New Perceptions

Prepared?—Turning Young Radicals Into Social Missi

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP200229S

00:00 ♪♪
00:10 >> So, I wanted to share a little something with you.
00:14 This week, I've been thinking a lot about what it means
00:16 to have faith and to have a child-like faith.
00:20 I'm thinking about children, not for myself, not yet, but I
00:24 do work with a lot of children and I'm grateful to, because
00:26 God points them out as an example of
00:28 how our faith should be.
00:30 I was talking with a friend this week. She's working
00:32 for ADRA in Mongolia. She's always trying to, you know, meet, make new friends
00:37 'cause she just got there, and she said she met some other Christians, some Europeans.
00:40 They invited her to go out looking for wildlife. She said, "I didn't really know
00:46 what that meant, but we ended up just, like, crouching in the forest.
00:50 We were trying to see this one kind of bird that this guy really wanted to see."
00:53 And she said he wanted to see it so much that I decided to ask God.
00:58 I said, "God knows this man and He knows how much this guy wants to see this bird.
01:03 And God loves to make us happy with those little joys." And, so, she said she prayed,
01:07 and there popped up the bird. And this just reminds me of how God does so much stuff for us
01:13 just to make us happy, just to encourage us in this life, and give us the little joys.
01:18 And so we can have that childlike awe and joy in this world that God gave us.
01:23 So, today, as we worship God, let's just remember what he's done for us,
01:27 all those small things and those big things, like making us heirs to his throne.
01:31 But we have so much to be thankful for. Let's just bow our heads for
01:35 a prayer before we start. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for being
01:41 such a good father to us, for knowing the things that we like and the things
01:47 that will encourage us. And, Lord, I know that you reached out to me in a special
01:51 way this week, and I thank you, God, for all the ways that the people in this room
01:57 saw you working. And I pray, Lord, that you would give us the courage
02:02 to ask things of you, Lord, to exercise our faith, and to ask, believing that
02:07 you will give an answer. Lord, you've shown us so many times in the past
02:11 that you work like this. and so we thank you and we're claiming it.
02:15 And today. instead of asking, we just want to give something back.
02:17 God, we want to praise you. We just want to offer our genuine worship.
02:21 Thank you for being our father. In your name, we pray.
02:24 Amen. ♪♪
08:11 >> Please stand with us as we sing "No Longer Slaves."
12:59 >> During this next song, we just want to invite
13:01 whoever would like to come forward to pray,
13:04 just make your way here towards the front.
13:07 ♪♪
18:05 >> Alright, so, here's a story from one of my -- our story scouts named Sharon Nugent.
18:12 She found this. It's happening just two Wednesdays ago.
18:15 Oh, it's the middle of the night. It might be early morning.
18:17 It's pitch-black. And he's driving all alone in his FedEx truck.
18:21 Have you ever seen a FedEx truck? Yes, you have.
18:24 You've seen them. Uh-huh.
18:26 He's driving that FedEx truck and he's on I-85.
18:30 So, that's a big interstate in North Carolina.
18:33 He's driving down the road. He must have some pickup
18:35 or delivery to do, and, boy, he's just driving to beat
18:37 the band, when, all of a sudden, he notices, in the passing lane
18:40 ahead, there is a car in trouble.
18:42 The car is in big trouble. It's just stopped. You're not supposed to stop
18:45 in the passing lane unless you're in real trouble. So he says, "Well,
18:49 I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to be a good neighbor and I'm going to pull right
18:52 over." So he pulls over on the slow lane, on the side
18:57 there. He pulls over and he jumps out. He walks over there
19:00 and he sees a man's in trouble. He can't get the car started. He says, "Well,
19:03 I think I can help you." He's just getting ready to pull out his cellphone
19:07 to call somebody to help this driver when he sees a huge semitruck just...
19:13 [ Imitates engine revving ] ...just barreling down the road. He's coming straight at him.
19:18 "This guy's going to hit me. This guy is gonna hit me. Doesn't he see me?
19:23 I know it's dark, but I'm gonna jump over this fence into the median and
19:27 I'm going to let him go 'woom!' And when when he's done, I'll get back over the fence
19:30 and I'm gonna help this poor driver." So, that's exactly what he did.
19:34 As the truck comes barreling towards him, he jumps over the fence and he
19:37 said, "Okay, now I'll be fine. The problem was -- He said, "This is really weird.
19:44 There's nothing under my feet. Well, there will be something under my feet in a split second.
19:50 There's nothing under my feet now. Well, this is really weird.
19:53 I'm falling through the air. How could I be falling through the air
19:57 on an interstate highway? This is really weird." And he's starting to go faster.
20:03 And he's starting to go faster. And this is happening in a half a second.
20:07 He's going faster and faster. And he says, "I don't know where I'm going to stop."
