New Perceptions

Advent: in the Midnight of Dark A Star

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP201219S

00:01 ♪♪
00:13 ♪♪ >> I don't know about you guys,
08:29 but as we're singing these songs, I can't help but imagine
08:32 what the shepherds must have felt like on that silent night.
08:35 You see, they were the first to tell of Jesus' First Coming.
08:38 But we're given the opportunity to tell of His Second Coming.
08:41 So as we sing the second verse, we invite you to stand and sing
08:45 with us.
10:07 ♪♪
10:21 >> ♪ Infant holy ♪ Infant lowly ♪ For his bed
10:32 ♪ A cattle stall ♪ Oxen lowing ♪ Little knowing
10:44 ♪ Christ, the babe ♪ Is Lord of all >> ♪ Swiftly winging
10:56 ♪ Angels singing ♪ Bells ringing ♪ Tidings bringing
11:08 ♪ Christ, the babe ♪ Is Lord of all ♪ Christ, the babe
11:18 ♪ Is Lord of all
11:36 >> ♪ Infant holy ♪ Infant lowly ♪ For his bed
11:47 ♪ A cattle stall ♪ Oxen lowing ♪ Little knowing
11:59 ♪ Christ, the babe ♪ Is Lord of all >> ♪ Swiftly winging
12:10 ♪ Angels singing ♪ Bells ringing ♪ Tidings bringing
12:21 ♪ Christ, the babe ♪ Is Lord of all ♪ Christ, the babe
12:32 ♪ Is Lord of all
12:49 >> ♪ Flocks were sleeping ♪ Shepherds keeping ♪ Vigil till
13:00 ♪ The morning new ♪ Saw the glory >> ♪ Saw the glory
13:08 >> ♪ Heard the story >> ♪ Heard the story >> ♪ Tidings of
13:16 ♪ A gospel true >> ♪ Thus rejoicing >> ♪ Thus rejoicing
13:24 >> ♪ Free from sorrow >> ♪ Free from sorrow >> ♪ Praises voicing
13:30 >> ♪ Praises voicing >> ♪ Greet the morrow >> ♪ Greet the morrow
13:35 >> ♪ Christ, the babe ♪ Is Lord of all >> ♪ Christ, the babe
13:42 ♪ Is Lord of all >> ♪ Christ, the babe ♪ Is Lord
13:52 of all ♪
14:12 [ Music stops ] >> Amen. >> Amen.
14:21 ♪♪ [ Static crackling ]
14:24 >> Hey, Sis, Dad, Mom, come on! "Children's Story" is on!
14:29 >> Merry Christmas, boys and girls.
14:31 Today, I'm going to share a story with you about when my
14:34 son, Christian, was a little boy.
14:37 Oh, did Christian love trains.
14:40 He loved trains so much that he would have me take him to every train museum, buy him every
14:46 single toy, and not just a Thomas the Tank. He used to like those wooden
14:51 BRIO sets. And he used to make the entire Hoboken Station while he played
14:56 for hours and hours with his wooden trains. Well, one day, I found out about
15:02 a train museum in Strasburg, Pennsylvania. And I also found out that you
15:08 were able to stay at a hotel that was an actual train. And you would be able to sleep
15:14 there, eat there, have your family there. Well, one day, we found out
15:19 about a steam-train-engine ride. And I talked to Christian and my daughter, Ariana, and I said to
15:26 them -- They were probably 6 and 4 at that time. And I said to them, "Would you
15:31 like to do this trip with Mommy and Daddy?" And of course they said "yes."
15:35 So we planned this trip for two months away. And every day, we would go to
15:40 the calendar and we would "X" out the days remaining. First, there were four weeks.
15:47 Then there were three weeks. Then there were two weeks. Then there was one week.
15:54 Then seven days, six days, five days. Finally, the day came for us to
16:01 go on this trip when we would be going on this steam-train ride. We loved it!
16:07 We got to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. There were so many trains, and
16:11 it was everything train museum you can think of. And every activity was centered
16:17 on being on this train. When we finally went to the train ticket agent and we bought
16:26 our tickets to go on the train ride, Mommy even dressed the two children -- Ariana in her pink
16:34 little overalls and her train hat, and Christian in his blue overalls and his train hat.
16:41 And we got to the train station, and I got the tickets and I let Christian even hold all four
16:48 tickets -- Daddy's ticket, Mommy's ticket, Ariana's ticket, and Christian's ticket.
16:54 And we saw the first train go by. But it wasn't our train.
16:59 We saw the second train go by, and it wasn't our train. And, finally, after waiting so
17:04 many weeks and days and hours and minutes, the time came for us to go on this train ride.
17:11 Christian had the tickets in his little pocket, and I sat Christian on my lap.
