3ABN On the Road

Lesson Study - Saturday Morning

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Doug Batchelor


Series Code: OTR

Program Code: OTR000840

05:09 Good morning friends. Good morning.
05:12 That was beautiful. And we sure appreciate,
05:15 there we go. Sure appreciate that
05:18 music also those inspiring mission stories.
05:21 I have the privilege of teaching you the Sabbath
05:24 school lessons this morning,
05:25 which I normally do from our home church in
05:27 Sacramento. And from Sacramento I usually greet
05:30 the rest of the world. So this morning I want
05:32 to greet Sacramento worth about 6:50 in the
05:34 morning. And so they told me to quit.
05:40 And about oh, 10:20 but I wasn't sure if that's
05:44 California time or Louisville time,
05:47 so we'll just play it by the ear and see what
05:48 happens here. But I am very thankful I can teach
05:52 this lesson with you. I think when the organizers
05:55 saw what the subject was today they may have
05:57 been little nervous because we are going
05:59 through our study guide dealing with old
06:02 testament couples for better or for worst.
06:05 And it's my happy task to talk to you about,
06:08 Samson and his women: The Folly of Passion.
06:13 And actually it is very spiritual lesson.
06:15 And I am going to see if I can highlight some of
06:17 the spiritual aspect of this.
06:19 You know someone could probably take this in a
06:21 more salacious direction but I don't want to
06:23 do that. I think that there are a lot of
06:25 analogies in the life of Samson between him
06:30 believe it or not in Jesus. So listen carefully
06:33 as we study this. Now we have a memory verse.
06:36 It's lesson number 6 in your quarterly.
06:38 The memory verse is from first John chapter 2
06:41 verse 16. And I think many of you know this
06:44 by heart. It says for all that is in the world
06:48 the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and
06:52 the pride of life is not of the Father it is of
06:55 the world and the world pass it the way in the
06:58 lust thereof, but He that does the will of God
07:01 will abide forever. I had one of the verse,
07:06 you know Samson had unusual privileges.
07:08 If you begin by going to judges chapter 13 like
07:12 Jesus, his birth is fore told through an
07:16 angelic visit. And like Jesus his mother is told
07:22 that her child and the father is told there is
07:25 a great mission for his life. And the matter of
07:29 fact the name Samson means sunny and or bright.
07:34 And it could be because of this bright angel
07:37 that came and brought this message to them that
07:39 they gave him that name it could be because they
07:42 saw that he had a bright future.
07:45 Now most of us know the story of Samson and he
07:48 made a lot of mistakes. And it makes me think
07:52 sometimes that even though he was several
07:56 generations in the church when he was born,
08:00 and even though he was prepared with all those
08:02 opportunity that doesn't automatically mean a
08:05 person doesn't have a freedom of choice.
08:08 God would have all men to be saved.
08:11 He is not willing that any one should perish but
08:13 we all have free choice. And Samson certainly
08:15 exercised his freedom of choice.
08:17 Well, I am getting ahead of myself a little bit.
08:20 We'll get into our study here.
08:23 I told you the word Samson means sunny,
08:26 Mininova his father's name means rest.
08:30 And they were hoping that he was going to bring
08:32 rest to his people. And then he was told
08:35 in Judges chapter 13 verse 5,
08:38 "He shall begin to deliver Israel and the word
08:43 deliver is from the Hebrew word it's Yasha
08:46 which means to defend. And it's very similar to
08:51 the word of Jesus Yeshua. In the same way the
08:54 angel said to Mary to call his name Jesus or
08:57 Yeshua for He will save His from their sins.
09:00 The angel is telling them until this have the
09:03 promised child. And He says,
09:05 He will begin to deliver, He'll begin to save
09:07 God's people. So even there Samson is supposed
09:11 to be a type of Christ and that He was destined
09:13 to be a savior of the people.
