3ABN On the Road

Friday Morning

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jerry Page


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000930

00:01 Music playing...
00:11 More music...
00:20 music...
00:27 some more music
00:32 music
00:41 On the Road...
00:54 ASI Tampa, Florida Friday Morning, Jerry Page
01:01 I would like to introduce to you today the Speakers that we have
01:07 Elder Jerry Page is President of the
01:10 Central California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists,
01:13 and his wife, Janet, is Ladies Ministries Director
01:18 and also Prayer Director
01:20 for the Central California Conference
01:22 I want to tell you a little story that happened in 2008
01:28 it was soon to be time for the Mid-America Union ASI Retreat
01:33 in fact, it was planning time for that Retreat,
01:35 I had the duty of finding the Speakers for the Retreat
01:42 we decided for the location to be
01:44 at Glacier View Ranch in Colorado,
01:46 we had formulated a list of excellent speakers
01:52 and we knew that whoever spoke, would do a very good job
01:55 but I felt the responsibility of praying very hard
01:59 that God would bring to us the person,
02:02 the exact person that would be needed
02:05 for the people that would be coming to that retreat.
02:08 We wanted the people to feel like
02:11 that they received a specially close walk with God
02:14 while they were there and when they left
02:17 that they would know that they had been drawn closer
02:20 to Jesus as a result of being at Glacier View,
02:24 before I asked any Speaker
02:27 I would go to my list and I would pray,
02:30 "Dear Lord, you know who the Speaker should be"
02:32 and as I would go to the phone
02:34 to place the call, I would pray again,
02:37 some Speakers said they couldn't make it
02:40 and I understood that that wasn't God's plan for us
02:44 pretty soon the list was... the Program was fulfilled
02:50 and it was time for Glacier View Ranch ASI Convention
02:55 to take place in about four weeks
02:57 I got a telephone call one day and it was from our Key Speaker
03:01 and he said, "I'm sorry to tell you
03:03 that I will not be able to come to Glacier View Ranch
03:05 I have another commitment that I didn't realize
03:08 and I won't be able to come. "
03:09 I remember, myself, thinking, "Well, God is in control
03:14 and whatever He thinks is best is fine
03:16 and He'll work something out"
03:17 I hung up the phone and when I left my office
03:21 and started to drive home,
03:22 I remember, I got this feeling of despair that came over me
03:25 and I thought, "3 and a 1/2 to 4 weeks
03:27 until the Glacier View Event for Mid-America ASI Chapter
03:31 and we don't have a Keynote Speaker,
03:32 Lord, what are we going to do?"
03:34 and about that time, I got this overpowering thought
03:37 that came within me and it was only four words,
03:40 and it was, "Don't you trust me?"
03:42 and I thought, "Yes Lord, I do trust you"
03:45 and I felt peaceful and I felt very curious
03:48 I wondered what God is going to do
03:50 I know He has a special plan for Mid-America ASI Retreat,
03:53 and so the next morning I got my list out
03:57 and I started going over it, who hadn't I contacted
03:59 and I prayed and I said, "Lord, please lead who
04:02 should answer our response and who should be the Speaker"
04:05 and so the names of Jerry and Janet Page were on the list
04:08 and I called Elder Page and he responded and called back
04:12 he was very, very kind,
04:14 and he told me a little bit about himself,
04:16 and he said that Colorado was his home
04:18 and he liked to come but he had a heavy schedule
04:21 and didn't know if he'd make it,
04:22 but he said, "Talk to my wife,
04:24 really she's the one who makes the appointments
04:26 for our prayer conferences"
04:27 so she called and I talked to her and she said,
04:30 "Well our son is coming home that weekend
04:33 I don't know if it would work"
04:35 she said, "I need to pray with my husband"
04:38 and there was a group of other people that pray
04:40 when it's time for us to accept Prayer appointments
04:43 for the Prayer Seminars
04:44 and so she said, "I'll call you back tomorrow"
04:48 so the next day she called back and she said,
04:52 "My husband and I prayed and we felt very impressed
04:55 that we should come to the Mid-America ASI Retreat"
05:00 as time passed and it was time for the Retreat,
05:04 I wondered within myself what God was going to do
05:07 we got to the Retreat,
05:09 there were probably about 80 people that came
05:12 I was almost embarrassed that the attendance wasn't larger,
05:16 we were placed in a little room with a nice stone fireplace
05:20 and the snow was gently coming down,
05:21 and when it was time for Elder Page to get up,
05:25 he had a simple format, he told about prayer,
05:28 and he told about stories of answered prayer,
05:31 and he praised God and then we prayed,
05:34 and when it was time for his wife to get up,
05:37 she did the same thing,
05:38 she told simple stories of how
05:41 God had answered wonderful prayers
05:42 that seemed impossible for them to solve
05:46 but God answered the prayers and then we praised God together
05:50 and then we prayed, and this continued
05:52 and it continued for two or three sessions
05:55 and I remember on Sabbath morning
05:58 we turned the Sabbath School over to them,
06:00 and then the Motel-room-type hallway
06:03 that led right outside the meeting room
06:06 we gathered together about 12 people
06:09 that were lay people there from the convention
06:12 and we got down on our knees in that room
06:13 and closed the door and we prayed
06:15 "Lord you've done some wonderful things here,
06:17 this is like a mini-Pentecost, the Holy Spirit is here
06:20 and we praise you for it dear God,
06:22 you know what happened last night,
06:24 you know that we felt your power
06:26 we know what happened during the Sabbath School hour
06:28 and how we felt your power,
06:29 oh Lord, please continue during the church service
06:32 and please continue during the afternoon session
06:34 so that when people leave here
06:36 they will feel like they've been with Jesus"
06:38 and I'm here to tell you that God continued to bless
06:42 and any one of you that may have been at that Retreat
06:46 can testify that God was present
06:48 that the Holy Spirit was there
06:50 and that we left feeling like
06:52 we had been drawn closer to Jesus
06:54 God used the Pages that weekend for a special purpose
06:58 to lead us closer to Him,
07:00 and I'm here to tell you this morning
07:03 that He will do the same thing this morning.
07:07 We serve an awesome God and He uses human people
07:10 to bring other people closer to Him,
07:12 and we will be blessed
07:14 by hearing the Pages, shall we pray?