20:12 You know what happened to him? He jumped off -- he didn't know this --
20:16 but the Yadkin River Bridge. He just jumped off the bridge. He thought this was a little
20:20 grass median right there. "I'll just jump over here." Whoop!
20:23 He went "whoop!"
20:34 That's exactly what happened. Do you know how high it was? Look straight up.
20:40 You see that middle line? That's the peak of our roof. That's 50 feet from right here.
20:45 50 feet to there. Add 25 more feet, 7 1/2 stories. Like jumping off the roof of a
20:54 7-1/2-story building.
21:00 He did not land in the river. He landed on a sandbar. Which is probably worse.
21:07 The guy up top is saying, "This is big trouble. Don't worry about me."
21:11 He's calling 911. "Get the help out here." And a huge fire truck comes in.
21:17 A burly firefighter named Jacob gets off. He said, "What's the problem?"
21:21 "There's somebody down there. He jumped over thinking it was a median, and he's gone."
21:26 Oh, no! They went into the truck, pulled out the rappelling ropes.
21:32 There goes big Jacob down, down, down. His feet finally touch
21:36 something hard. It's the sandbar. And there, he finds him.
21:44 Jeremiah Cribb. And Jeremiah looked up at him and he said, "Whoa!
21:52 That was a fall." [ Laughter ] Seriously. They put a harness
21:57 on him, took him to the hospital. He broke three ribs,
21:59 punctured a lung. But he said, "God --" This is what he told the newspaper.
22:03 "God saved my life." Oh, I think God really did. You can't fall that far.
22:08 You can't jump from that far. But Jeremiah is alive today because a big rescuer
22:13 named Jacob came down and pulled him up and said, "We're going up.
22:16 You stay with me." Oh, Jesus came down one day -- not 75 feet.
22:22 Oh, Jesus came. How many miles was that? I don't know.
22:25 He came all the way down. They let him down from heaven. Come on.
22:27 "Are you there yet, Jesus?" "I'm there now." "Alright,
22:31 you know what your mission is. Save every boy and girl that you can find and moms and dads,
22:34 too." And Jesus spends his life rescuing people.
22:38 Guess what -- Jesus is gone, but He has you. That's the good news.
22:44 He has you to help Him rescue others. How many want
22:48 to be a helper for Jesus? You know what, Jesus? I'll help you. I'll help you.
22:51 Come on. Put your hands up if you want to be a helper for Jesus.
22:54 If you don't want to be a helper for Jesus. No. Put your hands up if you do.
22:57 There you go. Come on. Love on the move. That's what it is.
23:02 Always looking for people to help. That's what Jesus
23:05 was on the cross. He was in love on the move. And that's what we can be.
23:09 Oh, we got to talk to Jesus. Who wants to thank Jesus for being love on the move?
23:14 Let's see. I had girls in first service. How about do I have any boys
23:18 raising their hands right now? Huh? Joshua? I see you. Yep. I see you.
23:26 Too late, guys. Alright, Josh, come on. Josh just got baptized here
23:31 back in December, so... Let's close our eyes and fold our hands, and Joshua's gonna
23:37 pray. >> Holy Father, on this day, you're in heaven, but God
23:45 understands on the Sabbath Day. So now pray. Amen. >> Amen. Thank you, Joshua.
23:54 As you go quietly and reverently back to your seats, you say what Joshua just said.
23:58 Thank you for sending Jesus. And I want to help Jesus, too. Alright? Happy Sabbath to you.
24:04 See you later.
24:08 [ Bells ringing ]
27:06 [ Applause ] Thank you, Resound. You blessed us.
27:17 Thank you again, Marcelo Martins. We needed that today.
27:23 Had a child at the children's story this morning. And he was here.
27:29 At the end of the children's story, he came up to me and he said, "Pastor, would you pray
27:31 for the coronavirus?" And I'm thinking to myself that this story is
27:36 just kind of slipping in between the cracks, and the children aren't getting it.
27:39 Let me tell you something. The children are all getting it. They hear you talking.
27:44 They hear their favorite adults carry on conversations.
27:48 They know. And I want to honor that little boy's request.
27:51 I think we ought to pray right now, don't you? By the way, I had someone who
27:55 was a university student in first service, came and saw me in between services,
27:59 and he said, "You know something, Pastor? It's amazing how we do this,
28:06 but we keep putting people in the hot seat. We identify who they are
28:09 and then we say, 'You know what? Look out for them.'" He's an Asian student.
28:16 He said, "Sometimes, you just feel it. I said, "You're talking
28:21 about on campus?" He said, "No, but it's just society."
28:25 And I thought to myself, "Man, it can't happen that way in the faith community,
28:29 not this community. We don't isolate anybody. We embrace -- Love on the move
28:34 means you embrace everybody." I grew up in an Asian country, 14 years.
28:39 I love Asians. Come on. You'd be... Anyway, you got the point.
