New Perceptions

How to Respond to the Supreme Court's Same-Sex Marriage Decision

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Dwight K. Nelson


Series Code: NP

Program Code: NP151003A

00:24 Join us as we sing breathe.
00:29 This is the air I breathe
00:38 This is the air I breathe
00:45 Your holy presence
00:52 Living in me
00:57 Living in me
01:01 This is my daily bread.
01:04 This is my daily bread
01:13 This is my daily bread
01:19 Your very word
01:26 Spoken
01:30 To me
01:35 And I
01:42 I'm desperate for you
01:51 And I
01:58 I'm lost without you
02:07 This is the air I breathe
02:11 This is the air
02:13 I breathe
02:16 This is the air I breathe
02:23 Your holy presence
02:26 Your holy presence
02:33 Living in me
02:39 This is my daily bread
02:44 This is my daily bread
02:48 Lord, I'm hungry for You
02:52 This is my daily bread
02:56 Your very word
03:03 Spoken to me
03:06 Spoken
03:09 To me
03:13 And I
03:20 I'm desperate for you
03:27 And I
03:36 I'm lost without you
03:43 And I
03:50 I'm desperate for you
03:57 I want you to sing this as a prayer and I.
04:00 And I
04:05 I'm lost without you
04:13 And I
04:21 I'm desperate for you
04:30 And I
04:37 I'm lost without you
04:44 I'm lost without you
04:52 I'm lost without you
05:01 So yesterday I was on Facebook as...
05:06 I'm a lot.
05:08 And I came across
05:09 this beautiful, beautiful video.
05:12 It was this video of this family.
05:15 Now this family has been going through something's
05:17 it was a husband and a wife
05:19 and they've been trying so long to have a child.
05:22 They tried four times, four miscarriages,
05:26 and the fifth time a stillborn baby.
05:29 So recently the wife was having trouble losing weight
05:33 she felt, so she went to the doctor.
05:36 And then the doctor gave her the greatest news ever
05:38 he said, "You're pregnant, you're five months along."
05:43 So she was so happy with this news
05:45 but she didn't let the husband know
05:47 so she started dropping little hints.
05:50 She put a whole bag of bread in the oven
05:53 so let him know that there is a bun in the oven.
05:56 And he sat there...
05:58 And going through the oven and she was recording him
06:02 and he goes to the oven and starts to piece it together
06:05 and you see the moment where it hits him.
06:08 And he starts to ask, "You're pregnant?
06:11 You're pregnant?"
06:12 And she says, "Yes,
06:14 I'm actually five months along."
06:16 And I tried to pretend that I didn't cry
06:19 but it just brought tears to my eyes
06:20 because you could tell the exact moment
06:23 where He writes there something in this world
06:25 that He can never not love.
06:27 No matter what happens,
06:29 He could never not love this person,
06:32 his life was changed forever.
06:33 And I started to think of how good God is,
06:36 and where He says in the Bible that
06:37 before He formed us in our mother's womb,
06:39 before time, He loved us.
06:42 And this God is one who knows all of our thoughts.
06:45 He knew from the beginning, our sins,
06:47 all of our evil things within us,
06:49 He knew this but still, before He formed us,
06:52 He loved us,
06:55 and yet still He loves us.
06:57 He sent His Son down for us, the sinners, the unclean,
07:03 the mar in this world in His creation,
07:05 the thing that went wrong,
07:07 and He still loves us.
07:10 So I wanted you to think about that right now,
07:12 as we sing our next song,
07:14 "How deep the Father's love for us,"
07:15 that no matter what He will continue to love you.
07:19 No matter what your faults, He will continue to love you,
07:22 and I just want you to worship Him to the end.
07:24 So please come forward as we sing
07:25 "How deep the Father's love for us."
07:36 How deep the Father's love for us
07:42 How vast beyond all measure
07:47 That He should give His only Son
07:53 To make a wretch His treasure
07:59 How great the pain of searing loss
08:05 The Father turns His face away
08:11 As wounds which mar the chosen One
08:17 Bring many sons to glory.
08:24 Please come forward for prayer tonight.
08:36 Behold the Man.
08:38 Behold the Man upon a cross
08:44 My sin upon His shoulders
08:50 Ashamed I hear my mocking voice
08:56 Call out among the scoffers
09:01 It was my sin that held Him there
09:07 Until it was accomplished
09:13 His dying breath has brought me life
09:18 I know that it is finished
09:24 How many of you are happy that God sent His only Son
09:27 to just end, the end, to say,
09:30 "It is finished, to give us a chance at eternal life?
09:39 I will not boast in anything
09:44 No gifts, no power, no wisdom
09:50 But I will boast in Jesus Christ
09:57 His death and resurrection
10:02 Why should I gain from His reward?
10:08 I cannot give an answer
10:15 But this I know with all my heart
10:21 His wounds have paid my ransom.
10:25 Why should I gain?
10:27 Why should I gain from His reward?
10:33 I cannot give an answer
10:39 But this I know
10:40 But this I know with all my heart
10:47 His wounds have paid
10:50 My ransom.
10:59 Well, good morning, boys and girls,
11:01 nice to see you on this...
11:02 Is this is the first Sabbath of October already?
11:06 Glad, you made it.
11:07 So I'm reading the newspaper a few days ago
11:10 and I read the story.
11:12 I said, "Are you serious?"
11:16 This story is about arachnophobia.
11:19 If you don't know what it means,
11:20 don't worry about it.