09:16 As he began to mature and he saw the oppression
09:19 of his own people under the Philistines,
09:23 it tells us and you can read Judges chapter
09:24 13 verse 25, "And the spirit of the Lord began
09:28 to move him at times, and that word is it began
09:33 to stir him at times between the camp of Dan,
09:39 between Zorah and Eshtaol. Now Samson is the only
09:44 hero that comes from the tribe of Dan,
09:48 you got King Soul and you probably have
09:53 others who come from the tribe of Benjamin like
09:55 Saul of Tarsus. You got Mathew from
09:58 the tribe of Mathew Levi, you've got different
10:00 judges that came from different tribes but
10:03 Samson is the only one who becomes a hero from
10:06 the tribe of Dan. And by the way
10:08 a great deal of the book of Judges of about a
10:12 dozen different judges, a great deal of the book
10:16 of Judges is dedicated to Samson.
10:18 So I think we need to recognize some of the
10:20 spiritual lessons that are then.
10:23 Somebody said one time great men are born in
10:26 times of great oppression. This was the time when
10:30 the children of Israel were being greatly
10:32 oppressed by the Philistines.
10:35 Moses was born during that the oppression of
10:37 Egypt, Samson during the oppression
10:39 of Philistine, Jesus during the oppression
10:42 of Rome. God raises these people up to deliver
10:45 and Christ of course is supposed to deliver us
10:48 from our sins. Now even during the time of Samson
10:54 gestation within his mother.
10:56 His mother has given very careful guidelines that
11:00 she should not eat anything unclean or drink
11:03 anything fermented from the wine.
11:06 She is given very strict guidelines regarding
11:10 her personal health habits because God is going
11:13 to use this young man in a special way.
11:16 Now if ever there was a scripture in the Bible
11:17 that would be a good catalyst to talk about the
11:19 health message. You haven't heard too many
11:22 people talk about the book of Samson in the
11:24 context of health. We usually use
11:25 Daniel chapter one. But here the strongest
11:28 man whoever lived physical strength God
11:32 makes a connection between the eating and
11:35 living habits of the mother and his life.
11:39 And so there's something to be
11:40 said for that I wanna read a quote for you from
11:42 the book Patriots and Prophets page 562.
11:46 There are few who realize as they should how much
11:50 there habits of diet have to do with their health
11:53 their character, their usefulness in this world
11:56 and their eternal destiny. You mean there is a
11:59 connection between our health and our living
12:01 habits and our eternal destiny?
12:03 The appetite, now the word appetite there it
12:06 can mean the physical passions whether it's a
12:08 passion for food or other things.
12:11 The appetite should ever be in subjection to the
12:15 moral and intellectual powers.
12:18 We all have those animalistic desires in our
12:22 natures but we are not just an animal we are a
12:26 spiritual creature in the image of God.
12:29 We are an animal as usually governed by its
12:31 passions people are to be governed by their
12:34 intellect and the passions are to be
12:37 subject to that. Now you'll see why this is an
12:40 important point as we study on in this lesson.
12:43 The body should be servant to the mind and not
12:47 the mind to the body. You know there is the man
12:50 who was brought to Jesus one day he was paralyzed
12:53 and he was carried on his bed,
12:55 after he was forgiven and healed he left Jesus,
12:58 he still had his bed but instead of the bed
13:00 carrying him he's carrying the bed.
13:03 And the bed in the Bible represents sort of the
13:05 carnal side of the nature we all have that,
13:08 the question is, is the bed carrying you or you
13:11 carrying the bed? And after we've been
13:14 delivered by the Lord, we still have temptation,
13:16 we still have desires. But they are to be in
13:18 subjections to the higher powers of the mind.
13:21 Amen. Amen. That's one of the things I think that
13:24 distinguishes a victorious Christian from those
13:27 who are just lead by the lust of the flesh and
13:29 the lust of the eyes and the pride of life.
13:30 Now was also set aside to be a Nazarite.
13:35 Nazarite would take this vow,
13:37 and the word Nazarite means they were separates.
13:40 Our Christians supposed to be separate from the
13:43 world. Amen. Was Christ separate from the world?
