People Just Like Us

A Backslider Restored

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PJU

Program Code: PJU190008A

00:03 Were the people in the Bible any different to us today?
00:10 Or ordinary people like you and me.
00:22 What can we find out from their lives
00:24 that will help us?
00:29 Find out with Pastor Geoff Youlden
00:31 and Rosemary Malkiewycz here on People Just Like Us.
00:38 Life is made up of choices.
00:40 Every day we have to make them, big and small.
00:44 Many of our choices directly affect others.
00:47 Some choices are good,
00:49 but some are bad, even catastrophic
00:53 for ourselves and for others.
00:55 Today, we're going to discuss a family
00:57 that made a bad choice,
00:59 which brought about hardship
01:01 and how the wife ended his story happily,
01:04 by turning around and retracing his steps.
01:07 So tell us,
01:08 why do you call this family backsliders, Geoff?
01:13 Well, I must admit,
01:14 I personally don't like the term backslider...
01:16 Nor do I.
01:18 It really doesn't sound good.
01:22 However, it does describe what some people do.
01:26 They backslide from what they know to be right.
01:29 And that, the good thing about this story, Rosemary,
01:32 is that it has a happy ending.
01:34 Yes.
01:35 And we're going to talk about a backslider,
01:38 who returned and was restored.
01:42 You'll remember her story.
01:44 Naomi left Bethlehem with her husband Elimelech,
01:48 when there was a great famine in the land,
01:50 and went down to Moab with their two sons.
01:55 I would imagine
01:56 that they were chasing a better life perhaps.
02:00 Well, yes, because it's said
02:02 there was a famine in Bethlehem.
02:03 Yes, maybe better pay.
02:06 So they thought that leaving Israel,
02:08 where they had been brought up to love God
02:10 and to go to a country that had no inclination at all,
02:15 to serve God, was a wise decision.
02:18 Unfortunately,
02:19 it didn't turn out to be a wise decision.
02:21 No.
02:22 But while down in Moab,
02:24 her husband died and their two sons.
02:27 So it was a very serious plight to be in.
02:28 You can just imagine how poor Naomi is.
02:32 Her husband dies, and then their two sons.
02:34 I mean, that would be a tragic experience.
02:37 And she would have used all her money
02:39 trying to survive,
02:40 because there was no pension,
02:42 no way of supporting her through the government.
02:45 That's right, and...
02:47 And she was a foreigner.
02:48 Well, she was in a foreign land as a widow now.
02:50 That's right.
02:52 And in those days, women didn't work.
02:54 So it was a pretty, pretty bad situation.
03:00 Now the question is, who were these Moabites?
03:03 They were the descendants of Lot.
03:06 You remember during the nights of his drunkenness,
03:10 he committed incest with his two daughters.
03:14 The story is recorded in Genesis 19.
03:17 And Lot became the father
03:19 of two bitter enemies of God's people,
03:22 the Moabites from his older daughter,
03:25 and the Ammonites from his younger daughter.
03:29 And yet they're relatives of the Hebrews.
03:32 Yes, well, our cousins I guess, weren't they?
03:34 Yes.
03:35 The Ammonites were very hostile to God's people.
03:38 They were nomads and often joined forces
03:40 with other nations to oppose Israel.
03:44 On the other hand,
03:45 the Moabites were far more settled and sophisticated.
03:49 They didn't fight Israel as such.
03:51 They were far more subtle
03:53 in their engagement with Israel.
03:56 Moab hired a false prophet to curse Israel,
04:00 and later sent the most beautiful woman in Moab
04:05 to seduce God's people.
04:08 You know, the world is always
04:09 a very, very dangerous place for God's people,
04:11 but never more dangerous
04:14 than when it offers friendship, and fellowship,
04:16 and recognition to His people.
04:19 You know, join our club and our committee,
04:22 our fraternity and enjoy our lifestyle,
04:24 no trouble at all.
04:26 We know that you don't approve of our gods necessarily,
04:30 but we will accommodate you,
04:33 as long as you don't preach against us.
04:36 That's the way it goes, isn't it?
04:38 Yes, that's what they said.
04:39 That was the Moab that Naomi lived in,
04:42 as a lonely widow.