07:17 Our dear mighty heavenly Father,
07:20 we do thank you
07:22 that we can come together right now
07:24 we pray for every person that's here,
07:26 we pray for every heart that needs to be strengthened,
07:30 dear Lord, help us to learn more about you,
07:33 help us to learn more about prayer,
07:36 I pray that you'll be with Janet Page
07:38 and that you'll be with Jerry Page
07:40 this morning as they present,
07:41 I pray that you will touch their lips
07:44 and help them Lord that they can convey their ideas
07:47 in a way that will bring each person present
07:50 to a closer relationship with you,
07:53 and may we leave this room
07:54 feeling like we have been with Jesus
07:56 thank you so much, Amen.
07:58 Special song...
08:04 Rafael Scarfullery on guitar...
08:07 Hover o'er me, Holy Spirit,
08:10 Bath my trembling heart and brow;
08:16 Fill me with Thy hallowed presence,
08:21 Come, O come and fill me now.
08:27 Fill me now, fill me now,
08:33 Jesus, come and fill me now;
08:39 Fill me with Thy hallowed presence,
08:46 Come, O come and fill me now.
08:53 fill me now...
08:59 come and fill me now...
09:05 Thou canst fill me, gracious Spirit,
09:11 Though I cannot tell Thee how;
09:16 But I need Thee, greatly need Thee,
09:22 Come, O come and fill me now.
09:29 Fill me now, fill me now,
09:35 Jesus, come and fill me now;
09:41 Fill me with Thy hallowed presence,
09:48 Come, O come and fill me now.
09:56 fill me now...
10:00 come and fill me now...
10:08 I am weakness, full of weakness,
10:15 At Thy sacred feet I bow;
10:19 Blest, divine, eternal Spirit,
10:27 Fill with power, and fill me now.
10:34 Fill me now, fill me now,
10:42 Jesus, come and fill me now;
10:49 Fill me with Thy hallowed presence,
10:55 Come, O come and fill me now.
11:04 fill me now...
11:11 come and fill me now...
11:20 Cleanse and comfort, bless and save me,
11:27 Bathe, Oh bathe my heart and brow;
11:33 Thou art comforting and saving,
11:39 Thou art sweetly filling now.
11:46 Fill me now, fill me now,
11:53 Jesus, come and fill me now,
12:00 Fill me with Thy hallowed presence,
12:08 Come, O come and fill me now.
12:16 Jesus, come and fill me now.
12:24 Jesus, come and fill me now...
12:31 fill me now...
12:37 Amen...
12:43 clapping...
12:49 Elder page walking to pulpit.
12:56 Praise the Lord for beautiful music
13:00 Amen... Amen...
13:02 What a privilege it is for Janet and I to at
13:06 the ASI Convention again,
13:08 it's been a blessing to us so many times in our lives
13:10 and to have the privilege today
13:12 of sharing a little of our testimony with you
13:14 is a great honor
13:15 and we just pray that the Holy Spirit will be here
13:18 and do in all of us what he wants to do today
13:22 we're hoping that He'll speak to our hearts as well.
13:24 So I'd like to just begin with it if I can
13:26 and we'll share a little more later
13:29 about how ASI has become one of the great waymarkers
13:33 and milestones in our own family's journey,
13:35 our own ministry journey lately,
13:37 but right now I just want to ask you
13:39 to pray with me, pray for the Holy Spirit
13:42 to speak to your hearts, pray silently
13:44 and just ask Him to use Janet and I as we talk today too,
13:47 and want to be a blessing
13:48 and want to get out of the way so He can use us,
13:50 let's pray together.
13:59 Praying silently...
14:06 Lord we are so thankful for all of your promises
14:10 Luke 11 says, "Whenever we ask
14:13 for the Holy Spirit, He comes, He speaks to us,
14:16 He gives us what we need, sometimes it's comfort,
14:19 sometimes it's rebuke, sometimes it's just teaching,
14:22 but always... it's what we need,
14:24 and we're praying for that today, Lord.
14:25 You know that Janet and I just want to be used
14:28 and lift up Jesus, we thank you so much
14:30 you're such a wonderful God,
14:32 for what you've been doing in our lives,
14:33 to teach us and grow us and
14:35 sometimes dragging us along in our resistance
14:37 in our rebellions but you're such a good God
14:40 so just now,
14:41 drive all the other influences away and use us I pray
14:43 in Jesus' name, Amen.
14:45 Tony Campolo tells an experience in prayer that he had,
14:53 when he went to preach at a Bible College,
14:54 when he got there, he said there were eight guys
14:57 who took him in a back room, circled around him,
15:00 put their hands on his head and they began to pray
15:02 and he said, "That's good, I need all the prayers I can get"
15:04 I hope you're praying over your pastors and your leaders
15:06 and each of you as you're doing things for God too
15:10 but he said, "These guys, they prayed long prayers,"
15:12 you know what I mean?
15:13 And he said, as they prayed they went on and on and on...
15:16 and he said, "One guy, he wasn't even praying for me
15:19 he was praying for some guy named Charlie Stoltzfus
15:21 and he said, 'Oh Lord, you know Charlie Stoltzfus
15:23 he lives a mile down the road
15:25 on the right-hand side of that silver trailer
15:27 Lord, he left his wife and his three kids this morning
15:29 step in, intervene Lord, do something, save that family'"
15:31 and he said, every time he'd get done,
15:33 he'd start over and hit it again,
15:35 and every time he'd tell the Lord where he lived
15:37 he said, "You know Charlie, Lord,
15:38 he lives a mile down the road,
15:39 on the right-hand side of that silver trailer... "
15:41 Tony felt like saying, "What do you think,
15:43 He's saying, 'what's that address again' or something?"
15:46 And he said, "But kept doing it, he said,
15:48 'Lord, you know he left his wife
15:50 and his three children this morning
15:51 step in Lord, intervene, do something, save him,'"
15:53 finally he said, he quit
15:55 and they all quit and "I was kind of glad," he said,
15:57 because I don't know if you had eight guys
15:59 praying long prayers, when they get kind of tired
16:01 they lean on your head, so I was glad they all quit.
16:03 But he said, "I went and preached my sermon
16:05 I was getting in my car to drive back to Philadelphia,
16:09 and as I was getting on the freeway, he said,
16:11 there was this guy on-ramp
16:13 with his thumb stuck out hitchhiking... " and he said,
16:15 "I know you're not supposed to pick up hitchhikers,
16:16 because that's dangerous,"
16:17 but he said, "You know, I'm a preacher,
16:19 any time I can get a captive audience in my car
16:21 and tell them about Jesus, I do it, so I picked the guy up,
16:23 we're headed down the road, I looked at him and I said,
16:25 'Hi, my name is Tony, what's yours?'
