Spring Camp Meeting

The New Covenant Sabbath

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SCM

Program Code: SCM180024A

00:01 Privileged to be here this morning.
00:02 Thank you for coming.
00:04 Look like we have a full house, huh?
00:06 And I am thankful to be in a house
00:07 of the Lord this morning.
00:08 How about you? Amen.
00:10 How you doing with the camp meeting so far?
00:12 Amen.
00:13 All right, how many it's your first time here?
00:15 Uh-oh!
00:16 I didn't want to see that,
00:18 I was hoping you were here all week,
00:19 but we welcome you today for sure.
00:22 And that was the setup, wasn't it?
00:24 I set you, I got you to comment and raise your hands,
00:26 shame on me.
00:27 But I am so...
00:29 How many have been here the entire
00:30 since Wednesday night?
00:31 Oh, well, look at all of this.
00:33 And the messages have been fantastic, haven't they?
00:37 Amen.
00:38 It's about time we do something on the three angels' messages.
00:41 If it's present truth, we should know about it, right?
00:45 The world should know about it,
00:46 but the world can't know about it
00:48 if we may be ever in our...
00:50 and I notice, I go to schools, I talk to young people,
00:54 I talk to sometimes older people,
00:56 and it's almost like a lot of us,
00:58 Seventh-day Adventist are in a rut.
01:01 Now Molly says a rut's nothing more than a grave
01:03 with two ends open.
01:05 So... But sometimes we are in a rut.
01:07 We are so busy with life,
01:10 we're so busy worrying about what somebody else is wearing
01:13 or how they look or what they're driving
01:15 that we forget about why God has put us here
01:18 on planet earth
01:19 in these closing moments of earth's history.
01:22 What a privilege and what a responsibility
01:24 to be Seventh-day Adventist Christians
01:27 literally in the closing moments
01:29 of earth's history.
01:30 It's amazing. It's awesome.
01:31 And every day we should thank God for this opportunity
01:35 that he's given us.
01:37 Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world."
01:40 When He said go ye and I said this over and over and over,
01:44 and I'm saying it for those who
01:46 maybe haven't thought about it or heard about it.
01:48 Dr. Thompson said it to me a long time ago, he said,
01:51 "Danny, when Jesus said, 'Go ye into all the world,'
01:54 He counted his resources in advance
01:56 and found that it wasn't wanting."
01:59 So that says that you and me can do anything
02:02 when we come in the name of the Lord.
02:04 We don't care how big the obstacles are,
02:08 it makes no difference because Jesus has said,
02:11 "Go ye into all the world."
02:13 He's the creator of the universe,
02:15 all power is in Him.
02:17 He says, "All power has given Me
02:18 in heaven and earth.
02:20 Go ye therefore."
02:21 So today, what an opportunity to be living in a time
02:25 that as I speak now,
02:27 this signal is going up
02:29 from this little former cornfield area
02:31 in Southern Illinois, 22,300 miles to space,
02:36 traveling around the world at the speed of light.
02:40 I mean, that's amazing, isn't it,
02:42 186,000 miles per second?
02:45 I mean, you think about that technology
02:48 when we started in 3ABN in the beginning,
02:51 there was very few satellites up in space,
02:55 there was only C-band,
02:57 and when we shot to satellite
02:59 about a million people in America
03:01 were able to watch 3ABN
03:04 because about a million people had the dishes.
03:07 People said, "Why are you doing all of that
03:09 if you're only going to reach a million people,
03:11 there's 200 plus million people in the United States."
03:14 Hey, you got to start somewhere, right?
03:17 I mean, you're going to be a bear, be a grizzly,
03:18 but sometimes you got to start out
03:20 with small beginnings.
03:21 So we just did what we knew to do.
03:24 We didn't know anything about technology,
03:26 but we went forward, God blessed and He honored.
03:29 I would have never dreamed back then
03:32 when we went on the air in 1986,
03:34 would have never dreamed that 33 years later
03:38 that I can take my smartphone,
03:41 had no such thing as smartphones,
03:44 I was always dumb
03:45 and the phones were smarter than me,
03:46 I'm still that way, they're still too smart for me,
03:48 but who would ever dream you could take your phone out
03:51 and look up 3ABN and say,
03:54 "Let's see which network do I want to watch today?"
03:56 Anywhere in the world,
03:58 take out your tablets, your iPads,
04:00 anywhere in the world and watch 3ABN.
04:03 You can use social media.
04:04 There're so many ways to get the gospel into all the world,
04:08 not only cable, television, satellite,
04:11 we have all of the social media now,
04:13 the 3ABN is trying to take advantage of,
04:15 also to get this gospel to the world.
04:19 Jesus...
04:20 In radio, of course, around the world.
04:22 Jesus is serious about coming back.
04:25 Heaven is not heaven until His people are home.
04:28 Do I need to say that again?
04:30 Heaven is not heaven until God's children are there.
04:34 Amen.
04:35 But today, something has to happen.
04:38 This gospel of the kingdom has to go into all the world
04:41 before Jesus will come back.
04:44 So today, we're going to talk about the New Covenant Sabbath.
04:47 There are different views concerning the New Covenant
04:50 which includes of course the New Covenant Sabbath
04:53 by Protestants and Christians, we're all aware of that, right?
04:56 The importance of this is simply this.
05:01 We all have to make a decision about the Ten Commandments.
05:05 Are we going to keep them?
05:07 Were they nailed to the cross?
05:08 What are we going to do with the Ten Commandments
05:11 that God established,
05:12 man didn't establish and God did,
05:14 so we have to make a decision.
05:16 Now modern day Christians including evangelicals,
05:20 Protestants consider themselves to be New Covenant Christians.
05:23 You ever talk to anybody
05:24 and you start to talk about the Sabbath and they say,
05:26 "Oh, I'm New Covenant, I'm New Covenant,
05:29 I don't go by the Old Testament"?
05:31 I mean, am I the only one or somebody had that happen?
05:34 Oh, several of you have. All right.
05:36 Well, we don't go by the Old Testament,
05:37 we're New Covenant, we're New Testament people.
05:41 And so that's their view of it,
05:44 then anything that happened back then,
05:45 that Old Testament, so I've asked people sometimes,
05:48 tried to be nice about it,
05:50 "You don't use the Old Testament?"
05:51 "Oh, I'm not under that at all."
05:52 I say, "Well, why do you have a Bible,
05:54 why don't you just carry the New Testament?"
05:56 because you have a whole, you know,
05:58 sometimes you have the whole Bible,
05:59 if you don't need the Old Testament,
06:01 why don't you just get rid of it?"
06:03 So they're quick to acknowledge the Sabbath,
06:05 what's the Sabbath of the Old Testament covenant.
06:07 Now I want to say, before I go any further,
06:10 God has people in all churches.
06:13 Because your Seventh Day Adventist
06:14 or any Sabbath keeper or any denomination,
06:16 you're not going to go to heaven by saying,
06:18 "Hey, guess what? I joined the church in 1984."
06:21 What's going to be important is
06:23 when did we join the Jesus, right?
06:24 When did we make Him the Lord of our life?
06:28 So when I'm talking here today,
06:31 I'm not talking to put people down,
06:33 but I want to talk just family, we want to talk family,
06:38 things that you probably encounter as well as I do,
06:42 and how do we deal with these.
06:43 So a lot of these folks say that they've been freed
06:47 from the legalistic keeping physically
06:51 of a Seventh-day Sabbath.