04:44 And it's hard to imagine
04:46 a more dangerous place for a man
04:47 to bring his family into and then leave them.
04:52 The gods of the Moabites were extremely cruel.
04:56 Yes.
04:57 In fact, they were so bad.
04:58 It's almost an unbelievable thing
05:01 when I tell you this, Rosemary.
05:04 In order to fertilize their crops
05:08 and to have the gods approve of their crops,
05:11 they would take their babies and they had a god call Moloch.
05:16 And if you could picture Moloch,
05:18 he was like on his haunches with his arms out,
05:22 and they had a fire inside his belly
05:25 that they would stoke up,
05:27 and then they would take these babies
05:29 and actually throw them into the hands,
05:32 the red hot hands of Moloch.
05:34 And they believed that in doing this,
05:38 they were appeasing their gods
05:40 in order to make their crops fertile.
05:44 So they're killing their babies,
05:45 burning their babies alive.
05:47 It's unbelievable.
05:49 But that's, that's exactly what they did.
05:53 Another thing, God was so upset with them,
05:55 that He made a decree
05:57 that no Moabite could participate
06:00 in the sanctuary service
06:01 and in the salvation process
06:04 until 10 generations had passed.
06:06 In other words,
06:07 to get all this Moabite bad blood
06:09 out of their system took 10 generations.
06:12 It's amazing when you look at the gods
06:14 of these different people,
06:16 those who didn't find the God of Israel.
06:21 Even the gods of some of the societies around us,
06:24 the cultures around us today, they can be very barbaric.
06:28 Yes.
06:29 And it's, the people follow them out of fear.
06:31 Yes.
06:32 Whereas the God of the Hebrews
06:34 wanted to be followed out of love.
06:35 And He was always thinking of the downtrodden
06:37 and the oppressed and wanting to look after them.
06:41 Well, this was the background and it was during the Judges 2,
06:45 that there was a king by the name of Eglon.
06:48 And the Bible describes him as fat.
06:52 Very, exceedingly fat.
06:53 Yes and repulsive.
06:56 And he ruled Israel for 18 years.
07:01 As a foreign...
07:02 As a foreign, and...
07:03 A foreigner king.
07:05 Dominated them for 18 years.
07:06 And I would have thought that,
07:08 that ought to be a warning to any person in Israel,
07:11 of the danger of being associated
07:13 with the Moabites.
07:16 But, of course, when you're a backslider,
07:21 you don't see the dangers of Moab,
07:25 and that's why Elimelech took his wife, Naomi,
07:29 and their two sons,
07:31 and they journeyed down into Moab.
07:34 It was certainly a backward step.
07:36 Well, not only that,
07:37 but when they got down into Moab,
07:40 to add insult to injury,
07:43 not only was Naomi now widow,
07:46 but now her two sons married to Moabite girls.
07:52 So they're really entrenched
07:54 into the Moabite society.
07:57 Then one day Naomi announces to her daughters- in-law.
08:03 Who are both widows as well.
08:05 Yes, who are widows by this stage
08:08 that she was going back to Bethlehem.
08:11 And she was about to say goodbye.
08:14 And we pick up the story,
08:16 if you'd like to read it with me
08:18 in the Book of Ruth 1:7,
08:25 it says this,
08:27 "Therefore she went out from the place where she was,
08:31 and her two daughters-in-law with her,
08:34 and they went on the way to return to the land of Judah.
08:38 And Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law,
08:41 'Go, return each to her mother's house.
08:45 The Lord deal kindly with you,
08:47 as you have dealt with the dead and with me.
08:50 The Lord grant that you may find rest
08:53 each in the house of her husband.'
08:56 So she kissed them
08:57 and they lifted up their voices and wept.
09:00 And they said to her,
09:01 'Surely we will return with you to your people.'"
09:07 And you can think here of the influence
09:10 that Naomi had on these two girls.
09:12 Must have been amazing.
09:14 Well, it was a very positive one for a start,
09:16 because she was saying,
09:19 "Come, and we'll go back to Bethlehem,"
09:21 and the girls were willing to follow.
09:25 And you can see these,
09:27 these three girls traveling together.
