Pressing into His Presence

How God Speaks To His People -part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn


Series Code: PHP

Program Code: PHP000018

00:01 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn.
00:02 Please join us today on Pressing Into His Presence as we begin
00:05 a Bible study on ten different ways that the Lord
00:09 speaks to mankind.
00:34 Welcome to Pressing Into His Presence.
00:36 In this series on prayer we have been walking through
00:40 a particular praise pattern of prayer.
00:43 It's an acronym, PRAISE.
00:45 We've gone through praise, repentance, affirmation,
00:48 intercession, supplication, and now we are to the E of PRAISE,
00:54 and that is enter and be still.
00:58 What we're going to do today is talk about and consider,
01:03 Does God still speak to mankind?
01:06 Well, of course He does!
01:09 The Holy Scriptures are the word of God,
01:12 and it is through them that God speaks the loudest to anyone
01:16 who is willing to listen.
01:18 Allowing Scripture to be our guide, today we will briefly
01:22 look at the various ways God has communicated to people
01:26 throughout the ages.
01:28 Now we're also using this resource book that's also
01:31 titled Pressing Into His Presence.
01:34 And today we begin with Chapter 10.
01:37 First lets look at the symbolic significance this segment
01:42 of our prayer time has in connection with the earthly
01:47 Sanctuary's most holy place.
01:50 Because symbolically in our prayer process when we get
01:54 to the E, the enter and be still, we have pressed into
01:59 this most holy place.
02:01 On the earthly Sanctuary it was a perfectly squared fifteen foot
02:06 cube, and its length was the same as its width,
02:09 and its height. Now the second compartment, which is the most
02:14 holy place, was representative of the New Jerusalem,
02:19 the heavenly city foursquare.
02:21 And covering the interior walls and ceilings were magnificent
02:27 curtains of blue, purple, and scarlet colored yarn,
02:31 resplendent with artistic designs of cherubim embroidered
02:36 in gold and silver threads.
02:39 The most holy place was a type of heaven.
02:43 And the only piece of furniture within the most holy place was
02:47 the ark of the covenant.
02:49 It was exquisitely designed.
02:52 It was the most sacred of all of the Sanctuary objects.
02:58 And to demonstrate its preeminence the ark was the
03:03 very first article that God commanded Moses to make,
03:07 and it was the only thing taken from the original Sanctuary
03:12 into the temple built by Solomon.
03:15 The ark of the covenant was the throne of God on earth.
03:19 This sacred chest contained the two tables of stone upon which
03:25 God wrote His ten commandments with His own finger.
03:28 The two tablets of His commandments represent the twin
03:33 pillars that support the moral foundation upon which
03:37 God's government rests.
03:39 In contrast there was a book of the law, it's also called the
03:43 book of the covenant, this was the special covenant terms that
03:47 God made with Israel at Mount Sinai.
03:50 He spoke it and Moses wrote it.
03:52 That was on the outside of the ark in a pocket.
03:55 Its placement was symbolic of the temporary terms
04:00 of the old covenant.
04:02 Now as a memorial for God's supernatural provision,
04:07 inside the ark, beside the ten commandments,
04:10 was a pot of manna, and that was representative of God's word
04:16 as our spiritual nutrition.
04:18 Also included inside the ark was Aaron's rod that budded,
04:23 which was given as a sign to verify that Aaron had the right
04:28 to serve as high priest.
04:30 This rod represented Christ, our Branch, who was dead
04:35 and then was resurrected with new life to serve as our
04:40 only high priest in heaven.
04:42 The ark was covered by the mercy seat, which had two cherubim
04:48 on each of the opposite ends.
04:50 And the mercy seat and the cherubim were a single piece
04:54 fashioned of pure gold.
04:56 It was here that the visible presence, the Shekinah glory
05:01 of God, filled the space between the cherubim.
05:05 Here God communed with people and heard their prayers.
05:09 The holy of holies was consecrated by the presence
05:14 of God, the Shekinah glory, seen only by the high priest,
05:19 who alone could enter the sacred enclosure.
05:23 All others who heard God's voice from the tabernacle
05:26 stood before the golden altar of incense, and listened through
05:31 the veil that separated the most holy place
05:33 from the first compartment.
05:35 Hebrews 9:7 says this: But into the second part the high priest
05:55 Only on the day of atonement did the high priest gain entrance.
06:01 As he interceded for the peoples sins, committed in ignorance
06:08 it said, sprinkling the blood of the sacrifice on the
06:12 mercy seat, it was there that God extended mercy.
06:17 And the hanging door veil between the two compartments
06:21 was predominantly blue, symbolic of Christ entering heaven
06:26 through the blue skies.
06:28 As our high priest He entered once for all into the true
06:32 holy of holies in heaven.