06:52 Have you heard that?
06:53 That's why, and we'll talk about it a little bit.
06:56 They say, "Well, the commandments
06:57 weren't nailed to the cross."
06:58 So I don't physically
07:00 need to keep the Seventh-day Sabbath,
07:03 you all are in the legalism, and I say,
07:06 "Really, I notice you go to church Sunday every week,
07:11 every legalistic week you go to Sunday.
07:14 You go to church on Sunday."
07:16 Now why do you do that?
07:18 Because they say,
07:20 "Well, Sabbath is just a spiritual rest,
07:23 you don't have to keep it, you know,
07:25 when God instituted it in that creation,
07:30 No one kept it till Moses,
07:32 and so it's just a spiritual rest
07:34 foreshadowing Jesus' coming and now I rest in Jesus."
07:38 Well, how can we not rest on Jesus on Sunday, right?
07:42 I'm going to quit, you all aren't with me,
07:44 all right?
07:45 You're with me?
07:46 No, I mean, is that a fair question?
07:48 Yes. Because isn't...
07:50 They say, "Well, we keep Sunday not as the Sabbath,"
07:54 a lot of them say that now,
07:56 they used to back up until the 1960s or so,
07:59 all the television program sayings you watched always
08:01 talked about the Sabbath
08:04 and they inserted Sunday for the Sabbath.
08:07 But they've gotten more informed.
08:09 So as you get more informed,
08:10 you have to have a reason for what you do.
08:14 So here we have people who say,
08:18 "We honor the resurrection of Christ
08:23 by going to church Sunday
08:24 because he arose on the first day of the week."
08:26 Does everybody believe Christ
08:28 rose on the first day of the week?
08:29 What day is that? Sunday.
08:31 And these Evangelicals and Christians and Catholics
08:34 will tell you Sunday is the first day of the week.
08:36 So when you're having a Bible study
08:38 with somebody and they say,
08:39 "Well, how do you know Saturday is the Sabbath?
08:42 I mean, how do you know that that day of the week?"
08:44 I say well, number one,
08:45 the Catholics have been keeping up
08:47 for 2,000 years nearly, you know, 1800 whatever.
08:50 The Jews, I'm sure they never forgot
08:52 which day is Saturday.
08:54 You know, so if the Jews think Saturday is the Sabbath,
08:58 the Catholics think Saturday is Sabbath
09:00 and all the New Testament
09:02 Protestants say Sunday is the Sabbath...
09:07 Let me go back, the Catholics,
09:09 the first day of the week is Sunday, the Jews,
09:12 the seventh day of the week, Saturday.
09:14 And the Protestants nowadays even confirm that
09:17 Sunday is the first day of the week.
09:19 Then Saturday has to be the seventh day of the week
09:22 which is the Bible Sabbath.
09:25 Now you're with me? Everybody's with me.
09:26 I'm trying to get with myself actually,
09:29 I'm here to make sure we're doing this.
09:31 But they claim that it's a spiritual rest.
09:35 And so when you honor Sunday as the resurrection,
09:39 why isn't it just a spiritual rest?
09:43 That's what I ask people.
09:44 Well, how come you go to church Sunday?
09:46 Well, we honor,
09:47 but you're not supposed to physically do it.
09:48 It's a spiritual thing, right?
09:51 So why would you say Adventists shouldn't keep the Sabbath
09:54 because that's working our way into heaven,
09:56 but you all can keep Sunday,
09:58 and that's not working your way into haven,
10:00 just because you say it's honoring the resurrection,
10:04 but in fact, we want to honor what God says, am I right?
10:08 Now again, I don't mean to be critical
10:11 when I talk like this,
10:12 but I want to talk openly and honestly,
10:14 I find communications is the greatest tool
10:17 that God has given us.
10:19 So many of us don't want to offend anybody, right?
10:25 You don't have to raise your hands.
10:26 But how many of you have been talking to people
10:29 and you thought, "Wow, this is an opportunity,
10:31 I should...
10:33 No, I don't want to offend them.
10:34 I don't want to offend them."
10:37 I've told this story before,
10:38 but I went to a church in state way north of here,
10:43 and I don't stay in homes with people anymore.
10:46 Not that I don't love you when I travel,
10:48 but a lot of reasons,
10:50 I find I'm better off if I stay in a hotel,
10:52 and some of you are great and you're kind,
10:54 but sometimes people have agendas too.
10:56 So I was staying in the home of somebody.
10:59 And I thought, "Really nice, and it's a nice place,"
11:02 and they support 3ABN, so I was staying in the home.
11:06 And the man came to me Friday evening, said,
11:09 "Brother Danny, when you're talking tomorrow
11:12 to our church,
11:13 I wonder if you could say something."
11:16 Uh-oh, I heard somebody say uh-oh.
11:18 I said, "Well, what have you got?"
11:21 He said, "We're having...
11:23 Our church is almost split.
11:25 There are people in our church that feel like
11:27 we should pass out the book to Great Controversy
11:30 all over this city.
11:31 But we have a lot of Catholics, we have a lot of Lutherans,
11:34 we have a lot of people here.
11:36 And so half the Church says, 'We don't want to do that.
11:38 That's like throwing it in their face.
11:40 That's like, you know,
11:41 the Great Controversy is pretty straightforward
11:44 and whatever it says.'
11:45 So half the Church says,
11:47 'Well, we don't want to do that.'
11:48 And the other half says, 'No, that's our responsibility,
11:50 that's our job to do it.'"
11:53 So he said, "Would you talk about that tomorrow?"
11:55 I said, "Sure, which side are you on?"
11:58 I asked him.
12:02 They just made me supper.
12:04 They're getting ready to make breakfast in the morning,
12:06 right?
12:08 And I'm going to spend Saturday night with them.
12:10 So I said, "Which side are you on?"
12:13 He said, "Well, I'm on the side that I think we just ought
12:16 to love people into the church."
12:19 And I said, "Oh, I'm with that. I'm fine.
12:21 Aren't you fine with loving people in the church,
12:24 just take it for what he said?
12:26 I'm fine with that,
12:28 just loving people into the church,"
12:29 he said, "Oh, great.
12:31 So you'll tell them tomorrow that we shouldn't pass...
12:33 they'll listen to you,
12:35 we shouldn't pass out the books."
12:36 I said, "No, I'm with you, loving people into the church,
12:39 we need to tell them the truth."
12:41 So I'm sorry, but I'm on the other side.
12:44 And now if you want me to go home or go to a hotel,
12:47 I can go to hotel."
12:48 "No," he said, "You can stay here."
12:50 And I said, "If you don't want to cook breakfast,
12:53 I saw some Cheerios and I can make it.
12:55 I can go to my home, it's no big deal.
12:58 Give me that, some rice steam
12:59 and little bit of honey and walnuts, I'm great."
13:03 "No, no," they said, "You can do it."
13:04 So this is the thing.
13:06 Sometimes we're afraid that we're going to offend people.
13:09 So today, when we're talking,
13:11 if we don't do it, who's going to, right?
13:14 If we're not honest with people...
13:16 Thank you.
13:17 If we're not honest with people, who's going to be?
13:21 Those who have much are what?
13:25 Responsible for much.
13:27 Those who have little are responsible for...
13:29 Little.
13:31 What would you say
13:32 when it comes to spiritual food,
13:33 spiritual discernment,
13:35 with Seventh-day Adventist Christians,
13:37 would we be on the side
13:38 if we have little or we have much?
