3ABN On the Road

The Friend Of God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Asscherick


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000976

01:00 Hello and welcome to 3ABN's
01:03 Spring Camp Meeting and Pillars
01:05 of Our Faith Event. How many of you
01:08 were really blessed last night. Amen.
01:11 Wasn't this incredible and you know
01:14 we know that God's anointing is on this event.
01:19 Because he is anointing is on his word
01:22 and we are definitely going to be hearing a
01:26 lot of words through this whole weekend.
01:28 We want to welcome all of those
01:31 who are joining us from around the world
01:33 wish you could b here in person the fellowship
01:35 is sweet but you still get to here some
01:38 wonderful messages and wonderful singing
01:43 and speaking of singers we have someone with
01:46 us that you may not even recognize
01:48 even though she doesn't really need a lot of
01:51 introduction. Melody David Asscherick is
01:55 going to be speaking this hour. And
01:56 he just got through telling melody your
01:59 half the person you use to be. You know,
02:02 after how many babies Melody? Six.
02:06 After six babies she is down to a size four,
02:11 and she can't even find clothes. So, anyway Melody
02:17 is going to be singing a beautiful song
02:20 "My Hiding place". Amen.
02:42 Lord you know sometimes I have just hard to bear
02:50 And their were time when it seems like no one cares,
02:58 Sometimes I get so tired and I need to take a break
03:06 Apart from my tiny tasks and a peaceful hiding way
03:14 You're my hiding place, I wanna run to hide in place.
03:27 The hand that I hold on to when the precious
03:32 all around me And it seems there is no
03:36 way I have You make a way
03:41 I have just came For your my hiding place
03:54 Lord they were days when everything use to go wrong
04:02 And there were times when my strength is almost gone
04:09 When the enemies surrounds me I don't know what to do
04:17 Lord I need a shelter my only hope lies in you
04:26 Your my hiding place, I wanna run to hiding in place.
04:39 The hand that I hold on to when the precious
04:43 all around me And it seems there is no
04:48 way I have You make a way
04:53 I have just came For your my hiding place
05:02 I long to ringer in the shadow of your wings
05:09 And peaceful nest where I found my rest
05:12 Underneath your covering,
05:18 Your my hiding place,
05:23 I wanna run to hiding in place.
05:31 The hand that I hold on to when the precious
05:36 all around me And it seems there is no
05:40 way I have You make a way
05:46 I have just came For your my hiding place
05:54 You make a way I have just came
06:00 For your my hiding place.
06:20 Thank you, thank you, so, where would bear
06:24 we go thank you so much Melody.
06:25 We have a real treat in store this morning,
06:28 I really enjoyed David's sermon last night
06:33 on the trinity and the nature of God as he said
06:38 and I particularly enjoyed how he explained
06:41 love and what is love.
06:43 Love is giving yourself to others.
06:46 David is going to, David Asscherick is our
06:49 speaker and he is the director of ARISE,
06:52 he is very familiar to so many of you.
06:54 Anybody who watches 3ABN often,
06:57 this young man is extremely intelligent
07:02 and I am so glad that the Lord got his
07:05 attention through the book The Great
07:07 Controversy that's what brought him into
07:09 the church. But I am so glad that he is
07:13 putting this intellect to work for the Kingdom
07:15 of God. Aren't you? Amen. And you know what?
07:17 David has I discussed through back
07:21 of the stage I told him David you need to
07:22 the write a book. I just did he said.
07:25 We he just gave me a copy of his brand new
07:28 book and its called God in Pain.
07:32 We all know that there is a lot of evidence
07:34 that there is a living God. But apart from the
07:39 empirical evidence how we do explain
07:42 if there is so much evil some what pain
07:46 in this world. How do we explain that
07:49 God is love? Well, that's what this book
07:52 is all about and you can get this book
07:54 if you go his website for arise.com and I believe.
07:59 And if that's not correct you correct me
08:01 or it available at the ABC's stores but right
08:05 now please help me welcome David Asscherick
08:08 he is going to be speaking to us about
08:10 the friend of God.
08:12 Amen. Thank you, so much Shelly.
08:14 Alright, good morning everyone.
08:15 Good morning. Alright, my website
08:17 is ariseinstitute.com. I think if you go
08:20 to arise.com its for like elicitive.
08:25 Either that or any my through, its something
08:27 like just want to clarify for the viewing
08:31 audience ariseinstitute.com okay. Great.
08:35 Yeah I really excited about the new book just,
08:38 just wrote it. And I hope it would be a
08:40 blessing to you, I came to be a believer in Jesus
08:43 after reading the book The Great Controversy
08:45 and of course The Great Controversy
08:48 details to the history of the Christian Church.
08:50 The conflict between good and evil,
08:52 light and darkness, God and Satan
08:54 and so this, this battle and this biblical
08:57 motive have always been very near and dear
08:59 to my heart it was the thing that arrested my
09:01 attention and made Christianity credible
09:04 in my sight. It's the thing that I said that
09:06 make sense and so over the course of
09:09 last 12 years becoming a believer sort of
09:11 storing away ideas. Storing away thoughts,
09:13 storing away anecdotes and biblical illustrations
09:16 on this theme of this conflict between good and
09:19 evil. I felt it was the time for me to write a
09:21 book on it. So, that I can start articulate my
09:23 thoughts about the nature of the great controversy,
09:26 the nature of God and how do we explain that God
09:30 is so good, so loving, so beneficial in the
09:33 context of a world. That is so corrupt,
09:36 so evil, and so anyway that's the book
09:38 and I hope that you get your hands on it.
09:41 If you hear the local camp meeting it just available
09:42 right outside but for those of you that are
09:45 viewing you can get hold of it through
09:46 ariseinstitute.com. So, let's pray
09:48 together, our presentation this morning is title the
09:51 friend of God. The friend of God.
09:53 And I am so, excited about this message
09:55 it's a presentation that have been preaching
09:57 a quite little bit lately, not because
09:59 I don't have other sermons to preach but because the,
10:02 the central message of this presentation
10:06 is something that just thrills my soul every
10:08 time I preach it and I can assure you I have heard it
10:10 more than any of you. And it never
10:14 sees to through my soul not because of the
10:16 presenter, and certainly not. But because
10:19 of the content of the message and its, its,
10:22 its not new truth in the sense of being new light but
10:25 I think its definitely a new perspective on an
10:27 old truth. And so we are going to be talking about
10:29 being the friend of God. So, let's pray together. Amen.