13:47 And Samson was called aside to be separate,
13:51 to be unique. You know one thing
13:53 you have discovered about Samson after he begins
13:56 his ministry if you will is that he doesn't
14:01 really have an army, I mean Gideon had his
14:04 300 even Jonathan had an amour bear,
14:07 David had his mighty men. Many of the great
14:11 people of God had their partners and their
14:14 comrades, or their army. Samson seemed to always
14:17 be alone. And I want to really emphasis that
14:23 point that I think Samson was a lonely man.
14:27 And let me go on you'll understand that better
14:31 in a moment. It is possible,
14:34 now who else was a Nazarite in the Bible
14:36 that was filled with the Holy Spirit?
14:39 John the Baptist, were guidelines given to John?
14:41 Was John filled with the Holy Spirit?
14:44 In the same way that Samson was the mightiest
14:46 of the judges physically John the Baptist was the
14:48 greatest of the Prophets spiritually, right?
14:52 Was Jesus a Nazarite? Well, the jury may still
14:57 be out on that. You know a lot of paintings paint
15:00 pictures of Jesus with long hair typically right?
15:04 You'll notice all the Jehovah witness paintings
15:06 of Jesus' hair short because it says,
15:07 how could he have long hair when that verse says
15:09 it's a shame for man to have long hair.
15:11 And, but if you are a Nazarite,
15:14 it was okay to have long hair you wont cut your
15:16 hair. Well, it was possible to have the vow of
15:20 the Nazarite for a specific period of time.
15:24 It did not mean to be a life long vow.
15:26 Samson was told you are a Nazarite for life.
15:30 it could be that Jesus lived as a Nazarite until
15:33 He began His ministry at 30 years of age.
15:35 And like I said, the scholars don't agree on
15:37 this. But there is a verse you need to consider,
15:40 Mathew chapter 2 verse 23,
15:43 "And he came and he dwelled in a city called
15:45 Nazareth that it might be fulfilled that was
15:49 spoken up by the Prophets he shall
15:51 be called a Nazarene". Now they are quoting
15:54 from Judges speaking of Samson.
15:58 And so Mathew saying that there is a spiritual
16:02 connection here between the fact that he grew
16:04 up in the city Nazareth which is drawn from the
16:07 same route as a Nazarite or as a Nazarene because
16:11 he was going to be separate.
16:13 And so whether Jesus lived as a Nazarite for
16:16 the first 30 years before He began His ministry
16:18 we don't know, we do know after His ministry
16:20 that must have been over because He was drinking
16:23 grape juice which a Nazarite could not do.
16:25 So like I said, the, this not a total agreement
16:29 in that but I thought I was sharing.
16:33 As we now look through Samson and his women.
16:35 And I'll be delicate and how I share this with
16:37 you. There are three women that are involved in
16:41 his life in some form. All three of them betray
16:47 him. Now if Samson is a type of Christ and if a
16:54 women represents a church and if you study
16:58 the history of God's people especially in the
17:01 Old Testament; do we see a pattern where God's
17:05 people often forsake the Lord and they go after
17:08 other lovers that there is betrayal?
17:11 So I think that there maybe a lesson there if
17:13 you want to use the spiritual analogy.
17:17 Here I will go to the Judges chapter 14 verse 1,
17:19 "we have talked about the birth,
17:20 they call his Samson the spirit of the Lord is
17:22 moving on him". Now they are constantly
17:27 involved in the business with the Philistines,
17:29 they are subjugated by the Philistines.
17:32 They understand their language fairly well.
17:35 And it says in Judges 14 verse 1,
17:37 "Now Samson went down to Timnah",
17:40 I looked up that word this morning.
17:42 The word Timnah means forbidding image,
17:47 something forbidden like an idolatry or something
17:50 you look at and that tells about something about
17:53 what was happening here. And he saw a women in
17:57 Timnah of the daughter of the Philistines,
18:01 doesn't say she had a great character.