16:27 and he said, 'My name's... '" what do you think?
16:28 'Charlie Stoltzfus... '
16:30 Tony said, "My eyes got big, I looked at him
16:32 and I got off at the next exit,
16:34 drove across the bridge and began to turn back"
16:36 his eyes got big,
16:38 he plastered himself up against the door and he said,
16:39 "Hey, Mister, where are you taking me?"
16:41 and Tony said, "I'm taking you home"
16:43 and he said, "Why?"
16:45 Tony said, "Because you left your wife
16:47 and your three kids this morning didn't you?"
16:49 And Charlie says, "Yeah, how did you know that?"
16:51 Tony said, "Because God told me"
16:53 you know what,
16:55 I believe the Lord did tell him, what do you say?
16:57 Tony said, "I went back to that exit,
17:00 I drove a mile down the road, and pulled in the driveway
17:02 in front of his silver trailer, that blew his mind... "
17:03 He said, "How did you know I lived here?"
17:06 Tony says, "Because the Lord told me"
17:08 his wife came to the door
17:10 and said, "You're back, you're back"
17:12 so Charlie went up, whispered in her ear
17:13 and pointed at Tony, and her eyes got big,
17:15 and Tony said, "I said to them,
17:16 'Now listen, you two get in that trailer, you sit down,
17:18 and I'm going to talk and you're going to listen'"
17:20 he said, "Man did they listen!"
17:21 he was like, "I was EF Hutton, or God himself,
17:23 that afternoon,
17:25 I was able to lead those two young people to Jesus Christ,
17:27 and that guy is a preacher in California today"
17:30 hallelujah, amen.
17:31 Jeremiah 33:3, if you have your Scriptures
17:34 it's a text that many people call "God's phone number"
17:37 Jeremiah 33:3, what does it say?
17:40 "Call to me" and what? "I will answer you"
17:44 but that doesn't stop there does it?
17:46 and that's really our testimony this morning,
17:49 as Jesus has been dragging us along in a new understanding
17:53 of prayer and intimacy with Him
17:55 and what He wants to do in our lives
17:56 with spiritual revival and reformation.
17:58 We have discovered that it isn't just not about
18:00 getting stuff when you pray... right?
18:02 It isn't just about getting answers
18:03 but it's about the Creator of the universe
18:06 who creates worlds and universes and galaxies with a word
18:09 teaching us and growing us and telling us what He's like,
18:13 amen... sharing His personality
18:15 we get to know Him, what His character is like
18:18 and all of those kinds of things.
18:19 Thank God that when we pray,
18:22 when we talk to Him
18:23 when we just listen, pour our hearts out to Him,
18:25 I was reading this morning the Psalms,
18:27 we just pour our hearts out to God about stuff,
18:28 He tells us what we need to know,
18:30 sometimes it's about our own heart
18:33 and all the troubles there,
18:34 sometimes it's about somebody that we can help
18:36 just like Charlie, right?
18:37 And sometimes when we are praying in groups,
18:39 I've discovered, if we are praying with other people
18:41 who are connected to the Holy Spirit,
18:43 many times God will speak to us through them, doesn't He?
18:45 Give us information we need or minister to one another,
18:49 that's why we become so excited about United Prayer
18:50 as well as our personal devotion life in our walk with God,
18:53 so, I just... I'm here to praise God and thank Him,
18:57 I'll tell you what, Janet and I...
18:59 if you came thinking
19:00 you were going to have an expert presentation
19:01 about prayer you're going to be disappointed,
19:03 because we're not experts in prayer, are you?
19:05 No, we're just on a journey with the rest of you,
19:08 learning, but God is so good,
19:10 He's teaching and growing us
19:12 and so we just share testimony of our struggles...
19:15 our trying to get away from it sometimes,
19:17 all the stuff we have to learn and grow
19:18 and I've just discovered that it affirms
19:21 and many people say,
19:22 "Hey, that's the way the Holy Spirit is teaching me too"
19:24 and it strengthens and helps us as we go along,
19:27 as I look back over my life, in fact, I realize
19:29 how often I've been asleep in my life,
19:31 I was Personal Ministries Director
19:33 in Rocky Mountain Conference for a while,
19:35 and I was up at a meeting in Glacier View Ranch,
19:38 and I was staying in a room,
19:39 Janet wasn't able to be with me
19:40 I was staying in a room with Bob Rice
19:42 who was the Educational Superintendent at that time,
19:44 in the middle of the night I had one of those dreams
19:46 you know what they're like? It was like virtual reality,
19:48 I was just sure that it was my wife, Janet, in the other bed,
19:51 and I got up in the darkness of the night
19:53 and I began to sleepwalk across the room
19:55 towards poor Bob, thinking it was Janet,
19:57 and I ended up standing right over Bob
19:59 on top of the bed looking down at him
20:01 and just then he woke up and looked at me,
20:03 and I woke up and looked at him,
20:04 you know, it was one of those moments in life,
20:06 and I have San Francisco in my Conference
20:08 but that's not what's happening but Bob says,
20:10 Bob says to me, he has a good sense of humor,
20:13 he says, "Jerry, I won't tell a soul"
20:14 and I said, "Bob, I'm going to tell everybody
20:18 before you get a chance,"
20:20 and I gathered all the pastors at breakfast
20:21 and I told them about my sleepwalking experience
20:24 but, you know, to me that's metaphor,
20:26 I don't share it just to have you smile but rather
20:29 it's a metaphor of my life, how about you?
20:32 How often I think I'm awake when really I'm asleep?
20:35 God in His mercy has to wake me up all the time, doesn't He you?
20:39 Every day I'm chairing a committee
20:41 He says, "Jerry, you're becoming a bureaucrat again,
20:42 wake up, see with my vision,
20:44 stop just being an Administrator, be my man,
20:47 be alive in me... be filled with the Holy Spirit
20:49 don't run this church humanly,
20:51 run it with the power of the Holy Spirit. "
20:52 I love Mark's sermon yesterday, wasn't that powerful?