09:29 There was Naomi, of course, the backslider.
09:31 Then there was Ruth,
09:34 who was a very interested convert.
09:38 And there was her,
09:41 the other son's wife
09:45 by the name of Orpah.
09:48 And she was perhaps regarded as an inquirer,
09:52 but unfortunately, she never made it.
09:56 And as a result,
09:59 she eventually went back to Moab.
10:03 And I blame Naomi for that.
10:06 It was Naomi's influence finally
10:08 that led Orpah to go back to.
10:12 And you can read that here in a little bit further on.
10:17 And once again I'm sort of picturing
10:19 in my mind now
10:20 as we're talking about it, Rosemary,
10:22 these three girls walking along the road toward Bethlehem.
10:27 And they would be traveling...
10:28 And it's quiet a distance. West.
10:30 They'd be traveling west of the sun
10:31 would be in their eyes as they traveled
10:33 most of the afternoon at least, into the evening.
10:37 And,
10:41 no doubt Naomi was telling Ruth in particular,
10:45 about the God of Israel,
10:49 and telling her about Abraham,
10:52 and Isaac, and Jacob
10:55 and reciting all the wonderful stories.
10:57 She no doubt recited the story of Joshua,
11:02 and how they conquered, you know,
11:05 the land of Canaan, and all of these stories.
11:09 And then she told him about the true God.
11:12 And then suddenly as they were talking,
11:15 bit like the story of Jesus and his parent,
11:17 you know, the parents,
11:19 they were so busy talking, where's Orpah?
11:24 Hence, they turned around and looked back
11:27 and there Orpah was way, way back in the distance.
11:33 And so they waited for her to catch up.
11:38 And poor Orpah was thinking about going over
11:42 to this foreign land called Israel.
11:45 And she was thinking
11:47 that she was going to leave all her childhood memories.
11:51 All her family.
11:52 All her family, all the things that were dear to her,
11:56 she was going to leave behind.
12:00 And Orpah makes a statement.
12:06 In fact, if you look here at verse 11.
12:11 This is Ruth 1:11.
12:14 In her, Naomi, this is in her backslidden condition.
12:17 This is what she says now to Orpah, look.
12:23 This is why I say, she's to be blamed.
12:25 Notice what she says.
12:27 "But Naomi said, 'Turn back my daughters,
12:30 why will you go with me?
12:33 Are there still sons in my womb,
12:36 that you may have your husbands?'"
12:39 So she's saying, "Look, I'm not going to be able
12:42 to produce any more sons for you."
12:47 Verse 12, "Turn back my daughters, go."
12:52 That is go back to Moab.
12:54 "For I am too old to have a husband.
12:57 If I should say I have hope,
12:59 if I should have a husband tonight
13:01 and should also bear sons,
13:03 would you wait for them till they were grown?
13:07 Would you restrain yourselves from having husbands?
13:10 No, my daughters,
13:11 for it grieves me very much for your sakes
13:14 that the hand of the Lord has gone out against me!"
13:18 Yeah, here she's blaming God for all that's happened.
13:22 And she's wallowing in her misery...
13:24 Well.
13:26 And it turns her thoughts negatively
13:28 to her daughters coming with her.
13:30 Yeah, well, she's saying to them,
13:31 "Look, I can't have any more sons.
13:34 So you're not going to get any sons
13:36 out of me for marriage."
13:38 And furthermore, she said,
13:41 "There was no upright Israeli man
13:44 who will ever have you as their wives."
13:47 Because we've been told that
13:49 till 10 generations we're not to get associated.
13:52 Moabites are not to come in.
13:53 Yes.
13:55 And, whereas if you stay in Moab,
13:58 the chances of you getting married again
14:01 are extremely high.
14:02 So, you go back.
14:04 And this is what she says to both,
14:06 to Ruth, and to Orpah.
14:08 And these two young women,
14:11 who were showing such an interest
14:14 about the true God,
14:15 and about His leading in their lives,
14:18 she now pours cold water on the whole thing,
14:21 and sends them back to Moab.
14:25 And so I say, I blamed Naomi
14:28 for the condition of Orpah, in particular.