10:32 Father in heaven, it is our great privilege
10:36 to come before you here at camp meeting
10:39 and truly these is A Pillars Event anytime
10:43 that a group of people come together and say
10:45 Sola Scriptura. Your word and your alone
10:49 father that is very much in the spirit of the
10:51 reformation, the Protestant in the reformation
10:53 and father some of us are still protesting.
10:55 Help us father to be committed absolutely
11:00 committed to this great truth of Sola Scriptura.
11:04 May we not this way by tradition, may we not
11:07 this way by culture. May we remain
11:09 resolute in our commitment to your word.
11:11 Father as we learned last night from pastor Knott,
11:13 your word is inspired but father even
11:17 more than that, it is also inspiring
11:19 and its thrills our souls. Father we are so
11:23 happy that the Bible is not dusty old dried
11:26 book of, of obsolesces but it is a book
11:30 that is absolutely relevant even
11:33 in the modern age. And father it marvels
11:35 it and boggles the mind, how can
11:37 an ancient book speaks so eloquently
11:39 and so profoundly to a modern world
11:41 and here father we have had the experience
11:44 of hearing your voice through this book
11:47 and father we come now yet again
11:49 to hear your words not through a man
11:52 so much as through the son of man and his spirit.
11:56 Father as we learned last night your,
11:58 your nature is such that you're a family
12:00 fathers son and spirit. And so, we prayed
12:02 that the third person of the God had, the
12:05 Holy Spirit would come not just into
12:06 this room but even more importantly
12:09 into our hearts. Amen. That we may resonate
12:13 with you. Father I want to claim the promise
12:15 of Roman 8,15, and 16. that the spirit
12:18 would bear witness with our spirits
12:20 and that the spirit inside of us would fly out
12:23 above father that we would know that we are
12:26 the sons and daughters of God. Amen.
12:29 Father this morning as we open your word
12:31 may you open us and may the inspiring
12:33 spirit now become the instructing spirit.
12:35 Thank you for the camp meeting we had already
12:38 and we pray that this would be not just an
12:40 opportunity just soak up and become
12:42 spiritual fact Christians. But this would be an
12:45 opportunity for us to learn that we may give
12:48 freely we have received and father may we go
12:50 from here and freely give to those around us.
12:53 Be with us now we ask in the name of
12:55 Jesus whatever you want to say. Amen. Amen.
13:01 Alright so our presentation is called
13:03 the friend of God and I want I would like to do
13:05 is to spend the first sort of 15 or 20 minutes
13:08 on taking a look at one of the grand unifying
13:11 motives or themes of scripture. Now,
13:14 students of scriptures or what we might call more
13:17 technically theologians tend to come in two flavors.
13:21 Right ice cream comes in lots of flavors in jelly belly,
13:23 jelly beans come in lots of flavors but Theologian
13:26 is tend to come in two flavors how many flavors
13:28 everyone? Two. Two flavors, one kind of the theologian
13:32 is what we call a systematician.
13:34 A systematician, what's the root word of
13:36 that systematician. System, system
13:38 or systematic. The first kind of theologian is,
13:41 is the kind of Bible student could be a
13:44 technical theological in terms of scholarly
13:46 trained academician or it could just be a
13:48 Bible student like anyone of us. Novos
13:50 theologian and so the first kind of theologian
13:52 is what's called systematician
13:53 or somebody who studies Biblical theology
13:56 and what they do is they try and
13:58 systematize the great themes of Scripture
14:00 in other words what a systematician will do is
14:03 he will began in the book of Genesis he move all the way
14:05 through the Old Testaments to Melaka then
14:06 he will go Matthew and all the way through to
14:08 Revelation. He now ask the question what are the
14:10 big themes in this book, what's the big picture
14:13 may be the easiest way to think about the
14:15 systematician is their looking through the
14:17 telescope at the big picture in case they will ask
14:20 questions like what are the central themes
14:23 what are the unifying motives of this book.
14:25 What's the big picture? That's a systematician
14:28 that's one flavor of theologian.
14:30 The other flavor of Theologian they look
14:32 not at the, at the big picture so much
14:35 as at the guess what? just take guess at the,
14:38 smaller, the smaller picture. And we call
14:41 this people exegesis. Do you heard that
14:43 term before an exegesis in fact we look right
14:46 over there in house you will see that there is a
14:48 sign above that door can anyone read that
14:51 big read sign. Yes. Yeah the fire Marshall will
14:54 be happy to hear that you can read it. It
14:56 says exit and what is that word mean.
14:59 It's means that's how you get out,
15:01 it comes from the Latin Ec which means out.
15:03 Right, exit out. The word exegesis has the
15:07 same route Ec it means out. What an
15:10 exegesis will do as supposed to looking at the big
15:12 picture like the systematicians do.
15:14 The exegesis will look at the small picture. The
15:17 exegesis will go to a single passage or a single
15:19 verse and in many cases a single word and
15:22 single conjugation of that verb or a single
15:25 context of that noun and they will ask questions like
15:28 this. Did the Apostle Paul ever used
15:31 this word in this way in any other place.
15:34 Why did he used this word and what is the extra
15:37 Biblical evidence for the best usage of this word
15:40 for rather than looking at the greater big picture
15:42 of what all scripture teachers the exegesis
15:44 looks at the individual words the individual
15:46 conjugations and the individual verses
15:49 I have to gather everyone. Now, both are on
15:52 the same team alright it is a little bit like having
15:53 your offense and your defense.
15:55 The systematicians are looking at the great
15:57 big picture the great unifying themes.
15:59 While the exegesis are looking at the
16:00 small picture and they are tend to be experts in
16:02 the Biblical languages Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic.
16:05 Now, most of us who are not classically trained
16:09 as theologians are not typically exegesis.
16:12 We tend to be more systematicians
16:14 that is to say most of us look at the big
16:17 picture of scripture, we look at the
16:19 central unifying motives of scriptures and I am
16:22 very much that way. As I said last night
16:25 I don't know Hebrew and I don't know Greek.
16:26 I am still working on English.
16:30 Alright, they say that if you can speak three languages
16:32 you are trilingual. Alright you are trilingual,
16:34 if you can speak two languages
16:37 you are bilingual and you can speak
16:40 only language likely you are from the
16:42 United States. Likely you are from the
16:47 United States and so, Hebrew for me, no Greek
16:50 for me. There are Bible study towards that gives
16:52 me access to those but, but as a systematician
16:55 I tend to look when I study scripture at the big picture.
16:58 I ask questions like what this book really teach us.
