Off the Grid

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: OTG

Program Code: OTG000017

00:01 Adventist World Aviation has assembled an evangelistic team
00:03 and traveled to the Philippine Island of Palawan.
00:06 The group of 7 evangelists have traveled far to come to Palawan
00:10 to hold evangelistic meetings for the next few weeks.
00:14 The meetings will be conducted simultaneously, every evening,
00:18 in different site locations scattered around the island.
00:21 Each evangelist is assigned to a local church and is also
00:26 partnered with Bible workers to translate for them.
00:29 The goal of Adventist World Aviation is always
00:32 to reach the unreached.
00:34 Here in the Palawan Islands, the evangelists aim to do just that.
00:39 To reach new souls for the kingdom of Heaven.
02:02 My name is David Tice, I am from Charles City Iowa in the states.
02:07 Visiting Narra in the Philippines.
02:12 I first learned about AWA about a year ago, when pastor Ric
02:20 introduced it to me when he came to our church
02:23 gave us a sermon on it. Gave slides about the work they do
02:30 in the foreign countries and in the United States, but so much
02:33 work to do with airplanes, flying in and out.
02:35 And from that point on, I wanted to be part of his program.
02:40 Being part of the program also I have supported him financially
02:46 every month. But also when the opportunity came down
02:50 to learn more about and be part of that program, so exciting
02:53 because now I am here as a part of AWA outreach to the people
03:00 here in the Philippines.
03:03 I used to be a paramedic and take people from the worst
03:06 of conditions. Having the worst day of their life's.
03:09 And then I take care of them and take them to the hospital
03:13 to a physician. Now that I am retired I consider myself
03:18 a paramedic for Christ. I am coming to people again in life's
03:24 worst conditions. Not believing, or confused about what they
03:29 believe. And I am picking them up with the Holy Spirit
03:33 working through me and I am taking them to Christ.
03:36 I am taking them now to the greatest physician, that we have
03:40 our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
03:42 David is stationed at the Malatgow Seventh-day Adventist
03:46 Church near the village of Narra He instantly falls in love
03:50 with his church and the people that began attending.
03:53 This is my first overseas evangelistic series.
03:59 And I can't believe the excitement that I am having
04:05 where the Lord is now working in me and through me
04:08 and the Holy Spirit is coming down.
04:10 And He is giving me the words to say, the message I'll be giving
04:14 to them for 18 sessions we'll be a message of hope.
04:20 Most of them are poor people. Who live very basic lives.
04:24 Very simple lives. And it is nice to see their expression.
04:30 To have hope, To find something to grab a hold to
04:33 and finding hope in the Lord and the Lord's coming.
04:39 Both the children and the adults are dedicated to coming to the
04:42 evangelistic meetings each night.
04:44 Night after night, they come faithfully,
04:47 despite their long days.
04:49 You got to understand, these are very poor people.
04:52 The average income is under $8 a day.
04:58 They work in the field, the farmers, they work in the fields
05:02 They get up about 5 o'clock in the morning.
05:04 They work in the fields all day. And than at 7:30 at night we are
05:10 asking them to come and listen to a message about Jesus.
05:14 And they are coming, they are coming to
05:18 The first night it was about 50 people in mine
05:23 The biggest night it was 70 people. The children were there.
05:27 We were having over 20 children there, that are excited.
05:31 The children's program grows like wild fire.
05:35 They enjoy the stories the arts and the crafts;
05:37 all focused around Jesus Christ.
05:41 All the kids. I get there early 5:30, They are not supposed
05:48 to be there till 6:30. But a bunch of them were there.
05:52 They are so excited. They surround me. I brought colors.
05:56 They never had colors. Crayons. I brought scissors,
06:00 I brought pencils. Stuff they never had.
06:04 From the simplest things that we think,
06:07 we don't even think about. From the simplest things,
06:11 that we take for granted, they don't even have.
06:15 or can they afford.
06:17 After the kids portion of the program,
06:21 David re-directs his attention to the adults.
06:24 Each night he shares with them Bible truths that most of them
06:28 have never heard before.
06:29 The congregation soaks in the information
06:32 and whole heartedly accepts the message.
06:34 I can't believe the excitement that I am having, where the Lord
06:42 is now working in me and through me and the Holy Spirit is coming
06:44 down and He is giving me the words to say for the meeting
06:49 to these people. Every night I felt the Spirit in me.