28:46 We just can't do it. We just cannot do it. I don't care
28:49 if they do it out there. I don't care if they do it on TV or on the radio.
28:53 We don't do it. We're all in this together. Let's pray.
28:56 Father, this coronavirus thing -- we can't figure it out. The stock market -- plunging.
29:01 What's up with that? So the little boy makes a good point.
29:07 Instead of talking about it, we can pray about it. And so we are right now.
29:11 We're praying that you will give wisdom to the doctors in every nation on Earth
29:16 who are racing to find some stopgap that can bring the ravages to a halt.
29:24 You've done it before. You can do it again. And here we are in worship.
29:30 We're all one family in worship. Let our teaching be clear, very clear.
29:35 We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
29:38 One of the most-watched videos of TED Talks in history,
29:44 viewed by 11.8 million people, was a short talk delivered by
29:50 a gentleman named Simon Sinek. And maybe you've seen it.
29:54 The title of the YouTube, "How Great Leaders Inspire Action."
29:58 Here's Sinek's point. He says, "You have to embrace
30:04 the power of why."
30:09 Why do I exist? Why am I here? What's up with this?
30:14 What's the purpose of my life right now? Sinek's point -- you have to
30:17 embrace the power of why because if you don't understand your why, you will never get your how
30:24 right. Turns out Simon Sinek and our friend, the Angel Gabriel --
30:34 both know the truth. Until you know the why, you'll never get your how.
30:40 So, let's go to Gabriel. Simon Sinek, we got it. Let's go to Gabriel.
30:46 Luke chapter 1. We were there last week, but there's a line here.
30:51 Oh, there's a line that I've been brooding on for a bunch of months now.
30:54 I don't know what this coronavirus means on the planet. I don't know how pieces fit.
31:00 It's not for me to know, but I'm thinking more and more if I -- And I've taped this, by the way,
31:05 where I have "worship" right on the wall. I'm thinking more and more,
31:08 "If we don't get this right, we're gonna be here forever." So, here's the one line that
31:12 I've been brooding over. I want to share it with you. Open your Bible to
31:14 Luke chapter 1. Now, Luke, Chapter 2 is the big Christmas story.
31:17 Everybody loves Christmas. But this is chapter 1, which is the pre-Christmas story.
31:22 So, something's gonna happen now. A baby's gonna get born.
31:25 Two babies get born, one in chapter 2 and one in 1.
31:27 This is the baby in 1. So, let's drop down to verse 11.
31:31 "Then an angel of the Lord appeared to him."
31:33 We'll find the angel's name in just a moment.
31:35 "Angel of the Lord appeared to him --" that would be elderly
31:38 Zechariah -- "standing at the right hand of the altar of
31:41 incense. And when Zechariah saw the
31:43 angel --" I would have certainly reacted the same way, and I
31:46 suppose you would, as well -- "he was startle and was
31:49 gripped," choked, throttled, "with fear."
31:52 Well, I'd be throttled. "And the angel said to him,
31:56 'Do not be afraid.'" I love that because once you
32:01 understand the why, all this nervousness about, "How do I
32:06 pull off the how?" is drained away.
32:10 "You don't have to be afraid," the angel says.
32:12 "Listen, your prayer has been heard."
32:14 Keep reading. "'Your wife Elizabeth will bear
32:15 you a son, and you are to call him John.'"
32:18 "Now, listen, Zechariah. Are you listening to me?" The man can hardly breathe.
32:22 "Are you listening to me? Because I am now gonna give you the why for your baby's life,
32:26 and it is up to you, sir, to tell this baby what his why is." And if you're a young parent, as
32:32 we just had two young parents standing here, it is your mission, Mommy and Daddy, to
32:37 tell your child what her why is, what his why is. You've got to tell them.
32:44 So, Zechariah -- Listen to me.
32:45 Verse 16. Here it comes. "He --" your baby -- "will bring
32:49 back many of the people of Israel to the Lord their God."
32:51 Verse 17 -- "And he --" John -- "will go on before the Lord, in
32:55 the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the
32:58 parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of
33:01 the righteous -- to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."
33:07 Now, Zechariah has just been given this stunning why for his baby, but Zechariah, so human,
33:14 does what we humans do. We don't celebrate the why. We start asking the how.
33:21 And I'm afraid it's that way in the church, as well. We've forgotten the why perhaps,
33:26 but we've got all kinds of hows going on -- "How this, how that, try this, how, how, how, how,
33:31 how." And God is saying, "What are you talking about, how, how, how?
33:33 I'm talking to you about why, why, why." Until you know the why -- the
33:37 power of why, Simon Sinek -- Until you know the power of why, your hows won't matter.
33:44 You have to know why you exist. That's true for an institution, a congregation, and you and me
33:50 as people. Do you know why you exist? I'm asking you.
33:55 Why were you born? Why are you on this planet right now?