17:01 If I meet a person who knows nothing
17:04 about scripture and this is happening
17:05 increasingly in a secular world, who knows
17:07 nothing about the Bible and they find
17:08 out that I am a Bible student perhaps
17:10 I am sitting on a Aeroplane reading the Bible
17:12 and they say to me, oh you read the Bible
17:14 and the conversation begins if they know
17:15 about scripture. How do I communicate
17:17 to them the basic essences of what this
17:19 book is about, what are the central
17:21 unifying themes of scripture. Now, let me just
17:25 ask you that question. Let me ask you
17:27 somebody said you want. Okay
17:28 what's this book all about? Its actually not
17:29 a single book of course its 66 books.
17:31 Its like encyclopedia. A compendium of
17:34 66 books but as somebody said you,
17:35 okay in the nut shell what is this book
17:38 about? What would you say?
17:39 Who is in-charge? Jesus who is in-charge
17:43 one like that, anybody else? Okay salvation.
17:48 Okay God's love for us. Central that's a very
17:51 good one all of them good. Anybody else?
17:52 Central unifying motive. God's character,
17:57 okay very good, God's character. Anybody else?
18:01 How to worship God? Okay,
18:03 so this are some of the, that's you
18:04 got it exactly. You have got it exactly,
18:05 this are the unifying motives
18:08 God is good, God as redeemer, God
18:11 as creator. These are some of the
18:13 central unifying themes in Scripture.
18:16 What I would like to do now is to spend about
18:18 15 minutes sort of walking as
18:21 through what is unquestionably one of
18:22 we and I would suggest may be
18:25 we great motive of scripture and so I will
18:28 going to begin as will be appropriate
18:30 as now as theologians this morning. As
18:32 systematicians we are going to be began in
18:34 the book of Genesis. So, go with me to the book
18:37 of Genesis. We gonna to see how the book begins.
18:39 So, go to Genesis Chapter 2, we spend sometime
18:41 last night in Genesis 1. Let us go now to Genesis 2.
18:45 Genesis Chapter 2, now just very quickly
18:51 my way over view you tell me
18:52 what is taking place in Genesis one and two.
18:56 Okay the creation account and what are the very first
19:00 words in Genesis 1, that God speaks.
19:02 Everybody says that, listen very carefully
19:06 to the question what are the very first words
19:09 in Genesis one that God speaks. Amen.
19:12 That to be right, very good Moses wrote
19:14 and of course he was under the inspiration of the
19:16 spirit but Moses wrote in the beginning right
19:18 but God speaks and his words are let they be
19:22 line. Okay, the picture that is presented in Genesis
19:24 Chapter 1 is a very sequential very Chronological
19:28 picture of creation. Right, it last six literal
19:31 contiguous continuous days. And so the first day,
19:34 the second day, the third day and the fourth day
19:37 extra. And God is presented as speaking
19:40 things into existence. Amen. He is presented as
19:43 what everyone. Speak. And its, its sort of
19:46 typified for us there. Right in Genesis Chapter1,
19:48 where God its almost as if this kind of over hear,
19:51 its almost as if God is here and he says
19:53 let their be light and then their suddenly is light.
19:58 But there is no light in no one's life.
19:59 And then God says let there be a firmament
20:01 in the mix of the water. There is a firmament
20:03 in the mix of the water that you find God in
20:05 Genesis Chapter 1, speaking things into existence,
20:08 let there be a greater light over all the day.
20:10 Wow! There is a sun. let there be a lesser light
20:12 overall night. There is a moon.
20:14 Let there will be stars, stars. God is
20:17 speaking things into existence. That's almost to
20:19 say this right. He would say though he
20:22 spokes on Psalm 33 verses 6 and 9.
20:25 He spoke and it was done
20:28 he commended and it stood fast.
20:32 So, what we have here is this idea that God
20:34 can just speak things into existence that the
20:36 creative energy that brings things to existence
20:38 is actually contained in the word of God.
20:41 So if the God says let there be light
20:44 there is light. There God says there would be sun,
20:46 there is a sun. let there be a moon, there is a moon.
20:48 Let there be a dry land, there is dry land. Let
20:49 there be a firmament, there is a firmament.
20:51 If David Asscherick says or if you say
20:54 by contrast, by way of contrast big pink
20:57 elephant. Nothing, right no big just a little pink
21:06 man. Right. no big pink elephant.
21:10 But the picture that is printed in Scripture
21:12 is that if God said big pink elephant there would
21:16 suddenly be a big pink elephant. This
21:19 is sort of Genesis Chapter 1, Genesis Chapter 1
21:23 is a very chronological very sequential, very
21:25 orderly treatment of creation. Genesis 1,
21:28 day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4, day 5, day 6
21:31 and God has depicted has speaking things
21:33 into existence. Now, some people
21:35 who are what we might call liberal theologians
21:37 or even skeptics of scripture they would
21:40 love us to believe there is contradiction
21:43 between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2.
21:44 you might have heard this before.
21:46 All those two different creation accounts.
21:48 There is two contradictory creation accounts.
21:51 Hogwash and Poppycock. There is not
21:53 two contradictory accounts what there is
21:56 an account from one perspective which is
21:58 a sort of the sequential chronological overview
22:00 and then Genesis 2, transitions from that
22:02 sequence into a relational perspective
22:06 of creation. It sort of a recompilation
22:09 of the details from a relational perspective, okay.
22:13 Now watch what happens in Genesis chapter 2
22:15 as Moses now recompilate what he has
22:18 discussed in Genesis Chapter1 and
22:19 goes specifically to verse 7.
22:21 Go specifically to verse 7,
22:23 the Bible says Genesis Chapter 2, and verse 7
22:26 and the Lord God what does your Bible say?
22:28 Formed, formed man of the dust of the earth.
22:35 Oh! wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute,
22:37 there is a change here. There is a difference
22:39 here, in Genesis chapter1, God is over the earth.
22:41 He is not aluff certainly not aluff
22:44 but he appears to be distant from creation.
22:47 He is speaking things into just let there be light,
22:49 there is light, let there firmament,
22:50 there is firmament, let there a sun,
22:52 a sun, let there be a moon. But Genesis 2,
22:55 in Genesis 2, God is not distinct
22:58 God is proximate God is not over there,
23:01 God is right here and Genesis Chapter 2 verse 7,
23:06 the Bible says that the Lord God formed
23:09 man of that what was it. Dust of ground,
23:13 of the dust of the ground, dust of the earth.
23:14 The picture here is not a God over there
23:16 speaking things to existence. The picture here
23:19 is of a God on his hands and knees
23:23 in the dirt and he is forming and fashioning
23:28 man. The picture that I give in my acetified
23:31 imagination as there is dirt under the finger nails
23:33 of God. There is, there is mud on the
23:37 pants of God if God wears pants.