06:34 His own precious blood sprinkled on the mercy seat of God
06:39 is the only thing that provides us forgiveness of sins.
06:45 Hebrews 10:19-22 tells us:
07:11 You know, at the moment that Christ died on that cruel cross
07:16 of Calvary, the veil in the earthly temple was torn in two.
07:22 It was torn from bottom to top, and this was actually attesting
07:29 to the fact that the mosaic sacrificial system had ended.
07:34 Jesus opened a new and living way for us to enter the
07:38 most holy place with boldness, gaining direct access
07:42 to our Father's throne of grace.
07:45 Let us never take for granted what manner of love has
07:51 been lavished upon us.
07:52 As children of God, we share in the privilege of communicating
07:56 with our Lord heart to heart, before His very throne.
08:01 As we enter, pressing into His presence, as we enter into the
08:08 holy of holies, the holiest place of all, let us remove
08:13 our casual shoes and enter with reverence, for surely we are
08:20 standing on holy ground.
08:21 Prayer is an awe inspiring privilege.
08:26 God spoke in Psalms 46:10, and this is what He said:
08:40 You know, Christ similarly advises us in Revelation 2:17.
08:46 He says, He who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit
08:51 says to the churches.
08:52 To him who overcomes, I will give some of the
08:56 hidden manna to eat.
08:58 God is our loving Abba Father.
09:03 And when we cry out in supplication He responds.
09:08 As a truly perfect Father, He desires for us to be still,
09:13 and hear what the Spirit says.
09:16 He desires to speak words of encouragement,
09:19 words of instruction, and even discipline into our hearts.
09:23 I pray we will learn to train our ears to recognize
09:27 His authentic voice, and open them to listen.
09:30 He will give us a taste of His hidden manna to eat.
09:34 Unveiling His will for our lives will be His purpose
09:40 as we press into His presence.
09:42 In this program and the next, we're going to do a condensed
09:47 Bible study that will focus on ten categories
09:52 of communication from God.
09:53 And what I'd like to do now is just summarize the ways in which
09:58 the Lord has spoken to His people.
10:23 And in our time remaining today we're going to take a brief look
10:27 at the first four on this list.
10:29 First and foremost is Scripture.
10:32 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 Paul says,
10:56 Clearly the premier manner in which God speaks to His people
11:00 is through His written word.
11:02 Through the ages the scrolls and text of the original
11:06 manuscripts, now carefully translated into so many
11:10 languages, have revealed an unfolding of the character
11:14 of God, His purposes for mankind, and the plans that
11:18 He has for our lives.
11:20 The Bible remains today the best selling book of all times.
11:26 You know, Hebrews 4:12 tells us that the word of God
11:30 is alive and active.
11:32 And truly this holy book was God breathed.
11:36 It remains full of power forever.
11:40 In 1 Thessalonians 2:13 Paul said, It is in truth the word
11:45 of God which also effectively works in you who believe.
11:51 It contains words straight from heaven, which have soul
11:57 saving, transforming power when implanted in our hearts.
12:02 God speaks through the Bible today.
12:05 Each time we read His word, allowing the Holy Spirit to aid
12:10 our comprehension, His divine counsel echoes in our hearts.
12:15 Now understanding doesn't come all at once.
12:19 God leads us in baby steps, giving us first the milk
12:23 of the word, and then solid food as we're able to digest it.
12:28 But studying every word that comes from the mouth of God,
12:33 and putting His teaching into practice feeds our spiritual
12:39 lives, and it helps us to grow in maturity.
12:43 So that's our first category.
12:46 Now our second category of divine communication is
12:50 God's prophets, and His Son Christ Jesus.
12:54 Hebrews 1:1, 2 says this:
13:15 You know, much of the written texts of the Bible are the
13:19 recorded words of the prophets, and of Christ Jesus.
13:23 Some mistakenly think that there is a variance between the
13:27 portrayal of God's personality in the Old
13:31 Testament and the New.
13:32 They presume that the ancient prophets portrayed God
13:37 as One that was full of wrath, whereas Jesus portrayed Him
13:41 as the essence of love.
13:43 What they failed to understand is that our God of love
13:48 raised up these prophets to warn a rebellious people
13:53 of His coming justice if they would not mend their ways.
13:57 In speaking to God Nehemiah said, in Nehemiah 9:30,
14:03 Yet for many years you had patience with them,
14:07 and You testified against them by Your Spirit in Your Prophets,
14:13 yet they would not listen.
14:16 God is long-suffering with mankind.
14:20 The desire of His heart is for all to be saved.
14:25 He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked.
14:28 The Old Testament is filled with warnings of impending wrath
14:32 if the people did not turn back to their heavenly Father.
14:36 Like a patient parent who gets little joy from punishing
14:41 a child, God's message is through His prophets,
14:45 often implied. I'm going to tell you one more time.