33:58 There is a reason. You have to know it. Now, what Gabriel has just done
34:03 is the one-line mission statement, the powerful, stunning why for
34:09 John the Baptist. John the Baptist was to get them ready for the Messiah's first
34:13 coming. Guess what. You came along just in time to
34:17 get the world ready for the Messiah's second coming. And I'm telling you, fellow
34:22 groupies watching the horizon, the evidence is mounting that Jesus is coming soon.
34:30 I didn't think I get an "Amen" anyway. >> Amen.
34:33 >> Huh? Yeah, He is coming soon, whether you "amen" it or not.
34:38 >> Amen. >> "To make ready --" Let's put that on the screen, please.
34:42 "To make ready a people prepared for the Lord." That's the great why.
34:46 And Zechariah -- bless his heart -- he doesn't say, "I want to celebrate the why."
34:50 His first word -- what's the first word out of his mouth? Look at the next verse.
34:54 It would be chapter 1, verse 18. Put it on the screen for us, please.
34:57 Zechariah asks the angel what? "Yo, how? How? How? How can I be sure of this?
35:05 I am an old man, and my wife is well along in years." And by the way, gentlemen, since
35:09 this is Family Life Day with a little baby dedication going on, that's how you talk about your
35:13 wife's age -- "I'm old, but she's well along in years." That's the best way to do it
35:17 'cause if you say, "I'm old and she's old," you may not live to be old.
35:20 [ Laughter ] So just take a lesson out of the playbook of Zechariah.
35:24 "I'm old, and she's well along in years. How?"
35:30 Gabriel says, "Excuse me? Excuse me? Did you just ask how?
35:39 I just gave you the why, and you're asking me how? Do you know who I am?"
35:44 Look at the next verse. "Do you know who I am?
35:46 I am Gabriel. I am the prime minister of this
35:51 universe." Do you understand there is a
35:53 King and the next highest being to the King is the prime
35:56 minister? Do you understand that?
35:58 You'd have to be from the U.K. to figure that out, but that's
36:00 how it works. "I am the prime minister.
36:04 My name is Gabriel. I stand in the very presence of
36:08 God, and I came here to give you some good news.
36:11 And you're talking to me, boy, about how?"
36:15 Until you get your why straight, you will never know how. I'm telling you, we are just
36:22 like -- Well, Simon Sinek knew how to talk to us and Gabriel knew how to talk to Zechariah
36:26 because we're all the same. Human nature -- "How, how, how, how, how, how, how, how?"
36:30 We have all these hows running around, and nobody knows the why.
36:33 Isn't that sad? One line -- could you put it on the screen for us again, please?
36:37 "To make ready a people prepared for the Lord," which is why, by the way, Matthew, Mark, Luke,
36:43 and John all quote one line from the ancient prophet Isaiah. Isn't that amazing?
36:49 They don't agree, often, all four of them, with the same material, but they do this one.
36:54 So, go over to Luke chapter 3. Come on. Go to Luke chapter 3. Because when you find this why,
36:59 as it's expressed in Luke 3, there will be a how thrown in, and it's that how that you and I
37:05 are gonna kind of say, "Whoa, there's the how." Watch this. Luke chapter 3.
37:11 Luke is a historian, plus being a physician. And it can happen this way.
37:16 The historians -- you know, they got a lot of footnotes.
37:19 And so Luke has thrown in these footnotes.
37:21 We'll go ahead and read them in verse one of Luke chapter 3.
37:24 "In the 15th year, the reign of Tiberius Caesar --" we're
37:26 talking about the big emperor -- "when Pontius Pilot was governor
37:29 of Judea --" you've heard of him -- "Herod, tetrarch of
37:32 Galilee --" we all know him -- "his brother Phillip, tetrarch
37:35 of Iturea and Traconitis, and Lysanias, tetrarch of Abilene --
37:40 during the high-priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas --" here we
37:42 go now -- "the Word of God came to John, son of Zechariah,
37:46 in the wilderness. He went into all the country
37:50 around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance and
37:52 forgiveness of sins." Now, here it comes.
37:54 All four Gospels quote this line.
37:57 "As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet:
38:01 'A voice of one calling in the wilderness, "Prepare the way for
38:06 the Lord and make straight paths for Him."'"
38:09 Hey, let's iso that line and put it on the screen right now.
38:12 "A voice of one calling in the wilderness, 'Prepare the way for
38:16 Him.'"
38:17 You say, "Dwight, I see the why there. The why is "To make ready a
38:21 people prepared for the Lord." Where's the how? The how is sitting right in
38:25 front of us -- "A voice of one calling in the wilderness." When you know that you have the
38:33 the why -- "To make ready a people prepared for the Lord" -- the modus operandi for the why
38:38 is voice. It's voice. You have a voice.
38:42 I have a voice. We use the voice. You say, "Ah, Dwight, come on."