17:17 And as the conductor came by to get the tickets from people to people, the train was really
17:23 full, so we waited and we waited. And Christian looked out the
17:28 window and looked out the window, holding on to the tickets in his little pocket.
17:32 And as he held the little tickets, we waited and we waited and we waited some more.
17:40 And, finally, when Mr. Conductor came to where we were sitting, Christian had fallen asleep!
17:49 Fallen asleep?! We had waited so long to be on this very train ride, and
17:55 Christian had fallen asleep. I gently took the tickets out and I gave them to Mr. Conductor
18:04 and I said, "Thank you very much." And I handed the tickets to
18:09 them. Well, the train ride was only about 30 to 40 minutes long, but
18:14 the whole time, Christian slept and he slept and he slept. We arrived back at the station
18:24 where we left off, and when we got off the train, Christian woke up.
18:29 He had waited so long for this moment, and the entire time, he fell asleep and never even
18:37 realized that he was on the train that he so longed to be a part of.
18:42 More importantly, he did not get to experience that joy of being on the train because he was
18:49 asleep. Boys and girls, it's the holiday season, and Jesus has given us
18:55 the greatest gift, which is the gift of His son. But I'm asking you today not to
19:02 miss the train. Do not miss that opportunity to know Jesus as your personal
19:08 savior. Do not miss that opportunity to know Jesus every day by reading
19:14 your Bible, practicing your memory verses, and spending time with Jesus by praying with
19:21 others, for others, and on behalf of others. I want to give myself to Jesus
19:26 today for the holiday season and say, Jesus, take my heart today and always and help me to be
19:33 awake always for you. How many boys and girls today would like to say, "Jesus, I
19:40 give you my heart. I will stay awake, I will stay alert, and I will love you with
19:45 my whole heart, until you come soon. And, Jesus, thank you for the
19:51 gift of salvation." Have a good Sabbath, boys and girls.
19:54 Bye.
19:56 >> Let's pray. >> Jesus, thank you for this
19:59 day. Thank you for helping us.
20:00 >> We thank you, Lord, that you can keep us safe from danger and
20:04 help people to know that it's not about presents, but about
20:07 your birth and that you saved us.
20:12 And, Lord, please help our church family to be safe.
20:15 We thank you, Heavenly Father, and we pray in Jesus' name.
20:19 Amen. ♪♪
20:26 [ Static crackling ]
20:34 >> Happy Sabbath, everyone, and merry Christmas.
20:36 My name is José Bourget. This is my daughter,
20:39 Abigail Rose, the best that 2020 had to offer.
20:44 And we're gonna be reading today's Scripture from
20:47 Matthew 2:3-6. Here we go.
21:31 Can't wait to hear what God teaches us today in the
21:37 Scriptures and teaching of His Word.
21:45 >> I want to pray with you, and then let's plunge into this
21:49 Christmas moment. O God, birthday of the King, we
21:55 know it's not December 25. We know that.
21:59 It probably was in October, before the rains.
22:02 The shepherds are outdoors. But, still, with the whole
22:07 world, we pause, in this dark pandemic season, to remember the
22:13 coming of the King. He was born in our midst to save
22:16 us. May he be front and center these
22:19 few moments we have now. We humbly pray in Jesus' name.
22:24 Amen. So, lookit, I don't know if
22:26 you've been following the news. I have no idea.
22:29 In case you haven't, I need to tell you, in case you don't
22:33 know, in two days -- I'm telling you the truth.
22:36 In two days, you and I are gonna experience a very unique,
22:44 once-in-a-thousand-lifetimes moment, when we witness a
22:49 spectacular space event.
22:51 Are you following this news? Come on. You got to be. Am I the only one following
22:54 that? The last time this event was this clear and this close was
23:01 when Genghis Khan was roaming the Asian steppes -- March 4, 1229 A.D.
23:08 Almost 800 years ago. The last time we would be this close and this spectacular.
23:17 So, I've already set -- I have it right here in my phone. I'm gonna get an alarm.
23:21 I'm gonna get an alarm in two days, on December 21. I'm gonna get an alarm two hours
23:26 in advance so that I can find a horizon to the southwest, okay? So, this is south.
23:31 This would be southwest. You got to find a horizon. Don't find a treed horizon.
23:36 Try to find one without trees, because that's the moment when the two massive behemoths of the
23:42 solar system, Jupiter and Saturn, will come the closest they have been in almost
23:48 800 years. How close will it be? I want to take you to
23:54 Scientific American. You know, this is kind of a scientist website and a
23:59 magazine. I want to take you there, and I've got the changer in my own
24:04 pocket here. So let's go. Scientific American website.
