Steps to Christ in Song


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SCS

Program Code: SCS000004

00:33 Chapter 4, Confession.
00:38 Hello and welcome to Steps to Christ in Song.
00:41 Today, we gonna look at Confession.
00:44 I have a little niece, who a few days ago got into
00:48 something that belonged to her sister. My sister is into
00:50 gymnastics and she had some little gymnastics
00:54 workout equipment and my niece took her scissors and
00:59 started cutting some of this very expensive stuff and
01:03 her mother came in and saw the sister sitting there and
01:07 the stuff that was all cut up and she said to her, did you
01:11 do this and she said, no mommy I didn't do this and
01:15 she said you mustn't tell mommy stories because
01:19 when you tell stories there is a little light that shines
01:21 from your forehead and she said to herself, there is light
01:25 shine on my forehead, and a little while later in the
01:29 day she saw her up at the top of the stairs and she
01:35 was looking in the mirror and she was talking to the
01:37 mirror telling little stories and she was looking in the
01:40 mirror at her forehead. Few days later, she was
01:44 over at her grandmother's house, my mother-in-law's
01:47 house and she got into some chocolates,
01:49 you know, she wasn't supposed to get into these
01:51 chocolates and she opened up one of the chocolates
01:54 and ate the chocolates and she knew she wasn't
01:56 supposed to do that. She left the wrappers on the
01:58 floor of the kitchen and my mother-in-law came in and
02:02 she saw the wrappers on the floor and she said, did you
02:06 take this chocolate and she put her hand on her
02:09 forehead and she said, no Nanna, I didn't take it.
02:14 See sometimes we try to cover our sins and it says
02:17 in Proverbs chapter 28, verse 13, whoever tries to
02:21 cover their sins will not prosper, but if you forsake
02:25 your sin and confess your sin
02:27 then you will find mercy. Before we get into this very
02:30 important topic of Confession, I'm gonna ask
02:32 Andrew to lead us in the word of prayer.
02:34 Andrew, Dear Father in heaven, you said in First
02:39 John 1:9 that if we confess our sins, you are faithful
02:43 and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all
02:46 unrighteousness. Please give us the humility to
02:49 admit that we have done wrong and confess our sins,
02:52 so that we can experience that freedom from guilt
02:56 you so long to give us in your name. Amen. Amen.
03:02 The Bible makes it clear that God loves us and wants
03:05 to forgive us. But, there is a part that we have to play.
03:09 Proverbs 28:13 says, people who conceal their sins will
03:14 not prosper. But, if they confess in turn from them
03:18 they will receive mercy. First John 1:9 tells us that
03:23 if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to
03:27 forgive our sins and to cleanse us
03:29 from all unrighteousness. It's a fact that God can't
03:34 forgive a sin that's not confessed and turn
03:37 over to Him. So, give your sins to God
03:40 and you will be happy that you did.
04:00 Lord, You've touched my heart today,
04:08 That is why I've come to pray,
04:15 You see all I have inside, All the things I try to hide,
04:32 Jesus, I believe that You are there
04:40 And You're listening To this sinner's prayer
04:47 Touch this broken heart and make it new I believe in You
05:04 Please forgive me for my sin
05:11 All I've done and all I've been
05:19 Serving You forevermore Everyday You'll be my Lord
05:34 Jesus, I believe that You are there
05:42 And You're listening To this sinner's prayer
05:49 Knowing You'll remember What You've heard
05:57 I believe Your word
06:05 In Your name this prayer will end
06:13 And a new life will begin Now I know I'm not alone
06:28 Hold my hand and lead me home
06:56 This song is one of my favorites and it reminds
06:58 me that when we fell down and make mistakes,
07:01 all we need to do is come to God and confess our sin.
07:05 He is always willing to forgive us for
07:07 whatever we have done.
07:09 When we talk about Confession what do you think of Alley?
07:11 Oh! It kind of makes me think of when I was
07:15 younger and I was playing in the front yard with some
07:18 of my friends and we are throwing rocks in the street
07:20 and my next door neighbor drove by in his car and
07:23 without even thinking I just chucked the rock at his car
07:25 and immediately he stopped the car and he got out and
07:28 he told me that I shouldn't throw rocks at cars because
07:31 I could hurt someone and it could be really bad and
07:35 after that my mom she told me that I should go and
07:38 apologize to him and I felt really bad, I was
07:41 crying and it was just, it was really hard to
07:43 go and tell him, yeah, I was sorry.
07:45 And that was a Confession in a situation,
07:47 where you didn't mean to do that. Umm! Umm!
07:51 Alley, what you did, you didn't mean to do.