18:04 She probably had a good appearance he saw,
18:07 and he said to his parents,
18:09 his father and his mother, I have seen a woman in
18:11 Timnah of the daughters of the philistines now
18:13 therefore get her for me as a wife.
18:17 And the father and mother could grieve that their
18:19 son was, pardon me, son was great calling is
18:23 now about to throw away his ministry by a bad
18:27 marriage they're really worried.
18:31 And you and I have seen cases before where there
18:34 is perhaps a young man who has tremendous
18:36 opportunity for ministry. I have seen some young
18:42 people who had tremendous powers for Evangelism.
18:45 And then they get into a marriage with somebody
18:47 who is up the world and it often unravels this
18:51 is very, very sad and it's like that they were
18:53 looking on the outside and they said all such a
18:55 beautiful person I'll convert them later.
18:58 And they fall for that famous line and your God
19:02 and His mercy sometimes people marry outside of
19:05 their faith and God and His mercy sometimes it
19:07 works out. Don't use as an excuse to go
19:10 against the word of God, the Bible says you
19:12 should not be unequally yoked together.
19:15 Amen. Amen. And I saw what her,
19:21 she pleased me it well. And her parents say as
19:23 you can understand, is there no women among
19:26 the daughters of your brethren?
19:27 Or among all of my people? In other words if it's
19:30 not even going to be from the tribe of Dan
19:33 at least from the children of Israel that you
19:35 must go and get a wife from the uncircumcised
19:38 Philistines. And the parents emphasized that
19:40 because some of the other neighboring nations
19:42 namely the Edomites, the Moabites,
19:45 the Ammonites, they were still enemies of Israel
19:48 but they all believed in circumcision.
19:51 They were loosely related to the Jews but not to
19:55 the Philistines. They were total foreign
19:58 pageants, idolaters. And it was a great
20:04 sorrow of heart to the parents that Samson would
20:06 do this. But you know they could have said no.
20:10 He did ask his parents permission but he probably
20:12 began to whine maybe their only son the mother
20:15 had been barren. Or by the way I don't
20:18 want to rush past that point.
20:20 There are seven examples in the Bible of miracle
20:23 births. Six examples of which seven examples of
20:27 babies that are born to mothers that are barren
20:30 all of those babies are types of Christ.
20:34 Real quick, you've got Sarah was barren,
20:38 Isaac is born. Isaac is type of Christ
20:40 he goes up the mountain as a sacrifice, right?
20:43 Rebecca was barren. Isaac praised for Rebecca
20:45 she has Jacob and Esau.
20:47 Jacob is a type of Christ; he is the father of
20:49 Israel, the twelve patriots the twelve
20:51 Apostles a lot of analogies there.
20:53 Rachel was barren, prayer first born son
20:56 Joseph tremendous type of Christ.
20:59 Saves His people sold by His brothers, right?
21:02 You've got Shunammite woman who was barren.
21:06 Elijah prayed she has baby boy dies while working
21:08 in the field and he's resurrected a type
21:10 of Christ. This miracle baby boy dies he's
21:12 resurrected. You've got Hannah who was barren,
21:15 Samuel comes along. He's the type of the Christ.
21:17 He's a Prophet, he's a priest.
21:19 He is a judge of Israel as Jesus is our Prophet,
21:22 our priest, our judge. Then you got
21:24 John the Baptist, miracle birth greatest
21:27 of the prophets and Samson.
21:30 So don't miss the point he has to be a type of
21:32 Christ because he's among the miracle births
21:35 that you find in the Bible.
21:36 So he now begins to want this pageant woman.
21:41 And the parents are saying why,
21:43 why would you go after her?
21:44 She's unclean. You know, you wonder what the
21:48 angels might have thought when Jesus said I am
21:49 going to this world because my bride is down
21:52 there in this unclean world.
21:53 Are you listening to me? If a woman is the type
21:57 of the church and if Samson is a type of Christ
22:00 there may even be a spiritual analogy here
22:03 that He sees something in us even though we are
22:06 unclean. Now don't mix up the principles of being
22:09 unequally yoked. I am going back and forth
22:11 between the literal and the spiritual analogies;
22:14 is everyone clear on that. And they said can't
22:17 you find one in your people in,
22:19 you know he really sounds like a muscle
22:21 head here. I got that from John Lomacang.
