Spring Camp Meeting

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SCM

Program Code: SCM180017A

00:40 Welcome to the 3ABN Spring Camp Meeting - The Three Angels'
00:44 Messages.
00:49 Hello and welcome to Spring Camp Meeting 2018. Have you been
00:52 blessed here? [Yes!] You know, I think I heard millions of
00:56 people around the world also echo in as they shouted into
00:58 their TV sets, or maybe listening to the radio.
01:00 Thank you so much for joining us for camp meeting. What a
01:03 spiritual blessing we have received. Psalm 118:24 says
01:08 what? "This is the day that the Lord has made! Let us rejoice
01:15 and be glad in it." Are you rejoicing!? [Yeah!] Oh boy,
01:19 I know we are here. What an incredible roll we just saw from
01:21 Russia. -We did indeed, and welcome to church service here.
01:25 - That's right. - What an incredible blessing to hear from
01:27 the Sabbath school panel; and the roll we just finished from
01:31 3ABN Russia featured a lot of what took place- 3ABN Russia has
01:35 been in existence for 25 years this past. This past fall was
01:40 the 25th anniversary, and Greg and I had the incredible
01:44 privilege to travel with some of the 3ABN team, with Danny
01:48 and Yvonne and some of the others to 3ABN Russia. It was
01:51 our first time in Russia. -Yeah, it sure was, and you know, we
01:54 talked about here on this, a lot of people - we sing the song
01:56 "We Are Standing On Holy Ground," right? - here at 3ABN.
01:59 We feel that this is ordained of God; but I tell you what,
02:02 Sister Julia: when Jill and I had the privilege of going to
02:05 3ABN Russia, and you come to that facility, I had the same
02:09 feeling there. We are standing on holy ground. To see what
02:12 God has done - especially for those of you that have watched
02:15 3ABN Russia grow from the beger- very beginning - it's
02:19 a miracle of God, isn't it, Julia. -You know, I'm convinced
02:23 that 3ABN is an amazing miracle of God. -Amen. -Because, you
02:29 know, they're simple people. They are...you know, they don't
02:34 have anything special about their education or about their
02:38 careers or anything, but amazing things are happening
02:43 with 3ABN around the world, including Russia. It is an
02:47 amazing miracle of God what's happening in Russia. Through
02:50 our humble hands - through our humble hearts, through our
02:55 humble services - it is just impossible to imagine that
02:59 for 25 years, we have been there! We started with one
03:06 little Hi8 camera and we did it alongside with the
03:10 construction. Danny said, "Let us fill out the local companies
03:15 if they take the programming," and we made the first 13
03:18 half-hour programs. We actually taped them there with that
03:22 little camera and we edited them here, in the United States
03:26 studios; and only one little station there took us. "Only
03:31 6 programs," they said. "And if the response from the audie-
03:35 from the viewers is not good enough, that will be it." And
03:39 then, you know, Danny was so inspired by the Lord with Russia
03:44 and he said, "Let us offer people Bibles." -Amen. -Just
03:48 offer them the Bibles - this is what they need. And so, our
03:51 little half-hour program started receiving up to 1,000
03:55 letters a week, and they told us, "You are getting a better
04:03 response than any central channels in our area." And I
04:08 want to praise the Lord today as you saw- as you eye-witnessed
04:12 what's happening there; you saw! You know, we have about 30
04:15 people - personnels, and of course the facilities are great;
04:19 they're huge, but still - it used to be an abandoned
04:24 building for 20 years! And I again praise the Lord for
04:27 Danny's vision to restore it and to make it into such a
04:31 wonderful facility. But the miracle of the Lord is that,
04:35 today, we are on 123 cable companies around the globe.
04:42 - Praise the Lord. Amen; did you hear that? 100-
04:44 [audience applauds] We are on two Russian
04:48 satellites; they cost us $6,000+ a month, which is 2x less than
04:58 we used to pay for one satellite before. [Wow...] And we cover
05:03 402 Russian cities. -Amen! -And we get those letters where we
05:10 know what our programming makes in the hearts of people.
05:16 So, again, I'm saying it is an amazing miracle of the Lord
05:19 what is happening with 3ABN. I'm listening to the messages
05:23 here at the camp meeting. You know, the present truth- how
05:28 much do we need to hear that? You know, how much does 3ABN
05:32 have the vision for the whole world? To be in the Books of
05:38 the Lamb. -Amen. [Amen.] I'm so thankful that God gave
05:41 Mr. Danny Shelton the vision to begin 3ABN back in 1984. The
05:48 vision to begin a television station that would reach the
05:52 world with the undiluted 3 angels' messages - one that
05:55 would counteract the counterfeit. And then God gave
05:57 him the vision after the fall of communism in 1992 to begin
06:01 3ABN Russia; and Julia, you've been executive director
06:05 there since that time. She is an incredible woman of God.
06:09 - Amen. - She has ministered to and mentored me and blessed
06:12 Greg and my life, and I know many people here. I felt like
06:16 when we went to Russia, Julia, I went halfway around the world
06:19 to meet family I never knew that I had. It was an incredible
06:25 experience, and thank you for what you do for the cause of
06:28 God. -Yeah; praise the Lord. We're- we can rely only on Him;
06:32 we are nothing as of ourselves. - Amen. - You know, and I think
06:36 about it too, you know, I don't consider myself an emotional
06:38 person, but when I went to 3ABN Russia, I almost had to carry
06:40 a tissue box with me the entire time. [laughter] You know,
06:44 because it's amazing - we were at the- Carter was there for the
06:46 25th anniversary, and he asked those to raise their hand that
06:50 had been either impacted by his original series, long, long ago-
06:53 25 years ago- and many, many hands went up, how they had
06:56 accepted Jesus Christ. I mean, what a touching experience.
06:59 You know, we appreciate your support at 3ABN. You know, we
07:02 give money, and it's not necessarily exciting to think
07:05 about, and donating money for, let's say, the speaker, but
07:07 these speakers make a difference and an impact to bring your soul
07:10 to Jesus Christ; right? We have to look at the big picture. When
07:13 we donate, yes, we need equipment, but it's for souls
07:15 for the kingdom. So there in Russia - around the world, it's
07:18 makin' an impact, and we just want to say a thank you, and
07:21 thank you to Sister Julia for the work that you and your crew
07:23 are doing there. -Amen. -Praise the Lord. -At this time, we want
07:25 to bring out Pastor John Lomacang. We're going to sing-
07:28 you can't have church without an opening song, so we're going
07:31 to sing, "To God Be the Glory." - Amen, what a fitting song. And
07:34 Brother Tim Parton on the piano.
07:36 And let's all sing together. -That's right.
07:40 - Well, good morning, everyone; happy Sabbath!
07:42 [Happy Sabbath!] God has been receiving the glory all week,
07:45 but this morning, we want to use this gift He's given to us
07:48 to reflect the glory back to Him; so this morning, as the
07:52 songs, I believe, appear on the screen- but this is a hymn that
07:54 most of us know by heart. You sing in Russian, you sing in
07:58 English, and whatever language you have, you sing in that
08:00 language. -That's right. -And if you're joining us via
08:02 television or radio, let's raise our voices this day to
08:05 give God the glory.
10:14 Oh, come to the Father through Jesus the Son
10:22 And give Him the glory, great things He hath done
10:34 - Amen? To God be the glory. [Amen.] This camp meeting-
10:39 and we say this almost every year, but it is true about this
10:44 year- this has been an anointed, Spirit-filled camp meeting.
10:50 [Amen!] I believe that the topic matter that the Lord
10:54 impressed to Danny and Shelly Quinn to put together for this
10:59 camp meeting was probably, in my mind, one of the most urgent-
11:04 one of the most urgent messages needed - not only for the world,
11:08 but also for the Seventh-Day Adventist church. [Amen.] To
11:11 recalibrate our mission and purpose; to get us focused again
11:15 on what God has called us to do. And we pray that you take
11:18 advantage of all the resources that had been laid out,
11:20 and tonight, you'll know about all that; and those of you who
11:23 are watching, you can contact 3ABN. The 3 angels' messages:
11:26 the final proclamation to a world that wants to- that needs
11:31 to be informed that Jesus is soon to come again. And He's not
11:35 coming just for a GROUP of people; He wants to save
11:37 everybody! And so thank you so much for what you have done,
11:40 but I just want to spend a little time because the work
11:42 that you see, the things that you see around you, each one
11:46 of you is individually... individually to thank for what
11:51 happens here at 3ABN. This week is a week that makes a
11:55 big difference to us because most of the time, we're on the
11:59 other side of the screen, and we don't see you but you see
12:01 us. I think the number of times - I'm sure Tim and all
12:05 of us who work here - we hear the phrase, "You don't know
12:08 us...but we know you. You're in our living room. You're in
12:12 our car. You're in our bed," or you know. They tell us where we
12:15 are, and... But I want to say to you is, you are in our
12:18 hearts. [Amen!] Because without you, this ministry could not
12:23 exist. Without you- on a monthly basis, remembering to send
12:29 your donations - whether you do it by PayPal or by internet
12:32 or by the letter, by snailmail, by check, by credit card -
12:36 donations that are set up however you do that, this
12:39 ministry could not exist and do what it has done for the
12:42 last 32 years without people like you. So I want to begin
12:46 by thanking you personally for just realizing the critical
12:50 time in which we live. You know, James the Apostle throws
12:54 a wrench into the theological bold as he talks about the last
12:58 days. And he says, "For those who pile up treasures, your
13:02 gold and your silver will be cankered up as a witness
13:05 against you in the last days." And one preacher once said,
13:08 "The worst thing that we can realize is Jesus is coming;
13:11 there are millions of dollars in the bank that could've been
13:13 used for the furthering of the gospel." Years ago, I
13:16 remember watching a movie. Somebody said, "You gotta
13:19 watch this; it's about the Holocaust." It was Schindler's
13:21 List. Schindler's List. Don't say that 5 times. [laughter]
13:29 The thing that stuck out of my mind and brought me to tears
13:33 is when the Jews were finally liberated. Oskar Schindler, who
13:37 pulled up in a beautiful limousine of the day...he
13:42 looked at the faces of all those who were coming out of
13:46 his factories. And he looked down at his wedding band.
13:53 And he took it off with tears in his eyes and he said, "This
13:57 could've been one more life. This could've been one more
14:01 life." And I'm melted in tears and I
14:05 thought, "Well it's just a wedding band," but he took it
14:08 off and he thought about the value of it and he said, "This
14:10 could've been one more life!" And I think, when Jesus comes...
14:17 What would we trade in our surroundings...for just one more
14:21 life? [Amen.] 3ABN, Danny Shelton, Jill and Greg, and
14:27 Shelly and Pastor CA and Molly, and all of the- all of the
14:32 television and radio together... Jay Christian, my wife, Nikki,
14:35 Mike; all of us together and all the names that could
14:38 continually be mentioned...
14:39 We could not do on a daily basis what we do if it's not
14:45 for you. So today as I- as I speak - from
14:50 one who has been such a benefactor, from what you do
14:54 on a continual basis - as a pastor in the Illinois
14:56 Conference and also as a worker of- with 3ABN, I want to
15:01 encourage you today- we're going to make an offering
15:03 appeal. Oftentimes, we say, "Well, whatever God impresses
15:06 you to do," and there are those of you that may work that
15:08 way. But today, we're going to take up an offering, and our
15:12 gentleman are standing in place. But I want you to ask
15:15 yourself today- and pray about this; I don't want this to be
15:19 spontaneous, but I want this to be Spirit-led. This screen,
15:23 all these things you see that cause you to be amazed by what
15:28 God does-.. When Jesus comes, we're going to leave all this
15:31 behind. [Amen.] But these are things that are needed to be
15:37 a cutting-edge ministry. God doesn't want us to be the last.
15:40 Can I get an amen? [Amen!] He wants us to be on the
15:44 frontlines. God doesn't want NFL and NBA and all these
15:49 sports to look better than the gospel on the last days.
15:53 So for us to be on the cutting edge and to reach people,
15:56 there are generations that are to follow if the Lord doesn't
15:58 come yet that will benefit from what you have done.
16:01 There are those of you that have wills and trusts- and we have a
16:04 wills and trust department that says, "You know what?
16:06 If and when I am laid to rest, what is going to happen with
16:10 my funds? Where are they going to go?" Don't guess. Don't
16:14 leave them to the state. But make preparation to carry the
16:18 gospel forward, and then altogether one day, because
16:21 of what you've done, because of your donations, because of
16:25 your sacrifices, because of your giving... We can say thank you;
16:28 and God will say to you, "Well done, thou good and faithful
16:31 servant." So right now, we're going to bow our heads together-
16:35 ask for the Lord to speak to your hearts. And you know what-
16:39 there's no gift too small, and there's no gift too large.
16:44 Every one of them represents another soul for the kingdom,
16:48 and I'd love to share some of the stories of conversions
16:50 happening here at this camp meeting. Just this week, one
16:55 gentleman walked up to me and said to me- he said, "I was
16:57 away for the church for many, many, many years," but he said,
16:59 "Pastor John, what you said today... I am back home."