11:22 You'll figure it out by the time we get to it.
11:23 All right?
11:25 Happened in Syracuse, Indiana that's not too far south of us.
11:28 Mother gets in the car, Angela Kip, 35 years old,
11:32 little Junior 9 years old in the backseat.
11:35 Let's go to school.
11:36 How many times have you done this,
11:38 gotten in the car with mummy or daddy?
11:40 That's what happened to him today,
11:42 mother starts the car up.
11:43 She begins to drive
11:45 when all of a sudden she feels something
11:48 'cause this is like a couple of weeks ago
11:50 and so she probably didn't have sleeves on.
11:53 She felt something on her shoulder
11:58 and it wasn't just on her shoulder
12:00 but she could tell it's moving.
12:04 It's moving up her shoulder.
12:07 Well, this is very unusual,
12:09 I wonder what this might be and so she turns around to see.
12:16 When she...
12:17 Let's just see the picture please.
12:21 All right, that's not the real one
12:23 but that's just to get the arachnophobia people go on.
12:26 All right?
12:28 So little itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny spider is going up,
12:33 and it's going up her shoulder, and she does not like spiders,
12:39 and the next thing she does is she screams.
12:45 Little Junior in the back goes,
12:47 "Mother, please."
12:48 She screams and then she has to do something
12:52 and she is driving down the road,
12:54 she says, "I'm out of here."
12:55 She opens the door and jumps out.
12:59 True, she did.
13:02 The car is still driving down the road
13:04 and nine-year old Junior is in the backseat,
13:07 he says, "I got to do something."
13:08 And he crawls up over the seat.
13:10 He'd seen mother do this, he gets in the driver side
13:13 and he puts his foot down on that pedal,
13:15 but he didn't hit the break, he hit the accelerator...
13:21 Oh, and boom.
13:24 He hit something without mother in the car.
13:28 Let's see the car first.
13:30 Whoa!
13:32 And let's see what he hit.
13:35 A school bus.
13:38 Now the good news is
13:39 Junior had just little minor injuries and nobody,
13:42 no child on the bus was injured but whoa!
13:46 You know, when I read that story.
13:48 I said, you know, you know what?
13:50 Sometimes you just got to get out.
13:54 You just got to get out.
13:55 You may be traveling, you may be sitting,
13:57 you may be with people, you may be all alone
14:00 but sometimes you just have to get out, get away.
14:04 Sometimes Satan sends his spider of temptation
14:08 and he is crawling up towards our heart
14:10 that temptation is sometimes...
14:13 Sometimes, you just have to get out.
14:18 Oh, I tell you what, I don't what, I don't want.
14:22 You know what?
14:24 I don't want to ever forget that,
14:25 if the spider of temptation comes,
14:28 I have a Savior who can go just like this, "Gone."
14:34 Those are the times oh may Jesus help us.
14:38 Remember, Jesus help me now, that's the prayer and boom!
14:41 The spider of temptation is gone.
14:44 How many agree for that Jesus
14:46 can handle any spider in the world?
14:48 Hallelujah.
14:49 And how many want to say with the other hand,
14:51 Jesus, remind me,
14:53 if sometimes I had to get out just remind me,
14:55 let me hear You speaking.
14:59 Who would like to thank Jesus
15:00 for being that kind of a Savior?
15:02 And just saying, please, young lady.
15:04 Just saying, please Jesus, always be my Savior.
15:08 You come here, sissy.
15:09 What's your name? Kyra.
15:11 Kyra, let's fold our hands and close our eyes,
15:14 as Kyra thanks Jesus.
15:16 Kyra?
15:17 Thank you for giving us the food
15:21 and thank You for our mom and dad.
15:25 And thank You for...
15:33 Amen.
15:35 Thank you, Kyra, for that prayer.
15:37 And as you go quietly
15:38 and reverently back to your seats,
15:39 you can say that thank you, Jesus.
15:41 Thank you.
15:42 Thank you for being the Savior
15:44 that can handle any spider that comes my way.
15:47 God bless you. Happy Sabbath to you.
16:08 There is a redeemer
16:14 Jesus, God's own Son
16:21 Precious Lamb of God, Messiah
16:27 Holy One
16:34 Jesus my redeemer
16:40 Name above all names
16:47 Precious Lamb of God, Messiah
16:53 Oh, for sinners slain
17:00 Thank you oh my Father
17:06 For giving us Your Son
17:13 And leaving Your Spirit
17:18 'Til the work on Earth is done
17:28 When I stand in Glory
17:34 I will see His face
17:40 And there I'll serve my King forever
17:47 In that Holy Place
17:54 Thank you oh my Father
18:00 For giving us Your Son
18:06 And leaving Your Spirit
18:11 'Til the work on Earth
18:16 Is done
18:20 There is a redeemer
18:27 Jesus, God's own Son
18:34 Precious Lamb of God, Messiah
18:41 Holy One
18:48 Thank you oh my Father
18:55 For giving us Your Son
19:01 And leaving Your Spirit
19:07 'Til the work on Earth
19:11 Is done
19:16 Precious Lamb of God
19:21 Messiah
19:24 Holy
19:30 One.
19:42 Amen.
19:54 August 6, 1945,
19:56 bathed in the deadly glow of a single atomic bomb
19:58 over Hiroshima, Japan,
20:00 the world find itself assured into the atomic age.
20:03 Four years later deep behind the Iron Curtain,
20:05 the Soviet Union conducts their first test of an atomic weapon,
20:08 sparking in arms raise the like of which
20:11 the world has never seen.