13:39 Much.
13:41 All right, if we have much, what are we supposed to do?
13:43 What's the principle of
13:44 when you have a lot of something?
13:46 You share it, all right?
13:48 Are we all together so far? Yes.
13:50 So we want to share what God has given us,
13:53 but I do want to say this,
13:54 Sunday has nothing to do with the New Covenant.
13:58 Plainly speaking,
13:59 Sunday worship has nothing to do
14:00 with honoring our Lord's death or the resurrection
14:03 is not based on any Bible instruction.
14:06 When Jesus died on the cross, the New Covenant was ratified.
14:09 When was it ratified?
14:11 It's important that we know this.
14:13 It was ratified when?
14:14 When he died on the cross.
14:16 Was it ratified on Sunday, the following Sunday?
14:18 No.
14:19 When was it ratified? Okay.
14:22 I may be a little redundant,
14:23 but maybe we need to be today, okay?
14:26 Now, reason this is important is nothing can be added
14:29 to a covenant once it's ratified.
14:32 You know what the word ratified means, right?
14:34 Makes an agreement.
14:36 Sunday keeping cannot be added to the New Covenant
14:38 because it was not in the New Covenant
14:40 when Christ died.
14:42 What day did He die on? He died on Friday.
14:45 What did He do over Sabbath? Rested.
14:47 And what did He do on Sunday. Arose.
14:49 Arose from the tomb, right?
14:51 So Christ is alive.
14:54 Don't want to knock this off.
14:55 Okay. Christ is alive.
14:57 So He rose from the tomb.
15:01 I hit a button and I had about one hundred faces
15:05 that were either smiling or crying on here.
15:09 And then I looked into the audience
15:11 and saw the same thing.
15:19 We're going to have a fun time, aren't we?
15:23 Okay, so we're going to go back now to...
15:27 when was it?
15:28 When was the New Covenant ratified?
15:31 Ratified on Friday.
15:32 When did Sunday keeping take effect?
15:36 Before or after?
15:38 After.
15:39 Well, that's not very hard to understand, is it?
15:42 So how can Sunday worship be part of a New Covenant?
15:47 Are you with me?
15:48 Somebody finish it for me.
15:50 How can Sunday worship be part of a New Covenant
15:52 if it wasn't ratified before?
15:57 When did Sunday worship become...
16:01 where people did it all the time, Sunday keeping,
16:03 when did that happen?
16:05 Generations after Christ's death, is that right?
16:08 Okay. So are we together now?
16:10 I mean, if I'm wrong, well, don't tell me now
16:13 because all of it'll be a bad time,
16:15 we're on the air, but think about it.
16:17 Tell me afterwards, but I'm trying to get something
16:21 across here that people say,
16:23 "I'm a New Covenant Christian, I believe that you don't...
16:27 the Ten Commandments have been done away with,
16:30 I don't have to keep that old law
16:32 because that old law was nailed to the cross
16:35 and so I just keep Sunday in honor of the resurrection
16:40 because I go by the New Covenant."
16:42 No, honestly, if you go by the New Covenant,
16:45 you will still keep Seventh-day Saturday Sabbath
16:49 because Seventh-day Saturday Sabbath
16:52 was still the covenant when Christ died.
16:55 That Sabbath was the Sabbath of Adam, of Abraham, of Moses,
17:01 of Isaac, of Jacob,
17:02 on down through the ages the Sabbath of Jesus.
17:06 And when Jesus died,
17:07 it had nothing to do with doing away
17:09 with something He instituted at creation.
17:13 Now we're going to talk a little bit about people
17:15 and I don't know I've got a bunch of pages here
17:18 about the Old and New Covenant.
17:19 Do I really need to go into that today?
17:22 Because I have all the scriptures
17:23 of what they are and maybe I need to
17:25 or maybe I should just say we have a book,
17:28 we have number of books here at 3ABN
17:30 that would explain to you the Old and the New Covenants
17:33 and of what they mean to us.
17:35 Quickly, briefly,
17:37 let me rather than to read it all,
17:39 a covenant is a contract.
17:40 The dictionary says, "It's a contract, agreement,
17:43 and undertaking a commitment,
17:45 a guarantee, a warrant, a pledge,
17:46 a promise, a bond, indenture."
17:49 There's so many things that it is,
17:50 but a covenant or an agreement is between two parties.
17:54 So now in the Old Testament, God said to Moses,
18:00 "I want to make a covenant with the people
18:02 of children of Israel, and I want to bless them."
18:05 Hey, if he's going to bless somebody, why not those folks,
18:08 they've been in bondage for how many years?
18:10 Hundreds of years, right?
18:11 They were slaves in bondage.
18:13 Moses gets them out. God frees them.
18:16 God says, "I want to make a covenant with you.
18:18 I want to bless these folks.
18:20 You've been in a horrible situation
18:22 for hundreds of years.
18:24 You don't even know who I am."
18:25 They didn't have a chance to go to church on Sabbath,
18:28 they didn't have a chance to read the Ten Commandments,
18:30 to read the Bible.
18:31 They didn't have the Scriptures.
18:33 They didn't have any, they were slaves.
18:35 So God says, "I want to bless those people."
18:38 In that just like God to take care of those
18:40 who maybe haven't been able to take care of themselves.
18:43 He says, "I want to bless those people."
18:44 So you go tell them that I want to bless them.
18:47 And if they agree to this,
18:49 then we're going to make a covenant.
18:50 So he goes and tells them, Moses, and the people,
18:53 you can look at in Exodus 19 chapter
18:57 when you get a chance
18:58 or you can look it up now, it's fine with me.
19:00 But you can look it up.
19:01 But what he says, "And Moses went up..."
19:03 let's read it, in Exodus 19:3-6.
19:06 "And Moses went up unto God,
19:07 and the Lord called him and to a mountain, saying,
19:09 'Thus shall thou say to the house of Jacob,
19:12 and tell the children of Israel,
19:14 if you will obey My voice,
19:16 indeed, and keep My covenant,
19:18 then you shall be a peculiar treasure
19:20 unto Me above all people,
19:22 for all the earth is Mine,
19:24 and you shall be unto Me a holy nation,
19:26 these are the words which thou shall speak
19:30 unto the children of Israel.'"
19:32 Now as soon as Moses spoke those, the people said what?
19:36 "We will do what God says.
19:38 We will do what God says."
19:40 But the problem turned out to be
19:42 they tried to do it in the flesh.
19:44 They didn't say with God's help,
19:46 they will do it, they just said,
19:49 "We will do these things."
19:51 As soon as their affirmative answer went back to God,
19:55 that was the basis for the Old Covenant
19:57 was set up,
19:58 but before it could go into formal operation,
20:00 there had to be a ritualistic system,
20:03 and that was there had to be some shedding of blood.
20:06 So Moses went out, they had built 12 altars
20:10 to represent the tribes of Israel.
20:12 They sprinkled blood, they got an ox,
20:14 and the young men went out, the Bible says,
20:16 "They spread this blood,
20:18 and then they spread it on the people."
20:20 Once that happened, guess what?
20:23 The covenant was ratified, all right?
20:26 Some of you are with me.
20:28 So what it took was a commitment,
20:30 God made a commitment,
20:31 and then the children of Israel made a commitment.
20:34 Now it was signed, sealed, and delivered
20:38 if you were by the sprinkling of blood.
