Pure Choices

Pornography And Masturbation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Seth Yelorda (Host), Alfonzo Greene, Lola Moore, Michael Kelley, Michael Polite


Series Code: PC

Program Code: PC000002

00:45 Welcome back to "Pure Choices."
00:47 I'm so glad that you decided to join us
00:48 again for another episode.
00:50 Today we have a very hot topic
00:52 that we're gonna dive right into.
00:54 But before we do that, I just want to take a minute
00:55 and introduce again my colleagues
00:58 who're here to just discuss these sensitive and hot issues.
01:03 Right here we have my brother Alfonzo Greene, who's a pastor,
01:07 one of the pastors at the first SDA Church
01:09 in Huntsville, Alabama.
01:10 We have my brother Michael Polite,
01:13 who is the associate pastor at the Riverside SDA Church
01:16 in Nashville, Tennessee.
01:19 We have my sister Lola Moore, who is with us.
01:23 She is one of the pastors
01:24 from the Huntsville Oakwood University Church.
01:27 And then we have my brother Michael B. Kelley
01:30 who pastors in Riverside, California.,
01:33 the Mt. Rubidoux SDA Church.
01:34 I'm so glad that you all back here with me again.
01:37 And today our topic is one that is, kind of, taboo
01:41 within the Adventist Church specifically,
01:43 and maybe just in any church.
01:45 We're dealing specifically with self pleasure,
01:46 masturbation, pornography.
01:48 Now even saying the word masturbation is kind of like,
01:52 should I be saying that,
01:53 you know, it's kind of like one of those tough,
01:54 tough topics that we don't really deal with.
01:56 But I'm gonna say it again just we'll are comfortable.
01:58 Masturbation. Right. Right. Thank you. Thank you.
02:00 Yeah, this is what we're dealing with today.
02:03 And so let's just talk about it.
02:06 What is it? Is it right?
02:07 Is it wrong? How do we deal with it?
02:09 How does the church approach it?
02:10 What does God's word say about it?
02:11 You know, let's just throw it out there
02:13 and just wrestle with it.
02:14 Well, you know, one of things that,
02:16 you know, I'm glad that
02:18 we're talking about, this is appropriate.
02:20 There was somebody I had to deal with it at a time,
02:23 who has coming to me for some counseling,
02:25 two different situations.
02:26 One situation was they were trying
02:29 to remain pure in their minds
02:32 and pure for them was not having sex.
02:34 But when they would go and be with their significant other
02:37 they found themselves very tempted to do that.
02:39 So one of the things that they turned to was they said,
02:42 if I would masturbate sometime before that would,
02:46 it will make lot easier--
02:47 Calm, calm him down. Right.
02:48 Don't have to, you know, resist. So that was one scenario.
02:50 Then there was somebody else who--
02:53 their spouse had passed away
02:55 and what happens is obviously, even though the spouse is gone,
02:58 they didn't feel the need to get remarried.
03:00 However, those urges were still there.
03:02 And so what they want to say is pastor,
03:04 is it inappropriate that as I'm thinking
03:07 about my spouse in the intimate moments
03:11 that we used to share and I do that,
03:13 is that inappropriate?
03:14 So it is--because the people are really confused,
03:18 I think, as to, you know,
03:20 is it wrong just black and white?
03:22 Is there certain context, you know, that's where--
03:24 And just for those who-- just we're all clear,
03:27 masturbation is, Pastor Greene, give us a good definition.
03:30 What do you say masturbation is?
03:31 I mean, just kind of what the show is, self-pleasure.
03:33 I mean, it's just, you know, pleasing yourself sexually.
03:39 I don't know what else you would-- Okay.
03:41 I mean, I know you don't want,
03:42 like, some slang here but, I mean.
03:45 I mean that thing is pretty much there,
03:46 I mean, pleasing yourself sexually.
03:48 So the question is, is it right?
03:50 And you gave us a few good contexts,
03:52 one where there's two people who are dating and they want
03:57 to kind of remain pure, they don't want to have sex
03:58 with each other 'cause they're dating.