17:03 [Amen.] "I'm coming back home." Praise God for that? [Amen.]
17:06 And I'm sure that could be told of all the speakers; we are
17:09 fired up by the urgency of the hour. We pray that that urgency
17:12 is communicated to you by your financial support and your
17:16 giving. Let us bow our heads. Loving Father in heaven, oh, how
17:20 urgent the hour in which we live really is. Father, this is the
17:26 last church - the church of Laodicea. There are no more
17:29 churches on Earth after this; the next is the church
17:32 triumphant. [Amen.] We are living in the toes of the image
17:37 of Daniel 2; the iron and clay are mixed together. They are
17:44 represented there. The movements around us - both
17:48 politically, socially, and morally. Economically. Around
17:54 us, the world is in flux as we can see the restlessness of
17:58 this present society. People that even don't know the name
18:02 'Jesus' know that this world cannot sustain itself. Be it,
18:07 Father - here are they... Here are they that keep the
18:12 Commandments of God...and the faith of Jesus. And Lord, You
18:16 called us for such a time as this- to take our bread and
18:20 our fish, and put it in the hands of Jesus; that He will
18:25 multiply it; that the multitudes that are on this earth will be
18:29 fed with the Bread of Life; that the multitudes on this
18:33 earth will find Jesus, the only answer for this critical
18:36 hour. We thank You for the 32 years of ministry and for the
18:40 vision You gave to Danny Shelton. But may those who come
18:44 behind us find us faithful. And so Lord, as You reach out
18:48 over the air to those listening and watching this program,
18:51 and those of us who are moved by Your Spirit in this
18:54 auditorium today, may what is given be translated into
19:01 another soul. One day, somebody's going to walk
19:04 through the gates of the New Jerusalem and they're going to
19:06 say, "Thank you for your donation. Thank you for the
19:09 cause that you stood for. And that triumphant gift will
19:14 purchase another life for eternity." So speak to Your
19:17 people. What You impress them to give, may they know that
19:22 nothing given in behalf of the kingdom will ever go to
19:26 waste. And finally, Lord, because of the giving and
19:31 because of the prayers- because of the support; because of the
19:33 work done here through 3ABN- may it be our humble privilege,
19:37 one day, simply-.. Uniting with all of Your brothers and
19:40 sisters in this auditorium and joining us around the world,
19:42 may it be our privilege to hear, "Well done, thou good and
19:46 faithful servant." In Jesus Name we pray, amen. Please come
19:52 forward as our- as our ushers come forward. Tim Parton is
19:55 going to bless us this morning; and allow the Lord to speak
19:57 to your heart. You know, when you're done tonight, and when
20:01 this day is all done, we want to know that God has spoken
20:03 to your heart and that He is glorified by what you've done.
20:06 Tim.
23:55 Amen. Thank you so much, Tim. - I think we should put a
23:59 microphone by your feet as well, Tim. That's awesome.
24:01 You notice his feet goin'? I tell you. What a talented man
24:04 of God. - We're so blessed to have him here at 3ABN, and
24:08 we're also blessed to have Brenda Walsh. She is the
24:10 general manager of the 3ABN Kids Network and has been
24:14 a full-time volunteer well over 20 years. And
24:17 she's an incredible blessing. Have all of you been blessed
24:20 by the programming that she produces? [Amen!] Praise the
24:24 Lord. [audience applauds] - All glory to God.
24:29 - Yeah, Kids' Time and Kids Network is not just for kids,
24:31 is it, Brenda? You know, 'cause I even see some programming
24:33 myself. How many of you see Kids' Time? Kids- let's see.
24:38 Not all of you are kids. [laughter] Don't take offense
24:40 to that. - I think I get so many adults that came by my
24:43 booth yesterday. They said, "Oh, I hate to tell you this,
24:45 but I watch Kids' Time!" I'm like, "Why do you hate to say
24:48 that?" you know? Because, d- you know, I think if people realize
24:51 50% of viewers of Kids' Time are adults and 50% kids. Those
24:55 are real numbers! And Kids' Time Praise is 70% adults and
25:00 30% kids. - Amen. Well, thank you so much for what you-
25:03 - So, praise the Lord. It's not- and God says we all need to
25:05 be like little children, right? Amen? - True. - So, no shame in
25:09 being a Kids' Time watcher. So now how many Kids' Time
25:11 watchers do we have out there? Amen! - Thank you so much for
25:15 what you do for the cause of God. And you're going to give
25:17 us an update on the Kids Network. - But we have
25:19 something that's special that's going to happen, though; we
25:21 want to mention that this afternoon. - Yes! - So Brenda,
25:23 tell us that but- and then go into your report. - How many
25:25 here would like to have a tour of our Kids' Time studio,
25:28 which is j- in the back of this building! - Yes. - How
25:30 many would like to have a tour? And guess what else? Something
25:33 that we've never done before. At 5:30 today, if you meet me
25:36 by the 3ABN booth out here, I will give personal tours of
25:40 our Kids' Time studio, and I'm going to give you a tour
25:43 of our wardrobe room, which nobody has seen. I think- Greg,
25:47 I think there's, what, 6 keys to that room? - I think that's
25:49 right! - Yes, I mean it's carefully guarded. Our wardrobe
25:53 director, Lucy Neuharth, has sewn...I think well over $50k
25:57 worth of costumes there. You are going to see behind the
26:01 scenes. How many now want to go on that tour? Hey and- and
26:05 for our folks at home. - Yes. - You need to come to our fall
26:08 camp meeting. - That's right. - Because then our fall camp
26:12 meeting, we are going to have a live Kids' Time Praise
26:16 special. - Sabbath afternoon. That's the plan for fall camp
26:20 meeting. - So, we have the most amazing, musically talented
26:23 kids that will come from all around the world. That's fall
26:26 camp meeting, in the afternoon. - That's right. - So if all our
26:30 viewers at home who are not here and you want that tour
26:32 and you want the wardrobe tour, be here at fall camp
26:35 meeting. I'll fix you up. - Ok. All right, Brenda, thank you.
26:39 - Good morning and happy Sabbath!
26:41 [Happy Sabbath.] It's a privilege to be able to be in
26:45 ministry here at 3ABN and be a part of this incredible-
26:50 really, outreach to the world. And one of my favorite things
26:53 about my job is being able to travel around the world and
26:57 meet different children and families and parents, that
27:01 their lives have been touched because of Kids' Time. Do you
27:05 know, every time God allows me to know how He has used me, or
27:09 He allows me to know how somebody has been blessed, do
27:13 you know what I call that? I call it a Holy Spirit hug. I
27:16 tell you, I just love it! It's like, "Thank You, Jesus!" I
27:19 might be a volunteer, but that's my pay. In fact, when I
27:23 tell my daddy about a praise report, and I'll tell him about
27:27 some child that I met that gave his heart to Jesus. And you
27:30 know what my daddy tells me? He- my nickname's Bibby; he'll
27:33 say, "Bibby? You are overpaid!" [audience laughs]
27:38 And truly, I am. I was in Portugal last Sabbath, and I
27:43 was teaching at AFCOE Europe. I don't know if anybody has
27:45 heard of AFCOE Europe. It's the Amazing Facts center of
27:49 evangelism and AFCOE Europe is run by my precious friends
27:52 Reed and Gerda von Maur. And they are amazing; I've been
27:56 going over every year for quite a few years now, teaching
27:58 at their school. I teach about having a personal relationship
28:03 with Jesus, and about really- you can know the Bible; you can
28:08 know all the facts - devil knows the Bible better than anybody,
28:11 right? But if you don't know Jesus, it's for nothing! So I
28:14 have an amazing time every year teaching at AFCOE Europe; and
28:17 if anyone really wants to learn more about evangelism, you need
28:20 to go there and spend that time. It's amazing. But last Sabbath,
28:24 in the afternoon, a couple of the neighbor kids came over,
28:28 and they didn't speak any English and I didn't speak any
28:32 Portuguese, and so we said, "Well, let's- you know, let's
28:36 do somethin' for the kids!" So I got on the piano and we
28:38 were playing; we did some songs, and then I started
28:40 telling them some stories. And they're sitting there just
28:43 mesmerized by it, and I'm having a translator who's
28:48 translating everything. And now, I'm runnin' out of steam
28:51 'cause I'm like, "Okay, I've told 'em 3 stories already and
28:54 we sang songs for a half hour. And so we had some Kids' Time
28:58 DVDs there, and I said, "Why don't we show 'em a Kids' Time
29:00 program?" So they asked them, I asked them through the
29:03 translator, "Have you ever seen Kids' Time?" "No, no," -
29:05 12-year-old boy. So they put that program on. And even
29:10 though they- he did not understand English, he sat
29:14 there, and his sister, mesmerized by that program.
29:18 And translator, one of the students there, was translating
29:20 the stuff going on. And he- they wanted more programs. More
29:25 programs. They were in love with that! When they were all
29:28 done, the boy got up and he was trying to tell me something,
29:32 and I didn't know what it was. And the translator had stepped
29:34 away for a moment, and so I was trying to do sign language-
29:37 what could I do? Finally, he says to me - he points to the
29:41 screen - he goes like this to his heart, and then he just
29:44 came and gave me a great big hug. I was like, "Oh! Thank
29:47 You, Jesus! Thank You, Jesus!" And so, that- that is my pay.
29:53 I have- I tell you, when I hear- I got, recently- received a
29:56 letter from an 11-year-old boy. He said, "Dear Ms. Brenda, my
30:01 mom and I just recently started watching Kids' Time," he said,
30:05 "and we are learning so much about God! We didn't know,
30:09 really, about God before; we heard about Him, but we really
30:12 didn't know about Him, and we just love Kids' Time! And in
30:16 fact, I'm trying real hard now not to use bad words! I heard
30:20 what you said." [laughter] "And P.S. please don't stop
30:28 making Kids' Time programs." You know, those kind of things
30:32 just really touch my heart. My sisters and I share stories
30:37 back and forth, and they shared a story when they were
30:40 recording Tiny Tots one day. My sister Linda was on the set
30:45 and she had the kids, and they're in the middle of
30:47 production. I mean, it's goin' down on camera. My- I think
30:50 they probably kept it. But she's sitting there, telling
30:54 them all about heaven. And one little girl next to her said,
31:01 "Uh, Auntie Linda?!" and she's pulling on her blouse. "Auntie
31:04 Linda!" And Auntie Linda stops, and my sister looks and says,
31:07 "Yes, Jadice, what's the matter?" "I ain't goin' to
31:10 heaven." [laughter] And my sister's eyes just like, open
31:15 wide, like, "What child does- you know, I'm tellin' 'em how
31:17 wonderful heaven's going to be!" And she said, "Well,
31:20 Jadice, why is it that you don't want to go to heaven?!"
31:24 "'Cause I'm scared of heights!" [audience erupts in laughter]
31:35 You know, you just can't make this stuff up. It is such a joy
31:42 to work with these children, and I really do thank Danny
31:46 Shelton and the leadership team here for valuing
31:50 children's ministries, too. Amen? [Amen.] And I... It's
31:55 really just truly, a real blessing. And I thought I'd
31:59 share with you just a few of the things and the progress
32:02 we've been making this year. You know, my mom is our kids'
32:05 club director; I think I've shared that with you before.
32:07 How many remember me talkin' about my mom? I asked her 14
32:12 years ago if she'd help me out for a couple weeks while I
32:15 looked for a director for the club, 'cause I had nobody and
32:19 that was 14 years ago...and she's still the director.
32:23 But last camp meeting, I had announced to you that I think
32:27 we had over 30,000 kids enrolled in Bible lessons from
32:31 127 countries or something. And my mom - she calls me
32:36 yesterday - she says, "I just want you to know and get this
32:38 straight. We now have 130 countries, and we have over
32:42 45,000 kids." [Wow.] "Enrolled in Bible studies." Amen?
32:46 [Amen.] Let's say amen! [audience applauds]
32:53 You know, that's what God can do. That's God's hand of
32:56 blessing. We also have some new programs- programs that are
33:01 just now beginning to air, and I have a special thank you to,
33:05 I won't mention their last names, but Dick and Lucy and
33:08 Mike and Cameo, who really donated all the funds so that
33:13 we could have these programs on the air. So they literally
33:16 specified, "These- this money goes for editing." You see,
33:20 we've had new Kids' Time programs that we did in 2014
33:24 that y'all have never seen... because we couldn't get them
33:27 edited. And a new Tiny Tot worship program and a new Tiny
33:31 Tot kitchen. Well, thank you to their generous donation. Tiny
33:35 Tot worship and Tiny Tot kitchen is already airing on
33:39 3abnkids.tv and our brand new Kids' Time programs from 2014
33:46 are now airing. We started airing last month. Every
33:49 Sabbath, there'll be a new program. You won't want to
33:52 miss Sabbath Kids' Time programs; let me tell you that.
