Revelation of Hope (Pacleb)

Revelation's Spirit of Prophecy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Taj Pacleb


Series Code: ROHB

Program Code: ROHB000015

00:40 Our message tonight is entitled Revelations Spirit of Prophecy.
00:44 We're talking about personal testimony of Jesus Christ.
00:48 Brothers, just as when you study the Bible
00:50 you can't help but notice
00:53 that our God is a God of connection,
00:57 a God of personal relationship,
01:01 a God that loves to commune
01:04 and communicate with His children.
01:06 Can you say, amen?
01:08 In fact we see this in a very beginning of time
01:10 in the Book of Genesis Chapter 1.
01:12 We read how this world came from the hands of the Creator.
01:16 It was a perfect environment.
01:18 Mankind had face to face fellowship,
01:20 face to face communion and communication with his maker.
01:25 This was God's original plan
01:28 and His original relationship that desired--
01:30 that He desired with man.
01:32 But sadly and tragically sin had interrupted this perfect plan,
01:36 this perfect relationship and because of sin
01:39 man was now unfit to dwell
01:42 in the presence of the purity of God.
01:46 Sin had cut us off from God.
01:48 As result we could no longer have that
01:50 face to face communion and communication,
01:53 but friends, God in love
01:55 still wanted to communicate with His children
01:58 though they have rebelled against Him and His holy law.
02:02 And so He found another way
02:03 to keep in touch with the human race.
02:06 Notice what that way was.
02:08 In the Book of Acts 3:21 the Bible says,
02:12 that "God has spoken
02:13 by the mouth of all his holy prophets"
02:16 since when? "Since the world began."
02:18 In other words since the very beginning of time
02:20 when sin came into the world, God then found another way
02:23 to keep in touch with His children
02:25 and that was through the mouth of His holy prophets.
02:30 In fact the Bible tells us in the Book of Amos 3:7,
02:33 "Surely the Lord God does nothing,
02:35 unless He reveals His secrets to" who?
02:39 "His servants the prophets."
02:41 And so we find that this was God's means
02:44 of communication with the human race,
02:46 because of sin He could no longer commune face to face.
02:49 And so he would handpick people whom He can trust,
02:52 these were called in the Bible prophets,
02:54 these were the spokesmen and the spokeswomen of God.
02:58 God will reveal His secret plans to them
03:00 and they in turn would communicate them
03:03 to the entire human race.
03:05 Now friends, I want you to notice the next question.
03:08 Now what happened to the gifts of the spirit
03:11 after all the apostles died and passed off the scene?
03:15 After early Apostolic Church came in and went,
03:18 what happened to all the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
03:20 Oh friends, history makes it clear
03:21 that not many generations past
03:23 onto the church began to compromise with pagan teachings.
03:27 During this time known as the Dark Ages,
03:29 the church began to adopt pagan rights
03:31 discarding fundamental Bible truths
03:33 they compromised with the Word
03:35 and during this time known as the Dark Ages
03:37 as I mentioned, Bibles were literally changed
03:41 to monastery purpose, did you know that?
03:43 And the common people were forbidden
03:45 to read or even own a Bible.
03:47 In fact if you're caught with portion of the scripture
03:49 during the Dark Ages
03:50 you and your family could be burnt alive.
03:53 Can you imagine that, friends?
03:54 That's why it was the Dark Ages
03:56 because when you take with the light of the word of truth
03:59 what do you have as a result?
04:00 You have the Dark Ages.
04:02 And only the priest were allowed to read an interpret it
04:05 and during this time of compromise we learned before
04:07 that the law of God, the Ten Commandments
04:10 was replaced with the traditions of man and the church,
04:14 totally disregarded the Holy Law of God.
04:17 Now here's the question.
04:18 What happens to the gifts of the spirit,
04:22 specifically the prophetic gifts of spirits, prophetic vision,
04:26 what happens to it when the church
04:28 or any church disregards the Law of God?
04:32 Friends, this is what happens.
04:33 God removes the gifts of the spirit
04:36 because when a church is not living and teaching the truth,
04:40 God is not going to bless them with gifts
04:43 that will enable them to reach out
04:45 to the world with the false message.
04:47 He wouldn't do that, friends.
04:49 And so God would remove the gifts of the spirit
04:51 including the gift of prophets if the church
04:54 or if the people disregards His Holy Law.
04:57 How do we know?
04:58 Because the Bible tells us so in Lamentations 2:9.
05:01 Please write it down.
05:02 The Bible says, "The law is no more,
05:05 and her prophets no longer find" what?
05:10 "Visions from the Lord."
05:11 Friends, what happens when the church, the people of God
05:13 what happens when they say the law is no more?
05:15 What happens when they break God's law
05:17 and disregard the Ten Commandments?
05:18 Gods removes the prophetic gifts.
05:21 And the prophets no longer find visions from the Lord.
05:24 And here is the reason, friends,
05:25 God is not gonna give us more light
05:28 if we're not already living up to the light
05:30 that He has already given to us.
05:33 He's not gonna give us more unless we start to apply
05:36 the things He's already given to us.
05:38 And here's the reason it's not the mercy.
05:40 Here's is the reason because information
05:43 without application results in condemnation.
05:48 Did you catch that?
05:50 If God was to give us more information
05:52 and He knows that we're not gonna apply to our lives
05:55 that information instead of being a blessing will be a curse
05:58 because it will result in more condemnation upon us
06:00 if we're not living up to it
06:02 because Jesus said, to whom much is given much is required.
06:06 God holds us accountable to follow the truth
06:10 that He has so graciously given to us.
06:13 And so if the church has disregarded the law of God
06:15 and not following the teachings
06:17 that God has already given to them
06:18 God is gonna remove the prophetic gift,
06:20 He's not gonna give them more truth
06:22 because that truth will end up condemning them even more.
06:25 Jesus said in John 3:19, "This is the condemnation
06:28 that light is coming to the world
06:31 but men love darkness rather than light."
06:33 You see friends, when we say no to the light
06:36 and we choose darkness that light is gonna end up
06:39 condemning us even more in the judgment.
06:41 And so friends during the Dark Ages
06:43 many of the gifts of the spirit
06:44 including the gift of the prophets
06:46 was absent in the medieval church,
06:49 because the church disregarded the law of God.
06:51 They replaced Sabbath worship,
06:54 Saturday, seventh day of the week
06:56 with Sunday the first day of the week.
06:58 They governed this, the second command
06:59 that had to do with bowing down and worshiping image.
07:02 And so therefore God remove the prophetic gift.
07:05 And by the way, friends, that prophetic gift is absent
07:07 in most churches in our world today, why?
07:10 Because the law of God
07:11 is still being broken by most churches today.
07:13 Isn't that right?
07:14 I mean most churches all they keep is nine commandments
07:17 but in breaking the fourth commandment
07:19 the Sabbath commandment
07:20 they're disregarding the law of God
07:22 and when they teach that
07:23 oh, we don't have to obey God's law,
07:24 we're not under the law but under grace
07:26 or the law was nailed to the cross.
07:28 This is the same antinomian spirit of a Lucifer.
07:32 And so because most churches are still breaking in the law of God
07:36 no wonder why there is an absence
07:38 of the true gifts of the spirit.
07:41 And, friends, in many of these churches
07:42 only the counterfeit gifts exist.
07:44 I want you to remember, friends, for every truth there is what?
07:48 A counterfeit and that includes the gifts of the spirit,
07:51 the gifts of tongues, the gifts of prophesying,
07:52 the gifts of healing, the gifts of--
07:54 all of the gifts, friends, there is a truth and genuine
07:58 and there is a false counterfeit.