20:55 Talking about how... and I just have to say too
20:58 as a church leader, "Forgive us,
20:59 forgive us for trying to run the church by human methods,
21:02 doing things that we're pretty sure
21:03 that we can pull off on our own power,"
21:05 we should be praying so big
21:07 that we can't pull it off on our own power
21:09 that only the God of the universe can show He's alive
21:11 and only He will get the glory, amen
21:12 and I hear a lot of testimonies with that kind of thing.
21:15 Eighty-one years old and these meetings...
21:17 what's a steal... last night...
21:18 I mean, I don't know if I'll be doing that at 81...
21:20 but I know some other people
21:21 that are getting up in years doing fantastic things for God,
21:25 anyway I love this Scripture and I won't read it to you from
21:29 I usually use the New King James,
21:30 but I'm going to use the message paraphrase on this
21:32 because I like what it says and think about your own life
21:34 right now whether you're in ministries
21:35 or whether you're doing a career
21:37 or you're trying to be a minister
21:38 while you're doing a career,
21:40 Romans 13 verses 11 and 12, the message paraphrase says this
21:43 "But make sure you don't get so absorbed
21:45 and exhausted in taking care of all your day-by-day obligations
21:50 that you lose track of the time and doze off oblivious to God
21:56 the night is about over, amen, dawn is about to break
22:01 be up and awake to what God is doing,
22:03 God is putting the finishing touches
22:04 on the salvation work he began, when we first believed
22:09 thank God, He's waking us up all the time.
22:13 What is our greatest need? We know what it is, right?
22:15 What are we told in the Spirit of Prophecy?
22:17 A revival of primitive Godliness is our first and our most urgent
22:22 of all our needs, amen, and as you read on down that page
22:24 it talks about confession, humiliation, seeking God,
22:27 but it talks about prayer
22:28 being the only way to expect a revival.
22:30 So what we're talking about this morning is
22:32 just a thing we've come to find is...
22:34 is God rules in the great controversy, somehow,
22:37 but unleashes His power,
22:38 when we talk to Him, when we ask Him,
22:40 He says, when he was leaving the disciples, John 14:14 to 16,
22:43 he says, "Ask anything in my name, of the father,
22:45 and I will do it to glorify Him and to bear fruit. "
22:48 Ask anything...
22:50 it says it a number of times in those three chapters.
22:52 I'm so weak in faith so many times,
22:55 I look back over my life
22:57 and think of when God first woke me up,
22:59 I guess, is to become a Christian
23:00 I was raised in a good Adventist home,
23:02 and had a dad who was a Publishing Director,
23:05 very loving, Guy Art Page and
23:07 he was always out on the road with the Literature Evangelists,
23:09 my mom was a good lady, both of them have passed now
23:11 I look forward to the resurrection
23:12 but my mom
23:14 had had some stuff in her past
23:15 she was a little more legalistic in her views
23:17 and to her it was about the rules and behavior, you know,
23:20 "Jerry, you know what you ought to be doing"
23:22 and you know, they say,
23:23 "Rules without relationship leads to... "
23:26 what...? can lead to a rebellious heart,
23:28 that's what happened with me,
23:29 and I won't go into all the details this morning
23:30 because I don't want to bore you with all that but...
23:32 that's what happened to me,
23:33 by the time I was late in Grade School,
23:36 I was running with the wrong kids and shoplifting
23:37 then kicked out of few academies and made to leave a college
23:41 even... one of our colleges, but I wanted to be out,
23:43 I wanted to be free of all the rules and the Adventism,
23:46 so if you got...
23:47 this little piece of a talk is about...
23:49 if you got kids, grandkids, relatives, loved ones,
23:53 that haven't come back to Jesus,
23:54 here's what to do,
23:55 now my folks had made mistakes,
23:57 and I was getting raised by the TV too much
23:59 and while they were at the LE Rally
24:01 hearing wonderful testimonies,
24:02 I was chasing the girls around the lake and stuff, you know,
24:04 but God had mercy upon me and on them
24:08 and when they got to the point,
24:10 when I was buying drugs, selling drugs,
24:11 and using them, I was living free,
24:13 and I was on my way towards Law School,
24:15 had everything on the way I thought I wanted it all along,
24:17 but my parents would not let me go,
24:19 and instead of being embarrassed
24:21 about their "preacher kid" that was so rebellious,
24:23 they got everybody they could
24:25 in the middle part of this United States,
24:26 praying for Jerry Page, I didn't have a chance,
24:29 they prayed me miserable, hallelujah.
24:32 Now we can't force our kids to be saved,
24:34 is that right? They have free choice,
24:37 but we sure can make them miserable if need be, amen,
24:39 and my folks got everybody praying for me
24:41 and so when the other kids were enjoying the drug trip,
24:44 I was worried about my heart, something else,
24:46 I said, "Just relax Jerry, so what if you die,
24:48 see what's next... " but it was in me,
24:49 all those Pathfinders and Sabbath Schools seeds
24:51 and all those other things were in there
24:53 and God was watering them
24:54 and so I won't go into all the details
24:57 we'd stolen some Cocaine from a hospital there in Denver,
25:00 and we were selling it on the backstreets of Boulder,
25:02 and we were thinking about using needles
25:04 and we had gone about as far as we could go
25:06 back in 1970 without totally blowing our life away
25:09 one of my friends, a Treasurer's kid,
25:11 died in a drug deal in Lancers Park?,
25:13 and others were getting into that level,
25:15 but we had such a bad drug trip one day... my girl and I,
25:17 that night we were sitting around
25:19 as we were coming down off the psychedelic drug,
25:21 and we were saying,
25:23 "What is going to make us happy?
25:24 We got away from the rules and the schools
25:26 and the Adventism and all that stuff,
25:28 but our friends were crummy... we hate them,
25:30 we hate people, they cheat us in the drug deals,
25:33 we're not happy, what's going to make us happy?"
25:36 And God brought to our minds that night,
25:37 the little lady from the church that came with a casserole
25:40 trying to love us no matter how we were,
25:42 Bible worker, old Dan Collins,
25:44 the ex-alcoholic who knew Dan... wild guy,
25:46 my dad sicced him on us at the apartment,
25:48 he came, knocked on the door,
25:49 he said we weren't very nice to him
25:51 so he got mad, stepped down...
25:52 as he was going down the steps... said,
25:53 "I don't care God, let them go to hell"
25:55 but then God convicted him,
25:56 he went back up and he knocked on the door again
25:58 gave me his card, stuffed it in my bib overalls
26:00 and said, "Listen, you're going to need me some day,
26:01 and when you do, you call me. "
26:03 That night as we sat there thinking...