03:59 But yet they still have this urge
04:01 so one would masturbate, that was first. Right, right.
04:02 And the other context was a woman who's widowed,
04:05 her husband has passed away
04:07 and she masturbates to the thoughts of him.
04:10 She's doesn't want to get remarried
04:11 but she just thinks about the good times they had together
04:13 and then she'll go on to masturbate.
04:15 In those contexts is it right, is it wrong? Let's deal with it.
04:17 What are your thoughts?
04:19 Well, I'm really feeling like we need to breakdown
04:22 those two situations to their bare elements. Okay.
04:26 And that is that self pleasure is a counterfeit.
04:31 It's counterfeiting the real experience.
04:33 So what we're really asking is,
04:35 is it ever okay to use a counterfeit
04:38 to keep from further sin?
04:40 Now why is it a counterfeit?
04:42 The counterfeit is what God made for orgasm
04:46 and getting that release is the sexual experience
04:50 between male and female, that's what He made.
04:53 So a counterfeit of that is-- In the context--
04:55 Okay, I can get a release when I please myself.
04:59 So is it ever cool to use that self pleasure counterfeit--
05:03 Self stimulation. That's it.
05:05 To--to get away from other sins.
05:08 Like for an occasion with someone else
05:11 or adultery or things of that nature.
05:13 I mean, the question that I know
05:14 lot of young people have is, what's wrong with it?
05:16 I mean, I'm not hurting anyone.
05:18 You know, I may be looking at pornography
05:20 but I may not be looking pornography when I masturbate.
05:22 It might just be some mental images
05:24 I have in my mind, what's the big deal?
05:25 It's not like I'm belittling a woman per se.
05:29 I'm just, you know, I'm in my closet, I'm in my bed,
05:32 I'm in my shower, and I'm doing whatever I wouldn't actually do
05:34 and I'm not-- it has no effect on anyone else.
05:37 So what's the big deal with masturbating?
05:40 I think the big issue for us
05:42 or the way that we ought to formulate our thoughts
05:44 as Christians is by looking at what God intended.
05:48 When we talk about what God intended,
05:50 we understand that all of this conversation
05:53 about self pleasure is a neighbor
05:56 to actual sexual intercourse.
05:59 That's what you were saying.
06:00 And what God designed for human beings,
06:02 He gave us a desire for sexual intercourse
06:04 in order for us to be fruitful and to multiply.
06:07 But not only that, in order to foster and forge
06:10 a deep relationship between
06:12 two individuals who are married.
06:14 And so you ask yourself in that context
06:17 or understanding what God intended for sexuality now.
06:21 When I engage and what we're calling self pleasure,
06:24 what I am saying is, I am going to do by myself,
06:28 for myself, what God intended for me
06:30 to share with someone else.
06:32 What God intended for me to do
06:33 in order to bind me with another person,
06:36 now I'm doing it for myself.
06:37 It doesn't seem harmful.
06:41 When you're single, when you're young
06:44 and things like that, and not seemingly hurting
06:46 anyone else but then when we come to a place
06:49 where you're supposed to be binding with another person,
06:51 when you're supposed to be in a relationship
06:53 where you share this with another,
06:55 now you're handicapping yourself
06:57 because I'm used to do this by myself.
06:59 If this other person cannot do for me
07:01 what I like, what brings me pleasure.
07:05 Now I am-- what shall I say,
07:08 now I am tempted in a whole new way
07:10 because I want to go and have an affair with myself.
07:13 Well, I don't know if people really think
07:16 along those lines, though.
07:17 I mean, if I'm masturbating, as in what Pastor Kelley said,
07:20 if I'm masturbating because I know
07:21 I don't want to have sex with my girlfriend
07:24 because either it's wrong, she may get pregnant.
07:26 You know, it's not God's ideal and so I masturbate.
07:29 I'm just kind of like holding myself over until I get married,
07:33 until it is legitimate for me to have sex with my girlfriend.
07:35 And then once I get married
07:37 I won't be masturbating anymore.
07:38 You know, that goes back to a previous discussion
07:40 that we had in the last episode.
07:42 And that is that what is the goal?