20:13 Apprehensive scientists
20:14 and intellectuals debate the ominous fate of the planet.
20:17 Three days before his death on April 18, 1955,
20:20 American scientist Albert Einstein
20:22 joins British philosopher Bertrand Russell
20:24 in signing the Russell-Einstein Manifesto.
20:27 The prospect for the human race is somber beyond all precedent.
20:30 Mankind are faced with a clear-cut alternative:
20:33 either we shall all perish, or we shall have to acquire
20:35 some slight degree of common sense.
20:38 Soon after in the village of Pugwash, Nova Scotia,
20:41 22 scientists including 10 Nobel laureates
20:44 gathered to ponder how to avert
20:46 the Cold War's threat of nuclear obliteration
20:49 and forge a plan of global peace.
20:51 And half a century later the quest still goes on.
20:54 Call it The Pugwash Factor
20:56 because if those who know do not act,
20:58 the planet is doomed.
21:04 I want to thank the producers by the way,
21:06 Jonathan LaPointe and his team.
21:08 This is the last piece
21:09 in this little mini series Pugwash Factor,
21:10 they did a great job with that clip, didn't they?
21:13 They just did a fine job, I'm so proud of them.
21:18 I recognize
21:21 that this morning subject
21:23 is gonna be painful for some of us who are here.
21:28 Simply because we cannot discuss
21:31 same sex marriage,
21:35 and not tap into the deep turmoil
21:40 and painful struggle
21:42 that is in the heart of the gay,
21:48 or the lesbian.
21:52 Our subject this morning, I really need you to hear this.
21:54 Our subject this morning is not,
21:57 does God love gays and lesbians?
21:59 But of course He does, He loves all His children.
22:02 Moreover, and I need you to hear this as well.
22:04 Moreover God, according to Holy Scripture is intensely,
22:09 intensely focused with deep compassion on those
22:14 who have been marginalized by society,
22:19 or pushed to the edge, and alienated by the church.
22:26 Once you put a human face to it,
22:30 an acquaintance,
22:32 a colleague, a neighbor, a roommate, a classmate,
22:36 once you put a face to it,
22:41 then those strong opinions are suddenly tempered,
22:47 aren't they?
22:49 Now you have somebody
22:52 that represents your deepest convictions.
22:57 You say, "What are you saying?"
22:58 Are you suggesting pastor, the truth is no longer truth?
23:02 I did not say that at all and you know I didn't.
23:07 But one should put the face of Jesus
23:10 on their struggle.
23:13 Truth becomes much more formidable
23:14 than we first thought
23:20 because the face of Jesus...
23:21 And by the way He is the one who said, "I, I'm the truth."
23:25 Isn't that right? I'm the truth.
23:27 Once you put the face of Jesus on it,
23:31 then truth comes garb with an uncomfortable...
23:36 Let him who is without sin cast the first stone proviso.
23:42 Suddenly, we all stand under divine judgment
23:46 and in the words of the disciples,
23:47 "Who then can stand."
23:49 But in the words of the gospel
23:50 "Whosoever believes in Him should not perish,
23:54 but have ever lasting life."
23:56 And so recognizing the Supreme Court's decision
23:59 regarding same sex marriage is gonna stir up
24:01 some uncomfortable
24:02 and painful emotions inside of us.
24:05 Let's quickly put the face of Jesus on our conversation.
24:08 Open your Bible with me please to Matthew 19.
24:12 Matthew 19 and while you're finding Matthew 19,
24:14 may I remind us all that on June 26,
24:17 the Supreme Court of the United States,
24:19 a deeply divided court by the way five to four,
24:22 handed down the greatly anticipated decision
24:25 entitled Obergefell v. Hodges.
24:29 I've read Justice Anthony Kennedy's
24:31 defense of the majority decision.
24:35 Here is the summation of the argument,
24:36 their argument.
24:38 I put his words on the screen for you.
24:39 "No union is more profound than marriage,
24:42 for it embodies the highest ideals of love,
24:46 fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family.
24:50 In forming a marital union
24:52 two people become something greater than they once were.
24:56 As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate,
24:59 marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death.
25:02 It would misunderstand these..."
25:05 And I'm inserting the words "same sex"
25:07 because they have been
25:08 the focus of this entire decision.
25:12 "It would misunderstand these same sex men and women
25:15 to say they disrespect the idea of marriage.
25:18 Their plea is that they do respect it,
25:21 respect it so deeply
25:22 that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves.
25:25 Their hope is not to be condemned
25:28 to live in loneliness,
25:29 excluded from
25:31 one of civilization's older institutions.
25:33 They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law.
25:35 The Constitution grants them that right.
25:38 The judgment of the Court of Appeals
25:40 for the Sixth Circuit is reserved."
25:42 It had said, "Same sex laws forbidding same sex can stand."
25:47 The Supreme Court in that
25:48 one sentence reverses that decision.
25:51 "It is so ordered."
25:54 And the decision is published.
25:58 With this order, state laws forbidding same sex
26:01 were thus struck down.
26:05 And same sex marriage is now a protected fundamental right,
26:09 as Justice Anthony Kennedy kept repeating,
26:12 "Fundamental right in this land".
26:17 We know where the Supreme Court stands.
26:20 You already knew before you came.
26:23 Let's go to Jesus now, open your Bible to Matthew 19,
26:25 you maybe already found it,
26:27 let's pick it up right here in verse 3.