06:52 I felt His power into the words that I can speak.
06:56 I actually felt I was speaking to their hearts.
07:00 And every night we had people decided to take and be baptized.
07:06 To come to Christ, the power that I could feel
07:12 with the Lord working. It wasn't me.
07:14 But it was the Lord working in me and through me.
07:18 And that's the Holy Spirit. The joy, I cannot explain the joy.
07:24 It is to stand up and have the Spirit speak through you.
07:30 There is no greater joy in this world I could ever define,
07:34 than speaking the word of the Lord, but than the Holy Spirit
07:38 kicks in and you are saying things that you believe in,
07:43 but than you can't even conceive that you have thought of,
07:46 and the words are coming out of your mouth
07:48 There is no greater blessing than that. And than to see
07:51 the reaction of the people as they are sitting back there.
07:53 Very tired from working all day and they are leaning forward.
07:58 They are listening to every word that comes out of your mouth
08:02 about Jesus.
08:04 There is no doubt about it, David has a passion for these
08:08 people, and for sharing the word of God with them.
08:12 The people are moved, and the meetings continue on.
08:16 However one night, there is an unexpected obstacle
08:19 that quickly turned into a blessing.
08:21 I had a church full of people and children.
08:26 I was getting ready to do the sermon and the next thing
08:32 you know we had a blackout. The only thing that would work
08:38 would be my laptop, because the battery was up, fully charged.
08:41 So I had the message, but nothing else worked.
08:44 But instead of quitting, Some of the people went out and started
08:52 going to the houses and gathering up candles.
08:56 And they went down to the store
08:58 there is a little store away from us and brought candles
09:00 and we came back and we put a candle on each pew.
09:05 More people came back we put more candles up.
09:09 And then the Spirit came. If you want to say every candle flame
09:15 was part of the Holy Spirit, you're right that night.
09:18 He came and the message was powerful that He gave me
09:22 to speak. I think the Lord let it happen, because He has
09:27 a special message for us through His service.
09:31 And He is pushing Satan and his demons from us because Satan
09:35 out there is attacking us. He is trying to attack us with illness
09:39 He is trying to attack us with rain and down pours.
09:45 And even tried to attack us with taking the electricity away.
09:50 And the Lord took the candle light out there.
09:52 And we had such a spiritual meeting that the Lord
09:59 used it for His advantage to bring more people to Him.
10:03 And from that meeting on I started having people
10:07 every night wanting to be baptized want to
10:11 come closer to God.
10:12 We brought a lot of equipment to hold these meetings.
10:19 But like anything, and I refer back as a paramedic
10:24 on an ambulance. The equipment didn't save people.
10:30 The ambulance doesn't save people, It's the paramedic
10:34 and his training saves people. Same thing here.
10:38 You find out that the equipment does not bring anybody
10:41 to salvation. The equipment is just some tools that we can use.
10:46 to help the message, but the real Salvation
10:51 is the Spirit that works. It's the Spirit that goes around
10:54 It's the Spirit that brings people in. And the Spirit uses
10:58 just like on the night when the power went off.
11:01 And God used it. Put a very powerful message there.
11:05 It's the Lord Who is there, Who makes the difference.
11:13 There is no doubt about it, the Lord is touching souls
11:17 at the Malatgue church.
11:19 Each night new people make decisions
11:23 to give their lives to Jesus Christ.
11:25 The messages from David and the Holy Spirit working on
11:28 their hearts, urge them to make the commitment for baptism.
11:31 The entire church is revitalized This small church has now
11:36 doubled in size as a result of these meetings.
11:39 But this was not from the workings of man, but rather,
11:43 the outpouring of God's Holy Spirit.
11:46 This trip is very inspiring. And I found out like everybody
11:54 told me before I even started
11:56 when you make a trip like this for the Lord
11:59 you come back a new person. There is no way you come back
12:03 the same way that you were before you left.
12:06 And the feeling is out of this world. There is nothing I can
12:11 say that can match the feeling that you get from the Spirit
12:17 working in you and through you to bring the Word to them.
12:24 This I found out, this isn't my words. I am just a pawn,
12:28 somebody's servant, that the Lord is using to work.
12:34 The privilege I got was to do it through AWA.
12:41 They are the ones that gave me the privilege of making this
12:45 experience to come here to the Philippines and
12:52 to experience a joy.