14:33 And then she adds here in verse 14,
14:38 "Then they lifted up their voices and wept again,
14:40 and Orpah kissed her mother-in-law,
14:44 but Ruth clung to her."
14:47 So I can see Orpah now in this situation.
14:50 The three of them are talking around
14:52 and Naomi's saying, look, go back.
14:55 No chance of getting married if you stay with me.
14:58 Go back, and I can see Orpah now straightening up.
15:03 And she says, "Mom, I think you're right.
15:06 I think you're right.
15:08 I'm going to go back to my gods,
15:11 and to my old way of life."
15:14 I love you, but I'm going to go back to my people.
15:17 Yes.
15:18 She listened to the reasoning of Naomi
15:21 which was so bad.
15:24 And she goes back, and it's interesting.
15:28 You know, she goes back to her pagan gods,
15:30 but we don't read another single thing ever about Orpah.
15:34 What happened to her?
15:35 We have no idea.
15:37 But she goes into absolute darkness.
15:39 And once again, Rosemary,
15:41 it indicates to me,
15:42 how careful we need to be about our talk.
15:47 Because we can have a tremendous influence,
15:48 both for good, and for bad
15:51 upon those that we come in contact with.
15:55 Let me give you another illustration
15:57 in the Bible.
15:58 Abraham.
16:00 Now, it was when Abraham apostatized
16:02 and became a backslider
16:05 that he went down into Egypt.
16:08 You know the story.
16:09 And while he was in Egypt, of course,
16:11 Lot, his nephew
16:15 got a taste of the highlife, the Egyptian highlife.
16:19 Yes.
16:20 And that's what led finally, when they left Egypt,
16:26 and they then settled.
16:27 In Canaan.
16:28 Yes, that Lot chose to go down by Sodom and Gomorrah,
16:33 because that was the highlife.
16:35 He got a taste of it in Egypt,
16:37 and he wanted to continue it on.
16:38 And it was Abraham's backsliding attitude
16:42 that led to Lot's mistakes
16:45 and all the consequences followed.
16:47 And it led to the Moabites.
16:48 Yeah, well, the story that we're reading here
16:51 wouldn't be a story,
16:54 because it would never have happened,
16:55 if Abraham had been faithful...
16:58 Yes. And not backslidden.
16:59 So, the Bible is full of stories like this,
17:02 that illustrate how important it is for us,
17:04 never to backslide,
17:05 because there are consequences, even though people come back,
17:09 and Naomi, we're going to read, came back,
17:12 and Abraham came back, but there were consequences.
17:15 And the Moabites and the Amorites
17:18 were consequences of Naomi's,
17:22 or sorry, of Abraham's.
17:25 So our choices in life don't just affect ourselves,
17:28 they affect other people around us,
17:31 including other generations.
17:32 That's right, exactly.
17:34 And in verse 16 and 17,
17:37 some of the most wonderful words
17:38 in the English language,
17:40 and sometimes you hear this at weddings.
17:43 Because Ruth said,
17:45 in view of all that Naomi had been saying,
17:49 let's remember this,
17:50 she'd been encouraging, Orpah, took it up.
17:52 But Ruth had a different attitude.
17:55 And this is what she said, "Entreat me not to leave you."
17:58 Don't press me to leave you," she said,
18:00 "or to turn back from following after you,
18:03 for wherever you go, I will go,
18:06 and wherever you lodge, I will lodge.
18:10 Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.
18:14 And where you die, I will die, and there will I be buried,
18:19 The Lord do so to me and more also,
18:22 if anything but death parts you and me."
18:27 Beautiful words, aren't they? They are.
18:29 Some of the most majestic words in the English language.
18:31 Their real confession of faith.
18:33 Yes.
18:34 No wonder, Ruth became the girl that she eventually was.
18:38 You could see the quality in the girl
18:42 right in these early days.
18:43 And she really loved her mother-in-law.
18:45 She did.
18:47 Verse 19 says, "Now the two of them,
18:50 they came back to Bethlehem.
18:53 And it happened, when they came to Bethlehem,
18:55 that all the city was excited because of them,
18:58 and the women said, 'Is this Naomi?'"
19:02 They couldn't believe that it actually was Naomi.
19:06 Well, she'd been away for, what, 10 years or so?