23:39 God is, God is in the mud he is in the dirt
23:42 he is closed, he is intimate he is proximate,
23:45 he is involved and God is seen here not over
23:48 there but right here fashioning, forming,
23:52 sculpting he gets Adam just as he wants.
24:00 But at this point only has a sculpture.
24:03 Right at this point all he has a sculpture
24:06 this is not Adam yet this is sculpture.
24:08 This is a piece of art this is God as an artisan.
24:12 This is God as a sculpture, this is not
24:15 yet Adam. What is the next part of that
24:18 verse say? that we have got formed man of the dust
24:20 of the ground and then what did he do?
24:23 He breathed into his nostrils,
24:24 He breathed into his nostrils,
24:28 the breathe of what? He breathed into his nostrils.
24:31 We love it there a only three people on planet
24:33 earth into whose nostrils I would feel
24:36 comfortable breathing.
24:39 I am going to get that or not. There is
24:42 only three people in fact can I just borrow one of
24:44 our sound people. One of our sound people
24:46 just back there, just rush on out if you don't mind.
24:49 Come on out just for a moment
24:50 tell me your first name again.
24:51 Jonathan, Jonathan step into my office
24:53 okay. So, this is Jonathan and just this is gonna be
24:57 very helpful for some of you when your
25:00 speaking to some one you typically want to have
25:02 about arm length distance this is an, this is an
25:05 appropriate distance for your just social
25:07 interactions. So I say, hey Jonathan where are you from?
25:09 Thompsonville. You are local?
25:12 Yes. Were you born in Illinois? No. Where you born?
25:14 Oregon. Okay, so we are having, is this a normal
25:16 conversation. Okay, look at our distance.
25:18 Now watch how the dynamic changes
25:21 if I just go like this. So, where in Oregon?
25:27 Portland. Portland's. Yeah you like it there.
25:30 Yeah. Lot of rain. Yeah. And now watch how
25:32 the dynamic changes if I go like this.
25:34 So, how does it feel? Awkward,
25:38 awkward, yeah, good word, good word
25:40 feels like awkward doesn't it.
25:41 You see as well as you move closure
25:44 to something intimacy just arises.
25:47 If I am talking here, if I am talking
25:49 to somebody, by the way this is a good piece
25:51 of advice for some of you who have no sense
25:52 of social space or social personal space.
25:55 So, this is object lesson for you arms lengths.
25:58 Okay, and if you have really short arms
26:00 two arms length so it's okay. So,
26:02 this is an appropriate distance okay this is,
26:05 this is weird okay. He probably thinks
26:08 I am going to breathe into his. That's not
26:09 going to happen, okay thank you so much.
26:12 So, the point is this don't miss the basic point,
26:15 the Bible, the Bible in Genesis chapter 1 has
26:18 God here let There be light, there is light,
26:20 let there is a sun, there is a sun,
26:21 Let there a moon, there is moon,
26:22 Let be the firmament there is a firmament.
26:24 But in Genesis Chapter 2, Moses turns the
26:27 corner he recompliates from a relational perspective
26:29 and he says the Lord God formed man
26:31 here's man not over there but right here.
26:34 He is in the, he is the dust. He is forming
26:37 and fashioning man. Dirt under the finger
26:40 nails, dirt on the knees, he is involved in this thing
26:43 there is intimacy here. There is proximity here,
26:46 there is investment here and then
26:48 when he has got all sculpted.
26:51 The Bible says he in my sanctified imagination he
26:54 grabs him the chick. He sculpture.
27:00 He breathe into his nostrils Adam brings to
27:07 life. Now, question as Adam brings to live
27:11 what then would be the very first thing
27:15 he would see. What would be his first
27:17 conscious movements. The uninterrupted
27:22 non interposed non obfuscated face of God.
27:29 Amen. Amen. In my sanctified imagination
27:31 God kinds of leans back.
27:35 Welcome my son to life. Amen.
27:39 In Genesis Chapter 2, we see a God who
27:42 is close to humanity, we see a God who
27:44 is with humanity in the most emphatic sense
27:47 I mean he is so with humanity that there
27:49 is dirt under the finger nails,
27:50 there is mud on the knees and he is
27:54 breathing into his nostrils. There is a
27:58 closeness here there is a connection here.
28:00 Are you get together everyone.
28:01 Yeah. Okay now go with me to the first book of
28:03 the New Testament. First book of the New Testament,
28:05 well we being good systematicians this morning
28:07 we are looking at a central motive of scripture.
28:10 A unifying motive of scripture we
28:12 go to Matthew chapter 1. Now, in Matthew
28:14 Chapter 1, there is woman who is
28:15 pregnant she doesn't know how what's
28:16 her name? her name is Mary
28:19 and an angel appears to her and says Mary
28:20 you can have a Baby she says ah! ah!
28:22 How is that can happen saying I am not
28:23 yet married. And she says you have a
28:25 child because the power of the spirit will
28:26 always share you and then the angel says
28:28 and you call his name Jesus you assure.
28:30 For he will save this people from their sins
28:32 and then two verses later that verse 21.
28:34 Two verses later it was 23, the angel
28:36 and Matthew recording in, in thankful
28:39 in Matthew fashion. He is recording this from
28:43 the book of Isaiah and the angel extracts the
28:47 passage from the book of Isaiah of course the
28:48 cauterization of versification
28:49 was at many centuries later book that's
28:51 that's what we would call Isaiah 7:14,
28:53 Isaiah Chapter 7 verse 14 and this is
28:56 a originally prophecy that was
28:57 geared toward Isaiah son.
28:59 God, this the time of greater prophecy
29:02 and great delinquency in Israel
29:03 and God says okay, okay, you think I am
29:05 abundant you Isaiah you will have a son
29:08 and you will call his name. Immanuel.
29:11 God is still with us when its original permutation
29:15 this idea of Immanuel that was Isaiah
29:18 son's but here the angel Gabriel and Matthew was
29:21 recording takes that Immanuel and applies this to
29:24 new Oshawa, his name will be Oshawa he will
29:26 save this people from their sins but
29:29 in a fuller sense he will also be Immanuel.
29:34 God with us, originally applied to Isaiah son
29:38 now when it is most full and robust context
29:41 applied to Jesus. And you have notice
29:45 no doubt because your students of Scripture.
