New Perceptions

American Apocalypse: "What Is Past Is Prologue": Calamities Most Awful, Most Unexpected

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP200926S

00:11 And now our morning call to worship
00:14 comes to us from Psalm 67 and it reads,
00:17 "May God be gracious to us,
00:19 and bless us and make His face shine on us,
00:23 so that your ways may be known on earth,
00:24 Your salvation among all nations.
00:27 May the peoples praise You God, may all the peoples praise You,
00:30 may the nations be glad and sing for joy,
00:32 for You rule the people with equity
00:34 and guide the nations of the earth."
00:37 Let's pray together.
00:39 Father, we confess
00:41 that sometimes the world seems dark.
00:45 The challenges mount,
00:48 the pestilences seem to increase.
00:51 But we are gathered here together online and in person
00:55 because we believe
00:56 that the Lord is a mighty tower.
01:00 He is that fortress that we depend on.
01:03 And so today as we worship,
01:05 we just thank You for receiving our worship,
01:07 because it's done in faith.
01:09 Our eyes are on You,
01:10 we thank You in the name of Jesus.
01:12 Amen.
01:16 A message of God's protection from Psalms 46.
01:21 "Come see the works of the Lord,
01:23 what desolations He has made in the earth.
01:26 He makes wars to cease
01:28 to the farthest places in the earth.
01:31 He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in pieces.
01:35 Be still and know that I am God.
01:38 I will be exalted among the nations.
01:41 I will be exalted in the earth.
01:43 The Lord of hosts is with us,
01:45 the God of Jacob is our refuge."
02:38 A mighty fortress is our God
02:44 A bulwark never failing
02:51 Our helper He, amid the flood
02:57 Of mortal ills prevailing
03:03 For still our ancient foe
03:08 Doth seek to work us woe
03:13 His craft and power are great
03:18 And armed with cruel hate
03:23 On earth is not his equal
03:31 Did we In our own strength confide
03:38 Our striving would be losing
03:44 Were not the right man On our side
03:50 The man of God's own choosing
03:56 Dost ask who that may be?
04:01 Christ Jesus, it is He
04:06 Lord Sabaoth His name
04:11 From age to age the same
04:16 And He must win the battle
04:25 And though this world, With devils filled
04:31 Should threaten to undo us
04:37 We will not fear For God hath willed
04:44 His truth to triumph through us
04:50 The prince of darkness grim
04:54 We tremble not for him
04:59 His rage we can endure
05:04 For lo! His doom is sure
05:09 One little word shall fell him
05:30 That word Above all earthly powers
05:36 No thanks to them, abideth
05:43 The Spirit And the gifts are ours
05:49 Through Him who with us sideth
05:56 Let goods and kindred go
06:01 This mortal life also
06:06 The body they may kill
06:11 God's truth abideth still
06:16 His kingdom is forever.
06:30 Amen.
06:31 A message of hope in Christ from Romans 8,
06:35 "For I am convinced that neither death nor life,
06:40 nor angels nor principalities, nor powers nor things present,
06:45 nor things to come, nor height, nor depth,
06:49 nor any other created thing
06:52 will be able to separate us from the love of God,
06:56 which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
06:59 Amen.
07:33 In Christ alone My hope is found
07:38 He is my light My strength, my song
07:43 This Cornerstone This solid ground
07:49 Firm through the fiercest drought
07:52 And storm
07:54 What heights of love What depths of peace
07:59 When fears are stilled
08:01 When strivings cease
08:04 My Comforter, my all in all
08:10 Here in the love of Christ
08:13 I stand
08:18 In Christ alone
08:20 Who took on flesh
08:23 Fullness of God In helpless Babe
08:28 This gift of love And righteousness
08:33 Scorned by the ones He came to save
08:39 'Til on that cross As Jesus died
08:44 The wrath of God was satisfied
08:50 For every sin on Him was laid
08:55 Here in the death of Christ I live
09:21 There in the ground His body lay
09:27 Light of the world By darkness slain
09:32 Then bursting forth In glorious day
09:38 Up from the grave He rose again
09:43 And as He stands in victory
09:48 Sin's curse has lost its grip On me
09:54 For I am His and He is mine
10:00 Bought with the precious blood Of Christ
10:08 On Christ the Solid Rock I stand
10:13 All other ground Is sinking sand
10:18 All other ground Is sinking sand
10:27 On Christ the Solid Rock I stand
10:32 All other ground Is sinking sand
10:38 All other ground Is sinking sand
10:47 No guilt in life, No fear in death
10:52 This is the power of Christ In me
10:57 From life's first cry To final breath
11:03 Jesus commands my destiny
11:08 No power of hell No scheme of man
11:14 Can ever pluck me from His hand
11:19 'Til He returns Or calls me home
11:25 Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.
12:02 Happy Sabbath.
12:03 Welcome to church today.
12:05 Our scripture reading is found in Daniel 12:1,
12:11 Matthew 24:21, and Luke 21:28.
12:18 Daniel 12:1 says,
12:20 "At that time Michael,
12:22 the great prince who protects your people,
12:24 will arise.
12:26 There will be a time of distress
12:27 such as has not happened
12:29 from the beginning of nations until then.
