Raw Questions Relevant Answers

Transitionong Into Adulthood

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: RQRA

Program Code: RQRA000008A

00:01 I don't understand,
00:04 why did this have to happen to me?
00:08 I feel like I just can't make sense of things.
00:12 I need answers.
00:15 Where is God?
00:20 Hello and welcome to Raw Questions Relevant Answers,
00:23 the program where we take a look
00:25 at the questions that you have sent in
00:27 and try to answer those from a biblical perspective.
00:30 My name is Michelle Doucoumes.
00:31 I am your host today and I am joined by my co-hosts
00:34 Dee Casper and Mark Paden.
00:36 So today's topic is "Transitioning to Adulthood."
00:40 For some, this may have been something
00:42 that you really looked forward or are looking forward to
00:45 and the freedom that comes with it.
00:47 For others, this may be a bit of a kind of scary thing
00:49 to think about.
00:51 So we are going to try to take a look at this
00:52 and see what advice we can have
00:55 for this transition as Christians.
00:57 Our first question today comes to us from a male,
01:01 18 years old, in Texas.
01:03 And he says, "How do you find and maintain
01:06 a strong spiritual support group
01:09 when you are independent and on your own in a new place?
01:12 What do you do if you are the only Adventist
01:14 in your work, college, or home?"
01:17 I think the first thing to do is to do diligent search
01:21 to find likeminded individuals in the community where you are,
01:24 take some time.
01:26 The nice thing is when you've got Facebook,
01:27 when you've got Google, you can find a local church
01:30 and just see what exists.
01:32 Sometimes there's multiple options
01:33 but start there.
01:34 I've got friends that ended up in environments like that.
01:37 They didn't find a lot of young people where they were
01:38 but they did find supportive families.
01:40 They were kind of like a mother in Israel to you from the far,
01:43 someone who's just wanted to be in encouragement
01:45 to other church members.
01:46 That's the first place to look.
01:48 Just to have someone to encourage you
01:49 in your faith journey, where you are,
01:51 even if they are not the same age.
01:53 The second thing is, if you are isolated in a situation
01:56 where in your college, in your work, whatever it is,
01:59 you don't find people of similar mindset,
02:02 it's a witnessing opportunity for sure
02:04 but one question you're gonna ask yourself is,
02:07 "Am I here to be an influence or am I being influenced?"
02:11 And one of those transitioning into adulthood questions
02:14 we had to ask is, "Am I ready for that?
02:17 Or should I make my next move to a place
02:19 where I have more support to begin with?"
02:22 But if you are already there,
02:24 then we just had to make the most of it, right?
02:25 And find accountability and good mentorship
02:28 in that location.
02:29 You know, this also brings up another interesting point.
02:33 You know, let's say we are just transitioning into that,
02:38 maybe we are going to college.
02:40 We also need to be careful of the associations we form
02:44 even if we go to a place
02:45 where there are lot of likeminded people, right?
02:47 The people...
02:49 Our closest friends influence us a lot.
02:52 We really become a mix of our three closest friends.
02:57 So if you are, you know,
02:59 just starting out going to a college
03:01 or wherever you are after now that you kind of left home.
03:04 You know, this is a really good time to start thinking
03:06 intelligently about who you are becoming friends with.
03:08 Don't just become friends with somebody because,
03:10 you know, they are fun to hang around or whatever.
03:13 Be intentional about choosing and forming close friendships
03:15 with people who'll guide you closer to God.
03:19 But if nobody like that is around,
03:23 make God your counselor.
03:24 We've talked to friends online,
03:26 you know, there's people all over the world
03:28 that think like you do and believe like you do.
03:31 So find people online to talk to that...
03:36 I mean there's plenty of people and certainly, you know,
03:38 friends from other places, call them once a week,
03:40 have online prayer meetings and studies and what, you know?
03:43 You know, it's true.
03:45 Technology puts you in a situation
03:46 that maybe you do have close spiritual friends
03:48 but they are not geographically close any more.
03:51 With technology as it is,
03:52 you can have FaceTime prayer meetings together.
03:54 You can do stuff like that to make sure
03:56 that your batteries are being charged
03:58 and you have some form of accountability,
03:59 we all need that, right? All of us do.
04:01 Those in ministry, those in school,
04:03 those at work, we all need it.
04:04 And if you can't find it in your immediate proximity,
04:07 technology can still keep you in contact with those you know
04:10 can help in those areas.
04:11 You know, I was given some advice
04:13 that I appreciated it once and that was that we all need
04:15 kind of three groups of people in our lives.
04:17 We need people that we minister to
04:19 and that could be the friends at your secular school,
04:22 secular workplace, secular family,
04:25 but at the same time,
04:26 we also need people that we minister with,
04:29 those likeminded friends
04:30 who we keep each other accountable
04:32 and we encourage each other.
04:34 And then we need people who minister to us,
04:36 those are our mentors, those who really can look
04:40 at things from a different perspective.