07:54 Can you even think of an experience, where you did
07:57 something and it was intentional?
07:59 Yes, I have a story. When I was younger, I was at a
08:02 friend's house and I was supposed to be watching
08:04 her two younger sister and brother and I was not
08:09 paying attention, I was just watching a video
08:12 or something and her mother was in the kitchen
08:15 and I suddenly heard the boy crying and I looked
08:18 and the little girl was standing over him and
08:21 I didn't know what happened because I wasn't
08:23 watching and her mother came in and asked me,
08:27 what happened and I didn't know because I wasn't
08:30 watching and so I just said, Oh! She pushed him
08:32 over because I, I didn't want to get caught for
08:36 not paying attention and so little girl got the spanking
08:40 and while she was get spanked she was crying
08:42 and saying I didn't do it, I didn't do it and I was
08:44 feeling really bad because I didn't actually know
08:47 she had done it and later I felt really bad.
08:50 So, I went up to my friend's mother and
08:53 I said well actually I didn't really see that, I didn't
08:56 really see what happened. I don't know what
08:58 happened because I wasn't watching and you can
09:01 punish me if you want to because I know that I was
09:03 wrong and so she put me in the corner, but I was aware
09:07 of the consequences because I knew I was
09:09 wrong and I had a clear conscience.
09:11 Yeah, and the core conscience is worth it,
09:14 even though you suffer the punishment,
09:16 thanks for sharing that.
09:20 Admitting to a wrong won't be very effective
09:23 if it's forced by someone else. To be acceptable to
09:27 God it must be sincere and heartfelt. Psalms 34:18
09:31 says, the Lord is near to those who have a broken
09:35 heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit.
09:38 If we are truly sorry for what we have done,
09:41 we will make it right with the person we offended
09:44 and take steps to make sure that it doesn't happen again
09:47 The result of this kind of Confession
09:49 is peace with God and man.
10:11 One day a plain village woman
10:20 Driven by love for her Lord Recklessly poured out
10:33 a valuable essence Disregarding the scorn
10:47 And once it was broken and spilled out
10:55 A fragrance filled all the room
11:03 Like a prisoner released from his shackles
11:12 Like a risen set free from the tomb
11:19 Broken and spilled out
11:27 Just for love of you Jesus
11:35 My most precious treasure Lavished on Thee
11:53 Broken and spilled out And poured at Your feet
12:10 In sweet abandon Let me be spilled out
12:19 And used up for Thee
12:31 Lord You were God's precious treasure
12:40 His loved and His own perfect Son
12:48 Sent here to show me The love of the Father
12:58 Just for love it was done And though You we
13:07 perfect and holy You gave up Yourself willingly
13:21 You spared no expense for my pardon
13:29 You were used up and wasted for me
13:36 Broken and spilled out Just for love of me Jesus
13:52 God's most precious treasure
14:01 Lavished on me Broken and
14:11 spilled out And poured at my feet
14:26 In sweet abandon Lord You were spilled out
14:34 and used up for Me Yes used up for me
14:44 In sweet abandon, let me be spilled out
14:58 And used up for Thee, Used up for Thee.
15:27 You know that guilt is such a horrible thing and yet so
15:30 often we try to cover up our sins, but why should we,
15:35 when Jesus was broken and spilled out when he died on
15:37 the cross of Calvary to pay the penalty for our sins.
15:42 What he really wants us to do, is take responsibility
15:44 for our sins, confess them to him.
15:48 You know that whole idea of taking responsibility
15:51 is a tough one, isn't it Ellen? Umm! Umm!
15:53 Yeah definitely, actually just last week I was in an
15:58 accident. I was driving in Downtown Vancouver
16:01 and I was taking a left turn and, I was driving my
16:04 friend's car and I wasn't really paying attention
16:08 and the sun was shining on my eyes and it was
16:11 just not a good situation. And by the time I got
16:16 in the middle of the intersection, I realized
16:18 that someone was coming straight for me and
16:20 it was too late I couldn't do anything and so there
16:23 is a big bang and crash and I was like,
16:26 Oh! I felt so horrible inside,
16:28 yeah, I was just like, I didn't know what to do,
16:30 all I wanted to do is fall through the floor and just
16:33 hide, runaway, do anything to get out of the situation,
16:36 you know. I wish it was someone else's fault you
16:39 know, but I knew it was my own fault and so the first
16:42 thing that came to mind was you need to apologize.
16:45 So, I turned to my friend and I'm like I'm so sorry.