26:05 God brought back to us again
26:06 that really what we were looking for was love,
26:09 people who loved us,
26:10 my parents who had been unconditional in their love
26:12 even though they made some mistakes,
26:13 but the point is, no matter how many mistakes
26:16 you've made in your loved one, your kid,
26:18 don't be discouraged about that,
26:20 God makes up the years the locust has eaten
26:22 what you need to do... is get many people intensely praying
26:26 for your kid and God will do things,
26:28 and unleashes His power, I don't understand it all
26:30 some get prayed for... more than others
26:32 I don't have to figure that out,
26:33 I just know that the Bible says,
26:34 "If you pray, I will answer
26:36 and if two or three pray, I will answer"
26:39 and I believe... in united prayer there's even more power
26:41 and I'll share a statement
26:42 from Ellen White in a minute on that.
26:44 But anyway, that night,
26:45 we decided we'd give Jesus a chance.
26:46 He said it was 3:00 in the morning when we called him,
26:48 and very soon after that,
26:50 we were studying the Bible with him
26:52 and got dragged in a little church... Denver West there
26:55 and Denver was on fire with love,
26:56 they didn't care if we had long hair and beard, we looked like
26:58 we crawled out from under a rock there in the lake...
27:00 in the '60s, early '70s,
27:02 but they just loved us... if we weren't at the small group
27:04 if we weren't at the Fellowship Dinner,
27:05 if we weren't at church, they asked, "where were you?"
27:08 and they loved us into the church... and we went back then
27:10 six months later, we were re-baptized
27:11 went back to Andrews and started into ministry.
27:14 I saw Paul Cannon here from the bridge,
27:16 we prayed together yesterday after Mark's sermon and
27:18 when I walked on the campus at Andrews...
27:20 and I want to share with you now several keys
27:23 that in my life, always bring me back
27:25 when I need it... to Jesus and to life
27:27 and to be awake in Him,
27:28 one of them is, I walked on the campus and
27:30 the guy in charge of Christian Ministries that year said,
27:33 "Hey, we're doing Mission '72 we're going to have 13 groups
27:36 going out... and students to hold meetings
27:37 in different churches, would you coordinate that?
27:39 And I said, "Sure, no problem"
27:40 I didn't have a clue what I was doing
27:42 but God let me lead from the beginning
27:44 took me into a small group, we prayed, we praised,
27:47 we drove two hours every Sabbath morning
27:50 singing praise songs and going on ministry
27:52 and get a hold of a little lay Evangelistic Meeting
27:54 and that year... you heard last night Ron Clouzet say...
27:56 that year we had so many baptisms in North America, why?
27:58 Because so many people were doing it,
28:00 lay people and pastors together, next year can be like that
28:03 in 2009... as we all pull together
28:06 to see something major happen
28:07 anyway, small groups, service, claiming the promises,
28:11 Len Cloumet is coming around with the ABCs of prayer
28:14 those are the things when I do it... keep me alive
28:17 you see, running the church is not enough for me,
28:20 I can do all kinds of administration,
28:22 I can tell you how to get to work,
28:24 but unless I give Bible Studies to the lady that cuts my hair,
28:26 and keep working for Debra until she finally joins,
28:29 she's attending now, I'm not going to be alive
28:31 plus I give out literature, I got my little pack
28:34 our student LEs, they won't let us alone,
28:35 I have my pack of literature, man,
28:37 I left one for the housekeeping this morning,
28:38 wherever I am, I want to be doing something
28:40 for Jesus personally,
28:42 then it's a living experience for me, then I'm alive in Him,
28:45 then prayer begins to be powerful for me,
28:47 I found out some other things in my journey
28:50 well, it was probably five years later that I became perfect
28:52 and it's really been wonderful since then,
28:53 I have just loved being a
28:55 perfect prayer warrior and a perfect guy,
28:57 and my wife's talking next so I got to be real careful here,
29:01 but you know, in my prayer times,
29:03 and I don't know how it is with you
29:05 I have discovered that sometimes,
29:08 my prayer life becomes very dry,
29:10 it's like reading an old history book when I read the Bible,
29:12 it's like, I can't get through to God,
29:15 He's not responding and I just discovered
29:17 that I need to just keep pressing
29:18 and keep asking Him to wake me up and help me
29:21 to give me a word from His Scriptures
29:23 to help show me if there's sin,
29:24 whatever it is in my life that I need,
29:25 sometimes I've gone to prayer
29:28 and ended up more depressed when I got done
29:29 than when I started, have you ever been there?
29:31 They gave you a little hand-out sheet,
29:33 hopefully you got the statements there,
29:35 and I've got a number of statements,
29:37 I'll just hit a couple of them in the time I have this morning
29:39 but I've got to hurry here,
29:41 but on the back of the page, there are a couple of good ones,
29:44 Twelve is a good one on parents by the way
29:46 on the Mother Augustine, praying for her kid
29:48 and how God answered her prayer and He's still doing it today
29:50 Janet is going to tell you a little bit about our youngest
29:51 and some of the issues that we're going through with him,
29:53 but number 13 there talks about turning away from
29:56 the four things Satan tries to get us diverted to:
29:58 the pleasures of this world,
30:00 life's cares, perplexities and sorrows,
30:02 the faults of others or your own faults and imperfections
30:04 to any or all of these, he'll seek to divert the mind,
30:06 don't be misled by his devices,
30:08 many who are really conscientious
30:09 and desire to live for God
30:11 he too often leads to dwell upon their own faults and weaknesses
30:14 and thus by separating them from Jesus,
30:15 he hopes to gain the victory, don't make self the center
30:18 and indulge in anxiety and fear as to whether you'll be saved,
30:21 all this turns the soul away from the source of strength
30:23 commit the keeping of your soul to God,
30:25 trust in Him, talk and think of Jesus,
30:27 let self be lost in Him. Steps to Christ, page 71.
30:30 One of the great keys that Jesus gave me a number of years ago
30:34 when He kind of woke Janet and I up in a new way,
30:36 she'll talk more about that in a minute but
30:37 one of the things He gave me was, in my prayer time,
30:41 instead of going right to my sins,
30:42 spending a lot of time there thinking about how bad I am,
30:44 or going right to my knees...
30:46 to start out by praising Him, can you do that?