33:54 Because they're the best programs we've ever done. They
33:57 are just really, truly amazing. It's the first time in our
34:00 Bible stories that we used real actors from the Screen
34:04 Actors Guild that came here, volunteered their time, paid
34:07 their way to get here. Amen? [Amen.] And donated all their
34:11 time to be on this program. So don't miss our new Kids'
34:14 Time programs even though they were taped- you know, and
34:17 recorded in 2014- they're now airing. Praise the Lord;
34:20 amen? [Amen!] Also, I wanted to tell you about Bible
34:25 treasures. We've already recorded it. They also
34:29 generously donated money to have this edited, so I just
34:33 turned that over to the editors last week and we're going to
34:36 get those programs on the air right away, too. Brand new
34:39 devotional program for our older kids. A 15-minute morning
34:43 worship, evening worship program called "Bible
34:45 Treasures." So look for that. Also, I can see my time is
34:50 almost gone so I want to tell you all this really quick. We
34:53 have new programs that we're doing this year - we're doing
34:56 more programs of Bible treasures that I need lots of
34:58 kids for, so I need you to contact me. My contact
35:01 information is on my website. BrendaWalsh.com
35:05 You go there, my phone number's there; my email's there. Yes,
35:08 I give out my phone number. Because how can I serve Jesus
35:12 if I put a wall in front of me, right? [Amen.] So it's out
35:14 there. Contact me. I also need kids for a brand new science
35:18 program we're doing this fall called "The Science Zone" with
35:22 Ben Roy. And I'm looking for kids- it'll only be about like
35:25 2-3 kids on a show. I'm looking for kids who are energetic,
35:29 great personalities, that want to come and be on this. Contact
35:32 me; again, BrendaWalsh.com and I will get in touch with you
35:36 about being on that program. And last but not least, I want
35:42 to tell you about a brand new app that just came out. We now
35:45 have a-... The Android is live right now today; Apple will be
35:50 here, I think, on Monday. We have a brand new Kids- 3ABN
35:55 Kids Network app where you can watch our programs on
35:58 demand. And so it's video on demand, watching when you want
36:02 to... Download those apps. Isn't that- that is a really
36:05 big thing that we've prayed about. And I want to just
36:09 plead with each one of you. To please support children's
36:12 ministries. We're still raising funds to build our studios in
36:16 Collegedale, Tennessee. We have made progress; we're not
36:19 there yet. Because of new technology, we've now learned
36:22 we can do it for a whole lot less money. So, I ask for your
36:26 prayers and ask- really, plead with you, to say, "Lord,
36:30 what would You have me do..for children's ministries?" It's
36:35 important. Remember, it's Kids' Time to share Jesus.
36:41 Thank you. [Amen!] [audience applauds]
36:42 - Amen. Thank you so much, Brenda.
36:48 Anytime I begin to feel just a little tired, I listen to
36:51 Brenda or I talk to Brenda, and I get energized again.
36:55 The Lord has given her a tremendous gift and a
36:58 tremendous amount of energy; and we're thankful for what she
37:00 does with 3ABN Kids Network. It is my great privilege, right
37:04 now, to introduce our president and CEO, Mr. Danny Shelton, who
37:08 will be bringing the message for the hour here. Danny needs
37:12 no introduction; you all know him. But I want to share with
37:15 you just a moment what he means to me personally. Danny is a
37:18 man of faith. God gave him the gift of faith, I believe, to
37:24 begin this ministry so many years ago. And God has
37:28 continued to bless and sustain this ministry. Danny is a man
37:33 of tremendous insight and wisdom. He is a wonderful
37:37 mentor. He's a man of God and a man of humility, and the
37:41 message he's bringing to us today is the New Covenant
37:45 Sabbath. Before he speaks, his daughter Melody Shelton
37:49 Firestone will be ministering in music with Tim Parton on the
37:53 piano. And the song she will be bringing is "You're Still
37:56 Lord." After she shall have sung, the next voice you will
38:00 hear is that of our president, CEO, and friend, Mr. Danny
38:04 Shelton.
38:14 When I was just a child
38:20 I heard the beautiful story
38:30 How You loved me so
38:35 that you died
38:40 on Calvary
38:45 And though I claimed You way back then
38:53 as Lord Almighty,
38:59 things haven't changed
39:04 my love still the same
39:08 You're still Lord to me
39:17 You're still Lord
39:24 You're still my Father
39:31 In little or much
39:34 I still feel Your touch
39:38 You're still Lord
39:45 You're still Lord
39:52 You're still my Father
40:00 You'll always be mine
40:04 for all of time
40:08 You're still Lord
40:18 Some have called you Lord
40:21 but now they serve another
40:30 To worldly things, their heart
40:35 has pledged its loyalty
40:44 But as for me,
40:47 when I made my choice,
40:52 it was forever
40:57 And just as before,
41:01 but now even more,
41:05 You're still Lord to me
41:12 You're still Lord
41:19 You're still my Father
41:26 In little or much
41:30 I still feel Your touch
41:34 You're still Lord
41:40 You're still Lord
41:48 You're still my Father
41:56 You'll always be mine
42:00 for all of time
42:04 You're still Lord
42:12 You'll always be mine
42:16 for all of time
42:22 You're still
42:27 Lord
42:37 Amen. Thank you, Melody. Beautiful. That's another
42:41 Lanny Wolfe song, isn't it? I think Melody knows all the
42:44 Lanny- all the Lanny Wolfe songs. Over the years, we've
42:49 sang a lot of 'em. It's a privilege to be here this
42:52 morning. Thank you for coming. Look like we have a full house,
42:54 huh? [Amen.] And hope we got a place 'cause I know there's some
42:58 others; there are some monitors around, so hopefully, in the
43:02 foyers and places, there's room for everybody. And I'm
43:05 thankful to be in the house of the Lord this morning; how
43:07 about you? [Amen!] How you doin' with the camp meeting
43:10 so far? [Amen!] All right. How many it's your first time
43:13 here? Uh-oh. I didn't even want to see that. I was hopin'
43:17 you were here all week. But we welcome you today, for
43:20 sure. And... That was a setup, wasn't it? I set you- got you
43:23 to commit and raise your hand- shame on me. But I am so- how
43:27 many have been here the entire- since Wednesday night?
43:29 Oh wow; look at all of this. And the messages have been
43:34 fantastic, haven't they? [Amen.] It's about time we do something
43:38 on the 3 angels' messages. If it's present truth, we
43:42 should know about it, right? [Amen.] The world should know
43:45 about it, but the world can't know about it if we maybe ever
43:48 in our- and I notice, I go to schools, I talk to young
43:52 people, I talk to, sometimes, us older people, and it's
43:55 almost like a lot of us Seventh-Day Adventists are
43:58 in a rut. Now, Mollie says a rut's nothin' more than a
44:01 grave with two ends open. So, but sometimes we're in
44:06 a rut. We're so busy with life; we're so busy worrying about
44:10 what somebody else is wearing, or how they look or what
44:12 they're driving, that we forget about why God has put us here
44:17 on planet Earth in these closing moments of Earth's
44:19 history. What a privilege and what a responsibility to be
44:23 Seventh-Day Adventist Christians, literally in the
44:27 closing moments of Earth's history. [Amen.] It's amazing,
44:29 it's awesome, and every day, we should thank God for this
44:33 opportunity that He's given us. Jesus said, "Go ye into all the
44:37 world." When He said "Go ye,"- and I said this over and over
44:42 and over, and I'm sayin' it for those who maybe haven't
44:45 thought about it or heard about it - Doctor Thompson said it
44:48 to me a long time ago. He said, "Danny, when Jesus said, 'Go
44:52 ye into all the world,' He counted His resources in
44:54 advance and found that He wasn't wanting." So that says
44:58 that you and me can do anything when we come in the Name of the
45:02 Lord. [Amen.] We don't care how big the obstacles are; it
45:07 makes no difference because Jesus has said, "Go ye into all
45:11 the world;" He's the Creator of the universe - all power is
45:14 in Him. He says, "All power is given me in heaven and Earth;
45:18 go ye therefore." So, today, what an opportunity to be
45:22 living in a time that, as I speak now, this signal's going
45:27 up from this little former cornfield area in Southern
45:31 Illinois 22,300 miles to space, traveling around the
45:36 world at the speed of light. I mean, that's amazing, isn't
45:40 it? [Amen.] 186,000 miles per second? I mean, you think
45:45 about that- technology, when we started in 3ABN in the
45:49 beginning, there was very few satellites up in space; there
45:54 was only C band. And when we shot to satellite, about a
45:58 million people in America were able to watch 3ABN (because
46:03 about a million people had the dishes). People said, "Why are
46:07 you doin' all of that if you're only going to reach a million
46:09 people? There's 200+ million people in the United States."
46:13 Hey, you gotta start somewhere, right? [Amen.] I mean, if
46:16 you're going to be a bear, be a grizzly, but sometimes you
46:18 gotta start out with small beginnings. So, we just did
46:21 what we knew to do. We didn't know anything about technology.
46:25 But we went forward. God blessed and He honored. I
46:28 would've never dreamed - back then, when we went on the air
46:32 in 1986- would've never dreamed that 33 years later
46:36 that I can take my smartphone (had no such thing as
46:40 smartphones). I was always dumb and the phones were smarter
46:45 than me, and still that way. They're still too smart for me,
46:47 but who would've ever dreamed you could take your phone out
46:50 and look up 3ABN? Say, "Let's see which network I want to
46:54 watch today," anywhere in the world! Take out your tablet,
46:58 your iPads - anywhere in the world and watch 3ABN! You can
47:02 use social media. There's so many ways to get the gospel
47:05 into all the world. Not only cable, television, satellite;
47:09 we have ALL of the social media now that 3ABN's trying
47:13 to take advantage of. Also, to get this gospel to the
47:17 world, and Jesus- and radio, of course, around the world-
47:21 Jesus is serious about coming back. [Amen.] Heaven is not
47:24 heaven until His people are home. [Amen.] Do I need to
47:27 say that again? [No. Amen.] Heaven is not heaven until God's
47:31 children are there. [Amen!] But today, somethin' has to
47:36 happen. This gospel of the kingdom has to go into all the
47:39 world before Jesus will come back. Today, I want to talk
47:43 about something and I'm going to tell you right up front, I
47:46 am not good with notes. I have bad news and good news for you.
47:52 Which should I give you first? [Bad.] 'Kay. Bad news: I have
47:56 about 30 pages of notes. [audience laughs]
48:02 That's true. I got 30 pages of notes. I started out with
48:05 100. [more laughter] And I've been workin' for days to get
48:09 'em down. What I actually done is found myself preparin'
48:12 for this sermon writing a book. I have a new book on things
48:15 that sometimes we don't normally hear or see or- as
48:20 Seventh-Day Adventists. So that's the bad news. 30 pages.
48:25 The good news is the print about this big, 'cause I didn't
48:30 want to really succumb to wearing my glasses and have
48:33 reading glasses. I think they're in here; I may need
48:36 'em. Let me get 'em out just in case.
48:41 These cost a dollar and a half. [audience laughs]
48:43 But they work. And the reason I have 'em is 'cause I keep
48:46 losin' 'em. So why lose $100 pair of glasses when a dollar
48:49 and a half, I get 3 pair, actually, for $10, so whatever
48:53 that works out or less. I always buy 'em by the bulk,
48:55 you know? It's cheaper. But... [more laughter]
48:59 ...maybe because the little bit of pride, I didn't really
49:01 want to wear the glasses so I've got print this big. The
49:06 OTHER good news is, I'm terrible at lookin' at notes.
49:09 So I may not use 'em. So you'll be good. That'll be
49:13 good for you, too. But I'm going to try today, b- you
49:16 know why? Because I'm afraid I'll leave somethin' out.
49:20 And I don't want to leave anything out that I believe
49:22 God has given me for this hour for this moment in Earth's
49:26 history. So today, we're going to talk about the New Covenant
49:29 Sabbath. There are different views concerning the new
49:33 covenant which includes, of course, the New Covenant
49:35 Sabbath by Protestants and Christians; we're all aware
49:38 of that, right? The importance of this is simply this: we all
49:44 have to make a decision about the Ten Commandments. Are we
49:49 going to keep them? Were they nailed to the cross? What're
49:52 we going to do with the 10 Commandments that God
49:54 established? Man didn't establish it; God did. So we
49:58 have to make a decision. Now, modern day Christians,
50:00 including evangelicals - Protestants - consider
50:04 themselves to be New Covenant Christians. You ever talk to
50:07 anybody and you start talk about the Sabbath and say,
50:09 "Well, I'm New Covenant- I'm New Covenant; I don't go by
50:13 the Old Testament." Am I the only one, or somebody had that
50:16 happen? Well, several of you have, am I right? "Well, we
50:19 don't go by the Old Testament; we're New Covenant - we're New
50:23 Testament people." And so, that's their view of it- that
50:27 anything that happened back then, that Old Testament-...
50:29 So I've asked people, sometimes; tried to be nice about it.
50:32 "You don't use the Old Te-" "No, I'm not under that
50:35 old law." I say, "Well why do you have a Bible - why don't
50:38 you just carry the NEW Testament?" 'Cause you have
50:40 a whole- you know, they sometimes have the whole Bible.
50:43 If you don't need the Old Testament, why don't you just
50:44 get rid of it? So, they're quick to acknowledge that
50:47 Sabbath was the Sabbath of the Old Testament covenant.