26:30 I'm in the NIV,
26:32 you have your Bible, let's go.
26:34 Matthew 19:3, "Some Pharisees came to Jesus to test him.
26:38 And they asked,
26:39 "Is it lawful for a man
26:41 to divorce his wife for any and every reason?"
26:46 Jesus replied, "Haven't you read,
26:48 that at the beginning
26:50 the Creator made them male and female..."
26:53 I hit the pause button right there.
26:54 Jesus says, "Listen, didn't you read the creation account?"
26:59 In fact, he pulls a line straight out of Genesis 1,
27:01 let's put it on the screen,
27:02 "So God created mankind in his own image,
27:05 in the image of God he created them,
27:07 male and female he created them."
27:09 Don't you know? Look it.
27:11 "Haven't you read
27:12 that the divine complementarity of the trinity,
27:15 let us make man,
27:17 was shaped into the human race from the beginning?
27:20 The same complementarity even as the trinity
27:22 compliments one another,
27:24 even so the human race is to compliment each other.
27:27 Haven't you read
27:30 that God did not make the male in the beginning
27:33 nor did He make them female in the beginning,
27:37 but because of that complementarity,
27:38 that differentness
27:40 that is still an unlikeness just like the trinity,
27:42 the human race was designed
27:44 and created to be in the image of God male and female."
27:51 Verse 4 again, "'Haven't you read,'
27:54 Jesus replied,
27:55 'that at the beginning the Creator 'made them
27:57 male and female.
27:59 Now verse 5, and said, quoting the creator,
28:01 'For this reason a man
28:03 will leave his father and mother
28:05 and be united to his wife,
28:06 and the two will become one flesh'?"
28:09 The two did not become male, the two did not become female.
28:13 The complementarity of male and female are joined together
28:16 in the institution of marriage
28:18 into the very unity or oneness of the trinity.
28:22 "Haven't you read the story?"
28:26 Verse 6,
28:27 "So they are no longer two, but one flesh.
28:33 Therefore what God has joined together,
28:36 let no one separate."
28:38 And with that last line,
28:40 Jesus steps out of the creation narrative,
28:45 being the incarnate creator
28:48 Jesus adds a line to His own wedding homily,
28:53 He just quoted it,
28:54 "A man shall leave his father and his mother..."
28:57 And as the old King James says,
28:58 "And shall cleave to his wife
29:01 and the two shall become one flesh."
29:06 Oh, and by the way adding to my homily,
29:09 what God has put together,
29:12 let no one take asunder.
29:16 No man, no court.
29:22 Now you say, look it, look it.
29:27 For a court to presume you're wondering,
29:31 for a court to presume...
29:34 It was able to rewrite
29:35 the divine definition of marriage,
29:36 no matter how supreme that court would be.
29:39 Would be in the words of C. S. Lewis
29:41 patronizing nonsense, wouldn't it?
29:45 And on the decision of five to four to rewrite it
29:48 but hold on, hold on.
29:49 Let's not misunderstand the court.
29:52 The court is not claiming to overrule God.
29:57 It is not the Supreme Court's place to at all,
30:01 they recognize that,
30:02 rather Justice Kennedy's
30:04 written defense of the majority opinion
30:06 was based on the premise
30:08 that marriage is a fundamental human right
30:11 that cannot be denied to petitioners
30:14 who mutually seek its benefits, that's his point.
30:21 But I must admit, however...
30:24 As I've kind of brooded over this.
30:27 It was eye opening for me,
30:31 reading Kennedy, is how many times
30:34 he cited public opinion.
30:38 In one place he calls it this shift in public attitudes
30:41 as all of that is part of the rationale
30:44 for their decision for same sex marriage.
30:47 And it made me think...
30:49 Wait a minute.
30:50 "If the secular court
30:52 can rewrite the definition of God's gift of marriage
30:54 to the human race in the garden,
30:56 what could prevent them from one day
30:59 rewriting God's other gift to humanity in the garden
31:02 namely the Seventh-day Sabbath.
31:05 If the court can appeal to a shift
31:08 in public attitude this time,
31:11 could they not appeal to a shift
31:13 in public attitude the next time,
31:16 but of course.
31:17 And when six of the nine justices
31:19 are members of the church
31:20 they claims, "It has already overturned the Bible Sabbath."
31:27 I'm just saying you can get there from here.
31:32 Now Jesus is saying,
31:35 "What God has joined together in the beginning,
31:38 no man is to separate."
31:40 So here's the question, where does a church stand,
31:41 our church?
31:43 Let me put it on the screen for you.
31:44 Seventh-day Adventist Church has an official statement
31:46 on marriage, these are the words...
31:48 by the way these quotations,
31:49 every quotation here is in your bulletin,
31:51 in that study guide, nothing to fill in,
31:53 just take the quotations home.
31:54 All right, Here we go.
31:55 Seventh-day Adventist Church,
31:57 "Marriage was divinely established in Eden
31:58 and affirmed by Jesus Christ
32:00 to be both monogamous and heterosexual,
32:02 a lifelong union of loving companionship
32:05 between a man and a woman.
32:07 In the culmination of His creative activity,
32:09 God fashioned humankind as male and female
32:11 in His own image
32:12 and He instituted marriage,
32:14 a covenant-based union of the two genders
32:17 physically, emotionally, and spiritually
32:19 spoken of in Scripture as 'one flesh.'"
