3ABN On the Road

Divine Ordinances

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000915

01:00 Father in heaven, we praise You and thank You for Your power,
01:04 for Your presence and for Your word
01:08 which is truly a lamp unto our feet
01:12 and a light unto our path.
01:14 And we ask during this sitting as we have asked before
01:19 that You would be the honored guest.
01:22 That You would be the true teacher.
01:25 That we would hear not the words of man,
01:28 not the thoughts of man,
01:30 but the words the thoughts
01:33 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
01:35 Prepare our hearts those who sit in this building
01:39 and those who hear around the world
01:42 so that we may accept and do
01:46 because it is in the doing
01:48 that we are made like Christ Jesus.
01:51 Fill us with Your Spirit this day
01:53 and we thank You in Jesus' name, amen, amen.
01:58 Our special music is coming from Jim and Pam Rhodes,
02:03 wonderful musicians, dedicated to the Lord
02:06 who have been given a beautiful gift
02:07 of music ministry.
02:10 And so Pam will be singing as Jim plays
02:13 "Calvary means Heaven to Me",
02:16 and they'll be assisted by the lovely Donna Klein
02:19 on the organ, praise the Lord.
02:33 There were three crosses raised
02:38 On Calvary
02:41 Only one held the Son
02:45 Of God
02:49 Sin lost its power
02:52 In that final hour
02:56 Now I praise Him
02:59 For He set me free
03:04 Calvary means heaven to me
03:11 From the cross
03:13 To eternity
03:20 Now I'm no longer a slave
03:25 In sin For Jesus paid
03:29 The ransom for me
03:41 Like the thief on the cross
03:46 I believe
03:49 He's the one
03:51 Only Son of God
03:57 Sin lost His power
04:00 In that final hour
04:05 Now I praise Him
04:08 For He set me free
04:13 Calvary means heaven
04:17 To me
04:20 From the cross
04:22 To eternity
04:28 Now I'm no longer a slave in sin
04:35 My Jesus paid the ransom
04:39 For me
04:43 Now I'm no longer
04:47 A slave in sin
04:51 For Calvary means heaven
04:56 To me
05:03 Amen. Amen.
05:10 I almost missed my cue coming out here,
05:13 Pastor Bohr and I got to a theological discussion
05:15 just that fast.
05:17 And he was making his point
05:20 just as she was ending the song.
05:22 And I said, "Hold your point, I'll be right back",
05:24 but that he's got to come out here.
05:26 So we'll have to hold it to a little bit later.
05:28 Our speaker is, is Pastor Steven Bohr,
05:31 who is pastor of the Fresno Central
05:33 Seventh-day Adventist Church in Fresno, California.
05:36 We know him as a student of the word.
05:39 He slips into our homes quietly each evening.
05:50 Even as he slipped on the stage quietly
05:52 this afternoon.
05:54 And we've learned about Genesis from him,
05:58 about Revelation.
05:59 He's the driving force behind secrets unsealed
06:02 and a fine student of the word.
06:04 When you listen to him, you hear the truth of God.
06:07 He digs into the word
06:08 and bring forth nuggets for our edification.
06:12 So I won't take anymore of his time.
06:13 He is married,
06:16 his wife has the same name as my sister-in-law Aoda.
06:20 She is from Colombia.
06:23 And he has two children,
06:24 boy and a girl a match set
06:26 and so he's husband of one wife,
06:28 father of two children.
06:30 Preacher of righteousness and a friend of this ministry,
06:33 and without further ado,
06:34 I give to you our pastor, our teacher, Steven Bohr.
06:45 Thank you very much, C.A., it's a real pleasure to be here
06:48 at Spring 3ABN Camp Meeting.
06:51 You know, I was here last fall
06:54 and the camp meetings here at 3ABN are super special.
06:58 And I was looking forward to being here.
07:00 Last weekend we were at the first Hispanic
07:03 GJC Conference
07:05 which is the Hispanic equivalent of GYC
07:08 and we had approximately 400 young people
07:10 at Andrews University
07:12 and it was a real blessing
07:13 and so now this weekend I'm here at 3ABN,
07:16 and I know that the blessing is going to continue.
07:19 Before we begin our study this morning,
07:22 I would like to invite you to bow your heads
07:23 with me as we pray.
07:26 Father in heaven,
07:27 we thank You for the awesome privilege
07:28 of being at the camp meeting this year.
07:31 And as we open Your Holy Word,
07:33 we ask for the presence of Your Holy Spirit.
07:36 We ask that that spirit who originally gave the word
07:39 will come and explain it to us,
07:42 help us understand the times that we're living in.
07:45 And especially help us to prepare
07:47 in the light of everything that's happening in the world.
07:50 So we plead for Your presence and Your blessing,
07:53 and we thank You for hearing and answering our prayer
07:55 for we ask it in Jesus' name, amen.
08:00 The Book of Isaiah 24 is a vivid description
08:06 of the second coming of Jesus Christ
08:09 in power and glory.
08:12 If you read the whole chapter you'll notice
08:14 that this will be a cataclysmic destructive event
08:20 that will practically demolish the world.
08:24 And as we began,
08:26 I would like us to turn to verses 5 and 6
08:30 which will be the focus of our study in Isaiah 24.
08:35 What I want us to remember as we read these verses
08:37 is that Isaiah 24 is describing
08:39 the second coming of Jesus Christ
08:41 in power and glory.
08:44 Let's read verse 5.