22:27 I am not calling him that I mean John usually
22:28 use that term. He sounds like someone you find in
22:33 a gym. Get her for me. She pleases me well.
22:39 I want her. But that doesn't it sound like he's
22:42 little spoiled? I want her, you know and so
22:45 they finally relent. They could have put their
22:47 foot down so they, they arranged a marriage
22:50 and something interesting happens in the context
22:52 of this marriage. In working of the terms
22:55 of the dowry they are going back and forth from
22:57 Dan to Timnah. And on the way
23:00 Samson goes off the trail and he sees a lion that
23:04 roars against him. And this is when he's
23:06 really feeling his oats and the Holy Spirit
23:07 moving up on him. And the lion leaps
23:11 at him and he takes the line and he tears it
23:13 to pieces. Now let me emphasis something I don't
23:15 think he does that because he is muscle bound.
23:18 It says the spirit of the Lord came up on him.
23:20 Are you aware, no one in the Bible does it says
23:23 Samson had big biceps? Are you aware that same
23:28 spirit came up on David? And David killed the
23:31 lion and it doesn't say he killed the lion with
23:33 a sling. It says he took it by the beard and
23:36 the bear. The Holy Spirit came upon him.
23:41 And he tore the lion to smithereens and it says
23:43 like it was a goat threw it aside.
23:45 Well few weeks later he was on his way back
23:47 down the lion's carcasses decomposing,
23:50 he wonders it if it still there, he remembers the
23:52 memory. And he steps aside to see.
23:53 And lo and behold there is a nest of bees.
23:56 They are probably not your regular tree bees
23:58 closer to yellow jack it's but they used to eat
24:00 that honey and it's made the nest in the chest
24:05 cavity of this lion. And Samson looks at
24:09 the right and he looks to the left and he thought
24:11 boy honey and that's sound pretty good.
24:13 But you are not suppose to touch anything
24:15 unclean, if you are a Nazarite especially
24:18 anything at carcass of our, an animal that is
24:20 already unclean. So he takes some honey out
24:23 he brings to his parents, he doesn't tell his
24:25 parents he got it from the carcass of a lion.
24:29 And give it to them and they eat it.
24:34 Now then he goes to the wedding.
24:36 Now there are some spiritual lessons here
24:38 I think they are important.
24:39 At the wedding he thinks boy that was really a
24:41 unique experience. And maybe he's trying
24:44 to defer the cost of the dowry for the wedding,
24:47 I don't know but he says make a deal with you,
24:49 you Philistine men. He says, I'll pose a riddle
24:51 to you and if you can tell me my riddle,
24:54 he says then I am going to give you thirty
24:56 garments and changes of Raymond.
24:58 And if you can't then you give it to me.
25:02 And so you know gambling men maybe he waited
25:04 till they had a few drinks before they took him
25:06 up on this. And so they said go for it,
25:10 what's the riddle? Judges 14:14,
25:14 "He said to them out of the eater came forth
25:16 meat, and out of the strong came forth
25:20 sweetness. And they could not in three days
25:24 expound the riddle. "So here he got three
25:26 and half days. Then they begin to
25:28 go after his fiancée, his bride to be and say
25:33 look you got a, did you bring us to this wedding
25:35 to take what's ours? You better tell us,
25:38 you better find out from your husband.
25:39 I mean after all your Philistine,
25:41 we are Philistine, he's a foreigner whose
25:42 side are you anyway? If you don't help us out
25:45 we are gonna burn you with fire.
25:46 My question for you, where should her
25:49 allegiance have been? With her nation first
25:53 or with her husband? It should have been with
25:56 her husband, but they threatened her and what
25:59 she should have done is that she should have said,
26:02 oh my husband is the strongest man in
26:03 the world. Maybe she didn't know that yet.