38:47 No, no, seriously. That's it. The big why -- "Make ready a people prepared for the Lord."
38:51 How do we do it? You be a voice. I have good news for you.
38:54 It doesn't say "the voice" because that really makes me nervous.
38:57 If it says "the voice," I'm thinking, "Man, all of Heaven is looking on me for this?
39:01 Please deliver me from that pressure." No, it doesn't say "the voice."
39:04 It says "a voice." Just as there was a voice before the Messiah came the first time,
39:09 there will be thousands of voices -- so, they'll be all little "a voices" -- before the
39:14 Messiah comes the second time. You're that voice, and I'm that voice.
39:18 And guess what? It doesn't have to be a voice, voice.
39:21 It can be an electronic voice. Listen to this. I just learned this last week.
39:26 I met a guy that I'd never met before in my life. His name is Bakar.
39:30 I just met him last week, last Thursday, as a matter of fact. Bakar is from the country of
39:37 Georgia. Now, we're not talking about Atlanta, Georgia.
39:40 We're talking about Tbilisi, Georgia. It's a little country south of
39:46 Russia and north of Iran, okay? There is Georgia. The Georgian language is one of
39:52 the 10 oldest languages on this planet. Guess what.
39:55 There aren't a lot of people that speak one of the 10 oldest languages of Earth.
40:00 They've all died off. But there are people who have been driven out of Georgia
40:06 because of political changes over the years, and they live in New York and in L.A. and in
40:12 Paris. There are Georgian-speaking people all over this planet,
40:16 about four million of them. Bakar came over here to go to school.
40:20 He got his major in landscaping, and then he got a job in Chicago, so he lives in this
40:25 community and he works in Chicago. But Bakar has been thinking,
40:30 "You know what? There's a why for my life." Bless his heart. He got it.
40:36 "The why for my life is to make ready a people prepared for the Lord," and he says, "I got to
40:40 do something. God, what can I do?" Well, one of the great rules
40:44 of life, one of the great tips for living is this -- find a need and fill it.
40:51 That's how great things get done. Somebody finds a need and says,
40:55 "Hey, well, I'll do it." There's nobody communicating to the Georgians.
40:59 And you know what he says? "I'm gonna communicate to my fellow Georgians wherever they
41:03 live on this planet. I'm gonna start a YouTube station, and I'm gonna --
41:06 Oh, brother, I can't. There's no literature for my faith community in Georgian.
41:12 Oh, they have a little book called "Steps to Christ," but that's it.
41:16 So you know what he did? He found some English study guides.
41:20 He said, "I'll translate these." He got his little smartphone. He put up a table in his
41:25 apartment, one lamp -- that's all you need -- and a laptop. He's good to go.
41:30 And he starts recording messages in Georgian to anybody out there that might speak Georgian.
41:39 Well, how are they gonna find out about this?
41:41 Well, he has a little social-media account, and he
41:43 starts posting, "Hey, I've started a little Georgian
41:46 YouTube station. You need to check it out.
41:48 Hey, I've started this Instagram.
41:50 I started a new -- Check it out."
41:53 And slowly people started checking it out.
41:55 Now, hold onto your pew because he says, "Well, then I'm gonna
41:57 record some more," so he records more.
42:00 And they're posted. And the diaspora of the
42:04 Georgians has taken him to the whole planet, but they're all
42:06 tuning in.
42:07 To the place today, he has 94,000 viewers who are following and tracking his humble little
42:14 "To make ready a people prepared for the Lord." >> Amen!
42:18 >> Huh? Listen, you can be social-media missionary.
42:23 It says you're gonna use a voice, a voice of one crying in the wilderness.
42:26 Well, you got a social-media voice. Use that voice.
42:30 You don't have to stand in front of 94,000 people. And by the way, Bakar never knew
42:35 that this thing would explode like that. But the God of the universe who
42:39 laid His laid on Bakar's heart the great why said, "Once you get the why, I'll help you
42:44 with the how."
42:46 In fact, would you put that on the screen, please?
42:48 "When you know your why, God will guide you to your how."
42:52 That's the way it works.
42:55 Wow, Bakar. 94,000? "Yeah, but, Dwight, I got to tell you something -- I can't
43:01 speak." Well, nobody said you had to speak to 94,000 people, but
43:06 through social media, you can surely speak. All you need is a smartphone --
43:10 I repeat -- a laptop, and a light bulb, and you can become a voice in the wilderness of
43:15 social media saying, "The Lord I believe in is coming soon. You need to meet Him before
43:21 He comes." You can do it. We're not talking about rocket
43:25 science here. Wow. A voice of one crying out.
43:31 I got a love on -- Listen, speaking of love on the move -- So, one of our members here
43:37 said, "Hey, Dwight, I got a 'love on the move' story for you."