32:25 Coincidentally, just yesterday
32:29 after months of prayerful study and research,
32:33 the theological seminar right here on campus
32:35 voted a document entitled
32:37 biblical view on homosexual practice
32:39 and pastoral care,
32:41 that includes this definition of marriage,
32:44 theological seminary.
32:45 Some of our professors are sitting right here.
32:47 Put it on the screen please.
32:49 Here is their statement,
32:51 "A marriage between a man and a woman
32:53 is the Edenic model for all time.
32:56 This unique heterosexual marital form
32:59 involving the sexual union of a man and a woman
33:02 constitutes the divine paradigm,
33:04 the 'Creation order,'
33:05 for humanity from the beginning.
33:07 This paradigm means
33:09 that marriage cannot consist of the sexual union
33:11 between a man and another man or a woman and another woman.
33:16 This creation pattern of marriage
33:17 between a man and a woman
33:19 remains the norm throughout Scripture."
33:23 It's for that reason that when the Supreme Court
33:25 rendered this decision,
33:26 the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventist
33:29 released this statement...
33:30 I promise this is the last one, put it on the screen.
33:33 North American Division,
33:34 "The Seventh-day Adventist church
33:35 acknowledges the U.S. Supreme Court's decision
33:37 on Friday June 26,
33:39 legalizing same-sex marriage across the United States.
33:43 Even with the Supreme Court's decision,
33:45 the Adventist Church maintains its fundamental belief
33:48 that marriage was divinely established in Eden
33:51 and affirmed by Jesus to be a lifelong union
33:55 between a man and a woman.
33:57 While the church respects the opinions of those
33:59 who may differ,
34:01 it will continue to teach
34:02 and promote its biblically based belief of marriage
34:05 between a man and a woman.
34:07 The Seventh-day Adventist Church believes that
34:09 all people, regardless of race, gender, and sexual orientation,
34:13 are God's children
34:15 and should be treated with civility, compassion,
34:18 and Christ-like love."
34:21 I was kind of proud of my church
34:22 for publicly going on record that way.
34:27 Jesus Himself...
34:28 You have to admit at least here in Matthew 19
34:30 takes a rather unequivocal stance,
34:32 wouldn't you say?
34:34 Look at verse 4 again, this is...
34:35 Get a run at this next verse.
34:37 Verse 4, "Haven't you read," Jesus replied,
34:39 "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them
34:41 male and female,' and said,
34:43 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother
34:45 and be united to his wife,
34:47 and the two will become one flesh."
34:50 So verse 6, Jesus goes on,
34:52 "They are no longer two, but one flesh.
34:55 Therefore what God has joined together,
34:58 let no one separate."
35:00 Now the story goes on,
35:02 the Pharisees are ready, we'll put it on the screen.
35:04 Verse 7, "'Why then,' the Pharisees asked,
35:06 'did Moses command that a man give his wife
35:09 a certificate of divorce and send her away?"
35:12 Jesus replied,
35:14 'Moses permitted you to divorce your wives
35:17 because your hearts were hard.
35:20 But it was not this way from the beginning.
35:22 I tell you, verse 9,
35:23 that anyone who divorce his wife,
35:26 except for sexual immorality,
35:28 and marries another woman commits adultery.'"
35:32 Wow, how do we get
35:34 from heterosexual marriage to adultery?
35:36 What's going on here?
35:38 Jesus being Jesus, an equal opportunity,
35:41 afflicter of the comfortable.
35:47 Let him who is without sin.
35:50 Go ahead, you cast the first stone.
35:55 Russell Moore
35:57 wrote an op-ed piece for the Washington Post the day
35:59 that the Supreme Court's decision
36:01 was released to the public.
36:03 I've read it several times
36:05 and I want to tell you something,
36:06 it has an optimistic spirit to it
36:08 and I get so blessed
36:10 and I've given you the link, so you can check it out later.
36:12 Let me tell you who Russell Moore is.
36:13 He's president of the Ethics
36:15 and Religious Liberty Commission
36:16 of the Southern Baptist Convention.
36:19 Without quoting him extensively,
36:20 I don't want to do that.
36:21 Let me just run by you
36:23 seven reasons for optimism, okay.
36:24 I'm just gonna fly these by, this is Russell Moore,
36:26 you can read the entire op-ed piece.
36:28 Reason number one, the church should not panic.
36:32 He says, hey, listen guys, the Supreme Court is powerful,
36:35 but it's not powerful enough to put Jesus back in the grave.
36:39 Oh, that's good.
36:41 Number two,
36:42 the gospel doesn't need family values to flourish.
36:46 It flourished under Paul's preaching
36:48 with Ephesus, and Corinth, and Rome.
36:51 And, oh, my, they hugely rewrote the divine idea
36:55 for marriage but it is okay, the gospel can still flourish.
36:58 Number three, the church needs to articulate
37:01 what we believe about marriage.
37:03 Marriage is a symbol of the union with Christ
37:06 and His earth children, it's beautiful.
37:11 Number four.
37:12 Now I'm gonna let Him give number four
37:15 and not try to summon up,
37:16 I'll put it on the screen for you.
37:17 This is number four,
37:19 "We Christians must embody a gospel marriage culture.
37:23 We have done a poor job of that in the past.
37:26 Too many of our marriages have been ravaged by divorce."
37:34 Here is this church,
37:36 the collective church in the United States of America
37:39 vocally vociferous
37:41 in its condemnation of homosexual sin.