50:50 Now, I want to say, before I go any farther, God has
50:53 people in all churches. [Amen.] Because you're Seventh-Day
50:57 Adventist or any Sabbath keeper or any denomination, you're
51:00 not going to go to heaven by saying, "Hey, guess what? I
51:02 joined the church in 1984." What's going to be important
51:05 is when did we adjoin to Jesus, right? Then, when did
51:08 we make Him the Lord of our life? So, when I'm talking
51:13 here today, I'm not talking to put people down, but I want
51:17 to talk just family. We want to talk family. Things that you
51:22 probably encounter as well as I do, and how do we deal with
51:25 these? So, a lot of these folks say that they've been
51:29 freed from the legalistic, keeping physically, of the
51:34 seventh-day Sabbath. Have you heard that? That's why. And
51:37 we'll talk about it in a little bit. They say, "Well,
51:39 the Commandments were nailed to the cross. So I don't
51:42 physically need to keep the seventh-day Sabbath. Y'all
51:46 are into legalism." And I say, "Really? I notice you go to
51:50 church Sunday, every week. Every legalistic week, you
51:56 go to Sunday." [laughter] "You go to church on Sunday. Now,
51:59 why do you do that?" "Because they say, well, Sabbath is
52:03 just a spiritual rest. It- you don't have to keep it, you
52:08 know, when God instituted it in- at Creation, no one kept it
52:14 till Moses. And so it's just a spiritual rest, foreshadowing
52:18 Jesus' coming and now I rest in Jesus." "Well how come you
52:22 don't rest on Jesus on Sunday?" Right? I'm gon' quit; y'all
52:26 aren't with me. All right? [laughter] You with me?
52:29 No! I mean, is that a fair question? [Yes!] Because isn't-
52:32 isn't- they say, "Well, we keep Sunday, not as the Sabbath,"-
52:37 a lot of them say that now. They USED to back up until the
52:40 1960s or so. All the television programs, things you watched,
52:44 always talked about the Sabbath, and they inserted Sunday for the
52:49 Sabbath. But they've got more informed, so as you get more
52:53 informed, you have to have a reason for what you do. So,
52:58 here we have people who say, "We honor the resurrection of
53:04 Christ by goin' to church Sunday, because He arose on
53:08 the first day of the week." Does everybody believe Christ
53:10 rose on the first day of the week? [Yes.] What day is that?
53:13 [Sunday.] And these evangelicals and Christians and Catholics
53:17 will tell you Sunday's the first day of the week. So when
53:20 you're having a Bible study with somebody and they say,
53:22 "Well how do you know Saturday's the Sabbath? I mean, how do
53:26 you know that that day of the week?" I say, "Well, #1, the
53:29 Catholics been keepin' up for 2,000 years, nearly, you know?
53:32 1800, whatever. The Jews, I'm sure- they've never forgot
53:35 which day is Saturday. You know? So, if the Jews think Saturday's
53:40 the Sabbath, the Catholics think Saturday's the Sabbath,
53:43 and all the New Testament Protestants say Sunday is the
53:49 Sabbath... Uh, let me go back- the Catholics- the first day of
53:52 the week is Sunday; the Jews- the seventh day of the week,
53:56 Saturday; and the Protestants nowadays even confirm that
54:00 Sunday is the first day of the week, then Saturday has to
54:03 be the seventh day of the week, which is the Bible...Sabbath.
54:08 Now you're with me. Everybody's with me. I'm trying to get with
54:10 myself, actually. [laughter] On air. Make sure we're doin'
54:13 this. But they claim that it's the spiritual rest. And so,
54:19 when you honor Sunday as the resurrection, why isn't it
54:23 just a spiritual rest? That's what I ask people. "But how
54:28 come you go to church Sunday?" "Well we honor.." "But you're
54:30 not supposed to physically do it; it's a spiritual thing,
54:33 right?" So, why would you say Adventists shouldn't keep the
54:37 Sabbath because that's working our way into heaven but y'all
54:40 can keep Sunday, and that's not workin' your way into heaven?
54:43 Just because you say it's honoring the resurrection. But
54:48 in fact, we want to honor what God says. Am I right?
54:51 Now, again, I don't mean to be critical when I talk like
54:55 this. But I want to talk openly and honestly. I find
54:58 communications is the greatest tool that God has given us. So
55:02 many of us don't want to offend anybody. Right? You
55:08 don't have to raise your hands, but how many of you have been
55:11 talking to people and you thought, "Wow, this is an
55:14 opportunity; I should-naw, I don't want to offend them."
55:18 "I don't want to offend them." I've told this story before, but
55:21 I went to a church in a state way north of here and I don't
55:28 stay in homes of people anymore; not that I don't love
55:30 you when I travel, but I've a lot of reasons I find I'm
55:33 better off staying in a hotel. Some of you are great and you're
55:37 kind, but sometimes, people have agendas, too. So, I was
55:41 staying in the home of somebody and I thought- really nice- and
55:45 this nice place, and they support 3ABN. So I was staying
55:48 in the home. And the man came to me, Friday evening; said,
55:52 "Brother Danny, when you're talking tomorrow to our church,
55:56 I wonder if you could say something." Uh-oh, I heard
56:00 somebody say, "Uh-oh." I said, "Well, I- what do you got?" He
56:04 said, "We're havin'- our church is almost split. There are
56:08 people in our church that feel like we should pass out the
56:11 book The Great Controversy all over this city. But we have a
56:15 lot of Catholics; we have a lot of Lutherans; we have a lot of
56:18 people here, and so half the church says, "We don't want to
56:21 do that. That's like throwing it in their face; that's like-"
56:23 you know, The Great Controversy's pretty
56:26 straightforward in what it says, and so half the church
56:29 says, "Well we don't want to do that," and the other half says,
56:32 "No; that's our responsibility! That's our job to do it."
56:36 So he said, "Would you talk about that tomorrow?" I said,
56:38 "Sure!"
56:40 "Which side are you on?" I ask him. [laughter]
56:45 There got- they just made me supper; they're gettin' ready
56:47 to make breakfast in the morning. Right? And I'm gonna
56:52 spend Saturday night with them. So I say, "Which side
56:54 are YOU on?" He said, "Well, I'm on the side that, I think
56:58 we just oughta love people into the church." And I said,
57:02 "Oh, I'm with that." I'm fine w- aren't you with- fine with
57:06 lovin' people into church? Just take it for what he said.
57:09 I'm fine with that. Just lovin' people into church. He said,
57:13 "Oh, great! So you'll tell them tomorrow that we shouldn't
57:16 pa- they'll listen to you! We shouldn't pass out the books."
57:19 I said, "No... I'm with you. Lovin' people into the church,
57:22 we need to tell 'em the truth." [Amen.] "So, I'm sorry, but
57:25 I'm on the other side." [laughter] "Now, if you want
57:28 me to go home or go to a hotel, I can go to a hotel
57:31 tonight." "No," he said, "you can stay here." And I said,
57:34 "If you don't want to keep- cook breakfast, I saw some
57:36 Cheerios in there; I can make it." [audience laughs]
57:39 "I can do it on my own. It's no big deal. Give me that and
57:42 some Rice Dream and a little bit o' honey and I'm- walnuts;
57:44 I'm great." "No, no," they said, "you can do it." So, this
57:48 is the thing- sometimes, we're afraid we're that gonna offend
57:52 people. So today, when we're talking, if we don't do it,
57:55 who's going to? [Amen.] Right? If we're not honest with people-
57:59 thank you. If we're not honest with people, who's gonna be?
58:04 Those who have much are what? Responsible for much. Those
58:11 who have little are responsible for [little]. What would you
58:14 say when it comes to spiritual food, spiritual discernment,
58:18 with Seventh-Day Adventist Christians? Would we be on the
58:21 side if we have little or we have much? [Much!] All right.
58:24 If we have much, what're you supposed to do? What's the
58:27 principle of when you have a lot of somethin'? You share
58:30 it. All right? Are we all together so far? [Yeah!] So,
58:33 we want to share what God has given us. But I do want to
58:37 say this: Sunday has nothin' to do with the New Covenant.
58:41 Plainly speaking, Sunday worship has nothing to do with
58:44 honoring our Lord's death or the resurrection. It is not
58:46 based on any Bible instruction. When Jesus died on the cross,
58:50 the New Covenant was ratified. When was it ratified? It's
58:54 important that we know this. It was ratified when? When He
58:58 died on the cross. Was it ratified on Sunday- the
59:00 following Sunday? No. When was it ratified? Okay. I may be a
59:05 little redundant, but maybe we need to be today. Okay?
59:08 Now, the reason this is important is, nothing can be
59:11 added to a covenant once it's ratified. You know what the
59:16 word ratified means, right? Makes an agreement. Sunday
59:19 keeping cannot be added to the New Covenant because it was
59:22 not in the New Covenant when Christ died. What day'd He die
59:26 on? He died on Friday; what'd He do over Sabbath? [Rested.]
59:30 And what'd He do on Sunday? [Arose.] Arose from the tomb,
59:33 right? So, Christ is alive. ...Don't want to knock this off.
59:38 'Kay. Christ is alive. So He arose from the tomb. There's
59:44 the-... I hit a button and I had about 100 faces that were
59:48 either smiling or crying.. [audience laughs]..on here.
59:52 And then I looked into the audience and saw the same
59:54 thing. [more laughter]
01:00:02 We're gonna have a fun time, aren't we?
01:00:06 Okay. So we're gonna go back now to.. When was it- when was
01:00:12 the New Covenant ratified? It was ratified on Friday.
01:00:15 When did Sunday-keeping take effect? Before or after?
01:00:21 [After.] Well, that's not very hard to understand, is it? So
01:00:25 how can Sunday worship be part of a new covenant... Are you
01:00:30 with me? [Yes.] Somebody finish it for me. How can Sunday
01:00:34 worship be part of a new covenant if it wasn't ratified
01:00:40 before? When did Sunday worship become where people did it all
01:00:45 the time? Sunday-keepin'. When'd that happen? Generations
01:00:48 after Christ's death. Is that right? Okay. So are we together
01:00:53 now? I mean, if I'm wrong... Well, don't tell me now, 'cause
01:00:57 all of you- be... Be a bad time; we're on the air. But, think
01:01:00 about it- tell me afterwards. But I'm trying to get something
01:01:04 across here that people say, "I'm a new covenant Christian;
01:01:08 I believe that you don't- the Ten Commandments have been
01:01:12 done away with; I don't have to keep that old law, 'cause
01:01:15 that ol' law was nailed to the cross, and so I just keep Sunday
01:01:21 in honor of the resurrection because I go by the new
01:01:24 covenant." No... Honestly, if you go by the new covenant,
01:01:28 you will still keep seventh-day Saturday Sabbath, because
01:01:32 seventh-day Saturday Sabbath was still the covenant when Christ
01:01:38 died. That Sabbath was the Sabbath of Adam, of Abraham,
01:01:43 of Moses, of Isaac, of Jacob; on down through the ages,
01:01:47 the Sabbath of Jesus, and when Jesus died, it had nothing to do
01:01:51 with doing away with somethin' He instituted at Creation.
01:01:56 Now, we're gonna talk a little bit about people and- I- I
01:01:59 don't know; I've got a bunch pages here about the old
01:02:02 and new covenant. Do I really need to go into that today?
01:02:05 'Cause I have all the scriptures of what they are, and maybe I
01:02:08 need to, or maybe I should just say we have a book; we have a
01:02:12 number of books here at 3ABN that would explain to you the
01:02:14 old and the new covenants, and of what they mean to us.
01:02:19 Quickly, briefly, let me, rather than to read it all- a covenant
01:02:22 is a contract. The dictionary says, "It's a contract;
01:02:26 agreement; an undertaking; a commitment; a guarantee; a
01:02:29 warrant; a pledge; a promise; a bond; indenture." There's
01:02:32 so many things that it is but a covenant, or an agreement,
01:02:35 is between two parties. So now, in the Old Testament, God said
01:02:42 to Moses, "I want to make a covenant with the people of-
01:02:45 children of Israel. And I want to bless them." Hey, if He
01:02:49 gonna bless somebody, why not those folk? They've been in
01:02:51 bondage for how many years? Hundreds of years. Right?
01:02:54 They were slaves, in bondage. Moses gets them out; God frees
01:02:58 them. God says, "I want to make a- a covenant with you; I want
01:03:02 to bless these folk. You've been in a horrible situation for
01:03:06 hundreds of years - You don't even know who I am!" They didn't
01:03:08 have a chance to go to church on Sabbath. They didn't have a
01:03:11 chance to read the 10 Commandments- to read the Bible!
01:03:13 They- the Old Tes- they didn't have the scriptures; they didn't
01:03:17 have any. They were slaves! So God says, "I want to bless
01:03:20 those people." Isn't that just like God to take care of those
01:03:23 who- who maybe haven't been able to take care of themselves?