43:39 Well, I think this will fit right here perfectly. So, a few years ago -- well,
43:43 this would be less than three -- about two and a half years ago, in September.
43:47 Adamere -- Adamere is thinking. [ Speaking foreign language ] He's thinking right here in this
43:57 little village called Berrien Springs. And he goes to his wife, Abby,
44:00 and he says, "Yo, Abby, what do you think? Could I do something like this?"
44:04 She says, "Well, you could try." So, what does he do? He carves out a new website.
44:10 He gives it a name. He says, "Okay, I have a goal, God.
44:13 I need --" What was the goal? "I need 100,000 people by the end of the year.
44:21 By December 26th, just after Christmas, I went to check the results and, to my surprise,
44:26 thanks be to God, I had reached more than 300,000 people." Hoo!
44:32 And, by the way, I've been to his website. It's not a picture of him
44:35 talking. He's not doing any talking at all.
44:36 He's pulling quotations in. He's just putting stuff out. He has other people talking.
44:41 You don't even see their faces. Wow. And he says, "Oh, by the way --"
44:46 because he's from Brazil. He said, "I have a family reunion in Brazil that occurs
44:50 every second Sunday of January, so I went to Brazil and left the campaign running.
44:53 I promoted it on Facebook and, you know, all the links and so on and so on, two websites that
44:57 I host. To my amazement and complete surprise, when I returned to the
45:00 U.S. of 'A' and went to check the campaign, the results were astonishing.
45:03 I had reached an unbelievable number of more than 1.8 million people."
45:08 Started in September. He's got 1.8 million by January. Come on, guys.
45:15 The guy is not a Web producer. He's sitting right here. Looks a lot like you.
45:21 You can do this. Electronic voice -- you can have electronic voice.
45:26 And then he gets a phone call. in March. So, you got September,
45:29 Christmas, January. Now, in March, he gets a phone call from somebody in
45:33 Mozambique. And in Mozambique, they speak Portuguese.
45:36 So, this guy is speaking broken Portuguese, and he says, "Hey, you the guy that's running this
45:41 thing?" WhatsApp -- he got the call on WhatsApp.
45:43 He says, "You the guy that's running this thing?" He said, "I am."
45:45 He said, "Hey, yo, what church are you?" He says, "That ought to be
45:48 obvious to you." It wasn't. He said, "Seventh-Day
45:52 Adventist." "Oh, really?" He starts carrying on a
45:56 conversation a few weeks later. Somebody else contacts him. "They say we're having a big
46:01 series in --" What's the name of the city? "Maputu." Maputo.
46:05 "And would you mind plugging it in the U.S.? You just plug it on your
46:08 social-media sites. Plug this new series." They had this series.
46:13 Guess what. Now they were reaching more than 4.8 million people on that
46:21 website. And he writes here, "Dwight, it's not a typo.
46:24 4.8, capital 'M,' with more than 458 baptisms. To God be the glory."
46:30 Isn't that something? You don't have to do nothing but put up that little smartphone,
46:36 get that laptop moving, hang a lamp. And if you don't want to talk,
46:41 get somebody else to talk. You want to just put text on it. 4.8 million people.
46:50 Once you know the why -- Let's put that on the screen again.
46:53 "When you know your why, God will guide you into your how."
46:57 You say, "Dwight, I don't know what to do. I can't speak."
46:59 You already mentioned that. But I remind you -- there was somebody else that couldn't
47:05 speak. God said, "Hey, I have a big how for you now that you know --
47:08 "My why --" God said to him, "Moses, my why is to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."
47:12 And Moses said, "Yo, forget it. I can't speak.
47:17 Put it on the screen. Let's see this little breakout
47:20 dialogue. "Moses said to the Lord, 'Pardon
47:22 your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent,
47:24 neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant.
47:27 I am slow of speech and tongue.'"
47:28 "And I stutter.
47:30 I don't even know the language of Egypt, and you're asking me to go to Pharaoh?
47:33 You got to forget it." God responds, not real happily, but He responds.
47:40 And the Lord said to Moses, "Who gave human beings their mouths -- you or me?"
47:45 Moses said, "You did." Then God says, "Now go then. I will help you speak, and I
47:50 will teach you what to say." So, this business about, "Well, I just can't talk to people, I'm
47:55 just this little wallflower that doesn't say a word" -- Come on. God says, "I've given you a
48:00 voice, girl. Use the voice for me. You just open your mouth and
48:03 you'll start speaking and I will speak through you. Don't -- Don't worry."
48:09 "Yeah, but you know what? I'm too young." Oh, come on.
48:12 "You know, I'm a Gen-Z'er, but I'm way too young to --" Well, talk to Bakar about that,
48:16 number one. Number two, are you really too young?
48:19 You're the guys that own cyberspace right now. You're not too young.
48:24 I mean, Jeremiah tried that one.