37:44 And all the while the church is harboring within there
37:47 with the strange silence,
37:51 the heterosexual sin of divorce at the drop of a hat.
37:58 I think the word for that is hypocrisy.
38:03 Russell Moore goes on,
38:05 "Too often we've neglected church discipline
38:08 in the cases of those
38:09 who have unrepentantly destroyed their marriages."
38:13 Just collective silence.
38:15 Now we keep reading here,
38:17 "Permanent, stable marriages with families
38:19 with both a mother and a father
38:21 may well make us seem freakish in 21st-century culture.
38:25 We should not fear that. I love this now.
38:28 We believe stranger things than that.
38:30 We believe that a previously dead man is alive,
38:31 and will show up
38:33 in the Eastern skies on a horse.
38:38 I'm so proud of Washington Post for letting him publish this.
38:42 He's just saying, guys,
38:44 this is not the end of the world yet.
38:46 Follow me, keep reading,
38:48 "We also believe that the gospel
38:49 can forgive sinners like us
38:52 and make us sons and daughters.
38:54 Let's embrace the sort of freakishness that saves."
38:58 Yeah, it's good.
39:00 Number five he says you want to be optimistic
39:02 if you write about marriage,
39:03 people will be disappointed in getting what they want.
39:07 Just you wait.
39:09 Number six,
39:10 "We must stand with conviction and with kindness,
39:12 with truth, and with grace."
39:14 Russell's words on the screen.
39:15 Russell Moore, "We must hold our views
39:17 and love those who hate us for them.
39:20 We must not only speak Christian truths,
39:22 we must speak with a Christian accent."
39:25 Oh, I like that.
39:28 "We must say what Jesus has revealed,
39:30 and we must say those things the way Jesus does with mercy
39:33 and with an invitation to live."
39:35 And finally number seven,
39:37 we need to be on the wrong side of history.
39:41 His words again,
39:42 "This is not time for fear or outrage or politicizing.
39:46 We see that we are strangers and exiles in American culture.
39:50 We are on the wrong side of history,
39:52 just like we started.
39:54 We should have been all along."
39:59 So where does Jesus stand?
40:03 Verse 10,
40:06 "The disciples said to Jesus, 'Oh, you have raised a bar
40:09 on divorce so high, Lord Jesus.'"
40:12 "The disciples said to Jesus, 'If this is the situation,
40:15 verse 10, between a husband and wife,
40:16 it is better not to marry.'"
40:19 We just won't get married.
40:21 Jesus shoots back verse 11, "Jesus replied,
40:25 'Not everyone can accept this word,
40:27 but only those to whom it has been given.
40:30 For there are eunuchs who were born that way,
40:34 and there are eunuchs
40:35 who have been made eunuchs by others
40:38 and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs
40:41 for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.
40:44 The one who can accept this should accept it.'"
40:50 Can you believe it?
40:51 I mean, Jesus starts out defining marriage
40:53 in creation language as a union between a man and a woman,
40:56 then He gets to divorce
40:57 and it's very high bar for divorce.
41:00 And now He's talking about eunuchs.
41:03 What is up with this?
41:06 But actually
41:08 what Jesus has just said about eunuchs is profound
41:12 for a nation that by its own Supreme Court
41:15 has been assured
41:19 into a collective conversation,
41:22 what Jesus has just said about eunuchs.
41:25 I have a friend
41:28 who self identified
41:31 just a few months ago as transgender.
41:37 And as I've listened to his,
41:40 now her story of a struggle that began in early childhood
41:46 and has dogged her life well into adulthood,
41:49 she shared with me
41:52 the testimony of trusting God through it all.
41:57 In fact, she is the one who drew my attention
41:59 to these words of Jesus, words,
42:01 that for her offer such quite salves to her soul.
42:07 I mean, you think about what Jesus just said.
42:10 According to Him you can be born
42:12 outside the norm of heterosexual orientation,
42:17 and it's okay.
42:19 That would be someone born unique
42:21 according to him as well,
42:23 you can be lead by someone
42:24 outside the norm of heterosexual orientation
42:27 through abuse, through rape, through initiation,
42:30 somebody led you out, that's okay.
42:35 And number three according to Jesus,
42:37 you can choose to live your life
42:39 outside the norm of heterosexual orientation,
42:42 which as Jesus describes it is the choice to honor God
42:47 and live as a eunuch,
42:49 meaning one who chooses not to act out
42:51 his or her orientation and sexuality
42:54 outside the divine parameters of marriage
42:57 between a man and a woman.
42:59 Jesus is clearly talking about celibacy.
43:05 My friends, Steven Payne loaned me a book by Justin Lee,
43:08 title of the book, Torn:
43:10 Rescuing the Gospel
43:11 from the Gays-vs. -Christians Debate.
43:13 Listen to Justin's struggle,
43:15 I put his words you have them as well,
43:17 put it on the screen.
43:18 Justin writing, I've talked to many single Christians,
43:23 this is campus with thousands of single Christians,
43:26 just a nature of education.
43:28 "I've talked to many single Christians
43:30 who find the church a challenging place
43:32 to be at times.
43:33 But for single gay..."
43:35 Now that's his emphasis, "For single gay Christians,
43:38 there are even bigger hurdles.
43:40 A 45-year old single straight woman
43:42 may feel overlooked or misunderstood at her church,
43:45 but she doesn't have to worry about being condemned
43:47 for being straight.
43:49 Single gay Christians
43:50 face the difficulties of singleness
43:52 alongside potential condemnation
43:55 for their orientation.