07:44 Is the goal just not engaging in the activity
07:48 or is the goal purity? Right.
07:50 And when we think about masturbation,
07:51 what are the things that we have to--
07:54 what are the types of thinking do we have to,
07:56 you know, be engaged in to excite ourselves to the point
08:00 where we actually do have to masturbate and release.
08:03 So is the goal just not having intercourse?
08:05 Or is the goal to be pure?
08:07 In your thinking and your actions.
08:09 So where does it-- where do we draw the line?
08:11 Okay, you can imagine an adolescent young man.
08:14 In fact, this is a real life scenario.
08:15 Someone came to me one day and they said,
08:17 "Pastor, I don't know what to do about my child.
08:19 I have like a six or seven year old boy
08:23 and he's feeling himself.
08:24 You know, he discovered that he has a penis--"
08:27 I think they're about six or seven,
08:28 they might be little bit younger.
08:29 "He discovered that he has a penis
08:31 and he just won't stop touching it."
08:32 In her mind, she's like,
08:34 "Yo, stop touching it, stop touching it."
08:35 But in his mind, it's discovery.
08:36 You know, he's just realizing I have this thing down here
08:39 and when I touch it, it feels good.
08:41 Is that considered masturbating?
08:43 Like where do you draw the line between--
08:45 and specially in adolescence, between discovery
08:48 and the other side of the coin?
08:49 Well, I think there's diff--I mean,
08:51 I think you could tell clearly when it's discovery.
08:53 You know, doing different things,
08:55 you know, what they should,
08:57 they do not need stimuli as it were. Right.
09:00 You know, usually, you know,
09:01 young boys at that age don't necessarily need stimuli,
09:05 something that they're looking at, to get that.
09:07 It's just, you know, part of it.
09:08 But going on to what, you know, Pastor Greene said,
09:10 which is why I want to explore that from a different angle.
09:14 The idea that the person--
09:15 the goal is purity, absolutely it is.
09:18 So that person might have to do something impure
09:21 to in their minds remain pure from sex.
09:23 Right. That's one thing.
09:24 However, when you put in the context
09:26 where the thought is acceptable,
09:29 and I go back to this scenario with the spouse
09:31 where that situation of me thinking like--
09:36 if I were to think right now. Right.
09:38 Just think, because before I act.
09:39 Because remember, we're talking about
09:41 being pure even in thoughts too.
09:42 If I think about a scenario with my wife
09:44 right now, that's acceptable.
09:46 So the question, I think, also turns into is well,
09:49 if I think about something that is acceptable
09:53 and then perform this act,
09:56 is the act make the thought unacceptable?
09:59 Or even if it's in the right context,
10:01 it's just never okay for me to touch myself in that way.
10:05 So if I'm away and my wife is at home
10:07 and I'm in a hotel in another city doing something
10:10 and I'm horny and I think about her and I masturbate,
10:13 you're saying within that context, is it okay?
10:15 I'm wondering.
10:16 I wonder if it is because I think it's a very easy answer
10:19 and straight forward to be able to say, "You know what?
10:22 If you're 17, 18, 19 years old,
10:25 what are you thinking about when you masturbate?"
10:27 I mean, you're not thinking about the wall. Right.
10:29 You think about a woman or you think about--
10:30 You think about a woman or whatever it is. Yeah.
10:32 But if I'm-- in that certain context,
10:35 well, I'm thinking about a woman who is my wife. Right.
10:39 Is it okay? I think Kelley is right.
10:41 It's really boiling down to the act.
10:45 The thought that leads you to the act could be appropriate.
10:49 So the question is what about the act itself?
10:52 Can it all of a sudden turn it towards inappropriate?
10:54 I think it can't.
10:56 I think whenever we get away from original intent,
11:00 whenever we get away from that--
11:01 and I think that is foundational to understanding sexual purity,
11:05 is what's originally intended?
11:07 Are you saying, like, God's original intent?
11:08 Right, very much so. Okay. Original intent.
11:11 Whenever we get away from that, that's when I'm feeling
11:14 we're veering away from appropriate.