12:55 It was truly exciting, but it isn't what I did, that is
12:59 the most exciting part is what God did.
13:01 God used somebody like me, who is on his very first mission
13:05 outside of United States and He could speak through me and to me
13:10 in such an exciting way I can put His message to the people.
13:14 I think maybe that's the most exciting of the whole trip.
13:19 Even working with AWA is the way the Lord can work through them.
13:26 and through me to make this a better world.
13:30 Prepare this world for His Second Coming,
13:33 because He doesn't want to loose one person.
13:36 That is our job.
13:38 Our job as humans, Christians. We are to go out and take care
13:45 of the world. Not just ourselves We are to go out and take care
13:50 of others. And I believe it is beyond our local towns.
13:54 We are to go out when the Lord opens the doors
13:57 to the people of the world and take care of them.
14:18 Belinda Munoz is another member of the evangelistic team.
14:22 She is also new to evangelism.
14:25 This is her first time holding meetings on her own.
14:27 Oh, she has given many messages at her home church
14:31 in Houston, Texas, but this is her first time to conduct
14:35 a full set of evangelistic meetings.
14:38 I am excited to be here, along with the rest of the teams.
14:41 And I've been looking forward for this mission. And God has
14:46 given me an opportunity and has answered my prayer.
14:49 Praise the Lord for that! I want to win souls for God in Heaven.
14:54 To bring glory to Him, because this is my mission also.
15:00 And to help my bothers and sisters to know Christ
15:03 just as I came to know Christ.
15:05 To give them salvation and to free them, to free them to know
15:09 Jesus with their relationship to put their hearts on Jesus.
15:12 Belinda is stationed at the Sandoval Church.
15:15 For the past few weeks, the church members have been
15:18 busy preparing for the meetings
15:20 and inviting their neighbors to attend.
15:22 The entire community is excited and anxious to hear
15:26 the messages that Belinda will be presenting to them.
15:29 When the meetings begin, the church is filled to capacity.
15:33 Young and old file into the small bamboo church
15:36 and listen with anticipation.
15:39 The messages captivate them, as they contemplate new ideas
15:43 that they have never been taught before.
15:46 I had the passion for evangelism and I believe it is
15:50 one of my gifts and I don't want to waste that particular gift,
15:56 that God has given me, so I can invest it for His kingdom.
16:00 When you preach the Gospel, the Lord will be with you.
16:04 And give you strength to do it a double portion of His strength
16:07 Belinda however feels right at home. She herself is Filipino,
16:12 so she is bringing the gospel message to her own people.
16:16 Belinda is confident that she is here in Palawan for a purpose.
16:20 She felt God call her here, and she knows that
16:25 He is with her always.
16:27 I think the people that are coming there night after night
16:30 is because they are hungry for the Word of God.
16:32 This particular church site where I am, although there are
16:35 not very many people. There are only about six families.
16:40 They continue to invite their friends and their relatives.
16:44 and those around them to share the Gospel. But I do believe
16:48 that the reason why they come night after night, because
16:50 they are hungry for the Word of God. And they very much
16:54 They know that we are living in the last days and so they tell
16:57 their brethren, what Jesus had done for their lives.
17:00 What Jesus had done for their lives is what Jesus is
17:03 going to do for their lives. If they knew Jesus and His love
17:07 and His message for Love to them
17:09 It's overwhelming for me, because they accepted to a point
17:15 Who Jesus was. And I was able to share my life story, how I
17:19 met Jesus. That had tremendously impacted their lives.
17:26 Just sharing my testimony. I think it's one of the best
17:31 thing to share the testimony to someone rather than sometimes
17:36 listening to a sermon, because people are more attentive
17:40 and they more putting the realization application
17:44 to their lives. And to that, I believe when I share that
17:49 I have like 3 or 4 woman who has greatly accepted Jesus Christ
17:54 Of course I give God the glory, because God is just using me
17:58 as an instrument, I praise Him.
18:00 There is no doubt about it, the messages are making a deep
18:03 impact on all those who listen.
18:06 Each evening, the crowd grows with new faces; all curious
18:11 to find out, what their neighbors are so excited about.
18:14 The children's program swells beyond capacity.
18:18 Each night well over 80 children swarm into the small church.
18:22 They sing, they color, and they learn about their Savior.