08:47 "The earth mourns and fades away,
08:50 the world languishes and fades away,
08:54 the haughty people of the earth languish.
08:58 The earth also is defiled under its inhabitants."
09:05 So you notice here that we're told
09:07 that the earth is defiled under her inhabitants.
09:10 The word defiled here
09:12 means basically to be defiled morally,
09:16 it means to soil, to corrupt, to defile, to pollute.
09:20 In other words, the inhabitants of the earth are polluted
09:24 when Jesus comes.
09:26 Now I want you to notice that in this same verse,
09:29 three reasons are given
09:31 for the defilement of the earth.
09:33 Once again notice verse 5,
09:35 "The earth mourns and fades away,
09:38 the world languishes and fades away,
09:41 the haughty people of the earth languish."
09:43 The earth is also defiled
09:46 under its inhabitants because...
09:50 Now three reasons are going to be given
09:51 for the defilement of the earth.
09:54 Number one: They have transgressed the laws.
09:59 Number two: They have changed the ordinance.
10:04 Number three: They have broken the everlasting covenant.
10:10 And then verse 6 tells us what the consequences
10:13 are for these threefold apostasy
10:17 that is mentioned in verse 5.
10:20 Notice verse 6, "Therefore,
10:24 that's an important word
10:26 because they have transgressed the laws
10:28 because they have changed the ordinance,
10:30 because they have broken the everlasting covenant.
10:35 The curse has devoured the earth
10:39 and those who dwell in it
10:40 are desolate therefore the inhabitants of the earth
10:44 are burnt and few men are left."
10:49 In other words, the cause of the destruction
10:52 is this three fold description of the iniquity
10:58 that existed in the world.
11:01 Now what I want us to do is examine
11:03 each one of these reasons,
11:05 first of all transgress the laws,
11:08 secondly change the ordinance
11:11 and in the third place broken the everlasting covenant.
11:15 Let's examine each one of these one by one
11:18 so that we can determine what it was that will lead
11:23 to the destruction of the world at the end of time.
11:27 Let's discuss first of all transgress the laws.
11:31 The word laws here is the word Torah,
11:34 which is very, very prevalent and common
11:36 in the Old Testament.
11:38 But I want you to notice
11:39 one particular use of the word Torah,
11:42 in Nehemiah 9:13-14.
11:46 Nehemiah 9:13-14.
11:51 Here it's speaking about
11:52 what God revealed at Mount Sinai,
11:54 and I want you to notice that the word Torah is linked
11:58 with the Ten Commandments
11:59 and specifically with the Sabbath.
12:03 It says there in Nehemiah 9:13, speaking about God.
12:07 "You came down also on Mount Sinai
12:11 and spoke with them from heaven.
12:14 And gave them just ordinances and true laws..."
12:19 That's the same identical word as in Isaiah 24:5.
12:24 "You gave them true laws,
12:26 good statutes and commandments."
12:29 Now notice, "You made known to them Your Holy Sabbath.
12:35 And commanded them precepts statutes,"
12:39 and here's the word again,
12:40 "and laws by the hand of Moses, your servant."
12:45 So the word laws is linked with God coming down
12:48 to reveal the Ten Commandments
12:50 and it's also linked specifically
12:53 with the Sabbath.
12:55 Notice also Exodus 24:12,
12:58 Exodus 24:12, here the word is used again.
13:05 It's speaking about the giving of the Ten Commandments,
13:07 it says, "Then the Lord said to Moses,
13:11 "Come up to Me on the mountain and be there,
13:15 and I will give you, notice,
13:18 tables of stone and the law,"
13:22 that's the same word Torah.
13:24 And the law, and Commandments and we notice
13:27 that the law here is referring
13:29 to the Ten Commandments specifically
13:31 because it says and commandments
13:33 which I have written that you may teach them.
13:37 These commandments are the ones
13:39 that God wrote with His own finger.
13:41 All of the other things in the Book of the Law
13:44 were written by Moses,
13:45 but this is referring to the Ten Commandments.
13:49 So in other words transgress
13:50 the laws is referring to a transgression of God's
13:55 Ten Commandment law given on Mount Sinai.
13:59 Now the New Testament also tells us
14:02 that the destruction will come upon the world
14:05 because of the transgression of God's law.
14:09 Let's examine some New Testament passages
14:11 that speak about the transgression of the law
14:14 as the reason for the wickedness
14:17 and the ultimate destruction of the world.
14:21 Notice Matthew 24:12,
14:24 Matthew 24:12.
14:28 Here we have a description of the signs
14:31 of the coming of Jesus and it says there,
14:34 "And because lawlessness will abound,
14:38 the love of many will grow cold."
14:42 What is the problem that is going
14:44 to exist immediately
14:45 before the second coming of Jesus?
14:47 Lawlessness, because of lawlessness
14:51 will abound the love of many will grow cold.
14:55 Notice also Matthew 7:23,
14:58 I want you to notice that this condition
15:00 is not only going
15:01 to be the condition of the world,
15:02 it's going to be the condition of those
15:04 who profess to serve Jesus Christ.
15:07 Matthew 7:23,
15:10 by the way this verse is talking about
15:12 those who say Lord, Lord
15:14 and they perform signs and wonders
15:17 and exorcisms and miracles,
15:19 in other words they're professed Christians.
15:22 And notice what Jesus says to them in Matthew 7:23.