24:08 "For the last great conjunction --" That's what they call this moment when Jupiter
24:11 and Saturn get close. So, about every 20 years, the orbits get close, okay?
24:16 It's no big deal. "On May 28, 2000, the apparent distance between Jupiter and
24:21 Saturn in the sky was 68.9 arc minutes." I don't know what that is.
24:27 I didn't have time to look it up. But scientists here are all
24:30 saying, "Yeah, we know." Okay. "68.9 arc minutes, or more than twice the diameter of the
24:34 full moon." So, I put my hand out here. There's the full moon right
24:37 there. And I double it. That's about how close they got,
24:40 okay? Now, how's it gonna be this time?
24:44 Here we go. "In contrast, with 2020's great conjunction --" In two days, may
24:51 I remind you? Don't be sleeping early on December 21.
24:57 "In contrast, with 2020's great conjunction -- which coincides with the December solstice, the
25:01 shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest in the Southern
25:05 Hemisphere -- the gas giants will appear separated by just 6.1 arc minutes.
25:11 That is roughly the thickness of a dime held at arm's length." So you hold a dime right out
25:17 here. So, I'm gonna hold it between your thumb and index finger.
25:20 That little space is how far apart they're gonna be. I'm imagining -- I've never seen
25:24 this before. I'm imagining, to the naked eye, it's gonna look like one
25:28 glorious white light just -- They're calling it, in fact, "the Christmas star."
25:36 For the life of me, I cannot imagine what the real Christmas star looked like.
25:40 I love the story. You know, the Christmas story is only told twice in the
25:44 New Testament. It's amazing. It is the greatest holiday in
25:47 Christendom, the most music, the most pageantry, and it's only told twice.
25:53 Calvary is told four times. The resurrection, four times. The Christmas was told once in
25:57 Luke -- that's the shepherd story -- and in Matthew, where we're going right now.
26:01 Matthew 2. Open your Bible, please to Matthew 2.
26:03 This is the Wise Men story. But, oh, I'm so -- I am so glad that God gave us these details.
26:13 I want to think about that star. And, by the way, I want to say to our media team, just a
26:19 superb -- Richard and Gaddel in particular. You know this moving background?
26:24 We're not gonna get snow this year, so we decided, "Let's get it right now and just pretend."
26:30 So we have this snowing background. And we got stars up on the wall,
26:34 and the little planetarium light stars are moving around and around.
26:38 Let's go to the story. Come on. Mark -- Matthew, rather.
26:42 Matthew 2. So, I'm gonna have it here. This is gonna be from the N.I.V.
26:46 We'll set it up here. "After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the
26:52 time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem." Thank you, Pastor Raleigh.
26:56 You dealt with this with your other two preacher partners last week.
27:01 "Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked --" This is the only place the Wise Men
27:06 speak in the entire narrative. This is what they say. "'Where is the one who has been
27:11 born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.'"
27:21 A lot of people think that, you know, the shepherds came one night, and the next night, the
27:27 Wise Men show up. No, no, no, no. When Matthew says "after," that
27:32 "after" encapsulates a lot, a lot of time, because the star is moving, and they've been
27:39 following it. You can't prove that the star is moving, Dwight.
27:43 I sure can. Come on. Drop down to Verse 9. Here it is.
27:47 "After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose
27:53 went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was."
28:00 That star is not moving fast. It can't be moving fast. I love walking in the early
28:05 morning. Oh, I just love it. It's just my favorite part of
28:07 the day. "The heavens declare the glory of God."
28:09 And I tell you what, when you walk before there's any sun up and it's just stars and there
28:14 are no clouds, it is a spiritual moment. You will know if you do it.
28:21 But what I'm always looking for is a satellite, a moving star as it were.
28:26 I had a bonus morning one week ago. Three satellites in one walk.
28:31 Wow! That's something. Anyway... [ Laughter ]
28:35 Yeah, you're not impressed, I can tell. Satellites -- satellites...
28:39 [ Laughter ] know, speed of a satellite is just like this.
28:42 If you take your eyes off of the satellite, you go back, look at the stars, your eyes will go
28:46 back to the same place. It's no longer there. It's just -- They move fast.
28:50 This is a moving -- It is a moving -- We know it's moving. But it's moving slowly.
28:58 Oh, and I love this -- I love the classic on the life of Jesus.
29:00 If you don't have the book "Desire of Ages," go to and get that book for
29:04 yourself. "Desire of Ages." Best book I've read on the life
29:06 of Jesus. It fills in some blanks beautifully.
29:09 So, let's just take a look at "The Desire of Ages" here "The Wise Men had seen a
29:14 mysterious light in the heavens upon that night when the glory of God flooded the hills of
29:20 Bethlehem." When Angel Gabriel shows up, this nuclear moment.