26:07 And told her husband what was happening Samson
26:09 would have took care of them.
26:12 But instead she betrayed him, and she whined and
26:18 she cried and she plead with Samson and she just
26:20 nagged him until why he despaired of life.
26:25 I am sure nobody here has ever had that
26:26 experience before, on dangerous ground.
26:32 And he said alright, alright here's what
26:35 the riddle means. And before the sun goes
26:38 down on the seventh day, timings is very
26:41 interested in this story. They said that what's
26:44 stronger than a lion and what's sweeter than
26:46 the honey? And Samson said
26:48 if you had not knew how they had found out,
26:50 if you had not ploughed with my hair for you had
26:52 not found out my riddle. And he was infuriated
26:57 by the betrayal. He was deeply hurt by
27:03 the betrayal. How does it make Jesus feel?
27:10 When we betray the truth, we betray Him,
27:15 Jesus is the truth. We betray Him because
27:19 we cast our vote with the world.
27:21 We are more interested with acceptance with the
27:24 world than being accepted by our groom. Amen.
27:29 And you know from this point he never recovers
27:31 from that rejection. He never marries again
27:35 Samson has no children. It broke his heart that
27:39 he would be betrayed like that.
27:41 The other women in his life were just there.
27:44 He never marries, he's afraid of the hurt.
27:47 What happens now, oh by the way,
27:50 you know there is so much here and I am looking
27:51 at the clock and what is it mean honey out of
27:55 the lion? Well there is three meanings that I
27:59 think that you can understand from this.
28:00 First of all honey he takes something that is
28:04 good, something that is sweet from something
28:06 that is unclean. Marriage is good,
28:08 marriage is of God, it's not good that a man
28:10 should be alone, it is sweet,
28:12 it's a blessing, he defines wife finds it
28:14 a good thing, right? But if you take it out
28:18 of a deadline taking it from something that
28:20 is unclean. Marrying out of your faith it is bad.
28:24 And what he did as he took something that was
28:25 inherently good but he got out of something
28:27 that was bad and that makes it all bad.
28:30 So that's one lesson. Secondly honey out of a
28:34 slain lion is the symbol of Samson's life.
28:38 Even though the Lord had given him all of these
28:41 gifts that were good gifts he misapplied the good
28:43 gifts. Some people they have the gift in
28:47 music and just tremendous talent.
28:50 And God will let you misapply your talent
28:53 and a lot of people with gifts of music they
28:55 start off singing for the Lord,
28:56 they end up singing for the world and Samson
28:59 did that. But the good news is that before it
29:01 was all over, he gave his gift back to the Lord.
29:05 Thirdly, honey out of a slain lion,
29:07 spiritual analogy here. A lion is also a type
29:11 of Christ. He's the lion of the tribe of Judah.
29:15 A slain lion and a slain lamb they are in the
29:18 Revelation chapter 5, he says,
29:20 do not weep behold, this is the lion of
29:23 the tribe of Judah the root of Jessie.
29:26 We find salvation honey is the word of God
29:30 Psalms 119:103 how sweet are thy words to my
29:33 taste sweeter than honey to my mouth the lot of
29:35 the word is like honeycomb right?
29:36 What did Jesus eat when he rose from the dead?
29:39 Honeycomb! What did John the Baptist eat?
29:41 It is similar for the word of God in our mouths
29:44 often the prophets would eat a scroll that would
29:46 be like the honey in their mouths;
29:48 and so that honey from a slain lion is telling us
29:51 how our King Jesus, the lion through His
29:55 death that's how we get the word.
29:58 So there's some beautiful analogy is there and
30:00 I just don't have time for that all.
30:02 Anyway he later comes back to,
30:03 he wants to see his wife, he starts to feel
30:06 regret and, father in law gives his wife away to
30:10 his best man, betrayed again.
30:14 Now he's mad and now he launches a ramble
30:16 campaign against the Philistines.
30:18 Ties up 300 foxes and sets them loose and he gets
30:22 into an all out war with the Philistines,
30:26 pretty soon he's hiding out the rock Etam.