29:47 Good novice theologians, you have noticed
29:49 that there are many names in Scriptures
29:51 that either begin with or end with EL,
29:54 right so have like the name Elijah,
29:56 right and what it means El from what we learned
29:59 last night, Elokin, Elijah means jah or ya
30:03 is God. Elijah he sometimes have it as prefix Elijah,
30:09 Elijah you sometimes have it suffix
30:10 Methanuel, el methanuel gift of God,
30:15 Samuel asked of God. Daniel,
30:21 God is my judge or God judges
30:24 and in this case Immanuel the IM im coming from the
30:27 Hebrew with and El elohim Immanuel
30:31 God with us, God next to us.
30:38 Hey this is very much like Genesis Chapter 2,
30:40 in Genesis 1 we got a speaking things into
30:42 existence let there will be light, there is a light,
30:44 let there be a sun, there is sun let there be
30:45 a moon is a moon. In Genesis chapter 2,
30:46 the Lord got formed man at the dust of the
30:49 earth he is with man. He is what everyone.
30:52 Amen. He is with man but there is rupture
30:56 there is breaking in here in this relationship
30:58 we call that rupture sin or rebellion obscene
31:01 and transgression, whatever you but,
31:02 but there is reason that man is separated
31:04 from God. Notice very carefully the language
31:07 here. God is not separated from man.
31:08 So, much man is separated from God.
31:10 Wasn't God that one fleeing in the garden
31:11 it was man that he was fleeing the Garden.
31:12 Man is someone who is hiding and covering
31:15 behind the bush, its God who those looking.
31:17 And so never forget that we love it.
31:19 The Bible says in the book of Isaiah.
31:20 Isaiah Chapter 59, your sins have separated
31:23 you from your God. Your sins do not
31:26 push God away from you they push you
31:29 away from God. God has a looked right, if try to
31:33 move this piano right if its firm, it is firm.
31:35 If, if I try to move this piano right just
31:39 pretend like it's a car that's even
31:40 better or a huge boulder right.
31:42 And if I push with all of my mine against this thing
31:45 something is going to move. Yeah it will be
31:48 me right. if I push with all of my power I will,
31:51 this is what our sin does. Our sin does not
31:54 push God away. So, God is movable it is a movable,
31:55 our sin pushes us away from God, your sins
32:01 are separated your God. It was Adam who
32:03 ran in garden not God. Amen. It was not
32:06 God that went seeking are we together everyone.
32:08 And so there is distance here, there is, there is
32:12 fracture here and yet, yet the angel
32:15 says to that Mary. You have a baby
32:18 and he is gonna save this people from
32:20 their sins in fact you will call his name Immanuel.
32:25 God what is it? God with us, God with us.
32:31 John has put in this way in the first part of his Gospel.
32:33 John Chapter 1, the word became flesh and
32:35 dwelt among us, literally pitched his tent next to us
32:40 in modern colloquial language we will say he
32:43 moved into the neighborhood. God came be
32:46 with us. Now, its good systematicians
32:49 who rapt at this part of presentation that
32:50 I am going to Revelation chapter 21.
32:52 Revelation chapter 21 is not only
32:55 the climax of the new testament but in a,
32:57 in a very real sense it's a climax of all of scripture
33:00 I heard say that wisely once.
33:02 Why is the book of revelation at the end of the
33:04 Bible simple because you need the rest of the
33:06 Bible to understand it. Amen.
33:07 Its at the end of Bible because you need
33:09 write everything else to get to the place where you
33:12 can understand what is this book all about.
33:14 So, in revelation chapter 21, here is John
33:16 and he is on the Island. He is on an island
33:18 the name of the island is Patmos and what's
33:21 he doing there? He is on vacation?
33:25 He is in exile, he is in exile because he was
33:28 preaching fearlessly the word of God.
33:30 He says he was there for the testimony of
33:31 Jesus and the word of God and so, what it
33:33 happened is Roman emperor named Domitian,
33:35 who didn't like Christians had taken John
33:36 and thrown him to caldron of boiling oil.
33:40 Right they put lid on and it is like cooking
33:42 enough for the last of the apostles has
33:44 gone and now all is well. They gonna lift
33:46 of the caldron to see how the cooking is going,
33:48 here is John just oh! yeah the jet seems
33:54 not be working on the right side could you.
33:58 Do you have Lemon, not being see which, but
34:00 you get the point. He couldn't be killed
34:02 and Domitian oh! you know this guy can't be
34:04 killed and so what they did is. They
34:05 took John over here, well, this guy may
34:07 just nervous if we can't kill him we will put on an
34:08 island and we put him on a penal colony
34:10 called Patmos, which was 24 miles out
34:16 into the Aegean sea and they left him
34:19 there for death. They exile him, he was the
34:21 last living apostle don't you know how
34:22 old was probably in his 60's, 70's , may be
34:24 even in 80's and he is there and lastly apostles
34:27 has gone and the Roman Empire can kind of
34:29 wash there hands from apostolic Christianity
34:31 but here's the problem. God has set
34:34 his whole thing up so that on the island of
34:35 Patmos Jesus gives the fullest manifestation
34:38 and the fullest revelation, the fullest revelation
34:43 of himself to this last apostle who would have
34:45 certainly being attempted to discouragement.
34:47 He would intimated men and call
34:49 everything it is near and dear to him has gone.
34:51 He is separated from it. He would look out
34:53 lady on the best of the days those of you live. I
34:55 live in California and the very best of days
34:57 if you look out across the seaboard as long as the
34:59 clarity there is not a lot of fog. You can look
35:02 out and you can see on total about 40 miles.
35:05 About 40 miles so and the best of days being
35:07 24 miles out into the ocean. John could have
35:09 looked he could have seen lands, but he struck
35:13 here may be the old man is not swimming 24 miles.
35:17 So, look at there John concludes in the book of
35:19 Revelation, Revelation chapter 21, being verse 1
35:21 now I saw a new heaven and the new earth.
35:23 For the first heaven and first earth was passed way
35:26 and also there was no more sea but that's always being
35:30 troubling to some of us. We thought no more sea well I
35:33 kind like dolphins in the purposes in manatees and
35:35 the coral reefs. Half of biological life exist
35:38 under water more than half of biological life.
35:40 its someone like oh no there is not gonna be
35:43 an ocean I need to do all of my snorkeling in
35:44 the here now because their won't
35:46 be any in the new earth.
35:47 I don't think that God is making here, I don't
35:49 think that John is making here primarily
35:51 a geological or geographical statement there was
35:54 no more sea. For John the sea was that was
35:57 separated him from that what he loved
35:59 and he longed for. And John Jesus you
36:01 have in this new earth and, and he says there is no
36:04 more sea not primarily a geological or
36:06 geographical statement but a statement about the
36:09 nature of separation. Amen. There will be no
36:12 more separating sea because for John day in
36:14 and day out the sea is what separated him from that
36:16 which he loved and he says there is no more sea,
36:19 no more separation verse 2, then I John saw the
36:22 Holy city new Jerusalem coming down
36:23 out of heaven from God prepared as a bright
36:26 adore for her husband.