15:26 "And then I will declare to them,
15:29 'I never knew you,
15:30 depart from Me, you who practice" what?
15:35 "You who practice lawlessness!'
15:38 " There it is again, now we all know 1 John 3:4,
15:43 it says, "Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness,
15:47 for sin is lawlessness."
15:49 Or as the King James Version says,
15:51 "Sin is the transgression of the law."
15:56 Now let me ask you this,
15:58 would God hold the world accountable
16:00 for the transgression of the law,
16:01 if the law had been nailed to the cross?
16:05 It doesn't make any sense to say
16:06 that God is going to hold the world accountable
16:08 for transgression of the law,
16:10 if the law had been done away with at the cross.
16:13 It becomes very, very clear
16:14 that the law is still God's standard
16:18 of righteousness.
16:19 Now let's notice what Jesus had to say
16:23 about the law or rather what the Bible says about Jesus
16:27 and His attitude concerning the law?
16:30 Notice Hebrews 1:8,
16:32 Hebrews 1:8,
16:36 here the father is speaking to the son,
16:38 "But to the Son he says, Your throne,
16:42 Oh God, is forever and ever, a scepter of righteousness
16:47 is the scepter of Your kingdom."
16:49 And now notice this,
16:51 "You have loved righteousness and hated" what?
16:56 "Lawlessness, therefore God,
16:59 Your God has anointed you
17:01 with the oil of gladness more than your companions."
17:05 By the way did you know that it's possible
17:08 to be a legalist and also be lawless?
17:13 We're not only talking about people
17:15 who committed adultery
17:16 and people who kill and people who bear false witness.
17:20 Legalist can also be lawbreakers.
17:23 And there will be some of those in the end time as well.
17:26 Notice Matthew 23:28,
17:29 here Jesus is speaking about the Pharisees
17:32 and the scribes who by the way professed great godliness.
17:36 And it says there in Matthew 23:28,
17:40 speaking about the Pharisees and the scribes,
17:42 "Even so you also outwardly
17:46 appear righteous onto man
17:49 but inside you are fill up full of hypocrisy" and what?
17:54 "And lawlessness."
17:57 So let me ask you,
17:58 does the New Testament back up
18:00 the Old Testament with the idea
18:02 that the society immediately
18:04 before the second coming of Jesus
18:06 is going to be a lawless society?
18:10 Absolutely.
18:12 By the way, scripture teaches
18:15 that most of the transgressions of the law
18:18 in the very end time are going to be committed
18:21 by people who profess to be followers of Jesus.
18:24 Notice 2 Timothy 3:1-5,
18:28 2 Timothy 3:1-5,
18:32 we usually apply this to the world
18:34 but it's really speaking about people
18:36 who profess to serve Jesus Christ.
18:39 Here the Apostle Paul says this,
18:41 but know this
18:43 that in the last days perilous times will come,
18:47 for men will be lovers of themselves,
18:49 lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers,
18:54 disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving,
19:00 unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal,
19:06 despisers of good, traders, headstrong, haughty,
19:11 lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.
19:15 And now notice the conclusion,
19:16 and having a form of godliness
19:20 but denying its power and from such power,
19:24 from such people turn away.
19:28 What does this passage say?
19:30 That those who are committing these things have what?
19:33 The form of godliness
19:36 but without the power of godliness.
19:40 So the first reason why the earth is defiled
19:42 is because the people in the world
19:45 have transgressed the laws.
19:48 Now let's examine the second reason why
19:51 the world is destroyed, it's closely related to this.
19:55 The Bible says,
19:57 "That they changed the ordinance."
20:01 Interesting, change the ordinance.
20:04 By the way, I looked up this word changed
20:07 and I discovered that it means exactly
20:09 that but it's translated in different ways.
20:12 For example, it's used to describe Laban
20:15 who changed Jacob salary seven times,
20:20 do you remember that?
20:21 The word changed is used there,
20:23 it's used to speak about Joseph
20:25 when he was going to appear before his brothers,
20:27 the Bible says that he changed his garments.
20:30 It's also translated in Isaiah 2:18, abolish.
20:35 And in Leviticus 27:10,
20:37 it is translated to all alter.
20:42 In other words, the world will have changed
20:44 some ordinance that God established.
20:48 Now allow me to give you
20:49 a little definition of this word
20:52 change the ordinance,
20:54 the word ordinance really means.
20:56 The Hebrew word is choq.
21:00 And according to Hebrew lexicographers
21:03 the word ordinance means this,
21:06 to scratch or to write
21:10 cutting in or engraving in stone.
21:14 Interesting,
21:16 to scratch or write cutting in or engraving in stone.
21:20 They also say that it means to engrave laws
21:24 upon slabs of stone or metal
21:27 to set them in a public place.
21:31 Now as we examined the meaning of the word choq,
21:35 the word ordinance,
21:37 we discover that it's used very frequently
21:39 for things that God established at creation.
21:42 For example it's used to speak
21:44 about God setting bounds for the sea,
21:46 so that the sea would not go out of its limits.
21:49 Proverbs 8:29 is one of those instances.
21:54 By the way, I'm reading from the NIV,
21:57 the translation is a bit clearer,
21:59 it speaks there,
22:00 "When he gave the sea its boundary,
22:05 that's the word choq,
22:06 the same word that is translated ordinance.
22:09 When he gave the sea its boundary
22:12 so the waters would not overstep his what?
22:16 His command.
22:18 In other words, his command established the boundary.