11:16 Right. So, okay, go ahead.
11:17 You know, the Bible says,
11:19 there's a way that seems right to men
11:21 but the end there of is destruction.
11:23 And for us being sexual beings, you know, we have urges.
11:27 Urges that God placed there in order for us
11:29 to do what He original-- Desires.
11:31 You know, desires that God placed there.
11:33 And it may seem that us fulfilling
11:36 or satisfying that physical desire is okay
11:39 because it's natural.
11:40 But we find that what we're doing in order to compensate
11:45 for we don't have is drawing us away from the original intent.
11:50 Even in, I mean, in--I think it is a different conversation
11:54 when we're talking about people who've been married
11:56 and in a marriage context and people who are single.
11:59 And, I mean, we can talk a little more about that
12:01 but I'm-- in the context of singleness,
12:04 in the context of those who are young people,
12:06 you know, there masturbation is drawing us
12:09 away from the ideal because it is substituting for ourselves
12:14 for what God intended to be shared with someone else.
12:17 Well, we have to ask--
12:18 Well, I was just gonna say, though,
12:19 I don't know really is addressing
12:21 what Pastor Kelley was saying in the sense that,
12:24 you know, I mean, yes, the intent but remember,
12:27 you know, it's also the intent of intimacy
12:30 within a marriage relationship.
12:32 Because the scenario that you just told us about,
12:35 what if you are thinking thoughts of your wife?
12:38 Or you're thinking thoughts of your husband
12:40 when you're in a hotel or somewhere else
12:41 and then you masturbate.
12:43 Is that appropriate? Is that okay?
12:45 And I think when we talk about that original intent,
12:47 we have to remember
12:49 what is the act of sex all about as far as
12:52 what was God's intention?
12:53 Yeah, I think we should probably establish that again-- Okay.
12:55 You know, when we look at sex and we're saying intent
12:58 and just for the viewers I want to make sure
12:59 they're on the same page that we are.
13:00 When we say intent we're saying,
13:02 that God created the sexual act to be other centered.
13:06 So when I go into the sexual act,
13:08 I'm going into it thinking, how can I please my spouse?
13:12 How can I please my wife? How can I please my husband?
13:14 That's the think that's on my mind.
13:16 And my wife, she goes into sexual act thinking,
13:18 how can I please my husband? Right.
13:20 And so you have two individuals--
13:22 It's giving. Right.
13:23 You have two individuals who are coming together
13:25 and they're other centered
13:26 trying to out love the other person. Right.
13:28 So then would their principle be--
13:30 because one thing we did make clear,
13:31 the Bible speaks about principles
13:33 but it doesn't mention masturbation. Right.
13:36 Right, we know Onan,
13:37 that whole example of him spilling his seed on the ground,
13:40 that's not talking about masturbation. Right. Right. So--
13:42 That one's about pulling out. Right. A contraceptive tool.
13:46 Especially when God's will, stay in.
13:48 No the thing is--but I think the question is so-- Amen. Amen.
13:53 I think we have to be clear with the audience
13:55 because I know there might be some who are married
13:56 who are watching but there are some young people like,
13:59 I'm not going to married for another
14:00 12, 15 years maybe even.
14:02 So are we then saying that we're giving the idea
14:06 from this ideal that God has presented
14:08 that orgasm was never indented to be by yourself? Yes.
14:12 Yes, exactly what we're saying.
14:14 Even in any context.
14:16 You just not-- no orgasm by yourself.
14:17 Orgasm's always meant to be experienced with someone.
14:19 What's occurring to me and I'm sorry to jump in
14:21 but sex in itself as God indented is an act of worship.
14:26 It's an act of worship.
14:28 It brings us closer to the other
14:31 and it helps us to see God in a whole new way.
14:35 And the question is, I mean, as a principle,
14:38 am I worshiping God if I'm masturbating?
14:43 Even if I'm focusing now on the other person,
14:45 am I not worshiping the memory
14:47 of that other person as I'm masturbating?
14:49 You know, it's funny 'cause-- Am I worshiping God?
14:51 when you say sex is an act of worship.