08:01 And we're gonna talk about the gift of tongues.
08:02 I believe that there is a true gift of tongues
08:04 but friends, let me tell you there is also a counterfeit
08:06 in the world, in a Christian world today.
08:08 We will look at that more in detail on another night.
08:10 But, friends, I want you to notice,
08:12 would this special gift be lost to God's people forever?
08:18 Absolutely not.
08:19 The Bible prophesies that in the Book of Acts 2:17,
08:24 the Lord says, "It shall come to pass in the" which days?
08:27 "The last days, says the Lord,
08:30 that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh,
08:32 your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
08:35 and your old men shall dream dreams
08:38 and your young men shall see visions."
08:40 So God is saying that in these last days
08:42 in the final hours of this world's history
08:44 God is gonna pour out the Holy Spirit
08:46 and He is going to restore the gifts of the spirit
08:50 to His remnant church, His people
08:52 that are keeping the law
08:54 and the people that have the faith of Jesus Christ.
08:57 Now friends, listen,
08:58 this prophecy was partially fulfilled
09:01 on the day of Pentecost.
09:02 That's what Peter is hoarding it on the day of the Pentecost.
09:04 It was partially fulfilled then
09:06 but its greater fulfillment is at the end of time
09:10 with the remnant of that early Apostolic Church
09:13 that was there during the time of Pentecost.
09:16 And how do we know?
09:17 Because the Bible prophesize it about it in Revelation 12:17.
09:21 Notice with me, "And the dragon was wroth with the woman,"
09:25 friends, who is the woman?
09:27 But which church specifically?
09:29 The early Apostolic Church,
09:32 the church during the wilderness.
09:33 In other words the church the original church,
09:35 the bride of Christ, the church of the apostles.
09:38 Satan the dragon was angry with that church
09:40 but then notes, "and went to make war" with who?
09:44 Not the woman because she has already passed off the seed.
09:48 "But now the dragon seeks
09:50 to make war with the remnant of her seed,"
09:54 that is her off spring.
09:56 And notice how they're described?
09:59 "Which keep the commandments of God,
10:01 and have," the what?
10:03 "The testimony of Jesus Christ."
10:05 So we find that just as God had an original church,
10:09 the early Apostolic, Church the woman
10:11 they had all the gifts of the spirit
10:14 and they had a pure faith directly from the lips of Jesus.
10:18 So to God is gonna have all remnant
10:21 or an end time church that is just like the original.
10:25 Because remind me what is the word remnant mean?
10:28 Do you remember?
10:29 The word remnant means that which remains
10:33 or the leftovers, the last part
10:35 and is just like the original.
10:38 Do you remember that we studied it before.
10:39 And how when you go to a fabric store
10:42 you find a remnant sale,
10:43 the remnant is the last piece of cloth
10:45 on the board of cloth
10:46 and that last piece is the exact same
10:49 as the first piece or the original.
10:53 So God had a original church the early Apostolic Church,
10:55 the church of the disciples,
10:57 that had all the gifts of the spirit,
10:59 they had a pure faith so to there's gonna be remnant
11:02 and the characteristic of the remnant
11:04 is that they are the last ones
11:05 but they have the same pure faith
11:08 just like the early Apostolic Church,
11:09 this is the beloved bride of Christ, the church of God
11:13 they have all the gifts of the spirit
11:14 because the original had all the gifts of the spirit
11:18 and they are just like the original.
11:20 And friends, if that's clear would you please say, amen.
11:22 Now notice this is not a church
11:24 that is disregarding the law of God.
11:27 They are not saying what other churches are saying.
11:29 Oh, you don't have to worry about the law
11:30 it's been nailed to cross.
11:31 The Bible tells that the remnant keep the commandments of God
11:35 and because they have the law
11:37 they're gonna have the prophets as well.
11:39 They keep the commandments of God
11:40 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ
11:44 and remind me what is that?
11:46 It's the Spirit of Prophecy.
11:47 Let's read it again, Revelation 19:10,
11:49 "I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren
11:52 that have the testimony of Jesus."
11:54 Stop right there.
11:55 Tell me in that verse who has the testimony of Jesus?
11:59 Who has it? Thy brethren, is that right?
12:03 So keep that in mind, the brethren are the ones
12:06 that have the testimony of Jesus.
12:08 And then it says, "Worship God
12:10 for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."
12:14 So when the Bible tells us that the remnant
12:15 has the testimony of Jesus it simply means
12:17 they a have the Spirit of Prophecy.
12:19 They not only have pastors and teachers and apostles
12:21 and evangelists, they also have prophets.
12:24 Because God's gifts all them
12:26 would remain in His church to the very end of time.
12:29 And it says in this verse
12:30 that it's the brethren that has this testimony.
12:34 It is the who, again?
12:36 Now here's the question, who's the brethren?
12:38 Notice what the Bible says, Revelation 22:9.
12:41 "For I am your fellow servant,
12:42 and of your brethren the prophets,"
12:46 So who is the brethren, friends?
12:48 We'll let the Bible interpret itself,
12:51 the brethren have the testimony of Jesus,
12:54 the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy
12:57 and the Bible makes it clear
12:58 that the brethren are called the prophets.
13:02 And when you study the Bible
13:03 you'll notice that at every major event
13:06 God always rose a prophet
13:09 and He reviewed to that prophet what He was going to do
13:13 so that the prophet could warn the world
13:15 so that they could be ready for that event.
13:17 Do you remember during the time of Noah?
13:19 God was going to send a worldwide flood.
13:22 But before He did it he rose up a prophet by the name of Noah,
13:25 revealed to know His plans and Noah preached
13:27 and prophesied to the world
13:29 because he wanted the world to be ready for the event.
13:32 Not only that but when God was going to deliver
13:34 His people out of Egyptian bondage
13:36 He also rose a prophet, his name was what?
13:39 Moses was risen up to tell the people
13:41 so that they could get ready for the Exodus
13:44 for leaving Egyptian bondage.
13:46 When Jerusalem and God's people
13:48 were about to be destroyed by the Babylonians,
13:51 God also rose up another prophet,
13:52 what was his name, do you remember?
13:54 Jeremiah, amongst others
13:56 Jeremiah was called the weeping prophet
13:58 God used him to tell the people, to warn them
14:03 so that they could get ready for this event.
14:05 And, friends, you remember what they did to Jeremiah.
14:07 They threw him in a pit.
14:09 What did they do to Noah?
14:10 They laughed at him and mocked at him.
14:12 Oh, you see friends, all throughout the Bible
14:13 the prophets were always persecuted,
14:15 their words were always twisted and taken out of context.
14:19 You see it wasn't a popular or easy job to be a prophet.
14:22 Can you say, amen?
14:23 We see this over and over
14:24 and by the way that's the same thing with the last day prophet.
14:27 It's not an easy job.
14:28 Now, I want you to notice
14:29 when Jesus was going to come into the world
14:31 God also rose up another prophet to tell the world
14:35 so that they could be ready for the first coming of Jesus
14:37 that prophet name was John the Baptist
14:39 the forerun of Christ.
14:42 Don't you see, friends, before every major event
14:44 God always raise up a prophet to warn the people,
14:47 to give a present truth message?
14:49 Hey, what kind of message?
14:50 A present truth message for the time
14:53 that builds upon the messages that God had given in the past
14:58 through the previous prophets.
15:00 So God always rose up a prophet,
15:01 they give a present truth message.
15:03 When probation was about to close upon the Jewish nation,
15:06 when the 70 week prophecy was almost fulfilled
15:08 and God was gonna take the gospel to the Gentiles,
15:11 during that time God rose up another prophet
15:13 his name the Apostle Paul.