14:49 Don't make me spank you!
14:51 Now concerning prophecy, we should consider
14:57 2 Peter 1:20, 21 that says:
15:19 You know, prophetic interpretation seems to confuse
15:23 some who pluck meanings from outside sources to explain
15:28 symbols of Scripture.
15:29 The apostle Peter warns against this private interpretation.
15:34 All symbolic language found in the Bible is
15:37 explained in the Bible.
15:38 God doesn't leave interpretation to guess work.
15:41 He moved His prophets by the Holy Spirit.
15:44 They didn't write thoughts on their own.
15:47 And God's promise to the New Testament church is found in
15:50 Joel 2:28 and again in Acts 2:17, 18. He says:
16:06 Jesus instituted a five fold ministry for the
16:10 equipping of the Saints, giving some to be apostles,
16:13 some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors, and some teachers.
16:18 The gift of prophecy is a gift of the Spirit, which continued
16:23 beyond the days of the early church,
16:26 because the Lord declares in Amos 3:7, He says,
16:31 Surely the Lord God does nothing unless
16:35 He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.
16:39 But beware of the false prophets.
16:42 Jesus warns they'll rise up in the end times.
16:45 Don't be fooled. Test the Spirits.
16:49 Does their message line up in agreement with Scripture?
16:53 You must know the word of God and the character of the person
16:57 who claims to be a prophet.
16:59 Do they meet Bible qualifications?
17:01 Paul warns us in 1 Thessalonians 5:20, 21.
17:07 He warns us not to spurn the gifts and utterances
17:11 of the prophets, not to despise inspired instruction,
17:16 but to test and prove all things,
17:19 and hold fast to what is good.
17:22 No prophetic message from God will contradict what He
17:26 has said in His word.
17:27 In fact, in Jeremiah 23:29-32 God says this: Is not my word
17:37 like a fire, and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?
17:41 Therefore He says, I am against the prophets who steal from
17:45 another words supposedly from Me.
17:50 Those false prophets who wag their own tongues,
17:53 and yet declare, The Lord declares, and who prophesy
17:57 false dreams, and lead my people astray with their reckless lies,
18:01 yet I did not send or appoint them.
18:04 You see, speaking on behalf of God carries a fearful
18:09 and awesome responsibility.
18:12 He will not let man put man's words in His mouth,
18:18 darkening the counsel of God with words
18:22 that lack His knowledge.
18:23 Pastors, evangelists, teachers, and those who counsel
18:27 in His name are entrusted with a divine privilege,
18:31 and held accountable before the Almighty for what they speak.
18:35 Most especially is this true for the prophet who
18:40 when representing a declaration from the Lord,
18:43 must speak only as the Spirit gives utterance.
18:47 Does this mean that every word the prophet
18:49 speaks is infallible?
18:51 No, they're human beings like you and me.
18:54 They may speak their own sincere opinion from time to time,
18:57 and be sincerely wrong.
18:59 A case in point is the story of Nathan the prophet when
19:04 King David expressed his desire to build a house for God,
19:07 Nathan said to him in 2 Samuel 7:3, Oh go, do all that's
19:13 in your heart for the Lord is with you.
19:15 Nathan was a true prophet of God.
19:18 He hadn't sought God here.
19:20 He was just speaking his own reasoning.
19:22 It had been proven to him that God was with David.
19:25 Surely it seemed like a good idea to build God a
19:28 permanent home on earth.
19:30 But the word of the Lord came to the prophet Nathan that night
19:35 to alert him that he'd spoken in error.
19:38 It wouldn't be David who built God's temple,
19:41 but rather his son Solomon.
19:43 So Nathan was definitely a prophet chosen by God,
19:47 but not every word he uttered represented a
19:50 declaration from the Lord.
19:52 It is the implication of thus saith the Lord that must be
19:58 exactly on target.
20:01 Any message delivered as though it were directly issued from
20:06 the throne of God must be put to the test.
20:12 God sums it up in Deuteronomy 18:20, 22.
20:17 Here's what He says.
20:52 And Isaiah 8:20 says, To the law and the testimony;
20:57 if they do not speak according to this word, it is because
21:01 there is no light in them.
21:04 The law refers to the revealed will of God.
21:08 And Revelation 19:10 says that the testimony of Jesus
21:12 is the Spirit of Prophecy.
21:14 The true prophet of God will never speak a word representing
21:19 it as God's word that is not in harmony with the will of God
21:23 as revealed in the Bible, or that does not honor His living
21:28 Word, Jesus Christ.
21:29 You know, Christ, even Himself, He relied totally on the Spirit
21:37 to give Him words straight from the throne of God.
21:41 He said that the words He spoke were the perfect
21:44 reflection of His Father's will.