12:32 But at that time your people,
12:34 everyone whose name is found
12:36 written in the book will be delivered."
12:39 Matthew 24:21,
12:42 "For then there will be great distress,
12:44 unequaled from the beginning of the world
12:46 until now
12:47 and never to be equaled again."
12:50 And Luke 21:28,
12:52 "When these things begin to take place,
12:55 stand up and lift up your heads,
12:57 because your redemption is drawing near."
18:04 Oh, God, here we are, we're ready to go.
18:07 Word of God in front of us.
18:10 People gathering on the National Mall
18:12 as we speak right now.
18:17 Concern for America,
18:19 concern for where this nation is headed.
18:23 Dear God, make sense of Jesus' teaching.
18:28 We humbly pray in His name, amen.
18:31 That's right there on the National Mall right now,
18:33 two separate groups
18:34 who coincidentally chose this day
18:38 to be the gathering of their followers
18:42 to pray for a nation.
18:45 Many are concerned is under judgment,
18:47 this pandemic, everything.
18:49 Is America under judgment?
18:52 I'm talking about divine judgment.
18:54 I'm talking about America.
18:55 You know, my country
18:57 'tis of thee sweet land of liberty,
18:58 in thee I sing.
19:00 That's America I'm talking about.
19:01 Is America under judgment?
19:04 Is this pandemic a judgment of God on America?
19:07 My friend Cliff Goldstein wrote a piece this summer
19:09 in Liberty magazine.
19:12 He wrestles with the question,
19:14 title of his piece, avert wrath?
19:18 Subtitle on God's wrath being poured out on America.
19:22 He reminds us
19:24 that the beloved President Abraham Lincoln,
19:27 in his second inaugural address spoke these words.
19:30 I want you to see them on the screen right now.
19:32 Abraham Lincoln, "Fondly do we hope,
19:35 fervently do we pray,
19:37 that this mighty scourge of war, "
19:39 that was the Civil War still in progress,
19:42 "may speedily pass away.
19:45 Yet if God wills that it continue
19:47 until all the wealth of this nation
19:50 piled by the slaves 250 years of unrequited
19:56 never got a penny for toil,
19:58 even if all that wealth has to be lost, " keep going.
20:03 "Even if every drop of blood drawn with a taskmaster's lash
20:08 shall be paid by another drawn with the sword
20:11 and blood was being shed as he spoke
20:14 as was said 3,000 years ago, "
20:17 quoting the Old Testament,
20:18 "so still it must be said
20:20 the judgments of the Lord are true
20:23 and righteous altogether."
20:25 "America is under judgment," he said.
20:30 Is America under judgment right now?
20:32 This pandemic, the social racial,
20:35 economic fracture that has divided this nation.
20:38 Are we under judgment?
20:40 Jerry Falwell, the late clergyman,
20:44 right after September 11, 2001, the Twin Towers tragedy
20:48 announced to the country
20:49 what was the cause of that tragedy.
20:52 Let me read it.
20:54 "God allowed the attacks
20:57 because the United States has become a land of,"
20:59 and I'm quoting him now,
21:01 "pagans, abortionists, feminists, gays,
21:03 lesbians,
21:04 the American Civil Liberties Union
21:06 and the people for the American way."
21:09 We are under judgment because of them.
21:11 He later apologized to the gays and the lesbians.
21:15 Is this pandemic a judgment on America?
21:20 Albert Mohler, president
21:22 of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
21:24 down in Louisville, a city in turmoil today.
21:29 Brilliant mind, I listened to his podcast,
21:31 I don't always agree with him, but brilliant.
21:34 He heard those words of Falwell
21:36 and he responded,
21:37 and I now want you to just hear the wisdom
21:39 in Mohler's response.
21:40 "There is no doubt
21:42 that America has accommodated itself
21:44 to so many sins
21:45 that we should always fear God's judgment
21:48 and expect that in due time that judgment will come.
21:51 But we ought to be very careful
21:54 about pointing to any circumstance
21:57 or any specific tragedy and say
21:59 that this thing has happened
22:01 because this is God's direct punishment."
22:06 Very wise counsel, wouldn't you agree?
22:09 Mm-hmm.
22:11 So maybe we ought not to be asking the question
22:12 is America under divine judgment?
22:14 We ought to wonder aloud,
22:16 will America come under divine judgment?
22:19 I'm going to invite you to go to a chapter
22:20 most of you have never read
22:22 in your life and it's in the Bible.
22:24 And as soon as you hear the name of that book,
22:26 everybody is, well, I'm not going to that book.
22:28 The young prophet Ezekiel Chapter 7, come on,
22:31 could he be speaking even of today?
22:36 Open your Bible to Ezekiel Chapter 7,
22:38 it's in the Old Testament, Chapter 7,
22:40 young prophet in exile, he writes about Israel.
22:46 There probably has been a preacher or two
22:48 who has preached about America
22:50 because of this passage,
22:52 first time I've ever preached from it.
22:54 This will get us to the words of Jesus
22:56 in a split second.
22:57 Watch this verse 1, Ezekiel 7,
22:59 "The word of the Lord came to me:
23:01 'Son of man,
23:02 this is what the Sovereign Lord says
23:04 to the land of Israel:
23:05 'The end!