15:15 As an apostle as well as a prophet to the Gentiles
15:18 before every major event,
15:20 God raise up a prophet to warn the people.
15:22 And, friends, if this is the consistent pattern
15:24 tell me why would God change
15:27 and not send a prophet before the main event of it all
15:32 which is the second coming of Christ in the last days?
15:36 Can you say, amen? Amen.
15:37 I mean surely if God did it for other events,
15:40 surely He is gonna do it for the main event of it all,
15:42 the second coming of Christ.
15:44 He would raise up a prophet in these last days
15:47 with a present truth message that builds upon the messages
15:51 that God has already given in the past
15:52 so that people could be ready for the second coming of Christ.
15:56 And friends, we are gonna see tonight
15:57 that indeed God rose up an end time last day prophet.
16:01 Can you say, amen?
16:02 Not to take the place of the Bible,
16:03 not to be in addition to the Bible
16:05 but simply to bring God's people back to the Bible
16:09 just as every prophet that God rose up
16:11 always built upon the work of those who came before Him.
16:15 And so, here's the next question,
16:17 now that we laid that solid rock foundation,
16:21 the next question is this,
16:23 how can you spot a true prophet of God?
16:26 How can you tell between the genuine and a counterfeit
16:29 because remember Jesus warned us in Matthew 24
16:31 that there will be many false prophets in the last days.
16:34 Now, friends, think about that for a moment.
16:35 If there is gonna be false prophets in the last days
16:38 that implies that there also
16:39 is going to be true prophets, right?
16:42 Otherwise, Jesus would have said, don't listen to anyone.
16:44 But He didn't say that, He said, beware of false prophets.
16:48 If there are false ones, there also has to be true ones
16:51 and so how can we tell a true prophet.
16:53 Not based upon on their claims or their following or miracles
16:58 but based upon the tests of the word of God.
17:02 Notice what Bible says, in 1 John 4:1.
17:06 Please write it down.
17:07 1 John 4:1, the Bible says,
17:08 "Beloved, believe not every spirit,
17:11 but try the spirits," but do what?
17:14 Another word for try is test, test the spirits.
17:18 "Whether they are of God because many false prophets
17:22 are gone out into the world."
17:24 So the Bible tells us don't believe everything you hear,
17:26 don't be so gullible, friends, don't be so naive.
17:29 You must test it out.
17:31 Use your brain, test it out
17:33 because there are many false prophets
17:35 and deceptions in these last days.
17:38 And then it says in 1 Thessalonians 5:20, 21.
17:41 Now this is an important verse for our study tonight.
17:43 We are gonna read it at least three times tonight.
17:45 And in this passage, there are three steps
17:48 that we need to follow this evening.
17:50 How many steps?
17:51 Notice what it says, 1 Thessalonians 5:20, 21.
17:54 Step 1, "Do not despise prophesying."
17:59 In other words, don't close your mind to it
18:01 because I know, in our day and age
18:03 prophets have a cultic connotation, is that right?
18:06 When we talk about prophets oh, they're so cultish.
18:09 No friends, Bible says, "Do not despise prophesying,"
18:13 That's first step.
18:15 Number 2, "Test all things."
18:18 And then number 3, "Hold on to that which is good."
18:23 Can you say, amen?
18:24 So when it comes to the claims of prophets
18:27 these are the three things God expects us to do.
18:29 Don't despise it, don't close your mind to it
18:32 but rather test it.
18:33 But, friends, don't open your mind so much
18:36 that your brain falls out.
18:39 Amen. Amen.
18:40 Some times people open their minds so much
18:42 that their brain literally falls out.
18:43 They accept anything. No, don't do that.
18:45 Don't despise it but at the same time
18:47 don't open your mind so much
18:48 that you accept any thing but rather test it
18:50 and if it passed the test then receive it as a gift of God.
18:55 Hold on to that which is good.
18:57 And if that makes sense would you please say, amen?
18:59 And so now the next question is this,
19:01 what then are the tests
19:03 of how to tell a true prophet from a false?
19:08 Friends, I want to give you five biblical texts tonight.
19:11 How many?
19:12 And friends, notice what the first one is,
19:14 and I hope you'll write them down.
19:16 Biblical test of a true prophet.
19:17 Test number one, of a prophet is truly of God.
19:20 Their prophecies will be accurate.
19:22 In other words they will prophesy accurately
19:25 because God does not make mistakes.
19:27 Notice in Jeremiah 28:9, Jeremiah 28:9, it tells us,
19:32 "When the word of the prophet shall come to pass,
19:35 then shall the prophet be known,
19:37 that the Lord hath truly sent him."
19:41 So when a prophet claims to be speaking for God,
19:43 what they say must come to pass.
19:46 In other words a true prophet must be 100 percent accurate,
19:49 100 percent of the time
19:51 because as I mentioned, God does not make mistakes.
19:55 You see, Satan also gives prophecies.
19:58 He can-- you know, people can guess the future
20:01 and sometimes be right.
20:03 But a true prophet is gonna be right all the time
20:05 because God doesn't make mistakes.
20:07 That's the first test. Now friends,
20:09 in this test you must remember something very important.
20:12 And that is that some of God's prophecies
20:15 are conditional in nature.
20:18 Some of God's prophecies are what?
20:20 In other words they don't always come to pass
20:24 because the people whom it is given to receives it
20:28 and repents because of the message
20:30 therefore it's a conditional prophecy.
20:32 Let me give you a primary one,
20:35 prime example of this in the Bible.
20:37 The Bible tells us, that Jonah was a prophet of God.
20:41 Jesus even said it that Jonah was a true prophet.
20:43 Now Jonah prophesied that Nineveh
20:45 was gonna be destroyed in 40 days.
20:48 But was Nineveh destroyed in 40 days, yes or no?
20:50 No, his prophecy did not come to pass.
20:53 Would that make him a false prophet?
20:56 No. Why? Because his prophecy was conditional.
21:00 You see the people that he preached to received it
21:02 and repented therefore the prophecy didn't come to pass
21:06 because there was a conditional prophecy.
21:07 And please write down Jeremiah 18:7-10
21:10 and there in that passage
21:12 you will find the conditional nature of prophecy.
21:14 That's Jeremiah 18:7-10
21:17 and so we see that with this first test prophetic accuracy
21:23 this test by itself would be insufficient
21:26 to really tell you true from a false prophecy
21:29 because of the conditional nature
21:31 of some of God's prophecies.
21:32 And that's the reason why there is more than one test.
21:34 Could you say, amen?
21:35 That's why there's five because
21:36 the true prophet must past all of them.
21:38 So notice the second one,
21:40 the second test is that a true prophet
21:41 will be faithful to what God has reviewed in the past,
21:45 through His previous prophets.
21:47 In other words biblical faithfulness.
21:50 They will not teach anything that would
21:51 contradict the word of God and the revelations
21:54 that the Lord has given in the past.
21:56 Notice what it says in 1 Corinthians 14:32-33"
22:02 And the spirits of the prophets are subject to their own ideas."
22:08 Is that what it says?
22:10 The spirits of the prophets are subject to miracles
22:13 and healings and signs and wonders.
22:16 No, friends, what is it subject do?
22:19 "The spirit of the prophets are subject to the prophets."
22:24 In other words, the truthfulness the test of their ministry
22:27 is subject to what God has already reviewed in the past
22:31 through His previous prophets.
22:33 The spirit of prophets is subject to the prophets why?
22:36 "For God is not the author of" what?
22:38 "Confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints."
22:42 In other words, a true prophet of God
22:44 would not contradict the prophets of the past.