20:43 Now could anything be added after that?
20:46 No. It couldn't be added, right?
20:48 God wouldn't do it because he told him but...
20:49 People, we can't add it.
20:51 Somebody said "Well, why can't you?"
20:53 Let's say that I go to bank tomorrow,
20:56 Monday, I'll go Monday,
20:57 since it's closed on Sunday
20:59 because an honor to the resurrection.
21:01 I'll go to the church, I'll go to bank on Monday,
21:06 and I'll ask to borrow $10,000.
21:09 And so they look at my credit and say,
21:11 "It's fair, it's good enough, we'll give you that loan,
21:14 we'll give you the $10,000 at 5% interest."
21:18 So I said, "That's a little bit high,
21:19 but I'm kind of in a jam,
21:21 I need it, so give me your contract."
21:24 So they just happen to have contracts written up
21:26 for any amount you want or capable of getting, right?
21:29 So they get it, and what I do to ratify it?
21:32 I sign it.
21:34 Now as soon as I sign that,
21:36 that contract is ratified.
21:41 But this is on Monday, but Tuesday,
21:44 let's say Monday night I talked to my brother Kenny,
21:46 he says, "Huh, I went to the same bank
21:49 I got a loan for 2% interest."
21:53 So I go back Tuesday and say,
21:55 "Well, you know what, I'm just going to pay you
21:58 from now on 2% interest instead of 5%."
22:01 Now when I get out of court because I'll be sued,
22:06 what's the court going to say to me?
22:09 You cannot add anything to this contract
22:14 after it was ratified, after you signed it.
22:16 Are we making any sense at all, are we?
22:18 I'm trying to get it in a way that we can all understand it.
22:22 That is really very simple.
22:24 We looked at the Old Covenant, when that blood was sprinkled,
22:28 the God then is dead after
22:31 that is when God took Moses to the...
22:33 had him come to the mount
22:34 and gave him the Ten Commandments
22:36 which were a part of that Old Covenant.
22:38 So now let's go look at the New Covenant.
22:42 Most of the time folk go to Hebrews,
22:45 we can go to the 8 chapter starting with verse 6.
22:48 "But now has he obtained more excellent ministry
22:52 by how much he is also the mediator
22:54 of a better covenant,
22:56 which was established upon better promises,
22:58 for if that first covenant had been faultless,
23:01 then should no place have been sought for the second,
23:04 for finding fault with them, he said,
23:07 'Behold the days come,' saith the Lord,
23:09 'When I will make a New Covenant
23:11 with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah,
23:14 not according to the covenant that I made
23:17 with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand
23:20 to lead them out of the land of Egypt
23:22 because they continued not,'" they what?
23:24 "They continued not in my covenant,
23:26 and I regarded them not."
23:29 The covenant was broken, says the Lord.
23:31 "'For this is the covenant that I will make
23:33 with the house of Israel after those days,'
23:35 saith the Lord,
23:37 'I will put my laws in their mind
23:39 and write them in their...'"
23:40 Hearts.
23:42 "And I will be to them a God
23:44 and they shall be to me a people."
23:46 Wow, what a beautiful promise and I'm thankful to be living
23:50 under New Covenant, aren't you?
23:52 I am so thankful that Jesus shed His blood
23:55 on the cross of calvary.
23:57 Does that mean that no one before Christ's death
23:59 will ever be saved to go to heaven?
24:02 Absolutely not. Absolutely not.
24:04 And it's very important to understand that.
24:06 I'm so thankful that we have a New Covenant,
24:09 but the difference in the Old and the New Covenant...
24:12 Now what made the New Covenant...
24:14 I think we spoke about it already.
24:15 Christ shed blood
24:17 on the cross of Calvary that Friday,
24:19 ratified the New Covenant, nothing can be added to it.
24:23 I know that's redundant, but it's an important point
24:26 I want you to go away with.
24:28 Nothing can be added to it.
24:30 Sunday keeping cannot be considered
24:32 when somebody says to you,
24:34 "You ought to live under the New Covenant,
24:36 I mean, the New Testament."
24:37 So I honor Sunday and you can say,
24:40 "No, honestly, that's not part of the New Covenant.
24:42 You do live in the New Covenant area,
24:45 but Sunday worship is not part of that Sunday."
24:48 They're honoring the resurrection formerly by
24:50 as though it's biblical
24:52 is not part of that New Covenant.
24:55 In fact, the New Covenant...
24:59 or let's talk about this for a moment,
25:00 this really hit me like a ton of bricks.
25:03 People say, "Well, you know, we live under the New Covenant,
25:07 so we don't have to keep those old commandments anymore."
25:12 You ever hear that? Yeah.
25:14 I was at a church,
25:16 a big Baptist church with Melody,
25:19 when she was about, I don't know, 15, 16 years old.
25:24 And it was in Tennessee.
25:26 And they asked us to come and sing.
25:28 I didn't know them.
25:29 Got there and it is a pretty big church,
25:30 1,000 and 1,500 people.
25:33 They said, "We heard you on the radio
25:34 and we heard your testimony.
25:36 Melody's mother had been killed in an automobile accident,
25:39 1982, and we just wanted you there."
25:42 So we went to the church and we sang.
25:45 After the church was over, the pastor said,
25:47 come back in the study,
25:49 they had taken up an offering for us
25:50 and they took up their Sunday morning offering
25:53 for the church as well.
25:54 So they said, "Come back in the room,
25:56 and before you leave,
25:58 and we'll give you your offering
25:59 that we took up for your music."
26:01 So I said, "Fine." So I went back in the room.
26:04 Here's the offering for our music
26:05 was a few couple little plates, right?
26:08 Over here was their Sunday school offering,
26:10 and it was big.
26:11 There were several people counting all of that.
26:14 So the pastor came up to me, and he said,
26:17 "I didn't know till just now somebody said,
26:20 you're a Seventh-day Adventist."
26:23 I said, "Yeah, that's true." He said, "What?
26:25 You don't seem like a Seventh-day Adventist."
26:28 I said, "What are we supposed to be like?"
26:32 He said, "Well, you all keep that old law.
26:35 You keep that old Ten Commandment law."
26:37 And I said, "Yeah, don't you?"
26:39 "No." I said, "Why not?"
26:41 He's said, "Man, we've been liberated,
26:43 look at Colossians,
26:44 the old law was nailed to the cross."
26:47 And I said, "Really?
26:49 So we don't have to keep the Ten Commandments."
26:51 "No."
26:52 I said, "I'm glad to know that."
26:53 I said, "Thank you, pastor, you've helped me,
26:55 and honestly," I said, "You enlightened me greatly."
26:58 And he was shocked.
27:00 You know, you try to get somebody
27:01 convert them to your theology.
27:03 It's usually not that easy, right?
27:06 But I was with him.
27:07 You know why?
27:09 Because they piled up the offering, put it in a bag,
27:11 the churches, they piled up my little one.
27:13 So as I'm talking to him,
27:15 I walked over and I picked the big bag,
27:17 put it under my arm.
27:18 I said, "Thank you. God bless you."
27:20 And I started walking out of the church.
27:23 I had it under my arm.
27:26 "Brother Shelton."
27:28 I was no longer that old Adventist.
27:29 So brother Shelton, we're brothers now,
27:33 put me on a guilt trip.
27:34 "Brother Shelton, just a minute, just a minute."
27:37 I said, "Yes, sir."