22:20 And when he marked out, I want you to remember that,
22:24 marked out the foundations of the earth.
22:27 Job 38:8-11 also speak about
22:31 how God fixed the limits of the sea.
22:33 It says there,
22:35 reading once again from the NIV,
22:36 "Who shut up the sea behind doors
22:39 when it burst forth from the womb,
22:42 when I made the clouds its garment
22:45 and wrapped it in thick darkness,
22:48 when I fixed limits..."
22:50 Once again the word choq, the word ordinance.
22:53 "When I fixed limits for it
22:55 and set its doors and bars in place,
22:58 when I said,
22:59 'This far you may come and no farther,
23:02 here is where your proud waves halt?"
23:08 ' Another way in which this word is used
23:10 concerning a creation ordinance
23:12 is in the fact that God has given the decree
23:16 that keeps the heavenly bodies in their orbits,
23:19 which he made at the beginning.
23:21 Notice for example Psalm 148 and we'll read verse 3
23:25 and then we'll jump down to verse 6.
23:27 Psalm 148:3 and 6,
23:31 says here, "Praise ye him, sun and moon,
23:36 praise him, all you stars of light."
23:40 And then verse 6 says, "Praise him,
23:42 you highest heavens and you waters above the skies.
23:46 Let them praise the name of the Lord,
23:48 for He commanded and they were created.
23:51 He set them in place for ever and ever,
23:55 he gave a choq.
23:57 He gave an ordinance
23:59 or a decree that will never pass away."
24:05 Amen.
24:06 This word is also used to speak about the cycle of the rain
24:09 which God established.
24:11 Notice, what we find in Job 28,
24:15 Job 28 once again reading
24:17 from the NIV verses 25 and 26.
24:21 It says here,
24:22 "When he established the force of the wind
24:27 and measured out the waters, when he made a decree,
24:32 an ordinance,
24:34 that's the word choq once again,
24:36 for the rain and a path, for the thunderstorm.
24:39 In other words, God has established this
24:42 as an ordinance or as a decree.
24:46 It's also used to describe the regularity of the seasons
24:49 that God established at creation.
24:52 Jeremiah 5:24,
24:55 Jeremiah 5:24 says this,
24:59 "They do not say to themselves, 'Let us fear the Lord our God,
25:05 who gives autumn and spring rains in season,
25:09 who assures us of the regular..."
25:11 There's the word choq once again,
25:13 "of the regular weeks of harvest."
25:17 Sounds interesting that this word
25:19 is used very frequently to describe things
25:23 that God established by decree
25:26 at creation and which cannot be changed.
25:32 I find it interesting,
25:35 that in the Old Testament we find,
25:39 in Daniel 7,
25:42 a little horn who thought
25:46 he could change the times and what?
25:51 The times and the law.
25:54 Interesting.
25:56 Let me ask you.
25:58 What ordinances besides these geographical,
26:01 physical ordinances,
26:03 what other ordinance did God established at creation,
26:07 which cannot be changed or removed?
26:11 He made His Holy Sabbath.
26:15 He marked off the week seven days,
26:19 and He marked off the Sabbath as His day of rest.
26:24 Allow me to read you a statement from,
26:27 that we find in the Spirit of Prophecy,
26:29 this is in Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery,
26:32 and Divorce, page 159.
26:34 I want you to notice the terminology
26:36 that Ellen White used here.
26:38 You know, she didn't know Hebrew,
26:39 she didn't really take time
26:41 to study out the meaning of the word ordinance,
26:45 but I find interesting that she would use
26:47 the word ordinance as she does with the first institution
26:51 that God established at creation
26:53 which was marriage.
26:55 Notice, God gave only one cause
26:58 why a wife should leave her husband,
27:01 or the husband leave his wife, which was adultery?
27:05 Let this ground be prayerfully considered,
27:09 marriage was from the creation
27:12 constituted by God a divine ordinance.
27:16 Marriage was created what?
27:19 A divine ordinance,
27:21 the marriage institution was made in Eden,
27:24 the Sabbath of the fourth commandment
27:25 was instituted in Eden.
27:27 When the foundations of the world were laid,
27:29 when the morning stars sang together,
27:32 and all the sons of God shouted for joy.
27:35 Then let this God's institution of marriage
27:40 stand before you as firm
27:43 as the Sabbath of the fourth commandment.
27:47 Interesting that she would connect marriage
27:49 with the Sabbath.
27:50 You know, there is, this big debate
27:52 in the Christian world today.
27:54 You have, the people on the left
27:57 who want to change marriage
28:01 and they want to say that marriage can be
28:03 between a man and a man and a woman and a woman
28:05 irrespective of the fact that God created marriage
28:08 to be between a man and a woman
28:10 so they're trying to change marriage,
28:13 but on the other side of the spectrum
28:15 you have people on the right
28:16 who are saying that we need to change the Sabbath.
28:23 They're not any less guilty than those who are saying
28:25 that we're supposed to change marriage
28:28 because God also established the seventh-day Sabbath
28:31 at creation.
28:32 So how can you fight against gay marriage
28:35 and not at the same time fight in favor of the Sabbath
28:40 which God established at the very beginning of time?
28:44 Now allow me to read you this interesting statement
28:46 from Patriarchs and Prophets, page 111
28:49 and notice the terminology that she uses.
28:52 Like the Sabbath
28:54 the week originated at creation,
28:57 and it has been preserved and brought down to us
28:59 through Bible history.