21:47 Now this takes us to our third category: Appearance of Angels.
21:53 This is our next category in divine communication.
21:57 Hebrews 1:14 speaks of angels saying, Are they not all
22:01 ministering Spirits sent forth to minister to those who will
22:06 inherit salvation?
22:07 One of the many ways in which angels minister to mankind
22:13 during Bible days was to deliver a message from God.
22:17 The prophet Daniel was made to understand visions by the angel
22:21 Gabriel, who also appeared to Zacharias with news of John
22:27 the Baptist's birth.
22:28 And then he appeared to Mary announcing that she would
22:32 give birth to the Messiah.
22:35 Also unnamed angels appeared to the women at the tomb,
22:39 the disciples at Christ's ascension, and the apostle
22:43 Peter in his release from prison.
22:46 This is just to mention a few.
22:48 Does God still speak through angels today?
22:51 Well, I have no personal experience with this,
22:53 at least none of which I am aware.
22:56 But the Bible advises us in Hebrews 13:2 to extend
23:02 hospitalities to strangers, for we might be entertaining
23:06 angels without knowing it.
23:08 My lack of known angelic encounters does not invalidate
23:13 the source of ongoing heavenly communication.
23:17 Now, the next means of divine communication we will consider
23:22 is creation and creatures.
23:26 The Bible tells us in Psalms 19: 1-4, The heavens declare the
23:31 glory of God and the firmament shows and proclaims
23:36 His handiwork. Day after day pours forth speech,
23:40 and night after night shows forth knowledge.
23:43 There's no speech nor spoken word from the stars.
23:47 Their voice is not heard.
23:48 Yet their voice and evidence goes out through all the earth,
23:52 their sayings to the end of the world.
23:55 Many an atheist heart has been turned to God through the study
24:01 of astronomy and nature.
24:03 God is such an artistic Creator.
24:07 He is such a genius at organizational systems
24:13 that His works speak for Him.
24:16 I don't understand how anyone can study God's creation
24:20 and not recognize the eternal power and glory of the Lord.
24:26 Paul said, in Romans 1:19, 20 that the basic reality of God is
24:32 plain enough; open your eyes and there it is.
24:35 By taking a long and thoughtful look at what God has created,
24:39 He says that people have always been able to see with the
24:43 spiritual eyes what their physical eyes can't see.
24:46 They see eternal power for instance, and the mystery
24:50 of His divine being.
24:51 So Paul concludes that nobody has a good excuse.
24:55 That God speaks through the glory of His creation
24:59 testifying to an intelligent Creator.
25:04 Now in regard to creatures, there's one incredible
25:11 Bible account to the Lord giving a literal voice to a creature.
25:18 And you probably remember this from when you were young,
25:21 and going to Sabbath School.
25:22 Balaam, a false prophet for hire was employed by the king of Moab
25:28 to curse the Israelites against the revealed will of God.
25:33 Balaam went forth to carry out the deed, and the Lord opened
25:39 the mouth of this false prophet's donkey to speak
25:43 with the voice of a human to gain his attention.
25:47 Now I personally, I can't think of anymore unusual manner
25:51 on record in which God has delivered a message
25:55 of warning to man.
25:56 This would be something that if a donkey were to start talking
26:02 to me, I know that I would be probably frightened to death.
26:08 But, our time now, I don't have time to go into anything else,
26:14 so we've considered the first three categories which is that
26:20 the word of God is His number one way of
26:24 communicating with us.
26:25 And I pray for you that God will give to you an inexhaustible
26:32 desire for His word.
26:34 And then we also have looked at how God speaks.
26:40 He spoke, He still speaks through His prophets,
26:43 and through His Son Jesus Christ.
26:46 And then finally, how God speaks through the
26:50 glory of His creation.
26:53 What an amazing Creator God we have.
26:56 And through creatures, at least once we know through a creature.
27:01 We're going to, next time, be considering the remaining six
27:06 in our category, and that is answered prayers,
27:12 signs and circumstances, visions, dreams,
27:16 the audible voice, and the still small voice.
27:20 I hope that you will join us next time,
27:23 because this is a Bible study that we need to know where to
27:27 find these Scriptures.
27:29 We need to know how to tell people.
27:30 There are so many people who are being misled by voices that are
27:36 claiming to be God's voices and they're not.
27:38 So we need to know what God, how He has spoken to man,
27:45 the type of people He talks to, and we need to know what
27:49 He wants us to hear.
27:50 And that's something that we're going to be discussing
27:54 in coming up programs, so please join us next time.
27:58 Our prayer for you is that the grace of our Lord and Savior
28:01 Jesus Christ, the love of the Father, and the fellowship of
28:05 the Holy Spirit will be with you today and always.


Revised 2015-02-04