27:39 "I'm sorry, you got the wrong offering."
27:41 I said, "No, I got the right one."
27:42 "No, no, no, yours is this one."
27:44 He said, "This offering."
27:46 I said, "Well, I know that's what is meant to be.
27:47 But I'm just going to take this one."
27:50 "Well, you can't do that."
27:52 He said, "You can't..."
27:54 And I said, "Really?" I said, "Why not?"
27:58 Hello.
28:02 I said, "Why not?"
28:04 He said, "Well, you can't take..."
28:05 I said, "Oh, would that be called stealing?"
28:08 And he just looked at me like a deer in headlights.
28:14 So he said, "I get your point.
28:16 Can I have my offering back?"
28:21 I said, "Okay."
28:26 You know what I'm saying, things that people do, right?
28:30 We say now why in the world do people want to say
28:33 that the commandments were nailed to the cross?
28:38 Why? I found there's only...
28:40 Now I could be wrong, and you all can tell me later.
28:42 But I found there's really only a couple reasons
28:45 why people don't want to keep the commandments of God.
28:49 I only know two, I'm sure there's more.
28:52 It's either ignorance or rebellion.
28:55 Now don't be offended anybody watching,
28:57 ignorance is nothing bad.
28:58 I'm ignorant about a lot of things.
29:00 But it's not being dumb or not being, you know,
29:03 it's nothing like people say, "You think I'm stupid?"
29:05 "No." I said, "You're ignorant."
29:07 Ignorant just means...
29:10 but I'm ignorant too, right?
29:12 So I'm not pointing fingers,
29:14 three of them just coming back at me when I point.
29:16 No, there's a difference, you know, and being ignorant
29:19 just simply means we don't know.
29:21 So when we're ignorant,
29:23 God says in the Bible that he did what?
29:26 He winked in our time of ignorance, am I right?
29:29 So there's nothing wrong with that.
29:31 But it seems to me
29:32 that it's either rebellion or ignorance
29:35 why people don't keep the commandments of God, right?
29:39 So we go...
29:41 What I decided to do, I said,
29:42 "Well, let's see what's so bad,"
29:44 now see if I can find a little note
29:45 because I want this to really hit you.
29:48 I said, "Okay, let's see
29:50 what's so bad about the Ten Commandments."
29:54 Because he took me this pastor
29:57 and others have taken me to Colossians 2,
29:59 you know, 14 or 16, 17 and 18.
30:03 And it says, "Blotting out the handwriting
30:07 of the ordinances that was against us,
30:10 which was contrary to us,
30:12 and took it out of the way, nailing it to the cross."
30:15 Right there, they say is doing away
30:18 with the Seventh-day Sabbath.
30:19 Now what part of the Ten Commandments
30:21 was man's law that needed to be nailed to the cross?
30:26 I can't... Let's find out.
30:28 Let's go over them.
30:30 "Thou shall have no other gods before Me."
30:32 That probably should be nailed to the cross, right?
30:35 No, nothing wrong with that.
30:37 "Thou shall not make unto thee any graven images."
30:40 Nail that to the cross?
30:42 "Thou shall not take the name of the Lord in vain."
30:45 Do we nail that to the cross?
30:47 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy."
30:50 God gave us that just so we would remember Him
30:52 and not get so caught up,
30:54 the children of Israel for another 400 years,
30:56 they forget Him every week,
30:57 we come back and remember who our Creator God is.
31:01 That doesn't sound so bad.
31:02 Sounds like that's a good thing.
31:04 Remember the Sabbath day.
31:05 Okay, let's nail this one to the cross.
31:07 "Honor thy father and mother."
31:09 No, can't do that.
31:11 "Thou shall not kill.
31:13 Thou shall not commit adultery.
31:15 Thou salt not steal.
31:18 Thou shall not bear false witness.
31:20 Thou salt not covet."
31:23 Is somebody listening? Are you with it?
31:25 I'm trying to find out which one of these laws
31:28 was so against us that Jesus needed to die
31:31 on the cross to do away with them.
31:33 If the Ten Commandments were so bad,
31:35 why did Paul say in Romans 7:12,
31:37 "The law is holy,
31:38 and the commandment holy and just and good"?
31:40 If the Ten Commandments were so bad,
31:42 why would Paul say in Romans 3:31,
31:45 "Do we then make void the law through faith?
31:48 God forbid, we establish the law."
31:51 If the law is so bad and commandments are so bad,
31:53 why does Jesus say in John, "If you love Me..."
31:58 "Keep My commandments."
31:59 "If you love Me..." "Keep My commandments."
32:01 Who said that? Jesus.
32:02 When did He say?
32:04 In the Old Testament or the New Testament?
32:05 New Testament.
32:06 Jesus said, "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
32:10 So we have the Creator of the universe
32:12 and the New Testament saying, "If you love..."
32:14 He wasn't saying, He could have said,
32:17 "I'm going to die."
32:18 Now think about it.
32:19 Thursday before the crucifixion,
32:21 He met with the disciples in the upper room.
32:24 Did He say, "I'm going to die,
32:27 I'm going to be underground three days,
32:28 I'm going to rise again.
32:30 But after I do, I want you to do
32:32 away with the commandments
32:34 and I want you to keep Sunday in honor of my resurrection"?
32:38 No. He could have.
32:40 It could be right in the Bible
32:42 because he did tell them something.
32:44 He's told them about communion and said,
32:45 "Do this in remembrance of Me," right?
32:49 So He could have said,
32:53 "Keep Sunday after I arise."
32:56 But there's a reason He didn't do it.
32:58 Let me finish.
33:01 If the commandments are so bad and so much against us,
33:04 why does Matthew 15:9 say,
33:06 "But in vain do they worship Me,
33:07 teaching for doctrines commandments of men"?
33:10 Why did Jesus say in Matthew 5:17?
33:12 "Think not I come to destroy the law or the prophets,
33:15 I have not come to destroy but to fulfill."
33:18 This is so simple that it's elementary.
33:20 Now I say this as kindly as I can.
33:22 This is so simple that it's elementary,
33:26 think about it.
33:29 Why do New Testament Christians continue to say
33:31 that Jesus's death put an end to the commandments?
33:37 He says, "I come not to..."
33:39 Destroy.
33:41 Not, did he say not,
33:42 it looks like capital to me, all capitals.
33:44 "I come not to destroy but to fulfill," right?
33:49 He says, "I come to fulfill."
33:51 In other words, He came to earth
33:52 and shed His blood
33:54 to fulfill the promise of the Old Testament
33:56 and the promises in the New Testament
33:58 where He told His disciples that he would fulfill
34:00 the prophecies of the Old Testament
34:03 by dying as a propitiation for our sins.
34:06 Now this could not mean God's Ten Commandment law
34:09 because God's Ten Commandment law
34:11 was not against us, right?
34:13 God's Ten Commandment...
34:15 Christ fulfilled the obligations
34:16 of the ceremonial law
34:18 by becoming the perfect Lamb slain
34:21 for the sins of the world.
34:22 Christ fulfilled the obligations of the law
34:25 of the Ten Commandments
34:26 by His perfect obedience to his precepts.
34:28 There are those New Testament Christians
34:31 who want to point out to us, and we mentioned a while ago,
34:34 but let's go into a little bit further,
34:36 Colossians 2:16, 17,
34:38 "Let no man therefore judge you, of me, or drink,
34:41 or in respect of a holy day,
34:44 or the new moons or the Sabbath,
34:45 which are a shadow of things to come,
34:48 but the body of Christ."