29:01 And here's the term that I want us to notice,
29:03 God Himself measured off.
29:08 Remember that we read a few texts
29:10 where it says that God marked,
29:12 measured when He set these creation ordinances in place.
29:17 She says once again.
29:21 God Himself measured off the first week as a sample
29:26 for successive weeks to the close of time,
29:29 like every other it consisted of seven literal days,
29:33 six days were to be employed in the work of creation,
29:37 upon the seventh God rested and He then blessed this day
29:41 and set it apart as a day of rest for man.
29:46 And then she connects it with the sun.
29:49 Notice, volume three of Selective Messages,
29:52 page 318 and 319, she says,
29:54 "All those who hold
29:56 the beginning of their confidence firm
29:58 on to the end will keep the seventh-day Sabbath
30:02 which comes to us as marked by the sun."
30:06 In other words, as God set the sun in the sky
30:09 to rule the day as an unchangeable decree,
30:13 so God established at the same time
30:16 the Sabbath as His unchangeable decree.
30:20 By the way you're saying,
30:22 does the Sabbath commandment,
30:28 is the word ordinance used with regards
30:31 to the Sabbath commandment?
30:33 Absolutely.
30:34 Notice, Signs of the Time, September 14, 1882,
30:38 the creator of the heavens and the earth commanded,
30:42 the seventh-day is the Sabbath of the Lord, thy God,
30:45 in it thou shalt not do any work,
30:48 this command, now notice this,
30:50 this command was enforced by the example of its author."
30:56 That's profound.
30:59 It wasn't enforced by you do it.
31:02 It was enforced by the example of the author.
31:05 Proclaimed with His own voice
31:08 and placed in the very bosom of the Decalogue.
31:12 Now notice this,
31:14 but the papal power has removed.
31:19 You could use the word change there also,
31:21 she uses the word changed in other venues.
31:24 But the papal power has removed, notice this,
31:27 this divine ordinance and substituted a day
31:33 which God has not sanctified
31:36 and upon which He did not rest
31:38 the festival so long adored by the heathens
31:42 as the venerable day of the sun.
31:47 Interesting.
31:49 So the first two phrases are, they have changed,
31:55 they have transgressed what?
31:57 The laws.
31:58 Second, they have changed what?
32:01 The ordinance.
32:02 And by the way it's interesting
32:04 that the word that is used here is in singular.
32:08 There is a particular ordinance that has been changed.
32:12 And as we've noticed this word ordinance
32:16 used in the context of creation refers to something
32:20 that was established and which cannot be changed.
32:25 Now let's notice the third phrase,
32:28 the third phrase is that they have broken
32:30 the everlasting covenant.
32:32 Now in order to understand the covenant,
32:34 we need to comprehend two things.
32:36 First of all, the covenant has two aspects.
32:39 First of all you have covenant law,
32:42 and in the second place you have covenant sacrifice.
32:46 Now Covenant law of course is the Ten Commandments.
32:49 We're going to read a text in the moment that shows that,
32:51 covenant laws are Ten Commandments.
32:54 But when people transgress the Ten Commandments,
32:56 what do you need as a result?
32:58 You need the covenant sacrifice, right?
33:01 So covenant law and covenant sacrifice
33:04 are very closely related one to the other.
33:08 Now what I want to show you
33:10 is that the law is referred to as the covenant.
33:13 Notice, Deuteronomy 4:12-13,
33:18 Deuteronomy 4:12-13.
33:22 This speaks about covenant law, it says,
33:26 "And the Lord spoke to you out of the midst of the fire.
33:30 You heard the sound of the words
33:33 but saw no form,
33:35 you only heard a voice.
33:37 So He declared to you, notice this,
33:40 His covenant
33:42 which He commanded you to reform that is ten,
33:46 the Ten Commandants and He wrote them
33:49 on two tablets of stone."
33:52 So let me ask you,
33:53 are the Ten Commandments the covenant?
33:56 Absolutely, it says so here,
33:58 so he declared to you His covenant
34:01 which He commanded you to perform,
34:03 that is the Ten Commandments.
34:06 But I want you to notice also
34:08 that the Bible speaks about covenant sacrifice also
34:11 because the law has been transgressed,
34:14 a covenant sacrifice is required.
34:17 Notice Matthew 26:27-28.
34:22 Matthew 26:27-28 and then we'll also read
34:27 from the Book of Hebrews in a few moments.
34:30 Matthew 26 is speaking about
34:31 the institution of the Lord's Supper.
34:34 And it says there, "And as they were eating
34:37 Jesus took bread,
34:39 blessed and broke it
34:41 and gave it to the disciples and said,
34:44 'Take, eat, this is my body,
34:49 then He took the cup and gave thanks
34:50 and gave it to them saying,
34:52 drink from it all of you."
34:55 Now notice this,
34:56 "For this is my blood of the" what?
35:00 "Of the new covenant
35:01 which is shed for many for the remission of sins."
35:07 So you have the covenant
35:09 and you have the blood of the covenant.
35:12 Notice, Hebrews 13:20-21,
35:15 Hebrews 13:20-21,
35:20 once again the blood is referred to in conjunction
35:23 with the everlasting covenant, it says,
35:27 "Now may the God of Peace
35:28 who brought up our Lord Jesus Christ
35:31 from the dead,
35:32 that great shepherd of the sheep,
35:35 through the blood of the everlasting covenant,
35:40 make you complete in every good work
35:43 to do His will working in you
35:45 what is well pleasing in His sight
35:47 through Jesus Christ to whom the glory for ever,
35:50 to whom be glory for ever and ever, amen."