29:25 "Fear not. Don't be afraid." That moment, when the choir
29:30 behind him says, "Come on, give us the cue, Gabriel. We're ready to sing."
29:34 At that moment, the explosion of light. They saw it.
29:39 It was just this...light. "The Wise Men had seen a mysterious light in the heavens
29:46 that night when the glory of God flooded the hills of Bethlehem. As the light faded --" so now
29:51 the light disappears -- "a luminous star appears and lingers in the sky.
29:57 It is not a fixed star, nor a planet, and the phenomenon excites the keenest interest."
30:03 So, here are these pagan scholars -- "Hey, did you see that?
30:06 Did you see that? Did you see that?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah."
30:09 "That star was a distant company of shining angels, but of this, the Wise Men were ignorant."
30:14 We're not dealing with a natural phenomenon here. This is moving.
30:18 They are taking their directions from this moving star, whatever it is.
30:28 And it attracted their keen minds. Oh, keep reading.
30:34 "Yet, they were impressed --" Something inside said that "the star was of special import to
30:39 them. They consulted priests and philosophers.
30:41 They searched the scrolls of ancient records. The prophecy of Balaam had
30:45 declared, 'There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel.'"
30:50 Star, king. Star, king. What is this? "Could this strange star have
30:54 been sent as a harbinger of the Promised One? The Magi had welcomed the light
30:58 of heaven-sent truth. Now it was shed upon them in brighter rays.
31:02 Through dreams, they were instructed to go in search of the newborn Prince."
31:08 Wow. By the way, they got dreams at the end. We'll see that in a moment.
31:13 Dreams at the beginning, dreams at the end. Some of you are bothered by
31:16 that. You say, "Listen, I don't like to have the fingerprints of God
31:20 that much on a human event. We need to be able to just kind of plow through this alone."
31:23 Are you kidding? I would like to ask God to place His fingerprints on my life in
31:31 every way He can possibly imagine and just leave my life covered with His fingerprints.
31:35 Why wouldn't you want God's fingerprints? Some of you right now -- I
31:40 believe, one day, when we look back, some of you are, right now, going through the most
31:45 mysterious moment of your life, the most perplexing, the most confusing, the most painful.
31:51 Associate Chaplain Danielle, just a moment ago, was praying for you.
31:55 Some of you are going through what you cannot believe is true. I believe the day will come one
32:01 day when we will look back on these dark moments of this very dark pandemic, and, somehow, the
32:07 God who did not cause this has His fingerprints on our lives right now.
32:11 You have nothing to be afraid of. He has not abandoned you.
32:14 He has not abandoned me. I say, O Jesus, star of the night, put your fingerprints all
32:24 over me, please. I'm not bothered a wit by God intervening.
32:29 That's my God for you. He intervenes. Well, let's read Verse 10.
32:36 We read Verse 9. Verse 10. "And when they saw the star --"
32:39 Oh, I love this. "When they saw the star, they were overjoyed."
32:43 It seems a little undersold to me, underplayed. And, so, Frederick Dale Bruner,
32:48 in his commentary on the Book of Matthew -- here's how he renders it.
32:52 "When they saw the star, they felt the deepest and most profound joy."
32:57 Don't you love that? We're not talking about just joy.
33:00 We're talking about the deepest and most profound joy you can imagine.
33:03 They had it. Do you know why? Because here's what I'm
33:05 suspicious of. I'm suspicious that after they've had this little
33:09 tête-à-tête with King Herod and the clergy of Jerusalem, they go back to their dromedaries, if
33:15 they rode camels. I have no idea. They go back to those beasts of
33:20 burden. And there's a gnawing doubt in their hearts now.
33:27 "I mean, we came to the capital of Israel, and the clergy had no clue.
33:35 The King, half Jew, says, 'I don't know anything about this.'
33:39 Maybe we were wrong. Maybe we've been following a dream that isn't true."
33:49 Are there times when you doubt? Oh, there are times when I doubt.
33:56 There have been times when I've just, in the dark, said, "What if this isn't true?
34:02 What if all of this is a story that they've brilliantly put together?
34:09 No God." Oh, just chills up and down your back and say, "I don't want to
34:15 go down that road." Do you know what? That we've been created with the
34:19 capacity to doubt. If we were not created with the capacity to doubt, when the
34:23 enemy comes to us, we'd say, "Yeah, that must be true. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I believe you."
34:27 We would believe everything told to us. We have to be able to doubt.
34:30 It is not a sin to doubt. The sin is if I coddle that doubt, I embrace it, and I grow
34:35 it. I refuse to consider the voice that's saying, "That's not true,
34:39 Dwight. You don't have to believe that voice.