48:26 God says, "Good luck, Jeremy." Watch this -- Jeremiah 1:6.
48:32 "'Alas, Sovereign Lord,' I said, 'I do not know how to speak;
48:34 I am too young.' And the Lord says to me, 'Do not
48:37 say, "I am too young." You must go to everyone I send
48:40 you to and say whatever I command you.
48:42 So don't be afraid for them -- don't be afraid of them, for I
48:46 am with you and I will rescue you,' declares the Lord."
48:49 Folks, it doesn't get any better than that. Once you know your why, God will
48:52 give you your how, and the how often starts with a mouth, the use of the mouth.
48:56 You'll be okay. You can do it. I've been brooding on this line
49:02 for a long time -- "To make ready a people prepared for the Lord."
49:04 And I'm just wondering -- are we ready? Are we even doing anything
49:10 about it? How can we just sit here, get entertainment on Sabbaths, go
49:15 home and live life the way we always lived it, and we're making no appreciable difference
49:20 on this planet? You have a voice. Now, it's true -- you may have a
49:27 printed voice. You may be a writer. You may have an electronic
49:30 voice, of course. You may have -- You may have a social-media voice, of course.
49:36 You may have just a simple voice, but the voice needs to be used.
49:40 That's how communication takes place. To make read a people prepared
49:44 for the Lord. Wow. We had a kid that was standing
49:47 right here on Thursday at chapel. His name is Justin Ku.
49:52 And he's using his social-media platform to beat the band. Now, the kid is smart, and he --
49:56 I talked to him afterwards. I said, "Listen, would you be willing to come back here
49:59 sometime? We'll just have a little training session for people who
50:03 want to use social media for proclaiming the Gospel of the Lord Jesus."
50:07 He said, "Sure, I'd be happy to come anytime." He started using social media
50:14 on his barber, okay? He has an atheist barber. He's using social media on him,
50:20 and the barber gets baptized. [ Chuckles ] "Are you serious?" "Yeah, I spoke to him in a
50:28 language he could understand -- social media." He told a fascinating story,
50:34 a fascinating story. Listen, it doesn't matter how old you are or how young you
50:38 are. It doesn't matter to God at all. You got a voice, use it.
50:40 You don't have a voice, you have no vocal cords, that's fine.
50:44 You've got this voice. Use this voice. This is your voice.
50:46 Use it. Use it. Use it. Use it. "Speak for me. In the wilderness of this
50:52 culture, cry out for me. Tell them I'm coming." "Come to Jesus.
50:59 Come to Jesus now." Wow. How many stories do you need?
51:04 The point is -- Put on the screen again -- when you know
51:08 your why, God will guide you to your how.
51:14 Don't worry about solving this whole thing. Sit down with the Holy Spirit.
51:17 Take your little smartphone. You got a note app on there. And just write down, "I could
51:21 do this," or, "I might try this," or, "I think I might --" "What do you think, Holy Spirit?
51:24 I got eight suggestions of ways I could raise a voice." And let the Holy Spirit just
51:29 kind of say, "You know what, boy? You know what, girl?
51:32 I think -- Why don't you try that one first?" That's what He does for a
51:36 living. He needs your voice. That's how the planet hears --
51:44 human voices. Oh, Jesus did say, "Listen, if you guys don't speak, I'm gonna
51:49 have the rocks crying out. The rocks will proclaim my coming if you keep silent,
51:54 Adventists." You keep calling yourself Adventists.
51:59 You don't even believe Jesus is coming soon. "Have mercy" is right.
52:04 Just quit calling yourself an Adventist then. Just say, "Well, I don't know
52:07 what I am, but, you know, obviously, I don't believe..." Nah, don't do that.
52:13 You got a voice. Use the voice for the King. So, you don't want to be a
52:18 social missionary. I get it. You know what?
52:21 Be a student missionary. Bunch of college students, university students sitting
52:24 right here. You can be a university student. You don't want to be a
52:27 social-media missionary? Fine. Be a university student.
52:29 Listen, I'll tell you whether you're made for a student
52:33 missionary or not. I'm gonna give you a little
52:34 checklist, and you go check, check, check in your mind.
52:36 Okay, here comes number one. If you have a little adventure
52:39 in your soul -- Do you have adventure in your soul?
52:41 I can tell just by looking at you.
52:42 You have it, okay? Check. Okay, here comes number two.
52:45 Number two -- you have a heart for faraway places.
52:49 Oh, come on. There's no Gen-Z'er who doesn't
52:50 have a heart for faraway places. Here's number three -- you have
52:53 a stomach for foreign food. And that's not Taco Bell, by the
52:56 way. That's foreign food.
52:58 You got a heart for that. You got a stomach for it.
53:00 Oh, here's one more -- and you have a spirit for becoming a missionary even for just a year.