30:48 In your personal time, in your group prayer,
30:51 always be focusing on how good He is
30:53 His promises, the Word of God,
30:54 praising Him that way,
30:56 when I do that, it changes my mind,
30:57 now God is in charge, His promises, He can do it,
31:01 if I spend too much time on my sins,
31:03 now we need to confess, some people don't believe in
31:04 confessing anymore and we need to confess specifically,
31:06 we're in the Day of Atonement,
31:07 we're in the time of the end
31:09 but we need to get off those and start thinking
31:12 about the sin forgiver and the sin cleanser
31:14 the one who can make us new, otherwise we'll end up depressed
31:18 and thinking about other people's problems,
31:19 everybody... pray for them but don't just dwell on it
31:21 because by beholding you become changed.
31:23 There are a lot of other things I can say
31:25 as a Leader of the church
31:26 I've sometimes use prayer to manipulate, how about you?
31:29 That's how you start meetings and end them, right?
31:31 That's how you get people to be quiet
31:33 so that you can have your meeting
31:34 by God's grace we have decided a number of years ago
31:38 and it's making a difference in our lives
31:39 we'll talk more about it,
31:41 but to take meetings as a time to really talk to God
31:44 most of our Staff Meetings
31:46 and in our Executive Committee and other things,
31:48 we take from half-an-hour to an hour to really pray
31:50 conversationally, sentence prayers, back and forth
31:52 to talk to God and I've discovered
31:54 when we do that in our meetings,
31:55 it changes our hearts, brings us into unity,
31:58 God comes into that place where we have praises of Him
32:01 and it changes the meetings,
32:02 we fight in our School Boards,
32:04 we fight in our Church Boards, and all that stuff,
32:05 but if we will take time to really talk to God,
32:08 our actions will become actions of the Spirit
32:10 instead of just words that we put on paper,
32:12 which don't really mean much,
32:14 well, I can go on and on, but I won't here,
32:17 my own personal prayer life is the core
32:20 but we have come to find that
32:22 united prayer is what flows out of that
32:24 in my own prayer life,
32:25 if I don't take time with God everyday,
32:27 and I'm telling you something
32:28 you already know and do... most of you...
32:30 but I discovered that I'm running on my own power
32:33 and that's a pretty bad thing because when you get to Jerry
32:35 when he's not filled with the Spirit,
32:37 not living in God, it's not a pretty thing,
32:39 I'm a pretty clear guy in many ways
32:41 one day I got back from a trip
32:43 and one of the guys in the office was doing it again,
32:45 he was gossiping about this other couple,
32:48 and I had talked to him before about that,
32:50 you don't have that problem in your Institution
32:53 or in your Organization, do you?
32:55 He was nailing them, he was saying stuff about them
32:56 that wasn't even true, he was hurting their feelings
32:58 and so, it really annoyed me, upset me,
32:59 and so I said... I made an appointment with him
33:02 for the next Tuesday, and then I said,
33:04 "I want to meet with you about this"
33:05 and as we got together, well, actually, that morning,
33:08 I did what I try to do everyday
33:10 but sometimes... get too rushed and don't...
33:12 that is... spend time with God,
33:13 but I said, "You know Lord,
33:15 it seems like your Word is getting really dry again"
33:17 you know I have in my fly-leaf of my Bible,
33:19 sixth volume of the Testimonies, pages 392 and 393,
33:22 it says, "The Word of the Living God
33:24 is not merely written, but spoken.
33:25 The Bible is God's voice speaking to us,
33:27 just as surely as though we could hear it
33:29 with our ears. If we realize this,
33:32 with what awe would we open God's Word,
33:34 and with what earnestness would we search His precepts!"
33:36 I said, "God, this is supposed to be your Word,
33:38 please speak to me today,"
33:40 and I wasn't thinking about this guy, but God was.
33:42 As I opened up, I'd been reading through Proverbs,
33:45 and these, I have put in yellow several texts,
33:48 it jumped off the page at me,
33:49 have you had that happen to you?
33:51 You're reading... and I try to pray a lot with the Bible open,
33:53 and praising through that and claiming promises
33:56 and letting him cleanse me with the Word open
33:58 but anyway, I'm reading now through Proverbs 12,
34:00 "A fool shows his annoyance at once,"
34:01 God was annoyed with this guy,
34:03 "reckless words pierce like a sword,
34:05 but the tongue of the wise brings healing"
34:07 I was going to cut him up with my cleric tongue,
34:10 and leave him bleeding, I had a little legal brief there
34:12 I was going to show him and make him squirm
34:14 and then watch...
34:15 there will be behavior modification, you know,
34:18 "A prudent man keeps his knowledge to himself,"
34:20 I was going to dump everything I knew on the poor guy,
34:22 "A righteous man is cautious in his friendship"
34:25 how does the Lord do that? you know...
34:26 I could tell you stories for the rest of the week,
34:28 of my journal here,
34:29 I've got my journal with me, I won't let you get at it,
34:31 but in here... are the times I know God is alive,
34:33 because when I ask Him to speak to me,
34:36 He speaks in such unique and personal ways
34:38 that I know, it's not a coincidence.
34:40 "The more you pray," they say,
34:42 "the more coincidences you'll see" amen,
34:43 and that's what's happened to me,
34:46 anyway, so I went to meet with that guy,
34:48 God brought to my mind, I said,
34:49 "Jesus, I'm not going to go in the right spirit today,
34:52 I'm going in the spirit of 'Jerry' instead of 'Jesus'"
34:54 and Galatians 6:1 came to my mind,
34:56 you know it says there, "You who are spiritual
34:58 want to restore somebody else, do so how?
35:00 "In the spirit of gentleness,
35:02 remembering your own weaknesses, your own sins... "
35:04 so as I met with him, I said, "Brother, I've got a problem"
35:07 I read Galatians 6:1 and 2
35:08 and I said, "I often talk about people
35:10 behind their backs in negative ways,"
35:12 anybody can raise your hand and say you don't ever do that?
35:14 Yeah, I'll see you afterwards, no...
35:17 and then I shared a little bit of what I knew... with him,
35:20 I said, "I want you to pray for me that I'll be like Jesus"
35:23 I shared a little of what I knew he'd been doing,
35:25 he got the point, we ended up with our arms
35:27 around each other tears in our eyes,
35:29 praying for both of us to be more like Jesus.