34:41 That voice is lying to you. Listen to me." If I say, "No, I don't want to
34:44 hear from you," then it becomes an issue of rebellion against my creator.
34:52 I can't imagine them not getting back to -- getting back to their transportation and not
34:59 wondering, "Man, did we make a mistake?" The next night -- You see,
35:03 that's why there's this super, abounding joy. The next night, they get out,
35:07 and there is the star, and it's moving. And no wonder it reads, "When
35:11 they saw the star..." "Whew! We were right. We have not made a mistake."
35:16 "When they saw the star, they felt the deepest and most profound joy."
35:22 Ah, yeah. Reminds me of this sentence from the apocalyptic classic,
35:26 "The Great Controversy." "Whoever is with singleness of purpose seeking to do God's
35:30 will --" and that would be you, because I know you -- "Earnestly heeding the light already given
35:35 to you, you will receive greater light." I love this.
35:38 This is a promise for us. "To that soul who's seeking some star of heavenly radiance will
35:45 be sent to guide him, will be sent to guide her into all truth."
35:52 Isn't that beautiful? Some star of heavenly radiance will be sent to guide you.
36:00 And where will the star lead you? Where the star always leads, of
36:06 course, to Jesus. Look at Verse 11. "And on coming to the house --"
36:12 By the way... Didn't say, "On coming to the stable," "In coming to the
36:19 manger." Time has gone by. You've got to get the Magi all
36:24 the way from Persia, Babylonia, the Land of the Two Rivers -- You've got to get them thousands
36:28 of kilometers up the Fertile Crescent and down. Even if they cut across the
36:33 desert, you've got to get them to Jesus. The blessed family has moved
36:40 into a house now. That's not a typo. He's in a house now.
36:44 "On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and
36:48 then worshipped Him. Then they opened their treasures and they presented Him with
36:52 gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh. And having been warned in a
36:57 dream --" God's on a pretty close basis with this crew of pagan scholars.
37:03 "And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country
37:09 by another route." Moral of the story? In this world of utter pandemic
37:18 darkness, be the star. Be the star God needs to lead somebody in that darkness to
37:32 Jesus. You be the star. Why not? You be the star.
37:39 I think of the life of Brandon Bernard, who was executed a week ago Thursday at
37:43 9:27 in the evening at the federal penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana.
37:48 That's one week ago and two days. A tragic crime committed at the
37:53 age of 18.
37:56 Could have ended in an even greater tragedy at the age of
37:59 40, had not this young Seventh-Day Adventist prisoner
38:05 reconnected with the forgiveness and redemption of the Lord
38:09 Jesus Christ. And, so, we were praying.
38:12 The story got picked up. The division was praying across
38:17 Canada and North America. Praying that God would somehow
38:21 intervene. And when Thursday evening came
38:23 and we kept following the news -- And I'm following guys
38:26 that are tweeting media reporters who are on-site, at
38:30 the penitentiary, part of the witness team for the execution.
38:34 I'm reading their tweets. "Will the Supreme Court -- Will the Supreme Court come through?"
38:38 We know that the Supreme Court eventually turned down the petition, and he was executed.
38:46 I woke up the next morning. I'm telling you the truth. Early Friday morning -- It was a
38:50 week ago yesterday. I mean, there, we had rallied people across the nation to band
38:54 together in praying for God, "Please, intervene and save this young man's life," when, in
38:59 fact, the Holy Spirit whispered to me, "Hey, Dwight." Did it ever occur to you that we
39:08 have an entire human race sitting on the death row right now?
39:13 Every man, woman, and child is on death row, and you're rallying the troops for one
39:19 young man. What are you doing? Where are you rallying the
39:26 troops for a lost world?" Oh, my. Good question.
39:36 In all honesty, it had never occurred to me before -- the human race is sitting on death
39:42 row right now. My. And who's praying for them now?
39:49 Who's praying for your neighbors? What are we doing for them now,
39:55 for my neighbors? It is intriguing that Matthew -- God bless this Evangelist -- has
40:04 already covertly inserted, embedded in the story the compelling -- the notion of the
40:10 compelling love of God for all humanity sitting on death row. He's already embedded that.
40:15 We don't get this, but in Matthew 1, this mysterious genealogy, guess who he embeds.