22:47 You see, God's prophets in the Bible
22:49 always pointed back to the words of previous prophets.
22:52 In other words, the new light that God would give
22:55 would never contradict or do away with old light.
22:58 Let me give you an example of this.
23:00 Here's a little lantern that someone gave me
23:02 and if I had to turn on this lantern
23:05 the light shining from this lantern
23:08 this is new light, isn't it?
23:11 Now, as I turn this light on did it do away with the lights
23:13 that are already shining in this room, yes or no?
23:15 No, it didn't get rid of the light that is already here.
23:18 It simply added to the brightness of the light
23:23 that was already shining to begin with.
23:26 And, friends, in the same way
23:27 the new light from new prophets
23:31 would never contradict old light,
23:33 because if it did that would be confusion
23:36 and God is not the author of confusion
23:40 but of peace in all the churches of the saints.
23:44 And if that make sense would you please say, amen?
23:46 And so we find that's our second test.
23:48 It would be in a harmony with every thing
23:51 that God has spoken in the past.
23:52 Now, the third test, is that a true prophet of God
23:55 would always exalt Jesus Christ
23:58 not himself, not a man, not a church but the blessed Jesus.
24:02 Notice in 1 John 4:2 "By this you know the Spirit of God,
24:07 every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ
24:10 has come in the flesh is of God."
24:14 And so a true prophet of God would point to Jesus
24:17 the reality of Christ coming in the flesh that thy
24:20 as a vicarious substitute a sacrifice
24:24 for the sins of the entire human race.
24:27 It would always-- a true prophet
24:28 will always point to Christ not to self.
24:30 Why? Because remember, it's the testimony of Jesus.
24:34 It's Jesus testimony, His words.
24:36 And so if its Jesus testimony who it's gonna lead us to?
24:40 It's gonna lead us to Jesus.
24:42 And so a true prophet just like John the Baptist
24:45 they are not gonna do it to glorify themselves,
24:47 they are not gonna do it to try to make money.
24:49 They are gonna do it to point people
24:51 and lead people to Jesus Christ.
24:53 John the Baptist said in John 3:30
24:55 "He must increase, but I must decrease."
25:00 So a true prophet will always point to Jesus
25:02 as the Savior the sacrifice the Lord of the word.
25:06 And friends, so any prophet
25:08 that says Jesus was just a prophet is a false prophet.
25:11 And here is the reason why, friends.
25:13 Based upon the claims of Jesus Christ Himself,
25:17 Jesus claimed to be God.
25:20 There is no reading around that, friends.
25:22 This was the basis of His crucifixion.
25:25 He claimed to be God. He claimed deity as His own.
25:30 And so any one that says, oh, Jesus was just a prophet
25:33 doesn't know what they are talking about
25:34 because based upon his own claims
25:37 either he is God or he is a liar.
25:40 And if he is a liar then he can't be a prophet of God.
25:42 Are you with me?
25:43 And so a true prophet always point to Jesus
25:45 as the way the truth and the life
25:47 because its Jesus own testimony.
25:50 Their attitude to be like John the Baptist
25:51 He must increase but I must decrease.
25:55 Then test number four, a prophet of God
25:58 would always lead God's people back to obedience
26:01 to the holy law of God.
26:02 In other words, they would be commandment keeping
26:04 in harmony with the law.
26:06 Notice what it says, in Isaiah 8:20,
26:10 "To the law and to the testimony!
26:12 If they do not speak according to this word,
26:16 it is because there" is how much light in them?
26:18 "No light in them."
26:20 And you could read the same thing in Deuteronomy 13:1-5.
26:22 Write that down look it up later.
26:24 So a true prophet must speak according to the law
26:28 that's the Ten Commandments and the testimony
26:30 that's the prophets of the past who belong to the testimony
26:34 it would be in harmony.
26:36 And friends, when you look upon and study the-
26:38 the lives of the prophets of the Bible
26:40 you will find that, they are always bringing
26:42 the disobedient people of God
26:45 back into obedience to God and to the law of God.
26:49 And so test number four it would be commandment keeping.
26:53 Now the fifth test, that a true prophet
26:55 would bear good fruit to the glory of God.
26:59 Jesus said in the Book of Matthew 7:20
27:02 "Wherefore by their fruits, you shall know them."
27:05 Not by their following not by-- not by
27:08 what people are saying but by their own fruits
27:10 you shall know if it's a good or a bad tree.
27:13 In other words, their life and their message
27:16 must bear good fruit to the glory of God.
27:19 The end result of their life in ministry
27:21 is the salvation of souls,
27:25 the blessing of humanity and it's not going to be
27:27 for their own personal game.
27:30 And so there we find, there we find five biblical texts
27:33 of how to tell a true prophets.
27:35 So now back to the question.
27:36 How do you--how do you spot a true prophet?
27:38 Once again not based upon their claims,
27:40 not based upon miracles,
27:41 not based upon what other are saying
27:43 or they are flowing or how much money they have
27:46 but based upon the tests of the word of God.
27:49 Now friends, if someone claims to be a prophet
27:51 and they've only passed four of the five tests
27:53 are they a true prophet? Yes or no.
27:54 Absolutely not.
27:56 They must pass how many of the five tests?
27:58 All five, in order to be a true prophet of God.
28:02 And, friends, if that's clear so far,
28:04 would you please say amen?
28:06 Now friends, here is the next question,
28:07 "Are the teachings of modern prophets
28:10 meant to be an addition to the Bible
28:14 or to take the place of the Bible?"
28:16 Absolutely not, friends.
28:18 The word of God stands alone.
28:20 The biblical canon was closed in the Book of Revelation.
28:23 The Bible stands all by itself
28:25 above any of the book in the world.
28:28 And friends, so the teachings of modern prophets
28:31 are not meant to be an addition to the Bible,
28:33 not to take the place of the Bible
28:35 but simply to lead God's people back to the word of God.
28:40 Can you say, amen?
28:41 And so here is the next question,
28:43 now that we have laid that solid foundation."
28:45 Does God's remnant church
28:48 have the gift of prophets or prophecy in their midst."
28:54 If they didn't it wouldn't Be the remnant church, friends,
28:57 because the remnant church is just like the original,
29:00 the original had all the gifts including prophets
29:02 and if the remnant is true like the original
29:04 they too would have the prophet in the last days and so friends,
29:08 I have good news for you tonight.
29:10 The last church is the exact same as the first church.
29:13 The Seventh-day Adventist church
29:15 does have the special gift in their midst.
29:20 And allow me to share with you tonight
29:22 the history of how God sought to keep in touch
29:26 with His people in a very special way
29:28 here in these last days through His prophetic gift.
29:30 Here is the question.
29:31 "Has God blessed the Seventh-day Adventist church
29:34 with the gift of prophecy in the last days?"
29:37 Let me give you the history now.
29:38 God began to give visions through a weak and feeble girl
29:43 by the name of Ellen Harmon
29:44 later to be known as Ellen G. White.
29:47 God handpicked her,
29:48 to do a very special work in these last days.
29:51 And friends, Seventh-day Adventists believe
29:53 that God gave her a special gift.
29:55 She is not God, she is not to be reviewed or worship or pray to
29:58 she is simply the recipient of a very special gift.
30:02 And friends, listen many have misunderstandings
30:05 about the ministry and the role of Ellen White
30:08 in the Seventh-day Adventist church.
30:10 And so let me just introduce you to her
30:12 if you never heard about her before.
30:13 She was born on November 26
30:16 in the year 1827 in the state of Maine.
30:19 She was born into a Methodist family.
30:21 She belonged to the Methodist church.