36:27 There is no more intimate context its impossible
36:31 to be more intimate than the intimacy that a man
36:33 can share with his wife. In fact this intimacy
36:35 is so profound and so robust that in the book of
36:37 Genesis it goes apart to say that two shall
36:40 be one. There is proximity there in, intercourse,
36:44 there is proximity there, there is connectivity
36:46 there that is so close that is it is as if the two
36:50 become accord. The two become one
36:53 and John uses this immitari, he knows
36:55 the intimacy between a father and his, and
36:57 his between a husband and his wife this is what
37:00 I was demonstrating there for a moment I am not
37:02 breathing into anyone's nostrils but I breath into
37:04 my wife. There is an intimacy there, there is
37:07 closeness there and he says prepared as a
37:09 bright adore for her husband and you know
37:11 this is the point he is making because look
37:13 at verse 3. So, if you can pick up the
37:14 key verse, that occurs, the key word the key
37:16 idea that whole think on which the whole verse
37:18 turns is right there in verse 3, see if you can pick it
37:21 up verse 3, And I have heard loud voice from
37:23 heaven saying behold the Tabernacle of God
37:24 with men and he will draw with them and they shall be
37:27 his people and God himself will be with them and
37:30 be their God. What's the Key thing? Amen.
37:32 With, with, he doesn't say once or twice
37:36 but thrice three times it is if he is just
37:40 consumed with this idea. God will be with us,
37:42 God will be with us, God will be with us,
37:47 In fact in Revelation Chapter 22, look at verse 4,
37:51 and they shall see his face. Amen. That
37:57 intimacy that proximity that was their in
37:59 Genesis Chapter 2 verse 7 the Lord got breathe
38:01 into his nostril the breath of what?
38:03 the uninterrupted, uninterposed, non-obfuscated
38:06 face of God. Paul had said on earlier occasion
38:10 when he was riding to the Church Corinthians
38:11 now we see through a glass darkly; but then,
38:14 face to face. John says they will see
38:18 his faith this relationship of intimacy restored
38:23 and this word just comes to him, comes to him,
38:26 comes to him, with us, with us, with, with
38:29 and so it was good systematicians this morning.
38:32 Look at what we have done. We have found one
38:34 of the unifying motives in scriptures.
38:36 We can go to many other dozens even hundreds of
38:39 passages but what we have done Genesis Chapter 2,
38:42 we find God with men, close to men
38:46 breathing into his nostrils forming him
38:48 dirt under the figure nails dirt on his knees.
38:50 We come Matthew chapter 1 God Immanuel
38:53 will be what? with us in the climax of
38:56 scripture in the climax of the new testament with,
38:59 with, with no more separating sea we will see
39:02 his face and so we would say one of the grand
39:04 unifying motives in scripture is that apparently.
39:08 God wants to be with people. Amen. Amen.
39:14 God wants to be with people, it shouldn't really
39:22 come as surprise to us because it is to be
39:24 learned last night God by his nature
39:26 not just his character.
39:27 God by his nature he is a social being, father,
39:31 son and Holy Spirit and he makes other beings
39:35 in the very same way that we make children.
39:36 In the very same context we make children so
39:38 that are our social network and our love can
39:42 flow out to them. God makes others and he invites
39:45 us to participate in his try own love what you have
39:47 here is this marvelous picture that God
39:50 he wants to be with people. And there is
39:54 something that separates there is a transgression that
39:55 is obsceneness there is rebellion
39:57 but God penetrates that rebellion. He
39:59 penetrates that sin and he comes and he will
40:02 build the bridge at all cost to himself
40:04 he wants to be with people and the Bible
40:06 closes with John saying an almost ecstasy
40:09 he will be with him. Hee, wow he will be with him,
40:13 he will be with him. We will see his face
40:20 so one of the certifying central unifying motives
40:23 of scripture is that God likes people. Amen.
40:29 God likes people. We together everyone. Amen.
40:37 Now, we make a distention in our cheeky clever
40:41 little manipulation of English language
40:43 all of us have done it why I shouldn't say.
40:45 Most of us have done. I know I have certain
40:47 down and we will say things like this.
40:49 Oh! don't get me wrong I love him.
40:55 But I don't like him have you ever said
41:03 anything that can came to that.
41:06 Yes some of them are seeing here like no
41:08 I don't know what he is talking about
41:11 you are lying. We make distinction don't we,
41:18 we make a distinction we will say I love somebody,
41:21 out of kind of duty a kind of familial duty
41:25 oh yes, yes, yes. I love him. But the real question is
41:29 do you like him and we make a distinction
41:31 don't we do we make a distinction between loving
41:33 someone and liking someone. Indeed we do
41:36 in fact let me just introduce you a kind of radical
41:40 concept here. God loves you. Amen. Amen.
41:45 Many of us are comfortable with that idea
41:47 that God loves us but here something to
41:49 think about a question for about theologians.
41:52 Is there anything that you can do make
41:54 God love you anymore. No, no, oh come on
41:57 now, nothing what about become a vegan,
42:06 yeah, yeah, now I am speaking he was vegan here,
42:10 ah, ah, no your exactly right no.
42:12 and okay so then the converse of that is
42:15 anything you can do to make God love you
42:16 any less. No, okay so than the language
42:18 that we use what's the word that we use for that.
42:20 We say the Gods love is what's that word.
42:22 We say that God's love is unconditional now what that
42:24 means is this? God's love for you is not
42:28 conditioned on your response to that love. Amen.
42:30 Right so you may respond to God's love
42:33 if any positive way and God does love you
42:35 anymore for it and you may respond, respond to
42:37 God's love in any negative way and God's does not
42:39 love you less way. God's love for you is
42:41 perfectly unconditional it is not predicated
42:43 in your response to his love. Can you say Amen to that?
42:46 Now, that one love that is very, very comforting
42:48 and one love that's very comforting there is nothing
42:50 I can do make God love me anymore and there is
42:51 nothing I can do make God love any less
42:53 God's love is perfectly non-partisain but here
42:56 something very interesting to think about I am
42:57 looking down here in the front row and
42:59 I see very different people, very different people.
43:00 If God loves you sister just like he loves this man,
43:03 just like he loves this man and this sister.
43:05 If God loves you all the same but wait a minute you
43:08 have very different person in this man.