01:03:25 He says, "I want to bless those people. So, you go tell them
01:03:29 that I want to bless them, and if they agree to this, then
01:03:32 we're going to make a covenant." So He goes and tells them -
01:03:35 Moses - and the people - you can look at it in Exodus 19;
01:03:38 Exodus 19, chapter, when you get a chance, or you can look
01:03:41 it up now; it's fine with me. But you can look it up. But
01:03:45 what He says- and Moses went up- let's read it, then. Exodus
01:03:47 19:3-6. "And Moses went up unto God, and the Lord called him
01:03:51 into a mountain, saying, 'Thus shalt thou say to the house of
01:03:54 Jacob, and tell the children of Israel, "If you will obey My
01:03:58 voice indeed and keep my covenant, then you shall be a
01:04:02 peculiar treasure unto me above all people; for all the earth
01:04:06 is Mine. And ye shall be unto Me a holy nation. There are the
01:04:10 words- THESE are the words which thou shall speak unto the
01:04:13 children of Israel."'" Now, as soon as Moses spoke those, the
01:04:18 people said what? "We will do what God says." We will do
01:04:22 what God says. But the problem turned out to be, they tried
01:04:26 to do it in the flesh. They didn't say, "With God's help;"
01:04:29 they- "We'll do it." They just said, "We will do these things."
01:04:35 As soon as their affirmative answer went back to God, that
01:04:38 was the basis for the old covenant- was set up. But
01:04:41 before it could go into formal operation, there had to be a
01:04:44 ritualistic system; and that was some shedding of blood. So,
01:04:50 Moses went out. They had him- built 12 altars to represent
01:04:54 the tribes of Israel. They sprinkled blood - they got an
01:04:57 ox and the young men went out. The Bible says they spread this
01:05:00 blood, and then they spread it on the people. Once that
01:05:04 happened, guess what. The covenant was ratified. All
01:05:09 right? Some of you are with me. So, what it took was a
01:05:12 commitment. God made a commitment, and then the
01:05:15 children of Israel made a commitment. Now, it was signed,
01:05:20 sealed, and delivered, if you were, by the sprinkling of
01:05:23 blood. Now, could anything be added after that? [No.] It
01:05:30 couldn't be added; right? God wouldn't do it, 'cause He told
01:05:32 'em, but people: "We can't add it." Somebody say, "Well,
01:05:35 what do y- why can't you?" Let's say that I go to bank
01:05:38 tomorrow...Monday; I'll go Monday, since they close on
01:05:41 Sunday, because in honor of the resurrection. I'll go...
01:05:44 [audience laughs] I'll go the church-
01:05:47 I'll go to bank on Monday, and I'll ask
01:05:50 to borrow $10,000. And so, they look at my credit, say,
01:05:54 "It's fair, but it's good enough; we'll give you that
01:05:56 loan. We- we'll give you the 10,000, at 5% interest." So
01:06:01 I'd say, "Well, that's a little bit high, but I'm kinda in a
01:06:04 jam; I need it. So, give me your contract." So, they just
01:06:08 happen to have contracts written up for any amount you
01:06:10 want or are capable of getting, right? So they get it, and
01:06:13 what I do to ratify it? [Sign.] I sign it. Now, as soon as I
01:06:18 sign that, that contract is ratified. But this is on Monday,
01:06:26 but Tuesday... Let's say Monday night, I talk to my brother
01:06:29 Kenny. He says, "Huh. I went to the same bank; I got a loan
01:06:33 for 2% interest." So I go back Tuesday and say, "Well you know
01:06:39 what? I'm just gonna pay you from now on 2% interest instead
01:06:43 of 5. Now, when I get out of court (because I'll be sued)...
01:06:47 [laughter] What're- what's the court gonna
01:06:50 say to me? "You cannot add anything to this contract after
01:06:57 it was ratified - after you signed it." All right, are we
01:07:00 makin' any sense at all, or are we... [Yes!] I'm tryin' to get
01:07:02 it in a way that we can all understand it, that it's really
01:07:05 very simple. We looked at the old covenant. When that blood
01:07:10 was sprinkled, God then- it is THE- after that is when God
01:07:15 took Moses to the- had him come to the mount and gave him the
01:07:18 Ten Commandments, which were a part of that old covenant. So
01:07:22 now, le's go look at the new covenant. Most of the time,
01:07:26 folk go to Hebrews. We can go to the 8th chapter, starting
01:07:30 with verse 6. "But now, hath he obtained more excellent
01:07:34 ministry by how much he is also the mediator of a better
01:07:38 covenant which was established upon better promises, for if
01:07:42 that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place
01:07:46 have been sought for the second; for finding fault with them, He
01:07:49 saith, 'Behold, the days come,' saith the Lord, 'when I will
01:07:52 make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the
01:07:56 house of Judah; not according to the covenant that I made with
01:08:00 their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to
01:08:03 lead them out of the land of Egypt, because they continue
01:08:06 not-'" They what? "'They continued not in My covenant
01:08:09 and I regarded them not. The covenant was broken,' saith
01:08:13 the Lord. 'For this is the covenant that I will make with
01:08:17 the house of Israel after those days,' saith the Lord. 'I will
01:08:20 put My laws in their mind and write them in their [hearts]
01:08:24 and I will be to them a God and they shall be to me a people.'"
01:08:29 Wow. What a beautiful promise. And I'm thankful to be living
01:08:33 under new covenant. Aren't you? [Yes.] I am so thankful
01:08:36 that Jesus shed His blood on the cross of Calvary. Does that
01:08:40 mean that no one before Christ's death will ever be saved or go
01:08:44 to heaven? Absolutely not. Absolutely not. And it's very
01:08:48 important to understand that. I am so thankful that we have
01:08:51 a new covenant; but the difference in the old and the
01:08:54 new covenant- now, what made the new covenant- I think we
01:08:57 spoke about it already. Christ's shed blood on the cross of
01:09:00 Calvary that Friday ratified the new covenant. [Amen.]
01:09:05 Nothing can be added to it. I know that's redundant, but it's
01:09:08 an important point I want you to go away with. Nothing can be
01:09:11 added to it. Sunday-keeping cannot be considered when
01:09:15 somebody says to you, "Yeah, I live under the new covenant.
01:09:19 I'm in the New Testament, so I honor Sunday." And you can say,
01:09:22 "No... Honestly, that's not part of the new covenant. You
01:09:26 do live in the new covenant era, but Sunday worship is not
01:09:29 part of that. Sunday - their honoring the resurrection
01:09:32 formally by as though it's biblical - is not part of that
01:09:37 new covenant. In fact, the new covenant- oh, let's talk about
01:09:42 this for a moment. This really hit me like a ton of bricks.
01:09:46 People say, "Well, y'know, we live under the new covenant, so
01:09:51 we don't have to keep those old Commandments anymore." You ever
01:09:55 hear that? [Yes.] I was at a church - a big Baptist church
01:10:01 with Melody when she was about, I don't know, 15, 16 years old -
01:10:06 and it was in Tennessee, and they ask us to come and sing.
01:10:11 I didn't know them. Got there and it's a pretty big church;
01:10:14 1,115 people. They said, "We heard you on the radio and we
01:10:18 heard your testimony," Melody's mother had been killed in an
01:10:21 automobile accident 1982, "and we just wanted you there." So
01:10:25 we went to the church. And we sang. After the church was over,
01:10:30 the pastor said, "Come back in the study." They had taken up
01:10:32 an offering for us and they took up their Sunday morning
01:10:35 offering for the church, as well. So they said, "Come back
01:10:38 in the room, and before you leave- and we'll give you your
01:10:42 offering that we took up for your music." So I said, "Fine."
01:10:45 So I went back in the room. Here's the offering for our
01:10:48 music was a few couple little plates, right? Over here was
01:10:51 their Sunday school offering, and it was big. There was a-
01:10:54 well, there were several people counting all of that. So the
01:10:57 pastor came up to me and he said, "I didn't know till just
01:11:01 now - somebody said you're a Seventh-Day Adventist." I said,
01:11:06 "Yeah, that's true." He said, "What? You don't seem like a
01:11:09 Seventh-Day Adventist." [laughter] I said, "What are
01:11:12 we supposed to be like?" [more laughter] He said, "Well, you
01:11:16 all keep that old law! You keep that old 10 Commandment law!"
01:11:20 And I said, "Yeah... Don't you?" "Noo!"
01:11:23 I said, "Why not?" He said, "Man! We've been liberated!
01:11:26 Look at Colossians. The old law was nailed to the cross!"
01:11:30 I say, "Really? So we don't have to keep the 10
01:11:33 Commandments." "No!" I said, "I'm glad to know that." I
01:11:37 said, "Thank you, Pastor. You've helped me-" I- honestly,
01:11:39 I said, "You've enlightened me greatly." And he was shocked.
01:11:43 You know, you try to con- get somebody convert 'em to your
01:11:45 theology, it's usually not that easy. [laughter] Right? But
01:11:49 I was with him! You know why? 'Cause they piled up the
01:11:53 offering, put it in a bag - the church's - and they piled up my
01:11:56 little one, so as I'm talkin' to him, I walked over and I
01:11:59 picked the big bag, put it under my arm; I said, "Thank
01:12:01 you; God bless you." [laughter and applaud] And I started
01:12:04 walkin' out of the church. I had this under my arm.
01:12:10 "Brother Shelton!" I was no longer that old Adventist; old
01:12:13 cov- "Brother Shelton!" We're brothers now. Put me on
01:12:16 a guilt trip. "Brother Shelton! Uh, just a minute! Just a
01:12:19 minute." I said, "Yes, sir?" "U-uh, I'm sorry, you got the
01:12:23 wrong offering!" I said, "No, I got the right one." "No no no,
01:12:26 yours is this one!" He said this- this offering. I said,
01:12:29 "Well, I know that's what it's meant to be, but I- I'm just
01:12:31 gonna take this one." [laughter] "Well, you can't do that!" he
01:12:35 said, "Y-You can't..." And I said, "Really?" I said, "Why
01:12:38 not?"
01:12:41 Hello? [audience erupts in laughter]
01:12:45 I said, "Why not?" He said, "Well you can't take.."
01:12:48 I said, "Oh, would that be called stealing?" And he just
01:12:52 looked at me like a deer in headlights. [laughter]
01:12:57 So he said, "I get your point. Can I have my offering back?"
01:13:00 [more laughter] I said... I said, "Okay."
01:13:10 You know what I'm sayin'? Things that people do, right?
01:13:12 We say, "Now, why in the world do people want to say that the
01:13:17 Commandments were nailed to the cross?" Why? I found there's
01:13:22 only- now, I could be wrong, and you all can tell me later,
01:13:25 but I found there's really only a couple reasons why people
01:13:28 don't want to keep the Commandments of God. I only
01:13:33 know two, they- I'm sure there's more. It's either ignorance or
01:13:36 rebellion. Now, don't be offended, anybody watchin' -
01:13:40 ignorance is nothin' bad. I'm ignorant about a lot of things,
01:13:43 but it's not bein' dumb or not bein' in...y'know. It's nothing
01:13:46 like, people say, "You think I'm stupid?" "No," I said.
01:13:49 "You're ignorant." Ignorant just means- [laughter] Ignorant just-
01:13:53 but I'm ignorant too, right? So I'm not pointing fingers; 3 of
01:13:57 'em's comin' back at me when I point. No - there's a
01:14:00 difference, you know, in bein'.. Ignorant just simply means we
01:14:03 don't know. So, when we're ignorant, God says in the Bible
01:14:07 that He did what? He winked in our time of ignorance,
01:14:11 am I right? [Amen.] So, there's nothing wrong with that. But
01:14:14 it's eas- it seems to me that it's either rebellion or
01:14:18 ignorance why people don't keep the Commandments of God.
01:14:21 Right? [Amen.] So, we go- what I decided to do, I said, "Well,
01:14:26 let's see what's so bad..." I'll see if I can find my little
01:14:28 note, 'cause I want this to really, really hit you. I said,
01:14:31 "Okay. Let's see what's so bad about the Ten Commandments,"
01:14:37 'cause he took me- this pastor and others have taken me to
01:14:41 Colossians 2- you know it- 14's- or 16, 17, and 18. And it says,
01:14:47 "Blotting out the handwriting of the ordinance- ordinances
01:14:52 that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out
01:14:56 of the way, nailing it to the cross." Right there, they say
01:15:00 is doing away with the seventh-day Sabbath. Now, you
01:15:03 can keep all the other 9 Commandments - they're OK - but
01:15:07 the Sabbath was the ceremonial- was the ceremonial law. Somehow,
01:15:13 God didn't know that and He put it all together into one group.
01:15:18 Right? Apparently, because can you imagine the nerve?
01:15:21 You say, "Well, actually, THIS law... God said, 'Moses, I'll
01:15:24 give you Ten Commandments.' Well we say, 'Well, actually, this
01:15:27 one don't belong there. This one is the ceremonial laws;
01:15:30 the others aren't." So Colossians says, "Blotting out
01:15:35 the handwriting of the ordinances that was against us
01:15:39 which was contrary to us, nailing it to the cross." So I
01:15:42 want to ask a valid question. What part of the 10 Commandments
01:15:46 was against us? 'Cause they say, "Well, they're nailed to
01:15:50 the cross." This Baptist pastor told me they were nailed to the
01:15:53 cross. I don't know if all of them believe that way; this
01:15:55 one did. What part of the 10 Commandments was man's law that
01:15:59 needed to be nailed to the cross? I-I can't- let's find
01:16:04 out. Let's go over 'em. "Thou shalt have no other gods before
01:16:08 me." That probably should be nailed to the cross, right?