30:23 And she was the youngest of eight children.
30:26 And when she was in third grade, which grade?
30:28 She suffered a terrible injury that left her in the hospital
30:33 and forced her to have to dropout of school.
30:36 She could no longer continue in her education
30:39 so the highest grade she went to is third grade.
30:42 And the doctor said that she didn't have long to live
30:45 but God preserved her life.
30:47 He chose the weakest of the weak.
30:48 And by the time she was age 17 about two months
30:52 after the great disappointment in 1844,
30:55 God began to give her visions
30:56 to share with the disappointed people
30:59 that believe that Christ was going to come.
31:01 And in her first vision she saw God's people,
31:04 the advent people walking on a narrow road leading to heaven.
31:10 And there was a great light in--at the end of the path.
31:13 And in vision she saw that as long as the people
31:15 kept their eyes on the light, kept their eyes on Jesus
31:19 they were able to walk safely and securely
31:21 on the narrow road through the darkness of their disappointment
31:24 but she didn't saw in vision
31:26 that all those who took their eyes off of Jesus,
31:29 off of the light they fell off of the path.
31:32 And, friends, I want you to notice how
31:33 Ellen White felt when she first received the vision.
31:36 "When this work was first given me,
31:38 I begged the Lord to lay the burden on some one else."
31:41 Friends, she didn't ask for it even.
31:42 She didn't want it.
31:43 God is the one that chooses who gets what gift.
31:46 She says, "The work was so large and broad and deep
31:49 that I feared I could not do it.
31:51 But by his Holy Spirit the Lord has enabled me
31:54 to perform the work which He gave me to do."
31:58 Remember friends, God is the one that determines
32:00 who gets what gifts.
32:02 And when a person is humble and weak and feeble,
32:05 our weakness can be made perfect in the strength of God
32:08 and that's one of the reasons why I believe that
32:10 the Lord chose her one of the weakest of the weak.
32:12 And so, even though she felt inadequate
32:15 and physically incapable by faith
32:18 she accepted a mission from God
32:19 that will last the rest of her life.
32:21 Ellen White received
32:22 more than 2,000 prophetic visions and dreams.
32:25 Some of them lasting a few minutes others several hours.
32:28 Not only that but she wrote over 100,000 pages
32:33 contained in over 50 books
32:35 and she lectured the thousands on three different continents.
32:39 Some of the last years of her life
32:41 were spent in the state of California.
32:43 And I want you to notice what one Californian historian
32:46 have to say concerning the ministry of Ellen White.
32:48 Now, friends, George Wharton James
32:50 he was not a Seventh-day Adventist
32:52 but yet in his book about California
32:55 he commented about Ellen White
32:56 because she lived in California during this time
32:58 and I want you notice what he said concerning her.
33:00 "This remarkable woman, though almost entirely self-educated,
33:05 has written and published more books and in more languages
33:08 which circulate to a greater extent than the written works
33:12 of any other woman in history."
33:15 Friends, you need to know that the writings of Ellen White
33:18 she is the most translated woman author of all time period.
33:23 She is the most translated American author of all time
33:26 and her writings are the fourth most
33:29 translated piece of literature in the world.
33:31 Friends, you know what the most translated
33:32 piece of literature is, the Bible. Can you say, amen?
33:35 The second dictionaries, the third encyclopedias
33:40 and then right after that the fourth
33:42 the writings of Ellen G. White
33:43 and friends, listen she only had a third grade education.
33:48 How could this be unless God was the one
33:51 that gave to her this special gift.
33:54 Can you say, amen?
33:55 Now friends, I want to make it clear
33:57 what her role is in the Seventh-day Adventist church.
33:59 The Seventh-day Adventist church doesn't revere her
34:01 as a saint or pray to her or worship her in any such ways.
34:04 No, friends. You see in these last days.
34:07 Satan has spread many lies concerning
34:10 the gift in her life.
34:12 And so, what is the truth?
34:13 Here is the truth, friends, Ellen White didn't found
34:15 the Seventh-day Adventist church.
34:17 The Holy Spirit rose it up by a group of many people
34:19 from many different denominations.
34:21 The Seventh-day Adventist church doesn't hold
34:23 and esteem the writings of Ellen White above the Bible
34:26 and not even equal to the Bible.
34:27 We receive our doctrine directly from the word of God.
34:30 In fact, I want you to notice Seventh-day Adventist believe,
34:33 here's the book that states our official stands
34:36 upon the writings of Ellen White and this is what it says.
34:39 "The writings of Ellen White are not a substitute for Scripture.
34:44 They cannot be placed on the same level.
34:46 The Holy Scriptures stand alone." Can you say, amen?
34:51 "The unique standard by which her
34:53 and all other writings must be judged
34:56 and to which they must be subject to.
34:59 The Bible is the supreme standard.
35:02 Seventh-day Adventists fully support
35:03 the reformation principle of sola scriptura,
35:05 the Bible as its own interpreter
35:08 and the Bible alone as the basis of all doctrines."
35:13 And friends-- it's clear the Bible is clear
35:16 we are clear that the word of God is the chief authority.
35:18 Can you say, amen?
35:20 In this seminar we've been teaching
35:21 from the Bible and the Bible alone.
35:23 We are not concerned what a church teaches
35:24 or what a person says. Only what God says.
35:27 But friends, listen the same Bible also says,
35:31 that in the last days God's church is gonna have
35:34 all the gifts of the spirit. Can we say, amen?
35:36 This same Bible says that God will restore this gift
35:40 that it will remain and be conformed
35:41 in the church to the last days.
35:43 And so we believe that part of the Bible too, amen.
35:46 I mean we don't pick and choose we believe the whole thing.
35:48 And so if the Bible teaches it then we must look for
35:51 the fulfillment of it in these last days.
35:54 And so the question is how does the church view
35:57 the writings of Ellen White?
35:59 We view it like this, friends.
36:02 We view it as a magnifying glass.
36:05 And friends, what is the purpose of a magnifying glass?
36:08 A magnifying glass purpose is simply to make clearer
36:13 and larger, isn't that right?
36:14 If I take this magnifying glass
36:16 and put it over the Bible is this magnifying glass
36:18 gonna change the Bible, yes or no?
36:21 Is it gonna add something into the Bible
36:23 that is not already there?
36:25 Is it gonna take away something that's in the Bible?
36:27 What is it gonna do?
36:29 It simply gonna make it clearer and larger
36:32 that which is already in the Bible.
36:34 That's how we view the writing of Ellen White, friends.
36:36 It's a magnifying glass.
36:38 Not like the Mormon's who esteem Joseph Smith
36:40 as a more of an authority over the Bible no way.
36:44 It's a magnifying glass,
36:45 to bring us back to the word of God.
36:48 And, friends, listen the only thing left one on this man to do
36:52 in hearing a message like this is to do exactly
36:55 what the Bible teaches when it comes to end time prophets
36:59 and what is that?
37:01 Three things, let's review, 1 Thessalonians 5:20,21
37:05 three steps, notice what it is.
37:07 "Do not let despise prophesying."
37:10 In other words don't close your mind to it, friends.
37:11 It may sound strange you've never heard this before
37:14 but don't close your mind, don't despise prophesying.
37:16 Number two, test all things.
37:20 And how do we test it?
37:21 By the word of God. Can you say, amen?
37:23 And then if it pass, "The test of the Bible."
37:26 Number three, "Hold on to that which is good."
37:30 And so this is what God is calling us to do tonight.
37:32 Can you say, amen?
37:33 And by the way we compare her writings
37:36 with the Bible test and teachings.