23:07 The end has come
23:08 upon the four corners of the land!
23:09 The end is now upon you,
23:11 and I will unleash my anger against you.
23:13 I will judge you according to your conduct
23:15 and repay you
23:16 for all your detestable practices.'"
23:20 Drop down to verse 5.
23:22 "This is what the Sovereign Lord says:
23:23 'Disaster! Unheard of disaster!
23:26 See, it comes!
23:27 The end has come! The end has come!
23:29 It has roused itself against you.
23:31 See, it comes!' "
23:33 Drop down to verse 17.
23:35 "Every hand will go limp,
23:37 every leg will be wet with urine."
23:39 That's a rather graphic description
23:41 of the human reaction to fear.
23:45 Verse 18, "They will put on sackcloth
23:47 and be clothed with terror.
23:49 Every face will be covered with shame,
23:50 and every head will be shaved."
23:52 Verse 19, "They will throw their silver in the streets, "
23:55 it's not worth anything anymore,
23:56 "and their gold will be treated as a thing unclean."
24:00 Drop down now to verse 25,
24:02 "When terror comes," key word, "they will seek peace in vain.
24:08 Calamity upon calamity will come,
24:10 and rumor upon rumor.
24:12 They will go searching for a vision from the prophet,
24:14 priestly instruction in the law will cease,
24:17 the counsel of the elders will come to an end.
24:20 The king will mourn,"
24:21 the political leader of the land,
24:23 "the prince will be clothed with despair,
24:25 and the hands of the people of the land will tremble..."
24:30 My Lord, what is going on here?
24:35 Mercy.
24:38 Reminds me the words of the American prophet.
24:42 Put them on the screen for you.
24:43 "Transgression has almost reached its limit.
24:46 Confusion fills the world, and a great terror, "
24:50 that's the key word you'll hear it again,
24:52 "is soon to come upon human beings.
24:54 The end is very near.
24:57 We who know the truth
25:00 should be preparing for what is soon
25:01 to break upon the world as an overwhelming," what?
25:05 "Surprise."
25:07 Surprise, nobody knew it was coming.
25:09 Nobody knew that would happen.
25:10 Nobody knew it will be an overwhelming surprise.
25:16 What's going on here?
25:19 A great terror is soon to come upon human beings.
25:22 How did Ezekiel put a calamity upon calamity,
25:24 rumor after rumor,
25:26 the hands of the people are trembling.
25:28 Could this be what Jesus meant?
25:31 Was He drawing from Ezekiel 7,
25:33 to make the same sort of prediction
25:36 for the planet?
25:38 Now check it out.
25:40 You have read these words so many times, but you never,
25:42 will never have read them the way we'll read them today.
25:46 Ezekiel 7 goes to Luke 21.
25:49 Come on, find Luke 21.
25:50 Jesus will be dead in hours on the cross.
25:54 Luke 21, red letter words in my Bible.
25:57 Luke 21:25 and 26.
26:01 That's it.
26:03 Jesus speaking, we're listening.
26:05 Verse 25, Jesus says,
26:08 said, speaking of His Second Coming,
26:10 "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars.
26:14 On the earth, nations will be in anguish
26:17 and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea."
26:21 Now, verse 26,
26:22 "People will faint from terror,"
26:25 there's that word again,
26:26 "apprehensive of what is coming on the world,
26:29 for the heavenly bodies will be shaken."
26:33 Wow. Is that amazing?
26:35 Now watch what Jesus does.
26:36 First He talks about this, the sun, moon and stars.
26:40 And then He starts talking about the sea
26:42 that's in turmoil.
26:44 And then He quickly goes back to the heavenly bodies.
26:47 Boom, boom, boom, what's going on here?
26:50 What is He describing?
26:57 As a consequence of whatever has just happened
26:59 on this planet,
27:01 did you catch that?
27:02 The inhabitants of earth not just this nation now,
27:05 the whole planet,
27:06 the inhabitants of earth are thrown into deep,
27:11 what are the two words?
27:12 Anguish and perplexity.
27:15 Verse 25, two words, anguish and perplexity.
27:19 What's that mean?
27:21 My friend Marvin Moore, in his book,
27:23 "The Coming Great Calamity."
27:26 Marvin has helped me see what I hadn't seen before.
27:31 Marvin Moore says
27:33 you want to take these two words,
27:34 let's parse these two words.
27:36 Anguish, what's that mean?
27:37 Anguish means this hurts a lot. This is terrible.
27:39 Oh, oh, anguish, anguish, anguish.
27:41 What's perplexity?
27:42 Perplexity is, what do we do now?
27:44 So you have this hurts a lot, what do we do now?
27:47 And here's how Marvin Moore puts it,
27:48 on the screen.
27:50 "Anguish and perplexity is what you would feel
27:52 if you were to come home one night
27:54 and find your house in flames."
27:58 Anguish, perplexity, what do I do?
28:04 What's going to happen to us now?
28:08 I share all of this with you.
28:11 Because when Seventh-day Adventist
28:12 read the words that we just read,
28:14 from the Lord Jesus,
28:16 His prediction of signs in the sun,
28:17 the moon and the stars before He returns, what we do,
28:21 and rightfully so,
28:22 is we view historical events
28:26 that preceded a final time period
28:30 that Daniel and Revelation and the Lord Jesus
28:32 refer to as the time of the end,
28:35 the time of the end,
28:36 the Bible refers to it, the time of the end.