34:50 The ceremonial laws including the yearly Sabbaths
34:54 because if you read it
34:55 and do more than surface reading,
34:56 you'll find there are a number of Sabbaths.
34:59 There are ceremonial Sabbaths, seven of them,
35:00 there's all throughout the Passover,
35:02 you see these ceremonial Sabbaths.
35:05 And what did they do?
35:06 They pointed to Jesus, right?
35:09 So these, the offerings
35:11 were discounted at Christ's death
35:13 as they foreshadowed the cross, notice in verse 16, it says,
35:17 Sabbath days with an S,
35:19 not God's seventh day Sabbath but the ceremonial Sabbath.
35:25 Do we got... Do we have that?
35:27 So you can see how people when you first read it say,
35:29 "Well, don't judge me, eat or drink or whatever..."
35:33 No, these were all ceremonial laws
35:36 set up that would be done away with,
35:38 would be nailed to the cross.
35:40 These were the ordinances
35:41 that were against us, all right?
35:44 So the Sabbath was that creation,
35:50 God owns it.
35:51 It came before sin and will remain long after sin.
35:54 You see, think about this.
35:56 In Genesis 2:1-3,
35:59 God institutes the seventh day Sabbath, right?
36:03 Now the ordinances that were nailed against us
36:07 were ceremonial laws,
36:09 but they weren't given
36:10 till after sin came into the world.
36:13 So when was the Sabbath given?
36:15 Was sin already in the world? No.
36:18 So if they're not part of the ceremonial system,
36:22 the Sabbath is before sin,
36:24 how can it be part of the ceremonial law
36:26 that's nailed to the cross?
36:28 Does that make any sense to somebody?
36:31 I mean, it should make sense to us.
36:33 How can it possibly be?
36:34 It was at the end of creation week,
36:38 on the seventh day God rested from all His work,
36:40 He instituted it then.
36:42 There Adam hadn't sinned, Adam and Eve hadn't sinned.
36:46 So now when we're looking down the stream of time,
36:50 it's pretty simple for us to see,
36:52 you know what, this wasn't...
36:53 this is what it was talking about.
36:55 The ceremonial laws were nailed to the cross.
36:59 I see my time is quickly running out on me.
37:02 But I think we should...
37:03 We've talked about it, and I haven't read it.
37:05 So let's do Exodus 20:8-11,
37:08 I want you to read it and say it with me out loud.
37:11 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
37:15 Six days shall thou labor, and do all thy work.
37:19 But the seventh day is the Sabbath," of who?
37:22 "The Lord thy God, in it thou shall not do any work,
37:28 thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter,
37:31 thy manservant, thy maidservant,
37:34 nor thy cattle,
37:35 nor thy stranger that is within thy gates,
37:38 for in six days," how many days?
37:40 Six days.
37:42 "The Lord made the heaven and the earth, the sea,
37:45 and all that in them is, and He rested the seventh day.
37:50 Therefore, the Lord blessed
37:52 the Sabbath day and hallowed it."
37:55 So the Ten Commandments were kept before
37:58 and I'm going to start winding down on this
38:00 because here's one of the things
38:01 that people say, I watched a...
38:04 They call it a debate not too long ago
38:06 with an Adventist pastor
38:09 and a person who was a Sunday pastor.
38:13 And they had a debate on Facebook,
38:15 and I was very disappointed in the debate.
38:17 It wasn't that the Adventist pastor
38:19 didn't have or couldn't have,
38:22 if you're going to get in debate,
38:24 you might as well win it, right?
38:25 No, whether you should get in one or not,
38:26 that's up for grabs.
38:28 But if you get in one,
38:29 you want to make sure you win it,
38:31 don't get into something you can't win.
38:32 Now if we can't win a discussion
38:36 on the Seventh-day Sabbath, we should close the doors.
38:40 Oh, some of you don't agree with that, right?
38:42 I mean, honestly, if Seventh-day Adventist,
38:44 if Seventh-day Adventist,
38:46 if we can't win a discussion
38:49 or least prove our discussion without a doubt,
38:54 we need to close our doors.
38:56 This debate that I watched was set up
39:00 where they ask a question,
39:01 one man had two minutes like the Adventist guy
39:05 had two minutes to answer it,
39:06 then they give the other person one minute to answer.
39:10 He might say something ridiculous.
39:11 But then you move to the next question.
39:13 That's not a very good format.
39:15 But one of the things that they say is
39:18 and I want to put this out here,
39:20 well, the reason that we don't keep the Sabbath today
39:24 is because it's a spiritual rest
39:27 and from creation all the way from creation
39:32 of seventh day all the way to Moses,
39:34 no one kept the Sabbath.
39:39 Now they kept the other Ten Commandments,
39:41 but they didn't keep the Sabbath.
39:42 They say there is no proof in the Old Testament
39:45 that God directed anybody to keep the Sabbath,
39:49 but he did all of the other nine commandments,
39:53 that's a huge point.
39:54 If they're right,
39:56 we might want to relook at our doctrines, right?
40:01 There is no proof is what they say,
40:03 and this man has said it, others have said it.
40:05 "There is no proof from creation
40:09 when Sabbath was instituted
40:11 that any command to keep the commandments
40:15 the Sabbath until Moses."
40:19 Well, let's find out if that's true.
40:21 Okay, let's go to Genesis 26:5.
40:25 Genesis 26:5 tells us that Abraham obeyed God's voice,
40:30 kept His charge, God's commandments,
40:32 and His statutes, and His laws.
40:35 Now ain't that interesting?
40:36 How many references he makes?
40:38 Genesis 26:5 tells us that Abraham obeyed God's voice,
40:44 kept His charge, kept God's commandments,
40:47 His statutes, and His laws.
40:50 It sounds kind of like overkill to me.
40:53 I mean, why in the world
40:55 you're going to say all those things.
40:56 Why not just say he kept the commandments
40:58 or he kept the covenant?
41:00 They didn't do it.
41:01 I think God knew in advance that down the stream of time,
41:04 there would be people trying to say,
41:06 "That didn't mean the Ten Commandments,
41:08 you can get out of this one."
41:10 I mean, how are you going to get out of this?
41:12 It named everything, right?
41:13 It says that Abraham obeyed God's voice,
41:18 if he obeys Him, what's he going to do?
41:19 Keep His commandments.
41:20 But he says, he kept His charge and God's commandments
41:24 and His statues and His laws.
41:27 That left nothing out, right?
41:28 Abraham did it all.
41:29 Whatever was there, Abraham did it all.
41:32 And you can know that the Ten Commandments
41:34 were a part of that.
41:35 So God knew and I think that's why
41:39 that's so strong in there, God knew...
41:40 But here's what people say,
41:42 and I want to talk about this for just a minute.
41:44 It would be foolish for anyone to suggest
41:46 that no one kept the Sabbath until Moses,
41:50 very foolish.
41:53 God instituted it, why institute it
41:55 if he didn't want anybody to keep it?
41:57 But how can humans negate,
41:59 make void or have the nerve to ignore the Sabbath
42:01 of the Lord thy God?
42:02 It's not His...
42:04 The commandment says, Sabbath, not ours,
42:05 the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.
42:07 In other words, who are we to place oneself
42:09 above God by ignoring
42:11 or trying to change His commandments,
42:13 including His holy Sabbath?