53:06 Check! "To make ready a people prepared for the Lord" is the perfect why
53:12 for student missionaries at Andrews University. Now, the leaders of this campus
53:16 know we have far too few student missionaries. I agree with them.
53:22 It's not their fault. You got to sign up to be a student missionary.
53:25 They can't use conscription. You got to say, "You know what? I've been thinking about it,
53:31 Dwight. I could take a year off. I'm getting ready to graduate
53:35 this spring. I need a year just to kind of cool my heels.
53:38 I want to be out where people are in need. I'll take a year off, and then
53:42 I'll come back and work on that next step in my career." You could do that.
53:46 "You know, it's my sophomore year. It's a perfect time for me to
53:48 take a year off. I could do that, Dwight. It's a piece of cake."
53:51 Of course you could. I've watched student missionaries go and I've watched
53:56 them come back and I tell you what -- almost to a man and a woman, they come back
54:00 radicalized. Do you know what that means? I'll show you what it means.
54:03 Let me put the words of David Brooks on the screen for you, one of the brilliant
54:07 commentators and writers in this generation. He's just written a book called
54:12 "The Second Mountain." I quoted extensively from it last week, but here's just one
54:15 line from him. Put it on the screen for you.
54:17 Watch this -- David Brooks writing, "I no longer
54:21 believe --" David Brooks. "I no longer believe that the
54:25 cultural and moral structures of our society are fine, and all we
54:29 have to do is fix ourselves individually."
54:32 Nope, nope, nope. His book is deeply concerned
54:34 over the moral -- the moral collapse in this culture.
54:40 "Over the past few years as a result of personal, national,
54:43 and global events, I have become radicalized."
54:49 It's time for Seventh-Day Adventist young to become radicalized with the great why
54:53 that you've been entrusted -- to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.
54:57 We need some radical young missionaries. You can be a social missionary.
55:01 You can be a student missionary. You can be a simple missionary. We need you. God needs you.
55:09 I'm gonna put this on the screen for you -- two ways that you can become a missionary.
55:13 Number one, if you're a student, go to Campus Ministries or text 269-281-4383.
55:18 Just text them. Say, "Hey, I need to talk to you next week."
55:20 You still have one more week before they they close off sign-up.
55:23 You can do it. I know you can. So text them. Drop into Campus Ministries
55:28 next week. You say, "Dwight, I'm not a student."
55:30 Okay, there's another website for you --
55:33 I went to that website. Listen to this. I counted them. 253 openings right now for you
55:41 to serve on this planet in the U.S. and the entire planet. You want to to take a year off?
55:47 Your career's kind of going through a transition right now? This would be the great year to
55:50 do it. Go onto that website. Don't -- I'm not making you
55:54 commit to anything. Just go to the website. Check it out.
55:56 You can sign up right there. Fact of the matter is, we've all been called to be missionaries.
56:04 I read this in "Desire of Ages" just yesterday, had already written the sermon, then came
56:08 across this line.
56:09 Isn't this something? "Desire of Ages" -- "In the very
56:11 family, the neighborhood, the town, where we live, there is
56:16 work for us to do as missionaries for Christ."
56:19 Hallelujah.
56:22 Our divine why is God's divine "go." That's what it is.
56:28 Jesus said, "Go into all the world. Make disciples of everybody.
56:30 Come on. Go for me. Go, go, go, go." Jesus is coming, so we need to
56:33 be going. That's the deal. It's as simple as that -- "To
56:36 make ready --" one more time, please, on the screen. "To make ready a people prepared
56:41 for the Lord." That's your how. That's your why, rather.
56:44 That's your why. The how is -- use your voice, a voice, in any form you wish.
56:51 Please use it to share the good news. What do you say to that?
56:55 >> Amen!
57:00 >> Before you go, let me take an extra moment to share with you
57:02 an opportunity to get into the Bible in a fresh, new way.
57:04 All across the world, more and more people are hearing
57:07 the call to examine Scriptures for themselves.
57:10 If you've felt drawn to learn more about God's Word
57:12 but you don't know where to start or you're just looking
57:15 for a more in-depth examination of Bible truths,
57:17 then I have something right here that I believe
57:19 you're going to enjoy. I want to send a series
57:22 of guides to get you started. This one is entitled
57:24 "Why Does God Allow Suffering?" Each guide begins with a story
57:27 and an introduction of the subject.
57:29 Then, through a series of focus questions, you'll be
57:31 learning portions of the Bible you may never have known before.
57:34 And when you're through, you'll be able to share
57:36 with others some of these inspiring Bible truths.
57:38 So, just call our toll-free number -- it's on the screen --
57:41 877, the two words HIS-WILL. Our friendly operators
57:45 are standing by to send these study guides to you.
57:47 Once again, that's 877-HIS-WILL. Call that number.
57:52 And then, again, join me next week right here at this same
57:56 time -- "New Perceptions."
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Revised 2020-04-01