28:38 And we say, well, that's understandable.
28:42 Time at the end, it's the late 1700s,
28:43 early 1800s, all right.
28:46 So Jesus said, there'll be signs in the sun,
28:48 the moon and the stars.
28:50 And we say, okay, so what that means is
28:53 that launching this new prophetic,
28:55 the last prophetic time period,
28:57 the time of the end, that the stars will fall.
29:01 And guess what they did?
29:03 In, the stars fell in November 1833.
29:07 There'll be a dark day, the sun will go out,
29:09 the moon will come up that night blood red.
29:11 It did, Old Testament predicted,
29:13 it did.
29:16 November, no, no, May 19, 1780.
29:21 And we say, see, that's it.
29:24 That's what those two verses are all about.
29:26 Oh, really?
29:28 Aren't you serious?
29:29 Come on, stay with me. Stay with me.
29:32 None of the celestial signs that we just talked about
29:35 elicited a global response.
29:37 The key word is global here. Yes.
29:39 Go on the eastern seaboard there was that
29:41 and yes, over there in the West, there was that.
29:44 But none of this was global.
29:46 None of this was worldwide.
29:48 It was just localized.
29:51 And yet God used those celestial events
29:54 to prepare for a revival that would sweep
29:57 like fire up and down the East Coast.
30:01 But we say well, that's it.
30:02 Jesus' two verses, He's talking about those,
30:04 those events are now past.
30:05 Oh, really?
30:06 How could they be past when Jesus
30:08 whatever happens with the heavens
30:10 in its relationship to the planet,
30:12 there's going to be anguish and perplexity, a global panic,
30:17 if you will,
30:19 because of what just transpired.
30:22 Come on, I need you to hang on now.
30:24 I repeat, the reaction Jesus
30:26 explicitly predicts of people
30:28 fainting from terror around the world,
30:30 on what is just transpired on this planet
30:32 concern something that comes out of the heavens.
30:34 There's something that powers of the heavens will be shaken,
30:36 something comes out of the heavens,
30:37 some event, some natural occurrence,
30:39 which feels terribly unnatural and unexpected,
30:43 but it's so devastatingly cataclysmic
30:45 that the entire planet is paralyzed
30:47 and the public panic response
30:50 that Jesus clearly describes, they are apprehensive of,
30:54 there's going to be more behind this,
30:55 something is coming,
30:57 people feigning from terror.
30:59 Ladies and gentlemen,
31:01 what happened at the beginning of this time period
31:05 will pay you apparently from Christ's own words,
31:10 before what happens at the end of that time period
31:15 where we're living right now.
31:18 Now stay with me.
31:20 Don't you get distracted now.
31:23 Some other sign will come, sometime in the future,
31:29 wherein the heavenly bodies will be shaken
31:31 and the earth will be thrown into global panic.
31:34 What celestial sign could that possibly be?
31:38 A sign, not at the beginning,
31:39 but this major sign global at the end.
31:43 What could that sign be?
31:45 I'm going to take you to a website,
31:49 Put it on the screen for you, a little bit of history here.
31:52 In 1998, all right,
31:54 so that's 22 years ago right now,
31:55 "In 1998,
31:57 the United States Congress directed NASA, "
31:59 that's the National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
32:03 "to initiate what they called SpaceGuard,
32:07 an effort to find and track
32:08 90% of all near-earth Objects, "
32:13 NEO the acronym, near-earth objects,
32:15 what are you talking about?
32:17 We're talking about comets, we're talking about asteroids,
32:19 we're talking about meteors, right?
32:20 They just go, swish, swish, swish, they're out there.
32:22 We all know that.
32:24 And by the way, we want you to track 90%
32:26 of all of those objects that are one kilometer.
32:30 Do you know what how long a kilometer is?
32:32 A 1,000 meters, okay, a 1,000 meters.
32:34 Got to be thousand meters or larger, please, track them.
32:40 And by the way, a kilometer asteroid
32:42 is mass extinction,
32:43 mass extinction because...
32:48 And we want you please to do that by 2008.
32:49 We're going to give you 10 years,
32:50 would you please do it?
32:52 Now keep, the history keeps going.
32:53 Next slide, please.
32:55 In 2005,
32:56 so they haven't gotten to 2008 yet.
32:57 Congress now has been doing some thinking
32:59 and further scientific study
33:00 and they're saying no, no, no, no, no, not a 1,000 meters,
33:02 we want you to shorten it.
33:04 We want you to find everything, 140 meters and longer,
33:07 and mark them down.
33:08 Tell us where they are, when they're coming, please.
33:12 And we'll now give you till 2020.
33:16 Hey, could you go back please?
33:21 Ninety percent of them, just find 90% larger by 2020.
33:25 Now, please, next slide.
33:27 Guess what?
33:29 I got bad news.
33:30 "Only 40% of these objects had been found to date.
33:33 At current detection rates,
33:35 it will be another 30 years before NASA meets the goal."
33:40 Well, don't feel so bad? How old are you?
33:42 Add 30 to your life.