35:53 Amen.
35:55 So you have in Hebrews
35:57 as well as in Matthew the blood of the covenant.
36:01 In Deuteronomy we have the tables of the covenant.
36:05 We have the law of the covenant.
36:07 Now, how do these two relate to one another?
36:11 You know, some people say,
36:12 well, now that we have the blood of the covenant,
36:15 we don't need the tables of the covenant anymore.
36:18 In other words, now we're under grace
36:20 and the Old Testament was all law,
36:23 but you see that it's not the issue
36:25 when we talk about covenant law and covenant sacrifice
36:29 or covenant grace.
36:31 You see, covenant law shows us that we need Christ's grace,
36:36 that we need salvation through His blood.
36:40 But that doesn't mean that
36:42 because we receive Jesus as our Savior
36:44 and when we confess our sins,
36:46 and when we repent from our sins,
36:48 Jesus forgives us and He looks upon us
36:50 as if we never sinned,
36:52 that now we can go out and we can continue sinning.
36:56 You see, covenant law and covenant sacrifice
36:59 are related with regards to us
37:01 in the sense that through the blood of Jesus
37:04 our sins are all are forgiven,
37:06 but through the blood of Jesus
37:08 also we repent in a way in which we want to do that
37:12 which is pleasing in the sight of the Lord.
37:14 Amen. Amen.
37:16 In fact, if you go with me to Hebrews 8:10-12
37:20 you'll find these two ideas together.
37:22 Forgiveness and God writing the law on our hearts.
37:26 You see, God wants to do two things
37:27 He wants to forgive our transgression of the covenant,
37:30 He wants to forgive
37:31 our transgression of the Ten Commandments,
37:33 but then He wants to take those Ten Commandments
37:35 and He wants to write them on our minds and on our hearts.
37:39 Notice Hebrews 8:10-12,
37:43 "For this is the covenant that I will make
37:45 with the house of Israel after those days,
37:48 says the Lord."
37:50 Now notice this,
37:52 I will put my laws in their mind,
37:56 and write them on their hearts.
37:58 And I will be their God and they shall be my people.
38:02 None of them shall teach his neighbor
38:05 and none his brother saying,
38:06 "No the Lord for all shall know me
38:09 from the least of them to the greatest of them."
38:12 That's the first aspect writing the law on our minds
38:15 and on our hearts but then notice verse 12,
38:18 for I will be merciful to their unrighteousness
38:22 and their sins,
38:23 and their lawless deeds I will what?
38:26 I will remember no more, there is forgiveness.
38:30 Writing the law on the heart and forgiveness both,
38:34 and a person who says I am forgiven
38:36 but does not want to keep God's law.
38:40 Is really not forgiven
38:42 because forgiveness demands true repentance
38:45 and at it demands confession of our sin to God.
38:49 Now do you know that the Book of Revelation
38:51 also presents this idea of covenant law
38:54 and covenant sacrifice
38:55 and God's people embracing both?
38:58 Notice what we find in Revelation 7:13-14,
39:03 Revelation 7:13-14, you know,
39:05 usually we identify Adventists
39:07 as those who keep the Ten Commandments.
39:10 And that's one of the identifying characteristics.
39:14 But there's another as well.
39:16 Notice, Revelation 7:13-14.
39:21 Then one of the elders answered saying to me,
39:23 "Who are these arrayed in white robes,
39:27 and where did they come from?
39:30 This is the redeemed.
39:32 And I said to him, sir, you know, so he said to me,
39:36 these are the ones who come out of the great tribulation
39:40 and have kept the Ten Commandments."
39:45 That's a revised Bohr version.
39:49 It's not what it says,
39:51 so he said to me these are ones
39:53 who'll come out of the great tribulation
39:55 and wash their ropes and made them white
39:58 in the blood of the Lamb.
40:00 Covenant sacrifice,
40:02 but then we all know those texts that say
40:04 that God's people will also be commandment keepers.
40:07 Notice Revelation 12:17, Revelation 12:17,
40:12 it says and the dragon was in rage with the woman,
40:15 and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring,
40:19 who what?
40:20 Who keep the commandments of God
40:22 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
40:25 Now of course we all know
40:28 where the characteristics of God's remnant are given,
40:32 here is the patience of the saints,
40:35 here are those who what?
40:37 Here are those who keep the commandments of God
40:40 and the faith of Jesus.
40:44 So let me ask you, is it just possible
40:46 that in the end time,
40:49 most of the world is going to slight the law of God
40:52 and is also gonna slight the grace of Christ?
40:57 Absolutely.
40:59 And so what do we find in these three expressions
41:02 in Isaiah 24:5-6,
41:05 they have transgressed the laws.
41:09 They have changed the ordinance,
41:12 one specific ordinance
41:14 which God established at creation
41:16 like He established all of these other things
41:18 at creation.
41:20 And they have broken what?
41:22 The everlasting covenant,
41:25 covenant law and covenant grace.
41:27 And you'll say, well, Pastor Bohr,
41:29 are you saying then that we're saved
41:31 because we keep the Ten Commandments?
41:33 Absolutely not.