35:31 you know, it was a much better ending
35:32 and I can tell you stories all day long
35:34 that didn't work out so nice, but this one did,
35:36 but you know, God says, "I'll work on you morning by
35:38 morning, and give you a word to help"
35:39 that night I got home late, the Pastor was on the line,
35:43 he was really angry, he said,
35:44 "My members are going around behind my back,
35:46 saying stuff about me, it's not true,
35:48 I'm going to sit them down tomorrow,
35:49 I'm going to really straighten them out,"
35:50 isn't God good?
35:52 He worked me over in the morning,
35:54 so I could have a better meeting with my staff member,
35:55 and be able to help a pastor... cool down
35:57 and do it better the next day with his members.
36:00 God will do that every time for us
36:02 if we'll spend the time with Him... He will do that.
36:04 Now I've only got a couple of minutes here to tell you
36:06 one of the most amazing stories in our whole journey,
36:08 but I want to do it because... I'm a leader out of control.
36:12 You probably notice that by the way I speak
36:14 but, I'm a Leader out of control I hate it but I love it,
36:17 because we've been on a journey in Central California
36:20 since we went there and again...
36:21 I can tell you lots of other stories,
36:22 but when I went there,
36:24 Janet... we got prayer partners together
36:26 and she brings the prayer partner groups...
36:28 some of them together every week at our Conference Office
36:31 for three hours on Wednesday and I have a sheet I give them,
36:33 two or three pages that are thanks and answers to prayer,
36:36 and then about 15 pages of all the latest needs and crises
36:39 and stuff I can't handle and personnel and money
36:41 and all those issues
36:42 and every week... they sit there for three hours
36:45 and just pray... back and forth
36:46 as the Spirit leads them over those
36:47 a few sentences by this one, a few sentences by that one,
36:50 praising, thanking, claiming promises
36:52 and God does tremendous stuff.
36:53 But you know as they were seeing miracles,
36:55 in Camp Meeting, we have a group of 30 that pray
36:56 from way before... to all during...
36:59 and God does tremendous stuff and they were seeing miracles
37:01 but they were frustrated because the point was
37:05 in your church, in your school board,
37:06 in your problems in your family, your marriage,
37:08 God will answer your prayers too, amen.
37:11 He says, "You have not... " why? "because you ask not"
37:14 He says, "I will give you an answer to prayer
37:16 things I can't give you if you don't ask"
37:18 and they said, "People just don't get it"
37:21 and so they began to ask God, "What should we pray about?"
37:24 Do you do that? Romans 8:26
37:26 Ellen White says in Christ's Object Lessons,
37:28 it says that God will inspire our prayers,
37:30 He will actually indict prayers out of us what He needs
37:32 in the great controversy and I don't know how it works
37:34 but I know in the great controversy
37:36 my testimony is... and you can too...
37:38 that there are rules there somehow,
37:40 God is limited in... somewhat to our prayers.
37:43 in some ways, He's limiting Himself,
37:45 He says, "if you don't ask, I can't give it to you"
37:47 and so, I believe that when we pray,
37:50 He unleashes His power, anyway,
37:52 they said, "What shall we pray about"
37:53 and they felt impressed over a period of time
37:55 to pray about the Evangelism offering at Camp Meeting.
37:57 Now this wasn't Leaders with smarts... strategy
37:59 thinking in a room about how to get more money
38:01 out of the members to do Evangelism,
38:03 this was some prayer partners saying, "God" like Mueller did,
38:07 "give us a witness... a testimony...
38:09 that will show people that you can do anything
38:11 in their church, in their marriage, in their home
38:13 and to quit giving up on the stuff around them
38:16 and praying intensely about it, unitedly,"
38:17 and so, they started praying,
38:20 the first year they prayed that it would overflow
38:22 to show me as a Leader and others... that it could be done
38:25 begin with 70,000 to 80,000... or $100,000 a year,
38:28 that year, it went to a $150,000
38:30 so they came to me and said,
38:31 "Jerry, raise the goal next year,
38:32 raise it up to $200,000 or $250,000
38:34 we're going to pray for $250,000"
38:35 now what did the Leaders say?
38:36 "Are you crazy?
38:38 You had a good thing one year here
38:40 but don't... what if we set a goal and don't reach it?"
38:43 That's where I was... in my thoughts... lack of faith
38:45 so anyway, they said, "Okay"
38:46 so I raised it a little $125,000...
38:48 we have a Committee and we raised it together
38:50 that year, they were praying for $250,000
38:52 and guess what it went to? $250,000... in ten days...
38:55 and all we were doing was asking the people at Camp Meeting
38:58 when you pray during these ten days,
39:00 ask what God wants you to do
39:01 in terms of reaching the lost in this Conference
39:04 and so... anyway... I've got to make this quick,
39:07 the story goes on... went to $350,000...
39:09 and then they were praying for half a million
39:10 and I'm just getting up in front of the people at SoCal
39:12 I'm going, "Folks, I'm not in control here,
39:14 we know what we're doing, I mean, we have...
39:17 we try to use our left brain
39:18 we try to work as hard as we can,
39:20 we know the ministries we'd like to do,
39:21 we started Bible Workers, Church Plants,
39:22 we upped our meetings,
39:24 we had Youth Evangelism Teams,
39:25 all this stuff was beginning to happen,
39:27 we told them about it, but we said,
39:28 "We're not going to twist your arms,
39:29 this is a prayer thing... it's a prayer journey we're on,
39:32 and if God wants you to give, fine...
39:33 and if He doesn't, don't" they went over a half a million,
39:37 went to $600,000... $700,000... over several years there
39:42 and we kept just watching people love it
39:44 and then the story took a twist, evangelism was growing
39:47 people were beginning to believe more in prayer,
39:49 but still... you know... kind of thinking...
39:51 "Well, that's the prayer partners,
39:52 that's the special group over here or something... "
39:54 and so, we began to watch that happen,
39:57 and then... the third thing that happened is
40:01 the wonderful journey of trust and faith,
40:04 as many people were pledging,
40:05 God would tell them to give more than they could see...
40:08 Janet and I are way, way off the limb on what we pledged
40:10 because we don't know how to do it
40:11 but every year, when God brings that about,
40:13 then we had these wonderful testimonies of stewardship
40:15 it's wonderful,
40:16 so at SoCal Camp Meeting if you ever watch,
40:18 we have people talking about... this widow got up last year,
40:20 her husband had died,
40:21 she knew they couldn't give us much this year,
40:23 they've been giving this...