33:43 Hey, nothing to worry about.
33:46 Maybe, maybe.
33:48 Oh, by the way,
33:50 this is not taking another 30 years,
33:51 it will finally happen.
33:52 No, just get it done in another 30 years.
33:55 My, my, my, my, my, what's going on here?
33:57 What in the world, you say,
33:59 Dwight, this is all a bunch of gobbledygook, man.
34:00 Move on, cut to the chase.
34:02 All right, I will.
34:04 I'm talking about asteroids.
34:06 The preoccupation of the news today by the way,
34:09 asteroids, let me have an asteroid.
34:10 Oh, that's not an actual photograph
34:12 by the way.
34:14 That's just an artist's rendition.
34:16 Everybody knows asteroids.
34:18 By the way. I got to show this to you.
34:21 Did you see this headline? I'm gonna hold it up.
34:23 Maybe the center camera can zero in on.
34:25 You see the headline?
34:28 So they're quoting NASA.
34:29 We're quoting NASA here.
34:31 Asteroid headed toward earth before November election.
34:35 You know what, that's about all we need.
34:37 I mean, just send us an asteroid, come on.
34:40 Is it been a dull, uneventful year,
34:42 just give us an asteroid,
34:43 give us something to get us juiced up again.
34:47 You can't believe it.
34:49 And the fact of the matter is, the good news,
34:50 the asteroid's only two meters long
34:52 and so, if it comes into the earth's atmosphere go,
34:56 just burn apart.
34:58 But I tell you the truth,
35:00 on Thursday I sit down to write this homily.
35:01 On Thursday, I find out that that very day,
35:05 in the morning, before I began to write,
35:09 Asteroid 2020SW
35:10 estimated to be about between four,
35:13 four and a half to 10 meters in diameter,
35:15 whizzed by the earth and get this,
35:17 got within 17,500 miles of us.
35:20 You say, "Dwight, that's really far out."
35:22 Guess what?
35:23 We have satellites out there
35:24 circling the earth farther than that.
35:26 So it came inside the satellite belt.
35:28 It got that close?
35:30 Oh, wow.
35:33 But for me, the paradigm shifted,
35:36 the game changer
35:37 because I've been reflecting on this
35:39 for ever since 1997.
35:41 Marvin Moore shared a paper that he'd written unpublished.
35:44 I read that paper, it's in my file,
35:46 and I've just been brooding over that.
35:49 Could it happen here?
35:52 The game changer for me was on February 15, 2013.
35:56 It was a Friday morning,
35:57 I'm down in my study when I get the word
36:00 that there has been an explosion
36:02 near the Russian city of Chelyabinsk.
36:05 And some of you remember this,
36:07 the eyewitness news accounts
36:08 reported a streaking asteroid captured on multiple dash cams.
36:14 They were having carjackings in that region.
36:16 And so the owners would mount these dash cams
36:20 and it was before sunrise
36:22 and so all these dash cams recorded it.
36:25 You can go on YouTube and see them,
36:27 the same asteroid.
36:30 The asteroid was only 20 meters long,
36:32 but it entered earth's atmosphere
36:34 at a speed of 42,900 miles an hour.
36:39 Shew.
36:41 Boom!
36:44 It exploded with a blast yield of 400-500 kilo tons of TNT,
36:49 which is 30 times the energy of the Hiroshima atomic bomb,
36:53 my homeland where I was born,
36:55 30 times that atomic bomb that A-bomb,
36:58 that little 20 meter.
37:01 A hundred years earlier in the same land of Russia
37:03 now in Eastern Siberia, June 13, 1908,
37:07 an asteroid now known as the Tunguska asteroid
37:11 estimated now to be
37:12 to have been perhaps 65 meters in length
37:15 still under the 140,
37:18 exploded over Eastern Siberia
37:21 with a 15-megaton blast
37:25 which is 1,000 Hiroshima A-bombs
37:29 simultaneously.
37:32 Eighty million trees,
37:34 they got pitched up, just flat over what,
37:39 830 square miles.
37:42 Now let me just share this with you
37:43 because there are scientists in this room.
37:46 There are two interesting realities
37:48 about these two over Russia asteroids.
37:52 Reality number one, get this, they were too small.
37:55 Twenty meters and 65 meters
37:57 to ever have been spotted by NASA
38:01 which is looking for 140 meters over.
38:06 They never would have been, nobody's looking for them,
38:08 nobody's looking for these small ones.
38:10 And yet look at the damage they did.
38:14 That's the other factoid.
38:16 Tiny little asteroid.
38:22 Astronomers estimate, may I continue,
38:25 there are 2 million 30 meter
38:28 and larger asteroids in the solar system
38:30 with only 18,000 of them identified at the present time.
38:37 The rest are just circling.
38:39 And here's another little caveat.
38:41 The only way you can identify an asteroid is with a lens.
38:46 You cannot radar it, you cannot radar it.
38:48 It has to be seen.
38:51 NASA has now mounted the telescope
38:53 and it's circulating out there the NEO,
38:56 the NEO Surveillance Mission telescope
38:59 and it's just looking,
39:00 snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap,
39:05 seen anything different from yesterday's pictures?
39:07 Snap, snap.
39:11 Desperately looking for what might come upon us.