42:16 Now evangelical Christians claim the Sabbath
42:18 is a Jewish Sabbath for the Jews only.
42:21 We've already read where that's not true, right?
42:23 It says that's the Sabbath of whom, the Lord thy God.
42:28 So what I want to talk about here in just a little bit,
42:31 I actually wrote it down.
42:32 And I thought, you know, Thank You, Lord,
42:34 this is really interesting.
42:37 Have you ever thought about this?
42:39 It just popped into my head.
42:40 Maybe I probably heard Stephen Bohr
42:42 or somebody else say it,
42:43 and I thought, well, the light went on.
42:44 I thought it was something,
42:46 I probably heard it from somebody else.
42:48 But they say, "Well, the reason no one kept the Sabbath
42:53 in the Old Testament
42:55 is because there's no record of it."
42:58 And all of a sudden it occurred to me,
43:01 this is before Moses, well,
43:03 show me the record of the other commandments.
43:08 Now think about it for a minute.
43:09 Show me the record of the other commandments,
43:12 just the same way,
43:13 do it the same way you're going to do the Sabbath.
43:16 Okay?
43:17 Now God told in Genesis 35:1 to 4,
43:21 long before Moses,
43:22 God told Jacob to have his people
43:24 put away their strange gods.
43:26 There's no record that I see if this written,
43:28 a commandment that says,
43:30 "Thou shall not make unto thee any graven images,"
43:33 before the time of Moses.
43:34 But God held him accountable
43:36 because they were breaking His laws.
43:37 Am I right?
43:39 Adam and Eve broke the first commandment,
43:40 "Thou shall have no other gods before me,"
43:42 when they serve the serpent Satan
43:44 instead of their Creator.
43:46 There's no mention in the Bible that Adam and Eve
43:48 were looking at the Ten Commandment law
43:50 and said, "Oh, you know, let me see
43:53 the third, fourth, command..."
43:54 there's no record that but there was a record,
43:57 there is a law
43:58 because where there's no law there's no sin.
44:00 Am I right?
44:01 There's no law, there's no sin.
44:03 So Adam and Eve, once they disobeyed God,
44:09 that meant death for the whole human race.
44:11 God held us accountable.
44:12 He would not have held them accountable, were there no law?
44:16 Are we together on that one, right?
44:18 I don't think there was a written down law,
44:20 there's no record in the Bible, Adam and Eve had a written law.
44:23 Now Leviticus 18:21-23,
44:26 "For all these abominations have the man of the land done
44:29 which were before and the land is defiled."
44:33 This was done long before Moses,
44:35 yet it's still sin.
44:36 God said, "Neither shall thou profane the name of thy God,
44:40 I am the Lord."
44:41 I don't see any record of,
44:42 "Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain."
44:45 Are you starting to see what I'm saying?
44:47 There is no commandment.
44:48 No, of course, they weren't written,
44:50 but were they there?
44:52 Were they there?
44:54 Would the only commandment that God said
44:56 remember would that be the one He would take out
44:58 if He were to take one out.
45:00 That would be...
45:02 No, I can't even say that about God.
45:04 I'll start making a joke like, that wouldn't be the...
45:06 No, He wouldn't do that.
45:08 God would never do, He did it
45:10 because He knew people would forget.
45:13 Now they say, but there's no record of people
45:15 keeping the Sabbath.
45:17 Well, in the same vein, yes, there is.
45:20 Exodus 16th chapter,
45:21 we find that God is telling Moses
45:23 that He's sending manna for the people to eat
45:26 and that Moses should tell the people together, how much?
45:29 Twice as much on what day, the sixth day of the week
45:32 because of the seventh day
45:34 would be the Sabbath of the Lord.
45:37 Now when was this?
45:39 Exodus 16.
45:40 When was Exodus...
45:41 When did Ten Commandments come?
45:43 Exodus 20, right, came afterwards.
45:46 Exodus 16:25 to 30, and Moses said,
45:49 "Eat today,
45:51 for today is the Sabbath unto the Lord."
45:53 Verse 28, "And the Lord said unto Moses,
45:55 how long refugee to keep My commandments, and my laws."
45:59 Does it sound like it's something new?
46:01 I mean, He hadn't given him yet
46:03 according to all these other people, right?
46:06 To these people saying,
46:08 "Oh, well, the Sabbath wasn't there.
46:09 No one kept it.
46:11 There's no record of it."
46:12 When God's to hold you accountable
46:14 for something you can know
46:15 that He's already told you what it is.
46:18 He doesn't sound very happy when He says,
46:21 "How long do you profane my Sabbath?"
46:25 See that the Lord has given you the Sabbath,
46:27 who gave it to them?
46:28 Therefore, He gave it to you, on the sixth day,
46:30 the bread of two days,
46:32 "Abide ye every man in his place,
46:34 let no man go out of his place on the seventh day."
46:37 So the people of God rested on the seventh day.
46:40 Now there was no record of the Sabbath commandment
46:43 written down at that point.
46:44 That may be true.
46:45 Yet God said to Moses,
46:47 "How long do you profane my Sabbath?"
46:50 God was holding him accountable.
46:52 So obviously,
46:54 the Ten Commandments were in effect,
46:56 they always have been,
46:57 because they're transcript of God's character,
46:59 if we know God, we will know the Ten Commandments.
47:02 Am I telling the truth?
47:06 I'm going to have to end here because my time has run out.
47:09 But people will say, when they use this logic,
47:14 "Well, it doesn't say so, I didn't read it,"
47:17 where it said, "Remember the Sabbath day,"
47:18 these are the same type of people
47:21 who they will use logic to say it's okay
47:23 to destroy your body with drugs like opioids or heroin.
47:26 Why?
47:27 Because there's no direct command in the Bible
47:29 regarding these drugs, right?
47:31 There's no direct command in the Bible that says,
47:33 "I can't shoot somebody
47:35 if I'm mad at my neighbor with my gun," right?
47:38 Well, guns weren't invented then.
47:40 "So maybe I'm okay to do it because it didn't say
47:43 a direct command in the Bible doesn't tell me
47:45 not to shoot my neighbor."
47:47 Then if I'm really upset,
47:48 "There's no direct command in the Bible that says,
47:50 I can't take my neighbor if I'm mad at him
47:53 up in an airplane 3,000 feet and drop him off,
47:56 push him out
47:57 because there's no direct command
47:59 in the Bible to do so,"
48:00 because there were no airplanes back then.
48:03 By now somebody is saying,
48:05 "This guy's really ridiculous," right?
48:07 Everyone knows this would be a sin against the neighbor.
48:10 Why?
48:11 Because the principles
48:13 of the Ten Commandments spell out
48:14 this is sin against our neighbor.
48:16 So everything doesn't have to be written down.
48:18 When you look at the principles of God,
48:21 the Sabbath was instituted at creation
48:24 along with marriage.
48:26 I don't have time to go into all of that.
48:28 But the Sabbath was instituted at creation
48:32 and all Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
48:36 all of the people kept God's seventh commandment.
48:40 Moses and the children of Israel
48:42 were commanded by God to keep His commandments.
48:45 When Jesus came to earth, He kept the commandments.
48:49 He said, "If you love Me..."
48:51 "Keep My commandments."
48:53 "If you love Me..."
48:54 "Keep My commandments."
48:57 Keep my...
48:58 Am I missing something? Or is that really simple?
49:01 It's really simple, isn't it?