41:35 You see, folks, when we come to Jesus Christ
41:37 as our Savior and as our Lord, we see what sin did to Jesus,
41:42 will not only ask Jesus to forgive our sins,
41:45 but will ask Jesus to write His law in our hearts
41:48 because we don't want to continue
41:50 causing Him the pain
41:52 that He had when He was on the cross
41:53 as a result of our sins.
41:55 In other words when we come to the cross of Jesus,
41:57 we see covenant law punishing Jesus in our place
42:02 because He took our sins, but at the same time we say,
42:04 Lord Jesus, if sin did that with you,
42:07 I don't want anything more to do with sin.
42:10 Get me victory over sin.
42:12 Amen.
42:13 Do you know I found several texts?
42:16 The first of which I'm going to read is from Isaiah 26
42:19 in the same context of a passage
42:21 that we're studying
42:22 where the whole secret
42:24 to this issue of faith and works,
42:28 and grace and law are related to one another.
42:32 Notice Isaiah 26:12
42:35 and we're going to read these text very carefully,
42:38 Isaiah 26:12.
42:41 By the way this chapter speaking about the redeemed,
42:43 it's speaking about God's people in the end time.
42:47 Lord, You will establish peace for us.
42:54 Now notice this,
42:56 you have also done
42:59 all our works in us.
43:04 Did you catch that?
43:06 You have also done all our works in us.
43:12 So whose works are they?
43:15 They're God's works.
43:17 God is the one who works in and through us.
43:21 Notice Philippians 2:12-13, Philippians 2:12-13,
43:26 the same idea comes through time and again.
43:30 You see if God is working in,
43:32 His righteousness will work out.
43:35 Says in Philippians 2:12, "Therefore my beloved,
43:39 as you have always obeyed not as in my presence only,
43:43 but now much more in my absence."
43:46 Now notice this.
43:48 "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."
43:53 Now wait a minute.
43:56 We're supposed to work out our own salvation
43:59 is what it says.
44:00 Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,
44:04 but then comes the balancing statement,
44:06 for it is God who works in you,
44:10 both to will,
44:12 in other words He gives us the desire both to will
44:15 and to do His good pleasure.
44:20 You see obedience is the fruit.
44:23 Obedience is not the root.
44:26 Notice Revelation 19:7-8,
44:29 once again that you have this idea here
44:31 of works having something to do
44:34 with the genuineness of your faith.
44:37 Notice Revelation 19:7-8,
44:39 it's speaking about God's glistening,
44:42 purify church.
44:44 And the church is spoken of as being clothed in white.
44:48 Notice, let us be glad and rejoice
44:51 and give Him glory,
44:52 for the marriage of the Lamb has come
44:55 and his wife has made herself ready
44:58 and to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen."
45:02 Let me ask you, what does the fine linen represent?
45:07 The righteousness of whom?
45:09 You're sure about that.
45:15 Let's read verse 8 again.
45:18 And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen
45:21 clean and bright,
45:23 for the fine linen is the righteousness of Christ.
45:29 Now wait a minute,
45:30 for the fine linen is the righteous...
45:32 A better translation as it is in the New King James,
45:36 for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.
45:41 Now you'll say, now, wait a minute, you're saying
45:43 that the righteousness of the saints.
45:44 Yes, because God works that in them.
45:48 So they honor the glories for God,
45:49 but notice that the church has described
45:52 as working out the righteousness
45:54 of Jesus in the life.
45:57 Notice also Ephesians 2, Ephesians 2:8-10,
46:01 these passage is used all the time
46:03 by Christians to say that you know,
46:05 we don't really have to keep the law
46:06 because we're saved by grace through faith.
46:09 Let's read verse 10 also usually people skip verse 10,
46:14 it says there in Ephesians 2:8,
46:17 "For by grace you have been saved through faith.
46:23 And that of not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.
46:26 Not of works lest anyone should boast.
46:31 So some people stop there.
46:32 See, it's not of works lest anyone should boast,
46:34 it's all by grace.
46:36 But notice verse 10.
46:38 "For we are His workmanship, created...
46:42 By the way, this is speaking about creation and redemption,
46:46 it's not talking about original creation,
46:47 it's now talking about recreation, redemption,
46:50 created in Christ Jesus for what?
46:54 For good works.
46:57 When we were redeemed what where we created for?
47:01 For good works, and we do all of those good works, right?
47:04 No.
47:06 Because it says, "Which God prepared beforehand
47:10 that we should walk in them.
47:13 That God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
47:18 One further verse Hebrews 13
47:20 from where we read a little while ago,
47:22 Hebrews 13:20-21.
47:25 Once again you have the same idea.
47:27 You know, God's people are going to be law abiding,
47:30 they're going to obey the law of God,
47:32 not because they have to
47:33 but because it comes from the heart,
47:35 because they love the Lord,
47:37 because they will have received Jesus as Savior and Lord,
47:40 because they have accepted covenant sacrifice.
47:43 They will delight to have the law of God
47:45 written in the heart and in the mind.
47:48 Notice Hebrews 13:20, "Now may the God of peace
47:53 who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead,
47:57 that great shepherd of the sheep
47:59 through the blood of the everlasting covenant."
48:05 There's a consequence to that, notice verse 21,
48:09 "Make you complete
48:12 in every good work to do His will."
48:21 Notice, working in you, who is working in you?
48:26 God, working in you what is well pleasing
48:31 in His sight through Jesus Christ
48:34 to whom be glory for ever and ever, amen.
48:37 Amen.