01:16:11 [No.] No? Nothin' wrong with that. "Thou shalt not make unto
01:16:14 thee an-any graven images." Nailed that to the cross?
01:16:18 "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain." Do we nail
01:16:22 that to the cross? "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it
01:16:25 holy." God gave us that just so we would remember Him and not
01:16:29 get so caught up. The children of Israel, for ANOTHER 400
01:16:32 years, they forget Him every week. We come back and
01:16:35 remember who our Creator God is. That's doesn't sound so bad.
01:16:39 Sounds like that's a good thing. "Remember the Sabbath day."
01:16:42 Okay. Let's nail this one to the cross. "Honor thy father
01:16:45 and mother." No? Can't do that. "Thou shalt not kill."
01:16:50 "Thou shalt not commit adultery." "Thou shalt not
01:16:53 steal." "Thou shalt not bear false witness." "Thou shalt not
01:16:58 covet." Somebody listenin'? [Yes!] Are you with it? I'm
01:17:02 trying to find out which one of these laws is so against us
01:17:05 that Jesus needed to die on the cross to do away with 'em. If
01:17:10 the Ten Commandments are so bad, why did Paul say in Romans 7:12,
01:17:14 "The law is holy and the commandment holy and just and
01:17:17 good."? If the Ten Commandments are so bad, why would Paul say
01:17:20 in Romans 3:33, "Do we then make void the law through
01:17:24 faith? God forbid we establish the law."? If the law's so bad
01:17:29 and the Commandments are so bad, why does Jesus say in John,
01:17:32 "If you love Me," [keep my Commandments!] "If you LOVE Me,"
01:17:36 [keep my Commandments!] Who said that? [Jesus!] When did
01:17:40 He say it? In the Old Testament or the New? [New!] New
01:17:43 Testament. Jesus said, "If you love Me, keep my comman-" so we
01:17:47 have the Creator of the universe and the New Testament's sayin',
01:17:50 "If you love-" He wasn't sayin'- He COULD have said, "I'm gonna
01:17:54 die." Now think about it. Thursday, before the
01:17:57 crucifixion, He met with the disciples in the upper room.
01:18:01 Did He say, "Uh, I'm gonna die. I'm gonna be in the ground 3
01:18:05 days; I'm gonna rise again. But after I do, I want you to
01:18:08 do away with the Commandments and I want you to keep Sunday
01:18:12 in honor of My resurrection."? [No.] He could have! It could
01:18:17 be right in the Bible because He did tell them somethin'.
01:18:20 He's told them about communion and said, "Do this in
01:18:23 remembrance of me." Right? So he COULD have said, "Keep Sunday
01:18:31 after I rise." But there's a reason He didn't do it. It- let
01:18:35 me finish. If the Commandments were so bad and so much against
01:18:40 us, why does Matthew 15:9 say, "But in vain do they worship Me,
01:18:44 teaching for doctrines - Commandments of men."?
01:18:46 Why did Jesus say in Matthew 5:17, "Think not I'm come to
01:18:50 destroy the law or the prophets; I'm not come to
01:18:52 destroy it, but to fulfill." This is so simple that it's
01:18:56 elementary. Now, I say this as kindly as I can: this is so
01:18:59 simple that it's elementary. Think about it. Why do New
01:19:06 Testament Christians continue to say that Jesus' death put
01:19:09 an end to the Commandments? He says, "I come NOT to..."
01:19:16 [destroy.] Not! Did He say not ? like capital to me - all
01:19:20 capitals. I- "I come NOT to destroy, but to fulfill." Right?
01:19:26 He says, "I'm come to fulfill." In other words, He came to Earth
01:19:29 and shed His blood to fulfill the promise of the Old Testament
01:19:32 and the promises in the New Testament where He told His
01:19:36 disciples that He would fulfill the prophecies of the Old
01:19:39 Testament by dying as a propitiation for our sins.
01:19:42 Now, this could not mean God's Ten Commandment law, because
01:19:46 God's Ten Commandment law was not against us. Right? God's
01:19:50 Ten Commandment la- Christ fulfilled the obligations of
01:19:53 the ceremonial law by becoming the perfect lan- lamb, slain
01:19:57 for the sins of the world. Christ fulfilled the obligations
01:20:00 of the law - of the Ten Commandments - by His perfect
01:20:03 obedience to His precepts. There are those, and New
01:20:06 Testament Christians, who want to point out to us, and we
01:20:09 mentioned a while ago. But let's go in a little bit
01:20:12 farther. Colossians 2:16 and 17, "Let no man therefore judge
01:20:16 you of meat or drink or in respect of a holy day, or the
01:20:21 new moons or the Sabbath, which are a shadow of things
01:20:23 to come but the body of Christ,"- the ceremonial laws,
01:20:28 including the yearly Sabbaths.. Because if you read it and do
01:20:32 more than surface reading, you'll find there are a number
01:20:34 of Sabbaths - there're ceremonial Sabbaths-
01:20:36 7 of 'em, there's all throughout.
01:20:38 The Passover- you see these ceremonial Sabbaths.
01:20:42 And what did they do? They pointed to Jesus. Right? So,
01:20:47 these, the offerings, were discounted at Christ's death
01:20:50 as they foreshadowed the cross. Notice in verse 16; it says,
01:20:54 "Sabbath days," with an 's'. Not God's seventh-day Sabbath,
01:21:00 but the ceremonial Sabbaths. Do we got- we have that? So,
01:21:03 you can see how people, when you first read it, say, "Well,
01:21:06 don't judge me- eat, or drink, or whatever." No! These were
01:21:10 all ceremonial laws set up that would be done away with would
01:21:15 be nailed to the cross. These were the ordinances that were
01:21:18 against us. All right? So, the Sabbath was at Creation. God
01:21:27 owns it; it came before sin and will remain long after sin.
01:21:31 You see, think about this. In Genesis chapter 2:1-3, God
01:21:36 institutes the seventh-day Sabbath. Right? Now, the
01:21:42 ordinance that were nailed against us were ceremonial laws,
01:21:45 but they weren't given till after sin came into the world.
01:21:49 [Amen.] So, when was this Sabbath given? Was sin already
01:21:53 in the world? [No.] No. So if they're not part of the
01:21:58 ceremonial system- the Sabbath is before sin- how can it be
01:22:02 part of the ceremonial law that's nailed to the cross?
01:22:04 [Amen.] That make any sense to somebody? [Amen.] I mean,
01:22:08 that should make sense to us. How can it possibly be- it was
01:22:11 at the end of Creation week: on the seventh day, God rested
01:22:16 from all His work. He instituted it then. There- Adam hadn't
01:22:19 sinned. Adam and Eve hadn't sinned. So now, when we're
01:22:23 looking down the stream of time, it's pretty simple for us to
01:22:28 see, "You know what? This wasn't- THIS is what it was
01:22:31 talkin' about. The ceremonial laws were nailed to the cross."
01:22:36 I see my time is quickly running out on me. But I think
01:22:39 we should- we've talked about it and I haven't read it, but
01:22:42 let's do- Exodus 20:8-11. I want you to read it and say it
01:22:47 with me out loud. "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
01:22:51 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work. But the
01:22:56 seventh day is the Sabbath of-" who? "...the Lord thy God. In
01:23:01 it, thou shall not do any work. Thou, nor thy son, nor thy
01:23:07 daughter; thy manservant, thy maidservant, nor thy cattle,
01:23:12 nor thy stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days-"
01:23:16 How many days? [Six days.] "The Lord made the heaven and
01:23:21 the earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and He rested
01:23:25 the seventh day. Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
01:23:29 and hallowed it." So the 10 Commandments were kept before-
01:23:34 and I'm gonna start winding down on this- because here's
01:23:38 one of the things that people say. "I watched a," they called
01:23:41 it a 'debate;' not too long ago with an Adventist pastor
01:23:46 and a person who was a Sunday pastor; and they had a debate
01:23:50 on Facebook, and I was very disappointed in the debate.
01:23:53 It wasn't that the Adventist pastor didn't have or couldn't
01:23:57 have- if you're going to get in debate, you might as well
01:24:01 win it, right? Now, whether you should get in one or not,
01:24:03 that's up for grabs; but if you get in one, you want to make
01:24:07 sure you win it. Don't get into somethin' you can't win.
01:24:09 Now, if we can't win a discussion on the seventh-day
01:24:13 Sabbath, we should close our doors. Oh, some of you don't
01:24:17 agree with that, right? I mean, honestly. If Seventh-Day
01:24:20 Adventist- if Seventh-Day Adventist- if we can't win a
01:24:25 discussion or at least prove our discussion without a doubt,
01:24:31 we need to close our doors. This- this debate that I
01:24:35 watched was set up where they ask a question. One man had two
01:24:40 minutes like the Adventist guy had two minutes to answer it,
01:24:43 then they give the other person one minute to answer. He might
01:24:47 say something ridiculous, but then you move to the next
01:24:49 question. That's not a very good format, but one of the
01:24:53 things that they say is- and I want to put this out here.
01:24:57 "Well, the reason that we don't keep the Sabbath today is
01:25:02 because it's a spiritual rest, and from Creation all the way
01:25:07 from the- from Creation's seventh day all the way to
01:25:10 Moses, no one kept the Sabbath. Now, they kept the 10
01:25:16 Commandments, but they didn't keep the Sabbath. They say
01:25:19 there is no proof in the Old Testament that God directed
01:25:23 anybody to keep the Sabbath. But He did all of the other 9
01:25:28 commandments." That's a huge point. If they're right, we
01:25:33 might want to relook at our doctrines. Right? There is no
01:25:38 proof, as what they say- and this man has said it; others
01:25:41 have said it- there is NO proof from Creation, when Sabbath
01:25:46 was instituted, that any command to keep the
01:25:51 commandments, the Sabbath, until Moses. Well let's find
01:25:56 out if that's true. Okay? Let's go to Genesis 26:5.
01:26:02 Genesis 26:5...tells us that Abraham obeyed God's voice,
01:26:06 kept His charge, God's commandments, and His statutes,
01:26:10 and His laws. Now, isn't that interesting how many references
01:26:14 He makes? Genesis 26:5 tells us that Abraham obeyed God's
01:26:19 voice, kept His charge, kept God's commandments, His
01:26:24 statutes, and His laws. It sounds kinda like an overkill
01:26:28 to me. [laughter] I mean, why in the world are you gonna say
01:26:32 all those things? Why not just say, "He kept the commandments"
01:26:35 or "He kept the covenant"? They didn't do it. I think God knew
01:26:39 in advance that down the stream of time, there would be people
01:26:41 trying to say, "No, that- that didn't mean the Ten
01:26:44 Commandments." You can't get out of this one! I mean, how
01:26:47 are you gonna get out of this? It named everything! Right?
01:26:50 It says that h- Abraham obeyed God's voice. If he obeys Him,
01:26:55 what's he gonna do? Keep His commandments. "But," He says,
01:26:57 "he kept His charge AND his God's commandments AND His
01:27:02 statutes, and His laws!" That left nothing out, right?
01:27:05 Abraham did it all. Whatever was there, Abraham did it all
01:27:08 and you can know that the Ten Commandments were a part of
01:27:11 that. [Amen.] So God knew- and I think that's why that's so
01:27:16 strong in there; God knew- but here's where people say- and I
01:27:19 want to talk about this for just a minute. It would be
01:27:21 foolish for anyone to suggest that no one kept the Sabbath
01:27:24 until Moses. Very foolish. God instituted it; why
01:27:31 institute it if He didn't want anybody to keep it? But how
01:27:35 can humans negate- make void or have the nerve to ignore the
01:27:37 Sabbath of the Lord thy God? It's not his; the commandment
01:27:40 said Sabbath, but- not ours; the Sabbath of the Lord thy
01:27:43 God. In other words, we- who are we to place oneself above
01:27:46 God by ignoring, or trying to change HIS commandments,
01:27:50 including His holy Sabbath? Now, evangelical Christians
01:27:54 claim the Sabbath is the Jewish Sabbath for the Jews only.
01:27:57 We've already read where that's not true, right? It says that
01:28:01 it's the Sabbath of Who? The Lord thy God. So, what I wanted
01:28:06 to talk about here in just a little bit; I actually wrote
01:28:08 it down, and I thought, "You know, thank You, Lord. This
01:28:11 is really interesting." Have you ever thought about it this
01:28:15 way- just popped into my head; maybe I probably heard Stephen
01:28:18 Bohr or somebody else say it, and I thought, "Whoa;" a light
01:28:20 went on. I thought of somethin'. I probably heard it
01:28:22 from somebody else. But, they say, "Well, the reason you don't
01:28:28 keep- no one kept the Sabbath in the Old Testament is because
01:28:32 there's no record of it." And all of a sudden, it occurred to
01:28:36 me - this is before Moses. "Well, show me the record of
01:28:42 the other commandments." Now, think about it for a minute.