49:03 If you love Me, keep My...
49:04 I'm glad, you know,
49:06 I have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out.
49:07 But here's what I found out.
49:09 If people are looking for truth, they will get it.
49:12 If you're not looking for truth, you won't get it.
49:15 I'm so thankful for some of these musicians and writers
49:20 that I'm working with
49:21 to see the changes in their lives
49:24 when I assigned them Daniel revelation,
49:28 that wasn't by accident, God prompted me to do that.
49:31 I said, "Well, if these folks are on our team,
49:33 that's going to be a great asset to this world."
49:36 And you know what? It's happening.
49:38 It's absolutely happening.
49:40 So enclosing the Ten Commandments,
49:42 all of God's Ten Commandments are in effect today,
49:45 including the seventh day Sabbath.
49:47 Which day is the New Covenant Sabbath?
49:49 Saturday.
49:51 Which day is the New Covenant Sabbath?
49:53 Saturday is the New Covenant Sabbath of our Lord,
49:56 therefore it remains throughout eternity.
49:58 Isaiah 66, so Jesus kept it,
50:01 after the resurrection of Jesus,
50:03 according when other folks say
50:05 that the resurrection now
50:07 we're honoring the New Covenant.
50:08 But what did the disciples keep?
50:10 Sabbath.
50:12 All right, when they wrote their books of Matthew, Mark,
50:15 Luke, and John 40, 50, 60 years later,
50:17 was there any mention,
50:19 it should have been a major point to say,
50:22 "I know we always kept the Sabbath.
50:24 But since Christ died,
50:25 you got to keep the first day of the week Sunday,"
50:27 didn't happen, did it?
50:29 They didn't do it because they kept the Sabbath.
50:33 Now they kept it.
50:34 And we're told in Isaiah 66,
50:36 that we will keep the Sabbath throughout eternity.
50:40 Sunday is the first day of the week.
50:41 Saturday is the seventh day.
50:43 And yet Protestants, mostly evangelicals,
50:46 have set it aside for hundreds of years.
50:49 And they still want to use the Bible
50:53 to say, "This is why we do it."
50:55 But the truth is
50:56 and this is another whole sermon.
50:58 In fact, we have a book,
50:59 so those of you watching today around the world,
51:01 if you want a book we have one,
51:02 Shelly Quinn and I wrote
51:04 called Ten Commandments Twice Removed.
51:05 We have one called Spiritual Vigilantes,
51:07 we'll give it to you free if you want it,
51:10 and you will read it.
51:12 We want you to have the truth.
51:13 But the reason that people go to church on Sunday,
51:18 the Protestants...
51:19 Do you know what the word Protestant means,
51:21 means to protest.
51:22 What are you protesting?
51:24 Catholicism. That's when...
51:28 give you a history lesson, because you all know,
51:29 but to discovery of America and they say,
51:32 forgive me, American Indians.
51:33 But when I'm talking about...
51:35 when people came across,
51:36 so we know it wasn't discovered.
51:37 There were people here,
51:39 but they fled persecution, right?
51:41 They fled persecution, they came here to this land,
51:44 and that's how the...
51:46 In America, we began to see religious freedom coming up.
51:49 Now people want to say,
51:51 "Well, we're doing this because of the Bible."
51:54 But here's what I respect about the Catholic Church,
51:57 the Catholic Church says,
52:00 "There is no biblical reason
52:01 for anybody to keep Sunday holy."
52:04 The Catholic Church says that. I got to...
52:07 I have to respect them,
52:08 and that they're straight up front
52:10 and tell the truth.
52:11 They're not saying, "Well, I think
52:12 this Scripture means this.
52:14 Well, maybe this scripture justifies
52:16 doing with the Sabbath and this one's telling..."
52:18 The Catholic Church says, "We change the Sabbath,
52:20 we have the authority to do so,
52:22 that's the mark of our authority."
52:24 We have the information, you write to 3ABN,
52:27 there's numbers of books and literature,
52:28 we can give you
52:30 that we're not talking bad about people,
52:31 that I'm sure there are going to be
52:33 many Catholics in heaven.
52:34 Praise God for that.
52:35 I'm thankful for that.
52:37 But the truth is, today,
52:41 we have to live up to all the light that we have.
52:43 We are responsible to tell our friends and neighbors
52:46 what's going to be happening in the near future
52:48 is Satan is trying to take their life,
52:50 trying to keep us from making heaven our home.
52:55 So the Catholic Church says
52:57 Sunday, the first day of the week,
53:00 is our day.
53:02 We set it aside,
53:04 any Protestants who claim to keep
53:08 Sunday from the Bible,
53:13 there's no biblical reference for it.
53:15 And they actually say
53:16 in one of the statements we have,
53:18 they ought to be something like,
53:20 they ought to become Seventh-day Adventists
53:22 if you're going to go by the Bible
53:24 and the Bible only.
53:26 I could go on. I've gone too long right now.
53:28 And I've realized that our time is running out.
53:30 And I just want to...
53:32 Today, hopefully,
53:33 what I've given it's all jumbled up to me
53:36 and maybe to you too, but I'm asking that you pray
53:38 and ask the Holy Spirit because here's what I found,
53:41 no matter what I say, no matter what I do,
53:46 I've asked God,
53:47 "You take these words
53:50 and You let them go to the ears of those who need to hear it.
53:53 But let them hear Your words."
53:56 So sometimes, the only reason I have confidence
53:58 to get up and speak at all, I walk away,
54:01 shaking my head and saying,
54:02 "I don't think it made any sense."
54:05 People will come up and say, "That's exactly what I needed."
54:08 And I'd say, "Thank you, Lord,
54:09 because I knew it wasn't my words.
54:11 God did answer the prayer that I ask Him to."
54:15 I'm going to do something a little different here today.
54:18 I'm going to take just a little bit of time,
54:20 I'm going to ask Yvonne to come out and sing a song
54:24 and Tim is going to be playing.
54:26 And I want Yvonne to, as she sings,
54:30 I want us to really think about our life
54:31 and our relationship with Jesus.
54:33 We have a mountain of truth, folks, and we're sitting on it,
54:38 we're sitting on it.
54:40 Now is not the time to be sitting.
54:42 Now is the time to be going.
54:44 "Go ye into all the world."
54:46 So I'm going to ask today, that as Yvonne sings,
54:50 you think about your own life
54:51 and your own relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
54:55 Yvonne.
55:04 The Savior is waiting
55:10 To enter your heart
55:16 Why would you let Him
55:21 Come in?
55:25 There's nothing in this world
55:30 To keep you apart
55:36 What is your answer
55:41 To Him?
55:47 Time after time
55:52 He has waited before
55:57 And now He is waiting
56:03 Again
56:08 To see if you're willing
56:14 To open the door
56:19 Oh, how He wants
56:24 To come in
56:35 If you'll take one step
56:38 Toward the Savior
56:42 My friend
56:44 You'll find His arms
56:48 Open wide
56:53 Receive Him and your hate
57:01 Will end
57:04 Within your heart
57:09 He'll abide
57:15 Time after time
57:19 He has waited before
57:23 And now He is waiting
57:28 Again
57:33 To see if you're willing
57:38 To open
57:41 The door
57:47 Oh, how He wants to come
57:54 Oh, how He wants to come
58:02 Oh, how Jesus
58:06 Wants to come
58:13 In
58:23 Amen.


Revised 2019-01-03