40:24 God told her to give twice as much... so she did it,
40:26 God gave her a short-term job just to pay the very penny of
40:30 that pledge and then the job stopped.
40:31 She couldn't wait to get in the pulpit that next Camp Meeting
40:34 and share what God had done for her
40:35 because He's alive, done something for her...
40:37 so on the Stewardship journey as well,
40:40 and again, about three or four years ago,
40:42 they were praying for a million dollars at Camp Meeting
40:45 all these ministries were going, we had all these people
40:47 but only for one year at a time, so I come into Camp Meeting,
40:49 Jan and I come in, we don't know if we're going
40:51 to get a $100,000 or a million or what we were going to get,
40:55 and that's a stressful time, sometimes we say,
40:57 "You know, we'd like to get out of this Lord,"
41:00 but it's such a wonderful journey too,
41:02 well, about three or four years ago,
41:03 it went over a million dollars, we couldn't believe it,
41:05 but our people were just enjoying it
41:07 and the Ministries were expanding...
41:09 and if you want to see, I've got a whole 25-page
41:11 document of a report of all the ministries that are going on
41:13 in our Conference, health and literature evangelism
41:16 all those things that have exploded
41:17 but, it went over a million...
41:19 then the next year, when you come back... and you go
41:21 "What's going to happen this year,
41:22 are we going to have to lay people off,
41:24 what are we going to have to do?"
41:25 That year they were praying...
41:27 Janet began to be convicted that God was telling her
41:29 to pray for two million in fact, we were on a
41:31 pre-prayer walk, the Sabbath before,
41:33 and she prayed for two million
41:34 in front of the Treasurer, he about dropped over...
41:36 but you know last Saturday night,
41:39 the offering had gone up to about $900,000
41:41 which I was hoping... would go to over a million again
41:43 people were just asking God, "What do you want me to do?"
41:45 and listening, you know, that Saturday night
41:48 as I was putting a mic on to speak for the meeting,
41:49 a guy walked up to me and he said "How is the offering going"
41:52 and I said, "Well, it's going pretty good,"
41:54 I said, "looks like it's going over a million again,
41:55 and we just praise God" I said, "You know, some of the
41:57 prayer partners, I don't know if they're crazy or what
41:58 they're praying for two million dollars"
42:00 his eyes got big, he said, "Are you kidding me?"
42:01 He said, "My brother and I, we were talking to our family...
42:04 this afternoon, about what God wanted us to do
42:05 we were going to give a $100,000
42:07 to get you well over a million,
42:08 but God told us directly to give a million dollars,"
42:10 so that night, when we told the people
42:13 what the total was, it was two million dollars
42:14 for evangelism for the next year praise the Lord,
42:16 you think people are praising God,
42:18 because everybody was asking, the widow was asking,
42:21 and those who had a little more were asking
42:24 but you know, the next year you come back
42:26 and now it's two million... you got all these ministries going
42:28 new initiatives and everything,
42:29 what if it's going to happen the next year?
42:30 And so we came back the next year,
42:32 we prayed, and the last night it was
42:34 getting a little over a million by Saturday night,
42:36 we praised God for that
42:37 somebody came up that night and said,
42:40 "We've been praying what we should do and God
42:42 has told us to give two million dollars"
42:43 it went to three million dollars,
42:45 3.3 million dollars and that was last year,
42:48 now coming into this Camp Meeting,
42:50 Janet and I were going, "Oh Lord, 3.3 million,
42:52 did you hear about the economy this year, by the way?"
42:53 The economy is bad,
42:55 ASI offering ought to be terrible this year right?
42:57 I don't think so, we came into our Camp Meeting
43:01 but we were claiming promises
43:02 and we were telling God, "You know God,
43:03 we've been saying all over the world, this is about prayer,
43:06 this is about God's people uniting in prayer,
43:08 it's about what God can do and if you don't do it this year
43:10 we think you're going to look bad...
43:12 we think it's going to take your glory... not us
43:15 because we're not saying this is about us,
43:16 this is about you speaking to your people
43:18 not us twisting arms, anyway, long story short,
43:21 and this is why I get gray hair...
43:22 this year, God's people gave 1.2 million by Saturday night,
43:27 and the people came up again and they said,
43:29 "Our business has gone terrible this year,
43:31 it's housing developments, it's not good,
43:33 we don't know how we're going to do it
43:35 but God has told us to keep this thing going
43:36 we're going to give you two million again,"
43:38 so we have 3.3 million again
43:40 a week ago Saturday night for Evangelism this year,
43:42 God is alive in bad economies, amen
43:45 He can do it,
43:46 this one last promise I want to share with you
43:48 from the Spirit of Prophecy,
43:49 I hope you'll read all those things
43:51 I didn't judge my time right,
43:52 and all those statements are great ones
43:54 but the one that I want to read to you now
43:56 is one that's so powerful it's number five on the list,
44:03 after Matthew 18, 19, and 20, to "Wherever two pray
44:09 and agree on earth, God will do it in heaven"
44:11 Ellen White tells why this is, she says,
44:15 "This promise," number five, "is made on condition
44:17 that the united prayers of the church are offered
44:19 and in answer to these prayers,
44:20 there may be expected a power greater
44:23 than that which comes in answer to private prayer,"
44:25 did you hear that?
44:26 When we get together in groups, when we get together by hundreds
44:30 which is what's happening in SoCal,
44:32 this year after the meeting
44:33 people came running up with their pledge cards
44:35 after it was announced they had 3.2 million, why?
44:37 Because they wanted to get their hundred dollars in
44:39 where God was working,
44:41 it wasn't about adding to the 3.2 million,
44:43 it was, "I'm on a journey, and I don't want to lose out,
44:45 I didn't put mine in yet" amazing!
44:47 but she says why...
44:49 "The power given will be in proportion
44:50 to the unity of members and their love of God,
44:52 and for one another"
44:54 I praise God, if we will pray together unitedly,
44:57 we'll see souls saved,
44:59 we will see money there that we need,
45:00 "Prayer is the key in the hand of faith
45:02 and unlocks heaven's storehouse where in Him...
45:04 are treasures of boundless resources of omnipotence,"
45:07 we pray a little... but when we pray like Jesus prayed,
45:10 when we pray like the disciples prayed,
45:12 then we'll see Pentecost, I believe, coming in our midst.


Revised 2016-02-08