01:28:46 Show me the record of the other commandments just the same way.
01:28:49 Do it the same way you're gonna do the Sabbath. "Okay..." Now.
01:28:55 God told, in Genesis 35:1-4, long before Moses; God told
01:28:59 Jacob to have His people put away their strange gods.
01:29:03 There's no record that I see of this written of a commandment
01:29:06 that says, "Thou shall not make unto thee any graven images"
01:29:10 before the time of Moses. But God held them accountable
01:29:12 because they were breaking His laws. Am I right? Adam and Eve
01:29:16 broke the first commandment, "Thou shall have no other gods
01:29:18 before me" when they served the serpent Satan instead of
01:29:21 their Creator. There's no mention in the Bible that Adam
01:29:24 and Eve were looking at a Ten Commandment law and said, "Oh,
01:29:28 I- you know, let me see.. The third, fourth comman-"
01:29:31 There's no record of that, but there was a record there is
01:29:34 a law. Because where there's no law, there's no sin. [Amen.]
01:29:37 Am I right? There's no law = there's no sin. So, Adam and
01:29:41 Eve, once they- once they disobeyed God, that meant
01:29:46 death for the whole human race. God held us accountable. He
01:29:49 would not have held them accountable were there no law.
01:29:52 [Amen.] Are we- are we together on that one, right? I don't
01:29:55 think there was a written-down law. There's no record in the
01:29:57 Bible Adam and Eve had a written law. Now, Leviticus
01:30:01 18:21-23, "For all these abominations have the men of
01:30:06 the land done which were before, and the land is
01:30:09 defiled." This was done long before Moses, yet it's still
01:30:12 sin. God said, "Neither shalt thou profane the name of thy
01:30:16 God. I am the Lord." I don't see any record of "Thou shall
01:30:20 not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain." Are you
01:30:22 start- see what I'm saying? There is no commandments- no!
01:30:25 Of course, they weren't written- but were they there?
01:30:28 [Yes!] Were they there? Would the only commandment that God
01:30:32 said, "Remember," would that be the one He would take out
01:30:35 if He were to take one out? [No.] That would be... I- well..
01:30:39 I can't even say that about God; I started to make a joke
01:30:41 like, "Well ahh, that wouldn't be the-" no. He wouldn't do
01:30:44 that. God would never do it. He did it because He knew
01:30:47 people were forget- would forget. Now, they say, "But
01:30:51 there's no record of people keepin' the Sabbath!" Well,
01:30:54 in the same vein, yes there is. Exodus 16th chapter, we find
01:30:58 that God is telling Moses that He's sending manna for the
01:31:01 people to eat and that Moses should tell the people to
01:31:04 gather- how much? Twice as much on what day? The sixth day of
01:31:08 the week because of the seventh day would be the Sabbath of the
01:31:13 Lord. Now, when was this? Exodus 16. When was Exodu-
01:31:18 when did Ten Commandments come? Exodus 20. Right? Came
01:31:22 afterwards. Exodus 16:25-30, "And Moses said, 'Eat today,
01:31:27 for today is the Sabbath unto the Lord.'" Verse 28. "And the
01:31:31 Lord said unto Moses, 'How long refuse ye to keep My
01:31:34 commandments and my laws?'" Does it sound like it's
01:31:37 something new? [No.] I mean, He hadn't given 'em yet according
01:31:40 to all these other people. Right? To these people sayin',
01:31:44 "Oh, well, the Sabbath wasn't there; no one kept it; there's
01:31:48 no record of it." When God s- holds you accountable for
01:31:50 something, you can know that He's already told you what it
01:31:54 is. [Amen.] He doesn't sound very happy when He says, "How
01:31:58 long do you profane My Sabbaths? See that the Lord
01:32:02 hath given you the Sabbath." Who gave it to them? [The Lord.]
01:32:05 "Therefore, He giveth you on the sixth day the bread of two
01:32:08 days. Abide ye every man in his place; let no man go out of
01:32:12 his place on the seventh day. So the people of God rested
01:32:15 on the seventh day." Now, there is no record of the Sabbath
01:32:19 commandment written down at that point; that may be true,
01:32:22 yet God said to Moses, "How long do you profane my
01:32:26 Sabbaths?" God was holdin' him accountable. So obviously, the
01:32:31 Ten Commandments were in effect; they always have been
01:32:33 because they're a transcript of God's character. If we know
01:32:36 God, we will know the Ten Commandments. Am I tellin'
01:32:39 the truth? [Amen.] I'm gonna have to end here because my time
01:32:45 is run out. But people will say, when they use this logic,
01:32:50 "Well, it doesn't say so; I didn't read it where it said
01:32:54 "Remember the Sabbath day." These are the same
01:32:56 type of people who they will use "logic" to
01:32:59 say it's OK to destroy your body
01:33:01 with drugs like opioids or heroin. Why? Because there's
01:33:04 no direct command in the Bible regarding these drugs, right?
01:33:07 There's no direct command in the Bible that says I can't
01:33:10 shoot somebody if I'm mad at my neighbor with my gun, right?
01:33:14 Well, guns weren't invented then, so maybe I'm OK to do
01:33:18 it 'cause it didn't say- a direct command in the Bible
01:33:21 doesn't tell me not to shoot my neighbor. Then if I'm really
01:33:24 upset, there's no direct command in the Bible that says
01:33:27 I can't take my- my neighbor if I'm mad at him up in an
01:33:30 airplane 3,000 ft. and drop him off, push him out, because
01:33:34 there's no direct command in the Bible to do so, because
01:33:37 there was no airplanes back then. By now, somebody sayin',
01:33:41 "This guy's really ridiculous." Everyone knows this would be
01:33:45 a sin against the neighbor. Why? There- because the principles
01:33:49 of the Ten Commandments spell out, "This is sin against our
01:33:52 neighbor." So, everything doesn't have to be written down.
01:33:55 When you look at the principles of God, the Sabbath was
01:33:59 instituted at Creation along with marriage. I don't have
01:34:03 time to go into all of that. But the Sabbath was instituted
01:34:06 at Creation, and all- Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Lot- all of the
01:34:13 people kept God's seventh commandment. [Amen.] Moses
01:34:17 and the children of Israel were commanded by God to keep
01:34:21 His commandments. When Jesus came to Earth, HE kept the
01:34:25 commandments. [Amen!] He said, "If you love Me," [keep My
01:34:29 commandments.] "If you love me," [keep My commandments.]
01:34:33 Keep my comma- it doesn- am I missin' somethin' or is that
01:34:36 really simple? [Amen.] It's really simple, isn't it. "If
01:34:40 you love Me, keep My-" I'm glad you don't have to be a rocket
01:34:43 scientist to figure it out. But here's what I found out.
01:34:45 If people are looking for truth, they will get it. [Amen.]
01:34:49 If you're not lookin' for truth, you won't get it. [Amen.]
01:34:52 I'm so thankful for some of these mu- musicians and
01:34:56 writers that I'm workin' with. To see the changes in their
01:34:59 lives when I assigned them Daniel and Revelation. That
01:35:05 wasn't by accident. God prompted me to do that. I said,
01:35:09 "Wow, if these folk are on our team, that's gonna be a great
01:35:11 asset to this world." And you know what, it's happening. It's
01:35:15 absolutely happening. There- so, in closing, the Ten
01:35:18 Commandments, all of God's Ten Commandments are in effect
01:35:21 today, including the seventh day Sabbath. Which day is the
01:35:25 new covenant Sabbath? [Saturday.] Which day is the
01:35:28 new covenant Sabbath? [Saturday!] Saturday is the
01:35:31 new covenant Sabbath of our Lord; "Therefore remains
01:35:33 throughout eternity." Isaiah 66. So Jesus kept it. After the
01:35:38 resurrection of Jesus, according when other folks say that
01:35:42 the resurrection, "Now we're honoring the new covenant."
01:35:45 But what did disci- day did the disciples keep? All right, and
01:35:49 when they wrote their books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and
01:35:52 John, 40, 50, 60 years later, was there any mention it
01:35:56 should've been a major point to say, "I know that we always
01:36:00 kept the Sabbath, but since Christ died, you've gotta keep
01:36:03 the first day of the week, Sunday." It didn't happen, did
01:36:05 it? [No!] They didn't do it because THEY kept- THEY kept the
01:36:09 Sabbath. Now, they kept it, and we're told in Isaiah 66
01:36:13 that we will keep the Sabbath throughout eternity. Sunday is
01:36:17 the first day of the week, Saturday is the seventh day,
01:36:20 and yet, Protestants, mostly evangelicals, have set it aside
01:36:25 for hundreds of years, and they still want to use the Bible to
01:36:30 say, "This is why we do it." But the truth is in I- this
01:36:33 is another whole sermon. In fact, we have a book, so those
01:36:36 of you watching today around the world, if you want a book,
01:36:38 we have one Shelly Quinn and I wrote called Ten Commandments
01:36:41 Twice Removed. We have one called Spiritual Vigilantes.
01:36:44 We'll give it to you free if you want it and you will read
01:36:47 it. We want you to have the truth. But the reason that
01:36:51 people go to church on Sunday, the Protestants... Do you know
01:36:56 what the word 'Protestant' means? Means to protest.
01:36:59 What are you protestin'? Catholicism. That's when we-
01:37:03 when- when- and I don't want to give you a history lesson 'cause
01:37:06 y'all know about the discovery of America, and they say-
01:37:08 forgive me; American Indians- but when we're talkin' 'bout
01:37:11 when people came across, so we know it wasn't discovered;
01:37:14 there were people here, but they fled persecution. Right?
01:37:17 They fled persecution. They came here to this land, and
01:37:21 that's how the Am- in America, we begin to see religious
01:37:25 freedom coming up. Now, people want to say, "Well, we're doing
01:37:29 this because the Bible-" but here's what I respect about the
01:37:32 Catholic Church. The Catholic Church says, "There is no
01:37:37 biblical reason for anybody to keep Sunday holy." The Catholic
01:37:42 Church says that! I gotta re- I have to respect 'em in that
01:37:45 they're straight, upfront, and tell the truth. They're not
01:37:48 saying, "Well, I think this scripture means this; well
01:37:51 maybe this scripture justifies doing away with the Sabbath,
01:37:53 and this one's tell-" the Catholic Church says, "We
01:37:56 changed the Sabbath." We have the authority to do so. That's
01:37:59 the mark of our authority. We have the information; you write
01:38:03 to 3ABN; there's numbers of books and literature we can
01:38:05 give you that we're not talking bad about people with- I'm sure
01:38:08 there- there are gonna be many Catholics in heaven - Praise
01:38:11 God for that. [Amen.] I'm thankful for that. That- but
01:38:15 the truth is, today, we have to live up to all the light
01:38:19 that we have. [Amen.] We are responsible to tell our friends
01:38:22 and neighbors what's gonna be happening in the near future
01:38:25 as Satan is trying to take their life. Trying to keep us
01:38:28 from making heaven our home. So the Catholic Church says,
01:38:33 "Sunday, the first day of the week, is our day. We set it
01:38:39 aside. Any Protestants who claim to keep Sunday from the
01:38:47 Bible... There's no biblical reference for it." And they
01:38:52 actually say in one of the statements we have, "They ought
01:38:55 to be S-" somethin' like, "They ought to become
01:38:58 Seventh-Day Adventists if you're gonna go by the Bible
01:39:00 and the Bible only." I could go on; I've gone too long right
01:39:04 now and I realize that our time is running out. And I just
01:39:07 want to- today, hopefully, what I've given- it's all jumbled
01:39:11 up to me. And maybe to you, too. But I'm askin' that you pray
01:39:15 and ask the Holy Spirit. Because here's what I've found-
01:39:17 no matter what I say, no matter what I- what I do, I've asked
01:39:23 God, "You take these words, and you let them go to the
01:39:28 ears of those who need to hear it. But let them hear Your
01:39:31 words." [Amen.] So sometimes, the only reason I have
01:39:34 confidence to get up and speak at all, I walk away shaking my
01:39:38 head and say, "I don't think I made any sense." People will
01:39:42 come up and say, "That's exactly what I needed!" And I
01:39:45 say, "Thank you, Lord!" because I knew it wasn't my words. God
01:39:47 did my- answered the prayer that I ask Him- I ask Him to.
01:39:52 I'm gonna- I'm gonna do somethin' a little different
01:39:54 here today. I'm gonna take a little bit of time; I'm gonna
01:39:57 ask Yvonne to come out and sing a song, then I'm gonna
01:40:01 ask the Pastor John to come out, then I'm gonna ask the
01:40:05 Pastor Kenny if he's over here somewhere to come out, and Tim
01:40:09 is gonna be playing- and I want to- Yvonne to- to as she
01:40:12 sings, I want us to really think about our life and our
01:40:16 relationship with Jesus. We have a mountain of truth, folks.