37:38 We don't test her or anything else,
37:41 by what others have said about her.
37:43 Because let me tell me friends,
37:44 Satan has--has put together many websites
37:47 that have completely taken her words
37:49 and writings out of context.
37:51 Twisted her writings and even fled a light
37:54 about things that she had written and said.
37:57 And friends, Satan has attacked and so
37:58 we don't test someone based upon what websites
38:01 or what other people have said about that person.
38:03 No, friends, we go to the horse's mouth, right?
38:06 We go to the source and we read the writing for ourselves
38:11 and we compare it with what the Bible has to say.
38:14 Because friends, listen that Satan has always
38:16 attacked the true prophets of God.
38:18 Jeremiah as we mentioned was thrown into a pit.
38:21 John the revelator was exiled to the--
38:23 to the island of Patmos.
38:24 You see all the prophets of-- the true prophets of God
38:27 were always persecuted by Satan
38:29 and if that's what happened to the prophets of the past,
38:31 why should we expect anything different
38:34 for an end time prophets.
38:35 Are you with me, yes or no?
38:37 And notice what it says in 2 Chronicles 24:19
38:41 the Bible says, "Yet he sent prophets to them,
38:44 to bring them again unto the Lord
38:45 and they testified against them
38:47 but they would not" what? "They would not give ear."
38:51 They wouldn't listen to the words of prophets.
38:53 You see friends, to be a spokesperson for God
38:56 is never easy especially in the last days
39:00 when the world is most wicked.
39:01 Satan you can be sure will attack like never before
39:04 and that's exactly what's happened with many websites
39:07 and many lies that are being spread in the world today.
39:10 And so, friends, I want you to notice
39:12 Mrs. White was never one that put herself out there
39:15 and said you need to listen to me
39:17 because I'm a prophetess of God.
39:18 Never friend, she was humble like John the Baptist.
39:21 In fact, notice what she said, "I have felt for years
39:25 that if I could have my choice and please God as well,
39:29 I would rather die than have a vision,
39:33 for every vision places me under great responsibility
39:36 to bear testimonies of reproof and of warning."
39:39 She said, if she could have her choice and still please God,
39:42 she would rather die than have a vision.
39:44 I mean this is not something that she wanted.
39:46 It was something that God could trust her with.
39:48 And then she says, "Which has ever been against my feelings,
39:52 causing me affliction of soul that is inexpressible.
39:55 Never have I coveted my position,
39:58 and yet I dare not resist the Spirit of God
40:01 and seek an easier position."
40:04 And so she is very humble, friends.
40:06 She said I'm just the messenger of the Lord
40:08 and even though I'm not worthy
40:10 I dare not resist the spirit of God
40:12 that is placing this special gift upon me.
40:14 Now let's put some of her writings
40:17 and some of her teachings to the test, the biblical test.
40:20 Here is the first one.
40:21 Did she ever place her words above the Bible?
40:24 If she did she will be a false prophet.
40:26 Just like Joseph Smith is a false prophet friends,
40:28 because those who claim to believe those writings say
40:32 it's above the Bible.
40:33 That's false, friends.
40:35 She never did, in fact notice what
40:36 she said in her own writings.
40:38 "Little heat is given to the Bible
40:40 and the Lord has given a" what kind of light?
40:43 "A lesser light to lead men and women
40:45 to the 'Greater Light.'"
40:47 Friends, what is the greater light?
40:48 Jesus and the Bible
40:50 and she says that she is a lesser light
40:52 to lead men and women to the greater light
40:54 that is Christ Jesus and the word of God. Friends,
40:56 she championed the Bible as the final authority
40:59 on all doctrinal issues.
41:02 In fact, notice what she wrote in the book
41:04 The Faith I Live By,
41:05 she said that, "The Holy Scriptures
41:06 are to be accepted as an authoritative,
41:10 infallible revelation of His will.
41:13 They are the standard of character,
41:15 the revealer of doctrines, and the test of experience."
41:19 And, friends, if you can believe
41:20 that would you please say, amen.
41:21 It's the Bible, friends.
41:22 In fact notice another one, in another book,
41:24 Fundamentals of Christian Education,
41:26 she said that, "The Bible is the only
41:28 rule of faith and doctrine.
41:29 And there is nothing more calculated
41:32 to energize the mind, and strengthen the intellect,
41:34 than the study of the word of God.
41:36 No other book is so potent to elevate the thoughts,
41:40 to give vigor to the faculties, as the broad,
41:42 ennobling truths of the Bible.
41:44 If God's word were studied as it should be,
41:46 men would have a breadth of mind,
41:47 a nobility of character, and a stability of purpose,
41:50 that is rarely seen in these times."
41:53 Can you say, amen, friends?
41:54 She championed the word of God
41:56 as the final authority on all doctrinal issues.
41:59 She said no other book is like the word of God.
42:02 She did not say read my writings about the Bible absolutely not.
42:05 Now here is the next question,
42:06 do her writings harmonize with the Bible?
42:08 Absolutely, yes.
42:10 But don't take my word for it.
42:11 Read yourself friends, and you will find that
42:14 she always is pointing us back to Jesus in the word.
42:17 Now, friends, she has written as I mentioned
42:18 over 100,000 pages, over 50 different books
42:23 and friends, I want to share with you a few of those books
42:25 I have up here tonight.
42:27 One of my favorite books that she wrote
42:29 a master piece it's called "The Desire of Ages."
42:32 It's a book on the life of Christ.
42:34 It takes Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
42:35 puts it all together into chapter form
42:37 and it just magnifies the beauty of the gospels
42:41 and friends, in the Library of Congress
42:44 they said there are the ten thousand volumes
42:46 they had on the life of Christ
42:48 the very best one for personal
42:51 discernment and spirit application
42:53 is the Desire of Ages written by Ellen G. White.
42:57 Friends, listen there is 800-- there is 835 pages in this book
43:03 and in 835 pages there are 3,955 Bible texts
43:11 all in its contexts.
43:13 Friends, you'd be hard justifying
43:14 any of the book in the world
43:15 that has that amount of scripture
43:17 than the Bible itself.
43:18 Can you say, amen?
43:19 And friends, I have read this book over and over
43:21 its one of most beautiful books.
43:22 It always leads me back to the Bible
43:24 and it brings me close to Jesus.
43:25 Friends, you need to pick up this book,
43:26 it is a powerful book on the life of Jesus Christ.
43:29 Oh, friends, it will cause you to weep.
43:31 It will bring you back to--
43:32 it will cause you to fall in love with Jesus.
43:35 It is a powerful book.
43:36 Now friends, she wrote a book-- another book entitled
43:38 the book called Education.
43:41 And this is a powerful book that is used
43:43 even by many secular professionals
43:46 in the educational field
43:47 as one of the best guides to true education,
43:50 because she wrote not just while educating the mind
43:53 but also the hand and the heart and the whole being.
43:57 And friends, she wrote many books on education.
43:59 When she herself only had a third grade education
44:03 how could that be, unless God was the one
44:05 that gave her the vision.
44:07 Can you say, amen?
44:08 Powerful book on education,
44:09 brilliant pick it that up take a look at it.
44:11 She wrote another book called the Great Controversy.
44:13 And, friends, of all her books that's--
44:15 she said that one is the most important one
44:17 is the book the Great Controversy
44:19 magnifies the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation
44:23 and it gives us in detail
44:24 what's going to happen in these last days.
44:26 And friends, she went through much affliction
44:28 in trying to get this book out there.
44:30 In fact, she said in her own words
44:31 that she could only write about one page a day
44:33 because she was so sickly and the devil was attacking her,
44:36 she had to write one page one day
44:37 and she would have to rest like three days.