40:20 Surprise entries in his genealogy. Four pagan women -- Tamar, a
40:25 fake prostitute, Rahab, real prostitute, Ruth, pagan Moabite, is the wife of Uriah -- We
40:35 remember her as Bathsheba. Pagan wife seduced by King David, whose blood is in
40:41 the Messiah's veins. Matthew's making a huge point. Four of them, four pagans on
40:48 death row in Chapter 1. And guess what. He's the only one to remind us,
40:50 "There are three pagans you need to know about." You say, "How do you know there
40:53 were three?" Well, we're just gonna guess, as tradition does, that there are
40:56 three gifts, so there are three Magi, okay? Three pagan scholars sitting on
41:03 death row. Seven of them. Seven of them on either side of
41:12 Jesus. As it was when Jesus was born, guess what -- on either side of
41:19 Him when He dies, Matthew drives home the same point -- two thieves.
41:25 He is born and He dies in the middle of sinners, like you and me.
41:33 Wow. And, by the way, you think, "Well, these Magi -- you know, the Jews had a heart for these
41:40 Magi." No, no, no. Let me share with you
41:44 Frederick Bruner. "Official Israel deeply despised the magicians and astrologers of
41:51 the Gentiles and felt that God has rescued His people from the tyranny of the stars and from
41:55 those who claimed to know their secrets." "Yeah, stay away from people --
41:59 Children, don't ever play with those kids." "Biblically faithful Israel felt
42:02 about the Magi roughly the way theological orthodoxy --" and we have a lot of orthodox
42:07 theological professors here -- "feels -- How theological orthodoxy feels in the present
42:12 about the New Age spirituality." "Kind of kinky, kind of weird, but, you know, there might be a
42:16 little light in that." That's how the Jews felt about these Magi.
42:21 Keep going. "To Israel and to the early church --" even the readers of
42:24 Matthew, who are dominantly Jews, the intended audience, to them, "then, astrologers, which
42:31 is exactly what the Magi were, would be the least-deserving guests at the birthday party of
42:37 the Christ." Yeah, just sings the birthday of the King, and Matthew wants you
42:41 to know He had the least-deserving guests. That's his point.
42:45 "That's why Matthew -- the Evangelist! -- is delighted to see exactly such people
42:52 invited." Isn't that beautiful? Matthew has set this story up.
42:57 He has set this story up so that we will notice what comes between.
43:02 Here's what comes between the four and the three sitting on death row.
43:06 "But after Joseph had considered this --" divorcing his young betrothed fiancée -- "an angel
43:12 of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, 'Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid
43:17 to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.
43:22 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His
43:29 people from their sins.'" We ought to really be reading that, "He will save His people
43:33 from our sins." I'm talking about my sins and your sins.
43:37 Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Christmas Gospel. This is it.
43:41 Born in the middle of pagans on death row, dies in the middle of pagans, sinners, and rebels on
43:51 the cross. It's love on the move. It's what it is.
43:57 It's love on the move. That star is a symbol of love on the move.
44:05 And guess what. The moral of the story is this. You're the star.
44:11 You're the star. How did that line go? "To that soul that's seeking
44:15 some star of heavenly radiance will be sent to guide him, to guide her to Jesus."
44:20 Be that star. Please, be that star. God hasn't forgotten that person
44:27 on death row. You're His solution. Love on the move.
44:30 You be that star. You move into that darkness. "How's it work, Dwight?"
44:37 Works like this. Just a few days ago, about a week, I was shopping in a
44:44 Dollar General store, my favorite shopping place. And I'm looking for essentials.
44:51 That's why I go to Dollar General. So, as I get up to the cash
44:55 register, there is one of these whirly turnstile carousel bookracks.
45:02 I never pass one of those. I never pass one of those without spinning it around.
45:06 If it's in an airport, I'll spin it around. I'm looking for something worth
45:09 reading. Those are the two key words -- "worth reading."
45:12 So, I'm spinning it around. It's before I go to the cashier. And I see a book I have never
45:16 read before, and I buy the book. Title of the book, "The Autobiography of Malcolm X."
45:22 Hmm. I bought it. I'm about halfway through it now.
45:29 But imag-- You should have seen my eyes -- you should have seen my eyes when I read what you're
45:34 gonna read now on this screen. Alex Haley, the great writer, interviewed Malcolm X and wrote
45:42 the story. So, Malcolm X is thinking about his childhood in Lansing,
45:45 Michigan. Anybody heard of Lansing? Of course. Just up the road.
45:48 This is Malcolm X writing in his biography. "About this time --" He's just
45:53 an adolescent. Lanky adolescent. "About this time, my mother
45:57 began to be visited by some Seventh-Day Adventists --" I had to stop.
46:02 I said, "Wait a minute. Let me get that again." Seventh-Day Adventists.
46:05 Spells it a little differently, Alex Haley does, but we got it. "Visited by some
46:09 Seventh-Day Adventists, who had moved into a house not too far down the road from us."
46:15 Good for you, neighbors. Good for you. Keep reading.
46:18 "They would talk to her --" his mother -- "for hours a time and leave booklets and leaflets and
46:25 magazines for her to read." Kind of sounds familiar, doesn't it?