48:40 Do you understand what the Bible is saying
48:41 when it says that people in the end time
48:43 will be destroyed
48:44 because they broke the everlasting covenant.
48:49 Do you understand what the Bible is saying
48:51 when it speaks about
48:52 because they have changed the ordinance, the choq?
48:57 Are you understanding what the Bible means
48:59 when it says that the destruction comes
49:02 because they have transgressed the laws?
49:05 You see, it's because they have,
49:07 they have refused to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord.
49:14 Not only as Savior, he who accepts Jesus as Savior
49:17 must accept Him as Lord.
49:20 He who receives the grace of Jesus must also obey,
49:24 not by but voluntarily because he loves Jesus Christ.
49:30 Now you say, how can I ever reach this point.
49:34 Isaiah 26 has the answer.
49:37 You know the reason why we live lives
49:39 that have so little victory in them?
49:43 Because we are so caught up in the rat race of life,
49:46 so caught up in our own activities
49:48 even things that are not necessarily bad in themselves
49:50 that we don't have time to dwell upon the Lord.
49:54 Isaiah 26:1-3.
49:58 This is speaking about,
50:00 about what's going to take place in Revelation,
50:02 you have the Holy City, you have the gates.
50:03 Notice, in that day this song
50:06 will be sung in the land of Judah.
50:09 We have a strong city. What's the name of that city?
50:14 Jerusalem, God will appoint salvation
50:17 for walls and bulwarks.
50:20 Open the gates that the righteous nation
50:24 which keeps the truth may enter in.
50:30 Who are the ones inside the city?
50:31 Those who keep what?
50:33 The truth and they are righteous
50:37 according to this.
50:39 How did they...
50:40 How did they reach this condition?
50:42 Notice, you will keep him in perfect peace
50:48 whose mind is what?
50:50 Stayed on you
50:53 because he trusts in you.
50:58 So there you have the secret
50:59 of those who are within the holy city.
51:02 The reason why they are righteous nation,
51:04 the reason why they keep the truth as it is in Jesus.
51:09 Of course, you know the word is truth,
51:10 the law is spoken of as truth
51:12 is because their minds are stayed on Jesus.
51:18 This is not talking about taking a glimpse of Jesus
51:21 or glancing at Jesus, but it means lingering
51:24 and dwelling upon Jesus.
51:27 That's the only way in which we are changed.
51:31 2 Corinthians 3:18 will be our last text.
51:35 2 Corinthians 3:18, a verse that we all know very well.
51:40 Let's take a look at it again.
51:42 But we all with unveiled face,
51:47 beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord.
51:51 What do we behold?
51:53 The glory of the Lord are being what?
51:58 Are being transformed into the same image
52:03 from glory to glory
52:04 just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
52:07 How are we transformed into the image
52:10 and likeness of Jesus?
52:12 By what?
52:13 By continually beholding the Spirit of the Lord
52:17 does that work in our lives and in our hearts.
52:21 By beholding His beautiful character,
52:23 by beholding His self sacrificing love,
52:26 and while we linger there
52:28 and while we dwell upon Him, we will not be among those
52:32 who are spoken of as breaking the everlasting covenant
52:36 and changing the ordinance and transgressing the laws,
52:41 we will be up among those
52:43 who keep the commandments of God
52:45 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
52:48 I'd like to end by reading a statement
52:50 that we find in Sons and Daughters of God, page 387.
52:55 I love this statement from Ellen White,
52:56 it's beautiful.
52:58 She says, "By beholding Christ, by talking of Him,
53:05 by beholding the loveliness of His character,
53:10 we become changed."
53:15 By beholding Christ, by talking of Him,
53:17 by beholding the loveliness of His character,
53:20 we become changed.
53:23 Changed from glory to glory.
53:28 What does that mean, change from glory to glory?
53:31 Well, the more you dwell on Him,
53:34 the greater the change.
53:37 And then she asks this question,
53:39 "What is glory?"
53:44 She answers, character and he becomes change
53:50 from character to character.
53:53 And then she says this, thus we see
53:56 that there is a work of purification
53:59 that goes on by beholding Jesus.
54:04 There is a work of purification that goes on as we what?
54:08 As we behold Jesus.
54:11 And by the way the word that is used here
54:13 for changed in 2 Corinthians 3:18,
54:15 is the very word that we get in English metamorphosis.
54:20 Let me ask you.
54:22 In what way is a caterpillar similar to a butterfly?
54:31 They look just like, don't they?
54:33 They're just opposite, one flies
54:35 and the other drags himself along.
54:39 Have ever seen a metamorphosis
54:41 of a caterpillar into a butterfly?
54:42 It's one of the most magnificent miracles
54:45 that you could ever witness.
54:47 To have this caterpillar
54:48 and then after a while the caterpillar,
54:50 caterpillar becomes a butterfly.
54:53 How did it happen?
54:55 A process known as metamorphosis.
54:59 You know God can do the same thing with us.
55:02 All we have to do is behold the lovely,
55:05 lovely character of Jesus as is found in His word.
55:09 And as He's found in other people
55:12 who need Jesus
55:14 because the face of Jesus is in them,
55:17 as we witness as we read scripture,
55:19 as we pray, as we have communion with Jesus,
55:22 our lives are changed
55:24 into His image and His likeness.
55:27 I pray to God that at 3ABN camp meeting,
55:29 this will be our experience
55:32 that we will truly be changed into the image
55:35 and likeness of Jesus.


Revised 2017-06-08