44:39 And through great pains
44:41 the book the Great Controversy was given to us.
44:44 And friends, that is a very powerful,
44:46 very solemn book talking about church history,
44:49 magnifying the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation.
44:51 She wrote another book,
44:53 a beautiful book one of my favorites
44:54 a small classic book called Steps to Christ.
44:57 Thirteen chapters which are 13 steps
45:00 of how to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
45:04 This book has been translated in over
45:06 a 150 languages around the world.
45:08 Billions of copies all around the world
45:11 had lead millions of people to a deeper understanding
45:15 of how to have a personal daily abiding relationship with Jesus.
45:19 Friends, I have read this book I can't tell you how many times.
45:21 Every time I read it I learn something new,
45:24 takes me back to the Bible
45:25 and I learn to get closer to Christ.
45:27 In fact we are gonna give each one of you
45:30 this book on your way out tonight
45:31 so that you can see for yourself,
45:33 just how beautiful and how in harmony
45:35 it is with the word of God.
45:37 She wrote another book called Ministry of Healing
45:39 talking about the healing ministry of Jesus.
45:41 Very powerful book.
45:42 Another book called, Councils on Health,
45:44 magnifying biblical principles of health.
45:46 And friends, those who applied the teachings in this book
45:50 secular magazines have said that
45:52 those who apply these principles
45:54 live on average 10 years longer,
45:57 than the average person.
45:59 How many would like to add a decade to your life?
46:01 Friends, God has given us these things
46:03 and it's beautiful.
46:04 Now, friends as we continue here is the next question.
46:07 Do her writings uplift Jesus?
46:10 Absolutely, yes.
46:12 Let me share with you a quotation from a book
46:13 she wrote called Gospel Workers.
46:15 This was a book to teach God's people
46:17 how to be more effective gospel workers,
46:20 missionaries and witness for Christ.
46:23 How to win our loved ones
46:24 and she said one of the greatest things
46:25 you can do to win your loved ones is this, notice.
46:28 "Lift up Jesus,
46:31 you that teach the people,
46:32 lift Him up in sermons, in songs, in prayer
46:35 let all your powers be directed to pointing souls,
46:38 confused, bewildered, and lost, to 'the Lamb of God.'"
46:43 Friends, she was a woman that truly love Jesus
46:46 and she always was pointing people
46:48 not to herself not to a church
46:49 but to Jesus alone.
46:50 She passed that test. Next test.
46:52 Did she accurately predict the future?
46:54 Absolutely, yes.
46:56 Though her writings most of it is
46:58 over a 100 years old only now is science catching up
47:03 on some of the things she wrote 100 years ago.
47:05 Let me give you an example,
47:07 back in the 1800s when she lived and wrote
47:09 people had no idea that sugar and fat
47:12 contributed to coronary heart disease.
47:16 They had no idea that our diet affects our--
47:18 the quality of our lives.
47:20 And during this time of gross ignorance--
47:23 ignorance on health she wrote about a diet
47:25 of whole grains, fruits, nuts and vegetables
47:29 and this is the same diet
47:31 that now the American Heart Association recommends.
47:34 It is an anticancer diet
47:36 that can actually reverse diabetes
47:38 and get you off of much medication
47:41 and she wrote this when doctors were actually prescribing
47:45 swine's flesh to their patients
47:47 to help them get healthy.
47:50 And, friends, God used her to expound upon
47:52 the principles of health that are in the word of God
47:55 and why because God loves us
47:57 he wants us to be healthy, happy and holy people.
48:01 He wants us to be the head and not the tail.
48:02 Can you say, amen?
48:04 In fact, I want you to notice
48:05 what one professor of nutrition
48:06 at Cornell University had to say
48:09 concerning the writings of Ellen White.
48:10 Dr. Clive McCay he was not a Seventh-day Adventist,
48:14 he was a secular professor of nutrition
48:17 and notice what he said
48:18 concerning the writings of a third grader.
48:20 Here is what he said,
48:21 "In spite of the fact that the works
48:23 of Mrs. White were written long before
48:26 the advent of modern scientific nutrition,
48:29 no better over-all guide is available today."
48:35 Friends, this is a professor at a heart university
48:39 talking about the writings of a third grader.
48:43 Friends, God was the one
48:44 that revealed these things to her.
48:46 Can you say, amen?
48:47 How do the third grader know so much?
48:49 Because she had God as her guide
48:51 and friends, as a result National Geographic
48:54 I have this magazine right here,
48:55 you can see it if you want.
48:56 It ran an article, this is a secular magazine
48:59 and few years ago they run an article
49:01 the secrets of living longer
49:03 and they talked about three people groups
49:05 that live a lot longer than the average person in the world.
49:08 And off the three people groups that they--
49:10 that they showed in the article
49:11 only one was religious group
49:13 it was the Seventh-day Adventist church
49:16 and this secular article made it clear
49:19 that the Seventh-day Adventist church members who--
49:22 because of their faith in Jesus
49:24 and because of the principles of health
49:25 that they apply to their lives
49:27 magnify by the writings of Ellen White
49:29 they live on average from seven to ten years longer
49:33 than the average American.
49:34 Friends, you want to add a decade to your life?
49:36 God has given us the secret
49:39 the healing ministry of Christ.
49:42 And friends, back-- way back in 1864,
49:46 Ellen White wrote,
49:47 "Tobacco is a poison of the most deceitful and malignant kind.
49:50 It is all the more dangerous
49:51 because its effects upon the system are so slow,
49:54 and scarcely perceivable."
49:56 Now, friends, this is not a surprise to us, right?
49:59 But in 1864 the doctors laughed at her.
50:02 They said, you don't know what you are talking about.
50:04 You know why because in 1864 medical doctors
50:07 were actually prescribing tobacco smoke to their patients
50:11 that have problems breathing.
50:14 They said this is gonna help you out.
50:16 And here is the third grader is saying no,
50:18 this is wrong she was going against the doctors
50:20 they laughed at her and it was only a--
50:23 it took the world about 100 years to finally catch up
50:27 to what God had already revealed.
50:29 And it wasn't until 1957
50:31 that the American Heart Association concluded
50:34 that smoking was not a-- was not a curative
50:37 it was a causative factor in lung cancer.
50:40 Once gain God's prophet was one step ahead of the world.
50:43 She even predicted natural disasters.
50:44 I want you to notice,
50:45 "In 1903, Ellen White warned that San Francisco
50:48 and Oakland would be visited by the Lord
50:49 because they were fast
50:50 becoming like Sodom and Gomorrah."
50:52 The wickedness taking place in these cities
50:54 that judgments would fall she said
50:55 that she saw this in vision she wrote this in 1903
50:58 in a book Last Day Events and then in 1906,
51:01 the great San Francisco earthquake took place,
51:04 the city was destroyed and burnt
51:06 the prediction came true and the prophet wept.
51:10 She even predicted the American Civil War.
51:14 God showed her in vision American killing other Americans
51:17 and she said that a war would take place long in its duration
51:21 and she was saying this when the politicians of her day
51:25 including President Lincoln,
51:27 they were certain that there would be no war
51:30 and if there was it would be very short.
51:32 That's what the politicians were saying.
51:34 But she was going against it all she was saying, no.
51:36 God showed me that there is gonna be war
51:38 and it's gonna be long in its duration.
51:40 You see the prophet was right,
51:43 even when the specialists were saying otherwise.
51:46 There are many other things
51:47 she prophesized of that house and is coming a pass,
51:50 we don't have time to go through tonight
51:51 but I'm gonna let you study it and read it for yourself.