46:29 From another generation. "We began to go with my mother to the Adventist meetings that
46:35 were held further out in the country. For us children, I know that the
46:39 major attraction was the good food they served." I have been to a lot of
46:43 Adventist potlucks, and I can tell you, Malcolm X is absolutely right.
46:47 It's good food. It's just good food. Doesn't get any better.
46:53 "But we listened, too." When you do the social stuff, don't forget, people are
46:59 listening, as well. They're not just there to eat. They're following what you're
47:03 doing." "We listened, too. There were a handful of Negroes,
47:08 from small towns in the area, but I would say it was 99% white people" in that church.
47:15 Hmm. "The Adventists felt that we were living at the end of time,
47:22 that the world was soon coming to an end. But they were the friendliest
47:26 white people I had ever seen." I'll leave that on the screen. [ Laughter ]
47:34 "The friendliest white people I had ever seen." 99% of the church, whites.
47:44 But when he writes his story -- And, by the way, you know his life.
47:50 Young American Muslim minister, human-rights activist, popular figure during the
47:54 Civil Rights Movement in the early '60s. Best known for his time spent as
48:00 a vocal spokesman for the Nation of Islam, eventually gunned down at the age of 39.
48:06 That's Malcolm X. But he remembers his childhood. "And they were the friendliest
48:14 white people I had ever seen." Just this lanky adolescent with his mom and siblings.
48:20 Who could have guessed that he would end up becoming the great Malcolm X?
48:26 They had no idea. It was just love on the move. We don't care how you're gonna
48:30 turn out. We're just glad that you turned in to our church, and we're
48:35 gonna love on you. "They were the friendliest white people I had ever seen."
48:43 Makes you wonder if they had come, at that time, to this church, at that time, would he
48:51 have been able to say, "Yeah, those people at Andrews University are the
48:56 friendliest white people I've ever seen -- Pioneer." It's called love on the move,
49:04 brothers and sisters, not because you know that some kid's gonna become world-famous.
49:07 "I'd better love him in case he turns out to be famous." Who does that?
49:11 Nobody does that. No. Simply because that's the story of the Christmas star.
49:17 Love on the move is the Christmas star that always leads to Jesus.
49:20 "So, Dwight, would you please be that star? Yo, you -- would you please be
49:25 that star?" What was that line again from "Great Controversy"?
49:28 "Whoever is with singleness of purpose seeking to do God's will, earnestly heeding the
49:32 light already given, will receive greater light." Keep looking, keep seeking.
49:36 You're gonna get it. God has measured and noted your persistence.
49:41 "To that soul some star of heavenly radiance will be sent to guide her, to guide him into
49:48 all truth." You be that star of heavenly radiance.
49:52 It's called love on the move. I think it's the most beautiful definition that you could come
49:56 up with for love on the move. Some star of heavenly radiance that moves the darkness and
50:03 comes into the orbit of someone who needs to know Jesus now. Wow.
50:13 I received a letter this Monday. Good timing. I'm gonna end with it right now.
50:23 "December 10. Dear Pastor Nelson, my name is..."
50:29 I'll leave the name out. "I'm writing to thank the Pioneer Memorial Church for
50:32 helping us and showing compassion during a difficult time in our lives.
50:36 My wife and I, along with our three children, emigrated to the United States from India in the
50:40 year 1988 and joined Andrews University as students. Life at the university was very
50:47 difficult for us at that time because of financial problems. We struggled through three years
50:51 of education and were totally broke by the year 1990, so we decided not to celebrate
50:56 Christmas in 1990. No Christmas tree, no Christmas gifts, no new clothes, no toys
51:02 for the kids. We explained our difficulties to the kids, and they understood.
51:06 The Sabbath before Christmas, we went to Pioneer." Do you understand this is the
51:10 Sabbath before Christmas? This is the day they were in Pioneer, alright?
51:14 "The Sabbath before Christmas, we're there. We went to first service, and
51:19 then the children went to Sabbath School. It was a very cold and dreary
51:22 day." Some things never change in Michigan.
51:24 [ Laughter ] "When the church was over, I asked my wife and children to
51:29 stay inside the church while I went and heated up the car and brought it to them.
51:33 While they waited at the church, someone started talking to the kids about Christmas and gifts,
51:37 and my children told them our story of no Christmas celebration.
51:41 I was not aware of this conversation.
51:44 On Christmas Eve, I received a call from someone from the
51:47 church. She asked me not to sleep early,
51:49 because she and her friends were coming over to see us.
51:52 She came later with so many gifts, clothes, and toys.
51:55 What an amazing event for our children.
51:57 Unfortunately, I forgot to ask her name and never met her
52:01 again." You know why?