14:52 You know, it's interesting
14:54 'cause when you look at the sexual act,
14:55 the sex-- each individual,
14:57 each spouse is to be so other centered.
14:59 Sex is a-- how can I say it?
15:01 Sex is something that your need can only truly be satisfied
15:05 when you meet the need of someone else. Right.
15:07 You know, so it's like the only way
15:08 I can breathe is when I exhale.
15:10 I can't hold on to my breath, if I hold on to it, I'll die.
15:13 And so I've to exhale and then when I exhale,
15:16 my body is functioning holistically.
15:18 So the same thing with sex like--
15:19 the only way you can really be pleased in sex
15:22 as if your whole goal is to please someone else.
15:25 I go into the sexual act
15:26 not thinking what can I get out of it?
15:28 Or how can I be pleased by?
15:29 I just want to please my wife. I want to bless my wife.
15:31 I want her to be happy about this thing.
15:32 Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. Thank you.
15:33 So when I go into that that's when I truly experience
15:36 fulfillment and satisfaction in the sexual realm.
15:40 Masturbation, it turns the object of my--
15:44 my satisfaction onto myself. Right.
15:46 So rather than please my wife,
15:49 I'm trying to get what I can get out of it.
15:51 You know, as much as I can get out of it
15:53 or as long as I can it out of it, you know.
15:54 Let me support what Kelley is saying
15:57 because from the standpoint of pleasing my spouse.
16:01 My spouse would be mostly pleased if I stay faithful.
16:06 So if I am on this two week long road trip
16:10 and they are not there, would my spouse choose,
16:14 "Okay, his urge is building, his drive is building,
16:18 he's looking at others, it would really help him at that point
16:21 to be able to release that to get back focus."
16:24 I'm wondering if my spouse would prefer for me
16:27 to release there in order to keep
16:29 the longevity of our commitment solid.
16:32 Yeah, but remember now, again though,
16:34 I mean, we have to ask ourselves what is the final goal though.
16:38 Yes, the goal is to be intimate
16:40 and for your spouse to be pleased.
16:42 But then, I mean, there are things within relationships
16:45 that your spouse may be pleased with but is it pure before God?
16:49 And I think that as we look at also being intimate,
16:53 pleasing one another, giving,
16:55 I think, the other angle of it is,
16:58 is what we're doing pleasing unto God?
17:00 So to summarize, what we're saying is that,
17:03 that masturbation regardless of whatever context it's in
17:07 is not God's ideal because
17:09 it's self-centered and not spouse-centered.
17:12 We all kind of-- kind of--
17:13 I think, that there have to be a way to say it
17:16 because again if we use-- 'cause a lot of the arguments
17:19 I've always heard for masturbation was,
17:21 "What are you thinking about?" Right.
17:22 And then like I said, in that scenario,
17:24 you know, in one of my sessions was presented to me I say,
17:26 "Well, wait a second."
17:27 Then I'm thinking about something
17:29 that's-- that's out there.
17:30 So the principle must be-- and I think I'll also want to be
17:32 a little practical with the two.
17:34 That even in that right context, as we could say,
17:37 we're not thinking about the wrong thing.
17:39 It could turn into well, if you don't--
17:43 if I'm not happy here and you know sometimes
17:45 when you're not connecting all the time emotionally,
17:47 it's a little hard to connect physically,
17:49 well, I'll still be okay.
17:51 Did you go take care of yourself?
17:52 Because I'll take care
17:54 and I might have still think about you
17:55 but it still will be that disconnect.
17:57 I also could be used to--
17:58 It still self-centered sex. Exactly.
17:59 I could get used to my own self.
18:01 So now when I move into that realm,
18:05 I'm so used to how I feel all myself
18:08 that now somebody else might have hard time
18:10 bringing me to that point.
18:11 So I think the pitfalls as well, married--
18:14 but especially, I know the context
18:15 for our audience is youth.
18:17 The more you do that, the more--
18:19 it's you're gonna be more accustomed to you.
18:22 And I know we're also talking about,
18:24 you know, pornography a little bit
18:25 and I think that ties into the same thing. It does.