51:53 Next question, do her writings bear good fruit?
51:58 Absolutely, yes.
52:00 Her writings, her council and her leadership
52:03 has lead to the fastest growing
52:06 Christian denomination in the world right now.
52:09 The Seventh-day Adventist church is the fastest growing
52:10 Christian denomination in the world
52:12 and it's because of our faith in Jesus
52:14 but also the principles of evangelism
52:16 that she wrote in many books.
52:18 Not only that but here writings
52:19 in council leadership has lead to the--
52:21 denomination that has the farthest reach
52:24 more than any other church in the world
52:26 reaching more countries with the gospel
52:28 than any other church.
52:29 Not only that
52:31 but her ministry has also led to the largest
52:33 protestant educational system in the world,
52:36 Adventist education largest part
52:38 of educational system in the world.
52:40 And her ministry is also led
52:41 to the largest protestant health system
52:44 in the United States of America.
52:45 In fact, I want you notice some of these comparisons
52:49 in 1915, in the year that Ellen White died
52:51 this is-- this was the-- was taking place
52:54 in the Seventh-day Adventist church.
52:55 The membership was about 100,000,
52:57 we had about 37 publishing houses,
52:59 34 sanitariums those were health institutions.
53:02 There are about 70 colleges and academies.
53:05 Over 500 elementary schools and the writings--
53:09 her writings were translated in over 36 languages
53:12 this was in 1915 in the year that she died.
53:15 But since then the Seventh-day Adventist church
53:18 has grown explosively in fruitfullness.
53:21 We have over 71,000 churches around the world.
53:25 A membership of over 17 million
53:27 we are in over a 209 countries in the world.
53:30 We have over 7,800 schools,
53:34 over a 173 hospitals and sanitariums,
53:36 14 media centers spreading the gospel through satellite,
53:40 internet and radio throughout the whole world.
53:43 Publishing houses we have over 63 around the world
53:45 and ADRA stands for Adventist Disaster
53:48 and Relief Association we've done over
53:51 1,889 projects have been funded by ADRA.
53:56 Beneficiaries over 40 million people and over $281 millions
54:00 have been spend to bring relief to places
54:03 that have experienced disasters,
54:05 natural disasters all around the world.
54:07 Friends, I don't know about you
54:08 but that sounds a good fruit.
54:10 Can you say, amen?
54:11 In fact, it sounds like great fruit.
54:14 And friends, listen the ministry
54:15 of the Seventh-day Adventist church
54:17 touches people not just spiritually
54:20 but in every single aspect of our lives
54:22 because you know why Jesus not only preach
54:25 He also healed people.
54:26 Can you say, amen?
54:27 In fact, did you know right here
54:28 in Kahului Seventh-day Adventist church
54:30 we have one of the strongest health programs
54:33 in the United States
54:34 the CHIP program complete health improvement program
54:37 some of you have been through it.
54:38 Nancy Laura has been leading out amongst others
54:41 and friends it's a powerful, powerful program.
54:43 If you want to help reverse type two diabetes
54:45 and start getting off medication
54:47 and just living a more vibrant healthy life.
54:51 God has given us the answers through His word
54:54 and through the special insight
54:55 He has given to us in these last days.
54:57 Can you say, amen?
54:59 And her council on family
55:01 and parenting has mended many broken homes.
55:05 Friends if you any problems in your marriage
55:06 pick up the book Adventist Home read it.
55:08 Friends, it expounds upon
55:09 the principles of relationships in the Bible.
55:11 Powerful book if you are having problems with your children
55:13 pick up the book Child Guidance,
55:15 powerful book that talks about prenatal care giving.
55:18 And how to raise our children in the fear
55:20 and admonition of the Lord and friends,
55:22 even those in the world recognize a special gift
55:26 has been given through the ministry of Ellen White.
55:28 I want you to notice what U.S
55:29 News and world report had to say,
55:31 this was in 2009 this article they brought
55:34 they came out with and in this article
55:36 they talked about 11 health habits
55:39 that help you live to 100.
55:41 And notice what one of those health habits was,
55:43 they said, if you want to live to a 100,
55:46 "Live like a Seventh Day Adventist.
55:48 Americans who define themselves as Seventh-day Adventists
55:51 have an average life expectancy of 89,
55:54 about a decade longer than the average American.
55:56 One of the basic tenets of the religion
55:58 is that it's important to cherish the body
56:01 that's on loan from God."
56:02 Which means no smoking, alcohol abuse,
56:06 or overindulging in sweets. Amen.
56:08 Oh, some of you didn't say
56:09 amen on that one, that's all right.
56:13 Followers typically stick to a vegetarian diet
56:18 based on fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts,
56:21 and get plenty of exercise.
56:23 They're also very focused on family and community."
56:26 And friends this is exactly what the Bible teaches
56:29 and God has blessed in a very special way.
56:32 Now friends, as we close tonight
56:34 we see very clearly that both the Christian
56:37 as well as the non-Christian world has benefited
56:40 by the ministry of Ellen G. White.
56:43 Her life and labors closed in 1915
56:45 when she died at the old ripe age of 87 years old.
56:50 Remember when she was in third grade,
56:51 doctor said she only has months to live.
56:53 But God preserved her life
56:56 because of her faith and trust in her Savior Jesus Christ.
57:00 She is buried at the Oak Hill Cemetery,
57:01 in Battle Creek, Michigan.
57:02 If you notice her grave very simple,
57:05 very simple, friends.
57:07 She is not reviewed as a God or a saint.
57:08 No, she was simply a messenger of the Lord.
57:11 In a few weeks, after she passed away a news paper said,
57:14 "She showed no spiritual pride and she sought no filthy lucre."
57:19 In other words, she didn't get rich friends,
57:20 she was only sacrifice.
57:22 Giving of her own means to just pouring out her life
57:25 for the work with Jesus.
57:27 And the secular news papers said,
57:29 she lived the life and did the work
57:30 of a worthy prophetess the most admirable
57:33 of the American succession.
57:36 She is simply a humble servant of the Lord that love people.
57:40 She is not the Sprit of Prophecy friends
57:42 the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Prophecy.
57:45 She was simply the recipient of a special gift
57:48 and her legacy to the world is a gift from God.
57:51 A good God who wants to keep in touch
57:54 with you and I in a special intimate way in the last days.
57:57 And friends, in closing how shall we respond
58:00 to God's end time gift.
58:02 How shall we respond
58:04 to that which we have heard tonight?
58:05 Friends, tonight I'm not going to ask you
58:06 to accept Ellen White as a prophet
58:09 but what I'm going to ask you to do
58:10 is exact with the Bible tells us to do.
58:13 Three things friends before we close here,
58:15 1 Thessalonians 5:20, 21 let's read it together shall we?
58:19 The Bible says, "Do not despise prophesying.
58:23 Test all things, Hold on that which is good."
58:29 Three things, friends,
58:31 don't close your mind don't be despise it,
58:32 don't let it off don't ignore it.
58:34 Number two, test it, read it, check it out
58:37 compare with the teachings of the Bible
58:40 and if it pass the test hold on
58:43 we see it as a gift from God.
58:44 And friends, the reason
58:45 I'm not gonna ask you accept Ellen White
58:46 because it takes time, to do this.
58:48 It takes a personal investment of your time,
58:52 but friends, let me bare my testimony tonight.
58:55 I have done exactly what the Bible have said,
58:57 I have read her writings compared with scripture
58:59 and she meets the tests of the prophets.
59:02 She did the work of a prophet.
59:04 God's end time church will have a prophet,
59:06 you are not going to know that
59:08 until you test for yourself.


Revised 2014-12-17