52:03 Because love on the move never leaves a business card.
52:09 I don't care who I am. It's not important for you to
52:12 know who I am. I'm just gonna love you.
52:15 That's all I'm gonna do.
52:16 I'm nobody to you, but who cares? "I forgot to ask her name and
52:23 never met her again." Maybe she's sitting here. "She truly was an angel.
52:28 We have never forgotten that kindness. We also met many other amazing
52:32 people at Andrews. I worked on campus, and the supervisors there were so kind
52:35 and gracious to us. At the end of 1990, I graduated with an MBA in accounting from
52:40 Andrews, and my wife graduated with a degree in nursing from Southwestern Community College.
52:45 We moved to California. I completed a CPA exam and started a tax practice, which
52:50 has grown well. My wife became a registered nurse, served the community
52:54 hospital for 30 years. Our children have become professionals.
52:57 God has been extremely gracious to us. We have not had the privilege to
53:00 go back and visit Andrews, but we have never forgotten the kindness, compassion, and grace
53:05 we received there. We thank God for the university and the church.
53:10 We look back, and all that we can say is, Lord, we praise you."
53:16 Yeah. "I'm sorry for writing a long letter, but we wanted to express
53:19 our thanks to you and others at Andrews. As we celebrate Christmas again,
53:23 we want to help someone there. I am attaching a check for $1,000 with this letter.
53:30 Please use this money to bless someone." We ended up blessing several
53:35 someones. "As a gift during this season of his first Advent, maybe some
53:42 poor ones will appreciate the gift as we did many years ago. God bless you all and thank you
53:48 for being a beacon. We've been listening to Pioneer for the last 30 years.
53:53 We thank God for you." Love on the move. Somebody got blessed because
54:01 anonymous love on the move just loved. Just loved.
54:07 You are that star of heavenly radiance that God is sending out into this dark pandemic world.
54:14 Don't kid yourself. You are a beautiful sight for the kingdom of heaven, and they
54:19 are cheering you on. If you're a young teenager, it doesn't matter to heaven.
54:23 They're just as excited about you as they are of octogenarians.
54:26 They're cheering you on. You are love on the move. What you do for someone, it may
54:32 never be recognized. Heaven keeps a record. And one day, you'll be told the
54:40 rest of the story. Love on the move. I say let's be that this new
54:49 year. What do you say? Let's just be that.
54:52 Come on. Let's do it. There may be somebody that's being brought to your mind right
54:57 now. Act on that, act on that. Let's pray.
55:03 O God, here we are the Sabbath before Christmas. Beautiful music, beautiful
55:07 church, beautiful people to worship with, and now we're going home.
55:12 Please, Dear Father, know our hearts. Keep making us stars of heavenly
55:23 radiance that you might be able to send us to guide someone else.
55:28 Love on the move. We'll love them to you, Jesus. We'll love them to you by your
55:34 grace. In your name, we pray. Amen.
55:41 [ "The First Noel" plays ] >> What is it about the holiday season that has given you
55:46 the greatest joy? Is it the time spent cutting down the family Christmas tree
55:50 at the local farm or maybe a special ornament placed on that lighted bough?
55:55 Or do you find joy in contemplating the profound meaning of the carols we sing?
56:00 Maybe Christmas joy is found in the memories you make together with friends and family
56:04 and the spirit of giving that surrounds this season. As we reflect on these joys,
56:10 let's always remember the great light who guides us, the One who brings and meaning to life --
56:15 a loving Father who is at the heart of all treasured relationships and the wonderful
56:20 God who gave the ultimate gift in a newborn child.
56:24 Some of my joy this season comes in part from your letters,
56:27 your prayers, and your faithful giving of support to this
56:30 ministry which reaches literally around the world.
56:33 If you've been blessed this year, I'd like to ask you to
56:36 join the many people who financially support this global
56:39 New Perceptions ministry. It's simple to do.
56:42 Just call our toll-free number 877 -- two words -- HIS-WILL.
56:47 One of our friendly operators will be happy to help you.
56:50 You can also click the donate link at the top of our website.
56:53 Trust me, no gift is too small for God to use to spread the
56:57 good news of His love, His sacrifice, and His future
57:01 plans for our happiness. Every gift, by the way,
57:05 is entirely invested in our mission to communicate God's
57:07 good news to a generation who needs a hope found in Jesus,
57:11 which will bring them to joy in life.
57:14 So once again, the number to call is 877-HIS-WILL.
57:18 This season, my wish for you is that the mighty God,
57:22 the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace will be at
57:24 the heart of the very best memories made together
57:28 with your family and friends. ♪♪
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58:00 ♪♪


Revised 2021-01-07