39:16 And one more caveat.
39:19 If they come from out of the sun,
39:22 you will never see them.
39:24 Too bright.
39:27 You look at the sun, you will never see them.
39:30 And guess what?
39:31 The closest one
39:34 just came in August.
39:39 August, they named the asteroid
39:44 2020 2G
39:46 flying at 7.7 miles per second coming out of the sun,
39:51 approached the earth and blew past us
39:53 at 4:08 Universal Time,
39:56 that's early in the morning
39:57 and you know how far it was away?
40:00 Only 1,831 miles from us.
40:05 In fact, it got so close earth's gravity
40:07 and you'll look at the charts pulled it
40:10 and the trajectory of the asteroid
40:12 just went different trajectory.
40:15 It got that close.
40:18 And you know when they found out about it?
40:20 Six hours after it came.
40:23 Too late.
40:25 Too late.
40:28 What are you trying to do, Dwight, scare me?
40:29 No, I'm not trying to scare you.
40:33 The point is, this really is rocket science.
40:39 In fact, a group of scientists,
40:41 they're calling themselves the B612 Foundation.
40:43 On their website,
40:45 you will find it today this one sentence,
40:47 "It's 100% certain
40:50 we'll be hit by a devastating asteroid,
40:53 but we're not 100% certain when."
40:57 Well, I find that very helpful.
40:58 I don't know about you, but I just, you know,
41:00 I was getting worried about these crazy asteroids.
41:03 There's nothing.
41:06 That's where science is right now.
41:09 I'm not belittling science.
41:11 It's science that's trying to wake us up.
41:19 All it would take to fulfill Jesus'
41:21 startling prophecy of a global panic
41:23 because the powers of the heavens
41:25 had been shaken is a single celestial event.
41:28 One asteroid undetected until too late
41:31 or perhaps never detected at all
41:33 slams into this terrestrial ball
41:35 that is home.
41:38 You don't need to know science
41:42 to understand that if the Tunguska,
41:44 the asteroid,
41:47 or even the other the little mini one,
41:50 66 feet long, 20 meters.
41:52 If it had landed in an urban area,
41:59 that they estimate
42:00 that if the Tunguska asteroid struck just rural America now,
42:04 70,000 people just like that gone.
42:07 And billions of dollars of damage.
42:10 If it lands in New York, Chicago, LA,
42:13 I mean, this is the stuff of Hollywood.
42:16 If it lands there,
42:18 we're talking millions of deaths.
42:23 Let's say there were two that hit rather close together,
42:26 what would happen on this planet?
42:29 Ladies and gentlemen, this is not rocket science.
42:31 Now this is just thinking.
42:34 Can you understand
42:35 that the human race would itself panic,
42:39 Jesus describes it, they...
42:41 How did He put it here?
42:43 Well, let's read the two verses again.
42:45 This is Luke 21:25, Jesus speaking,
42:48 "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars.
42:51 And on the earth,
42:53 nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring
42:55 and tossing of the sea.
42:57 People will faint from terror,
43:00 apprehensive of what is coming on the world,
43:02 for the heavenly bodies will be shaken."
43:04 That's not the Second Coming of Christ by the way,
43:07 because they're anticipating even more.
43:08 This isn't like, oh, here's Jesus.
43:10 Let's say that that must be it.
43:11 No, whatever's happened could keep on happening
43:14 and people are panicked.
43:16 And if you determine it is an act of God,
43:19 you know, these people that are praying
43:20 on the National Mall right now,
43:21 they'll have a lot to be praying for them.
43:23 Because if this is an act of God, guess what?
43:25 We are under judgment.
43:26 And this whole baby is coming to an end
43:28 unless we get God to reverse His mind.
43:32 Guys, you can get there from here.
43:35 Do you understand that?
43:36 And what you thought would take months now
43:38 happens overnight.
43:39 Why?
43:40 Because we just got hit by an asteroid.
43:42 Do you understand, sir?
43:43 You got a problem with that?
43:45 No.
43:47 I'm not trying to scare anybody.
43:49 But, oh, man, I'm trying to awaken somebody.
43:53 You can't keep dealing with this slide.
43:55 I know you're 18.
43:57 I can see that.
43:59 I know you're in your early 20s.
44:01 Good for you. I'm proud of you.
44:03 But I'm telling you,
44:05 you can't just go on living
44:07 as if life is going to go on forever and ever, amen.
44:10 It won't.
44:12 This country is already on a trajectory.
44:15 It will not be stopped.
44:19 Please,
44:21 Jesus is coming soon.
44:26 Man, oh, man.
44:29 Put that quote up again please from Ellen White,
44:32 "Transgression has almost reached its limit.
44:34 Confusion fills the world,
44:35 and a great terror is soon to come
44:37 upon human beings.
44:38 The end is very near.
44:40 We who know the truth should be preparing
44:42 for what is soon to break upon the world
44:44 as an overwhelming surprise."
44:46 How better to describe an asteroid?
44:48 I'm not saying
44:49 that she's describing an asteroid.
44:50 I'm not.
44:52 I'm not saying that what I've shared with you,
44:53 in fact, is rock solid
44:54 that we're just locked into this.
44:56 But I am saying that you, what if we were?