43:10 So, God's love for you unconditional after you
43:13 tells me a great deal about God but it doesn't
43:17 tell me a lot about your personality as distinct
43:20 from his personality and it doesn't tell me a lot about
43:22 his personality as distinct from her personality
43:25 do you hear where this is going.
43:27 Gods love for us is unconditional offer
43:30 and shows us a deal about God but as individuals
43:33 it doesn't tell us a lot about the personality
43:34 that you process as approach to the personality that
43:37 you process it's a two different people
43:39 what's your name. Dean, Dean, and your name?
43:44 John, Dean and John are two different people
43:47 God loves John in the very same way the loves Dean
43:49 and just as much God loves Dean he loves John are
43:51 we together. So, this is largely a commentary
43:53 on God on God's Goodness and God's munificians,
43:57 and God's non-partisan unconditional love
43:59 it don't tell us the whole lot about Dean or John
44:01 as individuals. If God can love totally different
44:06 people radically fundamentally
44:08 different people in the very same way.
44:10 This tells us as a great deal about the non-partisan
44:12 and non conditional love of God. But it doesn't tell
44:13 you a lot of about your personality.
44:15 So, here is my question does God ever say
44:18 things like we say oh don't get me wrong
44:20 I love Dean. But I don't really like him.
44:28 Yes God loves us, this is a profound commentary
44:32 on the nonpartisan nature of God and love of God.
44:35 But does God like us? Well, for answer to
44:42 that question turn up your Bible to
44:43 2nd Chronicles, Chapter 20.
44:45 Second Chronicles, Chapter what everyone,
44:47 20, Second Chronicles, Chapter 20
44:51 and here we find a man by the name of Jehoshaphat.
44:53 What's his name everyone. Jehoshaphat,
44:56 Jehoshaphat, you know you mean people of Bible names
44:57 all the time. You meet Elijah's you meet Daniels,
44:59 you meet David's, you meet Matthews
45:01 but is any one yet met a Jehoshaphat.
45:04 We neither I think that will be great record
45:07 your name my name is Jehoshaphat Johnson.
45:11 Nice to meet you Jehoshaphat. Amen.
45:16 Jehoshaphat is praying Jehoshaphat has
45:18 concerned because the armies of Israel
45:20 are encroaching on Israel. The Ammonites,
45:22 and Edomites, are coming against Israel
45:24 Jehoshaphat is deadly concerned
45:25 and so he stands in front of Israel
45:27 and he prays the prayer and I want you to
45:29 notice this prayer and there is seamless
45:30 transition that takes place in this prayer
45:32 Second Chronicles, Chapter 20 the beginning verse 5,
45:35 when Jehoshaphat stood in the of Assembly
45:36 of Judo in Jerusalem in the house of
45:38 the Lord before the new court and said
45:40 now watch this verse 6, oh Lord God of our
45:43 father's are you not God in heaven and you
45:46 not rule over all the kingdom of earth
45:48 and in your hand is there not power and might
45:51 so that no one is able with stand you or you not
45:54 our God who drove out the inhabitance of this land
45:56 for your people Israel and gave it to
45:59 the ascendance of Abraham
46:02 and then three qualifying words.
46:06 Your friend forever notice this seamless
46:12 transition in Jehoshaphat prayer as he is praying
46:15 he makes the sense God your awesome,
46:16 God your omnipotent, God your mighty
46:19 no one with stand and they notice the
46:21 seamless transition and don't forget about
46:24 Abraham your buddy. For, for, for
46:29 Jehoshaphat there is no contradiction between
46:31 God is sovereign, God is mighty, God is powerful,
46:34 God is strong and God as a friend of people.
46:38 Notice this language here friend I just presented this
46:41 sermon last of this fall this last Sabbath at,
46:43 at the Reaching Hearts International Church, there
46:46 in near Washington D.C. and my good friend
46:49 Clifford Goldstein he came right up to me
46:51 after he, is it Jew and he came up to me
46:53 afterward and he flew into Hebrew and he
46:55 said to be me. He said David the word here for
46:57 friend it, it it's it can even lover.
47:02 You gave it to Abraham your lover
47:05 forever your friend forever now wait a minute I
47:10 was scratching my head God has friend
47:13 the infinite, illimitable, eternal, omnipotent,
47:17 omnipresent, omni benevolent, God
47:19 of the universe who transients time
47:22 and space and he is unfavor and unfavorable
47:25 and his broadness and is that God has friends.
47:29 Amen. Isaiah chapter 41, verse 8, uses
47:32 this very same language. Isaiah chapter 41, verse 8,
47:35 calls Abraham the friend of God. The friend of
47:40 God let me ask a question who do you spend most
47:42 of time with your free time. Where do you spend
47:45 your free time with? You spend with your
47:48 friends and with your family and the reason
47:50 that you spend time with your friends and family
47:51 because you love them and you don't just love
47:53 them you like them except their brother in law
47:56 that you really hoping doesn't come on the
47:58 crews. Right are we together everyone.
48:02 Now in case we are inclined to think
48:03 well this is something that applies to Abraham
48:05 look quickly at Exodus chapter 33.
48:08 Exodus chapter 33 and notice this Exodus chapter 33,
48:13 who wrote the book of Exodus.
48:14 Moses. Moses, and look at what he says Verse 11
48:16 Exodus chapter 33 Verse 11.
48:20 So the Lord spoke to Moses face, how did he speak
48:23 to him. In the face. Face to face look at this
48:27 a man speaks to his friend. But what we
48:35 are picking up here is absolutely phenomenal,
48:39 its this idea that the God of the universe
48:41 the infinite, illimitable God of the universe
48:43 has friends. Now nobody in this room can relate
48:47 to God as God. No one, you can't relate
48:49 God on omnipotent, on the presence,
48:51 he is on the Netherlands, he is on mission,
48:52 no one can relate to God in his goodness.
48:54 But god apparently at some level wants to
48:57 relate to you a evolutional, moral rational
49:01 loving being. He once not just you make
49:04 you as puppets as a Tom-toms pet rocks.
49:07 He wants to be your friend. See apparently
49:12 its okay to speak universe into existence
49:15 so there be a light, there be a sun
49:16 there be a moon, let there to be firmament
49:20 God could have spoken to Adam and told let there
49:21 be an Adam, let there be Eve,
49:25 but no, no but when it comes to make
49:27 not a star, not a stream, not a moose,
49:33 not a mouse, but a friend, our speaking
49:39 this into existence will never do.
49:41 For a friend you have to be close,
49:48 just making his friend, just forming his
49:53 friend, he has got to be, he gonna have
49:55 a friend, you have to be close,
49:57 its got to be proximity there.