16:49 It's my fault and I'll pay for all the damages and
16:52 then I got out of the car and I went, and, to the
16:57 lady that I crashed into and I said, I am so
16:59 sorry, I know it's completely my fault
17:02 and it was really hard and I really didn't want
17:06 it to be my fault, but I knew it was and so
17:10 I had to take responsibility and I really think that's
17:13 the best way is to take responsibility for your
17:16 actions and not to hide from you know what you've done.
17:21 Yeah and the consequences, yeah, and the consequences,
17:24 and often when people do things wrong,
17:27 and I know myself, you wanna blame someone else.
17:30 Yeah. That's one common reaction,
17:33 another one is to try and hide your sins.
17:38 Aileen, you have a story that goes along with that.
17:41 Yeah, one time I was cleaning our bathroom
17:43 and I saw my dad's razor in the basket
17:46 where it goes and for some reason I just had
17:49 this urge to look inside and so and I knew
17:52 I shouldn't touch it, but I really wanted to,
17:55 so I opened it up and I was looking inside and
17:58 I thought, I really got to put this back before
18:00 someone finds me and I'll get in trouble.
18:02 So, I tried to put it back together and I could
18:06 not get it back together and I was getting really
18:08 worried because I thought I would have
18:09 to go tell someone and then I would get in trouble.
18:12 But, I finally got it back together and I put
18:16 it back and it went. But, I felt really bad
18:18 about it and then a few days later in the car dad
18:21 said, does anybody know what happened
18:22 to my razor and I said yeah actually I was
18:26 cleaning the bathroom and I accidentally
18:27 knocked off the counter. So, that's probably
18:29 when it got broken and he said okay thanks
18:32 I just wanted to know if anybody knew and
18:34 then I tried to dismiss it from my mind, but
18:37 I felt really bad and every time I prayed
18:39 I would think about it again and so I finally
18:42 went and told mom what had happened and
18:44 that I told a lie and she said, well you really
18:48 need to go and tell dad and I really didn't want
18:50 to tell him, but I finally decided to tell him and
18:53 when I went and told him and he forgave me
18:56 and I just felt so much better about it after that, yeah,
18:59 And you are saying in your prayer life you
19:01 feel really bad every time you prayed and
19:04 you would remember that and after that you didn't
19:07 worry about it. That's good. You know,
19:10 that's the peace that God wants to give us
19:12 and when you try to avoid confessing your
19:16 sin you just feel guilty that's a terrible feeling.
19:20 Thanks for sharing it.
19:23 It's possible to confess that we've done
19:25 something wrong, but not take the
19:27 responsibility for it. Adam and Eve did not
19:30 take full responsibility when they blamed God
19:32 each other and sinned for the wrong doing.
19:35 This is a common reaction when we get
19:36 caught or feel convicted about doing
19:38 something wrong, but God wants us to simply
19:41 come clean and acknowledge our
19:43 faults without trying to make excuses or
19:46 trying to make someone else look bad.
19:48 Jesus once praised the poor tax collective for
19:51 praying, God be merciful to me a sinner.
19:55 Don't worry when you confess your sins to
19:57 God, you aren't telling him anything he
19:59 doesn't already know. You are simply
20:01 acknowledging your need for a sin pardoning God.
20:13 Have you a heart that's weary
20:18 Tending a load of care Are you a soul that
20:28 seeking rest From the burden you bear?
20:37 Do you know, Do you know my Jesus
20:44 Do you know, Do you know my friend
20:50 Have you heard he loves you
20:57 And that he will abide till the end?
21:03 Where is your heart, oh pilgrim,
21:09 What does your light reveal;
21:16 Who hears your call for comfort
21:22 When naught but sorrow you feel?
21:29 Do you know, Do you know my Jesus
21:35 Do you know, Do you know my friend
21:41 Have you heard he loves you
21:48 And that he will abide till the end?
21:55 Who knows your disappointments
22:01 Who hears each time you cry
22:08 Who understands your heartaches
22:14 Who dries the tears from your eyes.
22:20 Do you know, Do you know my Jesus
22:26 Do you know, Do you know my friend
22:33 Have you heard he loves you
22:40 And that he will abide till the end?
22:50 In Romans 3:23, the Bible says that all have
22:53 sin and fall short of the glory of God.
22:55 We all carry heavy burdens of guilt from
22:58 the sins that we have committed.
23:00 God longs to give us rest from those
23:02 burdens, but he cannot do it unless
23:05 we confess our sins to him.
23:09 The idea of confessing your sins and getting
23:11 rid of that burden and guilt, what is that make
23:13 you think of, Rebecca? Well, a few years ago,
23:17 I was visiting my grandma and my
23:19 brother and I were playing in the living
23:20 room throwing a ball back and forth and
23:23 I threw it and it bounced against the
23:24 wall and it knocked one of my grandma's
23:26 vases off the shelf and it crashed to the floor
23:28 and broke, and I was like Oh! No.