18:26 90% of these children are not from Adventist homes
18:29 or Christian homes.
18:31 What an amazing opportunity to share Jesus
18:34 with so many, at an early age.
18:38 believe in Him we give the right to become children of God.
18:43 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,
18:48 that whosoever believes in Him should not perish,
18:51 but have everlasting life.
18:52 Revelations 14 verse 7 ...worship Him
18:57 Who made heaven and earth...
19:00 Psalm 23 verse 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall
19:03 follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell
19:07 in the house of the Lord for ever.
19:09 Rejoice in the Lord always:
19:14 and again I say, Rejoice.
19:15 The meetings are flowing along nicely when catastrophe hits.
19:19 Belinda is dangerously attacked.
19:22 We went to this place, in one of the church sites. I think it is
19:27 in - I can't remember the name of the place, but it's a place
19:33 one of the church sites and they have a monkey around there,
19:39 so we gotten around the neighborhood and we checked
19:43 around the place and we have this particular husband and wife
19:48 they have a monkey, their pet. A couple of them as a matter
19:51 of fact and I tried to take pictures of the monkey. I never
19:57 realized, I didn't realize that his leash was too long.
20:00 I was excited to take a picture, but I wasn't too close, and I
20:04 made sure that I was far from the monkey. I guess he was
20:07 watching me and he grabbed my pad and it fell on the ground
20:15 and so I tried to yank it back from him. It fell on the ground.
20:19 So he grabbed my hair, by the time he grabbed my hair, my hair
20:24 was hurting so I had to pull his hand off my hair. And the next
20:27 thing I knew in that he caught my finger and I knew that
20:31 he bit me and I yanked it out of his mouth. And before I knew it
20:35 I started bleeding, I knew, I realized that I had a big cut
20:39 on my finger, because it started bleeding, but it just really
20:42 it was an excruciating pain. I didn't realize the pain
20:47 at the beginning, but after a few minutes, yes I did realize
20:51 because it started bleeding.
20:53 Quickly she is taken to a doctor and treated.
20:56 Although the wound doesn't look too bad, this injury could
20:59 be debilitating and even deadly.
21:02 This bite endangers not only Belinda's life, but also the
21:06 future of the evangelistic meetings.
21:08 Rabies, tetanus and other tropical diseases are
21:12 a very real threat to Belinda's health.
21:14 Her sister and brother pray over her and ask God to bring
21:18 healing to her body.
21:19 The pain was excruciating the fact that I have a very long
21:25 endurance of pain and so I was a little nervous, because what may
21:31 have happened, because it might have been something that
21:34 you know the monkey may have some tetanus
21:37 or may have some poison in it.
21:40 An attack like this would shake anyone's spirits and maybe cause
21:45 them to doubt and maybe even quit - Not Belinda.
21:49 She has confidence that God called her here for a purpose
21:52 and she is not shaken.
21:55 She believes her God will see her through to the end.
21:58 So Belinda does not retreat, instead, she bravely continues
22:04 on with her evangelistic meetings.
22:06 Persevering through the pain she focuses on her passion,
22:11 evangelism.
22:13 She hasn't let her injury scare her from doing what she knows
22:16 God has called her to do.
22:18 You know, I've been through various trials here.
22:23 First of all, I believe that I was sent here by God to preach
22:27 His Word. So I know that where ever I am God is with me as well
22:31 That He will protect me, that He will always defend me
22:34 Because He is my refuge and strength.
22:36 Even if I got bitten by the monkey it didn't stop me at all.
22:39 Because of my faith in the Lord. I know that He answers prayer.
22:42 And even when I am sick, I know He is there for me.
22:45 We get in our lives into various trials, but God will always
22:48 be there for us. Because He is our rock, He is our refuge
22:52 and strength. A very present help in time of trouble.
22:54 And than through this that my faith has gotten stronger
22:57 And just told myself last night that this will not stop me.
23:02 I missed two nights of preaching but that did not bother me,
23:06 because I continued to go on and preached the Word of God.
23:09 Regardless how I feel, I believe that in my heart that even if
23:13 you preach the Gospel of when you preach the Gospel,
23:16 the Lord will be with you. And He will give you strength
23:18 to do it. A double portion of His strength.
23:21 It is evident that the devil has tried to stop these meetings.
23:24 But Belinda believed in God and a miracle happened.