04:42 And so seek out that balance.
04:44 Don't be afraid to be in a place.
04:45 God may call you to a place where you are the only one
04:49 or feel like you are the only one
04:51 and you are there for a purpose.
04:53 But at the same time,
04:55 build those other relationships like you all were saying
04:58 so that that balance is there.
04:59 The moral component is very, very important
05:01 in these settings.
05:02 You need to have moral likeminded individuals
05:06 that have similar morals and principles.
05:08 We have to have that in life. Right.
05:09 We shouldn't only retreat and be hidden only with them,
05:13 but we definitely need that in that sense
05:15 to have that proper balance.
05:16 All right.
05:18 Our next question comes from a young lady, age 26,
05:23 and this is going to be about going out
05:27 and getting a job.
05:29 I'm sorry, actually age 21,
05:31 says, "I have a part time job and a business.
05:34 My parents are worried that if I move out now,
05:37 I won't make it on my own.
05:39 My concern is that they're right...
05:42 But God will take care of me...
05:44 Right?"
05:45 You know, I'd love to speak to this one because...
05:47 Well, you've done some... Yeah...
05:49 of those like that... Okay. exactly, exactly.
05:51 You know, I'm not the oldest person
05:52 on this platform right now and I...
05:55 What did you say?
05:56 We are not going to tell you who is, yes.
06:00 Yeah, but I've...
06:03 You know I am self-employed right now.
06:04 I do freelance video in photography and design
06:07 and you know, I don't have a stable income
06:11 coming from one individual,
06:13 you know, I have to find clients on my own
06:15 and do all that.
06:16 And I had to admit, it was a little bit terrifying
06:18 when I jumped out into it.
06:20 And I sense some of the same thing here,
06:22 you know, they are starting the business
06:25 and they have a job part time
06:28 and they are wanting to leave home.
06:29 You know, the biggest thing that I've learned
06:33 in my personal journey is that God has had a plan for my life.
06:36 Wow, yeah.
06:38 You know, this work that I do...
06:39 It's a ministry, it's not just ads for, you know,
06:43 cars or whatever, not that that'd be wrong but you know,
06:46 this is something that God has led me into
06:49 and clearly guided in and at every step of the way,
06:52 He has provided for me to be able to do that.
06:55 And I've seen many times
06:57 when I stepped out on to my own,
07:00 because even before doing what I am doing now,
07:02 I was involved in another ministry
07:03 where you know, funding wasn't readily available
07:08 and, I mean, my parents were a little bit
07:11 concerned about it, you know?
07:13 But you know what I've found?
07:14 God provided it at every step.
07:16 There was never a time when I lacked money
07:20 for the basic necessities of life.
07:22 Now I should throw in a word of caution.
07:25 I am not recommending that it's just like,
07:28 "Oh, let's just jump out into it
07:30 and trust God because..."
07:32 We shouldn't jump off the temple
07:34 hoping that the angels will catch us, if you catch
07:36 my reference, right?
07:37 And of course that's from the Bible
07:38 where Satan comes and tempts Christ.
07:40 Matthew 4, yes. Yeah, yeah.
07:43 We shouldn't do that.
07:44 And there are certain things, "Be a cautious risk taker,"
07:49 is what I like to say.
07:52 Make sure that you have things lined up
07:56 in case the things don't work out, you know?
07:59 If your business suddenly goes under
08:01 or something like that, have a plan,
08:03 you know, be smart about it.
08:05 It's not just about blindly trusting God
08:08 and jumping out into the abyss.
08:11 We want to make sure that we have enough money
08:14 to build the tower before we build the tower.
08:16 Right.
08:18 The fact that God calls people out to do faith ventures
08:20 like this does not necessarily mean
08:22 that God has called you to make this venture.
08:24 And the question we have to find the answer to is,
08:26 "Is this what God is asking me to do?
08:29 Or is it just that I know that God has called people
08:31 to do this in the past and that's what I want to do?"
08:34 And there is a big distinction here.
08:36 If this is what God is calling you to do,
08:38 and Mark and I had to do this
08:39 a lot of kind of flying by faith,
08:42 in a lot of our ministry ventures
08:43 together and individually, that we have been in situations
08:46 where God has provided for our day-to-day bills
08:49 and not much more than that.
08:50 But we've seen so many miracles and testimonies
08:52 because we committed to radically giving
08:53 and radically living, but that's where God called us.
08:56 And so that's the first thing,
08:58 we've talked about this in a previous program.
09:00 What is the will of God for your life?
09:02 If God is calling you to start this business
09:05 and God is leading that,
09:06 it's God's responsibility to provide for you.
09:08 It's your responsibility to be faithful
09:09 of what He has given and to be responsible.
09:12 And so I think those are the principles
09:13 we need to keep in mind
09:15 and not just that God calls people there,
09:17 did God call you there?
09:18 If yes, it's His responsibility to keep you
09:20 while you are there as long as you are abiding
09:22 and following His principles.
09:24 I agree with you guys.
09:25 And it's interesting because entrepreneurship
09:27 is actually one of the things
09:28 that I teach in business and so I love that.
09:32 There is a quote in a book called Education