30:29 The Philistine say we are gonna attack Israel
30:31 unless you turn over Samson.
30:33 Samson is in tied up by his own people and
30:35 handed over to the Gentiles.
30:37 Did that happened to Jesus?
30:40 Was Jesus betrayed by His own people and handed
30:42 over to the Gentiles? And it says Samson dwelt
30:46 in the rock is in Christ like the rock.
30:50 That's said the story where Samson breaks the
30:51 bonds and he kills the thousand men with the jaw
30:54 bone of the donkey and I don't have a lot of time
30:56 to talk about some of those adventures.
30:58 You know it tells us in Deuteronomy that one
31:03 will chase a thousand, Deuteronomy 32:30
31:06 it says Samson slew a thousand men.
31:08 Moses prophesized that would happen,
31:10 how should one chase a thousand unless the Lord
31:13 is with them? Betrayal number two Judges 16:1,
31:18 Samson goes to Gaza that means strength the goat
31:22 and he's been kind like stubborn goat now.
31:26 And he find there a woman at the night there
31:27 harlot and why he is there it says,
31:31 the men of the city the guards of the city
31:33 are told. Who do you think told them?
31:38 You know how opposite Ray have protected God's
31:40 people when they came to her,
31:41 this Harlot betrays Samson to the
31:45 people of the gate. And so they try to
31:47 capture him. And what does he do?
31:49 He rips the gates right out of their sockets puts
31:53 them on his shoulders he says you think you gonna
31:55 keep me and with these gates, tears them right
31:58 after off the wall may seen flying every where,
32:01 hoists them up on his shoulders,
32:03 carries them for miles up to the hills of Hebron.
32:08 Jesus says that the gates of Hades will not
32:10 prevail against the church and against Him.
32:13 Amen. Amen. Mathew chapter 16 verse 18
32:17 upon this rock I'll built my church and the gates
32:19 of Hades shall not prevent against Him.
32:22 So he is betrayed again, now we get to the last
32:25 and the most famous betrayal,
32:29 what's your name? Delilah. Delilah,
32:31 well I remember that, anyone who named their
32:34 daughter Delilah? So it's like nobody
32:38 names their sons Nero or daughter Jezebel they
32:43 are sort of infamous names.
32:45 I actually know somebody named Delilah hope
32:47 they are not watching right now sorry.
32:52 Afterward it happened that he loved the women
32:53 of the valley of Sorek whose name was Delilah.
32:57 Sorek means red grapes, Delilah means the
33:02 consumer. This woman is the epidemy of
33:06 Revelation 17. She's something like the
33:09 Scarlet Harlot that betrays God's people
33:14 cup full of the blood of the saints.
33:17 And she develops this relationship with Samson
33:20 the Lord of the Philistines say,
33:23 how much do you want in order to betray the
33:26 secret of his strength? I mean we don't let you
33:28 to take him down he's got some secret weapon
33:30 we need to know what the secret is?
33:34 And they coven it with her for eleven hundred
33:38 pieces of silver. He's sold,
33:40 he's betrayed for silver does that
33:42 sound familiar? Joseph was betrayed by his own
33:45 for silver, total of five thousand five hundred
33:49 pieces of silver and she agrees.
33:51 Well they go through this game.
33:55 She says tell me what the secret of your strength
33:57 is in? He knew he got to were he didn't trust
33:58 anybody because he had been betrayed.
34:01 You know he get betrayed enough times he gets
34:03 words very hard to trust people.
34:06 And he keeps making these things up, and she says
34:10 the Philistines are upon me, and he jumps up and
34:12 he tears them apart and finally she just starts
34:16 begging him and nagging him.
34:17 And he realizes you know there, there is nobody
34:20 in life and I think that when Samson finally be
34:22 divulged the secret of secrets that he had been
34:26 consecrated to God his hair was his symbol of
34:29 his vow, he probably did that knowing that it
34:33 was going to cost him life but he felt what good
34:35 is it, you know I cant trust anybody.