44:59 What if it is true?
45:02 Jesus is not describing the falling of the stars,
45:05 I'm sorry, something else will explode
45:09 across the earth
45:11 and the entire population will panic with terror.
45:16 Now, you figure it out.
45:18 You figure it out.
45:20 You think,
45:22 watch, hear,
45:25 think.
45:29 Do you think God gets joy out of this?
45:30 He gets no joy.
45:32 Do you think God gets joy out of watching the fracturing
45:35 the racial socio-economic fracturing in America?
45:38 He gets some kind of pleasure out,
45:40 out of it, are you kidding?
45:44 You think this pandemic has brought heaven joy?
45:46 The devil's invented the pandemic
45:47 and then and the heaven gets joy out of it.
45:49 Well, trying to get in these children's attention,
45:52 are you kidding?
45:54 Do you think that devastating hurricane,
45:55 the ravaging floods that followed it
45:57 was some sort of pleasure moment
45:59 for the kingdom of God in the universe
46:01 watching this planet get pummeled
46:04 calamity after calamity after calamity?
46:07 Do you think God says, well, who cares?
46:11 Love can become so desperate that it cares.
46:14 C.S. Lewis was absolutely right when God,
46:16 when we experience prosperity, God whispers.
46:22 When we experience pain, God with his megaphone shouts.
46:27 Love can be so desperate
46:30 that in order to awaken human beings
46:33 from the stupor
46:38 of their lethargy.
46:41 A page is drawn out of a playbook
46:42 that the human race has never seen before.
46:46 You gonna blame God for that?
46:48 Are you kidding?
46:50 He's not trying to scare you.
46:51 He's trying to waken you up.
46:55 One more quote.
46:57 "Calamities will come," same author,
46:59 "Calamities will come,
47:01 calamities most awful, most unexpected, "
47:04 the title of this homily,
47:05 "and these destructions will follow, "
47:09 like planes at O'Hare runway.
47:14 Keep going.
47:15 "But if men and women who have been deceived
47:17 continue in the same way
47:18 in which they had been walking, "
47:20 and living as if they had forever,
47:21 "disregarding the law of God and presenting falsehoods, "
47:25 teachers, "presenting falsehoods
47:26 before the people, " keep reading,
47:28 "God allows them to suffer calamity,
47:32 " He allows it, "that their senses may be,"
47:34 what's the word?
47:36 "Awakened."
47:37 Hey, do you remember when we used to stay in hotels?
47:42 Huh?
47:44 Those are the days where they, they actually made your bed.
47:48 Now you got to make your own bed.
47:51 So last time I stayed in a hotel
47:52 was in the month of February,
47:54 I'm in Pennsylvania, it's wonderful.
47:58 But you know what,
47:59 when you got an early morning flight out
48:00 from wherever you are
48:02 and it's usually the flight going home
48:04 that you don't want to miss,
48:05 I don't mind missing the one going.
48:06 I hate folks that just couldn't make it,
48:08 miss the plane.
48:09 But going home and I'm so jazzed
48:10 and ready to get back to Karen and life here.
48:13 So that I don't trust this little iPhone
48:16 in my hip pocket.
48:17 So you know what I do? I do something else.
48:19 Just as insurance,
48:21 I call down to the front desk and do you know what I request?
48:23 Tell me what I request.
48:26 I request a wake-up call.
48:28 That way I will not sleep,
48:29 I will not sleep through this alarm,
48:31 do you understand me?
48:33 That ringing phone will make sure I wake up.
48:34 Oh mercy, I got to get going.
48:38 We are experiencing today a wake-up call
48:40 from the Almighty Himself.
48:42 This pandemic is not a little something or other,
48:45 this pandemic is to awaken the human race.
48:49 If I can get the whole world in a series of days,
48:53 how do you suppose I could get the world
48:55 in one minute?
49:00 Jesus just told us how.
49:05 Wake-up call,
49:06 I'm not trying to scare anybody.
49:08 But I'm trying to wake us up while Ellen White wrote
49:10 a one sentence prayer,
49:12 I have it written in my Bible, "God of heaven, wake us up!"
49:15 Six words long.
49:16 "God of heaven, wake us up!"
49:18 Hey, let's repeat that prayer together
49:19 out loud in your mask.
49:21 God of heaven, wake us up. Come on.
49:24 God of heaven, wake us up.
49:26 She wrote that prayer desperate as she was.
49:30 I'm desperate.
49:32 God is desperate.
49:34 We're running out of time.
49:36 And we're acting as if we have forever.
49:39 Manana, manana.
49:41 Not now. Not now.
49:42 One day I'll choose Jesus.
49:45 One day I'll give my life fully to Him.
49:47 Not now, I got a lot to live.
49:50 You are crazy.
49:54 You don't have manana.
49:55 I want to ask you something.
49:57 How many not now's do you think you have left?
50:01 No, I'm serious.
50:02 How many not now's do you have left?
50:05 Hey listen, give me your death date.
50:06 Just give me your death date.
50:07 I was in the home of a family
50:09 grieving over one dead right there this morning.
50:11 How many? When's your death day coming?
50:13 Just give me the date.
50:14 You can't do it, can you?
50:16 You cannot do it.
50:17 If you're 18, you can't do it.