09:34 that talks about how God created men as thinkers
09:37 or the powers to create and to do.
09:39 And there's something beautiful about stepping out
09:42 and trying something.
09:44 And if you believe God is leading,
09:46 that's a risk that may be worth taking.
09:48 I also though realize that there is a place
09:51 for getting godly counsel.
09:52 If your family, your mentors,
09:54 others are cautioning you with this,
09:56 it might be something to really listen and think about.
09:59 Sometimes as young people, we have lots of zeal
10:01 but we are not used to getting the wisdom
10:05 always to go with it.
10:06 We don't always know what's realistic,
10:08 so do get counseled.
10:10 But on the other hand, there are times to step out.
10:12 Not everyone may understand your decision
10:14 to do an unconventional path in life.
10:16 Yeah.
10:18 But the Lord can be in those things too.
10:19 And I just want to throw in here too.
10:21 When I made the decision to become self-employed,
10:24 you know, I had talked to with quite a few counselors
10:27 like especially one of my main ones,
10:29 he is a business manager
10:31 and so he understands the world of business.
10:35 And so having that help in getting out there
10:38 and also I had back-up.
10:40 I had two things that
10:42 even if I didn't make a single dollar that month,
10:44 I would be okay. Yeah.
10:47 It ended up falling through and...
10:49 But anyways, God provided it.
10:52 But I think it's a good point though
10:53 that it's very important for us to seek out counsel
10:56 from people in the direction that we are going.
10:58 True. Yeah.
11:00 And so I am a big, big believer in seeking out
11:02 subject matter experts in the area that I am pursuing.
11:05 So if someone is being called to start a business,
11:08 go reach out to entrepreneurs who have had success
11:10 and ask them questions.
11:12 Right.
11:13 If God is calling you to be involved in media ministry,
11:14 go talk to a media ministry individual and ask them,
11:16 "What was your experience like?"
11:18 One of my favorite questions to ask people is,
11:21 "What are the things that you wish
11:22 someone would have told you
11:23 when you started knowing what you know now?"
11:25 Oh, yes. Yeah.
11:26 I ask that question to everyone.
11:27 "What do you wish someone would have told you
11:29 when you started knowing what you know now?"
11:30 Yeah. That's right.
11:32 And because it saves you a lot of time
11:33 and a lot of hardship when we do that.
11:34 Yeah.
11:36 All right, guys.
11:37 So we've got another one.
11:38 On top of that, we have a female, age 26,
11:41 from California that is asking,
11:43 "How do we find our personal footholds
11:46 on the journey of life without feeling the pressures
11:49 and expectations of our family?"
11:51 So we talked about work.
11:52 But now what about our personal life?
11:54 As we get out there, beyond maybe the scope of home.
11:56 That one is no joke.
11:58 I mean there's cultural components and others
12:00 where there's so much pressure from our family
12:02 to be what they want for us to be
12:04 that sometimes can pressure us out of going
12:07 where God wants us to go.
12:08 Yeah. Jesus understood this, right?
12:10 His brothers did not fully understand His mission
12:13 or believe in Him to some degree at the stage.
12:15 I think it's in John 7, and it's a difficult impression
12:19 that we may have to contend with,
12:20 and this is why knowing who we are in Christ
12:22 in our identity and where He is leading us
12:24 in His will is of the chiefest importance
12:27 in those moments of disconnect and disharmony in our home.
12:30 And one of the thing too that I would mention in this
12:32 is make sure that your desire,
12:36 because oftentimes where this comes from is,
12:39 you know, you want to go in a certain direction,
12:41 you are having a lot of pressure from your family
12:43 to go in another direction.
12:45 There is going to be sometimes
12:46 where honestly your family is wrong.
12:48 There is going to be other times
12:49 when honestly you are wrong.
12:51 Right.
12:52 Be sure, be cerebral about it.
12:54 Think through it. Be wise.
12:57 Ask God and really seek for wisdom
12:59 and don't just try to do the thing
13:01 that you would prefer to do in a headstrong away.
13:05 You know, sometimes our parents...
13:08 We don't like to admit it. Yeah, but they are right.
13:10 But then other times like in what you are mentioning,
13:15 you know, parents can really hold young people back
13:19 from the ministry that God wants.
13:20 And sometimes that's because the parents
13:22 just want financial security for the kids.
13:25 God may not want financial security for you.
13:27 Right. Okay?
13:28 Or He may provide it in a means they don't know about.
13:30 Exactly. Yeah.
13:31 But God calls people sometimes to mission fields
13:34 where there is not...
13:37 You don't get a 401k, you know?
13:39 So as we sum this up, you know,
13:41 it's an interesting thing that this is a time in life,
13:44 transitioning to adulthood, that is super important
13:47 because God may be calling you right now to really examine
13:50 what you believe and why, to look at those things.
13:52 Yes.
13:54 All of us have to go through this process
13:55 of knowing for ourselves
13:57 who we are, what we believe
13:59 and what God has to say about us.
14:00 So go to God's Word, seek counsel,
14:03 and God will lead and guide you.
14:05 Thank you for joining us today.
14:06 Check out our Facebook page, RQRA3ABN.
14:10 We'll see you next time.


Revised 2018-08-20