34:38 And finally she says to the Philistines bring
34:40 down your guards. He's told me everything
34:42 puts him to sleep on his knees,
34:45 stroking his head as though she loves him.
34:48 And it calls for the barber cuts off his hair,
34:50 shouts Samson the Philistines are upon me.
34:53 And he gets up to shake himself as other times
34:55 and this is a tragic verse.
34:57 He did not know that the spirit of the Lord had
35:00 departed from him. You wonder if there can
35:03 be some among the God's people among in the last
35:05 days raised in the church just assume because you
35:08 are raised in the church that means
35:09 God is with you. But you can hang
35:11 around with the pageant so long that you lose
35:13 the spirit of the Lord. And they put out his
35:16 eyes, they bound him, they put him in the house
35:23 to grind their flour. And we don't know how
35:27 long it was he probably mingled a lot of tears
35:30 with his toes as he went round and round
35:33 repenting for his squandered life.
35:36 And they would come by and mock him as he
35:38 ground. You know I heard someone say one time
35:42 and I wrote it down. Sin will find you,
35:46 numbers chapter twenty three,
35:50 thirty two rather twenty three be sure your sin
35:52 will find you out. Sin will bind you,
35:56 sin will blind you and sin will grind you.
36:03 Samson was found out by his neglect of his gift,
36:07 it blinded him, he was bound and they made him
36:13 grind and he reached the very bottom.
36:17 And at that point he repented little by little,
36:19 they didn't notice as he was repenting and
36:21 crying. I'll tell you what that some people sin
36:24 like Samson but they don't repent like he did.
36:27 They sin like David but they don't repent like
36:28 David. David spent days on his face.
36:32 He repented so long and it was long enough for
36:33 his hair to go back. Now I'd be repenting
36:36 a long time before that happened.
36:41 And as his hair grew they finally brought him
36:43 into the temple of Dagon to offer him as a
36:46 sacrifice to their pageant Gods, don't miss this.
36:49 And in amidst of all that he knew that they were
36:53 sporting with him, they were mocking him,
36:54 it says they were making sport of him,
36:56 mocking him, did they mock Jesus?
37:01 That he says the young man that bore,
37:03 that guarded him and he says where are the
37:05 pillars. Unfortunately Samson knew about the lay
37:08 out of the temple of Dagon.
37:10 And they brought him to the borders there and he
37:12 felt the pillars and he prayed,
37:15 Lord I am ready to lay down my life forgive me
37:20 fill me one more time with the spirit.
37:23 Do you think Samson would be in heaven?
37:25 He's mentioned in Hebrews is one of the faithful,
37:27 Hebrew's chapter 11. And he bowed himself,
37:30 the temple came down and the testimony,
37:33 the end of his life as he slew more by his death
37:38 then he did by his life. The last act of his life
37:40 was he brought down the temple of the pageant
37:43 God. Jehovah wins over Dagon which happened
37:47 later when the Philistines stole the ark.
37:50 There are many types I wanna close with his
37:51 thought, how was Samson like Jesus?
37:54 Jesus was delivered by the Heathen,
37:57 delivered by his own people to the Heathen.
38:00 Jesus was never married like Samson betrayed
38:03 for silver, he lost his strength for you and me,
38:07 protection was withdrawn. Jesus was blinded,
38:10 they put a hood over his head and they beat him,
38:12 they mocked him. He was bound that
38:14 we might be loose. He was mocked and tortured
38:18 when helpless, and Christ sets us free through
38:21 sacrifice. Lot of beautiful lessons there,
38:24 amen. Amen. And he did it that he might redeem
38:27 a bride that is pure. I want to be part of
38:30 the bride, don't you friends?
38:32 Lets' pray together as we close our lessons.
38:35 Father we thank you for the lessons in your
38:36 word that teaches us self control and
38:38 faithfulness, and redemption
38:40 and if any listening that have wondered from
38:43 their great calling I pray that they'll return
38:45 now and commit their gifts to you we ask
38:48 in Christ name. Amen. Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17