18:27 The more that becomes a part of it,
18:28 the more you'll need that kind of stimuli to get you--
18:32 Pornography is essentially the same thing as self sex,
18:34 I mean self-centered sex
18:35 because rather than having a real person
18:37 that you're going to please,
18:39 you're using this magazine, this internet,
18:41 whatever to stimulate and to please yourself.
18:43 You know, it's interesting because I'm thinking about this,
18:45 I'm saying, okay, there's probably people in the audience,
18:47 people who are watching are saying,
18:48 "Okay, pastor, I get it, I see what you're saying.
18:50 Self-centered sex is not right.
18:52 Masturbation is not God's ideal.
18:54 But the reality is, is I masturbate
18:57 and I keep on masturbating.
18:58 And though I know that's not God's ideal,
19:00 I've tried to stop masturbating.
19:02 I've tried to quit.
19:03 You know, I take cold showers, try to wear gloves.
19:06 You know, I try to do whatever I can to get over the hump
19:09 and so I won't masturbate but the reality is,
19:11 I feel like I'm someone either addicted, bound,
19:15 have this habit that I can't break."
19:16 What do we say to that individual who's watching,
19:19 who says, "I get it, it's not God's plan but I'm just bound.
19:24 How do I get over this?"
19:26 I think you have to identify.
19:27 One of the main things you have to do is
19:29 identify what triggers happen when you masturbate?
19:33 Is it a certain hour at night?
19:35 Is it after certain type of conversation?
19:37 Is it after certain type of T.V. show
19:39 that you're watching?
19:41 Behind the show, you actually gave us an example,
19:44 what's that example you gave us?
19:46 Yeah, you know, like, there's this one individual
19:48 who had shared the idea that you know,
19:50 when they're on the phone with their girl for instance
19:53 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
19:55 It's all good, you know, we're just talking.
19:57 But man, we have those 11 o'clock conversations. P.M.
20:01 Yeah, that messes with me.
20:02 And that's not to say
20:04 that there's something wrong with the p.m.
20:05 per se 'cause someone might be the reverse,
20:07 at 11 o' clock, they barely awake on a phone
20:09 but at 2 o' clock-- and so it's just
20:11 the idea of identifying when this is usually happening.
20:14 If it is something also with pornography,
20:16 where you're connecting that,
20:18 make sure when you are on your computer,
20:21 it's facing towards an open door.
20:22 You know, very, very practical things.
20:25 But I think the first thing is
20:26 identify what is it that happens in my life that--
20:29 after that happens, I usually find myself doing this.
20:32 And when you identify what the trigger is then--
20:35 no one's saying that all the time
20:37 you got to stop the trigger,
20:38 let's say something inappropriate
20:40 because sometimes they're just certain moments of the month--
20:41 That you feel-- That you feel that.
20:43 But you got to replace that feeling with something else.
20:46 Right. And you can't just leave--
20:47 You know, it's interesting, you know,
20:49 I actually heard of an instance
20:50 where there was a gentleman
20:52 who had been masturbating for years
20:54 and he was just so frustrated, so upset with himself,
20:56 he finally went to talk with his pastor about it
20:58 and the pastor, you know, did what you did and said,
21:01 "When are you doing this?"
21:02 He says, "Well, it only happens like Saturday nights."
21:05 He said, "Well, what's going on Saturday night?"
21:06 He says, "I come home, I'm at house--
21:08 at the house by myself, all my friends,
21:11 all my married friends are out with their families
21:14 and I'm here by myself."
21:15 And as the pastor began to dig a little bit deeper,
21:18 he realized that him masturbating was almost him
21:21 being angry at God.
21:22 Why am I still single? Wow.
21:24 You know, why are all my other friends married
21:26 but I'm not married?
21:27 And I'm at home by myself
21:28 when everyone else is out having a good time.
21:30 And so once he realized that--
21:31 he was masturbating almost to say, God, I deserve this.
21:35 You know, until you get me a partner,
21:37 I'm gonna masturbate.