23:31 I know my grandma like values all her
23:33 antique like things and she would get really
23:37 mad if she knew that I was broken and my
23:39 brother was like, oh! I'm gonna go tell
23:40 grandma and I was like no don't tell grandma
23:42 you know, I was like alright tell grandma
23:45 and so I went to the room where grandma
23:47 was and I shut the door and just then I was
23:50 originally planning on just you know, saying
23:52 I'm sorry and I'll pay for it, but then a little
23:54 wicked thought came into my head and I was
23:56 like, you know, what, my brother is not here
23:57 and I'm just going to blame it on him.
23:59 And so I told grandma that Michael was the one
24:02 who threw the ball and knocked the vase off and broke
24:04 it, and she got kind of upset and went out
24:07 there and Michael said I didn't do it,
24:09 I didn't do it, I didn't do it,
24:10 but he got punished. I don't remember what
24:12 the punishment was, but, and I was
24:14 feeling kind of good a little bit, you know,
24:16 as I wasn't getting punished and my
24:17 grandma wasn't mad at me at least, but then
24:21 later on that afternoon I just, I started feeling
24:23 worse and worse, and I was like, this is awful
24:26 I, my grandma was wondering shy a kid
24:29 wasn't playing, why I wasn't happy because
24:31 you know little kids are, emotions are right
24:33 there on their face and I was just like upset and
24:36 everything and I was like grandma, I broke
24:40 the vase and I'm sorry for telling lie and she
24:43 was really nice about it and she forgave me and
24:45 everything and I paid for it, but, but it was
24:50 like I remember distinctly that it was
24:52 like a terrible feeling that guilt, but then as
24:55 soon as I told my grandma that I'm sorry
24:57 and I did it. It was just like gone and it was
24:59 really, it was really amazing.
25:02 A relief that you have told and must be
25:05 terrible for your brother, yes, he gets
25:07 blamed for something, I know, did he blame
25:10 you for it afterwards. No I went and told
25:12 him, I'm sorry you know, yeah, and
25:14 everything and it was fine.
25:18 You know, the story of Adam and Eve speaks
25:21 to all of us when they had sinned they tried to
25:26 cover up their guilt. They were hiding in
25:28 the garden and God had to go and look for
25:31 them. He knew where they were, but he asked
25:34 the question for their sake. Adam, where are
25:37 you, so that he could answer, so that he
25:39 could confess his sin. He blamed his partner
25:45 Eve and in blaming Eve he was actually
25:47 blaming God for creating Eve and giving
25:51 her to him and of course Eve turned
25:53 around and blamed the serpent.
25:56 It's the nature of how we deal with our guilt
25:59 and our shame. I think of a pastor, a friend of
26:02 mine, who was a conference president
26:05 and he was trying to hide his guilt and his shame.
26:11 He was involved in a relationship with
26:13 someone who is not his wife for 5 years and he
26:19 finally came to the place, where he confessed
26:22 openly his sin. He told me afterwards it was so
26:25 hard for him. He had two options, he said
26:28 the guilt was pressing upon his heart so badly
26:32 that he felt like he just wanted to take his life.
26:36 But, then Christ kept speaking to him through
26:38 the intervention of the Holy Spirit and asking
26:41 him to confess his sin and he said once he did
26:44 that it was like enormous weight of
26:48 relief was just taken off of his shoulders,
26:51 taken off of his mind, and his heart.
26:55 So, there is a freedom, a peace that comes
26:57 with Confession and forgiveness that God
27:01 gives to us. Let's turn to God right now in
27:05 prayer and ask him to cleanse us and to lead
27:10 him, so, lead us to a place where we
27:14 completely surrender our lives to him.
27:16 Let's do that right now.
27:18 Heavenly father, we can identify with Adam
27:22 and Eve when they were trying to hide
27:25 from you, but we know that you are merciful.
27:28 We know that if we confess our sins to you
27:31 that you are faithful and just and that you
27:33 will cleanse us and pardon us from all
27:36 unrighteousness. We thank you for that
27:39 promise and we claim Lord our lives for you,
27:43 we surrender our hearts in Jesus name. Amen. Amen.
27:51 Steps to Christ in Song is a 13 part series
27:54 from Fountainview Productions.
27:55 designed to be an easy non- threatening way to show the
27:59 Good News about Jesus Christ with friends, relatives, and
28:02 co-workers.
28:04 Order your copies now by calling 1-877-490-4141 or
28:09 visit us online at
28:15 Steps to Christ in song is also available at your local
28:20 ABC Christian Book Store.


Revised 2014-12-17