43:57 And while all single people face challenges in our culture,
44:00 the challenges faced by people who are single by choice
44:04 or because they haven't yet found the right person
44:07 are different from the challenges faced
44:09 by those who eagerly desire companionship
44:12 but believe God requires celibacy
44:18 even if they should fall in love in the future."
44:23 Ladies and gentlemen, come on,
44:26 there are those among us
44:27 who self identify as gay or lesbian,
44:30 who follow Jesus with all their heart,
44:32 but struggle with the celibacy that they recognize
44:34 He is calling them to embrace.
44:38 It can be a desperate struggle
44:43 as you're about to find in an email,
44:45 I'm gonna read to you.
44:48 It can be a desperate struggle which is why...
44:52 Now come on, come on, which is why the church,
44:54 the community of Jesus
44:57 must be as a New Testament calls us
44:59 the household of God, the family of God.
45:04 The church must be a place of refuge, a place of safety,
45:08 a place of healing for sinners, heterosexual and homosexual.
45:14 The church must be a place of compassionate,
45:16 confidentiality,
45:20 where social media is not entered
45:22 into its strategy to love all.
45:27 You got that?
45:30 It must be a place where authenticity is valued
45:33 and where accountability is understood.
45:38 The church,
45:39 the 20-page document
45:41 that the seminary just voted yesterday,
45:43 this biblical study and statement
45:45 on homosexuality reserves
45:47 its last six pages
45:49 for a pastoral appeal to the church.
45:55 And I've pulled from those six these lines.
45:59 On the screen, "While being faithful
46:01 to biblical teaching about homosexuality,
46:04 we must also seek earnestly to understand
46:07 and empathize with the struggles
46:09 and challenges that face those
46:11 who struggle with sexual immorality...
46:15 All persons, including practicing homosexuals,
46:19 should be made to feel welcome to attend our churches..."
46:22 Hold up, hit the pause button right there
46:24 that's not the complete sentence,
46:26 but I need you to get the first half of the sentence.
46:30 "All persons, including practicing homosexuals,
46:33 should be made
46:37 to feel welcome to attend our churches."
46:42 As John just said a moment ago,
46:44 if the church can't be that place,
46:47 where do you go?"
46:50 Now the sentence goes on,
46:52 "While non-practicing gay persons
46:57 should be welcomed into membership
46:59 and church office."
47:01 It doesn't matter how you identify yourself,
47:04 you are welcome in membership and in leadership,
47:07 that's what they're saying.
47:10 "All should receive spiritual care
47:12 from the church."
47:13 I love Galatians 6.
47:14 "Bear one another's burdens
47:16 and so fulfilled the law of Christ.
47:18 Love your neighbor as yourself,"
47:20 that's the church.
47:21 "All should receive spiritual care
47:23 from the church.
47:24 We stand against any antipathy or hostility toward homosexuals
47:28 as well as any cultural biases
47:30 that fuel a lack of Christ-like love for them...
47:33 We strongly affirm that homosexual persons
47:37 have a place in the Seventh-day Adventist Church."
47:40 Amen.
47:42 And to that I say, we say, amen.
47:53 So after writing this sermon, I get an email from a student.
48:02 I asked his permission, when I wrote him back.
48:05 Can I share this?
48:07 He said, "You may."
48:09 Not gonna share all of it, few lines, Pastor Nelson,
48:14 "Ever since I saw the topic for this week's sermon at PMC
48:17 there is something going on my heart.
48:19 There is something I feel I should at least tell you
48:21 even though I have no idea
48:22 which direction you're gonna go with the sermon
48:24 or if you'll even read this by then.
48:26 For my whole life,
48:27 I have struggled in dealing with sexuality.
48:32 I very much believe that God's words says
48:33 that marriage is to be between a man and a woman.
48:36 I very much believe that God has called us
48:38 to surrender every part of our lives to Him,
48:40 including our sexuality.
48:42 The problem that weighs on my heart though
48:44 is that whenever the church talks about sexuality,
48:47 it rarely goes beyond this.
48:49 I hear sermons about how we need
48:50 to stay strong in scripture,
48:52 in spite of what society does,
48:53 and if the church needs to do the loving thing
48:55 and call sin by its right name.
48:57 I wish that the church would be quick to listen
49:01 and slow to speak.
49:04 Whenever a person opens about their sexuality,
49:07 I wish people would know that they don't have the right,
49:10 they don't have to jump right into the topic of sin,
49:12 chances are there is a lot of pain
49:14 in their story.
49:16 It seems that people have the impression of telling them
49:18 about overcoming sin is like the cure all.
49:21 There is definitely a need for talking about it
49:23 when we go against God,
49:24 we heard ourselves and other people
49:26 but may be, just may be
49:28 most of that pain has come not from their sins,
49:30 but from the church.
49:32 Maybe what they desperately need to hear
49:33 before anything else
49:35 is not how same sex, sex is sin,
49:37 but how Jesus can heal their shattered heart.
49:43 I wish the church would realize and acknowledge
49:45 how bad it has been.
49:48 And not try to justify to water down
49:50 the church's failures as if they're minimum.
49:53 It would be kind of crazy if the church
49:54 even apologize for its failure in this area,
49:58 and in the email I did.
50:01 I also wish the church would realize
50:03 that one of the greatest things they can possibly give someone
50:06 is a safe place to open up.
50:08 I spend most of my entire life terrified
50:11 of ever telling anyone and as a result,
50:13 I dealt with this by myself.