21:38 When the pastor was able to kind of pull that thing apart
21:42 and kind of get down the root, he was able to identify,
21:44 man, it's not a sexual issue
21:47 that I'm so dealing with as much as a spiritual issue,
21:51 that I have this disconnect with God
21:52 because of my, my status.
21:54 And so because of that,
21:56 it manifested itself in the sexual realm.
21:58 So understanding the triggers,
21:59 why do I do what I do, is very, very important.
22:03 Yeah, and I think, just kind of, you know,
22:05 the common sense thing that we all know.
22:07 I mean, you can identify triggers but ultimately,
22:10 really, you know, we get strength
22:12 from God to help us overcome.
22:14 And I mean, you know,
22:16 I think, maybe some of our young people may feel like,
22:17 "Oh, well, you know, that's the,
22:19 you know, the pat answer that pastors would give you,
22:23 you know, seek God."--
22:24 Well, make it practical. What does that look like?
22:25 What does strength from God mean?
22:27 I mean, to a young kid, 16, 17, who struggles with it.
22:29 What is strength from God?
22:31 Yeah, you know, I mean, that's really just really
22:33 developing a relationship with God.
22:35 And I think within that relationship
22:37 as far as spending time with God,
22:40 spending time in His word, prayer,
22:42 doing things that are gonna build you up spiritually.
22:45 It gives you more strength to-- in those times of weakness,
22:49 for God to be able to work through your life.
22:51 Now that's not the only component,
22:53 he said triggers as well, that you also have,
22:55 just man, being accountable.
22:57 Like the guy at the Saturday night thing.
22:58 If you know Saturday night is your night,
23:02 you know, I got to--yo, bro, someone that you confide in.
23:06 Man, I struggle on Saturday nights, brother.
23:09 Let's talk about video games. Let's go play video games.
23:11 Yeah, let's go play, yeah. Come through man.
23:13 You know, 'cause, you know, you're not going--
23:15 well, you're not going to do your thing.
23:17 Somebody else did.
23:18 When Mike's over at the crib, you know. Amen, amen.
23:21 Let's just deal with the sneak
23:22 into the bathroom-- Yeah, right.
23:24 But piggy backing off of what Alfonzo said,
23:27 I think that strength from Christ--
23:30 whenever we're getting to that point
23:31 where that urge is driving us to self pleasure,
23:34 we really have to look at it as either this or this.
23:39 We have to go through a comparison.
23:41 We have to get to the point
23:43 where we're willing to admit, okay,
23:46 this is outside of God's will or on this hand,
23:49 this is in God's will for me to abstain.
23:51 Which one is more important to me at this point?
23:54 And we have to continue to ask these questions.
23:57 Is my closeness to Christ more important
24:00 or is my release of this urge more important?
24:03 And the Bible, especially Romans Chapter 8,
24:06 really gives us a promise
24:08 that as we seek our importance rooted in Christ,
24:12 the Holy Spirit will come on the inside of us
24:15 and give us victory over those besetting sins.
24:17 And let me say though, that part of that victory though,
24:20 because I love-- I think
24:21 we need to make spirituality very practical.
24:24 The fact is with that victory,
24:26 the Holy Spirit might lead you to talk to somebody
24:28 because these behaviors like masturbation, pornography,
24:31 are clinically proven to be addictive behaviors.
24:35 These are things that there's nothing wrong
24:37 and I think people need to know
24:38 that after you spend a lot of time in prayer about it. Right.
24:41 After you've been moving that,
24:43 God has set up Christian counselors
24:46 and people to deal with this kind of behavior
24:48 because some people who come to me even as a pastor
24:51 and they say, and I say,
24:52 hey, let's do some of these things we've even talked about.
24:54 You know, God, is sometimes, I think, He's gonna lead him.
24:57 You know, what, there's something else.
24:59 There's another tool that you need to use
25:01 whether it's a recovery program, those things
25:03 because it gets to a point,
25:05 I don't know all of the psychological things
25:07 behind it and physical things
25:09 where it literally becomes this addictive behavior,
25:12 where when you stop it you go through withdrawals
25:15 and those kinds of things.