23:29 Not only was she healed but many from the Sandoval church
23:33 gave their lives to Christ.
23:36 Well the devil tried to stop me, but the Lord is there for me.
23:41 He is my protector and He defended me and He will always
23:45 be there for me. He said in His Word - I will never leave you
23:48 nor forsake you even till the end of this world.
23:50 And another passage also said greater is He who is in me,
23:54 than he who is in the world. So I believe, that when we go
23:57 by the Word of God, when we know that we have Jesus in our heart
24:01 and we have the hunger to preach His Gospel.
24:03 And than no one can stop us. Because first of all I have to
24:07 understand that this is not my battle.
24:09 This is the Lord's battle. So I believe where ever I go and I do
24:15 that the Lord will always be with me. And He will always
24:17 walk with me, before me and by me.
24:28 The baptism that followed was a joyous one.
24:31 Everyone from all 7 evangelistic meetings came
24:36 together for a grand finale, a joy filled baptism.
24:41 The precious souls, who accepted Salvation in Jesus Christ
24:45 were baptized together, numbered more than 150 precious people.
24:52 We praise God from Whom all blessings flow.
24:55 Both David and Belinda were new to public evangelism.
24:59 This was their first time holding meetings on their own.
25:03 God blessed and multiplied their work.
25:06 He took 2 people, who had a passion for Jesus and a love
25:11 for people. Two people with little or no formal training,
25:16 or experience in public evangelism.
25:19 God's Holy Spirit used them,
25:22 two people to deliver the Gospel message to the people of Palawan
25:29 He protected them and blessed them and their colleagues.
25:32 And most importantly He used them as instruments of God's
25:37 wonderful grace of forgiveness and Salvation.
25:41 My friends, yes there is victory in Jesus
25:46 on Palawan island Philippines. Praise be to God!
25:52 You know as we look at the field that's behind me here,
25:55 it's interesting to see the preparation work
25:57 that goes into it. It's fun to look around here, because
26:01 we see beasts of burden, the ox. The Bible talks about the
26:07 laborers and especially the beasts of the field.
26:10 If it wasn't for those laborers, there would be no such thing,
26:14 as a harvest. Jesus recognizes each one of our ministry
26:17 whether it be something as what we describe as a lowly ox.
26:21 Take a look at that lowly ox. The strength the ox has
26:24 to be able to pull the plow through the field
26:27 turning the furrows over.
26:29 Making it ready to plant the soil and than they come by later
26:33 and cultivate that soil with the smooth fashion
26:37 where they can prepare that soil for planting
26:39 It's fascinating to watch the beast of burden.
26:41 They labor with seemingly effortless work.
26:46 They don't complain, they just know that this is a good day
26:51 to be alive. They are just working the field.
26:53 The laborers that are driving the ox, they do the same thing.
26:56 They don't seem to complain, they don't look like
26:58 they are unhappy about the labor that they do.
27:01 And even though it seems like it's a simple job.
27:04 It's so important. You can't have a harvest. You know.
27:09 You can't have the glory of the harvest without the laborers
27:12 of an ox. Without the laborers of the man or the woman,
27:15 who are driving the ox. Without the seeds being sown
27:18 following that. So it's incredible to see the analogies
27:21 It's no wonder Jesus pulled so many parables from the farmer.
27:26 The sower of seeds and the harvest.
27:29 Standing before a rice field here it reminds me of the
27:33 parable of the sower that went forth to sow.
27:36 It takes sowers, but than Jesus said "Pray the Lord of Harvest
27:40 that the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few."
27:44 Many are called, but few are chosen.
27:46 Jesus calls every one of us. Sadly not every one of us
27:50 answers that call. There is an assumption that you have to be
27:55 a trained minister, or a trained Bible worker
27:59 to go out into the field and sow seeds.
28:01 What ever experience level that we have
28:04 The Holy Spirit is the one Who does the work.
28:06 And so that just tells me, I should encourage more.
28:09 I want to encourage you. If you would like to get involved
28:12 with ministry at what ever level Whether it be through
28:14 Adventist World Aviation or something else.
28:16 Please let us know, we'd love to nurture your desires along.
28:20 Please give us a call, or better yet, call 3 Angels Broadcasting
28:24 Network. Ask them, how can I get involved with
28:27 Adventist World Aviation


Revised 2015-02-04