:14 And it's written by God in stone
41:20 I will follow His Commandments
41:25 I'll abide in Him alone For His Law is my delight
41:37 It's written down in stone
41:42 Oh, it's written down in stone
41:51 The Law brought fire And the law brought flood
42:02 It brought down judgment from a Holy God
42:13 But the Lord showed mercy
42:19 when He sent His Son Who bought my pardon
42:30 with His precious blood I love Him so
42:37 I will follow His Commandments
42:42 I'll abide in Him alone For His Law is my
42:51 delight It's written down in stone
43:03 I will follow His Commandments
43:08 I'll abide in Him alone For His Law is my delight
43:23 It's written down in stone
43:28 Oh, it's written down in stone
43:35 Inscribed by God's own mighty hand
43:43 It's written down in stone
43:59 Amen, Amen, thank you, Praise Lord, alright.
44:05 You know the production and all of the strings and
44:08 David and Chris, but all of this orchestra together all
44:11 the band together I mean it's been amazing and the
44:14 arrangements and all I mean sometimes we take for
44:17 granted about all of the instruments, so one of the
44:20 choir that you had how many members up to
44:22 100 members I think on the choir.
44:27 It's the natural choir. The natural choir to the
44:29 direction of John Coates, yeah, it's a choir of
44:31 believers from a bunch of different Christian
44:32 churches that you sing for the glory of God
44:35 and their motto was liked the city.
44:38 And in this modern world with the
44:39 constant attack on any spreading of the gospel
44:41 on the public square. They are singing with the
44:44 symphony all kinds of people they are going to
44:46 claim the love of Jesus to the world, Amen.
44:50 And they wanted to sing in this project,
44:52 good, we were delight. We are glad that you did.
44:56 Our next song is number 8 song is I will give you rest.
45:00 What pillar would you say this comes under?
45:02 This is the big pillar Jesus invites us to come to him
45:06 to be saved, alright, in this particular song as just
45:10 the simple words of Jesus is not theological he
45:12 is saying if you are weak and weary
45:14 come to me I will give you rest. Amen.
45:33 Come ye who are weak and weary
45:40 I will give you rest Ye who bear a heavy burden
45:53 I will give you rest Take My yoke upon you
46:07 and learn of Me I am meek and lowly
46:21 And I will give you rest Let not your heart be troubled
46:37 Come unto Me Ye whose hearts are
46:46 greatly troubled By your fears distressed
46:57 Lean upon My steady shoulder I will give you rest
47:11 For My yoke is easy My burden light
47:25 Cast your cares upon Me And I will give you rest
47:42 Come ye who are weak and weary I will give you rest
48:20 Amen, Amen thank you beautiful, thank you very
48:24 much, sure okay, yeah. The next song is Marvel
48:31 not and, David tell us little about this is actually
48:36 a pillar of the state at the dead right?
48:38 Absolutely and Jesus himself delineated this
48:41 doctrine and that is simply that the hour is
48:44 coming and those who are in the graves will come
48:48 forth unless we are here when Jesus comes
48:53 back and we all hope the we are if we die in Christ
48:57 we are going to wakeup. The resurrected then we are
49:01 given our immortality, alright Our body is incorruptible
49:05 and will rise with him. That's the
49:08 good news of the song. I think David is an Adventist
49:10 preacher don't you? You have already
49:13 committed yourself. Well the truth is the truth.
49:16 Tonight you have committed yourself,
49:17 alright, Reggie and Ladye you are gonna sing
49:21 this for us go ahead. Oh! I was just gonna say
49:23 the dead shall rise too those who are wicked not
49:26 forgiven and then you gonna rise the judgment.
49:30 And that's what the song is about, alright.
49:57 Marvel not at what I say By and by will come the day
50:08 When the souls asleep in Christ
50:13 Will hear His voice And will rise(and will rise)
50:25 Will rise(will rise) Unto the resurrection,
50:38 unto the resurrection of life(of life)
50:54 Just as sure the hour will come
51:00 When descends Jerusalem Then the dead who lived in sin
51:11 Will hear His voice And will rise (and will rise)
51:20 Will rise (will rise) Unto the resurrection,
51:38 Unto the resurrection of judgment
51:58 By now I'm sure you can see why we are so very
52:01 excited about this Pillars Of Our Faith 25th
52:04 Anniversary Music. And we also were very happy
52:07 to have the participation of the
52:09 Andrews University singers. Call us 618-627-4651 or
52:13 write us Post Office Box 220, West Frankfort,
52:16 Illinois 62896 and we will get this Pillars Of Our
52:20 Faith music right to you so you can be part of this
52:23 wonderful experience. We have got one more
52:25 song it comes to us from the Great Lakes Academy
52:28 choir call beautiful Zion. You will be blessed
52:31 by this as you are by the other songs.
53:00 Beautiful Zion, built above Beautiful city that I love
53:25 Beautiful place beyond all dreams
53:38 Beautiful heaven, home of the redeemed
53:50 Beautiful crowns that never fade
54:03 Beautiful palms before Him lay
54:10 Hallelujah hosanna Beautiful robes the
54:20 righteous wear Beautiful saints who enter there
54:39 Singing worthy art Thou of glory,
54:49 honor, and power Author of everything,
54:59 O Lord my King Beautiful Day, no need for night
55:22 Beautiful angels all clothed in white
55:35 Beautiful psalms that never tire
55:47 Oh beautiful harps and a heavenly choir
55:57 Singing worthy art Thou of glory,
56:08 honor, and power Author of everything,
56:18 oh Lord my King Beautiful Zion, built above
56:41 Beautiful city that I love Beautiful place
56:58 beyond all dreams Beautiful heaven,
57:10 home of the redeemed.


Revised 2015-11-25