49:59 Can't get to anyone from the distance
50:01 there has to be investment.
50:09 Welcome to life my son, my friend.
50:14 The Bible records fantastically amazingly,
50:20 audaciously that God wants people as his friends.
50:24 And one day Jesus was speaking to his disciples
50:27 you can turn to John chapter 15. Jesus is
50:29 speaking to his disciples and words are failing him,
50:32 he is looking at the cross, the cross is just
50:34 hours in front of them. John chapter 15,
50:35 and then in John chapter 15 Jesus is speaking to
50:43 his disciples he has just given the parable of the
50:44 branch abiding me and then looks to his disciples
50:49 and he says no longer do I call you servants.
50:55 This relationship that we share disciples
50:58 transcends the servant master relationship.
51:01 This isn't just I command and you do.
51:05 No longer do I call you servants,
51:08 we need a new Norman Clayture we need a new
51:10 language, no longer would I call you servants
51:12 because a servant does not know
51:14 what his master is doing but I've told you
51:15 everything that father has told,
51:20 I call you friends, I call you friends.
51:30 Jesus here was picking up on the very same language,
51:32 the very same connectivity found in the old testament
51:34 Abraham was the friend of God, Moses spoke to
51:36 God as a man face to face as a man speaks to his
51:38 friend, and Jesus says the servant master
51:41 thing yes that is helpful, yes that does
51:43 inform our relationship to a degree,
51:45 but there is a point at which the servant master
51:47 thing comes to and end, its adequately describing
51:49 this connectivity that we have, I call you friends,
51:54 I call you my friends, and thus if you are the friend
51:57 of Jesus, you are the friend of God.
52:03 Beloved Jesus more than loves you,
52:07 he likes you, and you are the
52:11 only you available to Jesus.
52:14 There is no substitute for you.
52:17 You are the only you available to God.
52:19 There might be other people named to your name,
52:21 there are other Davids but there is no other
52:23 David Asscherick, nobody else possess
52:25 the unique idiosyncratic personality that I
52:27 possess and no one else possess the unique
52:29 idiosyncratic personality that you possess,
52:30 you are the only you listen very carefully possible,
52:33 not even God could make another you,
52:36 because you are the product of the three
52:38 choices that you have made. Even twins who receive
52:41 identical genetic inheritances from their parents,
52:44 do they become the very same people.
52:46 They become different people how, how did twins
52:50 become different people because they have been faced
52:51 with different choices, and they make different decisions
52:53 and those different decisions have made them the
52:55 people that they are today. So I have become
52:57 the David Asscherick that you see standing before
52:59 you, and I am thrilled that in the process of
53:01 becoming David Asscherick, I am not yet solidified
53:03 my Asscherickness because I am only thirty seven,
53:07 right. And some of you are twenty seven,
53:09 and fifty seven and sixty seven you are becoming
53:11 the person that you will be for eternity.
53:13 You are becoming the only one of you possible not
53:17 even God can make another you because God
53:18 would have to fashion another being just
53:20 like you with the identical genetic inheritance
53:22 and then he would have to make all of
53:23 your free choices for you. No, no, no
53:26 you are the only you possible. You are the only
53:29 you available to God, in fact let me put you this way.
53:32 You are God's only shot at you. Yours Gods
53:38 only shot at you, if De is saved and David is
53:41 lost Davids this sadness cannot make up
53:46 for Davids lossness because De and David
53:48 are different people. There would always be a
53:50 vacancy, there would always be avoid in the
53:52 heart of God that only David Asscherick
53:54 can fill because there is only one in me.
54:00 In classic keynesian economics, you have
54:02 a price point and then you quantity determining
54:08 price point as long as demand stays the same.
54:10 If you have the price point here and demand
54:12 remains the same, if you have lot of items
54:15 says a new car $20,000 new car, if you
54:17 have twenty thousand of them stock
54:18 the manufacture says we can sell this
54:19 for 20,000 bucks. But what happens what typically
54:23 happens to price points as quantity increases
54:27 now we have forty thousand of these cars,
54:28 what has happened to the price as long as
54:30 demand remains the same price decreases,
54:33 price point decreases but what happens
54:35 if we there is demand for twenty thousand but we only
54:37 have ten thousand to sell price will increase,
54:40 so they operate on inverse relationship right.
54:42 Okay so you take a $20,000 car,
54:45 there are twenty thousand in existence and
54:46 you contrast that with the collectors item like
54:48 a Porsche like a 1959 Porsche and there is just
54:51 fifty of them made in the first place,
54:52 and of those fifty that were made there is only
54:54 five remaining, just five remaining in
54:57 perfect pristine condition and collectors have
54:59 gobble this up, and three of them on a
55:01 truck to Las Vegas to go to a show, a car show
55:05 but that truck tips over and three of them
55:07 are obliterated. What just happened to the
55:09 value of those two. It increase because quantity
55:13 decrease, availability decrease, access
55:16 decreased. Now lets say something happens
55:18 to another one of them, the other one,
55:20 another one of the two is racked and only one
55:22 remains. What would be the value, what
55:24 would be the pride point of that remaining Porsche.
55:28 It would be whatever someone is going to
55:29 pay for it, it will be literally priceless
55:31 and beloved think this through.
55:32 What's worth more the $20,000 car
55:35 that we have 20,000 of or the Porsche that we
55:38 have one of. What's worth more.
55:40 Porsche. You are the Porsche.
55:45 There is only of you, and you are different
55:50 person from me or different person from you,
55:52 or different person from you and yes
55:54 God loves you. This is a profound commentary
55:55 on the nonpartisan love of God,
55:57 but according to scripture he more
55:59 than loves you, he likes you.
56:03 He wants to be your friend, he wants you
56:06 spend eternity with him because you are the
56:10 only you available to God. If heaven forbid
56:16 you are lost, you are irreparably lost,
56:20 you are irredeemably lost, you are perfectly
56:23 irreplaceable to God. Thousand and millions
56:27 may be saved, but if you are lost there is a
56:32 vacancy, an eternal vacancy in the heart of God
56:34 that only your personality could fill.
56:37 You might your nose is too big, that you
56:39 are too short, that you are too chubby,
56:40 and maybe you are through chubby,
56:44 but God likes you, and he is forming you and
56:49 fashioning you into a person whom he can say
56:53 in absolute transparency she is my friend,
56:57 he is my friend, and can invite you to
57:00 spend eternity with him. Beloved one of the
57:04 unifying motives of scripture is that God
57:07 wants to be with people. He wants to be
57:10 their friend, and God wants to be your friend.


Revised 2014-12-17