25:17 And so I just want to make that clear that some people think,
25:19 "oh, if I can't stop, I'm not close enough,
25:21 you know, to God and He's not answering,
25:23 then they say, that means it's okay
25:25 because He's never taken it away."
25:26 Sometimes what God's gonna do, is say,
25:28 "Yeah, I'm gonna be with you but I'm want to be with you
25:31 while you're talking to somebody that's,
25:33 you know, that you could be there."
25:34 And I hope that made it clear.
25:36 So there's some practical things that--
25:37 You got to do that. You know--
25:38 He's got be important enough to you do that. Right.
25:40 And I love that idea.
25:42 Being in God's will is so important.
25:44 That I'm gonna do whatever it takes to clear those things--
25:47 And if I could, I just want to go back
25:49 to this triggers conversation
25:50 that Pastor Kelley brought up earlier.
25:52 Triggers are not always external.
25:55 And, pastor Yelorda, you brought it out clearly
25:58 that this guy had an internal battle. With God.
26:00 This is--with God. Yeah.
26:01 And you could have an internal battle with mom
26:05 or an internal battle with your school environment.
26:08 These triggers can be emotional.
26:10 They could be internal and that's why it's so important
26:13 to be willing to get professional help,
26:15 to go to counseling and say,
26:17 "I know my problem, I just don't know why I do it.
26:20 Can you help me on that journey?"
26:21 And I think we have to be intentional
26:24 as we present this program
26:25 in sharing that it is going to be a battle.
26:29 I think that word is very apropos.
26:32 It's going to be a battle and we have to be intentional.
26:35 I think as spiritual leaders in sharing with our young people
26:39 that it really is that deep.
26:41 We spoke in another program
26:42 about how our media is telling us that,
26:45 you know, expressing your sexuality
26:47 even if it's outside of God's ideal, is not that deep.
26:50 Everybody is doing it, it's natural, it's okay.
26:53 And I think that we have to be intentional about saying,
26:55 it really is that deep.
26:57 It really is something so important
26:59 that you need to go get spiritual help.
27:01 You need to get counseling.
27:03 You need to be able to talk to somebody
27:04 because reaching God's ideal is that important.
27:08 It really is that important to God
27:11 and God is wanting us to experience
27:12 the fullness of what He intended our sexuality to be.
27:15 You know, and we probably need to lift up God's ideal,
27:17 you know, so that everyone understands
27:19 what God has in store for you is something
27:22 so much better than you can imagine the world giving you.
27:25 That God's ideal
27:26 between a husband and a wife is so beautiful.
27:29 It's unfortunate because so many marriages fail.
27:31 They say like 56% of marriage,
27:32 first time marriage end in divorce.
27:34 And so a lot of our young people
27:35 have these distorted pictures of what marriage is.
27:38 But as God designed a husband and wife to come together,
27:40 that thing will satisfy your every need.
27:44 You know, and so masturbating, engaging in illicit sex,
27:49 pre-marital sex is almost like
27:51 rather than waiting for the cake to bake
27:52 you just want to eat the raw eggs.
27:54 You know, rather then waiting for everything to come together,
27:56 you just want to eat the flour, you know.
27:58 And that thing was important to say
27:59 'cause I love the analogy-- That's good.
28:01 Because they're parts of that, that taste good. Yeah.
28:03 But it's not as good as the actual cake.
28:06 And you got to understand that.
28:08 It is good but God always has something
28:10 that is that much better.
28:12 Right. You know. Listen, we got go.
28:14 Our time is up but this was the conversation
28:16 that we need to continue.
28:17 You know, we need to have after show wrap session,
28:19 after the fact we can continue to discuss this issue.
28:22 And for all of our viewers
28:24 we're glad that you've tuned in again.
28:25 We hope we see you next week.
28:27 We're in the process of setting up our Facebook page
28:29 that you could follow us there.
28:30 Facebook, go to Pure Choices.
28:31 If you have questions, comments,
28:33 the five of us will be willing to engage you
28:35 on a personal level there as well.
28:37 And we're just so glad that you're here.
28:38 He hope to see you next week,
28:39 same time, same place, be blessed.


Revised 2014-12-17