19:10 At least.
19:12 And, but the lines on her face, she had aged.
19:17 Not just by the 10 years, but by many, many more years.
19:21 And she would have, I presume, looked extremely,
19:25 not just sad, but grieving.
19:27 Yes, well that...
19:29 She would be anything less than human
19:30 if she wasn't upset, you know,
19:32 losing her husband, losing her two sons.
19:34 That's enough to break the heart of a lion.
19:36 And her wealth, what money they had.
19:39 Yes, it was all gone.
19:40 Yeah.
19:42 And her face indicated that she was a different woman.
19:48 And verse 20 goes on to say,
19:52 "But she said to them,
19:53 'Do not call me Naomi, call me Mara,
19:59 for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me."
20:04 So once again, she blames God.
20:07 Don't we do that?
20:08 Well, backsliders often do.
20:10 We blame God for our bad mistakes?
20:12 Well, remember,
20:14 let's just recast our mind on this story.
20:16 She and her husband chose to go to Moab, didn't they?
20:20 Yes.
20:22 God had nothing to do with it.
20:24 God would have discouraged that.
20:26 So, why is she blaming God for doing something
20:31 that they chose to do?
20:32 But that's so much like us.
20:35 We get into difficulties,
20:37 and the first person we blame is God.
20:39 Well, Adam started doing that in the Garden of Eden
20:43 when he sinned.
20:45 And God said, "Adam, why did you do this?"
20:47 He said," Well, the woman that you gave me..."
20:49 "Was the problem."
20:51 So, he blamed God even then, and then,
20:53 the woman blamed the serpent
20:56 that God had created, basically.
20:58 So, they're passing the buck
21:00 and blaming God and someone else,
21:02 and we've been passing the buck ever since.
21:05 Well, it gets worse, Rosemary.
21:08 Naomi gets worse.
21:10 Because have a look at verse 21,
21:12 "I went out full,
21:14 and the Lord has brought me home again empty.
21:17 Why do you call me Naomi,
21:20 since the Lord has testified against me,
21:22 and the Almighty has afflicted me?"
21:26 So now...
21:27 Once again. She's blaming God.
21:28 She says, "The Lord has done this deliberately to me."
21:31 Yeah.
21:32 And, poor Naomi, as I said, we can sympathize with her,
21:37 having lost her husband and her two sons,
21:39 and she paid a tremendous price for backsliding.
21:43 Do you think that part of what she's doing there
21:45 is the influence of the gods of Moab?
21:49 Because they would have tried
21:51 to appease those gods all the time,
21:53 because they would, you know,
21:54 not give them a good crop or as you say,
21:56 fertilize the ground, or the rain or something.
21:59 If, "Oh, we haven't done the right thing,
22:01 let's appease the God.
22:03 And so the God has done this to us."
22:06 And so, then that reflection is in the way of her thinking.
22:11 Well, she would have been influenced
22:13 by what was going on around her,
22:15 no question about that.
22:16 And I think the point that you're making
22:17 is very good.
22:19 Here over in 4:15.
22:23 Now we must remember too.
22:26 You can understand how the people
22:27 would have regarded Ruth, a Moabite.
22:32 What's she doing coming down here?
22:35 She's unclean.
22:36 She's not one of us.
22:38 And so I would imagine for a long period of time,
22:42 I don't know how long,
22:43 but for a period of time,
22:45 there must have been great suspicion against Ruth.
22:52 That would be natural, wouldn't it?
22:53 It would be, definitely.
22:55 And it's interesting, in verse 14,
23:00 they make a statement,
23:02 "Then the woman said to Naomi, 'Blessed be the Lord,
23:06 who has not left you this day without a close relative,
23:10 and may His name, be famous in Israel.'"
23:12 And verse 15,
23:14 "And may He be to you a restorer of life
23:16 and a nourisher of your old age,"
23:18 you know, they're trying to encourage her,
23:21 "for your daughter-in-law," that's Ruth,
23:23 "who loves you, who is better to you
23:26 than seven sons, has borne him."
23:29 Just talking about eventual marriage with Boaz.