01:40:20 [Amen!] We have been blessed. We have been blessed with
01:40:26 information that most people in the world have never been
01:40:29 privy to have...and we're sitting on it. We're sitting
01:40:33 on it. Now's not the time to be sitting; now's the time to
01:40:37 be going. [Amen.] "Go ye into all the world." So I'm gonna
01:40:41 ask today that as Yvonne sings, you think about your own life
01:40:46 and your own relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and then
01:40:50 I'm gonna ask the pastors maybe to give an appeal and have a
01:40:55 prayer with each and every one of you today. Yvonne.
01:41:08 The Savior is waiting
01:41:14 to enter your heart
01:41:19 Why won't you let Him
01:41:24 come in?
01:41:28 There's nothing in this world
01:41:33 to keep you apart
01:41:39 What is your answer to Him?
01:41:50 Time after time
01:41:55 He has waited before
01:42:00 And now, He is waiting again
01:42:11 To see if you're willing
01:42:17 to open the door
01:42:22 Oh, how He wants to come in
01:42:38 If you'll take one step toward the Savior, my friend
01:42:47 You'll find his arms open wide
01:42:56 Receive Him and your heartaches
01:43:04 will end
01:43:07 Within your heart, He'll abide
01:43:15 Oh
01:43:18 Time after time, He has waited before
01:43:26 And now, He is waiting again
01:43:36 To see if you're willing
01:43:41 to open the door
01:43:50 Oh, how He wants to come
01:43:57 Oh, how He wants to come
01:44:05 Oh, how Jesus wants to
01:44:13 come
01:44:16 in
01:44:27 Amen. I'm gonna ask the pastors to come out for just a moment.
01:44:31 You know, our meetings here - they're so- one right after
01:44:35 another after another. Lunch is on hold right now. There'll be
01:44:39 plenty of food so we don't have to worry about that, but..
01:44:43 There's very little time that we actually corporately, and
01:44:45 as a group, with brothers and sisters around the world, have
01:44:48 the time to actually pray together; to spend a few
01:44:53 minutes of time. And while you're here at one sermon
01:44:55 and then the next one, there's rarely a time to give an appeal
01:45:00 to say, "Today, there's somebody we know. In an
01:45:03 audience, this side, there's somebody that needs to make
01:45:07 a new relationship with Jesus." A new covenant, if you will,
01:45:10 with the Lord Jesus Christ. So I'm gonna ask that each of
01:45:14 you take a couple minutes and just talk to the folk as the
01:45:18 Lord impresses, and pray, and we'll be out right at 0.
01:45:25 I praise God for the message today. [Amen!] That was clear,
01:45:29 wasn't it? [Amen.] And the Lord blessed. And along with that
01:45:32 clearness of the message always comes, and with a
01:45:35 beautiful song that was sung, "Oh, how He wants to come in."
01:45:40 And Brother Danny mentioned there's somebody here; there's
01:45:42 always somebody that needs to make that decision. Needs to
01:45:45 remo- renew that decision for Jesus Christ. You know, I sense
01:45:48 in my spirit today, there are those who need to make it, and
01:45:52 not to put it off. Tomorrow's too late. Today is the day of
01:45:56 salvation. And well, the Spirit is working and the Spirit has
01:46:01 been working through all of these meetings, and I know
01:46:04 you felt it. I know you felt the hand of God touching your
01:46:07 shoulder, touching your mind, touching your heart; and that
01:46:10 you want to make that decision and choice today. And I- I'm
01:46:13 sure it'd be alright - sure alright with heaven. 'Cause
01:46:18 Pastor John's gonna have the appeal and he's gonna have
01:46:19 prayer that someone who really has that burden today that
01:46:22 you want to make sure that it's right with God. You may be
01:46:25 going down the wrong road, and maybe you didn't know any
01:46:29 better S- Brother Shelton has brought out here,? today.
01:46:33 But you want to make sure that's right today, and today is
01:46:36 going to be that day of beginning and so you're going
01:46:38 to have the courage and the strength that only the Spirit
01:46:40 of the living God can give you; that you can stand up right
01:46:44 where you're at or you can walk right up in here. We'd love to
01:46:46 see you come right up front here. Say, "Today is the day.
01:46:51 Today is the day - it's my new beginning in Jesus Christ.
01:46:54 I've heard things today; I've heard things during the
01:46:57 meetings that have touched my heart and it's changed my life.
01:47:01 And I want my neighbors to know and I want heaven to know it,
01:47:04 and I want to make a commitment to Jesus Christ." I know- I'm
01:47:08 not going to say, "IF there's someone here," Pastor, I know
01:47:11 there's someone here. In every gathering, there's individuals
01:47:15 that need to make that decision. Do not let the devil hold you
01:47:18 back. If you're squirming in your seat just a little bit,
01:47:22 you're a little bit nervous about it, it's because the
01:47:24 Spirit of the living God that's speaking to your heart. That
01:47:27 means you need to come up today. Don't worry about what the
01:47:30 neighbor thinks- the husband and wife might think- but what
01:47:33 does heaven think about what you've heard today - what
01:47:35 you've heard the last several days. Please come right now;
01:47:39 make sure that it is right because we want to pray for you.
01:47:43 It takes courage to say to come- isn't this wonderful?
01:47:46 I'm right- my- here, bless your heart. [audience applauds]
01:47:49 Bless your heart. That's the way to do it. Right? When the
01:47:52 Holy Spirit speaks and respond, you talk about being obedient
01:47:54 today, brother. This is what it's about. It's b- obedient to
01:47:58 the voice of the Holy Spirit. I know there's others here;
01:48:00 would you please just come right quick as Pastor John has
01:48:03 a word for you, and I know he's going to want to pray for you;
01:48:05 and we're going to pr- be praying along, too, with you.
01:48:09 This man here has shown courage and love for Jesus. [Amen!]
01:48:12 Will there be some others that have that courage and love for
01:48:14 Jesus? Come right on up. Don't worry about it right now;
01:48:18 we have just a few moments to do it. Please, somebody else
01:48:20 come on up with him, because I know that you're here. I know
01:48:23 that you are. Praise God. [applause] Amen. Keep comin'.
01:48:26 That's exactly right. The Holy Spirit is calling you - come
01:48:30 quickly right up front. This is a day that we need prayer
01:48:33 together. They were going to pray together, day that great
01:48:35 things are going to happen, and nothing will be the same ever
01:48:38 again; that's the beautiful thing right now. There's
01:48:41 another's going to be coming. Who are you? Who are you at?
01:48:43 There's some others coming right over here. [Amen.] Amen. Praise
01:48:46 God. [more applause] Now, how about the other side over here?
01:48:49 I know there's some of you over here. The Holy Spirit knows;
01:48:51 please come on up. Please come up; let's pray together. We
01:48:54 want to pray together. We want to fellowship together; isn't
01:48:57 that right? We want to see the Spirit of God work- this is
01:48:59 what these meetings are about. This is a place that we're told
01:49:03 as we read inspiration where God uses to pour out the latter
01:49:07 rain. It's camp meeting time, and this is what it's all about.
01:49:11 So please, there's some more - anyone else goi- wants to come
01:49:14 up. Just want to make sure your commitment's right;
01:49:16 you want to make sure you're right with God. You can't
01:49:18 afford to leave this place and not have it right with God
01:49:21 today. Will there be someone else? Please come. Please come
01:49:25 right now. [applause] Amen. Praise the Lord. Isn't that
01:49:27 wonderful? Please come. There's someone else coming - that's
01:49:30 right. Amen. Yes. The time right?
01:49:34 Little John, yes. - You know what's happening
01:49:37 here today is in response to an invitation Jesus extended
01:49:40 thousands of years ago. He said, "Follow me and I will
01:49:44 make you..." [..fishers of men.] And you cannot be made until
01:49:47 you decide to follow Jesus. Pastor Kenny, Danny, Lord
01:49:53 Jesus - there's someone else here today that cannot afford
01:49:57 to leave here without making sure that things are right
01:50:02 between their Lord and their heart. And as we've been
01:50:07 preaching all camp meeting long- this is not about perfection;
01:50:10 it's about a decision to follow Christ. The three angels'
01:50:13 messages is that closing message. It's the message saying
01:50:17 to hearts and lives that transformation and change can
01:50:21 only be made if you decide to follow Jesus. So what I want
01:50:25 to do this afterno- this afternoon, really, is I want
01:50:28 to invite everyone to stand, right now. If you want to
01:50:30 recommit your life to Jesus, just stand where you are.
01:50:35 Yes, come on down. Half the battle has been won; you just
01:50:42 stood. [Amen.] So all the devil's chains have been broken
01:50:46 by the command of the Lord. But now we want to break those
01:50:51 chains all the way. You're already standing - just come
01:50:56 on down. The Lord is calling you today. Just, wherever you
01:51:00 are, just come on down- yes. Praise God. You want your
01:51:05 commitment to Christ to be something that is firm and
01:51:07 lasting, just come on down. Just come on down, wherever
01:51:11 you are. We want to turn this place into a sanctuary of
01:51:16 commitment and praise today. Just come on down. Praise God.
01:51:24 Thank you, Danny, for laying the foundation - lettin' the
01:51:27 Lord use you. Just come on down; it's never too late. Just come
01:51:33 on down.
01:51:39 What is happening here this afternoon is that we are
01:51:41 saying, "Lord, I know that there's something in my life
01:51:46 that I want to lay down today on the altar of sacrifice; that
01:51:52 I want to give to You, Lord; that I want to know that when
01:51:57 camp meeting is done, my new journey, my new covenant -
01:52:01 commitment - to you today... is in Your hand."
01:52:13 While I pray, I'm just going to let the Holy Spirit keep doing
01:52:19 what He does.
01:52:27 And while the Spirit of God speaks to you, I want you to
01:52:29 remember that one day, standing before your precious Lord and
01:52:35 Savior is going to be a multitude that far overextends
01:52:44 who's standing here today. If you're listening; you're
01:52:48 watching, and you want to be in that number, that's why
01:52:53 you're here this morning. Recommitment to Christ; new
01:52:56 journeys with Jesus - if you've come forward for a new journey,
01:53:00 don't leave; please, stay by. Let us get your name.
01:53:02 We don't want this spark to die out. But if you're committing
01:53:07 yourself to Christ today, we want to give God the glory for
01:53:10 that. [Amen.] Precious Father in heaven, I know that when
01:53:16 Jesus looks down today, I cannot help but to think that
01:53:21 our precious Savior has an eye filled with tears - and He's
01:53:28 saying to the doubters of Earth, "My blood; my precious blood."
01:53:35 And the angels are quickly writing new names in the Book
01:53:38 of Life...and heaven is rejoicing over one sinner that
01:53:45 repents. And so Father, we commit ourselves to you afresh
01:53:52 today. I commit my heart; I commit my wife's heart - honey,
01:53:58 just come and join me. I want you to pray with me. I pray
01:54:03 that Lord, today, that all those who're standing here
01:54:08 listening to Your Holy Spirit call them, we'll know that
01:54:14 today is the day of salvation. [Amen.] This encampment- this
01:54:18 camp meeting, these messages, Lord, all of them- we labored,
01:54:22 and we prayed, and we worked hard just to glorify You. And
01:54:28 as these lives have come, Father, forgive us of our sins
01:54:30 and our shortcomings; and sendeth- send us forth as
01:54:33 light amid a dark world. Send us forth as saints searching
01:54:40 for another soul. And Father, we give You the praise, the
01:54:44 glory, and the honor today for an opportunity to have a new
01:54:48 beginning. May all these new beginnings and new covenants
01:54:51 today be kept by Your grace. In Jesus' name we all pray- and
01:55:00 we thank You- amen. Surely, the presence of the Lord
01:55:07 is in this place I can feel His mighty power
01:55:16 and His grace (I can hear the brush of angels' wings)
01:55:21 I can hear the brush of angels' wings
01:55:26 I see glory on each face (Surely, the presence)
01:55:33 Surely, the presence
01:55:37 of the Lord is in this place (One more time now.)
01:55:44 Surely, the presence
01:55:48 of the Lord is in this place
01:55:53 I can feel His mighty power
01:55:58 and His grace (I can hear the brush)
01:56:04 I can hear the brush of angels' wings
01:56:09 I see glory on each face
01:56:15 Surely, the presence
01:56:20 of the Lord is in this place
01:56:28 Praise the Lord, somebody? [Amen!] As we go forth from
01:56:32 this place but never from Your presence, precious Savior.
01:56:35 The people watching today, and you want to commit your
01:56:39 life to Christ, you can contact us here at 3ABN: (618) 627-4651
01:56:45 You can email us: 3abn.org
01:56:48 You can call us. But we want to know that what
01:56:51 has been done here today through the messages, through
01:56:54 the music, through the preaching, that Jesus has been
01:56:57 exalted and Jesus has been uplifted. Amen, someone?
01:57:00 [Amen!] But this is not the end of camp meeting - there
01:57:04 are more messages to come later, this afternoon; we have-
01:57:06 we're going to be closing camp meeting tonight. But when you
01:57:10 go home, or when you tune in, or when you call on the name
01:57:14 of the Lord, we pray that your commitment to Christ will result
01:57:19 in eternal salvation. May the Lord bless you and may the Lord
01:57:24 continue to keep you by His grace until we see you again.
01:57:29 God bless you.


Revised 2018-06-28