50:17 I finally got so tired of crying myself to sleep
50:21 and all the shame
50:22 that I finally open up to someone
50:24 having even a few people to open up
50:25 to is meant so much
50:27 and it is almost impossible to overestimate
50:30 the importance and value of it.
50:32 Just hearing someone tell me
50:34 that I am not disgusting has meant so much to me.
50:38 I was no longer by myself."
50:45 One more line,
50:47 "One thing that would help in creating a safe place
50:50 to open up is for people in the church to listen first,
50:54 just staying quiet,
50:55 and listening to a person story is so valuable."
50:59 And then he quotes Ministry of Healing,
51:01 page 143 and he puts it right here,
51:03 "Christ's method alone
51:05 will give true success in reaching the people.
51:07 The Savior mingled with men and women as one
51:09 who desired their good.
51:10 He showed His sympathy for them,
51:12 He ministered to their needs, and He won their confidence.
51:14 Then He bade them, 'Follow Me.'"
51:16 "Applying this would be like
51:18 people in the church mingling with those
51:20 who are LGBTQ, listening to their stories,
51:23 loving them intensely,
51:25 and fighting for them to be treated with dignity,
51:27 helping them to know
51:29 that they will be their front regardless.
51:31 And then finally talk about Jesus words, ''Follow me''.
51:36 There are many things
51:38 that weigh on my heart in this area
51:39 although it would be hard to write it all down.
51:42 I felt that it, I at least needed to say this.
51:46 You know what?
51:49 He doesn't need to say anymore, does he?
51:52 Church. Church.
52:02 The same Jesus,
52:05 who spoke these words in Matthew 19,
52:07 is the one who speaking of mingling,
52:11 hung around at well one hot noon day,
52:15 just hoping she'd come and she did.
52:18 This woman who had five men, and the one she is with now,
52:21 sex but no marriage.
52:27 As he comes up to that well, "You're a Jew,
52:29 I'm a Samaritan, you're talking to me?
52:31 I mean, please."
52:33 But Jesus sees in that broken heart
52:36 that has been desperately trying to quench her thirst
52:41 that she has gone to the wrong well.
52:46 And Jesus,
52:48 in a moment of gentle compassion
52:51 turns that woman into a grace dispenser
52:54 for the rest of her life.
53:00 Philip Yancey tells the story about him
53:04 and Henri Nouwen the great writer.
53:06 They were actually talking about the woman at the well.
53:11 I want to read to you
53:13 just these lines from that moment.
53:16 That scene of Jesus and the Samaritan woman
53:17 came up During a day,
53:19 I spent with the author Henri Nouwen,
53:20 a great author by the way,
53:22 a psychologist, pastor, and dead.
53:27 The time I spent with him in his home in Toronto.
53:30 Now, here we go, he had just returned
53:32 from San Francisco,
53:34 where he spent a week in an AIDS clinic,
53:36 visiting patients who in the days
53:37 before antiretroviral drugs faced a certain
53:41 and agonizing death.
53:43 Now I told Yancey, "Look, I'm a pastor
53:46 and it's part of my job I listen to people stories,
53:49 and so I went up and down the ward asking the patients,
53:51 most of them young men if they wanted to talk.
53:56 Now it went on to say
53:57 that his prayers changed after that week.
54:00 How could a man of prayer is changed after that week?
54:02 Listen, as he listen to accounts of promiscuity
54:06 and addiction and self-destructive behavior,
54:10 now when I heard hints of a thirst for love
54:13 that had never been quenched.
54:17 From then on he prayed
54:20 and I'm gonna put his prayer on the screen for you,
54:22 you have it in your study guide,
54:23 you take it home.
54:25 Here is his prayer,
54:26 "God, help me to see others not as many enemies
54:31 or as ungodly but rather as thirsty people.
54:35 And give me the courage and compassion
54:37 to offer your Living Water,
54:39 which alone quenches deep thirst."
54:46 That's a powerful prayer, isn't it?
54:48 How to respond to the Supreme Court's
54:51 same sex decision?
54:52 Here is how, pray the prayer,
54:56 live the life, follow Jesus.
55:01 And I say to that, we can all say, amen.
55:06 Let's pray.
55:07 Oh, God, forgive us,
55:11 forgive the church,
55:14 so boisterous
55:18 in identifying the sins of this nation
55:23 but throttled
55:25 with a strange silence regarding our own sins.
55:29 Forgive us, oh, God,
55:32 and give us the heart of this same Jesus, please.
55:39 And may the church in this country
55:42 and the church on this campus
55:46 turn a new page
55:49 and walk in the footsteps of our compassionate master,
55:54 we pray in His name, amen.
56:23 I am Thine, O Lord,
56:26 I have heard Thy voice
56:29 And it told Thy love to me
56:34 But I long to rise in the arms of faith
56:40 And be closer drawn to Thee
56:45 Draw me nearer, nearer, blessed Lord
56:50 To the cross where Thou hast died
56:56 Draw me nearer, nearer,
57:00 Blessed Lord
57:04 To Thy precious
57:07 Bleeding side
57:14 And now may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
57:18 and the love of God,
57:19 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:23 be with you all.
57:25 Amen.
57:28 I wanted to take an extra moment
57:30 to let you know how grateful I am you joined us today.
57:32 I hear from viewers and listeners like
57:34 you all across this nation and literally around the world,
57:37 and I'm thankful,
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Revised 2024-04-22