23:33 And, so in that, in that period of time,
23:36 the folk have got to love Ruth,
23:38 and they've seen their qualities,
23:39 and they're praising Naomi and saying,
23:42 "Well, she's actually better than sons and..."
23:44 Seven sons.
23:45 "Seven sons."
23:47 And that would have been something for her to say.
23:48 And also, it's interesting
23:50 to notice what Boaz said about Ruth.
23:53 You'd think that he may have been
23:54 a little bit biased,
23:55 but this is what he said "And now my daughter..."
23:58 This is 3:11.
24:01 "And now my daughter, do not fear,
24:03 I will do for you all that you request,
24:06 for all the people of my town know
24:08 that you are a virtuous woman."
24:11 So she had the accolades
24:14 and the praise of all that were with her.
24:17 Obviously, Ruth had really accepted the true God,
24:22 the God of the Israelites,
24:25 and had put all of her faith in Him,
24:27 and they could see that in her
24:29 even though she was a Moabite, she was a true convert.
24:32 Yes, well, she was a wonderful woman.
24:35 You know, something else I find interesting,
24:37 is that when Naomi came back,
24:40 she was a bitter old woman.
24:42 That's why she said, "Don't call me Naomi anymore.
24:45 My name is Mara."
24:47 But as she fellowshipped with God's people,
24:49 a change took place,
24:52 and the people all started to call her Naomi again,
24:56 which means pleasant.
24:58 You know, this is the reason
25:01 why God has established the church.
25:04 And I meet people, I'm sure you do too, Rosemary,
25:07 from time to time, who say,
25:09 "Look, I'll just worship on my own.
25:13 I don't need to go to church.
25:14 I don't need to belong to a church."
25:16 That's right. I hear lots of people say that.
25:17 But that's not the way God intended it.
25:19 God, we are social creatures,
25:21 and we need the fellowship of the church...
25:24 And the encouragement. And the encouragement.
25:26 And this is what we're reading here
25:27 that these women in Bethlehem,
25:30 they encouraged Naomi,
25:32 and they lifted her spirits,
25:34 so much so that her name,
25:38 they wanted to give her back her name,
25:40 because it meant pleasant.
25:41 Yes.
25:43 Someone who was, who's around us,
25:44 who's pleasant, you know,
25:45 we all like being around people who are pleasant.
25:48 Yes, we do. Yes, it's natural.
25:50 And so her name means pleasant,
25:53 and they gave her back her name.
25:56 And once again,
25:58 I think it illustrates the importance for us
26:02 of the church
26:03 and the social aspects of the church.
26:07 And I believe that the church is not only studying the Bible,
26:12 that's very, very important and foundational,
26:14 but on top of that,
26:17 it is social and encouraging us,
26:22 and God wants us to be people
26:25 who are pleasant to be around with.
26:27 That's right.
26:28 And one of the fruits of the Spirit is joy.
26:31 You know, the world offers many things,
26:33 amusement and pleasure, but it can't offer joy.
26:37 Joy is more than happiness.
26:39 You know, happiness depends upon what happens to us,
26:43 but joy transcends circumstances.
26:46 When Jesus is about to go
26:47 to the cross at the Last Supper,
26:48 He could speak of joy.
26:51 It is sin that actually takes away
26:54 the joy of our salvation.
26:55 Because you'll remember,
26:57 that when King David sinned with Bathsheba.
27:01 David didn't lose his salvation,
27:03 because he still loved the Lord.
27:06 But he lost the joy of his salvation.
27:09 And God wants us to be joyful as Christians.
27:13 And when Nathan came in and reproached him,
27:16 he realized he's lost that joy.
27:17 Yes.
27:18 So Naomi, instead of being gloomy and depressed,
27:21 went around spreading the fragrance of joy.
27:24 And people gave her back her old name, Naomi.
27:27 And so God wants us to fellowship with one another
27:31 and to be pleasant people.
27:33 God wants us to make good choices.
27:35 It's up to us,
27:36 whether or not we make the choices
27:38 in consideration of His will.
27:40 Or just do our own thing
27:42 and we end up with the consequences.
27:45 So let's choose the right things
27:46 and fellowship with God's people,
27:48 and to love God,
27:49 and may He bless you until we see you next time.


Revised 2020-01-23