50:19 If you're 88, you can't do it.
50:20 Why? Because we don't know.
50:23 I'm not trying to scare you, but I am trying to awaken you.
50:25 You cannot keep living life at this tepid, lethargic pace.
50:29 Something has to change and it has to be you
50:32 asking for that change.
50:35 Jesus is coming soon.
50:37 There will be a generation like the flood
50:39 that will have heard it but said nah, too late.
50:46 If Jesus were to come tonight, would you be ready?
50:49 You say, well, listen,
50:51 I want to live till Jesus comes.
50:52 Okay, be my guest.
50:54 But if He were to come tonight, would you be ready?
50:57 That's what I'm talking about.
51:00 You can't keep putting this off.
51:03 Ralph Carmichael, a great composer,
51:06 few years ago wrote a wonderful song,
51:09 "The Savior is waiting to enter your heart."
51:13 Do you remember that one? Yeah.
51:15 Why don't you let Him come in?
51:17 There's nothing in this world to keep You apart.
51:19 What is your answer to Him?
51:22 Hours after Jesus spoke these words,
51:24 He's hanging on Calvary.
51:25 Greater love has no man than this
51:27 than to lay down His life for His friends.
51:29 You are a friend of God in that balcony.
51:31 You are a friend of God
51:32 watching alumni on online today.
51:34 You are a friend of God
51:35 sitting up here in front of the church,
51:37 you are a friend of God.
51:38 Jesus laid down His life for you.
51:43 God has demonstrated His own love for us
51:45 and that while we were sinners, Christ died for us.
51:48 You are loved, my man, you are loved today to the max.
51:53 As that line go, see what great love
51:55 the Father is lavished on us
51:57 that we should be called the children of God.
52:01 Everything's ready for you.
52:03 All Jesus needs is for you to say yes, Lord,
52:06 I didn't know I was going to be in church today
52:08 but that guy's got me thinking.
52:10 Yes, Lord, I give You my heart.
52:13 I give You my life. You may have me.
52:17 And I'll do whatever You ask of me.
52:21 And the only thing He would ever ask of you
52:23 is what you would want.
52:24 And you can see the whole story from His vantage point.
52:28 He loves you.
52:30 The Savior is waiting to enter your heart.
52:35 I've asked Chuck Reed, my friend to sing this song.
52:37 It's just, is a powerful song. You know what?
52:40 He may be singing the words to you,
52:42 I don't know
52:44 but He may be singing the words to you.
52:47 Listen, please.
53:07 The Savior is waiting
53:12 To enter your heart
53:17 Why don't you Let Him
53:20 Come in?
53:24 There's nothing in this world
53:28 To keep you apart
53:33 What is your answer
53:36 to Him?
53:42 Time after time
53:46 He has waited before
53:51 And now
53:53 He is waiting again
54:00 To see
54:03 If you're willing
54:05 To open the door
54:11 Oh, how He wants to come in
54:20 If you'll take one step
54:24 Toward the Savior, my friend
54:30 You'll find His arms
54:34 Open wide
54:38 Receive Him
54:41 And all of your darkness Will end
54:48 Within your heart
54:51 He'll abide
54:57 Time after time
55:02 He has waited before
55:07 And now He is waiting again
55:16 To see
55:19 If you're willing
55:22 To open the door
55:29 Oh, How He wants
55:34 To come in.
55:43 Oh, God, we lift up our hearts to You.
55:47 These moments in the word,
55:50 the spirit was here,
55:53 that we want to be obedient to whatever you wish.
55:56 Jesus is coming soon.
55:59 It isn't even rocket science.
56:03 We want to be that friend
56:08 that Jesus called us
56:09 before He laid down His life for us.
56:12 We want Him as our friend,
56:14 we want the Father, our friend, the spirit,
56:16 our friend forever and ever.
56:18 Take our decisions that are being made right now.
56:21 As far as this electronic signal
56:23 is reaching right now,
56:24 be with the man, the woman, the teenager, at this moment,
56:28 struggling over a decision
56:30 that you're calling them to make.
56:35 We hear you.
56:37 One day, we'll see You.
56:39 But till then, dear Jesus, hold us close.
56:45 In Your mighty name that all the worshipers say,
56:49 amen and amen.
57:06 We've been really blessed
57:08 by the financial support that comes from our viewers,
57:10 and we've made a conscious decision
57:11 not to continually appeal to you
57:14 for that support.
57:15 Fact is, as everyone in the industry
57:17 will tell you,
57:18 we're needing to make constant upgrades
57:19 to our technology.
57:21 So if God has blessed you,
57:22 and you'd like to further the work
57:24 of this ministry,
57:25 we invite you to partner with us.
57:27 Not a single penny of your donation will go to me.
57:29 Every bit of your gift goes to the mission
57:31 of blessing your community and our world.
57:34 You can donate on our website,
57:37 or call the number,
57:38 you know the number 877-HIS-WILL.
57:41 Again that number is 877, the two words, HIS-WILL.
57:45 And may the God who is blessed you
57:47 continue to pour into your life
57:49 the gifts of His joy and His hope.
57:51 Thank you, and I'm looking forward
57:53 to seeing you right here again next time.


Revised 2020-10-26